
CCooppyryigrihgth©t ©200260b0y5SbpayrkSpPaubrklisNhointges LLC. ISBN 1-4114-9972-7 AAllllrirgighhtstsrerseesrveerdv.ed. FFllaasshhCChahratsrtis aistraadremgaisrtkeoref SdptarrakdNeotmesaLrkLC 5 0 3 9 5 SopfaSrpk aPrukbNlisohteinsgLLC. A Barnes & Noble Publication Printed in the U.S.A. $3.95 | $5.95 CAN 1P0rin9ted8 in7 U6.S.5A. 4 3 2 $13.95 | $5.95 CAN 9 7 8 1 4 1 1 4 9 9 7 2 0 Cr TreeProtection. of Digory plants the plants Digory eation of . of eation TheChronicles of Narnia Note:Narnia,Earth.Theseyearsareinonnot 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Or Orderof Out or In numbered by the order in which they were published: TheBattleLast TheMagician’s Nephew TheSilverChair T PrinceCaspian WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe The Horse and His BoyTheHisHorseand iginally,the seven 1 he V o y a ge of thegeof followers into uninhabited into followers Archenland and becomes and Archenland Prince Col leads Col Prince its first king. first its (1956) (1951) 180 (1953) Chr Da wn onicles of Narnia (1954) (1955) T r eader Outlaws from Archenland from Outlaws desert and settle the new the settle and desert fly across the southern the across fly kingdom of . of kingdom (1952) 204 w (1950) ere Theempire of Calormen spreads.Calormenes colonizeTelmar. 300 is possibis magicallandwhere anything wondrousintoa journey T anyorderstillandmake sense. Truly,thereadbooksbeincan 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. the booksthearenumbered followingthein order: the bookthe stumbleinintoNarnia ’sNephew stor f recommended thatreadbooksthebeto However,C.S.Lewis ollowthe hey arealwayshey ,a TheBattleLast TheSilverChair The Voyagetheof Pr T The ,the WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe T he Hor he he Magician’she Nephew ies.For example,as the thingsthethat take example,as place in ies.For ince Caspianince Islands’ inhabitants crown King Gale King crown inhabitants Islands’ Telmar into dumb beasts. The Lone The Telmarbeasts. dumb into turns wicked Calormenes in Calormenes wicked turns Aslan le of Narnia their emperor.their Narnia of T Association’sCarnegie Medal in1956. evenwon the British Library finalbook inthe series, consideredclassic fact,the books.In Lewis’sthey arewritings,and Chronicles anddwarfs all exist together! wheretalking animals,kings,, historyofthe magical world ofNarnia, lovedby children and adults alike. whythese books have become so f That’ssortoflike winning anOscar,but Lewis.As sevenfantasy novels written byC.S. TheChronicles ofNarnia Wardrobe the Beyond se and His Bo Hisand se . orwr c he Ma he h r 302 o n g o iter ician’ l o Dawn Treader happenbefore Pevensiethe children g y s—quitebiga honor! Let’ c , The Lion,the WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe, s Nephews y h or timeor or arethe best known of r o Olvin of Archenland of Olvin kills the Pire. Pire. Giant the kills n i 407 c shouldr be der,of the eventsthe der,of thein l e s , thenovels give a Pirates from Earth from Pirates take over Telmar.over take TheLast Battle, isseriesa of 460 ead f ead The ir st. T he So nowSo From the far North, far the From returns to Narnia. to returns the White the s sees 898 Beginning of the of Beginning

Long Winter.Long Cor of Archenland,who had beenkidnappedhadofCor child. aArchenland,who as thwarteddiscovertheyand thatShastaactually is Prince of the Archenlandersapproachingtheof danger.With helpthe brave children trekwarnNarnia,the acrossto desert the wherepassed.timehasno queensNarof Christmas!For manyyears childrenthekings and as rule fromthe Witch. willgrowapple,whichtree thatintoa willprotect Narnia pr threatenedisNarnia bythe intoNarnia.But Lion,turns

900 esence of Jadis.Digory goes on a for a magicquestgoesforaa on esenceJadis.Digory of sa,dudSsnadLc,h aomns planis Lucy,the Calormenes’ Aslan,Edmund,Susan,and

