Current, February 28, 2000

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Current, February 28, 2000 University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2000s) Student Newspapers 2-28-2000 Current, February 28, 2000 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, February 28, 2000" (2000). Current (2000s). 8. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2000s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 33 Back with a vengeance Apollo Four Forty released February 28, its latest CD, "Gettin' Higl on Your Own Supply." Is it 2000 any good? Find out inside. ISSUE 982 ~ See page 6 UNIVERSITY O F MIS SOURI - ST. LOUIS Wife of presidential· Students wary of FERPA hopeful visits campus implementation at VMSL BY JOE HARRIS in a confidential way." Rick Becher, chief justice of the BY SUE BRITT staff editor Student Court, said he questions the staff assistant Students concerned with the constitutionality of FERPA. implementation of a 1998 amend­ "My issue is if there's going to Ernestine Schlant-Bradley, wife of ment to the Family &lucational be a group of people ages 18 to 21 Sen. Bill Bradley, spoke Thesday at Right to Privacy Act on the who are legally emancipated and UM-St Louis of her husband's bid'for University of Missouri-St. Louis should not have theu: parents called the democratic nomination for presi­ campus voiced their fears to admin­ ... and those people have their par­ .dent and some of his stands on issues. istrators Thmsday afternoon in the ents called," Eccher said, "three or Schlant-Bradley said Bradley is the Hawthorn Room. fom years down the road the U.S. best candidate for women for a variety The amendment allows univer­ Supreme C0U11 could legally say of reasons: She said he supports a . sities to report alcohol violations to that this law is unconstitutional for health care plan that would allow any­ parents of students younger than that group." one to buy insurance through the feder­ 21 . The universities, though, have Eccher also proposed forming a al employees health care system; he . some leeway in how it is imple­ group of student counselors to help supports a woman's "right to choose," mented. identify alcohol abuse problems in and he has always supported Title IX, Students there said they worned students under the age of 21. The affording women more access to about how FERPA would be imple­ group would be made up of psy­ equality in education. She also said that mented, and whether their constitu­ chology and sociology graduate Bradley helped to pass legislation to tional rights would be violated. students who have passed the test ensure that women would be allowed Some asked if FERPA made possi­ to become state certified coun­ 48 hours to recover in a hospital after ble new programs to help students. selors. U-Wire giving birth. Schlant-Bradley said that G. Gary Grace, vice chancellor Becher said such a group would another issue her husband . supports, News of Student Affairs, said the guide­ give those graduate students hands­ campaign finance reform, is also a lines haven't been written yet on experience before graduation. woman's issue in that it is difficult for be;cause the Department of 'That group would be students women to raise money needed to run &lucation has not completed the helping students to make this essen­ Student repor~ for office. Ernestine Schlant-Bradley talks to Gergia VanCleve, a friend of IUle-making process for FERPA. tial diagnosis of whether these peo­ Schlant-Bradley discussed what . fake robbery to get the Bradly family for many years. Schlant-Bradley spoke about Grace said the issue of implementa­ ple are alcoholics or social drinkers, she called "social justice" issues. "1 her husband's bid for the presidency Tuesday. tion is complicated. and how to drdW that line," Eccher e~ttensjon love the idea that when President paper "We talked about the rights of said. "It would also be educational Roosevelt; in the midst of the health care')" er than most other candidates' stands. the individual versus the communi­ in a sense that we would be giving Depression, the worst depression we Stephen Caliendo. a viSIting assis­ 'The thing I think about the Bradley ty and one can't win over the our graduate students so many BY DyLAN McKINLEY have ever had, was able under his lead­ ... .. .... -. _. tant professor of political science at campaign that is intriguing to me ... is other," Grace said. "We've got to hours, so many years of time a, Arizona Dai(J' Wildcaf ership to create Social Security:' UM-St. Louis, said that Bradley's that he is really trying to articulate his protect the rights of students to substance-abuse counselors." Schlant-Bradley said. 