NEWS LETTER Published by News Research Service, Inc., 727 W. Seventh Street, Los Angeles, California Space permits only highlighting of news. More detailed information is available to serious Students and Writers.

Figures In Text Indicate Ref-1 No.116.November 27,1940 erence Notes at end of Issue.


Anse/I/was-Frauenfeld -- the man who played into Hitler's hands -- is once more on the point of leaving for the United States. He has been groomed for years for his new post, and is just the man to take over the United States Sector of the Fifth-Column Front since he has never actively figured in trans-Atlantic Nazi entanglements.

Nov that many Hitler subversivists are currently being exposed -- and thus Jndered useless for service in the United States -- their replacement is cre- ating a serious problem for Herr Doktor Goebbels. Among those whose propaganda poison fangs have been plucked in the course of time are Colin Ross 1) (whose activities were repeatedly spotlighted by NEWS LETTER, more recently in issues of October 2, 1940 and August 28, 1940); the Duke of Saxe-COburg..Gotha z), (whose Red Cross camouflage was reviewed in NEWS LETTER of October 2, 1940 and March 21, 1940); Dr. Alfred von Wegerer 3) (see NEWS LETTER of October 2, 1940 and April 11, 1940); "Propaganda Prince" Bernhard zur Lippe *)(who sailed for Japan )n July 19, 1940, after his Nazi recruiting work among American students had peen analyzed in NEWS LETTER of July 17, 1940 and May 22, 1940); and last, but not least, "Columbia Professor" Friedrich E. Auhagen (see NEWS LETTER of Oc- tober 9, 1940 and September 14, 1939) who was apprehended:ashe was about to sail to his German fatherland via Japan.

In view of all these -casualties, the Reich Propaganda Ministrfeels im- pelled to make still another attempt to fill the most important US Nazi command 'th to.p-notcher Alfred Edward Frauenfeld. Herr Frauenfelde*amber of Hit- _dr's Reichstag, and also attached to the Reich Kultur SehateAn'therge of all Nazi theatres. Significantly, Frauenfeld also is the man who prepared the way Of the Austrian Nazi revolution which, in 1934, led to the , assassination of Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss and, in 1938, to .

Frauenfeld has been mentioned as Nazi Generalissimo for the United States on other occasions, among them on Kuhn Successor January 2nd, last, when International News Service re- Named by Bund ported:) LONDON, Jan. 2.—(Tuesday) Similar information was disseminated by rParis Soir" -- (INS) — Alfred Frauenfeld, on January 4. The result of all this publicity was that, Austrian Nagl ap- exposed in advance, Herr Frauenfeld did not even cross pointed successor to Fritz Kuhn the ocean. However, now that almost a year has passed, as head of the German-American Bund, the Daily Sketch said to- NRS hears that once more Frauenfeld has packed his day. The newspaper declared the trunks, anticipating an early departure for the United United States Secret Service had States by way of Siberia and the been informed of the appoint- Pacific Ocean. If ment. Frauenfeld actually makes the trip this tine, _he will The Sketch said Frauenfeld is arrive either in San Francisco, where Captain Fritz Supposed to intensify Bund work Wiedemann Hitler's war-time superior, is in charge In the United States while Kuhn G.), Serves a prison term to theft. of the German Consulate General; or in Los Angeles, where Dr. Georg Gyssling 7) represents the Reich.

Page 2.

