Monthly Review of the WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO) Industrial and the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI)

Published monthly J2th year - No. 7 Annual subscription: 75.— Properly Each monthly issue: 9 — JULY 1973


VIENNA DIPLOMATIC CONFERENCE — Vienna Diplomatic Conference on Industrial Property, 1973 Note 187 List of Participants 188 Officers and Committees 195

WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION — WIPO Convention I. Ratification. Yugoslavia 197 II. Accession. 197 III. Application of the Transitional Provisions (Five-Year Privilege). Chile, Mauritania 197

INTERNATIONAL UNIONS — Paris Convention I. Ratification of the Stockholm Act. Yugoslavia 198 II. Accession to the Stockholm Act. Uganda 198 — Madrid Agreement (Marks). Ratification of the Stockholm Act. Yugoslavia . 198 — Nice Agreement. Ratification of the Stockholm Act. Yugoslavia 198 — Locarno Agreement. Ratification. Yugoslavia 198 — Strasbourg Agreement. Ratification. Germany (Federal Republic of) . . . . 198

WIPO MEETINGS — WIPO Legal-Technical Program for the Acquisition by Developing Countries of Technology Related to Industrial Property. Provisional Committee .... 199

CONVENTIONS NOT ADMINISTERED BY WIPO — European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention. Denunciations. Denmark, Germany (Federal Republic of) 200

LETTERS FROM CORRESPONDENTS — Letter from the Federal Republic of Germany (Friedrich-Karl Beier and Paul Katzenberger) 201


Vacancy in WIPO 212

© WIPO 1973 Any reprodnction of articles and translations of laws, published in this periodical, is authorized only with the prior consent of WIPO



Vienna Diplomatic Conference on Industrial Property, 1973

Note * Each of the Diplomatic Conferences had a Main Commit- tee, in which most of the discussions took place. All govern- The Vienna Conference mental delegations and the representatives of all the observer The " Vienna Diplomatic Conference on Industrial Prop- organizations had the right to participate in the work of the erty, 1973 " took place, at the invitation of the Government Main Committees, and most of them did actively participate. of the Republic of , in Vienna from May 17 to June 12, The Main Committees were chaired by Mr. E. Armitage 1973. The meetings were held in the conference premises of (United Kingdom) for the Trademark Registration Treaty the Hofburg. Conference, by Professor E. Ulmer (Federal Republic of Ger- Delegations of 56 States and representatives of 32 organi- many) for the Type Faces Conference, and by Mr. T. Lorenz zations registered as participants. The list of participants, (Austria) for the Classification Conference. totalling more than 300 persons, appears at the end of this Mr. Klaus Pfanner, Head of the Industrial Property Divi- Note. sion of WIPO, was the Secretary of the Trademark Registra- Of the 56 States, 53 were members of the International tion Treaty Conference. Professor Joseph Voyame, Second Union for the Protection of Industrial Property (Paris Union) Deputy Director General of WIPO, was Secretary of the Type or of the International Union for the Protection of Literary Faces Conference. Mr. Léon Egger, Head of the International and Artistic Works (Berne Union). The remaining 3 were not Registrations Division of WIPO, was Secretary of the Classi- members of either of the two Unions; they participated as fication Conference. observers. The Instruments Adopted Of the 32 organizations, 8 were intergovernmental and 24 non-governmental. Although their status was that of observer, The Trademark Registration Treaty Conference adopted their representatives had the possibility of participating in the the Trademark Registration Treaty, the Regulations under substantive discussions in the Main Committees and, in fact, that Treaty and a Resolution Concerning Preparatory Mea- sures for the Entry Into Force of the Trademark Registration they frequently availed themselves of this possibility. The Secretariat was furnished by the staff of the Inter- Treaty. The texts of these instruments will be published in the national Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organiza- August 1973 issue of this review. tion (WIPO). The Type Faces Conference adopted the Vienna Agreement The 28 WIPO staff members were led by the Director for the Protection of Type Faces and their International De- General of WIPO, Professor G. H. C. Bodenhausen. posit, the Regulations under that Agreement, and a Protocol Professor F. Schönherr, Head of the Austrian Delegation to that Agreement. to the Vienna Conference, was President of the Conference. The Classification Conference adopted the Vienna Agree- Dr. Arpad Bogsch, First Deputy Director General of WIPO, ment Establishing an International Classification of the Fig- urative Elements of Marks, the International Classification of was Secretary General of the Vienna Conference, and Profes- sor Joseph Voyame, Second Deputy Director General of the Figurative Elements of Marks and a Resolution concerning preparations for the entry into force of the Agreement. WIPO, was Deputy Secretary General. The texts adopted by the Type Faces and Classification The Credentials Committee of the Vienna Conference was Conferences (except the Classification itself) will be published chaired by His Excellency Mr. R. Huybrecht, Head of the Bel- in the September 1973 issue of this review. gian Delegation to the Conference. All instruments were adopted unanimously. The Three Diplomatic Conferences Signatures The Vienna Conference provided the framework within The instruments adopted were opened for signature at the which three Diplomatic Conferences took place: one on the close of the Vienna Conference, that is, on June 12, 1973. On Trademark Registration Treaty, one on the Protection of that day, they were signed on behalf of the following States: Type Faces, and one on the International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks. The Plenaries of those three (i) the Trademark Registration Treaty was signed on behalf Conferences were presided by Mr. J. P. Crespin (Senegal), of Germany (Federal Republic of), Hungary, Italy, Mo- Mr. J.-P. Palewski () and Mr. M. J. Hemmerling (Ger- naco, Portugal, San Marino, the United Kingdom, and man Democratic Republic), respectively. the United States of America; (ii) the Type Faces Agreement was signed on behalf of * This Note has heen prepared by the International Bureau of wIPO. France, Germany (Federal Republic of), Hungary, Italy, 188 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY — JULY 1973

Luxembourg, the Netherlands, San Marino, Switzerland, Mr. Günter Auer, Judge, Federal Ministry of Justice, Vienna the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia, and the Protocol Mr. Gerhard Stadler, University Assistant, Section for Constitutional Law, Federal Chancellery, Vienna attached to that Agreement on behalf of France, Hun- Mr. Josef Mitterhauser, Secretary, Section for Industrial Property, gary, , the Netherlands, San Marino, and Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna Switzerland; Miss Else Schöber, Acting Amtsrat, Section for Industrial Property, (iii) the Classification Agreement was signed on behalf of Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna Denmark, France, Germany (Federal Republic of), Hun- Miss Maria Tschochner, Amtsoberrevident, Section for Industrial Property, Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna gary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Por- Mr. Gerhard Karsch, Referent, Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna tugal, San Marino, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia. All instruments remain open for signature in the Aus- wärtiges Amt (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of Austria, in Head of Delegation Vienna, until the end of the year 1973. Mr. Richard Huybrecht, Ambassador of Belgium, Vienna

Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. René Raux, Director General, Department of Commerce, Ministry List of Participants of Economic Affairs, I. Member States of WIPO, of the Paris Union, Members of Delegation Mr. Arthur Schurmans, Head, Industrial and Commercial Service, or of the Berne Union Brussels Mr. Jacques Degavre, Administration Secretary, Industrial and ALGERIA Commercial Service, Brussels Mr. Paul Peetermans, Administration Secretary, Industrial and Head of Delegation Commercial Service, Brussels Mr. Hamid Bencherchali, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Paul-Laurent van Reepinghen, President of the Belgian National Algiers Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and of the Members of Delegation Trademark Commission of the Supreme Council of Industrial Property, Legal Advisor to the Federation of Belgian Enterprises, Mr. Salah Bouzidi, Head of Division, National Office of Industrial Brussels Property, Algiers Mr. Jacques R. M. L. de Montjoye, Secretary of Embassy, Embassy of Mr. Allaoua Mahdi, Director, Central Board, Registry of Commerce, Belgium, Vienna Algiers Mrs. Farida Ait Djebara, Head, Trademark Service, National Office of Industrial Property, Algiers BRAZIL Head of Delegation AUSTRALIA Mr. Miguel Alvaro Ozörio de Almeida, Special Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Brasilia Head of Delegation Mr. Karl Barry Petersson, Commissioner of Patents, Canberra Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Thomas Thedim Lobo, President, National Institute of Industrial Alternate Property, Brasilia Mr. Eric Murray Haddrick, Principal Legal Officer, Attorney- General's Department, Canberra Members of Delegation Advisor Mr. Zenith Smilgat, Under-Secretary of Marks, National Institute of Industrial Property, Brasilia Mr. Francis Perry Nolan, Second Secretary, Embassy of Australia, Mr. Henrique Rodrigues Valle, Jr., First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Vienna Relations, Brasilia Mr. Affonso Celso de Ouro-Preto, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign AUSTRIA Affairs, Brasilia Mr. Jorio Dauster Magalhäes e Silva, Under-Coordinator of the Head of Delegation Transfer of Technology Department, National Institute of Mr. Fritz Schönherr, Attorney, University Professor, Vienna Industrial Property, Brasilia Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Gottfried Thaler, President, Section for Industrial Property, Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna Head of Delegation Members of Delegation Mr. Ivan Popov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mr. Thomas Lorenz, Counsellor, Section for Industrial Property, Bulgaria, Vienna Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna Members of Delegation Mr. Erich Dudeschek, Counsellor, Section for Industrial Property, Mr. Ivan Ivanov, Director, Institute of Inventions and Innovations, Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna Sofia Mr. Günter Birbaum, First Secretary of Legation, Federal Ministry Mr. Vasil Yonchev, Professor, Institute of Fine Arts, Sofia of Foreign Affairs, Vienna Mr. Todor Sourgov, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia Mrs. Gudrun Mayer, Ratssekretär, Section for Industrial Property, Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna Alternates Mr. Günter Gall, Oberkommissär, Section for Industrial Property, Mr. Todor Angelov, First Secretary, Embassy of Bulgaria, Vienna Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry, Vienna Mr. Manol Popov, First Secretary, Embassy of Bulgaria, Vienna VIENNA DIPLOMATIC CONFERENCE 189


Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Joseph Ekedi-Samnik, First Secretary, Embassy of Cameroon, Mr. Theodor Schmidt, Honorary Consul General of the Dominican Bonn Republic, Vienna

CANADA EGYPT Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Finlay William Simons, Senior Representative of the Commissioner Mr. Youssri Rizk, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cairo of Patents, Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Ottawa Member of Delegation Alternate Heads of Delegation Mr. Abdalla Mohamed El Sbahed, Subcontroller, Trademark Office, Mr. Thomas Charles Hammond, Counsellor, Embassy of Canada, Ministry of Supply, Cairo Vienna - Mr. Jacques Corbeil, Consultant, Bureau of Intellectual Property, FINLAND Ottawa Head of Delegation Member of Delegation Mr. Erkki V. Tuuli, Director General, Central Board of Patents and Mr. Andrew A. Keyes, Consultant, Bureau of Intellectual Property, Registration, Helsinki Ottawa Members of Delegation Advisors Mr. Antero Siponen, Chief of Bureau, Central Board of Patents and Mr. Ed. Roberts, Director General, Printing Operations, Department Registration, Helsinki of Supply and Services, Ottawa Mrs. Sinikka Tanskanen, Secretary of Department, Central Board of Mr. Bernard F. Roussin, Representative, Canadian Manufacturers' Patents and Registration, Helsinki Association, Montreal Mr. Karl-Heinz Henn, Trademark Agent, Finnish Association of Mr. Reuben Bromstein, Representative, Canadian Federation of Industrial Law, Helsinki Independent Business, Toronto


Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Denis Ekani, Director General, African and Malagasy Industrial Mr. Jean-Paul Palewski, Member of the National Assembly, President Property Office, Yaounde of the Supreme Council of Industrial Property, Paris Deputy Head of Delegation CUBA Mr. François Savignon, Head of Service, Ministry of Industrial and Head of Delegation Scientific Development, Director, National Institute of Industrial Mr. José M. Rodriguez Padilla, Director General, Registry of Property, Paris Industrial Property, Havana Members of Delegation Alternate Mr. Roger M. N. Labry, Counsellor of Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Mr. Luis F. Pacheco Silva, Second Secretary, Embassy of Cuba, Vienna Affairs, Paris Mr. Pierre Fressonnet, Deputy Director, National Institute of Indus- CZECHOSLOVAKIA trial Property, Paris Mr. Maurice Bierry, Civil Administrator, Head, Trademarks and Head of Delegation Designs Division, National Institute of Industrial Property, Paris Mr. Miroslav Bëlohlâvek, President, Office of Inventions and Mr. André Françon, Professor, University of Law, Economy and Social Discoveries, Prague Sciences, Paris Mr. Jacques Dragne, Administrative Officer, National Institute of Deputy Head of Delegation Industrial Property, Paris Mr. Bohumil Vachata, Counsellor of Embassy, Head of Division, Mr. Claude May, Head, Trademark Administration Office, National Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prague Institute of Industrial Property, Paris Members of Delegation Mr. Vaclav Vanis, Vice-President, Office of Inventions and Discoveries, GABON Prague Head of Delegation Mr. Jaroslav Prosek, Head of Department, Office of Inventions and Discoveries, Prague Mr. Aloïse Mboumignanou-Mbouya, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Gabon, Geneva DENMARK GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Head of Delegation Mr. Erik Tuxen, Director, Danish Patent Office, Copenhagen Head of Delegation Mr. Joachim Hemmerling, President, Office for Inventions and Members of Delegation Patents, Berlin Mrs. Rigmor Carlsen, Registrar of Trademarks, Danish Patent Office, Copenhagen Deputy Head of Delegation Miss Inge Sander, Assistant Head of Department, Danish Patent Mr. Franz Jonkisch, Head, Legal Department, Office for Inventions Office, Copenhagen and Patents, Berlin 190 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY — JULY 1973

Members of Delegation Members of Delegation Mr. Dieter Schack, Head, International Relations Section, Office for Mr. Hossein Falsafi, Judge of the Supreme Court, Teheran Inventions and Patents, Berlin Mr. Akbar Zad, Deputy Minister of Art and Culture, Teheran Mr. Siegfried Schröter, Head, Trademarks Section, Office for Mr. Ahmad Moghaddam, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Art and Culture, Inventions and Patents, Berlin Teheran Mr. Iradj Said-Vaziri, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Advisor Foreign Affairs, Teheran Mrs. Monika Förster, Interpreter, Berlin IRELAND GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Michael Joseph Quinn, Controller of Patents, Designs and Trade Mr. Hans Schirmer, Ambassador of Germany (Federal Republic of), Marks, Patents Office, Dublin Vienna Alternate Heads of Delegation ISRAEL Mr. Albrecht Krieger, Ministerialdirektor, Federal Ministry of Justice, Bonn Head of Delegation Mr. Kurt Haertel, President, German Patent Office, Munich Mr. Yehuda Eden, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Mr. Eugen Ulmer, Professor of Law, Munich of Israel to UNIDO, Vienna

