Turku Museum of History Heidi Jokinen Studio 12 Supervisor: Per Fransson Program

The program is divided into a two-floor-building. The entrances of the museum are on the 1st floor. The Exhibitions begin from the entrance floor with the Major International Exhibition space which is for changing exhibitions. The exhibition is in the 1930’s warehouse building, it is an open space lined with columns which makes it easy to be transformed for different kinds of exhibitions.

The Main Exhibition space for the history of and is on two levels on the 2nd floor. The exhibition is entered through the 1st floor Major Exhibition with a staircase leading up to the 2nd floor. The space is open with just a couple of dividing walls and columns making it flexible for changes in exhibition. For instance, the Virtual Reality Experience rooms are set between the columns on the second floor for a different kind of museum experience – Turku Goes 1812 where the visitor can experience parts of the city as it was 15 years prior to the Great fire of Turku.

The Museum also houses a Museum shop, a Restaurant with seating for 150 people, and an Auditorium with 180 seats on the 1st floor.

Existing Buildings

The existing buildings on site are used as part of the exhibition spaces as well as a part of the restaurant dining area, museum storage area and as rentable collaboration spaces for the museum and the local businesses.


The site should engage the visitor in history directly upon arrival – a stone paved pathway lined with concrete information walls leads the visitor toward the entrance. The information walls give the visitor a chronological description of significant events in Finland’s history. This way part of the museum is accessible to all visitors to the site - even when the building is not open.


I have chosen glass as the main the façade material to reflect the historical surroundings of the area. The other façade material is oak wood panels in reference to the regional ‘flower’, oak. Existing buildings on site that are part of the building are a brick building and four yellow- painted log buildings. Finnish History museum in Turku

In 2017 the ountry of Finland celebrated its 100 years of independence. In honour of this event the city of Turku City Council decided to give Finland a History museum as a centennial celebratory gift.

in their plans for future projects in the city.

Even the actual location of the future museum is still under discussion.

Purpose of this project is to propose a location, a program and a building for the new History museum that the city of Turku has plans to build before 2029, when it celebrates its 800th anniversary.

About Turku

Turku is located in the southwestern part of Finland. It is the oldest city in Finland, founded in 1229, and the former capital.

Turku, with its around 191 000 inhabitants, is the sixth largest city in Finland by population. The entire sub- region has 330 429 residents ranking it the third largest sub-region in Finland after that of Metropolitan and sub-region.

A great portion of Turku residents are students. The city has two universities and four higher education insti- tutions with over 35 000 students altogether. In addition to the the city is the home of the Turku Helsinki country’s only Swedish-speaking university, Åbo Akademi.

Turku is one of the most popular travel and congress destinations in Finland. It is a popular tourist destination among Finnish tourist but it also welcomes many foreign tourists. Turku Airport is the second most popular international airport in Finland. It is also only 2 hour train or car ride from Helsinki,.

the year. For example, the oldest rock festival in Europe, Ruisrock, and the city festival, Down by the Laituri, are held in Turku in the summertime. In addition, the Medieval Fair and the Turku Music Festival are also part of the summer events in Turku.






In March 2018 the City Council picked 16 potential locations as places of interest for the new museum. Throughout this In August 2018 City of Turku further narrowed down their list of locations and published an article on their website past year several different local medias have made their own picks for what the exact location should be that discusses three different areas of the city as the potential location for the museum. The three potential locations relating to the sixteen locations proposed by the city. DUHVKRZQLQRUDQJHRQWKHPDS)LUVWRIWKHPLVWKH+DUERXUDUHDVHFRQGWKH5DLO\DUGDUHDDQGWKLUGWKH2OG Turku area. The city is yet to decided on a location. The existing museums of in central Turku are shown in purple, while the City Counsils initial 16 location proposals are shown in yellow.

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Vallihaudankatu Vallgravsgatan ( Street) was formerly known as Talvikatu Vintergatan (Winter Streets, names, notable sites Street), the name was changed to Vallihaudankatu at 25.02.1924. A valuable building or a built environment, whose characteristics must be preserved 5HSDLUVDQGDOWHUDWLRQVWRIDFDGHVURRIV DQGRWKHUSDUWVRIWKHEXLOGLQJWKDWDIIHFW WKHEXLOGLQJPXVWEHVXFKDVWRSUHVHUYHWKH Vientiliike Muna’s FXOWXUDODQG IXQFWLRQDOLVWRIÀFHDQG historical qualities of the Vallihaudankatu 10 VWRUDJHEXLOGLQJE\ 1936 EXLOGLQJ 2-storey building architect Ilmari Ahonen 2IÀFHEXLOGLQJ IURPUDLVHDQG 1 apartment Vallihaudankatu 6 $VRIQRZRQO\SURSRVHGSURWHFWLRQLQ 1933 SUHOLPLQDU\&LW\SODQ change 1956-57 2-storey building VLJQHG)*  Other industrial production buildings 1 apartment

