1925 YE January 31, 1925
.;,.. \ / 1) ,..~ ,..t '<'"•1 ~· . ,.,..-{ •":t•'......,, ·... ,, " . WARRANT FOR TOWN MEETING All persons legal voters of the Town of Putney, Vt., are hereby notified and warned to meet in the town hall in Put ANNUAL REPORT ney, on Tuesday, March 3, 1925, at 10 o'clock a.m., to act on the folloiing articles, viz. : OF THE Art. 1. To hear the report of the last meeting. Art. 2. To elect a moderator and town clerk. AUDITORS Art. 3. To see if the town will accept the auditors' report. Art. 4. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to AND appoint one or two road commissioners for the year ensuing, or elect them by ballot. Town Officers Art. 5. To elect a school director, selectman, lister and OF THE all other town officers required by law for the year ensuing. Art. 6. To see what sum if any, the town will appropri ___ ..... ate to the G. A. R. Post for the proper observance TOWN OF PUTNEY of Memorial Day. Art. 7. To see what sum, if any, the town will appropri VERMONT ate for the support of the Putney Public Library. FOR THE Art. 8. To see what sum, if any, the town will appropri ate for permanent highways or surfacing. Year Ending January 31, 1925 Art. 9. To see what action the town will take in regard to snow roads on its main highways. Art. 10. To determine what sum the town will vote to AUDITO;RS raise by a tax on the grand list of 1925 to pay all JENNIE E.
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