
HOTEL MONTECHORO Rua Alexandre O’Neill Albufeira, Portugal




Page nr. 1. Welcome speech of the President 2. Roll call of the Delegates 3. Election of two Scrutineers and three Supervisors for the Minutes of the GA 2007 4. Drafting of the Minutes 5. Approval of the Agenda – request ZFDS (SI)……………………………………………………………1

6. Ratifications a) Ratification of the appointment of a Probational Member…………………………………….……….. 2-3 From 13.09.2006 until the General Assembly 2007 b) Ratification of cooption of two Members to the Judges and Standard …………………………………..4 Commission from 15.11.2006 until the General Assembly 2007 7. Approval of the Minutes of the General Assembly 2006 in Rome 8. Report of the President ………………………………………………………………………………….….5 9. Report of the General Secretary ………………………………………………………………….……….6 10. Report of the Treasurer …………………………………………………..………………..……7-18 11. Report of the two Auditors (issued at the meeting) 12. Discussion on the reports of the Treasurer and the two Auditors 13. Discharge of responsibility: a) Of the Executive Board b) Of the Treasurer 14. Reports of the Commissions: a) Disciplinary Commission (issued at the meeting) b) Health & Welfare Commission …………………………………………………………………………...…19 c) Judges and Standard Commission ……………………………………………………………………...…20 d) LO Commission ………………………………………………………………………………………….…...21 e) Show Commission …………………………………………………………………………………….……..22 15. Elections: Members, who supported candidates, appear below or behind their names: a) Election of a President for a period of three years.

Mrs Annette Sjödin (SE) is proposed for this function by: SVERAK (SE), ÖVEK (AT), NFFe (BU), ČSCH (CZ), AMIL (IL), NRR (NO), CPF (PT), ARCCA (RU), ZFDS (SI), SZCH (SK) and the Board b) Election of a General Secretary for a period of three years. Mr Eric Reijers (CZ) is proposed for this function by: ČSCH (CZ), ÖVEK (AT), NFFe (BU), AMIL (IL), NRR (NO), CPF (PT), ARCCA (RU), SVERAK (SE), ZFDS (SI), SZCH (SK) and the Board

FIFe: Agenda GA Albufeira, 24+25 May 2007 i


c) Election of five (5) Members of the Disciplinary Commission for three (3) years Candidates in alphabetical order: • Mr Hans Lindberg (SE) is proposed for this function by: SVERAK (SE), ÖVEK (AT), ČSCH (CZ), NRR (NO), CPF (PT) • Mr Bohumír Mahelka (CZ) is proposed for this function by: ČSCH (CZ), ÖVEK (AT), NFFe (BU), NRR (NO), CPF (PT), SVERAK (SE), SZCH (SK) • Mrs Eva Minde (NO) is proposed for this function by: NRR (NO), ÖVEK (AT), ČSCH (CZ), CPF (PT) and SVERAK (SE) • Mrs Anne Paloluoma-Sundholm (FI) is proposed for this function by: SRK (FI), Mundikat (NL), SVERAK (SE) • Mrs Marie-France Pohl (LU) is proposed for this function by: FFL - LCC (LU), FFH (CH), Aristocat (LI), CPF (PT) • Mr Herbert Steinhauser (AT-ÖVEK) is proposed for this function by: ÖVEK (AT), NFFe (BU), ČSCH (CZ), NRR (NO), CPF (PT), SVERAK (SE), SZCH (SK) d) Election of six (6) Members of the Judges & Standard Commission for (3) three years Candidates in alphabetical order: • Mrs Thea Friškovec - categories III+IV (SI) is proposed for this function by: ZFDS (SI), ÖVEK (AT), NFFe (BU), ČSCH (CZ), AMIL(IL), CPF (PT), SVERAK (SE), SZCH (SK) • Mrs Satu Hämäläinen - All Breed (FI) is proposed for this function by: SRK (FI), CPF (PT), • Mr Steven Jones - categories II+III (NO) is proposed for this function by: NRR (NO) • Mrs Miriam Klein Gasbarri - categories I+II (IT) is proposed for this function by: ANFI (IT), ČSCH (CZ), CPF (PT), SVERAK (SE) • Mrs Donatella Mastrangelo - categories III-IV (IT) is proposed for this function by: SZCH (SK) • Mrs Nurit Pahl - All Breed (AT-ÖVEK) is proposed for this function by: ÖVEK (AT), AMIL (IL), NFFe (BU), SVERAK (SE) • Mr Martti Peltonen - categories III+IV (SE) is proposed for this function by: SVERAK (SE), FFH (CH), Kynjakettír (IS), Mundikat (NL), • Mrs Eva Porat - categories I+II (SE) is proposed for this function by: SVERAK (SE) • Mrs Eva Wiéland-Schilla - categories I, III + IV (CH) is proposed for this function by: FFH (CH), NFFe (BU), ČSCH (CZ), SFDH (HR), CPF (PT), SZCH (SK), SVERAK (SE), e) Election of three (3) Members of the LO Commission for (3) three years Candidates in alphabetical order: • Mr Ole Amstrup (DK) is proposed for this function by: FD (DK), CPF (PT) • Mr José Carlos Gomez (PT) is proposed for this function by: CPF (PT) • Mr Ole-Magne Grytvik (NO) is proposed for this function by: NRR (NO), ÖVEK (AT), ČSCH (CZ), CPF (PT) SVERAK (SE),SZCH (SK) • Mrs Sona Ivanková (SK) is proposed for this function by: SZCH(SK), ÖVEK (AT), ČSCH (CZ) • Mr Rafael Lewandowski (PL) is proposed for this function by: UFU (UA) f) Election of five (5) Members of the Show Commission for (3) three years Candidates in alphabetical order: • Mrs Laura Burani (NO) is proposed for this function by: NRR (NO), NFFe (BU), SZCH (SK) • Mrs Britta Busse (DE) is proposed for this function by: Mundikat (NL), SVERAK (SE) • Mr Albert-Wojciech Kurkowski (PL) is proposed for this function by: SVERAK (SE), NFFe (BU), ČSCH (CZ), AMIL (IL), Kynjakketír (IS), CPF (PT), SZCH (SK), UFU (UA) • Mr João Noronha Carvalho da Silva (PT) is proposed for this function by: CPF (PT), ČSCH (CZ), SVERAK (SE), SZCH (SK) • Mrs Lena Preissler (IL) is proposed for this function by: AMIL (IL), ČSCH (CZ), CPF (PT) • Mr Charles Spijker (NL) is proposed for this function by: Felikat (NL), Mundikat (NL), CPF (PT), SVERAK (SE) • Mr Alfred Wittich (CH) is proposed for this function by: FFH (CH), SFDH (HR), Aristocat (LI), FFL-LCC (LU)

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Page nr. g) Election of two (2) Auditors and two (2) Assistant Auditors for two (2) years

Candidates in alphabetical order: • Mrs Laura Burani (NO) is proposed for this function by: NRR (NO) • Mrs Paula v/d Wijngaart (NL) is proposed for this function by: Mundikat (NL), ČSCH (CZ), CPF (PT), SVERAK (SE) • Mr Michael Wirth Färdigh (SE) is proposed for this function by: SVERAK (SE), ÖVEK (AT), Mundikat (NL), ČSCH (CZ), CPF (PT),

16. Financial Matters a) Determination of fees - 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2008 ………………………………………………………. 17 b) Determination of the monthly allowance General Secretary - 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2008….………….18

17. Presentation of the Budget for the year 2008; discussion and voting …………………………...18

18. Reports on members under Patronage (no voting)………………………………….……….…. 23-27 a) Colombia (CO) – ACFEC Mentor CPF (PT) ……………….....….23 b) Hungary (HU) – MME - Felis Hungarica Mentor ZFDS (SI) …………………….24 c) Indonesia (ID) – ICA Mentor FFH (CH) …………………….25 d) Poland (PL) – FPL - Felis Polonia Mentor SVERAK (SE) ……………….26 e) Romania (RO) – AFS – Felis Romania Mentor ČSCH (CZ) …………...……...27

19. Proposals to continue patronage membership for 1 year (absolute/simple majority) a) Hungary (HU) – MME - Felis Hungarica Mentor ZFDS (SI) ……………...….....28

20. Application for full membership (qualified-3/4 majority) a) Indonesia – Indonesian Association (ICA), submitted by the Mentor FFH (CH), p.25……..…….29 b) Poland – PFF Felis Polonia (FPL), submitted by the Mentor SVERAK (SE), p. 26 …………….…...30 c) Romania – FAF-Felis Romania (FR), submitted by the Mentor ČSCH (CZ), p.27.….…………….….31

21. Other Proposals a) Proposals regarding the Statutes - (qualified-3/4 majority) pages 32-36

• From the Board , re. Art.: 2.6, 2.7, 4.2, 5.1, 5.5, 6.1, 6.2 and 7.1 ……….32-33 • From Mundikat (NL), re. Art.: 4.5 ……………….……………….…………………..34 • From FFH (CH), re. Art.: 6.1 ……………….……………….…………………..35 • From ZFDS (SI), re. Art.: 6.2 ……………….……………….…………………..36 b) Proposals regarding the General Rules pages 37-39

• From the Board, re. Art.: 8 ……………….……………….………………….....37 • From 1.DEKZV e.V. (DE), re.: New Rule….…….……………….…………………..38 • From 1.DEKZV e.V. (DE), re.: New Rule….…….……………….…………………..39 c) Proposals regarding the Rules for Judges, Student Judges and Stewards pages 40-45

• From the Judges & Standard C. re. Art.: 2.10,, 5.1.7, 5.1.10,………..40-41 • From SVERAK (SE), re. Art.: 2.10….………….……………….……………….…..42 • From Mundikat (NL), re. Art.: 5.1.11…...……….……………….…………………..43 • From SRK (FI), re. Art.: 5.2.4…………….…………………………………....44 • From AFA (AR), re.: New Rule …….……………….………………….... 45 d) Proposals regarding the Show Rules pages 46-58

• From the Show C. re. Art.: 1.4, 1.4b, 1.5, 1.8.f-h, 1.10b-c, 1.10h.b, 1.13….…46 1.16, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.10k, 4.8, 5.5 ………..…….…47 5.5, 1.10a, 6.1a 6.9, Annex 1, 5, 11…………...….48 • From the Health & Welfare C. re. Art.: 1.8.c.………….……………….…………………...... 49

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Page nr.

Proposals regarding the Show Rules (continued)

• From NFFe (BU), re. Art.: 1.10, 4.16, 6.5, 8.2…………….………………..50-51 • From Aristocat (LI), re. Art.: 1.11, 6.1…..…….……………….……………….….52 • From KKÖ (AT), re. Art.: 3.4, 3.9, ...……….……………….………………….53 • From FFL, Lux Cat Club (LU), re. Art.: 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, Annex 1, 5……………………... 54 • From ANFI (IT), re. Art.: 4.14………….……………….……………………... 55 • From ZFDS (SI), re. Art.: 6.9 ...……….……………….………………………..56 • From AMIL (IL), re.: Annex 12...….……………….……………………... 57 • From MFF (MT), re.: New Annex……………………..…………………....58 e) Proposals regarding the Breeding and Registration Rules pages 59-63

• From the LO Commission, re. Art.: General,, 4.6.3, 5.1, new Annex III…..59-64 • From Mundikat (NL), re. Art.: 2.4..….………….……………….……………….…..61 • From 1.DEKZV e.V. (DE), re. Art.: 2.6.3….....……….……………….…………………..62 • From SRK (FI), re. Art.:….……….…………………………………....63 • From FB (GB), re.: New Rule…….……………….………………..….....64 f) Proposals regarding the Standard pages 65-76

• From the Judges & Standard C. re.: Gen.Part-3.10, Tabby var. Standard KOR.…..65-66 • From KKÖ (AT), re.: General Part new item………….…………see p. 52 • From FFH (CH), re.: Category II – group ….…….………………67-68 • From ČSCH (CZ), re.: Category II – group cats….…….…………………..69 • From ÖVEK (AT), re. : Standard SBI………………….………………....70-71 • From FB (GB), re.: Standard DSP, PEB, SPH………..……………..... 72 • From AMIL (IL), re.: Standard DSP, PEB, SPH………..……………..... 73 • From ANFI (IT), re.: Standard DSP, PEB, SPH………..……………..... 74 • From ZFDS (SI), re.: Standard DSP, PEB, SPH………..……………..... 75 • From ARCCA (RU), re.: Standard KBL/KBS………………..……………..... 76 g) Proposals regarding the Rules for Cattery Names page 77

• From FFH (CH), re.: New article 9………….….…….……………………77

22. Information on the (WCC) 23. Miscellaneous 24. Close of the General Assembly

By order of the Board,

Annette Sjödin - President Eric Reijers - General Secretary

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Feline federation of Slovenia Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27, [email protected]

Celje, 24th February 2007

Dear FIFe Board,

We would like to deal with our proposal, ZFDS Proposal No. 1 to GA 2007, prior to the elections. Therefore, we kindly request you, to present this letter to the General Assembly during the agenda item 5 (Approval of The Agenda), so the delegates can deal with our proposal No. 1 before the elections.

Thank you in advance,

sincerely yours,


Marko Rumpf, ZFDS Secretary

Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija, [email protected] tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 1/77 „F e l i s H u n g a r i a ” Levendula u. 37, HU-2089 Telki

To the Board of the Fédération Internationale Féline - FIFE Mr Eric Reijers - General Secretary Telki, 12.06.2006

Dear Mr Reijers,

We politely request you to consider us, MME “Felis Hungaria” as a FIFe member under patronage for our country Hungary. We are aware that this can only be granted until the next FIFe General Assembly 2007 where we will formally apply as a patronage member and will hopefully be accepted by the delegates. We are very happy and proud that the Slovenian FIFe Member ZFDS has agreed to function as our Mentor, and we send you their letter of agreement in a separate letter.

Since at the last FIFe GA, the former Hungarian FIFe member MMOE, has been permanently expelled, we feel the need even greater than ever to have a new Hungarian FIFe club, and we hope you will allow us to fill up this enormous gap in our cat-fancy. We do know that the Hungarian FIFe breeders, for whom international reputation, approval and the participation in the FIFe World Show are of great importance, can of course, if they could afford and wish this, become members in one of FIFE’s foreign country Members. The remaining cat lovers are however waiting. Waiting for a new Feline Association to be established in Hungary, a REAL society organising exhibitions, registering cats and being last but not least a member of an internationally operating organisation, like FIFe. Weekly, even daily we receive emails and phone calls, sometimes every day during the whole day. Ex members, new and young breeders and cat owners keep contacting us asking whether there will be a new Feline Association, an exhibition and if so, when... That is why, on the 1st of November 2005 we founded “Felis Hungaria”- MME, The Society of Hungarian Cat Lovers. We were registered by the County Court of Pest under the registration number TE 4437 on the basis of the court decision No. 4.PK60.460/2005/2.

Our aims: To breed pedigreed cats, to support animal protection, to qualify members appropriately, to develop their knowledge and to represent their interests, to make contact to domestic and foreign organisations with similar objectives.

Purpose activity: Organisation of domestic and international cat exhibitions and other related events. Organisation of a series of club events, giving lectures, legal protection and safeguarding of interests, cat registration, filing and all filing-related activities, participation in the events organised by other associations, newspaper publishing. The board operates in the form of a three-person-commission made up by the president, the vice president and a board member. Only members of our association can become a board member. President: Mrs Judit Tóth (Mrs.) ( H-2089 Telki Levendula u. 37. [email protected] Alba Regia Burmese Cattery) Vice President: Mrs Petra Polgár (Mrs.) ( H-1133 Budapest Ipoly u. 5/f registration official in charge MikkaMakka Cattery Board member: Mrs Éva Németh (Mrs.)( 2030 Érd Tulipán u. 28., international FIFE judge category I Lux De Charme Cattery

When compiling our regulations we followed the directives of FIFE, which were recorded in our statute as follows: a) Members may not harm the credibility of other members. Their fair behaviour is required during events and elsewhere. b) It is strictly forbidden to abuse registers, certificates of origins or other kinds of documents. c) A civilised way of keeping cats and other pets is required from members. d) Businesslike cat breeding and trading is strictly forbidden. This refers to both self-bred and elsewhere purchased animals. Members are not even allowed to occasionally sell pets to wholesalers and resellers and to become a member of other organisations involved in cattle trade. e) All kinds of cruelty to animals is forbidden. f) Functionaries shall not abuse their function.

“Felis Hungaria” - MME also solemnly declares to unconditionally acknowledge the FIFe Statutes and Rules. Our Statutes were compiled by the lawyer and consultant of our association, Dr. Anikó Pozsonyi (Mrs.), who is also a member. We will gladly provide you with the members' list upon request, which includes famous old and new breeders and cat owners Moreover, the two former legal presidents of the MMOE, Mr László Németh (Okonor cattery) and Mr István Farkas ( Pom-Pom cattery) have both assured us of their support. Our association will only start operating officially if FIFE accepts us as a probational Hungarian FIFe member. We are very proud and extremely happy that ZFDS has agreed to be our Mentor and we hope from all our hearts that the FIFe Board will give us the chance to revive FIFe in Hungary: after all, Hungary had been a FIFe member for over 25 years and we would like to continue and approve this FIFe membership. We are eagerly awaiting your reply.

Yours sincerely, Judit Tóth - President of MME

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MME “Felis Hungaria” Attn. of Mrs. Judit Tóth - President Levendula u. 37 HU-2089 Telki Hungary

Concerns: Patronage request Brno, 13.09.2006

Dear Mrs. Tóth,

The Board of FIFe has considered your request to become the probational Member of FIFe in Hungary under the mentorship of our FIFe Member in Slovenia, ZFDS.

It is our pleasure to inform you that the Board has decided to grant your request, and you are hereby appointed as a probational Member of FIFe until the next FIFe General Assembly 2007, where this appointment must be ratified. This General Assembly will be held in Albufeira, Portugal.

As of today, the MME “Felis Hungaria“ is the only feline Association in Hungary that has the privilege and right to:

1. Use the FIFe logo 2. Issue FIFe registrations (LO and RIEX) for its members 3. Organise FIFe shows and put shows on the FIFe show calendar 4. Represent FIFe in Hungary

Furthermore, you have the same rights and privileges as all other FIFe members, with the exception of the right to vote at the FIFe General Assembly.

We wish to extend our best wishes to you and all your members and hope for a fruitful and constructive cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Annette Sjödin Eric Reijers President General Secretary

FIFe Secretariat - Eric Reijers Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Jehnická 11, CZ-62100 Brno Czech Republic 23, avenue Monterey, LU-2163 Luxembourg Tel.: +420.541228449, Fax: +420.541227824 Account.no.: 6-127/0643/691 Email:FIFe [email protected] - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 BIC-code: BILLLULL 3/77 FIFe homepage: http://www.fifeweb.org Iban no.: LU190026127064369100


To the Members of the FIFe Judges and Standard Commission

Brno, 15th November 2006

Concerns: appointment of two Members in the FIFe Judge and Standard Commission

Dear JSC Members, dear Eva, Thea, Satu and Fabrice,

At the last FIFe GA 2006 in Rome, various delegates expressed their discontent with the fact that the Board had not put up candidacies for vacancies in the JS and the Disciplinary Commissions. In a related discussion, the Board explained their reasons and also the fact it cannot possibly co-opt or appoint any additional member to the Disciplinary Commission, which must be a completely independent, controlling organ of FIFe, and the Board was duly discharged of its responsibility by the GA.

