àÄ ç‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏÓ‚ ˆÂÌÚ˙ é·˘Ë̇ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Å˙΄‡Ò͇ ̇ˆËÓ̇Î̇ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl ë˙˛Á ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËÚ ÙËÎÏÓ‚Ë ‰ÂÈˆË îËÎχÛÚÓ

EA National Film Center Plovdiv Municipality Bulgarian National Television Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers Filmautor

á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ Golden Rhyton 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film

èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚, çÓ‚ÓÚÂÎ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ 1-7 ÓÍÚÓÏ‚Ë, 2007

Plovdiv, Novotel Plovdiv October 1-7, 2007 ÑÓ To Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ÚÓËÚÂ,Û˜‡ÒÚÌˈËÚÂ Ë „ÓÒÚËÚ The organizers, ̇ XVI ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ participants and guests ◊á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ”, èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ 2007 „. of the 16th Golden Rhyton Bulgarian Non-feature Film Festival Plovdiv 2007

ëÍ˙ÔË ÔËflÚÂÎË, Dear Friends,

èÓÁ‰‡‚fl‚‡Ï ‚Ë Ò˙‰Â˜ÌÓ Ò ïVI ËÁ‰‡ÌË ̇ îÂÒÚË‚‡Î‡ ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl I extend my warm greetings on the occasion of the 16th edition of the Golden ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ ◊á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ”, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÔÂÁ „Ó‰ËÌËÚ Ò ÛÚ‚˙‰Ë Rhyton Bulgarian Non-feature Film Festival, which has gained over the years the ͇ÚÓ Â‰ÌÓ ÓÚ Ì‡È-ÔÂÒÚËÊÌËÚÂ Ë Ó˜‡Í‚‡ÌË ÓÚ ˆÂÌËÚÂÎËÚ name of a most prestigious film event, anticipated by the cineastes. ÍËÌÓÒ˙·ËÚËfl. A new in a row edition of this Festival, living up to its established reputation in ᇠ„‡Ê‰‡ÌËÚÂ Ë „ÓÒÚËÚ ̇ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Ô‰ÒÚÓË ÔÓ‰ÌËflÚ Ô‡ÁÌËÍ, Bulgarian culture, is in store for the guests and citizens of Plovdiv. I believe that ‰Ó͇Á‡Î Ò‚ÓÂÚÓ flÍÓ ÏflÒÚÓ ‚ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ڇ ÍÛÎÚÛ‡. ëË„ÛÂÌ Ò˙Ï, ˜Â the Golden Rhyton Festival is a challenge both to the talent of the filmmakers ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ ËÚÓÌ” ÔÓ‚ÓÍË‡ ͇ÍÚÓ Ú‡Î‡ÌÚ‡ ̇ Ú‚ÓˆËÚÂ, ڇ͇ Ë and the taste of the audiences. The days of the event are a time of challenges, ‚ÍÛÒ‡ ̇ ÔÛ·ÎË͇ڇ. í‡‰ËˆËËÚÂ Ë ‚ËÒÓÍËflÚ ÔÓÙÂÒËÓ̇ÎËÁ˙Ï of striking balance, of asking questions and of a quest for answers thanks to its Ô‚˙˘‡Ú ÚÓÁË ÍËÌÓÙÓÛÏ ‚˙‚ ‚ÂÏ ̇ Ô‰ËÁ‚Ë͇ÚÂÎÒÚ‚‡, established traditions as well as high professionalism. ‡‚ÌÓÒÏÂÚÍË, Á‡‰‡‚‡ÌË ‚˙ÔÓÒË Ë Ú˙ÒÂÌË ÓÚ„Ó‚ÓË. ì·Â‰ÂÌ Ò˙Ï, ˜Â Ë Ú‡ÁË „Ó‰Ë̇ ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡ ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î‡ ˘Â ÌË Ò¢Ì I do believe that this year we are to witness once again new wonderful works, Ò ÌÓ‚Ë ÔÂÍ‡ÒÌË ÙËÎÏË, ˜ËÈÚÓ Ô˙Ú Í˙Ï Ò‚ÂÚÓ‚ÌËÚ ÂÍ‡ÌË Ô‰ÒÚÓË. which are about to be screened worldwide. I wish the organizers and creators èÓÊ·‚‡Ï ÏÌÓ„Ó ÛÒÔÂıË Ì‡ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ÚÓËÚÂ Ë ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂ, ‡ ̇ success and the viewers – to find their happy end in this year’s edition of the ÁËÚÂÎËÚ – ‰‡ ̇ÏÂflÚ Ò‚Ófl “ıÂÔË Ẩ” ‚ Ú‡Á„Ӊ˯̇ڇ Ò¢‡ Ò˙Ò Festival! ë‰ÏÓÚÓ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó! Good luck to the Golden Rhyton Festival of Non-feature Film! ç‡ ‰Ó·˙ ˜‡Ò ̇ XVI ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ ◊á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ” !

