VOL. 60, No. 4 JUL/AUG 2017

NEXT FFAM BOARD MEETING USPS 183-320 AUGUST 6, 2017 • 9:00 A.M. • SEDALIA, MO President’s Remarks Greetings Fellow Firefighters Kenneth Hoover President

his newsletter article brings me to the everything looking good for the annual Chairman Keith Smith from Warrenton, annual Fallen Fire Fighters Memorial services. There are many people that , who provided all of the ServicesT held on May 20-21, 2017, in helped Steve with this task, including recording and video services for the Kingdom City. I believe this is the most many of the foundation board members. entire memorial, as they have done for important activity I am involved in every Thanks to everyone. many years at no charge to the Memorial year and will commit a large portion of Foundation. Many, many thanks to Greg my article to. Many hours were also given for the and Rose Rosebrock! Candlelight Service and the Sunday As they have done for many years, I morning services. Keith Smith, Warrenton Our history this year was documented by thank Chief Greg Lubbert of the Central Fire Protection District; Bill Albus, Little Gail Hagans and Don Vaucher. Gail and Callaway Fire Protection District and Dixie Fire Protection District/Missouri Don are usually at every event and photo- Chief Lana Karhoff of the North Callaway State Fire Marshal office; and Linda graph all the activities and provide FFAM Fire Protection District that spent many Coleberd, Hannibal, all worked many with prints and CD’s and never ask for hours cleaning all of the granite walls hours gathering information and devel- recognition or payment for their services. and other tasks the Thursday night prior oping the programs for both services. I Thank you Gail and Don. to the services. Chief Lubbert and Chief thank each of you! Karhoff have faithfully overseen this task This year we were honored to have Mr. year after year. The candlelight honor guard was provided J. Tim Bean the Fire Marshal of the State by the Fire Protection of Missouri attend and present procla- A special thank you to Lieutenant Steve District. Assistant Chief Kurt Ploch of mations to the 2016 Line of Duty Death Nichols from the Little Dixie Fire the Boles Fire Protection District did an family members assisted by his wife Judy Protection District for overseeing the excellent job with the message to over and Chairman Keith Smith. maintenance on the memorial again this 200 attendees at the Candlelight Service. year. Lieutenant Nichols always has Thanks goes to Blue Ice Productions and Brian Zinanni was our keynote speaker at the Sunday morning memorial service. I CONTENTS heard many compliments and you really had to be there to hear his message and Meeting Minutes...... 4 History’s Corner...... 22-25 get it. Thank you! Museum Project...... 10 Auxiliary Minutes...... 31 David Hedrick, Director of the University 1st Vice President...... 14-15 From Around the State...... 32-33 of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute gave our opening invocation Memorial...... 18-19 Director’s Comments...... 36-37 and as always did an excellent job. David Obituaries...... 20-21 Classified Ads...... 38 always accepts my request to help and I appreciate his involvement, and yes I will help with whatever it takes. Kenneth Hoover - President, Mexico, MO FIRE FIGHTERS Jaime Miller- Secretary/Treasurer, Warrensburg, MO Our honor guard commander this year was FFAM NEWSLETTER STAFF ASSOCIATION Chief James Ludden from the Bolivar City Fire Department. Commander Ludden did Jaime Miller - Editor, Warrensburg, MO OF MISSOURI an outstanding job coordinating honor and Gail J. Hagans-Reynolds - Coordinator, Columbia, MO Travis Johnson - Graphic Designer, Columbia, MO color guard and pipe and drum members from many fire departments throughout FFAM Newsletter (ISSN 0199-8633) is published every two months by the FireFighters Missouri. Thank you to Chief Ludden and Association of Missouri. Office of Publications is PO Box 1153, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Subscription price is $1.00 per year and is paid by membership with their members of the many honor guards and annual dues. Periodicals Postage is paid at Warrensburg, MO and additional offices. pipe and drum members for your service. Address correction to: FFAM PO Box 1153, Warrensburg, MO 64093 – continued on page 8 Fire Marshal’s Update

Tim Bean Missouri Division of Fire Safety State Fire Marshal

appy Summer, Missouri Fire Service. incident, a private vehicle crashed into firefighter might look like. I don’t want When we use that word, Summer, as the rear of another private vehicle that to get into the weeds with this, but... aH first responder there are some things was stopped behind the response vehicle. if you google the definition of what a we need to remember: stay hydrated, This caused the response vehicle to strike “Missouri Firefighter” is, you will found take frequent breaks, stay out of the sun the two firefighters who were nearby, the following, ______nothing! when possible, wear sunscreen, and use trapping them underneath, as it went common sense while working in the sun. down an embankment and finally stopped. Let me ask a question? If we have an event Firefighter Sanders was pronounced dead within our state, and you call us through It is with a heavy heart that I continue the at the scene, while Firefighter Hayward the fire mutual aid system and ask for 100 next portion of my article. was air lifted to Research Medical Center firefighters what do you get? Do you get in Kansas City. someone with twenty years of experience On Monday, May 29, we had our first or two days of experience? The answer line of duty death in Missouri. Firefighter Jeffery is survived by his wife Connie, is yes, to both. Wouldn’t it make sense if Jesse W. Ketchum of the Memphis City Daughter Samantha “Sammi” Burroughs, we set a firefighter standard, so when you Fire Department was responding on a and Son Tyler Sanders. Let’s continue have that situation you would know what mutual aid fire call. Firefighter Ketchum to keep this family in our prayers, along level of training that individual brings was driving a pumper truck en route with Firefighter Hayward. to you? We can do this as the Missouri to the fire when it overturned killing fire service. Please help us get this right, Jesse. We at the Division of Fire Safety Fire Chief Kris White along with the your input is very valuable to us. Please and the Missouri fire service extend our entire Mayview Fire Protection District contact us by email, phone, text, or come continued support to his wife Jenna and wanted to thank the Missouri fire service by the thirteenth floor. their four children, Zada, Cora, Rhet, and for all the words of encouragement, the Kruz. Let’s keep them in our thoughts attendance at visitation, and the strong To keep you informed about the Worker’s and prayers please. showing at the funeral. Please keep Chief Compensation Grants Program, which is White and the Mayview FPD in your available to Volunteer Fire Departments I was very proud to see all the support prayers in the weeks to come. that do not receive any tax base funding, from the area fire department’s that rallied it is still on hold. The new FY2018 budget around the Memphis Fire Department. I want to thank the Missouri Fire Service has now been signed, but unfortunately Fire Chief Jimmy Winn expressed how Funeral Assistance Team for doing an this issue did not get funded. We will grateful and appreciative for all the outstanding job working behind the keep aggressively pursuing this for you. phone calls, cards, along with the show of scenes during these two tragedies. Your support the day of the funeral. There were many hours of service were much appre- The Fire Education Commission met in two neighboring states that attended, law ciated. If you are interested in becoming June. They spent two days listening to enforcement, EMT’s, and a very strong a member of this great team go to: www. the state training partners solicit for the showing of community support. Let’s mofirefuneral.org or call 888-491-4357. $650,000 dollars appropriated for state keep this department in your prayers training. We are excited to say that the going forward. The training division published an online training education money was funded in survey, with over 1,426 participating. We the signed budget. Watch for upcoming On Monday, June 19, a second line of are working on collecting the data from training across our state. duty death struck our state. Firefighter the survey which will be used to under- Jeffery M. Sanders and Firefighter stand what direction we need to go to I had the opportunity to visit MU FRTI’s Joseph Hayward from the Mayview Fire develop a firefighter standard. 85th Annual Summer Fire School here Protection District responded to a downed in Jefferson City. Congratulations to MU power-line emergency. They had the I am encouraged by what I am hearing FRTI for your vision to educate and train response vehicle sitting in the roadway to across our state from you on estab- keep traffic stopped. While working the lishing a definition of what a Missouri – continued on page 6

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 3 BOARD of DIRECTORS FFAM JUNE 4, 2017 MEETING • SEDALIA, MISSOURI Draft • Final Approval at Next Meeting

resident Kenneth Hoover called the MINUTES Work comp legislation was passed and meeting of the Board of Directors of President Hoover advised that the 2017 is waiting on a signature from Governor theP Fire Fighters Association of Missouri convention meeting minutes are set for Greitens. A $1 million grant will be used to order at 9:00 a.m., Sunday, June 4, approval at the 2018 convention. to assist non-tax funded departments with 2017, at the Missouri State Fair Fire obtaining funds for work comp insurance. Department in Sedalia, Missouri. FINANCIAL REPORT President Hoover asked for a review of the There have been a few promotions ROLL CALL OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS April 2017 financial reports. Rick Dozier within the Division. Steve Grass is the AND OTHER OFFICIALS: moved to accept the financial reports new Deputy Chief of Investigations and as presented. Larry Jones seconded the Jason Dunn is now the Regional Chief of OFFICERS motion and all approved. Investigations. Dennis Kleigh has retired President Kenneth Hoover, Little Dixie and Scott Stoneberger is now the Fire FPD; First Vice President Larry Jennings, REPORT OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL Investigation Supervisor. Johnson County FPD; Second Vice GUEST(S) President Grant Oetting, Higginsville Director David Hedrick with MU FRTI The Division is still working on a fire FPD; Secretary Treasurer Jaime Miller, advised that there are 270 enrolled for fighter standard/certification and they Johnson County FPD. Summer Fire School June 7-11. There would like to see legislation on setting are still spots open for anyone wanting to standards for a fire fighters in Missouri. DIRECTORS still register. The courses will be held at A survey was sent out to gather stan- District 1, Terry Wynne, Galt FPD; Lincoln University campus in Jefferson dards and opinions across the state. They District 2, Greg Wright, Shelbina FD; City. There will also be rescue boat oper- are still working on ways to present this District 3, Larry Jones, Madison West ations on the river. across the state. Monroe FPD; District 6, Gary Berendzen, Cole County FPD; District 11, Monty Hedrick advised he enjoyed the memorial CORRESPONDENCE Thompson, Kearney FPD; District 14, services this year and thanks to everyone No correspondence was received. Rick Dozier, Southern FPD of Holt Co. who assisted in making the event a success. He also expressed sympathy UNFINISHED BUSINESS ASSISTANT DIRECTORS to the family of Jesse Ketchum and the Kevin Dusheke, District Sales Coordinator District 3, Steve Gentry, Little Dixie FPD; Memphis Scotland Co. Fire Department. with Aflac, was present to again discuss District 10, Greg Brown, Eureka FPD. offering Aflac benefits to FFAM members MU FRTI fiscal year ends June 30. which would allow members the group OTHERS There have been 541 classes taught and discounted rate. Discussion followed. Past President Keith Smith, Warrenton there are 68 more scheduled before the Rick Dozier moved to offer Aflac as a FPD; Historian Kay Asher, Wentzville FPD. fiscal year end. University funding cuts member benefit. Greg Wright seconded will affect MU FRTI with a 12% cut in the motion and all approved. GUESTS general operations. Tim Bean, Missouri Division of Fire President Hoover advised that work is Safety; David Hedrick, MU FRTI; A state-wide training survey was sent out proceeding on replacing the roof at the Joe Jennings, Larry Eggen, Blake on behalf of the advisory council. They State Fair Fire Department building and Rasmussen, Johnson County FPD; are finalizing the results and will have any mold will be remediated once the roof Harriett Vaucher, Eureka FPD; Timothy them out by the end of June. is replaced after a mold study is conducted. Mattox, North Central Carroll FPD; Doc Kritzer, Memorial Foundation. State Fire Marshal Tim Bean with the Discussion was held on the fire service Division of Fire Safety expressed his history book being created by Bill AGENDA thanks to the 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents Westhoff that was approved at the April President Hoover asked for additions to for taking on their new roles. He expressed business meeting. Discussion was held the agenda. Rick Dozier moved to accept thanks to the Missouri Fire Service on the storing, packing and shipping of the agenda as presented. Terry Wynne Funeral Assistance Team for a great job on the books once they become available for seconded the motion and all approved. assisting in Memphis on the recent LODD. sale. The Board advised the creation of

4 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 the book will need to be placed on hold for now until the logistics of storage and sales can be worked out.

NEW BUSINESS Secretary Miller advised that the year one grant audit has been completed. FEMA only found one deficiency regarding the FFAM not having an official purchasing resolution. Miller advised that she and 1st Vice President Jennings had worked on a resolution, which was presented, and discussed. Terry Wynne moved to accept the purchasing resolution. Monty Thompson seconded the motion and all approved.


AWARDS COMMITTEE No report was given.

BUDGET COMMITTEE Larry Jennings advised that committee budget requests are due by the August meeting.

