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Taste of Leif Erikson Issue Celebrating Happy the love of Det er hyggelig å være viktig, Leif Erikson Day men det er viktigere from the Norwegian fårikål! å være hyggelig. American Weekly! Read more on page 8 – John Cassis Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 36 October 7, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Oil discovery worth billions News Latest oil Justice Minister Knut Storber- get acknowledges that mistakes discovery one were made during the terrorist attacks on July 22, and that he of the largest in himself carries the top respon- Norwegian history sibility. In an interview with , Storberget says that he takes responsibility for Af t e n p o s t e n that which functioned and that which did not function. He says he will never point at anyone The newest oil discovery in else, neither the police nor other the North Sea was upgraded Sept. operational staff. 30 to be one of the five largest oil (blog.norway.com/category/ discoveries in Norwegian history. news) Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten Culture spoke to oil analyst Thina M. Salt- vedt of Nordea Markets about the Nearly all police chiefs in Nor- enormous significance the find will way are against arming Norwe- gian police officers on a regular have for Norwegian oil revenues. basis, according to a survey by Avaldsnes is part of what a Bergens Tidene. Norway is one few weeks ago was described as of very few countries where po- the greatest discovery since the lice still do not regularly carry 1980s, and among the ten largest Photo: Harald Pettersen / Statoil arms. Statoil ASA and partners Petoro AS, Det norske oljeselskap ASA and Lundin Norway AS have made a high-impact oil dis- (blog.norway.com/category/ See > discovery, page 6 covery on the Aldous Major South prospect (PL 265) in the North Sea. culture) Norway in the U.S. We love Leif Erikson! A royal visit to the US On Oct. 26, the Nordic embas- sies will introduce the everyday Honoring the Norse explorer every Their Highnesses food of the Nordic countries to the children in the Washington, October 9 connects us to heritage King Harald and D.C. public schools. 30,000 stu- dents will enjoy a Nordic lunch, Queen Sonja visit educational and cultural activi- Midwest and New ties. (blog.norway.com/category/ York on official trip norway-in-the-us) Ke l s e y La r s o n Copy Editor What’s inside? News 2-3 His Majesty King Harald and Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Nor- Business 4 way will be embarking on a tour of Research & Education 5 the U.S. that begins in Opinion 6-7 Photo: Sølve Sundsbø/The Royal Court See > royals, page 7 TM King Harald and Queen Sonja Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Victory in Obituaries & Religion 11 Europe defeats Arts & Style 12 US in Solheim Cup In Your Neighborhood 13 Norwegian Heritage 14 Illustration: Andrew Saur tournament Sports 15 p o r t Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d NRK S Managing Editor $1 = NOK 5.8058 Suzann “Tutta” Pettersen was updated 9/26/2011 excited early this week as Europe In comparison This Oct. 9 marks the 47th nent – beating that Italian Christo- secured victory against the U.S. 8/26/2011 5.3637 anniversary of Leif Erikson Day, pher Columbus (commissioned by in the Solheim Cup, a golf tourna- which celebrates the Norse ex- Spain!) by over 500 years. Though 3/26/2011 5.6015 ment, on Sept. 25. plorer as the first European to set 9/26/2010 5.8738 foot on the North American conti- See > leif, page 6 See > solheim, page 15 Photo: Suzanngolf.com 2 • October 7, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Kongen: - Folket tok ansvar og viste vei har Norges dårligste byluft Hvert år kommer Stortinget sammen i ok- tober, konstituerer seg og åpnes formelt av har renest luft kongen. 3. oktober var det høytidelig åpning for 156. gang. Kong Harald leste trontalen, av hovedstedene i der Regjeringen presenterte sin agenda for Skandinavia det kommende året. Kongen åpnet trontalen ved å henvise til sommerens terrortragedie. Af t e n p o s t e n – Ut av det vonde vokste en sterk folkelig vilje til samhold, åpenhet og deltakelse. I de Januar 2011. innfører - og mest kritiske timene og dagene landet vårt oddetallskjøring etter flere dager med farlig har opplevd siden den annen verdenskrig, høye konsentrasjoner av svevestøv i luften. tok folket ansvar for våre verdier og viste Asmatikere blir rådet til å holde seg in- veien framover. Det styrker folkestyret. nendørs. Samtidig vil tragedien prege både mennesk- er og samfunn i lang tid, sa kongen. Også i Oslo blir asmatikere enkelte – En hel verden har vist medfølelse med dem vinterdager oppfordret til å unngå områdene som ble rammet. Folk over hele verden har i byen der luftkvaliteten er dårligst. uttrykt sin beundring for den verdigheten det Men blant de tre største norske byene er norske folk møtte terrorhandlingene med. det Bergen som i snitt de siste årene har hatt – Regjeringen vil balansere behovet for nød- den beste luftkvaliteten. Det viser en omfat- vendig sikkerhet og trygg beredskap mot et tende oversikt utarbeidet av WHO. felles ønske om fortsatt nærhet mellom det Organisasjonen har sammenstilt norske folk og sentrale samfunnsaktører. målinger av gjennomsnittlige konsentrasjon- Det overordnede målet er å følge folkeviljen er av små partikler svevestøv i luften – såka- om et samfunn preget av mer åpenhet, mer lte PM10-partikler – i nærmere 1100 byer fra Foto: Pål Bugge/Innovation Norway demokrati og mer deltakelse. Det krever at 91 land. vi opptrer med samme klokskap, ydmykhet Ifølge rapporten har Trondheim et gjen- Han er ikke overrasket over at Trond- at langtransportert luftforurensning utgjorde og respekt som det norske folk, leste han. nomsnitt på 25, Oslo på 22, og Bergen på 20 heim topper statistikken i Norge. 40 – 50 prosent av årsmiddelverdien. (Aftenposten) mikrogram PM10-partikler per kubikkmeter – Trondheim har alltid ligget høyest – Dette kan for eksempel være sand fra luft. av de norske byene på disse målingene. Sahara, eller stamme fra utslipp i industrien i «Lillyhammer» solgt til USA De tre norske byene tangerer eller over- En mulig årsak er at tilsatsmaterialet til as- Poznan, sier han. NRK-serien «Lillyhammer» har blitt solgt stiger dermed WHOs anbefalte grense på 20 falt i Trondheim lager forholdsmessig mer – Mye tyder derfor på at bidraget fra til det amerikanske selskapet Netflix, før den mikrogram. svevestøv enn for eksempel i Oslo og Ber- langtransportert forurensning nå er enda i det hele tatt har hatt norgespremiere. Tone – Grensen på en årsverdi på 20 er ek- gen, sier Tønnesen. høyere, sier Tønnesen. C. Rønning, prosjektsjef for NRK Drama er stremt streng i forhold til andre regulativer. Han tror imidlertid det skal godt gjøres overlykkelig for at serien om en amerikansk English Synopsis: A new report by the World Health EU bruker for eksempel en årsverdi på 40 for norske byer å komme seg under den an- leiemorder som rømmer til Norge, har blitt Organization shows three Norwegian cities are above befalte grensen fra WHO. Han viser til en solgt til USA. – Er ikke dette helt fantastisk? som grense, sier seniorforsker Dag Tønnesen the recommend amount of particulate pollution, with Trondheim as the worst air quality in Norway. Jeg fryder meg, sier Rønning til NRK.no. ved Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning. undersøkelse NILU foretok i 1998, som viste Hun gir all æren til manusforfatterne bak ideen, Anne Bjørnstad og Eiliv Skodvin. «Lillyhammer» handler om Frank Tagliano, som må gå i dekning i OL-byen Lilleham- Utøya blir åpnet Nyinnsatt preses provoserer mer etter å ha vitnet mot mafiafamilien i For første gang etter 22. en amerikansk rettssak. Den nylig inngåtte Den nyinnsatte preses avtalen gir Netflix eksklusive rettigheter til juli inviterer AUF pressen vil ikke kalle Trondheim å vise den første sesongen i USA, Canada til Utøya og Latin-Amerika, skriver C21media.net. for kirkehovedstad Serien skal ha premiere samtidig i Norge og USA i begynnelsen av 2012. Da g b l a d e t (NRK) NRK For første gang etter massakren 22. juli inviterer AUF pressen til Utøya 3. oktober. For mye torsk for fiskerne Nasjonens øyne var i går rettet mot Ni- Gjett hvem som mener det nå er for mye AUF har i tiden etter angrepet bedt mediene om ikke å besøke Utøya før alle darosdomen og den historiske innsettingen torsk i havet? Svar: Norges Fiskarlag. Nor- av preses for Den norske kirke. ske fiskere kan ikke klage over ressurstil- pårørende og overlevende har fått anledning – Et nytt blad vendes akkurat nå i vår gangen i havet. De fleste fiskebestandene til å komme dit. I to runder har det blitt ar- kirkes store historiebok. Biskop Helga Haug- i havet er på et historisk høyt nivå. En av rangert besøk for disse gruppene på Utøya. disse bestandene er torsken. Vi må tilbake Rundt 170 pressefolk fra inn- og ut- land Byfuglien innsettes i det nye embetet til etterkrigsårene for å finne en større be- land er akkreditert til besøket til Utøya, hvor som preses for bispemøtet og Den norske stand av nordøstarktisk torsk enn nå. – Vi AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen vil holde en ori- kirke her i Nidarosdomen, sa biskop i Ni- spør om det er for mye torsk i havet. Den entering. Det skal også tidligere AUF-leder daros, Tor Singsaas under innsettinga. store torskebestanden spiser mye annen fisk Martin Henriksen, som er styreleder i Utøya Hovedsetet for preses skal være i Trond- som kunne vært til nytte til andre formål. AS. Pressen vil få bevege seg fritt rundt på heim, som i mange sammenhenger er blitt Bestanden av torsk spiser også 220.000 tonn hele øya og i bygningene. kalt landets kirkehovedstad. Akkurat det Foto: Kirken.no torsk, sier lederen i Norges Fiskarlag, Reidar 69 personer, de aller fleste ungdommer, siste er ikke Byfuglien enig i. Innsettelsen av preses Byfuglien i Nidarosdomen 2. oktober. Nilsen. For fem år siden anbefalte havforsk- ble drept og mange hardt såret under ter- – At det er gjort et valg om Trondheim erne en kvote på 309.000 tonn. Kvoterådet rorangrepet mot AUFs sommerleir 22. juli. som kirkehovedstad, er å trekke det litt langt. norske stat. Det er en sjanse hun burde ha for neste år lyder på 751.000 tonn, en økning – Gjennom flere tiår har ungdom besøkt Men det har vært inne i debatten at om Norge på 143 prosent. – Vi er helt enig i denne mål- grepet begjærlig, sier han og mener dette er øya for å diskutere hvordan vi best skaper et skulle ha en egen kirkehovedstad et annet settingen, men føler at fiskerleddet ofte blir ille både for kirka selv og for Nidaros. trygt og rettferdig samfunn for alle. Her har sted enn hovedstaden, så ville Trondheim glemt. Når man snakker om “verdens beste – Det er ingen tvil om at det er sterke det vært politiske verksteder og diskusjoner vært relevant, sier Byfuglien. sjømatnasjon er det ofte oppdrettsnæringa krefter i kirkemiljøet i Norge som heller om miljøspørsmål, utenrikspolitikk og ut- Hun har tidligere også skapt en del uro og fiskerinæringa fra kaikanten og videre hadde ønsket at kirkas preses skulle ha hatt danningspolitikk for å nevne noen. Og både lokalt fordi hun ikke har erklært at hun vil bo som debatteres, sier Nilsen. sete i Oslo. Noe av poenget med å ha flyttet Arbeiderpartiets ledere, statsministre og i Trondheim. (VG) den funksjonen ut, er at kirka skal være statsråder har lyttet, lært og deltatt. I bakken Blant lokalpolitikere er det tverrpolitisk uavhengig av byråkratiet og den slags ak- her oppe, har viktige politiske debatter blitt enighet i Trondheim om at kirkas hovedsete – Billigste strøm på ti år tører i Oslo, sier Brox. ført, og det er sannsynligvis ikke en over- skal være i Nidaros og at Trondheim bør Det viser en grov beregning utført av sjefa- – Nettopp det at preses er plassert i drivelse å si, at det ikke er noen øy i Norge være kirkehovedstad. nalytiker John Brottemsmo i Bergen Energi, Trondheim gir dem en mulighet til å bli mer som har formet det politiske Norge mer enn – Jeg synes dette er skuffende, defensive skriver Bergens Tidende. En gjennomsnittlig uavhengig og ha en sterkere stemme i Norge, familie bruker 20.000 kilowattimer i året. Et Utøya, sier AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen. uttalelser, sier Yngve Brox, kommunalråd sier Brox. slikt forbruk kostet forbrukerne på Vestlan- (H) i Trondheim. English Synopsis: On Oct. 3, the Labor Party Youth det 23.000 kroner i 2010. I år ligger prisen – Nå har hun en gylden mulighet til å English Synopsis: The newly installed Bishop of the opened Utøya to the press for the first time since the plassere seg selv og sin funksjon som preses Norwegian State Church, Helga Haugland Byfuglien, an til å komme på 18.750 kroner. July 22 massacre. Over 70 press people came from all is stirring up debates by questioning Trondheim as the (NTB) over the world to participate. og den norske kirka som uavhengig av den center of the Norwegian church. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news October 7, 2011 • 3 News A life of no regret Utøya opens to the press This week on Norway.com Eleanor Mondale Poling American debut for Bernhoft Labor Party Youth invite Norwegian musician Jarle Bernhoft made his died of cancer at age 51 American TV debut on the Ellen DeGeneres the international press Show on Sept. 27. “My producers showed for the first time since the me your YouTube video, and I was just blown away, it’s very, very impressive,” said Ellen July 22 shootings DeGeneres on her show. Bernhoft, wearing his trademark big plastic glasses and a pink shirt under his jacket, joked playfully with Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d DeGeneres during their chat. He performed Managing Editor his hit single “C’mon Talk.” It impressed both the experienced talk show host and the On Oct. 3, the Labor Party Youth (AUF) audience. A video of Bernhoft’s interview can be viewed on blog.Norway.com. opened Utøya to the press, 10 weeks after the (Staff Compilation) Photo: Jessie Hegland July 22 shooting rampage by Anders Behring Eleanor Mondale Poling died of brain cancer on Breivik that led to the death of 69 people. Po- Loss in elections costs SV millions Sept. 17. lice closed the island after July 22, and the A bad election cost the Socialist Left party AUF hosted two weekends for survivors, SV not only influence in local government Photo: Tommaso Tani/Flickr/Creative Commons St aff Co m p i l a t i o n families and relatives to visit the island be- and counties – the fact that only 4.3 percent Norwegian American Weekly The Labor Party Youth invited the press to tour fore it was opened to the press. of voters supported the party in elections now “I realize that many of you feel it has Utøya, after the survivors, family members and friends had the opportunity to visit first. also shows up in the party’s bank account. Eleanor Mondale Poling, the vivacious been a long time since July 22, and perhaps In addition to rebuilding the party, SV must daughter of former Vice President Walter should have been here before. That, I under- now fight to avoid layoffs in the county jobs Mondale who was a television entertainment stand,” said AUF leader Eskil Pedersen. “In More than 150 journalists and photog- they have retained. Preliminary figures show reporter, radio show host and occasional return I ask for your understanding that the raphers from around the world took the five- that the election results have cost the party magnet for gossip, died Sept. 17 at her Min- feeling is not mutual. It has not been a long minute trip to the island on the M/S Thorb- about 2.4 million NOK in lost support from nesota home, a family spokeswoman said. time for all survivors, relatives and our orga- jørn – the same ferry that carried Breivik on state and county. Party Secretary Silje Schei She was 51. nization. This place, this island, means very Tveitdal says the party will now “turn over See > mondale, page 11 much to so many.” See > press, page 15 every stone” to retain the 15 people who work for the party at the county level. Most of the cost goes to cover salaries. Changes in my little country (Aftenposten) Official visit SAS hires 130 pilots Professor Claudia Prime Minister Stoltenberg The Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) has announced that it will hire 130 new pilots by Berguson reflects on her to visit President Obama next summer. This is equal to a 10 percent experience with July 22 increase in the number of pilots. “During staff reductions we entered into a collective agreement, giving first rights to those laid Ke l s e y La r s o n off,” says SAS’s Eivind Bjurstrøm. Copy Editor (Norway Post)