Prof. Stefan Danailov èÓÙ. ëÚÂÙ‡Ì Ñ‡Ì‡ËÎÓ‚ Minister of Culture åËÌËÒÚ˙ ̇ ÍÛÎÚÛ‡Ú‡

2 èÓÒΉÌËÚ ÌflÍÓÎÍÓ „Ó‰ËÌË ‰‡‚‡Ú ÓÍÛ‡Ê‡‚‡˘Ë Ò˄̇ÎË Á‡ Over the recent years, encouraging signals have been given of stabilization in ÒÚ‡·ËÎËÁË‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Û Ì‡Ò. çÂ˘Ó Ôӂ˜Â. the area of filmmaking in . Furthermore, awards granted to Bulgarian 燄‡‰ËÚ ÓÚ ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂÚÌË ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌË ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË, ÔËÒ˙‰ÂÌË films at some of the high-profile international festivals testify to the right direc- ̇ ̇¯Ë ÙËÎÏË, Ò˙˘Ó Ò‡ ‰Ó͇Á‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚‡ Á‡ Ô‡‚ËÎ̇ڇ ÔÓÒÓ͇ ̇ tion of development. ‡Á‚ËÚËÂ. Documentary and animation films constitute a substantial part in the process of ÑÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ÌË ÍËÌÓ Ë ‡ÌËχˆËflÚ‡ Ò‡ ‚‡Ê̇ ˜‡ÒÚ ÓÚ creative quests and achievements in cinema. Creators from several generations ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÌËfl ÔÓˆÂÒ Ì‡ Ú˙ÒÂÌËfl Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌË ÓÚÍËÚËfl. successfully stand up for the traditions in these fields and the programme of the í‚ÓˆË ÓÚ ÌflÍÓÎÍÓ ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌËfl ÛÒÔ¯ÌÓ Á‡˘ËÚ‡‚‡Ú Ú‡‰ËˆËËÚ ‚ Ú‡ÁË upcoming Golden Rhyton Festival is a mirror reflection of this revival. ӷ·ÒÚ Ë ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡ ̇ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘Ëfl “á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ”  ӄΉ‡ÎÓ Ì‡ ÚÓ‚‡ Diversity of creative individualities, abundance of the means of expression, ÓÊË‚ÎÂÌËÂ. crystal-clear creative and civil positions: this is what the wide range of the pro- ê‡Á΢ÌË ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌË Ë̉˂ˉۇÎÌÓÒÚË, ·Ó„‡ÚÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ ËÁ‡ÁÌËÚ gramme of the festival outlines. Hopefully, all the participants and guests shall Ò‰ÒÚ‚‡, flÒÌÓ Á‡fl‚Â̇ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒ͇ Ë „‡Ê‰‡ÌÒ͇ ÔÓÁˈËfl – ÚÓ‚‡ appreciate it accordingly. Ó˜ÂÚ‡‚‡ ¯ËÓÍËfl ‰Ë‡Ô‡ÁÓÌ Ì‡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î̇ڇ ÔÓ„‡Ï‡. 燉fl‚‡Ï Ò Úfl I wish the Golden Rhyton National Non-feature Film Festival a good start and ‰‡ ·˙‰Â ‰ÓÒÚÓÈÌÓ ÓˆÂÌÂ̇ ÓÚ ‚Ò˘ÍË Û˜‡ÒÚÌËˆË Ë „ÓÒÚË. the audiences – impressive emotions while familiarizing themselves with the èÓÊ·‚‡Ï ‰Ó·˙ ÒÚ‡Ú Ì‡ 16-ÚÓ ËÁ‰‡ÌË ̇ 燈ËÓ̇ÎÌËfl ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î Á‡ works by Bulgarian filmmakers. ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÓ ÍËÌÓ “á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ” Ë ‚Ô˜‡ÚÎfl‚‡˘Ë ÂÏÓˆËË ÓÚ Ò¢ËÚÂ Ò ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËflÚ‡ ̇ ̇¯ËÚ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚË. èÓÙ. ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ÉÓÁ‚ Prof. Alexander Grozev àÁÔ. ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ̇ çîñ CEO of the EA NFC

èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚˜‡ÌË ÒÏ ˘‡ÒÚÎË‚Ë „‡‰˙Ú ÌË ‰‡ ·˙‰Â ‰ÓχÍËÌ Ì‡ ïVI îÂÒÚË- The citizens of Plovdiv are happy to host the 16th edition of the Golden Rhyton ‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ Ë ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÔË ÚÓ‚‡ Bulgarian Non-feature Film Festival, which is named after one of the symbols of ÌÓÒË ËÏÂÚÓ Ì‡ ‰ËÌ ÓÚ ÒËÏ‚ÓÎËÚ ̇ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ – ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ ËÚÓÌ” ÓÚ the city of Plovdiv, the gold rhyton from the Gold Treasure from Panagurishte. è‡Ì‡„˛ÒÍÓÚÓ Ò˙ÍӂˢÂ. This year once again the Festival is part of the spiritual image of our city: forefa- îÂÒÚË‚‡Î˙Ú Ë Ú‡ÁË „Ó‰Ë̇  ˜‡ÒÚ ÓÚ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌËfl Ó·ÎËÍ Ì‡ „‡‰‡ ÌË – Ó- ther and successor of rich cultural traditions. The Golden Rhyton is an important ‰Ó̇˜‡ÎÌËÍ Ë Ì‡ÒΉÌËÍ Ì‡ ·Ó„‡ÚË ÍÛÎÚÛÌË Ú‡‰ËˆËË. ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ Ë- part of the 3rd edition of the Autumn Salon of Arts. ÚÓÌ”  ‚‡Ê̇ ÔÓfl‚‡ ÓÚ ÚÂÚÓÚÓ ËÁ‰‡ÌË ̇ ÖÒÂÌÌËfl Ò‡ÎÓÌ Ì‡ ËÁÍÛÒÚ- What is most valuable is that the Festival is not striving for the glossy publicity of ‚‡Ú‡. the feature film, rather for looking into and compassion for the life of modern ñÂÌÌÓ Â, ˜Â îÂÒÚË‚‡Î˙Ú Ì ˆÂÎË ÔË˘Ì‡Ú‡ ÔÓÔÛÎflÌÓÒÚ Ì‡ Ë„‡ÎÌËfl Bulgaria. The will to preserve the interest in non-feature film as one of the funda- ÙËÎÏ, ‡ ‚„ÎÂʉ‡ÌÂÚÓ Ë Ò˙Ô˘‡ÒÚÌÓÒÚÚ‡ Í˙Ï ÊË‚ÓÚ‡ ̇ ‰Ì¯̇ Å˙Î- mentals of our hyperdynamic spiritual life deserves special respect. „‡Ëfl. á‡ÒÎÛʇ‚‡ ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÓ Û‚‡ÊÂÌË ÒÚÂÏÂÊ˙Ú ‰‡ Ò Ò˙ı‡ÌË ËÌÚÂÂ- I wish this year’s edition of the Golden Rhyton to renew and deepen the relations Ò˙Ú Í˙Ï ÌÂË„‡ÎÌËfl ÙËÎÏ Í‡ÚÓ Â‰Ì‡ ÓÚ ÓÒÌÓ‚ËÚ ̇ ̇¯ÂÚÓ Ò‚˙ı‰Ë- between the pros in the field, affording at the same time an opportunity for their ̇Ï˘ÌÓ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌÓ ·ËÚËÂ. works to be shown to the general public. èÓÊ·‚‡Ï Ë Ú‡ÁË „Ó‰Ë̇ ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ ËÚÓÌ” ‰‡ Ò˙ÊË‚Ë Ë ‡Á¯ËË ÓÚ- Welcome to the hospital city of Plovdiv; success to the participants and nice ÌÓ¯ÂÌËflÚ‡ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÔÓÙÂÒËÓ̇ÎËÒÚËÚ ‚ Ú‡ÁË Ó·Î‡ÒÚ, ͇ÚÓ Ò˙˘Â‚Â- moments with the art of cinema to the audiences! ÏÂÌÌÓ ‰‡‰Â ‚˙ÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ Ú‚Ó·ËÚ ËÏ ‰‡ ÒÚË„Ì‡Ú ‰Ó ¯ËÓ͇ڇ ÔÛ·ÎË- ͇. Å˙‰ÂÚ ◊ÑÓ· ‰Ó¯ÎË!” ‚ „ÓÒÚÓÔËÂÏÌËfl èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚, ÛÒÔÂı ̇ Û˜‡ÒÚÌˈË- ÚÂ, ‡ ̇ ÁËÚÂÎËÚ - ÔËflÚÌË ˜‡ÒÓ‚Â Ò ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ! Dr Ivan Tchomakov Mayor of Plovdiv ‰- à‚‡Ì óÓχÍÓ‚ äÏÂÚ Ì‡ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚


16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM

101 èéêíêÖíÄ 101 PORTRAITS Ä + Ö A + E éí áãÄíû ÅéüÑÜàÖÇ BY ZLATIU BOIADJIEV

2006, 56 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 56 min, documentary, 2006, 5 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2006, 5 min, animation, Betacam SP/DVD Betacam SP/DVD Betacam SP/35 ÏÏ Betacam SP/35 mm