BYLAWS COMMITTEE No report was given. FIRE PREVENTION COMMITTEE SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE CHAPLAIN COMMITTEE No report was given. President Hoover advised that Grant David Hedrick reported that Missouri Oetting has been removed from the Fire Chaplain Corp annual meeting/ LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE committee and Larry Eggen is now the training will be on Sept. 18-19 in Arnold, Greg Brown reported that the regular chairman of the committee. MO. This was rescheduled from May due legislative session has concluded and to flooding. there has been one extra session so far. STATE FAIR COMMITTEE Firefighter training funding is still approx- Monty Thompson reported that work CONTEST COMMITTEE imately $900,000. A $45 base increase on weekends will be July 8 and July 22 No report was given. ambulance transport has passed. pending the roof completion.

CONVENTION COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE WEBSITE COMMITTEE No report was received from Chillicothe. Grant Oetting reported the following No report was given. Monty Thompson advised that they are membership counts: 437 Directors/ pursing Branson as a possible location Councilman; 267 Retired; 16 Associate; NEWSLETTER for a future convention. Southern Stone 11 Sustaining; 18 Corporate, 340 The deadline for the next newsletter will FPD is not interested in hosting however Departments; 6306 Active; 10 be July 1. Terry Plumb is working with the local Educational; 42 Juniors. departments regarding the topic. 2017 HISTORIAN REPORT committee chairman Larry Jennings NOMINATION COMMITTEE Kay Asher reported that they are working advised that the committee has re-payed No report was given. on packing things in her basement and the $2,000 initial loan back to FFAM and getting them moved to Kingdom City. is currently working on the final numbers. NVFC COMMITTEE Keith Smith reported the National FUNERAL TEAM REPORT EDUCATION COMMITTEE Cancer Symposium will be in Phoenix in Harriett Vaucher reported that 12 No report was given. September. He also reminded everyone to members of the team assisted with the get a detailed health check-up. LODD in Memphis. There will be a golf

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 5 tournament fundraiser for the team and – continued from page 3 One over the administrative duties for the NFFF on June 26 at Old Hickory in the investigative unit. Congratulations to St. Peters. firefighters for all these years. You have each of you. set the bar high and continued to bring a FOUNDATION REPORT great product across our state year in and I would like to take a moment to recog- Keith Smith reported that the Foundation year out! We look forward to 85 more! nize a recent retirement. In 1961 the has now revised the plans and design of Missouri fire service had a young man the Museum. Discussion was held on the We have established a date for our 45th arrive on scene, and 56 years later he FFAM pledge of $100,000. Terry Wynne anniversary celebration of the Division retires. This man joined the Bell City moved that the Foundation must spend of Fire Safety. Mark October 25, at 1:00 Volunteer Fire Department, as a junior down their existing funds to $25,000 prior p.m., here on the thirteenth floor on your in high school. He headed to college and to utilizing FFAM funds. Installments for calendar. Our plans are to have as many formed a College Fire and Rescue Squad the funds will be made up to $100,000, of the previous employees attend, with at Central Methodist College in Fayette, in the event that the full amount isn’t snacks, and good fellowship. Missouri, and was chief until he gradu- needed. Larry Jones seconded the motion ated in 1966. While in college he also put and all approved. Another date you need to put on your in time at the State Fair Fire Department calendar is September 10, 2017. This will and ultimately became a captain. He The annual memorial service was held be our first annual Missouri State Fire worked as a captain on a 21’ jet fire boat May 20-21 Kingdom City. Over 300 Marshal Stair Climb. Kim Fitzsimmons, at the Lake of the . He entered were in attendance on Sunday. 4 LODD the event organizer, and the division are the Navy flight program and put in five were recognized and 38 non-LODD. working hard on making this a special years of active duty, in which he was They will go back 3 years to recognized event. There will be several door prizes, engaged in firefighter training which was those lost as there needs to be a set time and drawings. Governor Greitens has required of aviation personnel. He served limit. Bricks however can be purchased tentatively committed to attending and on the Waynesville Fire Department, for by anyone at any time. He also has order climbing. This climb is to ensure the fallen 3½ years as assistant chief and briefly forms for DVD’s for anyone interested. firefighters from September 11 are never served as chief until he moved to his final forgotten. The proceeds from the event go destination of Marble Hill. He joined Grant Oetting moved to adjourn the to support the National Fallen Firefighter Marble Hill Fire Department in 1975 and meeting. Monty Thompson seconded the Foundation. This organization is who became chief in 1976. He has served on motion and all approved. supports us during a line of duty death. the Fire Safety Advisory Board, as an Go to http://events.firehero.org/jefferson- adjunct instructor for MU FRTI, as an President Hoover adjourned the meeting city and register. I will be climbing along EMT, the Bollinger County Emergency at 10:55 a.m. with other division members. Management Director, and also taught for Southeast Missouri University Law We will be working on legislative issues Enforcement Academy. In his “spare the month of July. If you have any legis- time” he served thirty-six years as a State lative issues you would like for us to Farm agent. Throughout his career, he not Jaime Miller, Secretary work on for you, please call or drop us only trained people, but trained side by Fire Fighters Association of Missouri an email. I would strongly encourage you side with firefighters throughout this state to get to know your local representative and beyond. Jim Bollinger, you are an and senator. They work for you and take amazing force in this state and we thank FFAM.org great value in hearing from you, while you for everything you have done for the they represent you here in Jefferson City. Missouri Fire Service. They just don’t make them like you anymore. God bless Beginning July 1, 2017, Steve Grass will you and happy trails my friend. Enjoy become the Deputy Chief of the Arson your much deserved retirement! Investigative Unit. Steve retired from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. He comes In closing thanks for all your support to the with over thirty years of experience in the Division of Fire Safety. Remember we are police and fire service. We are excited here to service you. Come visit us on the for him to be joining our team. We also thirteenth Floor, and join us on Facebook. promoted Scott Stoneberger and Jason Dunn as Regional Chiefs. They began their duties the first of June, and have hit the ground running. Robin Reynolds was also recently promoted to Executive J. Tim Bean, State Fire Marshal

6 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 FOR THEM As first responders, taking care of our health is one of the most important things we can do to help the community and our crew. We need to be strong and healthy so the public and our own can count on us when called.

That’s why the NVFC provides proven wellness programs and resources that help firefighters prevent cancer, reduce heart attack risk, and cope with the stress that can come with the job.


July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 7 ss-concept-d-7.5x9.625.indd 1 6/28/17 5:04 PM – continued from page 2 Wilson and his wife for all of the cookies AWARDS AND and special treats Saturday night for all NOMINATIONS I appreciate all of the memorial board that attended. They have done this for members that helped in so many ways years and are great friends and supporters By Larry Jennings throughout both services by, reading of of the fire service. names, bell ringing, and the placing of elieve it or not the awards committee wreaths and turnout gear. There were many more that helped in is already asking for nomina- some way, and I thank each one of you. tionsB for the annual awards scheduled A special thank you goes to Gary and I apologize if I have forgotten anyone, as to be presented at the 2018 FFAM Sheri Berendzen for hauling the chairs I surely have, because it takes so many to Convention in Chillicothe. The various from and to Jefferson City, and to the get ready for such an event. To those that award categories and nomination criteria other individuals that helped set up the I did not mention by name, I appreciate are available on the FFAM website and chairs for use at both services. And again, your faithfulness every year. can be submitted at any time up to the a special thanks to Glenn Dittmer and February 28, 2018, deadline. When you Janet Cain that come every year to help I understand another excellent Summer identify someone worthy of nomination with anything asked of them. True volun- Fire School was presented in Jefferson it is often best to submit that nomination teers, what more can I say. Also to Don City by the University of Missouri as soon as possible so the busy sched- Hahne and Steve Paulsell who faithfully Fire and Rescue Training Institute. ules we all keep don’t force you to try to for many years have performed Taps Congratulations to David Hedrick and the remember a “last minute” nomination. flawlessly to close our services. MU FRTI staff.

Many of our members are worthy of Ladder trucks were provided by Chief The FFAM State Fair Fire Department nomination for the various awards, but Jason Turner of the Holts Summit Fire Committee has been working many hours without your help with submitting a Protection District and Chief Mark preparing for the 2017 State Fair. A work nomination, the awards committee has no Schofield of the Jefferson City Fire weekend is scheduled on July 8 and 22. way of knowing who they are. Don’t sit Department to fly the US Flag at the back and make the presumption someone entrance to the memorial walkway. Everything is shaping up for another else will make a nomination as they may Thanks to Pat Placke of the Washington great time at the 2017 Missouri State be operating on the belief you are submit- Volunteer Fire Company and Charles Fair. A full staff of FFAM members from ting the required documentation. Take Staats who provided their antique trucks throughout the state have been selected to a step towards recognizing a worthy again. Thanks to all. work and I am looking forward to another member of our organization and make a great time seeing old friends and making nomination today! We also appreciate Christopher Benne new ones. Chief Donnie Rogers invested and Air Methods Helicopter and the many hours selecting and preparing his flight crew for the last minute fly-over staff to lead and provide the professional FORMS AVAILABLE ONLINE: and salute to our fallen comrades. fire and rescue/medical services the ffam.org/committees/awards/ patrons of the Missouri State Fair have I also need to thank everyone else that become accustom to. helped in any way that made our Annual Memorial Services special to I am very thankful to have all of the everyone, especially to the families FFAM officers, directors and assistant being honored. directors, committees, and many others serving the needs of the fire service of Thank you to the Missouri. FFAM Auxiliary for providing and distrib- As always, I am available in the event uting the ribbons and you have any questions or comments. to Harriett Vaucher and You may contact me at 573-581-6235 or the FFAM Auxiliary for [email protected] having statues and souve- nirs available to all attendees DON’T FORGET and to Dr. Baker and his wife TO NOMINATE for the Field of Flags. The Baker’s represent us all over Kenneth Hoover the state, and I appreciate their President support. A special thanks to Rick Fire Fighters Association of Missouri

8 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 SENTINEL EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS 23 Grandview Park Drive, Arnold, MO 63010 phone: 1.800.851.1928 email: [email protected]

CONNECT WITH US ON FACEBOOk: © 2017 Lion Group, Inc. www.facebook.com/sentinelemergency

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 9 The MUSEUM

P by Ron BakeROJECTr Roy Sims or those who were not able to attend and are communicating with four Director the FFAM meeting in Sedalia this past builders that would be interested in this JuneF the board of directors re-approved project and working within our various s the old saying goes, “There’s been their pledge of $100,000 toward construc- restrictions. We have a construction a lot of water under the bridge,” tion of a museum. This pledge plus group within the foundation that is ready sinceA you’ve heard from me. No pun foundation funds as of that meeting put our to move forward with final planning and intended. As in many other areas of our price point at $415,000 plus any additional development once we have some final great state, we were very much impacted donations received between now and final details established, which I am projecting by the recent rains and flash flooding. construction bills are paid. We are now to be completed by end of July. Allowing West Plains received several million moving forward with project development two months for project refinement, final dollars in damages that consisted of 300 to see how far $415,000 will take us. I do documents, final review and bidding, it residences and 100 businesses receiving not believe this is enough to fully finish is possible we could be moving dirt by damages. We, along with the help of the and open the museum but should get all mid to late October. This is likely the very Region H Swiftwater Rescue Team from site work completed and a fully secured earliest and as these things go, it could be St. Joseph and Bethany, Missouri, were building shell up, while we finish raising a later start. The key is that unlike the past successful in rescuing over one hundred the required balance. One never knows five years we are now actually moving people from their homes, vehicles, and for sure until the bids are in. We will forward versus being on hold. Revising off of rooftops, etc. Most importantly, be requesting bids on two phases plus a the vision and original plan, downsizing with the help of the good Lord above we couple of options. Phase I is described as for now, recent cost savings in construc- had no fatalities or major injuries. a shell only for now, and Phase II being tion technology, and the willingness to fully finished. Phase III involves being move forward in a phased process, has I also want to thank Missouri Division fully furnished and ready to open. finally moved this project forward. of Fire Safety Statewide Mutual Aid Coordinator Matt Luetkemeyer for his Greg Wright has been doing miles and The “Foot in the Door” campaign is assistance in getting the help here and miles of preliminary work while Doc now stepping forward but we may find other areas that assistance was needed. Kritzer has arranged for a couple of ourselves needing that other foot to finish Also SEMA Director Ernie Rhoads was meetings with an architect for possible what we are about to finally get started. very instrumental in having the rescue professional services. We have contacted .org teams ready and in some cases already MissouriFireFightersMuseum deployed for the disaster. We hosted twenty-eight members of Missouri Task Force 1 along with their equipment. They were deployed to another location before all the fun started here but in talking to them afterwards they had a lot going on themselves. Folks if you haven’t seen them in action, our resources in Missouri are very impressive when called upon in the time of need.

If there has ever been a time that we should be able to move forward in the fire service it is now with all the leadership In closing, if anyone in my region, District we have represented in State Emergency 9 has any questions or concerns about the Find us on Facebook Management Agency, Division of Public FFAM please feel free to notify me at roy. Safety, and Division of Fire Safety. [email protected]. Thanks, stay safe! www.facebook.com/FFAMo

10 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 Aflac for Fire Fighters Association of Missouri employees Fire Fighters Association of Missouri is now making the following Aflac insurance policies available to its members:

Accident For a covered accident, Aflac policyholders receive cash benefits for use as they see fit. This plan helps provide a financial cushion if an accident occurs.

