1925 YE January 31, 1925
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.;,.. \ / 1) ,..~ ,..t '<'"•1 ~· . ,.,..-{ •":t•'......,, ·... ,, " . WARRANT FOR TOWN MEETING All persons legal voters of the Town of Putney, Vt., are hereby notified and warned to meet in the town hall in Put ANNUAL REPORT ney, on Tuesday, March 3, 1925, at 10 o'clock a.m., to act on the folloiing articles, viz. : OF THE Art. 1. To hear the report of the last meeting. Art. 2. To elect a moderator and town clerk. AUDITORS Art. 3. To see if the town will accept the auditors' report. Art. 4. To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to AND appoint one or two road commissioners for the year ensuing, or elect them by ballot. Town Officers Art. 5. To elect a school director, selectman, lister and OF THE all other town officers required by law for the year ensuing. Art. 6. To see what sum if any, the town will appropri ___ ..... ate to the G. A. R. Post for the proper observance TOWN OF PUTNEY of Memorial Day. Art. 7. To see what sum, if any, the town will appropri VERMONT ate for the support of the Putney Public Library. FOR THE Art. 8. To see what sum, if any, the town will appropri ate for permanent highways or surfacing. Year Ending January 31, 1925 Art. 9. To see what action the town will take in regard to snow roads on its main highways. Art. 10. To determine what sum the town will vote to AUDITO;RS raise by a tax on the grand list of 1925 to pay all JENNIE E. PIERCE BESSIE F. BRALEY demands against and all expenses of the town for HENRY T. COE ensuing year and how it shall be collected. Art. 11. To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. B. M. REED, I• R. G. LOOMIS, GEO. T. APLIN, Selectmen of Putney, Vt. t Putney, Vt., BRATTLEBORO: February 14, 1925. PRESS OF R, L. HILDRETH & CO. 1925 / .. Town Officers for 1924 Moderator: George D. Aiken. Town Clerk: A. M. Corser. Selectmen: B. M. Reed, 1925; R. G. Loomis, 1926; Geo. T. Aplin, 1927. Overseer of the Poor: Henry 0. Cobb. Town Treasurer: A. M. Corser. Constables: Henry 0. Cobb, !st; Harold Bugbee, 2d. Listers: Leon P. Fuller, 1925; John Maley, 1926; F. B. Hannum, 1927. Auditors: Edith Bugbee, 1925; Jennie E. Pierce, 1926; Bessie Braley, 1927. Town Grand Jurors: G. T. Aplin, F. A. Burditt, Henry Frost. Library Trustees: Minnie A. Treadway, 1925; Gertrude Knight, 1926; Mrs. Henry F rost, 1927 ; Clara L. Ingalls, 1928; Nellie N. Clark, 1929. School Directors: Mrs. Henry Frost, 1925; A. P. Bryant, 1926; George D. Aiken, 1927. Road Commissioners: George Braley, Arthur F. Brooks. Trustee of the U. S. Deposit Fund: G. T. Aplin. Town Agent: G. T. Aplin. Pound Keeper : Fred B. Hannum. Fence Viewers: R. G. Loomis, Wm. Garland, Harold Bugbee. S urveyors of Wood and Lumber: W. B. Jones, A. P. Bryant. Trustee of \Vest Hill and Baldwin Funds: C. E. Cory. Trustee of East Putney Cemetery Fund, A. C. Cobb. Sexton: E. E. Blood. Public Weigher : S. L. Davis. Town Representative: George T. Aplin. J ustices of the Peace: George T. Aplin, F. L. Parmelee, M. G. W illiams, L. H. Bugbee, A. M. Corscr. 2 Town Treasurer's Account A. M. CoRSER, TREASURER DR. Cash on hand, February 1, 1924, $ 111 73 Cash from Vermont-Peoples National Bank, bur- rowed, 11,000 00 Cash from J. J. Knight, trustee, borrowed, 2,100 00 Town of Dummerston, tuition, '220 00 Town of ·westminster, tuition, 330 00 State treasurer, advanced instruction, 344 12 Transportation and board. 33-:1: 78 Salary of school superintendent, 260 00 Trained teachers in rural schools, 324 00 Rebate for current expenses, 96 00 Highway maintenance fund, 1,439 17 Highways, permanent work, 999 GO Unselected highways, 682 2i State highway tax, 604 n Junior High School, F. B. Howard, 50 00 :Mary Gale estate, L_!7 75 H. 0. Cobb, delinquent taxes, 553 69 Town hall rentals, ]70 00 B. M. Reed, logs and plank sold to town of \,Vest- minster, 8 97 A . M. Corser, dog licenses, 148 55 Town taxes, received by treasurer, 21,739 38 Interest on Cemetery funds, 36 33 $41,601 21 34 3 Deaths in 1924 f Yrs. Mos. Days Town Treasurer's Account Jan. 11. Robbin Munson, 63 11 0 May 25. Eva Edmunds Reed, -U 2 25 CR. June 13. Henry C. Warren, 88 10 19 Paid school directors' orders, $ 9,721 36 July 9. Henry A. McCullock, 58 7 25 Overseer of the poor's orders, 668 5!) 