Members of Delegation ITALY Mr. Felix Otto Gaerte, Minister Counsellor, Foreign Office, Bonn Mrs. Elisabeth Steup, Ministerialrätin, Federal Ministry of Justice, Head of Delegation Bonn Mr. Pio Archi, Ambassador of Italy, Rome Mr. Günter Kelbel, Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Justice, Bonn Mr. Romuald Singer, Abteilungspräsident, German Patent Office, Deputy Head of Delegation Munich Mr. Dino Marchetti, Judge, Head of the Office of Legislation, Ministry Mr. Hans Graeve, Counsellor, Foreign Office, Bonn of Industry and Commerce, Rome Mr. Winfried Tilmann, Regierungsdirektor, Federal Ministry of Justice, Bonn Members of Delegation Mrs. Rikarda von Schleussner, Regierungsdirektorin, German Patent Mr. Gino Galtieri, Inspector General, Head of the Office of Literary, Office, Munich Artistic and Scientific Property, Presidency of the Council of Mr. Eduard Born, Geschäftsführer, Offenbach Ministers, Rome Mr. Karl Heinrich Bolz, Regierungsoberamtmann, German Patent Mr. Giuseppe Trotta, Judge, Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Office, Munich Affairs. Rome Mr. Valerio De Sanctis, Attorney at Law, Member of the Permanent Advisory Committee on Copyright, Rome HOLY SEE Mrs. Girolama Pizzini Abate, Head of Division, Ministry of Industry Head of Delegation and Commerce, Rome Miss Marta Vitali, Inspector, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome Mr. Oriano Quilici, Counsellor of Nunciature, Permanent Mr. Pasquale Pace, Head of Division, Ministry of Industry and Representative of the Holy See to IAEA and UNIDO, Vienna Commerce, Rome Member of Delegation Advisors Mr. Heribert Franz Köck, University Lecturer, Vienna Mr. Luigi Sordelli, Professor of Industrial Law, Milan Mr. Giannantonio Guglielmetti, Professor at the University of Pavia, HUNGARY Milan Mr. Luciano Scipioni, Confederation of Industry, Rome Head of Delegation Mr. Arturo Giuseppe Ferrari, Consultant, Ministry of Industry and Mr. Emil Tasnâdi, President, National Office of Inventions, Budapest Commerce, Rome Mr. Gianfranco Repetti, Consultant, Ministry of Industry and Com- Members of Delegation merce, Rome Mr. Lâszlô Soos, Head of Department, Ministry of Light Industry, Mr. Giovanni Lo Cigno, Consultant, Ministry of Industry and Com- Budapest merce, Rome Mr. Gâbor Bânrévy, Assistant Director General, Head of Legal Mr. Pierangelo Marola, Consultant, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Department, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Budapest Rome Mrs. Mârta Bognâr, Head of Section, National Office of Inventions, Mr. Mario Arrigucci, Trademark Expert, Società Italiana Brevetti, Budapest Rome Mr. Jenö Bobrovszky, Head of Section, National Office of Inventions, Budapest Mr. Käroly Törö, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Justice, Budapest Mr. György Szénâsi, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Delegation Budapest Mr. Benié Nioupin, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Ivory Coast to the European Office of the United Nations and the IRAN Specialized Agencies in Geneva and Vienna

Head of Delegation Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Mohamad-Ali Hedayati, Professor, former Minister of Justice, Mr. Francois Sangaret, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teheran Foreign Affairs, Abidjan VIENNA DIPLOMATIC CONFERENCE 191


Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Seiken Sasaki, Minister, Embassy of Japan, Vienna Mr. Johnson Adebisi Adeosun, Registrar of Patents, Trade Marks and Designs, Legal Adviser to the Federal Ministry of Trade, Lagos Member of Delegation Mr. Naotoshi Tsuchiya, Director, First Examination Department, Deputy Head of Delegation Patent Office, Tokyo Mr. Ayoola Kuye, Assistant Registrar (Trade Marks), Federal Ministry of Trade, Lagos Alternates Mr. Akio Sunakawa, Trial Examiner-in-Chief, Trial Department, NORWAY Patent Office, Tokyo Mr. Yoshio Ishikawa, Chief, Trademark Division, First Examination Head of Delegation Department, Patent Office, Tokyo Mr. Leif Nordstrand, Director General, Norwegian Patent Office, Oslo Mr. Kunio Muraoka, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, Vienna Mr. Shigeo Oie, Deputy Head, Copyright Division, Cultural Member of Delegation Department, Cultural Agency, Tokyo Mr. Roald Reed, Head of Division, Norwegian Patent Office, Oslo Expert POLAND Mr. Hiroshi Saito, Associate Professor (Niigata University), Institut für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht der Universität Head of Delegation München, Munich Mr. Jacek Szomanski, President, Patent Office, Warsaw

LEBANON * Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Ryszard Farfal, Vice-President, Patent Office, Warsaw Head of Delegation Members of Delegation Miss Micheline Abi Samra, Attaché, Embassy of Lebanon, Vienna Mr. Piotr Matuszewski, Director, Office for Trademarks and Designs, Patent Office, Warsaw LUXEMBOURG Mr. Tomasz Antoniewicz, Director of Department, Ministry of Foreign Head of Delegation Trade, Warsaw Mr. Jerzy Zawalonka, Chief of Section, Legal and Treaty Department, Mr. Jean-Pierre Hoffmann, Head, Industrial Property Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw Luxembourg Mrs. Halina Wasilewska, Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Warsaw MEXICO Mr. Tomasz Opalski, Legal Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Warsaw Head of Delegation Mrs. Danuta Januszkiewicz, Advisor, Patent Office, Warsaw Mr. Gabriel E. Larrea Richerand, Director General of Copyright, Mr. Roman Tomaszewski, Chief Expert, Union of the Typographic Ministry of Education, Mexico City Industry, Warsaw Alternate Miss Pilar Saldivar, Counsellor, Embassy of Mexico, Vienna PORTUGAL

Advisor Head of Delegation Mr. Jorge Flores, Advisor, National Board of the Publishing Industry, Mr. Luiz Figueira, Deputy Director General of Economic Affairs, Mexico City Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon Members of Delegation MONACO Mr. José Luis Esteves da Fonseca, Director General of Commerce, Ministry of Economy, Lisbon Head of Delegation Mr. Ruy Serrâo, Head, Industrial Property Division, Ministry of Mr. Hugo Hild, Consul General of Monaco, Vienna Economy, Lisbon Member of Delegation Mr. Jorge Van-Zeller Garin, Assistant, Directorate General of Commerce, Ministry of Economy, Lisbon Mr. Jean-Marie Notari, Director, Industrial Property Service, Monaco Mr. Jorge Cruz, Patent Attorney, Lisbon


Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Enno van Weel, Vice-President, Patent Office, The Hague Mr. Eugeniu Vrabie, Head, Trademarks Service, State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, Bucharest Members of Delegation Mr. Huib J. G. Pieters, Deputy Head, Legislation and Legal Affairs Member of Delegation Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague Mr. Paul Ion Teodorescu, Principal Examiner, State Office for Mr. Willem Mak, Head, Trademarks Section, Philips Inventions and Trademarks, Bucharest Gloeilampenfabrieken N. V., Eindhoven Mr. Hans Molijn, Head, Trademarks Section, Unilever N. V., Rotterdam SAN MARINO Mr. Gerrit Willem Ovink, Professor, Municipal University of Amster- dam, Amsterdam Head of Delegation Mr. Jean-Charles Munger, Acting Permanent Observer of the * Observer Delegation. Republic of San Marino to the Linited Nations Office in Geneva 192 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY — JULY 1973

SENEGAL Members of Delegation Mr. Eskil Persson, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Justice, Stockholm Head of Delegation Mr. Bengt Lundberg, Head of Division, Royal Patent and Registration Mr. J. Parsine Crespin, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Senegal, Office, Stockholm Geneva Mr. Gunnar Moore, Head of Division, Royal Patent and Registration Office, Stockholm Member of Delegation Mr. Gunnar Deijenberg, Head of Section, Royal Patent and Mr. Babacar Niang, Professor of Technology, attached to the Registration Office, Stockholm Directorate of Industry, Ministry of Industrial Development, Mr. Lars Göransson, Secretary, Federation of Swedish Industries, Dakar Stockholm Mr. Lars Jonson, Head of Division, Ministry of Commerce, Stockholm SOUTH AFRICA SWITZERLAND Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Rocco Welman, Deputy Registrar of Patents, Pretoria Mr. Paul Braendli, Deputy Director, Federal Intellectual Property Member of Delegation Office, Berne Mr. Jacobus Jourdan Pienaar, Counsellor (Commercial), Embassy of Deputy Head of Delegation South Africa, Vienna Mr. Roger Kämpf, Head, Section for Patent and Design Law, Federal Intellectual Property Office, Berne

SOVIET UNION Members of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. François Baileys, Legal Officer, Federal Intellectual Property Mr. Victor Yefremovitch Tsaregorodtsev, Deputy Chairman, Committee Office, Berne for Inventions and Discoveries, USSR Council of Ministers, Moscow Miss Irène Hofer, Secretary of Embassy, Embassy of Switzerland, Vienna Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Pierre Jean Pointet, Professor at the University of Neuchâtel, Mr. Ivan Morozov, Head of Department, Committee for Inventions and Secretary General of the Vorort of the Swiss Commercial and Discoveries, USSR Council of Ministers, Moscow Industrial Union, Zurich Mr. Alfred Hoffmann, Director, Haas Type Foundry, Münchenstein Members of Delegation Mr. Yuri Kulakov, Chief, Trademarks and Designs Department, SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Committee for Inventions and Discoveries, USSR Council of Head of Delegation Ministers, Moscow Mr. Igor Greben, Expert, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Moscow Mr. Issam El-Ali, Cultural Attache, Embassy of the Syrian Arab Mr. Wladimir Kuryschev, Deputy Head, USSR Chamber of Commerce Republic, Vienna and Industry, Vienna Mrs. Iziha Gorodetzkaja, First Secretary, Treaty and Legal Department, TUNISIA Foreign Office of the USSR, Moscow Head of Delegation Mr. Gennady Barishnikov, Institute of Moscow, Moscow Mr. Anatoli Zaitsev, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the USSR Mr. Sadok Basly, Head of Division, Ministry of National Economy, to the United Nations Office in Geneva Tunis