Cancer/Specified-Disease Aflac’s cancer/specified-disease insurance policies are designed to pay cash benefits that can be used to help offset cancer-related expenses and to help with a variety of daily living expenses.

Critical Care and Recovery (Specified Health Event) Helps with the medical expenses related to a covered serious health event.

Life Provides term or whole life insurance.

For more information about policy benefits, limitations, and exclusions, please call your Aflac insurance agent/producer, Kevin Dusheke, at (573) 690-5718 or email [email protected]@us.aflac.com. This is a brief product overview only. Plans may not be available in all states. Benefits are determined by situs state and plan level selected.

Aflac for Fire Fighters Association of Missouri Employees: • Aflac is different from major medical insurance; it’s • Aflac offers competitive rates. insurance for daily living. • Aflac processes claims quickly—usually within four days.1 • Aflac pays you cash benefits, unless assigned, to use as • Thanks to the Aflac Duck, nine out of ten people in the you see fit. United States know the Aflac name.2 • Aflac benefits can help with unexpected expenses. 1Company statistics, December 31, 2011. • Aflac insurance policies belong to you—not your company. 2Aflac 2011 Year in Review.

Coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus. In New York, coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York. Worldwide Headquarters | 1932 Wynnton Road | Columbus, Georgia 31999

Z120449 6/13

PRN-2881_Flyer-Other_ShortDesc_MD | CreativeID: 841722 | OrderID: 2630169 | Other_04 July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 11 $5,000 “CHOOSE YOUR TOOLS” SWEEPSTAKES By California Casualty

ou work hard keeping our commu- nities safe. That’s why California Casualty,Y provider of the FFAM Auto and Home Insurance Program, is giving back with a chance to win $5,000 of quality DeWALT®* tools.

If you like to head out to the shop and blow off steam by hammering out some- thing useful or artistic after a long shift, this is the contest for you.

The winner of the latest Work Hard/ Play Hard Sweepstakes from California Casualty will choose from an impressive catalogue of DeWALT guaranteed tough tools that includes: generators, compres- sors, tool storage units, and all the power saws, wrenches, drills, and accessories anyone could ever need or use.

The Work Hard/Play Hard “Choose Your Tools” drawing is open to peace officers, EMTs and firefighters; American heroes who work hard and risk their lives daily. Entries are being taken now through November 13, 2017 at www.policefire- giveaway.com.

“We know the pressure and stress first responders face every day,” said California Casualty Sr. Vice President Mike McCormick. “This is our chance to show appreciation and provide a useful and fun way to say thanks.”

Forget having to borrow tools again. You can join other first responders who have benefitted from California Casualty’s Work Hard/Play Hard contests by entering the “Choose Your Tools” Headquartered in San Mateo, California *DeWALT® is a registered trademark Sweepstakes. The entry form and rules with Service Centers in Arizona, Colorado of Stanley Black & Decker. All rights can be found at www.policefiregiveaway. and Kansas, California Casualty has part- reserved. DeWALT® and its parent com. The deadline is November 13, 2017, nered with the FFAM to provide auto companies are not participating partners with a winner announced in December. and home insurance to firefighters in the in or sponsors of this contest. state of Missouri since 1995. Founded in Missouri First responders can learn 1914, California Casualty has been led by more about California Casualty and four generations of the Brown family. To how it appreciates all they do at https:// learn more about California Casualty, or mycalcas.com. to request an auto insurance quote, please visit www.calcas.com/FFAM or call 1.800.800.9410.

12 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 Congratu ations Owensville Volunteer Fire Department in Owensville, Missouri. WINNER of the Safe Digging Month Banner Campaign 50 inch TV!

2017 TV Winner So far this year, 83 Fire Stations across the state have received and displayed banners promoting safe digging practices. We would like to thank everyone who participated for their efforts in educating the public about the importance of preventing damages to underground facilities. Save Your Banners! We’ll Do This Again Next Year with a BIGGER and BETTER Prize!

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 13 the headlines always read: Firefighter Our most visible “all at once” oppor- A MESSAGE charged. Take the same misconduct and tunities to project a positive image are FROM THE have a ditch digger, nothing against a during the annual convention and during ditch digger, I did that for a job myself, the operations of the State Fair Fire be involved and rarely do the headlines Department. If you think people from ST include their occupation. The reason why all corners don’t notice our behaviors 1 this happens is the image and revere that at these events you are unfortunately we have had for hundreds of years. mistaken. Think back to different activi- VICE ties that have taken place at either of these PRESIDENT These actions shock the general public events and reflect on how those activities that someone they trusted without may have been viewed by members, non- Larry Jennings question could be involved. For the rest members and the public. Of course these of the members of the fire service we are just two of the major events, but our reetings all! I hope your summer get lumped in with those few that decide day-to-day activities are still those that has been going well and you are to violate the public trust, but above all most define what we stand for. findingG time to enjoy the great outdoors violate the trust of their fellow firefighters. and the many activities our state offers. Each of us can pay close attention to The Missouri State Fair is upon us and What can you do? Each one of us can our behavior in public whether it be on the Missouri State Fair Fire Department individually make choices that lead us in an incident or just shopping at the local will proudly be representing the FFAM to a path not subject to scrutiny. We can each store. We become linked to our profes- all fair visitors. My thought for the FFAM work to assist every other member to stay sion not just through facial recognition, and the fire service this time is actually on track with actions aimed at staying but through the clothes we wear and a question: What is the image we are within the accepted image of our profes- the conversations we have. So even if portraying? sion. We can each seek out training to you think no one “knows” who you are make ourselves the very best at what we it is likely that someone observing your By “we” I mean the collective whole and do. We can each assist those struggling actions will make the link and of course the individual members. The members of with training or work to identify areas that affects our image. Your decision is, the fire service, whether just in the state of our agencies or the service as a whole are if that affect is a positive or negative one. Missouri or across the entire nation have lacking in preparing our members for the There is always a right time and place an obligation to each other. That obliga- challenges of the job. We will talk more for most actions and of course the wrong tion is to exhibit a strong image, gain about training in a future column. place and time also. Is it acceptable if a respect through our image and protect the member of the fire service wishes to enjoy image of the fire service. There was once What is the image we are projecting for an adult libation from time to time? Most a time in our history that all members the FFAM? Are we each doing everything would answer, yes if they are of age and of the service were revered not only in we can to promote the organization in a so choose. However is it still acceptable their local community, but all across our positive fashion? If you have never given for a member to enjoy that libation and nation. Through the actions of some, but this any thought, it might be time to step then respond to the scene of an incident? certainly not the majority, our sterling back and take a look. When we talk about I think most of us would agree this is not image and the respect it commanded has the need to increase our membership or acceptable behavior and without doubt waned a bit. if you agreed with my thought in the last most members of the public would not newsletter that we should be the single find this within the fire service’s accept- Headlines citing internal theft, in and out representative of a unified front of all of able image. of the station, substance abuse, sexual the Missouri fire service, are we doing misconduct in and out of the station, anything that would make someone want That tee shirt you wear, you know the one harassment and other similar actions to join or be active? Some fire service that has a really catchy phrase that we all puts an immediate smear on the entire members may view our organization laugh about and rarely see much wrong fire service. For whatever reason ifa based on a single encounter or maybe with. How do you think the general public firefighter is involved in misconduct just from hearing some random informa- views that same shirt? Many people, and tion, whether that information is factual or particularly in our now overly politically not. Everything we do must be aimed at correct society, may not see the same making this organization the one people humor you saw and this can work to flock towards to become a member of. not only tarnish your image locally, but When we do things like exhibit poor public the image of the fire service as a whole. behavior or have infighting in the organi- Improper actions, loud and abusive zation it does nothing to “invite” others to language in a restaurant bring attention either join or become more active. to you and potentially to the service.

14 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 June 25 - July 1, 2018 www.lakeozarkcanamgames.com

How many of us really want a mother So our image, good or bad, really does stopping by our table and “thanking” us rest with each of us as we constitute the Sponsor a Brick! for teaching their impressionable child collective whole of the fire service. Take The Firefighter Memorial Foundation of Missouri sitting at the next table who idolized fire- a few seconds next time right before Add your name or a loved ones name fighters a few new offensive words? you do something that could be ques- to the Walk Of Honor. Anyone may tionable and ask yourself, “Would this sponsor a brick. Reserve yours now! Now don’t get the impression that I am make my grandmother proud?” If not, it Reserve Your Place in History at saying we cannot be human, that we can’t is probably not something that will shed Missouri's Fire Fighters Memorial have fun, that we will not make missteps, a positive light on the image of the fire that we can’t be individuals or anything service. Do what you can to protect the even close to that. I agree that sometimes image because once it is tarnished it is YOUR NAME OR people just need to get over themselves extremely hard to get it polished back to DEPARTMENT HERE and figure out that life goes on around that shining condition you once enjoyed. them. What I am saying is those things Just a thought for us all to consider. you do affect the image we portray for the fire service and the FFAM. I can Be Safe! assure you on an individual level I have not always exercised the most intelligent decision making, but I have always made an effort to not let my less than wise moments become a public viewed spec- tacle and be linked to the fire service. www.FFAM.org

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 15 admission to the Missouri State Fair. Make offices, lots of storage, and a huge area to sure you stop by the fire station and say display our fire history, including but not hello. Military will be honored on Sunday. limited to old fire trucks, historic papers, NEWS equipment, and hopefully at a later date, FROM DISTRICT We extend to the Scotland Missouri interactive things for all to do. Now, we Rural Fire Department and Memphis Fire need your help! Department our deepest sympathies for the loss of one of their own. 33 year old To help get this project completed we Firefighter Jesse Ketchum who lost his are asking all fire departments and fire- life while responding to a fire in Scotland fighters to jump on board and help make County. Our deepest condolence to his this project happen. There are several Greg Wright wife and family. Please keep them in your ways you can help. I would however like Director2 prayers. I know I will miss a department, so to talk about three ways that you can help, I am just going to say thank you to all the all on www.ffam.org under memorial. ello from District 2. Everyone in our area fire departments that came or offered area has been busy these last couple to cover the area while the fire department One way that you can help is to write a months.H I hope you got to attend the 2017 attended the visitations and funeral. check for your donation for any amount Missouri Firefighter Memorial Services to the Missouri Firefighter Memorial May 20-21, in Kingdom City. It was a THE MISSOURI FIREFIGHTER Foundation and mail it to the address on very special event, honoring four line HISTORIC AND PRESERVATION the website or give it to any memorial or of duty deaths and many firefighters that CENTER - MUSEUM FFAM board member. $10, $50, $1,000, have since past away. It was also special As you know the Memorial Foundation no amount is to small, or to large. that seventeen firefighters from Germany has been working toward building a also attended. Thanks to everyone that historic and education preservation Another way, I did this not too long ago. made it possible. Mark your calendar for museum along side the existing memorial You can enter anytime the museum is May 19-20, 2018, for the 2018 Missouri for several years. And now that day is fast open, at no charge by becoming a “Foot Firefighter Memorial. approaching. Let me explain. in the Door” member. For $100 you can sponsor a square foot of the museum and Also mark your calendar for Saturday, If you were at the Firefighter Memorial have a lifetime admission to the museum August 12, 2017, as the state fair will be Service in May, you may have seen a at no cost during regular business hours. doing a “Salute to our Heroes” on opening lot of different color survey flags just But best of all, be a part of helping weekend. That Saturday law enforce- West of the memorial. A design has been preserve our Missouri fire service ment, firefighters, EMT’s and paramedics, drawn up, reviewed and fine tuned. It will heritage. Don’t think for a minute that with identification will receive free gate have a training center, administration you can only sponsor one square foot. You can sponsor as many square feet as you wish. $200 sponsors two square feet, $500 donation sponsors five square feet, IMPORTANT NOTICE! you get the idea. The other way I wish to share is that you The 2018 FFAM Convention WILL NOT be held in Chillicothe, can “Sponsor a Brick”. You can add your Missouri, due to circumstances beyond our control. name or a loved one’s name to the Walk of Honor. There are two sizes of bricks We will announce the new location as soon as one is secured. to choose from. These sponsorships can be done on the website and takes just a minute of your time.

So, I am asking all fire departments and firefighters, “Let’s make this happen.” With your help we can. That way your kids, your grandkids, and people near and far for years to come can learn and enjoy Kenneth Hoover our Missouri fire heritage. President Fire Fighters Association of Missouri Thanks for your time. Until next time be safe.

