July 1, 1930. C. G|LLINGS 1,769,056 AUOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTE Original Filled Nov. l. l922 4 Sheets-Sheet li ? 8% LD, Charlestil FETF Gillings ?????- i; July 1, 1930, C. GILLlNGS 1,769,056 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original Filled Nov. 1, 1922 4. Sheets-Sheet 2 C Januarummo Charles Gillir as July 1, 1930. C. GILLINGS 1,769,056 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original Filed Nov. l. l922 4. Sheets-Sheet 3 |98 Fir har les Gillir. S July, 1, 1930. C. GILLINGS 1,769,056 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original Filed Nov. 1, 1922 4. Sheets-Sheet 4. f : ? ,$|$ ? s -Ittifactor-- ? CH. arlss Gillin s . /.. Patented July 1, 1930 1,769,056 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE CHARLEs GELLINGs, OF LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, ASSIGNOR, BY MESNE ASSIGNMENTs, o AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC INC. OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, A Cor PoliRATION oE DELA WARE AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE SYSTEM Original application filed November 1, 1922, serial No. 598,239, now Patent No. 1,705,462, dated March 12, 1929, and in Great Britain December 17, 1921, OiVid? and this application filed July 13, 1928, serial ... No. 292,493. s * ? .. ? The present invention concerns improve-. March 12, 1929, No. 1705,462), is to provide ments in or relating to telephone systems em So-called 'zone-metering arrangements in a ploying automatic switches, and more par System such as outlined above. ticularly to improvements in that type of sys A further object is to utilize the same reg tem which employs a register device for stor istering apparatus for controlling the opera 55 ing up impulses and thereafter controlling the tion of the switching apparatus and for con operation of automatic switches to complete trolling the variable assessing apparatus.
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