Frauenfeld's "Career" Watched

Although Frauenfeld may be a stranger to most people outside the Swastika Reich, his propaganda work has been pilloried before in NEWS LETTER. Mention of him was first made on July 5, 1939, when it was revealed that the March 13, 1939] issue of Westdeutscher Beobachter had been withdrawn. This "Special Sou- venir" issue, celebrating the first anniversary of the Austrian Anschluss, contained an article by Frauenfeld, shedding significant light on what actual- ly happened to Nazi prisoners at the Austrian concentration camp Woellersdorf. There, a great many of them had died, supposedly from typhoid but in reality from dysentery -- as confirmed by The New York Times' then European Chief Cor- respondent, Frederick T. Birchallo °Our 'dysentery epidemic' propaganda, which was very valuable, went Gloated Frauenfeld in off as scheduled. We prisoners were treated by Dr. Koohendorfer,a den- tist in Wiener Neustadt. As per our plans, we obtained through him his article: , several vials of dysentery baoteria. Through the same source I obtained large quantities of laxatives. °The bacteria were smeared on the knobs of the cell-doors in Woel- A week later, NEWS LET- lersdorf and we gave all party comrades plenty of laxatives. Further- TER, following up the Frau- more, those comrades who were selected for the sickness were given an injection of dead typhoid baoteria to stimulate temporary fever. On the enfeld expose', reported: following day, the first dysentery oases were reported and the 'patients' were transported to the hospital. The reactions in the world to the reports of the epidemic were sensational.° How successful Frauen- feld was in Switzerland be- Headed by Alfred Frauenfeld, leading Austrian Nazi, (NRS July 5) ten °Reich Speakers° were sent into Switzerland on Nay 1. According to came evident only during a report published by the Official German News Agency, their the last month* when. the FRAUENFELD errand was °to spread the message of the Fuehrer amongst ATTEMPTS fellow-Germans abroad, and to give them an account of the Berne government faced the TO NAZIFY year during which the development of Greater reached necessity of officially SWISS its climax.° Frauenfeld, who was considered one of Hitler's most nanny propagandists in pre-Anschlussed Austria, deliv- combatting the Nazi danger ered "inspirational° addresses at Basle, Liestal and Olten, reciting the by dissolving the so-called step-by-step activities of the Nazis in Austria during the political regimes of Chancellors Dolfuss and Sohushnigg. The °Deutsche Zeitung in Swiss National Movement. der Schweiz°, German-subsidized newspaper published in Switzerland, ran a glowing account of Frauenfeld's address, stating that °his moving speech, which aroused sincere enthusiasm, created the resonance which is The first time Frau- produced by the words of a man from the front.° enfeld was mentioned as At Lucerne and other important Swiss cities where the Nazi orators appeared, the meeting halls were decorated with huge Swastika banners Goebbelsf United States re- and flags. Those attending the meetings sang the Deutsohlandlied and the Horst Wessel Song. The °festivals° were climaxed with Swastika flag presentative was as early as parades during which the entire assemblages gave the Hitler salute. November,1934, when The New York Times reported that he had been " go to the United States to direct Nazi, propaganda there.. . .11 e was asserted to be perfecting his know- ledge of English."

Ever since, Frauenfeld has been on Goebbels' "Eligibility List", being carefully groomed for a later appointment to so vital an overseas propaganda sector as the United States. In line with these plans,/ Frauenfeld has been trotted out on all suitable occasions. The most important was the "Day of Ger- man Folkdom", held in conjunction with the Day in September, 19350 liStanding under the slogan: One Reich, One People, One Fuhrer, One God, Frau- enfeld was one of the foremost speakers of that day. In the course of his ad- dress, he stated: "Take heed that race is an eternal and divine creation. The borders of the German Reich have been drawn by German blood. They end 6nly where the German language, German customs and German loyalty find an end. All Germans must help build the great cathedral of the German future, in which all the people of the Third Reich will have room."

Shortly after Frauenfeld's Nazi Party address, rumors were again rampant that he was slated for the US Nazi. command. Once more, The New York Times re- ported in great detail, with the result that Frauenfeld did not set sail for the New World. Now that news is received over here that Frauenfeld, not to be discouraged, is about to assume the post of Reich Propaganda Generalissimo in the United States, the possibility arises that, if this country is sufficient- ly forewarned, he may again refrain from venturing across the sea to prepare America's ideological Ansohlusso kFor details of Erauemfedt_5 rise_ tn Nazi_ power see RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT #117.) RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT Published by News Research Service, Inc., 727 W. Seventh Street, Los Angeles, California Space permits only highlighting of news. More detailed information is available to serious Students and Writers. Figures In Text indicate Ref- erence Notes at end of Issue. No.117. November 27,1940 FRAUENFELD POCKET-SIZE HITLER Alfred Edward Frauenfeld, once again slated to assume command as Reich Propaganda Generalissimo in the United States, is a pocket-size Hitler. Both men were started on spectacular careers not because they were pre- destined for them, but because they are "stunted geniuses". Without slightest justification, Hitler flattered himself that he was entitledthe to enter the German Hall of Fame as a great painter; Frauenfeld pletely abortive attempts to make his way into Valhalla as TIMindulged Teuton inpoet. com- Both experienced years of unemployment, during which they -ivelihood by doing odd jobs; both eventually joined the budding,eked out a meagre revolu- .ionary Nazi movement: Hitler in Munich, as the seventh of a group of dis- gruntled men who used to sneak into the Burgerbra:u beer cellar tine airing of neo-nihilistic doctrines; Frauenfeld in Vienna, asfor one a clandes- of the

