Concluding Portion of Report on Schools on Pages 12 and 13

News, Pictures A ?(ewipaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest Impartially Each Week - leaber Full Local Coverage XLVH—NO. 43 Published Every Thursday PRICE EIGHT CENTS i n. i!K>r> nt 18 Cmtn Street. Woodhrldur. N J. Sweetness School Tract and Light Sold to Plant S K. GREGORY id of Education. 275,000 is down to its last lor refusing to think itivoly on the possi- nffercd by modern No Assurance 'Sign Contract, :n;il genius to provide ,,', ,nis we need, econom- ,,„! promptly. Kopper Plant Zoning Change * * * i nraring the consid To Come HereBid Necessary ndnment of approval WOODBRIDOE -- To clear , ,- torhnlques by a re up rumors that a large plas- WOODBRIDOE — Announce- '.,,! educator and au tics plant is being •contemplated ment was made yesterday that • •-, on building construe the Port Reading section the American Home Products of the Township. The Inde- Corp., with headquarters in New '•in- Board takes refuge York, has contracted to pur- pendent-Leader yesterday call- ,, ality by whimpering chase a tract of approximately ed the prospective builders, 60 acres In Iselin from the Trus- • not seeing a school of Koppers Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, tees of Tree School Lands in proposed. This, of Pa., and was told that there Woodbridge Township. , is no excuse for inac- are "no Immediate plans to build a plant." The company, which manu- ,t ;lH—for it well knows factures many household Items George M. Walker, vice- uindionally the design which are nationally-known by president and general manager their brand names, will use the , rptable, that structur- of the Chemical Division of tract for expansion of Its drug i is without flaws, and Koppers Co., Inc., said on the and pharmaceutical manufact- from a standpoint of telephone: uring. Contract for the purchase Miity it is Impervious. "In compliance with our long- of the land was- handled by (acts are on the word Mayor is Witness range planning we have look- Henry St. C. Lavln, formerly ,- country's foremost ex- ed at a proposed plant site Township attorney and at present near Woodbridge and at sites at counsel for the Trustees of Free ,in the subJect-^-and I In Westburv Probe two or three other location*. School Lands. The company's t imagine what more No decision has been reached representatives in the negotia- fern WOODBRIDGE — Three wit- within the company to even tions were LeRoy J, Wagstaff and -.nice is needed. ness's, inchidirni Mayor Hugh B. build such a plant as yet and Ollbert S. Mclnerny, general at- QiiiKlcy. were heard by the Middle- it is highly Improbable that torney. Magistrate Andrew p. Board, for lack of a sex County Grand Jury yesterdfry any decision will be reached In Desmond, It Is understood, will .ii in connection with Its investigation alibi, has declared its the near future." be American's local legal aide. , of churws that streets In the West- j appointment It was un- George Van Gundy, director j bury Hiirk development were not Since the area is zoned for of public relations of the com- ir'io see a complete Struc- paved in accordance with munici- residence, It will be necessary for pany said that If and when a t ,hool It never was of- pal .specif icfltions. the purchaser to obtain a zoning plant is built It will be a plas- variance to light Industrial. Be- [r, i the opportunity to see In addition to Mr. Quigley, tics plant, but there Is no as- others who were heard Included cause of the fact sale of the iv.plete Structo school be- surance It will be built In the Township Engineer Howard Madi- ground will restore It to taxation, H line doesn't exiat, and Township. The matter, he said, .son and Abraham Somers, member with additional ratables added has not gone to "top manage- total suggestion to the of the firm which developed the to the tax rolls when building Is ment yet" and "no mane; hat r.l that it go to Massa- tract. On Tiiesday, the Grand Jury completed, It 1* unlikely that this been appropriated." M tLs was a most explicit heard. Mr. - Madlnon; Township requirement will meet any serious It was for tbd-4XC" Building Inspector William J. objections. It is contemplated that and Health Officer Harold J. work on construction will com purpose of hearing the Bailey. John Molineux, assistant 2 Teachers Resign mence Immediately the zoning ,iits of a study of Structo (Continued on Pas;e Eight) change U allowed. ti rials and methods at Employment will be In the Massachusetts Irutitute Posts in Schools neighborhood of 200, it is esti lniinology. Any other in mated. The price paid for the Zone Change Asked WOODBRIDGE— A resignation tract WM not disclosed by the pntation of my sugges from Mrs. Mary Vow, a teacher company, .but it is understood n is a misrepre»entation For Tract in Iselin on leave, was accepted by the it was m the neighborhood of a false—and I will not Board of Education Monday. Mrs. $275,000. The proceeds of the sale ..,: it to stand. WOODBRJlDGE— An ordinance Gertrude Sharp, a teacher at wllli ln an. probability, be used • * • ..•as introduced on first reading School 14, Fords, notifietitledd , the fo- r schoo• l• purposes• • . Tuesday by the Town Committee board that she will leave the Defeated in Charter iin'iv is one other irre changing the zoning of land be- school system on February 27. -This i» because the land, sat •:-.sihifi statement which I tween Franklin and Johnson Applications for positions as I apart,in the town's charter in •••< icn in print, to the .Streets, Iselin, from Class B Resi- janitors were received from Rich- ig$0 anci specifically for the 1 it would have been dential to Light Industrial Zone. ard A. LamberUon, Pords; Stanley "maintenance of a free school, J . MaiMai , Woodbridge and William \^^ |^e dedicatededitd \I itselitlff or - 'IT for Professor Voss to Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said the e tnt r n o Woodbridge to make tract will be developed for a series from ltd prooMds for school use. SANTAS WILLING HKM'fcltS: huth adults and children did their bit this week in collecting toys for the needy to be distributed of small, llghty industries. Hearing Henry StrubelStrube, Avenel Fire|Recently, the Board of Educa- port. I could not be so through The Independent-Leader Christmas Fund. Above, members of the Woodbridge Township Republican Clul> are shown with on the measure will be held De- Commissioner, appeared before the tion requested that it be set aside -ment to ask Professor the toys they collected as part of the admission ptice to their Yule parly. Approximately 80 brand-new toys were turned over to cember 27. board and asked that the flre as a possible school site, but a ' v.hat he would have Thr independent-Leader. Below, students of Miss Cecelia Artyin's Sixth Grade at School 1 each brought a favorite *«v of dispos•• e of been told it would be . Beverly Tobias, Vieki Zak, Margaret Holm, Bill Calvsni, Jimmie Cary, Billy Dettmer, Gary Helselberg, Fred Hugi, Windsor iki Dnnis Saivia Stephen Duff, the mayor said. Mr. Duff atlons were l.akis, Allan McKlhennyMcKllwnny, Dickie Melanson, Kenneth Oettlc, BilBinl l'etersenreierscu,. i.e.Ear,l .Prosek , Charle. s Rowinski, Dennis Saivia, Stephen— Superintendent of Schools Vic- the property. N3 n S3.000 and $5,000— could not be reached as he was1 Havel, Bruce ShShoree , George SronghilosSrongliilos, John Siabo, Billy Hoagland. tor O. Nlcklas, Patrick W. Boylan. completed* lQ Wa yesteri- charged for making visiting his wile who is a patient elementary supervisor, Andrew D. AVENEL MAN HELD day. in a New York hospital. Desmond, board attorney, and •niy, and then making WOODBRIDGE — Francis Do- The site in Iselin is bounded Efforts to reach the Esco Realty Howard Medlson, engineer, were on the north by the Middlesex-" 'it The taxpayers of liber, 27, 410 Alden Road, Avenel, h $300 Still Needed to Meet Co., were unsuccessful as Informa- named as a committee to see If a Essex Turnpike, on the east by "e Township were 30 was .picked up Tuesday by, Sgt. Man Fatally Hurt tion said there was no telephone 10 acre site could be obtained from State Highway Route 4 Parkway, 1 Kenneth Van Pelt, of the Ju- 'i" greater portion of listed in that name, the Trustees of Free School Lands. on the south by the Port Reading venile Bureau and Detective John at the trfflal cost of Yule Fund Goalpf $2,500 Records at the Town Hall Railroad and on the west by Edl- t" By Hit-Run Driver GovtliU, on a charge of impair- •nation for the Board WOODBRIDOE — Approximately $300 is needed to reach the showed that the property, which Mson Township. It originally oon- ' : ing the morals of a minor. A is in the hollow, just beyond the Foundation CrnntiGrantt Tnhip I gi nation and its atta- Minimum eoal of $2,500 set for the Independent-Leader Christmas 1 WOODBRIDGE"- Stevm J. Minimum e New Brunswick resident^ was the ? Fund to aid close to 80 families throughout the Township — to pro- Green Street-Circle, golns toward purchased by the state for the I'V a man of enor- Hrubcc, 40, 218 UUyette Street, Fund to aid close to 80 f Iselin, was owned by the Township $157,900 to Hospitalospital ~ complainant. Parkway and approximately 10 i'ltitesslohal stature, of vide them witith foodfod , cclothinl g and toys. and sold at public sale to Lillian Perth Amboy. »•« Pronounced Lust year $2,931.26 \\iiis donated so that each family was given PERTH AMBOY - An- additional acres are encumbered SailsStills. Isadora RosenblumRosnb, attorney! •••i«' independence and dead on arrival uiU**rtli Am-j ••••• • *~ ..-o,) u riHte. the fund stands atADDITIODDITI N TO FAMILY by rlghU-of-way. . a little extra ill cash according to of record In the sale, said yester- nouncement of a grant of $157,- "lined integrity ,who FORDS—Mr, and Mrs. Rowland The present trustees are Mra. General Hospital Monday $2,193.74, day that 'Mrs. Sails had deeded 900 to the Perth Amboy General •'• wanted to be Of assist boy and Mrs. Constant Montazzoll. Soletto, 524 New Brunswick Ave- Michael De Joy, Mrs. Frank Mayo, he was found lyine Saturday morning at 11 o'clock he the property to the Woodbridge, Hospital from The Ford Foun- .Mrs, Albert Foote, Mrs. William "| our critical school will be the deadline (or setting in Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gottstein nue, are the parents of a daugh- on New Brunswick Driving Range six or seven months dation was made tills wept, Huber, Mrs. Mildred Albrecht. The „„ the road toys and clothing. Absolutely no Sails Jewelers, Jasper & Son, ter born in the Perth Amboy Gen- ago. board is two short of its full com- Avenue, Hppelawn. evidently the toys and clothing will be accepted (Continued on Page Eight) eral Hospital. Three other hospitals ln Mid- ^ hit-and-run driver after the deadline, because there dlesex County also shared in the plement, one member having died " * t , and Another rfeigned. will be no time lett to gift-wrap $500,000,000 distribution by the '-'•<• decide to jrelect, his Hrubec'Hrubec s body was -spotted ly- them. Cash donations will be ac- Foundatipn to voluntajry hos- ;mil to billtUe his ^ ta. the r^w.y by a untll Christmas Eve. " ii service — to the ' • • who summoiummoiien d tlie Cash donations received during ultals and to privately-sup- Expansion to Start of our educational niotorut the past week were as follows: ported colleges. i Hoix!a*iv f'lsl Aid|, then this must be Hlaw $50.00 The donation is to j» used . According to Conner At Avenel Church piinslbillty qf alt who Senator B. W. Vogel in whatever manner determined X Muska, IlrubK died ot a | $30.60 "ii the rejection. They, by the hospital's Board of Gov- skull and a crushed Libertf iExcavatUig Co. WOODBRIDQE— Building per- ii t be prepared to ac- *25.00 erners for capital Improve- mits were Issued yesterday to St. i]i Andrew's Parish, Avenel. 'for the consequences. Schwenzer Brothers, Girl Scouts ments. None of the money, un- * • • construction of a new church on draU* * of Woodbridge Township, Anony- i der the terms of the grant, may Madison Avenue and an addition light down to it, I tim was mous. be used for operating expenses. to the present rectory. reservations $26.00 The church will cost $245,000 and • official determlna- ribbons. ' , , Woodbridga Circle Motors, An the addition to the rectory $18,000, Iselln Friend^ Cub Scouts Earn $120 provlde adequate dead man Is survived by The church to be made of stoie, The f 14.00 nl pro«88.; Even In Recent Candy Sale and brick and a tile roof will be hiswidow, Elizabeth: two «i«- Women's Club Qf Coloiua built on the lot near the present i sites we have are Michael 910.00 HHWAREN — Mrs. Bj E. John- church which faces Avenel Strtet Mr, Anna there; cWtainly three Dr, and Mrs. Slgmund J. Clay- son, diMi mother, aniioiin^ti thathat | it will have a 56 foot front, 148 an man, Court Mercedes, CDA, jvirs. foot depth and will be 42 feet high. of them. We Holowlch,owich, CartereCart^ the Cub s'fcouts oi Den 2.. earned Ho Edward K. Cone, Troop 9 Girl $> by their recent candy sale The rectory addition will be two sure we will be Helen Z»remb» ai d 1 Seoul*, Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. mid wish to thank all residents stories high and will also have a "ithority to finance Nlcklas, Chain O1 Hills Woman's who bought from them. Deliveries i cinder block garage. Work will- 11 1 urn of our school re- r; : Club, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dun- will start next week. start immediately. Perth Amboy. iJam, The Best Curtain Service, A The annual Christmas partyJ. fo.r "HLS, because we ig- TAKES THE WORKS lht Woodbridge Friend, Ladles Auxil- tiic cubs will take place Tuesday ' warning that such WOC4WIW0CW - A cash g 11 iary ol Woodbridge Sports Club at the White Church in the regu- y was dembtfu} un- se.oo lar pack meeting. Members of Den ister valued,at $H& and its.cop-i r tents, »150, were stolen from the revalued and re- . i Misses Sophie and Anna L. fur over a mr the I are Billy Radley, John Bowws, 11 lenii>le ' Irving Amoco Gas Station, Route "ur real estate. We arrested Oc- '< Johnson. BACK HUME AIIIU m..i..i ... . Brian Crowe, Peter Lagargren,,- —.—---- ^- -._,. "'used to bead this congregation uf the Wootibridgtf MethiMlisl Church livid iU firwi btyvices ln Die educational build- Jean-Pierre 8efc«k, Robert Cu- •• wwrdln» to a report made to UiK, the Hrsl wine ot the uhurth U be rebuilt. Tlit- structure on Main Street wa,s practically sidy, QlenCoughlln, and Rlchaid,Patrolmen Eugene Mu-Un «$.; mi I hjive an idea destroyed by ' " —' " "l!li •lundui1""" '!"• WIVIM In Rev, Clifford B. Munn, pastor wl»« 90m, Tuesday. lati Departmentof la" I i it is going to Wllll wlsglvijk pa any ""iiuu«(i oa -L-'-—-'-^ TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 Slate Installed OBITUARIES Sisterhood Plans Port Reading VINf Chanukdh Partv By Association Personals 192 SMITH ST. ,)M \.'k t~ 1011 ^Br •\11\NU W. KRAPF i) that capacity from 1920 tn J 1 AVKNEL — The nnnual Christ-. 1950. Hp was a member of the AVENEL -- The sln?ln:» of ths I • '•; Mrv Minnie Worming- mas pnrty and installation of new; ;>\ 55 Auth Avenut, unit's board 0: managers since "Star Sp-ns'P(l Banner" and the dfllcrrs was held by the Woman's' ..: \V..).l(nb<:-vg Hospital. 1910. "I-Tatikv.ih" led by Mrs. Al Btel- B.v MBS. \:.M>-,nlion of the P,r.=t Presbyter-; ,' :,'.:•; .\ brief illness. She A trustee pm?i'iuis ard n mem- W(i:/. aRj t,,e rMti •: i- .- iirvived by two infiins of. the .sisterhood cit the 15 Sixth Strfrt .volcl al-n a member of the Ri v, Dr. Clim!f< -s. M v •M;>. Chnrtes Lo*hr. IMit Rf»dlnt Sons of the Revolution and the;Congregation .^nns of Jurob, ;p the blessing priov to 1 • I . ;iirJ Mrs. Charles Mef.i •;•(:! C»u:i.-.l of Royal Ar- Tuesday in Avrno! Jewish Com- :ervini! of a 1mm d'.mv:i WO-H-I'lt-W i inoiv. two sons. canum. munlly Center: For Everyone On Your I i v, .'iMngton. Woodbridge, if.!! Tho Ims'uand o.' the late Isollell Mrs. Abe Kramer, ways arid Mrs. William Jo'm^i ., i! .m W. Wormirtgion, he mefting with :\ prayer 3e'ilen GrLswfihl, he is survived by means chairman, announced , ; ';• !>,r.\nd:h)ldrenancl Thomas Hill. canw. :\vo sons, Jamis E.. Prescott, plans have been completed for ChiMrrn of M»rj Mwt :i- .'••;: v:irhildren: a sister. :hairmnn imported i hat 6'ndits.s- 1 ilie adult Chanukah party, Satur- The it^ulnr meetinn of the Chll- :>i,;i, i liirriw, Hillside, and Ai !/.., and, I.ioyii C Mrtuchen; :n«s were nude m November, day evening at the Center. A din of Mary Sodality was held i • i • A'.i-M.iaU'v Goodwin, also two Rnind* !iiklii'i: and two Kreat- mnkiiv: the total for Uie year ^rfinc'ciiilurf-n gift ex£han.Ke and Fames will be 8377 Mrs Frederick Bc;kiey. mis- Monday nhht in St Anthony's F-m-.';i! ary wil be held tonight, Instead ;,1 1.1 vi '.MIS ri communicant a sister. Mrs. Robert D. Heflin, in a bag for a "scent and non- j the direction of Police Chief John Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie was the of Friday, at 7:S0 o'clock In th< 1,! ,••• .iiiir.' Church and was a Chatham, and a brother. Kendell pianist. flrehouae. After the meeting the r," i:i!,i 1 ul tin- Rosary Society. She scent" program. Isifullick, Perth Amboy. Fnwli PURSES-WALLETS - KKY ( \s| W. From. She is also survived New officers installed by Dr. annual Christmas party will be •,',,-• u |i;iyt maud regent of Court It was announced by the presi-1 The new auxiliary crficers are by 10 grandchildren. MacKentie were: Mrs. William held. By Bsxton and Entler Kress Mnvii \ 709. Catholic Daughters dent. Mrs. Hytnan Srelnlck, that; Stephen Simon, Joseph Rogan. Clark, president; Mrs. Arthur Pet- ul Am run and a member of the Funeral services will be held the classes on Judahism will start Joseph Swallick and Edward Stas. Address Forwarded erson. »ice-prestdent: Mrs. Carl and Mrs. Bernard Scuttl o; Vi! i ',','.!.\;!b: (ill J. Biirron Leeds. Mid- responding secretary arid Mrs. Nylon, Wool, Poplin, in Quilted and be in St. James Cemetery. with the Hebrew School which Charles S. Weiler, asistant di- vate Anthony Scuttl, U. S. 51353- l.::iufud from the Rosary principal of the Sewaren School, unteered to substitute for Mrs. Building. Styles, Including School Sweaters, Button Front , fil:':uiUst and banker in tainment in the auditorium put PEN AND PENCIL SETS AND DESK SKTS Rosenblum, presented a program APT RETORT 1' r :i /.ii.ljiiy for many years. on by the children and teachers. which consisted of the story of ParkM "21" »nd "51" — Jotter — Shaeffer Snorkel -- r. The circuit preacher, making Mr. (>!!•,'*d'.d served as plant Thursday: Arrival of Santa the Chanukah and the lighting of Wqlerman — Estcrbrook — Paper Mud' Claus in his sleigh outside the h'i rounds on horseback through Women fy.ji ;-:n;.' mifiii, of the N. J. Terra candles by Susan Jacobs, Ellen LIGHTERS Coil.i Co fur 25 years and then school at 1 p.m. with &ifts. Pre- Temkin and Jack Adler. All the the hill country, found one of his school children may watch Santa's children sang songs appropriate aged parishioners contentedly • ' Ronson — Zippo — Parker Flaminalrc — Amboy. After his retire- arrival outside. to the holiday. A luncheon of po- puffing a pipe on the porch of her shack. m. n fru-Ti industry he became tiitoe latkes, applesauce, and milk BAUSCH and LOMB pr™;jrnt uf the Perth Am- Tobacco growers oppose cut in was served after which the chil- Pointing an accusing finger at PUBLIX • Binoculars and Field Glasses Institution and served 1 buvley crop in 195S. dren played games and were pre- the offending pipe, the preacher t Microscopes • Reading Glasses sented with gifts. asked, "Miz Wilkins, do you ex- PHARMACY Mrsv Lasher was assisted by Mr. pect to be saved?" Open Evenlnts PHOTOGRAPHY iinii Mrs. Lester Jacobs, Mr. and "Yes, Reverend, I t!6," she an- • Flash Outfits « Supplies Mis. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Milton iWered. 91 MAIN ST., WOODBRIDGE Mi-dinets, Mrs. Irving Adler, Miss • Gadget Bags t Photo Albums Yhe preacher's voice rose. FOR FREE DELIVERY Niinna Schiller, Miss Kathy Lash- Don't you know, woman, that the* • Cameras ; er and Miss Anita Zuckerberg. iible says nothing unclean shall Call WO -8-0809 inter heaven? How do you expect PUBLIC HEALTH ALL THE LATEST GAMES The Surgeon - General of the Scrabble — GlnnaiU — Arthur Godfrey Golf <••""'' Electric Baseball and Football Games U. S. Public Health Service re- Music Means a Lifetime cently held out the prospect that Chips and Chip Racks — Chess & Checker Sets — I'layinc < •'" paralytic poliomyelitis, venereal of Joy — Roulette — Pok«r Dice — Crlbbafe Boards — Dart Bo.u il- | disease, tuberculosis and rheu- For Your Girl and Boy. Jokari — 5 Pin Bowline Set — Table Tennis — Exerciser M I- i ma tit fever would be virtually. Shuffleboard Sets — Harmonicas MEN LIKE THE LUXURY of ! wiped out by 1895. He also re- leather, especially in a dry- ported that the Salk vaccine shots SPORTING GOODS cleanabte suede leather sack coat had cut the Incidence of paralytic GIVE A MUSICAL McGregor - Spaldlng 1956 like this one. Photo by Leather 1 polio by upward ol 67 per cent Voit ^ Louisville Slugger - < Evinrud* Come, See the Wonderful Selection of Industries of America. this year. Rawllng Outboard (Jifts for Your Man at L. Briegs & Sons | * BASEBALL Motors "Van lkusen" Century White Shirts— 'g THIS CHRISMS • Gloves • Baseballs • Bats In StoiV. French cuff style, no-wrinkle collar $5.00 Gioy Suede Gloves - $5.00 Clarinet Outfit 69.50 Socki • Pants • Shoulder V Plants • Basketballs • Goals • S'.:" STETSON ^ATS - "IVY LEAGUE" ^"WHIPPET" Trombone Outfit..; ., 1. 6950 § Bags • il "STRATOLINEp" - "PLAYBOY" - "SKY RIDER" Severajl Sizes to Select From "ST. REGIS HAMBURG" AND 0(THERS GOLF ! Violin Outfit 39.50 • Golf Sets • Shoes # Balls SKATING $10 - $12.95 • $15.00 • Bags fi Headcovers • Jackets Ice Skates INTERNATIONAL. MODERN and CLASSICAL MUSIC C»p» and Soi TAUGHT TO BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED STUDENTS FIgHING . Hand framed Argyle Sox, House Plants Roller'"- Orion, Wool, Nylon Combinations $2.95 | • Rods • Reels • Tacjde Skirts ami 'I M' 3 OR MORE PLANTS Plaid-Wool or Solid Wool Shirts— g A Gift For The TENNIS Skate Caso Per Pot 59c • Tennis Rackets Skate Lan'% Also Orion Wool Combinations.... $8.95 and $10.95 jjj • Tennis Shoes • Tennis Balls WROUGHT IRON •Cotton Flannel Shirts, Plaids and Plains $3.95 | ACCORDIONIST • Badminton Sets PLANTERS from ;IIU Fancy Flannel Pajamas $4.95 1.50 Choose from a complete Striking Ban — Striking Bag PUtlorim - BO^IHJ; < Fancy or Plain Broadcloth Pajamas WROUGHT IRON PLANT STANDS selection of name brands in stock. By "Fleetwood" or "Manhattan".... $3.95 to;$10.<|0 (Candelabra Phntr $295 Madonna Planter $2.20 Swim FUM — Swim Mij^ki — Swim

"Knothe" Expanse Belts $2.00 to $10.50 EXCBLBIOB . ftTANo'- (OHIO GREETING (AHDS Argyll1 Sleeveless Orion Sweaters $7.95 LANCE - ACMB - ACCORMANA t Hallmark KXCKUIQLIIOLA AMD DALLATK ARCHERY Aciilan Pull-over Sports Jersey ..(. $3.95 > Gibson W Boxed Assort" • Gift Wrappings • Napt Others in Cotton WILD mi KEDER Bom J Since we carry the largest selection of famous-make f Stationery Or you'll be sure to please him with a accordions in the Karl fan Bay area, you art assured LefciMwoo* and Is! Gift Certificate from BRIEGS—. '1.29 of the best in quality at the lowest possible prices. Olau Uptn Itvmy K*«nlni~Tlll <'|>rMi> The Store Where He Usually Shopsl Arrow . B«|lBUlni MondHjr, l^iemli" WILD BIRD SEED ,- SUNFLOWER Qulven FREE PARKING IN OUR LOT Complete Seta Charge Account Just Say: CHARGE IT! On Your HANJM-CHARGE AMBOY FEED CO., Inc. ACCOUNT! NO EXTRA COSTS!

SHOP FRIDAY TIL 9 P. M, firinnni GEORGE WALSH, Pres. 279 New Brunswick Avenue (cr. o»k si.> Perth Amboy ED BONKOSKI — PROI'RIETOR L.BWEGS&SONS Phone II1-2-135Q 357 STATE STREET PERTH AMBOY mm ft Kmrn .OPEN V,EEKDAYS g A. M. TILL 6 P. M.-. * Tel. VA-64290 , rrfRNDENT-LEADER THURSDAY. DECEMnER 15, 1955 *AGE THREE , isimas Parties Favorite Christinas Carols iSt. James'School d by Group To be Sung by WHS Pupils , The nnnual Christ- lists Honor Roll wns hold by the Ladles 3ons," Girls Chorus; organ solos, WOODBRfDOE - Sister Hut in Avcncl Memorial v. •r Christmas songs will be on "DSnoe in~e Hours" and "Claire de H'-jimiM principal of St. JantM' 1 7104 Monday In the n<: program at the annual Christ- Lune," Mrs. Kingsbury; "White •*r;in.->!. uu.aunred the honor roll i! moms in Club Avenel, concert of ihe WoodbridRe Christmas" and "Christmas Story," :•>! ih:' las: marking period u chairmanship of Mrs. 1 School Glee Club to bu pre- obllgato by Frances Bedore, hni'idrr. cnted tomorrow night in tut; Prances Coopor, Vnlerle De Cams choul auditorium. i F.i'-h'.h sratle: Joan ferrare, completed for a visit und Gerry O'Netl. "Jingle Bells," v.Munr.;-hak, Thomas (taul, Chester F. Kingsbury staff cn- • n Hospital tomorrow at entire ensemble; "Hallelujah r.i--;,\j Heffeman, Marya&n nnlst with the CBS television and ,r I, Christmas gift will Chorus" from "The Messiah," en- Km»:: c.uoi Kramett Roaaaan adto network will piny ,e organ !,ii tn the hospital. H lire ensemble; recessional, "Coro- K:Koff. Roberta MUenkl. K»ttl" nd pianists will be Mrs. Charles „., iifl i,iv.kind for the post. f Avensl-Fire Company at a meet- orgfin solos, "Jesu, Joy vt Man's Kumisky. Linda Leonard, V)r- ,i pins were presented 11 ng held Tuesday evening in the Desiring and "Noel," Mr. Kings- "lnin M*ver, Madeline Mentrd, , rn Bush and Mrs. Ella bury; "Bonr's Head Carol," "Men Irohouse. Mrs. Peter Greco, junioi wst president, chairman, was as- Rurbara Mesar, Ann Nemes. O*r- Both Near and Far," "All Around aldine O'Brien, Judith Schubert, 'uliinco award was wrf the Christmas Tree," Br>ys Glee listed by all the past presidents, Vlrs. William Kuzmtak gave the As>nos Shornock, MaryAnn Boga, i,iii'.iirH Cedar and Mrs -lUb; "Mistletoe and Holly Invocation. Installation of new Dore.^n Witkowskl. T h o m a « ,\;is the hostess, Brli-ht," "Dance Carol," 'Prances Wyxykowski. Bedore, Prances Cooper, Cathy fflcers tok place at the business '.nlidnys the next meet- Ccntuorl, Valerie De Cassas, Faith neetlns which followed. Sixth Kr.ide: Kicholas Balbj, r in lit January 9. Prankel, Marilyn Laconic, Gerry Mrs. George Kunak, chairman uary Berecki. Henry Catenacci. O'Neil. Barbara Urban; "Deck the •f the kiddles Christmas party, William Dsiddio. Dorothy D'Ord, nl Motor Club Halls," "The Waits," Casper innounced that plans have been ALL SET FOR Vlll. PLAY: Pupils of Miss Affreen's fourth trade class at School 1. above, will present u play, "Tlir Mysterious Box," VlrRinia Dossena, Elizabeth PU- Boehm, Donald Clausen. Robert ompleted for the atTair to take as part of the sclnn.l Christinas program next Monday and Tuesday in School 11 Auditorium. Pint inw. fieorep Koprrvas, William ipciuk. Katherine Hencog, Ai- N; /7urn for Dance as, Donald Peck, Raymond lace next Sunday at 3:00 P.M. Sllvania, Theresa Castrine, Thomas Hatfleld, Stephen Maytl. Adrian Shultx, William Oadek. Barbara Slonlnko, .Jerome Jnkubriak. red Jankowskt. Joan Johmann. Rhlnehart, Robert Wildblood, Lar. t the flrehouse. Kneeling, Betty Haas, Thumns Mi her, Joyce Locklc, Maurice Van Bramer, Cccrlla Ollvacz. Donald fcamlm, l'rlsellh Hnsko, Lorraine Joseph Kocsis, Marie Leimpeter, ! x Forty-six mem y Wolpln; "Jesu Bambino," Cas- It was announced by Mrs. Ru- Joule, Standing;, rear row, Thomas Ocardinn, Allan Bujney, Larry Larsen, Frank Silioeftler. Jnlm Gyurik, Rirhard Zllnl. Patricia Mundy. Thomaa Mur- OutboardMo^ per Boehm and Donald Peck; "Si- bin Greco that the annual Christ- agh. Mary Beth MrDonough, Pa- a recent meet lent Night," entire ensemble. mas visit to the Firemen's Home ricla O'Sullivan. Robert Pallak, . whitr House. Prepara Part 2: "Hail Ye Tyme of Holle in Boonton is scheduled lor De- Teachers Union to Meet Woodbridge Hadassnh -lairc Polkowski. Stephen Sabo, made for a square dance Dayes," "Lo Now a Rose E'er ember 21, at 1:00 P.M. Court of Honor 300 Attend PT A Slizabeth Sclmepf, Patricia Stia- A January 21 at Bethlen A donation was made to the At Hopelawn School Plans Oneg Shabbat John S?urko, Edward Middlesex County Tuberculosis Ctioke Avenue, Carteret. Tirpak. nf the club are John and Health League. Plans were Held by Scouts WOODBRIDGE — Howard Rosary Dinner WOODBRIDQK - An Oneg Fifth srade: Joseph Brannegan, .i cuptnln; Adam Lojew made to y>lace flowers on the altar Richardson, Perth Amboy, .presi- Shabbat, sponsored by Woodbrldge Parody Features Chapter, Hadassah, will be held Carolyn Cacciola. Neil Ca»ey, i iriit; Richard 8. Takaca, of the First Presbyterian Church WOODBRIDGE — Woodbrldge dent of the State Federation of WOODBRIDGE — A p p r o X I- Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock hrlstine Counhlin. Nore«n Dal- .u.iit: Georije Wasilek, of Avenel and to have a mass Boy Scout Troop 33, sponsored by Teachers, will be the speaker at a mately 300 persons attended the at the home of Mrs. Henry Winter on. Eileen Peeney, LaVeme Joh- i;niodore; John J. Kusffla Chanukah Party celebrated at St. Andrew's Church the Mens' Brotherhood of the meeting of the Woodbrldge Town- nnual Christmas party held by 246 Green Street. The Oneg Shnb- in memory of deceased members-. First Presbyterian Church, held ship Federation of Teachers |Mon- iei. Liiula Johnson. Gail Kalcsar, I-rank Panko, record- St. James PTA-Rosary Society bat is a second of a series, not WOODBRIDGE - "Stop the a Court of' Honor on Friday, De- day at eight P. M., at School 10, Dennis Leahy, Timothy Leahy, , •,,iy; Steven Talcaca, sec- The dark horse prize was won the School auditorium. A ca- only to mark the Sabbath but a inm j. Smith, financial Dreldel" (a top used by child*! by Mrs. William Bonham and win- cember 9th, at the White Church. Hopelawn, with teachers oJ ileas- tered roast beef dinner was serv- Samuel Lomonico, Carolyn Mar- during the festival of Chanukah) Thomas Rutan and Gerald holiday as well, in this case it tin. Rosemary McCarthy. Eileen Charles Andersen, eer ners of the special project were, bey and Hopelawn schools in ed after Rt. Rev. Msgr. Charles being the observance of Chanukah, a parady on the television pro Johnson wa|p Inducted into the Moffitt. Maureen Mundy. William . mis; Anton Pattuizak, Miss Marie Deter, Mrs. Robert harge. j O. McCorrlstln offered grace. the Festival of Light. jiram, "Stop the Music" was tin Rhodes, Mrs. C. Samuelson and Troop as Tenderfoot Scouts at a Murphy. Richard Peck, Maureen Piano solos will be playeid by Special guests included Rev. main event at the annual Sister Mrs. James O'Brien. candlelight ceremony led by As- Mrs. Winter and Mrs. David Inkicwicz. Kathleen Quigley. Miss Eileen Burke. Hosteesek are Gustave Napoleon, Rev. Harold Gutman will be panelists ln a dis- hood Chanukah party held Mon Gifts wire presented by outgo- sistant Scoutmaster Fred McEl- Russell Riley, Patricia Ryan, Mary Mrs. Joseph Racina, Mrs. Joseph Hirsch, the Sisters and lay teach- cussion of "Living Jewish Ideals" day ai the -Woodbrldge Jewisf ng president, Mrs. Andrew Gali- henny. Ann Scanlon. Barbara dimonMn, nny Cirl to Wed Gagliamo, Miss Marion Gillette, rs and Miss Jean DeJoy, school with Mrs. Ernest Lkhtman as Commurlty Center, Potato pan sin to her standing committee Awarded Second Class Scout Sheila Spelcher, Thomas Toye, Mrs. William Laurltsen. ' moderator. Rabbi Samuel Newber- cakes, traditional Chanukah food members. Pins were Robert Benson, Peter nurse. Peter Trakimowicz, Unda Travo- lirsident of Avenei ger wll conduct an Havdalah ser were served. Dowling, Leonard Krysko, Joseph Mrs. Henry Neder, president of stino, Joseph Venerus, Joseph Mrs. Kuzmiak as the installing vice at the end of the afternoon ,•;••;!!, Mr. and MM. How Mrs. William Samson reports officer, presented outgoing officers Rosznak, Leo Salinko, Albert Ter- Children's Movies Rosary, welcomed the group and Walker, Mary Wyzykowski, Latir- M :,in of 399 East Gran that the donor dinner will tak with gifts and Mrs. Harold Han- hune, and Albert Urasz. Mrs. Thomas Murtagh, president ann Zavorsky. :c.i!i«.iy, have announcec place January 30 at the Esses sen, first past president, presented Thomas Gehman was presented of PTA, was toa'stmasta. Gradi- four-A: Rose Marie .:. ,. meiit of their daugh' House, Newark. Prior to the din- the outgoing president with a past with his First Class pin. Advanced Prove Successful The program featured the "Lin- Tompkins Infant Adam. Lana, Bacenko, Patricia :, . ; .f F. Durmer, to Doug ner a cocktail party will be hel to Star Scout were Andrew But- ; president's pin. i Rones" and a Barter Shop Quar- Balint. Bonnie Ann Campion, from 7:15 to 8 o'clock. kowski and Gerald Timar. Those i i son of Mr. and Mrs. The slate is Mrs. George Kovack, AVENEL — The Board of Trus- et. Other entertainment was as Thomas Chervenak, QeraW E»k, .iviuil, 632 Woodbrldge Mrs. George Oettle, social ac president; Mrs. Jacob Esalg, first who received Merit Badges were ollows: Hungarian dance, Mrs. Christened Sunday Jane Fan. Gloria PlUlpcsuk, Albert Urasz. Gerald Timar, An- tees of the Avenel Library, spon- tion chairman, reported on "Thi vice-president; Mrs. Klmer Dra- Joseph Tirpak and Mrs. Steve AVENEL-- The infant daugh Robert. Hayzer, Joseph Hlggins, drew Butkowski and David Sloan. sored a children's matinee i mo- iii-r is a graduate Meaning of Chanukah in thi second vice-president; Mrs. Adam; Italian dance, Mrs. John ter of Mr. and Mrs. John N Florence Hudak. Jean Kovacs, Troop Committee Members Har- vie last Saturday in the scftiool i; ii School and U em Llnht of Current Events." Godfrey Thompson, recording sec- Julian and Mrs. Patrick Noland; Tompkins, 33 Avenel Street, was Richard Mesar, John Murray, per Sloan, Andrew Ellis, Wesley auditorium, with a capacity atten- w. T Grant Compan Volunteers are beinK sought ti retary; Mrs. Paul Chomiak, cor- Polish Hop, Mrs. Stanclk and Mrs. christened Gail Louise Tompkins Lorraine Musklskl, Thomas Reli- Heiselberg. Robert Clark present- dance. Small children were \ de- : supervise the children's program responding secretary; Mrs. Wil- Stanley Majewskl; Virginia Reel, at a ceremony performed Sunday er, Theresa Ruyak. :-ii•• is a Sunday Schoo ed the Scouts with their awards. lighted to attend the movies by : ihe Trinity MethodU on December 27. 28, 29. liam Dwyer, treasurer; and Mrs. themselves, and are most anxious Mrs. Thomas McDonough, Mrs. in the First Presbyterian Church Grade four'B: Arthur Birsl, Stnnlty Derewsky,. .seri(feftnt at After the Court of Honor, re- 1 William Miller, Mrs. Joseph Tir- of Avenel, with Rev. Dr. Charles athlein Bellanca. Mary Ann i:,ihwuy. Her fiance YOUTH ACTIVITIES freshments were served to the that more movies be shown in arms. All the ofBcers were pre- pak. Mrs. John Jaeger, Mrs. Pat- MacKenzie, officiating. Campion. William Chaplik, Pa- ;.- of Woodbrldgc H AVKNEL — Youth activities Scout Mothers Club. Mrs. Andrew the near future. Candy and !»da sented with Christmas corsages. rick Golden, Mrs. Anthony Russo, A dinner party followed in the tricia Clark. Brian Feeney, James n,l RCA Institute, Ne sponsored 'by the ConRresatioi Ellis, president, has asked all were sold and it was a most wel- Mrs. Kovack announced an ex- Mrs. Frank Daddio, Mrs. William home of Mr. and Mrs. Georgi Gadek, Patneial Golden. James .s employed at Patrick Sons of Jacob ln the Avenel Jew mothers of Troop 33 Scouts to come feature, j ecutive board meeting will be held Gardiner. F. Meyer, 72 Welton'Street, New Hegedus, Beniadette Keating, Melbourne, Pla. i.sli Community Center, will Join the Mothers' Club. Their next Due to the success of the ptro- at her home, on Avenel Street, ihe program Jrunswlck. Attending were Cheryl Joan Kehner. Peter Konovio, held tonlRht from. 7 to 9 o'cloc! January 5. meeting is "to be held January TW jert!* the trustees 'ar* plantfiag was a one-act play, ""OurTjadyO Ld's Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Timothy Krullkowski. Wayne under the supervision of Mrs. Aftor the Installation, a play ti- at the home Of Mrs. Fred McEl- on showing movies at least otice i iii-Miient by the Down Juggler," narrated by Rev. Na- J. Tompkins, Mllltown, Mrs. Leahy. Gerald Miller, Leslie Mills, La.sher, assisted by Anita Zuck tled "School Assembly at Christ- henny, 585 Ellis Place. It was also a month, as long as they, are well What possible excuse did poleon. The cast Included William Frederick Meyer, Nixon; Mr. an Christine Pasko, John Petro, Jo- erberg, Kathy Lasher and Norm: mas Time," was presented by the announced that there will be no attended. The children were ~i Scout meetings until after the H. Gerity Sr., Nazareth Barcel- Mrs. Frederick Meyer, Boun Ann Redhing, Joseph Romond, :in acquitting that mur- Schiller. Members" children past presidents. Christmas carols sisted across the street by a mem- Christmas holidays. The next one lona, William Grausam and Miss Brook, and George Meyer, Jr. Thomas Rumage, John Schubert, their friends between the age; were sung by the choral group and ber of the board of trustees. ,:.'ii i'f '.he Jury—Insanity. is scheduled for January 6 in the Florence Snyder,. Mrs. William At th« open house in the af- Patricia Sirnack, Andrea Toth,- 9 and 13 are invited. gifts were distributed by Santa. What, nil twelve of you? recrea ion rooms of the White HEARTLESS BURGLARS Leffler was Santa Claus and she ternoon guests .were: Mr. an Thomas Turner. Church. SAN PEDRO, Cal. — Burglars distributed gifts to the priests, Mrs. Richard Meyer, Sr., Deans Gra,de three-A: Vincent Aqulla, without hearts entered the home faculty and officers. A gift ex- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meyer, Jr. Marthha Bmcellona. Barbara she'll be happiest with for 1955 sets Cotton estimate of Mrs. Pllomena Di Carlo, while change was held amopg the group. and children, Melissa and Karen. Fredricft* Michael Hay«r. WllUanj u gift certificate from / acreage record. she was attending the funeral of Mrs. George Ruddy played the East Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs, Heffermonn, Kenneth Hutnick, her husband, Lorenzo. 77, and piano and Mrs. Jane Marsh led harles Meyer, New Brunswick Patiicia Katoim, Judith Manis- stole $7,260 which was hidden in the carol singing. The commit- and Mr. and Mrs. Robert W calco. Mary Mularz, Brian Mullen, the house. tee in oharge was Mrs. Thomas Meyer and children, Rickey am Joau Safchinsky, Doris Salagl, Murtagh, Mrs. Joseph Tirpak, Linda, Highland Park. Robert Smith. Physical Asset Mrs: Walter StUlman, Mrs. Alfred The elderly clerk approached Cavellero, Mrs. Peter Konowlcz, personnel manager with some re- Mrs. Thomas McDonough, Mrs. luctance. William Leffler, Mrs. John Stra- •I suppose I'd better retire soon," czynski, Mrs. John Szurko. he began. "My doctor tells me my hearing is going fast and I notice PROBABLY DID I don't hear what some of the cus- Teacher—Who can tell me what otf tomers say to me." made Francis Scott Key famous? •Retire?" beamed the executive. Jasper—He knew all the veirsus "Nonsense, I'll put you in the com- of the "Star-Spangled Banner." plaint department." SHOP FUIDAY TILL 9 P. M. 100 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE Burden's has dozens of wonderful !« PAYMENT PLAN home gifts to choose from . . .