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: á·ÚËÌ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ Script: Zlatin Boiadjiev ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ñ‚ÂÚÓÏË‡ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Script: Tzvetomira Nikolova êÂÊËÒ¸ÓË: ÇÂÌÂÎËÌ Ç‡ÒË΂, Director: Venelin Vasilev, Zlatin êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ñ‚ÂÚÓÏË‡ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Director: Tzvetomira Nikolova á·ÚËÌ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ Boiadjiev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ç‡Ú‡ÎËfl ɲÓ‚‡ Camera: Natalia Gurova éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÇËÓÎËÌ è‡ÎÂÈÍÓ‚ Camera: Violin Paleikov åÛÁË͇: êÛÏÂÌ ñÓÌ‚ Music: Rumen Tzonev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: êíÇñ – èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ – Production: RTVC – Plovdiv – èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ÇËÁÄ ÔÓ‰Û͈Ëfl – Production: VizAr Production – ÑÂÒËÒ·‚‡ ò˯χÌÓ‚‡, èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Desislava Shishmanova, 8 Naiden Ç·‰ËÏË ɲÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1000, Vladimir Gurov, 33-B, 11th of 4000, ÛÎ. “ç‡È‰ÂÌ ÉÂÓ‚” 8, ÚÂÎ. Gerov str., 4000 Plovdiv, ÛÎ. “11 ‡‚„ÛÒÚ”, 33-Å, August str., 1000 Sofia, 032 27 55 01, 032 63 17 47, phone: +359 32 27 55 01, ÚÂÎ. 858 0729, 983 54 78; çîñ phone: +359 2 858 0729, [email protected] +359 32 63 17 47, d_shish- +359 2 983 54 78; NFC [email protected] 옇ÒÚÌËˆË ‚ ‰Ë‡ÎÓ„‡ Á‡ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ- ÚÓ Ì‡ÒΉÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ á·ڲ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ Art reviewers Dimiter Avramov and ã˛·Ó‚Ì‡ ËÒÚÓËfl ÏÂÊ‰Û What would it be if two garments Ò‡ ËÁÍÛÒڂӂ‰ËÚ ÑËÏËÚ˙ Ä‚‡- Svetla Moskova as well as Geori ÔËʇχ Ë ÌÓ˘Ìˈ‡ ̇ fall in love with each other on the ÏÓ‚ Ë ë‚ÂÚ· åÓÒÍÓ‚‡, ÒËÌ˙Ú Ì‡ Boiadjiev, Zlatiu Boiadjiev’s son ÔÓÒÚÓ‡. clothesline, instead of their own- ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË͇ – ÉÂÓ„Ë ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚. àÁÔÓ- take part in a dialogue on the cre- ÎÁ‚‡ÌË Ò‡ Ë Í‡‰Ë Ò ÔÓÍÓÈÌËfl ‚˜ ers? ative legacy of the great artist. The ÄÚ‡Ì‡Ò ä˙ÒÚ‚ – ç‡˜Ó äÛÎÚÛ‡- Ú‡, Á‡ÒÌÂÚË ÒÔˆˇÎÌÓ Á‡ ÙËÎχ. film follows the career of the artist è˙ÚflÚ Ì‡ á·ڲ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚  ÔÓÒ- through stories and analyses of ΉÂÌ ˜ÂÁ ‡Á͇Á Ë ‡Ì‡ÎËÁ ̇ ÔÓËÁ- his pictures, created since the ‚‰ÂÌËflÚ‡, Ò˙Á‰‡‰ÂÌË ÓÚ Ì‡˜‡ÎÓÚÓ early 1930s until his death. Works ̇ 30-Ú „Ó‰ËÌË ‰Ó Í‡fl ̇ ÊË‚ÓÚ‡ by him are displayed, unknown ÏÛ. èÓ͇Á‡ÌË Ò‡ ͇ÚËÌË, ÌÂÔÓÁ̇- even to the connoisseurs of fine ÚË Á‡ ˆÂÌËÚÂÎËÚ ̇ ËÁÓ·‡ÁËÚÂÎ- arts in this country. ÌÓÚÓ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó ‚ ÒÚ‡Ì‡Ú‡.

