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July 1, 1930. C. G|LLINGS 1,769,056 AUOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTE Original Filled Nov. l. l922 4 Sheets-Sheet li ? 8% LD, Charlestil FETF Gillings ?????- i; July 1, 1930, C. GILLlNGS 1,769,056 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original Filled Nov. 1, 1922 4. Sheets-Sheet 2 C Januarummo Charles Gillir as July 1, 1930. C. GILLINGS 1,769,056 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original Filed Nov. l. l922 4. Sheets-Sheet 3 |98 Fir har les Gillir. S July, 1, 1930. C. GILLINGS 1,769,056 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original Filed Nov. 1, 1922 4. Sheets-Sheet 4. f : ? ,$|$ ? s -Ittifactor-- ? CH. arlss Gillin s . /.. Patented July 1, 1930 1,769,056 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE CHARLEs GELLINGs, OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, ASSIGNOR, BY MESNE ASSIGNMENTs, o AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC INC. OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, A Cor PoliRATION oE DELA WARE AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original application filed November 1, 1922, serial No. 598,239, now Patent No. 1,705,462, dated March 12, 1929, and in Great Britain December 17, 1921, OiVid? and this application filed July 13, 1928, serial ... No. 292,493. s * ? .. ? The present invention concerns improve-. March 12, 1929, No. 1705,462), is to provide ments in or relating to telephone systems em So-called 'zone-metering arrangements in a ploying automatic switches, and more par System such as outlined above. ticularly to improvements in that type of sys A further object is to utilize the same reg tem which employs a register device for stor istering apparatus for controlling the opera 55 ing up impulses and thereafter controlling the tion of the switching apparatus and for con operation of automatic switches to complete trolling the variable assessing apparatus. the connection. Such registers have been Other objects and features will appear as largely used in connection with what are the perusal of the description progresses. ii. known as revertive control systems, that is 60 to say, systems in which series of impulses referringThe invention to the accompanyingwill be better understood drawings, byin corresponding to the setting of the registers which Figs. 1, 2,3,4, and 5 illustrate by way are sent back from the selector. Switches suc of example a complete arrangement for car rying the invention into effect, cessively as they operate to complete the con 65 nection. ,? •?? Referring to Figures 1 to 5, it will be as One of the features of the present disclo Sumed that it is desired to establish a con sure is the application of such registers to nection between a subscriber at substation A automatic telephone systems of the Strowger to a subscriber at substation A. The sub or like type, in which the impulses are emitted scriber at substation. A lifts his receiver, from the register to control the operation of which in the usual manner initiates the op. 0 the selector and connector switches. Such eration of the line switch Cto establish con registers are particularly advantageous in nection by means of its wipers 11, 12, and large net-works where they facilitate the 200 with an outgoing primary trunk line 13, change of subscribers' numbers, and also fa 14. On the switching relay, 15 of the line C. cilitate trunking changes which may be nec switch operating, a circuit will be completed 75 essary. for the line relay 16 of a group of relays Another feature of the present disclosure associated with the trunk line selected, as relates to an improved register and trans follows: battery, relay 16, contact 17, upper lator for use for instance in converting large winding of relay 18, line 13, wiper 11, substa net-works from manual to automatic Work stion A, wiper 12, line 14, contact 19, relay 16 80 ing, in which the names of the manual ex to earth. Relay 18 is so designed that it can changes are retained, and for this reason the only energize when both its windings assist number holes of the dial are given alpha each other, which only occurs when the cur betical as well as numerical designations and rent through the speaking leads is reversed, the subscriber first dials a number of series therefore only relay 16 energizes and at its 8 of impulses corresponding to the first letters contact 20 completes a circuit for relay, 21. in the name of the exchange, usually the first Relay 21 energizes and at its contact 22 com pletes a circuit for the switching