MOST HOLY REDEEMER Rev. Izbicki, Pastor Fr. William Villa, in Residence 8523 Normandy Blvd., Jax., FL 32221-6701 (904) 786-1192 FAX: 786-4224 e-mail: [email protected] Parish Website: Office Hours: M, Tu, Th, F 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Wed. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm MISSION STATEMENT Most Holy Redeemer Parish is a diverse Catholic community of believers who Mass Schedule celebrate and rejoice in the love of God and love of one another. Empowered by the grace of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to invite and welcome all. Masses for the Lord’s Day Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday 8 am and 10:30 am “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me…” Domingo (en español1:00 Jn:10

Weekday Masses Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30 am Viernes (en español) 7:00 pm (No Mass on Mondays except holidays)

Reconciliation Saturdays 4:30-5:15 pm or by appointment

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will follow masses on Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 25, 2021 the first Thursday, Friday and Saturday of each month

Parish Staff/ Personnel Mass Intentions

Pastor Week of April 25-May 1 Rev. Adam Izbicki 904-786-1192 X 226 [email protected] Requestors

Rev. William F. Villa Sat Apr 24 530pm +Leonia Laxamana Camacho Fam In residence X 230 [email protected] Sun Apr 25 800am +Casimiro & Lourdes Edido Ching Vianzon

Deacon John “Jack” H. Baker Sun Apr 25 1030am +Miller Family Majcak Family 904-477-7252 [email protected] Sun Apr 25 100pm Pro-Populo

Deacon Milton Vega Mon Apr 26 No Mass 904-945-8321 [email protected] Tue Apr 27 830am *Bernardito Edido Ching Vianzon

Deacon Mark Sciullo (904) 786-1192 Wed Apr 28 830am *Alberto Feliciano Raul & Fe Bundang [email protected] Thu Apr 29 830am +Milagros/Wilfredo/ Manuel Mendoza Fam Office Manager and Ferdinand Mendoza Religious Education Coordinator Fri Apr 30 830 +Bert Feliciano Elvira Dendam Fierro X 228 st [email protected] 1 Sat May 1 830am +Maria Carmen Eced Manuel Manjon

Youth Coordinator Stacia goral 904-962-6860 Peg Baker, Brendan Barret, Jennifer Bartruff [email protected] Randy Bird, Chris Bunker, Casidy, Carlie RCIA Coordinator Brielle, Mary Jane Buergey, Mary Byrne, Susan ELIA VEGA X 222 [email protected] Caquette, Armando Cazola, Mario J. Cazola, Peg-

Office Staff gy Farinas, Marcia Fletcher, David Fletcher, Den- Carol Rowell nis Grundman, Reynaldo Joaquin, Todd Jolly, cell (904) 505-5981 [email protected] Sandy Jolly, Irving Leverock, Azucena Martinez,

Linda Rose ext. 223 Gerardo Montalvo, Nancy Moran, Sharon Nolan, [email protected] Luis Palma, Lolly Ann Prieto Hutton, Leo Prieto Sr., Margaret Prucher, Mary Purvis, Donna Ridg- Lourdes Lira [email protected] way, Brittany Rowe, Scherbenski, Deb-

Hispanic Community bie Searcy, Aaron Sellers, Rose Smith, Judith Coordinator Soucie, Jennifer Stohl, Sally Tate, Ron Thayer, Surella Meraz (904)415-6806 Gerald Thompson, James Tomore, Sophia Tuliao, [email protected] Noli Vianzon, Ryder White, Katie Williams, Fran-

Finance Council cis "Chip" Mielkey, Maria Watts, Julie Williams, Maureen Williams President Bernd A. Foerster [email protected] Scriptures and April 25-May 1, 2021 April 25 Mon April 26 Tue April 27 Wed April 28 Thu April 29 Fri Apr 30 Sat May 1 St Mark The St. Cletus St St St Catherine St Pius V St Evangelist & Martyr of Siena The Worker Acts 4: 8-12 Acts 11: 1-18 Acts 11: 19-26 Acts 12: 24 – 13: 5 Acts 13: 13-25 Acts 13: 26-33 Acts 13: 44-52 Ps 118: 1-29 Ps 42: 2-3; Ps 87: 1-7 Ps 67: 2-8 Ps 89: 2-27 Ps 2: 6-11 Ps 98: 1-4 1 Jn 3: 1-2 43: 3-4 Jn 10: 22-30 Jn 12: 44-50 Jn 13: 16-20 Jn 14: 1-6 Mt 13: 54-58 Jn 10: 11-18 Jn 10: 1-10