ÇÖçÖãàç ÇÄëàãÖÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ VENELIN VASILEV has graduated in ñÇÖíéåàêÄ çàäéãéÇÄ Â Ó‰Â̇ ÔÂÁ TZVETOMIRA NIKOLOVA was born in Sofia ÙËÎÓÎÓ„Ëfl ÔÂÁ 1990 „. ‚ èì ◊è. ïËÎẨ‡- Bulgarian Studies from the University of 1960 „. ‚ ëÓÙËfl. ᇂ˙¯Ë·  in 1960. A graduate of the NATFA in ÒÍË”. éÚ 1993 „. ‡·ÓÚË ‚ êíÇñ-èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Plovdiv in 1990. Since 1993 he has been ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ Í·҇ ̇ Animation Directing in Prof. Todor Dinov’s ͇ÚÓ ‡ÒËÒÚÂÌÚ-ÂÊËÒ¸Ó Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ assistant director at the Regional TV ÔÓÙ. íÓ‰Ó ÑËÌÓ‚ ‚ çÄíîàá ÔÂÁ classes, 1988. She has worked as anima- ÔÛÎÚ. ÑÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËflÚ ÙËÎÏ ◊101 ÔÓÚ- Centre, Plovdiv. The documentary 101 1988 „. ꇷÓÚË·  ͇ÚÓ ‡ÌËχÚÓ ‚ tor at Sofia Animation Studio and at ÂÚ‡ ÓÚ á·ڲ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚”  ‰Â·˛ÚÂÌ Á‡ Potraits by Zlatyu Boiadjiev is his direc- ëÄî “ëÓÙËfl” Ë ‚ “ê˘‡‰ ìËÎflÏÒ” Richard Williams Studio in London. Since ‡‚ÚÓ‡ ͇ÚÓ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. tor’s debut. ëÚÛ‰ËÓ ‚ ãÓ̉ÓÌ. éÚ 1993 „.  ̇ 1993 she has been a free-lance animator, áãÄíàç ÅéüÑÜàÖÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ ZLATIN BOIADJIEV has graduated in ҂ӷӉ̇ Ô‡ÍÚË͇ ͇ÚÓ layout and storyboard artist. Has illustrat- ÙËÎÓÎÓ„Ëfl ÔÂÁ 1990 „. ‚ èì ◊è. ïËÎẨ‡- Bulgarian Studies from the University of ÒÍË”. éÚ 1992 ‰Ó 2002 „. ‡·ÓÚË ÔÓÒÎÂ- Plovdiv in 1990. In the period 1992–2002 ËβÒÚ‡ÚÓ, ‡ÌËχÚÓ Ë ed a number of books. Filmography: The ‰Ó‚‡ÚÂÎÌÓ ‚ ÔÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ÒÍÓÚÓ ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂ- he has worked as follows: Plovdiv ÒÚÓË·Ó‰ËÒÚ. îËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: Toy Factory (1989), The Cricket (1990), ÚÒÍÓ ËÁ‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó ”è‡ËÒËÈ ïËÎẨ‡ÒÍË”, University Press, Hristo G. Danov publish- “Ë͇ Á‡ Ë„‡˜ÍË” (1989), “ôÛ˜Ó” Soup Symphony (1994), A Lesson In ËÁ‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó ◊ïËÒÚÓ É. чÌÓ‚” Ë ËÁ‰‡- ing house and Zlatiu Boiadjiev publishing (1990), “ëÛÔÓÙÓÌËfl” (1994), “ìÓÍ ÔÓ Levitation (1996), Bumpety-Bump (2002) ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó ◊áÎ. ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚”. éÚ 2002 „.  Â- house. Since 2002 he has been TV ΂ËÚ‡ˆËfl” (1996), “íÛÔ‡-ÎÛÔ‡” (2002) ÔÓÚÂ Ë ‰‡ÍÚÓ ‚ êíÇñ-èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚. ÑÓ- reporter and editor at the Regional TV ÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËflÚ ÙËÎÏ ◊101 ÔÓÚÂÚ‡ ÓÚ Centre, Plovdiv. The documentary 101 á·ڲ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚”  ‰Â·˛ÚÂÌ Á‡ ‡‚ÚÓ‡ Portraits by Zlatiu Boiadjiev is his debut ͇ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. as a director and scriptwriter. 6 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM

ÅàçäÄ. ÑÄ êÄáäÄÜÖò BINKA. TO TELL A STORY ÇÄò ÑÄëäÄã Äèéëíéã YOUR MASTER APOSTOL èêàäÄáäÄ áÄ ABOUT SILENCE åöãóÄçàÖíé 2006, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 54 min, documentary, DVD DVD 2006, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 54 min, documentary, Betacam SP Betacam SP ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÖÎ͇ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Script: Elka Nikolova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÖÎ͇ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Director: Elka Nikolova Camera: Vanyo Georgiev, Christo éÔÂ‡ÚÓË: Ç‡Ì¸Ó ÉÂÓ„Ë‚, ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÇËÎË ñ‡ÌÍÓ‚, é„ÌflÌ Script: Vili Tzankov, Ognian Bakalov – b.a.c. ïËÒÚÓ Å‡Í‡ÎÓ‚ – ·.‡.Ó. ÉÂÎËÌÓ‚ Gelinov åÛÁË͇: êÛÏÂÌ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ – ÒËÌ, Music: Rumen Boiadjiev – son, Rumen Boiadjiev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: é„ÌflÌ ÉÂÎËÌÓ‚ Director: Ognian Gelinov êÛÏÂÌ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ Production: Vreme Studio – éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÅÓÈÍÓ ä‡Î‚ Camera: Boiko Kalev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ëÚÛ‰Ëfl “ÇÂÏ” – Stanimir Trifonov, 67 Dondukov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano ëÚ‡ÌËÏË íËÙÓÌÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1504, blvd., 1504 Sofia, “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, str., 1504 Sofia, ·ÛÎ. “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” 67, phone/fax: +359 2 944 29 77, ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 944 29 77, [email protected], NFC Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, fax: +359 2 963 40 45, [email protected], çîñ [email protected] [email protected]

