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Ffibbe@,Sol. I 1 rfl(fu Tfr Br{ffinq qfr-q'E Tfr trn{q€ffi \ in"'9r-\.13 llq-Hq@ ffiBBE@,sol. I +{r c', qt-i"rtT 1fr irEea-m qtlE ,iElTri /ttflt{ +Er"ara +ii t. ffiEd friqr+ 7qffiw-a-r frs.i6 qe€', ni+i Et qe + il'{ e?iu qq qi-4qqzl +ffi i-E <'a T--,I4TE ,A M'' -C-rt't llz-t'- 1 :-r.1riliT eriffi (qx"ar) I INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI BHAWAN: NEW DELHI october,2olg F. No. GAC-2 l -43120 I 9-CDN Dated ?g"4, ENDORSEMENT Department of Agricuttural Research & Education, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of lndia, New Delhi has forwarded following Notifications and Office Memorandums received from Rajya Sabha:- S.No. No. of Notification/OM Subiect I OM No.LAFEAS- Invitation of Dr. Manmohan Singh, MP Rajya Sabha in the official MDI 20 I I /t/20 lg-MPLADS functions to be held under various Union Ministries/Departments dated 12.9.2019 2. OM No.LAFEAS- Invitation of Sh. P. Vilson, MP Rajya Sabha in the official functions to MDI 20 I l/l /201 9-MPLADS be held under various Union Ministries/Departments dated 21.8.2019 J. OM No.LAFEAS- Invitation of Sh. Neeraj Shekhar, MP Rajya Sabha in the official MDr 201 l/l /20rg-MPLADS functions to be held under various Union Ministries/Departments dated26.8.20l9 4. Notification No.RS.l0/2019-T Vacation of Seat in Rajya Sabha w.e..f. 24.8.2019 on death of Sh. Arun dated 26.8.2019 Jaitley. an elected member of Raiya Sabha The above mentioned Notifications/OM's issued by the Rajya Sabha are being uploaded on the ICAR- website www.icar.org.in and e-office for information. ffi$ Under Secretary (GAC) Distribution :- l. Directors/Project Directors of all ICAR InstitutesNational Research Centres/ Project Coordinators/Coordinated Research Proj ectsiATARI s/B ureaux for information and compliance. 2. AllOfficers/Sections at ICAR Krishi Bhawan/KAB - I & IIINASC 3. Secretary(SS), CJSC, CSWCRTI, Dehradun. 4. Secretary(Ss), HJSC, ICAR. 5. ST.PPS to DG, ICAR/ PPS FA (DAREyPPS to Secretary, ICAR 6. Media Unit for placing on the ICAR website. 7. Guard file/Spare copies F. No. 7-t/2016_parl. Goyernment of Inida Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers (Deparrment Welfare of A[ri.rrtu.ur nesearch & il;;rtion) Krishi Bhavan, Dr. pr.rua il I Rajenaru Road, New B (5- Derhi-110001 $- c0 s ot Dated the 16th September,20lg ENDORSEMENT copy of the following Notifications and office s""tuiiui Memorandums received X:,T,ff'#:,:ont u.. .r.tored for informati", "ro'rrnr,er necessary 1' Notificarion No. RS.r 0/2olg-T. Dated 26/0g/2019 2' OM No. LAFEAS-MD,2,I r/1/2org-MpLADS, Dated 3. oM No. LAFEAS-MD,2,, 21/08/2019 r/1/20rg-MpLADS, Dared 4' OM No. LAFEAS-MD,2,, 26/08/2019 1/1/2019-M'LADS, Dated t2/09/20rg under secretary to the Governm.ffi''' Encls: As above. Distribution:- -r{ ll( Depury Secretary(GAc), IC{R. Krishi Bhawan, New Derhi_r 2' Under secretary (Esrt.),',6ARE, r 000 r . Krishi Bha;;;, New Derhi_1r000r. ry&'. 1.' wc' 5 ffit*E Eiffi s.n" b\S) PARLIAMENT OF INDI?T-- w q-er Tr$fi qfuqrffi R-$YA SABHA SECRETARIAT gsq cffiq/ffiq q}q, rtl/>otT Parliament House/Ar,nexe, rg firetfr-ttoooi 7?7 New Delhi-l10001 diE$f'e : he:ftajyasabhahindi.nic.in Website : rajyasabhahind.nic.in OTFTCE MEMORANDUM LAT'EAS.MDI2OII i L I2O 1 g.MPLAD S Dated the 12th September,2019 Subject: Jnvitation to the Raiva Sabha Members in the official functionsiq be held under various Union Ministries/IlePartments. In continuation of this Secretariat Office Memorandum of even number dated the i5ft May, 2019 on the subject mentioned above. the undersigned is directed to state that Dr Manmohan Singh, MP, Rajya Sabha, has opted Jaipur (Rajasthan) as his Nodai District for the purpose of MPLAD Scheme and request you to update the list of Nodal Districts already forwarded to you for inviting him in the functions to be held under various Ministries/Deparrments of the Government of India. 