May 13-19

Offertory + Midweek $6,740.00 Mayor Repair + Midweek $1,865.00 Online $ 953.36 Online $ 185.10 Total Ofertory $7,693.36 Total Mayor Repair $2,050.10

Gospel Message Deacon Jack Baker St Painted by:

It is fitting and important that we continue to Giovanni Battista Tiepolo celebrate Easter well beyond the glories of Easter Vigil and Easter Week. Indeed, after the Easter Sea- son closes at Pentecost we will continue to celebrate the Resurrection every Sunday of the year; the renew- al of the Last Supper at every Mass, on any day. Cel- Catherine of Siena (25 March 1347 – 29 April ebration of the salvation of the world is appropriate at 1380), a lay member of the Dominican Order, was a any time. mystic, activist, and author who had a great influ- ence on Italian literature. Canonized in 1461, she is In the first reading for the Fourth Sunday of also a . She was born and Easter, Peter assures his audience that the miracles raised in Siena, and at an early age wanted to de- mediated by the Apostles are the gifts of the Lord of vote herself to God, against the will of her parents. the Universe. The same message is delivered by Paul She joined the "mantellate," a group of pious wom- en, primarily widows, informally devoted to Domini- frequently in his letters. That message, at the Apos- [3] tolic level, is a sign to be followed by all Christians, can spirituality. Her influence with Pope Gregory clergy and laity alike: the good that we do, the ser- XI played a role in his decision to vices that we perform, are delivered in the name of leave Avignon for . She was then sent by him the Christ. We forget that point at our peril and to negotiate peace with Florence. After Gregory XI's death and peace concluded, she returned to Siena. become the bell that does not ring true, the voice that She dictated to secretaries her set of spiritual trea- is hollow and unconvincing. tises The Dialogue of Divine Providence. The Great Schism of the West led Catherine of Siena to go to The reading from the First Letter of John re- Rome with the pope. She sent numerous letters to minds us of another truth with which Christians must princes and cardinals to promote obedience to Pope cope as we work to fit into God’s Grand Plan. We Urban VI and defend what she calls the "vessel of the Church." She died on 29 April 1380, exhausted have many tools to help us on our way in this fallen by her rigorous fasting. Urban VI celebrated her fu- world with its abundance of temptations, evils, and neral and burial in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra pitfalls. Our strength lies in prayer, the Sacraments, Minerva in Rome. and especially the celebration of Holy Mass. But we continue to seek God without complete knowledge of The devotion around Catherine of Siena developed Him and despite His assurance of wisdom as a gift rapidly after her death. She was canonized in 1461, declared patron of Rome in 1866, and [Wisdom 8:21]. Our great diocesan patron, Augus- of Italy (together with ) in 1939.[4][5] tine of Hippo, has informed us that we will not rest [6][7][8] She was the first woman (along with Teresa of until we rest in God. John writes of the Good News Ávila) to be declared a "doctor of the Church," on 4 that there will come a time when we leave this “veil October 1970 by Pope Paul VI. She was also pro- claimed of Europe in 1999 by Pope of tears” and will know Him more completely (and in John Paul II. Catherine of Siena is one of the out- great joy) [1 John 3:2]. So, be confident as you are standing figures of medieval Catholicism, by the devout. The Good Shepherd who gave His life for us strong influence she has had in the history of the remains our loving and devoted Good Shepherd as papacy and her extensive authorship. She was be- we continue to celebrate His triumph over death and hind the return of the Pope from Avignon to Rome, and then carried out many missions entrusted by restoration of eternal life by His Resurrection. the pope, something quite rare for a woman in the Middle Ages. Her Dialogue, hundreds of letters, Peace, love, blessings, and dozens of prayers, also give her a prominent place in the history of Italian literature. Deacon Jack Parish News If you would like The Easter Season ends on Pentecost Sun- rd to bring the Gifts day, May 23 . For that reason, the Easter to the Altar, Prayer List will continue until Pentecost Sunday so there is still time to include the please sign up names of your loved ones in the prayer list. on the form in Please enter their names and your inten- the back of the tions on the Easter envelopes located in church. the back of the church. You can drop them in the offertory basket or turn in into the office