“The focus was not on the question of Terror bill exceeds a billion already ‘how can we bring about justice’ but ‘who Norway’s home-grown terrorist Anders are we, and what do we want to become?’” Behring Breivik has already cost his fellow On Sept. 19, associate professor of taxpayers more than NOK 1 billion (USD Norwegian and Scandinavian area studies 188 million) in addition to the 77 lives he took in his July 22 attacks on the government Claudia Berguson gave a lecture entitled Photo: Per Thrana/Office of the Prime Minister “My Little Country: Norway’s Responses Stoltenberg and Obama during the president’s and Labor Party summer camp Utøya. The To Terror” at Pacific Lutheran University in visit to Oslo in December 2009. terror bill doesn’t even begin to include what it will cost to repair or rebuild the bombed- Tacoma, Wash. Berguson was in the midst out government complex downtown. Most of of teaching a summer course at the Oslo In- Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y Washington, D.C. the initial costs include rental of temporary ternational Summer School when a terrorist offices for all the government ministries set off a bomb outside government buildings that have had to move to new quarters. The in Oslo, and a short time later opened fire on President Obama will host Prime Min- ister of Norway for a meet- government asked the parliament on Friday the island of Utøya on July 22. Photo: Christy Olsen Field for approval of an additional allocation of ing in the Oval Office Oct. 20. The President In her lecture, Berguson related stories Dr. Claudia Berguson was teaching at the Oslo NOK 1.029 billion to the 2011 budget. International Summer School at the time of the (Views and News from Norway) See > changes, page 5 July 22 tragedy. See > visit, page 13 Raise funds with the Norwegian American Weekly Share the Norwegian American Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, and benefit your organization at the same time!

We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization gets $20 of the profit (It adds up quickly!) • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, or however you like • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about Norway and the Norwegian-American community Want more information? Contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • October 7, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (October 3, 2011) Winners Losers Find it in Companybook Norsk Kr. 5.8647 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Seabird Exploration 0.40 81.8% Teco Maritime 0.39 -22.0% The new Norwegian business tool that connects Dansk Kr. 5.6067 American Shipping Co 2.80 50.5% Birdstep Technology 1.00 -21.8% Svensk Kr. 6.8677 Veksel 2600.00 23.8% Renewable Energy Corp. 4.56 -12.9% social networking and business searching AGR Group 12.00 23.1% Scottish Salmon Co. 2.30 -11.5% Canadian $ 1.0463 Norse Energy Corp. 0.10 11.11% BWG Homes 11.35 -11.3% Euro 0.7533 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Independent Insurance Broker Long-Term Health Care Serving individuals and corporations

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Happy Leif Erikson Day! Ra s m u s Fa l ck Oslo, Norway