Chronicling the Chronicles the Chronicling

Chr learcanlendssheJessehethemtoso Terabithia, FlashFact onicles, The White Witch is defeated and defeated is Witch White The The Pevensies arrive in Narnia. in arrive Pevensies The the characterthe Leslieoften refersNarniathe to books, and becomes of Narnia. of King High becomes the Long Winter ended. Peter ended. Winter Long the In KatherineIn Paterson's award-winning book T er nia untilniathe ebinthiaislandanofis darkbareandworldGreat that Aslan,the slee an queen,Jadis,from can’tDigory resist awakening last,evil its the friendPollyhisandDigory travel through UsingmagicfromUncleringshis Andrew, Magician’sNephew The o thatCalormenestheareplanning to Whenfourthelearn Calormengirl,. y a theirtheymeetjourney namedBree.On slavea boy,escapes talkingwithahorse Dur Boy His and Horse The neveralways madeit winterNarnia,but in defeat the Aslan,they White has Witch,who Greatthehelpofthe Narnia.WithLion of Lucyand Pevensie stumble worldintothe Whileold,enchanted hidinganin Wardrobethe and Witch the Lion, The w TheChronicles of Narnia v a erthrowkingdomtheof Archenlandand 1000 oungmar r Woodbetween the WorldsCharn. to ing the Goldentheing p cast by a spell.They all travelall spell.They castbya p a to d r o b e y r y , or closet,Peter,Susan,Edmund, or e calledHwinwithhere etur f the coastArchenland.theoff n to theiro to n n to act like a king.Inlikeacta to n High King Peter successfully Peter King High Age of Narnia,, ofAge raids the Northern . Northern the raids His and Horse The adventure takes place. place. takes adventure e n c 1014 h a wn w wn n t Bridgeto e d orld, The sleep—a vanish from Narnia. Narnia. from vanish The Pevensies hunt Pevensies The the White Stag and Stag White the 1015 willtrulylive happily ever after. battle.However,adoorleadsthemto Truethey Narnia,where King’.Silver ser the also is Realm)—whoDeep the of Queen or the of Queen called (also Kirtle Green the of Lady defeatthe trip.this after Narnia to return to old too are they thatEdmund and Lucy tells who lamb, a of form the in Greatthe Aslan, encounter and journey their Lucy,Mouse continuenoble the and Edmund, Eustace, but home, returns Caspian . tyrant the by leave), friends of his father, but who had been had who but father, his of friends throne.ThisPeter’sis Susan’sand Narnia.tolasttrip pent!—and r pent!—and King of Archenland. Archenland. of King succeeds Cor as Cor succeeds Ram the Great the Ram 1050 s forces are outnumbered,and they lose the finaltheylosetheforces s areoutnumbered,and Narnia to save their beloved land. But sadly, But savetoNarnia theirbeloved land. unitecreatureswiththe of theirhearts,they Nar callsforEustacehelp,drawingJillandinto Tirianbound,King andinvade Narnia.Captured disguisedas talkingUsingaape donkeynamed Shiftaand Battle Last The under a spell in the Under the in spell a under him find Prince.They lost the searchof in Puddleglumgonamed Marsh-wiggle a and Jill, werewhosevenlords the searchfor successful the called World’sa (also leads Caspian End), the of WorldEnd adventurethe fantastic to a In X. Caspian King friend, their of ship ser v a now is X Caspian King that find and Narnia to transported areclassmate Jill his and Eustace Chair Silver The aboardthe themselves find painting.They a through Narnia into pulled are Eustace Lucy,cousin their and Edmund, TheVoyage of the Pevensiesthehelpofusesthe regainto his Caspianunclehis willmurder next,Prince him h enchantedbeastscreaturesand NarniaOldof takentheof thronethefor himself.Most Caspian’sfather—theNarnia—and kingof true PrinceCaspian’s eviluncle Mirazmurderedhas Caspian Prince elease Prince from the enchanted the from Rilian Prince elease avethathiding.Fearingbeenkilledarein or ery old man. His wife has been killed by a by killed been has wife His man. old ery pent, conquer Narnia. conquer The TelmarinesThe nia onceagain.Withniaspiritofthe Aslanin 1998 and his son Rilian is missing is Rilian son his and Aslan, Caspian IX is murdered is IX Caspian is born. is Caspian Prince who takes the throne. the takes who by his brother Miraz, brother his by the terriblethe Calormenes 2290 e x Dawn Treader i land l e Dawn Treader d .The three .The (forced to (forced Prince Caspian becomes Caspian Prince Caspian X of Nar of X Caspian Civil War in Narnia. in War Civil . Eustace 2303 the , nia. nia. , Caspian X defeats the defeats X Caspian Northern Giants. Northern The other setting in setting other The Europe.of part is which England, worldin takeour place in scenes the of happens.All rarelymagic and don’tspeak, animals round, is earth wherethe C T WorldThis of Out them in vivid detail. Here are some of the most important ones: important most the of some are Here vividdetail. in them here are two main settings in settings twomain are here . S. Lewis imagined dozens of places beyond our world and described worldbeyondand our places of dozens imagined Lewis S. . 2304 2304 Caspian X voyages X Caspian to the End of End the to 2306–7 the World. World. the The ChroniclesThe ’sdaughter. CaspianmarriesX 2310 2310 The Chronicles.The is the worldwardrobe.beyondthe the is Prince Rilian Prince 2325 is born. born. is The first is our world,our is first The by a Serpent. Prince Serpent. a by The Queen is killed is Queen The Rilian disappears. disappears. Rilian 2345 Nar Eustace and Jill come to come Jill and Eustace Rilian. Caspian X dies. X Caspian Rilian. nia and rescue Prince rescue and nia 2356 Outbr Lanter towers are built. are towers Woodbetween the Worlds cannotimagine living above ground. livingthings. The gnomes love Bism and runsthrough Bism, and gemstones grow like bythe . Ariver of fire hometo the gnomes, who have been enslaved Bismlies well below the Underland, and it is dark,dreary caves that lies under the ground. theGreen Kirtle, the Underland is aseries of Underlandand Bism childrenin the hope of getting to eat them. treacherousand deadly giants who deceive communitycalled Harfang, which is full of bygiants. Just north of Ettinsmoor is the Theseareas to the north of Narnia are inhabited Ettinsmoorand the Wild Lands of the North beforethe Telmarine invasion. encouragesNarnia to return to the way it was people,but he is apeaceful king who CaspianXis descended from this line of Nar fearthat the sea and for believethis Old Nar ofhistor magic,and peacefulness. They r differentworld. ofwater. Each pool is agateway to a Itis aserene place filled with shallow pools betweenour world and the worlds in Narnia. Nar peoplewho eventually invade and conquer andNar bytraveling thr originallysettled by pirates who discovered it Telmar betweenrivers. Tashbaan,mountainous,a fertile area that lies theTisroc, who lives inthe capital city of allegiancetodemona called . Their king is believeinAslan, but instead pledge their thelower classes. The Calormenes donot higherclasses are treated much better than Calormenebelongs tocertaina class. The slaveryand treats women poorly. Each Calormeniswarringa society that practices ordwelled in, byoutlaws from Archenland. vastdesert, this land was originally Calormen Archenlandersare friends with the Narnians. orgrowing, place. Ruled by King Lune, the Archenlandis apeaceful, safe, and Calormeneinvasion in thearea with water. With the exception of the KingLune. The Winding Arrow River supplies rollinghills and streams, and is the home of ofNarnia, the country of Archenland is full of Archenland Paravel,the castle on the eastern shore. findin our world. Narnia is ruled from Cair allsorts of magical beasts that one would never landfull of forests, flowers, rivers, animals, and Aslan.It is apeaceful, welcoming, beautiful series,the world of Narnia was created by Narnia eak of outlaws in outlaws of eak n Waste. Guard Waste. n 2534 niaar nia,ridding Nar nia.The T Thefocal point of the books in the yas Old Narnia. Many Thisisland located west of Narnia was ehaunted by the ghosts of Old Nar Southofboth Archenland and a Directlysouth of the country oughalink between our world elmarinesar King is rescued by Eustace and Eustace by rescued is Tirian King niaof talking cr Jill. Narnia falls to the Calormenes. the to falls Narnia Jill. niato be amyth, and they Therealm of the Lady of TheHorse and His Boy, estssur . last The Thisis aportal TrueNarnia. eawar 2555 r eferto that part ounding eatur prosperous, inhabited, ring es, nia. CCooppyryigrihgth©t ©200260b0y5SbpayrkSpPaubrklisNhointges LLC. ISBN 1-4114-9972-7 AAllllrirgighhtstsrerseesrveerdv.ed. FFllaasshhCChahratsrtis aistraadremgaisrtkeoref SdptarrakdNeotmesaLrkLC 5 0 3 9 5 SopfaSrpk aPrukbNlisohteinsgLLC. A Barnes & Noble Publication Printed in the U.S.A. $3.95 | $5.95 CAN 1P0rin9ted8 in7 U6.S.5A. 4 3 2 $13.95 | $5.95 CAN 9 7 8 1 4 1 1 4 9 9 7 2 0 Cr TreeProtection. of Digory plants the plants Digory eation of Narnia. of eation TheChronicles of Narnia Note:Narnia,Earth.Theseyearsareinonnot 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 1. 2. Or Orderof Out or In numbered by the order in which they were published: TheBattleLast TheMagician’s Nephew TheSilverChair The Lion,the WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe T PrinceCaspian The Horse and His BoyTheHisHorseand iginally,the seven 1 he V o y a ge of thegeof followers into uninhabited into followers Archenland and becomes and Archenland Prince Col leads Col Prince its first king. first its (1956) (1951) 180 (1953) Chr Da wn onicles of Narnia (1954) (1955) T r eader Outlaws from Archenland from Outlaws desert and settle the new the settle and desert fly across the southern the across fly kingdom of Calormen. of kingdom (1952) 204 w (1950) ere Theempire of Calormen spreads.Calormenes colonizeTelmar. 