change of heart during the negotia- first to inoculate the Aus- tions between the friends of the trian body politic with Nazi NAZIS SAID TO PLAN Nazis and the government. co poison. The Reichspost, another govern- agz ment newspaper, also improves the gret A NEW DRIYE HERE new atmosphere of peace with the ati Frauenfeld is Hitlerts Nazis by declaring that the Nazi ge junior by nine years. Born Frauenfeld of Vienna Will Be negotiators are not Nazis and are m in 1898, there is well-sub- not negotiating, but are respectable de Chief German Propagandist, citizens who are merely learning stri stantiated doubt as to his the terms on which some of the Newspaper Asserts. tryi. descent. Since he had not population, who have thus far not by prominently supported the present regime, may be allowed to do so. enjoyed a satisfactory educe... AUSTRIAN COUNCIL NAMED Ban on Nazis Is Stressed. T proved very diffi- Foreign journalists, says the cult for him to find a posi- newspaper, have been misled into tion. Only after prolonged Schuschnigg Is Believed to Hold referring to the persons concerned as Nazis because they have not efforts did he succeed in se- Greater Power Than Starhem- been conspicuous supporters of the berg in New 'Legislature.' late Chancellor Dollfusa's formula curing employment with the for Austrian patriotism. It ex- Vienna plains these men can not be Nazis Bodenoreditanstalt bank. because the government has for- Lacking ability, he was never Wireless to Tam Nsw YORK Timm bidden all political parties including 0 VIENNA, Oct. 31.—Albert Edward the Nazis. promoted, and merely remained Fritienfeld, leader of the Vienna All those engaged in the present Th a mediocre clerk of irregular ry Nazis, has been appointed by Dr. conversations, which must not be ish Paul Joseph Goebbels, German called negotiations, were in fact of habits. He always professed Zio Propaganda Minister, to go to the strenuous opponents of Dr. Doll- fuss's policy and ardent advocates a great friendliness for "non- United States to direct Nazi propa- of agreement and union with Nazi for Aryan" fellow workers when he ganda there, the official Wiener Germany. on Is. Zeitung said today. He was as- Chancellor Schuschnigg tonight me met them face to face; behind serted to be perfecting his knowl- broadcast a speech on the Father- their backs, however, whenever land Front and the corporate Ul r edge of English. man possible he would indulge i The newspaper says Theodor State. He laid great emphasis on Austria's German character. After vest to Habicht has been appointed Mayor fe violent anti-Semitic harangues. he his speech the names of the mem- of a North German town and that tion to bers of the new Fascist legislative eral vu- all anti-Austrian propaganda from .bodies were announced. Most are Co Frauenfeld effusively de- Germany has ceased. It apparently inconspicuous landlords, farmers and lawyers. Others are well known wh dicated a volume of poems to is anxious to persuade Austrians clerical, monarchist and Heimwehr tocc that Germany has undergone es his boss, one a 'politicians. for Herr Sieghart, Two Painters Killed in Fall. TA a Jew. However, neither ftecialtoTkmmmywocTim:;. Melmwehr Men Outnumbered. Zion Frauenfeldts work as clerk nor e IRVINGTON, N. J., Oct. PY The Associated Pmm do r- M Cohe , 50 ear old. • f 161 VIENNA, Oct. 31.— Chancellor Ch his "poetic gifts" impressed nO r pl Herr Sieghart sufficiently to Reproduction from New York Times of Nov. promote him; indeed, very soon 1, 1934. Story on page 4. thereafter, Frauenfeld was dis- missed. Page 2. There followed another period of unemployment but* somehow, Frauenfeld eked out a bare living. In 1929, with the inception of the joieimatschutz- bewegung (Home Guard Movement) in Vienna, he was frequently seen in different hangouts. He made speeches, but never with any visible auccess and, eventual- ly, took to soliciting memberships. In this con- ala Tai vat NAZI CHIEF REPORTED It, nection, financial "discrepancies" cropped up and for- m Frauenfeld received short shrift. Once more, he the TO PLAN DRIVE HERE lin mie. found himself uncomfortably close to the gutter. Yu Frauenfeld, Former Leader in me. ala A The Dawn of the Brass Knuckles ref- Austria, Said to Be Assigned to in tic Collect Funds for Agitation. M aye Sh Completely down and out, Frauenfeld finally a tars of Wireless to Tar Nair Yosz Trims. Do found "employment" by joining a Nazi cell, then is VIENNA, Feb. 21.