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RJ-Eng 12 0.Pdf INDEX S. Question No. Question Date Subject Division No. Type 1. Question No.+586 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Fast Track Courts for rape cases Justice-II 2. Question No.587 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Special Courts under SCs/STs (Prevention Justice-II of Atrocities) Act. 3. Question No.590 Unstarred 21.11.2019 e-Courts Mission Mode Project eCourts 4. Question No.591 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Special Courts for Sexual offences Justice-II 5. Question No.592 Unstarred 21.11.2019 INCREASING HIGH COURT BENCHES IN National Mission THE COUNTRY 6. Question No.593 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Vacant posts of Judges National Mission 7. Question No.594 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Promotion Of Hindi language in legal Justice-I system 8. Question No.595 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Vacancies in High Courts Desk Side 9. Question No.596 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Decision on recommendations of Desk Side Collegium 10.` Question No.597 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Arrears Committee for disposal of court National Mission cases 11. Question No.598 Unstarred 21.11.2019 Pendency of cases in District Courts National Mission 12. Question No.115 Starred 28.11.2019 India Justice Report 2019 Legal Aid to Poor 13. Question No.120 Starred 28.11.2019 Nyaya Mitra Scheme Access to Justice 14. Question No.1215 Unstarred 28.11.2019 All India Judicial Service National Mission 15. Question No.1216 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Disclosure of assets for appointment to National Mission judicial posts 16. Question No.1217 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Pending cases due to stay orders National Mission 17. Question No.1218 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Remuneration/rewards for zero pendency National Mission 18. Question No.1219 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Infrastructure in Subordinate Courts JR Section 19. Question No.1220 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Vacant posts of Judges in High Courts Appointment Division 20. Question No.1224 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Study conducted on legal system by National Mission 11M,Kolkata 21. Question No.1226 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Fast Track Special Courts Justice-II 22. Question No.1228 Unstarred 28.11.2019 Use of regional languages in courts Justice-I 23. Question No.*182 Starred 05.12.2019 Delay in criminal justice system National Mission 24. Question No.2003 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Pendency of cases in Courts and vacancy National Mission of Judges 25. Question No.2005 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Appointment of lawyers to provide legal National Mission assistance 26. Question No.2006 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Corruption in judicial services National Mission 27. Question No.2007 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Women Judges in High Courts Appointment Division 28. Question No.2008 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Vacancies of Judges in Andhra Pradesh Appointment Division 29. Question No.2009 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Pendency of cases in District Courts/High National Mission Courts 30. Question No.2011 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Modernization of judicial infrastructure JR Section 31. Question No.2012 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Pending cases of corruption National Mission 32. Question No.2007 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Funds for judicial infrastructure JR Section development in Madhya Pradesh 33. Question No.2014 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Video conferencing during trials eCourts 34. Question No.2018 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Sanctioned post of Judges in High Courts Appointment Division 35. Question No.2019 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Problems reflected by India Justice National Mission Report, 2019 36. Question No.2020 Unstarred 05.12.2019 SCs/STs Judges in Supreme Court Appointment Division 37. Question No.2021 Unstarred 05.12.2019 FAST TRACK COURTS IN ANDHRA Justice-II PRADESH 38. Question No.2022 Unstarred 05.12.2019 Vacancies of Judges in Courts Appointment Division 39. Question No.256 Unstarred 12.12.2019 Mobile application to read Supreme Court Justice-I Judgments 40. Question No.2818 Unstarred 12.12.2019 Women judges in courts Appointment Division 41. Question No.2819 Unstarred 12.12.2019 Pre-litigation mediation for commercial National Mission disputes 42. Question No.2820 Unstarred 12.12.2019 National Judicial Data Grid National Mission 43. Question No.2821 Unstarred 12.12.2019 Judges belonging to SCs/STs in the higher Appointment judiciary Division 44. Question No.2822 Unstarred 12.12.2019 Cases pending for twenty years National Mission ----_------- - -- -- - -- --------- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE .-,. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ****** RAJYASABHA UNSTARREDQUESTIONNO. +586 TO BE ANSWEREDONTHURSDAY,THE 21st NOVEMBER,2019 Fast Track Courts for rape cases +586. SHRI Lal Sinh Vadodia: Willthe Minister of LAWANDJUSTICE be pleased to state: (a)whether it is a fact that Government is considering to establish Fast Track Courts to dispose of rape cases; (b) if so, whether Government has taken any step in this direction so far; and (c) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW & JUSTICE, COMMUNICATIONS AN~ _._- ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD) (a): Yes, Sir. (b&c): In furtherance to The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2018, Government has finalized a scheme for Setting up of a total of 1023 Fast Track Special Courts (FTSCs)across the country for expeditious trial and disposal of pending cases pertaining to Rape and Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, in a time-bound manner under Centrally Sponsorred Scheme. State Govcrnments /U'I' Administration have been communicated and asked to furnish required details for release of Central Share. After completion of requisite formalities, so far funds have been released, to 10 States viz. Nagaland, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tripura and Uttarakhand for setting up of 315 numbers of FTSCs/exc1usive POCSO courts. *** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ****** RAJYASABHA UNSTARRED QUESTIONNO. 587 TO BE ANSWERED ON THURSDAY,THE 21st NOVEMBER, 2019 Special Courts under SCs/STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. 587. SHRI RIPUN BORA: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICEbe pleased to state: (a)whether a Special Court has been set up to try cases under the SCs/STs (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 in all the districts of the country as mandated under Section 14 of the Act ; (b) if not, the reasons therefor along with the details of StateslDistrictswhere it has not been set up; and (c) the number of cases filed under the Act during the last three years and the pendency of such cases thereof? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW & JUSTICE, COMMUNICATIONS, ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD) (a)&(b): Section 14 of the Scheduled Cases and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) (POA) Act, 1989, as amended by the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Act, 2015 (No.1 of 2016) specifies that for the purpose of providing for speedy trial, the State Government shall, with the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court, establish an Exclusive Special Court for one or more Districts, provided that in Districts where less number of cases under this Act is recorded, the State Government shall, with the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court, specify for such Districts, the Court of Session to be a _~pecialCourt to try the , offences under the Act. ., Accordingly as per available information, State Governments and Union Territory Administrations of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tharkhand,' Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, NCT of Delhi and Puducherry have designated District Session Courts as Special Courts. For ensuring speedy trial of cases under the PoA Act, 157 Exclusive Special Courts have also been set up by twelve States i.e·~Andhra Pradesh (01), Bihar (05), Cbhatisgarh (03), Gujarat (16), Jharkhand (04), Karnataka (08), Madhya Pradesh (43), Maharashtra (03), Odisha (03), Rajasthan (25), Tamilnadu (06) and Uttar Pradesh (40). 'Police' and 'Public Oder' are State subjects under the Seventh Schedule (List-II) to the Constitution of India and the State Governments and UT Administrations are primarily responsible for prevention, detection, registration, .investigation and prosecution of all crimes within their jurisdiction including crimes against members of SCs and STs and implementation of provisions of the PoA Act and the PoA Rules. (c): The statistics related to cases under the PoA Act is provided by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Ministry of Home Affairs. The available relevant data from NCRB for the last three years is as under: Total Number Year Number of Number of Number Number of cases cases in cases of cases of cases number cases pending Courts compounded ended in ended in of with the including or conviction acquittal disposed courts at brought withdrawn of by the the end forward during trial Courts of the from year previous / year 18586 131517 2015 150687 584 4802 13784 17449 149661 2016 167660 550 4354 13095 16136 175409 2017 191709 164 5553 10583 *** 1 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE) RAJYASABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION No. 590 TO BE ANSWERED ON THURSDAY, THE 21st NOVEMBER, 2019 e-Courts Mission Mode Project 590. SHRI TIRUCHI SIVA: WiJlthe Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: (a) the number of e-Courts that have been set up both at the district level as well as in High Courts as of 2019 under the e-Courts Integrated Mission Mode Project; and (b) the names of districts where the e-Courts mission has been implemented and the names of States where High Courts have e- Court chambers as of 2019? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE, COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD) (a) :.
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