2. Any further clarification in this regard may be obtained from the MPLADS Sectian (Telephone No.23035778). w_-/A,4 (RAJENDRA TIIVARr) TEL.: 011-23035434 E-mail - [email protected] Qw6" %y@-= To All Ministries/Departments of Government of India (Parliament Section)' New Delhi rmfrqfu PARLIAMENT OF 0 IhIDIA {Iwr HsR, Hftr4rffi RAIYA SABTT{ SECRETARIAT rieq 'rsd/iwts dq, J.r.t.. bqup d fmfi-tmor P-arliament House/Annexe, -. NewDelhi-ll000l fuBrfc :htqr://rajyasabbahindi.nic.in Website : http: / /rajyasabha.npc.in I OFFICE MEMORANDUM I Dated the 2I't August, 2019 Subject: In continuation of this secretariat oftice Memorandum of even nurnber dated the subject the l5h May, 20lg on mentioned above' the undersigned is directed to state that shri p. has opted wirson, MF, Rajya sabha, chennai (Tamil Nadu) as his Nodal District for the purpose you to of MpLAD Scheme and request update the list of Nodal Districts already forwarded to you for inviting him in the held under various Ministries/Departments fun*ions ro be of the Government of India. ?' Any further clarification in this regard may be obtained from the No.230JS77B). MPLADS section (Tetephone i4 tu G4ilmna TIyARI) E- ma, raj en d rar.,il*,dliijJ.,,',:.r,,n ,Lq*& - To of Government *r#:flTies/Departmenrs of India (parriament section), I i)l r qrfiq HsE PARLIAMENT OF INDIA cishl {rq rTqr €fuflHq bt RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIA T t..:'&rS gtrq qqqffiq dq, Parliament House/Annexe, r$ ffi-rrooor New Delhi-lt000t t6ItII{e : hry:/ajyasabhahindi.nic.in OFFICE MEMORANDUM Website : qiyasabhahindi.nic.in LAFEAS-MD I2O 1 111/20 I9-MPLADS Dated the 26th Augustr 20Lg Subiect: Invitation to the Reiva Sabha Mernbers in the official functions to be held under various Union Ministries/Departments. In continuation of this Secretariat Offrce Memorandum of even number dated the 15e May,20i9 on the subject mentioned above, the undersigned is directed to state that Shri Neeraj Shekhar, MP, Rajya Sabha, has opted Ballia (Uttar Pradesh) as his Nodal District for the purpose of MPLAD Scheme and request you to update the list of Nodal Districts already forwarded to you for inviting him in the functions to be held under various MinistrieslDepartments of the Govemment of India. Z. Any further clarification in this regard may be obtained from the MPLADS Section (Tetephone No.23035778). {ea"': rnarpwoiliilarul S-,rd6^ TEL.:011-23035434 l -- V' E-rnail = rajendrap:[email protected] To All Ministries/Departments of Government of India (Parliament Section), New Delhi. -i ;r"u / -,.rr,RiL;.:rii,l,Ttli } ir -i' {!]r\ F/ R-;,,J"Yri ;lrtB!:, Si.a? l''lr:.t _i.:."j' Ie:i : i91 ii) 238932:8:I{ ':6qq- T'riep hcne t 2383 4597 123$3458: Pr,RLI.a*MEliT ESUSE ivxx l $Ei,Fii- ^1]?lq August 26,2019 NOTIFICATION No.RS.1O/2O19-T Shri Arun Jaitley, an elected Member TO B-E PUBLISHED TN - THE GAZEfiE OF of tfre Courrcil of States (Rajya Sabha), representing the State of TNDLA Uttar Pradesh, passed away on the 24e of August, 2019, and EXTMORDTNARY seat in the Rajya Sabha has become vacant with PART-I. SECTLON-I consequently hiJ effect from that date. DESH DEEPAK VERII,IA SECRETARY.GETIERAL To, The Manager, Government of India Press, Mayapuri, Ring Road, New Delhi. Ho.RS. i.O/2O19-? August 26,2A19 1. Office of the Hon'ble Chairman, Rajya Sabha; 2. Office of the Honble Deputy Chairman, R4ya Sabha; 3. Frime Minister's Office; 4. Supreme Court of India; 5. The Plection Commission of India, New Delhi; 6. The Chief Electoral Officer, Uttal PraCesh, Lucknow; S,E6,, 7. The Chief Secretary to the Government of Uttar Prad.esh, Lucknow; :] 8. P.S. to Secretary-General; ;;'J, 9. P.S to Secretary 10. All Ministrier of th. Government of IndialCabinet Secretariat; 11. Lok Sabha Secretariat (Table Office); 12. birector Generai of Audit, Central Revenues, New Deihi; 13. MPLADS Division, Ministry of statistics and Programm Implementation, East Blockl 6, R.K. Purarn, New Delhi::"d 14. All'Officers/ Sections/P.s.s/P.A.s/Pay and Accounts office, Rajya Sabha. t Il,^ t,t-i^"U_< -at' {K. SUDHAIGRAI{} DIRECTOR U .:#::rE:gr i*ie ::.-==::':.:]r;=-.-..'r ,l',, ti.l.:i i "/\- 't =-; tig{?ffi €]q?tl ftlqto 26 3$rgf,' 2ole oG-q--qqr qTa {rGq irt,q or s.frfq'fkrq ffii d.-qgs.10/'2-01-9-A sflqs-str arna fr rcnn. 4{24sT6, zo19 or frq-{ E\.:rqT t qql & FrqiH-d *fi s G.d eTril-I. E} q-fl t t 3{'€FIRsr ql"'11fr""- s-{fl {aIH str'ftlq t trir ort{ qR-'TIq{<-sq {r-q dg-r d q-sTtrdni eYr fiq6 qq! qgrq*ft'q t'dl tt' qGi--rs' qrtaT{r.ffi qrqrg$, Ri'r*s, ffifi 26 sTrIEI,2019 olord,aq; 4t. a {{[email protected],q; a 3frfu-t1) .i-;d*;rqtq{{ riaI?rq' f,r< ofo' o' 1ft guran-rtt fte€I-6.
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