îËÎÏ Á‡ Ô˙‚‡Ú‡ ÊÂ̇ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ A film about Binka Zhelyazkova, the first woman film director in Bulgaria ëËÌ˙Ú Ì‡ ÄÔÓÒÚÓÎ ä‡‡ÏËÚ‚ The son of the famous Bulgarian Å˙΄‡Ëfl Ë ÌÂÈÌËfl Á‡·ÂÎÂÊËÚÂÎÂÌ – åÓϘËÎ, Ú˙„‚‡ ÔÓ ÒΉËÚ actor Apostol Karamitev, Momchil ÊË‚ÓÚ ‚ ÍËÌÓÚÓ. èÓ ‚ÂÏ ̇ 40- and her extraordinary life in cinema. „Ӊ˯̇ڇ ÒË Í‡ËÂ‡ ÅËÌ͇ ÜÂ- In the span of 40 years in film, ̇ ·‡˘‡ ÒË. íÓ‚‡ Ô˙ÚÛ‚‡Ì ‚ embarks on a journey in the past ÎflÁÍÓ‚‡ ÔÂÊË‚fl‚‡ ‡ÁÓ˜‡Ó‚‡ÌËÂ- Binka Zhelyazkova faced disap- ÏË̇ÎÓÚÓ Ò Ô‚˙˘‡ ‚ to trace down the life of his father. ÚÓ ÒË ÓÚ ÍÓÏÛÌËÁχ, „Û·ÓÒÚÚ‡ pointment over communism, cen- Ò‚ÓÂÓ·‡Á̇ ıÓÌË͇ ̇ This journey is a peculiar piece of ̇ ÚÓÚ‡ÎËÚ‡̇ڇ ˆÂÌÁÛ‡, ‰‡- sorship, banned films and long peri- Ò˙·ËÚËflÚ‡ ÓÚ 50-ÚÂ Ë 60-Ú chronicle of the events, taking χڇ ̇ ÒÔÂÌËÚ ÒË ÎÂÌÚË... çÓ ods of silence, but nevertheless her „Ó‰ËÌË, Ò‚˙Á‡ÌË Ò ÊË‚ÓÚ‡ ̇ place in the 1950s and 1960s, ‚˙ÔÂÍË ÚÓ‚‡ ÙËÎÏËÚÂ È ‰ÓÒÚË- pictures reached audiences far ÄÔÓÒÚÓÎ ä‡‡ÏËÚ‚ – connected with the life of Apostol beyond Bulgaria at such renowned „‡Ú ‰Ó ÔÛ·ÎË͇ڇ ‰‡Î˜ ËÁ‚˙Ì Å˙Î- ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ë Û˜ËÎˢÂÚÓ ‚ Karamitev – the family and the film festivals as these held in „‡Ëfl ̇ Ú‡ÍË‚‡ ÂÌÓÏË‡ÌË ÙÓÛ- Cannes and Moscow. By following ÅÛ„‡Ò, Çàíàá, ÓÎËÚ ‚ school in the town of Burgas, the ÏË Í‡ÚÓ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎËÚ ‚ ä‡Ì Ë into her footsteps, the director ç‡Ó‰ÌËfl Ú‡Ú˙, ÍËÌÓÚÓ, National Academy for Theatre and åÓÒÍ‚‡. èÓÒΉfl‚‡ÈÍË ÒÚ˙ÔÍËÚÂ È seeks to rediscover her own roots ÔËflÚÂÎËÚÂ Ë Ì„ӂËÚ Film Arts, the parts he played at ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ Ë Ò‚ÂÚÓ‚ÌÓÚÓ ÍËÌÓ, and to give a voice to this excep- Û˜ÂÌˈË, Á‡ ÍÓËÚÓ ÚÓÈ the National Theatre, in the ÙËÎÏ˙Ú Ò ÓÔËÚ‚‡ ‰‡ ‡Á˜ÛÔË Ï˙Î- tional woman and a filmmaker. Á‡‚Ë̇„Ë Â ÓÒڇ̇Π“LJ¯ movies, the friends and his stu- ˜‡ÌËÂÚÓ, Ó·„˙̇ÎÓ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó͇ڇ ÒΉ 1989 „Ó‰Ë̇, Ë ‰‡ ÌË ‰Ó·ÎËÊË ‰‡Ò͇ΠÄÔÓÒÚÓΔ... dents, who will always remember ‰Ó ‰ËÌ ËÁÍβ˜ËÚÂÎÂÌ Ú‚Óˆ. him as “their Master Apostol”…