Vallihaudankatu 8 1-storey building Other storage buildings Vallihaudankatu 4 1930 2-storey building Other storage buildings

1993-1996 The PDJD]LQHVZHUHUHVWRUHGIRU VWRUDJH7KHUHVWRUDWLRQRIWKH PDJD]LQHVZDVDGHPDQGLQJDQG Vallihaudankatu 2 Linnankatu 85 1-storey building QRQVWDQGDUGUHSDLUSURMHFWWKHPDLQ 1915 Power plant REMHFWLYHRIZKLFKZDVWRHQVXUHWKH 2IÀFHEXLOGLQJ building (Restaurant/Café) PDLQWHQDQFHRIORJEXLOGLQJVLQEDGFRQGLWLRQ 1-storey building 0RVWRIWKHZRUNFRQVLVWHGRIUHSODFLQJURWWHQZDOO ORJVDQGUHEXLOGLQJURRIVWUXFWXUHV2QHRIWKH PDJD]LQHVZDVPDGHWREHKHDWHGE\EXLOGLQJ )RXUORJEXLOGLQJZDUHKRXVHVE\PHUFKDQW&$'RHSHOLQIURP LQVXODWHGZDOOVVHSDUDWHGIURPWKHROGVWUXFWXUH Linnankatu 83c Linnankatu 83a Linnankatu Slottsgatan (Castle 1889 1889 3URWHFWHGLQWKHUHJLRQDOSODQDQGVXESODQ LQVLGHLW7KHPDJD]LQHVDUHQRZLQXVHE\WKH 2-storey building 2-storey building 7KH3URYLQFLDO0XVHXPRI6RXWKZHVW)LQODQG Street) was formerly known as Other storage Other storage Linnankatu 83a Linnantie Slottsvägen (Castle Way), buildings buildings 1988 9DUVLQDLV6XRPHQPDDNXQWDPXVHR  1-storey building DQG7KH)LQQLVK+HULWDJH$JHQF\ the name was changed to Linnan- Linnankatu 83d Linnankatu 83b Store building 1889 1889 (Summer kiosk) 0XVHRYLUDVWR  katu at 26.04.1940. 2-storey building 2-storey building Other storage Other storage buildings buildings

1st Floor

2nd Floor

Turun linnan makasiinit (Turku castle’s ’Magasins’ - Warehouses) Vientiliike Muna Building Linnankatu 83 a-d Vallihaudankatu 10 (1889) (1936) 1:200 Plans 1:500 Plans 1:500

(Original spread 1100x1800mm) Office space


Major Exhibition


Exhibition support/ Storage


Toilet Toilet Toilet Storage Auditorium Lockerroom 270m2

Entrance hall

700m2 Information

Exhibition space

Storage 24m2 TURKU ÅBO

Cold storage 24m2 SUOMI FINLAND Restaurant staff office 17m2

Restaurant kitchen Toilet 180m2

Toilet Museum shop Walk along a Historical Timeline 173m2

Storage Restaurant dining


Restaurant dining

330m2 Collaboration space


Collaboration space

524m2 Collaboration space

2 “Hills” - slightly 398m elevated parts of landscape

Staff area




Section C-C 1:200

0 2 4 6 8 10 20

(Original spread 1100x1800mm) Storage


Staff area

225m2 Main Exhibition (upper level)


Turku Goes 1812 Virtual Reality Experience

Main Exhibition (lower level)


2nd Floor 1:200

1st Floor 1:200

2 4 6 8 10 20

View from south west

View from South East

Section B-B 1:200

0 2 4 6 8 10 20

(Original spread 1100x1800mm) View from restaurant 9LHZIURPVHFRQGÁRRU

West Elevation 1:200

0 2 4 6 8 10 20

South Elevation 1:200

0 2 4 6 8 10 20

East Elevation 1:200

0 2 4 6 8 10 20

North Elevation 1:200

0 2 4 6 8 10 20

Technical drawing 1:50 Technical drawing 1:50 New Building and Existing wooden warehouse Wall between the New Building and the Existing brick building (Original spread 1100x1800mm)