Our Monthly Record. 373 M
bits of scenery and quaint negro characters were taken during the trip, The following gentlemen headed the excursion party : President William Man- deville, Vice-President Joseph A. Hincks, Secretary Charles E. Fermer, Treasurer Harry T. Howard. This department of Outing is specially devoted to para- ATHLETICS. graphs of the doings of members of organized clubs engaged in the reputable sports of the period, and also to the record- The fall handicap meeting of the Harvard Ath- ing of the occurrence of the most prominent events of the current season. On the hall-fields it will embrace Crick-t, letic Association was held November 5, on Holmes’ Baseball, Lacrosse and Football. On the bays and rivers, Field, Cambridge. Mass. The events were as fol- Yachting, Rowing and Canoeing. In the woods and streams, lows: Hunting, Shooting and Fishing. On the lawns, Archery, 100-yards run—First heat, O. K. Hawes, ‘92 (2 Lawn Tennis and Croquet. Together with Ice-Boating, 1 Skating, Tobogganing, Snowshoeing, Coasting, and winter yds.), first. Time, 10 /2s. Second heat, E. C. sports generally. Moen, ‘91 (scratch), first. Time, 10 2-5s. Final Secretaries of clubs will oblige by sending in the names of heat, O. K. Hawes, ‘92 (2 yds.), first. Time, IO their presidents and secretaries, with the address of the latter, together with the general result of their most noteworthy 2-5s. contests of the month. addressed, “Editor of Outing” Running broad jump-G. R. White (scratch), 239 Fifth Avenue, New York. first. Distance, 20 ft. 21/2 in. One-mile walk—C. T.
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