—The newspaper ian Telegraf published today a dispatch n clandestinely formed in Vienna. At that time* ent from its New York correspondent bee Hitler had hardly any followers in Austria* and na- reporting that Alfred Edouard the Frauenfeld, former Nazi chief in no official local organization in Vienna. Frau- = in Vienna, would arrive in New York m enfeld engineered matters so that, soon there- em- March 1 to be publicity director fr are for a German concern. He played be after, Hitler appointed him Gau1eiter (Regional re- a prominent part in the Nazi's ter- ny roristic campaign in 1933 and 1934, she Fahrer). From then on, he was on his way up* the later fleeing to Germany where he fea especially as ample financial means were sent became a member of the Reich of In- Culture Chamber. sti from the Reich to build up the Nazi movement. his The newspaper said Mr. Frauen- Tate feld would be a camouflaged leader to- of the Nazis in the United States Despite the fact that the party exchequer 'e it with the special duty of collecting IOC re- propaganda funds among German- in was able to pay him a very good salary, it was ure, Americans because Dr. Hjalmar nei soon discovered that dgn Schacht, president of the Reichs- me Herr Gauletter Frauenfeld* all bank, is unable to get sufficient pre in arranging for the purchase of the Vienna on- foreign currencies to carry on agi- wo the tation. ta Braunes Haus, had made too great a profit for him- dis- Mr. Frauenfeld delivered yester- self. Moreover, other disconcerting details came day an anti-Austrian speech in Ber- me ing lin in which he expressed the con- Sta to light which Frauenfeld had succeeded in hiding es- viction that the Nazis would over- the de- throw the Austrian regime soon. He co until then. For example, for many weeks Frauen- iso threatened merciless retaliation for A feld had been a charity patient in the Jewish de its persecution of Nazis. me of dl Rotspie1spita1 Hospital undergoing a cure for a =fire At the New York offices of the op 'nts Friends of New Germany, a pro- ele "social" disease. Another interesting bit of in- The Nazi organization, an official said the formation was that* after having lost his position ced the organization had no knowledge ta be- whether Mr. Frauenfeld was coming de with the banks he had accepted free meals at the the here because on Jan. 1 it had sev- te- ered all connections with European six Mensa Judaica (soup kitchen). This, incidentally, ieve politics and had limited its mem- wag was the same institution where, for a long ara- bership to American citizens. ishe time* a certain Frau Roubal worked as cook... Frau Roubal being from reports of a plot headed by I ace Ftihrer Hitler's sister. Gen Is rant- to Reproduction from Frauenfeld, by threats and bribes, managed to The New York Times, silence his opponents and maintain his position Feb. 22, 1936. Story within the Austrian Nazi party. At the same time* on page 4. he looked out for his brothers. Through him, one of them became steward of the Brown House; for the other, he obtained a job with the new National- Socialist paper, Jrj Rampfruf (The Battle Cry). Subsequently, Vienna merchants were visited by advertising solicitors who, according to instructions given by IFrauenfeld, extorted money by the "...00r-else method* at the same time making it abundantly clear to "prospects" that, sooner or later, Hitler would move into Austria. As a result, money in enormous amounts flowed into Aus- trian. Nazi coffers. By now, it had become Frauenfeld's ambition to present his belovedFiihrer with the ostmark (Austria). To perpetrate such a coup dietat, "action" was necessary. Accordingly, Frauenfeld enlisted a gang of Vienna Pdlohers (hoodlums) to descend upon a country club in Lainzo near Vienna, whose member- ship included many foreign diplomats. The harmless guests of the club were Page 3. set upon with rubber truncheons, thus furnishing the me Ger first instance of many similar acts of Nazi sadism to kUSTRIA AND REICH rian follow in Austria. rele cial RELEASE PRISONERS Mu Frauenfeld did his dirty work under cover ;1; lead s profes- reie sing to be loyal to the Dollfuss regime, and glibly e Frauenfeld, Leader of Vienna cent An exploiting the country club incident for his own pur- Nazis, Among Those Freed into poses. He explained it as "just an excrescence of in Reciprocal Agreement. arre wer righteous wrath on the part of a sorely abused people". yea wet- 11 JAILED IN ARMS PLOT Vlen Next, Frauenfeld was instructed by Hitler to bring L qua about the dissolution of the Dollfuss-orientated Home he Guard Movement, rid- the same which had thrown him out upon cer- By The Associated Press. ou discovery of "financial discrepancies". He actually aary VIENNA, Dec. 31.