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Lastly you can tool to reach out and develop new business. secure your business by checking finance, You get a social platform to interact with media reputation and get early warnings. current business partners and clients. The Now they want to role out the company in opportunity is here for your company to truly more than 200 countries. collaborate for solid and lasting results. Here Four hundred years ago, King Chris- is where you come for the facts and stay to tian IV of Denmark and Norway wanted his do business. kingdom to be self sufficient in iron produc- Three Norwegian private investors have tion. His wish became reality when an iron so far invested NOK 20 million in Compa- ore was discovered at Bærums Verk. A melt- nybook. The company believe strongly that ing hut was set up. During the ironworks it should be possible to find investors in the heyday, everything from cannon balls and venture capital market in Silicon . An cannons to bar iron, armored plates and riv- ICT veteran with a track record from many ets were produced. Later items, such as ov- years in Silicon Valley is on board as CEO. ens, grave ornamentations, kitchen utensils, Next year it is full throttle for entering the hard ware and machine parts gradually be- American market. came the mainstays of production. The well Business News & Notes Downturn will affect SAS more than rivals, REC considers permanently closing some says CEO Norway production I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. A downturn in the global economy would likely Renewable Energy Corp. ASA will seek to hit Scandinavian Airlines harder than its com- permanently close parts of its solar energy- Scott F. Peterson petitors because the airline carries a relatively component production capacity in Norway af- (206) 783-2195 high proportion of business travelers, Chief ter a slump in prices for solar wafers and cells. 1713 NW Market St. Executive Rickard Gustafson said. Business Talks will start with employee representatives Seattle travel is “a segment I believe will be hit first, on shutting the plant in Glomfjord, several [email protected] so of course I’m worried,” Gustafson said. He such plants at Herøya and the solar-cell plant said the airline is constantly re-evaluating its at Narvik. The move will reduce the compa- Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. growth plans. ny’s Norwegian annual wafer capacity by 775 Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most (Dow Jones Newswires) megawatts, or 45 percent. major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research October 7, 2011 • 5 Research & Education < changes From page 3 “It turned a mirror toward us and asked, What’s in a name? ‘what is our role?’” said Berguson. Berguson closed her lecture with a poem of what she experienced while living in Oslo by Lars Saabye Christensen. It was written Leif, Leiv, Leifur – Rolf during the attacks and Norway’s period of one month after the tragedies, and is entitled mourning. She also shared thoughts about ‘22 7 2011.’ An excerpt from the poem: Kristian Stang takes a Norway’s reaction to the attacks and the mentality of the terrorist. look at the controversy “hit by flame and shadow “What perhaps could not be fully cap- we drop everything we have in our hands surrounding the famous tured in the media was the profound silence,” and lift a rose Berguson said, discussing the impromptu explorer’s name the rose is right.” Rose Parade held in Oslo and the 300,000 + people standing together, eerily quiet. “It “My lasting impressions of Norwegians Ro l f Kr i s t i a n St a n g was a remarkable shared silence,” she said. New York City, N.Y. were the dignity and resolve they showed in She also noted the cultural differences the face of terror,” Berguson said. “It shows that emerged throughout the country. While confidence in the power of human beings Origins of words are important, as well walking in the woods, for example, complete rather than barricades.” as consistency in using them. How they are strangers stopped to talk to her on the trail. Faculty, staff, students and members of spelled should be taken seriously; the man- This had never been her experience before in the community were present at the lecture. ner of spelling is a source indicator. The a country where most people attempt not to Several Norwegian students had arranged a name of Leif Eriksson regularly gets spelled make eye contact while passing someone on table of cards on which condolences could irregularly! He’s Leifur Eiríksson in modern the sidewalk. “I had to suspend my work- be written. These are to be displayed in the Icelandic, with Leif or Leiv alternating as ing cultural codes and kind of ‘go with the University Center. first name, though pronounced the same— flow,’” she said. Torhild Larsen Skillingstad, one of these the ‘ur’ simply denoting gender, just as in Conversations with her students, friends, students, was in the United States at the time Spanish Robert gets spelled Roberto. and strangers were different after the attacks; of the attacks. She said Berguson’s lecture What we need to talk about is how his they were conversations Berguson was “not provided an opportunity “to process every- last name gets spelled: Eriksson, Erikson, used to having.” She noted that there was a thing that had happened.” Ericksson, Erickson, Ericsson, Ericson, Er- Norway before July 22, and a different Nor- ichsson, or Erichson? The latter six, using way after the attacks. Latin “c” are the most removed from the Norse and the least authentic. Also, the very last two with “ch,” specifically, are -Ger man! Remember, Leif was born an Icelander and his father, the exiled Erik the Red, was Photo: Panoramio.com The Leifr Eiríksson statue in Reykjavik, . Norwegian. For the sake of Leif’s deserved AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS claim-to-fame things should settle down to a logical, universal single spelling, so that the ences, English is not a Romance language, It’s not too early to book for Christmas – SAS special air fares world at large may always know who we are it is essentially Anglo-Saxon with much that Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide talking about. is Norse in its base structure and vocabulary During the past few hundred years, the (which still eludes many). The letter “k” is 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 Latinized form of the name, i.e. using “c,” very much a part of it. So, with Eriksson in Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] instead of “k,” has crept in. In the Nordic English, let’s stick to using the “k.” (If one countries, it’s used predominantly in Swe- of the versions spelled with “c” happens to den, I believe, but this spelling has spread to be your family’s name, that’s another thing Edvard Grieg Society, Inc. New York the English-speaking world. entirely. Your name is your name.) There are two other affectations of note With regard to the famous Millennium from this period worth mentioning: “ch” voyager, we should also use two “s”-es. The presents instead of “k” and also the frequently seen first of the two reflects the possessive (Leif Latin surname-ending: “ius.” Where does being Erik’s son). This shows how names at ARNE NORDHEIM COMMEMORATIVE CONCERT this impulse to change come from? Is it that that time were arrived at. Because that’s an and the “c,” “ch” or the “ius” makes a name enlightening thing that comes in the spelling, MEMORIAL CONCERT FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE TRAGEDY IN NORWAY look classier? Perhaps. Throughout North there’s clear logic in using it. Europe, “ius” has been adapted as an end- Here’s a few contrasting hypothetical ing for family names. The Swedish-speaking examples coming from the other direction. Grieg Festival Orchestra Finnish clan, Sibbe, for example, altered its Just imagine us trying to get used to people name in this way and later gave us a musi- around the world using Linkoln, Kleveland, PER BREVIG, conductor cal genius, so we all know it in its Latinized MkKinley, Koolidge, Karter, Klinton or form, Sibelius. Cennedy, instead of how we know them! DARRETT ADKINS, cello Well. With Leif Eriksson, now, we’re Sad to say, with Leif’s name, this spell- not talking about some brain-bustingly dif- ing-variables thing goes on and on. For in- ANNE-MARIE MCDERMOTT, piano ficult name to spell or one that is tongue- stance, there must have been no Icelander or twistingly challenging to pronounce. Re- Norwegian with whom to consult when the “A country that has Program member, the name comes down from the U.S. Congress in 2000 officially spelled it ! Further, not withstanding our fostered two such Grieg: Funeral March language’s countless borrowings and influ- See > name, page 14 Grieg: Symhony in C Minor geniuses as Grieg Nordheim: Tenebrae for Cello and Orchestra and Nordheim. Headed south for the winter? Grieg: Concerto for Piano in A Minor What things you Call us to have your address change automatically to your have to be proud Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center winter address so you don’t of!” - Rostropovich Sunday, October 30, 2011 at 3 pm miss a single issue of the Weekly! Tickets: $75, $50, $25, students half price Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 or [email protected] to set up CenterCharge: 212 721 6500 your snowbird account. Box Office: Alice Tully Hall 212 875 5050 Advanced Sale: Edvard Grieg Society 201 750 0525 6 • October 7, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion < Leif An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 1 Join the conversation! the authenticity of this claim is often disputed and debated, the importance of Leif Erikson On the EDGE is here to stay for the Nordic community. Current baseball strategy relates to visionary Norwegian-American Knute Rockne Advocating for Leif Erikson Day began By Richard Londgren in the mid-1800s, but it wasn’t until 1963 when Senator Hubert H. Humphrey entered Sabermetrics, as featured in the new fresh approaches, such as the “Notre Dame a joint resolution into the Congressional Re- baseball movie “Moneyball,” calls for shift”of the offensive backfield. He admit- cord on May 1 to authorize the President of radical but contemporary thinking in or- ted that the shift—some said he thought of the United States to proclaim Oct. 9 of each der to win baseball games. The name came it after seeing a chorus line in a musical in year as Leif Erikson Day. from the new insight into baseball, called Chicago—didn’t really add any particular Since no one knows the exact year that SABR, which was coined by analyst Bill power to his offense. But it disrupted the Leif Erikson sailed to the North American James from the words “Society for Ameri- opponent. And it fit his aim to field a team continent, Oct. 9 was chosen because of its can Baseball Research.” that was well prepared and precise in ex- significance to Norwegian immigration: On Much to the dismay of many base- ecution. Oct. 9, 1825, the first Norwegian immigrants ball fans, this research has caught on with Besides, it made a big hit with the fans, landed in New York on the Restauration. several teams. Now, despite the anguish who also took to his show-biz tactics such In the resolution Senator Humphrey among baseball traditonalists, sabermet- as colorful uniforms, and numbers on the stated in part, “The Norse expeditions, and rics has blasted a homerun in the book and jerseys. And cheerleaders and card stunts. particularly the discovery of North America movie featuring Billy Beane as the coun- In another comparison to Moneyball, by Leif Erikson, can no longer be regarded ter-culture general manager of the Oakland Coach Rockne knew he had to make the as myths. The sources have been examined Athletics. Amazingly, for a story about most of players who weren’t superstars. and studied too carefully for that. The time baseball strategy, that movie even gets Except perhaps “the Gipper.” So, with sa- is long overdue for the recognition of Leif mentioned in the same breath in muffled bermetrics—plus extraordinary teamwork, Erikson’s role in the discovery of the New talk about Academy Award contention. not to mention a bit of razzle-dazzle now World.” In a similar way, a Norwegian-Amer- and then—he built an astounding record. In 1964, Congressional hearings were ican by the name of Knute Rockne jolted And an astounding following. held in Washington, D.C., at which Dr. Hel- football out of a rut by appling his analyti- He himself became a star with the me- ge Ingstad (from Norway) attended and testi- cal skills to the game. As a player at the dia and on the banquet circuit. Studemaker fied. Others at the hearings included the Past University of Notre Dame, he knew his even named a car for him. Supreme President of Sons of Norway, John underdog team needed a new strategy to Then Hollywood called for him to be Kaare Hagen, and O.G. Landsverk, Research survive and win. So, by studying what was Photo courtesy of Richard Londgren part of the production of “The Spirit of Director of the Leif Erikson Association, Inc. possible and allowed—within the rules but Norwegian-American football legend Knute Notre Dame.” But a crash of his plane on in , Calif. The presence of Dr. Rockne was born March 4, 1888, in Voss, Nor- outside the traditions of the game—he dis- the way west extinguished his star. Ingstad was arranged by Sons of Norway. On way, and died at the young age of 43 in Bazaar, covered the potential of the forward pass. Still, his star lives on as an inspira- Sept. 3, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson Kansas, on March 31, 1931. With that strategy, and skillful play- tional legend. signed the bill proclaiming Oct. 9 as Leif ing, his team upset a powerful and highly Erikson Day, and he signed the first annual favored Army team. And then upset others And Rockne learned that his strategy, Richard Londgren is a contributing federal Leif Erikson Day Proclamation. in that sabermetrics season. like sabermetrics, soon caught on with editor to the Norwegian American Weekly, A. Norman Arntzen of Waterford, Conn., Now, of course, anyone who watches other teams. and serves as co-director of the Scandina- is a vocal proponent of Leif Erikson Day and football would wonder how the forward So, later, as the popular and successful vian Center at California Lutheran Uni- a subscriber to the Norwegian American pass could ever have been a new strategy. coach at Notre Dame, he kept on devising versity in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Weekly. He shared these thoughts with me: “Leif Erikson Day is an event that all The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an citizens have been asked to observe by the endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. President of the United States, and by many Governors. With the new interest in Viking lore and history, and the formation of new < discovery Viking clubs, these groups can be invited to From page 1 costs of getting the oil,” she said. Estimation the Norwegian government and Norwegian participate in future Leif Erikson Day cel- is even more difficult when the fact that the Petroleum Fund. This will ensure future pen- ebrations. Viking regattas, such as staged price of a barrel of North Sea oil has fluc- sion obligations,” said Saltvedt. annually in Florida, draw huge crowds of ever made ​​(Avaldsnes and Aldous Major tuated dramatically in the past 20 years is Per Rune Henriksen, spectators... Other Sons of Norway districts South), on the Norwegian continental shelf. brought into consideration. in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, should consider buying replica vessels and The overall estimates were, at the time of the But if you use an oil price of $100 a bar- is very excited about the discovery. “It is, conduct similar regattas on nearby lakes or discovery, that it would provide between 500 rel (the current price is $103.48) and the cur- first and foremost, wonderful to see that ma- rivers. The opportunity for drawing new million and 1.2 billion barrels of oil. rent dollar exchange rate ($5.84), two billion jor resources have been found and it shows members to Sons of Norway, including the The total estimate has now more than barrels of oil amount to NOK 1.168 trillion. that there are still great opportunities in the younger generation, is unlimited.” doubled and is estimated to be between 1.2 This was calculated by estimating that the southern North Sea. At the same time, this Even if you are not a fan of Vikings, and 2.6 billion barrels of oil. “Our other ma- barrels of oil available in Avaldsnes falls in confirms that our policy of getting more we invite you to mark this uniquely Nordic- jor fields have given us oil for 40 years. This the middle of 1.2 and 2.6 billion. companies searching on the continental shelf American holiday. We honor the efforts of new discovery will simply extend the oil age How much of this money actually comes has been a correct policy,” he said to Aften- the dedicated individuals in our community in Norway,” says Saltvedt. to Norway depends on the cost of extracting posten. to recognize the contributions of Leif Erik- She struggles to estimate the exact mon- the oil, but it certainly appears that produc- "”The find] is very important. We have son, and we salute those who work to keep etary value of the new oil discovery. “It's al- tion costs will greatly benefit Norwegian in- no figures on what values ​​it will generate as this tradition going strong. most impossible to say anything about this, dustry and the Norwegian Treasury no mat- it is so far in the future, but we are talking Happy Leif Erikson Day! because you must estimate the oil prices over ter what. about huge sums,” he said. the next 40 years and subtract the production “Revenues will have much to say for

