octor Cornelius knows it’s important that Caspian know his own history and the Dhistory of . Use the facts below to answer the questions on the activity page.


O When C.S. Lewis started writing his O In choosing the name, ‘Pevensie’, but the author of and The first story about Narnia, he began with C.S. Lewis may have been thinking of Lord of the Rings didn’t like the story the words: “This book is about four the village of Pevensey on the Sussex and Lewis almost didn’t write any children whose names were Ann, coast, which was the historic site of more. Martin, Rose, and Peter. But it is most an early Roman fort built to protect O It was C.S. Lewis’ good friend, about Peter who was the youngest.” from invasion. It is also the writer , who Peter was the only one of C S Lewis’ where Duke William the Bastard of encouraged the author to complete original names for the children to be Normandy came ashore for his the first book about Narnia and, later, used in the books and he was the invasion which culminated in the suggested giving the seven books the eldest not the youngest. Battle of Hastings. overall title, ‘’. O C.S. Lewis probably chose the name O C.S. Lewis’ dedicated The , O Although J.R.R. Tolkien didn’t really ‘Peter’ because it had been the name the Witch and the Wardrobe to his like C.S. Lewis’ first book about Narnia, of a pet mouse that he had kept when goddaughter, Lucy Barfield, and Lucy he did suggest approaching the he was a young boy. became the first of the four children to find a way into Narnia. illustrator who had O The young C.S. Lewis wrote stories recently illustrated his own book, about a heroic little character called O No one knows for certain why C.S. Farmer Giles of Ham. Sir Peter Mouse who was inspired by Lewis called his other world ‘Narnia’. O One of C.S. Lewis’ favourite books his pet mouse. Sir Peter, who carries He may have come across a reference when he was a boy was Beatrix a sword and conquers the nearby to the Italian town of Nequinium Potter’s The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, a country of Cat-land, later became which the Romans renamed Narnia, character who inspired Pattertwig in . after the river Nar, when they conquered it in 299 BC. the talkative squirrel in Prince Caspian. O The family name of the four O Following an outline of Narnian children in The Lion, the Witch and the O When C.S. Lewis was a child he History that C.S. Lewis drew up after Wardrobe and Prince Caspian was lived in , Northern Ireland, writing the books, Kings Peter, King ‘Pevensie’, although the name and had an Irish nanny named Lizzie Edmund, Queen Susan and Queen doesn’t appear until the third book Endicott who told him wonderful Lucy ruled Narnia for 15 years before written by C S Lewis, The Voyage of the bedtime stories about and hunting the White Stag and ‘Dawn Treader’. leprechauns. Lizzie and her stories probably inspired the nurse in Prince finding their way back through the Caspian who told the prince wardrobe into this world. tales about Old Narnia. O After writing The Lion, the Witch and O C.S. Lewis showed the first the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis started work on a second book: it was a story chapters of The Lion, the Witch and the about a boy called Digory that would Wardrobe to his friend J.R.R. Tolkien, (continued)

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JOB NAME Narnia Educator Guide #2 JOB # WM08168 NARNIA ONLINE ACTIVITIES FILE NAME WM-Narnia Online Act-3 r1.qxd DESIGNER LH CLIENT Walden Media SAVE 4/29/08 11:25 AM PRINT 4/29/08 11:25 AM REVISION MORAES INCORPORATED 818.506.8901 ACTIVITY 3 1 FACT FILE (cont’d)