TURKEY* SPAIN Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Ali Üstün, First Secretary, Embassy of Turkey, Vienna Mr. Antonio Fernândez-Mazarambroz y Martin Rabadân, Director, Registry of Industrial Property, Madrid UNITED KINGDOM Deputy Head of Delegation Head of Delegation Mr. Jesus Carlos Riosalido, Secretary of Embassy, Embassy of Spain, Mr. Edward Armitage, Comptroller-General of Patents, Designs and Vienna Trade Marks, Comptroller of the Industrial Property and Copy- Members of Delegation right Department, Department of Trade and Industry, London Mr. Federico Gil Serantes, Head, Distinctive Signs Service, Registry of Deputy Head of Delegation Industrial Property, Madrid Mr. William Wallace, CMG, Assistant Comptroller, Industrial Property Mr. Ernesto José Rûa Benito, Head, Appeals Section, Registry of and Copyright Department, Department of Trade and Industry, Industrial Property, Madrid London

Members of Delegation SWEDEN Mr. Ronald Leonard Moorby, Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks, Head of Delegation Department of Trade and Industry, London Mr. Goran Borggârd, Director General, Royal Patent and Registration Mr. David L. T. Cadman, Principal Examiner, Industrial Property and Office, Stockholm Copyright Department, Department of Trade and Industry, London Mr. Douglas G. A. Myall, Principal, Trade Marks Registry, Department Deputy Head of Delegation of Trade and Industry, London Mr. Claës Uggla, Chairman on the Board of Appeals, Royal Patent and Registration Office, Stockholm * Observer Delegation. VIENNA DIPLOMATIC CONFERENCE 193

Advisors Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Alan Wilmot Beeston, Chartered Patent Agent, Liverpool Mr. Nenad Jankovic, Director, Legal Department, Federal Patent Mr. Erie Raymond Wenman, President, Institute of Trade Mark Office, Belgrade Agents, London Mr. Cyril G. Wickham, Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Federation, Members of Delegation London Mr. Dragomir Cemalovic, Head, Trademarks Section, Federal Patent Office, Belgrade UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Mr. Mihailo Lompar, Counsellor, Embassy of Yugoslavia, Vienna

Head of Delegation Mr. Kajetan Philip Kobelo, Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks, ZAIRE Dar-es-Salaam Head of Delegation Mr. Kallymazi Lombume Mujwan, Ambassador of Zaire, Vienna UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Deputy Head of Delegation Chairman of Delegation Mr. Musungayi Nkuembe Mampuya, First Counsellor, Embassy of Zaire, Mr. Daniel M. Searby, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Commercial Vienna Affairs and Business Activities, Department of State, Washington Members of Delegation Delegate, Alternate Chairman of Delegation Miss Chikuru, Second Counsellor, Embassy of Zaire, Vienna Mr. Robert Gottschalk, Commissioner of Patents, Department of Commerce, Washington Mr. Zalo Londo, Second Counsellor, Embassy of Zaire, Vienna

Alternate Delegates Mr. David B. Allen, Acting Director, Office of International Affairs, II. Other States Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington Ecuador Mr. Harvey J. Winter, Director, Office of Business Practices, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State, Mr. Gustavo Eguiguren Palacio, Director, Patent and Trademark Washington Office, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Integration, Quito

Congressional Advisor Republic of Korea Mr. Robert W. Kastenmeier, Member, United States House of Mr. Sung Ku Kang, Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Representatives, Washington Vienna Mr. Jong Koo Ahn, Third Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of A dvisors Korea, Vienna Mrs. Patricia M. Davis, Office of International Affairs, Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington Mr. Anthony R. DeSimone, Attorney, Rahway, New Venezuela Mr. Gabriel M. Frayne, Attorney, New York Mrs. Zenda Torrealba P., Registrar of Industrial Property, Ministry of Miss Sylvia E. Nilsen, Deputy Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Public Labor and Industry, Caracas Affairs, Department of State, Washington Mrs. Tania Gonzalez Bolivar, Legal Advisor, Registry of Industrial Mr. Michael R. Parker, Director of Typographic Development, Property, Ministry of Public Labor and Industry, Caracas Mergenthaler Linotype Co., Plainview, New York Mr. Beverly W. Pattishall, Attorney, Chicago Mr. W. Glasgow Reynolds, Attorney, Wilmington in. Intergovernmental Organizations Mr. Francis Coleman Rosenberger, Staff, United States Senate, Committeee on the Judiciary, Washington United Nations Industrial Development Organization Mr. William E. Schuyler, Jr., Attorney, Washington (from May 29, (UNIDO) 1973) Mr. James J. Sheehan, Jr., Office of International Affairs, Patent Mr. Enrique Aguilar, Industrial Development Officer, Industrial Office, Department of Commerce, Washington Institutions Section, Industrial Services and Institutions Division, Mr. Rene D. Tegtmeyer, Assistant Commissioner of Patents, Patent Vienna Office, Department of Commerce, Washington African and Malagasy Industrial Property Office (OAMPI) URUGUAY * Mr. Pierre N'Goma, Deputy Director General, Yaounde

Head of Delegation Benelux Trademark Office Mr. Alfredo Lafone, Embassy of Uruguay, Vienna Mr. L. J. M. van Bauwel, Director, The Hague Mr. Jan Cornelis Groen, Chief, Registration and Information Service, Member of Delegation The Hague Mr. Benjamin Miguel Padilla Santander, Consul of Uruguay, Vienna Mr. N. H. IJsbrandy, Head, International Registration Office, The Hague YUGOSLAVIA

Head of Delegation International Institute for the Unification of Private Law Mr. Dragutin Boskovic, Director, Federal Patent Office, Belgrade (UNIDROIT) Mr. Roland Loewe, Member of the Governing Board of UNIDROIT, * Observer Delegation. Ministerial Counsellor, Vienna 194 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY — JULY 1973

Council of Europe (CE) International Typographic Association (ATYPI) Mr. Peter von Holstein, Principal Administrative Officer, Directorate Mr. John Dreyfus, President of ATYPI, London of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat General, Strasbourg Mr. Charles Peignot, Honorary President of ATYPI, Paris Mr. William P. Keegan, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Mergenthaler Commission of the European Communities (CCE) Linotype Co., New York Mr. Ivo E. Schwartz, Director, Brussels Mr. Jean-Pol Lauwers, Principal Administrative Officer, Directorate Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) General, Internal Market and Approximation of Legislation, Mr. Günther Hoepffner, Attorney, Siemens AG, Erlangen Brussels Mr. Günther Peters, Attorney, Farbenfabriken Bayer AG, Leverkusen-Bayerwerk Council of Ministers of the European Communities (CMCE) Mr. Werner Bökel, Assessor, Patent Department, Siemens AG, Mr. J. A. II. M. van Grevenstein, Director General, Secretariat General, Erlangen Brussels Mr. Friedrich Kretschmer, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie Mr. V. Scordamaglia, Principal Administrative Officer, Brussels e. V., Cologne