300 is possibis magicallandwhere anything wondrousintoa journey T anyorderstillandmake sense. Truly,thereadbooksbeincan 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. the booksthearenumbered followingthein order: the bookthe stumbleinintoNarnia Magician’sNephew stor f recommended thatreadbooksthebeto However,C.S.Lewis ollowthe hey arealwayshey fantastic,a TheBattleLast TheSilverChair The Voyagetheof Pr T The Lion,the WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe T he Hor he he Magician’she Nephew ies.For example,as the thingsthethat take example,as place in ies.For ince Caspianince Islands’ inhabitants crown King Gale King crown inhabitants Islands’ Telmar into dumb beasts. The Lone The Telmarbeasts. dumb into Aslan turns wicked Calormenes in Calormenes wicked turns Aslan le of Narnia their emperor.their Narnia of T lovedby children and adults alike. whythese books have become so f That’ssortoflike winning anOscar,but Association’sCarnegie Medal in1956. evenwon the British Library finalbook inthe series, consideredclassic fact,the books.In Lewis’sthey arewritings,and Chronicles anddwarfs all exist together! wheretalking animals,kings,centaurs, historyofthe magical world ofNarnia, Lewis.As sevenfantasy novels written byC.S. TheChronicles ofNarnia Wardrobe the Beyond se and His Bo Hisand se . orwr c he Ma he h r 302 o n g o iter ician’ l o Dawn Treader happenbefore Pevensiethe children g y s—quitebiga honor! Let’ c , The Lion,the WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe, s Nephews y h or timeor or arethe best known of r o Olvin of Archenland of Olvin kills the Giant Pire. Pire. Giant the kills n i 407 c shouldr be der,of the eventsthe der,of thein l e s , thenovels give a Pirates from Earth from Pirates take over Telmar.over take TheLast Battle, isseriesa of 460 ead f ead The ir st. T he So nowSo From the far North, far the From returns to Narnia. to returns the White Witch White the s sees 898 Beginning of the of Beginning Long Winter.Long Cor of Archenland,who had beenkidnappedhadofCor child. aArchenland,who as thwarteddiscovertheyand thatShastaactually is Prince of the Archenlandersapproachingtheof danger.With helpthe brave children trekwarnNarnia,the acrossto desert the queensNarof Christmas!For manyyears childrenthekings and as rule fromthe Witch. willgrowapple,whichtree thatintoa willprotect Narnia pr threatenedisNarnia bythe intoNarnia.But Lion,turns wherepassed.timehasno 900 esence of Jadis.Digory goes on a quest for a magicquestgoesforaa on esenceJadis.Digory of sa,dudSsnadLc,h aomns planis Lucy,the Calormenes’ Aslan,Edmund,Susan,and Chronicling the Chronicles the Chronicling Chr learcanlendssheJessehethemtoso Terabithia, FlashFact onicles, The White Witch is defeated and defeated is Witch White The The Pevensies arrive in Narnia. in arrive Pevensies The the characterthe Leslieoften refersNarniathe to books, and becomes High King of Narnia. of King High becomes the Long Winter ended. Peter ended. Winter Long the In KatherineIn Paterson's award-winning book T er nia untilniathe ebinthiaislandanofis darkbareandworldGreat that Aslan,the slee an queen,Jadis,from can’tDigory resist awakening last,evil its the friendPollyhisandDigory travel through UsingmagicfromUncleringshis Andrew, Magician’sNephew The o thatCalormenestheareplanning to Whenfourthelearn Calormengirl,Aravis. y a theirtheymeetjourney namedBree.On slavea boy,escapes talkingwithahorse Dur Boy His and Horse The neveralways madeit winterNarnia,but in defeat the Aslan,they White has Witch,who Greatthehelpofthe Narnia.WithLion of Lucyand Pevensie stumble worldintothe Whileold,enchanted hidinganin Wardrobethe and Witch the Lion, The w TheChronicles of Narnia v a erthrowkingdomtheof Archenlandand 1000 oungmar r Woodbetween the WorldsCharn. to ing the Goldentheing p cast by a spell.They all travelall spell.They castbya p a to d r o b e y r y , or closet,Peter,Susan,Edmund, or e calledHwinwithhere etur f the coastArchenland.theoff n to theiro to n n to act like a king.Inlikeacta to n High King Peter successfully Peter King High Age of Narnia,Shasta, ofAge raids the Northern Giants. Northern the raids The Horse and His Boy His and Horse The adventure takes place. place. takes adventure e n c 1014 h a wn w wn n t Bridgeto e d orld, The sleep—a vanish from Narnia. Narnia. from vanish The Pevensies hunt Pevensies The the White Stag and Stag White the 1015 willtrulylive happily ever after. battle.However,adoorleadsthemto Truethey Narnia,where King’the Silver Chair.Silver ser the also is Realm)—whoDeep the of Queen or Underland the of Queen called (also Kirtle Green the of Lady defeatthe trip.this after Narnia to return to old too are they thatEdmund and Lucy tells who lamb, a of form the in Greatthe Aslan, encounter and journey their Reepicheep Lucy,Mouse continuenoble the and Edmund, Eustace, but home, returns Caspian Miraz. tyrant the by leave), been had who but father, his of friends throne.ThisPeter’sis Susan’sand Narnia.tolasttrip pent!—and r pent!—and King of Archenland. Archenland. of King succeeds Cor as Cor succeeds Ram the Great the Ram 1050 s forces are outnumbered,and they lose the finaltheylosetheforces s areoutnumbered,and Narnia to save their beloved land. But sadly, But savetoNarnia theirbeloved land. unitecreatureswiththe of theirhearts,they Nar callsforEustacehelp,drawingJillandinto Tirianbound,King andinvade Narnia.Captured disguisedas talkingUsingaape donkeynamed Shiftaand Battle Last The successful search for the seven lords who werewhosevenlords the searchfor successful the called World’sa (also leads Caspian End), the of WorldEnd adventurethe fantastic to a In X. Caspian King friend, their of ship under a spell in the Under the in spell a under him find Prince.They lost the searchof in Puddleglumgonamed Marsh-wiggle a and Jill, find themselves aboardthe themselves find painting.They a through Narnia into pulled are Eustace Lucy,cousin their and Edmund, TheVoyage of the Pevensiesthehelpofusesthe regainto his Caspianunclehis willmurder next,Prince him h enchantedbeastscreaturesand NarniaOldof takentheof thronethefor himself.Most Caspian’sfather—theNarnia—and kingof true PrinceCaspian’s eviluncle Mirazmurderedhas Caspian Prince ser v a now is X Caspian King that find and Narnia to transported areclassmate Jill his and Eustace Chair Silver The elease Prince Rilian from the enchanted the from Rilian Prince elease avethathiding.Fearingbeenkilledarein or ery old man. His wife has been killed by a by killed been has wife His man. old ery pent, conquer Narnia. conquer The TelmarinesThe nia onceagain.Withniaspiritofthe Aslanin 1998 and his son Rilian is missing is Rilian son his and Aslan, Caspian IX is murdered is IX Caspian Prince Caspian is born. is Caspian Prince who takes the throne. the takes who by his brother Miraz, brother his by the terriblethe Calormenes 2290 e x Dawn Treader i land l e Dawn Treader d .The three .The (forced to (forced Prince Caspian becomes Caspian Prince Caspian X of Nar of X Caspian Civil War in Narnia. in War Civil . Eustace 2303 the , nia. nia. , Caspian X defeats the defeats X Caspian Northern Giants. Northern C in setting other The Europe.of part is which England, worldin takeour place in scenes the of happens.All rarelymagic and don’tspeak, animals round, is earth wherethe T WorldThis of Out them in vivid detail. Here are some of the most important ones: important most the of some are Here vividdetail. in them here are two main settings in settings twomain are here . S. Lewis imagined dozens of places beyond our world and described worldbeyondand our places of dozens imagined Lewis S. . 2304 2304 Caspian X voyages X Caspian to the End of End the to 2306–7 the World. World. the The ChroniclesThe Ramandu’sdaughter. CaspianmarriesX 2310 2310 The Chronicles.The is the worldwardrobe.beyondthe the is Prince Rilian Prince 2325 is born. born. is The first is our world,our is first The by a Serpent. Prince Serpent. a by The Queen is killed is Queen The Rilian disappears. disappears. Rilian 2345 Nar Eustace and Jill come to come Jill and Eustace Rilian. Caspian X dies. X Caspian Rilian. nia and rescue Prince rescue and nia 2356 Outbr Lanter towers are built. are towers Woodbetween the Worlds cannotimagine living above ground. livingthings. The gnomes love Bism and runsthrough Bism, and gemstones grow like bythe Lady of the Green Kirtle. Ariver of fire hometo the gnomes, who have been enslaved Bismlies well below the Underland, and it is dark,dreary caves that lies under the ground. theGreen Kirtle, the Underland is aseries of Underlandand Bism childrenin the hope of getting to eat them. treacherousand deadly giants who deceive communitycalled Harfang, which is full of bygiants. Just north of Ettinsmoor is the Theseareas to the north of Narnia are inhabited Ettinsmoorand the Wild Lands of the North beforethe Telmarine invasion. encouragesNarnia to return to the way it was people,but he is apeaceful king who CaspianXis descended from this line of Nar fearthat the sea and for believethis Old Nar ofhistor magic,and peacefulness. They r differentworld. ofwater. Each pool is agateway to a Itis aserene place filled with shallow pools betweenour world and the worlds in Narnia. Nar peoplewho eventually invade and conquer andNar bytraveling thr originallysettled by pirates who discovered it Telmar betweenrivers. Tashbaan,mountainous,a fertile area that lies theTisroc, who lives inthe capital city of allegiancetodemona called Tash. Their king is believeinAslan, but instead pledge their thelower classes. The Calormenes donot higherclasses are treated much better than Calormenebelongs tocertaina class. The slaveryand treats women poorly. Each Calormeniswarringa society that practices ordwelled in, byoutlaws from Archenland. vastdesert, this land was originally Calormen Archenlandersare friends with the Narnians. orgrowing, place. Ruled by King Lune, the Archenlandis apeaceful, safe, and Calormeneinvasion in thearea with water. With the exception of the KingLune. The Winding Arrow River supplies rollinghills and streams, and is the home of ofNarnia, the country of Archenland is full of Archenland Paravel,the castle on the eastern shore. findin our world. Narnia is ruled from Cair allsorts of magical beasts that one would never landfull of forests, flowers, rivers, animals, and Aslan.It is apeaceful, welcoming, beautiful series,the world of Narnia was created by Narnia eak of outlaws in outlaws of eak n Waste. Guard Waste. n 2534 niaar nia,ridding Nar nia.The T Thefocal point of the books in the yas Old Narnia. Many Telmarines Thisisland located west of Narnia was ehaunted by the ghosts of Old Nar Southofboth Archenland and a Directlysouth of the country oughalink between our world elmarinesar King Tirian is rescued by Eustace and Eustace by rescued is Tirian King niaof talking cr Jill. Narnia falls to the Calormenes. the to falls Narnia Jill. niato be amyth, and they Therealm of the Lady of TheHorse and His Boy, estssur The last battle. last The Thisis aportal TrueNarnia. eawar 2555 r eferto that part ounding eatur prosperous, inhabited, ring es, nia. CCooppyryigrihgth©t ©200260b0y5SbpayrkSpPaubrklisNhointges LLC. ISBN 1-4114-9972-7 AAllllrirgighhtstsrerseesrveerdv.ed. FFllaasshhCChahratsrtis aistraadremgaisrtkeoref SdptarrakdNeotmesaLrkLC 5 0 3 9 5 SopfaSrpk aPrukbNlisohteinsgLLC. A Barnes & Noble Publication Printed in the U.S.A. $3.95 | $5.95 CAN 1P0rin9ted8 in7 U6.S.5A. 4 3 2 $13.95 | $5.95 CAN 9 7 8 1 4 1 1 4 9 9 7 2 0 Cr TreeProtection. of Digory plants the plants Digory eation of Narnia. of eation TheChronicles of Narnia Note:Narnia,Earth.Theseyearsareinonnot 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Or Orderof Out or In numbered by the order in which they were published: TheBattleLast TheMagician’s Nephew TheSilverChair The Lion,the WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe T PrinceCaspian The Horse and His BoyTheHisHorseand iginally,the seven 1 he V o y a ge of thegeof followers into uninhabited into followers Archenland and becomes and Archenland Prince Col leads Col Prince its first king. first its (1956) (1951) 180 (1953) Chr Da wn onicles of Narnia (1954) (1955) T r eader Outlaws from Archenland from Outlaws desert and settle the new the settle and desert fly across the southern the across fly kingdom of Calormen. of kingdom (1952) 204 w (1950) ere Theempire of Calormen spreads.Calormenes colonizeTelmar. 