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

UPDATE norwegian american weekly October 7, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, king ship playground. Dear Victoria, Managing Editor During the month of October the Scandi- Sporting Club Gjøa, America’s oldest Thank you for your letter! The Scandi- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] navian East Coast Museum will be sponsor- soccer club was formed 101 years ago and is navian East Coast Museum hosts a wonder- Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager ing its annual Viking Essay Contest, for chil- still going strong. The name of the club has ful tradition with the annual Viking Essay Kelsey Larson [email protected] dren from 4th – 6th grade. This year’s topic a direct connection to Amundsen, as Gjøa contest, and we are delighted that the muse- Assistant Layout Editor is, “Traveling with Amundsen.” This year was the name of a seal hunting boat he uti- um has chosen to focus on Roald Amundsen’s Harry Svenkerud [email protected] marks the 100th Anniversary of Norwegian lized to successfully traverse the Canadian historic journey to the South Pole. We look citizen Roald Amundsen reaching the South Northwest Passage (which goes between the forward to sharing the winning essay with Advertising Pole, the first person to do so. Amundsen had Atlantic and Pacific Ocean). With no inter- our readers. (206) 441-3044 [email protected] stiff competition, as Englishmen Robert F. net, or even television, one can imagine how Contributing Editors Scott was also alongside racing to beat the proud the Norwegian immigrants were of Med vennlig hilsen, Norwegian led crew. their compatriot; so much so that they named Editor Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. We encourage students to do research their club after the vessel that carried him, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. about Amundsen and Scott’s competition. to safely complete one of his first successful Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway The Museum of Natural History has some expeditions. Dear Editor, Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland wonderful information in conjunction with The Norwegian folk dance members of Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. their recent exhibition, Race to the Poles. An- Please send essays by Nov. 30 to: Leikarringen “Heimhug” in the Chicago, Ill., Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway other good source is the Norwegian Ameri- SECM area are looking forward to celebrating 86 Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. can Weekly, as they have been printing parts 440 Ovington Avenue years sharing our culture through dance and Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. of Amundsen’s journal every week. Brooklyn, NY 11209 invite alumni and friends of Leikarringen to Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. We are not looking for a regurgitation of join in the fun! Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. facts, but rather for the writer to speak in the There will be two winners selected. The event will be held Sunday, Oct. 30 Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. first person, as they take part in Amundsen’s Prizes include: a gift certificate to Nordic at the Park Ridge Country Club, 12 – 4 p.m. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. journey. They can take the voice of a human, Delicacies, Viking Memorabilia, and riding The afternoon will begin with an hour of Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. animal or inanimate object, as long as they on a replica Viking Ship in the Norwegian “meet and greet” followed by a performance David Moe Juneau, Alaska are part of the expedition. All essays should Day Parade. by Leikarringen and dinner. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, be no more than two typed pages. (They can For further information, please contact A Grand March and waltz mixer will Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. be handwritten as well.) me at (718) 748-5950. If you would like more welcome all to the dance floor with general John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. The Norwegians have been in our neigh- information about Norwegian contributions dancing to top the afternoon. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway borhood of Bay Ridge for over 400 years, and/or history in New York, we would be If you would like to receive a reserva- Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway when New York was a Dutch colony. They more than happy to provide an educational tion form for the event, either call or e-mail founded Lutheran Medical Center, the Nor- presentation. to me, Barbra Kronborg-Mogil, at (847) 823- CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives wegian Christian Home and Health Center 7596 or [email protected]. to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage and many other institutions in the Bay Ridge Sincerely, call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly area. Leif Eriksson Park has been named for Victoria Hofmo Sincerely, reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for one of their greatest explorer and contains Brooklyn, N.Y. Barbra Kronborg-Mogil style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor many Norwegian features, including a Vi- Park Ridge, Ill. taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian < royals American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions From page 1 Minnesota, where they will stop at St. Olaf V, dedicated in 1939. Finally, on the last day and complaints about the opinions expressed by College in Northfield, another college with of their visit in Minnesota, the royal couple the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published and Iowa on Oct. 11 and ends in New York a strong Norwegian heritage. They will also will unveil a new exhibit at the - weekly except the first week of the calendar year, City. visit Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. St. Paul International Airport. The new ex- the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks First, they will stop at Luther College On Oct. 16, a church service will be held hibit celebrates the 100th anniversary since of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. in Decorah, Iowa. The college, which has at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minn., iconic Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription strong Norwegian ties, is marking its 150th followed by a reception hosted by Gov. Mark reached the South Pole. Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, anniversary. The king and queen will also Dayton. This will take place at the gover- Their Majesties will then fly to New US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. be guests of honor at Vesterheim, the Nor- nor’s residence. Minnesotans who have been York City. Here, the American-Scandinavian SINCE MAY 17, 1889: wegian-American museum in Decorah. The previously honored by the Norwegian gov- Foundation is holding a conference and a Formerly Norway Times museum is celebrating its 130th anniversary ernment will be in attendance. A royal dinner Centennial Ball. They King and Queen will Western Viking & Washington Posten and will host a day of festivities, including will also be held that evening. attend both events, along with officials and Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- a parade and a press conference. This is the On Oct. 17, the couple will fly to Duluth, royalty from the four other Nordic coun- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, first time the King and Queen have visited Minn., courtesy of the Minnesota National tries. Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Decorah since 1995. Guard. While in Duluth, the king will rededi- The Norwegian American Weekly will be NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Next, the King and Queen will arrive in cate Enger Park, which his father, King Olav covering the Royal visit in upcoming issues. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • October 7, 2011 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Fårikålens festdag NORDIC DELICACIES Celebrating Norway’s favorite dish “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!”

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3505 – 122 Avenue East Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Edgewood, Washington Managing Editor

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For more information, Photos: matprat.no The satisfying, simple dish of fårikål (literally “mutton in cabbage”) warms the Norwegian soul. contact Mardy Fairchild at [email protected]

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor The Little Viking Gift Shoppe a touch of Scandinavia in southern California Fall is fårikål season in Norway. The bones of the parts used for fårikål are key to sheep have just come down from the Norwe- the taste of this dish. gian mountains and are fat from all the good The dish originated in , Come see our new shop in Temecula! summer grazing. The scent of fårikål fills but it is popular all over the country and Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! kitchens across Norway, and this humble with Norwegian-Americans, too! Matprat. dish signals the arrival of fall. no, home page of the National Information Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590 Fårikål is a traditional dish of mutton Office for Eggs and Meat in Norway, has (or lamb), cabbage, whole black peppercorns an entire website dedicated to fårikål, and and boiling water, simmered in a covered has songs, t-shirts, recipes and party ideas casserole for several hours. The resulting in honor of this special dish. On the fourth Has your family changed over stew is served with boiled potatoes, and it is Thursday of September, Norwegians cel- the years? a rich, satisfying, Norwegian comfort food. ebrate the official Fårikål Day. The parts of the lamb used for fårikål are This fall, invite your friends and fam- Your benefi ciaries may have changed, too. neck, shank or breast with the bones, sold as ily for a fårikål party, and impress them with fårikålkjøtt in Norwegian stores. Some may this satisfying dinner. For more information, Make sure this information is up-to-date. To get started, talk to your be tempted to use other, and presumably bet- visit www.farikal.no. fi nancial representative today! ter, parts of the lamb, but don’t. The fat and Fårikål Lamb and Cabbage Stew

Recipe adapted from Cooks.com

3 pounds of lamb, using cheap cuts from 1 Tbsp kosher salt neck, shank or breast together with the 1 Tbsp black peppercorns bones 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products 3 pounds green cabbage 1 – 2 quarts boiling water are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. Cut the cabbage into thick wedges. In Pour boiling water over to cover the lamb. • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED a large covered casserole, stockpot or crock Bring to a boil and cook until the meat is ten- • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY pot, place the fattiest lamb pieces in a single der, about 1 to 2 hours. • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE layer. Add a layer of cabbage and sprinkle To keep with tradition, fårikål should Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) with peppercorns, flour and salt. Repeat un- be served very hot on hot plates with plain 27082NAW N8-11 201103947 til you have reached the top of the pot, and boiled potatoes. Serve with beer or aquavit, make sure that cabbage is your top layer. if desired. Skål til fårikål! norwegian american weekly October 7, 2011 • 9 travel Leif Erikson in your backyard Check out these tributes to North America’s favorite Viking explorer

Photo: Floyd Bariscale/Flickr Photo: Toby Alter/Flickr Photo: Brooklyn Parrots Leif Erikson Monument at Griffith Park in Los Angeles, Calif. Leifr Eiriksson at the Maritime Museum in Newport News, Va. Leif Ericson Park in Brooklyn, N.Y. is a 16-acre public park in the neighborhood of Bay Ridge.