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) Council of European Industrial Federations (CEIF) Mr. Igor Tcherviakov, Counsellor, Chief of Invention Problems Mr. Denis Charles Maday, Deputy Director, Société des Produits Section, Moscow Nestlé S. A-, Vevey Mr. Werner Bökel, Assessor, Patent Department, Siemens AG, Erlangen Mr. Jos De Clerck, Patent Department, Agfa-Gevaert N. V., Mortsel IV. Non-Governmental Organizations Mr. Karl A. Endemann, Patents Department, Farbwerke Hoechst AG, formerly Meister Lucius & Brüning, Frankfurt/Main American Bar Association (ABA) Mr. Günther Peters, Attorney, Farbenfabriken Bayer AG, Mr. William E. Schuyler, Jr., Attorney, Schuyler, Birch, Swindler, Leverkusen-Bayerwerk McKie & Beckett, Washington (Chairman of the Delegation until May 28, 1973) Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (CIPA) Mr. George R. Clark, General Patent Counsel, Sunbeam Research Center, Mr. John Stephen Bushell, Partner, Boult, Wade & Tennant, Oak Brook, Illinois (Alternate Chairman of the Delegation until Immediate Past President of CIPA, London May 28, 1973, Chairman of the Delegation from May 29, 1973) Mr. Sidney A. Diamond, Attorney at Law, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays and Handler, New York Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Mr. Donald W. Banner, General Patent Counsel, Borg-Warner Urheberrecht (DVGR) Corporation, Chicago Mr. Helmut Droste, Attorney, Hamburg Mr. Robert B. Benson, General Patent Counsel, Allis-Chalmers, Milwaukee Mr. Milo Coerper, Coudert Bros., Washington European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) Mr. Antonio B. Barbieri, Milan International Association for the Protection of Industrial Mr. Georges Korsakoff, Director, Patents Department, Honeywell Bull, Property (AIPPI) Mr. Paul Mathély, General Rapporteur of AIPPI, Avocat à la Cour de European Federation of Agents of Industry in Industrial Paris, Paris (Head of Delegation) Mr. Walter Hamburger, Vice-President of AIPPI, President of the Property (FEMIPI) Austrian Group, Vienna Mr. Alfred Rosenfeld, Patent Department, Semperit AG, Vienna Mr. Lars Holmqvist, Member of the Executive Committee of AIPPI, Mr. Jos De Clerck, Patent Department, Agfa-Gevaert N. V., Mortsel Patent Agent, Malmö Mr. Denis Charles Maday, Member of the Executive Committee of International Federation of Patent Agents (FICPI) AIPPI, Deputy Director, Société des Produits Nestlé S. A., Vevey Mr. Georg Puchberger, President of FICPI, Patent Agent, Vienna Mr. Douglas Edwin Parker, Member of the Executive Committee of Mr. Helmut Sonn, Vice-President of FICPI, Vienna AIPPI, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, London Mr. Lars Holmqvist, Chairman of the FICPI Trademark Committee, Malmö International Literary and Artistic Association (ALAI) Mr. Âke Bjirn Kolster, Helsinki Mr. Yves André Saint-Gal, Member of ALAI, Technical Director, Union Mr. Dietrich Lewinsky, Patent Agent, Munich des fabricants, Lecturer at the University of Paris, Paris International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) Mr. Harold Aspden, Co-Rapporteur of ICC, Director, IBM European Mr. Kyozo Yuasa, President of APAA, Lawyer, Patent Attorney, Patent Operations, Winchester Yuasa and Hara, Tokyo Mr. Harry von der Hude, Chairman, Working Party on the International Mr. Riichi Ushiki, Member of APAA, Patent Attorney, Ushiki Patent Registration of Trademarks of the ICC, Patent Agent, Chas Hude, Office, Tokyo Copenhagen Mr. Douglas Edwin Parker, Rapporteur, Working Party on the American Patent Law Association (APLA) International Registration of Trademarks of the ICC, Trademarks Mr. Boynton P. Livingston, Mason, Fenwick and Lawrence, Washington Manager, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, London Mr. Eric D. Offner, Professorial Lecturer at Law, Haseltine, Lake and Mr. Yves André Saint-Gal, Technical Advisor, Commission for the Waters, New York International Protection of Industrial Property of the ICC, Mr. Norman St. Landau, Attorney at Law, Johnson and Johnson, New Technical Director, Union des fabricants, Lecturer at the University Brunswick of Paris, Paris VIENNA DIPLOMATIC CONFERENCE 195

Mr. Daniel Anthonie Was, Rapporteur, Commission for the V. International Bureau of the World Intellectual International Protection of Industrial Property of the ICC, Patent Agent, Thoiry, France Property Organization (WIPO) Mr. Alfred Duschanek, Legal Department, Federal Economic Chamber, Mr. G. H. C. Bodenhausen, Director General Vienna Mr. Arpad Bogsch, First Deputy Director General Mr. Joseph Voyame, Second Deputy Director General Institute of Trade Mark Agents (ITMA) Mr. Klaus Pfanner, Senior Counsellor, Head, Industrial Property Division Mr. John Lawrence Drury Oakley, Vice-President, ITMA, Partner, Page, Mr. Léon Egger, Counsellor, Head, International Registrations Division White and Farrer, London Mr. Roger Harben, Counsellor, Deputy Head, External and Public Relations Division International League Against Unfair Competition (LICCD) Mr. Gust A. Ledakis, Counsellor, External and Public Relations Division Mr. Raymond Dusolier, Member of LICCD, Director General, Union des Mr. Ludwig Baeumer, Counsellor, Head, Legislation and Regional fabricants, Paris Agreements Section, Industrial Property Division Mr. Yves André Saint-Gal, Rapporteur General of LICCD, Technical Mrs. Isabel Grandchamp, Counsellor, Head, Languages Section Director, Union des fabricants, Lecturer at the University of Paris, Mr. Ibrahima Thiam, Counsellor, External and Public Relations Division Paris Mr. Pierre Maugué, Legal Officer, International Registrations Division Mr. Edmond Martin-Achard, Attorney, Honorary President of LICCD, Mr. Takatoshi Takeda, Consultant University Professor, Geneva Mr. Francois Curchod, Consultant Mr. Maqbool Qayoom, Head, Common Services Section, Administrative New York Patent Law Association (NYPLA) Division Mr. Henri Rossier, Head, Mail and Documents Section, Administrative Mr. Eric D. Offner, Professorial Lecturer at Law, Haseltine, Lake and Division Waters, New York Miss Anne Daval, Translator, Languages Section Mr. Patrick Andrews, Translator, Languages Section Pacific Industrial Property Association (PIPA) Mr. Robert Kellerson, Translator, Languages Section Mr. Edgar W. Adams, Jr., Patent Attorney, President, American Group Mrs. Andrée Damond, Principal Clerk, Mail and Documents Section, of PIPA, Director, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Holmdel, Administrative Division New Jersey Mrs. Andrée Bernillon, Secretary to the First Deputy Director General Mr. Olin E. Williams, Patent Counsel, Koppers Company, Inc. Mrs. Rosemary Bourgeois, Secretary to the First Deputy Director General Miss Adèle Fankhauser, Secretary to the Second Deputy Director General Patent and Trade Mark Institute of Canada (PTIC) Mrs. Maureen Monfrinoli, Secretary, Industrial Property Division Mr. John C. Oshorne, Place Bell Canada, Ottawa Miss Judith Oken, Secretary, External and Public Relations Division Miss Denise Reix, Secretary, Administrative Division Trade Marks, Patents and Designs Federation (TMPDF) Mrs. Anne Schneiter, Secretary to the Head of the Administrative Division Mr. Harold Aspden, Director, IBM European Patent Operations, Miss Karin Wachs, Secretary to the Head of the Industrial Property Winchester Division Mr. Douglas Edwin Parker, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, London Mr. Gabriel Schneuwlv, Assistant, Administrative Division Mr. John Neville Mason, Patents and Trade Marks Division, British Petroleum Co. Ltd., London

Union of European Patent Agents (UNEPA) Mr. Werner Cohausz, Secretary General of UNEPA, Patent Agent, Düsseldorf Officers and Committees Mr. J. Corre, President of UNEPA, Patent Agent, Paris Mr. Anthony John Wolstenholme, Vice-President of UNEPA, Patent Vienna Diplomatic Conference Agent, London on Industrial Property Mr. Georges Foldès, Patent Agent, Paris ' Mr. Dietrich Lewinsky, Patent Agent, Munich Plenary Mr. K. B. Halvorsen, Patent Agent, Oslo President: Mr. Fritz Schönherr (Austria) Mr. Andreas von Kreisler, Member of the Executive Committee of UNEPA, Patent Agent, Cologne Vice-Presidents: * Mr. Miguel Alvaro Ozörio de Almeida (Brazil) Mr. Michel Evrard, Patent Agent, Brussels Mr. Finlay William Simons (Canada) Mr. Erik Tuxen (Denmark) Union of Industries of the European Community (UNICE) Mr. Youssri Rizk (Egypt) Mr. Emil Tasnädi (Hungary) Mr. Karl A. Endemann, Patents Department, Farbwerke Hoechst AG, Mr. Pio Archi (Italy) formerly Meister Lucius & Briining, Frankfurt/Main Mr. Seiken Sasaki (Japan) Mr. Jos De Clerck, Patent Department, Agfa-Gevaert N. V., Mortsel Mr. Gabriel E. Larrea Richerand (Mexico) Mr. François Panel, President, Industrial Property Committee, Conseil Mr. J. Parsine Crespin (Senegal) national du patronat français, Paris Mr. Ivan Morozov (Soviet Union) Mr. Paul Braendli (Switzerland) Union des fabricants (UNIFAB) Mr. Daniel M. Searby (United States of Mr. Raymond Dusolier, Director General, Paris America) Mr. Yves André Saint-Gal, Technical Director, Lecturer at the Univer- Secretary General: Mr. Arpad Bogsch (WIPO) sity of Paris, Paris Deputy Secretary General: United States Trademark Association (USTA) Mr. Joseph Voyame (WIPO) Mr. Norman St. Landau, Attorney at Law, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick * In the alphabetical order of the names of the States. 196 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY — JULY 1973