FANTASTICALLY GAY are Spreads • Scarf Sets some of the new clocks available for gift Riving this Christmas, K We The Japanese Fan styling shown Pillows •| Blankets above is by Howard Miller, with Sheets • Quilts Flowers .„. BAUMANN Table Cloths • Cases | i |l>i»oi'aN'jjl Plants, Gardens, (>nk'n»i*'f< s, Dress Fabrics • Curtains '"I Flowers, Gay Holiday Wrealto Gift Toilet Sels ' '"iilmas means gifts ... and what could be nicer than tor Men t Towel Sets " l" uitiful bouquet or ooraage of her favorite t|u»crs. Bed Spreads •»r choose from our superb assortment of Traditional • OLD SPICE ••••MiM-ttia PknU other Decorated Plants, Gardens, 1 '"tci pieces — all sure to add extra warmth and good Yard Goods • Bath Sets '"" t« your Holiday Greeting . . . and ian'} f0.rget • YAUDLEY ""'•* wreaths lor the window, pine for t 11' Hitue and other greens that will five Open • SEA FORTH Cottage Sets • Comforters ""MM-" n 'i>U8 Hoimay Atmosphere. t COIIRTLEY Drapery Fabrics • Drapes May >Ve Suggest That You • SPORTSMAN A garland" of petfect miniature roses L PUCE YOUR ORDERS EARLY _JE ,.. iuperLly made with an OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL 9 WITH US THIS YEAR I • LENTHERIC l|r|l> us to help you get your house overlay of 14 Kt. pink and green gold NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS 111 * t BLACK WATCH *L fox- the Merriest Christmas ever. ... a gift of lasting Leemty. c '! ' tll"i't forget those out-of-town friends— • KINGS MEN All gifts from Borden's are sure to please... " Ml I'luwc-is by Wire. Place your order with Open Every Evening Until Chrtetww All priced to save you money. !: W(1 All Handsomely Gifi Boxed 'H handle all the details. REMEMBER ll i '•'' " >i r Huriat Telegraph Delivery Association "If It comes from Borden's you know It's «w4." ' LAY-AWAY Cemetery Wreaths PUBLIX R. BAUMANN - PHARMACY PLAN () BORDEN'S Surprise Center Grave Blankets 91 Main St., Woodbridge <>0 Si. George* Ave., Rahway, N. J 93 MAIN STREET Fr«e Delivery 84 MAIN ST., Cor. School St. WOOpBRIDGB I Tel. RA447U and 70712 Open Evenings Starting December 20. »l:j PAGE FOUR THURSDAY. DECEMBER IS, 1955 INDEPENDENT Council to Decide Kiddies Entertain ON THE At Mothers' Part) On Endorsement CREEN WoonBBrooF. The Mother: WOODBRIDGE At a meet- Club held Its nnnunl Christina ing of the Citizen's Council Thurs- QUEEN BEE" luncheon nt, (12 Green Street, wltl day held at the Municipal Build- it must take a great deal o! ing, it WHS voted that the execu- oourage for an actress to depict Mrs Frank Baumiwtener li tive committee ol the Council meet a female so calculatedly mean anr phiii'KP. of fiirannements. to formulate policies on which po- vicious as the title character being Mrs. Henry Wurner, president tential candidates to the Board of portrayed by Joan Crawford, in welcomed the members and guests Education Trill be considered for this film. Written and directed b> a ml read a short article by Rup endorsement All members of the Ronald Macdougall from a nove: iiert Brooks, appropriate to the Council will be notified that at the by Edna Lee, the story tells or an season. PRESENT WITH \ next regular meeting a rote will outwardly charming and attrac- M II, Thte program, in charge of Mrs. Is a pair of sun u;.Ks be taken on whether an endorse- tive woman who uses any mean? Andrew Menko, nnd music direct- sorts or driving i.:H|I, to completely dominate those whr ment will be considered. This will ed by Mrs. George Rhodes, fea- •hown are made ,,| not however, bind the Council to surround her. She Is likened to B tured the children of members as Hawaiian st™*, ,;,„, endorse any candidate. queen bee in a hive who stings to follows: announcer, Virginia plastic. Other favhi,,,, Ae r.poit on the last Board of death any rival who might chal- Dnnnmond: Part 1: welcome, Beth Bausch & Education meeting was pivrn by lenge her pdsition. Warner, piano, "Jingle Bells," Normnn Oardnsr wliirh included While excellent performances John Sechrlsl; recitation, "My a discussion of problems Involved are given by Miss Crawford, Lucy Doily," Marjorie Mazurek; piano Erliesl Hemtrr.n ••• .- 1 concern int? the propowd school Mario* , Barry Sullivan, Betsy "Silent Night." John Sechrl§t; re- ovc ln ttaly thinn' \\., building at Mente Park Terrace. Palmer and John Ir?land. this film cllsiilon, "The Spy,'' Rick! Aaulla; is U> be re-mud- ;i The question of jobs and mate- is adult entertainment entirely. poem, "Christmas Arlthmattc." David O. Sel/niik. rials requisitioned without bids Viekl Sue Kursinciky; recitation, was also discussed. GOOD MORNING, MIPS DOVE' "There's Room," Beverly, Harried; quired screen m\y,;~ ,. Kevin Healy, president," appoint- Adapted from the popular nove! the audience and chorus Joined In th« picture In a hu: • . ed Mrs. Irving Kahree as official by Frances Gay Patton. this pho-, sinsiiiiB "Joy To The World" and Gary Cooper miji 11 representative of the Council at toplay, in Cinemascope and color, "Drrk The Halls." starred in the oi.-.n Board of Education meetings. Dr. tells the gripping story of a Part 2: a Playlet "Christmas 1932. Ralph Barone. however, will act school teacher whose contrary Every where," illustrated in song as alternate representative at the practices have effected practically and verse, the customs of Christ- next Board of Education meeting Pood bills in lOj.i ;veryone in a small New England um s throughout the world. Those Monday. Ing this year's u-vi-i ;own. From the opening scenes. who participated and the coun- Richard Bsiken was appointed when Miss Dove emerges from her ii.!••, they represented were as fol librarian for the fusing year and house a midd'.e-aged spinster. lows: Mrs. Menko as Grandma Mrs. Eli Coopermnn was voted prime, exact, and inexorable in White, and Donald Westcott as into the membership. her sense of what is proper to the Daniel White, America; Roger Gift of Loye... A discussion of the Free School last, the story of her life is un- Burns, China: Helen Baumgarten« Lnnds resulted in the appointment folded in a combined use of flash-

AND PAINT COMPANY MOSKIN'S A, M. t» « '* M St. Geor|e" Avenue tit Avenel Street, Avenel Quality Clothes • Easy Credit 9 to U Nou"

FOR FREE DELIVERY 184 Smith St, Perth Amboy Member Federal S«ln|i and Loan Iiuunnue (<> flNANCl COKMMV PHONE JtA-7-0270 BIG DISCOUNTS ON EASY CREDIT! v [ ^.PENDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER ID, 19.r>!i TAGE FIVE

Con pu civ** mr b- i'em Is a serious one. A man ^ho .,, , ,, ..i,,,,,!.* enwd to be married w noi, was a tUwnilnn (hickrn From BhamoUa Cltlien, ityllfht U tension* wer« not pll«l »?r ^"^' < "*n tha \w *;1" 1T cro' " tth n ',» a IHU.1 thlmt. Uirniid in d*l- •• VMSHI appeal as lb. chicken, cut Into pipers h Bhamokln, PenmylvmU: America by the vexation* ttm* pttehtf. 1 am a widow Kith two crown .t is too late to turn onu. I ^ , ^ .1 American tami- tor frylnc ln R whw am |( hf Ms is divided into tour time belts, as • • * children. I have a home and Loui*'1 .ftanref Is taklnd » bli chance in s! popular of all 1 cup soyn saucr every jchool child knows. On sec- enough income to live on without 'marrying htm! , n . holcc of dellithl.- 1 teaspoon ground Rlna;r ond thought, to many derogatory From flie Enclnltai Court Dto- Dear Loulda: too many luxuries, Ortalnlv it tie ob.lwls to youi 2 teaspoon garlic salt articles have been published re- tch, EnclnlUi, CallfornUi Th* My problem Isn't very big but My children want me to sell the My pr ay of the imbulatory "pcddlar," I! dating othrr men he shnukl foi- 2 teaspoon cently about public education, ev- home nnri live with them-slx I «m very concerned aboubt t IfIf. I i I, (km C»ss*ro!e Butter or other (at erj school child maj not know generallj speaking, long part. f h months at a time-but I am hesl- have a steady boy friend and It 1™ the same code of action when Mix together soya sauce, Ringer, It . . . > may havt a few lurvtvori. In it app'.lPA to h.s datina other ZZ famTvZ i^uh andkms that we at* both Jealoul s «( uw.en. garlic salt, and sugar. Marinate Th« advancement of DST (Day- old days when tnich merebanti each other. happy. •, chicken pieces in this saucepan light Saving Time) for an addition- ere numerous, "caveat tmptor" He would have to chnnse his What would you do? If he is seen with another glr!. ways before I would have him as for an hour or so. Then drain al month (hat) caused more con as a wise slogan for the houst- -aa. t don't mind It but when it comes a husband, if I were you. chicken well, roll In flour. Fry In fusion about time. Some commu- lolder, for «om» were honest and UndeclCcd !,i rrim or top milk to him taking her on a date I Louisa butter or other (at. Serve with nities extended DST, others re- ome were cheati, arid tht buyer Atuwn: • V. ... iuli! Hour and blend on a golfing green or planting morj ploy only Scottish, Irish or Etig-M , u;(| cram, cook until turf in the backyard, more peopli ish accents which are as phony ARMY WANTS DOCTORS ,-•.! ihi;-k. sUirlnR con are taking advantage of the dis as the "Imported" merchandise In orter to attract more physi- .-, .i.-on Into a buttered placed daylight to enjoy outdoo: they offer. 1 hlck cians and dentists into the service, ir.iiv:' lav''' of « activities. These items Include "imported h2 Army is offerlm? them fastsr ... since, mushrooms, The convenience of divot dig. wool" sold at $50 a bolt, which prcmotlons than other officers. • ,.T.!-n;cs. and rice with Rers should be weighed again: turns out to be mostly rayon worth CHRISTENSEN'S Mpdical officers would be eligible | : H ikr In an oven 315 the convenience of the people wh $4 or $5; "Irish lace" or "Irish for promotion to the ranks of ma- ,.:•.(' lnur. must carry on the nation's bus linen" actually low quality domes- jor, lieutenant-colonel and colonel nass, traveling from zone to ion tic or Chinese cotton; "hand wov- "The Friendly Store , 1,'i-krn Croqutttes one year sooner than other cf- When localities are permitted wl en wool" rugs that are neither i ficcrs. There Is a critical shortaRe .,«:;, buttrr ly-nilly to establish their own tim hand-woven nor wool and—this of Army doctors in the career schedules, endless irritations a: sounds quite familiar locally-1- HUNDREDS OF WONDERFUL catcRory. caused. There woulcKnot ba • an condensed mush- "aluminum paint" for roofs or 1 cup of |oU courses in that extra hour oil or gasoline !-i

MI nun* Maggie McNamara and "Moon Is Blue," sh .MI minced parsley hud unusual success at Twen- ended her contract with the stu- , ipprd • cooked chicken tieth Century-Pox, with good roles dio. She prefers to work In New v'.Ut'O in 'Three Coins in the Fountain," JYork. 11 3i id flour and blend. ,..•! soup and chicken FISHKIN BROS. Since 1912- : \>T low heat until Uv.:k. stirring con- EVERY EVENING TIL 9 t-urn Into croquettes • -linl-i'.y beaten cgc UNTIL CHRISTMAS 1 tablespoon water, ,• (iry. brerd Crumbs. •:. :ni! f.'t until golden - CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! - :n 'i iii" minutes. Serve FOR HER REMINGTON "60" DELUXE UK. SHAVER 95 .irslf.v S»uce Regular 29.95 $ 1 J}- • :i-> butter Hosiery -in., flour Larkwood ki'n stock NEW SHICK "25" ELEC. SHAVER Gotham - Gold Stripe - Berkshire - Blendwcll Regular 29.95 $19-95 Lingerie and House Coats , u> aCd flour and HANOI-CHARGE — LAY-AWAY PLAN — TIME PAYMENTS By Luxite - Seamprufe - Barbizon - Loungees - Carters -. "••lally add chick?n rKiim. Cook over low .»:nnotll and thick. Stir- SWEATERS . COSTUME JEWEL • Md paprika, and By Old Colony * JEWELRY • BOXES - ,i> m to taste. CHEESE-CAKE . . . Julfr Pidul- House Slippers - Gloves - Handbags I rird Chlckrn lo (Swiss born) helps new Mi- •>.• i|uar:rrwl ami Bearh holrl pulillciir open- Hankies - Umbrellas - Blouses - Pajamas ,' i 'iv> (bur ln( seated atop IIIIKC Swiss ebcese, which will be served up , IN S.I It M checMcakc. >>:i pepper :i ;i.ipr:k,i FOR HIM '.•or. majoram

. r.:> tnble shortening Ties - Gloves - Shirts - Jackets :mtti\r ..ii.l drain chicken. Mix CALLING ALL... Belts - Hats - Socks - Shoes •!•.!• flour, salt, pepper. j l _ Wallets - Slippers - Sweaters ::.i;niram and ginger ; ewe ry V • ;).ii): r bag. Put pieces | Underwear - Slacks - Pajamas :. :M b;^ one at a time, • BUSINESSMEN •.r \\v\\ to cott chicken! !l-.i: .sliortening and but-' .'•a'.y skillet. When good ,i:; m the chicken. Turn \ • PROFESSIONAL MEN FOR SIS or BROTHER : .ii d let brown evenly, i .1 took 10 minutes. Re-1 Mitzi Frocks - Love Dresses - Kaynee'Boyswcar : .ind let crlap 10 mln- • INDUSTRIAL FIRMS ;t,til chicken is tender Loroi Socks - Snow Suits - Jackets - Blouses -«\i with fork. Drain on •.U-1.S. • ORGANIZATIONS Skirts - Slippers - Underwear - Pajamas

Itilian Chtcken > vviunt! chicken • INDIVIDUALS M->i, .sliced onion to taste lie Sure to .M':,(•; cut up : ii mushrooms Blankets - Pram Robes - Sweaters, ..:ci'd celtry iuntied tomatoes Sweater Sets - Novelties - Dresses - Underwear an tomato\>ftsl* Wish Your Friends and Patrons ..nd wipe dry the chicken Carters Infants Wear :, ,,:l Put in a casserole !: t •> cover and cook until M.ike a sauce t»( cooked '•• ••.- narlic. mushrooms, FOR THE HOME : i . mined tomatoes. Add A Merry Christmas in the i-.i-ir. Cook. Add to the r.iver and bake until Blankets - Comforters - Table Cloths i mil thin the sauce. i Towel Sets - Bed Spreads \

ls,» i. INDEPENDENT - LEADER Give a Gift Certificate. •. AN ELASTIC The recipient will then have the opportunity STOCKINO THAT to make his or her personal selection. DOESN'T LOOK Christmas Greeting Edition '^ LIKE ONE CHRISTMAS SIFTS for EVERY MEMBER of the FAMiLY

uiiui r Which will he Publislied A ItUk Shop to the struiils of Ye OUlv Fashioned Music Box in our store

'"••'••^ ] a^t you in preparing your message ... just call UNTIL CHRISTMAS

tLASTIC STOGKIKSS i)['.v\in\u:\r sumi iilUMACY ^ ST., WOODBRIDOE Deadline for Greeting. 11 *'f Delivery ^ 1>I. WO-8-8808 rfflPEPENDF.NT I l:\\ THURSDAY, T)F,CEMRF,R IT.. r.rfl PAOF, STX 9 P. M. nnd sometimes on dnys Deforc Holy Days of CbllRaMoi. ABOUT YOUR ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL HOME CHURCH Points I (mi Fords A biparlisiin r<>i r•,-.,, ' Rrv. William II. Paynt, vu-ar By FRANCES DELL Imd always thmnhi, , ; First Sunday lio'lcy for iwr;,, Air - conditioning will probably 9:00 A. M.. Holy Communion. us currently inli rpw:, , ,ii' built, iiftn less U1811 two Per i 11:00 A. M., Morning Prnyer e:i!'h .— The KHM-K (vv Your Church Welcomes You with Sermon. .rent of the new homes started in Other Sundays tfiBh. However, the principles of Nollilne ni MI o(l win;low use for thjso homes 8:00 A. M,, Mo.niug Prayer. Nothing remlml' :, , 11:00 A- M., MornlriK I'rnyer -ih'inld be of wide Interest. The nil thnt needs to hi- ,\,,\:, with Sermon. iciifinn is that exactly the .same Ihe house like u lm:.ii i, 1 principles apply to Increasing it, easy. — Eeurun, N, fuurLh Mondays, 8 P. M. I . M. OUR REDEEMER . M. It.iloyli, Urganlst, P. M. Sunday School nnd Bible Class, sources of heat gain. Experience counter-clockwise'. I OI1LKCH TRIZF. STKKR , . . Nancy Tur- (lidlr lilrntur Deacons, second Monday 7:30 9:30 A. M. LOAN BOSS . . . Federal Re- has indicated that hent gains Is obvious the (•:•!,•••' Wf Prospect RlrM. W ner, tfi, of ClinmpalKTi. III., shows Sunday, 9 A'M. Sunday School. Morning Worship at J0:45. srsve Board chairman Wm. M. throiiiOi the roof are not too hard iilwuys ninliiR ujMiiu Rrv. (Justav Bolt, Pastor P. M. .' her 5188 lb. Aberdeen An^us Slfer 10 A. M-, worship service In Enn- martin advised Senate banking to raiilrol. A combination of light The ChlcfiKO Daily IJ, Sunday ST. ANDREWS CHURCH "JUIIUB," winner of both grand llsh, 11 A. M., worship service In ST. CECELIA'S CHURCH comniitU'f! to tighten housing 9:45 A, M., Sunday School Awnel colored roofs, a sood air wash be- champion and Junior champion No Hungarian. Isclln :lass«fi for all atjes. R«V. John Kpn, Putor credit to hi'Lp curl) inflation, 'wern roof and Insulation and ribbons at Chicago') Interna- Whftt was the mi. I °'K:ond Kanday at 3 P. M., La- Rev. John Wlliu, t**tm U :00 A. M Worship Service. Weekday Masses 7:30 P.M. 'Xtri> heavy celling Insulation dries tional Livestock Exposition. man ssys would w n dies Aid meeting, Mrs. Ida Pentek Sunday Masses, 8:30, 8:00, 9:00, C:30 P. M., Yovng People's P«l- Sunday Masse.-,: 7:00. 8:00, 9:00. UR THAVEI. the'trick, 'that leaves windows as understood If hr'd :;n. 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. f residing. owshlp. 10:00 and 11:00 A. M. The'Pjntap.on has annoaticed it :he one important nrca where talk with a knife t,, • Monday at 2:30 P. M., Released 7:45 P. M., Gospel Service In Weekday Masses, 7:30 and 3:00 was pror-arlns a list of 'all Air good design can cut' alr-condl- No Kidding teeth.— The Boston I: Time religious education. ST. ANTHONY'S R. C. CHURCH A.M. ong and *ord. l-'?roe plane flights made py mem- tlonlnsj cc.its nnd Increase com- A tourist had visited an Indian Port Re*dlnf Wednesday, 8:00 P. M., continu- They l)ii! Second Tuesday at 8 P. M., con- Wedne»K how v|10 wcl1t wnere and who if the liome i.s air-conditioned. he had 14 children, Rey. Peter Kowalchuk, Pastor Rev. Shelley, St. Peter's Hospital, i R«V. Charles S. Ma«Kennc i ^,coinpanit,(i them ln the Con- Tiie location of windows for air- First Thursday. 8 P. M., Sunday Mr. Don Mason, minister ofwcoinpa "WelJ," said the tourist, "with Dlslllu'iiiiniil 11:00 A. M., Morning Worship. NeMi.ii--piriinswu'kw Brunswick,. in chargecharge.. I Mr. Don Mason, minister of , ,,.„„.,:„„ m the United conditioning meannuans avoiding east School teachers training. slon;U v Vm ln a family that large, don't you have The penmanship <> »:45 A. M., Sunday School music; Mr. Martin Olsen, minister ^™ u* * ° and west facing windows, which stat s and overSi ils an endless stream of squabbles and shakes her head ii- Saturdny at 9 A. M., Conflrma 6:15 P. M., Baptist Youth Fel- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN of evangelism. Mr. O. H. Weferling, j " ' are hard to shade. You should Fucultv arguments?" illcsible slgnatuii' lion Class; 10:30 A. M., Junior lowship. CHURCH superintendent of church school; i ; HT take advantage ol natural shade Ittfti: UV' cool next summer. Mois day, 8:00 P. M. Fourth Monday, White Church meeting. 8:00 P. M. 18 P. lul e Call Us- Corner Berkeley Boulevard and Wednesday: Weekly Community Thursday, Reading Room, 2 to ' generated by living, cooking, Women's Association — Ever; Guild, at the Manse. Cooper Avenue, Iselln ^ancer Dressing Group, 1:00 to 4 P.M. bathing and unvented clothes dry- WO-8-8140 other Wednesday, 2:00 P. M. Third Thursday, Women's As- ttev. Alton Richardson, Pastor 3:00 P. M.; Senior High Recrea- ers is likely to be a more serious G, E. T. J'lb — Third Tues^ Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. sociation meets at 8 P.M. ..— D M • Artnit RUMP stnrtv ; ADATH ISKAKL SVNAuOGUE problem ln an air-conditioned We'll Deliver Second and fourth Wednesdays. day, 8:00 P. to. Sunday Morning Worship, ll:P0 Ambov „,.. home than high outdoor tempera- Aromatic Evergreens ;i:ul Sluma Alnha Phi Sorority—Sec •'clock. Ladies' Aid Society. 2 P. M, 7:45 P. M. HOY. Samuel Ncwberfer, Ribbl tures, In most climates, during Thursday: Choirs; Cherubs, 3:45 Other Holiday Groomiy ond and Fourth Monday, 8:0' Sunday Bvning Evangelistic ST. JAMEsllTc. CHURCH Friday, 7:30 P. M., regular sab- much of the cooling season, night P. M. P.M.; Crusaders, 6:15; Westmins- Service at 7:45. Amboy Avenue, Woodbrldje , bath sewijes. ventillatioation will prove as goog d or Young Married Couples—Firs terr, 7:00; Chancel. 8:15 P.MP.M.. : ——- Full, Shapely Sunday, 8:00 P. M. Wednesday, Bible Study Rt. Rev. Mssr. ChirlH G. McCorrUtln, at ridding the house of °rayer Meeting, 8 P. M. . , Friday: Mr. and Mrs. Club, 2nd'FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, uch of this moisture. CHRISTMAS TREK:; Pilgrim Fellowship—Every Sun Pistor alur SCIENTIST „, „„,„„ ...poleon, Awlstin- 4tiikh CT..1.1,.,.Friday 8:0o-n0 n pP . MM.; •,] enrXTlST Every home should be weather- Friday, Prayer Meeting at 7:45 Rev. OustaVe N»pol«in, Assistant Pastor West Avenue, Sewan-n WREATHS day, 3:00 P.M. R«v. H»rold Hlrsch, As»l»Unt PMtor Junior High Recreation, 6:00 P.M. i | stripped. It will save money dur- , M. Saturday. Communicant's Class, Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Choir Rehearsals Sunday Masses: 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, ing the winter on heat bills. POTTED PLANTS Chancel — Wednesday, Saturday, Young People's Meet- 10:00 and 11:00. 11:00 A. M.; Junior Fellowship Church Services. 11:00 A. VI. r BEAUTIFUL BOUQUETS meeting, 10:30 A. M.; Weekly P.M. 'ng, 7:30 P.M. ST. JOHNS CHURCH Wednesday, Testimonial Meet- BULLET IN PIPE PLANTERS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Prayer Group, 7:00 P. M. Carol—Friday 3:15 P. M. Sewaren 8 P. M. Member —Florists' Junior—Friday, 3:45 P. M, CHURCH OF ISELIN. N. J. CORSAGES Joseph H. Thomson, Lay Bender Youth—Friday, 5:00 P, M. Rev. Ucnry M. Hartmann. Pistnr TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Telegraph Delivery Mrs. Dorothea Pocklerabo, Ontulit : and for those deparinl, WOODBRiDGE METHODIST Sunday Services Rahway Avenue, W'oodbridje -Is the Universe, Including his pipe, while fishing recently, 9.45 A. M., Sunday School. 1 CHURCH Rev, William H. Sclimaus, Krtnor Man Evolve by Atomic Force?" hte pipe exploded. When Boone 9:00 A. M. — Family Church Alson Brendes, OrKani^t ^.C C:.'^~:Cr.C'C"C'" Attractive Grave O.,: KevUev. Clifford B. Munn 11:00 A. M., morning prayer and i-il h" the subject of the Lesson- recovered from the shock ne ex- Services to be held temporarily Service Sunday Services O.VU O. M.—Sunda1*1. ^u..x*«yj ««.Schoo. l for service. iermon to'be read at Christian p ined to other fishermen that at Masonic iVmple (Craftsmen:. 8:00 Sun- 8:00 A. M., Holy Communion. la i Vmple (Craftsmen: •iiildren 3 to 8 years of age. -Par - 1 1 IK Sc°nce 'ervlces Sunday. he had reached into his pocket Club), Oreea EUcet, Woodbridge, 9:30 A. M., Sunday School. mts can attend church at same Man's God-given dominion over to fill his pipe with loose tobacco, Somers' Flower Ilomv Sunday Services 11:00 A.M., Holy Commmucn stres.«s of every kind will be eemm - forgetting that a ,22-calibe.2 r ca t- Bible School, 9:45 A. M. A. M.—Sunday school with and sermorf ifirst and th:ijd Sun- "The Living Gifts" Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M. day>; Morning Prayer and scr- phasized in readings from the ridge was mixed in with the to- :lasses for all from nursery to Sunday Masses 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. day*; Morning Prayer and scr Youth Fellowship, 7 P. M. King James Version of the Bible, bacco. The bullet flew upward and 60 FREEMAN STREET rouiig people. 10:00 and 11:00 A.M. mon ISMOfld and fourth Sunday). Stated Meetings v th'""e' '••"—•'"following" .coiAMinn «,ar,nOA nfT the rim of Boone's 11:00 A. M.—Church Service. Masses: 7:00 Holy Day services. 10:00 A. M. Official Board, first Monday, 8 7:00 P. M— Youth Fellowship. Trinity Vestry, second Monday, from Jeremiah (17:14 •: "Heal me, Adequate free parking rear of *• Monday 7:30 P.M. O Lord, and I shall be healed; "portnlKhtly Guild, second and shurch for these attending serv jiuvci.d, 7:30 P. M. St. Agnes' Unit, first Monday, sava me, and I shall be saved: for Male 2:30 P. M. tiiou art my praise." ™ „ Society, second and ^olr rehearsal 8 P. M. St. Margaret's Unit, first Wed- ' Arn-ns ths correlative passages fourth Monday, from 8 P. M. Altar-Rosary Society first nesday, 8:00 P. M. to be read from "Science and Young Women's Guild, fourth Mond«* after tot Sunday at Trinity Altar Guild meets quar- Health with Key to the Scrip- Tuesday 8:00 P. M. terly. tures" by Mary Baker Eddy 16 the Girls Friendly Society, Thurs- Officers and Teachers of Sun- ^"'^^oud"^^ at 8 following 1180:25-27i: "When day," 6:45 P.M. man is governed by God, the ever- day School, third Tuesday 7:30 p M Trinity Acolyte Guild meets P. M. Tueitoy p.-esent Mind who understands all P.T.A. meeting, third Tuesday quarterly. ' -. ...ill, /inJ Senior choir, every Thursday Choir. Thursday, 8:00 thin,, man knows that with of each month at 8 P. M. all thiims are possible. 3:00 P.M. Thursday M> Junior Choir, every Thursday Female Choir rehearsals, t P. M. 7:00 P.M. Confession* Youth Fellowship, every Sun- Every Saturday from 11 A. M., DIRECT from until noon; 4 to 6 P. M., and 7 to MANUFACTURER'S daBoy 7:0y 0Sciuts P.M,. every Friday FACTORY OUTLET FLASH!!

HEAVY GABARDINES For Christmas Gifting 4.95 WE WILL NOT BRAND NEW 1956 FINE SHEENS AND ^PLASH WEAVES 6.95 BE UNDERSOLD ONSON on Treasure th'1"1 • 100''/, Wool and Fine Quality lifetime! Muu'"1-" FLANNELS lll What's her imost fervent wish for pels, rich anii« (;\. 1956 Christmas? Fur, of course! We're all 8.95 |n the styles Uwt •••' ELECTRIC SHAVERS set to help Santa turn that wish into v(1 most. . • P"« .". With your old a beautiful reality,,,wiih furs of incom- you the kind oi •••• ALL WOOL , PLYMOUTHS & DeSOTOS panable loveliness. Come, choose the you know wouta";1; shaver regardless of Sharkskins 45 fui( to make her happy ... at Christ- age, make or cona- Ed at ANN FA»K- Gabardines mas-savings prices sure to please you. Worsteds 10.95 See US Before You Buy! ?12 tion! s950 on BOY'S PANTS i SELECTION OF USED CARS MINK SPENCER JACKETS Sizes 8 to lit incl, Huskies ! PERSIAN LAMB COATS S345 CUSTOM-MAI»': 2.98 to 7.5B MILLINERY BEAVER COATS iron, J495 FREE ALTERATIONS WHOLESALE OPEN DAILY SHEARED RACCOON JACKETS £95 for and SATURDAY 95 To « P. M. PRICES!! LET-OUT MUSKRAT CAPES SALE I'l FRIDAY To !) P. M. NECKPIECES fr.m $75 5.95 h 35.08 STOLES ^ __ $95 OPEN TtmtHT TILL 9 JAMES PUBUX PHARMACY Formerly P«rth J'auts Co, Now Lucatt-d at MOTOR SALES CO., Inc. W MAiN STREET WOOOBRIOGL, N J Ann Farka$ 267 Smith Street Authorised DeSoto • Plymouth Dealer Phone V/Ooillujdye 8-080V Omiobltc Kanuen Mark 275 Smith St., Perth Amboy Prompt, Free Delivery Service — OPEN EVERY EVENING — Perth Amboy L Phone HI24161 .,-• , pfiNDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 L.AFF OF THE WEEK Health Beautu By LYN CONNELLY I., In i limp, boon Mirt Hint a •lu'lhi", Inis of milk nnii v;ire- HAT does it take to mak« » ,\ >'•'.> .;i'-. "i-ir.vning alory is taw tablsr am! fruit. You should hive W man nntionally famous? As a >.-iv. A.'i far a.s most women are i Red minim of "ila '.in C tc starter, he could have a superior jv'irovripcl this is true. Althrwfcri keep briPht Hull's in your hru iw B brain and the talent to write a v.c n;'ici\ (.here »r? thousands of at Ipftst twn ei?!! a wick, c.rcium financial column In the New York vraupi) who fail to Rive their h»ir is imnnrtsnt fir hair Rrn'wt'n and Tribune at the age of 21 years, r'i" s'.mplr attention It n«ds to for strong hair so you should drink giving advice to people on how to its best. at least one r>iiit of milk each ;lav.' Invest their money ... It would The composition of hair IS Sim- If you must watch your weight, | be i considerable aid « he w»« slur to £hat of the nails (Hid alldrink two pints of skim milk. i capable of establishing and direct- ofifcrowth. pf thesk in. The Brush ycur hair each day. This j ing a publishing firm known «t chief substance is called kmtin is gocxi for ollv and flry hair allk,1. | Random House ... 01 course, be- .,n(i eactl hair has an outer and Always brush jn \ipward strDk^s ing the author ot a weekly, sjn- Kt1d innsr ^m ant) R ^ntral awav from the head. Alsfl maisip* dlcateij column tn a newspaper .,.. mil )? your scalp at least once each week. Use n shampoo that to suited to your hair and shampoo your hair well on the way to fame , . BUT, tn 'c[hfer,™T T n n as ofkti as Is nefessary. This may to make absoltWly certah, qf nai »v,vhppinj> roaf-tilM. the over- be onre everv three weeks or twice 1 tionwide rec6gnltibn, he should be- !l; •'-"R fte ™ »*«» fl;°,m «*"**: a week, depending on your system tr U: vsl d tll? end ot tne hftir ; come a member of a literate tele- j - < ' ' Rinse the hair thoroughly after- vision panel show that Is seen by \ Til? inner skin of corium is the wards. millions. jp!-'in;;nt layer cf the hair and Is If your hair needs treatments Bennett Cerf, a man of undls- where the coloring matter is for some condition such as dry- putable ability as a book publish- found. In'White hair the pigment ness do not fall to take steps at er, lecturer, editor, columnist and is often replaced by air, once. The fewer permanents you j raconteur, finds that his latest Tlle me(jui]a is a central column 11 1 | have the less trouble you will have [ REDS IN INlllA . . . Communist party boss Mhlt;» Rluusi-hpv (li'ft) and Soviet premier NIKolal RtU- "line, as a panelist on CBS of a bone Jn j^g very flne ^air wlth your hair and sralp. i rfcnhi (right) Inspect prl-e rooster on Indian tiirm near Colinhntnre. , "What's My Line?" has brought the medulla ls mlsslng with It more public recognition. . . . . If for some reason you want to | -•-••• • • • h h lir h r ot w s .vere 799, Th',< peak year was 192?. than any other achievement . . . I ff ; " «' ° ( ^ / change the natural color of your \ MERGERS i quarter n! A rcntiiry. Su.'h "nc- hfld in ce b th nalr fomd Bennett found himself branching P'f " ; «- halr, don't^ try to recapture the ; S;a(r K,,norni,., 0, Ul(, Fct1eral qiLsitlons and nvivors" in mnnu- when there wore 1.245. The mh]a rows from a sman H I'm not iur« whether fae'i a female #r a foi terrl«T, out into the entertainment world B y 1 Tmi sa;: known fls the ft ll!a i£er c°olor |ruSuS 'morT'be* t " Commlsslnn are somewhat "farWrlng and minimi ,vi!l I>w.h- PaOnt How can I ever repay i when he made his radio debut dur-- P P - 1 j Ing World War II on an interview I r'our hair cannot look pretty if coaling to us as we grow older i aim mrd at the number of busi- nbly i-xcrec! 500 this ye.M a thlvti vi»u for your kindness to me? ! program for the OWI . . . From you are not in Rood health. You because It makes a softer frame ne-s merpers taking in 1955. vn:nv than In 1!*54. and the '""" Doctor -By check, postal order i that start, he began accepting in- must eat a woll-bnlanced diet in- for our faces. which will break all words foi' a I number sine? ID'I'J. when there | or cash. TWO SOULS WITH BUT A SINGLE THOUGHT vitations to lecture and act as MC at dinners . , , As he puts It now, "There must have been a fair WHAT share ot ham In me because I dis- covered I liked It." After some guest appearances on "Whit's My Line?" Bennett KAY'S CLOTHING CO., 200 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY became a regular member . . . As to why a man as busy as be Is ; should be willing to give up bis Sunday nights to appear on tele- vision, Cert says he ]nst likes It ... He enjoys being recognized OUT wherever he ROCS, but this Is not I the only pleasant result of his TV i appearances . . . His lecture dates have become more Important and, OF consequently, more lucrative, since he packs the hall wherever he appears. The ENTIRE STOCK of Nationally Advertised With mlitiirv ' procurement un- : the Army .S'vn't.iry n.i.s been vest id with full respon- MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING '.sioiUiy to pivvidi' food supplies for i '.he Army, Navy. Air Force and : Marines. MUST BE COMPLETELY

Another Dividend TO THE BARE WALLS Everything Must Go! Nothing Reserved!

