Abbey Theatre, 443, 544; Rioting At, 350 Abbot, Charles, Irish Chief Secretary, 240 Abercorn Restaurant, Belfast, Bomb In, 514 A
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19720-5 - Ireland: A History Thomas Bartlett Index More information INDEX Abbey Theatre, 443, 544; rioting at, 350 247, 248; and Whiteboys, 179, 199, Abbot, Charles, Irish chief secretary, 240 201, 270 Abercorn restaurant, Belfast, bomb in, 514 Ahern, Bertie, Taoiseach, 551, 565;and Aberdeen, Ishbel, Lady, 8 Tony Blair, 574; investigated, 551;and abortion, in early Ireland, 7; in modern peace process talks (1998), 566 Ireland, banned, 428, 530–1; Aidan, Irish missionary, 26 referendum on, 530; see ‘X’case AIDS crisis see under contraception ActofAdventurers(1642), 129 Aiken, Frank, 419, 509; minister of defence, ActofExplanation(1665), 134 440; wartime censorship, 462 Act to prevent the further growth of popery aislingı´ poetry, 169 (1704), 163, 167, 183 Al Qaeda, attacks in United States, 573 Act of Satisfaction (1653), 129 Albert, cardinal archduke, 97 ActofSettlement(1652), 129 alcohol: attitudes towards in Ireland and ActofSettlement(1662), 133 Britain, nineteenth century, 310; Adams, Gerry, republican leader, 511, consumption of during ‘Celtic Tiger’, 559–60, 565; and the IRA, 522;and 549; and see whiskey power-sharing, 480–1; and strength of Alen, Archbishop John, death of, 76 his position, 569; and study of Irish Alen, John, clerk of council, 76 history, 569; and talks with John Hume, Alexandra College, Dublin, 355 559, 561; and David Trimble, 569;and Alfred, king, 26 visa to the United States, 562; wins Algeria, 401 parliamentary seat in West Belfast, Allen, William, Manchester Martyr, 302 526
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