16 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 MEMORIAL UPDATE We Need Your NEWS Support Keith Smith

t is with profound sadness that I must open my article with not one but two Fire Fighters lineI of duty death (LODD) announce- ments. Since the last newsletter our state finds itself having honored two LODD’s Historical and both very shortly after our May 21, services in Kingdom City. Firefighter Preservation Jesse Ketchum with the Memphis Fire Department passed on May 29, and Firefighter Jeffrey M. Sanders with the worth repeating there are five key repre- Foundation Mayview Fire Protection District passed sentation positions that are foundation on June 19. I also wish his partner a board members concerning this subject. of Missouri speedy recovery. Your foundation now The Missouri Council is represented sets about the task of honoring their sacri- by President, Sherwood Smith. FFAM fice in the May 2018 services. Several is represented by President, Kenneth Find more details of you reading this article assisted with Hoover. The State Fire Marshal office is on how to arrangements and honoring depart- represented by State Fire Marshal Tim ment/family in one or both community Bean. NFFF/Missouri Assistance Teams services. Thank you for doing so. is being represented by Brian Zinanni. Sponsor a Brick By FFAM appointment I am the NVFC The DVD’s from the 2017 services will Representative for Missouri. While there be available for sale by the time your are several other organizations having a or are reading this article. It has the candle- highly vested interest in this subject, I light and Sunday morning service on one just wanted to disclose these connections onate DVD. If you were not able to attend and within the foundation and the national D need one or attended and forgot to sign up conversation on cancer. for a copy please contact me. Cost is $10 visit or $12 each if mailed. Finally, it has been a long time in coming but thanks in large part to Bill Farr and FFAM.org The foundation remains very much his family business the foundation finally aware of the discussions on cancer in has an official uniform shirt. This is the fire service and the national conver- the short sleeve version and the three sation on cancer presumption. For those colors do have a symbolism. Red is for of you which follow NVFC on Facebook sacrifice and that is what the founda- you have seen the Don’t be a Drag tion honors both as LODD and regular illustration as part of the Serve Strong service regardless of time. White is for campaign. It makes some very good purity and the purist of ideals we try to points with getting tested. As previously put forward in our service to each family, indicated the foundation is attempting extended family, friends and those having to follow with national on LODD but an interest in the fire service. Gold is for open for other information plus questions the standard we try to follow in process surrounding the possible medical links and best practice. A long sleeve is in the and what may be asked of the founda- works but that reveal will follow when it tion. I previously discussed this but it is is time to wear long sleeves.

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 17 18 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 2017 MEMORIAL Kingdom City, MO

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 19 In 2007, Jesse married his high-school JEFFERY MASON JESSE W. sweet-heart Jenna Rae (Dial) Ketchum. SANDERS KETCHUM To this union, 4 children were born, Zada Rae, 8, Cora Kay, 6, Rhet William, March 31, 1962 - June 19, 2017 March 1, 1984 - May 29, 2017 5, and Kruz Roy, 2. Jesse was a loving, supportive husband and very proud to be called “Daddy”.

Jesse had a true passion for figuring out How things worked and ran. He enjoyed working and doing what was right for people. He enjoyed many friends, helping people, and always learning.

Jesse started farming during high school and bought his farm and the age of 17. He enjoyed working with cattle. These passions originated as a small child when he would drive his tractors in the sandbox.

As a child, Jesse was very active in 4-H, Boy Scouts, and FFA. Currently he was a member of the Memphis Fire/Scotland County Rural Fire Departments and the VFW Post #4958 of Memphis. effery Mason Sanders, 55, of esse William Ketchum was born March Mayview, Missouri passed away June 1, 1984 in Memphis, Missouri. Jesse is Jesse was a wonderful loving husband, 19,J 2017, in Mayview, while answering a theJ son of Bill and Kelley (McClamroch) father, son, brother, grandson and friend. call as a firefighter with the Mayview Fire Ketchum. He was raised in rural Scotland He was a great family man who truley Protection District. County on the family farm. He attended believed in keeping traditions. Jesse will Scotland County R-1 Schools and gradu- always be missed. Funeral services were Monday, June 26, ated in 2002. He then went on to further 2017, at the Odessa High School with his education at Indian Hill Community He was preceded in death by his father, visitation, also at the school on Sunday, College where he received an associates Bill Ketchum, grandparents Leland June 25, 2017. There was a procession of degree in Industrial Maintenance and Ketchum, Denver and Jody McClamroch, firemen paying their respects to Jeff and HVAC in 2004. He later went on to open Kenneth Eggleston, Madge and Bud his family. Burial was in Zion Cemetery, Ketchum Heating and Cooling to where Daggs, and father-in-law Bob Dial. Mayview. Memorials may be made to the he presently worked. Mayview Lions Club or the Mayview Survivors include his wife Jenna Ketchum Fire Protection District . of the home, four children; Zada Rae, Cora Kay, Rhet William, Kruz Roy, his mother Jeff was born March 31, 1962, in Kelley Ketchum and Dan Short, one Lexington, Missouri, to Samuel John and Samantha JoAnn “Sammi” and David brother Jason and Stephanie Ketchum, Ella Mae Mason Sanders. He married Burroughs of Odessa, Missouri; his son, grandparents: Grandma Kay Eggleston Connie Joyce Howerton in Mayview Tyler RaeAllen Sanders, of Mayview; and Mary Ketchum, mother-in-law on August 5, 1984. Jeff and Connie one brother, John Sanders and wife Marcia Dial. Several nieces and nephews were life-long farmers. Jeff has been Nancy of Buckner, Missouri; one sister, including Claire Grace Ketchum. Many involved with the Mayview Lions Club, Eleanor Lockhart and husband Bob of other family member and a whole host the Odessa FFA Advisory Board, the Springfield, Missouri; and one grandson, of friends and patrons. Aunts and uncles: Mayview Special Road District, and the Samuel Mason Burroughs, of Odessa. Mark and Patty McClamroch, Wyatt Mayview Fire Protection District. Jeff Also surviving are several nieces, McClamroch, Kristy Eggleston-Wood, was also treasurer of the Mayview Zion nephews, great nieces and great nephews. Mark Eggleston, Clifford and Linda Cemetery Board. He was preceded in death by his parents. Ketchum, Jane and Jack Thompson, Arron and Kim Ketchum. Brothers and sisters- Jeff is survived by his wife Connie, of in-laws: Scott and Audra Anderson, the home; his daughter and son in law, Shannon and Rob Quillin.

20 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 JACK P. GRAVES ROBERT J. MULLIN February 10, 1949 - April 15, 2017 January 10, 1942 - May 28, 2017

obert J. Mullin, 75, Lee’s Summit, Missouri, went to be with our Lord onR May 28, 2017. Visitation, followed by Mass of Christian Burial was Monday, June 5, at St. Jude’s Catholic Church, Oak Grove, Missouri. Entombment is at Mt. Olivet, Kansas City, Missouri. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Wounded Warriors Project.

Bob began his career as a volunteer fire- fighter in Shawnee and Overland Park, Missouri Kansas. This experience would usher him into a 35-year career with the National Fire Safety Council. His passion was Fire Service bringing fire safety education to children. “Stop, drop, and roll!” He was an avid Funeral Chiefs fan! Bob also loved taking his grandsons fishing, entertaining family at Assistance ack was born February 10, 1949, to home, but most of all just spending time parents John W. Graves and Ida May with the love of his life, Helen. (Davis)J in Emporia Kansas. Team Bob was preceded in death by: his parents; After graduating High School Jack built a son, Robert Mullin; and two brothers. He 716 N Elm Avenue, microwave towers in Iran, then honor- is survived by: his wife of 31 years, Helen St. Louis, MO 63119 ably served in the Army with the Combat (Noone) Mullin; daughter, Raquel Mullin- Engineers from 1968-1970. Before being Davis; daughter, Cynthia (John) Mincher; deployed he married Vickie Peet in 1968 son, Kevin Stadler; son, Greg (Linda) mofirefuneral.org in Emporia. In 1970 they welcomed Stadler; and daughter, Lisa (John) Dixon; their first child, daughter Anita. In 1973 many grandchildren and great grandchil- daughter Stacie and 1976 son Jack. dren; brother, Dennis (Rhonda) Mullin. 1-888-4911HELP For Emergent or Immediate Assistance In 1971 Jack began working at the Emporia Fire Department, eventually Jack enjoyed every minute of life, loved For Non-Urgent or earning the position of Fire Marshall his family and friends with his whole Routine Assistance email before he departed the Department in heart. Always in our hearts and memories [email protected] 1990 to become Fire Chief and EMS he will be missed forever. or phone 314-973-0685 Director in Concordia KS. He left that position in 1996 to be Fire Chief and the He is survived by wife Vickie, Children: EMS Director in Iola KS, then finally Anita and husband Greg Barker, Stacie retiring in 1999. and husband Massaoud Fattah and Jack Graves. A sister Jane Martinez and Not one to sit idle, Jack began working brother Alan Graves, many nieces and again for Hays Fire Equipment and then nephews and the pride and joy of his life, moved on to Max Fire Equipment for a his grandchildren Johnathon Graves and few more years before finally calling Naima Fattah. it quits and buying a motorcycle, going on to become a member of the notorious In Lieu of flowers Memorial contributions motorcycle club “ROMEO” (Retired Old can be made to ACARF (Allen County Motorcyclists Eating Out) that kept him Animal Rescue Facility) 305 US-54, La busy and helped him avoid his “Honey Harpe, KS 66751 Or Emporia Friends of Do” list at least 3 days a week. the Zoo 75 Soden Road Emporia KS. 66801

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 21 History’s CORNER MISSOURI TASK FORCE 1

By Bill Westhoff THE NATIONAL URBAN SEARCH AND MO-TF1 has more than 17,000 separate RESCUE RESPONSE SYSTEM equipment items that are maintained in inventory and sent when the task force EMA Urban Search and Rescue is deployed. The total equipment cache Task Forces are teams of individuals weight is in excess of 40,000 pounds. specializingF in urban search and rescue, The unit must carry everything necessary disaster recovery, and emergency triage to be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours. and medicine. The teams are deployed The Task Force’s first assignment of the to emergency and disaster sites within In 2013 Boone Electric Cooperative eleven day deployment to New York City six hours of notification. The Federal featured the task force in an article in was to search a 29 story Marriott hotel Emergency Management Agency their publication. The following reprint that had been leveled to the height of only (FEMA) created the task force concept of that article features an interview with five floors. in 1989 to provide support for large-scale long time Task Force Leader, Assistant disasters. Chief Doug Westhoff and illustrates the “It was just 16 acres of nothing but nasti- real concept of the task force system ness,” He describes how they never was There are twenty-eight task forces in and the dedication required to make the one desk or computer. Everything was the country, each sponsored by a local system work. crushed into this dusty, gray substance. agency. In the event of a major incident in the United States, the nearest three task LEADING A TEAM OF HEROES - A He recalls seeing people walking around forces will be activated and sent to the site BOONE ELECTRIC COOP ARTICLE with photographs and names of their of the disaster. If the situation warrants, It takes a unique type of person to run into loved ones around their necks, pleading additional teams will be activated. a burning building or race to the scene of with members of his team to help them an accident. They’re often described as “We’ve got a task. We’re on a mission,” MISSOURI URBAN SEARCH AND heroes. But there is a particular group of says Westhoff. “Some people are able to RESCUE TASK FORCE 1 these men and women who seek a different shield that out. For others that’s a stark The Boone County Fire Protection challenge. They make up the 210 person exposure to the human life.” District manages Missouri Task Force 1 team of Missouri Task Force 1, and urban (MO-TF1). The Task Force is designed search and rescue team of volunteers. to assist local emergency agencies facing disaster responses both in and outside the Established in 1997 following two years state. The task force supplements local of training, Missouri Task Force 1 has response agencies and does not command responded to several regional events and or control the incident. When it deploys, 11 federal events. Their most significant the team consists of eighty people. To deployment was the 9-11 terrorist attack, insure eighty individuals can deploy at the unit’s first federal deployment. The any given time, federal requirements Task Force volunteers would be tested mandate that each position be staffed like never before, as would leader of only three deep. In total, 210 people are neces- 14 months, Boone Electric Cooperative sary to properly staff MO-TF1. These member Doug Westhoff. people fill eighteen separate and distinct job functions ranging from canine search Westhoff faced the challenge of a specialists, to physicians, to rescue lifetime at ground zero in New York City. specialist, and heavy equipment opera- Traveling via military cargo plane within tors. Nationally, over 2,000 individuals minutes of the first attack, Westhoff had are involved in the FEMA Urban Search no visual evidence of what had actually and Rescue Task Force System. taken place at the World Trade Center until he arrived early the next morning.