has been ; MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S ALL-WOOL MEN'S 1'AMOUS MARK Men's and Young Men's SPORT JACKETS 100% All Wool Dress and Sport SHIRTS Values to 44.98 — SALE PRICE Values to S.!)R declared Charcoal Blue ^^ r\r% Grey and Tans Vaf.OO SALE Medium Light und Dark W Tones to 18.88 SUITS al the Kate of Kesulars, Shorts and Longs. Sizes 35 - Mi Values Up to 69.95

• SHARK Mi'.N'S MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SKIN SALE PRICK Zipper JACKETS 3/4 SURCOATS • WORSTED ( Ui'ffular 1108 — SAI.K PRICK Values to 49.95 - SALE PRICE • IMalds t Z • FLANNEL Quilted Linings, >P- • G.ihanlilH's Out Linings, Tweeds, Latrst Styles tu • (iii'iluroys Solid Culors. Blue, Tan, IVr 1488 39.88 Grey. to 'J4.K8 and Colors Aniiinii Sizes 35 to 4G Regulars - Shorts • Longs

Sizes 35 to 46 As of December 30, 1955 -«**««,*< MEN'S MEN'S SLACKS Zipper JACKETS Ri-ff. 19.95 — SALE I'KH'li Values to 9.05 nfjs made on or before 20th of any Ucvcrsllilfs. Solid il Hill earn Dividend* frorti first of Men's and Young Men's Colors and Plaids, Many with Quilted 1288 >88 s month, | SALE PRICE 3 I All Wool Linings. OVERCOATS MX SAVINGS and MI'IN'S MEN'S UP TO $10,000 Alt-Wool SLACKS Zipper JACKETS TOPCOATS Values Up to 1G.95 — SALE PKICK I nleral Savings and Loan Insurance Corp, Values to 6.98 Values lip to 69.95 Charcoal Grey and Brnwn, ^^ Light Klue or Grey. Sizes M,3Q 88 SALK PRICE 28 to 44. V#" SALE PRICE 1 - • Imported All-Wool j :' "llicers.i directors and stafl fepate' • Scotch Tweeds i" itll mimbersjwho have helped make • Gabardines To MEN'S MEN'S 39.88 • .1 successful year for the Association j • Coverts Sport and Dress SOX SILK TIES Keg. 55c Pair ' v accept our warmest greetings of the Regular 1.50 and 2.50 : Sizes 33 to 14 SALE PRICE 3 prs. 1.00 " •""! May the-coming year be filled with SALE PRICE 88( Kejulars — Shorts — Longs icss, contentment and prosperity for yours. UNITED ROOSEVELT KAY'S CLOTHING CO. B OIAIK 200 SMIT*....*..H. STREE^mri-r T (0K(vpcl a complaint from the My greatest disturbance, \Vt«s!l>ury Pat* Vftttrsns" of course, lies in a practically o»nf,5 Association Th« irvwip rompJsintl struts in lh» ut* acompllshed fact. We have •xw ciumblint b*<*usf they "** sjone into debt for $3,100,000 !>\nlt nrirqiutrl? »nd in vi for a high school which will t'i>n of a contract between il A.M., will be the provide nothing we didn't nsh;p slid thf developers. last *T win n"(T|>i clothing or toys have before we incurred the Mi Molmeux could not **» U,v thr fhnstnifis KunA for Needy debt. We will have two ses- \!-,'n lie Grand Jury wouM com- F;iniil!i'K. rush donations will be n>;p :ts dpiibt'istions on the t*sti- sions the day the school 'v ;j has vfooived 8n'i i> «l until ciirlsmae Eve. The f^Vx irnsiin WP cnnnot accept clothing opens next September, even iificr Saturday naming to that though because of poor plan- S30O Needtd it wi',1 he the last/reflltehd we can j rung only half the new build- resa« do .w wappinrf Packages and ing will be devoted to class- Continued from P»|e Ohe> food b.iskcts wilfbe delivered the foliowum Thinjmay. 80 please do rooms. Thus, we have a I.r.u-iuvn Club four not innit- in ujf M6fiday morning i handsome building — and i ;is has imppe/ed other years) and | half our educational needs Sttt ask us to taa donations of cloth- ! Warren A&ocUtion and a thirtv^year debt of K.H . • • his y- in:; 01 tnyijbecause ive will Just i $3,100,000. We also have a hinc in tiin you down. 8o If you K DovUng. Anonymous havr clot wig or toys you wish to , quarter - of - a - million dol- Sedtvy. Nancy «nd EU«n d tin' ftoependent-Leader office I "or. and which we use a few Sl.H ACHOM tn Guldo'i Brtditt-t Smithies. possible and not wait 1 Cooking M»l« ; days out of the year. until t$ very last minute ... We vettel M Intensifies Cloth ing. tors »hd nurcrDuM^ sen; to 1 t Church 4lf- U To make * » * PLACATES FRKNCH ... V. K. Krishna Met* •» Iwlta 17 Member ol • on l«avei bilities, we shudder. We can tad, Colonia, will take part in 70 College In aaann nnn R. E. Matthevs. Tnutwvin Umifcr , oukej. tsc \t - Iowa squander our money on fri- fie annual Yule Log Ceremony at 71 Wooden pin „... College, Tuesday. The N I h«rot 71 Klementanr volities in building, but we II Fillet worn textbook! ' ceremony is one of the highlights •round halt 73 Cornish cannot give our educators of the holiday festivities at the n Feminlnt prefix: town LiL&J nam* DOWN the dignity of their position. State University Women's College. 1 rootllke part ADiwet C« Pliile N*. >7I H SpriU 1 Anglo-Saxon Our values have gone beserk XjTuXjTtt 43 Conduit As soon as John . . . Margaret Mozdzlerz, daughter M Faclnc coin 13 Affirmative :outr»ci for so Ions Tfce storj' is J Asiatic answer 49 One who —WP want to splurge on "honeymooncr" in "The HiRh and j t nve sons of « pioneer (amily bnrs. Miss Artyms Sixth Grace at Ol Mr. and Mrs. J.I Mossdzierz, 300 direction from 18 Period ol aides abou School 1. Mr*. Norman Main Street, Woodbridge, recently which (lacier animal time ml.) Sansomi buildings and be miserly the Mighty," finishes his work who g»lher from »U p«r« of the Impinjw t Analyzing 20 Concede! M Last Allan and David McEUwnror.' enlisted in the Women In the Air M Clow by 52 Cart with Gjry Cooper in "The Friend- 41 CoaUc* apanese 22 BacterleldM with education, and for our country to attend the funeral of Hunts Sweet Shop. Mrs Pwrj! 41 To cut, tn*i 14 Retaliated IS Cuttleflsh ly Persuasion," in which he Us now Force (WAP) and will receive her meniurt 25 Let go fj Proclamation bad iudement we are under- their mother. Austen. Woodbridje Township Re- basic training at Lackland Air •nick ( Ralaed trans- 36 Person, placa, 59 To cleave appearing, he wlj have the slell&r afwt a «ciw>ji 44 Aarttora portation thing (pi.) 81 Head coverlnf mining the good faith in a publican Club. Mr and Mrs. H D 1 wta a pel* S Landed offietala ol neilher meandering in Europe Uxreiher. ert E. Bertics, son of Prank Ber- loudly 88 Com mand U There is a special wed tor gifts •1 Separated 10 Motori 35 Clasp * * * Howard Koch. Dorothy is back to star on Broad- tics, 175 Street, Wood- with cerUtn 11 Erasure! 37 Pointed horse for older boys md jirts, from 1J • tool U Form of weapon M Elver ot I have heard it said that way m Sean Otter's new play. to IS years ol we Good bodfe bridge . . . U SylUhl* "to be" to Harvester Chalclca since I profess to be such an Just let a picture make a box • Red Rose* for Me." Lillian was and tames such u "Mooopoiy" ISELIN' U office hit and the producers begin last seen in "N.ght of the Hunter." Didja Know That: undeviating disciple of ade- and "Bis Badness" an very ap-| quate education that I ought planning a sequel. This Is true proprUte. ; IWKv TMKt Lois Samson, daughter of Mr. with Audie Murphle's "To* After completing work on "The to become a candidate for Gift packages and food bastats and Mis. William Samson, 493 zvi Back" Universal is already View from pnmpeys Htad." Dtna wil be delivtred next Thursday Barren Avenue, Woodbridge, a the Board of Education — discussing., a sequel and have Wynter. British import, has been Trucks are being domteti by the sophomore at Syracuse U., has and then see what happens! talked with Spec MoQuire, Mur- given the important starring role Dameo Trucking Company and K) Sister been namod house president of I have no such intentions, phy's friend who helped him with in "The Sixth of June" by her the Township Road Deparuaenc. her sorority. Delta Phi Epsilon, his original book. XKS. Darryl Zanuck. Members o* the Road Department Uka which automatically makes her a nor can I be convinced to the contrary—because if I are offering their serrices in toad- member oi the Women's Student "The White Buffalo," James ins «nd unloading the trucks. U Governing Body . . . Hinda Fei- have any effectiveness, it is Brown's MGM reoerd which was Bowling Scores Members of the todependent- HE IMEI bush, daughter of Mrs. Anne Fei- first heard in "Rin Tin Tin and in pursuing my goal through Bowl-Mor ThurwUy Nitr Wwntn's Leader suff will be assisted in the bush, 134 Freeman Street, Wood- the White Buffalo," sold 7,000 cop- delivery by Deputy Chief Benja- our newspaper. To this goal, Standings as ot Dec. 8th. 1955 bridge. took part in the Christmas its its first week in Chicago and min Parsons, and Sgt. Joseph pageant Tuesday at the University I have dedicated myself and W L, has already passed the 100.000 Sipos. of the Police Department E & B Mill Spl.V. 23 IS ol Bridgeport. A member of the I have faith that some day I and Mrs. Came Mvmdy ot the mark in nationwide sales. Durling P«rnas 21'^ two MT. HU- mixed chorus, Hinda sang with may succeed — not to any Welfare Department. • BoivJ-Mor 19 J SEW the student group at the tradi- Terry Moore will play the wife 18 glory for myself but to the Lucas Mkt. IS Residents of the Township «* I Saw* SUrte »: tional pageant which was open to of a young Army officer in World 18 the public. salvation of our ideals of Sabo «L Rhodes IS 18 invited to be in front of the In- •War II in "The Day the Century l freedom in all things —not Rebarber"s Ph«rm. 15 10 SIX TOKl « Ended," for Buddy i.dler at In the Muilbag: forgetting education for all. McCarthys 15 21 Twentieth. 13 Dennis R. Lichtman, 77 Fiat * * * Green Lantern 14 TANK PATIENTS . . . Party of Esklmot arrive at U. S. coast Honor roll: E. Mlkas — 202. Avenue, Iselin. has been pledged to (turd cutter (or dental treatment near Shiameref, Alaska. Are there any questions? Doris Day plans to play herself Theta Chi at the University of when "The Story of Doris Day" is Results: Three-game sinners: E & B. s Pittsburgh. Miss Evelyn Pastor, made Into a movie. The book form rw> Mill Sply. over Own Lanum; S25 Leon Avenue, Woodbridge, was is finished and ready for the pub- Durling Farms over McCarthy's; one of the hostesses at a Christmas lishers. Doris, by the way, has two Sabo tc Rhodes over Lucas Mkt. party for twenty-five youngsters DANCING EVERY 'FRIDAY NIGHT pictures to make before this one: "MM Two-game .winners: Bowl-Mor Samplers yesterday given by the studenets Al the New Sjiacious Ultra-Modern "The. Amazing Nelly Bly," for avw Rebarber's Pharm. of Berkely School at the Crystal Metro and "The- Quality ef Room. Hotel Suburbftn, East Mercy." Orange. ... A large turnout is ex- pected at the New Year's Eve party St. Demetrius Community Center "The Wayward Bus." John Mayor is i itness MAJESTIC at the Colonia Country Club. Mi- Steinbeck's novel, will be made tConiinued from Page One' chael Forman's orchestra has been 681-691 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret into a screen play. Charles Brack- prosecutor, said after yesterday's engaged. Mr- Forman, who Ifi con- ett is said to have also been cast- session he did not expect to call PUBLK i in ductor of the Broadway show, THIS FRIDAY NIGHT - DECEMBER 16th ing an eye at "Desk Set," currently "Damn Yankee," will make a per- on Broadway. la* sonal appearance. . . . PHARMACY WALTER KROSS and His Orchestra Cornel Wilde's next production SI MAIN ST. WOODMUDGE last But Not Leaft: - \ All America's Singing Favorite, RAY EI5ERLE, and His Orchestra ') will be "Arrows Into the Sun." It Free DeUrcry me was a best seller.of the 1940s, by Born at Perth Amboy General I Formerly with Glenn Miller—on New Year's Day, Sunday, Jan. 1st, 1956 / TeL WO-t-MM Hospital: From Woodbridge, a John ReS'd Luritzen. and la • the- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph romance of a part Indian and a FDMPf; Declbus, 472 Rahway Avenue; a .'^«S«;fi«£ii;S«S«;S«&«;£ii;£«a;«£M£«;£«i;fi«;£ii;£ii;^ daughter- to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pascallis, 649 Lev/1» Btreet; a - FORDS- HEAD daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ber- SHRIMP nard Hyman, 252 Green Street; Luncheon - - - 85c PUYiaiSE a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alex- EGG ROLLS THIES. THKV SAT. ander Enik, 107 Fulton Street. . . Dinner - - - -1.25 From Iselin, a, daughter to Mr. BARBECUED and Mrs. Frank Bosol, 39 Laurel SPARE RIBS Try Our Sizzling "ULYSSES" Street; a daughter to Mr. and SIRLOIN STEAKS! Mrs. Antorf'Ulman, 119 Wood ROAST PORK with KM bridge Avenue; a daughter to Mr. n Syh»n« and Mrs, Edward Tur'ek, 245 "IORT VIMA" "DC QUEEN George Place, a son to Mr. and with r>ur Gran* u* Mrs. Steven Poliansky, 227 Wood Avenue; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sepansky, 270 Correja Ave- (Sat. Matlner — nup . . . From Fords; a daughter ft to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zavodsky, STRAND -£ 12 Bloomfleld Avenue; a daughter n SIN. THRU TIES. to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Soletto, 4 524 New Brunswick Avenue; a son to Mr. and Mrs; Stephen Dalino, 62 SMITH ST. QuentinDunwof 451 Crows Mill Road; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wastlake, ' Corner High St., Perth Amboy ' 42 Grand Avenue .. Also a daugh- "ILLEGAL" • Ub (iUM ter to Mr. and Mre. William'Wil- n 1 • ilh Edwkrt G. son, 101 Old Road, Sewaren; a "Tfaditiomfly Fine Food, Temptingly Served in « Plemant, Relaxing Atmosphere daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bressa, 24 Water Strpet, Colonia; n SPECIAL ORDERS TO TAKE HOME - - - CALL HI 2-9649 E S*t. and SuSu.. [ < a son to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ben- yola, 88 Howard Street, Hope- • Lido Gardens Suggestions • lawn .... w There's something hfte for every taste . , . your selection will be cooked to order and 1 n we promise your patience will be rewarded by an epicurean thrill to be remembered. STORES • LOBSTER CANTONESE • CHOW GAI KEW • WOO HIP HAR -STATE- "I a n • We take tresh l-o'inMr. which has been out t Tender tlirlng CH1CKKN,. cut In cubes, Mid • Freeh Jumbo SHRIMPS split optn, dipped Into dalpty segments and nilx them thorr united with Celery, Snow, Pea Podj, Musli- In egg and flour batter, and sauted In peanut k oughly Wltli uUni'cd J morsels of Iresh Pork rooiiu. Chinese Vegetables^ Water Cheutnutj oil. EM* piece enfolded In bacon, with a THEATRE Tenderloin, tieusnued Citntonese bpicee blend and Bamboo Shoots. special hot sauce. OPEN *. N. J. n iviih u bott tz'i ttauct. • HIM SOON YORK HWNMI • HO VOW GAI, LIDO GARDENS • A Switch Ml HIM SOON PIQUAT '. • • WED. THRL SAT. t SHRIMP IN LOBSTER SAUCE • Generous cubes CHICKEH White meat, wine Ingredients, except Its PORK TSNDI&- r: :• LOIN Instead of Bparerlbil Kraaa &Ukalre-U*Mli Ktj 'Mi tad I' t Whole Jumbo SHRIMPS, with minced Pork sauted with thlnly-sllced Greens, and com- n Teitderlpln, seuumed wlUi Slack Beans and bined with tiny Mushrooms, crisp) Water » • BO-LO-GAI GONE in a suupcoii of garlic, thea blended In a suave Cheatnuts and Bamboo ahooti. With Oyster • Freah CHICKEN LIVERS but iweel T KiiB Sauce, with Us garnish pi Chopped Green luuce. and soul, sauted with Ulced pineapple, brown "THi TfcSDUt TRAT* stick - Onions. sugar and vlnejar Same lngredttnla u our H - t CHAR 8DE BOK TOY popular "chicken pineapple." ' •STEAK, LIDO GARDENS , * Freeh PORK delicately barbecued ID the • LOBSTER ALMOND DIN m Cantonese manner, accented with tangy t Prime Sirloin Steak Is properly broiled and «plM«, aad blended with a Chinese vegetable. • FBt0H LOB8TKR UEAT la Bret diced. busied In lt» own Juices, and flanked with then snoothly wuied with treat) Cntonew Ik regetkblM, Sweet Pen Poda, WaUr Chiwinuu EVERY HOT Iwitola "GIFTS 8 ireshly cooked Snow Pode and garden-treeh • BOLOR GAI PAN ana 8now Wklte Almoudi. Guiuniieta GrteuB Enhanced with a ran 1 "OG&UT Ben lie Cantonese NO-OA PAT. and then given • The popular "Chicken.Pineapple; . . . ten- for der meat of (resh CHICKEN upertly sauted t CHAR-SUE AIJWOND DIN SUNDAY AND MONDAY a rare Oyster Sauce. [ k AO ln^erenln« combination ol Ireah PO8K, with iMced pineapple, and enhanced with UNTIL CHRISTMAS Raj Mittatt* - Mat* Uvr»fc> la Brown Sugar and vinegar. dlc«4 »«4 uuted with freuh tiny nmshroonis. I • QanWm (Teens and Green Pepptre. Toeptd MEN" • HIM SOON PIQUAT with u»ty Alnmndt. "MAN AtONr * aPAnEHIBa ag^ln ... but Sweet atld • HUNG YEN GA DIN t OHICKRN with Almonds . . . blending ot • MOO GOO GUV PAN 19 rum Suurl Teuder Pork, (lipped In EK8 Batter, atld cooked with Pineapple ingmenu, Peppers M& CBJOkeu white meat diced with Celery. Thli • Sliced white meat Chicken with Muth- _ fMl Toniutoes. pickled Onloni, Brown Sugar l&ud b pn)p»r|d with Water OheitnuW, Owe room*, BoJc Choy. Buiuboo atwou tad W»wt Mawmi OUan-QMig* N«*at Vlufisar. p, Sweet Pen Fods and fretb Almonds, Chertrwta. FREE "LADY OOMVA" 1IIX MAIN STKKKT Place Your Order NOW! IN NEW BRUNSWICK PARKING TUESDAY AND WtDNtSDAY Nut '« W(inlwnrth'< 130 ALBANY STREET • Open lSvi-ty NtelU Till NEW YEAR'S JJVE HOlVfE PARTY Uotert TMM < tea Maw la CHINESE FOOD REABy.TQ*8«KVE Phone QHarter 79410 st J»M' nmm* "MAN H • I I MUM AND GKOVt STS. -ISELIN Jnbepenbent-Ieaber COLONIA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1955 PAGE NINE Jennings on Deans List !IselinQubwomen School Announces Heels Offirtt^ 4| (5 \ir Academy \ Ww Yule Party Holiday Programs

-port tor « OWlOJSail.-*ln-1ft ywm« nwto for CMWTS »S Air' t Uw »h«".*> Chratnvi* provranu are be- C««1S. fWT '»>- :iu' ;>ir«t>n:ed In orrier to accoin* wo transports snu MirtrtfUf >»Mii list »T vr* wiU bf mriH Airtrsft Ob- m>i«tf <\ii(ii(MK:'« miTe comfort- Kb T tomplet'wl for t^o, jtvv .mil hnvfl K -s consostinn both -to. »«»vtrhr< siw- in tiwtfri*nls «n the WsuUr ci«bs annual ChrtsUnas party, ce i>nri cIT n sjieclal sehed- will to on to V>^?mb« JK »l H6*ai"d Johnson's. ai bron auanj!*! <« oi-r.ia Sohoal Choir U to to .w ,vi pn-cnm"!. It VM an* «t tM5 shaip that day ^,-; by v.iss Mary Mullen, *< 1«9 Oak Sisterhood Lists Transportation will be last IV.JI'.I Tiiir Christmw Tree , ptvividfd for all under supervision of Mrs Am* Culvert and Mrs. E\,T!.T.VIV w;is presented by Mrs. a- Meeting Dec. 27 Wy,vis. MLV>. Ho'jiiUsli's and Mr. " Muilfis classes. •* ' Thm wiD, be an exchange of ISEUN—Ttw ewcutixe board «t ids and rtveallnj ot secret pals This momln* at 10:3(T A. M. the Sisterhood ot the Jewish Own- at the affair. "Santas Workshop" will be pre- ROBERT R. HAMILTON sented Participatma will be Mrs. munjty of Iselin heW its first vM* A'donatlon of $10 was made to Lrlanri F Reynold's kindergarten me Tuesday, Dttt-mbtr s. »t the thr Independent-Leader Christ-i mas fund. ttnd classes conducted by Mri, home of MR Harry Kline. 133$ An application tor membership 2nd Ward G.O.P. Baron. Miss Maieika. Mrs. Haz- C*k Tw Road. w*s received from Mrs. Adolph ard. Miss Lutilow and Mrs. Bar-1 Mrs. Kline, chairman, intro- Pettrson, rett, istlin Firtam duced the puest of the evtnint, Thrte ladies w»re welcomed back Names Hamilton "Sanla's Workshop" will be pre- Mrs. Eusene Horntck. presided ot'into fellowship alter being absent sented again this afternoon at HtdOffims the Swteihood of Ad*ih Israel in' on account of Illness, Mrs. Eugene COLONIA—Robert R. Hamilton, 1:30 o'clock with Mrs. Warter's Woodbndgt. who outlined many Rwfcbftl, Mrs Joseph De 13 Shadowlawn Drive, was elected Kindergarten and the classes of suggestions for thr new group. and Mrs. Andrew Sedlak. Second Ward Republican chair* Mrs. Fleming, Miss Enoch. Mrs, Outlined for Cubs It* next general meeting date RefTfshments were served with man at a reorganisation meeting Shereshewsky, Mrs. Chalker and | of the Sisterhood has been rhanstd Andrew Sedlak and Mrs. Sal-of the Republican organization Mrs. Thompson participating. hedl Tuesday at the Masonic from December » to Tuesday ew- w» Shohfi as hostesses. Tomorrow at 8 P. M. a play, Temple, Owen Street. Woodbrldge. nint. December 17. at S:15 P M. ai Mrs. Ruckbeil won the special 'The Christmas Tree Everureen," Also elected to office were Mrs. JSSS Oak Tree Road. awsrd. will be presented by Mrs. Bundy'B, l.i Vernon Johnson, Avcnri. as Re- publican municipal vice chairman Mrs. Chalmers', Mrs. Pollak's and Mr *nd Mrs. Ateert and Eugene Oery as municipal Miss Plnda'j classes. treasurer. Schools will close for the Christ- thai **ch dei> Colonia Personals Mr. Hamilton is a graduate of mas recess on December 22 at 4 hw Christ- Rutgers University and holds both P. M. and will reopen January 3. (Including (loloiua I'rojHT and Golonia Village) Bachelor and Master of Science ****** degrees. In addition to his work at the Civic Rutgers he majored in Business Ziipolo. Charles Smith III, Faith dmlnistratlon at the University Boy Scout Troop By Warner and Carol Wilson attend- )f Ilinois and the University of wi » dance at the Recreation Hall Nebraska, He Is associated with Taught First Aid MRS. SIDNEY of Si. Cecelia's Church, Iselin. Uie Prudential Insurance Com- FREVNO -Mrs Kathryn Stmonelll, 10 pany. Newark, where he was re- COLONIA—Boy Scout Troop 45 \\\v\iund Drive, has Just taken cently promoted to assistant meth- held Its regular meeting Friday ods analyst, assigned to electronic over the duties of den mother for night at the American Legion somputer research projects, UH Den fi of Pack 145 of Colonia. The Hall. Instruction was plven in Arnold S. Graham, Republican boys in her den we Bobby Golden, emergency first aid and during the municipal chairman, in A brie! Fmlten »-i«9 Johnny Letser. Billy Burke. Nick evening Charles SmlUi was "spir- ^PPPHv (V'^P9jPV^W W fMM statement said today: "Now that ited" outside and decorated with Anthony Simonelli, Bobby the reorganization has been com- John Schaefte and Bruce assorted cuts and bruises and Mr. and Mrs John FV'.dman. pleted,, the Republican party Van Olson. The boys this month throughout the Township will set made to look as though he had 38 Fairview Avenue, and Mr. ar.ti Are making presents for Christ- to work Immediately to formulate really been hurt. The scouts were Mrs. Roger Todci. Berkeley, had mas for their parents as well as told there had been an accident RA —The ABKTiciuri Le- plans for civic Improvement. an enjoyable evening in N*«- York iilAvum games and in general hav- Working as a team, we are certain and they all rushed out and ren- n** Wit Saturday by soms out to dinner :ns lots of fun In cubbing. he Republican party will be andered first aid to the "victim." and then seeins the show at the ' —A new Cub P«ck is now being important factor in the life ot the Scoutmaster Sidney Freund as- Radio City Music Hall. j fornwl p^fc of j^ys between community in the days to come. I sures anyone hurt in this vicinity, ^^•BT^W^ 4^^^W. —Joanne and Leslie Slikw. 16uhe ases of t and U who are tn- wish to express my appreciation especially on the night of a Boy Woodland Drive, and lerested are requested to contact to all the many workers who aided Scout meeting, prompt and effi- Barter and Audrey Freund, I) Witlard MaeArgyle, Sandalwood In the November election and ex- cient help. Sandalwood Lane, w«nt out forLane. His phone is Fu-1-1340, pressed their confidence in me." With three full patrols in this lunch to Santa's Workshop in —Hush Hanley, son of Mr, and new troop, a fourth is now being T%* i»«sWfe At food w«r* raffled Rahway and then the younger MRS. H. Hanley, 343 Colonia formed. Boys in this age group are pwsss and U» proeeeds children spoke to Santa CUus and Boulevard, is recovering after hav- finding more and more that scout- uswi I« Wtc whabJlitaUon Plans Completed told him what they would like tor ing had his tonsils removed at ing is lots of fun with all the «; in** J*»5M« in OfttonU. Christinas. Perth Amboy General Hospital. camping, hiking and other out- Sw^taWft Sw«sWnt «t the Fords door activities that make for a —Mr. and Mrs. Lyle B. Reeb. —Mrs, Churles W. Stacey, 32 For Yule Meeting wtamander, Bramhill Road, has just returned happier and healthier youth. rtl his family's trip Warwick Road, entertained Miss Ann Lewis. Philadelphia, and from a week's visit with her ISEUN - Star of Iselin Circle Euro- brother In Connecticut. 54. Lady Foresters of America held her fiancee. Jack Benedict. New Colania Club to Hold Vernon. N. J., for dinner Saturday —Winter Is really here. Chil its rcmilar meeting Mondny eve- 11 MM, mi A**«v±s 4bs»Kaaw» T3» wsi' social f\*ning for Post ning at Persliins Avenue School. it. «ren of all a«es and their parents Yule Party-Dec. 19lh New Year's Eve wore out ice Skating at Freeman's Plans were completed for the •Mrs. Dotty Woodenseheek. 18 be held at the )x>nd over the weekend. Althousli annual Cltristmap parly which COLONIA — The annual adittt WoodUnd Drive. enterUined some Hall the Uje was thin in spots a gooc will be held Thursday December Christmas party ot the Colonia- friends at h«r home Friday eve- time was had by all. 23 at the school. Club will be held on Monday eve- ning. Among those present were .x. fewba, wait 8»v —A new Brownis troop has jus There will be anexchange of ning, December 19, at 8:30 P. M. Doris Wessbur*. Kathr>n Simo- - The Udios Auxil betn formed With Mrs. Sliker. 1 gifts and secret pals will be re-at the Colonia Library. nelli. Ethel Smith. Gerry Freund )i* Otonua V«hmt*« Kit Woodland Drive, as leader. Th vealed. A buffet luncheon will be Due to the Increase in member- and Rosemary Basso. in her troop tre Leslie Sliker, served and Mrs.' Bea McCrory ship, the party this year will bo Sr«*«fc. •* *«»»« fcman Avenue fire —Mrs. Dot Stuart, $27 Coloaia Roberta Solllsh, Paula Vanuk, will be in charge of refreshments. restricted to members only. Each. The CS>rtsw»s P*rty will Boulevard, held a bridge party at Nancy Essig, Nancy Brusaw, Carol Nomination and election of new member It requested to bring a « Rookj's Rsswurant, home on Thursday. Among Heyden, Eltiabetb Thornley, Judy officers for 1956 will also take 50-cent grabbag gift. Hurry! Hmny! Hurry! i the guests were Mrs. John Bolen. Korta and Diane Delloiacono. For place. Mrs. Edward Faught, Mrs, Bdward At the Monday evening meeting Christmas the girls are making OUTSTANDING ATHLETE Klein, Mrs. Thomas Wahl Mrs. decorations for their homes and it was reported that several mem' ISELIN — Joseph Comunale, Louis Von Opson. Mrs. Wilks and gifts for members of their bers' of the Iselin Circle had at- Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Francis Foley. families. ; tended a meeting of Martha ROBINSON'S Dept Store j —Mrs. Hope Smith, Sr., 21 San- Washington Circle at Metuchen Comunal* of Berkeley Boulevard dalwood Lane, will visit Dr. and which was entertaining Grand and an alumnus of Woodbrldge Sooretary of Labor Mitchell h»s DISCOUNTS! Mrs. Ltland Jones. Iwr nephew Commander Evelyn Byron and her High School has been highly and niece, to Providence. R. I., for; ruwt out hope for amendment of staff of officers. The ladies from praised as an outstanding ath- i tho Tafi-Harlley Act in the 1956 lete at the University of Bridge- - 1*4 few two weeks. Iselin who attended were Grand Try Stale Jewelers —Beth Ann Knudson, Carol' session of Sub-Commander Elizabeth (Mos- port, Connecticut. Lou Ciccone, Sfct* *** carelll, Lillian Vineyard and Ver- sports director at the University onica Ozell. expects bu things of the young man. He has made top flight for Mrs. Vincent Masno, Sr.. was his team, He has received awards winner of the special award. from the National AAU and also fry us ARCTIC TOWNS the state. One result envisioned by Rear in Admiral Richard E. Byrd from the Ready for the current Antarctic expedition could Governor Stratum of Illinois be the beginning of permanent has equlppedlhls automobile with f, I human habitation of that Icy con- nylon safety belts, They probably »|lim-nt. He think-s that eventual will come In handy as he drives $ | establishment of small "villages' though the legislative roadblocks W! populated by perhaps 500 persons as Springfield, — The St. Louis Si is a distinct, possibility. Post-Dispatch. 7 TASTE J TEMPTING Try m Holiday Baked Goods! «* (ii\c your ChiUtmus [vast the crowning glory of our delicious takes and pics and cookies. . . . Specially designed and baked for the festive occasion! I .V tarn. Cure Uuttcr • COOKIES •

i . penditures of nearly a billion dollars. 'GEE! HOPE IT HAS AN ELEPHANT CALLER, TOO!" For the information of citizens, local tax- payers organizations and others interested Warren Leads Kefauver AN iNBEPENDENT NEWSPAPER in next year's spending programs at the Tlif I.cader-Joumsl (1934) local government level, the New Jersey Tax- New Jersey Trail Tin VVoodbridge Leader (1009) payers Association has prepared a budget W The vote; notice of public hearing. Final adoption Kan Wavrs'ii com?.s out nhfud of ( lmrl« E. OrttdTT. FmMuM Henator Estes Kefauver t\ Ten- Lawrence f. Campion must take place by February 3-1 in the coun- nessee, who Is expected to loss Wurren Vice President and Treaiurrr ties and by March 20 in the municipalities l,.s hut into tin' Presidential ring Mcfftuver lly carrlfr ddlvtry, J cent! per dip* S'jnie.tlme sanri, in a "trial heat" Undecided Siilisiilptlon rates by mill, InelndlhK poitut, Budget schedules for the several types or clt'cLlon just completed by the IIIM' y<:ir, JllW; sit months, MM; three montni, School districts also are shown. h'i K iiis; '.liiflr copies by mail, II c»hH. All payable N;w JirwyPfill.. | III nit 3 III <', • A representative cross-section said they arc n>\i\,,-., Pointing out that citizen interest in bud- of Hit utatc's voters was nslicd urea become: gets, to be effective, should be translated tills question: Warren into action now to obtain information and "Suppose < t>t* presidential KefatiVer It 1R Interest.MI. •,, prepare recommendations well in advance „ eliitiJn were Wing held today. If Chief Justli-e Earl Wirren -day's mirvpy ,, of the public hearings, the Taxpayers Asso- were the Republican candidate ' penitent voters >\\i- Point of /Vo Return votes may <*:r\\ .:• i ciation memorandum states: "Local gov- and Senator Estes Kefauver of 1 The time for formulation of the 195C • Continued n; >,> vvr must operate our municipal government Education continue to cany on memorandum, issued as part of the Asso- IU present inefficient manage- your nwspaim : ,< on a constantly enlarging scale with no Woodbrtdse Pol, ••• i ciation's "It's Your Business" series, are ment of the taxpayers money? significant additions to our treasury. This How long must, we listen to In the surve.ilhiii' ui available on request to the New Jersey Tax- statements made by men who Pond, Colonia, in i:n is a job which would seem to require a yason. Yesterduv | , payers Association, 143 East State Street, tolerate practices that would : people—youni; ;.nn n.ri magician. Trenton, N. J. drive any business organization Into bankruptcy? pond under the nm-.i Furthemore, we are coming closer and of condition*. Th- m These men, who have placed r'oser to the reality of financing 300 class- and had many tiun "Wonder Car" in Great Britain ' themselves before the public, are Twice there wen- mi- rooms. If our Board of Education decides they aware that their integrity is through the ice luki that we must adhere strictly to a stringent The British are reportedly highly ex- being discussed on street corners? edges—Just wnist-lu. cited over the prospective appearance of Do they realize that many, many sion. The police siinu'.c program of economy in school construction, Under the Capitol Dome taxpayers are Intently waiting put up the Red \h:\ the needs of our children will cost upwards what is being generally termed a new for an explanation of this year's safe to lee-skate Z, j. Joseph Gribbins audit? If they do not, they are o! $(1,000,000 within the next few years— "wonder car." The new car, not yet in Your police fouv certainly unfamiliar With the worlderful. They u.ii $6,000,000 which must be borrowed and on mass production, is expected to be put in TRENTON — The cold war New Jersey will be on the auc- in front and in back, to make popular topic of the day. regularly. Could (:..• mass production soon and is a revolution- which interest must be paid for the next which has been raging in the tion block. certain that vehicles can be I think that If the School Board service and kei-p i. driven without danger In dark- does not give an adequate ex- safe? 30 years. We already are indebted to the ary departure from the conventional au- New Jersey legislative halls be- LEGISLATURE: Organization ness; speeds-must be reduced planation of Its actions, as cri- Respectful',! tune of $13,000,000, which means that we tomobile. tween Republican Senate and plans of the 1956 New Jersey when traveling on slippery sur- ticized by the auditor, then COLONIA >- aro Hearing a total indebtedness Of at least It is hoped that this new car, with its House leaders and Democratic. House of Assembly are practic- faces, and tire chains are recom- Governor Robert B. Meyner Will ally complete, but similar plans mended by the experts when the $19,000,000. Of course, if the Board of Edu- revolutionary features, will help to restore going gets rough, become hot when the 1956 Leg- of the New Jersey Senate are cation persists in building so-called conven- the British system in the automobile ex- still in the process of being un- Particularly, with the Christ- islature convenes on January 10. mas shopping season here, state tional schools, with their enormous main- port race. The new car, which was devel- raveled. In fact, open hostility has al- Assemblyman Leo J. Mosch, motor vehicle officials warn pe- tenance costs, our debt will soar even oped by Harry Ferguson, who won some ready broken out with Assembly Essex, will be Speaker of the destrians not to cross streets higher. $9,000,000 from the Ford Motor Company lawmakers overriding eight of 1956 Assembly and Assemblyman against lights or between Inter- SST 19)9 the governor's vetoes In an elec- Elden Mills, of Morris, will be sections. We are rapidly approaching a point of no in patent rights cases, is said to do away tion victory spree on December Republican floor leader. The se- 1 return, and unless the Town Committee with conventional brakes, clutch and lections will follow the tradi- DEER: New Jersey's deer" 5. At the same time, the Repub- herds estimated in the many Competence and the Board of Education together adopt transmission and gearbox. lican State Senate charged bung- tional pattern of a large and a .small county alternately provid- thousands continue to bf a reve- ling in two of the governor's lation to both conservationists a ii[nd pattern of economy our expenses It is reportedly driven by a pressure principal departments, and ing an Assemblyman for the im- portant posts. House Clerk Wil- and the average citizen. •will so far exceed our income that a tax chamber, which pumps out hydraulic fluid adopted bills to cut back com- The herds of the proud animal pulsory auto inspections from liam T. Ludlum,, of Glen Rock, rate beyond the ability of the average* real to both propel and brake the car. This ar- will be rgelected. continue to grow despite the ad- two to one next year, and re- vance of housing developments estate owner to pay, will be inevitable. rangement works on all four wheels, moved "the ability to pay" re- Assemblyman William Kurtz, nnd modern farming, and the When this time comes, we will really be in through the use of small turbines, and is quirement from the Salk vaccine Middlesex, will be the Democra- annual kill of the hunter and the law. tic minority leader for the new auto. During the recent bow and trouble anj our municipal and school also used to operate other auxiliary power session, succeeding William P. against arrow season, 346 deer were tak- .operation will be seriously jeopardized. units. whPriiiiPd Hyland, of Camtlen, who will step en from the woods and fields by suit u. down from the post in accord- There is only one way to avoid this dan- for December 16 when the Leg- the followers of Robin Hood and It is reported in Great Britain that at ance with practice. this week during the open fire- ger, and we are sure those in whose judg- islature reconvenes to complete Senator Wayne Dumont, War- least four big automobile manufacturers the 1955 legislative program. arms season thousands of bucks ment our future lies know it as. well as we ren, will be Senate president of will fall. are negotiating with Ferguson in hopes More measures are expected to the' 180th session, and in that da We must cut our expenses in every pos- be adopted over the veto of the During the big game season of obtaining a share of the new patent and capacity will become acting gov- of 1954, legal deer totaling 5,076 governor and further curtailment ernor of New Jersey during the sible direction. There can be no compromise. the new ear, which is expected to be put of executive department activ- were taken in New Jersey by li- absence of Governor Robert B. censed hunters. The State Divi- into production in the near future. ities which have been subject to With most peopli."-th«lth«lr homes und furnishinfg Meyner from the state. The Sen- sion of Fish and Game estimates fiil It&tmuts The public criticism In the past, may ate floor leadership is unsettled. (Mir ul their t it financial Invt&tmeuts. Therer.n Slanding Plans Coming Up We have long believed that it was only be voted. that at least a similar number advisable that you get In touch Senate* Albert McCay, Burling- was killed during the year by how many ddollars our new HOME OWNEKS For many officials of New Jersey's mofe a question of time until someone came up The ire of Republican Sena- save tor you. This policy has muny excelW-iu • ton, and Senator Kenneth C. autos. And still the deer herds which muy best be tiplained by ptrsouul (li.*»v than 1100 units of local government, the with a new system of propulsion for auto- tors and Assemblymen has been Hand. Union, are leading in the continue to grow. we Invite you to phone u». ut your convoilnii r aroused because of the all-out race for the position, which is \o\i may become fullV conmmiil with "a "h important question is not how many shop- mobiles which would outdate the recipro- campaign conducted by Gover- a stepping stone to the Senate The large number of deer in the state comprises a living mon- ping days are left until Christmas, but how cal, gasoline-fired engines used in automo- nor Meyner and State Democra- presidency. tic leaders to capture control of ' ument to early conservationists, Friendly Service—As Near As Your many days remain for preparation of 1956 biles today. However, such a change is not The Senate must also select a Lester G. MacNamara\ superin- the Legislature at the November secretary to replace the late 8 general election. Republicans tendent of Wildlife Manauement, budgets.' likely to occur, or to take effect in less Oliver F. Van Camp, of Point of the division, claims. They have 1 generally held the line in the Pleasant, James K. Alliudtce, of These all-important blueprints of gov- than twenty years. Even .so, the new "won- election, but lost three Senate fiiown from a small herd of deer Toms River, b being considered huddled in the remote sections ernmental spending this year provide for der car" of Harry Ferguson might be sorn.e- seats in Essex, Salenvand Cam- for the post. den. The closeness of the elec- of Burlington and Ocean in 1900. operating expenditures alone totaling $117 'thing of significance. tion threw a scare into some Re- The early Fish and Game Com- WINTER WEATHER; Wi«h mission stocked 19 deer Jn 1904 million by New Jersey's 21 counties; $266 The prospect is that it will not be in publicans which now has been the first day of winter approach- transformed Jnto a fighting and 83 deer in 1905. In Oil, 47 million by the 5Q7 municipalities and $277 production for a year or more and that ing, state motor vehicle division more white-tailed deer were front. officials warn motorists that snow million by the 5551 school districts. Together it will not have any considerable effect in stocked and in 1913 an addi- Such oldtime, astute Republi- and ice aud accompanying dan- (Continued on Paee Eleveni with the State's $292 million over-all world markets for years even if it is a can leaders as former Governor ger may Je expected at any time. budget for 1955-56, these provide for ex- success. Walter E. Edge has recommend- Motorists are asked to partic- ^ ^M^.'.ra^st^ss.'.sssjqfsrwsssia^wsMSsawaWiS^wws.s ed that Republicans get into the ularly get their cars in good win- jj( game and fight during the next ter condition to prevent skidding few years In order to adequately on the ice and snow and to se- combat a growing Democratic cure good visibility at ail times Army. After all, they say, next while driving'. Short days have Opinions of Others year fourteen Congresmen will meant increased darkness and seek reelection during a presi- future snowfalls will further re- dential campaign, and the fol- duce visibility. TXAMINE WITH CARE obviously Inadequate was au- reject, for a limited period, only lowing year, the governorship of Lights should be checked, both The Senate has passed a bill thorized two years ago, but it for defects in lights and brakes. Hint would waive—.for 1966 only hasn't advanced very (far. Motor Retests of cars rejected one of the semi-annual In- Vehicle Director Oasgert, in a faulty wiptrs, direction or GtAMOR GIRLS spections now required for every speesh in Newark (on the very or stop lights might be made night the Senate passed its bill, motor vehicle registered In New outside the regular lanes. Jersey. The bill stelu to ra«t on said that 50 additional stations an emergency basis a Situation are needed immediately. These and other possibilities that lias caused widespread pub- Meajiwhile, vehicle owners are should be examined before the lu: protect. The question Is waiting hours in line, and If pending bill reaches the Assem- whether this is the right remedy. their' cars are defective they bly on December 16. Some im- mediate relief ought to b. pro- (Inspection is a vital part of must come back after repairs are vided. Let's mak; EU-\ howeyer, Np Jersey's highway safety «f- made and wait all over again. (hat in granting It we da not iiHi Since It was begun in 1937 This is an intolerable /imposi- further undermlnle , a isysiem Unit' Ims been ft substantial re- tion, and W public has a right r essential to public if* . e:y.i-New- ductiun in traffic fjit*)itlst, not* to tie angry. ALL OF US... ark Evening News. wiihulandlnk a two-fold increase The Senate's response to pro- at this bonk axtend to all of our cuitDmwt in Uii! number of vehicles on the test is a hasty one. No attempt LABOR AND PGUliCS .s. No one would Wggest that was rnaeto to explore other reme- •y far the most important and friend* our sincere good wUhw Jot ouj alon« ww responsible, dies. One step that would do but it his played a part. public Issue raised by the merger most to still public clamor of the A. P. L. and the C. I. 0. , <- a Mwy Christmas and a New Ytaroj would be the prompt approval Meanwhite, th« inspection sys- is the role of organized labor In happliww and pro»p»rlty. tem has been rfhatafully neg- of a larger construction program American political life. It is ltcted by the state, F»r this the than that now contemplated. them that the two federations Republican Legislature must Then short-range measures have had the greatest direct 1m- share leaponjiblllty. Although could tw adapted. Perhaps, in' 'pac't on public affairs, while the vehicle owner* are D»ying two stead of exempting from the constituent unions have carried P»W OR Savings million dollars a yew |n Inipec- second Inspection all oars, re- the bail fox labor on the eco- tion fees, little effort was made to gardleu of age, it might be wise nomic field—through their deal- PaW k.'f'p the system abreut Dl ritian \fi skip only c«ri less than one ings with employers and in their " S'ytas OertlftafUt m: mirations. Only two stations 1 year old.. Use of armories for in- organizing eflcrU. The merger uve teen added to the original spection lanes during the winter, will, of course, make more effec- 21. uUhough registrations hive when the operation of (he emer- tive the assists.g!ven to the af- mcK-aseti from one million to ttnej outdoor lanes is not prac- filiates in these activities. But two million. ticable, might be considered, tlw speeches of Messrs. Meany Woodbridge National Bank A construction mogrua thai IK might be directed to (bon.tin.ued onjPage Eleven) FMttfti Mmnt INDEPENDENT-tic ADER mmwmmmmmmmwiamm ^ •UNDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19&5 PAGE ELEVEN