In the months to follow the GA, two more resignations in the JS and LO Commissions occurred; no matter how much we sympathised and understood the reasons for this, a problem occurred.

At its last meeting the Board discussed the situation in these Commissions: the JS, which now functions with 4 and the LO with 2, instead of the Statutory requirement of 6 and 3 Members. The Board felt it was not fair that the work of these Commissions should now be done by fewer members, thus unduly increasing the workload of various individuals.

Fortunately, Mr Ole M. Grytvik has agreed to come back to the LO Commission, so the vacancy there is filled.

For the JS Commission the Board decided to ask two well-respected judges colleagues, if they would consider a co-option/appointment in the JSC, and we were happy to get a favourable reply.

Thus the Board now informs you all, and thought it better to write to each of you personally, that it has decided to co-opted, as from today until the next GA 2007 in Albufeira, where this appointment needs to be ratified, the ladies: - Mrs Miriam Klein-Gasbarri (IT) Int. judge for cat. I and II - Mrs Nurit Pahl (AT-ÖVEK) Int. All-Breed Judge

We trust to have acted in the best interest of FIFe and its Members, wish both Miriam and Nurit and the whole new JSC success with their work!

Best regards,

Annette Sjödin – FIFe President Eric Reijers – FIFe General Secretary

CC: ANFI, ÖVEK, FIFe Board, LO Commission, Miriam Klein-Gasbarri and Nurit Pahl

FIFe Secretariat - Eric Reijers Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Jehnická 11, CZ-62100 Brno Czech Republic 23, avenue Monterey, LU-2163 Luxembourg Tel.: +420.541228449, Fax: +420.541227824 Account.no.: 6-127/0643/691 Email:FIFe [email protected] - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 BIC-code: BILLLULL 4/77 FIFe homepage: http://www.fifeweb.org Iban no.: LU190026127064369100


Dear Delegates and advisors Madame Honorary President Ladies and gentlemen

To this General Assembly the board has decided to present an annual report for the term of office (May 2006 until May 2007); the board worked and took all decisions together and with that we think that the report should reflect the work of the board as a group

This report consists of General part (president) Secretarial part (general secretary) Financial part (treasurer) To this also the reports of the commissions should be attached, to enable to provide comprehensive information about the work within the FIFe board and commissions.

During the last year the FIFe has had an application from a new Hungarian federation for membership, this application was preliminary approved by the board and is presented in the Agenda before you for ratification. The FIFe member in Serbia has had several problems with pseudo-groups claiming to be the FIFe member; the board worked together with the Disciplinary commission and we hope to have solved these problems. The main purpose has been to maintain FIFe in Serbia and for FIFe to be present in Hungary again.

FIFe has participated in the World Cat Congress meeting, held in Dortmund Germany – hosted by WCF in March 2007. The whole FIFe board was present and besides other meetings we also had the possibility to hold a FIFe board meeting.

The board decided to co-opt two members for the JSC, reason; the workload of the commission and the indications that were given at the last General Assembly.

The co-operation with the commissions has been positive and in a good mood, even if there have been a few communication problems with some individual members and because of these problems one member of the JSC decided to resign, just two months ago.

Once again I would like to ask you about statistic information from the FIFe members, there is no possibility to inform about FIFe or to present FIFe when we do not know how many individual members FIFe represents, how many pedigrees and registrations are issued, how many cats are exhibited etc. We claim to be the largest organisation in the world, and we are, but it is not easy to prove this without hard figures.

The FIFe web-site is up to date and developing all the time, Just to give you an idea about the interest in the FIFe web-site; in January 2007, 14.297 visitors made 22.419 visits to the site and viewed 85.719 pages!

The FIFe World Show was organised by the FIFe member Mundikat, in the Netherlands and the show was a success for FIFe as an International federation. I was not able to participate; nevertheless I would like to express my sincere congratulations to Mundikat for an excellent show.

The work in the board will be referred to in the report from the General Secretary.

Once again I would like to thank the FIFe members for all support that I feel the board and I have had during the last year – and from my heart I thank all of you and my fellow board members; Eric, Leo, Dietmar, Dorte and Christel.

Torslanda, April 2007, Annette Sjödin, FIFe President

FIFe President - Annette Sjödin Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Flyghamsvägen 20, SE-42338 Torslanda, Sweden 23, avenue Monterey, LU-2163 Luxembourg Tel.: +46.31.921095, Fax: +46.31.921096 Account.no.: 6-127/0643/691 Email:FIFe [email protected] - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 BIC-code: BILLLULL 5/77 FIFe homepage: http://www.fifeweb.org Iban no.: LU190026127064369100 Report general secretary will be here

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Dear Delegates, Members, ladies and gentlemen.

You have all received the figures for the year 2006; please allow me to single out a few of them.

On the income side the amount received for cattery names, rosettes and International shows were higher than in de budget.

On the expenditure side, the total costs for the General Assembly including the seminar were within budget. The total costs for administration are € 3.800 lower than the year before.

The largest amounts are still telephone and fax-costs, but already € 2.000 lower than in 2005. We continue to try to decrease these amounts.

The renewed website including the data base driven show-calendar was € 2.000 more than foreseen in the budget. For the next years we intend to spend some money for further development of the site, regarding the Members and Judges.

The costs of board meetings were quite low again. As you can see, we do try to keep costs as low as possible.

The costs of all commissions were within budget; 80 % of these were spent during the actual GA. We also spent money, on behalf of the Judges & Standard Commission, on translations regarding the preliminary student judges’ questionnaires and the questionnaires for the judges’ exams. I would like to thank those 3 people very much.

In January 2007, we were faced with a request to pay for time and effort spent as a commission member at the GA Seminar in May 2005 and 2006. We, of course, could not honour such a request. We repeat: all payment requests must come in on time.

In 2006 the profit was € 8.361, which is € 4.000 higher than it was in 2005. There is no reason to change the fees and dues for the budget of 2008.

I would also like to thank our members, especially those who helped us to hold our board meetings and of course the commission meetings.

Leo van de Haterd, Treasurer Hoorn April 2007

FIFe Treasurer - L.B. van de Haterd Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands 23, avenue Monterey, LU-2163 Luxemburg Tel.: 31 229 232116, Fax: +31 229 235805 Account.no.: 6-127/0643/691 Email:FIFe [email protected] - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 BIC-code: B7/77ILLLULL FIFe homepage: http://www.fifeweb.org Iban no.: LU190026127064369100 FINANCIAL REPORT 2006


FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 8/77 FINANCIAL REPORT 2006 31-12-2006 Page 1 Information

Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands


31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 ACTIVE Fixed assets 3.372 0 4.535 1.152 Stock in hand 3.500 3.100 6.005 8.000 Amounts receivable 37.720 37.368 37.783 40.348 Payments in advance 1.911 3.632 519 5.850 Jubilee Book 00 0 Current accounts 2003 2004 2005 2006 Bank Luxembourg 52.215,01 66.832,00 79.660,00 68.442,48 Cash money 2.666,00 125,00 71,00 -860,93 TOTAL 54.881,01 66.957,00 79.731,00 67.581,55 54.881 66.957 79.731 67.582 101.384 111.057 128.573 122.932

PASSIVE Trade debs Suppliers 965 5.672 18.300 4.428 Receipts in advance 845 65 835 705 Result Balance 2003 2004 2005 2006 99.574 105.320 109.438 117.799 99.574 105.320 109.438 117.799 Result 2003 271 Result 2004 5.746 Result 2005 4.118 Result 2006 8.361 101.384 111.057 128.573 122.932

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

FIXED ASSETS 31-12-2006 Value Depreciation Value Year Value 1-1-2006 31-12-2006 1-1-2007 2005 PC-Laptop (treasurer) 1.399 700 700 0 2005 Beamer 1.665 835 835 0 2005 PC-Laptop (secetariaat) 1.070 535 535 0 2005 Buro (secretariaat) 780 390 390 0 2005 PC (president) 1.725 865 865 0 2005 Printer (president) 220 110 110 0 2005 PC (vice-president) 999 500 500 0 2005 PC (vice-secretair) 1.175 600 600 0 2006 Printer (secretariaat) 320 0 160 160 2006 Printer/Fax/Copier Color (treasurer) 594 0 297 297 2006 Computer Apple Catterynames 1.385 0 690 695 11.332 4.535 5.682 1.152

ADVANCE PAYMENTS 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Boardmembers 1.911 3.632 49 Commissionmembers 850 GA 2006 / 2007 470 5.000 1.911 3.632 519 5.850

CREDITORS 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Boardmembers 965 1.600 565 152 Health & Welfare Fund 0 0 10.000 0 Invoices still to pay.(Commissionmembers) 0 1.072 840 4.276 Seminar 0 0 1.645 0 Website 3.000 5.250 0 965 5.672 18.300 4.428

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

ADVANCE RECEIPTS 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Judge's Fees 325 65 835 705 Membership 0 Paid Invoices 520 0 845 65 835 705

STOCK IN HAND 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Binders 1.000 0 0 0 Rosettes 1.500 3.100 6.005 8.000 Judges Badges 1.000 0 0 0 3.500 3.100 6.005 8.000

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

DEPRECIATION 2003 2004 2005 2006 Fixed Assets 4.740 3.799 4.535 5.682 Red/blue/White Binders 3.937 2.138 0 0 Rosettes 00 00 Argentina decision GA 2003 3.000 0 0 0 Hungarian MMOE (GA 2004) 1.805 0 0 0 England CA (GA 2004) 1.800 0 0 0 Pins 1.000 0 1.294 Software 882 0 Total 15.282 5.937 4.535 6.976

PROFIT & LOSS (A) INCOME 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 Budget 31-12-2006 Membership 13.125 12.945 13.125 13.300 13.125 International Show Fee 76.705 81.586 87.840 84.000 86.180 National Show Fee 240 360 660 400 660 Examination 2.270 3.235 2.400 3.000 1.500 Judges Fees 12.348 12.220 12.480 12.000 12.480 Cattery Names 29.080 32.480 35.480 32.000 36.630 Rosettes 4.495 4.515 6.414 5.000 6.834 Interest 579 563 763 0 1.131 Breed counsils 3.210 110 2.590 0 610 Reservation 6.000 0 0 Miscellaneous (Fifestand, Blue Binders, Standards, Jub books, C&P) 3.701 9.094 4.841 6.000 3.030

151.753 157.108 166.593 155.700 162.180

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

PROFIT & LOSS (B) EXPENDITURE 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 Budget 31-12-2006 General Assembly 26.869 27.820 22.707 30.000 27.384 General Assembly Seminar 8.205 5.549 6.490 8.000 7.118 Board meetings 10.814 11.299 13.440 15.300 12.794 Commissions 17.262 17.854 21.130 25.000 25.179 Allowance General Secretary 13.440 13.440 15.600 14.400 14.400 Administration 47.575 39.526 41.715 40.000 37.555 Rosettes 3.040 8.808 7.046 5.000 7.552 World Cat Congress 1.394 2.540 3.000 3.405 Bank Charges (members) 244 703 355 480 ECAS 259 0 Lawyer 4.446 931 Seminars 0 1.960 2.100 6.000 1.706 Miscellaneous (standards & binders) 1.947 5.160 7.826 1.000 Luxembourg 600 600 600 600 Promotion Mat (Prensents Members,Flags, Paintings etc) 6.381 1.046 3.750 Donation for research in cats to University of Utrecht 1.500 0 10.000 Depreciation 15.281 6.937 5.380 5.000 6.976 Website: Development of FIFe Show Calender 3.000 4.500 3.000 4.920 151.482 151.362 162.475 155.700 153.819

Result (A-B) 3.030 271 4.118 0 8.361

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

ADMINISTRATION 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Rent 8.520 8.520 8.480 6.900 Secretarial assistance 803 823 0 Electricity 1.887 1.896 2.064 2.180 Telephone & Fax 12.483 9.412 11.617 9.987 Postage 3.917 4.360 2.899 2.369 Photocopier 2.359 893 1.156 922 Repairs & Replacements 1.828 2.771 405 1.774 Office material 9.555 7.508 9.995 7.645 Bankcharges 178 33 0 Internet 848 1.675 2.367 1.382 Compensation for loss of income 3.200 0 0 Miscellaneous / representation 1.235 1.253 495 3.858 Translations 762 382 0 Archive / Changing secr. 2.237 538 47.575 39.526 41.715 37.555

BOARDMEETINGS 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Hotel 3.918 2.969 2.670 3.374 Food & Drink 1.439 1.731 2.058 1.695 Travel costs 5.250 5.854 8.703 7.725 Miscellaneous / representation 207 745 9 10.814 11.299 13.440 12.794

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

GENERAL ASSEMBLY 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Translation 9.580 15.887 11.734 11.833 Rent 4.377 0 3.000 1.565 Hotel 3.925 3.298 3.369 4.180 Travel costs 1.670 3.426 1.995 4.379 Golden & Silver Pins 500 0 0 0 Binders 2.421 0 0 0 Food & Drinks & Gala & Miscellaneous 4.395 5.209 2.609 5.427 26.868 27.820 22.707 27.384

COMMISSIONS 31-12-2003 31-12-2004 31-12-2005 31-12-2006 Judges 8.160 8.649 Show 2.769 2.276 4.705 5.047 Disciplinary 3.368 3.826 3.416 3.589 Auditors 518 0 896 354 Health & Wellfare 2.447 3.103 2.548 3.867 Judge & Standard 7.362 8.406 LO 2.203 3.916 17.262 17.854 21.130 25.179

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

OUTSTANDING PAYMENTS 2004 2005 2006 *) 2004 2005 2006 *) (AT)Austria KKÖ 1.920 435 400 31-12-2006 (LI)Liechtenstein (AT)Austria ÖVEK 2.111 2.900 2.744 31-7-2006 (LT)Lithuania 1.190 880 1.140 31-7-2006 (AR)Argentina 360 440 2.020 1-11-2006 (LU)Luxembourg 240 (BG)Bulgaria 592 31-10-2006 (LV)Latvia 939 1.660 100 31-12-2006 (BR)Brasil 2.320 163 123 31-12-2006 (MT)Malta 240 360 31-12-2006 (BY)Belorus 200 320 700 31-10-2006 (MX)Mexico 235 750 185 31-12-2006 (CH)Switzerland 340 800 31-12-2006 (MY)Malaysia 1.070 (CS)Serbia&Montenegro 1.070 2.140 185 31-12-2006 (NL)NetherlandsFelikat 260 (CY)Cyprus 375 (NL)NetherlandsMundikat 800 1.165 260 31-12-2006 (CZ)Czech Republic 3.260 1.660 31-12-2006 (NO)Norway 3.800 1.200 1.560 31-12-2006 (DE)Germany 3.120 1.800 4.280 30-9-2006 (PT)Portugal 1.100 1.880 2.020 1-6-2006 (DK)Denmark 500 380 820 31-12-2006 (RU)Russia 4.450 3.105 1-6-2006 (EE)Estonia 500 780 30-11-2006 (SE)Sweden 1.580 1.400 454 31-12-2006 (ES)Spain 1.200 960 31-12-2006 (SI)Slovenia 420 (FI)Finland 880 1.400 31-12-2006 (SK)Slovakia 380 500 31-12-2006 (FR)France 5.420 3.370 4.340 31-7-2006 (UA)Ukraine 500 1.090 120 31-10-2006 (GB)United Kingdom 740 80 31-12-2006 (CO)Colombia 880 31-12-2006 (GR)Greece 180 (HU)Hungarija 40 31-12-2006 (HR)Croatia 820 980 1.120 31-7-2006 (ID)Indonesia 1.110 31-12-2006 (IL)Israel 40 560 1.610 1-6-2006 (PL)Poland 2.200 2.820 2.300 30-11-2006 (IS)Iceland 380 30-11-2006 (RO)Rumania (IT)Italy 860 3.200 1.220 31-12-2006 26.214 14.134 *) oldest invoice TOTAL 40.348

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

Membership and other fees. 2005 2006 2007 2008 Membership Fee 350,00 350,00 350,00 350,00 International Show Fee 180,00 180,00 180,00 180,00 National Show Fee 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 Judge Examination Fee 150,00 150,00 150,00 150,00 Examination-Stages Fee for National Judge's of non-European members 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 Judge's Fee 65,00 65,00 65,00 65,00 Cattery Registration Fee 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 Rosettes EC & EP 15,00 15,00 15,00 15,00 Rosettes IC & IP & GIC & GIP 12,00 12,00 12,00 12,00

Judgesfees on shows. 2005 2006 2007 2008 Two-day show 130,00 130,00 130,00 130,00 One-day show 85,00 85,00 85,00 85,00 per show (if the judge officiates on both days of a two-days show separated according to category) 170,00 170,00 170,00 170,00 per show (if the judge officiates on one day of a two-days show separated according to category) 85,00 85,00 85,00 85,00

Breedcouncil-fee 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00

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Féderation Internationale Féline - FIFe

L.B. van de Haterd, Baljuw 59, 1625 BD Hoorn, Netherlands

Budget for the Financial Year 2008 Revenues / Einnahmen / Income 2005 2006 2007 2008 Membership fee 14.400 13.300 13.300 14.000 International Show Fee 76.500 84.000 85.000 91.000 National Show Fee 600 400 400 600 Examinations 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 Judges Fee 13.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 Cattery Names 28.000 32.000 32.000 34.000 Rosettes 3.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 Miscellaneous 6.000 6.000 6.000 5.000 144.500 155.700 156.700 164.600

Expenditure General Assembly 26.000 30.000 30.000 33.000 General Assembly Seminar 7.500 8.000 8.000 8.000 Board 18.000 15.300 15.300 17.000 Commissions 24.000 25.000 25.000 25.000 Allowance General Secretary 14.400 14.400 14.400 14.400 1.200 pm. Administration 38.000 40.000 40.000 38.000 Rosettes 6.000 5.000 5.000 6.200 Seminars 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 Depreciation 6.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 World Cat Congress 1.000 3.000 3.000 4.000 Miscellaneous 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Website 3.000 4.000 7.000 147.900 155.700 156.700 164.600

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Annual report of the HWC to the GA 2007, Albufeira

Members: Mrs Vanja Knez (Chairperson), Mrs Carin Sahlberg (Secretary), Mrs Kveta Mahelková After the elections at the GA in Rome 2006, the elected members held their first meeting and organised themselves as a commission. Mrs Carin Sahlberg was elected secretary of the Commission. Most of the work has been done by e-mail discussions.