ÖãäÄ çàäéãéÇÄ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÛ- ELKA NIKOLOVA co-directed the documen- éÉçüç ÉÖãàçéÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ÍËÌÓ Ë OGNIAN GELINOV graduated in Film and ‡ ‚ The New School University ‚ ç˛ âÓÍ tary, The Warmth of My Home (1995; Part ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚˙‚ Çàíàá TV Directing at NATFA in 1978. He has ÔÂÁ 2001 „. èÂÁ 1995 „Ó‰Ë̇ ‡·ÓÚË of Museum of Modern Art`s video collec- ÔÂÁ 1978 „. êÂÊËÒË‡ Ë„‡ÎÌË Ë directed fiction and documentary films ‚˙ıÛ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËfl ÙËÎÏ “íÓÔÎË̇ڇ tion). She produced and directed two short ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË ÙËÎÏË, Ò‰ ÍÓËÚÓ with Flu (1984), Nature-lovers (1985), ̇ ÏÓfl ‰ÓÏ”, ˜‡ÒÚ ÓÚ ‚ˉÂÓÍÓÎÂ͈ËflÚ‡ films, Prelude to Yesterday and My Mother “ÉËÔ” (1984), “èËÓ‰Óβ·ËÚÂÎË” The Accident (1985), People in Special ̇ åÛÁÂfl ̇ åÓ‰ÂÌÓÚÓ àÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó – Wore Pink (in post-production). Currently (1985), “ä‡Ú‡ÒÚÓÙ‡Ú‡” (1985), Conditions (1987), Genealogies (1993), åéåÄ ‚ ç˛ ìÓÍ. ífl  ҈Â̇ËÒÚ, Â- she works as an Associate for Dateline NBC “ïÓ‡ ÔË ÒÔˆˇÎÌË ÛÒÎÓ‚Ëfl” (1987), Everything for Bulgaria (1995), Stories ÊËÒ¸Ó Ë ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚ Ì‡ ‰‚‡ Í˙ÒÓÏÂÚ- and The Today Show in New York. She “êÓ‰ÓÒÎÓ‚Ëfl” (1993), “ÇÒ˘ÍÓ Á‡ about Arms (1997), Slavka (2003), Boris ‡ÊÌË Ë„‡ÎÌË ÙËÎχ: “èÂβ‰Ëfl Í˙Ï studied film production at The New School Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (1995), “ê‡Á͇ÁË Á‡ Denev, The Artist (2004) among others. ‚˜Â‡” Ë “å‡È͇ ÏË ‚ ÓÁÓ‚Ó”. èÂÁ University, New York, completing her MA in Ó˙ÊËÂÚÓ” (1997), “ë·‚͇” (2003), 2003 „. Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ‚˙ıÛ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌ- Media Studies in 2001. From her Master’s “ÅÓËÒ ÑÂÌ‚, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË͇” (2004). Ú‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ Á‡ ÅËÌ͇ ÜÂÎflÁÍÓ‚‡. Ç ÏÓ- thesis, Women Directors on Women in ÏÂÌÚ‡ ÖÎ͇ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ ‡·ÓÚË Á‡ NBC ‚ Bulgarian Cinema, she developed the con- ç˛ âÓÍ. cept of a documentary about Binka Zhelyaskova. 7 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 44 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 44 min, documentary, 2007, 59 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 59 min, documentary, Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: å‡Ëfl Äڇ̇ÒÓ‚‡ Script: Maria Atanasova ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÌ͇ åÓÌÓ‚‡ Script: Penka Monova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÑÓ˜Ó ÅӉʇÍÓ‚ Director: Docho Bodjakov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÌ͇ åÓÌÓ‚‡ Director: Penka Monova éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡Ì Ç‡ËÏÂÁÓ‚ Camera: Ivan Varimezov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: Ç·‰ËÒ·‚ äÓ‚‡˜Â‚ Camera: Vladislav Kovachev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Ñ‚Â Ë ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ – Production: Two and a Half – åÛÁË͇: íÓ‰Ó äÓ‚‡˜Â‚ Music: Todor Kovachev èÂÌÍÓ êÛÒ‚, ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. Penko Rusev, 67 Dondukov blvd., èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ÖÎÙ – Ç·‰ËÒ·‚ Production: Ölf – Vladislav 1504 Sofia, “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” 67, phone: +359 2 943 34 61; NFC äÓ‚‡˜Â‚, ëÓÙËfl 1612, ·ÛÎ. “Éӈ Kovachev, 31, Gotze Delchev blvd., ÚÂÎ. 943 34 61; çîñ ÑÂΘ‚” 31, ·Î. 76, ‡Ô. 91, bl. 76, ‡pp. 91, 1612, Sofia, ÚÂÎ. 859 82 48, phone: +359 2 859 82 48, îËÎÏ˙Ú Â ÓÔËÚ Ì ÚÓÎÍÓ‚‡ Á‡ The film is not an attempt to just [email protected]; ARS; çîñ [email protected]; ARS; NFC ÊËÚÂÈÒ͇, ÍÓÎÍÓÚÓ Á‡ ‰Ûıӂ̇ follow the storyline of Emilian ·ËÓ„‡ÙËfl ̇ ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎfl ÖÏËÎËflÌ Stanev’s life; it’s rather a spiritual ê‡Á͇Á Á‡ ‰ÌÓ ÒÂÎÓ, ÍÓÂÚÓ ËÁÔ- This is a story of a village that lives ëڇ̂. 燉ÌËÍ‚‡Ì ‚ biography of the writer; a glimpse ‚‡‚‡ Ò˙·ËÚËflÚ‡. ëÂÎÓÚÓ Ì‡ ahead of its time. The village of the ·ÂÒÓ‚ÂÚÂ, ·Û¯Û‚‡ÎË ‚ ‰Û¯‡Ú‡ into the demons raging in his soul; ·˙‰Â˘ÂÚÓ Ò ̇ÏË‡ ‚ íÓflÌÒÍÓ future is on the Balkans, in Bulgaria, ÏÛ; ‡ÁÏËÒÎË Ì‡‰ ÁÎÓ˘‡ÒÚ̇ڇ reflections on Bulgaria’s ill-starred Ë ÌÓÒË ‰˙ηÓÍÓÏËÒÎÂÌÓÚÓ ËÏ and has the melodious and pro- history; contemplation over the ÌË ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒ͇ Ò˙‰·‡; never-ending Bulgarian fallacies, “Ñ˙ηÓÍ ‰ÓΔ. Ç ÌÂ„Ó Ëχ ̇ ‰‚‡ found name God Given Home. ‡ÁÒ˙ʉÂÌËfl Á‡ ‚˜ÌËÚ illusions and contradictions. Ô˙ÚË ÂÒÚ‡‚Ë‡Ì‡ ˆ˙Í‚‡, Û˜Ë- There is a twice-restored church, a ·˙΄‡ÒÍË Á‡·ÎÛ‰Ë, ËβÁËË Ë ÎË˘Â Ò ‰ÂÚÒ͇ „‡‰Ë̇, ÍÓÏ- school with a kindergarten, an ÔÓÚË‚Ó˜Ëfl. Ô˛Ú˙ÂÌ ÍÎÛ·, ‡ÚÂÎËÂÚ‡ Á‡ Á‡- Internet cafe, two studios for arts ̇flÚË Ë ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚‡, ÚÂÌËÒÍÓÚ, and crafts and a tennis court. It is ËÁ ÌÂ„Ó ˜ÂÒÚÓ ·Ó‰flÚ ˜ÛʉÂ̈Ë, frequently roamed by foreigners, ‚Ë·‰ÊËË, ‰ÓË Ë ÍË̇‰ÊËË. çÓ Ë summerhouse dwellers, even film- ÌflÍÓË Ì¢‡ ÒË Ìflχ. ä‡ÚÓ ÔË- makers. ÏÂÌÓ ‰Âˆ‡, ÊËÚÂÎË Ë ... Í˙˜ÏË. There are a few things missing, “чΠÅÓ„ ÑÓΔ  ‰‚ÌÓÚÓ however – such as a priest, chil- ̇Á‚‡ÌË ̇ ÚÓ‚‡ ÌÂÓ·ËÍÌÓ‚ÂÌÓ dren and – pubs. ÒÂÎÓ.