—Alfred Frau- to enfeld, leader in Vienna of the out- succeeded in involving its impecunious leader, one lawed Nazi party, was released to- Q Count Alberti, ree day from the Vienna district pris- Tb in a bribery plot. Using this as a t a on, where he was incarcerated on frau threat* be forced the Home Guard leader to bow to "co- ern suspicion of high treason less than tri sea a month ago. Another Nazi lead- Qu ordination". When the police got wind of the whole into er. Captain Leopold, also was set d is free. offi affair, a number of those implicated were thrown into prison but the real offender, Frauenfeld, wriggled 7r1r.- pa out of it (illustration on this page). This was the arire.rss to nit New YORK Thies. dr VIENNA, Jan. 1.—The Austrian m first time that Frauenfeld was sent to a concentration In Nazi leader Alfred Fraunfeld was' we camp without staying too long. Every time he was put released from jail today and the Y. behind bars, he made good his escape, either through of State Prosecutor was ordered to , the drop further legal steps against Pa legal chicanery or through ruthless trickery (illus- him. an tration on page 4). P- Ka 4 -te Austria Releases Nazi Leader. Frauenfeld Pulled Strings Wirelcss to Ton Nuw YORK TIMRS. . ' VIENNA, May 17.—Alfred Frau- enfeld, former Nazi leader in Vien- At any rate, the Alberti affair assumed such pro- na, who has been at the Woellers- dorf concentration camp, has been portions that it became necessary for Hitler to re- released on account of ill health, it place Frauenfeld. He now embarked upon a genuinely Was anrou ed t.. ay . Caponesque career. Bombs exploded all over Vienna* re- and Austria in general, to lend emphasis to extor- ew FRAUENFELD DOUBTS fro ar is tionist plots. In all these terroristic acts, Frau- he AUSTRIAN NAZI RISING clan enfeld played the leading part but discreetly remained red ma behind the scenes. His first "enterprise" was directed Escaped Leader Declares His HP an against the jewelry shop of Norbert Futterweit, who Followers Need Only Wait for tors was killed by the bomb; some of his customers were of Fall of Dollfass Regime. rn seriously injured. Additional terroristic acts under m. Frauenfeldts "management" were committed against the Wirelcris to Tat! NTir Yens Tams. the MUNICH, May 25.—Albert Frau- Produce Exchange, Caf.eVictoria, the Prater Stadium* ve enfeld, the escaped Austrian Nazi A and others. Sometimes, if they fumbled the job* om- leader who has just arrived here. riva sa Frauenfeldfs terrorists were arrested by the police ber id in an interview that an armed th * uprising by Austrian Nazis was not but Frauenfeld himself always remained at such a a contemplated. It would not be nec- lin six essary, he raid, because the Doll an safe distance that it was impossible to prove any- elan fuss regime bound to collapse. Do. thing on him especially as his hooligans, in true • 3 The Vienna Government, he said. hb * was torn by internal conflicts and gangster style, never squealed. ent "kept in office only by bayonets cent and terror." He expressed the hope Hon 5.4 that he would soon be able to re- oth• One of Frauenfeldfs cleverest tricks was to es- 'er- turn to a "free Austria." of ies Asked what precisely was the pol- la cape denunciation by going to the police and asking icy of the Austrian Nazis, he said Ba what they wanted was not an oni for protectiOn against people who actually "had the ted Anschluss with Germany but con- the goods on him", and who stood ready to testify against is trol of the government, and it was fere ) all due to them because at least 80 per the' him. The most outstanding case of this kind was that cent of Austria's population were cor a- Nazi sympathizers. of Dr. Schilling-Schletter, a veteran of the Nazi ily His own three-day flight through car movement, who was repeatedly arrested by the police of sevelPI Austrian provinces had re- dra ks, vealed to him a spirit of sacrifice din on the basis of incriminating statements made by for the Nazi cause among the pop- ens Au : ulation, he added. tor, Frauenfeld. When Count du Moulin-Eckart, one-time He preferred, however, to speak stet about his personal experiences ti te- rather than about political issues. d tc Reproductions from The New York Times of January 1 n H•• will conduct a propaganda cam- w Ion paign from Munich by radio. lc and 2, and May 18 and 26, 1934. Story on this page. Page 4.

