Demeo J. Water As a Resonant Medium for Unusual External

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Demeo J. Water As a Resonant Medium for Unusual External WATER Water as a Resonant Medium for Unusual External Environmental Factors DeMeo J1* 1 Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Ashland, Oregon, USA * Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected] Keywords: structured water, living water, memory of water, bioenergetics, cosmic ether, plasma, interstellar medium, dark matter, Chi, orgone Received March 1, 2011; Accepted March 31, 2011; Published May 18, 2011; Available Online July 1, 2011 doi: 10.14294/WATER.2011.3 Summary a water-affecting cosmic medium, typically being more active at higher altitudes, often During the last Century multiple lines of tangibly interacting with dielectrical mat- converging evidence indicated the existence ter and being reflected by metals. All were of a dynamic plasmatic energy existing marginalized or maligned by the scientific within living organisms and water, and also orthodoxy of their day. I successfully rep- as a background medium filling the atmo- licated some of the anomalous biological, sphere and vacuum of space. Experimenters physical and meteorological experiments such as Jacque Benveniste (memory of wa- of Reich, among others, and so have been ter), Frank Brown (external biological clock able to ascertain important similarities in mechanism), Harold Burr (electrodynam- their diverse findings. Taken together these ic fields), Dayton Miller (cosmic ether of studies are suggestive of a major scientific space), Bjorn Nordenstrom (bio-electrical breakthrough, of a unitary cosmic-biolog- circuits), Giorgio Piccardi (physical-chemi- ical energy phenomenon, ignored or dis- cal fields), Wilhelm Reich (bio-energy) and missed prematurely during the 20th Cen- Viktor Schauberger (living water) indepen- tury. dently measured a similar and unique cos- mic-biological energy phenomenon. Their Introduction experiments frequently indicated water was a carrier for this previously unknown ener- Starting in the early 1970s, I reviewed in getic force, which typically showed signifi- detail the historical experiments on the cant solar-terrestrial and meteorological 19th Century luminiferous cosmic ether, components. Each of these scientists rest- and related vitalist concepts about a life- ed their claims upon experimental proofs, energy continuum in space. My investi- with many independent replications. Their gations focused upon the Chi energy of works integrate with astrophysical find- Chinese medicine, the cosmic external bio- ings on an interstellar medium, variously logical clock mechanism discovered by the termed cosmic plasma, dark matter, or biologist Frank Brown (Brown et al. 1970; even cosmic ether. These and other natural Brown 1976) the external physico-chemical scientists undertook decades of careful ex- cosmic factors of the chemist Giorgio Pic- perimental work indicating the presence of cardi (1962, 1965, 1966, 1968, Piccardi and WATER 3, 1-47, 18 May 2011 1 WATER Capel-Boute 1972) and the cosmic life-en- would trigger very widespread atmospher- ergy experiments of Wilhelm Reich (1960; ic changes and reactions, the end result of Web ref.1). It was all very unorthodox, but which was copious rainfall. It worked even had sufficient empirical and experimental under droughty or arid atmospheres. I wit- proofs to withstand orthodox criticisms. nessed several demonstrations which were This line of investigation ultimately led into so astonishing in result that I began an in- mystery areas of the atmospheric sciences, depth study of the matter. My first field tri- specifically the long-observed correlations als with a self-constructed apparatus, called between solar variability and weather pat- the cloudbuster, were undertaken during terns, and new methods of regional weather my graduate school years at the University modification within drylands. These in turn of Kansas, Department of Geography-Mete- carried profound but lesser-known implica- orology (DeMeo 1979a). tions for the nature of what is today called the interstellar medium, or more generally, The device itself was the 1950s invention space-energy. These findings also have im- of the radical naturalist and physician Wil- plications and probable practical applica- helm Reich (1960) who as history shows tions for more recent investigations of wa- was severely maligned and assaulted for ter structure, and also of the exclusion-zone his findings (Greenfield 1974; Sharaf 1983). phenomenon (Pollack 2001). His experiments suggested space and the atmosphere was filled with a ubiquitous My own investigations largely began with energy continuum, similar to the old lumi- the drought catastrophes affecting the Sa- niferous cosmic ether, but with additional hel region of Africa in the 1970s. People and empirically-developed