'Why, when the stand.~ on issues such a~ "socialjustice" (U-W1RE) TIICSON, Ariz. - have a safe place and that their economy is so good, can we not have and "em'ironmental justice" are broad- >,'e SCHLANT-BRADLEY, pagE' C University peliee arrested a records are going to be maintained see FERPA FORUM, page 5 University {)f A~ stJJdent Monday after he falsely tot<l police he was robbed at gunpo'nt 10 an attempt at extending the' due date Committee extends UM·St. Louis participates in on a term p~. ~er Bernstein, 18, of Ut paz Residence Halt, WZ N. Hightand ....... ock trial compel- i Ave., told police Sunday a Hispanic deadlitle for student man held a gun to him and stote • I his wallet near Manzanita-Mohave Residence Hall on North ?ark Avernle. Bernstein then hetped Senate applications UAPO detective Jose Sprigg fOlm a composite sketch of the alleged suspect.. BY BENJAMIN ISRAEl'. and 2, but has been postponed until But after a IJA Grounds and staff editor March 9 and 10. Labor employee found Bernstein's Students in good standing who watlet Monday with no contents It's possible that a seat in the have completed at least nine credit missm& in a garbage can near La Unive.rsity Senate ''rill be available to hours and hav a grade point average Paz, Sprigg became suspicious, and any student who applie.s. That's of at least 2.0 may apply. asked Bemstein if he was tel:ltng because as of Friday, only ' five stu­ The faculty-dominated 121-mem­ the tJuth, polke reports staten. dents filed papers to run for the 25 ber University Senate is UM-St. Bemst.etn then admitted to fal­ available student seats. Louis governing body. snying the report, Sprigg, said. Incumbents D. l'v1ike Bauer, When asked about the apparent "Peter Is not a bad kid," Sprigg Joshua Stegeman and Joshua Miller, lack of interest in the Senate seats, <;aid. "He jyst made a mis.take. We and two students not currently in the Leonie Carillo, a senior transfer stu­ see a lot Qi a\;Joomlal activity frum Senate-Joseph Flees II and Robert dent majoring in chemistry, said, "I stlJclel'l1:$ when they are under a lot C. Montague II-filled out applica­ didn't even lmow it existed." of academic st:r~. We just wish tions. "It hasn't been publicized," said t.l:lE!y would cope with the str-e5S in student Jim Barrow. "I don't read TIre a more productive matter." The three-member Senate com­ Om'ent on a re.gular basis. Where's Serw..tein was cited on suspi­ mittee running the election originally the fliers? 'Where's the advertising? doo of false reporting Monday set the deadline for filing at 10 am. moming after he SfXlke with Spligg Thursday Feb. 24, but by then only How the hell do you find out about for a second time. three had applied, said Andrea Kerley, this stuff?" YeSterday Bernstein aeclined a student senator and member of the Freshman Mark Richardson said . comment sn the ine<.d€!fIt. committee running the election. the Senate was not. a priority in his Sprigg ordered the w mposIte . In an effort to gamer more candi­ life. "1 have a busy life between work Rafael Macias! Th<! Clln1!J s1~etch pulled from the police but­ dates, Kerley said, the committee and school." However, he added, The members of the UM-st. Louis mock trial team. Back row: Lynn Ann Waldmann, Jacqueline I~t (j;j and UAPD seJr geants were decided to extend the deadline until 1 "Somebody should be involved in it" Sarris, Sue Britt, Erikka Williams, sponsor Stephen Caliendo, Denny Lees, Harmony Wade, Cheryl FJOt,Yfie£l that the r€l*lrt was falsi­ p.rn. Friday March 3. The election Baehr, Penny Andrews, and Anna Juergens. Front row: Chris Court, Anita Steed, Tony Colombo, Ben fied. was originally scheduled for March I see ELECTIONS, page 5 Dobbe, Kadisha Esperanto. Sarris and Steed were named "outstanding witnesses" at the Mock Trial .S ID., Mkhael Smith , UAPD and Dobbe and Wade were named "outstanding attornies." s,poR~, said fa.lslfying Feports will not be tDterated by the . tWportment. SABC hopes new review "Obvious! y, any type of false Despite success) group 's future looks uncertain reporting is a crime .. , Smit/\ said>. process will save time 'Wnat bothers me more is that he BY B E NJAMIN ISRAEL Sarris played a forensic pathologist for mock trial, Caliendo said. pid\E'd out a specffie race tG tal5e­ .. .. .................... ....... ........ -......... ....... .... _... ...... -. !yaccuse." BY JOE HARRIS times the column would just consist staff editor in a mmder trial.
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