Fahrer of the Austrian S.A. (Stormtroopers)1 had the By FREDERICK T. BIRCHALL. temerity to oppose Frauenfeld, he suddenly disappeared Continue,' From Page One. from Vienna completely. Witnesses testified that they had seen him brought out of the Vienna Brown House on with an adaptation of the former German imperial anthem have been a stretcher. When the Vienna police tried to locate NOM grea shott ,onnng.4." the Count, they were told that he had gone to Germany It is a ,.e) rr. P:i1n7 of the to enlist in the S.S. (Hitler Elite Guard). Nothing N t, t, more definite could be learned, since the German au- :12( ar.d lam. thorities refused to cooperate. tarn ed t't e ft, ricai n Ahmed wh, r■ Icr2edcsd to rime leader- Another "success" on the part of Frauenfeld and chip Austrian 5'1.71c. v. hen which he exploited propagandistically, was the winning Theodor Habicht way expelled. Herr Frauenfeld ?..,t frt'Ind over to the Nazi cause of Dr. Brandi* former Vienna fer/Ing with German ' President of Police. Brandi had been dismissed by later and was sent !,) cn Austrien concentration camp. 3r: +he ramp Dollfuss for proved disloyalty against the government. Ir. le, +,ntly euff ,1P,A,".1C. A veteran member of the Christian Social Party, he had of tiy5PrIt.Ply ant tit. rr.v`ctr Pri to a bo.,pnal. He 1:11 ,!1 1 Pit'''. ed written for its official organ Die Reichspost. ~i'u~ether on Pivinc :Cm tmat he would not attempt to et cape. though he had published flaming protests against lie did evoape two .:o and National Socialism, Frauenfeld "converted" him to lo appa: ,ntly rp;I:ne afte: * This diplomo-terroristic achievement won an aa Frauenfeld high credit from Hitler. a -d 'e ne ar Reproduction fro The New York Times , When the Austrian government demanded a new oath May 24,1934. Story of loyalty to the revised constitution, Frauenfeld said on e 3. in print: "Well, if it's necessary, let's give them that little oath". This statement and his record, as a whole, eventually 1anded Frauenfeld in the Austrian concentration camp at Woellersdorf. No sooner had he been released than he repaired to Berlin and soon there- after -■• on February 22, 1936 (illustration on page 2) for the first time was mentioned as slated to take over the Nazi propaganda front in the United States. A similar rumor had cropped up on November 1st of 1934 (illus- tration on page 1). However, nothing came of Frauenfeld's contemplated trips to America, probably because they had received too much advance publicity. While sojourning in Berlin, Frauenfeld was appointed by Hitler member of the Reich Kultur Chamber.. As such* in June, 1935, about a year after DoL fuss' assassination, Doktor Goebbels made him managing director of the Reich Theatre Chamber. Frauenfeld now set himself the task of "organising", in ac- cordance with the program of the Reich Theatre Chamber, those connected with the German stage in one way or another. Authors, actors, producers, stage managers -- and indeed, all Thespians -- were henceforth to hold a different position since Aational Socialism had turned them into servants of the State and trustees in the field of art. Ever since, Frauenfeld has dabbled in theatricals. Indeed, he even wrote a book, currently advertised by the "German Art and Culture" 1) supple- ment to "News From Germany" 2). "Der Wog zur Hahne* (The road to the stags) by A.E.Pranemfeld, Publishers: W. Limpert Verlag, Berlin, Price: EN 4.80 (linen) "Mamy believe in their calling, but few are selected," could be the closing sentence of this book. Frauenfeldt, the manager of the Woks Chamber of Theatres, is raising the curtain and shows to all enthusiasts what is behind it. His discoveries are by no means deterrent but are showing a high sense of responsibility. From now on, nobody can say that he blindly ran into his fate because this book is a guide with pointers and warnings, such as all mental am& art professions should have.