Bread Wine Donated

Altar Servers, Cantors, Sacristans, By: Boots Hamilton Hospitality (Greeters/Ushers), and

Readers are needed. Please prayerful- ly consider any of these ministries. Sanctuary Lamp Offering Contact the Office. By Boots Hamilton Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Services Catholic Charities Immigration Legal Ser- vices is assisting individuals in filing their applications for TPS for Venezuela Nationals; the time frame for application ends on Sep- St. Joseph the Worker tember 5, 2021.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Though (DACA) – Initial Applicants and Renewals has many titles, he is For appointments contact us: best known as the email: [email protected], or earthly father of Jesus [email protected] Christ. Joseph was a Phone: 904-354-5904, ext. 1 – please leave a humble carpenter who message married the Blessed Mary. Joseph brought up the child

Olympics for Youth Jesus, and trained him in the art of carpentry. This event is being organized for our youth Saint Joseph, a hard here at Most Holy Redeemer, to be held on worker and the head Saturday, June 19. Teams will be formed by of the Holy Family, is a age ranges and will compete against each model for all fathers other. This will be a fun event which our and working individu- youth (and all of us adults) will remember. als today. Volunteers are needed so please sign up.

C a te c h e s i s Michael Fierro The Good Shepherd

Why is Christ the Good Shepherd? In the Old Testament, the analogy of a shepherd is often applied to God and his people are the flock. In Psalm 23, for example the author asks God to lead him to green pastures and fresh water. The Prophet Eze- kiel explains that God will pasture his sheep and give them rest. In the according to John, Jesus refers to himself as a shepherd. He is not like a hired man who might run at the first sign of danger, but the good shepherd who offers his life in defense of his flock. Jesus has a real and personal investment in each of his sheep. He knows each of us by name and we must respond to his voice.

How does Christ protect his flock now? One of the images we use for the Church is that of a sheepfold. It is the sole and necessary gateway to Christ (Lumen Gentium 6). The people of God are the flock that Christ shepherds and he entrusts us to human shepherds while at the same time he leads and nourishes us Himself.

Who are the human shepherds? Christ has established an ordained priesthood to act in his person (in persona Christi). Christ is present as the Shepherd of his flock, but by the imposition of hands and words of consecration, the Holy Spirit is given, and a sacred character is impressed on the Bishop to act as a representative of Christ. As his representative, he is both teacher and shepherd. Through his office, he bears a special responsibility to shepherd the Lord’s flock.

What about ? All bishops are priests, but we distinguish the office of Episcopate from that of the Presbyterate. Every priest is a co-worker with his bishop and depends on the bishop to exercise his authority. Every priest is responsi- ble as a shepherd for the faithful and must help guide them. The Presbyter represents both Christ and the Bishop to the flock entrusted to him.

The 2020-2021 Florida State Knights of Columbus Annual Charity Raffle is now underway with $30,000 in prizes. Tickets will be sold this weekend after each Mass and weekdays in the office. Each ticket is only $1.00 each. Books of 10 are only $10.00 and offer a greater chance of winning. There is no limit on the number of books you can buy, So … buy as many as you like because the odds of winning are better than the Florida Lottery. All proceeds go to your Local Knights of Columbus and KoC Charities.

Please keep our Seminarians in your prayers

Charles Bemis- Jose Cortez- Crowell- Jacob Daul- Deacon Mike Elias- George Gilbert -Jonathan Goldman -Stephen Hardin -Steve Henderson Deacon Mac Hill- Matthew Hines -Deacon Michael Kieler- Kenneth Laybourn -Andrew Lands- Daniel Maher- Landon McCollum- Esteban Merkt -Christopher Morales- Justino Moreno -Justin Motes- Stephen Parker- Filippo Schiavo -Will Strassberger -Diego Vasquez- Cristian Vergara Rose & Remy Go’s nephew: Joshua Tilos (Seoul) (Korea Seminary from the Phil- lipines) Joyce Bors’ son: Jim Bors Prepared by St. Augustine Diocesan Council of Catholic Women