Chapter 5 Country Reports
Chapter 5 Country Reports Africa Overview GSPC faction responsible for the kidnapping of 32 Euro- pean tourists in Algeria in the summer of 2003. Al-Para A small number of al-Qa’ida operatives in East Africa, par- took the captives to Mali, where the government was in- ticularly Somalia, continued to pose the most serious threat strumental in securing their release. Members of the GSPC to American interests in the region. It is unclear to what continue to operate in the Sahel region, crossing difficult- extent terrorist groups are present in South Africa, how- to-patrol borders between Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Algeria ever, the activity of al-Qa’ida and affiliated persons or and Chad. With the help of US-funded training, those coun- groups in South Africa and Nigeria, home to Africa’s larg- tries have increasingly cooperated against the GSPC. At est Muslim population, is of growing concern. Hizballah year’s end, al-Para was in Algerian custody. continues to engage in fundraising activities in Africa, par- ticularly in West Africa. Sahel countries Mauritania, Mali, Niger, and Chad are devoting more resources to improve their counterterrorism Though civil conflict and ethnic violence continued in a capabilities. These countries also participate in the US- number of African countries in 2004, there were few sig- sponsored Pan-Sahel Initiative (PSI), a program designed nificant international terrorist incidents in Africa during the to assist those nations in protecting their borders, combat- year. An increase in anti-American and anti-Western rheto- ing terrorism, and enhancing regional stability. ric from a number of Islamic radicals is of growing concern.
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