AV Page 5.

moriLi In November, 1935, Herr (ler detitylien Frauenfeld was called to serve in the Reich AUltur Senate and, h i I f r mini/ /cid in April, 1936 -- still basking in Herr Doktor Goebbels' sun -- he became a member of the 111,11,, I L , iii, i furl , Reichstag, his importance in

I V:1141 1 1i1r[tL i. Nazi matters in general growing Fh,,b.11, 1 Kcrn , r. correspondingly. He consistent- I h II II /I, dal; (H I.:11t au 11W1 ly exploited the fact that he iii d' inn Nr)rd,rrrierika i-t. 1r-pritng "was a martyr of the Anschluss". nd in, r 11, rt..:irift Hach d r u t r L r-t One of the most outstanding oc- ir r-u , e- casions when Frauenfeld paraded \ [CI \ !WM_ . 1 er dill. II6,1111,l'hi II \\ elt war the „NI aN I l r— . as a hero of the Nazi cause was 1, dr' mi. tLIIII-'11t fli,11111111' liattn nitwit "'tititirrilrallitt- on April 3, 1938. On that date, f.tirris,rriten, rirr riaehlamt.y.utt, ilalA dire Ahn- Reich's Marshal Goering visited herrrn runt d,e-, lir indiandr-dir,1 I WV, anderer rhiff nach Amerika Salzburg as harbinger of Hitler's Li -er ii. tti uhel lirdlandr-eln \SIC •-■ Nitcr lunw.ei,en N,erlein, -. Litwin early arrival as the new master au- ‘.Cr-(1,1 ■ , 11 ,, Fr, n. nicht trilctst aher an; Grrindcn. im Iti. i,li d r it t Le-ctst v■ erderi kann. of Austria. Ihr• fhror din \rate Noah, der be‘or- Igtnn Lin%%trItunr ‘irn ' T. • Is Frauenfeld'Groomed for USA? I. a Alliiren t;mnr;h,nuit-iieimtiger ober, r 1,11watt-end Nmerika- \Neder nen trocti For years now, Frauenfeld has (in.:smell Oar, darlitrer lirtriin, Lei der played an important part in the aserznnuirt r Ii i elt inn birch-ten Grade in- Nazi party. Ostensibly -- except kr,n-erilient 1/11.7ra-chi nicht \\titer. Nur die xrdli;ze for the few instances when his Grdrint, der t;,'-clrichtn um( cr,taunlich gerittge X1 1--en unt die \ rInr Nlen=chlteit -chiitst die Nene Welt name was mentioned as future gen- (IAN r,r. unit nurli rrrn..iirtellcren 11,-tartintrin iltrer Ol■er- eralissimo of US Nazis -- he was ..chrelite brAtirist Lit N%errier, interested only in domestic af- ( fairs. Reproduction t from "Zeitschrift fur However, right along, I Translation On this page. Frauenfeld kept a roving eye on the United States. At the begin- ning of the current year, he wrote what may be considered a thesis for his pend- ing promotion. The long-winded article, blistering with arrogance and ignor- ance, appeared in the January/February issue of Zettschrift fur Justice is best done to this article by reprinting excerpts from it. It is ;titled: AMERICA, TOMB OF GERMAN EMIGRANTS and, as a mdtto, carries the lines (illustration on this page):

I am a German. Plats word Is it presumptuous to aver drives me away from my homeland. that most of what is good about I belong to the people of the pariah I the United States of North Amer- and therefore -- Off to America: ica is German in origin and de- ---Theobald Kerner scent? We shall try to prove it: America's beginnings started with the Mayflower. The family of every American plutocrat secured the services of somebody to fabricate a famo- ily tree, and he was paid to prove that their forebears came to America in this Dutch emigrant vessel. In this connection, as we shall prove later on, it must be considered that, in the 16th century, Dutch was an- alogous to German.

Accordingly, the Mayflower is, in a manner of speech, Noah's Ark of the prominent inhabitants of "God's Own Uountry"....These pretenses of forebear-worshipping upper-crust Americans are neither new nor original. Moreover, in view of their antagonistic orientation towards the German- istic world, they are highly inconsistent, which is not so surprising. Only complete ignorance in the realm of history, and an astonishingly

Page 6. limited knowledge of the past, enables the New World to present its top layer with geneological proofs of still greater originality.