properties. Reich’s wildlife suffered unspeakably, leaving me to energy continuum – which he termed the ask what could be done to restore rains into orgone, to preserve its connection with the such an environment. Theory mattered not. living – was demonstrated by experiment All the “better-known concepts” proved to to be excitable, compressible and pulsatory, be essentially worthless. Nobody in govern- like a giant field of extremely thin cosmic ment or the universities had any clear ideas protoplasm. Water was strongly attracted on how or why the big major droughts de- to this same energy, and the energy was veloped, nor any practical solution towards also attracted to water, the two being in a doing something to meaningfully help constant state of dynamical interaction or out, other than to truck or fly in massive resonance. Reich’s cloudbuster device was amounts of food aid, which was not a long- basically a large water-grounded antenna term solution. Even standard methods of which could be aimed at different parts of weather modification such as cloudseeding, the sky. It capitalized upon these unortho- offered no help in regions characterized by dox properties of water, notably how the in- a strong inversion, thick atmospheric dusts tensity of orgone charge in the atmosphere, and haze, and no clouds whatsoever. which has parallels to electrostatic forces, was a determinant of cloud formation and At that time, from a group of unorthodox ultimately of larger weather systems. naturalists and scientists I learned of a new method of precipitation enhancement My work at KU demonstrated weather in- which employed special hollow-pipe anten- fluences over the entire State of Kansas nas grounded into large moving and alive when the cloudbuster antenna was oper- bodies of water. They had good data to show, ated, and later studies suggested this was using these antennas in a specific manner a minimal regional influence. The antenna WATER 3, 1-47, 18 May 2011 2 WATER itself used no electrical or electromagnetic and space environment, and how that envi- components, other than servo motors to ronment affects the properties of water. move the heavy antenna around. It was an entirely passive device, like a special- A Brief Review of Reich’s Major Evi- ized form of water-grounded lightning rod, dence and therefore could not function by known principles. Reich’s original claims – of an Reich’s early work during and after medical interconnecting energy continuum existing school in Vienna, starting just after WW-I, within the Earth’s atmosphere – thereby was with Freud, working as a psychoana- was deserving of a serious evaluation (De- lyst. With Freud he studied the libido sex- Meo 1979b). ual-emotional energy in people’s bodies, a phenomenon which worked to develop a My investigations led into the conflict be- person’s character and emotional structure tween theories of “empty space” versus (Reich 1949a). While Freud and other psy- “space-energy”, notably in relation to an- choanalysts were to eventually abandon the other of Reich’s devices, a Faraday-type of libido concept, Reich continued with that metal-lined enclosure which did far more line of investigation. By the 1930s he made than merely “shield out” electromagnet- the first-ever measurements of emotional ic frequencies. Reich’s special enclosures and sexual excitation with millivoltmeters would anomalously intensify the energy attached to the skin surface of patients, in- density within their multi-layered interi- dicating a bio-electrical component to emo- ors, in ways wholly unexpected by classical tion (Reich 1982). Further experiments un- theory. They resembled a hollow capaci- dertaken suggested the energy of emotion tor, with the interior surface made of con- and sexuality was far more powerful than ductive ferromagnetic sheet metal, and the the small millivolts measured at the skin walls composed of alternating layers of fer- surface, and by a series of steps too lengthy romagnetic metal and high dielectric insu- for discussion here, led him to discover ra- lating material. A final layer of insulating diant energy-fields around both microbes material covered the exterior. Reich called and people. From there came the develop- these devices orgone energy accumulators ment of the orgone energy accumulator, (Reich 1948a, 1948b, 1951a) the orgone me- in trials designed to capture and study the dium being intensified within their interior, same radiant phenomenon, which could be which would then exhibit anomalous prop- seen, felt, trigger biological reactions, and erties. also had measurable physical properties (Reich, 1938, 1942, 1982). In 2009 I was invited to share my findings on these issues at the Fourth Annual Con- Reich’s Orgone Energy Accumulator ference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biol- ogy of Water (Web ref.2) at
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