Credentials Committee Diplomatic Conference

Members: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Finland, on the Protection of Type Faces Iran, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Monaco, Syrian Arab Republic, United Republic of Plenary- Tanzania President: Mr. Jean-Paul Palewski (France) Chairman: Mr. Richard Huybrecht (Belgium) Vice-Presidents: * Mr. Jaroslav Prosek (Czechoslovakia) Mr. Jean-Pierre Hoffmann (Luxembourg) Vice-Chairmen: * Mr. Ivan Popov (Bulgaria) Mr. Gabriel E. Larrea Richerand (Mexico) Mr. Francois Sangaret (Ivory Coast) Secretary: Mr. Joseph Voyame (WIPO) Secretary: Mr. Roger Harben (WIPO) Main Committee Chairman: Mr. Eugen Ulmer (Germany, Federal Diplomatic Conference Republic of) Vice-Chairmen: * Mr. Erich Dudeschek (Austria) on the Trademark Registration Treaty Mr. Enno van Weel (Netherlands) Mr. Nenad Jankovic (Yugoslavia) Plenary

President: Mr. J. Parsine Crespin (Senegal) Drafting Committee Vice-Presidents: * Mr. Seiken Sasaki (Japan) Members: France, Germany (Federal Republic of), Israel, Mr. Goran Borggard (Sweden) Italy, Netherlands, Romania, South Africa, Mr. Robert Gottschalk (United States of Switzerland, United Kingdom America) Chairman: Mr. Enno van Weel (Netherlands) Secretary: Mr. Klaus Pfanner (WIPO) Vice-Chairmen: * Miss Marta Vitali (Italy) Mr. David L. T. Cadman (United Kingdom) Main Committee Mr. Edward Armitage (United Kingdom) Chairman: Diplomatic Conference on the International Classifica- Vice-Chairmen : * Mr. Miguel Alvaro Ozôrio de Almeida (Brazil) Mr. José M. Rodriguez Padilla (Cuba) tion of the Figurative Elements of Marks Mr. Albrecht Krieger (Germany, Federal Republic of) Plenary President: Mr. Joachim Hemmerling (German Democratic Drafting Committee Republic) Vice-Presidents: * Mr. Finlay William Simons (Canada) Members: Austria, France, German Democratic Republic, Mr. Federico Gil Serantes (Spain) Germany (Federal Republic of), Iran, Mr. Issam El-Ali (Syrian Arab Republic) Norway, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, Secretary: Mr. Léon Egger (WIPO) United States of America Mrs. Elisabeth Steup (Germany, Federal Chairman: Main Committee Republic of) Chairman: Mr. Thomas Lorenz (Austria) Vice-Chairmen: * Mr. Roger M. N. Labry (France) Mr. David B. Allen (United States of America) Vice-Chairmen: * Mr. Karl Barry Petersson (Australia) Mr. Piotr Matuszewski (Poland) Mr. Ruy Serrâo (Portugal)

Drafting Committee Members: Algeria, Australia, France, German Democratic Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, United Kingdom Chairman: Mr. Eric Murray Haddrick (Australia) Vice-Chairmen: * Mr. Salah Bouzidi (Algeria) Mr. François Baileys (Switzerland)

* In the alphabetical order of the names of the States. * In the alphabetical order of the names of the States. 197


WIPO Convention III. Application of the Transitional Provisions (Five-Year Privilege) I. Ratification CHILE YUGOSLAVIA The Government of Chile has notified its desire to avail The Government of Yugoslavia deposited on July 11, 1973 itself of the provisions of Article 21(2) of the WIPO its instrument of ratification, dated December 3, 1971, of Convention. the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property This notification entered into force on the date of its Organization (WIPO). receipt, that is, on June 21, 1973. Yugoslavia has fulfilled the conditions set forth in Ar- Pursuant to the said Article, Chile, which is a member of ticle 14(2) of the Convention by concurrently ratifying the the Berne Union but has not yet become party to the WIPO Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention in its entirety. Convention, may, until the expiration of five years from the date of entry into force of the WIPO Convention, that is to Pursuant to Article 15(2), the WIPO Convention will say until April 26, 1975, exercise the same rights as if it had enter into force with respect to Yugoslavia on October 11, become party. 1973. WIPO Notification No. 43, of July 2, 1973. WIPO Notification No. 44, of July 16, 1973.

MAURITANIA II. Accession The Government of Mauritania has notified its desire to UGANDA avail itself of the provisions of Article 21(2) of the WIPO Convention. The Government of Uganda deposited on July 18,1973 its This notification entered into force on the date of its instrument of accession, dated May 8, 1973, to the WIPO receipt, that is, on July 20, 1973. Convention. Pursuant to the said Article, Mauritania, which is a Uganda has fulfilled the conditions set forth in Arti- member of the Paris Union and of the Berne Union but has cle 14(2) of the Convention by concurrently acceding to the not yet become party to the WIPO Convention, may, until Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention in its entirety. the expiration of five years from the date of entry into force Pursuant to Article 15(2), the WIPO Convention will of the WIPO Convention, that is to say until April 26, 1975, enter into force with respect to Uganda on October 18, 1973. exercise the same rights as if it had become party. WIPO Notification No. 45, of July 20, 1973. WIPO Notification No. 46, of July 23, 1973. 198


Paris Convention Nice Agreement

I. Ratification of the Stockholm Act Ratification of the Stockholm Act YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAVIA The Government of Yugoslavia deposited on July 11, The Government of Yugoslavia deposited on July 11, 1973 its instrument of ratification, dated May 28, 1973, of 1973 its instrument of ratification, dated- May 28, 1973, of the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classifica- the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Prop- tion of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registra- erty of March 20, 1883, as revised at Stockholm on July 14, tion of Marks of June 15, 1957, as revised at Stockholm on 1967. July 14, 1967. Pursuant to Article 20(2)(c) and (3), the Stockholm Act Pursuant to Article 9(4)(b). the Stockholm Act of the of the Paris Convention will enter into force with respect to Nice Agreement will enter into force with respect to Yugo- Yugoslavia on October 16, 1973. slavia on October 16, 1973. Nice Notification No. 26, of July 16, 1973. Paris Notification No. 45, of July 16, 1973.

II. Accession to the Stockholm Act Locarno Agreement

UGANDA Ratification

The Government of Uganda deposited on July 18, 1973 YUGOSLAVIA its instrument of accession, dated May 8, 1973, to the Paris Convention, as revised at Stockholm. The Government of Yugoslavia deposited on July 11, 1973 its instrument of ratification, dated May 28, 1973, of the Concurrently with depositing the said instrument of acces- Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classifica- sion, Uganda indicated, pursuant to Article 16(4)^6^, that it tion for Industrial Designs, signed at Locarno on October 8, wished to belong to Class VII. 1968. Pursuant to Article 20(2)(c) and (3), the Stockholm Act Pursuant to Article 9(3)(b), the Locarno Agreement will of the Paris Convention will enter into force with respect to enter into force with respect to Yugoslavia on October 16, Uganda on October 20, 1973. 1973. Paris Notification No. 46, of July 20, 1973. Locarno Notification No. 13, of July 16, 1973.