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Asbjornsen (Oslo 1897 - Skokie, Ill., 1954), Duluth, Minnesota Nordic-American community in New York. Managing Editor a Norwegian-born American artist. The monument in Duluth was made by It is located between 66th and 67th Streets John Karl Daniels in 1956, and sponsored by stretching from Fourth Ave. to Fort Hamilton Boston, Massachusetts the Norwegian League in 1956. The statue is Parkway. A playground named for the ex- When evidence of Leif Erikson’s The bronze statue by Ann Whitney of located at Leif Erikson Park, 12th Ave. E and plorer opened in 1936 on an adjacent parcel achievement as the first European to reach Leif Erikson on Commonwealth Ave. is “a London Rd. of land. “Leif Ericson Drive” was renamed the shores of North America was discovered man of physical beauty and vigor, in the cos- in 1969 by the City Council to acknowledge in the mid-1800s, memorials, statues and tume of the ancient Scandinavian warrior,” St. Paul, Minnesota the large Scandinavian population in Bay busts were established across North Ameri- on a large marble pedestal, with on the sides The 13-foot bronze figure outside of the Ridge. ca, and here are our favorites! two bronze relief. The statue was made in Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul, Minn. 1886 and unveiled Oct. 29, 1887. depicts Leif Erikson, who many consider to Minot, North Dakota Los Angeles, California be the first European to reach North America On US-83 south of town, Minot’s new- This tribute to the Norse explorer at Waltham, Massachusetts back in 1000. The statue was dedicated on est attraction, Scandinavian Heritage Park, Griffith Park features a larger-than-life The tower at Norumbega Rd. on the Leif Erikson Day, Oct. 9, 1949. features a 230-year-old house from Sigdal, bronze bust of a young looking Leif Erikson banks of Charles River has a huge tablet that Norway; a Danish windmill; a statue and mounted on a granite column about seven tells Horsford’s theory of Norumbega. Prof. New Rochelle, New York eternal flame honoring famous Scandina- feet in height. It was presented to the city in Eben Norton Horsford, amateur archeolo- At the entrance of Hudson Park (lo- vian skiers like Casper Oimoen and Sondre October 1936 as a gift of the Nordic Civic gist, was convinced that in 1000, Leif Erik- cated at Hudson Park Rd. and Pelham Rd.) Norheim; and a statue of that famous Viking League, one of the many Scandinavian or- son sailed up the Charles and built his house next to a statue of Christopher Columbus, wanderer, Leif Erikson. ganizations active in Southern California at in what is now Cambridge, Mass. Horsford a large boulder with a bronze plaque reads: the time. did a little digging (literally) and found some “In honor of Leif Eiricsson, the Norwegian Cleveland, Ohio buried artifacts that he claimed were Norse. Viking who discovered American in the year The head-only bronze casting was made Chicago, Illinois On the spot he built the memorial. A few 1000. Erected by the Midnattsolen Lodge by the Riverdog Foundry in Seattle, Wash., Humboldt Park’s Leif Erikson statue miles upstream, at the mouth of Stony Brook #263 Sons and Daughters of Norway, Oct. based on the world-famous statue by sculp- was established by the Norwegian commu- (which separates the towns of Waltham and 9, 1932.” tor August Werner in 2001. “We wanted nity of Chicago’s Northwest side in 1901. Weston), he had this tower built marking the someplace on the water that would represent Nicolay Grevstad explained in Skandinaven supposed location of a Viking fort and city. Brooklyn, New York the entire lifestyle of Viking explorers who of Chicago that the Columbian Exposition of His work received little support from main- Leif Ericson Park and Square in Bay braved incredible conditions in unbelievable 1892-1893 had inspired the idea of the mon- stream historians and archeologists at the Ridge, Brooklyn, N.Y. is a 16-acre public ument. In fact, a committee was formed for time, and even less today. park that is a popular gathering place for the See > backyard, page 13 the purpose at that time. Sculpted by Sigvald

www.nordichomeinteriors.com Minneapolis, MN Phone: (612) 339-0000 10 • October 7, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections Happy Leif Erikson Day from the Norwegian American Weekly

Photo: Wikimedia Commons The painting “Leiv Eriksson oppdager Amerika” (Leif Erikson discovers America) was done by Norwegian artist Christian Krogh in 1883, Today, the piece hangs in the National Gallery in Oslo, Norway.

One Sunday morning, the Lutheran pastor Roald Amundsen noticed Ole standing in the foyer of the church South Pole Expedition Centennial staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with 1911 – 2011 names and small American flags mounted on From the journal of either side of it. The old Norwegian had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pas- tor said quietly, “Good morning Ole.” “Good morning Pastor,” he replied, still fo- cused on the plaque. “Pastor, vat is dis?” The pastor said, “Well, it’s a memorial to all the men and women who died in the service.” Soberly, they just stood together. Finally, Ole’s voice, barely audible and trem- bling with fear asked, “Vich service, da 8:30 or da 10:45?” From Uniquely Nordic in Butte Valley, Calif. Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians!

Alice Stefferud Olson Edina MN 7 oktober – lørdag October 7 – Saturday Kaja Ventura CA Samme storartede vær. –32°. Bjaaland Same wonderful weather. –32°C. Bjaaland å jei jikk i mårres ut på skji fårrå se etter sel. and I went out this morning to look for seals. 10. oktober Vi tok denn vanlie vei ned till “Mannhue”. De We took the usual route down to “Cape Man’s Clayton Sund Olympia WA viste sei, att bikjerne hadde værtt ute på egen Head”. It appeared that the dogs had been out Arne H. Einess Mountlake Terrace WA hånn å drevett jakt. Vi kunne følle sporene lange hunting on their own. We could follow their 12. oktober veie. Vi fullte langs barrieren videre mot NE. tracks for a long way. We followed them further Ramona A. Shuros Fairbanks AK En sel fannt vi på veien å denn måtte till. En along the barrier towards the NE. We found a 7. oktober Mrs. Emil S. Nelson Montevideo MN ensli ”Antarctic petrel” åpphållt sei i nærheten. seal on the way and took it. A solitary Antarctic Erling Nilsestuen Cashton WI E Gulbrandsen Pacific City OR Vi fortsatte videre langs barrieren i Nlig retning. petrel stood nearby. We continued further along Olav Feste Hawthorne CA Emma Borelly Seattle WA Kapp i kapp. Bokt i bokt. Ett sted hadde skru- the barrier in a N’erly direction. Cape after ingerne skrudd ett kapp åverenne. De var ett cape. Bay after bay. In one spot, the screwing Ivar Bidne Northwood IA David Olson Lena WI storartett virvar å se på. Skall få ett foto a de. Vi had screwed a cape upside down. It was a mag- Clifford Røsby Wautoma WI 13. oktober kåmm till en liten bokktdannelse, vor barrieren nificent jumble to look at. I shall take a photo- Arlys Schlick Portland OR Terry Plant Devon dannett en rett vinkel, en mot N løpenne vegg å graph of it. We came to a little bay where the Emma Nordgaard Bellingham WA en tværss på denn i E–W. Vi jikk inn i bokten, barrier formed a right angle, one wall running Marlene Isane Badger MN en liten fin, lun bokkt, vor barrierekanten jikk N and one across this running E – W. We went Olga Titland Seattle WA Want to see your birthday in the like ned till sjøen. Vi jikk åpp denn vei å åver inside the bay, a fine little sheltered bay, where Nathan Gaw Scottsdale AZ Norwegian American Weekly? barrieren jemm. Turen tok åss 3 timer, ca 10km. the edge of the barrier went right down to the Melvin Larson Fargo ND De var en finnfin runntur å vell værrt å ta. Vi tok sea. We went home that way over the barrier. 8. oktober Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ samme tur i emd å kjørte selen inn. Mann får It took us three hours, about 10 km. It was a Torres J. Kvia Valley Alta Canada norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at ett ypperli bilde a barrieren på denne runntur å really good round trip and well worth taking. Norman Eric Nass Boise ID least one month in advance. skall vi få mange fine foto dærrfra. We took the same tour in the evening and drove Alf B. Soma Redwood City CA NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed the seal back. You get a magnificent view of the Brought to you by barrier on this round trip and we will get many 9. oktober away? Please notify us so we can remove the Fram Museum in Oslo Doris Stensland Canton SD them from the list. Takk! fine photographs. norwegian american weekly October 7, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Liv Aslaug Gotten Jurgensen December 28, 1919 – September 4, 2011 Even with imperfections

