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30_128176 bindex.qxp 5/25/07 10:38 AM Page 273 Index See separate Accommodations and Restaurant Indexes following this index airports, alternate, 38, 46 • A • airports, Logan International AAA (BostonAAA), 265 Airport, 45–46 AARP: The Magazine, 58 comfort of, guidelines for, 49 Abbot Hall (Marblehead), 220–221 cost of, 35, 46–47 abbreviations used in this book, 2–3 deep vein thrombosis, 68 Abodeon, 190 luggage, amount to bring, 38 accent of Bostonians, 257 luggage, inspection of, 72 accessibility, 59–61, 88, 89 luggage, insurance for, 67 accommodations. See also reserving flights, 38, 47, 48 Accommodations Index transportation from airport, 75–77 accessibility of, 60 AirTran airline, 45 amenities in, 38 alcohol, laws regarding, 244, 266–267 bed-and-breakfasts, 93 Alcott, Louisa May, home of, 13, 214 best, listed alphabetically, 99–113 AMC Loews Boston Common movie best, listed by neighborhood, 113–114 theater, 263 best, listed by price, 114–115 American airline, 45 best of the best, list of, 10–11 American cuisine, 139 chains, 92, 270 American Express (AE) credit card, 2 children in, 38 American Repertory Theatre, 242 cost of, average, 34, 35–36 Amtrak, 50–51 cost of, dollar-sign ($) indicators for, Anchovies, 246 2–3, 97–98 antique stores, 191 cost of, finding best rates for, 93–96 aquarium, 12, 154, 173–174 cost of, room tax for, 36, 94, 268 arboretum, 172 for families, 98, 102, 103, 109–110 architecture, 18–22, 162, 170–171 independent hotels, 92–93 area codes, 265 maps of, 104–107 Aria, 250 reservations for, making, 94–97 Arnold Arboretum, 172 room in, choosing,COPYRIGHTED 96 art lovers’ MATERIAL itinerary, 201–204 suburban, 111 art museums.
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