Since the GA in Rome the Commission has specifically worked on the following issues: • we wrote a guideline for recommended vaccinations of cats. • we wrote a letter for breeders of the preliminary accepted Don Sphynx and breeds. As both genetics and health problems are still rather unknown in these breeds the letter contains guidelines on which kind of data to collect from their breeding. • FIFe had donated 10.000 € to the University of Utrecht in 2006 for a research project on amyloidosis in cats. In November 2006 the research started and FIFe received a research plan that was published on the FIFe web site. In April 2007 we received a preliminary abstract of the results. • our secretary has worked together with the General Secretary and JSC for updating and conforming FIFe rules with the standards regarding faults in cats. • we composed a proposal for the GA 2007 of changing the show rules concerning the validity of vaccinations. • we are still working on collecting information about genetic testing in cats. • we received information about the formation of the new European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases (ABCD) (web site: www.abcd-vets.org). The ABCD is issuing information and guidelines on infectious diseases in cats. The guidelines are published in several major European languages.

Finally I would like to thank my two commission colleagues for their work, contribution and cooperation in the past year.

Ljubljana, 15th April 2007

Yours sincerely, Vanja Knez, HWC Chairperson

Secretary: Carin Sahlberg

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The Judges & Standard Commission Annual report of activities to FIFe GA 2007 in Albufeira

Members: Mrs Eva Porat (Chairman), Mrs Satu Hämäläinen, Mrs Britt Hagar Alvestad, Mr Fabrice Calmès, Mrs Thea Friškovec (Secretary), Mrs H. Miriam Klein Gasbarri, Mrs Nurit Pahl.

During the last year the JS Commission has faced many changes, but we have had a productive year. In September 2006 we lost our dear colleague and friend Britt Hagar Alvestad, who will be missed forever. As the JS Commission consisted of only 2/3 of the required number of members in November 2006, the Board appointed two new members to the JSC, Mrs H. Miriam Klein Gasbarri and Mrs Nurit Pahl. In March 2006 we faced the resignation of our member Mr Fabrice Calmes.

Only one meeting has taken place during the year and we would like to thank the Swedish club NERK who offered us this opportunity and service. The rest of the work has been done by e-mail correspondence. Throughout the year we co-operated with FIFe General Secretary and the Board on several matters.

Since the GA in Rome a lot of work has been done: • Updating of the Standards: several members contributed their remarks and reviews to the FIFe General Secretary for the updated standards. • Judge's exams: the JSC Secretary has set up and sent out many final and preliminary exams to the examining judges and the FIFe members: 3x final exam Category I in English, 2x final exam Category I in German, 5x final exam Category II in English, 2x final exam Category III in English, 2x final exam Category IV in English, 3x preliminary exam Category II in English, 2x preliminary exam Category III in English, 1x preliminary exam Category IV in English. • Seminars: the compulsory seminar for student judges was successfully conducted in co-operation with the SVERAK seminar for judges in November 2006 in Sweden and we organised the seminar at the FIFe GA in Albufeira. • Questionnaires: the new and updated General preliminary and final questionnaires in English were made, translated also into the German language and released. The Category I final questionnaire was updated in all three FIFe languages and released. We would like to thank Mr Steven Jones for grammatical corrections, Mrs Angelika Kneifel for the German translation and Mrs Carin Sahlberg for formatting. • Judge's matters: we have handled several matters and passed our recommendations and conclusions to the Board. • Judges Rules: we have continued to review the rules and changes are made in accordance with proposals passed at the GA 2006. • Proposals to the GA 2007: we have prioritised and prepared our proposals for submission. • Standards: we have worked on General Part Standard proposals and submitted the KOR BC proposal for change of the KOR standard. • Renewed forms: The JSC Secretary has made new examination forms for final and preliminary exams in all three FIFe languages and they have been in use since the 1st of January 2007. We have prepared the new form of Steward’s Certificate and passed it to the Board. • Work in progress: The new version of the Category III preliminary and final questionnaires will be hopefully ready and released before the GA 2007.

We would like to thank for their help and co-operation during the mandate of this JSC Mrs Angelika Kneifel, Mrs Carin Sahlberg, Mrs Eva Wielland Schilla, Mrs Elisabeth Steinhauser, Mrs Claudia Haslinger, Mr Marc Crastucci and Mr Steven Jones, all members of the Board and other Commissions. Finally we would like to thank all the members of the Judges and Standard Commission for their work and contribution during the past years.

Ljubljana, 8th April 2007

Yours sincerely,

Thea Friškovec, JSC Secretary Eva Porat, JSC Chairman

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Secretary – LO Commission Tel. +45 75168151 Mail. [email protected]

Report from the LO commission.

In the period from May 2006 till May 2007 the LO Commission had the following members:

Mr Ole Magne Grytvik Norway Mrs Alva Uddin Sweden Mr. Ole Amstrup Denmark

It has been a somewhat quiet year for us. One of the members was due to sad personal circumstances out of the commission for almost half a year.

We have had three physical meetings; in Rome, the Netherlands and Copenhagen, and many other matters were dealt with by e-mail.

One of the major issues we have worked with was the situation regarding the preliminary recognized breeds where many questions have been raised. We are bringing a proposal to try to solve these matters. It was important for us to ensure that the preliminary breeds also had some possibility to be shown and be judged by international FIFe judges in order to keep the quality of these cats high until full recognition.

During the year we have provided the Board with several recommendations.

Last year at the GA, a proposal from Felis Danica was handed over to us to deal with. This proposal suggested that if two cats belonging to the same breed were mated, all offspring should also be considered as belonging to the same breed, even if in non recognized colours, pattern hair quality etc. and this should be changed in the EMS code. We dealt with this matter, but find that we cannot support this principle. A breed is that, which a majority of the GA has decided it to be, and besides in FIFe we have the possibility to register cats as XSH / XLH in all other cases.

The Breeding and registration rules are in need of renovation and we would like to re- organize these rules and point out which part of the rules are our responsibility and which are the responsibility of the Health and Welfare Commission.

Furthermore the questionnaire regarding registration rules of FIFe member countries is now almost finished and only needs a spell check.

I would like to thank my fellow commission members and the members of the board for the cooperation during the last year.

FIFe LO commission - Ole Amstrup, Secretary.

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Report from the FIFe Show Commission, FIFe GA 2007 in Albufeira

In the period May 2006 - May 2007 the Show Commission had the following members:

Mr. Albert Kurkowski Poland Mr. João Noronha Portugal Mrs. Eva Wieland-Schilla Switzerland Mr. Veikko Saarela Finland Mrs. Dorte Kaae Denmark (chairperson)

The year 2006-2007 has been rather quiet in the commission. The issues, which we discussed, have all been via e-mail. The question, which has taken most of the time, was how to judge the preliminary recognised breeds. This was not 100% clear in the B & R rules and nothing has so far been mentioned in the Show Rules. For the first time FIFe had a preliminary recognised breed and from January 2007 these cats could get a certificate but only up to International Champion/Premier. The questions were now: what happens, when these cats have reached this title? Can they still be shown and compete for BIV? Can a breed, which is not fully recognised, be Best in Show? Can it go to the world show? The questions were numerous and many people had opinions about these questions, but the recommendation from the Show Commission to the Board has always been very clear: Not fully recognised breeds can’t be nominated, after receiving the title IC/IP they can only be shown out of competition and they can’t enter the World Show. The reason for the World show is that it will not be correct if a not fully recognised cat gets a WW-title and after that maybe never is recognised.

Other questions being dealt with are exceptions to the Show Rules, how to interpret the Show Rules and the proposals for this years GA.

I would like to thank all the members of the Show Commission for their excellent work during this period. This year is an election year and I know that Mrs. Eva Wieland-Schilla and Mr. Veikko Saarela are not candidating. I take the opportunity to thank both of you for your great work during the last 3 years in the Show Commission and wish you all the best in the future. The same wishes and thanks for the cooperation and work go to Mr. Joao Noronha and Mr. Albert Kurkowski, with whom I have spent some more years in the Show Commission. It is now 12 years since I was elected for the first time and I feel that it time for new people with new ideas and thoughts to take over. I will dearly miss the work, the support from the FIFe members and last but not least the nice atmosphere in the Show Commission. From the bottom of my heart I thank all of you for your confidence and support and wish the New Commission all the best.

Yours sincerely

Dorte Kaae (chairman)

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 22/77 Report from the FIFe Show Commission, FIFe GA 2007 in Albufeira Mr. Eric Reijers – FIFe general Secretary Jehnicka 11 62100 Brno Czechia Lisboa 2007-03-24

FIFe GA 2007-ALBUFEIRA - Report on ACFEC (CO), Patronage Member Since May 2006 until now, CPF has been has been the mentor of ACFEC, the Columbian FIFe patronage member. In this period ACFEC has organised 2 shows, which were well organised and attracted many cats and visitors. In September 2006 a new Board was elected because the President, Jhon, who we all met last year, had to resign because of his work obligations. The President is now Mrs Luz Stella Garzon, and Secretary Mrs Ingrid Gomez Romero. ACFEC is attracting more members and also more registrations of cats in their pedigree book and cattery names. We have had very regular email contacts and excellent communication and ACFEC had several questions about registrations in FIFe and cattery names. One major problem for ACFEC was to respect the microchip rule and CPF asked the Board for an exception to this for Colombia, until January 2008 and this was granted. They are now preparing this and contacting microchip companies and veterinarians and already asked for the best ISO microchip. Another matter which needed to be clarified was the position of their National Judges and the JSC was asked about this. It was agreed that only after a country is accepted as a full member, the National Judges could be on the FIFe Judges List. The country code was another matter for explanation: FIFe uses the “ISO 3166, alpha 2 letter” country codes, and for Colombia this is CO (this for their cattery names). CPF also asked the Board (and got a positive reply) if the same exceptions which count for all overseas FIFe members also count for Colombia. We are confident that ACFEC is going in the right direction, and we will be happy to be their mentor for the coming year. Clube Português de Felinicultura (CPF) - João Noronha – President

FIFe GV 2007-ALBUFEIRA – Bericht über ACFEC (CO), Patronats Mitglied Seit Mai 2005 bis heute, war CPF den Mentor für ACFEC, das Kolumbianische FIFe Patronatsmitglied. Während dieser Zeit hat ACFEC 2 Ausstellungen organisiert, welche erfolgreich waren mit viele Katzen und Besucher. In September 2006 wurde einen neuen Vorstand gewählt weil der Präsident, Jhon, der wir alle letztes Jahr kennengelernt haben, zurücktreten musste wegen Arbeitsverpflichtungen. Die Präsidentin ist jetzt Frau Luz Stella Garzon, und Sekretärin Frau Ingrid Gomez Romero. ACFEC wachst ständig in Mitglieder und Registrierungen von Stammbäume und Zwingernamen. Wir haben sehr regelmäßig Email Kontakt gehabt und vorzügliche Kommunikation und ACFEC hat einige Fragen gehabt über FIFe Registrierungen und Zwingernamen. Ein großes Problem für ACFEC war es um den Regel hinsichtlich die Mikrochips zu respektieren und CPF hat den FIFe Vorstand gefragt für eine Ausnahme für Kolumbien für das, bis Januar 2008 und dies wurde stattgegeben. Jetzt bereiten sie sich ernsthaft auf diese Sache vor und kontaktieren Mikrochip Hersteller und Veterinäre und haben auch an der FIFe gefragt welche der beste ISO Mikrochip ist. Eine andere Sache welche gelöst werden müsste war die Position von ACFEC´s Nationale Richter und der RSK wurde hierüber auch gefragt. Es wurde entschieden das erst wenn ein land Vollmitglied der FIFe ist, die Nationalen Richters auf die FIFe Richterliste stehen können. Auch die Länderkode war ein Problem: FIFe benützt den “ISO 3166, Alpha 2 Buchstaben” Landkode, und für Kolumbien ist es CO (für Zwingernamen). CPF fragte den Vorstand auch ob die Ausnahmen für Länder außerhalb Europas auch antreffen für Kolumbien und bekam eine positive Antwort. Wir sind sehr optimistisch dass ACFEC den richtigen Weg folgt und es wird uns eine Freude sein um ein weiteres Jahr als ACFEC´s Mentor zu arbeiten. Clube Português de Felinicultura (CPF) -João Noronha – Präsident

FIFe AG 2007-ALBUFEIRA – Rapport sur ACFEC (CO), Membre sous Patronage Depuis mai 2006 jusqu´a maintenant CPF était le mentor pour ACFEC, membre patronage Colombienne. Dans cette année ACFEC a organisé 2 expos, qui avait plein de succès avec beaucoup des chats et publique. Dans septembre 2006 une nouveau comité´était élue, le Président, Jhon , qui était ici l´année passé, devrai se retirer a cause de son travail et la Présidente est maintenant Mme Luz Stella Garzon et la Secrétaire Mme Ingrid Gomez Romero. ACFEC continue à agrandir en membres, registrations et noms de chatteries. Nous était en contact fréquent par Email et la communication est excellente. ACFEC avait quelques questions sur les registrations FIFe et les noms chatteries. Un grande problème pour ACFEC est le Règle des puces électroniques et CPF à demandé au Comité de la FIFe une exception pour Colombie jusqu´a janvier 2008. Maintenant ACFEC se préparèrent et ont contacté les producteurs des puces électroniques et des vétérinaires et aussi ont demandé a la FIFe lequel est le mieux, et approuvé par ISO. Une autre chose était la position des juges nationales d´ ACFEC´s, et nous avons contacté la Commission des Juges pour une réponse. Il était décidé que seulement quand un pays est un Membre entier, leurs juges pouvaient figurer sus la Liste des Juges officiel de la FIFe. Il avait aussi une question en ce qui regarde la code des pays : FIFe utilise le system “ISO 3166, alpha 2 lettres” code des pays et pour la Colombie ¨c´est CO (pour des chatteries). CPF demanderait aussi au Comité de la Fife si les exceptions qui sont valides pour les pays en dehors sont aussi pour la Colombie et nous avons reçu une réponse affirmative. Nous sommes très optimiste que l ´ACFEC suivre la bonne route et serons heureux de continuer le travail comme leur mentor pour une autre année. Clube Português de Felinicultura (CPF) -João Noronha – Président

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 23/77 ZVEZA FELINOLOŠKIH DRUŠTEV SLOVENIJE

Feline federation of Slovenia Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27, [email protected]

FIFe General Assembly 2007 Albufeira Concerns: Felis Hungarica MME´s application for probational membership in FIFe

Zveza Felinoloških Društev Slovenije (ZFDS) supports the application of Felis Hungarica MME (FH MME) for probational membership in FIFe. During their temporary patronage period (September 2006 till today) we have experienced excellent cooperation and communication and have witnessed great progress. The report on the show which was organised can only be said to be positive in all respects. Also, you can find a full report on the activities of “FH MME” included here, and we have further information available for you if you so wish. ZFDS wishes to state that all financial obligations of “FH MME” to FIFe have been settled promptly and all Statutes and Rules of FIFe have been strictly respected. We would like to appeal to you to vote in favour of the application for patronage membership of “FH MME”, because they represent FIFe in an excellent way and they take care of the continuation of FIFe in Hungary, which is important to us all. ZFDS will gladly continue to act as a Mentor.

Assemblée Générale de la FIFe, 2007 Albufeira Concerne: L´application de Felis Hungarica MME pour être Membre FIFe probatoire

Zveza Felinoloških Društev Slovenije (ZFDS) supporte l´ application de Felis Hungarica MME (FH MME) pour être membre probatoire de la FIFe. Pendant leur période probatoire temporaire (septembre 2006 – aujourd´hui) nous avons eu une coopération et communication excellente et nous avons vue du grand progrès. Le rapport de l´expo qui été organiser était positif dans tous les aspects. Aussi vous pouvez trouver un rapport complète sur les activités de “FH MME” ci-inclus, et nous avons beaucoup d´autre information si vous coulez le voir. ZFDS veut dire que toutes les obligations financières de “FH MME” a la FIFe étaient payés immédiatement et tous les Statuts et Règlements strictement respectées. Nous vous prions de voter en faveur de cette application de “FH MME”, parce´qu´ils représente la FIFe dans une façon excellente et nous avons la continuation de la FIFe en Hongrie, important pour nous tous. ZFDS veux volontairement continuer d´être Mentor.

FIFe Generalversammlung 2006 Albufeira Betrifft: Antrag von Felis Hungarica MME auf FIFe Patronatsmitgliedschaft

Zveza Felinoloških Društev Slovenije (ZFDS) unterstützt die Kandidatur von Felis Hungarica MME (FH MME) um Probemitglied der FIFe zu werden. Während ihre befristeten Patronatsmitgliedschaft (September 2006 bis heute) haben wir eine vorzügliche Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation gehabt und wir haben sehr positiven Fortgang sehen können. Den Bericht über die Ausstellung den sie organisiert hatten kann man nur als positive in alle Hinsichten betrachten. In dieser Tagesordnung finden Sie auch ein Aktivitäten-bericht von “FH MME“, und wir verfügen über weitere Informationen für Sie. ZFDS möchte betonen, dass “FH MME” alle finanziellen Verpflichtungen der FIFe gegenüber erfüllt hat und dass der FIFe Satzung und die FIFe Regeln strengstens einbehalten waren. Wir möchten Sie höflich fragen zur Gunsten diesen Antrag von “FH MME” zu stimmen, weil sie die FIFe in eine vorzügliche Art und Weise präsentieren und sie die Kontinuität der FIFe in Ungarn gewährleisten, welche für uns alle wichtig ist. ZFDS wird sich freuen weiterhin Mentor zu sein.

Simon Jelenko, ZFDS President/Président/Präsident

Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija, [email protected] tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 24/77 Report about the patronage-member Indonesian Cat Association (ICA) For 2006 of FEDERATION FELINE HELVETIQUE

We report the following activities of Indonesian Cat Association (ICA) in the second year as FIFe member under the patronage of FEDERATION FELINE HELVETIQUE:

Info shows, national and international FIFe-cat shows The fourth national was organized on the 22nd + 23rd April in Bandung. 80 cats have been presented to the audience in PISET. The event has been sponsored by „SCIENCE DIET“. The all round-judge, Vesna Riznar Resetic has been invited as FIFe-judge. (Addendum 1, Show-report Riznar Resetic)

The first international cat show has taken place in Jakarta on the 1st + 2nd July. 104 cats have been presented in MANGGA DUA SQUARE and judged by the international FIFe-judge Penelope Bydlinski from GB. As Sponsor „FRISKIES” could be obtained. (Addendum 2, Show-report Bydlinski)

The second and third international cat show has as well taken place in Jakarta, on the 19th + 20th August in LAPANGAN BANTENG occasioned by a garden exhibition. 103 cats have been judged by Fabrice Calmes, Int. FIFe judge CH. „ROYAL CANINE“was the sponsor on this show. (Addendum 3, Show-report Calmes)

The 4th and 5th Int. cat show has taken place in ITC Permata Hijau on the 9th + 10th December. The first time, two international FIFe judges were present, Stephe Bruin NL und Alfred Wittich CH. 106 of best quality have been presented both judges. The sponsor of this exhibition was „SCIENCE DIET“. (Addendum 4, Show report Bruin)

Further info shows have been organized: two in Jakarta, one in Surabaya, one in Yogyakarta, one in Solo, one in Malang and one in Balikpapan. In average about 80 cats could be presented to the public/visitors.

Seminaries and member assemblies: Planned events in 2007 • 01+02.04 General assembly in Jakarta. • February Int. cat show • 13+14.05 Training new breeders Bandung • April Int. cat show • 17+18.08 Training new breeders Jakarta • June Int. cat show • 18.08 Seminar PER/EXO- F. Calmes • August Int. cat show • 16+17.09 Training new breeders Surabaya • 25+26.11 Member Assembly in Jakarta.