On page 17 of the article (illustration on this page), Frauenfeld, in the manner affected by Nazis ever since they became articulate, claims Carl Schurz as one of their own. Thus, he writes: One of the German personal- a inn IT . . ities of America renowned all d. - It Li11)0 ten drutsrlicii Prr,iiulirhhritrn 11111A11.,a, over the world is Carl Schurz. Carl trlturr. I., • it i r r , r. l3ri d,r \hrallani LincnIn. rum ....He played an important part Pra-nIcntrn ilon rut.,11,i41.- nth' 1:n11, in N.u. r during Lincoln's election cam- l'Undun2 ,n1sinlodt rin. Fr,und-draft. t'.(11urr paign. Out of this political ninkt -,(11 (I( r tiploinatiit in. N%ir,1 Cn...andirr in Spanicn. ftn 'Mir- alliance developed a strong Cnmeral narh Ftec ndi- friendship. Schurz turned to .z,uni.t w int ,•1 Pra-uilent Lawn vierriaitihrig, Senator diplomacy and was appointed nnd rr,H.10 dyn Iintoliunkt Lauflialin al, Inniturnini.urr, Minister to Spain. awing the aril 114 V ,It ,r.aufc 'cher Civil War, he was given the n UCH ahlrn /111-11r1s/tIflehrll mut ihardi (tits Utriel- krit zu wilinwn. Cad rank of a general and, after )alirnrinLrt -chrtit.1.11cd-chen FatrLt- the conclusion of hostilities, •to-hurr Ule r 410 , 1)1'10 ditinn' in ‘rnerika, wohl al•• r ,rt r

f• I II I1/I 'II I ILL ■ it - t• I ), -r 1,11wrikancr hat Iseinr. On pages 21 and 22 (illus tration on page 7), Frauenfeld — I iti ■ i t ar (14.t. fruAnbar ac- says: t, 1.1, 1 der Staater1.2:riindura2. '.-t oh! !lank 1,,;1 I r -aft in Clem Dent- The fact that Pershing, !I 1 . 1n4 1111(1 in command of the Americhn ,• In/izartillen Wei,r \\ troops, was of German descent, ,1,14 ; in 4 Ile then,te frennler only carries on, right into

r - rr. the 20th Century, the long line of those innumerable soldiers and officers who, in Reproduction from "Zeitschrift far Folitik". earlier centuries, fought Translation on this page. against their own people. It was during this time that many German newspapers went out of existence, and clubs dissolved. Since the World War, the United States of America is without one single German high school. These can be found only farther in the North in Montreal, Canada, and in the South in Mexico City.

But the end of the war did not signify the end of the battle against Germandom. It flared up again to colossal heights when cre- ated a new Germany and declared war against Jewry. Page 70

Thus, Frauenfeld expresses himself in his thesis on America, proving him- self a Colin Ross 3) and a Hanna Johst 4) rolled into one. While the former wrote such pseudo-learned treatises about the United States as Unser Amerika and Der Balkan Amerikas, the latter blithely versified: America would be nothing, If we (Germans) were not Americans. Apparently, when, as and if Herr Frauenfeld sets his foot on United States soil, preparatory to laying the ground-work for another Anschluss, Hitler will expect him to fulfill Colin Ross' politiconomic preachings and Hanns Johst's "poetic" phantasies. After all, Frauenfeld has lived up to der Fahrer's most extravagant expectations in the past!

er st ( s 'elt -ri hey iir cuts and z iie , aft ren t. ) wuBt geworden w;iren . selbst Pershing. der Inichste KOMMall- dierende der ante rikani,ehen Truppen. deutschstiimmig war, sew die Eeihc jener znhll 0-cri Soldaten rind Offiziere. die in friiheren Jahr- hunderten gegen ihr Volk gekampft ltaben. im 20. Jahrhundert fort. In dieser Zeit Bingen auch viele deutsch geschriebene Zeitungen zu- grunde, Vereine Iiisten si( auf, and die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika zalden seit dent Weltkrieg keine einzige Inihere deutsche Sande mehr. A\ it linden die niichste erst wieder inn Norden. in hanada in Montreal mid int Siiden Mexiko-City.

Mit dent lade des krieges farad der Kampf gegen das Dcutschtum keineswegs ein Lik. Zit ungeheurer Ifiihe alter flannute er auf, als Adolf Hitler das neut. Dcutsddand schuf und den Kampf gegen das Judentum aufnalon. Zaldreic to ernstc Problem('sdii'iftigen (lie ame ikanisehen Po- eproduction from "Zettschrift far Politik". Translation on page 6.

* For additional information on names and facts referred to in NEWS LETTER, see back issues as follows: 1)-4108; #103; #66; 4)4108; #76; #74; 3)-4108; #79; #76; 4)-4109; #97; #86; 5)-#109; #97; 141; 6)-#111; 08; #35; 7)4101; 496; #70. **********

For additional information on names and facts referred to in NEWS RESEARCH SUPPLENENT, see back issues as follows: 1)-497; 2)4106; #103; #79;0 8; 3)432; 1)4320

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