of certified tomato seed to half more—-even on the left. Mr. bawd on his "competence and one with thf resources to nlsc II the production in 1954 ... At- Meany doesn't "see any senti- Integrity" and on "where" hi* the extra money the schools need I'ndrridrri t hinaii Ave. Section Colonia torney General Drover C. Rich- ment" for it. More fantastic yet party stands on the basic issues." is that he already has a near- At the same time, Senator man Jr., calls for mental pre- is the notion that labor could as Mr. Rcutlwr put It. As a mat- monopoly on the taxpayer pock- Kefauvrr can *!n over to hla M' Estates, Canterbury Village, paration for winter traffic con- take over the Democratic, much ter of fact, labor's program may eu. so states and school dis- camp only seven out parties.. In all Presidential —Fred Ollphimt and daughter, Richard T. Bfick, president of billions. : ;nici Mrs, Graham —Sunday dinner guests ol the provoke some honest dissent. He New Jersey Poll elections, both candidate popu- Cathy, were the guests of his par- the New Jersey Education Asso- But Uncle Sam Rets his cash WV..I Palm Beach, Plor- Porzanos, included Mrs. Theresa mentis specifically: better, and 'Continued from Editorial larity and party affiliation are ents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oll- ciation-, Insists 1 .from the same source states and ., iii" Kiicsts for a few Shlllitani. Mr. and Mrs. Michael more, schools, with Federal aid 195B outcome In"the statt—War- Important. " . phant, Sr., West Street. cities and Irwal school districts •.!: iiiul Mrs. Paskel Mer- Plguetras, and Mr. and Mrs. Lou to obtain them; better housing rcn holds a flvo to four 'edfse over 3 It mum bo understood that -Peter Cullen and Clark John- SALARIES: Perhaps they were get theirs—the taxpayers. With ,,.:,rr!,t Avenue, Sweet, all of Brooklyn. and, roads; "the,' improvements Kefauver, as the following vote t'ltlay's- liiitl he«t election re- son, Tottenvllle, spent the day not so tiki without income tax, school ttld, as with any other but state salaries only a quarter of our social security"; n system flects only ruriTiu sentiment and , men of the Colonia First at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John —Week-end guests of Mr. and kind of so-called federal aid shows: of a century ago seem very low. of medical care that will "take that much can happftv between „! .ire sclllnn' Christmas V. Johnson, Normandy Road. Irs. Salv&tore SantelU were Mrs. Uncle hauls the money to Wash- INDEPENDENTS ONIV, On June 11, 1919, the New care of the nation as a whole"; now ami next November. , ihcir headquarters on —Miss Carol Scott, Union City, antelll's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ington, takes out his handllna STATEWIDE Jersey Civil Service Commission Thio newspaper presents the ,., sin'ei every evening spent the week-end with Mr. and iuss Russo, Jersey City. charts, and hands the money advertised an examination for racial desegreRation; amend- Warren 52 V reports of the New Jersey Poll r \i This sale Will go on back to the states—with rules Mrs. Albert Foote. Inman Avenue. —Sunday guests ol Mr. and the Mowing July 2, listing sal- ments to the Labor-Management Krfauver 40 inclusively in this urea. ,, tnus. and regulations about how It Is —Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Grott, Irs. Herman Goldfarb, Julius aries as follows: Act—not, be it noted. Its repeal. (Jndrcidfri 8 ,iiil Mrs. Nick Kreltz, Carolyn Avenue, attended the fu- itreet, were Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit Senior clerk - stenographers Even in the case of the so-called to be spent. Survey findings show'that one ,i wore the guests of c LIGHTS PAINTED OUT neral of Mr. Grott's slster-ln-law, acobson and son, Allan, New and senior clerks, salary $100 to "right-to-work" laws, one o f la- The taxpayer won't have out of every six Democrats ques- ,!:•;. Boris Bemko, Mlll- Mrs, Joseph Grott, Long Island fork City; Mr. and Mrs. Norman $125 per month; stenographers, bor's chief concerns, labor has ga|red anything by having his tioned in the survey say they EASTotf. Pa, Wondering why Saturday. 'ink and sons, Eddie and Jeff, first grade, $75 to $100 per Just as much right to work for money tunneled through Wash- would vote for Chief Justice his hiMrtlichts were not working, clu'stpr Seliga, Oxford —Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hock- ilizabeth; Mr, and Mrs. Milton month; second grade, $60 to $75 their repeal as business groups ington to g«t it bnck to his own Warm. Stanley t>rkrr stopped his car Nick Kreltz, West Ing and family, Cleveland Avenue, ialverman and sons, Michael and per month; clerks, salary $50. to have to support them. And, fin- school houses. He'll lose. DEMOCRATS ONLY, and Inve.stluntt'fl. He found they ,:i the members of The are among the new residents of illan, Linden. $100 per month, and clerk-typ- ally, wo sec no objection to la- A compnnion nriiumrnt to the STATEWIDE had hern pointed over completely , Diane, Perth Am- at .8 o'clock. vention reflect a determination Street, has returned to work af , . ilie quests Thursday of —Dominkk Costanzo and h to exert far more direct influ- tcr being ill with the grippe. . Mr.v Charles Ollphant, brother and sister, Carmen am ence In politics through the , ' Slffl't. Constance, Elizabeth, were th merger of the two federations : a •' Mrs. James Lee and quests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs than the sum of their separate >: nran;:e, vltlted her p*r- Harry Moreeroft, Kimberley Roafl Under Capitol Dom efforts In the past. , 1 •.:: and Mm. Ed. Bedore, (Continued from Editorial Page In this we see no cause for i ., Avenue. tional 50 were added to the Ne' alarm. It isn't as if the A. F. L.- ! nit Mrs George Robln- Food Chain Has Jersey deer population. C. I. O. were to nominate candi- **^ .:. Mm, Ronne, Sewaren. The thousands of deer In Ne dates or control those who are 1 • :'.uwts Friday, ol Mr. Yule Gift Plan Jersey's woodlands today fur- elected! A separate labor party M: Kflsinald Brady. Qay- nish proof that these early cen- isn't seriously considered any tury stocking efforts were emi- ,\ • • 1! UC . Go WOODBRIDGE—You can serve nently successful. : ma Mrs. George Latzko, t Christmas dinner, or any ol Its Aii-nue. visited her sister, courses, to your faraway friends JERSEV JIGSAW: State aid Go... 1 :. .s Cherego, Rahway, and relatives this year via an or- of $4,671,700 from motor vehicle dinary letter envelope and the U. revenues for the state's 562 mu- : .r.(i Mrs. James Black S. Mall. nicipalities next year has been aportioned by the State Highway > ..i Avenue, vialted their Gift certificates in denomina- Department . . . Morris County •i.iu«hter-m-law Mr. and ,ions ol $1 and $5 are available Go for MOE produced the largest number of -1:1:1s Black Jr.. Plalnfleld, (or the purpose tn the stores and deer during the recent bow and super markets of A&P Food Stores i iiui Mrs. Richard Doo- arrow season when 86 were tak- in the thirty-seven States where en, by hunters . . . Frederick J. ••:..! children. Kathleen and the chain operates. Gassert, Jr., believes New Jersey Going to •: ii . Patricia Ave., Mrs. Officials explained that the cer- motorists would be exchanging •;••; .mil children, Ernest Jr. tificates are the company's re- admitted inconvenience for pos- t Quebec? d Nahass, lake Par- use a certificate purchased in a volunteers from their income Los Angeles A&P store for a choice >• A:I> the guest of Mr, and tax, according to Thomas S. Dig- ol like value from among a super nan, acting state 'director of market's 3,500 items of merchan- Civil Defense . . . The 1955 death TRAVEL AGENCY I NSWICH SECRETARIAL, dise. toll from autos in New Jersey 276 Hobart Street i MINI; ,IND I|REP BCIIOOL is up to 682 compared with 721 HE is HIM. /IMUluii SfrreUrlil Mil on the same date last year . Perth Amboy n luni' SlMin|t»phy Cou|t«». "My boy friend is serving on an Excessive heat and rainfall in New Jersey during July and Aug- IU-2-0900 Vlii iiv Mrret, New Bruntwlck Wand in the Pacific." ust has reduced the state's crop < .ill Kilmer 5-3910 ••Which island?" "Alcatraz."