Some information about ICA: • At this moment, 858 members are registered. • 36 Cattery names have been registered in the FIFe BCN. • By 31st of January 2007, 1548 cats are registered. • The member ship fee 2007 and the fees for cattery names were transferred on 26.01.07 to the FIFe. • The last fees for cat shows have been transferred on the 26th of January 2007. • The federation has a solid financial basis.

I could see with pleasure on my visit in December in Jakarta that the work with our patronage member has been very successfully. The cat show has been organized very well and corresponded exactly to the FIFe rules. The judging was speedy because there were a lot of stewards and each judge had his own secretary. The cats could easily be presented on a European show with regard to presentation, care, and condition. No single cat was nervous or afraid, so the judging could be done with pleasure. This proofs that the cats live in a loving environment. By visiting some breeders, I could see in which proper and care surroundings the cats live. I could control the register by the register secretary, Rushi Erwin. All records were correct. The pedigrees are generated with modern professional software, running since September 2006. The ICA had contacted us regularly during the year to get further information on the handling and interpretation of the FIFe-rules. Contact person from the FFH 2006 is the vice Secretary Sylvia Huber. All members and the board are highly motivated and are happy to be part of the FIFe

We have no doubt that ICA on the GA 2007 of FIFE in Albufeira the full membership can obtain and we would be happy to welcome our Indonesian friends as new member of FEDERATION FELINE INTERNATIONAL-FIFE.

We hope very much that you all will agree on accepting the Indonesian Cat Association (ICA) as a full member. www.ica.or.id and www.my-ica.org Alfred Wittich, President FFH FFH-AW 30. Januar 2007 FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 25/77 1


FIFe General Secretary / Generalsekretär / Secrétaire Général

Eric Reijers Jehnická 11 CZ-621 00 Brno Czech Republic

Concerns: Felis Polonia’s (FPL) application for full membership in FIFe

Dear FIFe General Secretary, dear Eric,

Sveriges Kattklubbars Riksförbund (SVERAK) supports the application of Felis Polonia (FPL) for membership in FIFe. A full report of its activities during the second probational year is presented elsewhere and we can state that FPL has fulfilled all its duties during its probationary membership.

Kind regards, Michael Wirth Färdigh – treasurer of SVERAK


Betrifft: Felis Polonia´s (FPL) Kandidatur für die Vollmitschaft in der FIFe

Sehr verehrter Herr Generalsekretär, lieber Eric

Sveriges Kattklubbars Riksförbund (SVERAK) stützt die Kandidatur der Felis Polonia (FPL) ein Mitglied der FIFe zu werden. Ein kompletter Bericht über die Aktivitäten des letzten Jahres ist den Unterlagen beigefügt und wir sind der Auffassung dass die FPL alle Pflichten während der Probezeit erledigt hat.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Michael Wirth Färdigh – SVERAK Schatzmeister


Concerne: L´application de Felis Polonia (FPL) pour devenir Membre entier de la FIFe

Chèr monsieur le Secrétaire Général, chèr Eric,

Sveriges Kattklubbars Riksförbund (SVERAK) supporte l’application de Felis Polonia (FPL) pour être membre de la FIFe. Un report détaillé des activités de son secondé an probatoire est inclue dans cette ordre du jour et nous pouvons dire que FPL a repli tous ses obligations durant cette période probatoire.

Sincèrement, Michael Wirth Färdigh – trésorier de SVERAK


FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 26/77 ČESKÝ SVAZ CHOVATELŮ, SDRUŽENÍ CHOVATELŮ KOČEK Mašková 3, 182 53, Praha 8 – Kobylisy člen FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE FELINE – FIFe

FIFe GA / GV / AG 2007 – Albufeira

Application of the Federation, AFS - Felis Romania for Full Membership of FIFe

ČSCH-SCHK fully supports the application of the new Romanian Federation “Felis Romania” to become a full member of FIFe. During their patronage period from July 2005 until today, we have experienced excellent cooperation and communication and have witnessed great progress. Finally, we have seen a club that has kept its word, has organised as a Federation and has already three clubs. The Board of the Federation consist of hard-working, serious people, all loyal to Fife and its principles. The reports on the shows organised have all, without any exception been extremely positive, the organisation is running smoothly and the financial situation is excellent and positive. Please refer to the full report of “Felis Romania” in this Agenda and if you wish so, we have the reports from Commission and Board Members who acted as judges on their shows. We can also show you their Statutes in all three FIFe languages, which had been sent to the Fife Secretariat already last year and their financial report. ČSCH-SCHK wishes to state that AFS-"Felis Romania” has settled all their financial obligations to FIFe most promptly and all Statutes and Rules of FIFe have been strictly respected. We would like to appeal to you to vote in favour of the application for full Membership of “Felis Romania”, because they represent FIFe in an excellent way, which is important to us all.

Respectfully yours, Ing Bohumír Mahelka CSc - President *************************

Antrag von der Föderation, AFS - Felis Rumänien, auf Vollmitgliedschaft in der FIFe :

ČSCH-SCHK unterstützt von ganzen Herzen den Antrag vom neuen Rumanischen Föderation, “Felis Romania” um als Vollmitglied der FIFe aufgenommen zu werden. Während ihrer Patronatszeit von Juli 2005 bis heute haben wir eine vorzügliche Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation gehabt und sehr positiven Fortgang beobachtet. Endlich haben wir einen Verband der zu seinem Wort steht, und sich als Föderation, mit schon 3 Klubs organisiert hat. Der Vorstand von “Felis Romania” besteht aus fähigem, seriösem Menschen die alle loyal zur FIFe und ihre Prinzipien stehen. Die Berichte über die Ausstellungen organisiert von “Felis Romania” sind alle, ohne Ausnahme sehr positive, die Organisation ist vorzüglich und der finanzielle Situation zufriedenstellend und positiv. In dieser Tagesordnung finden Sie auch ein vollständigen Aktivitäten-Bericht von “Felis Romania”, und wir verfügen über weitere Informationen für Sie, so wie Ausstellungsberichte von Kommissions- und Vorstands- Mitglieder, und der AFS Satzung in alle drei FIFe Sprachen, welches das FIFe Sekretariat schon letztes Jahr bekommen hatten und einen positiven Finanzbericht. ČSCH-SCHK möchte betonen, dass “Felis Romania” alle finanziellen Verpflichtungen der FIFe gegenüber erfüllt hat und dass der FIFe Satzung und die FIFe Regeln strengstens einbehalten waren. Wir möchten Sie allen höflich fragen zur Gunsten diesen Antrag auf Vollmitgliedschaft von AFS-“Felis Romania” zu stimmen, weil sie die FIFe in eine vorzügliche Art und Weise präsentieren und sie die Kontinuität der FIFe in Rumänien gewährleisten, welche für uns alle wichtig ist.

Hochachtungsvoll, Ing. Bohumír Mahelka CSc – Präsident ************************

Application de Fédération, AFS-Felis Romania pour devenir Membre Entier de la FIFe :

ČSCH-SCHK volontairement supporte l´ application de “Felis Romania”” pour devenir Membre entier de la FIFe. Pendant leur période probatoire temporaire (juillet 2005 – aujourd´hui) nous avons eu une coopération et communication excellente et nous avons vue du grand progrès. Finalement, nous avons une Association qui respecte son mot et qui est organiser comme Fédération, avec déjà, 3 clubs. Le comité de “Felis Romania” se compose des gens capables er sérieux, loyale a la FIFe et ses principes. Les rapports des l´expos qui ont été organisés étaient tous positifs dans tous les aspects, l´organisation est parfaite en la situation financière satisfaisante et positive. Dans ce Ordre du Jour vous pouvez trouver un rapport complète sur les activités de “Felis Romania”” et nous avons beaucoup d´autre information si vous voulez le voir. ČSCH-SCHK veut dire que toutes les obligations financières de “Felis Romania” a la FIFe étaient payés immédiatement et tous les Statuts et Règlements strictement respectées. Nous vous prions de voter en faveur de cette application de “Felis Romania”, parce´qu´ils représente la FIFe dans une façon excellente et nous avons la continuation de la Fife en Roumanie, important pour nous tous.

Sincèrement,FIFe - Agenda Ing. Bohumír GA Albufeira, Mahelka, CSc 24-25 – Président May 2007 27/77

Tel.: +420.2 84683440 / Fax: +420.2 84681451 email: [email protected] http://www.schk.cz/schk Felis Hungarica –Magyar Macskások Egyesülete H-2089 Telki Levendula u. 37.

To: The delegates of the FIFe General Assembly Albufeira 2007

Concerns: Proposal for Membership under Patronage Report on the activities of the Felis Hungarica, July 2006 until today

After having spent almost a year under probational membership, granted by the Board, under our mentor ZFDS, the new Hungarian Feline Association “Felis Hungarica MME” now respectfully asks you to grant us patronage Membership under our mentor ZFDS (Slovenian member of FIFe).

We have incorporated in this application our report of the past year.


I would like to take this opportunity again to thank ZFDS for their support, and the support of FIFe for allowing us after a difficult period to re-establish and to continue FIFe in Hungary. ZFDS appointed Mrs Thea Friškovec as mentorship assistant to FH MME and, in her position, she was in permanent contact with FH MME's Board, answering questions, queries and assisting in solving problems and/or guiding whenever necessary.

“Felis Hungarica MME, Felis Hungarica Magyar Macskások Egyesülete” – is officially registered in the Hungarian Court. As we had to start in September 2006 from the very beginning and our club is very young, we feel that there has been tremendous growth in Hungary and we have already made important progress. I hope, the following points will reflect this. • The Board members of Felis Hungarica are: Ms Judit Tóth - President, Ms Petra Polgar - Vice- President, Mrs Eva Nemeth- Board Member • Our Statutes are built on the statutes of FIFe and the translation has been sent to the FIFe Secretariat • FH MME is still a small club, made up from enthusiastic FIFe breeders, but continues to grow monthly • We have translated into Hungarian all FIFe Rules and Regulations • We are establishing our web site www.macskaegyesulet.hu, www.felishungarica.eu, where all information will be posted • We had to restart the pedigree book and we now have 108 cats registered: Category I: 4 (PER 4) Category II: 7 (RAG 2, MCO 5) Category III: 43 (RUS 2, CHA 4, BUR 20, ABY 3, BRI 10 ,XSH SIN 3, XSH SFS 1) Category IV: 54 (PEB 5, OSH 11, SIA 38) We issue 4 generations pedigrees • In the last months we have registered 8 new Catteries in FIFe (Attachment 1) • We have purchased 200 new cages for shows from Poland and we have already organised a very successful 2-one day international show in Budapest, on 27th and 28th of January 2007 with 178 cats entered. Besides Hungarian exhibitors, a lot of foreign exhibitors from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia contributed to a really very international show. (Report Attachment 2). We have planned three more two day shows in 2007: 28th and 29th April in Györ, 28th and 29th September in Pécs and 15th and 16th December in Budapest. • Our members have been very active exhibitors this year. We had two exhibitors at the World Show in Maastricht and our members have exhibited in Slovakia, Croatia, Czech Rep. Austria, and Slovenia. • The invoices were paid to FIFe as a temporary probational member to date, total 760 Euro.

We hope you find this report positive, and would be proud and honoured if you would grant us the privilege of FIFe Patronage Membership with ZFDS – Slovenian FIFe Member as our mentor.

Yours Sincerely, Judit Tóth - President Budapest, 21st March, 2007

Attachments: 1. List of Catteries 2. Show Report

Felis Hungarica –Magyar Macskások Egyesülete H-2089 Telki Levendula u. 37. Tel/Fax: +36 26 379 379 www.felishungarica.eu [email protected] IBAN: HU18 6450 0027 1350 0191 0000 0000 FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 28/77 INDONESIAN CAT ASSOCIATION – (ICA)

Jakarta, March 12, 2007

Attention of:

FIFé General Assembly

CC: Alfred Wittich President of FFH

Dear Sir or Madam,

With this letter, the Indonesian Cat Association - ICA, would like to respectfully request the FIFé General Assembly to consider our application to become a Full FIFe Member. The Indonesian Cat Association has been under the patronage of FFH since 2005. During the past two years, ICA has managed to organize five international shows, registered 36 cattery names and paid all our FIFé fees in full.

Established in 2003 with 50 members, ICA has managed to increase its membership to 884 members in 2007. ICA also successfully set up some branches in Indonesia Such as ICA Jakarta, ICA Bandung – west Java, ICA Jogja – Central Java, ICA Surabaya – East Java, ICA Solo – central Java an ICA Balikpapan – East Borneo.

For the past two years under patronage, we have maintained good contact with our mentor FFH. Mr. Alfred Wittich, as the President of FFH has been very helpful and taught us to improve our knowledge. We would like to thank him and his Federation for all of their kind assistance and support during this patronage period.

Sincerely yours,

M. Munawaroh President of ICA

On behalf if Indonesian Cat Association

Jl. Dahlia Raya A25/6 Jurangmangu Indah, Bintaro, Tangerang 15222 Telp/Fax: 021-73691118

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 29/77 POLSKA FEDERACJA FELINOLOGICZNA - FELIS POLONIA PL - 90-508 Łódź, ul. Gdańska 112 - Tel: +48 42 664 8587 Email: [email protected]

Łódź, 12th March 2007.

Attention of the FIFe General Assembly 2007 - Albufeira

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Polish Feline Federation “Felis Polonia” - FPL, respectfully requests the FIFe General Assembly to favourably consider its application to become a full Member of FIFe.

“Felis Polonia” has been under the patronage of SVERAK since 2005 and during these past two years we have managed to organize 56 international cat shows, registered 305 cattery names and paid all our FIFe fees in full; until 12.03.2007, a total amount of € 15.535,) .

FPL was successfully established in 2005 after major changes in the Polish cat fancy (expulsion of SHKRP), and at present our Federation consists of 17 clubs, which have more than 2000 individual members. FPL is at the moment the largest organisation in the entire Polish feline history and one of the strongest strong within the FIFe structures.

We would like to thank our mentor SVERAK very much for their support during our period of patronage.

We sincerely hope to have Poland back in FIFe as a Full Member for the continuation of a long and rich history.

Respectfully yours,

On behalf of FPL

Wojciech – Albert Kurkowski President of “Felis Polonia”

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 30/77 FEDERATIA ASOCIATIILOR FELINE “FELIS ROMANIA” 1A, Vasile Lupu str., Sector 1, 013753 Bucharest, Romania Telephone/Fax number: +40 21 490 6320 Email: [email protected] ______

March 1st, 2007 Ing. Bohumir Mahelka President - Český Svaz Chovatelů

Dear Mr. Mahelka,

First and foremost, I would like to thank you kindly for your continuing support and help in Romania. I hope the following report meets with your approval.

Since the FIFe GA 2006, we have continued to grow, and there have been many changes in Romania.

The biggest change has been with the board for Federatia Asociatiilor Feline Felis Romania. (Please refer to Attachment I for the statutes). We have a full board (which came into effect on February 15th 2007, consisting of myself, Beverly Elian as President, Mr. Tache Epure - Vice President, Cristina Porumb – Secretary, Aida Preda – General Vice Secretary, and Anda Porumb – Treasurer.

We have in place a discipline, show, LO and breeding, and health and welfare commission for Felis Romania. All commissions are fully functional with the exception of the judges and stewards commission (as we do not have a judge at this moment in Romania). I am, however, a student judge for Category I and II, and intend to take my exams for Category II in 2008.

There are now three clubs in the federation: Asociatia Felina Sofisticat (74 members), President - myself, Beverly Elian Asociatia Felina Catstanta (15 members), President - Hannah Makhova Asociatia Felina Emerald (31 members), President - Aida Preda

Our membership has jumped from 45 individual members to 110. I have attached a financial report for Romania, see Attachment II.

(FAF) Felis Romania agreed on March 11th, 2007 to limit any more clubs joining the federation for a period of up to 5 years, unless by unanimous vote of the board. Our intention was to encourage the three existing clubs to have ”branches” of themselves in Romania, to promote the growth of the cat fancy. Our concern is that as we are still a very small group of breeders we could end up with ”splinter” or ”dissident” clubs which would not enable us to unite and organize shows.

The LO book is well established and we have nearly 400 pedigrees registered. We estimate that by the end of the year we will have 600 pedigrees. The LO book covers PER, EXO, NFO, MCO, RAG, SBI, BRI, CRX, SOM, SIA/ORI, SYS, We continue to look for a computer program to assist us in maintaining the LO book.

The cat fancy continues to grow in Romania, we have added 3 more catteries this year, and counting previous individual FIFe members re-joining, it brings the total from 16 to 25 active catteries. We will also have by the end of May another 20 cats imported by breeders, which is up from 6 cats last year. We have many more cat owners in our clubs due to our hard work of promoting cats through television, newspapers and radio; they thoroughly enjoy showing their cats in shows, and a number of these owners desire to have catteries.

We had a successful autumn show last year (see Attachment III + IV) and we have planned 3 shows for 2007: April 28th and 29th and September 29th and 30th in Bucharest held by ”Sofisticat”. June 9th and 10th in Constanta, by ”Catstanta”. A few of our members are also dog breeders and we are attempting to do a joint cat and dog show in 2008.

We hope that this report meets with your approval, and we hope you and the delegates at the FIFe General Assembly will look kindly on our request for full membership in FIFe this year.

Yours Sincerely, Beverly Elian - President (FAF) Felis Romania

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 31/77


General Assembly 2007 – Albufeira Proposals from the Board of FIFe

Additions: in bold and italics Deletions: crossed out Moved text: in italics only Existent text: in normal print

Proposal 1 - Change of Statutes - Chapter II, art. 2.6: rewording and addition

“Members of the FIFe undertake not to allow their members to: • take part, directly or indirectly in shows organised by non-FIFe associations which are not affiliated to the FIFe; exceptions with respect to participation at shows are listed in article 8.2 of the Show Rules. • take part, directly or indirectly in other events organised by non-FIFe associations • to be actively involved in non-FIFe associations as a functionary or as a judge. Special exceptions may be granted by the Executive Board of FIFe.”

Motivation: To specify what is meant with “other events” and to include the exceptions valid since years regarding “Open Doors” and thus to respect article 13.1 of the Statutes. Also FIFe has no such procedure as “affiliated” membership

Proposal 2 - Change of Statutes - Chapter II, art. 2.7: rewording and addition

“Members of the FIFe may only admit as members of their clubs: • those individuals domiciled in their countries • those individuals, who are temporarily living outside their countries of domicile • individuals who are living in a country where there is no FIFe Member • individuals who have taken up a new residence abroad, provided however that there is no FIFe Member in the new country of residence An exception to the above is listed in article 2.5 of the General Rules.”

Motivation: The General Rules may never supersede the Statutes, now article 13.1 of the Statutes is respected.

Proposal 3 - Change of Statutes - Chapters IV, VI and VII, 4.2, 6.1 and 7.1: rewording

To replace in the Statutes, in article 4.2, the word “appoint” by ”elect”, and in articles 6.1, and 7.1 the word “appointed” by ”elected”

Motivation: For the sake of correctness: Board and Commission Members, Auditors and Assistant Auditors are elected not appointed. This wording is already used in articles 5.1 and 5.3.