300 is possibis magicallandwhere anything wondrousintoa journey T anyorderstillandmake sense. Truly,thereadbooksbeincan 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. the booksthearenumbered followingthein order: the bookthe stumbleinintoNarnia Magician’sNephew stor f recommended thatreadbooksthebeto However,C.S.Lewis ollowthe hey arealwayshey fantastic,a TheBattleLast TheSilverChair The Voyagetheof Pr T WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe T he Hor he he Magician’she Nephew ies.For example,as the thingsthethat take example,as place in ies.For ince Caspianince Islands’ inhabitants crown King Gale King crown inhabitants Islands’ Telmar into dumb beasts. The Lone The Telmarbeasts. dumb into Aslan turns wicked Calormenes in Calormenes wicked turns Aslan le of Narnia their emperor.their Narnia of T lovedby children and adults alike. whythese books have become so f That’ssortoflike winning anOscar,but Association’sCarnegie Medal in1956. evenwon the British Library finalbook inthe series, consideredclassic fact,the books.In Lewis’sthey arewritings,and Chronicles anddwarfs all exist together! wheretalking animals,kings,centaurs, historyofthe magical world ofNarnia, Lewis.As sevenfantasy novels written byC.S. TheChronicles ofNarnia Wardrobe the Beyond se and His Bo Hisand se . orwr c he Ma he h r 302 o n g o iter ician’ l o Dawn Treader happenbefore Pevensiethe children g y s—quitebiga honor! Let’ c , The Lion,the WitchTheLion,the theand Wardrobe, s Nephews y h or timeor or arethe best known of r o Olvin of Archenland of Olvin kills the Giant Pire. Pire. Giant the kills n i 407 c shouldr be der,of the eventsthe der,of thein l e s , thenovels give a Pirates from Earth from Pirates take over Telmar.over take TheLast Battle, isseriesa of 460 ead f ead The ir st. T he So nowSo From the far North, far the From returns to Narnia. to returns the White Witch White the s sees 898 Beginning of the of Beginning Long Winter.Long Cor of Archenland,who had beenkidnappedhadofCor child. aArchenland,who as thwarteddiscovertheyand thatShastaactually is Prince of the Archenlandersapproachingtheof danger.With helpthe brave children trekwarnNarnia,the acrossto desert the pr threatenedisNarnia bythe intoNarnia.But Lion,turns wherepassed.timehasno queensNarof Christmas!For manyyears childrenthekings and as rule fromthe Witch. willgrowapple,whichtree thatintoa willprotect Narnia 900 esence of Jadis.Digory goes on a quest for a magicquestgoesforaa on esenceJadis.Digory of sa,dudSsnadLc,h aomns planis Lucy,the Calormenes’ Aslan,Edmund,Susan,and Chronicling the Chronicles the Chronicling Chr learcanlendssheJessehethemtoso Terabithia, FlashFact onicles, The White Witch is defeated and defeated is Witch White The The Pevensies arrive in Narnia. in arrive Pevensies The the characterthe Leslieoften refersNarniathe to books, and becomes High King of Narnia. of King High becomes the Long Winter ended. Peter ended. Winter Long the In KatherineIn Paterson's award-winning book T er nia untilniathe ebinthiaislandanofis darkbareandworldGreat that Aslan,the slee an queen,Jadis,from can’tDigory resist awakening last,evil its the friendPollyhisandDigory travel through UsingmagicfromUncleringshis Andrew, Magician’sNephew The o thatCalormenestheareplanning to Whenfourthelearn Calormengirl,Aravis. y a theirtheymeetjourney namedBree.On slavea boy,escapes talkingwithahorse Dur Boy His and Horse The neveralways madeit winterNarnia,but in defeat the Aslan,they White has Witch,who Greatthehelpofthe Narnia.WithLion of Lucyand Pevensie stumble worldintothe Whileold,enchanted hidinganin Wardrobethe and Witch the Lion, The w TheChronicles of Narnia v a erthrowkingdomtheof Archenlandand 1000 oungmar r Woodbetween the WorldsCharn. to ing the Goldentheing p cast by a spell.They all travelall spell.They castbya p a to d r o b e y r y , or closet,Peter,Susan,Edmund, or e calledHwinwithhere etur f the coastArchenland.theoff n to theiro to n n to act like a king.Inlikeacta to n High King Peter successfully Peter King High Age of Narnia,Shasta, ofAge raids the Northern Giants. Northern the raids The Horse and His Boy His and Horse The adventure takes place. place. takes adventure e n c 1014 h a wn w wn n t Bridgeto e d orld, The sleep—a vanish from Narnia. Narnia. from vanish The Pevensies hunt Pevensies The the White Stag and Stag White the 1015 willtrulylive happily ever after. battle.However,adoorleadsthemto Truethey Narnia,where King’the Silver Chair.Silver ser the also is Realm)—whoDeep the of Queen or Underland the of Queen called (also Kirtle Green the of Lady defeatthe trip.this after Narnia to return to old too are they thatEdmund and Lucy tells who lamb, a of form the in Greatthe Aslan, encounter and journey their Reepicheep Lucy,Mouse continuenoble the and Edmund, Eustace, but home, returns Caspian Miraz. tyrant the by leave), been had who but father, his of friends throne.ThisPeter’sis Susan’sand Narnia.tolasttrip pent!—and r pent!—and King of Archenland. Archenland. of King succeeds Cor as Cor succeeds Ram the Great the Ram 1050 s forces are outnumbered,and they lose the finaltheylosetheforces s areoutnumbered,and Narnia to save their beloved land. But sadly, But savetoNarnia theirbeloved land. unitecreatureswiththe of theirhearts,they Nar callsforEustacehelp,drawingJillandinto Tirianbound,King andinvade Narnia.Captured disguisedas talkingUsingaape donkeynamed Shiftaand Battle Last The under a spell in the Under the in spell a under him find Prince.They lost the searchof in Puddleglumgonamed Marsh-wiggle a and Jill, werewhosevenlords the searchfor successful the called World’sa (also leads Caspian End), the of WorldEnd adventurethe fantastic to a In X. Caspian King friend, their of ship ser v a now is X Caspian King that find and Narnia to transported areclassmate Jill his and Eustace Chair Silver The aboardthe themselves find painting.They a through Narnia into pulled are Eustace Lucy,cousin their and Edmund, TheVoyage of the Pevensiesthehelpofusesthe regainto his Caspianunclehis willmurder next,Prince him h enchantedbeastscreaturesand NarniaOldof takentheof thronethefor himself.Most Caspian’sfather—theNarnia—and kingof true PrinceCaspian’s eviluncle Mirazmurderedhas Caspian Prince elease Prince Rilian from the enchanted the from Rilian Prince elease avethathiding.Fearingbeenkilledarein or ery old man. His wife has been killed by a by killed been has wife His man. old ery pent, conquer Narnia. conquer The TelmarinesThe nia onceagain.Withniaspiritofthe Aslanin 1998 and his son Rilian is missing is Rilian son his and Aslan, Caspian IX is murdered is IX Caspian Prince Caspian is born. is Caspian Prince who takes the throne. the takes who by his brother Miraz, brother his by the terriblethe Calormenes 2290 e x Dawn Treader i land l e Dawn Treader d .The three .The (forced to (forced Prince Caspian becomes Caspian Prince Caspian X of Nar of X Caspian Civil War in Narnia. in War Civil . Eustace 2303 the , nia. nia. , Caspian X defeats the defeats X Caspian Northern Giants. Northern The other setting in setting other The Europe.of part is which England, worldin takeour place in scenes the of happens.All rarelymagic and don’tspeak, animals round, is earth wherethe C T WorldThis of Out them in vivid detail. Here are some of the most important ones: important most the of some are Here vividdetail. in them here are two main settings in settings twomain are here . S. Lewis imagined dozens of places beyond our world and described worldbeyondand our places of dozens imagined Lewis S. . 2304 2304 Caspian X voyages X Caspian to the End of End the to 2306–7 the World. World. the The ChroniclesThe Ramandu’sdaughter. CaspianmarriesX 2310 2310 The Chronicles.The is the worldwardrobe.beyondthe the is Prince Rilian Prince 2325 is born. born. is The first is our world,our is first The by a Serpent. Prince Serpent. a by The Queen is killed is Queen The Rilian disappears. disappears. Rilian 2345 Nar Eustace and Jill come to come Jill and Eustace Rilian. Caspian X dies. X Caspian Rilian. nia and rescue Prince rescue and nia 2356 Outbr Lanter towers are built. are towers Woodbetween the Worlds cannotimagine living above ground. livingthings. The gnomes love Bism and runsthrough Bism, and gemstones grow like bythe Lady of the Green Kirtle. Ariver of fire hometo the gnomes, who have been enslaved Bismlies well below the Underland, and it is dark,dreary caves that lies under the ground. theGreen Kirtle, the Underland is aseries of Underlandand Bism childrenin the hope of getting to eat them. treacherousand deadly giants who deceive communitycalled Harfang, which is full of bygiants. Just north of Ettinsmoor is the Theseareas to the north of Narnia are inhabited Ettinsmoorand the Wild Lands of the North beforethe Telmarine invasion. encouragesNarnia to return to the way it was people,but he is apeaceful king who CaspianXis descended from this line of Nar fearthat the sea and for believethis Old Nar ofhistor magic,and peacefulness. They r differentworld. ofwater. Each pool is agateway to a Itis aserene place filled with shallow pools betweenour world and the worlds in Narnia. Nar peoplewho eventually invade and conquer andNar bytraveling thr originallysettled by pirates who discovered it thelower classes. The Calormenes