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Order Early!-Order Toduy! George Avenue and Kimball Street Walsheck's Flower Shop Woodbridge, N. J. 305 AMBO V AVENUE WOOUBRIUGE PAGE fWELVE np.CEMBF.n Concluding Portion of Voss Report on Structo Materials and MethM Q IF.DITOR'S NOTE: Herewith rooms nnd auditorium. Had accor- the no is the scroncl half of thr text LF.TSON: Could you spend a dion partitions and a removable of the Voss report to the Bnard hpsvy clirnpvi- few minutes on WIP structural de- appreciably ].„ «f Education in which he gave 1 tails end go Into R little some- nKEOAN: Our building can bethe unrnnditlrnal approval to the thing about drafts where we might materially reduced in cast by thei Struotn-lyiiP of school. The first expect them to snve money? substitution of cheaper mtttriftls. 1 half was published last wenk, setnal eons 1 DREOAN: I was In Washington We enn bi»l«l in tins text, the follow- slrned to utilize steti components. nating ceiling!, using exposed VOKS: M; ing ivrrc present when the re- We selected steel besause of great- coiilnns. would su'-e 6ft cttvU a are not, ;•' .-.• IMirt was made: er ndvantflKC in manufacturing square foot. You eot,'d eliminate The first el : Andrew Aaroe, Harry Burkt, and we could Und a more widely iniiTinr porcelain anfl v*i'nt it but Kuivlrt W. Casey* John Csabai, diversified and readily established ilmn you have a periodic nalnte- a Jurtu-s Mullen, J. Lester Npary, source of supply. The basic struc- problem. As far as wii are pands wi-.' n i William O'Ndli and Francis ture is a steal framework »nd the , and taking advanta^ gftt tliot u !. , Wukovets, of the Board of Edn- amis we have allocated in a build- of manufacturing, we were sur^ all that i)v k ention. and Mrs. Roy K. Ander- ing were seeded to take mnxl- prised to find out that porcelain ; mum advantage of steel strengths, around line |» son, secietary of the Board. finish cosfci the sime amount of standard production rims and di- William J. Deegan, Jr., and mensions fit the present time. II :nnney as a two-coat paint Job rhftolV t i William. Rackus, Structo Schools allows us to USE an appreclnbty would cost. That is characteristic out of fin<:--. (,'orp. lighter slab floor and founclution of other prefabricated building. block cracks ltiwh B. Qulgley, Mayor of You can build this same design in because of the'-lightness of the through thciM Wooilbrldn? Township. •:ndcv block for as low as $6.39 a structure. It was designed for na- There is ir:i!>.. J. C. Wilson, president of the square fool. We analysed some 25 tional presentation and was first herr in t!\is •, First Bank and Trust Co., Perth protect* in four mldwestern states geared lo California earthquake flnit.oly s'r;.-». Ainboy. codes and ths hurricane or wind .liu averaged $8.3* a square foot, Irvlni A. Iluns.-n. Plainflcld, resistance codes of other states. not in a complete, flhlshed build- It will bi- .•!:'• It Is dry, Y. u ( Iiarl^s E. Uregory, Lawrence in",. But even at that the projects The walls are basically a square evaporate ,.,-• F. Campion and Windsor J. iteel column, depending on their cfist. 122,000 a classroom beoauw'whic'i <.-mi i \ l.;«kis of The ltidepeiulent- location either a five-Inch box or four inches by six inches or some L;wis S. Jacobson. VVood- ,jth»r manufacturer's alternate de- Panel Construction f sign. One way of the building we Murray Lclbowitz and Alex- jst a T-bar girder and in the other ander Merchant. Bourd archi- direction a joist on which is Commercially Many tirts. and A. A. I-aKountin, Mr. .r.ounted a welded steel deck. On VOSS fenntlnolng): BACKVN: I I.i ibf.w'U'i t$soei:ite. .op of that is eiected, by riepend- This panel type of construction, jut that th? M Harold Golden, Louis Loeb, .ng, the necessary insulating, cov- if it Is acceptable for looks, will IS lfcht'jr :•;:> it. John Kelly. Franklin Township. ering, and 20-pound tar gravel be infinitely superior to any of it,:* dltlOlU If q\i .' Harold Letson, Rutgers Uni- roof, To eliminate discoloration of these conventional materials like versity. dirt from downspouts, drains are brick, stone block and wood and port ours whnv ' NATION'S LEADING HALLS OF LEARNING m KttltiK for the the rtpftrt by Professor Welter C. V«M of the Massachusetts Insti- Joseph C. DeCoster, member put inside where heat is sufficient stuff of that kind because those port masonry tute of Technology on the worthiness of the Strncto-type schr.»l building construction. Unconditional approval of th* technique was are all dimenslonally unstable and or the State Department of Le- to keep them open. Between those NFARY: I',- cal Government.) frames in the building we hang given by Professor Voss, who is considered the foreaxKt authority in the United Stales on the use of building materials. The photo hey all put tons and tons of water proved popular ..: a finished panel curtain wall to above shows the members of the Woodbridge Board of Education and others who went to Cambrfilfe to hear the report, on the into the building which has to VOSS (continuing): provide flexibility because we steps of M. I. T. come out when the heat ts turned land states' H.• T have felt that buildings today may built? This again Is related to outside That is the objection to wood. on and then everything begins to be educational straight jackets ten thetlcs which allows you to take architectural appearance but I am tion entity. In lieu of that we windows on two sides of a room, in shrink and crack. DEEGAN: Th years from now. These walls may, a piece of aluminum or steel with Wood is cheaper, however. You not concerned with that because have made arrangements with some you must. Discussion of comparative this final drs-: : at the option of the community this kind of coating and bend It it is becoming so common. There two large contracting firms that can attach things to it very easily. various concrete available since A; and as the time demands, be O'NEILL: Have you ran Into any over 180 degrees and not have It is an industrial one in Philadel- in areas where labor Is not avail- It is also possible for an architect mixtures. The component i • shifted within that building to difficulties where there is a ques- crack the enamel. This Is a vicious phia that is very handsome. It able they will help us to get it. involved in som< ,t change the shape or size of rooms. tion of bids which must be made ie»t. With architectural terra cot- to design a conventional school at VOSS: Concrete has to be tested is all panellzed, does away with That is not in New Jersey, it Is built In convri: .•.:..; taken down and put back up by for public buildings? ta sometimes the surface cracked a low price. I didn't realize how on the job and then If It Is un- masonry and many places that in Nebraska and places like that simpje common labor with screw) DEEGAN: Yes. In New Jersey off and the under part went to serious some architects felt about satisfactory nothing can be done some contalniiv ;., contribute weight and leak and where labor it not available. We driver and wrench. For minimiz- we have retained McCuter and pieces. This is not that bad. Even this until I saw an article in theabout it. In steel you can pretest accepted miun..,: can be done faster in cool weather will employ a local architect in ing maintenance all walls are por- English who are trying to find a if the thing did go to pieces It Massachusetts Architect (that's a the stress. We don't know how came out. of th, m i and hot weather. These things aU the state who will do the orienta- celain treated. < As a city manager way now for us, or anybody like would last another twenty years. I concrete is going to react. Jt is buildings which r^ , add up to a saving. tion, site adaption work, land- chapter of the A.I.A.*. An archi- I have had the problem of rais- us, in effect to sell a packaged would be happy to have the newest variable according to the mixture. we will use othr; : I cannot say that the architect scape planning, supervision dur- tect In Boston is willing to post ing budgetary funds for mainten- school product to a local school type of enamel on metal, even if it Even if you know it is no good, lain panel wall l has got to be limited in his design. ing construction. All we offer is a $5,000 bond that he can design ance of school buildings over my board In the face of public bidding. t give me exactly appear- once it is In place you can't do been offered to \i Panels of this kind should be sat- a substitute of standardised units a school cheaper than some of entire career. Pressure of tax levy- It is our experience that if we can want. anything about it. this stage Our n,• .•• isfactory^ The architect can put which will allow buildings to go t is p these prefabricated schools In the ing does not provide adequate qualified to do h:. : his own personality into this thing up quickly. supply this to you out from under t This can be obtained under ab- conventional manner. I don't CSABAI: What type of founda- by rearranging. The architect has maintenance.) btdding we can save you 6% to 7%. solute conditions today. The thing know whether he has any takers tion do you put under these build- ChUSetts. \' on;:,. All materials were selected ba- always been able to do this with Based on estimates given to usThe public bidding law is etpen- that happens to the enameled yet. My conception is that he ings? offer it to arc. sically and tested to be as reason- by U. S. Steel we could deliver a slve. Here in Massachusetts It costs panel after It is in place is no- 1 brick. They never throw a fit when can't, in the conventional manner. DEEGAN: Poured concrete. hausted their \M-. ably free of long range mainten- six-room school in 90 days from as much as 15%. I hope to have where near as bad as when it is That is not MI m , they see radiators or toilet seats, CASEY: We are in the^urocess CSABAI: How does It Btand up that is all prefabricated. The ance as possible under present date of execution of contract. Be- this situation cleared this week. ^ shipped from the factory and of designing what Is supposed to on filled dirt? where they arc ;i movement on the part of the ar-manufacturing technology. We cause of the urgent need for In New Jersey five bids are re-. handled on the Job. An architect 1 be a less expensive conventional DEEGAN: Adaptation of the outside of th'. C- V. , chitects has got to be in the direc- tested many types of porcelain schools we are assured of adequate quired. Seventeen in Massachu- can say any damaged panel has to type elementary school. Prom tJie foundation to the soil condition has been ottin i tion of accepting a standardization which might remain Indestructible supply of steel against most setts, anything that may be estim- come out, even if installed, in the that have a li'-.t, from vandalism. We have gone ated to be as much as $1,000 has installation you have the right to predictions I have heard, it Is sup- is a local engineering problem of things that can be combined in- ;omeis, for schools and hospitals. ting Into Mgh-impact-resistant porce- The steel Industry is running 125% to be shown, otherwise It is dis-have the contractor remove it and posed to be equally as inexpensive which would be the same as for to a respectable looking appear- ance has been • lain. of capacity today. Irrespective of qualified. It takes as much as thre$ put a new one In its place. I am as any other we have heard about. any building, assuming that it Is ance. 1 the country: K .. steel shortages, we have been as- weeks to evaluate the bids, We pretty sure the Structo people VOSS: Let us analyze what we going on a piece of decent land sured of supply for schools and have qualified Structo Schools in understand that situation, par- where excavation Is simple. The in 18 states. W. , mean by conventional. By conven- fully so as tii n< Structo Methods Eliminate hospitals. New Jersey as a contractor and weticularly where they have to take tional design I mean an .architect local architect wofk includes O'NEILL: The outside construc- will bid ourselves either independ- competitive bids and let somebody foundation studies for adequacy. availability of my designing something that he pre- proach to New .!' • tion of this particular building, is ently or in conjunction with some who knows little or nothing about pares in detail for the particular There is no per se foundation Money, Floor-Space Waste local contractor until we get a lo- it do the erection. reason that yu:: : that panels? job, with all the details a little thing. That would be done by the cal buHder. toughest UKKC.AN (continuing) — All DEEGAN: Yes, finished panels, CASEY: Dr. Voss, do, I under- local architect. ' a result of being completely dehy- different from some others that country. Indian.i sash and exposed metals are ex-drated. These buildings shall porcelain on steel. We also use a GOLDEN: Dr. Voss, you were stand that the conclusions you VOSS: If you have a fill that have been done but are still do- bama and Ilium.. truded aluminum. We selected have humidity control equip- window wall unit. The extruded satisfied of the durability of thehave drawn and related here to- Isn't too deep you can go down able and so on, and that he lets a peculiarly ('.it:. alloy 63ST5 aluminum for alumi- ment controllable within the frame runs from the ceiling to the components of this package. This day are based fully on your an- the contract to the lowest respon- with cast concrete posts and use is important. I have been asked, your legal abili: •. num extruded materials. range specified by local health floor. The bottom is glazed with alysis of Structo to the exclu- sible bidder—who may not be very grade spandrel beams. what will this school look like you have a kmu: Floors can be virtually the authpritles, between 20 and insulated porcelain. This is a tech- sion of any less expensive con- responsible at all—and then, the Discussion of various foun- twenty years from now. Could you termlned ability ' choice of the local school de- 40 per cent. The heating plants nique to allow for various lighting. ventional type or other prefabri- dations, fills and piling*. be more specific? building is built for lets say (% have the asset \ partment. We recommend and were designed specifically for these In some States you cannot have cated product? VOSS: I think you ought to less than some other schools have bama does!'.'1, l.; basically provide for asphalt tile schools and are to be produced keep this In mind. I am sympa- VOSS: No. I wouldn't say that been built for. But then another ing this floors. with the greatest maximum' man- thetic to the people who produce Structo Offers Durability, we can't do the same thing trouble comes. Maintenance and tailored uwani We have not been willing to ufacturing efficiency by Dravo cheaper in wood than we can with materials, etc., but you want to repairs come up. I have been on situation as mir accept exposed structural ceilings Industries of Pittsburgh. Oil or steel and aluminum. But wood U remember that their major object some of these schools where they where you tin-1 but we would have them in some gas fired or both or, in the event dlmensionally unstable and it rots Is to sell as much of their stuff have cirt every corner. They have could olffr yiu buildings because of cost. A fibre- of a national disaster, for $100 Lack of Maintenance Costsfaster than steel rusts and it as they can. Handbooks show 40% leaks, they have stained Inside relief. glass ceiling is dropped below the can be converted from one fuel to VOSS: If you define durability if you have a building of this kind shrinks so that the fastenings and plaster, and stained acoustic ceil- more steel than is necessary, AU bare joist structure. It is insul- the other or back and forth. as absence of disintegration, these which is take-apart-able as well joints you make at the time of ings, and the whole thing is of their stress and load tables are VOSS: As a P. ated, acoustical and has light thought' this essential in long presently available enamels do not as put-together-able, to coin a erecting the building will dry upspoiled. And the price they ire boosted up so that you will use I would range planning. After the plant reflectivity. craze and crack and will take a couple of words, you can keep the and get loose. We have this prob- being asked to put that building more steel. This ta true in founda- ing done in >• had been designed in its normal on:. There are so many philosophies bump well. In fifty years this thing from becoming too obsolete, lem on wooden bridges, the joints I back in shape is about 26% of the tions. You've got to remember schools techniques, because so many of of lighting (hat we have provided school will probably look better where you won't do that with the and fastenings becoming loose, original cost. that foundations are Important In commercial them as alternates. We have a these may go Into rural areas, all than the same order of conven- conventional school at all. The considerations and that this is nothing ne*. iii fittings have been changed to recommendation of incandescent tional (school. The other thing that durability of this school, exterior absolutely beyond the control of use Of IJ.Ulf- match standard fittings in house- lighting and if a school depart- goes into this question In the layand interior, aside from vandal- the architect of building people properly OUOHK hold or light industrial plumb' First C^st Only Beginning ment has no particular preference mind Is: does it look dirty after a ism and students expressing them- but tt Is in the control ot the use. No one ha- Inq so that any community could selves, fifty years or more without we would install and recommend certain number of years? Look at people who select the site. Ask the line except the have fittings and tools to repair your old sohools and see what you anything going wrong. I am talk- the new modern incandescent architect where It ought to go and W(OQ<1 sheds Yi the healing system. thtnk! This IB a question of main* Ing about things that have to be In 'Conventional Building lighting. where it will have the simplest satisfaction tenanoe. You can sandblast a brick mnntained meticulously. Color selection is maximum By providing modular orienta- So although you produce at a VOSS: Right. This is what I foundation conditions. njercial range, faore than with conven- tion of classrooms, heating plant or stone school and brighten it, at DEEGAN: (After quoting figures cost lower at the time, they all would strive to do. Some are doing tional materials. Inside colors are and toilet facilities, and minimiz- quite a cost. You can wash these from various testing reports). Be- have to go through a shake-down two now, putting auditoria and equally as varied, any color a ing the need for corridors and porcelain panels down at much less ing the nominal ownef of these period and during that five or sixcafeterias in all-purpose rooms cost, and in a heavy rain they will Steel 'infinitely school, board or architect would the movement of the children (in buildings for long periods, It is years at the beginning of a build- and leaving the gymnasia separate wash themselves. recommend. We propose and offer the elementary schools there necessary for us to calculate a dis- ing all these weaknesses show up. entities because of the rough us- to do all the coatlngs( la, por- Isn't too much movement of the Another element is the question integration factor. Every product If wood Is used they show up allage. But it Is so easy to put up To Conventional Mal celains so tiriat in so far afc thechildren from room to room) It of blmetallsm and ability to move. which we have selected to use ovftr the place. If you use metal baffles,so that using a basketball hour. This tt.i. local school board is <}oncerne4 was possible to increase the edu-I understand the details of the which has not already been proven The Compton Laboratory la all the dimensional stability Is notInside won't hit against the good limes for twi.-Mi-- it'should not be called upon to cational efficacy of the building Structo building are Such that we have had tested by the most glass, aluminum and steel, practi- referred to anything due to ordj- walls, fou can put *p clips, some- could stand tin:' 60 to 76 per cent. Here In Massa- wherever any tyvo metals are Incompetent peoplf in the field, s cally no masonry at all. The Pru- do any maintenance except for times tracks, etc. That > sood, r chusetts we had buildings going contact and may form an electro- dential Building In Chicago and two inchi's win floors and roofs during the nom- but takes some doing, j 1 inal life of the structure. The down to an educational efficacy of reactive condition they are buf- the Alcoa Building, In Pittsburgh blown by tly "'- '.'- The bowled floor Is; overdone. the whole it lass ••• criteria for .'this porcelain finish 30 per cent. This Is a waste of fered by tapes, which is what we 5iL"SS=»S-^l™/JSi~5£rm1ne ^rou h K«S ff ^ = have employed this method. ol n You don't have to build' a movie a feather in a '• •••• was a maximum deflection of public funds for floor space not use In industrial buildings. They materials will stand anyot the *> ^ ™* * "* f Sometimes it Is very glamorised. are set in some of our new rubber- celerated disintegration! tests thatl Jf8",""11' about- «• ** *•*" theater Inside a school, You can break. Simply i»> l/180th of an inch at & BO-pound used for educational purposes. The big problem is proper detail- like materials which allow parts to have been available. I ting In these extra public roomsrooms, •o put up your etage that your of those pai'!- load. U. S. Steel has tested this I have the technical toforma (apart from the Original design of ing of characteristic elements, ot greatly in excess of our criteria. tlon, design and test criteria here move Independently providing a VOSS: I would like to add that sight lines are ol. no matter synthetic rubbi-i • tremendous number of relief joints the building, or are you using mul- corrosion, etc. These are being allowed the i"'•'•'"• The roof was designed at maxi- If you wish to look It over. you fc too where you sit. A bowled floor costs between breaks where there is ex- tiple-purpose construction? I can't licked. The building Just breathes 1 mum load for northern Michi- DE COSTER: Does your pro- about these tests because I don't money; it is a find, froun entity, pendently a"' '• pansion. Upper break spandrels see where If Structo had to build by itself and never causes any gan and Maine where heavy anows gram anticipate assembly and conceive that these buildings will and you have to work to heat others. This is am; sometimes move an inch or so a school and, then other separate deterioration. You are onljft apply- : : construction by local labor or by be immersed in water tor thirty under It If you have to save this structure. It caii be anticipated. At. this time buildings it could be any cheaper 11 beyond the building. days or ever brought up to their money It would be better even to ing existing technique*, in jjgeneral panel. The w"' we! cannot ,sqtve any money by field teams? because all'these extras meun) Flexibility of movement, and ultimate stress or strain. Then is dispense with the auditorium and use in a lot ot places. gojthroutfh l|»i'M' minimizing ttyat for other loca- DEEGAN: The steel will be UP and cost money ; a sufficient factor of safety In all ; tion; and that is why that, load basically fabricated and erected durability of contact to destroy any use the cafeteria tot auditorium KELLYi In our dlscusalon we The U. N. b'". characteristics of water infiltra- these things to make the stress w design is in our structure. It hasby American Bridge Corporation. So that you may get a cheaper purposes until such time as ve get have been Informed that some of „ 60-mile wuni ' tion and the (uestion of corrosion much lower than In these accel- llllt a heat factor of .2ft, and the walls You'd buy packaged steel, in school by the we of wood and the the money to build a separate the commercial buildings In New fastened, they due to bimetallism and the question erated tests. ( -.the same. place. American Bridge generally elimination of acoustic ceilings or auditorium if we want to. That try something >>f •'• ot din-ability of the Individual York City, of curtain.,wall con- J We have for very definite rea uses local steel tabor In so far as Accelerated tests are a greatJielp this, that, or the other, but it will auditorium has no relation In gen- struction have had a problem with Jias been solvnf n - enameled sections of aluminum but in the course of time matirlals sons u hot air system in contrast It ts available. The remainder- be a cheaper school, with the ac-eral lor continuous use to the rain driving behind the walls. Are on' the cmyhi" ' and steel, and everything else, I are evaluated through normal ex- : to hot water or some other types. slab, roof, plumbing, electric and cent on cheap, rather than a leas workaday classroom work ot toe you convinced thete panels are welded toisethi'i- " suppose is of the same order as the posures and usages. We have a lot First it allows greater flexibility heating systems—will be by local expensive school. There Is a big school, unless they have convoca- sealed off iifflclently, either to be all right umi-'' Brooklyn Bridge. That bridge won't of information on enameled steel klllK in the partial use of the school qualified contractors. The work difference. tions several time* a day. bending. You fall down if it hadn't been maln- from these old store fronts and gas prevent the rain from eonunc In for evening meetings; for en- would not be done by Structo ai O'NEILL: It is difficult to sell Bt«te Bulldmn ii"1 tainsd for a number of years. stations, some 23 or 23 years old. The other thing Is that you can- or to prevent rust at the edge of ample, when you only want to an operating organization. One this ld«a to educator*. l ( Aluminum does not corrode, This Battered around the way they are not make substantial changes In- the panels, Uke when snow Is pU-eaeh side of ' '"" ,,."1 draw on a portion of the heat- of our first concepts was (in ullil finish lends Itself beautifully to they are In these Installations, side a building ot that kind with- •VOSS: Sure, this is the chal- tot»hb*UbmMl? g*n to fall "' ing plan't capacity. contracts to other programs to do bnuhlnjf and washing. It will re- they are still In business and rela- out materally affecting the struc- lenge. In the absence^ thjs you VOSfl: Jut about a month ago feet high, m ""* * a similar Job 'like National Homes lu Secondly, and this is one of main bright and unaffected, with tively good looking. Science has ture in the first place, it depends have to nave double-up sessions we ran nun a teat. This was aBmith, after In- " prefabricated, wooden buildings, 1 our design criteria, the one feat- proper cctie, for IS to 100 years. moved a long way in the enamel- upon the design, beating parti- and run three terms a year. He test to •» whether/• panel would presidency u"' which requires the creation of 1 ure in our building that would But the point you must remem* ing of steel. In the old days they tions or ho bearing partitions. If can take his choice. You can say do lust what you are talking chairman of th' '' '•' take u board of director! vote manufacturing capacity to turn you get rid ot bearing partitions nb*fi Stttttf li U ill'''' nut components) that we have felt per, the school that you possess to- used a clay slip forming a glace to him, tills gokt-plat«d contrap- •tout, in connection with tilt to override, is that the building day will not be what you don't coat on the steel and variations of you can do all kinds of things, tion you call an auditorium we CHneral Brewer's plant. The test taw water, shu'i;" shall and must contain humidity that we would not feast to create I don't know whether I have made baseboard. Ik- "l- one additional foot of assembly want at the end of 10 ot IS years temperature craned ' or cracked would like to give you but we can't used ft men sheet* oT glass, spaa- control equipment. This comes because of durability but because that surface. This Is because of a myself dear? afford It now. You 0»n do onedrajed two by »|x feet with ittln- tanance engine-* •"• from a personal experience of Mr. line. Those materials now be«-i us* pfenning obtolesocnoe. highly expansive surface agai&at» Ves. Earlier you re-iV tWW. make the pwtMeas lces steel, on vn •iumtnum frame, come down andll s Anderson when two of his chil- ing produced by manufMfcitrs These building* will be here, bar" different type of expansion behind ferred to gymnasia, auditoria andfolding so you can combine two with no masonry. We sttjo)ect» ' dren, students in an old steam would be dmttloyed/ throughout ring ft hydrogen bomb, long after It, But there has been a move cafeterias, 09 fofuu tbjnbjk thahtt « U«Urooms Alt up auditorium apace. U) winds of M.'100 and iH> miles heated building, ftboth developed the building. WOld net, want ahead on these enameling m*t«- to have to «re»te # r»w nobody would want to use them threth e shoulhld bbe incoxpowtea in The tthool I went U> had UWt. par hour, with and without rato Ing betw««» asthmatic bronchial problem* u for ft $> Bt fc ti M il iM f *«tt|0Mi<> DECEMBER IS. 1055 Community Decide If It Wants 'Trappings or Classrooms •i,n:iniu'«l from PnRe 12) oupht not th stop v,. ri'-.ullty welding. Now WP n HAW l salvaged. It was a problem to get anmp lunch. The problem is when you get the thovrands. These people down there, you rpallw that th* , w (in -ks' feathers. Joints would like a building 80% Ral/agable. Shat- nKF.OAN: Nationally the winl,if our materials »nd out nto schools, which touch closer ate competing surc«wfully. lurtl-1 local boards air handicapped to t • iirenk and water cannot to tel mortgage and equipment trust, enl Borrowing capacity of the r mnpower go to those peo- i .0 home, you get a sob sister ap- »tor» are, produced by the hun-! mak« any decision In the mattpr • lun'li. T1IM\° are gnskets in. thai type of financing requires '*op> v.ha can build senoals Is ,ile who have thflr bulk Up lron-t-h which intrwhtcM a lot 0! tiv'13 or thousands. We don't i We art morp or less under the ,i!i](is where there pieces VOSS: Why, Vrs, that would be that the building must be 80% bant MS Wilion. Of that, $r, jmtotf, a fiwul *«ll, We ire m* hints whleh arc not objective. A ••9t- ty «n.v ufutteuUr malto, Duct!(llr«t sw^rvismn c. the staw •••< iii.r which are of great ""• We can go across the stret t h llllon has a'ready been e:.i-- in competition with convtntloJIft) ; Hnuh Hniijf!. At this lime usincwHith rooks Into the b«l- s rh*ap. i !.f usliturf »nd tli^ tv >ai-tmen ,. > • t v I have tested some JACOBSON: What substantial nrc shenl nnd car** l*w about i»rk(id for publi"; Inwovetwus.' methods. If you have a fUnl T i'"iy t-we should \>f r-'im VOSS: VBS, but you rion't .<<* i if Se'rorls. Wave ysn in ymir oon- :, w:u linurs of salt spray, firgumeni.8 matt' aftainst ppearancc. He Is more lnterwted 'hf rate of debt i-e;it*m*nt Is situation where you can't mail nouph ir all. staiid»rdl»wJ nm-orrs. nip.iles . ..iuits Uo-vn there i-pcclved anj ibout $2U> billion a year and n so of It. th? rf*nlts of our tRr IA m th? weathfirometer, his p are all;>»rpfh Utht M far «s nolng alieai iirv toy stuck and rubbery VOSS; Thfit tipppnds rn who is ou can"t do 'with this, frcin Is nhnnst the samp amount tirr r's-nroh program are »v*ii- Hie nipptinj- adjourned for put out by tlv thou- with this in NPW Jersry? hi y M retch olid are Us RO(;d •mV'n« the arguments. The only *!na spent for new schools na-|-.ible to yuit w!t;-.o-it any oblil»-" lunch. It rfr^iiv^nnd at n mtwmwntdl point of vtew. For «ands, for t!iv ivnole nFAflAN: We h.ivn't aike* l;>n.illy th:s ypoi. Thp.t lenvMition WIHKJKXW. It is within the v n •> il to be without letting ™ I would make is that the xample, If somebody want* fancy i ."nr it iwrtlrultirly. Thp flrpt ap- bom 13 billion In th» next ihiw broad framework of national eetf» >;•<:• i)mi(l. This is In the new .irchitecturnl effect ihay not be lighting like In our chepel. Arehi- 1 But all jiliws OTBCh ln Npv foy^y ft.ns t0 „,. ww.i lor -rliools, wiUr m«l».'• nomlcs • ar.d tex»l jlm-racks that , ,- iiibbti field. Next time "Rl'OORV: Ws "have ha.1 our •leasing to me. This Is a, question e will net under way '.ects are mlng all over putting in r^ nut plrte*. Ibrartfs. fcliy hulls, streets and;we luvp bpen nbte tu develop * , up in an airplane remember •it opinion". .No architect likes what mobiles and stablss wh'.ph »r« , Urm;nt' wlv.'tlifV or nut n cum- m-< «f left oft.. LJKBOWITf Who is !u vt snow IMWOAN.: Anterloftn. 'ihtjl have exhausted thiMr leptal HUts of %U billion? ln li) states !nttr:i?tive, tle:;.blc school .plants' ,,i plane, the .inside of those :.liiis I.' , andd ththe abilitability .hat tliw better afford to pay gainst the (,«.,< of that eur- What'trada? b.rf.cfetltn»s enntract with th« •Ut!»s. It is contained in u\t\t. -taklnr advantage of some of Q)% 'ntenried for, theYe IR O'NEILL: Mr. De,egah. I won- ,i! ruliber, resistant to KMO- up over the concrete and against LIEBnWITt: You are going to, ,. , j uc ' In 'two states It is in j new trchiioloitPMt developments, 1 • I il:n". )ointin;», flexiblp. ' -nn see BFftinst It at all because Irr if you wtw-d tell u.1 what you ; ttn f m the .bottom of that panel. • haveih* highest paW union erect, iuiv(, prepared a pwftiiiPtwy lay- nth OS* stn»e only has ro Hint-1 We hfiv» laid our entire design 't Ins nil the basic constituents .ire running Into In obiectloni In 1 M (MiislruHi'Mi yields to the stuff.. How many contract !; til. a one-line drnwiriR iitiou. Thui vi- tried to fln;l otitlon the tattle for Dr. Vo«s. We W, VOSS: iat blackboardi No Till", -o ffivs il the functional cnaras- •our dealings In M® Jeraey at the ,;-ics not build it u;i. This would be sealed In du ysy have now? ' 'pMrsi:»Tit to your tTnuii"emeilta rtul it takes to chanee a state not briiv, In our own dr»fttflg 'srlslics you ntli: including heat, ires«nt time? Atilout ho« much at ,(.,il doesn't crack under low MEOAN: WJ are building a ln New JoTs;y . . .".Th? sshooi •on«ti;.)Ulon to prcvlde a more'people, these scale's I am talking about.. light and power, Beyond that IV he actual wnrk ol ihte school . .iiuri's, 40 below, or at 180 test . . . , 'board referred it to the county esLstif boj-rowlng capacity. |. The firm who laid' this outhave 1 KM.LY: What is the efTect on becomes n question c! whether uilld'ng would be done as site M ,. . .:i ih' tropics. The liven LlfcBOWITf.: Do you think sinwlnt-naent of skoals and In sume slates it takes1 ttnjsonje 490 yeople on their itttf. • he or the panel? vou to more than you vork as eanvyarecl to the ttftal, i; .in, nf people have depend- Drsvo Is solns to meet that ccm- ,shl ri him t() f;b it wlth Dr ;"9Ti. ln fl'ime states the p'ople jEvsn then they called in eight, VOSS: (showing design on normally have or else. But there i! ihiiicule. To my knowledu? OTtltlott? We h that w iave patitloned for n constitu-; pnsineen f:om V. 8. nlnckbofli-'l i Thh sliect of alumi- Will be a lot of people In your »»^i™ », . * due things, the U. S. lil'vk with si cushion. it Ion'™ 1'lte a series of cartons be lo-al. I would smess i$ ta 30% , ,iiirt!'s lire not an acce".- things by dollars and cents. a, vss t0 lh(> offl,,M (amny :> clu'.nvcd conditions i:?w uroun of Education, the American Asso- KICI.LY: That isn't the ilirk to'fi'ther and doesn't look represents either local materials!' 1)EEOAN: V/c arc not ln the », . . i! test but the proof ot the w Jp s y mA slnw lftrt reas will tecome the dominant ciation of School Admiiitttrttors, WHS shown to us a month ago. Imd to them. - labor, 73% In the factory. Here j business of blddhiR competitively , v»ry critical situo- lhl y hnvf 'studyi,,R uie .L-tor in a once rural slate. That th<> County Boards Association, :n What is the the porcelain I personally felt at the start 1 Is an objection that we may be ion standard typs buildings. In or- !rM1'lai lnw Abou(- tnrw W(,elts ^ tnte hasn't, a prajvr of getting th> Council of Stat'J School OfB* Ami iliiM is what is In thsse material? objectnd to all th?se panelized •unn.n3 into, there is bound to be , der to get these national arrange- (hey finally concluded that it Is •uildings until s'nnebody can dp- cers, Uu' Cathoilc Educational BACKUS. Thirty-two gauge. commercial buildings that were hat type of objection from local —*ment-s w•—e '•••••'took• "it t'o- th'u e Nationa«-••—-il !I:IVI> been aslni; this in not paailble under N.>w Jersey law •'plo;> a Ifjiitilqne to net beyond Conference. i\ Bernini to a sheet or masonite. lust a repetition. Because of ex- trades people. Association, of Manufacturers and ,or ., communUj. ,0 enter lmo a eval borowing limits. We re-1 We ask?d them. "DM thl» of- :js but now they are cr.- Tempered otrpHd , atas: n[in offnreffort tnumrrtowardi ththies nrtna_- . posure to them my resistance has DEEGAN: Let me say that I lease pur:hase agreement. Csr- to bankers the question of |frr anything to the groups you : ,i!>.'in '..citing Into the build-1 VOSS: Perhau« it wsuld be bet- problem, which in many been broken down and I am be- don't think it would be too much i tain statutes rould have to be to get aroundd thish . The an- rtpresent?? II not, what ch«ngei States is worse than in New Jersey, ,:i,i\istiy. This is what I havener to wait until Mr. Doegan gets ginning to like them. Not because different from the conventional. modifiul. That proposed legisla- :wcr was the development of letse 'should we make to make IV fits- 1 ,IM for for years. would they participate in fne di- back for discussion of that and so they are better looking but be- For instance, all of your brick and tion has been drafted and has ental or lease purchase. ible, practicable ond reasonable?" (,i:i:(iORV: Professor Vas.s. it is rect sales of schools. And In all on to somothliis else In the mean- cause they solve a lot of problems, masonry are not locally produced. given to the Klrthelon board Thsn, to find the source of pri- This single technique has devel- cases more than one manufacturer laic and I was wondering while. There is your choice. If your There are block factories In some vate funds to finance lease pur- oped It went to them long be- ' has agreed to do that . . . member, who happens to be also choice Is architectural or design places but your steel is all going chase or lease rentals we asked fore we thought of to , LIEBOWITZ: From the good- a member of the legislature, and you ore never going to satisfy to come from outside. I don't see Insurance companies and banks the public. It was going to be ness of their heart? he has informed us that he will Caulking Techniques Show everybody's problem. The archi- any material difference in the "On what terms woud you make orfered through a foundation, the DEEGAN: No, Just out of fear introduce the bill at the legisla- tect must be sure that he has the breakdown ture in January. money available?" And they put Florence Agnew Foundation. ,We freedom to make his layout so O'NEILL: In the conventional of federal aid. The next phase of the progTam down some very realistic limita- found that an eleemosynary foun- • j that it will function correctly and building the labor of putting it VOSS: I don't have to tell you Worth Through Rigid Tests related to entering into an agree- tions. They told us they will not datlon cannot enter into such this will do that, I believe, because In place Is local. How much of the you don't get anything free from ment with a registered architect put up private capital for mason- an operation with big contracts, ] wniM like to say that what-,ami bick down the other side. It it has been found to do so In the the government, you taxpayers total of this Is done in the factory in New Jersey to represent us ry straight Jackets, they cost too Inventories, etc. Next we had I..: 'hut detail Is, those details j breathes to the outside at all big industrial plants. pay for it. as compared with yours? officially In New Jersey and to be much of the public funds. Do you Structo Schools chartered, to • •i.niy t-an be taken care of, timrs. LIEBOWITZ: There won't be know that In one place a school April of this year. In Delaware. : mmiiK a sample of the mivte- any federal aid. the architect of record and fact KELLY: It was changed from on the schools in New Jersey. In board Is under Investigation by 3ome of us have given up out :• Here is a piece of this caulk- DEEGAN: I was In Washing- ;h:- lust time we discussed it. the last day or =o that has reached the Grand Jury for making poor careers for this thing, I) tween two pieces of wood. Estimate Local Labor Use ton at these meetings yesterday. DEE CAN: Yes. This Is a result fulfillment. use of limited public funds In GREGORY. Dr. Voss, Dr, \ Y ; run bend it any way you of a recent forum in Washington I think there will be a federal putting up one big, expensive We have a committment from Qumpcrtz. on behalf of all of u» j v .tit This h»s a softness return on how you handle the breathing aid bill. What It will be I haven't building? Today half of the chil- In Fabricating of Schools any idea. one of the large insurance com- here, we are deeply Indebted for j i: 4*i rubber yield is about 60, of panels We had provided for It dren are going Into rented ser- your help in developing OUT v JACOBSON: Mr. Deegan, get- panies that they will take the 1 i:> h:;s a durability and was only throuuh the top and it was , VOSS: I might comment on the difference in cost where a vice stations and apartment thlnkins on tilt's thing and we \ ting back to the question of ob- 'evidences of indebtedness for t--'cil through all those tests. It th<- consensus at the Building Re- that. All of your plumbing Jlx- manufacturer can go into mass houses because al! the money was hope we can develop some lead- ! jections. Could you tell us from New Jersey communities. That ••..: adhere to brick, stone, con- senrch Institute that the panel tures are made some place else. production I want to cite a case spent on one place. ership to meet the problems be- * ew Jersey just what you would was a major accomplishment and steel, aluminum, or i had to breathe all the way round. Pipe fittings, metal lathe, bats, The financial people said, "If fore us. Your encouragement and i 1 investigated in which we made un into from the legal angle in that was the only state for which ...r. have you. It remains soft 60 all we hud to do was to provide even in the conventional Job. I you can get the buildings down advice is going to make a differ- • x proposal to one of the large re- mtting up this school i:i that this source has' released capital. :..'. '*( mpered from 200 degrees ventilating through the bottom. think your big problem is union We are licensed In 18 states as of to a reasonable floor space and ence. frigerator manufacturing compa- itate? i.enheit to 65 below lero. It This takes the entire panel load provide the necessary legal safe- VOSS: We were very happy to ' acceptance for erection: what nies. We said: if we would guar- DEEGAN: The only people I now. on this block which is set onto the guards, we will supply the financ- have you visit us and discuss this • • lit set hard. trade puts what up—until some- antee you 100,000 two and a half iave talked to in New Jersey are DEEGAN: If you can get the concrete foundation. The top goes ing for these schodls." thing with us. I am terribly en- , Mr. Dftgan returned at this body in the Industry Board de- cubic foot refrigerators a year and| he people here or their two approval of the state legislature 10 a T-glrder or T-bar joist. This All of us involved in this pro- thused when I see a group travel i liulnt. cides who is going to do It. 1 would wards in New Jersey, and also on this lease purchase agreement, yellow line is a piece of lead- tell you where to ship them, and sram have other professions and as far fts you have and sit down , > ki.l.l.V: Mr, Dcenan, I pre- he Kinnebn people. you will have the green light to roated copper flashing. There ts say that the percentage that is go- we allowed you to use reclaimed Interests. This is a service be- and Kive your time in the public . .••(! to wait until you got here JACOBSON: In the situation'go.ahead with this. also neoprene gasketlng at that ing to employ local labor, counting parts of returned refrigerators iii!! rendered by a group of peo- interest and try to solve your '' .i-k this question. Relative to point. In that way we don't worry material and labor dollarwise, is provided you would guarantee ple who have donated half a mil- problem. M. I, T, Is a public in- • Mipiuirt on the outer panel, about snow banking up along this going to bs even lower than 25%. them like new, and a new outside lion dollars so far with no hope stitution and we like to do this • miter face, 1 see it is a little Legal Complications Called foundation. It is to get the water You '"ill buy ready-mixed con- coating, and we gave you a sub- of ever getting it back. We are sort of thing, You have had the i .:: •!• nt there on the blackboard, pitfalls pointed out to you, and away from the panel itself as crete nearby, carpenters, glaziers stantial sum to bind the bargain, trying to make a sincere contribu- in we had it before. Why the tion to getting schools In those the seemingly Insurmountable quickly as possible, for caulking and putting up pan- how much would you charge us Principal Stumbling Block :!uince and what supports the for that refrigerator? Now this districts where they cannot get roadblocks. We are doing some- i • 'i i piinel? KELLY: The last time we dis- els. The trades, however, will put them. Two and a half million kids thing about those roadblocks here ' cussed it we unly hud neoprene or was a refrigerator sold locally fof VOSS: Legally you can get state legislature. Why didn't the ni.MiAN: iat blackboard) It Is these things all together and if did not get into school last year. in Massachusetts. You are going - •• somctiun", like that, the bottom $295. He said $37,50. This is the .round that by leasing it for a school board of Klnnelon • go ..:;>•>:trd nt the bottom on a you are talking about what per- Some schools are on four shifts. to have to take the ball now and ! outer panel os supported on the write-up. I know another example, 'ear nnri letting the town buy it ahead with the construction of ; [• and the same on the Inside the regular form? ' so that you can accommodate the * been built, and most of those materials are ma,ln contractor then buys it from I a school but is all related to contribution to improve this, it t. The sealing fits in DEEGAN: The bill's fate may children you have to with the NEARY: You spoke of 34 build- not produced at the site. him and it is marked up from law. You have got,to get exemp- will be worth while. money you have got, you will do •: ;hat angle. The top of the tions, appeals, from the law by be known very early in the next ings. When prefabricated housing We are not trying to sell schools a wonderful and big job that will :•' i!it-i rides free of any dtflection 2 '/a cents to 18 '/a cents a square proper authority to put up your year. After It is passed Kinnelon DEEGAN: The Anderson Nich- went into the Washington area except to communities who can't go from coast to coast- and bor- ' • '. would occur at the top and foot. first guinea pig. I am sure that wishes to proceed under the lease ols Corporation, who are the basic the Ounderson people made the make it otherwise;' If you can, you der to border. Everybody will get inked in with two weather- This is eliminated. This is where nce that first guinea pig Is built purchase plan. To do that In New designers and parents of this panels of laminated plywood and do not want us. If you can, on the band wagon after you. iit uniiles to that any expansion the big howl is going to come, ill the rest will fall in line. I Jersey, because of the finance operation, have built 34 buildings framing and sent them to Wash- 'i am traction can be taken ewe distributorwise, and there will have [on't know all the restrictions in laws, we have to be the nominal I in Massachusetts and in the last ington. The unions refused to owners of that land. We have • •Mthuut tying to the Irame- to be some palm greasing. This ls II the schools or states. Your in- seven of those buildings, as the erect them because they wanted taken it in our name, they will Conclusion: Do You Want 'IK The bottom ts rigid. These unfortunate but the local dealer is terest is subject to the releases research on these components was to put them together themselves, take the actual title, we will not, ::.'-mbm are the weather-tight very Important to the big manu- that can be obtained. Get the law 9 accepted, those components also So these were shipped broken As the matter now stands no • •-iiumim extrusion at the Joints. down and I saw the carpenters facturer; he is the salesman sell- hanged so that you'ean do some- 'Trappings or Classrooms? were embodied in those buildings, Ing the product »ver the counter. hing that won't cost you so much application can be processed In" 'i ••'••> will reflect the use of rubber make the panels on the site. Those GUMPERTZ,: You have seen I say "Why. have only 40% of OUT1 which are load-bearing. The wall He has to carry Inventories and money. Here's a fine thing that your state until the fate of this '-'^•tiim materials which allow buildings were in terrible shape. that this problem, is far beyond area for teaching space? How The only feature of this Structo he has to charge you. for that. we can build for so much less but bill is known. - Hi v.biiity in the panel and still If the panels had come directly just "is Structo , your sciution necessary is a public address sys- bui.ildina which has not been put This doesn't happen In this job. we can't do it because the law . You could file the application p: •iducn full- weather tightness. from the factory they would have or not?," You have got to get tem, closed-circuit TV?" .. inta u building is the curtain wall. If there are any pieces left over trfnds in our way. and you could probably get per- KKLI.Y; What supports the been good. Unions and local lum- the citizens to thinking, "What Is. Ask your citizens /'Would'you One of the last buildings has a that are usable on another job, LIEBOWITZ: That' can only mission to go ahead. But should ">"••!• section of the p/nel? ber dealers' objected. This same our school \o be like?" rather have all these fancy trap- full window wall but at that time you are credited with them. jome around if you bid In competi- anybody, take exception to It the »KKGAN: It rides on 1U foot- contractor had to give the local It te absurd to say our archi- pings, or enough schoolrooms to the porcelain wall had not been ion. If you can't bid In competi- courts would probably give an II Both are tied together ajid lumber dealer (j certain percent- DEEGAN; I have the exact fig- tects don't know their business. put your kids through a whole day fully tested. ;ion ... adverse ruling. Klnnelon has ''" aluminum extrusion sits on the age to make up for the lumber ures on the sound system. Tpe They do what you wantj. If it and pay top teaching talent to The so-called full window wall voted to proceed through the '•'•iiiHl.ition block. j that he didn't sijll. contractor's prfcpe is $4,800, and VOSS: How do you get the conventional way. They want comes out $38,000 it is not their make good people |nd useful citi- can be a curtain wall; that means phen I worked as a city manager KKLLV: What Is between the DEEGAN: In the components •ight to build or bid this it the thefr school by December 1956. fault. You have to sit doton arid zens?" ' •'• ;!i completely no-load-bearing. How- ye bought it 'for our schools. As 'i!»mum and the panelt we have contracted for nationally .aw ... ; We are not in a position to lobby ever, there are window wall units t happens lt was the same manu- l»KK(;,\N; jistill at the black- the manufacturers have told us in LIEBOWITZ: If the architect that in New Jersey and we will i 1 which are load bearing. The wall facturer's material and styqe that I "•'"i At tljis point? Qasketing many instances what the, local designs the plan and submits lt in not. We will testify if we are ln- :ii is non-loadibearing when you we have contracted for nationally. I -''eri;il. Ar.uf.lly f,hls is per- mark-up is. The most expensive is ,he usual competition. lted to on how the financial : : have the supports in the frame We can put that same identical " ''tid at per)ic!ie : Intervals to on communications equipment. VOSS: Glamorous cost has agencies of this country can sup- equipment In exactly the same size -'•'•'>'>• muisture \a come out. Theitselfy , (at the blackboard) a 24- The mark-up on that would knock nothing to do with the efficiency port it. building for $1300. '" not to bs able to breathe, foot module or} the short side, an your hat off. Even that we can do you can get here in a variety of VO8S: It Is too bad the public W;.r that alumlnUm goes 18-foot module the long way. for 50% less because we have done Furniture Is another exaihple. Ways. There is jtoo much glass does not know, about these inci- This Concludes life 1 •' .'HUM uny other metal Jt Mr. Dcegan drew a sketch on a mass buying job on the annual We can buy the best cheaper than in all these publij; building. ReM dental roadblocks. But yoL can't •r||"'il with neoprene ,,or other the blackboard showing , a minimum-maximum basis. Erec- the average school board can buy the Architectural Forum,of two build schools ... I jj core building. ; tion of the building—that ts why the cheapest. We can supply it months ago in which the writer LE1BOW1M: No, that i ten t, 1 1 FuH Text Ki)jl,l,Y: How do you' stop ero- We use T-Bh'ders running one we are using American Bridge only in this building. In the pub- says, "Take a second look at right. The public is aware f the lic and national interest and par- heating edsts, why bring the out- "" i)» the panel? way in the building connected who is now erecting buildings In problem. They are moving on it in l ! »KK(iAN; It fits In a giwketinis with bar Joists. The steel frame- every state. They have worked ticularly in the Interest of dis- side lit?" f he big advantage that the usuil manner. Do you think ' ' of the nj!l>;imiml. The edges of Mat maj- work Is completely Independent of out the union relationship on tressed communities, that manu- you g«t Horn this thing with or every board of education through- Ul-il are actually encased In a the walls. these jobs that you buy in place, facturer is glvinig us first class without windows is pU)EN: Actually, In school heating. rid of them. He can «t up a Ulli manufacturer can take in flll-ln \ '•'•«• 'niction anb other buildings, DEEGAN: All the duct pushbutton machine whkh might :1 l U1 1 time to mate these orders and the solvency of our community, • ; ' ' the buildtaj th»t becomes and pipins are contained in tho for that reason he does not have cost |60,eoo to ut up, but if you Major Board Responsibility ""•^leie; it is the equtpmnt. Wa bar joist. The floating ceiling ls are' making. 30 million of the lMV to overproduce and then have the same token that a board has '- sthool butldlnjj that *re still thing that cost i» Just ptanuta. VpSB: A lot of pwple are not M| such that you can rewire and re- the stuff hanging on his hand*. got to protect th« community the " vice after 70 yeW. UEBOWITX: In the regular «Wwe of some of the legal re- V()I He soaks onto ather lines the ,me boawj protects its favorlUs. ^S: Ve*. m bulldlngt today course of construction, American strictions. They are outmoded in cost of overproducing items he That Is according to the kind '"" have a g«t-nt*»bUlty BQ that Radiator, Crane, etc. have taken some respects. Although they doesn't sell. If he can get mm- oi jpectfkraUona you «« loitti . •,"'•• [ v«u can gat at UtfWi Mid fix competition into connlfttttUon. It have some euwioe of protection, one to come and m "W **»* l» 01 ft fttock boU«, product they aUo have (mferences. By to writ*. 10 million at,these each WV INDEPENDENT I / THURSDAY, DECEMBER IT), 195!) PAGE FOURTEEN Carol Senic Mr. and Mrs. John Loddy. Isa- belle Street, wll murk her eighth ISELIN PERSONALS birthday at a party Saturday for Sunday in Menlo Park Terrace Notes her playmates. _Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thomas, -Brownie Troop 92 will hold a AVENEL -~Don v F Middlesex Avenue, were Saturday Christmas-Chaftukah party Fri- later ot Music of th. i Mrs. George Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs, Al Cltar- day at the home of the lender, terian Church ot \ Richard Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. ell», Jersey City. In the evening planned an Inspu-an,•• -. Mrs. I. W Jaker, Atlantic Strwt. GLADYS E. the Thomases and ClUrellos vte- James Vendola. Mr. and Mrs. —A double celebration was held mas music program • • By MRS. :obert Prlel, and Mr. and Mrs. SCANK ited Shorty Warren's place In Se- day. At the 9:45 « at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Ml&s Beverly MHO. GEORGE William Kirk. •;rt Velasco. Ethel Street, Sunday. «97 Lincoln caucus. , —Rickey Lyons, son of Mr. and _Uttle Linda Mahon, daughter Westminster rim. FORSTER It was their 12th anniversary and Hkhway its. John Lyons, Federal Street, of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mahon, Princeton, will sine «5 EthM Street Mr. .(BCIMCO'S birthday. Quests Is This?'1, The Chan, , elebrated his third . birthday, vtve Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cas- Tfl. L1-H-U7S CorreJa Avenue, has returned ruesdny. Present were Mrs. J. accompany the n oo Liberty 8-8419 ero and Miss Janet Casiero. Nut- hbme from Perth Amboy General vice, singing i !,-,•• iimon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman ey: Lou R. Urbano, Mr. and Mrs. Hospital after having been a pa- limon and Mr. and Mrs. John French carol Sin.; \v 3eorge MontlVerdk, and Mr. and ,,,,. Harry Evans and chil- tient there. At 8:00 p.m. Mr M . Russell, Brooklyn. Mrs, Anthony t'arangtlo. Newark. dren, lliury Jr., and Dorothy, Mar- -Mrs. Edward Oallagher. Klm- by choir directors v - A rriiiitiiii'r tn all residents. —Mrs. Norman Gardner. Ethel —Ida Brenda Rosen, daughter coni Avenue, attended the Sixth hurst Avenue, was a Wednesday Miller, Mrs. Wan, •..; jtreet. entertained, her cahac'«. The wood* on McGuire Street is ' >!-. and Mrs. Herb Rosen, At- birthday party of Jackie Scank, dinner west of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyer, w, :roup Tuesday. Present were Mrs not a (liimi'iiis ground. Anyone 'antic Street, celebrated her Metuehen. on Saturday, Raymond fcsqutth, ChrUtmas Candh i: - ,be Landsman. Mrs. Alfred Fmn- caunht throwing refuse there will 'ourth birthday at a party. Guests - Word has bee*n received of the Ue Kathy and Billy . vice by the combined • .:el, Mrs. Seymour DeWitt and were Kenny Russell. Carol Velas- death of Oscnr A, Ohlman, R«h- be .subject to arrest. Let us malce Mrs. Edward Haluszka. were overnight'guests of Mrs. service *ili w •.••• an effort to keep our neighbor- •o. Suzan Morrison, Coleen Mc- wny, B former Iselin resident Gallagher Saturday nightTUgnt.. MrsM . Mchtxii HansoHans n r —Mrs. James Dingwall, Atlan- 0 Mann. Jimmy Dlnpwall, Maxc —Mr'-Mi- . and Mrs, Edward Turek. Oallagheuntiiaa.tvtr an•• -• d— Mrs-- . Jo* " pymjttiQuytn g "QescCJeSCuU l3iUl.,> : hood clean. tic Street, witnessed the graduat —Attending the Christmas Forstef, Debra Harper and Mar- 245 George Place, announce the Doughertyt . SoutSthh PlalrrfleldPlalnflelo, mo- ^ YYon , flfollowl d w ing execises for her brother, Paul birth of a daughter at Perth Am- tored to Bloomfield and Hanover, i ••Adcstt's F,, ings to Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Avenue; a .daughter 'to Mr. and Richard Derrevcre. Mason Street, will be Santa —Sunday guests of the Edward them: "Lo Weisman and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Frank- Toth, 169 BlooraMeld —Mrs. Bernie Morrison, Ethel Claus and guests will Include Mr. Oallaghers included Mr. and Mrs, Blooming." PneKv ert Velasco. Ethel Street; Mr. avenue, and a daughter to Mr. and Street, entertained at canasta and Mrs Nicholas Space and sons. avenu, Frunk Sutton. Mr, Fred Kearn, all ster Choir. Scru and Mrs. Albert Olassman and Mrs. Anton Ulmanl , 119 Wood- Friday. Present were Mrs. Jerry Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jacobus and of Hackensack, a*d Mr, and Mrs. 1:26-83. Mam Mr. and Mrs. Donald Krupp. bridge Avenue. Winner, Mrs. Kenneth Morris family; Mr. and, Uri. Paul Mc- of Raymond Asqulth and children. "Angels We Hnw H,-, McGuire Street and Mr. and Mrs. —Mrs. Louis Richards, Mrs. Anthony Molle. Mrs. Milton Donald and children; Mr. and Kathy and Billy. Sayrevllle. The Crusader Choir O.T.I William Duerscheldt, Ford Ave- Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Richards, Aaqulth' 1 1s Anthem. "Once in Pink and Mrs. William Duer Mrs. Joseph Schirripa and sons, Walnut Avenue, was given a sur- Gallaghers are Mrs, " "" " *-"— ••"--'- • nue. City," Cherub Ch»i; scheidt. and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Foster LIME GELATIN PARTY-STLYE prise party In honor.of his birth- parents. —Billy Murphy, son of Mr. and These charming Christmas tree molds are wonderful holiday treats Carol Anne Mllltlch, Night." All tb —The Rosary Society of SI and family, day Saturday. Quests Included of Mr, and Mr.. Martin P Cecelia's Church held a Christina Mrs. James Murphy, Mason and so decorative on a buffet table. Simply mold lime (felatin. fruit Rev. and Mrs, Alton Richardson —Birthday congratulations to Mtlttlch, Cooper Avenus, celebrabt t party Wednesday. Menlo par! Street, celebrated his seventh Mrs. Seymour Russell, Atlantic cocktail and nut moats into individual Christmas trees and garnish and daughters, Lillian. Faith and birthday. Guests were Mrs. Leo- with whipped cream to outline the branches. There's nothing to It, ed her sixth birthday Saturday. residents present were Mrs. Jame Street and Mrs. Ralph McGrane, Ruth; Mrs. Bessie Hackett. Rich- nard Davis, Bloomfield; Mrs. Ed- yet that extra touch can make all the difference in a world of At a party In her honor several Dingwall, Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mason Street. ard Workman, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. William ODonauehue, Mrs. W8rward HoppeHopperr , MMrr .an and d MrMrss . J. H. desserts especially during the merry yuletlde season, George Maxwell and daughter guests from New York City. Ise Mrs. William O'Donaufhue, Mrs —Mrs. Lou Siegel, Reilly Court, 1 CHRISTMAS TREE MOLDS Kathleen, all of Iselin: Mr. and and this area were present. William Duerscheldt, Mrs. Joseph Murpny, Jr,, and Jack Murphy, entertained Mrs. Ben Harrison lmVnd'this' "area were present. VollUltefrS S(M"1 Barry, MrsM . M . R . WalshWalsh . MrMrs uitn 1 package strawberry-flavored gelatin Mrs. Richard Foreid. Irene Blbby, -Th—Thee newly-organlienewly-organlwd Jewish j>R . and Mrs. Jay Tenen at Jack George Byrne and Mrs. R. W. "^Thellome and Ass0 Dempsey's Restaurant, New York 1 cup hot water and ted Stevens, Elizabeth: Mr. Communitommunity Center of IseliIseltno held n 4 ] y. I was 1 cup minus 2 tablespoons fruit juice and Mrs. Clayton Holbert and a Chanukah party for 129 childrechildren DJf t\\ PIH41 ^(|||3| Stevens. The seventh and eighth clatlon o{ Keasbey at luncheon, Monday. 2 tablespoons lemon juice daughter, Sharon. Nixon, and Mr. and their parents at 145 Oak Mi r grade pupils presented a short Christmas pro- —A double celebration will be 1 entertalned at a I ; cups (No. 2 can) drained fruit cocktail and Mrs. Russell Swartz, Carteret. Tree Road, their meeting place, AVENEL — held Saturday at the home of 1 play. An exchange of gifts was gram by the elghth gradftS Carol 1 cup coarsely chopped nut meats, toasted, —Little Raymond Palumbo. 28 Registration for Sunday School t»j f in/ v"! held- , „ , singing was featured and refresh- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cavanaugh cap n O McGuire Street. It will be the If desired Kiva Street, has returned home •as also held. Any Jewish child Firs—*t Ai••-d• .--..--.Squad' -Cub Scouts of Troop 140 met ment5 were smed from Perth Amboy Hospital after birthdays oft Mr. Cavanaugh and 1 cup cream, whipped and sweetened rom five years old up may regls- lowing report for si at St. Lukes Church, Metuchen, _Mr8 John Proctor Jefterson undergoing a tonslllectomy. his sohiyjrf!£ph Jr- The latter will Dissolve gelatin In hot water. Add fruit juice and lemon jnlce. Chill r. during the month >>; \ Tuesday. The program consisted street entertained her bridge until slightly thickened. Fold In fruit and nut meats. Spoon into —Mrs. Minnie Raymond, Kiva 17 accident calls weir ,.: celebrate ^his birthday at the —The Ladles Auxiliary of Iselin Of Christmas in other lands and a club present W€re Mrs Robert individual Christmas tree molds. Chill until firm. Unmold. Make Street, celebrated her birthday transport cases wen- i Craftsmen's Club, Woodbridge. :hem!cal Hook and Ladder Com- Chanukah program. Awards were Barnharti Mrs. Peter Befano> Mrs. tree design on top of molds, using whipped cream in pastry bag. Sunday with a birthday party tn ing on* transport Iron, i made. Refreshments were served ^u^^ —Birthday greetings to Mrs tany. District 11. held its annual heQ McVey Mrs John Serve with remaining whipped cream and maraschino cherries her honor. GuesXs Included Mrs. Christmas party at Locust Tavern, Pa., and four mis*i'',b:. and Rifts exchanged. Mrs Jonn McOraU Mrs Fred Softer, Mason Street and for dessert, Tn serve as salad, garnish with crisp lettuce leaves. Aeneson and daughters, Dorothy *osell«, Wednesday evening. " making a total of :r< . -Birthday congratulations to Westcott_ Mrs R G Mohr Mrs. Ernest Patilla, Ethel Street Makes 8 servings. and Muriel, of Shrewsbury; Mr. swered. A total of 47 .. An eo Qeradl Isabelle Street birthday congratulations to —William Rooney, Jr., son of •Iselinites who attended K and Mrs. Andrew Palumbo and Christmas party at theJiome of, an« _« and William Kafenbaum, Federal Mrs George Dalley m&m streeU Mr. and Mrs, William Rooney children, Raymond. Janice and an Mrs Milton Fink and Mrs. Saul Kritz- Mr. and Mrs. Peter BartorlUo, |«"» • total of 822 mw. ™ » n « nt « „ , c u , I IK William Duerscheidt, Mr. and MorriBon, Mrs. Jay Tenen and Street, entertained Mrs. • Nat and family, Mercer Street, visited ter cf Mr. and Mrs. Andrew LIs- shifts where they «o;;'. Mrs, William Kroner, Thursday compositions to pianist Artur Ru- more than $51,000,000,000 in for- Schneider, Mrs. Murray Goldberg, with Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Blum- binstein who wil come to the clnski. Cooper Avenue, has re> eign aid in the last ten years, ac- able mornings ot «t! —Mr, and Mrs. Saul Zucker- turned to Trenton State Teach |l\K Mrs. Nat Boydman, and Mrs. enthal, Brooklyn, Saturday. Mosque Theater, Newark, next cording to the Commerce Depart- be most welcome brod, Wall Street, entertained Mr.' Frank Kohlenberger, Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. Milyon Berlin Sunday (Dec. 18) for the second ers College after spending tlv and Mrs. Joseph Ehrenkrantz and weekend with her parents. ment. Of this total, $40,000,000,000 Tufts will 5ucmv and Mrs. Robert Velasco and family, Isabelle Street, spent concert in the Griffith Music was in the form of grants and the I 1 N son, Ira, Newark, at dinner, Sun- and children, Barbara, Carol and U. S. O. A. prcsiden: the week-end in New York visit- Foundation's piano series. —Miss Millicent Ryan. Marion other $11,000,000,000 as loans, day. Robert, Ethel Street, will attend Avenue, was guest of honor at ing Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bein- The list includes the eminent Western European countries re- I I M —Saturday dinner guests of the Christmas party given by the sfcock. Russians, Igor Stravinsky and bridal shower given in the horn ceived nearly two-thirds of the HEAR Mr. and Mrs. William Pearlman, Uncoln-Mercury Plant at the of Mrs. Joseph Comunale, Ber Christmas —Week-end visitors of Mr. and Serge Prokofteff; the Polish Karol foreign aid, or $33,409,009,000. Irvington, were Mr. and Mrs. RKO Theater, New Brunswick, keley Boulevard. Mrs. M. Kozma Mrs. Sol Fishier, Jefferson Street, Szymanowskl and Alexander Tans- while the next biggest aid area HOW CHRISTIAN $«| CHILDREN'S BOOKS George Forster and sons, Bobby Saturday, of Trenton, and Mrs. Carol Shaf M were Mrs, Harry Taub arid son, man; France's Darius Milhaud encompassed Asia and the Pacific EDUCATIONAL TOYS and Marc, Ethel Street. —Birthday congratulations to Ted, Brooklyn. and Francis Pouleijc; Mexico's fer of Marconi Avenue, were co —Birthday greetings to Mrs. hostesses. There were 45 guests countries, which received a total HEALS In Holgatc t Milton Ilradley • Etc Barbara Alamo, Kelly Street and —The "One a Month" Club held Manuel Ponce; Heiter Vllla-Lobos WOR 711 KC. 1:15 1'. M.Sundl Paul Moyle, Atlantic Street and of Brazil, and the American, John of $9,468,000,00D 0 In grants and DOLLS & ACCESSORIES Frank Forti, Swa'rthmore Ter- a party at the home of Mr. and present!rom Trenton, Belleville, i ™ *^ft ^T7 "' Mrs. Nicholas Morolda, Ethel race. Mrs. Peter Befano, Saturday. Alden Carpenter. That composers Perth Amboy and iselin. Mrs. Ryan I$M5'000'000 ln loans- "Talking;," "Dancing" Street. of such different nationalities and "Raggedy Anne and Andy" —Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy, Present were Mr. and Mrs. Leo will become the bride of George —Mrs. James Dingwall and Mason Street, will attend McVey, Mr. and Mrs. John Scho- styles have written for him is tes- Sinka, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. "Betsy Wctsy," "Yuin-Yum" timony to the international recog- "Nosey Rosie" — Many Others children, Diane and Jimmy, At- Christmas party given by the bert, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Haney, Sinka, 89 Trenton Street, January lantic Street, attended a per nition accorded Rubinstein's gifts TRUCKS • DOLL DISHES Tumble Inn Association, Fords Mr. and Mrs. Sol Fishier, Mr. as a pianist. 7, formance of the Scottish Guards and Mrs. James McMorrow, Mr. STUFFED ANIMALS Sunday. At his Mosque appearance Ru- —Mr. and Mrs, Edward Cie- ADULT BOOKS • BIBLES and Mrs. Jules Straus, Mr. and at Madison Square Garden, Sun- —Kenneth Lambert Lahart binstein will play an all-Chopin menckl, Breton Woods, were ATLASES • COOK BOOKS son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Lahart Mrs. Bill Henderson and Mr. and Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. day. program In tribute to that great DICTIONARIES • DIARIES McGuire Street, will observe his Mrs. Raymond Jones. Joseph Comunale, Berkeley -Present at a preholiday party composer for whom he has never SCRAP and PHOTO ALBUMS second birthday at a family party ••-Registration for new voters Boulevard. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wavered in his enthusiasm and FRIENDSHIP, READING Saturday, will be held at the Merit Super- whom he feels "has a hold on the —Mrs. John ifeffenhart and William OTJonaughue, Mercer n uvut »«v -~—— — - C GUEST, MOTORING , —The Metwood Chapter of Wo Market, Kelley Street, Thursday children, Kathie__ , John Jr.. and Street, Saturday, were Miss Ger- men's American ORT will hold hearts of men everywhere." Chop- Nancy, Green Street, flew to Cali- LOGS and Friday from 1 to 9 P. M., and In, according to Rubinstein, "not 0 trude Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Char- Ohanukah party tof.ight at the Saturday from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. fornia to visit Mrs. Teffenhart'5 WRITING PAPER les Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. John Metuchen Jewish Center. Mrs. only created harmonies with ex- traordinary freshness and opened parents, Mr. and Mrs. John For- and NOTES Fltzsimmons, Mr. and Mrs. John Eugene Ladoux, Mrs. Sol Fishier, dos, over the Christmas holiday. R WRITING PORTFOLIOS Fennessy, Miss Joan Fanning, HIDDEN LIGHT up new horizons of musical poe- Mrs. Jay Tenen and Mrs, S. Clos- try," but he also "emancipated th? —Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Bill- Pat Crowley, Miss Jean Marrlm- man will conducnt the candle- A parson, diminutive in size, GAMES FOR THE and wit>h head covered with hair pianist from servitude to pedantic ings. Jr., and children. Diane and N ENTIRE FAMILY man, Mr. and Mrs. John Hart, lighting ceremony. Gifts will be of th£ most fiery hue, officiated canons and hastened the develop- Hamilton IH. Wright Street, were CHRISTMAS CARDS Mr, and Mrs. John Mueller, Miss exchanged. ment of individual freedorn in the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E Joseph Bartak and John O'Leary, one Sunday in a remote coal min- NEW YEAR CARDS —Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Weisr ing village in Britain. realm of piano playing." ,Hamilton Billings, Sr., Colonia. New York. man, Ethel Street, attended a His program will include the —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hollo- —Birthday greetings to Joseph The old-fashioned pulpit had a R BOOKSHOP meeting of the Weisman Cousins high desk, over which the parson's Chopin Polonaise-Fantasie in A well and children. Charles and McDermott, Maryknoll Road and Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. flab, major, the Etude in E minor, Vera Jean, were Saturday guests 79 Smith St., Perth Amboy Sam Potts, Ethel Street. red head was hardly visible. Strand. Theatre) George Weisman, Newark, Satur- This was. too much for a burly the Etude in C sharp minor, the of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deetley, -Annette Leddy, daughter of day. Berceuse and the Sonata in B flat Jersey City. , —Birthday greetings to Mrs. miner who was seated immedi- minor, Opus 35. Also the Ballade ately under the pulpit, and who, —Mr. and Mrs. James O'Rourke Herbert Rosenthal, Isabelle Street in A flat. No. 3, the Impromptu and children. Gary and Dennis, of and Mrs. John Abraham! Jr., At- when he heard the text,: "I am in A fl^t, the Scherzo in C sharp the Light of the World," exclaimed Middlesex Avenue, were<«Sunday lantic Street. minor, Opus 39, the C sharp Valse guests of Mrs. O'Rourkt's pati- Silves, Mason aloud to the clerk: 'Tush him up 3 —Mrs. Norman and the Pdlonaise in A flat ma ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hubb. entertained Mrs. William. higher, mate; don't \pt him bum jor, dpus 53. Kroner, Mrs. Wally Mitchell, Mrs. I in his socket."