FIFe Secretariat - Eric Reijers Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Jehnická 11, CZ-62100 Brno Czech Republic 23, avenue Monterey, LU-2163 Luxembourg Tel.: +420.541228449, Fax: +420.541227824 Account.no.: 6-127/0643/691 Email:FIFe [email protected] - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 BIC-code: BILLLULL 32/77 FIFe homepage: http://www.fifeweb.org Iban no.: LU190026127064369100


Proposal 4 Change of Statutes - Chapter V, art. 5.5: deletion

Delete the last paragraph: “The Chairman of each Commission and other individual functionaries must present their budget to the Board in advance and they must be responsible for the amount they receive and will account for it annually.”

Motivation: It is not necessary to retain something in the Statutes, which is not respected; during at least the last 11 years, not one single Commission Chairman has ever presented a budget, nor have they been held responsible. Also this paragraph is in direct conflict with article 4.2 of the Statutes, which clearly states the responsibilities of the Treasurer, who is also held accountable for a correct financial policy by the GA when discharged. The Treasurer should be the one who carries this responsibility, no one else.

Proposal 5 Change of Statutes - Chapters V and VI, art. 5.1 and 6.1: deletion

Delete in articles 5.1 and 6.1 the words “Articles 4.4 and 4.5 are applicable”.

Motivation: It is self evident throughout the Statutes that the GA is the highest authority in FIFe.

Proposal 6 - Change of Statutes - Chapter VI, art. 6.2 (6.2.1 and 6.2.5): addition

• “be responsible for the relevant Rules in the Breeding and Registration Rules”

Motivation: To clarify the LO and HWC Commissions share responsibility for the Breeding and Registration Rules.

Proposal 7 - Change of Statutes - Chapter VII, art. 7.1: change from 2 to 3 years

“Two auditors and two assistants ……. for a period of two three years, shall…..”

Motivation: To be in line with the function periods in FIFe, which are all thee years.

FIFe Secretariat - Eric Reijers Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Jehnická 11, CZ-62100 Brno Czech Republic 23, avenue Monterey, LU-2163 Luxembourg Tel.: +420.541228449, Fax: +420.541227824 Account.no.: 6-127/0643/691 Email:FIFe [email protected] - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 BIC-code: BILLLULL 33/77 FIFe homepage: http://www.fifeweb.org Iban no.: LU190026127064369100 Mundikat secretariaat Valkappel 11 NL- 9603 HB HOOGEZAND Tel. +31 598 627335 Fax +31 598 627649 e-mail: [email protected]

MUNDIKAT (NL) – Proposal to the FIFe General Assembly 2007 - Albufeira

Proposal 1: Change of article 4.5 of the Statutes:

A majority of votes at the General Assembly can be reached in the following ways, in all cases it is based on a majority of those members who are present or represented: a) Absolute majority - the candidate or proposal achieves more than half the votes cast representing a majority of the economy of the FIFe. The absolute majority should represent at least 65 % of the economy of the FIFe. If the required percentage representing FIFe’s economy is not reached the proposal cannot be adopted.

To ensure that the members representing a large part of FIFe’s economy cannot block decisions, there will have to be a blocking minority of at least four members. Otherwise, the qualified majority will be met even if the required percentage was not reached. b) qualified or 3/4 majority - which is required in cases of admission, expulsion, and modification of the Statutes.

Decisions of the General Assembly are only valid and binding when confirmed by an absolute double majority of those members who are present and represented. In the case of electing functionaries and providing there is more than one candidate, from the fourth round of voting onwards a simple majority is sufficient.

The members of the General Assembly shall vote by a show of hands; if requested by a member, voting shall be conducted by secret ballot.

Motivation: One of FIFe´s democratic principles has always been that all members are equal and as such all members have one vote. However, over the past years various proposals were put forward to the General Assembly requesting a change of voting rights. It was felt that those members that contribute heavily to FIFe’s economy should also have more influence in the decisions taken in FIFe. It is true that all decisions taken at the GA have impact for our members´ members and as such, the desire for influence when representing a large part of those members´ members is understandable. Mundikat still is very much in favour of the democratic principal of equality of membership, thus all members one vote, but at the very same time, we are sympathetic towards the argument for more influence by those who represent a large part of the FIFe economy. Therefore, we have tried to find a solution that will accommodate both the one vote principle as well as the request for a bigger influence on decisions by those contributing considerably to FIFe’s economy. The proposal is based on the principle of a “double” majority, with a weighed and an absolute majority and at the same time, we have introduced a limitation to the “second” majority by demanding a minimum amount of countries needed to reject a proposal. This proposal respects the autonomy of the members of FIFe and at the same time introduces a new democratic principal in FIFe. It ensures us that the individual members who are affected by GA decisions are best represented.



Hermetschwil, 2nd Mars 2007


Proposal 1: Change of Statutes in case one or more members of a FIFe- Commission are leaving.

Chapter VI : Commissions article 6.1

Addition at the end of the article :

In the event that one or more positions in a FIFe-Commission become vacant (resignation, retirement, unability to perform work, or in the case they pass away etc.) replacements must be elected for the duration of the period of office at the following FIFe General Assembly. The Board will inform the Members of any such vacancies in the invitation for the General Assembly (art. 4.7). Candidates for such vacancies must be send to the General Secretary sixty (60) days before the General Assembly. The names of these candidates will be listed in the agenda. Only candiadtes listed in the Agenda may stand for election.


Every club as an organised association has to plan a replacement of members and has to regulate this in its rules. FIFe Commissions have to be completely filled by elected members otherwise a correct outcome of decisions is not possible. In accordance with art. 4.2 of the FIFe-articles, the members of the committees have to be elected during a FIFe general meeting.

FÉDÉRATION FÉLINE HELVÉTIQUE The president: Alfred Wittich

The secretary: Stephanie Feyfar

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 35/77 ZVEZA FELINOLOŠKIH DRUŠTEV SLOVENIJE

Feline federation of Slovenia Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27, [email protected]

Proposal No 1

ZFDS propose a change to Statutes, Chapter VI - Commissions, article 6.2, page 7/10.:

2. The Judges & Standard Commission … to be split into two commissions: 2. Standard Commission and 3. Judges Commission

2. Standard Commission shall be responsible for: - studying the admission of new breeds and the establishment of their standards; - modifying the standards of recognised breeds; - co-operation with other Commissions on similar matters;

The commission shall consist of three (3) members, all four categories to be represented: - one (1) international judge for category I, or II, or both, or all round judge, preferably an active breeder - one (1) international judge for category III, or IV, or both, or all round judge, preferably an active breeder - one (1) international judge for category I, or II, or III, or IV or all round judge

Fluency in, or good knowledge of, at least 2 FIFe languages is preferred.

3. Judges Commission shall be responsible for: - maintaining the Rules for Judges, Student Judges and Stewards; - a training programme for student judges and the further education of existing judges; - co-operating with the admission of new breeds; - co-operation with other Commissions on similar matters;

The commission shall consist of three (3) members: - one (1) international judge for category I, or II, or both, or all round judge - one (1) international judge for category III, or IV, or both, or all round judge - one (1) international judge for category I, or II, or III, or IV or all round judge

Fluency in, or good knowledge of, at least 2 FIFe languages is preferred.

If carried, this proposal is to take effect immediately.

Motivation: From a practical, organisational and financial point of view, it has been shown that smaller and specialized groups are much more effective at work, better organised and produce better results. Split specialized commissions will enable candidates to stand for election for a chosen commission out of interest, motivation and willingness to focus and work on the matters they want and can contribute to. This will therefore produce better results from each individual member.

Splitting the existing Judges & Standard Commission will not increase the already established number of members; it will only split the large group of people into two smaller commissions and will provide focusing on target matters.

If this proposal is carried, renumbering within the article will be required as of course rewording in other rules. Relevant descriptions in Breeding & Registration Rules art. 4.6. will be required.

Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija, [email protected] tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 36/77


General Assembly 2007 – Albufeira Proposals from the Board of FIFe

Additions: in bold and italics Deletions: crossed out Moved text: in italics only Existing text: in normal print

Proposal 8

Change to the General Rules, article 4.11 – the date of the General Assembly

The General Assembly shall take place each year on the last or one but last Thursday and Friday in May. The exact dates of the General Assemblies will be agreed for a period of 5 years in advance. The Judges Seminar shall take place on the Saturday following the General Assembly.

Motivation: It is not practical to maintain this fixed last weekend, because sometimes this weekend coincides with religious holidays like Whitsuntide (Pentecost) or Ascension and as a consequence flight tickets and hotel accommodation are much harder to find and are also much more expensive. If this proposal is accepted, the dates for the coming 5 years will be already fixed at this General Assembly.

FIFe Secretariat - Eric Reijers Banque Internationale à Luxembourg Jehnická 11, CZ-62100 Brno Czech Republic 23, avenue Monterey, LU-2163 Luxembourg Tel.: +420.541228449, Fax: +420.541227824 Account.no.: 6-127/0643/691 Email:FIFe [email protected] - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 BIC-code: BILLLULL 37/77 FIFe homepage: http://www.fifeweb.org Iban no.: LU190026127064369100

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 38/77

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 39/77 The Judges & Standard Commission / Die Richter und Standard Kommission / La commission des juges et des standards Proposals to FIFe's General Assembly 2007 / Anträge an die FIFe Generalversammlung 2007 / Propositions a l'Assemblée Générale de La FIFe 2007

Proposal No. 1

Rules for Judges, Student judges and Stewards: Article Preliminary examination, admission as student judge

Add new paragraph: below the present text: … The Member must send the original relevant steward certificates to the General Secretary no later than when requesting the preliminary exam for the candidate.

The application must be received by the FIFe General Secretary at least two months prior to the date of examination. … Motivation: Since the Judges & Standard Commission sets all preliminary and final exams it is necessary for practical reasons to allow enough time from an application until the exam is to be sent out. It has been proven in the past that, within a very short timeframe, many preliminary and final exams have been required and it has been impossible to prepare and send them all out in time as stated in the rules. Especially, as members are sending requests for preliminary exams rather late, typically, only fourteen days prior to the examination. This presents a problem due to the number of exams requested at short notice.

Proposal No. 2

Rules for Judges, Student Judges and Stewards

Delete: Article 2.10 Judge’s Updating

Motivation: Since it was carried by the General Assembly, this article has never been properly realised. It is also written in an impractical way and as such cannot be fulfilled in practice. The Judges & Standard Commission will work with and come with a new proposal about judge’s updating, which will be possible to accomplish in practice. Until then, we wish to delete the existing article from the rules.

Proposal No. 3

Rules for Judges, Student judges and Stewards: 5.1.10 Student judge certificates

Present text: … A standardized form will be issued by the FIFe for this purpose. … Change: new text: … For this purpose, FIFe has issued a special form: this standardised student judge’s certificate must be used as the only valid student judge’s certificate document. … Motivation:It is necessary to specify in the rules that the only valid document is the FIFe standardised and issued form for this purpose.

Proposal No. 4

Rules for Judges, Student judges and Stewards: Parallel judging

Delete: Present text: At least 3 three trainee assignments must consist of "parallel judging" with the instructing judge and apply for all categories. …

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New text: At least 90 (ninety) cats in category I and IV and at least 135 (one hundred and thirty five) cats in category II and III of the total number must consist of “parallel judging” with the instructing judge.

For this purpose, FIFe has issued a special form: this standardised parallel student judge’s certificate must be used as the only valid parallel student judge’s certificate document.

Such parallel judging will normally take place at the end of the training programme, just before the student judge presents them self for the final exam.

Parallel judging: • The parallel judging is to start no later than the official judging; • The candidate has to judge and make written reports on all cats allotted; • The candidate also selects his/her "best of variety" and nominations for "best-in-show";

Motivation: Practice shows that it is necessary to specify the requested number of cats, which are to be “parallel judged”, and not the assignments. As the required number of cats, which the student judge must evaluate during the training period, differs for different categories, the number of cats to be evaluated in parallel judging must be consistent. The Judges & Standard Commission have made a special form for parallel judging. It is necessary to specify in the rules that the only valid document is the FIFe standardised and issued form for this purpose. For student judges it is important to know what parallel judging is and what is required from them.

Proposal No. 5

Rules for Judges, Student judges and Stewards

Add new article: Requirements for the organizer

The organizing club is required to ensure that: • the student judge has at least one steward at his disposal during the entire”parallel judging”; • the “parallel judging” takes place under similar conditions as the official judging (light, cages, ring etc.).

Motivation: For organisers it is important to know what parallel judging is and what is required from them.

Proposal No. 6

Rules for Judges, Student judges and Stewards: Article 5.1.7 Mentorship for student judges, mid-stream assessments

Add new paragraph: In between the present text:

The FIFe will encourage the use of mentorship in the Judges Training Programme. The mid-stream assessments are obligatory.

This midstream assessment is done by the instructing judge when the pupil has completed half of her/his cats. This evaluation must be written into the pupil’s certificate.

After the approved mid-stream assessment, the student judge must in each participation as a student judge write a complete judge’s report, which will be evaluated by the instructing judge. A student judge shall in public, under a supervision of the instructing judge assess five cats minimum.

Motivation: This amendment clarifies the existing rule.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 41/77

Proposal from : Sveriges Kattklubbars Proposal no. : 1 : Riksförbund SVERAK


Statutes General Rules Breeding&Registration Rules Rules for Judges, Student Judges and Stewards Show Rules Standard

Chapter : Article: Paragraph: 2 :10

This proposal will:

replace existing text delete existing text add new text add a new paragraph

Proposed text:

Judges who have been inactive during at last three (3) years shall contact the General Secretary to recieve a questionnaire. The answers to the questionnaire shall be sent directly to the Judges and Standard commission before any judging activity, but no later than two (2) months after receiving the questionnaire.

Motivation: Judges who have been inactive for some time have to update older knowledge and also learn about the changes which might have taken place during their inactivity. To enable the use of the questionnaires for this purpose also seems to present an easy way to update the knowledge of the judges and to ensure the quality as well.

date: March 21st 2007 name: Michael Wirth Färdigh on behalf of SVERAK

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Mundikat secretariaat Valkappel 11 NL- 9603 HB HOOGEZAND Tel. +31 598 627335 Fax +31 598 627649 e-mail: [email protected]

MUNDIKAT (NL) – Proposals to the FIFe General Assembly 2007 - Albufeira

Proposal 3: Change of article 5.1.11 of the Judges Rules:

Mundikat proposes to change article 5.1.11 Amount of cats required and the number of shows required as student judge:

5.1.11 Participant as a student judge at: • 10 respectively 15 and 20 • National shows • International shows • And/or Special breed shows or breed club matches in one of the following chosen categories: o 10 x category I: i.e. a minimum of 450 cats o 15 x category II: i.e. a minimum of 675 cats o 10 x category IIIa: i.e. a minimum of 450 cats o 10 x category IIIb: i.e. a minimum of 450 cats o 10 x category IV: i.e. a minimum of 450 cats

Motivation: Category III is an ever-growing Category, currently representing some odd 22 breeds. It is becoming more and more difficult to get student judges in this Category, as the sheer number of breeds is disheartening. Discussions about splitting Category III have been heated but without success so far. Mundikat would prefer a discussion on re-dividing the breeds over the four existing Categories, but realises this may not be very successful. We have therefore tried to start the split of Category III in the judges training into an A and B Category III, thus still enabling one BIS for Category III, but when so desired two BIS for this Category can be done.

We suggest splitting as follows:

3A 3B

BEN - Bengal SPH/DSP - Sphynx/Don Sphynx BRI - British SOM/ABY - Somali/Abyssinian CHA - SOK - CYM/MAN - Cymric/Manx RUS - EUR - European OCI - KBL/KBS Kurilean Bobtail Long-/Shorthair KOR - SNO - Snowshoe JBT - GRX - MAU - BUR - Burmese DRX - BML - CRX -

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Suomen Kissaliitto ry 23.3.2007

Proposals for the FIFe General Assembly 2007

Proposal Nr. 1:

SRK proposes the following addition to the Rules for Judges, Student Judges and Stewards:

Paragraph 5.2.4

The examination fee will be divided into three parts: 1/3 for FIFe and 1/3 for each of the two exam- ining judges.

Motivation: The judges are doing a responsible extra work when they supervise an examination and should be re- warded accordingly. The examination consists of both a theoretical and a practical part, and the judges are making a report of it in writing to the FIFe General Secretary.

Anne Paloluoma-Sundholm, President Suomen Kissaliitto ry SRK

President Secretary Fédération Internationale Féline -jäsen Anne Paloluoma-Sundholm Merja Lindgren Tammisalontie 4 B 4 Killerinkuja 1 FIN- 00830 HELSINKI FIN- 33300 TAMPERE http://www.kissaliitto.fi/ Tel/FaxFIFe +358-9-727 - Agenda 4054 GA Albufeira, Tel +358-45-120 24-25 2072 May 2007 44/77 [email protected] [email protected]

ASOCIACIÓN FELINA ARGENTINA Miembro de la Federación Internacional Felina (FIFe) Miembro de la Sociedad Rural Argentina www.asociacion-felina-argentina.com

Av. Belgrano 2694- 10º “C”- Tel/Fax: 054-11-4943-1305 (1096) Buenos Aires, Argentina [email protected]


We propose that FIFe’s International Judges that assist to the update seminar given during the annual meeting, to be able to take this same seminar on countries outside Europe where they might be invited to judge, in order to be updated as well and able to evaluate others also, during their judging career, in their home countries or in countries where they are invited to judge.

The purpose of this request resides in the difficulty for many judges to travel to Europe to assist to those seminars, mainly because of the elevated costs of traveling if you live outside the continent. Please have in mind that, for example, in Argentina an average salary is about 300 to 400 Euros, what makes almost impossible to keep up with ticket and hotel expenses, without having in mind the time to take off from normal activities. Time is a considerable matter, as is not the same to travel from Spain to Germany, than doing it from Argentina (just to set an example).

If this proposal gets an affirmative answer, it will encourage much more people to pursue the judging career in Argentina, as well as Brazil, Colombia and México. Argentina is actually the country with the greatest amount of International Judges in the continent, which are eager to grow but find it difficult to take international stages because they depend on visits from European judges that are entitled to help them.

On the other hand, if International Judges get their update through seminars given in South America for instance, that would allow them to test others in their stages as future International Judge, and other categories.