22 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 Westhoff explains how he and his team of 70 members, totaling 210 Missouri Task Force volunteers prepare for urban must remain focused on the task at hand. Task Force 1 volunteer members. These searches and rescues. Team members Emotions cannot interfere while engaged volunteers are not limited to emergency must complete 80-100 hours of training in a search and rescue operation. The service personnel. Structural engineers, before their first deployment. Additional team’s efforts do not always include dog handlers and others from the business training is required each year to remain finding survivors. During this operation, community bring unique assets to the certified. the team had the unfortunate task of also team. All members must be able to deploy recovering the bodies of fellow rescue from Columbia within three hours. A pile of overturned cars, smashed buses, workers. 40,000 pound slabs of concrete and even The three teams of volunteers share an old cooling tower from the Callaway The New York City deployment came one set of equipment valued at several nuclear power plant is what you’ll find at with many new challenges for the team. millions of dollars. The 12 vehicle the training facility. Volunteers and K-9 “There were a lot of firsts,” says Westhoff. package, including charter buses, flatbed dogs both use this site to perfect the skills Gaining the trust of the New York fire and trucks, trailers, SUVs and 15 passenger required to succeed on a deployment. police departments took a little time. “We vans, is an impressive site while in transit. came in there with these yellow shirts and Missourians are fortunate to have this yellow helmets,” he recalls. “They must Another one of Westhoff’s most memo- skilled unit of professionals nearby. Their have thought we were cavers from the rable deployments was to Louisiana expertise and equipment have been more Midwest. “Task Force 1 team members following Hurricane Katrina, their than helpful on several occasions over the were “thrown off the pile” on more longest mission to date. Although there years. Rest assured that when these indi- than one occasion. The local emergency may have been a lot of talk about the lack viduals, like Westhoff, who most value services workers shared a brotherhood, of federal resources, “We were actually “God, country and family” – in that order like family. They were insistent on recov- there before the storm came on shore,” – are called upon, they will be ready to go ering the bodies of their fallen comrades. he explains. “We were pre-positioned in at a moment’s notice. Shreveport, LA.” Soon they became interested in the work of Task Force 1. “Once they figured out The team waited on the west side of the their guys could spray paint symbols on storm for the chance to slide into the the side of a building and it meant some- region from the southwest. “We’re an thing,” says Westhoff, “well, they thought asset of the federal government,” he says. that was pretty cool.” Before long, Task “We have to wait to be invited in.” He Force 1 was allowed to make some of goes on to explain how they were finally those sensitive recoveries. invited into Jefferson Parish by the local Sheriff. Eventually moving into the New Several friendships were formed while in Orleans area, the team worked 14 days in New York. Many are still strong today. the region, returned home for three and Task Force 1 members have returned to then completed the mission with an addi- New York for funerals, memorials and tional 14 days in Louisiana. The area they training events since 9-11. returned to was the same area they had previously searched by boat. This time, The long trip home following a deploy- however, they were on foot in the mess ment like New York is when it can be the water left behind. difficult for some team members. He points out that it affects everyone differ- Family and employer support is critical ently based on their life experiences. to the success of Missouri Task Force 1. This is where you see internal supportive Most often the team has time to prepare efforts take place. for a mission. But in cases like 9-11, they are sometimes requested to deploy with “It’s a very unique bond that’s formed no notice. Either way, a burden is placed within one of these groups,” Westhoff on families of the Task Force volunteers. says. “ We look out for one another. An internal support network provides We’re a big family.” assistance to the families.

Missouri Task Force 1 consists of three Training is another vital aspect to people for every position. The Red, Westhoff’s team. A training facility White and Blue teams are each made up located just north of Columbia is where Assistant Fire Chief Doug Westhoff

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 23 warehouse at the Boone County Fire District Headquarters in Columbia. Logistics specialist load tractor-trailer units as task force members make their way from their home bases to Columbia for deployment. To ensure rapid and effective response, the task force cache Missouri Task Force 1, Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri must be a construction site, communica- tions center, high-tech engineering firm, TASK FORCE 1 HEADQUARTERS mobile emergency room and camp rolled New York City, September 21, 2001, If MO-TF1 is deployed and air trans- into one. Rescue workers emerge from the pile portation is required, the entire cache of of rubble at the World Trade Center. equipment, all sixty thousand pound of FIRST FEDERAL DEPLOYMENT FEMA \News Photo by Andrea Booher it, along with personnel is transported Missouri Task Force 1 was formed after September 20, 2001. to Whiteman A.F.B by ground from several years of discussion and political it’s base at Boone County Fire District maneuvering to convince FEMA offi- Wilson acquired a rather large appro- Headquarters in Columbia MO to be cials that Boone County Fire Protection priation from the Missouri legislature to airlifted to the incident. The deploy- District in Columbia, Missouri, was the insure that Boone County could provide ment to New York on 9/11 was one best destination for a federal task force the basic format required to satisfy FEMA such deployment. There are over 16,000 of this magnitude. According to retired Requirements. pieces of equipment needed to support Boone County Fire Chief Steve Paulsell, the task force rescue and recovery efforts. who was the driving force behind the After FEMA approval there was a couple The nearly one and a half million dollars effort, U.S. Senator Christopher Kit Bond of year span of intense training and orga- worth of equipment, along with nearly played an important role in Washington nization to bring Missouri Task Force 1 one hundred task force members, will to insure that FEMA officials knew to an operational status. Assistant Chief completely fill a military C-141 aircraft the importance of the task force being Doug Westhoff was appointed by Chief or two C-130’s. centrally located in the State. He also Pausell to be the task force leader and assured FEMA Director James Lee Whitt he and other staff members trained with In the majority of instances when that the district and its staff were up to other task forces around the country to MO-TF1 is required, ground transpor- the challenge. It was also imperative that insure operational readiness. Members tation is the most logical approach to the district demonstrates to FEMA that of the task force were recruited from not reaching the scene. The entire cache a serious search and rescue capability only the Boone County Fire District but of equipment is stored in “transporta- exist in the district before final approval also from fire departments throughout the tion ready” containers in the task force could be granted. Missouri Senator Roger State of Missouri.

It was on September 11, 2001, when all the training and efforts put forth by all the hundreds of task force members would be put to the test. The attack on the morning of 9/11 triggered the most significant response in history of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Urban Search and Rescue National Response System. The attacks prompted a Presidential Disaster Declaration under the Stafford Act and the activation of the Federal Response Plan.

Of the eight initial task force’s activated by FEMA, four responded by ground transportation Pennsylvania (PA-TF1), Massachusetts (MA-TF1), Ohio (OH-TF1) and Indiana (IN-TF1). The other four teams activated responded by military airlift California (CA-TF1) (CA-TF6) Task Force in Route to (CA-TF7) and Missouri (MO-TF1).

24 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 By the middle of the afternoon on Task forces are assigned locations of September 11, MO-TF1 was on its way operation by FEMA and upon arrival to Whiteman A.F.B to be air lifted to establish a base of operation (BOO) so McGuire A.F.B. and its first and most that coordination can take place with challenging deployment of many to come local emergency officials. Each member in the following years. is assigned to a twelve hour shift and rescue and recovery operations normally DEPLOYMENTS take on a twenty-four hour a day format, Over the last two decades, MO-TF1 has depending on the area and need. deployed to Federal deployments outside Missouri and a number on in state emer- These dedicated task force members gencies. A deployment requires swift and come from throughout the state and efficient loading and transportation of spend countless hours in regularly sched- equipment and personnel, both human uled training at the Task Force/BCFPD and canine, in busses, tractor trailers, and training center North of Columbia, as a parade of other vehicle that travel in an well as deployments. We are indeed emergency response convoy. On each of fortunate to have such an organization the trailer units is a list of deployments in our state. Thank you to all that serve executed by MO-TF1 over the years. and have served with the FEMA Missouri Urban Search and Rescue Task Force 1.

Editors Note: A special thanks to Boone Electric Cooperative for allowing us to use their article Leading a Team of Heroes and to FEMA Photographer Jocelyn Augustina for the exceptional photos. Our thanks and gratitude also goes out to Fire Chief Scott Olsen and the Board of Directors of the Boone County Fire Protection District for the continued sponsorship of this important state asset. Last but certainly not least, the full time staff at the fire district, including my epic Son, who lives and breaths the task force and the fire district and has for forty years, and all the other folks that “keep the wheels on” the task force!

HURRICANE MATTHEW DEPLOYMENT, OCTOBER 2016, LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA One of the most current MO-TF1 out state Federal deployments was a result of the massive flooding in the Southeast United States as a result of hurricane Matthew. The best way to get an idea of the massive activities of the task force is to review some of the official FEMA photos taken during that activity when MO-TF1 members were assisting families affected by flooding in Lumberton, NC.

Photo Credit: FEMA Jocelyn Augustino

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 25 In addition to feeling uncomfortably hot, This is the last stage before heat stroke you may also experience: occurs, so it’s important that you rest and • dizziness rehydrate as soon as you feel symptoms NEWS • weakness developing. FROM DISTRICT • nausea • thirst Heat stroke can occur when your body • headache temperature reaches above 104°F (40°C). Fainting is often the first sign. If you’re feeling signs of heat stress, get to a cooler area and rest. Start drinking water Other signs and symptoms include: or other fluids with electrolytes that will • irritability Robert B. Brown help restore hydration. Electrolytes are • confusion Director7 substances in the body, such as calcium, • coordination issues sodium, and potassium that keep you • flushed skin ello to all from the East side of the hydrated. They help regulate your heart • reduced sweating state. Summer is here and on this rate, nerve function, and muscle health. • weak or rapid pulse sideH we have had some hot days with high humidity, so before the dog days of HEAT CRAMPS When these signs start to emerge, you August hit us, here is a friendly reminder Heat cramps usually follow intense should: about hyperthermia. exertion or exercise in the heat. They’re • Try to get to a cool location, prefer- usually the result of an electrolyte imbal- ably one with air conditioning. Hyperthermia is actually an umbrella ance and are typically felt in the abdomen, • Drink water or electrolyte-filled term. It refers to several conditions that leg, or arm muscles. sports drinks. can occur when your body’s heat-regula- • Take a cool bath or shower to help tion system can’t handle the heat in your To help relieve heat cramps, rest in a cool speed up your recovery. environment. place, and be sure to replenish the fluids • Place ice bags under your arms and and electrolytes that are lost when you around your groin area. Hyperthermia comes in many stages. sweat. Heat exhaustion, for example, is a PREVENTION common condition. But others, such as HEAT EXHAUSTION Drinking water is a must in order to heat syncope, may be less familiar to you. This is one of the most serious stages of prevent heat injury. Depending on the hyperthermia. In addition to sweating heat and activity level, a firefighter may HEAT STRESS profusely, you may experience: need to drink between a pint and three If your body temperature starts to climb • dizziness quarts of water per hour. In hot, dry and you’re unable to cool yourself • weakness climates this can total as much as three through sweating, you’re experiencing • thirst gallons per day. heat stress. Heat stress can lead to serious • coordination issues complications, such as heat exhaustion • trouble concentrating Many years ago I read a study conducted and heat stroke. • skin that’s cool and clammy by the Israeli Defense Forces to deter- • rapid pulse mine the most effective liquid for their soldiers to consume to prevent dehydra- tion and to treat cases of heat cramps or exhaustion if they occurred.

The results showed that a tepid liquid (cool, not cold) consisting of one part fruit juice and nine parts water was the best combination for rehydration because soldiers would keep drinking. Ice-cold beverages stimulate nerve endings in the back of the throat and tell the brain that thirst has been quenched, albeit prematurely.

26 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 TREATMENTS When prevention fails and heat-related BLACK FIRE IS CLEARLY A DANGER illnesses set in, it is important to quickly By Scott Barthelmass recognize the signs and apply the proper treatment. Here’s a look at how to e have grown up thinking that fire These flames are not limited to the approach each level of illness. is red. In my early years of fire- contents of the room. Because of the fighting,W I was told by some “salty old heat generated by the fire, combus- To treat heat cramps: dogs” at my rural, volunteer fire depart- tible contents in the room vaporize. The • Stop all activity, remove all items of ment to always “put the wet stuff on the process of these contents vaporizing the protective ensemble, particularly red stuff.” produce vapor fuels. When super heated, the protective hood, and sit quietly highly flammable gasses suddenly ignite in a cool place. Black fire is a term used for smoke that is there has been a flashover. • Drink cool water, a sports drink, highly turbulent, has high volume output or other drinks with no caffeine or and is ultra dark. You can think of it as a Recent studies show temperature in a room alcohol. form of fire, because in many ways it is. can rise to over 1,000 degrees in less than • Do not resume activity for a few three minutes. When this occurs, there hours after the cramps go away, Black fire is hot. Temperatures often is no way to escape a structure quickly since heat cramps can lead to heat reach almost 1,000 degrees. It produces enough to avoid injury or death. The exhaustion or heat stroke. as much destruction as flames do. Black temperature in a flashover is not surviv- • Get medical help if the cramps do fire can cause charring and heat damage able, even for a firefighter in full PPE. not go away in one hour. to structures and contents. Black fire is clearly an indicator of a To treat heat exhaustion: Black fire is often just seconds away from pending flashover and is clearly a danger. • Perform the first two bulleted items becoming a deadly environment, even for above. firefighters wearing full PPE. Because it SCOTT BARTHELMASS • Sit in front of a cooling fan or is so dangerous to firefighters in full PPE, Scott Barthelmass is a 27 year public mister to help promote sweat evapo- it is definitely dangerous for the unpro- safety veteran. For the past 20 years, he ration and cool the body. tected occupants of a building. When has served with the Eureka Fire Protection black fire occurs, there are usually no District in suburban St. Louis County Heat stroke is a time-critical medical lives to be saved. (Missouri) holding various positions. He emergency. Get the firefighter to a shady currently serves as the district’s Public or cool area and call for emergency The presence of black indicate impending Information Officer and Community medical assistance immediately. Until auto-ignition and flashover. Service Supervisor. Scott is a well known they arrive, do the following: public safety instructor who has taught • Cool the victim as quickly as Flashover is the stage of a fire when for the St. Louis County and Municipal possible with a cool bath or shower, the area become heated to the point that Police Academy, Missouri Safety Center, a spray of cool water from hose, or flames engulf an entire area. Flashover Missouri Police Chiefs Association, by wrapping the victim in a cool, is the transition between the growth and and Missouri Sheriffs Association. He wet sheet. fully developed fire stages. currently instructs for the Missouri • Check body temperature often State Emergency Management Agency, and continue cooling efforts until A flashover is the near simultaneous the Emergency Management Institute temperature drops to 102°F. ignition of most of the combustible mate- and the National Fire Academy. Scott • Do not give any fluids to drink until rials in an enclosed are or room. In other Barthelmass can be reached at 314-565- their body temperature has been words, it is as if the entire room erupts 2480 or via email at sbarthelmass@ lowered. into flames within seconds. yahoo.com

Let’s talk about this year’s fire prevention theme which will be here before we know it, and the cooler days and nights. Please read up on the rules and regulations for paper size and fill out the poster contest label which can be found under the fire prevention drop down on the FFAM website. Have a great safe summer. See ya at the Missouri State Fair.