Let us help you with your g "Perth AUboy's Exclusive Santa Takes -••' Goods Shop" holiday entertaining! We | It was the Beauty and Leather have "what it takes" to help | FREE GOLD His Hat Off... you celebrate. To serve your guests or to give as gifts, a Low Cost of Jalousies INITIALING ... to smart folks who really know lw\v »>• • we reeomniend ... * ON ALL JV that made us LEATHER Christmas! We mean the kind of people *»i" SPECIAL GIFT PACKS | GOOpS forward to Christmas giving. Christina.-- SCIIENLKV MADE TO ORDER LORD $g,io /A Christmas speeding, With real anticipation CALVERT We are distributors for nationally known "Amelia Earharl." is a way to avoid worry about strauu.i. CANADIAN that Extra Room! "American Tuurbttr," "Crown." "Skyway," "S»msonlte" and budget,.. about skimping here and tloms CLUB many others ... all Ideal choices for lifts worth giving. How- CANADIAN $7.65 ever, If In doubt, give a LEE GIFT out there. Christmas is 100'/* joy for «».••-.' CLUB Qts. < CERTIFICATE and let them who have a Christmas Club check coir.m;' UAIO & HAIG liuose for UunuMlvet. FIVK STAR f • We kqow great happiness is in store for t!i»>' CHRISTIAN BROS. BRANDY For Her save for Christmas through the coimwui ; S OLD TAYLOR HANDBAGS Bank widfTrust Compijny Christmas uiu> LUQGAGBJ1 RY15 WHISKER j HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: CHRISTIAN BROS. 50 ¥w FREE Delivery UMVREUAS (9 A. M. to 5 V. M. only) WINKS ! WAJXITS i;i TAYLOR IJ.55 (Pall JEWEL CASES You make small deposits (arrange .v^ ,' IJ WoodWfdst 8-1889 amount) each week. Fifty week, from n>. WJNKS ••• FA* Him • •** 10XI:s bank sends you t> check ferpwr accun« '• • Complete Selection of 1 VI llllll Mim-Vt CASES t savings which wHl go far to cover the UU»BV Imported and Domestic TRAVEL BAGS TWO SUITERS need for Christmas In 1M. So. make ncx / Vermouths • Cordials • Liqueurs UMBRELLAS , mas a.happ3r one and » flftanciaiuoubi- OPEN TRAVEL CLOCKS ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER LEATHER JEWELRY one. Join our 1986 Christina! Club now. FRIDAY When you bee viUil-vit have to offer BRIEF CASES ' TILL 9 P. M. WALLETS you'll agree here are Jalimsie* at> John Georges, Prop. JOSEPH ANDRASGIK'S Jalousie* should bi: ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS LEE Luggage JAI.OUWIE8 205 Smith St., Perth Amboy 27 MAIN ST. liin Q ft 101 Woodbridge Liquor Store GEORGES WOODBRIDGE W U 0" U I L I Phone VA-8-6«2i s Yes, We Deliver Member Fedefcl Deposit Iniurance FREE ESTIMATES UPON 574 AMBOY \VENUE WOODBRIDGE

i mtuM 'KNDENT-LEABH! THURSDAY, DKEMBER 15, 1955 PAGE FIFTEEN FORDS HOPELAWN KEASBEY KOIKE aiu'hard Again Tots Entertain ChrUtmat Program HdH [osarv to Attend St. John's Squad tt» By Ladies* Aid Society •/ Polio Campaign Outlined; |(Uls Holy Name Auxiliary of VFW FORDS-M ChrtsUnai party was Christmas Show Elects Officers ,„,> Holy Name 8c~ FORDS—A Christmas party wu Mrs. Larson is Chairman 1 ,,(iv o( Peace Church PORKS—A Christmas party was held by the Ladles AW Society ot FORDS—The Altar Rosnry So- FORDS—Plans for the March of son. Mis. Qlnssman. Mrs, Befano FORDS—The St. John's First ,,.)11M)i auditorium and Orace Lutheran Church In the :lety of Our Lady of Peace Church 3lmes drive were formulated at Mrs Ernest Nelson and Mrs. James Aid Squad met In squad head' .;,.,,vuf Blunchard as Ford* Memorial Post 8090, V. hall. wld Its Christmas meeting In the in organization meeting held In Clement. quarters and elected the following in post headquarters. A special Mrs. John Johnson related the hool annex. Mrs. Chnrles Ram- the library. Mrs. Mary Lruson la Mrs. Larson ftlso announced officers: was given by ttwchaplaln, l!n,-rrs named were: "Christmas story" and carols rx acted as Santa Claus. general chairman of the drive and Mrs. Olga Becker, executive sec- John Yuha.iz. president; Robert .,.,,. (11 -st vice president; Mra H*>ten Zander. were sung by the group. Santa The following were welcomed will be assisted by Adolph Quadt retary, and Mrs. John Lyons, Ji Levandoskl. vice president; An- '/:, second vice * playlet entitled "Hansel and Claus was Impersonated by Cu- ito membership: Mrs. Louis Ber- and Joseph, co-chair- county chairman of thn Mother thony Colombottl. secretary; Mi- ., ,1 Dubay, re Words are Hosts Om«l." was given by the follow- gene Martin, wh* distributed gULS ekap, Mrs. Stanley Mysllnskl, men. March on Polio. chael Yuhnsz, treasurer: AuKunt coorge Gaiya, eone- m children: Hansel, Richard Mrs. Herbert Hecht played sev- F John Protar. Mrs. Thomas Officers named were Mrs. J. L. Kreudle. sciKt^nt-at-arms; Ml>- i.tmy; Richard Wll- Darter; Oretel. Janice Lund; eral piano selections. 3eaman, Mrs.WIUlam Bacha,Mrs. Anderson, treasurer; MM. W. H. chacl Kublcri. Nlclmlas Elko and ..,,,,,. William aiska. For Daughter, 2 WocWchopjjer. Curtis Lund; Step- Mrs. Steve Fedor WHS In charge ohn Dennis and Mrs. Alex Jensen, recording secretary; Mrs, Robert Olmo.,trustees. Barbara Lovaas; Witch. Winchickels Mark ,,ms; Robert of the program, attended by theMekulchek. . Qeoiite Molnar and Mrs. Frank Ambulantc OITICPIS elected were .-ft - delegates; Michael Rev. Herbert Hecht and the La- Plans were made for a bus trip Ynckinous, corresponding secre Har.oiid M«r(in, captain; John tarles; Mrs. Molnar, publicity. ,'^pli Modreskl, atter- were sung. dles' Aid Society of the Perth Ant' Radio City January 8 to see Fischer assistant fnp'.atn; Oeorg* eame* played and secret pals were Mrs, Molnar resigned -as Secretary 25th Anniversary lii'S boy Church. Mrs. Clifford Dun- he Christmas show. Reservations lnhiber.tsnn, first lieutenant, and ,,'pnitMl 150 recent- . New secret pals were se- ham and Mrs. William Bunten nnd Mrs. A, H. Roscnblum was ap- Howard Crftlstrnspn. second lleu- may be made with Mrs. John pointed to fill the vacancy. FORDS - Mr, and Mrs. Frank ! ill available for the •»* ot her Santa Claus distributed were game winners. Kramer. 35 Falrfleld Avenue. Wlnchlckcl. 94 Jefferson Avcnup, tenont. tills, Mrs Julia Novak was a spe- Dambach will dUtrlb,ute coin war's Eve dinner and The dark-horse prices were won celebrated their twenty-fifth wed- It was* voted lo dohaW Chrl»t» dal rrtst. b6xes, and David PavloVsky will : :,ii Hides a buffet din- CaroJ Nelsen. Cbrtt; Un H*ww l>y Mrs. Joseph Rebovich and Mrs ding anniversary with a party In mas trees to the polio tfospltal uinii: by the Five Blue wa announced all children contact the professional people, Thomas HaiKtt. AwnrV lynn haw reservations ullus Na?y. The Little Woman's Club, under le Phoenix Bar and Orlll clven and the Cerebral Palsy Center. basement. for the Wuncks Entertain fhclr son-in-law and daughter, 8lremem. South Pt*fc\IW dim, he descrfb- January 9 In post headquarters. Parrtngton and Mrs. Emily West' Mrs. Roslyn Gross. prtests and nuns Mrsv Nancy Stonlck, MaTyanne. Louis lake, were honored at a past presl iss Jean Kovacs, Miss Patricia and voted a donation to the War ArnoW Haitsfr Mr Members of Boy Scout Troops and Antoinette Cappella. Raymond dents' dinner given by the Ladles Ice and Miss Loretta Rice. Memorial Building to be built in and Leo Zawackl, Ronald Peterson, Nos. 51, 52 and 53 will distribute Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Pos Washington, D. C. Mrs Mary and Qerrltyn Tagllarenl. coin folders to the residents of the Thomas presided. net; Mt ad Mr* Ort 6090, V. F. W., in post headquar Lafayette Estates area, who arc New Brunmick Girl Quests at the second party were ters. Secret pals will be revealed and Mrs lajr.d Swilth Mrs. Mary Kryticr, Irene and asked to make returns by mall. Dobranski Infant an exchange of gifts will be fea- 11» r Plaint*ld: Xfc andMn John EDISON—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sandy Krytler, Mr, and Mrs,Police Chief John Egan was Charles Ramberg will supervise the tured at tr» December 20 meeting. The Senior and Junior Ctpo. Motgan Mr* Hye, 78 Welton Street, New Oeorge Munck. 8r., Oeone Oels, toastmaster and Commander Ger- boys. Reservations for the New Year's n[ Our Lady ol P*ace Forts: Mrs HfSwt Nx«i. HwubMh; Brunswick, have announced the Mr. and Mrs. John Macy, John hardt Dueker of the post was the Mrs. William Hanson will be In Christened Sunday Eve party close on December 19. t!n-ir Chrlstmai party speaker. Mrs. John Egan and Mrs. charge of mailing coin folders In Mr ami Mr\ Ess* H«tv*U, Mr engagement of their daughteg, r Volk, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph La*y, Hospitality was In charge of Mrs. 1R HI the church annex and Mt- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sepka, Don- Mary Larsen were presented pins the Fords area. A State-wide tag FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Henry P«Vr»»> Perth 'Cynthia Anne, to Sttatey W. Mll- Thomas and Mrs. Muriel Rasmus- Ambov tbr Mt«Mf Mat Jtthnsm, ald and Charles Sepka, Joai by auxiliary president Mrs. Milton day will be held by the American Jobranskl, 123 Longvlew Circle, M her, 3 Coolidge Avenue. sen. Mrs. Amelia LaurlUen won the Amw Dwh*. Jam \*d«ir* Mrs HtrcCd Pe*w»w Mrs students will hold "peanuts for Daniel In services held in Our Lady Brunswick Htnh School and at- CtuuVs YWntvmst-, Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Edwin Dalton was chair- polio. of Peace Church. Rev. Samuel N\U Nord. Edu«r. tended Douglass College. Her Miss EUeen McCoUen man ot the affair. The main fund raising event will Constance officiated. Sponsors Parochial PTA Enjoys fiance* is a graduatt of M«tuchen be the annual March of Dimes 'ere Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nor- Hlsh School, attended Newark Honored at Shorn dance, which will be held January mandta. Old Bridge, uncle nnd Annual Yule Affair ftroitiuYs Make Vnfr Prcparntory School and expects to Today's Pattern 28 at School 14. chairman of the aunt of the child. enter the University Of Alabama FORDS—Miss Eileen McCallen, dance will be: Mrs, John.R. Egan, Mrs, Dobranski Is the former FORDS—A Christmas party was (•t/ts /or MOlArrS in February daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard refreshments; Mrs. George Urban, Marie Normandla, daughter of Mr. held by Our Lady of Peace PTA in The couple will be married Jan- McCallen, 1 Club Avenue, was music; Mrs. John Petersen, Mrs. and Mrs. Leo Normandla, 316 Law- the school cafeteria. A turkey din- HOPSU\WX Bj»*n* Troops uary 21 in the Presbyterian given a surprise miscellaneous Herman Christensen, tickets; Mrs. rle Street, Perth Amboy. ner was served. The 370 members TO .vnd "a nwia> 5h* V, F. W.Church, New Brunswick, shower by her future wedding at- Chester Baglnsky, Mrs. James exchanged gifts. bu 11 OK sus r™ 98C Homt- »t; Msv Charles tendants. Over 45 guests attended, Harkay, dining room; John Csabal Santa Claus was Impersonated -1 lolly Mixers Elect Miss McCallen will marry Roger Nicholas Elko, hall decorations Friends Attend Party by Mrs. Helen Kovacs and Rev. $ Herman Christensen, palms. • John E. Orimes led the prayers. I IU K < IIV ton m uf SMiunf Christmas Bencsko. son of Mr. and Mrs. An- For Kathleen Thorne frum 2.98 :.!u lor m«nbm Mrs. Helen Bertekap drew Bencsko, 992 Main Street, Named Honorary Chairman Mrs, Rose Bartonok led in the Mrs. Bernhardt Jensen, who wa sinRlng of Chrlstmascarols. Guests Mi- FuV Kiiu *rawwKfd that' EDISON—The eighth birthday I|\M HIOVS of \xVkirti *vre sold. FORDS — Mrs. Helen Bertekap the local chairman for the past 17 were Mrs. Joseph Carroll, Mrs. from l.Mt) t>xw> of Kathleen Thorne, daughter of UivsU Spiattoid *U1 wr^w a prt»« was elected president of the Jolly years, was made permanent hon Herbert Halstead and Mrs. Her- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thome, 133 mina Llns. TOYS for «Utn* tl* Urtwi numbfT Of Mixers at a combined meeting and SON FOR LUDWIGS orary chairman of the drive. Christmas party held In the Town M. Joseph Duffy, county chair Gross Avenue, was celebrated with from 98c FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Charles a party at home. *> *wwmw*d thai a profit and country Restaurant, Me- Ludwlg, 34 Ling Street, are the announced the State kick TO BE HOST& TO TOTS I ( omi'li'lr lint of Ship and luchen. off dinner will be held Monday al Guests were Patricia and Paul of »•*>* :»^lu*d from the No- parents of a son bom in the Perth Thorne, Bonnie, Ronald and James FORDS-A Christmas party fotf Modeb . . . Others elocied were Mrs. Bar- Amboy General Hospital. Rutgers Commons, New Brunswick Speakers will Include: Basil O'Con Peterson, Thomas. Barbara Ann children of members of Fords Me- bara Darotoker, treasurer; Mrs and Eva Mutllltls, Ruth Ann Chta- morial Post 6090, V. P. W. and its Ann Herbert, secretary; Mrs. Joyce nor, national preaWept; Governor GAMES PARTY TOMOUtOW Robert Meynar; UA Wtfi C*M otaar, Ttaurthy «pd Mary HweW, ladles auxiliary-win-he held De- Rita Novak, Ronald Toth, Mrs.cember 17 at 3 P. M. In post rooms, Monopoly • Scrabble Imdtl and Mrs Oenevleve Tappen. FORDS—The Dttn-HarClUb wltt State chairman; Dr. WebsteJ BY (lirl Sctml Troop Jones, president of Rutgers. Nellie Fitzgerald, Mrs. HeleiuMu- Mrs. Emily Westlake and Carl \Vm\e Uiggly • Cootie ways ind means. hold its Christmas party in Coby's tllltls and Mrs. Nels Steingreb. Sundqulst are chairmen. Oiftt were exchanged and secret Restaurant. South Amboy. tomor- Those attending the dinner from ,nur of the Stet«r~ FORDS — A t*shM» show was pals revealed. row night. this area will be Mrs. Larson, Mrs. B. Jensen, Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Ander 1 miiplctf Line ot bv Our Lady of Peace iV«me Slate TO MARK HOLIDAY t (.ilt Wrappings Church, »'. * n*ce»nt held'in the annex AH drvsws »m a«*dc by At Meeting in Fords FORDS—A Christmas party will xirole Petersen Marks Dulls t Trucks be held In Lopes Restaurant De- Model* »«<- Jf*n Curling, Ann FORDS—The Gadabouts met at cember 19 by the Fords Wfltaen's 10th Birthday at Fet • Christmas the home of Mrs. Margaret Lorber, Democratic Club. Decorations Si* ter,. M»sy C«Wf. B Arthur Drive, was celebrated with Ouuwr Unow Koloshin. For Your Holiday Celebrating \tvn Helen LaurlUen, treasurer; Mrs. Ulary of Hopelawn Memorial P party at home, Cameras iiw Luk«t^ M*O Ann KM- Betty MiJiemy, publicity. 1352, VFW, will hold Its Christma: Guests were Lynn Curclo, Cath-, srd* *n R SCOTCH • RYE • BOURBON I Mrs. Dorothy Yuhasz won the party in post headquarters De erlnc Griffiths, J»ne Pedewen. dark horse prize. cember 20. Catherine Baluk, Mildred Hosklns, BRANDY • LIQUEUR • WINES ITS A BOY: Marie Vanderstar, Marilyn Nagy FORDS-Mr *ud Mrs Stephen and Patricia Dowllng. Domestic and Imported CHAMPAGNE Daluu +il Civ>»i> Mill Road, arc FORDS, HOPELAWN and KEASBEY Domestic and Imported BEER the patrnu v>f * * xh PARTY DECEMBER 19 FORDS—The Mothers' Club of HOLIDAY WRAPPED and FANCY BOTTLES Ptrti; Amboy O<'»wr»l 1 CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS St. Nicholas Church will hold Its Make An Ideal Gift! PARENTS or SON Pattern 9128: M»««' W»t't Christmas party In the church HOPKLAWN - Mr. and Mrs Sliei J4, 26, 26, 2$, !>0, SJ intflot hall December 19, with Mrs. Open Daily 9 A. M. to 10 V. M. crooi*. S« Howard Street, i NOTE: For Insertions In this calendar, Slie 28 takes 2% yards 39-inci, George Gulya as chairman. ,hr pwttas of * son bom tn Send Thirty-flve cent! In colps call Mrs. Andrew Sedivy, 100 Grant Ave- tor this pattern—add 5 cents tor CHILDREN'S PARTY Pnlh Amovv Owcral Hospital. nue, Fords, VAlley 6-5610. bef°« noon «ach pattern It you wish lat-ciasB HOPELAWN—A Christmas par- CAMEO gulling Sead to 170 Newspaper ty for children of members o i on Tuesday of each week, Mrs. Sedivy Mum Dept., 232 West 18th St., VOGEL'S Up Store Hopelawn Memorial Post 1352, V Sweet Shop Is correspondent for Fords. Hopelawn KM 1«% 11. N. Y. Print plainly F. W, and Its ladles' auxiliary, wil I 82 Main Stm-t Woodbridge and Keasbey.) «A*1 AOOR6E3 with ZONE, be held December 17 at post rooms, 157 Avenel tf STYLE NUMBER. 495 NgW BRUNSWICK AVE., FORDS DECEMBER ! Ljrahmann i PHONE VA-6-S396;! 15-Chmimas meeting of Fords Women's Democratic Club In Hie Nicest Way to Urine I'leasunr to All Lopes Restaurant, turkey supper served, Distinctive Gifts - Greeting CaMs W-Chrim- party by Dun-Bar Club to Coby's Restaurant, For All Occasions

SS for children of members of Fords Memorial ii auxillary ta rOOmSl S P> 0 VPW, an ¥ ' ^ party for children of members of Hopelawn 1 Sat 1352, VW, and IU auxiilary, In post IMPORTED BAVARIAN CHINA FOR SHOWER im WEDDING ACCESSORIES 18_Chmtmas party by Senior and Junior Sodality of Our Udy LAY-AWAV PLAN Christmas uf Peace Church. MERCHANDISE CLUBS

urn** Post 1352, VFW. Oh-h-hf

Fora 'Carefree Yule, 1956 Place Your Ordfts Now You'll be of! to one of the merriest, most budgetwise KATHS • PUNTS • (JIVE RECORDS * And Christmaaes ever next year;. , . if you join out 1956 (OKSAGES • Endless hours of pleasure Oh-h-h! Christmas Club Now. Your littletby-little savings will for everyone. Chotote h«e! amount to a check that's custom-made tower your GRAVE What a Christmas list. Join today! AND SPRAYS 'CHRISTMAS ALBUMS beautiful for Uittinctiw HonA Musical Instruments pricel For Sale or Rental RECORD PLAYERS Pbone 3 Instruments Repaired IN STOCK The FORDS NATIONAL BANK SEE YOUR NEAREST The Friendly Bank of Ford*, New Jersey OLDSMOBILE MKMHKR m»KRM. KKbEBVK IVIHM lie C-enter MBMBK* »* *'W»»AI- UEPOS1T |N»UR*NCK CORP. John C. Schw«r«. 540 Railway AWIHK, UQ'MAIN STREET - WOODBRIDGE LW ,. '\t:h

"^••f PACli THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 te^&v&wmw^

ATTENTION ALL EMPLOYEES! A Christinas Bonus Check will be distributed oi\ Friday, December 16th. A Holiday Ham will be dis- tributed on Wednesday, December 21st.

4 -• .;•;,, ••.,.,,,. • Manufacturers of Gerker Plumbing Fixhum ' ' f ' '


• • t THE PUCE TO BUY lin o' Hills Park* Reports mm ,nd Mrs. G. A. McLaren, Florham ALL YOUR... 'ark. SOCIAL SECURITY By —Attending Richard Rtradn'.s' Q I am considering taking a MRS. GEORGE ilnth birthday party wore the job for sin oil company in Arabia. V, FERGUSON 'ollowlnu: Thomas oml Joseph Is work Outside the'United States Jurko, Gall and Billy Mnnrlu-iul 93 Home* Park covered by Social Security? an Nappn, Gail Graham, An- Avenue A. Yes, tf the work is done by a heny, Lilda anil n^rimatr Mor- ciltorn (if thr United Slates in w, Mariwret and Prank Vv.r- Liberty 9-1471 'tJ-rf employ of ;i United States karo, Jr., Alfonso Strada, Doimn. employer. \nd Debra Stvaril.and RichaiiTt, sisters,,Carolyn mid .Wuiinc. Q. It ii claim for old-age and .nus pnrty was held ryivms insurance has not been -There will be aton'nl meet- ,,,•,„•,•:•. of the Woman's allowed, Id there any way that such ng o£ the Jewish 'Community. ,,. drppn Street flre a dM|$nwftnce can be Appealed? following officers and Center'yl Isplin on the 18th a ( claimant has the M. at 1351 Oak Tree, Ro* ,.;,i,rs were elected Jor nitl. If he is not sat- vnir: President, Mrs with Samuel Knhn, chahtt, with the dwlslon on His ,n mi; vice-president, presiding. Anion;; ir^poHant mat- claim, lie should nofW Me neftr- ,,-v mitnlk; secretary ten, ci ousiness Will be the appro- Vst office of the SocM Security licrplrh; treasurer, al of the constitution. Ovw 100 Adrtiiilstr.iUon. He mas obtain children attended the Chanukah Hiirns; and board a review'by » referee. If 1^11 not party.Sunday sponsored Jointly by n yimi's, Mrs. Ken satisfied, he, may ask for*% re- 'k UV the Gonpre&aticm and Uu Sister- vii w by tttf' ApiK'als Council In ..',,,,. and Mrs. Rober hood of the Iselin Jewish Com- which has been *>«» tW , ,-,•;,-iimtod his sixth blrth- Ann Ball, daughter of Mr. and feast depends on the bird you sen*—b*\\*t frt tfc« Mrs. Charles Ball. 43 Cozy Cor- . Hiuunition with his cous- INFLATION BAR "broad-breasted" turkey from ACME. This ready4 , mil children.'Peter and nel Street; Karen Sue Woodruff, since the flit half of 1935. Up to Get more for your money ... bony, wastefrf sfcuk xmi t\m^ f»l ifmt ol staten Island. Sorry daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester then .until late this year, the Re- tinctive, old-fashioned smoked ham fk»w»\ a: (i,!!i Meadows .has mumps WoodrUff. 68 Imnan Avenue, all of serve bank lending rate had never Avenel. •Ml- mid Hank Hinkel, Re- topped two per cent. l'..n". are looking forward 9i ., •, .pc.'ial Christmas holi- &

1: •.. i'liuulpareuU, Mr. and LancasteLMBSBII KBI Ml ^» B,"Lg mr Bran^# 1 vBBl Vfdl "U.S^" m ^ . Choice" (WEM-READY ** nssa «tw_ r"^#«KSi»f :, •• o Hunter, are com- • HI DeBary, Fla,, fbr A IP .-:• '.PUPSUS at the Hlnke 7-Inch ...: ;><• Mr. and Mrs. H. H .•:•. IMivlnfield; Mr. and Cut N ,i!;m Smalley and sons. Rib Roast t Celery .i: : Dan. Bedminster; and LANCASTER BRAND 1'EESU ;, Mis. E. A. Hunter, Mill b Frosted Fish Sausage Meat L 37c TASTE. 0' SEA i 'i.mlly of Hugh McCabe, HORMTX tA ^C Canned Ham Mb. Siio *•»••» •* Mackerel Fillet £ \ •'•mic. celebrated his TASTE 0' SEA FRENCH FBIED 1 i.. inlay Sunday at the Canned Ham $6.29 Scallops ;;;: : .ii:. Rrandmather, Mrs. Center Slices .; c.ibc Kearney. A happy Boiled Ham 8.01. pkt- Jumbo Shrimp 2 >ll $1.69 f • . ui Timmy McCabe, who Your ';•• \ vcurs old on the 21st; Olive Loaf Choice Crab Mert ~i~ *9c ^ • Th'imiis Oero, CUnton PICKLE h ii years old. Tuesday, * Loaf Crab Meat Vguh: 65c ' :!• Burulia, Washlng- Meat Loaf Oysters , s&i*o» 59c p- who celebrated yes- 4 drap Sliced Bologna '.Vacuum Pick Oysters H Krc» 65c Playter, Park Avenue, .1 lo Rahway Hospital •:i..!.iy morning, suffering ; i msc of croup. Since •unoim 1ms developed Mil be confined tor sev- '• days. Y ' .-rd Judy Jewkes, Ellza- IDEAL FRENCH STYLE GREEN Potatoes •v.'iuif, has mumpB. .i'iins-j stork shower was 3- 25. h M Con-slant Bhlsslas last s^$1.00 )• i ','i-oup at her neighbors, ii'niie of Mrs. J. J. Cox, Cans • I l A'.enue. Present wtre Mrs. 7 t Hint's, Mrs. Thomas >• Mrs. Al Cowan, Mrs. Oor- ''• tir. Mrs. William Moor- DEL MONTE SLICED YELLOW CLING M:'. l.ouis 'Herplch, Mrs. K.ti-inko and Mrs. Joseph VIRGINIA LEE F 1 .iiid Mrs. V. Oero, Clinton A ill have as Christinas Mr.;. Gero's parents, Mr. Peaches 2 1; - L. Miller. Manasquan; LOUELLA EVAPORATED Fruit Cake ''• i Mrs, P. Gero and sons, ! i Don, Newark; also Mr. Milk This year.. SUNSHINE ASSORTED Dutch Apple Pie Cinnamon Buns ui give the gitt of THRIFT Cookies Party Uyer CaJk» VIKC1KU UI •-*» VU'iina Kingci's, U»i.; Mai'uruuns, Cot.; 0»Une«l CooUes, Hg Bars, Itio*.; Uydrux, W-ot. Walnut Pound Ring acing the passbook under the Ojrange Chiffon CaAce Keebler Club Crackers ^ 35c Snack 100% Whole Wh««t[Bwd


•• • . •'•• -t%Vi Safety for Savtofs Stoce W6» CHEESE. ..: vk.-i.. .••'•' "VD, MANY (1IFTS hum The PERTH AMBOY Kriaft Rindless Sliced Muwtthw 1 'niniinr of the family wid Broccoli ''.v luxury, Saving Institution PEBTU AMBOY, NBW CHEESE r r PAGE EIGHTEEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 INDEPENDENT. LEGAL NOTICES LE<1AL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES

