
Sounds with sounds with other letters: eg': : * aa kaa short and long ◌ к ii ◌ ◌ к kii uu ◌ ◌ к kuu also shows as a small backwards hook ri* rri* on top when it preceeds a letter (rpa) and a ◌ ◌ down/left bar when comes after (kra) lri lree ◌ ◌ к klri ◌ ◌ к ke * ◌ ◌ к kau am: ah ◌ं ◌ः कः kah : к х na * na ta tha da dha na* ta tha da dha na : * Sibilants: sa ш sa sa  ksa**

(** . See next page)

*Modern/ Versions a  Other ऋ r ॠ rr La, Laa (retro) औ au aum (stylized) ◌ silences the , eg: к kam झ jha Numero: ण na (retro) १ ५ ॰ la 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 @ Davidya.ca

Page 1 Sounds


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 १॰ ॰ १ २ ३ ४  ६ ७  varient: ५ ८ (shoonya eka- dva- tri- catúr- pancha- sás- saptán- astá- návan- dásan- = empty)

works like our

@ Davidya.ca

Compound Consanants: When 2 or more consonants are together, they blend into a compound letter. The 12 most common: jna/ tra ttagya dya ddhya ksa kta kra hma hna hva


for a whole chart, see:


that page includes a download link but note the site uses the modern form

Page 2 Alphabet

Devanagari Alphabet

: к х  ш 

@ Davidya.ca

Page 3 Pronounce

Vowels T pronounce Consonants pronounce Semivowels pronounce 1 a Another 17 к ka Kit 42 ya p 2 aa g fAther 18 х kha v blocKHead 43 ra r Rich 3 I p Eat 19 ga v 44  la d Laugh 4 ii p dEEp 20 gha v doGHouse 45 va Vat 5 u l flUte 21 na v siNG Sibilants 6 uu l shOOt 22 ca p CHurch 46 sha p SHip 7 ri r macabRE-i 23 cha p itCH 47 ш sa r SHut 8 rri r rii 24 ja p Joke 48 sa d Sit 9 lri d lri 25 jha p sledGEHammer 49 ha v/g Hit 10 lree d lree 26 na p caNYon 50  ksa v aCTion 11 e p cAke 27 ta r arT *Do use a good audio sample 12 p Aisle 28 r arTHouse ai tha for correct pronunciation 13 o l 29 da r harD KEY: gutteral 14 l Out 30 r harDHat au dha velar palatal 15 -- 31 r horN am na retroflex/cerebral dental 16 -- namaH 32 d sTop : ah ta labial 33 tha d hoTHouse Add an M to any letter and you 34 d Dose have the bija or seed da eg: aum 35 dha d aDHoc aim 36 na d Nap dham 37 pa l Pit 38 pha l toPHat 39 ba l Bat 40 bha l cluBHouse @ Davidya.ca 41 ma l

Page 4 Pronounce

Tongue Positons: 1 - gutteral - throat 2 - velar - soft back of roof, back of tongue 3 - palatal - top of palate (roof of mouth) with tongue tip 4 - retroflex/cerebral - forward palate with tongue tip 5 - dental - teeth, with tongue tip 6 - labial - lips only

 

@ Davidya.ca

Page 5