eventually be published as The O The name Caspian may have been O In Prince Caspian, Peter finds the ’s Nephew. While he was suggested by the Caspian Sea in the sword that he was given by Father thinking about this story, he came up Middle East, which is the world’s Christmas in The Lion, the Witch and the with another idea about children who largest inland sea. Wardrobe and with which he killed the get pulled into a magic picture of a Wolf and was knighted by . For O The book, Prince Caspian was ship and that later became The Voyage the first time, we discover that the dedicated to Mary Clare Havard, the of the ‘Dawn Treader’. But both these name of the sword is ‘Rhindon’. daughter of C.S. Lewis’ doctor. ideas had to wait when he thought of O The old in Prince Caspian is the story for Prince Caspian. O In Prince Caspian, one of the named Trufflehunter because animals that help the young prince O Prince Caspian began as an idea are known to be good at hunting out is the chatterbox squirrel, Pattertwig. jotted down in one of C S Lewis’ truffles, the edible fungus that grows This character was originally going to notebooks a few months after he had underground in woods and forests. appear in the story that became The finished The Lion, the Witch and the Magician’s Nephew. Pattertwig was O As a student, C.S. Lewis studied Wardrobe. This what he wrote: “Sequel going to talk to the boy Digory and — Greek and Latin and incorporated to LWW: The present tyrants to be as he does with Prince Caspian — characters from the mythologies of Men. Intervening history of Narnia was going to give him a nut from his ancient and into the told nominally by the …” secret winter store. Chronicles of Narnia, such as the O C.S. Lewis’ original title for the book wine-god Bacchus and his O The idea of finding a way into we know as Prince Caspian was Drawn ompanion, Silenus, as well as , another world through a wardrobe into Narnia but his publishers didn’t and the tree and water was probably inspired by C.S. Lewis like it. known as and naiads. having read, as a boy, a story by O Looking for a new title for his the writer E. Nesbit (author of The O Narnia has its own stars and second book about Narnia C.S. Lewis Railway Children) in which a girl planets including Tarva the Lord of suggested A Horn in Narnia, but then called Amabel finds a magic railway Victory and Alambil, the Lady of Peace settled on Prince Caspian: The Return to station in her wardrobe called and in Narnia. Narnia. It is the only book in the series Bigwardrobeinspareroom. O The word ‘how’ in the name Aslan’s with a subtitle. O Prince Caspian discovers that How comes from an Old Norse word O The name Aslan comes from his uncle became ruler of meaning ‘hill’. Narnia by murdering his brother the Turkish word for ‘lion’. O (Caspian’s father) King Caspian IX. From C.S. Lewis’ chronological O In Peter, Susan, Lucy and Edmund’s As C.S. Lewis would have known history of Narnia, we know that when world the events described in Prince this plot is similar to the events in he became King, Caspian ruled the country for 53 years before his death. Caspian happen a year after they left Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Narnia at the end of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. But, according to Narnia time, it is 1,288 years later when they return.

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ow it’s your turn. Use the Narnia Fact File to answer the Nquestions below. Need help? Consult your copies of PRINCE CASPIAN, the other “Narnia” books, or a dictionary.

1. C.S. Lewis’ nanny, Lizzie, probably inspired what character found in Prince Caspian, who told the prince tales about Old Narnia? ______

2. Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. was the inspiration for the talkative squirrel in Prince Caspian. What is this character’s name? ______

3. Sir Peter Mouse, about whom C.S. Lewis wrote stories as a boy, later became a character in Prince Caspian. What is the name of that character?______

4. Looking for a new title for his second book about Narnia C S Lewis suggested A Horn in Narnia, but then settled on Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia. Name another book in the Narnia series with a subtitle:______

5. The name Caspian may have been suggested by which body of water in the Middle East? ______

6. How many Narnian years is one human year? ______

7. In the book Prince Caspian, which of the four Pevensie children explains the differences in time to the other Pevensies? ______

8. The name of Peter’s sword is______.

9. The old Badger in Prince Caspian is named Trufflehunter. What are truffles, and where would you find them? ______

© Walden Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Chronicles of Narnia ®, Narnia®, and all book titles, characters, and locales original to The Chronicles of Narnia are trademarks of C.S. Lewis, Pte, Ltd. Use without permission is strictly prohibited. Fact File courtesy of Brian Sibley. Used with permission. N A M E ______D AT E ______

10. Prince Caspian discovers that his uncle Miraz became ruler of Narnia by murdering whom? ______

11. Which one of C.S. Lewis’ four original names for the Pevensie children was ultimately used in the books? How was the age of that character changed as he appears in the books? ______

12. The family name of the four children in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian doesn’t appear until which Narnia book? ______

13. C.S. Lewis’ dedicated The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to his goddaughter and named a character after her. What is the full name of C.S. Lewis’ goddaughter? ______

14. C.S. Lewis showed the first chapters of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to his friend J.R.R. Tolkien, writer of what well-known series of books? ______

15. Although J.R.R. Tolkien didn’t really like C.S. Lewis’ first book about Narnia, he did suggest that Lewis should approach the eventual illustrator of the books. What is her name? ______

16. What creature were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy hunting when they found their way back through the wardrobe into our world? ______

17. The name Aslan comes from the Turkish word for______.

18. What is the title of the famous story by Edith Nesbit that may have inspired C.S. Lewis to look into a wardrobe to find a new world? ______

© Walden Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Chronicles of Narnia ®, Narnia®, and all book titles, characters, and locales original to The Chronicles of Narnia are trademarks of C.S. Lewis, Pte, Ltd. Use without permission is strictly prohibited. Fact File courtesy of Brian Sibley. Used with permission.