Dolomitization of Holocene Mg-Calcite Supratidal Deposits, Ambergris Cay, Belize
Dolomitization of Holocene Mg-calcite supratidal deposits, Ambergris Cay, Belize ^ Geological Consultants, Midland, Texas 79701 A. M. REID J J. M. GREGG St Joe Minerals Corp., Viburnum, Missouri 65566 ABSTRACT Skinner, 1957; Von der Borch and Lock, 1979; slow rates and over-all limited amounts of do- Von der Borch and others, 1964; Muir and oth- lomite found in most recent supratidal deposits Dolomitized crusts and associated sedi- ers, 1980), and the arid Persian Gulf sabkhas (Machel and Mountjoy, 1986) seemingly are in- ments 845-2925 yr old on Ambergris Cay, (Curtis and others, 1963; Illing and others, 1965; compatible with the formation of many thick Belize, Central America, compose a signifi- McKenzie and others, 1980). These dolomites sequences of ancient bedded peritidal dolomites. cant portion of the Holocene sediment section characteristically are microcrystalline, poorly An addition to the inventory of Holocene do- on many supratidal flats. The dolomitic sec- ordered and calcium-rich, and compose from a lomites described above are those crusts and as- tions are as thick as 0.7 m and contain an trace to, rarely, as much as 95%-100% of some sociated dolomitic sediments found on the average of 70% calcic dolomite. Dolomite oc- indurated supratidal crusts (Shinn and others, humid, supratidal carbonate flats on Ambergris curs as a replacement of high-Mg calcite mic- 1965; Deffeyes and others, 1965; Illing and oth- Cay in Belize, Central America (Fig. 1). Recent rite matrix and allochems, and as pas- ers, 1965), or they occur as poorly consolidated mapping has shown that supratidal dolomitiza- sively precipitated cements.
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