donot higherclasses are treated much better than Calormenebelongs tocertaina class. The slaveryand treats women poorly. Each Calormeniswarringa society that practices ordwelled in, byoutlaws from Archenland. vastdesert, this land was originally Calormen Archenlandersare friends with the Narnians. orgrowing, place. Ruled by King Lune, the Archenlandis apeaceful, safe, and Calormeneinvasion in thearea with water. With the exception of the KingLune. The Winding Arrow River supplies rollinghills and streams, and is the home of ofNarnia, the country of Archenland is full of Archenland Paravel,the castle on the eastern shore. findin our world. Narnia is ruled from Cair allsorts of magical beasts that one would never landfull of forests, flowers, rivers, animals, and Aslan.It is apeaceful, welcoming, beautiful series,the world of Narnia was created by Narnia Telmar betweenrivers. Tashbaan,mountainous,a fertile area that lies theTisroc, who lives inthe capital city of allegiancetodemona called Tash. Their king is believeinAslan, but instead pledge their eak of outlaws in outlaws of eak n Waste. Guard Waste. n 2534 niaar nia,ridding Nar nia.The T Thefocal point of the books in the yas Old Narnia. Many Telmarines Thisisland located west of Narnia was ehaunted by the ghosts of Old Nar Southofboth Archenland and a Directlysouth of the country oughalink between our world elmarinesar King Tirian is rescued by Eustace and Eustace by rescued is Tirian King niaof talking cr Jill. Narnia falls to the Calormenes. the to falls Narnia Jill. niato be amyth, and they Therealm of the Lady of TheHorse and His Boy, estssur The last battle. last The Thisis aportal TrueNarnia. eawar 2555 r eferto that part ounding eatur prosperous, inhabited, ring es, nia. Earthlings Creatures Great and Small What Did They Say? Sometimes characters in Lewis’s world say what they Aslan Aslan is arguably the most important GRADES 3-4 character in , and mean and mean what they say,but sometimes not. Here he appears in all seven of the books. The are quotations explained: son of the Emperor-beyond-the-Sea, Aslan is both the Great Lion King of Narnia and the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of Spoken by Aslan in The Magician’s Nephew: Narnia. A towering beast with a deep, lush “Things always work out according to their nature. She voice, he walks silently and repeatedly appears in times of need. He is so powerful has won her heart’s desire; she has unwearying that he is often perceived as dangerous, but strength and endless days like a goddess. But length of when he is near, Narnians are not afraid The Power of Believing Be Generous, Be Fair days with an evil heart is only length of misery and because they have him in their hearts. He One reason for The Chronicles’ appeal is the way they Generosity is an important theme, or main idea, in The appears to the children once as a lamb, already she begins to know it.All get what they want; reminding them that he can appear in use magic while exploring basic issues of life. Chronicles of Narnia. Creatures in Lewis’s worlds are they do not always like it.” different forms, whether on Narnia or Earth. almost always generous toward others.When Lucy first Having faith in the goodness of people and in a power enters Narnia, Mr.Tumnus invites her back to his house You may have heard the phrase “be careful what you The White Witch A central , or greater than yourself is a key belief in many cultures. enemy, in The Chronicles of Narnia, the and offers her a bite to eat. He offers his generosity wish for,for it might come true.”Aslan is saying just that! White Witch’s real name is Jadis. When Lucy has faith that she did enter another world despite his strict instructions to bring human children Although Jadis has been granted eternal life, she is evil, Peter is the oldest of the four Pevensie siblings. Peter is During the course of the series she through the wardrobe, she is granted access again.Also, straight to the evil White Witch.Though Eustace acts and living eternally with her evil means that she will be brave, mature, and strong. He serves as King Peter the Magnificent, High takes control of Narnia and causes a the inhabitants of Narnia have constant faith in Aslan King of Narnia, and he is beloved as a just and noble leader. never-ending winter with no Christmas. miserably when he first arrives in Narnia, he is eternally unhappy.Sometimes when you get the thing She was brought to Narnia by Digory and his powers, and they are rewarded for this faith welcomed on Caspian’s ship and is cared for when he that you want so badly,you realize that it’s not as great Edmund is the younger of the Pevensie brothers and Kirke, who awakened her from an when time after time he arrives to save them from as you hoped. the second Pevensie to find Narnia. He is a bit immature and cannot resist turns into a . enchanted sleep. Cruel and ruthless, danger.At the close of the series, has temptation, such as when he accepts the Turkish Delight from the White only Aslan has the power to stop her. Witch and then returns to her castle with the hope of becoming a king. lost faith in the existence of Narnia, and so she is the Lewis also stresses the idea of fairness throughout the Spoken by the Hermit in The Horse and His Boy: An Apple a Day Edmund matures, however, and takes a leadership role. He becomes King Caspian X Caspian X, the title character in Prince Caspian, is a Telmarine only human visitor who does not move on to True series.The reader comes to understand the importance “But as long as you know you’re nobody very special, You may have noticed apples throughout The Chronicles Edmund the Just. who becomes King of Narnia after defeating his evil uncle, Miraz, in the War Narnia and eternal happiness. of treating others in the way you would like to be you’ll be a very decent sort of Horse, on the whole…” of Narnia. That is because apples are an important Lucy is the youngest of the Pevensie children and is the of Deliverance. A just ruler, he restores peace and prosperity in Narnia and symbol, or sign for something else.These apples are becomes known as Caspian the Seafarer because of his journey to the treated.Aslan teaches this lesson to Aravis, who had first to discover Narnia. Through her eyes the reader experiences much of This is another way of expressing a phrase you might always connected with the ideas of creation and saving Narnia. She is the first to see Aslan and becomes one of his closest World’s End in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He is a friend to the human caused a slave girl to be whipped, by scratching up friends. Lucy is faithful, compassionate, and sensitive. At first she is children who enter his world. Aravis’s back. Slavery itself is viewed as an unfair know:“Get down off your high horse!”It is important to others. Here are a few examples: fearful, but she grows into a courageous woman known as Queen Lucy practice. Narnians do not allow it, and they try to stop it keep yourself grounded and know that you are only a the Valiant during the Golden Age of Narnia. Reepicheep Reepicheep is one of the most courageous and humorous In The Magician’s Nephew,Digory picks an apple from a characters in The Chronicles. He is a two-foot-high talking mouse! He is when they see it happening in other lands. small part of a much larger picture. Susan Pevensie Susan is the second-oldest Pevensie child. In Narnia she descended from the mice that gnawed through the ropes binding Aslan silver apple tree and brings it to Aslan. From that apple becomes Queen Susan the Gentle. She is an excellent swimmer and archer, after the White Witch killed him in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. grows the Tree of Protection that will keep Narnia safe. and becomes a very beautiful woman who is sought after by a Calormene Reepicheep is also the leader of a pack of mice that help battle Miraz. He Then Digory brings one of its apples back into our prince. She is noticeably absent from The Last Battle because she has grown accompanies Caspian X on the voyage to the World’s End, from where Lucky Seven older and no longer believes in Narnia. She is the only child from the story Reepicheep bravely enters Aslan’s country by himself. At the close of the From The Silver Chair world.After his sick mother eats it, she is revived. not to enter True Narnia at the end of the series. series, Reepicheep welcomes the Pevensies in the True Narnia. The number seven appears quite often in The to the Silver Screen Chronicles of Narnia. There are the Seven Friends of In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the wardrobe is The cousin of the Pevensie children, Eustace first travels Shasta Shasta is a young slave boy who escapes from his master in The Six films based on The Chronicles have been made to Narnia with Edmund and Lucy. Initially, he is a skeptic and spoilsport, but Narnia who appear to Tirian.They are Digory,Polly,Peter, a doorway to the wonderful land of Narnia.The wood Horse and His Boy. He is actually Prince Cor, the lost son of King Lune of for TV.There is a 1979 animated version of The Lion, 2 he eventually comes to believe in Narnia. He becomes brave, adventurous, Archenland. He successfully warns the Archenlanders of a planned attack by Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Jill.There are Seven used to make the wardrobe was taken from an apple and responsible. the Witch and the Wardrobe; live-action versions of the Calormenes, and he eventually marries his friend Aravis, a Calormene Brothers of the Shuddering Wood,the red dwarfs who tree that had fallen in the yard.That tree had grown from 7 noblewoman. He proves himself to be kind, loyal, and brave. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, 2 Jill is a classmate of Eustace Scrubb who feels that she does not live in the mountains south of Narnia.There are the the core of the apple that Digory picked when Narnia 7 fit in our world. Eustace brings her into Narnia so that they may escape The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair 9 Seven Isles, which are a cluster of islands off the coast was created. 9 bullies at school. At first, she is slightly skeptical and afraid of the magic in Aravis Aravis is a Calormene girl who is expected to marry a that aired on English television in the 1980s and 3 Narnia, but she eventually comes to believe. of Narnia.There are the Seven Noble Lords who were 9