Strasbourg Agreement

Madrid Agreement (Marks) Ratification

GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Ratification of the Stockholm Act The Government of Germany (Federal Republic of) de- YUGOSLAVIA posited on July 13, 1973 its instrument of ratification, dated May 15, 1973, of the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the The Government of Yugoslavia deposited on July 11, International Patent Classification of March 24, 1971, with 1973 its instrument of ratification, dated May 28, 1973, of the following declaration: "The said Agreement shall also the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registra- apply to Land Berlin with effect from the date on which it tion of Marks of April 14, 1891, as revised at Stockholm on enters into force for the Federal Republic of Germany." July 14, 1967. (Original) Pursuant to Article 14:(4:)(b), the Stockholm Act of the A separate notification will be made of the entry into Madrid Agreement (Marks) will enter into force with respect force of the Strasbourg Agreement, when the required num- to Yugoslavia on October 16, 1973. ber of ratifications or accessions is reached. Madrid (Marks) Notification No. 21, of July 16, 1973. Strasbourg Notification No. 10, of July 16, 1973. 199


WIPO Legal-Technical Program the acquisition by developing countries, under fair and rea- for the Acquisition by Developing Countries sonable terms and conditions, of technology related to indus- of Technology Related to Industrial Property trial property. Such means include in particular: (i) the promotion of contacts between potential partners Provisional Committee in license agreements, (Geneva, June 25 to 29, 1973) (ii) the study and recommendation of means designed to Note* facilitate the conclusion of license agreements, (iii) the organization, and the assistance in the organiza- Pursuant to a recommendation made by the Committee of tion, of easier access, appropriate to the needs of developing Experts on a Patent Licensing Convention, which met in countries, to the relevant information contained in techno- Geneva from October 30 to November 3, 1972 ', the Director logical documentation issued or systematically arranged by General of WIPO convened a Provisional Committee for the industrial property offices and to the documents themselves, preparation of the WIPO Legal-Technical Program for the (iv) assistance in the organization, or the organization, of Acquisition by Developing Countries of Technology Related the publication of demands and offers for licensing concern- to Industrial Property. The Provisional Committee met in ing technologies of interest to developing countries, Geneva from June 25 to 29, 1973. (v) in cooperation, where appropriate, with other inter- All Member States of WIPO, the Paris Union for the national organizations, the establishment, and assistance in Protection of Industrial Property or the Berne Union for the the establishment, of general guidelines and model provisions Protection of Literary and Artistic Works were invited as for license agreements appropriate to the needs of developing members of the Provisional Committee. The other States countries, and the giving to such countries, on request, of entitled to become members of WIPO under Article 5(2) of general advice in respect of the formulation of such agree- the Convention establishing WIPO were invited in an observer ments, capacity, as were a number of interested intergovernmental (vi) assistance in the training of qualified personnel of and international non-governmental organizations. Twenty- developing countries in the field of industrial property, seven States took part in the meeting as members of the particularly licensing, Provisional Committee; seven were represented by observers, (vii) the drafting of model provisions for the national as were three intergovernmental and six international non- industrial property laws of developing countries designed to governmental organizations. A list of participants follows this facilitate, in such countries, the acquisition through licensing Note. of technology protected by such laws, The Provisional Committee elected Mrs. G. Sellali (Alge- (viii) in cooperation, where appropriate, with other inter- ria) Chairman, and Mr. E. van Weel (Netherlands) and national organizations, the study of the desirability and Mr. F. Ortiz Rodriguez (Cuba) Vice-Chairmen. Mr. J. Voyame feasibility of adopting new international arrangements, partic- (WIPO) acted as Secretary to the Provisional Committee. ularly on licensing of technology related to industrial prop- The Provisional Committee's discussions related for the erty, and, where appropriate, the promotion of the adoption most part to a draft resolution to be submitted to the WIPO of such arrangements. Conference. These discussions were based on a document prepared by the International Bureau (document LC/III/2). The WIPO Conference will be invited to take a decision The draft resolution, which was adopted by the Provisional on this draft resolution at its ordinary session in November Committee with some amendments, provides for the establish- 1973. ment of the WIPO Legal-Technical Program for the Acquisi- In addition, the Provisional Committee proceeded to a tion by Developing Countries of Technology Related to Indus- preliminary exchange of views designed to facilitate the trial Property. It also contains draft Organizational Rules for International Bureau's task of preparing studies to be sub- this Program, which define its objective and establish a mitted to the proposed Permanent Committee. This exchange Permanent Committee, consisting of all Member States of of views, which was based on documents prepared by the WIPO which desire to be members. The task of this Perma- International Bureau (documents LC/III/3 and 4), covered nent Committee, according to the draft Organizational Rules, such questions as the establishment of national and regional will be to keep the Program under review and to make licensing agencies, the publication of requests and offers recommendations in this connection to the WIPO Conference relating to technology, and the organization at the interna- and Coordination Committee. The objective of the Program, tional level of negotiations for license agreements. The ex- according to the draft Organizational Rules, is to promote change of views also related to the drafting of model provi- and facilitate, by all means within the competence of WIPO, sions for national legislation which might provide for new types of patents facilitating the transfer of technology to * This Note has been prepared by the International Bureau. 1 See Industrial Property, 1973, p. 28. developing countries. .


List of Participants * III. Intergovernmental Organizations United Nations: H. Einhaus. United Nations Conference on Trade and I. Member States Development (UNCTAD): S. J. Patel; P. Roffe; G. Urbina. Industrial Algeria: G. Sellali (Mrs.); L. Zebdji (Miss). : R. A. Ramayon. Development Centre for Arab States (IDCAS): A. Abdel Hak. Australia: R. M. Peek. Brazil: A. G. de Alencar; A.C. Bandeira. Cuba: F. Ortiz Rodriguez. Czechoslovakia: A. Riugl; M. Kasaly. Denmark: IV. Non-Governmental Organizations T. Schmidt; F. Erskov. Egypt: S. A. Abou-Ali. Finland: P. Salmi. France: J. Dragne. Gabon: J. Engone; J. N'Zigou-Mabika. Germany (Federal Council of European Industrial Federations (CEIF): G. Albrechtskirchinger; Republic of): H. Mast; R. von Schleussner (Mrs.). Hungary: Z. Szilvässy; C. Kamm; C. G. Wickham; G. Zagrebelsky. European Federation of Agents G. Pusztai. Italy: L. Vannuccini; R. Messerotti-Benvenuti. Lebanon: of Industry in Industrial Property (FEMD7I): J. M. Dopchie. Interna- S. Chamma. Mexico: G. Larrea Richerand; V. C. Garcia Moreno; R.Her- tional Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (IAPIP): nandez Diaz; M. de Maria y Campos. Netherlands: E. van Weel; J. Rot- H. Wichmann; H. Wohlmann. International Chamber of Commerce (ICC): tinghuis; M. van Dam. Philippines: M.S. Aguillon; C.V. Espejo. Portugal: D. A. Was; H. Aspden. International Federation of Industrial Property J. L. Esteves da Fonseca; J. Mota Maia. Soviet Union: L. Inozemtsev; Agents (FICPI): G. Puchberger; G. Dériaz. Licensing Executives Society R. Makarov. Spain: J. Delicado Montero-Rios. Sweden: I. Martinson (Mrs.); (LES): C. G. Wickham. E. Persson; C. Sandgren; L. Göransson. Switzerland: F. Curchod; P. J. Pointet. Thailand: N. Snidvongs. Turkey: A. Saglam; F. Ayiter. United V. Officers Kingdom: I. J. G. Davis; D. L. T. Cadman. United States of America: J. E. Lyerly; M. P. Hartman; G. R. Powers; J. M. Lightman. Chairman: G. Sellali (Mrs.) (Algeria); V'ice-Chairmen: E. van Weel (Netherlands); F. Ortiz Rodriguez (Cuba); Secretary: J. Voyame (WIPO). II. Observer States Colombia: D. O. Parra Morales. Ecuador: G. Eguiguren. Iraq: T. Al- VI. WIPO Khudhairi. Mauritius: V. Glover. Rwanda: J.-M. Sibomana. United Arab A. Bogsch (First Deputy Director General); J. Voyame (Second Deputy Emirates: J. Al Fardan. Venezuela: F. Chalbaud (Miss). Director General); L. Baeumer (Counsellor, Head, Legislation and Regional Agreements Section, Industrial Property Division); A.-B. Kecherid (Legal * A list containing the titles and functions of the participants may he obtained from the International Bureau. Officer, Legislation and Regional Agreements Section).


