Toyota Motor Corporation's Culture Strategy
Toyota Motor Corporation’s Culture Strategy Marius PROFIROIU1 Hiroaki KANEKO2 Cristian VLAD3 Alexandra DUTESCU4 Hideki ISHIDA5 Abstract This paper illustrates how Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC), focuses on culture and talent engineering to nurture business sustainability, innovation and growth. The authors of this paper worked directly with TMC directors, business leaders, executives, organizational architects and talent operators to determine the main components and characteristics of their talent strategy. The authors have also explored how key elements of traditional Japanese business practices were considered when developing the corporate strategy. Keywords: innovation, organization, transformation, sustainability, talent, strategy, culture, Japan JEL classification: G32, M14, O14 DOI: 10.24818/RMCI.2020.4.458 1. Research Methodology The authors engaged in a combination of participatory observation (Yin 2003) sessions, corporate meetings, talent assessment workshops and business transformation engagements as in-house consultants, evaluators and advisors. Two of the authors also worked as Corporate Value Creation (CVC) department employees with Toyota Motor Corporations in Japan observing, thus, first-hand the decision-making processes and managerial initiatives with the eyes of internal business partners. The authors engaged in executive discussions with decision makers on various platforms and opportunities. We conducted 1,336 surveys, 89 individual discussions and 13 focus group interview (FGI) sessions with leaders, 1 Constantin
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