horrible man in her homeland. 1990s; and a black-and-white version of The Lion, the In Prince Caspian, the children recognize Cair Paravel 5

the friends of Caspian IX: Revilian,Argoz, Mavramorn, 0 Digory is the second She escapes with the horse Witch, and the Wardrobe that was made for English because of the apple trees.The apples from those trees 2 and flees to the north in The Octesian,Restimar, Rhoop, and Bern. Finally,there are human child to enter the Wood between television in 1967. In December 2005,Walt Disney nourish them when they have no other food to eat. the Worlds. He is present when Aslan Horse and His Boy. At first she is seven Chronicles of Narnia! 7 creates Narnia. At first, Digory falls to a bit arrogant, or self-important, Pictures and are scheduled to release temptation when he rings the bell that but Aravis proves herself to be The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe—the first film awakens Jadis in , but he later loyal, smart, and courageous. on The Chronicles for the movie screen! redeems himself, or clears himself of She marries Shasta, Prince Cor of Archenland, who was her companion on blame, when he picks the apple from the her escape, and she reigns as a beloved queen. a tree that will protect Narnia from her for C. S. Who? Drawing Narnia r u

Puddleglum is a Marsh- m many years. Digory grows up to be The author of The Chronicles of Narnia is Clive Staples (C. S.) was born in 1922 in Hove, Sussex, England. i a M

g wiggle that guides Eustace and Jill in The i Professor Kirke, the kind, wise man with Lewis, who was called Jack instead of Clive. Born on November e m

She spent much of her childhood in India, but she attended n E e Silver Chair. Marsh-wiggles are taller than , D whom the Pevensie children are staying r 29, 1898, in , Ireland, he attended English boarding schools, school in England, including the Slade School of Fine Art. e e l p humans and have tough, leathery skin. l o when they first discover Narnia through e i

which he hated. During World War I he served in the British army o

Baynes has illustrated more than 100 books, but her best-known n C a the wardrobe. Puddleglum has a glum outlook on life d and was wounded in battle. Lewis attended University in D d works are her illustrations in The Chronicles of Narnia, for which : o (like his name!), but he is sensible and has y T b

England, where he later became friends with J. R. R. Tolkien, who went :

she created over 350 line drawings! In 1998 she added color to her n faith in the signs that Aslan has laid out for n

Polly Plummer Polly is the first human child to enter the Wood between the e g t i t i on to write the Lord of the Rings series. While at Oxford, Lewis published his s original drawings. She also illustrated works by J. R. R. Tolkien. r Worlds after she is tricked by her friend Digory’s uncle into trying on a magic them. He helps rescue Prince Rilian from e D ring. She is present at the creation of Narnia. She is perceptive, trustworthy, the Queen of the Underland by using his first work, a collection of poems called (1919). W adventurous, and proves herself to be a good friend to Digory. clear headed thinking. The Chronicles of Narnia were published one at a time during the 1950s. The books were very popular, and Lewis received many letters from children Flash Fact C. S. Lewis died on the fascinated with the world of Narnia. During his lifetime, Lewis wrote more same day that President John F. than 30 books, including stories. He was also a Professor of Kennedy was assassinated. Flash Fact Narnia was ® www.narnia.com Flash Fact C. S. Lewis’s original Flash Fact Puddleglum the name of an Italian Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University. C. S. Lewis died The Chronicles of Narnia®, Narnia® and all book titles, characters and locales original to The Chronicles of Narnia are trademarks of C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Use without permission is strictly prohibited. names for the Pevensie children was based on C. S. Lewis’s town now called . on November 22, 1963, in Oxford, England. Timeline from The Land of Narnia, by (: HarperCollins, 1989), courtesy HarperCollins. Photo/Illustration credits: Illustrations by Pauline Baynes © 1998 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Cover artwork by Cliff Nielsen © 2002 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Lion artwork by Cliff Nielsen © 2001 by were Ann, Martin, Rose, and Peter. gardener, Fred Paxford. C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. C. S. Lewis photo by Hulton Deutsch Collection/ John Chillingworth. All images are used under license. Photo courtesy of Italian Government Tourist Board: p.4 photo of Narni. Factual sources available upon request. Report errors to: www.flashkidsbooks.com/errors Earthlings Creatures Great and Small What Did They Say? Sometimes characters in Lewis’s world say what they Aslan Aslan is arguably the most important GRADES 3-4 character in The Chronicles of Narnia, and mean and mean what they say,but sometimes not. Here he appears in all seven of the books. The are quotations explained: son of the Emperor-beyond-the-Sea, Aslan is both the Great Lion King of Narnia and the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of Spoken by Aslan in The Magician’s Nephew: Narnia. A towering beast with a deep, lush “Things always work out according to their nature. She voice, he walks silently and repeatedly appears in times of need. He is so powerful has won her heart’s desire; she has unwearying that he is often perceived as dangerous, but strength and endless days like a goddess. But length of when he is near, Narnians are not afraid The Power of Believing Be Generous, Be Fair days with an evil heart is only length of misery and because they have him in their hearts. He One reason for The Chronicles’ appeal is the way they Generosity is an important theme, or main idea, in The appears to the children once as a lamb, already she begins to know it.All get what they want; reminding them that he can appear in use magic while exploring basic issues of life. Chronicles of Narnia. Creatures in Lewis’s worlds are they do not always like it.” different forms, whether on Narnia or Earth. almost always generous toward others.When Lucy first Having faith in the goodness of people and in a power enters Narnia, Mr.Tumnus invites her back to his house You may have heard the phrase “be careful what you The White Witch A central villain, or greater than yourself is a key belief in many cultures. enemy, in The Chronicles of Narnia, the and offers her a bite to eat. He offers his generosity wish for,for it might come true.”Aslan is saying just that! White Witch’s real name is Jadis. When Lucy has faith that she did enter another world despite his strict instructions to bring human children Although Jadis has been granted eternal life, she is evil, Peter Pevensie Peter is the oldest of the four Pevensie siblings. Peter is During the course of the series she through the wardrobe, she is granted access again.Also, straight to the evil White Witch.Though Eustace acts and living eternally with her evil means that she will be brave, mature, and strong. He serves as King Peter the Magnificent, High takes control of Narnia and causes a the inhabitants of Narnia have constant faith in Aslan King of Narnia, and he is beloved as a just and noble leader. never-ending winter with no Christmas. miserably when he first arrives in Narnia, he is eternally unhappy.Sometimes when you get the thing She was brought to Narnia by Digory and his powers, and they are rewarded for this faith welcomed on Caspian’s ship and is cared for when he that you want so badly,you realize that it’s not as great Edmund Pevensie Edmund is the younger of the Pevensie brothers and Kirke, who awakened her from an when time after time he arrives to save them from as you hoped. the second Pevensie to find Narnia. He is a bit immature and cannot resist turns into a dragon. enchanted sleep. Cruel and ruthless, danger.At the close of the series, Susan Pevensie has temptation, such as when he accepts the Turkish Delight from the White only Aslan has the power to stop her. Witch and then returns to her castle with the hope of becoming a king. lost faith in the existence of Narnia, and so she is the Lewis also stresses the idea of fairness throughout the Spoken by the Hermit in The Horse and His Boy: An Apple a Day Edmund matures, however, and takes a leadership role. He becomes King Caspian X Caspian X, the title character in Prince Caspian, is a Telmarine only human visitor who does not move on to True series.The reader comes to understand the importance “But as long as you know you’re nobody very special, You may have noticed apples throughout The Chronicles Edmund the Just. who becomes King of Narnia after defeating his evil uncle, Miraz, in the War Narnia and eternal happiness. of treating others in the way you would like to be you’ll be a very decent sort of Horse, on the whole…” of Narnia. That is because apples are an important Lucy Pevensie Lucy is the youngest of the Pevensie children and is the of Deliverance. A just ruler, he restores peace and prosperity in Narnia and symbol, or sign for something else.These apples are becomes known as Caspian the Seafarer because of his journey to the treated.Aslan teaches this lesson to Aravis, who had first to discover Narnia. Through her eyes the reader experiences much of This is another way of expressing a phrase you might always connected with the ideas of creation and saving Narnia. She is the first to see Aslan and becomes one of his closest World’s End in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He is a friend to the human caused a slave girl to be whipped, by scratching up friends. Lucy is faithful, compassionate, and sensitive. At first she is children who enter his world. Aravis’s back. Slavery itself is viewed as an unfair know:“Get down off your high horse!”It is important to others. Here are a few examples: fearful, but she grows into a courageous woman known as Queen Lucy practice. Narnians do not allow it, and they try to stop it keep yourself grounded and know that you are only a the Valiant during the Golden Age of Narnia. Reepicheep Reepicheep is one of the most courageous and humorous In The Magician’s Nephew,Digory picks an apple from a characters in The Chronicles. He is a two-foot-high talking mouse! He is when they see it happening in other lands. small part of a much larger picture. Susan Pevensie Susan is the second-oldest Pevensie child. In Narnia she descended from the mice that gnawed through the ropes binding Aslan silver apple tree and brings it to Aslan. From that apple becomes Queen Susan the Gentle. She is an excellent swimmer and archer, after the White Witch killed him in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. grows the Tree of Protection that will keep Narnia safe. and becomes a very beautiful woman who is sought after by a Calormene Reepicheep is also the leader of a pack of mice that help battle Miraz. He Then Digory brings one of its apples back into our prince. She is noticeably absent from The Last Battle because she has grown accompanies Caspian X on the voyage to the World’s End, from where Lucky Seven older and no longer believes in Narnia. She is the only child from the story Reepicheep bravely enters Aslan’s country by himself. At the close of the From The Silver Chair world.After his sick mother eats it, she is revived. not to enter True Narnia at the end of the series. series, Reepicheep welcomes the Pevensies in the True Narnia. The number seven appears quite often in The to the Silver Screen Chronicles of Narnia. There are the Seven Friends of In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the wardrobe is Eustace Scrubb The cousin of the Pevensie children, Eustace first travels Shasta Shasta is a young slave boy who escapes from his master in The Six films based on The Chronicles have been made to Narnia with Edmund and Lucy. Initially, he is a skeptic and spoilsport, but Narnia who appear to Tirian.They are Digory,Polly,Peter, a doorway to the wonderful land of Narnia.The wood Horse and His Boy. He is actually Prince Cor, the lost son of King Lune of for TV.There is a 1979 animated version of The Lion, 2 he eventually comes to believe in Narnia. He becomes brave, adventurous, Archenland. He successfully warns the Archenlanders of a planned attack by Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Jill.There are Seven used to make the wardrobe was taken from an apple and responsible. the Witch and the Wardrobe; live-action versions of the Calormenes, and he eventually marries his friend Aravis, a Calormene Brothers of the Shuddering Wood,the red dwarfs who tree that had fallen in the yard.That tree had grown from 7 noblewoman. He proves himself to be kind, loyal, and brave. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, 2 Jill Pole Jill is a classmate of Eustace Scrubb who feels that she does not live in the mountains south of Narnia.There are the the core of the apple that Digory picked when Narnia 7 fit in our world. Eustace brings her into Narnia so that they may escape The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair 9 Seven Isles, which are a cluster of islands off the coast was created. 9 bullies at school. At first, she is slightly skeptical and afraid of the magic in Aravis Aravis is a Calormene girl who is expected to marry a that aired on English television in the 1980s and 3 Narnia, but she eventually comes to believe. of Narnia.There are the Seven Noble Lords who were 9 horrible man in her homeland. 1990s; and a black-and-white version of The Lion, the In Prince Caspian, the children recognize Cair Paravel 5