European Convention on the International letter of June 15, 1973, registered at the Secretariat General Classification of Patents for Invention of the Council of Europe on July 5, 1973.

Denunciation by Denmark Denunciation by Germany (Federal Republic of) In accordance with Article 8(2) of the European Conven- In accordance with Article 8(2) of the European Conven- tion mentioned above of December 19, 1954 and with Ar- tion mentioned above of December 19, 1954 and with Ar- ticle 13(l)(c) of the Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the ticle 13(l)(c) of the Strasbourg Agreement, the Government International Patent Classification of March 24, 1971, the of Germany (Federal Republic of) has denounced the Euro- Government of Denmark, by Royal Decree dated Novem- pean Convention mentioned above, the denunciation to take ber 30, 1972, has resolved to denounce the European Con- effect on the date on which the Strasbourg Agreement enters vention mentioned above, the denunciation to take effect into force for Germany (Federal Republic of). from the day on which the conditions stipulated in Article 13 Denunciation was made by the Government of Germany of the Strasbourg Agreement have been fulfilled. (Federal Republic of) in a letter of July 19, 1973, addressed The Government of Denmark notified this denuncia- to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and tion to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in a registered at the Secretariat General on July 20, 1973. 201


Letter from the Federal Republic of Germany By Friedrich-Karl BEIER * and Paul KATZENBERGER ** 202 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY — JULY 1973 LETTERS FROM CORRESPONDENTS 203




WIPO Meetings

September 10 to 18, 1973 (Geneva) — Nice Union — Committee of Experts for the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks Object: Amendments and additions to the International Classification — Members: States members of the Nice Union — Observers: States members of the Paris Union, not members of the Nice Union; Benelux Trademark Office September 17 to 21, 1973 (Geneva) — Non-Governmental Study Group to consider Draft Model Law concerning Neighboring Rights Object: To study a Draft Model Law — Participants: International non-governmental organizations concerned — Note: Meeting convened jointly with the International Labour Organisation and Unesco September 24 to 28, 1973 (Geneva) — Sub-Working Group for the Mechanization of Trademark Searches Object: Examination of tests carried out concerning mechanized trademark searches — Members: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany (Federal Repnblic of), Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America — Observer: Benelux Trademark Office October 8 to 12, 1973 (Abidjan) — Committee of Governmental Experts on a Copyright Model Law for African States Object: To study a Draft Model Law — Invitations: African States — Observers: Intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerned — Note: Meeting convened by Unesco in cooperation with WIPO October 8 to 19, 1973 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Working Group IV of the Joint ad hoc Committee October 22 to 27. 1973 (Tokyo) —• Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) —• Interim Committees for Administrative Questions, for Technical Assis- tance and for Technical Cooperation October 30 to November 2, 1973 (Bangkok) — WIPO Seminar on Industrial Property Object: To discuss on the role of industrial property in the development of Asian countries — Invitations: Afghanistan, , Burma, India, Indonesia, Iran, Khmer Republic, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, , Philippines, Republic of Korea, Republic of Viet-Nam, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand — Observers: Intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerned November 5 to 9, 1973 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (D?C) — Working Group V of the Joint ad hoc Committee November 14 to 16, 1973 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Plenary Committee (PLC) November 19 to 27, 1973 (Geneva) — Administrative Bodies of WB?0 (General Assembly, Conference, Coordination Committee) and of the Paris, Berne, Madrid, Nice and Locarno Unions (Assemblies, Conferences of Representatives, Executive Committees) Invitations: States members of WIPO, or of the Paris or Berne Union — Observers: Other States members of the United Nations or of a Specialized Agency; intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerned November 26 and 27, 1973 (Geneva) — Lisbon Union — Council Members: States members of the Lisbon Union — Observers: Other States members of the Paris Union November 28 to 30, 1973 (Geneva) •— Working Group on Scientific Discoveries December 3, 4 and 11, 1973 (Paris) — International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations — Intergovernmental Committee Object: Consideration of various questions concerning the Rome Convention — Invitations: Brazil, Denmark, Ecuador, Fiji, Germany (Fed- eral Republic of), Mexico, Niger, Sweden, United Kingdom — Observers: Austria, Congo, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Paraguay; intergovern- mental and international non-governmental organizations concerned — Note: Meeting convened jointly with the International Labour Organi- sation and Unesco December 3 to 7, 1973 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Technical Committee for Shared Systems (TCSS) December 5 to 11, 1973 (Paris) — Executive Committee of the Berne Union — Extraordinary Session Object: Consideration of various questions concerning copyright — Invitations: States members of the Committee — Observers: All other member countries of the Berne Union; intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations concerned — Note: Some meetings will be joint with the Intergovernmental Copyright Committee established by the Universal Copyright Convention December 10 to 14, 1973 (Paris) — ICIBEPAT — Technical Committee for Standardization (TCST) December 17 to 21, 1973 (Geneva) — Working Group for the Mechanization of Trademark Searches Object: Report and recommendations to a Committee of Experts on mechanized trademark searches — Invitations: Australia, Austria, Bel- gium, Canada, France, Germany (Federal Republic of), Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America — Observers: Colombia, Benelux Trademark Office January 7 to 11, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Bureau of the Joint ad hoc Committee

January 15 to 18, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (D?C) — Joint ad hoc Committee February 6 to 8, 1974 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) February 11 to 15, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Working Group II of the Joint ad hoc Committee March 4 to 8, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (ffC) — Working Group I of the Joint ad hoc Committee March 25 to 29, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (D?C) — Working Group III of the Joint ad hoc Committee April 22 to May 3, 1974 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Technical Committee for Shared Systems (TCSS) and Technical Committee for Standardization (TCST) May 13 to 17, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Working Group IV of the Joint ad hoc Committee 212 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY — JULY 1973

June 26 to 28, 1974 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) July 1 to 5, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Working Group II of the Joint ad hoc Committee September 2 to 8, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Working Group V of the Joint ad hoc Committee September 9 to 13, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Working Group III of the Joint ad hoc Committee September 18 to 20, 1974 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Plenary Committee September 24 to October 2, 1974 (Geneva) — Sessions of the Administrative Bodies of WIPO and the Unions administered by WIPO September 30 to October 4, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) —i Working Group I of the Joint ad hoc Committee October 21 to 31, 1974 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Technical Committee for Shared Systems (TCSS) and Technical Committee for Standardization (TCST) November 4 to 8, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Working Group IV of the Joint ad hoc Committee December 9 to 13, 1974 (Geneva) — International Patent Classification (IPC) — Bureau of the Joint ad hoc Committee December 16 to 18, 1974 (Geneva) — ICIREPAT — Technical Coordination Committee (TCC) September 23 to 30, 1975 (Geneva) — Sessions of the Administrative Bodies of WIPO and the Unions administered by WIPO

UPOV Meetings October 9, 1973 (Geneva) — Consultative Working Committee October 10 to 12, 1973 (Geneva) — Council November 6 and 7, 1973 (Geneva) — Technical Steering Committee

Meetings of Other International Organizations concerned with Intellectual Property

September 10 to 14, 1973 (Stockholm) — International Federation of Actors — Congress September 10 to October 6, 1973 (Munich) — Munich Diplomatic Conference for the Setting Up of a European System for the Grant of Patents, 1973 September 24 to 28, 1973 (Budapest) — International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property — Symposium October 27 to November 2, 1973 (Tokyo) — East Asian Seminar on Copyright October 28 to November 2, 1973 (Tel Aviv) —• International Writers Guild — Congress November 12 to 14, 1973 (Mexico) — Inter-American Association of Industrial Property — Administrative Council December 10 to 14, 1973 (Brussels) — European Economic Community — " Community Patent " Working Party February 24 to March 2, 1974 (Melbourne) — International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property — Executive Committee May 6 to 30, 1974 (Luxembourg) — Conference of the Member States of the European Communities concerning the Convention on the European Patent for the Common Market May 3 to 10, 1975 (San Francisco) — International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property — Congress


Competition No. 214

Head, International Trademarks Section (International Registrations Division)

The details relating to this post were published in Indus- trial Property, June 1973, p. 184 (closing date for applica- tions: August 31, 1973).