Let us all remind that FIFe is nowadays not only a European organization, but a very international one. It has members all over the world and this would turn out to be a very positive example to promote the same rights and duties for all judges in and outside Europe.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 45/77


GA 2007, Albufeira - Proposals FIFe Show Commission Changes to the Show rules:

Article Additions: in bold and italics. - Deletions: crossed out Moved text: in italics only - Existing text: in normal print 1.4 Proposal no. 1 Show dates may only be booked up to 10 calendar years in advance. Existing dates, already booked, may stand. MotivationIt is only possible to book 10 years in advance and the current show calendar has no shows more than 10 years ahead, so we don’t need the last sentence in art. 1.4 1.4.b Proposal no. 2 Cat shows held in cities less than 400 km apart may be organized on the same date providing the respective FIFe members agree. Written agreements from the clubs must be sent to the FIFe Secretary at least two months before the date of the show. b. Exceptions are: 1. Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom and Iceland; 2. Overseas countries; which may organise shows even when a show is held less than 400 km away on the European continent. Motivation: Art. 1.4a states that the 400 km. rule is when travelling by road or rail and to Iceland and overseas countries you can only travel by boat or flight. 1.5 Proposal no. 3 It is forbidden to exhibit wild cats at cat-shows or new crossbreeds resulting from wild cats. Motivation: See general rules art. 13.1. 1.8.f Proposal no. 4 Move to The amount of cats required for Brazil Argentina, Mexico, Iceland and Probational 1.8.h members will be reduced to 100. Motivation: Probational members often have problems having 150 cats 1.10 b Proposal no. 5 send the affiliated societies publish a schedule stating: 1.10 b - availability or not of accommodation for cats on the night before the show and during the following nights 1.10 b names of the judges and the category they are to judge, i.e., I (PER/EXO), II (Semi- longhair), Motivation: To change the rules to what is being practised today 1.10.c Proposal no. 6 together with proposal no 9 the show management is obliged to keep the following documents for a minimum period of three years: • all copies of judges’ reports • copies of the list stating the cats nominated for the selection of Best in Show • original list of the cats proposed by each judge • a show catalogue including all results and absent cats Motivation: All information from a show should be kept 1.10 h.b Proposal no. 7 The owner or a person chosen by the owner may present his cat to the judge. In cases where owners, for whatever reason, cannot present their cats to the judge, stewards may be made available. Such shows will be marked with a special sign in the show list (for example *).Motivation: At most shows the owners are allowed to present the cats 1.13 Proposal no. 8 Exhibitors, wishing to take part in shows abroad, must send their entry forms to the Secretariat of their National Federation or Club in order to have the cats' qualifications and dates of birth checked. The duly authorized controller will then stamp the entry forms or confirm by e-mail before their despatch to the organizers of the show. Entry forms sent directly, without the endorsement of the National Federation or Club, will be refused. Motivation: To change the rules to what is being practised today FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 46/77

FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE FELINE - FIFe 1.16 Proposal no. 9 The show catalogue and a list of results must be available for a period of 3 years from the date of the show if requested by the FIFe Secretariat – the list shall contain the awarded CAC, CAP, CACIB, CAPIB, CAGCIB, CAGPIB, CACE, CAPE, Best of Breed and Best in Show all results including BIV, NOM, BIS and absent cats. 2.2 Proposal no. 10 The World Show shall always take place on the last weekend in October. The exact date of a World Cat Show must be fixed at least two years before and must appear clearly in the official FIFe show calendar. Motivation: The WS is already fixed on the last weekend in October. 2.3 Proposal no. 11 The World Show is only open for cats of fully recognized breeds belonging to FIFe members Motivation: It will be a problem; if a cat gets the title WW and the breed maybe never get the full recognition. 3.1 Proposal no. 12 All cats must be registered either in the LO or RIEX of a FIFe members with the exception of Domestic Cats Housecats and Novices. Housecats must be neutered. Motivation: Housecats should not be promoted for breeding reasons, but as pets. 3.10.k Proposal no. 13 any qualification higher than Excellent ( = 88 > 92 points) (no certificate, BIV or NOM). Motivation: To clarify the rule 4.8 Proposal no. 14 Best in Show - The Best in Show can be chosen from: Overall: Category I (Persian and Exotic), II (Semi-longhair), III (Shorthair and Somali and IV (Siamese and Orientals) Category I, II, III and IV Separate : ( Persian and Exotic) I (Semi-longhair) II (Shorthair and Somali) III (Siamese and Orientals) IV Category I, II, III and IV Each category can have BIS titles as: adult male adult female adult neuter male adult neuter female 6-10 months (not divided by sex) kitten 3-6 months (not divided by sex) Housecats can have BIS titles regardless of hair-length and age as: 1 male 1 female Motivation: To clarify how many BIS titles you can have New in Proposal no. 15 art. 4.8 Nomination conditions: Each judge may nominate one exhibit in each category he/she is judging as: adult male adult female adult neuter male adult neuter female kitten 6-10 months (not divided by sex) kitten 3-6 months (not divided by sex) provided they have obtained at least 97 points. The breed must be fully recognized. Housecats may be nominated regardless of age as: male shorthair female shorthair male longhair female longhair Motivation: To clarify the conditions for nomination New in Proposal no. 16 5.5 Preliminary recognized breeds Those cats, which are not fully recognized, will receive a qualification (Excellent, FIFe - AgendaVery Good, GA or Albufeira, Good) and 24-25 will be May classified, 2007 but will not receive a certificate (CAC, 47/77

FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE FELINE - FIFe CAP or more).These cats may not compete for Best in Show, but may compete together for a 'Best of variety’. (If the proposal is carried, the Breeding and Registration Rules should be changed accordingly. Already obtained titles will be kept) Motivation Because the breed is not fully recognized, it should not be possible to get a title. 1.10.a Proposal no. 17 together with Proposal no. 18 The organizer must: choose recognized judges from those, appearing on the official list of FIFe judges, as well as those who are not affiliated and recognized by FIFe (selected idp clubs in UK and USA), on condition that they may only judge breeds and varieties which they are entitled to judge in their own country, and such invitations must be reported to the FIFe Secretariat 6.1.a Proposal no. 18 recognised judges: Only judges recognized by FIFe are allowed to judge at national and international shows, which are organized by federations or clubs, affiliated to the FIFe. Judges belonging to other organizations are authorized to judge those breeds which they are licensed to judge by their own organisation after being approved by the Board of FIFe separately for each assignment, according to the FIFe standard. They cannot undertake: • to supervise a stage; • to act as an examiner. Motivation: The present rule is unclear:same text as in the Judges Rul. art. 2.4 is added in art. 6.1.a 6.9 Proposal no. 19 No exhibit can be awarded a CACE or CAPE, unless it has obtained a minimum of 97 points in the class of Grand International Champion or Grand International Premier. No exhibit can be awarded a CAGCIB or CAGPIB, unless it has obtained a minimum of 96 points in the class of International Champion or International Premier. No exhibit can be awarded a CACIB or CAPIB, unless it has obtained the qualification EXCELLENT with at least 95 points in the class of Champion or Premier. No exhibit can be awarded a CAC or CAP, unless it has obtained the qualification EXCELLENT with a minimum of 93 points in the Open or Neuter class.

No exhibit can be awarded a certificate unless it has obtained the qualification EXCELLENT 1 and the minimum of points for its class: Class 3-4: CACE – CAPE 97 points Class 5-6: CAGCIB – CAGPIB 96 points Class 7-8: CACIB – CAPIB 95 points Class 9-10: CAC – CAP 93 points Best in Variety: BIV 95 points (see 4.9) Nomination: NOM 97 points The reason for withholding a certificate has to be stated on the report form (see 6.11). Motivation: To clarify the rule 6.9 Proposal no. 20 The 'BEST in VARIETY' title cannot be refused, if the exhibit has obtained the necessary 95 points in its class. Move to Art. 4.9 Motivation: This article belongs to the article, where Best in Variety is described Annex 1 Proposal no. 21 Exceptions for Portugal Exceptions for Norway and Sweden Annex 5 Delete Annex 1 and Annex 5 Motivation: According to Art. 4.4 and Art. 4.5 it is now possible to get the titles by showing in just 2 countries. Annex Proposal no. 22 11 Certificates and titles, which were not obtained according to FIFe Rules, should not be recognised as international points Move to Art. 6.9 Motivation: The rule belongs in Art. 6.9 and not in an Annex FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 48/77


Health & Welfare Commission Proposals for the FIFe GA 2007

We propose the following modification of the Show Rules: (Additions: in bold and italics, Deletions: crossed out)

1.8 Conditions for an International Show c. That the cats have been vaccinated by a veterinary surgeon in accordance with each country's veterinary regulations, against panleucopenia and cat-flu and have had the required boosters, at least 15 days prior to the show. The period of validity for the vaccination is marked by the veterinary surgeon on the pet passport or vaccination certificate. The cats have to be vaccinated with boosters at least every second year; the last vaccination has to be given no more than two years (730 days) before the show. Vaccination against rabies is to be according to national legislation;

Motivation: Various types of feline vaccines are commercially available which differ in efficacy and time of protection against disease. Boosters given in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation and the vaccine administering veterinary surgeon’s decision should ensure that the cats are adequately protected.

Health & Wellfare Commission FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 49/77 НАЦИОНАЛНА ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ПО ФЕЛИНОЛОГИЯ София 1202, ул. “Козлодуй” № 65 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF 65, Kozlodui str., 1202 Sofia, Bulgaria

To the attention of the FIFe GA 2007 delegates Sofia, 22.03.2007 Dear delegates,

NFFe would like to bring to your attention the following proposals in the FIFe Show Rules:

Bold and italic – new text Strikethrough – deleted text Italic – moved text within a present text from another part of the article *text* – remarks

Proposal 1. In Title I - reorganization of article 1.10 through splitting into two articles: “1.10. The Organizers’ Responsibilities The organizers must: a. choose the judges ……. (until)…. which they are entitled to judge in their own country/organization, and such invitations must be reported to the FIFe Secretariat. b. f. 14 days before the show, the organizer is obliged to send the judges that are judging at a particular show, the name and address of the arranged for them hotel as well as. The judges must also be information about as to the transfer to the hotel it at least 14 days before the show. c. b. send the affiliated societies a schedule stating: - the date of the show - the location and address of the show hall - the closing date for registration - the amount of the entry fee and account number(s) (bank or others) to which payment of the entry fees must be effected - names of the judges and the categories they are to judge, i.e. I (PER/EXO), II (Semi-longhair), III (Shorthair), IV (Oriental cats) - entry requirements concerning health and border formalities - opening and closing times of the show - availability or not of accommodation for cats on the night before the show and during the following nights - a list of hotels where cats are admitted in order to allow exhibitors to make their own reservations. d. The show management is obliged to give the necessary documents to the judge before the judging commences. e. provide In the Judge’s ring with there must be cages available for a minimum number of 4 cats near the Judge’s table. f. g. It is mandatory that equipped the judges’ cages as well as the ones for the nominated for Best in Show cats will be equipped with partitions. g. c. the show management is obliged to keep the following documents for a minimum period of three years: - a show catalogue, including results - all copies of judges’ reports - original list of the cats proposed by each judge - copies of the list stating the cats nominated for the selection of Best in Show - list with all the results – from the individual judging and the Best in Show” Text from l“h.” to the end of existing art. 1.10 becomes new art. 1.10a with rearrangement as follows: “1.10a. Presentation of the cats a. h. Each FIFe member may organize cat shows according to choosing one of the following procedures ways for presentation of the cats for judging: - a. The cats on show are brought to the judge and back to their cages by stewards. In this case at least two stewards must assist each judge. The stewards will take reasonable actions to avoid presenting his their own cats. - b. The owner or a person chosen by the owner him/her may presents his/her cats to the judge. In cases where owners, for whatever reason, cannot present their cats to the judge, stewards may be made available. In this case at least one steward must assist each judge. Such shows will be marked with a special sign in the show list (for example *). b. When the second way for presentation of cats is chosen: - c. the exhibitors himself have the possibility of placing their cats inside the appropriate judging cages by themselves. The steward calls up the cage number of the cats (cage number) which the judge requires or places the number on the holding cage. - Each judge has his judging cages – *exists in art. 1.10* - Each judge has a steward at his own disposal – *included in letter “a” and exists in art. 2.9.5 of the Rules for Judges, Student Judges and Stewards* FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 50/77 - in cases when owners, for whatever reason, cannot present their cats to the judge If an owner is not able – or does not wish – to bring his their cats to the judge’s cages himself by themselves, the steward is obliged to fetch those cats and, place it them in the appropriate judging cages, present them to the judge and after judging take them back to their showing cages. - once the judging has been completed his judging or once and the judge’s results assessment has been given, the judge or his/her steward will ask the owners to collect their cats. c. The cat should always be presented with the its catalogue number in writing. d. Once all the cats are ….. (until)… judges ring and the judge begins the judging. and The cats are presented to him/her by a steward or according to the chosen type of the show. e. A cat is only to be….(until)….. steward has checked that with the show secretariat. f. During the “Best in show” only….(until)…. present the cats regardless of the type of the show.”

If this proposal will be accepted it will change the reference in art. 1.10 in article 6.5, letter “a” as follows: “6.5. Judge’s Ring a. Access to the judge’s ring is prohibited to: - exhibitors, except if the show is organized according to article 1.10a, letter “a”, second bullet - members of the organizing committee if they are exhibitors, except if the show is organized according to article 1.10a, letter “a”, second bullet - visitors.”

Motivation: The existing article 1.10 is too long and sometimes not clear enough. It mixes the organizers’ responsibilities with the rules for the procedures about the cats’ presentations to the judges. The proposed text is an attempt to separate and group the requirements into two groups – the organizers’ responsibilities and procedures for the cats’ presentation. Thus the rules will be clearer, better organized and more readable.

Proposal 2. In Title IV - a new article 4.16., introducing a new FIFe title:

“4.16. Distinguished Variety (DV)

This title is only available at National and International Shows to cats in classes 1-12, including neuters, youngsters and . To obtain the title, the cat must win “Best in Variety” a minimum of 10 times. The shortest qualifying period possible is two years and one day between the first “Best in Variety” and the tenth. This is to prevent a cat becoming a DV too quickly.”

In case this proposal will be accepted the new title should be reflected: 1./ in the heading of Title IV of FIFe Show Rules and in the abbreviations in point 4.1. 2./ in table 5.2 of the FIFe Br.&Registration Rules with a remark to be placed after the full name of the cat.

Motivation: The only title that cats are awarded at shows and its collecting does not lead to a higher recognition of the cat’s qualities is “Best in Variety”. This sometimes can lead to underestimation of the “Best in Variety” title from some exhibitors. Achieving this title would be especially helpful to the breeders, who concentrate their efforts on a specific variety within the breeds they are working with. The proposal doesn’t change in any way the rules about “Best in Variety” title.

Proposal 3. In Title VIII - addition of new text within article 8.2, paragraph 2, letter “b”:

“b. An adult cat or neuter which does not have a FIFe title must be entered into Class 9 or Class 10 respectively if the pedigree is recognized by the show organising FIFe Member. A youngster or kitten must be entered into Class 11 or Class 12 respectively. If the pedigree is not recognized by the show organizing FIFe Member, the adult cat must go through the Novice Class and the youngster or kitten must go through the Control Class with respect of the requirements for these classes laid down in article 5.4. A cat with a FIFe title or one possessing certificates towards a FIFe title shall be entered in the appropriate class.” Motivation: The existing text obliges the show organizer, if wants to accept exhibitors outside FIFe for their first time at FIFe shows, to put pedigreed cats into class 9 or 10 (no information about kittens and youngsters), regardless how trustful their pedigrees might be. And the requirements to get a pedigree in many clubs outside FIFe are not as strict as in FIFe. /Not to speak about frauds from petshops or other sources, who are not controlled by anyone./ The proposed text gives: 1./ additional clarification about entering kittens and youngsters into their respective class 12 or 11; 2./ the opportunity for the show organizing FIFe member, when there are doubts about the pedigree of the cat, to put the cats into position to prove its qualities through the Novice/Control class.

Kamelia Bossilkova Hristo Simeonov President of NFFe International Secretary FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 51/77


PROPOSAL 1 Absolute and definite cancellation of Art. 1.11 ribbons and rosettes in the show rules.

Reason Economic and financial situations have forced many organizing clubs to only hand over against payment ribbons and rosettes, to which exhibitors are entitled when they receive certificates and BIV. We do not know of any competition, at which the gained price has to be paid for!

PROPOSAL 2 Completion to the show rules Title VI Art. 6 1 – additions f und g f Deviations respectively number of cats to be judged (Art. 2.9.3 of the judges’ regulations) should be discussed between the organizing club and the judge. g Shows have to be organized in a way that judges are not strained more than necessary. Waiting times should be as short as possible. The end of a show should not exceed 5 p.m. in order to enable judges to travel home the same day. Deviations should be discussed between the organizing club and the judge.

Reason Many judges are working and put their spare time at the disposal of the organizing clubs. Often, holidays have to be used for the travel to and from shows. For this reason it can be expected from organizing clubs to organize shows in a way to permit judges to travel home the same day.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 52/77 KLUB DER KATZENFREUNDE ÖSTERREICHS GEGRÜNDET 1926

Mitglied der Fédération Internationale DER 1. KATZENKLUB ÖSTERREICHS Féline FIFe

Antrag des KKÖ für die FIFe-Generalversammlung 2007 Proposal of KKÖ for the General Assembly 2007 Proposition de KKÖ pour le l'assemblée générale 2007


Hinzufügung zu Art 3.4 und Art. 3.9 Ausstellungsregeln (resp. Generalteil Standard)

Nicht zugelassen zu Ausstellungen sind (Art 3.4), und sind vom Wettbewerb auszuschließen (Art 3.9)

- kupierte Katzen


Addition art 3.4 and art. 3.9 show rules (resp. general part standard)

The following cats are not admitted to shows (Art 3.4) and The following cats must be excluded from competition (Art 3.9):

- docked cats


Supplément art 3.4 et art 3.9 règlement des expositions (resp. standard partie générale)

Ne sont pas admis aux expositions (art 3.4) et Les chats suivants sont exclus de la compétition (art 3.9):

- les chattes couper


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KKOE-P~2.DOC 04/03

FFL, LUX-CAT-CLUB Luxembourg

Nachdem ab dem 01.01.2007 in den AUSSTELLUNGSREGELN die Titelvoraussetzungen abgeändert wurden, sollten folgende Änderungen vorgenommen werden.

VORSCHLAG 1 In den Ausstellungsregeln bei Titel IV Artikel 4.2 + 4.3 + 4.4 + 4.5 sollte folgendes verbessert werden: alt : (ausgenommen Mitglieder der in Artikel 1.4 und Anhang ………angeführten Länder). neu : (ausgenommen Mitglieder: siehe Anhang ………..).

VORSCHLAG 2 Folgende Anhänge sollten gestrichen werden: Anhang 1 Anhang 5

VORSCHLAG 3 Betrifft Anhang 8 - Der Absatz betreffend CAGCIB/CAGPIB sollte gestrichen werden.

Comme le RÈGLEMENT DES EXPOSITIONS concernant les obtentions des titres a été changé à partir du 01.01.07, il y a lieu de faire quelques changements.

PROPOSITION 1 Au règlements des expositions titre IV Article 4.2 + 4.3 + 4.4 + 4.5 le changement suivant devrait être fait: ancien : (exceptions pour certains membres, voir article 1.4 et annexes ……….) nouvau : (exceptions pour certains membres, voir Annexes ……..)

PROPOSITION 2 Il y a lieu de supprimer les Annexes suivants: Annexe 1 Annexe 5

PROPOSITION 3 Concerne Annexe 8 - La partie concernant CAGCIB/CAGPIB doit être supprimée.

After that in the SHOW RULES the obtaining of Titles has changing since 01.01.2007, it should be necessary to have some changing.

