Extensions of Remarks E1010 HON. DANIEL WEBSTER
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E1010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 28, 2013 Blue and Gray! Mr. Sumner has had an outstanding career, THANKING JAMIE FLEET FOR HIS As why we have all so enshrined this most and he deserves special recognition for this SERVICE TO THE U.S. HOUSE OF hallowed place! REPRESENTATIVES Where valor and courage were but the words achievement. I am honored to recognize him of the day! for the distinguished service and counsel he So take the time, has provided the State of Florida, and thank HON. ZOE LOFGREN to homage to so pay, him for his hard work and many contributions. OF CALIFORNIA to so concert crate what they all gave! After more than four decades and 138 legisla- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES So that as a Nation we may long well re- member, tive sessions, his commitment to excellence, Friday, June 28, 2013 leadership and service is to be admired. My all of those most heroic moments in July Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and November . sincerest wishes and congratulations to Ernie commend the outstanding work of Mr. Jamie and what it all so says about America Face! and his family on his retirement. As we now so reflect back in awe, Fleet as Democratic Staff Director for the and so reflect back in splendor at all of their Committee on House Administration as he de- grace! f parts the House of Representatives next week At Their Last Full Measures they were so to for service in the U.S. Senate. render, RECOGNIZING THE INTER- During his tenure at the Committee, Jamie all in this place! NATIONAL SWEETHEART OF THE has used his wide-ranging skills to steadfastly And take stock in all of their courage and SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, SYD- guide the operations of the House with an eye faith! NEY MADISON BINNINGTON All of their strong hearts of steel, on history while embracing the evolving oper- as to our Nation what was all so revealed! ations of the House required in the 21st cen- So that never may again such heartache we tury. Jamie helped oversee the expansion of feel, HON. JIM GERLACH House technology options for personal and and so let such a dark day begin! OF PENNSYLVANIA committee offices and a needed upgrade to Of Brother versus Brother, the House’s information security infrastructure. as so ever happen again! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Whether the matter involved contested federal As we have so set aside this most sacred elections or contested parking spots, Jamie land, Friday, June 28, 2013 to preserve and protect and never neglect, has worked to solve the multi-faceted issues but to so ever honor The Valor of Man! Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to facing the House with an informed touch. And, And remember that ‘‘a house divided can not recognize Sydney Madison Binnington, a true he has done so in a way that brought bipar- stand!’’ goodwill ambassador who concludes her two- tisan applause while never losing sight of his Blue . year term as the International Sweetheart of commitment to the values of the Democratic Blue and Gray . Party. For that, Jamie has earned the respect the Sigma Chi Fraternity on June 29th upon as somehow . of Members and staff on both sides of the the conclusion of the Sigma Chi Fraternity’s from out of all of this darkness we all found aisle, as well as the officers of this House, for our way! 79th Grand Chapter here in Washington, DC. his fair approach to managing this often par- Blue . Since 1946, the International Sweetheart of tisan institution. Blue and Gray! the Sigma Chi Fraternity has been a role Mr. Speaker, I can say that Jamie has prov- f model to the Fraternity’s undergraduate and en to be one of the most competent staffers RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT alumni members and a liaison to non-mem- I have had the privilege of working with during OF FLORIDA HOUSE OF REP- bers throughout the world. In 2011, Sydney my more than twenty years working and serv- RESENTATIVES SERGEANT AT was selected from hundreds of nominees to ing in the House of Representatives. On be- ARMS EARNEST W. SUMNER receive this honor—and since that time, she half of my colleagues on the Committee on has dedicated herself to her role as a leader House Administration and in the House of and ambassador of the Fraternity—having Representatives, I thank Jamie for his dedi- HON. DANIEL WEBSTER cated and loyal service to this institution and traveled thousands of miles from her home- OF FLORIDA wish him well in all his future endeavors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES town of Toronto, Ontario to visit more than f Friday, June 28, 2013 thirty undergraduate