Dopamine Receptors on Prefrontal Neurons Department of Physiology
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THE KURUME MEDICAL JOURNAL SHORT COMMUNICATION VoI.36, p.151-154, 1989 Dopamine Receptors on Prefrontal Neurons HIDEKI YANO, EIICHIRO TANAKA, HIDEHO HIGASHI AND SYOGORO NISHI Department of Physiology and Institute of Brain Diseases, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume, 834 Japan Received for publication on October 16, 1989 Key words : dopamine receptors•\dopaminergic neurons•\dopamine•\recipient neurons•\prefrontal cortex•\nucleus accumbens Abnormalities in the cerebral dopamin- 400ƒÊm intervals. A fresh slice of the pre- ergic activity are involved in the etiology frontal region was transferred to a re - of schizophrenia (cf. Carlsson, 1988). Re- cording chamber and completely sub- cent studies on rodent brain slices revealed merged in a continuously flowing Krebs that the neurons in the nucleus accum- solution (37•Ž) gassed with 95% 02-5% bens which is one of the major structures C02 (Uchimura et al. 1986). Intracellular receiving the mesolimbic dopaminergic fi- recordings were obtained from neurons in bers are endowed with dopamine D 1 and and near the V th layer of the medial pre - D 2 (Kebabian and Calne, 1979) receptors frontal cortex. Recording electrodes were (Uchimura et al. 1986; Higashi et al. 1989), 3M K - acetate -filled glass micro-pipettes whereas that the substantia nigra neurons with tip resistances of 40 to 80MO, and which synthesize and release dopamine are connected to a high - input - impedance pre - endowed with dopamine D2 receptors amplifier (WPI M701). All drugs were ap - (Lacey et al. 1988). These studies also plied to the tissue by superf usion. The demonstrated that activation of the D 1 and neurons had resting membrane potentials D 2 receptors on accumbens neurons pro- of -70 to -80 mV and input resistances of duces hyperpolarization and depolariza- 40 to 60M0. tion, respectively (Uchimura et al. 1986; Dopamine actions were studied on 32 Higashi et al. 1989), while that activation neurons. In 21 of these neurons, dopamine of the D2 receptors on nigral neurons gen- (3-10 ƒÊM) reduced or stopped action po- erates hyerpolarization. tential firing and hyperpolarized the mem- The present study was undertaken to brane by up to 8 mV (Pig. 1). The dopa- clarify what subtypes of dopamine receptor mine-induced hyperpolarization was ac- exist on the prefrontal neurons which re- companied by a fall in input resistance. ceive, similarly to the accumbens neurons, Responses to dopamine took 1-2 min to the dopaminergic inputs from the A-10 reach a steady state and following wash- area. It was also intended to study what out of dopamine with drug-free solution, kind of responses the prefrontal dopamine at least a further 2-5 min for membrane receptors produce. potential or firing to recover its control The forebrain of male Wistar rats level. Hyperpolarizations produced by do- weighing 150-180g was quickly removed pamine were blocked by haloperidol (1ƒÊM), under a light ether anesthesia, and sliced a well known blocker of D 1 and D2 re - frontally by a vibratome (Oxford) at about ceptors, and by R (+) -SCH-23390 (1 ƒÊM; 151 152 YANG, ET AL. Fig. 1 Reduction of action potential firing and hyperpolarization of a rat prefrontal neuron caused by dopamine (3 trace A; 10ƒÊM, trace B) ap- plied by superfusion (horizontal bar above each trace). Hyperpolarizing elec- trotonic potential induced by inward current pulses of 0.7 nA, 200 msec at every 3 sec were superimposed. Notice the reduction of tonic pulses during the dopamine-produced hyperpolarization. Both A and B traces were recorded from the same neuron. Full heights of action potentials were cut off by pen recorder response. Fig. 2), an antagonist of dopamine D 3 re - ance, and often accompanied by action ceptors (Itoh et al. 1984). potential firing (Fig. 3A). The biphasic When the concentration of dopamine response was suppressed or eliminated by added to the superf using solution was haloperidol (1,ƒÊM), the initial hyperpolari - raised to 30-100 ƒÊM, 14 of the 21 neurons zation by R (+) -SC- 23390 (1ƒÊM), and showed a biphasic response; a slow depo - the succeeding depolarization by (-) - larization appeared after the initial hyper - sulpiride (1 ƒÊM) or piquindone (1 ,ƒÊM), polarization. The initial hyperpolarization as seen in Fig. 3 B. Piquindone is a dopa - was slightly larger than those produced mine D2 antagonist (Olson et al. 1981; by 3-10 ƒÊM of dopamine. The succeeding Nakajima and Iwata, 1984; Nock et al. depolarization was 2 to 6 mV in amplitude, 1986) as (-) - sulpiride. associated with an increased input resist- The result suggests that many pref ron - SHORT COMMUNICATION 153 Fig. 2 Elimination of the dopamine-induced hyperpolarization by SCH-23390 Records A and B were obtained before and 20 min after application of 1 ,ƒÊM SCH-23390. Record C was taken 30 min after washing out the SCH-23390 with a drug-free solution. Horizontal bar above each record indicates super- fusion of 10,aM dopamine. Notice the disappearance of dopamine-hyperpolari- zation after the SCH-23390 application (B) and also the reappearance of dop- amine-hyperpolarization after wash out (C). Electrotonic potentials induced by inward current pulses of 0.5 nA, 200 msec at every 3 sec were superimposed on each trace. All records were obtained from the same prefrontal neuron . tal neurons are endowed with both dopa- (Lacey et al. 1988). Since the facts that mine D1 and D2 receptors, activation of both the prefrontal and accumbens neu- which produces hyperpolarization and d - rons are dopamine-recipient neurons and polarization, respectively. This is charac- that the nigral neurons are dopaminergic teristically similar to the accumbens neu- ones, the pattern of distribution of dopa- rons (Uchimura et al. 1986; Higashi et al. mine receptors and the polarity of their 1989), but different from the nigral neu - responses might be dependent on the dopa- rons which are endowed with D2 receptors mine producing or recipient nature of the only and activation of which generates neurons in question. hyperpolarization instead of depolarization 154 YANO, ET AL. Fig. 3. Suppression of the dopamine-induced depolarization by piquindone. Records A and B were obtained before and 20 min after application of piquin- done (1,aM), a dopamine D2 antagonist. Note the marked reduction of dopamine- induced depolarization and action potential firing 10 min after the piquindone application (B). Electrotonic potentials induced by inward current pulses of 0.5 nA, 200 msec at every 3 sec were superimposed on each trace. A and B records were obtained from the same prefrontal neuron. Dotted lines indicate the control level of membrane potential. Full heights of action potentials were cut off by pen recorder response. Acknowledgment : This study was supported crease activated by GABA2 and dopamine D2 by a grant from Japan Private School Promo- receptors in rat substantia nigra neurones. tion Foundation. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 401, 437-453. NAKAJIMA,T, and IWATA,K. (1984). [3H] Ro 22- 1319 (piquindone) binds to the D2 dopaminer- gic receptor subtype in a sodium-dependent References manner. Mol. Pharmacol. 26, 430-438. NOCK, B., SEDVALL,G. and MCEWEN,B. S. (1986). CARLSSON,A. (1988). 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