PROPOSAL 1 In the Show Rules Title IV Article 4.2 + 4.3 + 4.4 + 4.5 should be changed: old: (Exceptions are made for members as outlined in article 1.4, Annex ……….) new : (Exceptions are made for members as outlined in Annex ………..)

PROPOSAL 2 This Annexes should be delete: Annex 1 Annex 5

PROPOSALl 3 Concerning Annex 8 - The part of the article concerning CAGCIB/CAGPIB should be delete.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 54/77 Associazione Nazionale Felina Italiana - FFI cod.fiscale e partita iva 02354520013 Legalmente riconosciuta con D.M. 6.8.1997 dal Ministro per le Politiche Agricole e Forestali Autorizzata con D.M. del 9.6.2005 dal Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali a gestire il Libro Genealogico del Gatto di Razza istituito in pari data Sede Legale: Via Gropello 12 - 10138 Torino tel. 011/43.44.627 fax 011/43.32.479

Presidente Nazionale Mario OTTINO Via Valfrè 4 - 10020 Casalborgone (Torino) tel. 011/91.74.767 fax 011/91.74.767 Segretaria Libro Genealogico Giudice Sandra FERRINI Via Gropello 12 - 10138 Torino tel. 011/43.44.627 fax 011/43.32.479 Segretario Nazionale Dario DOMANCICH Via dei Baiardi 93/4 - 34127 Trieste tel. 040/35.01.95 fax 040/54261

Prot. 33/dd/2007 To FIFe General Secretary Eric Reijers Jehnickà 11 62100 Brno Czech Republic

Trieste, 24th March 2007

Subject: GA FIFe 2007 - ANFI Proposals

Proposal n. 1: Proposal of change of Art. 4.14 of FIFe Show rules

Second part of the second paragraph of the above mentioned article to be changed as follows:

To obtain the title, the cat must win BIS or BOS a minimum of 10 times. The shortest qualifying period possible is one year and one day between the first BIS or BOS and the tenth.

Motivation: Considering that in most FIFe countries shows are held with the 2 days/2 titles system, the fixed time of 2 years of wait between the first and the tenth Best in Show is quite too long to obtain the DSM title. In practice, provided the cat is worth, 5 weekends could be enough to get the 10 titles requested by the rule. This would certainly cause no trouble (stress) to the cat itself, if the minimum time is shortened to 1 year.

ANFI National Secretary Dario Domancich

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 55/77 ZVEZA FELINOLOŠKIH DRUŠTEV SLOVENIJE

Feline federation of Slovenia Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27, [email protected]


Show Rules, article 6.9: Qualifications Add: Present text: … In the same class the exhibits will be classified with 1, 2, 3, 4; there are no joint places. … New text: … In the same class the exhibits will be classified with 1, 2, 3, 4; there are no joint places. In all classes, where certificates can be awarded, only the first classified exhibit can be awarded the certificate if it has obtained the necessary points required for the certificate in its class. …

Motivation: In practice cats are judged in accordance with a custom that is not set forth anywhere in the Show Rules. Therefore this addition to the rule should be added to be in accordance with practice.

Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija, [email protected] tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 56/77 AMIL is hereby submitting its proposals to the 2007 General Assembly of FIFe:

Proposal no. 1 Annex 12 to the Show rules – Israel

Due to the geographical location and climatic circumstances in Israel, there is a special exception to Article 4.15 allowing the title of Junior Winner to be awarded to a cat which has won “Best in Show” three (3) times in classes 11 and 12.

Motivation: We hold 3-4 two-day international shows in Israel every year. However, seeing that most of the year is seasonally hot with extreme high temperatures, we are compelled to hold them within a very short winter period. Therefore, cats required to wait for the next, very brief, winter show season are no longer kittens or juniors. Also, we are geographically isolated and it is extremely difficult and costly to travel with our cats abroad. AMIL schlägt hiermit folgendes vor an der FIFe Generalversammlung 2007:

Vorschlag No. I Annex 12 zu die Ausstellungsregeln – Israel

Wegen die Geografische Lokalisierung und die Klimaumstände in Israel, gibt es eine besondere Ausnahme zu dem Artikel 4.15. die erlaubt dem Titel Junior Winner an einer Katze zu geben die den Titel “Best in Show” drei (3) Mahl in Klasse 11 und 12 gewonnen hat.

Begründung Wir haben drei bis vier zweitägige Internationale Shows pro Jahr in Israel. Da die Temperaturen im größten Teil des Jahres sehr hoch sind, sind wir dazu gezwungen diese Shows in einer kurzen Winterperiode zu halten. Darum sind die Katzen, die bis zu der nächsten sehr kurzen Winter Show Session müssen warten, nicht mehr Kätzchen oder Juniors. Wir sind auch Geografisch isoliert und es ist sehr schwer und teuer mit unsern Katzen ins Ausland zu reisen.

AMIL présente par ceci des propositions à l’Assemblée Générale de la FIFe 2007.

Proposition No. I Annexe 12 aux Règlements des Expositions – Israël

Vu la situation géographique et les conditions météorologique d’Israël, il y aura une exception spéciale à l’Article 4.15, qui permettra aux chats qui auront gagnés le titre de „Best in Show“ trois (3) fois dans les catégories 11 et 12, de recevoir le titre de Junior Winner.


Nous performons en Israël, trois à quatre représentations internationales de deux jours chacune, par an. Vu les températures très élevées, nous sommes contraints de tenir ces représentations durant la très courte saison d’hiver. C’est la raison pour laquelle les chats doivent attendre la prochaine représentation de la très courte saison d’hiver et ne sont alors plus des chatons ou des juniors. Etant géographiquement isolé, il est très difficile et très coûteux de voyager avec nos chats à l’étranger.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 57/77

Savannah - Triq it Torri ta Kenuna Nadur, NDR 1436 - Gozo, MALTA Tel: (356) 2156 3852 Fax: (356) 2155 1490 March 15, 2007 E-mail: [email protected]

Proposal 1 – FIFe General Assembly 2007, Albufiera

The Malta Feline Federation proposes it be allowed the following exceptions to the FIFe Show Rules : 1) To organise International shows with 100 cats. 2) To obtain the following titles - All certificates may be obtained in the same country: International Champion/Premier – 5 CACIBs/CAPIBs from 3 different judges Grand International Champion/Premier – 7 CAGCIBs/CAGPIBs from 5 different judges. European Champion/Premier – 10 CACEs/CAPEs from 7 different judges.

Motivation: Malta is a small island with a low population, comparable to that of Iceland, and under existing quarantine regulations it is not possible for cats from other countries to visit Malta for shows. It is also not possible for the Maltese cats to leave the country to exhibit in other countries. The MFF is still growing and needs such an exception to allow it to continue.

***************** Proposition 1 – Assemblée Général de la FIFe 2007, Albufiera

La Federation Feline de Malta propose qu’il lui soit permis les exceptions suivantes aux Reglements FIFe d’Expositions : 1) Organisation d’expositions internationales avec 100 chats 2) Attribution des titres suivants - Tous les certificats peuvent être obtenus dans le même pays : Champion/Premier International - 5 CACIBs/CAPIBs de 3 juges différents Grand Champion/Premier International - 7 CAGCIBs/CAGPIBs de 5 juges différents. Champion/Premier d’Europe - 10 CACEs/CAPEs de 7 juges différents.

Motivation : Malta est une petite île avec une population reduite, comparable à celle de l'Islande, et aux termes des règlements existants de quarantaine il n'est pas possible que les chats d'autres pays visitent Malta pour des expositions. Il n'est également pas possible que les chats maltais sortent du pays pour participer dans les expositions dans d'autres pays. Le MFF se développe et a besoin toujours d'une telle exception pour lui permettre de continuer. ***************** Antrag 1 : FIFe Generalversammlung 2007, Albufeira

Die Malta Feline Federation beantragt die Erlaubnis für die folgenden Ausnahmen von den FIFe Ausstellungsregeln: 1) Internationale Ausstellungen mit 100 Katzen zu veranstalten. 2) Die folgenden Titel zu erhalten - Alle Bescheinigungen dürfen im gleichen Land erhalten werden: Internationaler Champion/Premior - 5 CACIBs/CAPIBs von 3 verschiedenen Richtern. Groß Internationaler Champion/Premior - 7 CAGCIBs/CAGPIBs von 5 verschiedenen Richtern. Europa Champion/Premior - 10 CACEs/CAPEs von 7 verschiedenen Richtern.

Motivation : Malta ist eine kleine Insel mit geringer Einwohnerzahl, vergleichbar mit jener von Island, und nach den gültigen Quaratänevorschriften können Katzen von anderen Ländern nicht zu Ausstellungszwecken nach Malta gebracht werden. Ebenfalls können maltesische Katzen nicht das Land verlassen, um in anderen Ländern an derartigen Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen. Die MFF ist noch im Aufbau begriffen und braucht diese Ausnahmen dringend, um zu überleben.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 58/77 Fédération Internationale Féline – FIFe

Secretary – LO Commission Tel. +45 75168151 Mail. [email protected]

Proposals for the FIFe General Assembly 2007, Albufeira

Proposal No 1

The name of the LO Commission should be changed to the Breeding and Registration Commission (B&R Commission). The name should be changed in the rules and statues in all places where it occurs.

Motivation: The LO commission is responsible for all matters regarding the Breeding and registration rules. The name of the Commission should reflect its field of responsibility.

Proposal No 2 Change of B&R rules article

For the hairless breeds SPH, DSP, PEB (Sphynx, Don Sphynx, and Peterbald), the EMS codes s and y shall not be used regardless of the genotype.

As a consequence the proposal regarding carried at the GA 2006 regarding the various Rex breeds, and which is not yet implemented in the Breeding and registration rules, is to be deleted.

Motivation: That colour of a cat is determined primarily by the colour and/or pattern of its coat. In hairless cats the only indication of its colour and/or pattern will be made on the expression of its skin, nose leather and paw pads. This will normally not be sufficient. In the various Rex breeds, however, a coat is developed. Even though it can be hard to distinguish for instance smoke from a coat that it not solid to the roots, the Commission is of the opinion that there should be a difference between the Rex cats and cats which should be hairless according to the standard.

Proposal No 3

The LO Commission proposes the so called EMS list (the complete list of all possible breed and colour varieties) no longer to be the responsibility to maintain nor to be an official FIFe document. The description of the EMS system page 4 shall be a new annex to the Breeding and Registration rules: Annex III. EMS System

Motivation All colour varieties recognized in each recognized breed are listed in the standard for the breed. The publication of a separate list mentioning all possible combinations within a recognized breed represents quite a lot of work to maintain. The requirement to have to make a double update in both the standard and the EMS list increases the probability to make mistakes. The LO Commission feels it should no longer be necessary to be responsible for a separate list as long as all valid combinations will be found in the standard of the breed in question. FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 59/77 Fédération Internationale Féline – FIFe

Secretary – LO Commission Tel. +45 75168151 Mail. [email protected]

Proposal No 4

Move Article 5.1 of the Breeding and Registration Rules, to Show rules article 3.14.

Motivation The requirements laid down to obtain the title DM should logically be part of the Show Rules. The title DM will thus be described in the same rules as other titles like Distinguished Show Merit and Junior Winner. The table in B&R rules, article 5.2 should however retain. This table shows how the various titles should be registered in the pedigree book.

Proposal No 5 Addition to B&R rules Article 4.6.3. (New text in italic)

4.6.3 Recognition of a new breed

To insert, after the text: “To recognize a new breed….” up to and including “the cats can achieve no certificates higher than CACIB/CAPIB.” The following addition:

After having reached the title IC/IP these cats may only be shown “Out of Competition” and never in class 5 or 6. Cats belonging to a preliminary recognised breed may not be nominated for Best-in-Show nor may they become Best in Show. Cats belonging to a preliminary recognised breed cannot qualify and participate in the World Show.

To obtain full recognition, a proposal for full recognition, must be presented to the FIFe General Assembly, enclosed documents proving that at least a total of 50 cats are entered in the LO or RIEX registries of at least 3 FIFe Members.

Motivation When the two step recognition was decided it was not clear which status the preliminary recognized breeds should have. In the meantime many high quality cats of the present preliminary recognized breeds have been shown, among which there have been several cats who could qualify for the World Show. The FIFe board clarified the status of the preliminary recognized breeds, clearly stating they cannot be nominated for Best-in-Show nor can they become Best-in-Show. Preliminary breeds should also not be able to participate in the World Show. The main reason for this is that in case a preliminary recognized breed is never fully recognized FIFe cannot have a cat from not recognized breed as a World Winner. However, the Commission finds it important that cats from preliminary recognized breed can be shown and obtain the title IC/IP to give the breeders the possibility to have the quality of the cat judged by an international FIFe judge in order to ensure a high standard of the cats in the preliminary phase.

FIFe LO commission - Ole Amstrup, Secretary.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 60/77 Mundikat secretariaat Valkappel 11 NL- 9603 HB HOOGEZAND Tel. +31 598 627335 Fax +31 598 627649 e-mail: [email protected]

MUNDIKAT (NL) – Proposals to the FIFe General Assembly 2007 - Albufeira

Proposal 2: Change of article 2.4 of the Breeding and Registration Rules:

Mundikat proposes to change article 2.4 of the Breeding and Registration Rules:

All breeding cats should be identified by either microchip (preferred) or tattoo and the identifying code of both parents shall be documented in the pedigree.

Exception is granted for males, which are not registered with FIFe.

This practice should be established as soon as possible but no later than 1st January 2010.


It is time to take the next step. Micro chipping all animals has many advantages and can bring more unity and uniqueness for the registration of our pets. In various countries, microchips or tattoos are already required by legislation. In addition, travel between countries is becoming more and more common requiring micro chipping.

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FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 62/77

Suomen Kissaliitto ry 23.3.2007

Proposals for the FIFe General Assembly 2007

Proposal Nr. 2:

SRK proposes the following additions to the Breeding and Registration Rules:

Paragraph The EMS codes s and y shall not be used for any hairless breed regardless of their genotype.

Motivation: It is for the most part impossible to determine the pattern of the hair in hairless breeds (SPH, DSP, PEB).

Proposal Nr. 3:

SRK proposes the following additions to the Breeding and Registration Rules:

Paragraph 2.6.12 – European (EUR) FIFe shall not recognize the EUR with any other coat length than shorthair. The longhair off- springs will be registered as XLH.

Motivation: The European is a shorthaired cat according to the standard. Longhaired offspring, which sometimes are born due to the existence of the gene for longhair in the population, can not be registered as European (EUR).

Anne Paloluoma-Sundholm, President Suomen Kissaliitto ry SRK

President Secretary Fédération Internationale Féline -jäsen Anne Paloluoma-Sundholm Merja Lindgren Tammisalontie 4 B 4 Killerinkuja 1 FIN- 00830 HELSINKI FIN- 33300 TAMPERE http://www.kissaliitto.fi/ Tel/FaxFIFe +358-9-727 - Agenda 4054 GA Albufeira, Tel +358-45-120 24-25 2072 May 2007 63/77 [email protected] [email protected]

Felis Britannica Office of the General Secretary Felis Britannica Office of the General PenshurstSecretary 29 Gunters Lane Bexhill-On-SeaPenshurst 29 GuntersEast Sussex Lane Bexhill-On-SeaTN39 4EB East Sussex +44 (0) 14TN3924 732427 4EB

The UK FIFe Member +44 (0) 1424 732427

Proposal Two:

For colours or patterns that are specifically excluded in the NFO breed standard, any cats of the excluded colour or pattern should be registered as XLH and not as an unrecognised variety NFO’


In the NFO, the breeders have decided when creating the standard, that they do not want specific colours or patterns to be part of that breed so therefore they are specifically excluded in the breed standard. It is therefore wrong that an individual can decide to breed cats of that colour/pattern and still call it part of the breed. An example is the where the standard specifically excludes pointed cats so if one were to be bred it should be called XLH*33 and not NFOx*33. The current FIFe registration rules are not clear on this and so it appears to be being interpreted differently by different members – this would ensure consistency across all FIFe pedigrees.

Felis Britannica



Hermetschwil, 14 avril 2007


Proposal n° 3:

Concerns the cats judged in groups in category 2 (ACL/ACS, MCO, NFO, SIB, TUA) : Attribution of 5 points for the colour and the pattern and distinction of the points allotted to the length and the texture without any change in the total amount of points allotted to the coat of these different breeds in their current scales of points.


1. Without changing the total amount allotted to the coat in the current standards, we would appreciate a clear distinction between these 3 different criteria of evaluation : a. the texture, b. the length c. the colour and the pattern 2. The colour and the pattern are obvious criteria of the beauty of a cat. That’s why we are proposing to allot 5 points for the colour and the pattern taking into consideration the descriptions made in the general part of the FIFe standards. 3. In order to register correctly the EMS codes in the LO books, we have to educate the breeders how to recognize the colours and patterns through the evaluation of these criteria. 4. Our goal is to reduce the production of badly defined colours and not clear patterns which permanently are leading to changes of variety from one show to another and also to incorrect pedigrees.


Secretary : Stephanie Feyfar




ACL/ACS Today ACL/ACS Coat Quality and texture 15

ACL/ACS Proposal ACL/ACS Coat Texture 5 Length 5 Colour/Pattern 5

MCO Today MCO Coat Quality and Texture 10 Length 10

MCO Proposal MCO Coat Quality and Texture 10 Length 5 Colour/Pattern 5

NFO Today NFO Coat Quality, Texture, Length 25

NFO Proposal NFO Coat Quality and Texture 15 Length 5 Colour/Pattern 5

SIB Today SIB Coat Quality, Texture, Length 25

SIB Proposal SIB Coat Quality and Texture 15 Length 5 Colour/Pattern 5

TUA Today TUA Coat Quality, Texture, Length 20

TUA Proposal TUA Coat Quality and Texture 10 Length 5 Colour/Pattern 5

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 66/77 The Judges & Standard Commission / Die Richter und Standard Kommission / La commission des juges et des standards Proposals to FIFe's General Assembly 2007 / Anträge an die FIFe Generalversammlung 2007 / Propositions a l'Assemblée Générale de La FIFe 2007

Proposal No. 7

The following faults are to be put into the standard, General part, General faults in all breeds: Faults precluding the certificate, page 5/38 and to the Show Rules, article 3.10:

Colour: 3.10 k all pigmentation faults leading to a colour loss on the nose leather (exception is made for tabby cats and cats with white), on the paw pads and/or lips (exception is made for red or tortie and/or with white cats), which are not permitted in the standard. (except for neuters)

Motivation: Lack of pigmentation is a condition sometimes seen in many different breeds and colour varieties. The lack of pigmentation is not a normal condition of a non-white, non red/tortie colour on any cat and it might be a limited expression of white spotting. The standard describes the colour of the nose, paw pads and lips for different colour varieties, but there is no mention that the lack of pigmentation should preclude the certificate. Therefore, in practice, judges are left free to interpret the standard, which causes confusion among the judges, exhibitors, and breeders. To bring more order and to clearly specify that the lack of pigmentation is not an acceptable condition, this should be listed among the general faults, which preclude the certificate in all breeds.

If this proposal is carried, renumbering within the table of faults precluding the certificate in the Standard and Show Rules, article 3.10 will be required.