23. July Harriet M. Cory, 83 3 11 Road commissioner's orders, Geo. R. Braley, 1,45\l 10 Sept. rn. Mary A. Thompson, 80 8 0 Road commissioner's orders, A. F. Brooks, 1.266 42 Oct. 2,.1:. Florence J. Wheat, 7-1 9 15 Selectmen's orders, general account, 3,394 01 Oct. 24. Charles S. Pratt, M. D., GS 1 ,1 Selectmen's orders, state and county taxes, 1,984 76 Nov. 2. Henrietta M. Blodgett. 93 2 16 Selectmen's orders, notes paid, 13,100 00 Dec. l. George L. Townshend 79 8 1 Selectmen's orders, interest paid, 1,367 72 Dec. 19. Mattie M. Wilcox, 6-1 3 19 Selectmen's orders, state highway, 3,610 JO Selectmen's orders, unselected highway, 845 96 State treasurer, patrol, 450 00 Dr. L. H. Bugbee, reporting births and deaths, 4 75 Dr. A. I. Miller, reporting death, 50 Dr. Grace Burnett, reporting birth, 25 Marriages in 1924 Dr. E. R. Lynch, reporting birth, 25 Dr. Louis Hazen, reporting birth, 25 May 17. Samuel M. Shurtcliff and Harriet M. Thompson. S. M. Bailey, bounty on bobcat, 8 00 June 14. Oscar J. Thayer and Jennie M. Abbott. Cash on hand, 3,719 19 July 14. Joseph N. Desrosiers and Ethel L. Merton. Aug. 25. Murillo G. Williams and Beulah P. Mitchell. $41,601 21 Nov. 25. Solomon S. \Vasher and Ella May Hathaway. 4 33 Overseer of the Poor Births in 1924 Jan. 5. Richard D. to l\lr. and Mrs. Carl E . Anderson. HENRY 0. Conn G. Anna M. E. to l\Ir. and l\1rs. Fred A. Buckman. Feb. 8. \i\'ilber C. to Mr. and l\Irs. Carroll K. Loomis. Support of Geo. A. Smith : Apr. 8. Sylvia Jean to Mr. and Mrs. George R. Braley. S. L. Davis, groceries, $202 29 l\Tay 7. l\Iary \i\lilcomb to l\Ir. and Mrs. Hugh W. Dr. L. H. Bugbee, services, 117 50 Goodell. D. W . Howard, coal, 146 00 June :2 1. Robert Guy to i\Ir. and i\Irs. Robert G. Prentiss. D. W. Howard, wood, ]2 00 July 21. Sherman Edmund to :.Ir. and Mrs. Edmund D. Carl Stockwell, care, 47 75 Stockwell. Jay Green, care, 86 00 Sept. 12. Alberta Ruth to lVIr. and l\Irs. \iVatson I. Ma- R. G. Loomis, milk, 47 10 goon. S. S. Washer, groceries, 3 51 25. Beatrice to Mr. and l\Irs. Henry Murphy. Fred Howard, meat, 2 94 Oct. 31. Patricia Eileen to :.fr. and Mrs. John J. Lyons. GG5 O!l $ Nov. la. Pauline Elizabeth to l\Ir. and Mrs. Harold 0 . Edith Cobb, care of tramps, :i 50 $ Rhoades. 17. ·wayne Arthur to Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cole. Total cost of the poor, $ GG8 5tl 24. George Hilliard to l\Ir. and Mrs. Leo Fortier. Orders drawn by overseer, 668 59 Dec. l 1. Mary Lamphear to Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Townshend. 5 Road Commissioners' Account GEORGE R. BRALEY, COMMISSIONER Team work, $6.50; labor, $3.00; gravel, $0.15 Geo. R. Braley, self and team at $7.00, $ 385 00 Geo. R. Braley, labor at $3.50, 36 75 Geo. R. Braley, ~an and team, 406 25 Summary of Expenses Compared with Expenses of 1923 Geo. R. Braley, team at $3.50, 28 00 Geo. R. Braley, man at $2.50, 36 25 1923 1924 Geo. Morris, team work, 35 75 Schools, $10,019 22 $ 9,746 06 Geo. Morris, labor, 19 50 Poor, 866 91 668 59 H arry Mann, team work, 13 00 Roads, town work, 2,309 J9 2,725 52 Harry Mann, labor, 15 00 Roads, state work, 4,596 35 2,901 09 Lawrence Temple, labor, 129 00 Bridges, 835 43 242 99 H orace Holway, labor, RI 00 U nselected highway, l ,4-20 27 845 96 Merlin Temple, labor, 33 00 Town hall 558 69 218 59* C. E. Cory, labor, 29 00 Town officers, 357 50 334 00 E. W . Aiken, labor, 10 50 Breaking roads, 344 03 121 53 Austin Gassett, labor, 21 00 Cutting brush, 71 85 85 42 Henry Vl ood, labor, 5 00 Miscellaneous, 2,402 82 2,021 68 H. 0 . Cobb, labor, 7 50 State and county taxes, 2,718 31 1,984 76 Geo. Carlton, labor at $'3.50, 15 00 Lighting streets, 450 00 450 00 Earl Fuller, labor and team work, 3 40 Patrol, main highway, 420 00 450 00 F. A. Austin, labor and team work, 10 00 Railings, 54 73 149 80 H. L. Wood, gravel, 3 45 Interest, 1,389 73 1,467 72 Herbert Pierce, gravel, 4 05 \"l\T. A. Page, gravel, 23 25 $28,815 03 $24,413 71 Edith H olton, gravel, 3 00 * Less rentals. C. E. Cory, gravel, 12 30 Elizabeth Braley, gravel, 1 50 W. B. Houghton, timber and gravel, 21 75 J. A. Stafford, repair work, 11 10 • North East Metal Culvert Co., 58 80 $ 1,459 10 Orders drawn by Geo.