relay 23 in threeAccordingly, letters. a registering. device is pro series with rotary magnet 24 of a rotary vided adapted to respond to a plurality of switch F, while at its contact 25 it connects series of impulses, usually 3, and to have a the test wiper 26 of the switch F to a junc separate and distinct setting position for tion point of the magnet 24 and the switch each exchange or group of lines in the net ing relay 23. The operation is thenidentical work, so that by a suitable translating ar with that of the well-known rotary line rangement any desired series or combination switch, and the magnet 24 is operated until of series of impulses may be generated to wiper 26 engages an unearthed contact. It route the call to the desired exchange. will be assumed this is the contact 27. When The main object of the present invention this occurs, relay 23 operates and Switches which is a division of my application Serial through the leads 28, 29, 30, 31 to the bank No. 598,239, filed November 1, 1922, (issued contacts 32,33, 34,35, while at its contact 36 a. 2. 1,769,056 circuit is completed for relay 37 as follows: NS III, INS IV are operated in accordance . battery, relay.37, contact 27, wiper 26, con with these last three digits and serve to tact 36, contact 22, earth. Relay 37 energizes store the number of the wanted subscriber and connects earth to the lead 38, which lead in the exchange determined by the first three 38 serves as a holding lead for maintaining digits. The distributing frames DFI, DFII 70 various devices operated as long as the relay consist of ten terminals on one side and a 37 is operated. The subscriber at A will now number of terminals corresponding to the hear the dial tone from transformer 46 over number of code relays provided on the other magnet 45, contact 44, wiper 43, relay 42, con side. The ten terminals of the distributing tacts 34, 41, condenser 47, lead 14 and his in frames DF I, and DF II are connected to 75 0. strument, and will operate his impulse Sender corresponding contacts on sender switches SS 39 in accordance with the first series of im I and SS II respectively. Similarly, the ten pulses i.e., the first digit of the exchange code, contacts of the switches NSI to NSIV swept the relay 16, thereby releases a number of over by the wipers 78 to 81, are connected to times and at its contact 40 completes a cir the ten contacts of other sender switches SS 80 5 cuit as follows:-earth, contact 40, contact 41, III. SS IV, SS V, SS VI. When the code contact 34, series relay 42, wiper 43, contact relay. CR is operated, a circuit is prepared 44, magnet 45, winding of dial tone trans through its contact 82 which may be traced former 46 to battery. The magnet .45 and as follows: earth, contact. 82, lead 83, com series relay 42 respond to this first series of mon to all the code relays, contact 84, lead 85, 85 20 impulses, the magnet 45 to step the wiper's contact 86 (Fig. 5), lower winding of relay 48 to 50 of minor switch MS a number of steps 87, lead 88, contact 89 (Figure 4), contact 90, in accordance with the digit dialled while lead 91, contact 92, controlled by the impulse the series relay 42 at contact 51 completes a cam 94. The impulse cams 93 and 94 are circuit for slow release relay 52 which en mounted on a common shaft and while the 90 ergizes and at its contact 53 prepares a cir calm 93 is adapted to generate impulses cor cuit for the magnet 54 of the master digit responding to the impulses generated by a switch. MDS: this circuit is completed at dial switch or impulse sender of the usual contact 55 after relay 42 has deenergized at type, the calm 94 is adapted to close a circuit only between impulses. This insures that 30 the end of a first series of impulses, so that only the correct impulses are generated and thenext wiper series 43 of is impulsesadvanced thereby to contact passes 56. overThe that no circuit is completed at an unsuitable the same circuit to wiper 43 whence it passes time. As soon, therefore, as the cam 94 closes over contact 56 and wiper 49 to the vertical contact 92, relay87 energizes and at its con 35 magnet 57 of a Strowger switch SS having tact 95 completes a locking circuit for itself 100 two directional movements. The Strowger to the lead 85, and earth on contact 82 as pre switch SS represents one of a number, usual viously described. At contact 96 a circuit is ly, 8 or 9, connected with the different con prepared for impulse relay 97, which ener tacts accessible to the wipers 48 to 50, the gizes each time the cam 93 closes the contact 40 vertical magnet responds to raise the wipers 98.