Proposal No. 8

Add to standard:

Tabby colour varieties: 21/22/23/24/25

Coat colour, Nose leather: red/ …/pink or solid

Motivation: On many tabby cats, one often sees not only a red/pink nose leather colour but also just solid nose leather colour. This addition to the description of the nose leather in the standard should be added to with accordance to the reality.

Proposal No. 9

Proposal to change the standard for the Korat cat


GENERAL Appearanc Alert appearance e Size Medium in size; females are slightly finer built and smaller than males HEAD Shape Viewed from the front the head is heart-shaped, with good breadth between and across the eyes; the eyebrow ridges form the upper curves of the heart and the sides of the face curve gently down to the chin to complete the heart shape. Jaw pinch is undesirable. Nose length in proportion to the face, neither too long nor too short, with a slight stop in profile. There is a slight downward curve at the tip of the nose and nose leather (lion-like)

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 67/77 Jowls - Jowls and chin firm and well developed, forming a good balance for Muzzle - the profile and for the completion of the heart shape. Muzzle neither Chin sharply pointed nor square. Chin neither weak nor receding, which gives a pointed shape to the head. EARS Shape Large, broad at the base, slightly rounded at the tip. Inside of ears slightly covered and outside well covered with extremely short and close hair Placement set high on the head to give an alert expression EYES Shape large, round and well opened, rather oversized for the size of the face Colour Luminous and expressive. Brilliant green colour is preferred, but amber is permissible in kittens and young adults up to 2 years of age BODY Structure neither short lake a Manx nor long like a Siamese, Semi-cobby but still elegant, muscular and supple; powerful but not heavily built; heavier in weight than appearance suggests; back curved LEGS In good proportion to the body; hind legs slightly longer than front legs Paws oval TAIL medium long, heavier at the base, tapering to a rounded tip COAT Structure short to medium in length, lying close to the body; single coat glossy and fine. Inclined to break over the spine as the cat moves Colour Silver blue grey only all over, without shading or tabby markings; no white hair or patches are allowed; hair tipped with silver, each hair should be lighter at the root, then shades to darker blue and ends with a silver tip; the more silver the better; at the extremities where the coat is shorter, the silver shine is intensified; silver effect only on head, legs and feet is undesirable

NOSE LEATHER Dark blue grey or lavender LIPS PAW PADS Dark blue grey to lavender with a pink tinge FAULTS LEADING Coat White hair or patches TO Any other colour than silver and blue DISQUALIFICATION Shading or tabby markings


A proposal for changes in the standard for the Korat has been suggested and prepared by the FIFe Korat Breed Council and approved by majority of 2/3 of members of the Korat Breed Council with poll. Therefore, the FIFe J&S Commission forwards their proposal of changes in the standard to the General Assembly for approval. The FIFe Korat Breed Council consider it is time to update the Korat Standard in order to give a better description of the breed and especially of some of the most important characteristic (coat colour, eye colour and body structure), also integrating some of the remarks and faults into the standard itself.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 68/77 ČESKÝ SVAZ CHOVATELŮ, SDRUŽENÍ CHOVATELŮ KOČEK v České republice Mašková 3, 182 53, Praha 8 - Kobylisy člen FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE FELINE – FIFe

Proposal nr. 1: ČSCH-SCHK for the FIFe GA 2007 - Albufeira

Change to the Scale of Points of all group cats in category II The proposal is to change the scale of points for the coat of all the Category II breeds judged in colour groups - ACL, ACS, MCO, NFO, SIB, and TUA – to also evaluate the coat colour and/or markings by allotting 5 points. These points would be transferred from the coat quality/length so the total amount of points for coat will remain unchanged. We are of the opinion that this will be beneficial to correct registrations and also feel that in a beauty competition, colour and markings are important for all cats, no matter which breed.

Below the current and proposed points for coat of the individual breeds; Changes in bold and italics:

ACL / ACS: Current: Quality and texture: 15 New: Texture 5 Length 5 Colour/pattern 5

MCO: Current: Quality and texture: 10 Length 10 New: Quality and Texture 10 Length 5 Colour/pattern 5 NFO: Current: Quality, texture, length: 25 New: Quality and Texture 15 Length 5 Colour/pattern 5 In the spirit of this proposal we suggest to change the sentence „coat is evaluated only on texture and quality“ to „coat is evaluated mainly on texture and quality“ in the remarks of the NFO standard.

SIB: Current: Quality, texture, length: 25 New: Quality and Texture 15 Length 5 Colour/pattern 5

TUA: Current: Quality, texture, length: 20

New: Quality and Texture 10 Length 5 Colour/pattern 5

Tel.: +420.2 84683440 email: [email protected] Fax: FIFe +420.2 - Agenda 84681451 GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 http://www.schk.cz/schk69/77 FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 70/77 Antrag zur Änderung im Standard der heiligen Birma – SBI Punkteskala Proposal for changement in the standard of the Sacred – SBI scale of points Proposition pour changement dans le standard de Sacré de Birmanie – SBI échelle de points

Total Points/ Punkte 100 Head/ general shape, cheeks, nose, jaws and allgemeine Form, Wangen, Nase, Kiefer forme générale, joues, nez, mâchoires et Kopf/ teeth, forehead, chin und Gebiss, Stirn, Kinn denture, front, menton, forme et 20 Tête placement and shape of the ears Platzierung und Form der Ohren placement des oreilles shape and colour of the eyes Form und Farbe der Augen forme et couleur des yeux 10 Body/ shape, size, bone structure Körperbau, Größe, Knochenbau forme, taille, ossature Körper/ legs and shape of paws Beine und Form der Pfoten pattes et forme des pieds Corps Tail/ length and shape Länge und Form longueur et forme Schwanz/ Queue Coat/ body colour and points Körperfarbe und Points couleur du corps et points Fell/ Fourrure quality and texture, length Qualität und Textur, Länge qualité et texture, longueur

Gloves/ on the front feet an den Vorderbeinen pattes avant Handschuhe/ uniformity and symmetry Gleichmäßigkeit und Symmetrie régularité et symétrie Gantage on the hind feet an den Hinterbeinen pattes arrière uniformity and symmetry Gleichmäßigkeit und Symmetrie régularité et symétrie gauntlets Sporen éperons uniformity and symmetry Gleichmäßigkeit und Symmetrie régularité et symétrie uniformity and symmetry of gauntlets and Gleichmäßigkeit und Symmetrie der régularité et symétrie des éperons et des gloves Sporen und Handschuhe gants Condition/ Kondition

Änderungen sind fette gedrückt und kursiv, Streichungen sind durchgestrichen Changes are written in bold and in italics, deletions are marked as strike through Changements en caractères grasses et en italique, texte supprimé, rayé

Begründung: Die Augenfarbe der Birma ist ganz wichtig für den Look und sollte deshalb Punkte erhalten Motivation: The eye colour of the Birman is very important for the look and should therefore obtain points Motivation: La couleur des yeux des Birmanie est très important pour le look et pour cette raison doivent obtenir points

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 71/77

Felis Britannica Office of the General Secretary

Penshurst 29 Gunters Lane Bexhill-On-Sea East Sussex TN39 4EB

The UK FIFe Member +44 (0) 1424 732427

Felis Britannica would like to submit the following proposals to the FIFe GA:

Proposal One:

It is proposed to place all hairless breeds into five groups five groups for judging purposes and that, if accepted, this proposal should be implemented immediately. The groups to be as follows:

Group1: solid and solid with silver and solid white cats: w, n, a, b, c, d, e, o, p, f, g, h, j, q, r (s)

Group 2: as Group 1 but with white: n, a, b, c, d, e, o, p, f, g, h, j, q, r (s) (01, 02, 03, 09

Group 3: all agouti patterns with and without silver: n, a, b, c, d, e, o, p, f, g, h, j, q, r (s) (y) (21)

Group 4: as Group 3 but with white: n, a, b, c, d, e, o, p, f, g, h, j, q, r (s) (y) (01, 02, 03, 09) (21)

Group 5: all pointed cats with or without white, agouti or non-agouti, with or without silver: n, a, b, c, d, e, o, p, f, g, h, j, q, r (s) (y) (01, 02, 03, 09) ) (21).

Certificates already gained under other groupings are to be retained.


It is not easy to determine color in hairless breeds, particularly the presence of silver/golden. In some countries there are very large numbers of hairless breeds being shown and it is not considered fair to the exhibitors to have all varieties judged in one group. This solution would seem fair to the exhibitors and also allow for competition.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 72/77 AMIL is hereby submitting proposals to the 2007 General Assembly of FIFe:


All hairless cats: DSP, PEB and SPH to be registered and shown in 5 groups.

Group I: all colours NON-ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI: DSP/PEB/SPH w/n/a/b/c/o/p 21

Group II: all colours NON-ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH n/a/b/c/o/p 01/02/03/09 21

Group III: all colours ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI: DSP/PEB/SPH d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 21

Group IV: all colours ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 01/02/03/09 21

Group V: pointed SOLID/ AGOUTI without/ with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH n/a/b/c/o/p/d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 01/02/03/09 21 31/32/33

Certificates already gained in present classes remain valid in the new groups.

If carried, this proposal is to take effect immediately.

Motivation: It is difficult to determine the colour on hairless cats. On pointed hairless cats it is very often difficult to determine whether or not the cat has any white on it. Due to the lack of hair, it is impossible to determine any silver or golden colour on hairless cats. Thus, it is often difficult to determine the correct colour. Therefore, some cats are transferred from one group to another several times during their show career. The colour often changes, causing the group to change and leading to the loss of already gained certificates. Since the FIFe GA in 2006, the situation with the three hairless breeds is very confusing. To best sort out this problem, it is proposed that this new system of division takes effect immediately.

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 73/77 Associazione Nazionale Felina Italiana - FFI cod.fiscale e partita iva 02354520013 Legalmente riconosciuta con D.M. 6.8.1997 dal Ministro per le Politiche Agricole e Forestali Autorizzata con D.M. del 9.6.2005 dal Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali a gestire il Libro Genealogico del Gatto di Razza istituito in pari data Sede Legale: Via Gropello 12 - 10138 Torino tel. 011/43.44.627 fax 011/43.32.479

Presidente Nazionale Mario OTTINO Via Valfrè 4 - 10020 Casalborgone (Torino) tel. 011/91.74.767 fax 011/91.74.767 Segretaria Libro Genealogico Giudice Sandra FERRINI Via Gropello 12 - 10138 Torino tel. 011/43.44.627 fax 011/43.32.479 Segretario Nazionale Dario DOMANCICH Via dei Baiardi 93/4 - 34127 Trieste tel. 040/35.01.95 fax 040/54261

Prot. 33/dd/2007 To FIFe General Secretary Eric Reijers Jehnickà 11 62100 Brno Czech Republic

Subject: GA FIFe 2007 - ANFI Proposals Trieste, 24th March 2007

Proposal n. 2: All hairless cats: DSP, PEB and SPH to be registered and shown in 5 groups.

Group I: all colours WITHOUT RED, SOLID/ AGOUTI: DSP/PEB/SPH w/n/a/b/c/o/p 21

Group II: all colours WITHOUT RED, SOLID/ AGOUTI with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH w/n/a/b/c/o/p 01/02/03/09 21

Group III: all colours WITH RED, SOLID/ AGOUTI: DSP/PEB/SPH d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 21

Group IV: all colours WITH RED, SOLID/ AGOUTI with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 01/02/03/09 21

Group V: pointed SOLID/ AGOUTI without/ with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH n/a/b/c/o/p/d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 01/02/03/09 21 31/32/33

Certificates already gained in present classes remain valid in the new groups. If carried, this proposal is to take effect immediately.

Motivation: It is difficult to determine the colour on hairless cats. On pointed hairless cats it is very often hard to determine if the cat is with or without white. Because of lack of hair, it is not possible to determine silver or golden colour on hairless cats. For all these reasons it is often difficult to determine the correct colour. Due to this, some cats are transferred from one group to another several times during their show career. Often the colour change also causes the group to change and leads to loss of already gained certificates. Since the FIFe GA in 2006, the situation with the three hairless breeds is very confusing. To best sort out this problem, it is proposed that this new system of division takes effect immediately.

ANFI National Secretary Dario Domancich

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 74/77 ZVEZA FELINOLOŠKIH DRUŠTEV SLOVENIJE

Feline federation of Slovenia Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27, [email protected]


All hairless cats: DSP, PEB and SPH to be registered and shown in 5 groups.

Group I: all colours NON-ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI: DSP/PEB/SPH w/n/a/b/c/o/p 21

Group II: all colours NON-ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH n/a/b/c/o/p 01/02/03/09 21

Group III: all colours ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI: DSP/PEB/SPH d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 21

Group IV: all colours ORANGE, SOLID/ AGOUTI with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 01/02/03/09 21

Group V: pointed SOLID/ AGOUTI without/ with WHITE: DSP/PEB/SPH n/a/b/c/o/p/d/e/f/g/h/j/q/r 01/02/03/09 21 31/32/33

Certificates already gained in present classes remain valid in the new groups.

If carried, this proposal is to take effect immediately.

Motivation: It is difficult to determine the colour on hairless cats. On pointed hairless cats it is very often hard to determine if the cat is with or without white. Because of lack of hair, it is not possible to determine silver or golden colour on hairless cats. For all these reasons it is often difficult to determine the correct colour. Due to this, some cats are transferred from one group to another several times during their show career. Often the colour change also causes the group to change and leads to loss of already gained certificates. Since the FIFe GA in 2006, the situation with the three hairless breeds is very confusing. To best sort out this problem, it is proposed that this new system of division takes effect immediately.

Roška 9, 3000 Celje, Slovenija, [email protected] tel: +386 (0)3 492 26 26, fax: +386 (0)3 492 26 27

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 75/77 Proposal of ARCCA (Russia) - FIFe GA 2007, Albufeira

ARCCA asks the GA to accept the following proposal: We propose that the KBL/KBS will be judged in 9 colour groups, in analogy to the NFO, in order to further their development and to allow the numbers to increase at shows and the Best in Show i.e.:

Colour EMS-code Group I. Black/Blue KBL/KBS n/a Amber/Light amber KBL/KBS nt/at Group II. Black/Blue with white KBL/KBS n/a 01/02/03/09 Amber/Light amber KBL/KBS nt/at 01/02/03/09 Group III Black/Blue agouti KBL/KBS n/a 22/23/24/25 Amber/Light amber agouti KBL/KBS nt/at 22/23/24/25 Black/Blue golden KBL/KBS n/a y 11/12/22/23/24/25 Group IV Black/Blue agouti with white KBL/KBS n/a 01/02/03/09 21/22/23/24/25 Amber/Light amber agouti with white KBL/KBS nt/at 01/02/03/09 21/22/23/24/25 Black/Blue golden with white KBL/KBS n/a y 01/02/03/09 11/12/21/22/23/24/25 Group V Red/Cream/Tortie solid/agouti KBL/KBS d/e/f/g (22/23/24/25) Amber/Light amber tortie solid/agouti KBL/KBS ft/gt (22/23/24/25) Red/Cream/Tortie golden KBL/KBS d/e/f/g y 11/12/22/23/24/25 Group VI Red/Cream/Tortie solid/agouti with white KBL/KBS d/e/f/g (01/02/03/09) (21/22/23/24/25) Amber/Light amber tortie solid/agouti+white KBL/KBS ft/gt (01/02/03/09) (21/22/23/24/25) Red/Cream/Tortie golden with white KBL/KBS d/e/f/g y 01/02/03/09 11/12/21/22/23/24/25 Group VII Black/Blue/Red/Cream smoke/silver KBL/KBS n/a/d/e s (11/12/22/23/24/25) Amber/Light amber smoke/silver KBL/KBS nt/at s (11/12/22/23/24/25) Tortie smoke KBL/KBS f/g s Tortie silver KBL/KBS f/g s 11/12/22/23/24/25 Amber/Light amber tortie smoke/silver KBL/KBS ft/gt s (11/12/22/23/24/25) Group VIII Black/Blue/Red/Cream smoke/silver+white KBL/KBS n/a/d/e s 01/02/03/09 11/12/21/22/23/24/25 Amber/Light amber smoke/silver with white KBL/KBS nt/at s 01/02/03/09 11/12/21/22/23/24/25 Tortie smoke/silver with white KBL/KBS f/g s 01/02/03/09 11/12/21/22/23/24/25 Amber/Light amber tortie smoke/silver+white KBL/KBS ft/gt s 01/02/03/09 11/12/21/22/23/24/25 Group IX White (blue, orange, green odd-eyed) KBL/KBS w

Motivation: 1. At present, there are large amounts of KBL/KBS in Russia, Finland, Estonia, Ukraine, Germany and other countries. In ARCCA alone, the total number of these cats is more than 200. 2. In the LO/Riex book of ARCCA KBL/KBS of all colour groups above are registered. 3. The KBL/KBS of the “amber” colour are not registered in the ARCCA LO/Riex book, but their small population lives in Russia (in the Southern Ural). 4. The KBL/KBS is present in numbers at our cat shows. There are several JW´s and EC of the KBL/KBS breed in the ARCCA LO/Riex book. 5.Breeders and owners of KBL/KBS are increasingly interested to participate at FIFe shows. Doubtlessly, their numbers will increase substantially if they are able to compete not only between each other, but with the representatives of other breeds also.



ADRESSEZ VOTRE Alfred Wittich, Präsident RÉPONSE A FIFe Secretariat Büntacher 22 DIE ANTWORT CH-5626 Hermetschwil Mr. Eric Reijers BITTE AN Tel. ++41 56 641 06 12

INDIRIZZARE LA Fax ++41 56 641 06 14 RISPOSTA A E-Mail: [email protected]

Hermetschwil, 24th March 2007

Proposal from the FEDERATION FELINE HELVETIQUE for the attention of the FIFe General Assembly in Albufeira, 24th and 25th May 2007.

Proposal 2: (Addition a new article - Article 9 - in the Cattery Names Rules)

Cattery names in the BCN of FIFe will be deleted at the request of the FIFe member where the name is registered and may be allocated again.

If one of the following three conditions applies:

• The owner of the cattery name has been excluded by the FIFe member • The owner of the cattery name died and didn’t bequeath the name further • The owner of the cattery name left the FIFe member and is breeding in a non FIFe organisation

The deletion of the cattery name can be requested if in addition in the last 25 years no more cats have been registered under that name.

• If under the cattery name no litters have ever been registered

then the deletion may already be requested after 10 years.


In FIFe, there are about 57.000 cattery names registered. In the actual practice, a cattery name will be deleted at the earliest after 50 years. Also in the FFH, we know about cattery names, which will never be used again because of above conditions. Therefore, it makes no sense to continue this registration and to protect these names for 50 years. As a small comment, we would like to clarify, that it is not mandatory for the FIFe member to request the deletion under above econditions. If for example older breeders have stopped their breeding activities for a longer time, then they should have the possibility to transfer their cattery name to their official heir.

FÉDÉRATION FÉLINE HELVÉTIQUE Der Präsident / le président: Alfred Wittich

Die Sekretärin / la secrétaire: Stephanie Feyfar

FIFe - Agenda GA Albufeira, 24-25 May 2007 77/77