1 1 1 csMors In right, title and tntereat, and „ .. M sew.-da West. 11500 feet to a '»"" I "'""'? !!? »«renafter partlcn- Mr. Mathews, husband of Lucy H nomt; then.- illi North M Depree* OT ' ™\y described, situate, lying and being •~" ""*"•• woodhrldm • "• Ma thews. ! Minutes « :*eond5 West • distance 1" 'he Townahlp of Woodbrldge. In the You are hereby summoned and fa- The Towtuhlp Co,,,,,,,'., ' of MflfKl feet to a point; thence iH» fount* of Middlesex, and State of •ervea the right to M, '," '•• ' Nl quired to serve upon A. H. Ro»enblum, aids. ' Nonji « Degrees M Minute* Id Seconds . "*_itrf!',i; attorney for plaintiff, and whose, ad- West 2I99H feet in a point, thence (15* at n point on the noith- dress Is 58R New Brunswick Avenue, n .i in-.,. South » Df^rees 02 Minutes * Seconds erly Mite of Woodland Avenue which Fords New Jersey, an answer to the Girl Scout News point Is dtstnnt westerly along the same I.-L. 12/8. IS/1955 West MfiMt feet to * point, thenre Dfurees M Minutes 50 Seconds two hundred fifty (MO'I feet from the •hlch William Nemeth la plaintiff, and Fast 161 « feet to s point thence il!l> I Intersection of the said side of Wood- Cucy H Mathews. ct vlr, et ala, are de- South 44 De>iree« 14 Minutes Knst 213 IT I •'"* Avenue and the westerly aide of fendants, pentllnn In the Superior f-ft to « point thence r.«> North 55 ( Mary Avenue; running thence (1) north Court of New Jersey, bearing Docket •HM-wd.V.tT [»!«! 5fi MimiT-. Ksst 1M.I3 feet to | eluhtv-nlne (M) degrees, twenty-seven r Please call Mn J.vk Brown at Troop 6. Avenel, under the lead- No. F-M3-M within thirty-five (15) Townahlp of ,i point thenre 17. South « Decreesi 1271 minutes weal and along the aald days af(er the 22nd day of December, Liberty 8-1916 for all Girl Scout ership ot Mrs. J. Hestor and Mrs. » Tons (in ton ,•„„.,., w Minutes 40 Se.-.-mds Km' 411 W feet ; slrtr of Woodland Avenue sUt» 160') IMS, exclusive of such date. It you ftll or lean of n,. h, Jacobs, it working on a food •M » point thence list South V! Pe- feel to a point; thence 13) nofth no so to do, the. relief demanded In tht ITS Cylinders . „/,'; news. .•rees 51 Minute* 20 Seconds We»i 17(1 13 ! i001 rlegrnea, thirty-three (Ml minutes ....plaint will be taken against you mntl basket as a Christmas project. ftf t to s point, thence 115' South *4 I'"**' one hundred (IM'I feet, to « oolnt; I per cyllnrlen ,,[ ', , —At the last nieeun* he!d at the 1 by default. You shall file your an«w«r will be received by t They are planning to give a l)r»ri>rs n MIIIU'PS KB !! :'?fi!>l fret to j thenre (31 south elBhtv-nlne (M) de-nd proof of service in duplicate, with home of the le.idor. Mrs, L*Roy •i point thenre t3O> Nor'h ,w Decrees' frees, twentv-spven (271 minutes east mlttee of the Townshli, Bindewalcl. B'.ownU' Troop 42. Christinas program on December the Clerk of the Superior Court. State »t the Memorlni M,,,,, " -fi Minnies En«t nlom; the Westerly : sixty IMI'I feet to » point; thence (41 House Annex, Trenton. N*w Jersey. In 1 Main Street, Wonil ,r''i Woodbndgf. finished making 19. ••tie of lands of the State ot Sew Jersey i wmtli no (00) degrees, thirty-three (331 accordance with the rules of civil ! until 8 P. M., EST I),,,, Christmas *\t:t for their parents. Susan Jacobs and Joyce Kerekes i rtistnnce of J75 6.1 feet more or less minutes wer.t One hundred (lOO'i teat practice atid procedure. »"*, then nt snld Mr,,,,, •.I the witherlv line of Frunitlln Sirrtt, to n point In the said sine of Wood- assisted at a movie shown at The action ha» been lnatltuted for Building publicly ,,pr,,: They praJticod ?:niin»r Christmas •;IP point w pl«rc tif BKllNNtNO lunri Avenue nnd the point and place alotid. School 4 for raising, funds for the ot IWOINHlNa. the purpose of foredoajng the right of carols to be sunn at the Edgar 2 TWs Oidlnnnce shall take efiect redemption in and to a certain C«r- Plana and snerincHti,. Hiil Nursing Home on Christmas libra IT, by selling candy, soda and aftr: its adoption and publication as BKINO known as pnrt of Lots M and t«lned in tht nftirp •'.•' • «J. In Block 11W an laid down on thetlfkate of Tax Sale, dated September Ryan, Admlniatrativf i pretols during Intermission required liy law 16 1943. roide by M. J. Trainer, Col- Eve. Basket? filled with fruit HUOH B QU1OI.EY. rdg * M«P lector of Tues of Woodbrldge Town- Main Street. WuodlirW! , Aid Tale Fund Commtueemiin-ai-Larce BEINO also kno*n nt 1«1 M-A In The Township fnim,',-- made by the children who will dis- ship, New Jersey, to the Townihip of •erves th« rlnht to n'n Troop 10, Colonia, made animal ' Attpst 139-P us Mt forth on the snld Woodbrldge and asMgned by the tribute them to the patients at the 1! .1 ni'NIOAN, bids. bean bass for the collection of niptv Township of Woodbrldg* to William home. ; T'-i'-nshlp Clerk BK1NO known bv the street humber Nemeth. and concerns real Mt»U » J i toys for the Independent-Leader I To be advertised 1n The Indenrndrn'- no Wnruiltm) Atenue. ' known at Lot) 15 to 10 Inoluilvt In -r-MotlK'is ol 'the Brownies ol I.-L. 12/8, IS 11)55 ; Christmas Fund, They also prac- ' I e»(ter on Decfmb«r 15 snd December BK1NO the smne promise', cnn'fyeil Block 318-0 on the Woodbrldfe Town- Troop 34. Iselin, chipped in to bui r>. I95S. with Notice 01 Public Hearing 'n Rolnnd J Hnnderhnn ftntl 6u*u\n ship Tan Map, «ald Lot U being lo- ticed singing Christmas carols for for Anal adoption on Decembeb r 11 Hnnderhan, hln wife, by Gordon Bron- cated on fcsrkley 8treet in said Town' the trcop a s'x-foot aluminum NEW HORIZONS IN TELEVISION,arrive just in time for | 1 their Christmas project. Hostess 1955 »n ConntruoMon Co, by deed dated thtp. and tald Lots 1* to 80 are not folding table Thote who contrib- mas RtfUnj with much improved circuits and handsonig new I 12 15. 22 55OV 3 1S19. nnd r«cord,ed In thelocated on fy street but ire situate *eiled bids lor nw .,••. for next' week's meeting will be caWnrttlm:. Her* is tht Miss America model by Philco tH Omfp ot Middlesex Count* on and lie to th« rear of aald Lot 15. Townahlp of uted were: Mrs. Balletta Carmen, October 7. 1949. In Book 1483 ol O*ed» 2 Car Losd« of iVi,,, Norms Doll. c Carl Biirone. Mrs William Bihler. on a swivel basr. Available in blond or mahog:anya i NOTICE ttt F» ;e SI. You and e»ch of you an made the Bewsrcn Trei,",, 2,022 cartons of cookies were Notice U hereby gl»»n that the fol- defendant* In the above entitled ac- will b« received hy ti,.- i Mrs. Roy Brown. Mrs. Fred Dieti- Thp'npnroxlmftte amount of tlieJihiR- tion because you have or mky claim sold by the entire township, or a LEGAL NOTIC lowing ordinance w»s reinilnriv pasted ment to be. satt'flrd bv antfl Ml* I" the mlttee of the Townshli, old. Mi s' Barry Jewell. Mrs. Joseph and tdopted at a reguUr m'vtlnn or to have some right, title, lien, or at the Memorial Mum total of 24.300 boxes, Good work. CHRISTMAS PARTY I sum of 3even Thousand Two Hundred other Interest affecting t** .ml Mtate LeBar, Mrs Daniel LeRo», Mrs. A, 1 the Townthlp Committee of the Town- ntv ((»7,?!n,00» i Dollurs tQ- I Main Street, Woonhriii •'. I would like to thank all Oirl AVENEL — William Johnson NOTICE hl of Woodbrldgt, In the County of being foreclosed, ty virtue ot owner- until I P. M. EST. I). . John MacDonald. Mrs. Anthony ^ off trt's sa'fl. ship, inheritance, descent. lnWltacy, Scouts and leaders who cooperated* will direct a Christmas party for Notice 15 hereby given that the fol-1 Middlesexl . NeN w JersevJ , helhldd o n thhe 13t13h h Tnrether with all and singular the and then at nain Mf.,,... Makostd Mrs.-Henry Potter, Mrs. devise, dower, curleay. mortgage, deed Building publicly on,.,,, in our "Give a Toy" project. Many the Junior High Fellowship of the ,o»lng proposed ordinance was Intro- da; of December. 1SSS. rights, privileges, hereditaments and or conveyance, entry of Judgment or Howard Steffey. Mrs Victor Tan- duced and passed on first reading at B. J nrjNIGAN. appurtenance* thefivtnto belonging or aloud.' toys and clothing were donated First Presbyterian Church of Ave- a meeting of the Township Committee other lawful or l«gal right. The na- go, Mrs. Robert Vail, Mrs. Fred Towt*Mn Clerk In anywise appertaining ture ot which and the reason that you Plan* and speclSraMin and will be turned over to the In- nel on Sunday at 7:00 P.M. Guest of the Township of Woodbridge, In the ROBERT H JAMI8OM, and each of you are Joined as defen Ulned in the offlrc nr Oaskell. assistant leader, and Mrs. County of Middles**, New Jersey, held AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT Fl'NT- Ryan. Administrative dependent - Leader Christmas speakers will be the Rev. Dr. INO W TH1 TOWNSHIP OF WOOD- Sheriff. dants Is set forth with particularity Klwood Harris, leader. The troop on the 13th day of Dtcerober, 1»M. BRrrXJK. COUNTY "RN.IAMIN ,1 najitmo »nrt In the Complaint, a copy of which Main Street. Woodbriil,••• Fund. I also would like to thank Charles S. MacKensde, pastor an* and that said ordinance will be Uken STATS or insw XERsrv The Township Conui.i-- plans to sing Christmas carols on IOHN H JOBES, will be furnished you on requeit ad- my daughter, Leslie, who helped Mrs. John Oliver. Santa Claus is up for further consideration and final WHKREAS. the tremendous growth Attorneys dressed to the attorney of the plaintiff aerrea the right to rr.. December ?T passape at a meeting of said Township In this Township has resulted In rloie- I-I.. 12 a, IS. 12, 29 55 IMM at the above mentioned address. blda. me wash and clean many dolls scheduled to make an appearance, Committee to be held at Its meeting lv built homes, dwellings, commercial B .1 ; room In the Memorial Mvinlclpal Build- I. GRANT SCOTT, Troop 52, Avenel, under the and to wash and iron dolls clothes and music will be provided by the establishments and factories and henv- KuFRin"« RIIP Clerk ot th* Superior Court Ins In Woodbrldfp New Jersey, on th* llr trafficked roads and highways to the I.-L. 12/8, 15/1955 leadership of Mrs. J. Tappen and and children's clothes. My sonJunio, r High Quartet as well as 27th day ot ^ocember, 1955, at 8:00extent that the swirt of huntlm* has "if Dated: November M, IMS. A M Rosenblum, Mrs. C. Braybtn. are collecting Richard, did a great Job of help- the Crusaders Choir. All juniors P M. (BSTI, orr -« thereaftehft r as become a menace to the population of MIDDLESEX this Township and to the travelling COPNTY DnfkPt No F-"M-M Attorney for Plaintiff. toys for the Independent-Leader ing sort books and toys. are urged to attend. said mattet r can be reiched, at which IMPROVEMENT FINANriNQ CORPOR- 588 New Brunswick Avenue, UIIIII time and place all perwns who may puhtle: and NOTICE TO Yule Fund. They are also prepar- WKERRA3. at the opening of ench ATION, a corporation of the State of Fords, New Jersey. ROBERT ZUCHOWKK' ^ he interested therein will be irt»en an Delaware, Plaintiff. «Md NI^HOIAS I.-L. 12-1. », 15-M ing a turkey and food basket for ooOortunlty to be h«trd concerning the season numerous complaint? are made CONTI nnd El.If ARETH CONTI. et ats. tor of STANLEY ZUcii'V. tame. by our Inhabitants of near harm to ed, by direction of E, a needy family for Christmas. Defendants. .Writ of Execution for the NOTICE TO BIDDERS B. J. DUNIOAN. them and their children and. invari- sale of nifTHJone'l premises dated Ooto- Surrogate of tht Comr • The regular meeting of the ably during the. wason there have been NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that htnby dvea notice ta • Townshlo Clerk of various sorts; THERE- ber .11. 1D5S. sealed bid* for the purchase, by thtthe said STANLEY ziv:. board of directors was held at the AVENEL PERSONALS' »N ORDINArTTr. TO.AMKND AN v By virtue of the nbove stated Writ, Townihip of NA.NCK KNTmBD "AN ORnr FORE bring ID their denn home of the president. Mrs. Her- to me directed mid delivered I will 123,000 Oallons More or teas of claim* agatnn the r.,v,- LIMITING AANND RBBTRRBBTRirTINi O TO BK IT ORDAINED by the Township exDose to sale at mibllr vendue on man Steinbach. Avenel. A ruling Committee of the Township of Wood- Premium Oaaoline deceased, under onth r SPSTTPIBT) PISTRICTS AMD REOO- brldge: WEDNESnAV. THE FOURTH DAY — Alternate — within all months from was made as follows: Girl Scouts sitting agency, anyone interested t *TINO THKRETN BCPDINOS AND (li That Hunting of any trnc within OP JANUARY. A D 1956. 12S0O0 Oallons of Regular Oasollne they will be forever h.m. and Brownies are not to deliver may call Lynn Weiss. Wo. 8-3538J STRtfCrrURKS ACCORHINn TO the limits of tht Township of Wood- At the hour of two o'clock bv thewill be received by the Township Com- tlon therefor an«m»t ::.< rANSTintcTTOc N Awn xmixmi; ;V hrtdge Is, and shall be, hereafter ban- 'hen prevailing iStandard or Daylight mittee of the Townthlp of Woodbrldgt trator. baskets and stockings to needy between 7 and 9 P.M. ANT) BXTKNT OP THKTR t'SF: Savlnil time. In the. afternoon of theat the Memorial Municipal Building, By MRS. ned and prohibited. Dated: November 23rri ! - families in person. All such items TATINn AN^> RESTRTCTl\a THE said day, at the Sheriff's Office In thel Main atreet, Woodbrldge. New Jersey. ROBERT /.'•• —Miss Patricia Rice, 567 Wood- (J) That the discharge of unv fire- Cltv of New Brunswick, N. J. DAVID DAMS HEIGHT. NtrNnKH OP STORIES arm within the. limits of this Township until 8 P. M., EST. December 30, I9S5. should be delivered by adults. bridge Avenue, and Miss Beverly SIZE OF BOTLDTNns OTF*"H AH that certain tract or parcel of and then at said Memorial Municipal REOTTt ATINO Ariri shall be. and hereby Is. prohibited CHARLES J. STEVENS f Named Chairman 15 Lenox Ave. Davis, 15 Lenox Avenue, spent except upon a licensed pistol, rifle or land nnd premises hereinafter panic* Building publicly opened and read 37 Alden Street, Mrs. Howard Sharp WAS named! TBT. PK'JfENTAnK OF firearm range, and under the super- larlv described and situate In thealoud. Cranford. N. J. Avenel .' the week-end in Muhlenberg, Pa. LOT OCCUPIED. THE 5IZF OF vision of the Police Department of i Townshi. ' p. o-f Wmdcrlriee------. Count- y_ Of Plans and specifications may be ob- Attorney chairman of the annual dinner to j —The Pride of New Jersey Coun- COURTS OTHSS R O"F,NN SP»CTS this To»nahlp. Middlesex and State of New Jersev". tained in the office of Mrs. Vera M I. L. 12-1, 8. 15, K-'J-i THB DFVSITY OP be held in January for all leaders, WO. 8 0452-J cil Sons and Daughters of liberty (31 The provUlons of this Ordinance at n point In the north- RROUlATINn AN" shall not apply to the member* of the erly side line of Prospect Avenue there- assistant leaders and board mem- will meet tomorrow night in Ave- THE roCATtPT FRK ANn p Police Department nor to any law ! In distant alone HIP some northeasterly bers. Asl School auditorium. OP TTSS O BTjnntNPS ANO enforcing officer ' I;|fl*1 fwt -1""111 "1!> Intersection with the Mrs. Richard Walsh was ap- FOR TR »™S IN' (4) Any person, firm or forporatlon easterly side Imc of Cozy Corner and —The Third Ward Second Dis- *ND OTKP» violating any of the provision* of thin ;•"»': thenre ill North seven decrees pointed as temporary trainer until —The Junior Woman's Club of A F">*F AO- Ordinance shall upon conviction hr ! 'M'.rty minutes thirty seconds WeFt snO trict Democratic and Civic Club the regular trainer, Mrs Joseph I Avenel wjU hoid a christmas par- ounlshed by > fine not to exceed Two | f"et to a point; thence 12) North FOR THE VIOLATION THERE- Hundred itW.OOl dollars or ninety iMl j elflitv-two decrees twentv-nlne mln- Ohh'hf Rapaciolli. lias recovered from her will meet next Monday at 8 P. M., ty for the members' children and instead of 8:30 P. M.. in Waifs i OF." dayt in 1*11. or both. In the discretion i •'•" thirty seconds Enst 50 feet to a illness. young guests Saturday, from 2 June 8th, 1031. as heretofore ot the Municipal Magistrate. ] point; thence (3) South seven decrees Mrs. Grant Nims. Jr., was Inn. Avem-1 Street. The Christmas | amended" (51 TThih s Ordinancdi e hl»h«lll Uke effect; thirty minutes thirty seconds East 200 WHAT A DEAL. to 4 VM. in the First 'Presbyter- party will be held after the busi-1 r.Rri«t>j«r) py TUB Tra"S- Immediately after ppublication In the feet to a ppoint In the northerly side named program chairman. She re- \r ....« . ii . _ * T^ _.*. ft .-.-•.. *L_i —— t A\ ian Church of Avenel, under the ness session, and each member is SHIP COMMtTTKK r* THE TOWN- manner provided byy law. line of Prospect Avenue; thence ) signed WViDBRIDOS: HUOH BB. WI along the same South elghtv-two de- public asked to bring a fifty-cent gift for 1. Said Ordinance us above entlMf* Comuiltieeman-at-large. crees twenty-nine minutes, thirty sec- Mrs, Alfred Anderson and MrsSanta'. s gilt bag. Mrs. Gerald De is herebv rnnendM bv addlne thereto Attest: onds west 50 feet to the point and Brown, Iselin. was named to take p'.sre of Beginning. Martin Outowski. Worth is chairman of the party. a new section, to be designated Potion B J DUNIOAN, over in that capacity. ' TV f nd to read and provide as Townthlp Clerk. Beuu the premises commonly known —The Sisterhood of the Con- —Avenel Fire Company will hold To be advertised as adopted in Inde- and designated as No 391 Prospect Mrs. John P Lozo. organization follows: Avenue. Avenel. Woodbrldge Township. gregation Sons of Jacob will spon- drill exercises Monday evening in F-,*h p"d all nf the "re^1; embraced pendent-Leader on December 15. 1955 chairman, and Mrs. Richard, •L. 12 IS 55 N"* Jersev. Walsh, temporary trainer, both sor an adult Chanukah party on I the firehouse. within the territory here'nafttr de- The approximate amount of the scribed In Sub-Section "A," which I judgment to be satisfied by said sale past presidents, weiv named as j Saturday at 8:30 P.M., at the ^ _The Young Ladies'Sodality of ere ni™ classified DTtln'.lv «« "«" SHERIFF'S SA1.K i Is the sum of Thre1? Thousond Twenty' ResldeMI'l. and parti*!lv as "light board delegates. j Avenel Jewish Community Center. Sl Andrew's Church, will receive SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY. [ flVe (13.035.00) Dollars, together with Ind"-itrlal," under the puining Zone CHANCERY DIVISION, MIDDLESEX j ,*» e»s of this sale. It was asrecd that all leaders,Lord Street. A gift exchange will Holy Communion in a group next Ordlnnrre. and P« orlrlnally shown ro 1 COUNTY. Docket No. F-1M-55. EAST Together with all and singular the who failed to get their cookie mon- j be featured and refreshments will Sunday at tiir9 A:' M Mass. The on a Building Z"ie Mtn ei'ltlet RtVSR SAVINO8 BANK, a Banktns Cor-1 rlichtst privileges, hereditaments and "Innlnc M't> of Wf)O*hrldge Town- ey to their neighborhood chairman be served. A small admission "Wll Society will hold its regular meet- PQ|tt!on Organized and Existing under i appurtenances thereun'o belonging or shlo, Middle**' thf Laws of the State ot New York. | ia anywise BODertalnlnc;. by December 5. would suffer a be charged at the door. ing next Monday at 8 P. M. in the Is Plaintiff, and ROLAND J HANDER- I ROBERT H. JAMISON. loss of profit. Please get this mon- pnelneer." and as sho^n on a map HAN and SUSAN HANDERHAN, are I Sheriff —A children's Christmas party church hall. Plans will be discussed redrawn »nd de'lneu'ed ^nd mart*/1 ey in by this week, or a further n n Defendants Writ ot Execution for the ISHMAEL AREW, will be held jointly by the Avenel; for the Christmas dance to be held In acnr'( nce with the pfo^eftM mto sale of mortgaged premises dated No- Attorney. loss wil be suffered. entitle"! "Zcnlni Man o' Wnodh't^'e vember 7, 1955 Memorial V.F.W. Post 7164 and on December 28- in the church hall. Tftwnshln. Middlesex Oo-'n*v. New . .I.-L. . 12/8. 15..., ..22., 29/55 12B.80 Mrs. John Ruth, badge chair- the auxiliary next Sunday from 2 —The Avenel Acres Civic Or- By virtue of the above suited Writ, >y, to me directed and delivered. I will SUPERIOR COURT OF NSW JERSEY man, suggested that all leaders to 5:00 P.M., in the Avenel School ganization will meet next Monday RtLL. CWI1 En»lnw- and I*nd 8>ir- expose to sale at public vendue on CHANCERY DIVISION OLDSMO contact board members for badge VPVOT. Woodbrtdw. New J»r«v. shall WEDNESDAY. THB FOURTH DAY OF auditorium under the co-chair- at 8 P. M. in Avenel School audi- w^ ,iH th* n*»nr \nd sl'u- :ng) time. In the afternoon of the said Defendants. : at the last moment when everyone nard .Forslund for the post. Post 7164, will meet next Tuesday is busy. »te. lvln? and beini! In the To"n'hlP day. at the Sheriff's Office in the City | TO: Lucy H. Mathews, her heirs, -The Fifth District Republi- at 8 P. M. in the post club rooms, of Woodbrld"*. In the Cour- of M'*- of New Brunswick. N. J ' devisees nnd personal representatlvea Mrs. Bert Wheeler, secretary, rtlesex «nd SdHe of >»™ J«sev and All the following tract or parcel of and her, their, or any if their, sue can and Civic Club of Avenel will Club Avend. will contact all neighborhood mn'f nn't'ptOarW described as follows: hold their annual Christmas par- BEGINK1NQ at ». nolnt in the west- 'chairmen to make arrangements —The Avenel Parent Teachers ty Saturday at 8:00 P.M., In the erly line of Franklin Street at the for the annual dinner. Association will meet next Tues- southessterlv corner of 1 ot U In Block home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 3R3A. as s*l«i Lot and Block are shown Colonia Troop 9, lus completed day at 8:15 P. M. in the school Rhodes, 62 Manhattan Avenue, in'the Wiwibrld^e Township T«x As- * its sale of hand made Christmas auditorium. The program will fea- sf"=ment Mao. which s»W beolnnlng under the co- chairmanship of ; stockings. They turned the profit ture the annual Christmas play, to point marks the dividing Una between Mrs. James O'Brien and Mrs. Ar- said Lnt U and lands now or former>v * of $10 over to the Independ- be presented by the pupils of theowned bv'tht State of New Jersey, and ent-Leader Yule Fund. They atao thur Herman. Each member is fifth and sixth grades under, the from snld beginning nolnt running (11 asked to bring a gift for Santa's direction of Mrs. Rowland Kimber- Nnrth n Deurees 07 Minutes ¥) Seconds " donated Girl Scout Candy. The West 25 feet, to a oolnt; thtnre (21 leader, Mrs. Henry Ulshoefer, is gift bag. lin, teacher of the fifth grade. All North 58 Decrees 52 Miniates SO Seconds parents and the public Is invited East JSO t«t to the westerly side of planning a Christmas party for —A group of high school girls Johnson Street: thence (11 along the * the girls. from Avenel have formed a/ baby- to attend. westerly aide «! Johnson Street and on —The Avenel-Colonia First Aid (i course ot North Jl Degrees 07 Minutes 40 Seconds West 335 feet to » nolnt; Squad will meet next Tuesday at thence (41 North; 58 Degrees-51 Minutes 8 P. M. in the headquarters, Avenel 20 Seconds' East, a distance of 150 feet to the line of Lot 45 In Block J84-1 on Street. sAld map; thence (5) South 31 Degrees T-The Avenel Woman's Club will 07 Minutes 40 Seconds East 12.50 feet m«et next Wednesday at B:15 P. to a point; thence (() North 58 Degrees 52 Minutes 20 Seconds East a distance ' f% ,M. in Avenel School auditorium. of 1J5.0O feet to a point; thence (7) —Mrs. Archie Bird, of Iferrows, North 31 DeErees 07 Minutes 40 Seconds West 112.50 Jeet to a point; thenca| 181 Va., is spending several days visit- South 58 Degrees 52 Minutes 20 Sec- ing with her brother and \>ister~ onds West 50.00 feet to a point; thence Folder* (9) North 31 Degrees 07 Minutes 40 '\i in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Polony, Secorids West 425.00 feet to a point; 505 Jansen Avenue. thence (10) South 58 Degrees 5a Min- Billhead* SKATING PARTY AVENEU-Miss Dorotlty Wefer- Letterhead* ling, of thj! Senior High Felliw- ship of the First Presbyterian Jj 'ear Program* Church of Avenel, announces that ... the letters' start.'Then from all those who have signed up for all over the free world come the gating party tomorrow night such comments as these from Booklet* at Atbury Park should he ^t the readers of THE CHRISTIAN church at 7:00 p.m. Stte also calls SCIENC EMON1TOR, an inter- You'll find a personal attention to the fact that the national daily newspaper: Christinas Greeting by phone prayer meeting on Saturday eve- ning at 1:00 will be field in the He Monitor Is must re»d- is a wonderfully heartwanning sanctuary. for straight-thinking Fine Printing lor Every Need people. ..." experience.- More ihan a card "I returned to school after a can ever do—phoning brings No matter whether you're contemplating a big lapse of 18 years. I will get you together in penon to advertising campaign or ordering a new supply my degree from the college, but my education comes from share the holiday spirit. of letterheads, you can depend on us to deliver the Monitor..,." a top-notch, carefully planned and! executed "The Monitor gives me ideas Look over your list now. for my»work " printing job promtly, and at; low coit to you. How (many are there who i 'I truly enjoy its com- pany.. . ." especially deserve a personal Today tor You, too, will find the Monitor i greeting from y;ou? Why not informative, with complete world news. You will discover a give them a call? Any time Free Estimates constructive viewpoint in every now is a good time to say news story. Use the coupon be- ' Yes, call today ... no fee low. i'Merry Christmas" by phone. for estimates. We'll rush a People like to get your man to you to help you The Christian Science Monitor greeting before Chriitmafl. plan, showing you money- One. Norway "Street saving short-cuts. Boston 15, Mass., U. S. A. Please send me The Christian Science Monitor tor one year. I NIW JERSEY BELL THE MIDDLESEX PRESS enclose $16 Q (3 mos. (4.00) Q TELEPHONE COMPANY DKCOUATEI) TO HIS TASTE (muni) THE WOQDBMDGE PUBLISHING COMPANY this tree bearinf a jift bouaty in lurnishlm:. luid »cces»orits: WOODBRIDGE. NEW JERSEY waul j«r»e> ties, socks, muffler (»t left) In plaid and (M ritht) fe»eptHJB^-Woodbrid« 8 1710 in tundwoveu bnnrn. Wool lolty) (MUM) HUM) Burt»u tttto. PAOE NINETEEN •NDENT-LEADER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 Donations Made Fontenelli-Ferko Woodbridge Oaks News Lafayette Estates SEWAREN NOTES Engagement Told By Avenel Club cOee. Cns'.lnmv R I. . M. to 12:00 Noon. wo years Army service In Korea. AVENEL — Mr. and Mrs Paul --Little Dicktr CuthberUon, son —Mrs, L. Shapiro, Ford Avenue AVENEl^Mrs. Harold P Wll —Troop 19, Sewaren Ctrl Scouts, By By FCTkO, 1041 Rnhway Avenue, hnvc ,if Mr. and Mrs Alex Cuthbertson, as hostess at a demonstration son,• presiden• , t o, f th- •e• Avetwl Wo 111 hold its Christmas party In Oak Tree Road hud a rather un- MRS. ROSLY> announced the en«a«emciU of 'arty Sunday evening The Ruest/ mans Clubl welcomed Mls- jBmc: MRS. DAVID ri« Parish Hcuse, Clllf Road, their daughter, Marjorie, to Jerry GLADYS E. ^leasant exp»ri''iire. while with his GROSS ncluded Mrs. Theodore Debrow- ukins"n as a new mcmb(!r at ' BALFOUR Inndtty at 6:30 p.m. Mrs, Louis Pontenelli, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. KCANK nolher and cinciiiv Saturday on a meetinB held School Iesgr and Mrs. Andrew Butkow- 35 Concannon ki, Mrs. Fannie Bohrer, Mrs. Ml- 597 West Ave., Jerry Pontenelli, Sr,, of Garwood. hopping tour in Rah*ny The ky, Jr., are In charge of nrrange- 4s club AVENEL—Plans we're completed dywine Road, who celebrated her - Asbury Park; the —Mrs,, ElWood Wtckberg, East for. a Christmas party for the al- of her son-in-law and daughter, ity Center • mi!; ewsls <*f Mr *nd •The Sunday School ' of_ , St. Avenue, has returned from a visit fourth birthday this week with a Carteret Woman's Club, East tar boys by the Holy Name Society Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huryk, Wood Mn. Max Kellermann will pre- ,'v Kupton. Westbury John's Church will present a with Mr. and Mrs. John Drysdale, little party attended by several Brunswick Woman's Club and the of St. Andrew's Church at a meet- Avenue. sld> over a short meeting. A gift Red Bank Womf n>s club Christmas candle-light, pageant, Wilmington. Del. "The Drysdales neighborhood children and her > - ing held Monday In the church exrhanse will be held and games Tentative plans were made for a "Shining Candles," at 7 p.m. in formerly lived in Sewaren and —Mr. and Mrs. William Cassldy ,i 0[ Tfuoslces meeting brother, Allen and sister Bar- hall, under the chairmanship of featured. theater party to be held in the the church Sunday. Mr. Drysdale Is now with DuPont. and son, TomnVV, Wood Avenue, ;'v-[nrmrd Sisterhood of |bara. Sunday at 2:30"P.M., in the church I spring-under the chairmanship of —Mrs. Frederick J. Adams, West —Mr. George Commerton Is the motored to Mlddletown, N. Y, ! rnmrnuiUty of Iselin hal, under the chairmanship of U. S. wood pulp output up 14 -Barbara ColRan, daughter of Mrs prank Clooney. The club Avenue, and her daughter. Mrs. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert An- Sunday, where they visited Mrs w. wcok In the home of John WraniU. jer cent in nine months. Patrlclal and Walter Colgan. Ford voted to sell the Woman's Club Robert Bogan, New Brunswick, re- dersen, East Avenue, at their Cassldy'Cassla 8s mmotherln , Mrs. Elsa"Klein. ,, Mrs. H. Kline. At Tentative plans were made for! y ° er. MIS. emu «.•*.... ]l; Avenue, celebrated her seventh piano. cently drove to Clinton to visit hunting-lodge, Abby's Acres, Sha- i iic m>xt general mem- cently drove to activities for the society for 1956, —Mrs. James Clark, Wood Ave- birthday with a party attended It was announced that a Mrs. Madge Murphy, former Se- mung, for the duration of the ;.., tiiiK was set for wlth the followinR schedule: a «"«. has returned home after be- by Cindy DiNlcola, Darlene Goers, Thanksgiving basket was donated waren cesident,' who is a patient deer season. ,irnitii!. December 27, minstrel show in February, Jointly inn a surgical patient at Perth and Gloria Quattrone, all of Laf- ),o a local needy family. in a nursing home there. •Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pastu- with the Rosary Society and the Amboy" """—»General' "«•"»«p ! .,. usual meeting night ayette Estates and Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Daniel Levy and Mrs. —Mr. and Mr. C. A. Giroud, zak have recently moved Into their Young Ladles Sodality; a raffle —Sunday guests of Mr. and lnurtrt Monday of the Clarence Tabois and daughter, Clooney were hostesses for the so- West Avenue, had Sunday dinner new home at 12 Ferry Street. on a coldr television set, some Mrs. Harry Schott, Adams Street, drills of this develop- Diane and Mrs. Ella Tlnbro and cial hour following the business at the home of their son-in-law —B. E. Johnson, West Avenue, time In the near future; and an were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baubles ul.;,d lo attend thc daughter, Karen, Jersey City, and session. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis has returned from a business trip outdoor carnival in June. and son, Peter, Jr., and Donald, ,,; nkp part in th« ac- her cousin, Janet Llbowski, Perth Sirois, Rosclle, to Detroit. Mr. Johnson is with Michael De Stefano, president, Livingston ,.-[iiiM information may the Central Railroad of N. J. —The Tired Mothers Night Out announced that the retreat for —Mrs. John Tlrpak, Sr.. Adams .', i).v phoning Liberty Street, was a very unhappy mo- —There is still an urgent need Association met last Thursday scheduled for Sun- Democrats List evening at the home of Mrs. Harry bridge Avenue, celebrated her day, May 5. ther for two months as she hadn't for volunteers to give just two bUthday Friday with a luncheon heard from her soldier son, Pri- ilV evening guests of hours of their time In the month Howell, West Avenue. Members celebrated the birthday of Mrs. party at Lake View. Present were Can't Be! vate Stephen, who Is In the medi- : Seymour Ackerman, of January to assist the Mothers' Yule Fete Dec. 20 Stlg Lagergren and presented her Mrs. Herbert Eyerkuss, Mrs. A. Teacher: "Tommy, what Is one- cal corps, U. S. Army. It seems he , ])i-:vt\ were Mr. and March on Polio. Please call me, AVENEL—The Democratic and with a farewell gift, as the Lager- W. Scheldt, Miss Blanche Van half of eight?" is on maneuvers in Louisiana and Hiisrnnren. and son o.r geB^t . you.r iiv.neighbo., r .to, ,voluntee. ..^v..r : Civic. Club of East Avenel will hold Syckle, Mrs. Floyd Howell, Mrs. u JUU s uul u u grens are moving to Chicago soon. Small Boy: "I don't know exact- was captured by the "enemy. ,.n,.. on Sunday, the for this Important project. Every! its annual Christmas party De- F. J. Adams, Mrs. Olive Van Ider- Mrs. Tlrpak had a fall and as ! Present at the party were Mrs. ly t.pnfiher. but It can't be very . ;ind their chUdren, section In the county will be fully cember 20, at 8:30 P. M. at Lou Harper Sloan, Mrs, W. Burnham stine. and Mrs. S. J. Henry. After she is suffering from varicose much." • SNACK IN A BOX is a irlft trifle ,,,,- tiuslyn. attended a covered. Let's not be the excep-1 Homer's Log Cabin, Woodbridge, Gardner, Mrs. John Wllverding, the luncheon, the party returned ulcers, the ulcers ruptured which suited h:in(lsomel.v for the Yule ::•,:•,!'. party given by tlon.. under the chairmanship of Joseph Mrs. Lawrence Gray, Mrs. Albert to Mrs. Henry's home to play The average value of listed sent her to bed for several weeks. bridge. season, to hold popcorn or what • :!l.^l^^ mother Mrs. -Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hen-!Kelley assisted by Edward Schlat- Bowers, Mrs. Hugh Basehart, Mrs. | stocks was down 2.6 per cent in Stephen telephoned from Texas aitcr and Frederick Hyde. Santa —Mr. and Mrs. Simon Larson, have you. l)psi«ncnnr. birthday party for their dauRhter,'Claus wll distribute sifts and Henry, and Mrs. David Balfour. tonic. Now Mrs. Tlrpak is on the be furnished by Lou at the fourth birthday party of handed pinochle game at the ,,i:;v:- in New York Christine, who was eight years music will —The choirs of St. John's road to recovery. Declt their grand-daughter, Karen, Did. Th= giiesU were Carol West- '•• - Church will rehearse tonight in home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,,i f,00 P. M. and The annual distribution of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Ergget. Woodbridge, Mr. and Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sikora. '.ake. Hajna Horvath, Judy and i the church at 6:30. The Sunday mi A M.. pleaae con- n of Simon Larson were guests, (The George Place, were Saturday eve- Special!! Linda Butler, Beverly Allen. Christmns candy to children of Simon Larson were Rucats, iiut,wK — . ••-,-\'m. Liberty 8-0146 next East Avenel wl1 Sunday will follow directly at 7 children were present. women lost five out of six games. > > ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Regular 8.75 ,.,,, • or sturlnp rides. Gloria Mechka and of her afternoon by Santa Claus, —Sewaren Cub and Boy Scouts p.m. ,,:>il Lois Shapiro, hrothWs. Bobby and Tommy, and 1 impersonated by Stephen Bom- who won awards at a Court of H.i!rv Gross, Barbara her sister. Nancy. chairman, will be —Mr. and Mrs. Andrew But- Honor meeting in the White kowsky Jr., attended the first KODAK BROWNIE ,1 Honnle BltUer at- Church of Troop 33 were Gerald birthday celebration of Mrs. But- ( ...mukah party spon- Hyde. Johnson, Thomas Rutan, Peter kowsky's nephew, little Andrew • • jowisli Community to visit with their families. Dowling, Joseph Rusznak, Andrew Bubovnick in Perth Amboy at the BOX CAMERA -Danny McOettlBan. son of Butkowsky. Gerald Timer and 1. l.n at Its temporary DIES DODGING SNOWBALLS Mr. and Mrs. Georpie McGettigan, home of the baby's parents, Mr David Sloan, 6 - 16 SIZE ! .. 1351 Oak ' Tree ELK MOUND, Wis, — Jeffrey Concannon Drive, celebrated his and Mrs. Ladislav Bubovnick. Mr —In ti men-against-women six- ,..•,11 Ri'Kislration for Ackerman, 7, and some of his Bubovnick has just returned from third birthday with a*party on .. :i ,ii will take place [liciids were tossing snowballs i Sunday attended by his grand- ; . ^ on Sunday morn- I back and forth en the way home $5-69 parents, Mr, and Mrs, William !!•„),:• 18 from 10:00 from school. Jeffrey, dodging a Makes a Wonderful ji; n.:wball. darted into th; path of an onromins trailer truck, and Christmas Gift! ' WHS instantly killed. OPEN EVENINGS

McGetUiian, and Mr. and Mrs. &W1 Bib c.istello and daughter, Kili'on: Mi.i.s Elizabeth McGatti- PUBLIX 4,111. Gerald WoodrinK and Perry Howard, all of Winfield Park, Mr. PHARMACY ,ind Mrs. Edward McGettigan, 91 MAIN STREET Cnlonla. Mr. and Mrs. Albert WOOOBRIDGE Ashmont, Roselle Park and his Free Delivery - WO-8-0809 brother, Ricky, and sister, Linda. NEWEST THING IN REFRIGERATORS which would mjj Little Barry Jacobs, son cf grand gifting indeed, are models »hich hanit rom tbc w»U, leavins room for workspace underneath. _____ Miuda and David Jacobs, Marie i Road, celebrated his first blrth- j day just two weeks after the Jacobs moved into their new I home. Welcome to the oommun- i" the stores < ity. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER COM-BIWCNONS are smartly styled to do double duty in the modern home, Also feature such conveniences as double depth dairy bars. SAVE DOLLARS DOOLEY'S Helena Rubinstein's LAY-AWAY l'LAN 2 Estrdgenic Hormone Offers HOUSE OF TOYS for younger looking skin! Open EVERY Evehing Helena Rubinstein's Estrogenic Hormone Crea$i can help your complexion look years younger-by help- A gift of jewelrjewy is not only warmly welcomed on ing the underskin to hold precious moisture, filling Christmas nuiminninni ,, but is dearldeary cherished for Until 10 O'Clock! years tu come, ((housh e your Rifts now frofrom our out the surface and smoothing wrinkles! Try a com- Dimond Rings great .selection of fine Watches, Diamond Rings, \ plete face and throat treatment-try a 24-hour face Earrings, Necklaces, Men's Sets, Religious Jewelry, i\ Dresser Sets, Silverware. Hundreds lof beautifully treatment and fabulous estrogemc make-up-tot the Largest Selection of Toys in Our History! gifts sure to delight every person on your list, Snivel V price of just the cream!|Gel both and l^e supplied for all your shopping problems at your Jewelry Gift ^ months. Come in now-this annual offer holds good — Headquarters for — Shop. for a limited time only. MEN'S : American Flyer Trains JEWELRY SETS |i Also By Alison and Swuik SAVE SAVE 3^ Lionel and HO Trains MA\st-.\»;*w.»J.-^..~..,-.,aaw5»sw5i=»-jJMiaaa BABY GIFTS Finest Selection of Canadian Balsam

Marcasitc, Rhinestone, Gold CHRISTMAS TREES NKCK1ACKS, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Fresh and Shapely — Hundreds of Sizes to Choose From MATCHING NECKLACE AND EARRING SETS WREATHS - HOLLY - GREENS - ROPING Etc. FACE CRlAM AND ClAMDUR FACE AND THROAT TREATMENT; MAK(-UPi5Eslrogcnk Hormone Fstiugeuii Hormone Cream for CreaAi [or (lie faci;... reg. 3.58. the face... tfg. 3.50. Eslrogeciiu Established 1941 — Woodbridge's Oldest and Largest Complete Toy Store Hormone Oil to smooth the Wi- Silk-Tone* Special Fuundation enie skin of the throat... value with Eslroscuit Hormones (a HOUSE OF TOYS 2.50. A complete overnight continue your treatment all beauty treatment, through the day...reg. 3.00. 802 St. George Ave. Woodbridge 6.50 VALUE...NOW 3.50 DOOLEY'S 6.00 VALUE...NOW 3.50 U» rttUru»d crnalni) • (Just mile wuth oi Cloverleat. DKESSER SETS — Open Evenings — Plenty of FREE PARKING Space Gift Boxed in 3 to 16-Piece SeU A Lovely Gift

