2021 Georgia FCCLA State & STAR Event Menu

Butter Cookies Blueberry Muffins Fruit Tart Pastry Cream

Butter Cookies Yield: 30 oz dough (2 dozen cookies) Portion Size: 1 cookie Amount Ingredient 8 oz Butter 6 oz Sugar ½ teaspoon Salt 4 oz Eggs (about 2 large) ½ teaspoon Vanilla Extract ½ teaspoon Butter extract 10 oz All-purpose flour Method:

1. Cream butter, sugar and salt. 2. Incorporate eggs and extracts. 3. Sift flour, then incorporate into wet ingredients. 4. Use a to pie dough into desired shape on a parchment-lined sheet pan. 5. Bake at 375°F (190°C) for approximately 15 minutes. 6. Plate and garnish as desired.

Blueberry Muffins Yield: 2 ½ pounds Portion Size: 3 oz muffins Amount Ingredient 4 oz Eggs (about 2 large eggs) 8 oz Milk ½ teaspoon Vanilla extract 5 oz Sugar 2 teaspoons Baking powder 12 oz Cake or All-purpose flour Pinch Salt 4 oz Melted butter 8 oz Blueberries Method:

1. Beat the eggs and mix with the milk. 2. Sift the dry ingredients together. 3. Add the eggs, milk and butter to dry ingredients and mix until all ingredients are combined. Do not overmix. 4. Fold in blueberries using a . 5. Portion the batter into muffin pan. 6. Bake muffins at 400°F (204°C) for about 15 minutes. 7. Plate and garnish as desired.

Fruit Tart Yield: 4 tarts Amount Ingredient As needed Softened butter 12 oz Sweet dough (recipe below) 16 oz Pastry cream (recipe below) As needed Assorted fresh berries and sliced fruits (to include kiwi, strawberry, and mango) 8 oz Apricot pastry glaze Method:

1. Lightly grease a tart pan with softened butter. 2. Roll out the sweet dough and line the tart pan. Trim the edges of the dough. 3. Bake the tart shell at 425°F for 15 or 20 minutes, depending on tarts. 4. Spread an even layer of pastry cream of the surface of tart shell. 5. Arrange berries and fruit in an attractive pattern. 6. Melt the apricot glaze over low heat. 7. Gently coat the fruit with glaze using pastry brush. 8. Plate and garnish as desired.

Sweet Dough Amount Ingredient 1 lb All-purpose flour or pastry flour 7 oz Sugar ½ teaspoon Salt 6 oz Egg yolk (about 4) 8 oz Butter, softened 3 teaspoons Milk Method:

1. Combine flour, salt, sugar, and butter. Cut into pieces in mixing bowl. 2. Blend butter and dry ingredients well. 3. Add egg yolks and milk. Mix to form a smooth dough. Do not overmix. 4. Cover and chill until ready to use.

Pastry Cream Amount Ingredient 8 oz Egg yolks 9 oz Sugar 2 teaspoons Vanilla extract 2 oz Flour 1 ½ oz Corn starch 32 oz Milk 2 oz Butter Method:

1. In a bowl, whip egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla extract until the sugar dissolves. 2. Add flour and cornstarch to the egg yolk and sugar mixture. Whip until incorporated. 3. In a saucepan, bring milk to a boil. 4. Temper the egg yolk mixture by pouring 1/3 of the milk into the egg yolk mixture. Pour the egg yolk and milk mixture into the remainder of the milk in the saucepan. 5. Place the saucepan on medium heat. Whipping constantly, allow the pastry cream to boil. Reduce heat and cook for another 1-2 minutes. 6. Remove from heat. Stir in the butter. 7. Pour the pastry cream into a shallow container. Chill until needed.