the friends of Caspian IX: Revilian,Argoz, Mavramorn, 0 Digory Kirke Digory is the second She escapes with the horse Hwin Witch, and the Wardrobe that was made for English because of the apple trees.The apples from those trees 2 and flees to the north in The Octesian,Restimar, Rhoop, and Bern. Finally,there are human child to enter the Wood between television in 1967. In December 2005,Walt Disney nourish them when they have no other food to eat. the Worlds. He is present when Aslan Horse and His Boy. At first she is seven Chronicles of Narnia! 7 creates Narnia. At first, Digory falls to a bit arrogant, or self-important, Pictures and Walden Media are scheduled to release temptation when he rings the bell that but Aravis proves herself to be The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe—the first film awakens Jadis in Charn, but he later loyal, smart, and courageous. on The Chronicles for the movie screen! redeems himself, or clears himself of She marries Shasta, Prince Cor of Archenland, who was her companion on blame, when he picks the apple from the her escape, and she reigns as a beloved queen. a tree that will protect Narnia from her for C. S. Who? Drawing Narnia r u

Puddleglum Puddleglum is a Marsh- m many years. Digory grows up to be The author of The Chronicles of Narnia is Clive Staples (C. S.) Pauline Baynes was born in 1922 in Hove, Sussex, England. i a M

g wiggle that guides Eustace and Jill in The i Professor Kirke, the kind, wise man with Lewis, who was called Jack instead of Clive. Born on November e m

She spent much of her childhood in India, but she attended n E e Silver Chair. Marsh-wiggles are taller than , D whom the Pevensie children are staying r 29, 1898, in Belfast, Ireland, he attended English boarding schools, school in England, including the Slade School of Fine Art. e e l p humans and have tough, leathery skin. l o when they first discover Narnia through e i

which he hated. During World War I he served in the British army o

Baynes has illustrated more than 100 books, but her best-known n C a the wardrobe. Puddleglum has a glum outlook on life d and was wounded in battle. Lewis attended Oxford University in D d works are her illustrations in The Chronicles of Narnia, for which : o (like his name!), but he is sensible and has y T b

England, where he later became friends with J. R. R. Tolkien, who went :

she created over 350 line drawings! In 1998 she added color to her n faith in the signs that Aslan has laid out for n

