DYNAMITE First for Blue the Washboard and Hours T, ALBERT W, Xjlliibridge, Andalusia, First for Whits Minorca ' Chicks, First for Pair of Black Spanish

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DYNAMITE First for Blue the Washboard and Hours T, ALBERT W, Xjlliibridge, Andalusia, First for Whits Minorca ' Chicks, First for Pair of Black Spanish 1 NORWICH BULLETIN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 get horse on the grounds. Near him TRAVELERS' DIRECTORY. in contrast stood diminutive ponies of NORTH STONINGTON GRANGE FAIR only a few hundred pounds Weight. In the place reserved for the cattle, all the standard breeds were shown, pure bred and grade, 125 in all,' Noticeable Norwich Line here were some of the big yoke of oxen t TO Second Annual Event- - Drew an Attendance of 2500 Big among which were a yoke of grade Hereford, and a yoke of Dutch Belted. Over Last . Sheep- and pigs are represented m NEW YORK Improvement In Displays and Attractions the pens near the back of the grounds, STEAMERS 25 woolly Shropshires - being seen, Year. while the hog pens contain , both the CITY OF LOWELL black Berkshires and the Chester '' AND , -- - " white. Several litters of lusty pigs IV. A bring out admiring eomnjent. A pair .CHESTER Ill PIN Jiorth Stonington turned out en to greet the visitor. Here the West- of goats completes the livestock ex- Choose this route next time you jr triaiwe om Wednesday for th eeoivd erly Furniture company had a ten dis- hibit. ...... to Xe. Y.wk. Vou'll iia.ve..a delightful oiinal fair of the North Stonington playing stoves, graphophones and fur- The grounds..,'..are well looked after by voyage on Lonj? Island Sound and rranee, incorporated. Aided by the niture- next was the tent of. the H. J. Edwin Thompson, who is in charge superb view of the wonderful sky iinn iinmbcr who were on hand from Nor B. Gavitt company of Westerly, of the rental; printing and publishing and., water front ot Hhattan Island. ing and g'ving prury, Steamer leaves New Ixmaon at 11 p. "lea. Westerly, Pawcatuek,, ad the ptoves and furniture are looked after by Rev. Iucian m. week days only,- due New York, 3?ier country round about, attendance rec- souvenirs and a. free lunch, while the C A. Snyder is chairtnan of the finance 70, 6.45, A. D. Bast River, at and Pier 40. ords for the fair were smashed, and fife and drum corps played. committee,' George F. Coats of the North River. 7 o'clock next morning. by nisrhtfall it was reported that close AHner of Westerly showed Perfection auditing committee, and the marshals t 2. people on flour in a decorated booth. are Wilbur S. Main and E. NEWL0ND0N had been .the. - Charles' grounds during the day. Pets. Hillard. - ,. o With the big crowd, there, was a Poultry and Louis W. Arnold, Jr., was on the $l-s- growth h!ko in at- Across. the way from the mercantile grounds during day, NEW YORK the exfiiuits and pet collec- the distributing tractions which the fair had to offer. people was the poultry and sample copies of Hill and Dale, ss tion, where many pretty and interest- - ; Write or. telephone W. J. Phillips, dfinonMtratinjf tile satisfaction of paper. Agent, New Ijondon. , of ing specimens of chickens, turkeys, Conn for state- those who had iit such an amount Baby Show Today. rooms and information. Jy31d hard work into it that the grange fair, geese, ducks, rabbits, cats, dogs, pig- although an infant industry, .was a eons and guinea pigs were shown. Xo What promises to be the big event section off the fair, for today is the baby show, for which lusty infant, thut has a growing fu- visitor misses this nearly ture. About three times the tent room which is in charge of Raymond Brown. thirty entries were received on Wednesday. The youngest was 2 1- -2 as used this year as last and the' ., .. Grains and Vegetables. number of exhibitors and quality of months, the oldest 23 months, and the The two- - big tents on the grounds babies will be on exhibition for an Hew York exhibits tiuide a Kooil advance over exhibit of grains hour in n year a so . are devoted to the the afternoon. There is also Officers in Charge. t and ve getables in one of them and the to he a programme of athletic events, domestic articles, line arts, and school and the awards on cattle and a num- CHELSEA LINE Havln a general oversight and di- exhibits ;n the other. In charge of the ber of other classes of exhibits are to rection of the fair were the officers of grain and vegetables was Allen A. be made. the association, who ate the following: Coates. chairman, and the notable ex- John f. Avery, president; Charles X. hibits were by Farmholme, Stonington, THE PRIZE AWARDS. Fare St.00 Kroviri. .ice president: t'. P. Kendall, which occupied the center of the tent freight and passenger service 9 direct to . ecretary: "a!vin A. Snyder, treasurer. with a finely arranged display,' Lafay- The following were prize awards and from New York. For ail of the urom iMorwici, Tuesdays, Thurs- the varied details the fair ette K. Main with a wide variety of announced on the first da of the fair: days, Sundays, at 5.15 p. m. there wre active committees appoint- vegetable Rnd fruit, E. B. Bueklin, Eggs, Butter, Cake, Honey. New York, Pier 22. East River, ed and th" result f their efficient work .Mystic, with 25 varieties of apples, all foot Roosevelt Street. Mondavs, seen in a dozen which dot- Egg's T. D. Avery, first; Lafayette Wednesdays, 5 p. "m. wrs tents handsome fruit. - Fridays,at ted the around, and the exhibits of Main, second. Freight received until 5 p. m. utle. horses and other farm crea- ' Fruits and Flowers. Honey George A. Champlin, first. ' ' F.