,I I D N a P P I T\J Er Oj
,, ,I I DN A p p I t\j er r oJ . or. TUM BLETY. · er ORDER or rHE .SECRETARY or:- WAR Or THC (J. s. I - A FEW T>ASSAGES TN 'fHE T,IFE OF \ DR. FRANCIS TUMBLETY, THE INDIAN HERB DOCTOR, INOLUDINO HIS EXPERJENOE IN THE OLD CAPITOL PRISON, TO WHICH HE WAS CONSIGNED,• WITR A. WANTON DISltEGARD TO JUSTICE A.ND LmERTY, BY ORDER OF EDWIN STA-NTON, SECRETARY OF WAR. ALSO JOURNALISTIC AND DOCUJIIENTARY VINDICATION OF HIS NAME AND FAME, AND PROFESSIONAL TESTIMONIALS / RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. CINCINNATI: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. \ 1866. C ) ' PREFACE. As, outside of my professional pursuits, my name'. for a brief period, was dragged before the public i.J1 a manner any thing but agreeable to my mental or bod- ily comfort, I have, equally in unison with the wishe:; of my friends, and with the am,ou1· p1·opre that ever~· person of an independent spirit, and a conscientiom, sense of rectitude should possess, concluded to publish the ensuing pages, not only in self-yindication, but to exhibit in its true light a persecution and despotism, in my case, that would hatdly be tolerated under th(• most absolute monarchy, and which should serve as 3 warning to all who believe in the twin truths of Lib- erty and Justice ; that eternal vigilance is the price of both, and how easy it is for unscrupulous partisan~ and ambitious men, when not restrained by the strict wishes of constitutional rights, with which the wisf' precaution of the fathers of the Republic guarded the liberties of the citizen, to trample upon the law, muzzle public sentiment, and run riot in a carnival of cruel and malignant tyranny.
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