Liv Aslaug Gotten Jurgensen, 91, died ing Norwegian Christmas cookies and other Every year about this time I pick a cou- of us has imperfections and blemishes, and peacefully at her home in north Seattle Sept. delicacies. Liv was loving, self-sacrificing, ple large bags of apples off a tree that grows yet we are capable of great and wonderful 4, 2011. She was born in Ålesund, Norway, practical, and made do with what the fam- in our churchyard. The apples taste won- things. In the Bible we often see God using Dec. 28, 1919 to Elling and Kaia Gotten and ily could afford. Her hands were never idle, derful, and I have been making applesauce imperfect people to do great things. Every had one sister, Gerd. She graduated from embroidering beautiful tablecloths, knitting from them for nearly 20 years. No one else prophet, disciple and great leader in scrip- high school and went on to business school and doing needlepoint. Though she was a ever picks these apples even though I have ture had their dark side. They were sinful, in Ålesund. In 1939, Liv started working “city girl,” she learned to camp in the rough told many church members how good they imperfect human beings who responded to for the Ålesund police station, operating the with Elmer and the girls where there was are. I know why no one else picks them. God’s call even in their weakness. switchboard, posting correspondence and sometimes not even an outhouse! Liv en- They don’t look good. They have many im- Like those Biblical characters, you and other secretarial duties. After World War joyed the travels that came with being an Air perfections and blemishes with very little I are capable of amazing things in this life. II, she worked as recording secretary to the Force wife but always longed for a perma- red coloring. Judging by their appearance, We often focus on our shortcomings and Norwegian prosecuting attorney when he nent home. When Elmer retired from the Air one might think they were wormy or had our imperfections and forget about our at- was trying war crime cases in Ålesund. In Force in 1966, they bought a home in north been attacked by insects. Once these apples tributes and talents. Never forget that God 1949, Liv took a leave of absence and trav- Seattle that she made into a family gathering are peeled and cored they are as good as can use every one of us in powerful ways. eled to the U.S. to stay with her aunt and place. She was a gracious hostess and loved apples get. God has always done this in the past and uncle in Seattle. She worked as a nanny and to entertain family and friends. As I was peeling several dozen of these will continue to do so in the future. You can took English classes at Seattle Community The family joined Our Redeemer’s Lu- apples this week, I thought about how much count on it. College. While visiting her cousin in Wilbur, theran Church in Ballard, Wash., and Liv we resemble these imperfect apples. Each Wash., in April 1950, Liv met Elmer Jur- was an active member, participating in Bible gensen, an Air Force pilot who then began studies and the Martha/Rebecca circle. For making “training flights” in P-51’s from Spo- many years, she and Elmer visited the sick kane, Wash. to Sand Point, Seattle to see Liv. and homebound members of the congrega- The Scandinavian Hour In June 1950, he flew over with a ring. Liv tion. Liv also sang with the “Late Bloomers” Celebrating over 40 years on the air said “yes.” Elmer joked that she didn’t know ladies group and was a member of Sunmore- how to say “no” in English. They were mar- slaget, a Norwegian lodge for people with KKNW – 1150 AM ried July 22, 1950, and their first home was ties to Sunnmøre, her district in Norway. in Spokane. The Air Force later moved them Liv was preceded in death by her hus- Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST to England, Virginia, Texas, Florida, Spo- band Elmer, who died July 23, 2010, one day kane (again) and Arizona. Along the way, after their 60th wedding anniversary. Left to Streaming live on the internet at: Liv always made friends and kept in regular cherish her memory are four daughters, Kaya www.1150kknw.com contact with family and friends in Norway (Mike) Shimer of Edmonds, Wash.; Christy and the U.S. Lofall (Jim who died Oct. 28, 2010) of Pouls- Liv made every home they had a ha- bo, Wash.; Shirley Jurgensen of Seattle and Funeral Home ven for her family. She made sure her four Ellen Jurgensen (Bryan Lundin) of Seattle. SOlie and Crematory daughters had secure, wonderful, carefree She is also survived by four grandchildren, Honoring • Caring • Serving childhoods with lots of laughter. Liv modeled Kaia Lofall, Adam Shimer, Siri Lofall, Shir- a quiet, faithful life. She kept alive Norwe- ley Shimer and by two great-grandchildren, 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 gian traditions, especially at holidays, bak- Caleb Lofall and Jaylin Nelson.

< mondale Subscribe to the Weekly! From page 3 In 2005, she suffered two seizures dur- ing a camping trip and received a diagnosis Only $55 per year! Call (800) 305-0217 for details "Our wonderful daughter … after her of brain cancer. A year later, after receiving long and gutsy battle against cancer, went up chemotherapy and radiation, she returned to to heaven last night," the former vice presi- the air as a host of a weekday morning radio dent said in a statement emailed to friends. show on WCCO-AM in Minneapolis. Mondale had left her job co-hosting a In March 2009 she gave up those duties, 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 announcing that the cancer had returned. She weekday morning radio show in Minneapo- Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] lis in 2009 when she announced the return of underwent surgery to remove a tumor that brain cancer. August. The middle of three children of was previously married to Featuring great Nordic products and Joan Mondale, she was born in 1960 in Keith Van Horne, a former USC football Minneapolis. In her 20s, she stumped for her player and Chicago Bears offensive line- Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments father in his failed campaign to unseat Presi- man, and radio disc jockey Greg Thunder. In Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats dent Reagan in 1984. He had served as vice 2005, she married rock musician and com- and more! president from 1977 to 1981 under Jimmy poser Chan Poling and took his last name. Carter. The couple lived on a small farm in Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com Eleanor Mondale had a bit of a wild Prior Lake, Minn., where they kept a me- streak. She had a relationship with rock mu- nagerie of animals, including horses, dogs, sician Warren Zevon and was known on the cats, a cockatoo and chickens, according to Let us help with your next fundraiser! party circuit when she was younger. a photo spread in a 2005 issue of Country Share the Weekly with your fellow Norwegians, She started her career as an actress, Living magazine. and benefit your organization at the same time! appearing in small parts on such shows as In addition to Mr. Poling and her par- “Three’s Company” and “Dynasty” before ents, Ms. Poling is survived by her broth- We have a new fundraising offer for Scandinavian becoming an entertainment reporter. ers, , a former Minnesota state organizations: • For every new subscription you sell, your organization Mondale began her broadcasting career senator, and William H. Mondale, a former gets $20 of the profit assistant attorney general of Minnesota. In in the late 1980s as a radio D.J. in Chicago. • Use the money towards programs, scholarship funds, In 1989, she became an entertainment report- addition to Mr. Poling and her parents, Ms. or however you like er at WCCO-TV in Minneapolis. She later Poling is survived by her brothers, Ted Mon- • Every subscription is an investment in Norwegian worked as a D.J. at WLOL-FM, a Minneapo- dale, a former Minnesota state senator, and heritage, and keeps your members in the loop about lis radio station, and as an on-air personality William H. Mondale, a former assistant at- Norway and the Norwegian-American community at the E! Online cable channel, ESPN and torney general of Minnesota. For details, contact Kelsey at [email protected] or (800) 305-0217 “This Morning” on CBS. 12 • October 7, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Calendar of Events Modern Viking What’s going on in your neighborhood? Andrew Saur combines art and heritage to create special Nordic-inspired art Arizona nounces its annual Scandinavian Heritage Flagstaff Scandinavian Fair Fair, which will take place Oct. 29 at noon October 15 at Nansen Lodge, located at 3441 Victory Flagstaff, Ariz. Blvd., Staten Island, NY 10314. Lapskaus Join Sons of Norway Arizona for the fifth dinner will be served as well as other food. annual Flagstaff Scandinavian Fair on Oct. Norsk Boutique will sell gifts and Scan- 15, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at St. Mary’s School, lo- dinavian foods. Norwegian jewelry and cated at 320 N Humphrey St, Flagstaff, AZ sweaters will also be sold. Numerous raf- 86001. Free Admission! For more informa- fle gifts, 50/50, Birthday Board, cake sales tion, call (928) 779-5959 or email tahoej@ and more! Contact Sally Lorentzen at (718) usa.net. Visit www.sofnaz.com. 816-5127 or [email protected]. Connecticut Arne Nordheim Concert October 30 Scandinavian Heritage Day Exhibit and New York City, N.Y. Sale The Edvard Grieg Society of New York November 5 presents the Arne Nordheim Commemo- Newington, Conn. Photos courtesy of Andrew Saur rative Concert and Memorial Concert for The Hartford Lodge Sons of Norway is The Viking ship pendant is designed by Andrew Saur. the victims of the tragedy in Norway on hosting a Scandinavian Heritage Day Ex- Oct. 30 at 3 p.m. at the Alice Tully Hall, Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d hibit and Sale on Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 Lincoln Center in New York City. The con- Managing Editor a.m. – 3 p.m. It will be held at the Sequin cert includes pieces by Norway’s famous Masonic Hall, 80 Walsh Avenue, Newing- composers Edvard Grieg and Arne Nord- ton, CT 06111. There will be rosemaling, Art was a part of Andrew Saur’s life of form and function from a thousand years heim. Conducted by Per Brevig, musical wood carving, and Scandina- since he was a child – he still has a sketch of ago inspires Saur to carry the tradition for- guests include Darrett Adkins on cello and vian knitting demonstrations by talented a Viking ship he did as an eight-year-old. He ward into the future. Anne-Marie McDermott on piano with the Norwegian artists. Lunch, including tradi- Grieg Festival Orchestra. Tickets are $75, grew up in on the shores of Lake Superior For the past few years, Saur has designed tional open-face sandwiches and lapskaus, $50 and $25 for different levels of seating. in Two Harbors, Minn., where many Nordic a Leif Erikson Day logo to raise awareness will be served from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Ven- For more infomration, call the box office immigrants settled over a century ago. Saur about the Norse explorer. dors will offer a variety of Scandinavian at (212) 875-5050 or the Grieg Society at discovered graphic design in college, and re- “Christopher Columbus got the notori- items. There will also be a bake sale fea- (201) 750-0525. alized it was a perfect fit for his interest in ety for exploring, but you start learning pret- turing Scandinavian and American items. computers and fine art. ty early that Leif Erikson came first. There Admission is free. For information, call Ohio Today Saur and his wife Angel Sarkela- has been more attention about Leif Erikson Linda Miller at (203) 758-1086 or email Saur have traveled to the Nordic countries in maybe the last 10 years, but I want to raise [email protected]. Leif Erikson Day Celebration October 9 several times, engaging in the culture and more awareness,” said Saur. Florida Cleveland, Ohio seeing where their ancestors came from Saur’s Leif Erikson Day logo is distrib- The Scandinavian community of North- (both have different combinations of Nor- uted for free on the Internet for promotion of Sons of Norway Fest eastern Ohio gathers annually on October wegian, Swedish and Finnish heritage). The the Nordic explorer. He was commissioned October 29 9th to celebrate Leif Erickson Day. Join us young couple is based in Duluth, Minn., and to design a logo for the Midwest Viking Fes- Sarasota, Fla. at 11:30 a.m. at Shooter’s Restaurant on the together they create one-of-a-kind art with tival in Moorhead, Minn., and his art has Velkommen alle sammen to our Oct. 29 west bank of Cleveland for our tribute in Nordic inspiration. been presented to the King of Norway and Fest at 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Faith Lutheran front of the bronze sculpture of Leif, then “From church to bazaars, the heritage is the President of . Church, 7750 Beneva Rd, Sarasota, FL join us for luncheon indoors on the banks 34238. Have a Norsk lunch of whole yel- everywhere,” said Sarkela-Saur. Saur has also created functional works of the Cuyahoga River. It is great fun for Together the couple expresses their of art inspired by the Viking ship. He recently low pea soup, open-faced sandwiches, everyone. No reservation required. homemade bløtkake, waffles and coffee love of their heritage through art: Graphic designed a Viking ship bike rack out of steel ® for dessert. Shop for Scandinavian arts and Washington design and Coffee Art . Coffee art is done that can hold up to eight bikes and he and crafts, rosemaled items, specialty items exclusively with coffee, using it as a water- Angel constructed a Viking ship wagon for Nordic Festival from Scandianvian Gifts and more! For color to acheive different tones to stunning their daughter, Annika and puppy, Gidget. October 15 more information, email claire.loken@ effects. Many incorporate Nordic themes In addition to his graphic arts, Saur has Edgewood, Wash. gmail.com with subject line Oct Fair. into the pieces, such as rosemaling, sweaters designed two kinds of wearable art: a Viking Celebrate our cultural heritage! Daughters and runic carvings. The artistic duo recently Ship pendant and Viking ship cufflinks. The Illinois of Norway Embla Lodge #2 presents the Nordic Festival on Oct. 15 at the Mt. View opened an exhibit at Takk for Maten, a Nor- clean, strong lines of the Viking ship make a Vasa Park Fish Boil & Harvest Festival Community Center in Edgewood, Wash. wegian coffee shop in Duluth. subtle tribute to heritage and a fashion state- October 15 Enjoy traditional music, arts and crafts, re- The Viking ship has been a defining ment. South Elgin, Ill. freshments and more, including prize draw- signature for Saur, and the longship was a For more information, visit www.an- You’re cordially invited to the 11th Annual ings all day. The festival goes 10 a.m. – 4 beautifully designed boat with artistic em- drewsaur.com, www.coffeeart.com, or call Vasa Park Fish Boil & Harvest Fest with p.m. For more information, contact Karen bellishments adorning the ship. This blend (218) 348-7955. special entertainment on Oct. 15, 1 – 5 p.m. Bell at (253) 302-5110. Presented by Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP, Vasa Park, Route 31, South Elgin, IL The Scandinavian Fair “Boil” will take place at 2 p.m. Come join November 5 in the fun of this last public event of the Bellingham, Wash. season to visit with “old” friends and make The Daughters of Norway Nellie Gerdrum some new ones along the way! All the Lodge #41 will hold their 12th annual fixin’s plus coffee and dessert are included Scandinavian Fair on Nov. 5 at the Hamp- for donations of: $15 per adult and $5 per ton Inn’s Fox Hall in Bellingham, Wash., child (12 and under) Reservations, please, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. We will have many vend- no later than Oct. 10 by calling (847) 695- ers with Scandinavian gifts, books, sweat- 6720 or www.vasaparkil.com. ers, jewelry, rosemaling, crafts and authen- tic foods in our Norsk Kafe and bakery. New York In addition we will be having our hourly Scandinavian Heritage Festival drawing! For more information, contact October 29 Marlene Arnoldsy [email protected] or Staten Island, N.Y. (360) 714-1388. Sons of Norway Nansen Lodge #410 an-

Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Angel Sarkela-Saur and Andrew Saur, with their daughter Annika and dog Gidget by the Leif Erikson statue in Duluth, Minn. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us October 7, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood Happy Birthday, Pauline! For peace and service Daughters of Norway Lodge celebrates the sesquicentennial of their namesake

Photo: Daughters of Norway Pauline Fjelde Lodge Photo: Richard Londgren Daughters of Norway Pauline Fjelde Lodge members at their May 2011 meeting. Norwegian-American Janet Nokleby talks about her experiences of working with the Peace Corps.

Em i l y Ba r k e r i c h a r d o n d g r e n Daughters of Norway Pauline Fjelde Lodge R L Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Gratulerer med dagen, Pauline Fjelde! of the Daughters of Norway and enthusiastic As a former participant in the Peace Norwegian-American, Sen. Hubert Hum- When Pauline Gerhardine Fjelde immi- Norwegian women in the Twin Cities, a new Corps, a Norwegian-American member of phrey, Jr. of Minnesota. Though President grated to the United States in 1887, it is un- Daughters Lodge was born in September Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Thousand John F. Kennedy officially launched the pro- likely she had any idea the influence she and 2010 and named Pauline Fjelde #51. Oaks, Calif., recently offered a "show and gram in 1961, Sen Humphrey introduced the her siblings would have on the arts and cul- As part of the mission of uniting women tell" report about the 50th aniversary of that first bill to create the Peace Corps in 1957. ture in the American Midwest. A well trained who wish to preserve Scandinavian heritage successful American outreach. In her presentation, Janet stated that she and accomplished embroidery artist, Pauline and history; each lodge of the Daughters of Janet Nokleby, who grew up on a farm in feels the Peace Corps has provided valuable and her sister younger Thomane established Norway is named after a famous Norwegian a Norwegian-American "enclave" in south- help around the world and has added much a needlework business in Minneapolis in woman. As our lodge was going through the western Minnesota, decided after graduat- to the positive reputation of the U.S. in coun- 1890. The sisters filled embroidery orders formation process, we became aware of Pau- ing from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, tries such as the Philippines. for many of the Twin Cities’ most famous line Fjelde and were impressed with her con- S.D., to apply her degree in biology and her families, including the Pillsbury’s, Walker’s tributions to the history of our state and her agriculture knowledge in the Peace Corps. and Lowry’s, and later Pauline created ban- accomplishments in textiles, and thus choose After special training in preparation for ners for several local groups and regimental her as our namesake. service in the Peace Corps, she was assigned flags for the State of Minnesota. Since learning of her birthday anniversa- to advise rice and fish farmers in the Phil- E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 Pauline and Thomane Fjelde are prob- ry, we have been planning ways to celebrate ippines. She explained that she valued the (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] ably most famous for embroidering the pro- throughout 2011. The members of the Min- opportunity to learn about the people and totype of the original Minnesota state flag. neapolis Heritage Preservation Commission products of the Philippines. In fact, she later The season’s hottest item: The flag, which was designed 35 years after and the Minneapolis City Council adopted married a Filipino who was part of a family statehood, was commissioned in 1893 for the a resolution honoring Pauline on May 11, she was closely associated with. The cape! World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. It 2011. The text can be found on the Daugh- For historical background, the Peace won a gold medal for embroidery at the Fair ters of Norway, Twin Cities Facebook page. Corps benefited from the efforts of another and was used as the state flag until 1957. A community celebration of Pauline In addition to her embroidery work, Fjelde’s life will be held on Sunday, Oct. Pauline Fjelde was also a weaver. She 23. Please join us at 3 p.m. that day at the < visit From page 3 learned Gobelin weaving, and in 1912 be- Mindekirken Norwegian Memorial Church gan a tapestry based on Longfellow’s poem located at 924 East 21st St. in Minneapolis. met the Prime Minister in December 2009 “Hiawatha.” Pauline worked on the tapestry Ingebretsen’s will provide a light smørgås- and welcomes the opportunity to reciprocate for ten years before her health began to fail bord. The Pauline Fjelde #51 Damekor will the warm hospitality that he and the First to the point where she realized she would be perform, and a silent auction will be held. Lady received during that visit. unable to complete the work, at which time Tickets are $10 and the money raised The U.S. and Norway are close partners she taught her sister how to finish the final will go to support the Twin Cities Daughters who cooperate in a wide variety of endeav- border. Pauline died on December 23, 1923, of Norway and the Lake Street Council’s ors all around the world. President Obama at the age of 62. “Museum in the Streets” plaque to recognize will thank the Prime Minister for Norway’s Stylish, comfortable, high quality Pauline was born in 1861, which makes several of the original home owners in the important contribution to the NATO mission woolen Nordic-style capes for women 2011 the 150th anniversary of her birth. The area including Pauline Fjelde. Tickets can be in Libya and to consult with him on issues now available in store and online discovery of this historical year has been an purchased at http://www.brownpapertickets. of common interest, including Afghanistan, exciting one for our new Daughters of Nor- com/event/198247 . Visit us online at Middle East peace, the Arctic, global health, way lodge. You can contact Pauline Fjelde Lodge climate change, famine in Somalia and sup- www.thetrollscove.com After 60 years of absence from Minne- #51 directly at [email protected]. Full Service Agency With Experienced port for new democracies in North Africa. or our shop in Waupauca, WI sota, interest in the Daughters of Norway re- Emily Barker is the Vice President of the Norwegian Speaking Consultants! appeared in late 2009. Through the hard work Daughters of Norway, Pauline Fjelde Lodge Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel of dedicated individuals in the Grand Lodge #51. Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE < backyard Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean by August Werner was erected at Shilshole 1 (718) 979-6641 From page 9 [email protected][email protected] Bay in Ballard, Seattle, Wash. The statue Call us for details! Call us for details! boats,” said Emilie Knud-Hansen, organizer was moved to a new base in 2007, and sur- Verrazano TraVel & leisure of the Leif Ericson Millennium Committee rounded by rune stones bearing the names of 1 (718) 979-6641 of America’s North Coast. Scandinavian immigrants. [email protected] 90 Years! [email protected] Newport News, Virginia Milwaukee, Wisconsin The Mariner’s Museum in Newport The statue at Juneau Park in Milwaukee News, Va. features a Leif Erikson statue, de- is identical to the statue by Ann Whitney, INGEBRETSEN’S made in 1887. The statue, which has stood at Scandinavian Gifts and Food signed by Alexander Stirling Calder (Ameri- Minneapolis, Minnesota • 800-279-9333 can sculptor, 1870-1945) circa 1938. the lakefront for 114 years, was an effort of uffda! the Sons of Norway Fosselyngen Lodge and Seattle, Washington the city of Milwaukee. Info at our website - ingebretsens.com In 1962, a 16-foot Leif Erikson statue 14 • October 7, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Corner

The boys from Vangen: Leif landed first! Author Eric Dregni takes a look at Written by Leif Halse Minnesota’s Viking Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri statues My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice Er i c Dr e g n i their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! Author of “Vikings in the Attic: In search of Nordic America”