- - V. KNOiUSE, Agent. tures w nich were ransed about the In the other big tent fruits and flow- Butter Mrs. , Daniel Gray, first; grounds. ers are shown under the direction of Mrs. Irving Eccleston, second. Jimrdinr the Kate and taking the Chairman Charles E. Chapman, there Cream Mrs. J. D. Avery. tickets were Amos .Miner. (Sxorce F. is bread, cake, honey, handsome jelly . Angel cake, 'Mrs. Daniel Gray: layer Coats. Charles Millard and Allan York, and preserved fruit which excite the cake, Mrs. Dwight Bromley first, Mrs. ho worked in relays. A section of admiration of the housewives, displays E. Babcock second, Mrs. George A. Low Rate Excursions the Westerly band liUcourspd all the of rugs, drawn work, sofa pillows, these Champlin third; loafcake, Mrs Albert To pnoular airs from the bandstand, and being undetvthe direction of Miss An- Hillard first, Mrs J. D. Avery second, whiie tltfv were inking' breathing nie M. Maine, chairman for domestic Mrs.' Kiizabelh Thompson third; nut- - epeli. the fife and drum corps in front articles, School exhibits, for which cake. Mrs. Snyder: fruit cake, Mrs. i BERMUDA An Ideal Sea Trip to the Most Ieliehtfnl of the H. B. Gaviit company tent tilled Theodore W. King is chairman, show Kesort la the World; tool and HealthfnU in. playground movement and some nuts, Mrs. J. D. Averyj "bakery, Vin- Every outdoor recreation, excellent sea balk-lu- g, the fishing:, Advertisers' Row. school work and in the fine arta divis- cent. boatine. tennis, goil, cycling, &c. Mrs. Snyder; pie. Ed- 1,500 Mile Snoerb Ocean Voyage Bt ion, where F. Stewart Green Is chair- Pie. milk Mrs. THE MAGNIFICENT, TWIN-SCRE- Advertisers' row was almost the first pic- Sny- FAST. man, there is a fine display of win White, 2d; apple pie, Mrs. Transatlantic Liner tures from Ye Hollie Studio, Westerly. der. - , "OCEANA" c.ne corner of the tent, Brown & Bread and Canned Goods. 14.000 Tons Displacement: 535 ft. Lonsr. At I.arffest, Fastest, ?ost Luxurious arid Onlv Exclu- INSTANT RELIEF Stone, Westerly, agents for the Rogers Brown bread,, Mrs. Elizabeth Thomp- sively First-Cla- Passenger Steamer to Bermuda. paints and varnishes, have a well ar- son first, Sirs. Edwin White second; o Cattle or freight carried on the "Oceana, j ranged display of their wares. bmcuit,. Dwight Bromley FIRST-CLAS- S ROUND TRIP, in- - CnT FOR SORE FEET raised Mrs. riudlne stateroom berth fc meals. frfcHI the' Midway. first, Mrs. Snyder second and third; " Hi Along ' Best cuisine on the Atlantic. B vr . of dis- graham bread. Mis. P. J. Butten; first. first. ''..; honors can be shown without danger Electrtcfans In every room. Many j Alon? a miniature midway are W'ish-ingto- n suites-de-lu- rJ a cream, wheat bread, Ella Palmer first, Mrs. P. Guinea Pigs. Single draft horse R B. Wheeler inviting political discussion. rooms, with brass beds; with priv-at- Sere Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen tributed the booths for ice first, Clifford Campbell second. Star. ' baths; ticest promenade deck in the world. Orches- candy and popcorn, soft drinks, and J. Butten second, Mrs. C. Snyder Abyssinian Oliver Dennison tra, Promenade Dances, Gymnasium, Wireless Pair year A Only Bermuda-steame- Feet Cured Every Time. TIZ Makes such games as hit the babies, rihg the third. first. Three old colt stallion Orrin , with submarine sirnalal Sort Feet Well No Matter a big Jelly C. Snyder first. Mrs. C. Main first. ' WATERBURY TEACHER, 'ncludimc Shore Excursions. prizes and others. In tent at the Mann Waukeya Pair English Oliver Dennison first. Driving stallion L. A. 'Chapman TOU Hotels. c, at Lowest Ratesl What Ails Them. end of the line. C. X. Brown, who is second. farm third. Beautiful booklet. Itinerary. Tickets, etc of on catering, did a rushing Canned fruit Mrs. Snyder first, Mrs. Rabbits. first. Bermuda-Atlanti- c Line, 290 B'way, N. y chairman Wriggs second, Miss Martha Rogers Litter English Miss Dade Lewis Four year old colt Herbert G. Lee Resigns to Become a Sister of" Mercv.
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    WellBeing International WBI Studies Repository 2011 Humane Cat Population Management Guidance International Companion Animal Management Coalition Follow this and additional works at: https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/strfapop Part of the Animal Studies Commons, Nature and Society Relations Commons, and the Population Biology Commons Recommended Citation International Companion Animal Management Coalition, "Humane Cat Population Management Guidance" (2011). Stray and Feral Animal Populations Collection. 1. https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/strfapop/1 This material is brought to you for free and open access by WellBeing International. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator of the WBI Studies Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HUMANE CAT POPULATION MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE International Companion Animal Management Coalition Executive summary The International Companion Animal Management A The initial data collection and assessment: understanding Coalition has produced this document to provide the problem you are facing by asking the right questions, government bodies and non-governmental finding out the relevant information and involving everyone organisations with a detailed resource to support who needs to be involved. them in their development and implementation of effective and humane programmes to manage B Analysing and interpreting assessment data with cat populations. consideration of the influential factors in cat population management: what influences the size and make-up of Over thousands of years, the relationship between cats and the cat population and people’s desire to control that humans has evolved, with an estimated 500 million cats population? living throughout the world today. The size and make-up of individual cat populations can vary significantly, as can the C The components of a comprehensive cat population circumstances and environments in which they are found.
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