E A Small Deposit Will PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, INDEPENDENT-LI ..\iv : CLASSIFIED :- Youf Garden - BUSINESS DIRECTORY - - RATES - INFORMATION 75c for 15 words Deadline for ads: WednredayOfl *}ThistWeek< • Funeral Directors • Pet Shops tjjfc Railing • Real Estate-Insuri 8c each additional word A. M. for the same week'iS •J By ChftriM H. Cannon v * PET — the best gift of all Payable In advanre pibllcatlon. ftaujers VnWwtUr, the Stete Christmas Specials Telephone WO-8-1116 Vnhrmtty of New Jencr -" BUSINESSMEN! IRON Order Christmas birds now — RAILINGS To place your ad in the will hold them until Christmas. SYWW.lQCKl Baby Parakeet!; — all colon Advertising is a means adopted Custom Made AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE Business Directory Singing Canaries — Guaranteed • MiMAU. MKLF WANTED • by people who have something to And Installed ASSOCIATION Funeral Home Also a full line of everything to Quality Work HE AN AVON Representative and Established IBM sell to bring their ware3 to the kerp your pet healthy and attention of buyers. There is an *O.0D cam ii :!»nd income close to Nationwide Service ul. !»*>'' AGENCY old Roman expression which has] •!G Atlantic Street *» up t\n:rn\ PinliUiblc ^territory now Fred Kertes, Local Agent i become a part of our legal lingo: M.ERRV nilUSTMAS Free Estimate available Wr-ir Miss Eolline, P.O. 217 Stat* Street, Perth Ambay Carteret, N. 4. Beultor und hs fhone HMcrest 2-1248 "caveat emptor." which means, GUTH PET SHOP Box 705. Plainflelrl. N. J. let the buyer beware. This has a "We Sell the Ka.ti, 12-15 12/1 -12/29 OarteretV little Zoo : special application in the case of DENNIS M. MURPHY illl, Telephone Cartcret 1-&715 SO Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret PIANOS TUNED and Repaired: \VO-R-3I1fi Insure What's o mail order houses advertising CA-1-1070 M M OFFICE WORKER — Recep- f roeestimates . Also will buy used plants. \VO-8-17lti in tionist and general offlse pianos. Call Va 6-6816, Mr. Slater. Often extravagant and mislead- work for l..r,v Offlfe. Must b* ' 12/1-12/29' Woodbri(l,Ke Township • Roofing and Siding • EDISON. N j ing statements are made. For ex- - FOR CHRISTMAS nood typist; experience not es- IP YOUR DRINKING has become ample, the blue rose has long GIVE A LIVING GIFT! sential. Writr P.O. Box 105, c/o been a hoax, and the mnn who CA-1-5600 in a problem, Alcoholics Anony- CANARIES - PARAKEETS HOOFING and this newspaper. 12-15 most recently promoted it was mous can help you. Call Market C»rtcret SIDING brought to trial and given a stiff FISH and AQUARIUMS V15M or write P. O. Box 253, Also UoR Beds, Conn, SwralrVs, FOR SALE Woodbridge. prison sentence as well as a heavy Hot Tar Rooflru fine. Collar* and I.rath 12/1 -12/29 Beauty Shops Christmas glix-khiKs for All PHi MALE BOXER, fawn tsolor, AKC A red dogwood is advertised at AM. TYPES OF SIDING .Taxi Csbs registered. Seven months old, WHY PAY high cemetery prices a ridiculously low price. The ad- Asbestos Siding, Insulbrick house broken. Reasonable. Call for Qr*ve Covers? We have nice vertisement did not state that it PERMANENT WAVING Fins-Fur & Feathers Biding, Wood Shinflet, Clap- PH-1-902.V 12-15 ones only $4.75. Also wreaths, was a red flowering dogwood. and Christmas Trees, Branches, Laurel People who fell for it received a PET SHOP board, Novelty Siding. FUR COAT HAIE TINTlNfJ Rope and Polnsettias. Sunnyside shrub with red colored bark, good Fine Condition 18 MAIN ST., Opp. Town Hall OARAC.KS and DORMF.RS lardens and Greenhouses, 57 In its place but not what most Call WO-8-1269-J WO-8-1C01 Burnett Street, Avenel, N. J. buyers expected to receive. niul all type general 12-15 Lou-SaUs 4 11/23 -12/22 Or It might be a red-leaved HAIR STYLISTS • Jewelry Servfce o repairs. TAW SERVICE WAREHOUSE FOR SALE—40' x Japanese maple. You order one JUST IMIOM and plant it and the leaves re- Miss Sally and Mr. Louis Photography t 30', on lat 150' x 55'; has 10' x WWMM All Work GUARANTEE 10' office. Located at 685 St. main red for only a few weeks In WO-8-1453 Fashion Credit Jewelers WO 8-0203 spring and then became a muddy Men Fully Insured Goorge Avenue, Woodbridge. Call 76 Main Street Weodbrlfee 5S9 ROOSEVELT AVENUE Take Your Fast and Courliou, . ,., In Fashion Nou greenish red. It Is a seedling and : WO-8-2847, 12/1-12/29.! CARTERET Christmas FREE ESTIMATES — Call not a plaat propogated by means We.Speclalize in Children's Hair Cutting Photos Now FU-8-4380 »r stop In at MISCELLANEOUS The five colors which arc going of a cutting or by grafting from CA-1-631)8 TOOBRIOGE Ml to be the most popular this coming the best selected forms. and Get 2 443 PEARL ST. WO(M>|;I:III(;E| ALL TYPES of alterations done In Several weeks ago I saw an ad- • DIAMONDS for the Price my home. Expert work done on spring are grayed blue, soft pink, Coal LS. JUCHEM men's, women's and children's yellow and green and a bisque tone vertisement for a bush cherry. • WATCHES of 1 clothes. Also miscellaneous sewing of pale beige. You wil see these The text was very enticing. The YELLOW (;\u done. Call Liberty 8-5508. tones in light-weight jerseys, flan- unusual saving grace of that par- • JEWELRY 2 for M.1)"— 8 x 10-Inch CONSTRUCTION CO. nels, broadcloth, wool crepe, and ticular advertisement was that it Photos Taken for All Occasions 12/8-12/29* 649 W. Grand Ave., Rahway light weight worsteds and silky gave. In very fine print, the bo- . COAL-FUEL OIL • GIFTS 24-Hour CHRISTMAS PRESENTS fleeces. tanical name of the plant. If Expert Watch and AVENEL STUDIOS No down payment — Up to J Taxi Service for your mom, wife, sister or Another big hit will be crepe you would take the trouble to OIL BURNERS Jewelry Repair WO-8-1349-R yean to pay sweetheart. Singer Sewing Ma- and silk print dresses with drapery look it up, you would find that it 169 Avenel Street, Avenel Jot this number down. chine Co. has all three; swing, detail at the tummy line. These was a cherry only in common • Liquor Stores • slaint and straight. A gift she'll are quite a change from the linen name, being really a plum. And and rayon sheath dresses so pop- always cherish! Prices start at when you ate it, instead of the NO MONEY DOWN ular for the last few seasons. They WO 8-34BB $119.95. delicious sweetness of cherries, Telephone Woodbrldce 8-1889 Henry Jansen & Son are softer and can be worn by more SINGER SEWINO CENTER you might find a puckery bitter- Radio Dispatched <-.,;,, women with success. Give an All Year Tinning and Sheet Metal Work 169 Smith Street, Perth Amboy ness. 3 YEARS TO PAY Chiffon scarfs wil be floating i Many reliable nurserymen ad- Woodbridge Distance No Ohjn t HI-2-2838 Liquor Store Roofing Metal Ceilings and 12-15, 22 Free Estimates Around Gift for Furnace Work CUDDLY black part cocker pup- JOS, ANDRASCIK, Prop. Yarns ever before. Flattering side-swept' with someone who knows, pies for Christmas. FREE to No Obligation to Buy 588 Alden Street draping at the bodice will be good, jand know what you are ordering. Complete Stock of Domestic Christmas anyone offering good home. Male Gold metallic fabrics will carry You can always write to inquire. and Imported Wines, Been Woodbridge, N. J. Anything and Everything! and female, two months old. Call through the spring. Many linen Descriptive reference books are For—KNITTING LI-8-9389. • 12-15* available in all goad libraries. and Liquors Telephone 8-1246 and cotton suits and dresses are CUOCHEWG using gold trim. One lovely cock- WDGE. 8-1400 574 AMBOY AVENUE PHOTO ALL KINDS of Siding, Strip Shin- NEEDLEPOINT gles and General Repairs, Hot tail dress features a full skirt of SEES FAMILY FIRST TIME WOODBRIDGE, N. 3. Roofs, Hot Wcik. See Business Di- surah silk and gold metallic cock- COLUMBUS, Ohio—As a result SUPPLIES • Service Statiois • HOOKED Rl'dS rectory for garages and accessor- tail pants showing through the of an operation performed on her AVENEL EMBROIDERY ies.-Call Fulton 8-4300, 24 hours slit skirt which is open from waist eyes several weeks ago, Mrs. Lud- • Music Iflstruction • H'b a day. 12/1-12/29* to hem. The bodice is fitted and wina Runkie, blind lor 23 years. the sleeves are three-fourths dol-i saw her husband and eight chil- COAL & OIL CO. BONGART SCHOOL OP man design. This is not the type] dren for the first tijne. A victim TOWNE GARAGE 826 RAIIWAY AVE., AVENKL Private Anniversary Sale DRIVING dress most fo us will buy but it of a severe attack Of' scarlet fever The B in Lessons J. F. Gardner & Son LICENSED by State of New Jer-looks interesting in a fashion show. \ at three years of age and two sub- on 73 E. Cherry St. Shirtwaist type dress wearers! Now Going On 493 RAHWAY AVENUE sey. 81 Homes Park Ave., Iselin. sequent automobile accidents, TRUMPET UAHWAY :.lK:i Liberty 0-0070. will be happy to Know that top Mrs. Runkie lost her vision. Dance Instruction • GUITAR Woodbridge 12/1 -12/29 designers say that the shirtwaist ACCORDION style will be a big favorite this | Lace is being coupled with nylon Complete Line SAXOPHONE/ WO-8-3540 Upholstering DARAOO'S Dancing and Singing of PIANO coming spring and summer. One marquisette or chiffon for a new • MUSItAL We're Specialists In AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL designer has made a trench coat look in after-five clothes. The em- LEE CREIGHTOH INSTUUMENTS TROMBONE FOR THK HM M Largest and Oldest in County shirtwaist type dress that is des- broidered look will be smart for .Mid DRUMS GALURD'S PHOTO • BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT STUDIOS ACCESSORIES Tailor M.KII- Hydramatic, Fluid and Standard tined for fashion fame. By invert- afternoon and evening clothes. tor Information Call HI-2-6948 AND BALANCE 280 McClellan St., Perth Amboy ing a pleat in a shirtwaist's sleeve Embroidered linen and failes and 90 Kelly Street, Metuchen Open 10 to 6 • BRAKE SERVICE SLIP COVERS il\ Call Hlllcrest 2-J165 Menlo Park Terrace the designer has come up with a Swiss woven stripes and Persian SAMMY RAY'S 547 AMBOY AVENUE 12/1-12/29 new sleeve'twist. prints will be outstanding. New Classes Now Forming MUSIC and RU'AIK S1IOI' 'SERMAYAN Registration: 4(7 New Brunswick Avenue, Fords Woodbridge 8-3GS1 Sewing 1 UPHOLSTERY SIKK' Wednesday 3 to 7 P, M. Mon. and Fri. Nights to 8:30 Call VVO.-8-1M7 Saturdays 1 to 4 P. M. Select Your BUTTONS 5 FIFTH AVKNII, AVI Mil • TAP • BALLET HUG'S Accordion School We'll Make Veur • BALLROOM Pliitrbing and Keating • 3-Pleoe Set > J- 7 •">« I • MODERN JAZZ AND MUSIC SHOP Buttonholes With Zipper « VOCAL • MUSIC Member Everything for Your 3-Pieee" A.A.A SEWING NEEDS Botiphohftered Drugs Everything WOODBRIDGE In Plumbing & Healing Musle i The SEWING KIT WOMHKtU|| Avenel Pluwmacy Couran Certified by the WOKIti American AccordluniM Association • Remodeling 73 E. Cherry St. 994 RAHWAY AVENUE WOodbriilge 8-9455 • New Installations RAHWAY 71673 WOODBRIPGE 8-1911 « Main St., Woodbridge, N. j. e Gas and Oil Burners Ml ll;r k By FraakUn 1- ' Call WO-S-3046, HI-2-73U • Sporting Good! • Bttttf, the Amerlun l'r«i••• > '•'•'\ Easy Way NOW! htr a fur coat as » ChrM! • *-*• Cosmetics - Film you will t» protected l>y ' ' ^1 No Accordion 31 Greeting Card* •ral T»ad« Commissluii. » • - I To Buy * - "Peno." 1038, lomt popular fun On i Our Easy Rental Plan Charles Fan "Aire*» and under namM wbich w International, modern arid classical "CenUnre" music taught to keelnnlrt and ad- i vanced students. Agents lor all lop- Plumbing - Heating RAYMOmjACKSON make accordions. Btatioo Electric Sever Service EIDIE'S MUSIC CENTER HEEL REPAIRS A SPECIALTY AND SON Eddie Bonkoski, Prop. Telephone: j Keel Checked, Clean**, 357 State St., P. A. VA-6-1290 WoodbrMfc *-059* Polished, Greased ant $1 .(0 | ) Druggist* , m LINDEN AVENUE Adjusted, for Only * • Moving and Trucking • I Plus Farts. It Netted) Woodbridie, N. I. 88 Main Strict j "Home of Reel Pwts" Complete Moving Job We Have, In Stock wiwdbridge, N. J. 3 Rooms $25 5 Rooms ?S5 • CUSTOM-MADE POLKS i Rooms $30 •ll BUY ON THE HIGHWAY Moving Prompt Expert Repairs One of Oar Trophies as "sable," dyed "^ - Service RCA Tubes and Parts HOME WITH LIGHT ANP .SAVE itiKNT FISHING TACKLC "mink" or "asble." "'' Batteifics Featuring RUDY'SAN; D 1EPAI* bit was sold as "sable" or flWl." And to maka i! National Van Urn 34 PER8IUNG .AVENUE SPORTING COOPS FOR THE HOilDAYlf Nationally Advertised wom, white hairs formal CAKTfftKT, N. J. 256 Monroe 8^ Id in faxes »nd *"'''" J Brands of Furniture A. KM, Jr., Prop. Telephone KA»T4SM a "lifter fox." A. W. Hall and Son •awghtm i«w »••";;; ,,1,1 Telephone CA-l-WW Local sud Uwi TIME VALUABLE TO) bf toflalstiou, let V"" I Moyint and Sturajt '" own fur coat, ami •" • NATION-WIDE guimiti of CENTENARIAN Household and 0fflc« VvrnltHtt KLA1S WAYSIDE Artkorlic* Umt Itlng hl» femur Klatapell home, 1 Howard Van llnei William MttXtnky, nw 104, took fhrt Volumes" nm >'" FURNIT&BE SHOP UtfttiM ftttMM lot AtWW* what you think they ««• ' " t\ a plane b»ck to his Seattle honw. lL CRATING • PACKING me pcoductd W»*P'|" |U1 V. 8. Highway No, ) - Awul TELEVISION and McKUUey expUUWtl, "Tliat's tU* thlfd SKIPPING as ftrlwok M ">« Unclaimed Furniture of Kver; only way I c»re to brtve^' DewirlpUaii RADIO SERVICE CU1XK ON TEACMRB8 OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. - 9 P. M, Office and Warehouse 16 Washington Avenue cwitury. A tin«l« Phone WOodbrldre 9-1577 34 Atlantic Street, Carteret MAILMAN'S MjLftAGE TEL. CA-1-5540 Call CA-H978 NEWARK - Willlata J. Hour CAIU Mad; de)!, who retired recently ai a. mil) IT PAYS TO USE A. M. ~ » P. M, m»n after 48 m " '""" THE WANT APS sJld PAOE THUTHDAY. DWEMflER If.. irrons to Inaugurate Court Schedule Here on Tuesday Loss of Veterans i i( ians Climb SCORING KING By Alan Movtr Catalin Wins Pair - NEIL Tomczuk's Concern " ;!IMI Position; JOHNS TON, In Women's Loop, i, WHO"? OUT In Building Squad . Kasars Twice TO MAKE IT FOUR /// A ROW Gains on Leaders \V O O n B H 1 D O E - With '.:•" (ivnihuiiOn u! most of his vet- TEAM STANDINGS ,ii». In i .luiu" CO.KII John Tom- _ W L W L • .iik «ns toivi'ii to rebuild the 24 IB 8 Goods, Plaintield Recreation 28 Bu.or.>'UM;i ->quad from the — -i.ilnn 23 16 Catalin Corp. 1?" 13' i- ind ai« tins in',)' but- lie won't. T, 11 17 D.xie Belle . 21 15 fcnviw unttf Tii'-*i1:iy Jrnsht how i\i! V.o .;:(*• !>>f-n \»lirn the Red \ 18 19', i 19'/J Reo Dinerett«s 18 ,'vl IV.''k l:\kr Oil ?fTth AttlbOy :. 19 20 New Brass Rail 13 23 Mi :i scluxi! at ilicMoeal gym. y 1 14 25 The Pines , 12'.>, 2a ri.ui'.f tirw )'.»< bcrri set for 8*30 '}.» . 13Vi nvi Viel's Accordion School 9 27 1! t!n> Barron *ttipp«r had the -^ T!it; Ideal Beauty HbPELAWN—From all indica- • in> of uK-kiiK his Inaugurtl •'• , step closer to flrst tions, It looks as though the only ^.t'in> hr would ru> doubt eliminate t. Oivolia's Women's team with a chance to overtake rvrih Airlbov be:«usf tJw Panthers •••• ; the piamfield, Recreation In the \\-r loadrd •nth returnlnn veteraiw Ur by tripping trie lii.icf Kiwar Bulld- Central Jersey Women's Bowling \ ho poses* valuablr 'experience In • League is the Catalln Corporation ni of three games. :ii' »;i«u sport Tiw Amboynns of Fords which recently hammered ,,. v.nn thr first two pwki'rl e stirs Bill Sabo, \ 466, respectively. Adele Rakos and Siclwrd Kw.nlak, Carroll Brttton. )" i ;:t-: 75. 051-610 and : Kay Fiorentini were the Oilers' Johnny Howell. Bob Beni and Ed- Afil? 0 E » Semlnski. *• Mil Betty Mauc«rl wa» HE MA 5 TOP5 most outstanding bowlers with marks of 547 and 506. Rakos re- !>KUtL WORK: John Toir.fiuk. WoodbricUf Hi»h School's populur basketball clinch. Is shown ahovf One of th« morp pleasant sur- r -,;:• Lumberjacks' most IH RE&OUrtP5 LAST corded a 219 game while running dlaimnmin; a play during a recent blackboard drill, wl'rh hr Impi^ will br successful whrn '' inset during the pre-senson prac- •, i,,m!en their season with Perth Amboy Tuesday night. The Wotidbrldjr 115.S-58 court s< ;ice sessions was the ability of Her teammates, Jessie PAST 2 YEARS THE « tilts. The Union County club won the Bartons some desperately ..*.- ,,.,, by defeating Coop- jthe first and third clashes, 862- ie«led assistance under the back- - 7I4-B13- and 109-663 789 and 773-751, while dropping Topples Local Club, 30-29 boards. the finale, 629-618 StUI in Rate - i ;l! the second, 779-771. •period to edge St. James", 7-6. and •nation now stand*, the June Eber Stars Team StandInrs Also still In the race for varsity W close ths gap to a 21-20 count. berths are sophomoies Jerry Gon- :ue one-half game One of the reason for Plainfield's When Arty Finn fouled out in the :;>!-iiird on Pane 22) success during the match was Jane St. Francis", Metuchen 3 ya. Bill Filarowicz and Ronnie fourth quarter, the St. Jamts' at- Hoyda. Both Oonya and Hoyda Goer who toppled the pins for St. Joseph's. Carteret 2 tack slowed down and was unable mores of 203, 169 and 199 before were outstanding players on last St. James', Woodbridge 1 to match the 10-point outburst by MINIMUM winding up with a 571 set. Her season's fine freshmen quintet, • Holy Trinity. Perth Amboy 1 St. Joseph's which decided the SI.KVICE teammates, Marie Rowe and | St. Mary's. Perth Amboy 1 who may blossom into real stars .95 well-played game. after they acquire a little polish Marion Gray, were also consistent Tar Trucking 9 ! Our Lady of Peace. Fords . 0 CALL and experience. with tallies of 478 and 470. Marie Plaza Barbevs Paul Medvetz and Ray Kondrk Halvick was The Pines' best with Almasi Tavern WOODBRIDOE — St. James' sparked the Carteret club from The Ban-on mentor also has on hand Johnny Kuzmiak. a talented .FRANK'S a commendable 520 three-game Craftsmen Club reign at the top o! tile St. James' the floor with point totals of 10 senior with a «ood shot: Juniors mark. Ealabas Plumbing Parochial Grammar School Bas- and 8, respectively. Finn walked ark Robert Kasko. Bill Young and ag- Blue Bar ketball League came to an end off the floor with the game's indi- IRADIO & TELEVISION After losing the first game, 811- gressive Frank Martin. AH four ,when St, Joseph's of Carteret vidual high-scoring laurels after M W KIll'NKWICK AVE 750, the New Brass Rait ralied to Hill Tops have shown enough promise to accumulating 19 counters. take the next two from the Reo Maytrs Tavern 1 handed the local cagers their flrst rate being carried with the varsity Dinerettes of Woodbridge, 876-784 High team game: Blue Bar. defeat of the season by a close > at the present stage of the tune-up' ll'llnM and 811-728. The victors' total pin —E. Szeles 170, P. Bt'.ka 193. L. 30-29 score. • I tficted its unbeaten skein and re- season. score of 2,437 was the best in the Koohy 194. S. Kara 231, H. Cho- The action was nip-and-tuck all | mained at the top cf the leasue Woodbridge's schedule is one of ll lflfil From The Lucky Eight Lodge Press Room . . . league for the week. , micki 187. the way In the first quarter with .after comupletely subduing Holy the toughest in recent campaigns Adele Lakomski hit a 540 set M Alrmsi 174-226-202—502. sl; Joseph's holding the edge at Trinity of Perth Amboy. 34-16. with nine of the .squad's fifteen Harry Pozyski, the Lucky Eight's most eager hunter ufter rolling games of 181 J$9 and Si, SepSepaa 216. T. Ferraro 203. R. the conclusion of the frame by a Holy Trinity actually had the (sarrKS slated to be played on the who scauvs the wilderness around the clock, has an 113, to pace the New Brass Rail Demarest 222, E .Harrison 226, J 11-10 count. St. James' made a upper hand in the first quarter. „„,<• Tomc/.uk isn't complaining quiniet; while Ann Smith and 9zikuro 211, B. Jost 201. S. Simon interesting story to relate about the red-eyed deer -omebaek in the second stanza to I outshooting St. Francis. 6-3. but about (ne situation for the simple Marie Patrick were Reo Diner's 203, G. Deter 204-205. afce ovjr 'th^ Urn side of the score the Metuchen club came back reason that he is setting his sights mest effective bowlers with 495 which stood his ground while ducking six 30-caliber at the haU, 15-13. Strong to dominate the next three on the 1957 season in the new gym and 478. K. of C. No. 857 blasts. Mr. Ever Ready deserves some of the credit for W L Arty Finn, the Saints' outstand- sessions. 9-2. 11-2 and 6-2. and is anxious to have his group of Dixie Belle held, third place In 7 ing center, who is regarded as one helping Harry spot the buck among the trees.... Fred the league lineup by one full game Ryan's Plumbing 17 Tom Theeron. Metuchen's lead- sophomores and juniors Rain their Karmazin's 14 10 of the most versatile players in the ins scorer, was hot from ths floor experience the hard way. after defeating Viel's Accordion 10 Adams, a dark horse in the club's recent annual Holi- McCarthy's 14 league, was top point-producer with four accurate shots and two Wllh an ^e t0 the '"bins. Tom- School in two out of three. Viel's 11 day Rifle Tournament, walked off with top honors after , copped the middle clash, 767-761, Urban's 13 during the first half with five field free throws for 10 points, while enen**1 state* earlier thto week. "We Bob's Radio 12 12 goals and three fouls for 13 ?» ™ th« *'ay up a8aln scoring 29 points out of a possible 30. He will be hon- but lost the other two, 801-689 and 14 Bill Alcina followed with nine. 795-774. Mayer's 10 points. 10 14 Holy Trinity's big man from a ored for his remarkable feat at the organization's din- Ann Dustal enjoyed a fine night Wdbge. Liuqors Carteret got hot in the third State Jewelers , ' 17 scoring standpoint was Steve ^•ifc.^ale'ilrst time in my ner dance'January 21 in the American Legion's Em- to lead Dixie Belle with tallies of Auseiy with six markers. ^ yeRrs of coft(.Wng at Wwl. 130, 201 and 151 for a 532. while Tom Karpinski 224, John Papp erald Room. . . . Frank Buck didn't have a thing on 201-202, M. Schubert 203. L. '"" St. Mary's of Perth Amboy ividge. we will be in a position to Anne Nascak followed with a 509 tasted the fruits of victory tor the compete on equal terms with other set. Viel's best during the match 206, W. Haug, Sr.. 201. Windsor Lakis, Dr. Edward Novak, Soapy Mayer and Lacrosst* Coaches Headfirst time this season by taking schools. I have a high regard and was Lillian Valenti with a 493 Three-game winners: Ryans Walter Merwin, who were accompanied by their own Our Lady of Peace, 41-17. in a praise for the boys who have play- three-game mark. plumbing over Karmazin's. NEW YORK — Albert (Red) qne-sided game. ed under unavoidable adverse con- faithful ammunition carrier and gun bearer—Yogi.... Two-game winners: Urban's Twitchell of Rutgers University Jottags over McCarthy's; Wood- The Saints, who appeared to, ditions such as evening practice elected president of the «•>«* small court and limited Zully Mayer failed in his quest to bag a buck, but if jridge Liquors over State Jewelers; was have hit their stride after a slow United States Lacross Conches you'll listen he'll gladly tell you about the ond that Bob's Radio over Mayer's. start, outsoored Fords in all four Association at Its annual fall the woods. The Woodbridte fans, quarters. After forging alu'ad. 8-4, VVOODBK1DGE FIREMEN meeting. who are second to none and who in the initial session, the Am- got away. W h Mr. Twitche'.l succeeds Claxton boylans went on to tal*e the see- Notes Gathered After Dark Wdbge. First Aid . 31^ 10'i O'Connor of Soys Latin High How to score yourself: Mark 30 12 William Kuzniak, the Barron All-State guard, re- P. B. A. No. 38 School in Baltimore, Md. Other your choices 1-2-3-4. You get ten 3hell ' officers elected were Irvin Sey- fourth, 7-5- The Woodbridge ihedule (or ceived the William Finn Memorial Trophy for his ex- points for a correct flrst pick, five Avenel No. 1 16 mour of Stevens Tech, vice presi- Jim Correll ani Jack Reilly the 1955-56 season ited below. 22 20 Home ploits on the gridiron during the past season.... Steve for a second, three for a third and Iselin 6hiefs dent; Glenn | G. Thiel of Penn were St. Mary's offensive main- Dec. 20 Perth Am one point tor a correct fourth Iselln No. 1 12 30 State, re-elected secretary-trea- stays with clusters of 14 and 10. 21 Alumni Home H&me Pochek wa|s happy over feeing named to an Ail-Time ,:hoice. Twenty la average; thirty Avenel First Aid . 12 30 surer, and Wil\iam H. Ritch of white Mike Krajkovich was top Jan. 3 Sayrevllle Away good; forty, very good, and fifty No. 2 6 36 Swanhaka High School, Floral man for Our Lady of Peac after 7 St. Mary's, P. Woodbridge team recently, but claims he got a bigger VL**VI **v. — 10 South River Home the perfect lift perfect. High team game: Avenel No. 1, ,Park, N. Y., new member of the sinking six counters. thrill when his son Donald's drawing,won first prize 13 Carteret •i Away .mine on your Itat! 1. We'll start with boxing. The )03—J. Essig 191, M. Petras 190, A. i executive committee.' Rev. Oustave Napoleon, the 17 New Brunswick Away I HI like Fisherman on Sandy Becker's TV show Stan's Bar, Jiggs Asso- heavyweight ranks have had many ?eterson 173, W. Meyers 175, J. j league director, announced sarlier OBSERVES 100TH BIRTHDAY 31 Union Aw»y he-J-s .50 ciation and the A,venel Panthers should furnish an champions with great knockout McCfcve V»«. this week that the!slate o| games Away records. Which of the fighters be A <3oreeWad 218, A. Uuro 212, PONTIAC. Mich. —Friends and to be played Sunday afternoon at Pteb. J Platafield 2 up 7 Perth An^toy Awto .... interesting race in the Recreation Senior Basketball low would you say won the most Jt Heller 201, J. Lodtie 200. H. relatives recently gathered to help the Amboy Avenue court includes Awfcy Deter 208, H. Aronson 203, A. Lis- Jcnathan A. Ferrier celabrate his 11 Asbury Park I HI the Bowler . . . circuit. . . . Penn State would like to see Leroy Alexan- fights by a KO? ( ) Jorirt L. Sul the St. Prancis-Our Lady of Peace Away ) Max clnski 200. 100th birthday. There (were 191 14 South River • jit Primo Camera, ( tilt at one o'clock, the Holy Trin Home i I5ON1TE" BALL der and Lou Hagler wear their colors- next fall, while guests present, including Ferrier's 17 Csrteret ,. ll CKKTIFICATES" Baer, i ) Jack Dempsey. ity-St. Joseph's game at two, api Away •H BOWL MOR HOUSE four ohildren, 35 grandchildren, 21 Sayrevllle s the University of Pennsylvania is, interested iA Hagler 2. On a recent Major League W L the St. James'-St Mary's scrap at Home 113 great-grandchildren and 39 24 St. Mary's, P. A. 3 * 1 All-Star team one of the players three. and Bill Sabo. . . . Mildred Hardy tolled a sizzling 583 Middlesex T-V 30>a 11 great-great-grandchildren. i HI- the Skater , . . set with the Catalin Corporation team in the Central was born or« Christmas Day. Can( (Continued on Page 22) |n I 11 50 you name the player.? ( )' Ted 12 Jersey Women's League Monday night— Frank Par- Kluszewskl, t ) Nelson Poxi ( ) PINNING A CHRISTMAS PARTY? *•* up don, % fqrmer Barron {*rid (star and World War II cas- Ed Matthews, t ) Ernie Banks. 1 3. Strictly in the holiday spirit, A WEDDING RECEFI1ON? Mr, .50 MOON DOG FOOD ualty, forwarded his congratulations to Nick Priscoe what is a "Chrlstmafc Tree" In . 6 up l.M f bowling? i » Three consecutive 't-nnis Players' •.. on ijis fine season. ... Is it true that jjoe Nagy unj- !|Mi, ; splits, ( ) a split, ( > six strikes, FOR YOUR DOG Reunion? IB," "Wright & DltMB" knowingly once rowed a boat for two hours with his *'«i "Kawllnj" Dogs come running whtn Equipment ( ) payoff at end of season Shower? Banqtlct? anchor churning up muf and did he claim at the time 4. Stan Hack, manager of the it's time foi MOON HOMO- Kl IS Oup 1 that a heavy undertide was minimizing his forward Chicago Cubs, holds the National ctNi/.ED Doc FOOD ... be- Dance? Luncheon? I or the tiolfer . , . League record for a third baseman oust it's uiiier, more nour- by playing &4 games without an Club Cocktail 'BmW and progress? ishing md better (or them! error. Who holds the the Ameri- Equipment f j Duffy Speaks . . . Function? Party? can mark? ( ) Jimmy Collins, < And yet it costs no more, Johnny Howell may have played his last football Willie Kamm, < ) Red FoHe, i jnd leu thin nuny other game ?ince he has decided to enter Rutgers Prep which Oswald Bluge. ; feeds. Lou of dog owners abandoned the fall sport several years ago Lehigh ?5. Can- you name the year Wal- tell vii MOON'S U 'he fifMdr y food their ^ets would , j THE NEW 6" ter Camp made his first ail-Amer- «»t ind enjoy. Backed by MOON and Company's hundred yens fUnivefsity is currently corresponding with Walt Hous- ican football selections? (j > '-"•" experience and dependability for maltinj only the bcsi. K Majestic "Party Room" man. . . . Rahwpy High School is still tattling * - ( ) 1889, ( ) 1890, ( ) lttJl. - ALSO : i nut Rubber "ts decision to crown Linden as TURN PAGE FOR ANSWER8 IS NOW AVAILABLE! IKAM,S - '. mil n FOR DOG BEDDING: GETS DEER BABE-HANDED For Information Call VA-6 :U81 1 p HI B»gs of Straw - Bales of Str|w ^^ RE-NO, Nev,—Bill Bowman, - eyed to Tren on {or on a deer hunt was startled when Of Cedar Chips - Bales of Cedar Shavings 111" *'' I'IMl' Loafer -I.95-O.50 l.ld H b«ing penalized a deei- walked by a bush in which Pciis * ** UP f. he was hiding, Sine* he had left ["MAJESTIC LANES (U'lwstl will bold sure, he won't his gun several feet away, Bow- <>Uf mi ChrUtmtf for what he has to say *> . craftsmen's Club alleys man lust grabbed the animal AMBOY FEED CO., INC. AvenUt M0P clove garlic and 1 small Marsh*Ryan 17% 24% burger (23 part coot, V3 part ham- onion and brown in i tablespoons (Continued from Sports Page) White House 16^ 25% G High Chair Pads • Infants' Nylon Dress and Slip Colors burger) and season with 'A tea- butter or bacon drippings, then put away froth last place. Amer. Legion 12 30 • Nylon Sweater, Cap and Bootle Sets G Cowboy Jeans and Jackets. 11 spoon salt, !B teaspoon pepper, >/« In 1 pound venison-burger and Pouts 481 Mark E, Snyder 202-210-194—806: T. Sets • HQrse-Hair Nylon Slips, 4 to 6 size 12 fry until brown. Stir frequently Fitzpatrick 265, B. Buckin 212, S. teaspoon onion salt and % tea- Lillian Abate, one of the cir- G Corduroy Overalls Q IJprse-Hair Nylon Half-Slips G Boys' Slacks spoon rubbed sage. Work in 1 so that the meat is we!l broken. cuit's moat consistent bowlers, was Vlhra 211, D, Caruso 206-202. beaten egg and when thoroughly Add 1 No. 2 can of tomatoes. Vs at her beat for Miele's with a 481 Three-game winners: Marsh & G Diaper Sets in Variety of • Gtyls' Flannel Pajamas and G Boys' Paiamas in Flannel, nixed form into small balls. green pepper chopped, 1 four-oz. three-game mark, while Alta Ryan over American Legion; Col- Fabrics Gowns Cotton Knit Alternate on skewers with large can of mushrooms* cut up), I Ryan, 443, and Marie Hemler, 412, lege Inn over V. F. W. No. 4410; G 3-pc. Layette Sets of Matching • Umbrellas, Assorted Styles G Dacron Dress Shirts Fitz Contractors over White House. wedges oT pineapple (which have teaspoon salt, V4 teaspoon pepper, trailed. Bowler honors of the Receiving Blanket, Sacque and • Fancy Nylon Blouses G Boys' Shirts—Ravon Ga!>;ni:v, been marinated'm French dressing 2 teaspoons chili powder and Va Two-game winners: V. F. W. No. Dairymaids quintet were shared Bibs and Booties Q Dresses—Cinderella, Nannetfe, Oxford Weave, Broadcloth, 20 minutes 1, large strips of green teaspoon red pepper. Bring to a by Ruth Einhorn and Sue Seredy, 2636 over Iselin Taxi. pepper (folded over when placed boil then simmer 20 minutes. Pour who posted sets of 427 and 422. G Boucle Knit Suits Kate Greenaway, Tiny Town, Plaids, etc. on the skewer 1, and large mush- into casserole and bake 15 minutes ST. CECELIA'S K. of C. No. J83» G Nylon Creepers etc. Q Boxed Shirt and Tie Sets \ Mary's Dress Shop staggered W L room caps. Broil until meat • is in hot oven (425 degrees). the league-leading Jag's Sporting brown on all sides. Roast Pheasant: Apple-Giblet Seton Hall .. 26 13 Goods team by talcing two out of Iona 26 13 ABOUT $4.00 Now if Santa says "next year" Stuffing three. The Dressmakers took the One of the regular contributors Loyola 23 G Nylon-Filled Quilt Blanket Qi.{foddler Robes in Wool and G Leotards, for Dancing Sri' on that rotlsseiie, no need to pass first two, 670-642 and 702-628, but 19 20 up these coot kalbobs. Place skewers to this column, William R. Strleber, Notre Dame G Imported Belgian Sweater, Cap 'Corduroy G Hat and Purse Sets lost the third, 752*644. St. Peters .... 19 20 on rack In the oven broiler, set the of Independence, Mo., sends alone; and Bootie Sets • Chromium Hot Feeding Dishes The Dressmakers' big guns were Fordham 18 21- • Corduroy Shirts by Kayn regulator on very hot (500 degrees) recipe for roast pheasant with G Infants' Fancy Nylon Dress and G Nylon and Belgian Style Knit D Musical Falry-Go-Round and proceed as above. _ • , apple-giblet stuffing which you. Alice Bach, 461, Steffle Saley, 43fi, Villanova 15 24, and Louise Sinclair, 422. Anne Slip Sets Grouse Italian Style Will like! Holy Cross 10 Shawls G Nylon Shawls , Two grouse will make a fine Stew giblets and cut into small, Lamb and aoretta Smith kept Pat Rogan 225-179-205r-«09;i D Hollywood Crib Bumper Guards • Play-Pen Pads G Boys' All-Wool Sweaters meal for four when prepared pieces. Mix with % cup seedless! Jag's In contention by rolling sets Vlnce Ammiano 216, Tony Mauro! G Fitted Crib Blankets p Cotton Quilted Housecoats, [j Boys' Orion Pullovers of 465 and 433. 20A Neil Qulnlan 201. Italian style. Split the birds and raisins, 1 or 2 medium onions • Infants' Corduroy Suits, 3'to 6x G Boys' Slacks in Heavy Coil season lightly with salt and pepper chopped, and 3 tart apples cored 2 Prs. Pants •••Ruffled, Nylon Ballerina Slip then brown in Vi cup Olive oil in (but not peeled) and cut Into and Nyton*Gftb Blends deep skillet. Turn in 1 cup thinly small pieces. Season pheasant Sports Round-Dp [] Diaper Sets in Luxury Fabrics • Skirts, Jumpers, Dresses G Rubber Raincoats with Hi diced onions and when golden add cavity with salt and pepper then (Continued from Sports Page G Printed Cotton Quilts •Q Girls' Orion Cardigan Sweaters, • U. S. Rubber Co. Plastic 3 cups canned tomatoes and 1 gar-stuff, G Nylon Creeper Suits ,,. 3 to 6x Raynster with Carrying d lic clove. Cover and simmer 25 Place bird in roaster, cover game and he was the last man to stride to the foul line minutes. Add Va. cup white wine breast with sliced bacon and roas and simmer 15 minutes longer. In a moderately hot oven (375 de- with the opportunity to becorne a hero. You guessed ABOUT $5.00 grees) for 1 hour, or until tender. it—he rolled two successive gutter balls. G Cuddlenests D Girls' Orion Cardigans, 7 to 14 ["] Boys' Corduroy Robes, to si; Despite the bacon, thd bird shonld 1 Memos Dropped by the Big Wind Q Buntings 0 Corduroy Jumpers, 7 to 14 G Extra Fancy Nylon Slips Attention, Wise Santas: be basted with butter or pan drip- pings every 15 minutas. Inasmuch Jimmy Keating is of the opinion that Arty Finn Q Nylon Knit Fringed Shawls n Famous Name Brands Dresses D Girls' Raincoats Q ijMusical Cradle Oy • Boys' Heavy Duty Corduroy Q Dacron and Rayon Slacks as pheasants do not have much ranks as the, best all-around basketball player in the fat, they tend to be dry unless well 1 Slacks, Matching Suspenders busted. St. James Grammar School League. . . . Howie Mc- Mr. Strleber marinates old Callen returned to the local court scene with Stan's pheasants overnight in wine vine J ABOUT $6.00 Bar in the Recreation Senior loop.... Davis and Elklns gar and water — 1 cup wine vine G Layette Gift Ensemble m All-Wool Fringed Plaid Pram n Velvet Jumpers gar to 4 cups Water. cille,ge reports that Al Thergeson won a starting posi- G Carriage. Cover Sets in Various Robes ;. ,£} Rayon Taneli, Raincoats tion! on its freshman quintet (North Carolina is still Fabrics H Orion Shawls Jockey Hat interested in Tommy McAuliffe, jwho completed a suc- G Sanforlan Washable Wool D PWty Dresses , G Red Taffeta qan-Can Skirt- Slacks [] Kaynee Selfsiier'Dress Shu:. Sports Quiz Answers cessful football season at Fork tjnion. . . . Observers • All-Wool Crib Blankets 1. Primo Camera. claim Ben Buckin is the most improved Ipowler in $7.00 to $9.00 2. Nelson Fox. Woodbridgf.... The Avenel Panthers are seteking the 3. "Christmas Tree" is a [ ] One-Piece Snowsuits and Pram [] Girls' ptewarf-Plaid Raincoats Q Nylon-AoeUUe gurfjackcts, v > split for a righthander and services of fe dietician to trim the waistlines of several Suits, with Hats \ F wUh Huts, J Interlined • 10 split for a lefthander. players who became heavyweights during the p ast • St. Mary's Wool Blankets H Giamoroufe Dresses for/ • • D Boys' Robe »nd Pajama S Extra Size • Wool Suburban Jackets Fabrics quiet and powerful thit It cuts hair aittoothly, enurtlesaiy without neck nip- ping or luir pulling; Nickel Plated x Shears defined to ftt your hand lor Many More ltefa Not Listed eaey and convenient u«; Tapered. Flexible, Hard Rubber Comb that I Rhinestone 1 easy to hold mid hqlds lutr firmly while cutting: Easy-to-KolIpw Instruc* Crucifix IF IN DOUpwkvj A G1H CERTIFICATP tlon Book—tolls you simply and clearly, with fclep by step, how to bo in expert hulr cuuer. Lord's Prayer Start saving today with tbU wander .1 ful, eiisy-t.o-uu; lulr cutting Mt. Ask Special 0.49 far PRIEST'S Hair Catting Set, only Ta|(« Advantage of OujK Use 110,99 at lee. fi.flfl 4 I*y«Away Plan > 10-Piy» ge PUBLIX For Every Memjber of the Family at !" FrwpiurMng. PHARMACY Club 91 Main Street, AL'S CONFECTIONERY Vtt mu Entrain <• IDS 8t»et Kree D«Uv«r? 119 Avenel Street Avenel WoudbrUge Tel, WO-g-OHt Oppn Every N«ht 'Til i« F, M, lnuludt«| OWJN PEEY NIGHT TILL CHRISTMAS OPEN EVlWHOf