chapters, attend numer- ous international alumni events, and raise ON THE RETIREMENT OF DOUG Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is awareness for the Fraternity and its des- ROGERS my pleasure to take this opportunity to recog- ignated charity, the Huntsman Cancer Foun- nize a close friend of mine and a highly re- dation. garded public servant of the Florida House of HON. GENE GREEN Representatives, Sergeant at Arms Earnest A 2012 graduate of the University of West- OF TEXAS ‘‘Ernie’’ W. Sumner. Mr. Sumner will retire ern Ontario, Sydney was a campus leader IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from his post this summer after a long and ac- during her time there, excelling in academics Friday, June 28, 2013 complished career in the Florida Legislature. as a student in the University’s Baccalaureate Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, The past and present Florida House of Rep- Honors Program and serving her campus I rise today to honor Mr. Doug Rogers and his resentatives and entire Florida Legislature has community as a member of the Pi Beta Phi 24 impressive years of service as the execu- been fortunate to have such a dedicated and Sorority, a bible study leader, a literacy advo- compassionate colleague and friend. In 1971, tive director of the Association of Texas Pro- cate, and a fundraising volunteer for the Ernie began his career with the Florida House fessional Educators. His many years of serv- Huntsman Cancer Institute. of Representatives. As Speaker of the Florida ice to Texas education and his career leading House of Representatives, I was pleased to For the past two years, Sydney has dedi- ATPE are to be commended—it represents have had the privilege to appoint Mr. Sumner cated herself to the Fraternity’s core values of the highest level of enthusiasm and dedication as Sergeant at Arms of the Florida House of ‘‘Friendship, Justice and Learning’’ and fulfilled to the educators and students of the State of Representatives on July 1, 1998. A committee her duties with strong character and person- Texas. meeting room, 404 House Office Building, has ality, poise, and grace. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Rogers been named ‘‘Sumner Hall’’ in honor of Mr. attended North Texas State University, where Sumner. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Sigma Chi he earned multiple education degrees and cer- The intangible guidance and skillfulness that Fraternity and fellow Sigma Chi brothers serv- tificates. Rogers served as a teacher and ad- Mr. Sumner has displayed to the Florida ing in the U.S. House of Representatives, I ministrator for nine years in both elementary House of Representatives, its Members, its ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing and secondary schools. He began his service staff, and the public is to be commended. His Sydney Madison Binnington for her tireless with ATPE in 1981, spent two years with the leadership has influenced many through his and dedicated service to the Sigma Chi Fra- Texas Association of School Boards, and re- devotion, fortitude, and kindness, and will be ternity and wishing her all the best in her fu- joined the ATPE staff before accepting the po- set apart in the years to come. ture endeavors. sition of Executive Director in June of 1989. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:26 Jun 29, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28JN8.023 E28JNPT1 tjames on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 28, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1011 During Mr. Roger’s tenure, the membership be coming to an end, his impact on the asso- fice, the national debt was of ATPE has more than doubled, reaching its ciation will long remain. I would like to thank $10,626,877,048,913.08. him for his many decades of service to Texas highest enrollment at 116,000 members, and Today, it is $16,738,629,048,819.09. We’ve is today the leading educators’ association in education and wish him a ‘‘splendid’’ retire- added $6,111,751,999,906.01 to our debt in the State and the largest independent associa- ment. 4.5 years. This is $6 trillion in debt our Nation, tion for public school educators in the Nation. f The ATPE Foundation was established in our economy, and our children could have OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL 2000 and has since benefitted more than avoided with a balanced budget amendment. DEBT 23,000 Texas school children. ATPE recently honored Mr. Rogers by naming its office build- ing in Austin, Texas, the ATPE Rogers Build- HON. MIKE COFFMAN ing. OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, this month Mr. Rogers will re- tire after a long and distinguished career serv- Friday, June 28, 2013 ing educators and students in Texas.