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 27 FREE ONLINE: RESPONDING TO UTILITY EMERGENCIES By Missouri Association of Natural Gas Operators

esponding to Utility Emergencies (RTUE) is a free training program inR Missouri sponsored by the Missouri Association of Natural Gas Operators (MANGO). RTUE is an effective, inter- active online training application on how to safely handle a natural gas emergency.

The online program, developed in 2009 by Mike Callan of RTUEOnline LLC, is designed for fire/rescue officials, law enforcement, public officials and contractors. It provides emergency/first responders with technical background information and provides a balanced view of the hazards and risks associated with emergency response for the natural gas pipeline industry, encouraging safe operating procedures and response.

RTUE is designed to help first responders and the personnel of local natural gas operations speak the same language, HTTPS://MANGO.RTUEONLINE.COM/ share ideas and prepare for the unex- pected. While this program should not ensure the safety of all personnel on participants login but rather learn from replace face-to-face interaction with offi- scene and within the community served. it in a face-to-face training session with cials, it supplements a robust program. Coordination, communication, and an instructor. This has made its reach cooperation among all responders best greater than 14,000 logins. The consis- The online training is trackable and supports a safer response to protect the tency of the online information provided allows first responders to take a short quiz public. also helps utilities and sponsors of RTUE and receive a certificate upon completion. deliver the same information across vast The single most important piece of miles and that also serves to make a safer While everyone responding to natural gas knowledge that any first responder can response. emergencies is dedicated to protecting life possess is an understanding of what they and property, emergencies do occur. This are responding to and how to respond. As of spring of 2017, RTUE online has been online program and its related website This training course can assist and allow adopted by several natural gas industry are designed to help all responders under- them to act in the safest, most prudent state associations including Wisconsin, stand and respond to gas emergencies manner possible to ensure the safety of Pennsylvania and Washington, plus it is more effectively and safely. their crew, the public and themselves. The made available by a number of individual number one priority is that “Everyone gas utility companies in their service Local gas utility companies must ensure Goes Home!” areas. Further, it is resource offered the integrity of their natural gas distribu- by the Pipeline Association for Public tion systems through a comprehensive While textbooks for RTUE have been Awareness (PAPA) to support PAPA safety program that involves surveying, made available by a number of utilities members and their emergency responders monitoring, maintaining, testing and since 2003 and distributed to their local across the majority of the United States. educating the public. Often, community community emergency/first responders, In addition, RTUE also provides electric emergency responders arrive on scene the 2009 online website develop- utility emergency response knowl- before the utility company and will begin ment of RTUE has proven to be far edge making it a valuable resource for to secure the area. A basic knowledge reaching. RTUE online has had more combined gas and electric utilities. The of natural gas and how to eliminate or than 14,000 participants login nationally. Vermont and Idaho fire officials use it for control hazards can streamline emer- Additionally, because RTUE online is training on electric emergency response. gency operations and, more importantly, also used in a classroom setting, not all The University of Missouri Fire and

28 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 Rescue Training Institute (MU FRTI) that assisted in both services. also has had a lengthy relationship with A MESSAGE Mike Callan and last November, Mike FROM THE On May 16, I traveled to Bates City, provided a Train-the-Trainer (TTT) for Missouri to see the opening of Sni Valley fire instructors associated with MU FRTI. Station 2. This is a great addition for ND this department as it will better serve Current Members of the RTUE Program: 2 the citizens of Eastern Jackson County Albany Municipal Gas System and the Citizens of Western Lafayette Altenburg-Frohna Municipal Gas System VICE County. Congratulations to Chief Carl Ameren Missouri PRESIDENT Scarborough on your addition. Bernie Municipal Gas System Bethany Municipal Gas System Grant Oetting On Memorial Day I traveled to Cowgill, Bismark Municipal Gas System Missouri, to support the department City Utilities of Springfield reetings FFAM membership. Since there with their annual hog roast. This Clarence Municipal Gas System our last newsletter Missouri has fund-raiser helps the department with Cuba Municipal Gas System beenG a busy state with record amount equipment and also repairs to their Dogwood Energy, LLC of rainfall weather related calls, water trucks. Thanks Chief Jeff Misel for the Empire District Gas Company rescues, and even tornados keeping our great meal and your hospitality. Fulton Municipal Gas System fire departments, EMS agencies and 911 Granby Municipal Gas System dispatchers very busy. Thank you for all On June 10, I traveled to West Plains, Grant City Municipal Gas System your hard work and the agencies involved Missouri. To the Howell County Rural Green City Municipal Gas System you did a great job and represented your Fire District 1. While in West Plains I Hermann Municipal Gas System our state well. attended a training program on Traffic Kennett Municipal Gas System Incident Management hosted by the Liberal Municipal Gas System Unfortunately also since our last news- department. This class was very excel- Liberty Utilities letter Missouri had two line of duty deaths. lent. Thanks to Chief Joe Auffert and Macon Municipal Gas System The first was with the Memphis Fire his staff for a great training class and Madison Municipal Gas System Department. Firefighter Jesse Ketchum hospitality. Marshall Municipal Utilities died Monday, May 29, 2017, as a result Mercer Municipal Gas System of an apparatus accident while responding Many thanks to the members that helped Mid-Missouri Energy to a call. Firefighter Ketchum served the move equipment out of the State Fair Milan Municipal Gas System City of Memphis Fire Department for four Fire Station, so repairs to the roof could Middletown Municipal Gas System years. He also served with the Scotland be done. Your help was appreciated. The Monroe City Municipal Gas System County Fire Association. state fair committee, Chief Donnie Rogers Montgomery City Municipal Gas System and his staff have been busy preparing for New Florence Municipal Gas System The second was with the Mayview Fire the fair. The work weekends for the fair New Haven and Berger Municipal Gas Protection District. Firefighter Jeffery are July 7-9 and July 21-23. Any help System Sanders died on June 19. Jeff has been would be appreciated as we need to move Omega Pipeline Company, LLC involved with the Mayview Lions Club, equipment back into the station and also Oronogo Municipal Gas System the Odessa FFA Advisory Board, the prepare for the fair. Paris Municipal Gas System Mayview Special Road District, and the Perry Municipal Gas System Mayview Fire Protection District. Jeff Thank you to Firefighter EMT Chris Perryville Municipal Gas System was also treasurer of the Mayview Zion Thompson of the Holt Summit Fire Plattsburg Municipal Gas System Cemetery Board. Protection District on representing Potosi Municipal Gas System Missouri at the National EMS Memorial Princeton Municipal Gas System Also injured in this accident was Service in Washington DC. Richland Municipal Gas System Firefighter Jacob Hayward with the Shelbina Municipal Gas System Mayview Fire Protection District. Jacob is As I finish this article, I would love to hear Spire Energy/ Laclede Gas recovering in a Kansas City area hospital. from the membership what the FFAM is St. James Municipal Gas System Let’s continue to keep the Memphis Fire doing well for our members but also hear St. Robert Municipal Gas System Department, Mayview Fire Protection ideas on how we can increase member- Stanberry Municipal Gas System District and also the Jacobs family in our ship, and also what the FFAM needs to Summit Natural Gas of Missouri prayers and hope for a speedy recovery. work on. Feel free to email me with your Unionville Municipal Gas System ideas. I am also interested in attending Waynesville Municipal Gas System Many thanks to Brian Zinanni and the your events as well. I can be reached at Wheaton Municipal Gas System Missouri Fire Funeral Assistance team [email protected].

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 29 FIRE CHIEF ALL CALL: SEAT BELT USE By Mark Woodward, Sr. Safety and Risk Trainer, Missouri Employers Mutual

o matter how large or small your fire department – rural or urban MissouriN – a seat belt policy should be required. It’s sad and unacceptable when firefighters are injured or killed simply because seat belts were not used.

What’s your department’s policy?

According to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, motor vehicle crashes are the second-leading cause of fire- fighter fatalities in the United States. Seat Volunteer firefighter ejected after a tanker truck rollover. Photo provided by Charlie belts provided in a fire apparatus are free Peel, South Eastern Randolph County FPD of charge, and should be used by everyone whenever the vehicle is in motion. When at the station, do the following: safety policy. City hall should provide • Check all fire apparatus for seat belts the fire department with any needed Answer these simple questions about that are clearly not used, and are found insurance requirements or copies of city your fire department: tucked back into seats. safety policies. If you’re an association or • As a member of your community and • Make sure all seat belts function, latch fire district, consider developing a written a representative of local emergency and disconnect properly. seat belt policy, and require that each services, do you set a good example for • Identify and make a plan to remove member sign-off on the policy each year. your community by wearing your seat trucks that are too old or that do not belt? provide proper occupant restraints. Want to do more? Here’s a list of seat belt • Does your fire department have a • Make sure firefighters can “pack up” and driver safety resources: written seat belt policy that is enforced? while wearing seat belts. • http://www.worksafecenter.com/ • Are seat belt messages part of your safety/tutorial/transportation/home. regular training? Here’s a list of additional safety questions page? • Do your members actually wear seat to ask about your department: • http://www.firehouse.com/ belts when operating city or district • Do you use “side-by-side” ATV’s article/10689920/fire-law-seatbelt- equipment? without seat belts or helmets as laws-for-emergency-vehicles • Do you have any older, obsolete required by the manufacturer? • https://www.everyonegoeshome. vehicles that do not provide seat belts? • Do you ride tailboard or standing com/seatbelts/ • As a fire chief, do you have the strength up in walk-in type rescue trucks • www.firefighterclosecalls.com to enforce basic safety rules? unbelted? • Missouri State Highway Patrol • Do you stand on the back of brush 2011 Emergency Vehicle Crash According to the Missouri State Highway trucks during natural cover fires? Compendium Patrol, in 2011, 1,455 emergency vehicles • Do you allow personnel to ride in the were involved in crashes in the State. rear of ambulances used as make- Good employees and volunteers are hard Vehicle crashes are a real possibility shift rescue trucks? to find. Wrecked trucks are easy to replace. for your department. Consider off-road • Do you stand in large-cab trucks But dedicated and skilled volunteers recovery in which the right-side tires drop while donning gear and SCBA? are irreplaceable and valuable to your off the pavement. Drivers will instinc- • Do you allow unbelted riders, like community. Keep them safe by requiring tively overcorrect the truck causing a local school groups, ride atop fire the most basic of safety rules: seat belt use violent rollover or head-on crash. Tire trucks during parades? any time the vehicle is in motion. blowouts are a concern, especially steer tire blowouts. Make sure your appa- If you cannot ride seated and belted in a Questions? ratus operators are trained in emergency fire truck, consider driving your person- Contact Mark Woodward, Sr. Safety and driving skills, as well as how to properly ally-owned vehicle and wear your seat Risk Trainer, Missouri Employers Mutual inspect fire apparatus and tires. belt to the scene. If the fire department is (573) 289-5990 Cell part of your local city government, make [email protected] sure your volunteers are following city Visit us at www.worksafecenter.com

30 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 JUNE 4, 2017 SEDALIA, MISSOURI