If you dare doubt that Leif Erikson pre- ceded Christopher Columbus as the first Eu- ropean in America, you’ll have to duel down Big Ole in Alexandria, Minn. Town residents go one step further than just beating Colum- bus, however, and claim that Norse explorers SIGRID VANGEN VINNER EN TING SIGRID VANGEN WINS ONE THING reached all the way to the middle of Minne- Kona kommer inn igjen med saltkaret The woman comes back with the salt sota back in 1362. By that time, the Viking i handa og blir stående og glo på den tom- container in her hand and stands staring at Age had long since ended, so these northern the horror of an empty fireplace. Then Kåre me grua. Da springer Kåre Vangen fram explorers were more like curious missionar- Vangen runs forward to the stage and yells, til scenen og roper: «Det var en slamp her ies than pillaging berserkers. og stakk av med gryta di. Han for ut gjen- “There was a rascal here who took off with For the 1965 World’s Fair in New York, a nom den døra der!» Kona på scenen glor your porridge. He went out through that door 28-foot-tall Viking was built in Minneapolis enda verre, og folk klapper og ler over hele there!” The woman on the stage stares even and shipped to the Minnesota pavilion with salen. harder. All over the hall, people applaud and the theme “Minnesota, Birthplace of Ameri- Loddtrekningen tar til, og «Vangsgu- laugh. ca,” as echoed on Big Ole’s shield. The four- tane» følger spent med. Men ingen av dem The drawing begins, and the Vangen ton statue came back to Minnesota and was vinner sykkelen, og Kåre står med tårer i boys follow along eagerly. But neither of øynene. «Ville du gjerne hatt en slik syk- them wins the bike, and Kåre gets tears in stationed outside the Runestone Museum in kel, gutt,» hører han som spør. Kåre ser opp, his eyes. “Would you have wanted a bike Alexandria. For Christmas two years later, a og det er en mann med langt, kvitt skjegg like that one, son?” a man asks. Kåre looks giant Santa suit was stitched for Big Ole, but som snakker. «Ja, forferdelig gjerne,» nik- up and sees it is a man with a long, white a jokester shot a flaming arrow to see how Photo: Wikimedia Commons ker Kåre. beard who is speaking. “Yes, an awful lot,” tough the big Viking really was. Santa’s suit The imposing 28-foot-tall statue of Big Ole in Al- «Sigrid Vangen!» roper de som trekker nods Kåre. burst into flames to the horror of youngsters exandria, Minn. was built for the 1965 World’s ut nummer med gevinst på. Steinar går fram “Sigrid Vangen!” shout the people pull- eager for gifts – imagine the call to the fire Fair in New York. og får høre at mor hans har vunnet en vakker ing out the winning numbers. Steinar goes station! The $3,000 repair job was just the beginning as Big Ole has been beaten up by lusekofte. Så er basaren slutt, og «Vangsgu- forward and hears that his mother has won foot tall Viking has his sword drawn and the straight-line winds and brutal winters. tane» gir seg på veg heimover. Da de kom- a beautiful lusekofte sweater. And then the disconcerting two-colored eyes let visitors Across the Midwest, other Viking stat- mer heim, får de se at det står et par frem- bazaar is over, and the Vangen boys head for know he’s been on the plains too long. Next ues dot the landscape as proof of the Scan- mede reist opp etter stueveggen. Hvem home. When they get there, they see another to the Viking is proof that gnomes should not dinavian settlements. Little Gimli on giant kan det være som er kommet? pair of leaned up against the wall. Who drink and breed with Norwegian bachelor has dropped by? Lake Winnipeg has a 15-foot statue of a no- farmers. This malformed Scandinavian nis- ble-looking Viking with horns in honor of the sen with a rotund gut guards the old town co- Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen Icelandic immigrants there. Bangor, Michi- operative creamery and this decadent sprite gan on the Lower Peninsula has a Viking Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. raises a mug (presumably of hardy Viking mascot (that holds a “Viking Carpet” shield www.astrimyastri.com mead rather than wholesome milk) to proud- supposedly from a floor store in Marshfield, ly display his pudgy paunch with “Belly by Wisconsin) next to the scoreboard at the high Budweiser” written on it. school to root for the home team. Not to be outdone by Alexandria’s Vi- This article is the first in a new series by king touting its town as the “Birthplace of Eric Dregni, author of “Vikings in the Attic: America,” Spring Grove, Minn. raised its In search of Nordic America.” This will be a own statue to secure its claim as the first regular feature for the “In Your Neighbor- Norwegian settlement in Minnesota. The 15- hood” section.

< name From page 5 Have you ever thought of this scenario? No one trying to improve the spelling has as Ericson(!), when, notably, it wished to ac- yet substituted Latin “ph” for “f” in his first knowledge officially Leif’s landing on the name! Leiph would sound okay, but really North American continent 1,000 years be- looks strange, doesn’t it? To go even fur- fore, during the Viking Age… and some 500 ther... how does this look to you: Leiph Er- years before Columbus. icsonius? Pretty far off base, right? Yet, for some, I guess, it’s all the same. Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates Leif Eriksson, Viking-Age Voyager Organization of the Week in North America A poem by Rolf Kristian Stang Leif Ericson Viking ship Nebraska Sung to the tune of “Tramp, tramp, tramp the boys are marching” Dedicated to the promotion of the fact that Leif Ericson was the first Consul Virgil Johnson Let’s not bog down overzealous, Common sense must be a good guide European to set foot upon and explore Honorary Royal Norwegian Consulate when it comes to Leif’s good name, as we seek to spread his fame, the North American continent. 10330 Regency Pkwy Dr, Suite 100 but this name with twenty versions Eriksson’s a happy answer For more information, contact Omaha, NE 68114 floating ‘round is just insane. and it looks a Nordic name! P.O. Box 393 Swarthmore, PA Tel: (402) 390-7104 [email protected] Fax: (402) 390-7130 Leif, to all, is clear and simple; Only when the proud Italians http://www.vikingship.org problems come with his last name: spell Kolumbus with a “k”, For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, Latin “c” is not the answer; then, by Kristoffer (!), I’ll cave in… visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations how’d this happen? It’s a shame! Say you still “It’s all the same!”? norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports October 7, 2011 • 15 sports Tippeligaen: Norway’s Gold medal is in sight results Standings

10/1 Viking 1 – 1 Haugesund Tippeligaen PLD PTS 1. Molde FK 25 52 10/2 Brann 1 – 4 Vålerenga 2. Rosenborg BK 24 42 10/2 2 – 2 3. Tromsø IL 25 42 10/2 Stabæk 2 – 0 4. Vålerenga Fotball 25 41 5. SK Brann 25 39 10/2 Odd 1 – 0 Strømsgodset 6. Odd Grenland 25 38 10/2 Tromsø 0 – 2 Molde 7. FK Haugesund 25 37

10/3 Ålesund 0 – 0 Start 8. Strømsgodset TF 25 37 9. Stabæk Fotball 24 36 10. Viking FK 25 32 To read more about football in 11. Ålesunds FK 24 32 12. Lillestrøm SK 25 31 Norway, visit www.uefa.com 13. Fredrikstad FK 24 28 14. Sogndal IL 25 28 15. IK Start 25 21 16. Sarpsborg FK 25 17 Photo: Eirik Førde/Vålerenga Vålerenga scored a 4 – 1 victory over Brannn in the 25th round of the Tippe league. < Press From page 3 said and I repeat it now: Not everyone wants Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i to come back to the island. We all react dif- Trondheim, Norway the rainy afternoon of his gun rampage. ferently to what happened. I know several Donors have pledged more than NOK who will not come out here again. There is a Vålerenga scores for the first time this in the Saturday match. Rosenborg hits back 32 million (USD 5.5 million) to renovate the choice we should respect,” said Pedersen. season four goals in a Tippe league match in the second period and won comfortably a island, dotted with camping grounds, football Adrian Pracon, a 21-year-old survivor and wins at the end 4 – 1 in the encounter 5 – 2 victory and conquered the second place fields and basketball courts, said Pedersen. says re-opening the island, 25 miles north against Brann in Bergen. Fegor Ogude deliv- on the chart but perhaps too far away from There were few outward signs of the west of the capital, Oslo, is important so that ers two assists and one goal. Morten Berre Molde on top. horrific attack on the small, peaceful forest- “people understand what happened there.” scored twice. Although Brann pushed to- Molde smells the gold and was visit- ed island, apart a few shattered windows and In August, about 1,000 survivors and ward the end, Vålerenga was very good de- ing the rival Tromsø at Alfheim. After two bullet holes in the cafe near the main build- relatives traveled to Utøya, accompanied by fensively and held on. Vålerenga is challeng- weak matches the Romsdals club chocked ing. Police had cleared away evidence for police and medical staff, to face the painful ing Tromsø and Rosenborg and has seriously the hosts and scored the opener by a Vegard their investigation. memories of the shootings. A day earlier, sign up for a medal. Forren header after 30 minutes. Six minutes He said that youth camps would resume there was a similar visit by 500 people. At Telenor arena Stabæk dominated the later Molde doubled the lead on a coun- on the island, but a decision had not yet been There were few outward signs of the match on their own home ground. Sarpsborg ter attack when Jo Inge Berget was played taken on when that would be. The party also horrific attack on the small, peaceful forest- played with no spark and confidence and through and hit the net alone with the keeper. plans a commemorative monument on the ed island, apart a few shattered windows and instead of fighting hard to avoid relegation, Tromsø suffered their first loss on Alfheim island. bullet holes in the cafe near the main build- Stabæk gets an easy 2-0 victory. this season and was probably hooked off the “Although the AUF as an organization ing. Police had cleared away evidence for Lillestrøm was humiliated by Rosenborg gold fight. should take Utøya back, so we have always their investigation. at Åråsen despite taking the lead on a penalty Sons of Norway Building, B-20 Sports News & Notes Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Rallycross: Triple for Norway Stabæk defeats Frankfurt 1 – 0 www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] Norwegian drivers won three gold in the Eu- Norwegian club Stabæk’s women defeated ropean Rallycross Championships 2011 this Frankfurt 1-0 in their first Champions League By appointment please weekend. Norway topped the nation ranking 2012 match at home on Sept. 28. The winning as well, ahead of and Czechia. Sverre goal was scored by Cathrine Dekkerhus in the Isachsen won the Super Car class, Andreas 54th minute. The visiting team created most Bakkerud Super 1600 and Lars Øivind Ener- chances, but Stabæk managed to walk off the Happy Leif Erikson Day! berg Touring Class. pitch victorious. (Norway Post) (NRK) MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE < solheim a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w From page 1 and it was unclear whether the battle could play out. “It is completely unbelievable. Totally Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, , cool,” she told NRK. commercial transactions and estate planning. and Karen Stupples had secured points for After Sunday’s singles matches were Europe, the latter on walkover when Ameri- complete, Europe had 15 points and the USA can Cristi Kerr had to withdraw because of 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 13. Thus the trophy ended up in European tendinitis in the wrist. Morgan Pressel and hands for the first time since 2002. Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Brittany Lang secured points for the United “Tutta” contributed to the victory with States. a win over Michelle Wie on Sunday. With a When the game started again, played birdie on the 18th and last hole she decided The Swedish Meatballs a draw against July Inkster. the match and won by one hole. She won Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 Vicky Hurst and Christina Kim scored three of their four games this weekend. points for the U.S., but , Su- “I had to dig deep and bring out the best. zann Pettersen and Azahara Muñoz tilted the It is completely, totally sick cool,” she said. match Europe’s way. The European victory was certain when took the lead against in the penultimate game Michelle Wie on the first hole and held it un- secured a draw against Ryann O’Toole. Aza- til 12 holes. At 15 holes, Wie pulled ahead, hara Muñoz secured the victory margin when but with birdies on two of the last three holes, she beat Angela Stanford by one hole. the Norwegian star turned things to her and It was tied 8-8 after two days of doubles Europe’s favor. in Ireland, and therefore everything would be “Today there will be a party!” said a decided in Sunday’s singles matches. 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