Polly Plummer Polly is the first human child to enter the Wood between the e g t i t i on to write the Lord of the Rings series. While at Oxford, Lewis published his s original drawings. She also illustrated works by J. R. R. Tolkien. r Worlds after she is tricked by her friend Digory’s uncle into trying on a magic them. He helps rescue Prince Rilian from e D ring. She is present at the creation of Narnia. She is perceptive, trustworthy, the Queen of the Underland by using his first work, a collection of poems called Spirits in Bondage (1919). W adventurous, and proves herself to be a good friend to Digory. clear headed thinking. The Chronicles of Narnia were published one at a time during the 1950s. The books were very popular, and Lewis received many letters from children Flash Fact C. S. Lewis died on the fascinated with the world of Narnia. During his lifetime, Lewis wrote more same day that President John F. than 30 books, including science fiction stories. He was also a Professor of Kennedy was assassinated. Flash Fact Narnia was ® www.narnia.com Flash Fact C. S. Lewis’s original Flash Fact Puddleglum the name of an Italian Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University. C. S. Lewis died The Chronicles of Narnia®, Narnia® and all book titles, characters and locales original to The Chronicles of Narnia are trademarks of C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Use without permission is strictly prohibited. names for the Pevensie children was based on C. S. Lewis’s town now called Narni. on November 22, 1963, in Oxford, England. Timeline from The Land of Narnia, by Brian Sibley (London: HarperCollins, 1989), courtesy HarperCollins. Photo/Illustration credits: Illustrations by Pauline Baynes © 1998 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Cover artwork by Cliff Nielsen © 2002 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Lion artwork by Cliff Nielsen © 2001 by were Ann, Martin, Rose, and Peter. gardener, Fred Paxford. C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. C. S. Lewis photo by Hulton Deutsch Collection/ John Chillingworth. All images are used under license. Photo courtesy of Italian Government Tourist Board: p.4 photo of Narni. Factual sources available upon request. Report errors to: www.flashkidsbooks.com/errors Earthlings Creatures Great and Small What Did They Say? Sometimes characters in Lewis’s world say what they Aslan Aslan is arguably the most important GRADES 3-4 character in The Chronicles of Narnia, and mean and mean what they say,but sometimes not. Here he appears in all seven of the books. The are quotations explained: son of the Emperor-beyond-the-Sea, Aslan is both the Great Lion King of Narnia and the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of Spoken by Aslan in The Magician’s Nephew: Narnia. A towering beast with a deep, lush “Things always work out according to their nature. She voice, he walks silently and repeatedly appears in times of need. He is so powerful has won her heart’s desire; she has unwearying that he is often perceived as dangerous, but strength and endless days like a goddess. But length of when he is near, Narnians are not afraid The Power of Believing Be Generous, Be Fair days with an evil heart is only length of misery and because they have him in their hearts. He One reason for The Chronicles’ appeal is the way they Generosity is an important theme, or main idea, in The appears to the children once as a lamb, already she begins to know it.All get what they want; reminding them that he can appear in use magic while exploring basic issues of life. Chronicles of Narnia. Creatures in Lewis’s worlds are they do not always like it.” different forms, whether on Narnia or Earth. almost always generous toward others.When Lucy first Having faith in the goodness of people and in a power enters Narnia, Mr.Tumnus invites her back to his house You may have heard the phrase “be careful what you The White Witch A central villain, or greater than yourself is a key belief in many cultures. enemy, in The Chronicles of Narnia, the and offers her a bite to eat. He offers his generosity wish for,for it might come true.”Aslan is saying just that! White Witch’s real name is Jadis. When Lucy has faith that she did enter another world despite his strict instructions to bring human children Although Jadis has been granted eternal life, she is evil, Peter Pevensie Peter is the oldest of the four Pevensie siblings. Peter is During the course of the series she through the wardrobe, she is granted access again.Also, straight to the evil White Witch.Though Eustace acts and living eternally with her evil means that she will be brave, mature, and strong. He serves as King Peter the Magnificent, High takes control of Narnia and causes a the inhabitants of Narnia have constant faith in Aslan King of Narnia, and he is beloved as a just and noble leader. never-ending winter with no Christmas. miserably when he first arrives in Narnia, he is eternally unhappy.Sometimes when you get the thing She was brought to Narnia by Digory and his powers, and they are rewarded for this faith welcomed on Caspian’s ship and is cared for when he that you want so badly,you realize that it’s not as great Edmund Pevensie Edmund is the younger of the Pevensie brothers and Kirke, who awakened her from an when time after time he arrives to save them from as you hoped. the second Pevensie to find Narnia. He is a bit immature and cannot resist turns into a dragon. enchanted sleep. Cruel and ruthless, danger.At the close of the series, Susan Pevensie has temptation, such as when he accepts the Turkish Delight from the White only Aslan has the power to stop her. Witch and then returns to her castle with the hope of becoming a king. lost faith in the existence of Narnia, and so she is the Lewis also stresses the idea of fairness throughout the Spoken by the Hermit in The Horse and His Boy: An Apple a Day Edmund matures, however, and takes a leadership role. He becomes King Caspian X Caspian X, the title character in Prince Caspian, is a Telmarine only human visitor who does not move on to True series.The reader comes to understand the importance “But as long as you know you’re nobody very special, You may have noticed apples throughout The Chronicles Edmund the Just. who becomes King of Narnia after defeating his evil uncle, Miraz, in the War Narnia and eternal happiness. of treating others in the way you would like to be you’ll be a very decent sort of Horse, on the whole…” of Narnia. That is because apples are an important Lucy Pevensie Lucy is the youngest of the Pevensie children and is the of Deliverance. A just ruler, he restores peace and prosperity in Narnia and symbol, or sign for something else.These apples are becomes known as Caspian the Seafarer because of his journey to the treated.Aslan teaches this lesson to Aravis, who had first to discover Narnia. Through her eyes the reader experiences much of This is another way of expressing a phrase you might always connected with the ideas of creation and saving Narnia. She is the first to see Aslan and becomes one of his closest World’s End in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He is a friend to the human caused a slave girl to be whipped, by scratching up friends. Lucy is faithful, compassionate, and sensitive. At first she is children who enter his world. Aravis’s back. Slavery itself is viewed as an unfair know:“Get down off your high horse!”It is important to others. Here are a few examples: fearful, but she grows into a courageous woman known as Queen Lucy practice. Narnians do not allow it, and they try to stop it keep yourself grounded and know that you are only a the Valiant during the Golden Age of Narnia. Reepicheep Reepicheep is one of the most courageous and humorous In The Magician’s Nephew,Digory picks an apple from a characters in The Chronicles. He is a two-foot-high talking mouse! He is when they see it happening in other lands. small part of a much larger picture. Susan Pevensie Susan is the second-oldest Pevensie child. In Narnia she descended from the mice that gnawed through the ropes binding Aslan silver apple tree and brings it to Aslan. From that apple becomes Queen Susan the Gentle. She is an excellent swimmer and archer, after the White Witch killed him in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. grows the Tree of Protection that will keep Narnia safe. and becomes a very beautiful woman who is sought after by a Calormene Reepicheep is also the leader of a pack of mice that help battle Miraz. He Then Digory brings one of its apples back into our prince. She is noticeably absent from The Last Battle because she has grown accompanies Caspian X on the voyage to the World’s End, from where Lucky Seven older and no longer believes in Narnia. She is the only child from the story Reepicheep bravely enters Aslan’s country by himself. At the close of the From The Silver Chair world.After his sick mother eats it, she is revived. not to enter True Narnia at the end of the series. series, Reepicheep welcomes the Pevensies in the True Narnia. The number seven appears quite often in The to the Silver Screen Chronicles of Narnia. There are the Seven Friends of In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the wardrobe is Eustace Scrubb The cousin of the Pevensie children, Eustace first travels Shasta Shasta is a young slave boy who escapes from his master in The Six films based on The Chronicles have been made to Narnia with Edmund and Lucy. Initially, he is a skeptic and spoilsport, but Narnia who appear to Tirian.They are Digory,Polly,Peter, a doorway to the wonderful land of Narnia.The wood Horse and His Boy. He is actually Prince Cor, the lost son of King Lune of for TV.There is a 1979 animated version of The Lion, 2 he eventually comes to believe in Narnia. He becomes brave, adventurous, Archenland. He successfully warns the Archenlanders of a planned attack by Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Jill.There are Seven used to make the wardrobe was taken from an apple and responsible. the Witch and the Wardrobe; live-action versions of the Calormenes, and he eventually marries his friend Aravis, a Calormene Brothers of the Shuddering Wood,the red dwarfs who tree that had fallen in the yard.That tree had grown from 7 noblewoman. He proves himself to be kind, loyal, and brave. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, 2 Jill Pole Jill is a classmate of Eustace Scrubb who feels that she does not live in the mountains south of Narnia.There are the the core of the apple that Digory picked when Narnia 7 fit in our world. Eustace brings her into Narnia so that they may escape The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair 9 Seven Isles, which are a cluster of islands off the coast was created. 9 bullies at school. At first, she is slightly skeptical and afraid of the magic in Aravis Aravis is a Calormene girl who is expected to marry a that aired on English television in the 1980s and 3 Narnia, but she eventually comes to believe. of Narnia.There are the Seven Noble Lords who were 9 horrible man in her homeland. 1990s; and a black-and-white version of The Lion, the In Prince Caspian, the children recognize Cair Paravel 5

the friends of Caspian IX: Revilian,Argoz, Mavramorn, 0 Digory Kirke Digory is the second She escapes with the horse Hwin Witch, and the Wardrobe that was made for English because of the apple trees.The apples from those trees 2 and flees to the north in The Octesian,Restimar, Rhoop, and Bern. Finally,there are human child to enter the Wood between television in 1967. In December 2005,Walt Disney nourish them when they have no other food to eat. the Worlds. He is present when Aslan Horse and His Boy. At first she is seven Chronicles of Narnia! 7 creates Narnia. At first, Digory falls to a bit arrogant, or self-important, Pictures and Walden Media are scheduled to release temptation when he rings the bell that but Aravis proves herself to be The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe—the first film awakens Jadis in Charn, but he later loyal, smart, and courageous. on The Chronicles for the movie screen! redeems himself, or clears himself of She marries Shasta, Prince Cor of Archenland, who was her companion on blame, when he picks the apple from the her escape, and she reigns as a beloved queen. a tree that will protect Narnia from her for C. S. Who? Drawing Narnia r u

Puddleglum Puddleglum is a Marsh- m many years. Digory grows up to be The author of The Chronicles of Narnia is Clive Staples (C. S.) Pauline Baynes was born in 1922 in Hove, Sussex, England. i a M

g wiggle that guides Eustace and Jill in The i Professor Kirke, the kind, wise man with Lewis, who was called Jack instead of Clive. Born on November e m

She spent much of her childhood in India, but she attended n E e Silver Chair. Marsh-wiggles are taller than , D whom the Pevensie children are staying r 29, 1898, in Belfast, Ireland, he attended English boarding schools, school in England, including the Slade School of Fine Art. e e l p humans and have tough, leathery skin. l o when they first discover Narnia through e i which he hated. During World War I he served in the British army o

Baynes has illustrated more than 100 books, but her best-known n C a the wardrobe. Puddleglum has a glum outlook on life d and was wounded in battle. Lewis attended Oxford University in D d works are her illustrations in The Chronicles of Narnia, for which : o (like his name!), but he is sensible and has y T b

England, where he later became friends with J. R. R. Tolkien, who went : she created over 350 line drawings! In 1998 she added color to her n faith in the signs that Aslan has laid out for n

Polly Plummer Polly is the first human child to enter the Wood between the e g t i t i on to write the Lord of the Rings series. While at Oxford, Lewis published his s original drawings. She also illustrated works by J. R. R. Tolkien. r Worlds after she is tricked by her friend Digory’s uncle into trying on a magic them. He helps rescue Prince Rilian from e D ring. She is present at the creation of Narnia. She is perceptive, trustworthy, the Queen of the Underland by using his first work, a collection of poems called Spirits in Bondage (1919). W adventurous, and proves herself to be a good friend to Digory. clear headed thinking. The Chronicles of Narnia were published one at a time during the 1950s. The books were very popular, and Lewis received many letters from children Flash Fact C. S. Lewis died on the fascinated with the world of Narnia. During his lifetime, Lewis wrote more same day that President John F. than 30 books, including science fiction stories. He was also a Professor of Kennedy was assassinated. Flash Fact Narnia was ® www.narnia.com Flash Fact C. S. Lewis’s original Flash Fact Puddleglum the name of an Italian Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University. C. S. Lewis died The Chronicles of Narnia®, Narnia® and all book titles, characters and locales original to The Chronicles of Narnia are trademarks of C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Use without permission is strictly prohibited. names for the Pevensie children was based on C. S. Lewis’s town now called Narni. on November 22, 1963, in Oxford, England. Timeline from The Land of Narnia, by Brian Sibley (London: HarperCollins, 1989), courtesy HarperCollins. Photo/Illustration credits: Illustrations by Pauline Baynes © 1998 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Cover artwork by Cliff Nielsen © 2002 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Lion artwork by Cliff Nielsen © 2001 by were Ann, Martin, Rose, and Peter. gardener, Fred Paxford. C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. C. S. Lewis photo by Hulton Deutsch Collection/ John Chillingworth. All images are used under license. Photo courtesy of Italian Government Tourist Board: p.4 photo of Narni. Factual sources available upon request. Report errors to: www.flashkidsbooks.com/errors