FFAM AUXILIARY MEETING, SEDALIA, COMMITTEE REPORTS HISTORIAN MISSOURI, JUNE 4, 2017 Chris has received some pictures. Chris MEMBERSHIP was going to talk to Gail to see if we can eeting called to order by President Theresa said no new dues were received. get some more. Diane Hanes at 8:58 a.m. M AUXILIARY MEMBER OF THE YEAR AUDIT INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS Jessica is the winner of this years award. Was completed at the time of the conven- President Diane Hanes, Galt FPD; A picture needs to be submitted to be put tion and it was declared the checkbook Theresa Cox, Wentzville FPD; Sheri on the web page. was balanced. Berendzen, Cole County FPD; Ann Jones, Madison West Monroe FD; Angela POSTERS BY-LAWS Fields, Paris FPD; Joyce Thompson, Diane discussed the process of the posters Need to go thru the by-laws and rework Kearney Fire Rescue; Kerrie Mattox, that are judged on and why so many were some of the wording. North Central Carroll FPD; and Chris disqualified. Slaughter, Warrenton FPD. OLD BUSINESS CONVENTION There was no old business to discuss. MINUTES 2017 convention was decided to be a Diane asked if there were any changes or success. Next years convention will be NEW BUSINESS comments for the January 2017 meeting held in Chillicothe. Chillicothe does not Worked on some of the wording on the minutes. No changes were brought have an auxiliary so it was discussed first few pages of the by-laws. Need to forward. Ann made a motion to accept about the FFAM auxiliary being host work on the remaining pages at the next the meeting notes, seconded by Theresa, auxiliary again. Joyce made a motion that meeting in August. motion passed. the FFAM auxiliary be the host auxiliary and seconded by Theresa, motion passed Kerrie made a motion to adjourn the FINANCIAL REPORT meeting seconded by Angela, motion There were deposits of $3,655.00 and CONTEST passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. expenses of $502.24 and the ending total Missy was not in attendance to report but Next meeting is to be August 6 in Sedalia. of $6,479.45. Theresa made a motion to the games went smoothly. There were a accept the financial report, seconded by fewer teams so the games ended early. Respectfully Submitted; Chris, motion passed. Sheri Berendzen, Cole County FPD There was a discussion on the missing Secretary Treasurer 2016-2017 Maltese Cross vases. It was decided to purchase another vase for the American and auxiliary table flags to be displayed during the meeting. Kerrie made a KNEELING FIREFIGHTER STATUES motion that we purchase another vase and  The Sales From These Statues Benefits The seconded by Joyce, motion passed. Firefighters Historical Preservation of Missouri Project

Discussion on the FFAM website. It was NAME:______decided that more contact ADDRESS:______info needed to be added for each officer on the CITY:______STATE:______ZIP:______FFAM website and photos need to be PHONE:______QUANTITY:______X $100 EACH = $______updated. Checks payable to: Fire Fighters Memorial Foundation Send to: Doc Kritzer Contact: 5055 Pendergras Rd. 573-220-3536 or Fulton, Missouri 65251 [email protected]

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 31 OSAGE RIVER MILE MARKERS INSTALLED ecently the Linn Fire Protection District started marking the Osage RiverR with mile markers. They have installed mile markers on the first thirty miles starting at the mouth of the Osage River where it flows into the Missouri River.

This past weekend Cole County and Osage Fire Protection District personnel traveled by boat to install mile markers to mile marker 48 on the Osage River. Both fire districts provide service along a 48 mile section of the Osage River in Cole and Miller County. The last mile marker installed is located near the St. Elizabeth area.

Future visions are for other fire districts along the Osage River to place mile markers all the way to Bagnell Dam in Lake Ozark.

The mile markers are two by two foot square metal construction with black numbers on a white reflective back- ground. The signs were manufacturer by the Cole County Public Works. The signs were affixed to trees along the river on what’s termed as the “river left” of the river coming from the mouth of the Osage River heading upstream towards the Bagnell Dam.

The joint effort between the Osage and Cole County Fire Protection Districts is to help boaters recognize their location on the Osage River. The fire districts feel by marking the river, it will be beneficial to travelers who need help when an emergency occurs. The mile markers will also afford first responders a faster response time to provide care to those in need. The signage is similar to the interstate mile makers who help guide first responders to the correct location. Bagnell Dam to the Gateway Arch, If you have any questions please Many events occur on the Osage River kayak races, fishing, and normal boating contact Steve Cearlock, Public including the Three Rivers Run to activities. Information Officer, Cole County Fire benefit the Tri-County YMCA from Protection District, 573-635-0966.


hane Anderson, a fire officer and offer a special scholarship program with the Monett Fire Department exclusively for partners. Anderson’s inS Monett, Missouri, was recently scholarship will cover up to $17,100 in University is a liberal arts institution awarded the Waldorf University one Waldorf online degree program. that offers regionally accredited resi- Learning Partner Scholarship. dential and online degrees that address For more information about Waldorf schol- popular career skills such as organiza- Waldorf partners with the Fire Fighters arships, visit waldof.edu/scholarships. tional leadership, criminal justice, fire Association of Missouri and other science, communications, management, associations, companies and organi- WALDORF UNIVERSITY human resource management and more. zations to provide a tuition discount Based in Forest City, Iowa, Waldorf Visit Waldorf.edu to learn more.

DOUGLAS COUNTY AWARDED AFG GRANT he Douglas County Missouri Fire VFD to collectively purchase 83 complete insurance, fuel, and vehicle mainte- Chief’s Association is pleased to sets of PPE, by apply through a host nance. Rural departments are small, so announceT that they have been awarded department. None of the fire departments it is hard for one department to get an a regional Assistance to Firefighters could make purchases of this magnitude award for PPE, due to the low number Grant (AFG) for $230,477 to be used on their own, considering all but one of citizens served by each department. for personal protective equipment department is association membership By banding together, we were able to (PPE) and training for seven local based. apply for a regional grant and had a fire departments. The participating better chance of an award. One of the fire departments will only have to “Some of the turnout gear within the reasons the Douglas County Missouri pay 5% matching funds towards their county was over thirty years old” says Fire Chief’s Association was formed purchases. DCMOFCA President Chris Hammett. was to train together and collectively “The National Fire Protection Association support each other to serve our citizens This grant will allow Ava City VFD, standard is to replace gear after ten years, better. Now we will be serving our Brixey-Rockbridge VFD, Dora VFD, but as small rural volunteer departments citizens better and safer. This grant was Eastern Douglas County VFD, Skyline that rely on association dues and fund a huge blessing to the county and we VFD, Squires VFD, and Twin Bridges raisers, most of our funds go towards thank God for it!”

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 33 WARRENSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT PROMOTIONS he Warrensburg Fire Department is pleased to announce the recent promotion of three part-time firefighters to full-time fire- Tfighter positions. These promotions took place to fill three vacancies.

Firefighter/EMT Cody Reynolds joined Firefighter/EMT Amanda Byers joined Firefighter/EMT Zac Oslica joined the the department in 2015 and was the department in 2016 and was department in 2015 and was assigned assigned to A-Shift. assigned to B-Shift. to C-Shift. WESTERN TANEY COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT TANKERS he Western Taney County Fire District received two 1,800 gallon tankers for the stations Hollister and Rockaway Beach. The Freightliner chassis have Rosenbauer aluminum bodies with 1,500 GPM Darley midship pumps in addition to carrying 400 GPMT Darley portable pumps. The also have three dumps, three cross lays, a deck gun and carry a 1,000 feet of 5” supply hose. They replace two 24 year old Freightliner 1,550 gallon tankers which have been sold.

34 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 legislative priorities to benefit firefighters but nothing finalized before Congress went on break. It is a very slow process in our nation’s capital for most things, especially fire service topics. We have our avid supporters and some detractors but it keeps coming back to money and that is not a favorable topic for us right Keith Smith UPDATE now. Homeland Security and FEMA are s Fire Marshal Tim Bean discussed realities that are just going to be what still doing well considering, but the fire during the Sunday board meeting at they are. Doing nothing, leaves nothing, service is down the list at least for a while. conventionA and again at the June directors but doing something is at least a step in meeting there is a conversation underway the right direction of, “better than we NVFC has been successful with some on a minimum training standard. NVFC were.” So within that narrative and as grants and continues to deliver their is also taking up that issue, having asked presented, how do we best protect those agreed upon SAFER grant services some questions and attempting to get a that are trying their level best to protect allied with recruit and retention. Also, better understanding of this across the their communities? That is the discussion just in case you have come across some nation. This will perhaps start a genuine currently underway both in Missouri and press release articles from Delaware, the conversation on this important topic at a other areas. Done correctly this can have council did remove their NVFC repre- national level. I find some comfort in both a very good outcome. sentative which was also serving as the the local and national process of starting NVFC secretary. Some issues within his with a minimum that is reasonable and I mentioned cancer in the memorial department required this action until it is obtainable versus heading straight to the article and the NVFC Facebook page on resolved. The highest of standards apply highest mark available. This in no way being screened early and often. Cancer to everyone and there are no exceptions detracts from the utmost encouragement continues to be a high focus with NVFC to anyone. to pursue Firefighter I and II, plus several because so much has been missed. allied certifications but there are certain There is continued movement on some

Missouri State Fire Marshal

Climb, Honor, Assist To ensure that the fallen firefighters of September 11 are never forgotten. September 10, 2017 Missouri State Fire Marshal Office Jefferson Building Jefferson City, Missouri

Stair Climb Coordinator: Kim Fitzsimmons Phone: 573-526-5701 Email: [email protected] Website: http://events.firehero.org/jeffersoncity

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 35 Director’s Comments University of Missouri Extension

David Hedrick Fire and Rescue Training Institute Director

he University of Missouri Fire and of Firefighter Jessie Ketchum, of the serving as an EMT for the department. Rescue Training Institute (MU FRTI) Memphis Volunteer Fire Department He also serves Alma Fire Protection isT in the process of compiling statis- on May 29, 2017, and the LODD District as a training officer/firefighter. tics for the 2017 fiscal year (FY17) that of Firefighter Jeffery Sanders of the Additionally, he serves as a training ended June 30. Utilizing all programming Mayview Fire Protection District on June coordinator/firefighter for Lincoln and funding sources, the Institute trained 19, 2017. The families of Firefighter Community Fire Protection District. He over 11,000 fire and emergency service Ketchum and Firefighter Sanders have has been an adjunct instructor with MU responders in FY17. Additional year-end lost a loved one, firefighters have lost FRTI since 2011. Mr. Meyers will also statistical information will be available beloved brothers, and their communities be responsible for coordinating training in the Institute’s annual report in August. have lost dedicated public servants that courses in Missouri State Highway MU FRTI was honored to play a signifi- gave their all in the performance of their Patrol Region A, to include the counties cant role in providing needed training sworn duty. Our thoughts and prayers go of Benton, Carroll, Henry, Johnson, across the state; and we look forward to out to the families and fire departments Lafayette, Pettis, Ray, and Saline. continuing to serve you, the Fire Service for their loss. of Missouri, in this next fiscal year. Also in June, MU FRTI Regional Training In May 2017, MU FRTI Regional Coordinator for Region B, Robert Creed On behalf of MU FRTI, I wish to express Training Coordinator for Region A, Mike is retiring from his position. Mr. Creed has the Institute’s appreciation to the various Booth of Kansas City, Missouri, retired. been an adjunct instructor for MU FRTI state agencies and entities for providing Mike has been an adjunct instructor for since 2010 and has served as the regional funding to MU FRTI to subsidize the cost the Institute since 1993 and served as training coordinator for Region B since of training during the fiscal year. These the regional training coordinator for the 2015. Robert has been very active in the various funding sources allow MU FRTI region since 1999. He has been instru- Institute’s Grain Bin Rescue Program to provide a significant number of tuition mental in coordinating training activities and we appreciate his contribution to free courses to firefighters and other for the Institute in western Missouri and the success of that program. Robert will emergency responders through a coordi- we appreciate his long-standing contri- continue teaching for the Institute as an nated statewide outreach. bution to the Institute and Missouri’s adjunct instructor. firefighters. Mike will continue working During the legislative session this with the Institute as an adjunct instructor. Filling the Region B position will be spring, we were pleased to learn that Mr. Joseph Schilling of Kirksville, the Governor and Missouri Legislature With the retirement of Coordinator Missouri. Mr. Schilling is a Captain with supported funding the General Revenue Booth, the Institute has appointed two the Kirksville Fire Department. He has Firefighter Training Fund in concert new Regional Training Coordinators, Mr. been an adjunct instructor with MU FRTI with the recommendations from the fire Robert Little of Kansas City, Missouri since 2005. Mr. Schilling will be respon- service agencies, organizations, and fire and Mr. Roger Meyers of Concordia, sible for coordinating training courses in departments throughout the state. At the Missouri. Mr. Little is a Captain with the Missouri State Highway Patrol Region B close of the legislative session in May, Central Jackson County Fire Protection (Northeast Missouri) which includes the this funding was passed as part of the District in Blue Springs, Missouri. He has counties of Adair, Chariton, Clark, Knox, final state budget. We want to express our been an adjunct instructor with MU FRTI Lewis, Linn, Macon, Marion, Monroe, appreciation to Governor Greitens and since 2005. Mr. Little will be respon- Putnam, Ralls, Randolph, Schuyler, the Missouri Legislature for their actions sible for coordinating training courses in Scotland, Shelby, and Sullivan. The that will provide substantial funding for Missouri State Highway Patrol Region Institute looks forward to working with training opportunities for the state’s fire A, centered around the metro area, and to these new regional training coordinators. service for FY18. include the counties of Bates, Cass, Clay, We wish our retiring coordinators all the Jackson and Platte. Mr. Meyers is a retired best in their retirement! I and the MU FRTI staff were saddened member of the Concordia Fire Protection to learn of the line of duty death (LODD) District, in Concordia, Missouri, still

36 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017 www.MUFRTI.org MU FIRE AND RESCUE TRAINING INSTITUTE For more information call (800) 869-3476 DATE COURSE LOCATION CONTACT PHONE 08/26 Strategies of Leadership: Recruiting & Retaining Emergency Service Volunteers Richland Fredrick Luckritz 573-528-9302 08/26 Basic Grain Engulfment Rescue Shelbina Gene Harland 660-651-6179 09/09 Basic Grain Engulfment Rescue Odessa Joe Thornburg 816-786-1234 09/10 Basic Grain Engulfment Rescue Odessa Joe Thornburg 816-786-1234 09/22 Vehicle Rescue: Technician Waynesville Mike Murdock 573-774-5449 09/30 Strategies of Leadership: Recruiting & Retaining Emergency Service Volunteers Buffalo John Lilburn 417-362-9239 10/14 Vehicle Fire Fighting Belle Dwight Francis 573-578-1814

On May 20–21, 2017, the Fire Fighters is the fifth year out of the past six years and participants, who continue to support Memorial Foundation of Missouri held where the annual total fatalities were this historic training event the 15th Annual Memorial Service. I was below 70 deaths. Firefighter duty deaths pleased to provide the invocation and on the fireground was the lowest total in After Summer Fire School, I had the participate in the memorial service on the forty years of the study (15 deaths). opportunity to attend the Missouri Sunday. The services provided a memo- Sudden cardiac events and internal Association of Fire Protection Districts rable tribute to honor the firefighters that trauma accounted the largest share of the (MAFPD) 26th Annual Conference had fallen in the line of duty this past deaths. There were 19 firefighter fatalities in Osage Beach, Missouri. I want to year, as well as a remembrance of the associated with road and vehicle crashes. congratulate the MAFPD on a successful current and former firefighters who had These include 17 firefighters who died in and informative conference. We appreci- passed away during the year. As always, vehicle crashes and two who were struck ated the opportunity to attend and provide the Memorial Foundation and all the by vehicles. The study also reported that an overview of the Institute and the new participating fire service personnel and in 2016 there were two deaths by suicide curriculum projects being developed. honor guards did an excellent job on the while on duty, two firefighters murdered ceremony; it will be a lasting memory to and another firefighter shot unintention- We appreciate the continued support of all those in attendance. ally by another firefighter. While the fire the many state organizations and agencies service still has work to do in terms of that have graciously worked with us to In mid-June, MU Extension adminis- firefighter health and medical screenings, improve Missouri’s fire and emergency tration announced the realignment of the statistics suggests the emphasis on services through training. Our thanks Extension programs. Dr. Blake Naughton, safety and cultural change in recent years to the fire departments and emergency Associate Vice Chancellor for Extension has made a positive impact on reducing service entities of the state for your instituted a new structure for Extension risk and protecting firefighters. Please continued support of MU FRTI classes that aligns programming in four service continue to take every precaution in the and programs, and finally I would be or outcome areas. They are Agriculture performance of your firefighting duties; remiss if I did not praise the dedicated staff and Environment, Youth and Families, and work and train to provide the greatest of MU FRTI for the long hours devoted Businesses and Communities, and safety possible for yourself, your fellow to improving our courses and service. Health and Safety. The Health and Safety firefighters, and the citizens you serve. The MU FRTI staff and I look forward Programmatic area will include MU FRTI to continuing to provide quality fire and along with Law Enforcement Training MU FRTI conducted the 85th Annual emergency service training programs to Institute (LETI), Nursing Continuing Summer Fire School (SFS) in Jefferson Missouri’s emergency responders. For Education, and Medical CE. This will City on June 7–11, 2017. There were more information on the MU FRTI, please allow these program areas to collaborate 266 students participating in this year’s view our website at www.mufrti.org. If on addressing health and safety needs of training event that provided over 6,700 our staff or I can be of assistance, please Missouri communities. instructional hours of training. MU FRTI feel free to contact us at (800) 869-3476 extends sincere appreciation to Lincoln or (573) 882-4735. In June, the National Fire Protection University, Jefferson City, Jefferson City Association (NFPA) issued a new Fire Department, Missouri Department of Firefighter Fatalities in the United States Conservation, and the many individuals report for 2016. The report showed that whose contributions helped provide this David E. Hedrick, Director there were a total of 69 on-duty fire- training opportunity. We also express our Fire and Rescue Training Institute fighter deaths in the U.S. in 2016. This deepest appreciation to you, our students University of Missouri Extension

July/August 2017 • FFAM Newsletter 37 Classified Advertisements FIREFIGHTER OPENING The Sedalia Fire Department is accepting In addition, the City would prefer that applications for a Full Time Fire Fighter. applicants complete the National Career All applicants must be 21 yrs. of age, have Readiness Certificate through the a High School Diploma or GED, Fire Missouri Career Center. Fighter I & II Certifications at the time APPS will be accepted at Sedalia Fire of application, copies to be submitted Applications will be accepted from July Stations. with application. A current CPAT certifi- 10, 2017, until 4:00 p.m., Monday August cate will be required at the time of offer 14, 2017. Applicants meeting the require- This testing will be used to establish an of employment in addition to passing a ments will be notified of the written test eligibility list for vacancies that will occur background check and pre-employment date and location by email. Please make over the next 12 months. At this time the physical. You will be required to possess sure that all required copies of certifica- Sedalia Fire Department is anticipating a a NREMT license by completion of first tions are included with the application. minimum of 5 openings to occur prior to year of employment, as a condition of June 1, 2018 employment. Applicants meeting the All applications can be obtained from minimum qualifications listed above the Personnel Office or on the City The City of Sedalia is an Equal will take a progressive testing procedure of Sedalia’s website, and should be Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free to include a written test, Oral Review submitted to: Personnel Office, 200 S. Workplace. Board, and background check. Osage Avenue, Sedalia, MO 65301. NO

1984 VOLVO/ WHITE FOUR GUYS WATER TENDER 1984 Volvo/ White water tender manufactured by Four Guys. 2,200 gallon water tank with a 500 gpm PTO Hale fire pump and 24,523 original miles. A pre-connected hose lay above pump panel. Twin 2 ½ inch fill connections on the rear. Twin tank level gauges, one on the pump panel and one on the rear. Eight inch dump valve with jet dump assist. When unloading with the jet dump assist, the tank will dump in under two minutes. Two 12 volt scene lights as shown in the photos. 2,500 gallon fold-a-tank and twenty feet of hard suction hose. 330 HP Detroit diesel with a nine speed transmission and two speed rear end. The apparatus is in excellent shape with nearly new tires. Asking $22,000.00.

Contact Republic Fire Department at 417-732-3800.

SEND US YOUR CLASSIFIED Email Jaime Miller: [email protected]


38 FFAM Newsletter • July/August 2017

The Jefferson County Firefighters Association

Twenty-Third Annual

The Jefferson County Firefighters Association The Jefferson County Firefighters Association TWENTY-FOURTHTwenty-Third Annual ANNUAL

Saturday - September 24, 2016 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Herculaneum City Park


For information: 636 475-3080 - 636 475-5476 - 314 852-4964 www.jeffcofire.org or Jeffco Fire Engine Rally on Facebook

BREATHING AIR SYSTEMS HIGH-PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS FROM SCOTT Scott breathing air systemsBREATHING feature our FreshAir Purification System— AIR engineered SYSTEMS to deliver superior quality air with unsurpassed BREATHINGsafety features.. AIR The air quality SYSTEMS of our FreshAir Purification System meets or exceedsHIGH-PERFORMANCE all recognized respiratoryair standards PRODUCTS as set FROM SCOTT Scott breathing air systems feature our FreshAirHIGH-PERFORMANCEBREATHING Purificationforth by OSHA, System—CGA, PRODUCTSAIR CSA and SYSTEMSengineered the NFPA. FROM to SCOTT deliver superior quality air with unsurpassed Scott breathing air systems feature our FreshAir Purification System— engineered to deliver superior quality airHIGH-PERFORMANCE with unsurpassed PRODUCTS FROM SCOTT Scott breathingServing the air firefighting systems feature communityBREATHING our FreshAir for more Purification than 65 years, System— Feld AIR Fire engineered is your SYSTEMS expert to deliver resource superior for top-quality quality air equipment with unsurpassed safety features.. The air qualitysafety of our FreshAirfeatures.. Purification The air quality System of meets our FreshAir orand exceeds supplies. Purification We all stand recognized behind System what respiratoryair we makemeets and weor HIGH-PERFORMANCE standardsservice exceeds what we asall sell. setrecognized PRODUCTS respiratoryair FROM SCOTT standards as set Scottsafety breathing features.. air GetThe systems it air all quality in onefeature ofplace, our ourBREATHING andFreshAir FreshAir get it Purification from Purification the specialists System System— AIR whomeets know SYSTEMS orengineered exceeds you and backall torecognized deliveryou up —superior respiratoryair every time. quality standards air with asunsurpassed set Visit our Fully StockedforthBREATHING Missouri by OSHA, location atCGA, 1330 AIRNW CSA JEFFERSON SYSTEMS andHIGH-PERFORMANCE theST, GRAIN NFPA. VALLEY MO PRODUCTS 64029!!! FROM SCOTT forth bysafety OSHA,Scott features.. breathing CGA, The airCSA air systems quality and feature ofthe our NFPA. our FreshAir FreshAirforth Purification by Purification OSHA, CGA,System System— CSA meets engineered and HIGH-PERFORMANCEthe or NFPA.exceeds to deliver all superiorrecognized qualityPRODUCTS respiratoryair air with FROMunsurpassed standards SCOTT as set Scott breathing air systems feature our FreshAir Purification System— engineered to deliver superior quality air with unsurpassed Serving the firefighting communityServing for more the than firefightingsafety 65 features..years,Serving community Feldthe The firefighting Fireair quality is your community forof our expertmore FreshAir for thanforthresource more Purification by than65 OSHA, years,65for Systemyears, top-quality CGA, Feld Feld meets CSAFire Fire is or equipmentyourand exceedsis your expertthe NFPA. all expertresource recognized for resource top-quality respiratoryair for equipment standardstop-quality as set equipment safety features.. The air qualityand of supplies. our FreshAir We stand Purification behind whatSystem we meetsmake and or exceeds we service all whatrecognized we sell. respiratoryair standards as set and supplies. We stand behindServing whatand the we firefightingGetsupplies. make it all in and one community We weplace, stand service and forget forthbehind morewhatit from by thanOSHA, wethe what specialists sell.65 CGA,years, we CSA who Feldmake know andFire andtheis you your NFPA. and we expert back service you resource up what— everyfor top-qualitywe time. sell. equipment Visit our Fully Stocked Missouri location at 1330 NW JEFFERSON ST, GRAIN VALLEY MO 64029!!! Get it all in one place, and get it fromGet theit all specialists inServing one the place, who firefighting know andand community get supplies.you it and from We for backforth morestand the by you than behindOSHA,specialists up 65 years, — CGA,what every Feld we CSAwho Fire make time. and is know your andthe expertNFPA. we you service resource and what back for wetop-quality you sell. up equipment — every time. Visit our Fully Stocked MissouriVisit location our atFullyServing 1330 StockedGet theNW it firefighting allJEFFERSON in oneMissouriand communityplace, supplies. andST, location We forGRAINget standmore it from thanbehind VALLEY at the 65 1330 specialists whatyears, MO we NWFeld make 64029!!! Firewho JEFFERSON andis knowyour we expert service you and resource what ST, back we GRAIN for yousell. top-quality up —VALLEY every equipment time. MO 64029!!! VisitGet our it Fullyall in one andStocked place, supplies. andMissouri We get stand it from location behind the specialists whatat 1330 we who makeNW know JEFFERSON and weyou service and backST, what GRAIN you we up sell. VALLEY— every time. MO 64029!!! VisitGet our it all Fully in one Stocked place, and Missouri get it fromlocation the specialistsat 1330 NW who JEFFERSON know you andST, GRAIN back you VALLEY up — MOevery 64029!!! time. Visit our Fully Stocked Missouri location at 1330 NW JEFFERSON ST, GRAIN VALLEY MO 64029!!!