Ñéóé ÅéÑÜÄäéÇ e Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ÍËÌÓ Ë DOCHO BODJAKOV graduated in Film and èÖçäÄ åéçéÇÄ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ÍËÌÓÁ̇ÌË PENKA MONOVA graduated in Film ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá. TV Directing at NATFA. Director of fiction, ‚˙‚ Çàíàá ‚ Í·҇ ̇ ÔÓÙ. ç‰ÂÎ˜Ó Studies at NATFA, in Prof. Nedelcho êÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ Ë„‡ÎÌË, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË Ë documentary and TV films, among them: åË΂. ëÔˆˇÎËÁË‡ ÒˆÂ̇ÌÓ Milev’s classes. She specialized Ú‚ ÙËÎÏË, ÏÂÊ‰Û ÍÓËÚÓ “íË, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÒË Thou, Who Art in Heaven (1990), The χÈÒÚÓÒÚ‚Ó ‚˙‚ î‡ÌˆËfl ÔÂÁ 1993 Dramaturgy in in 1993. Currently ̇ Ì·ÂÚÓ” (1990), “ä·‰Â̈˙Ú” Well (1991), The Black Stork (1994), „. Ç ÏÓÏÂÌÚ‡ ‡·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ÂÍÒÔÂÚ ‚ she works as an expert at the Bulgarian (1991), “óÂÌËflÚ ˘˙ÍÂΔ (1994), Leftovers of Faith (1995), The Spirit of My Å˙΄‡Ò͇ ̇ˆËÓ̇Î̇ ÙËÎÏÓÚÂ͇. National Film Archives. Author of a num- “é„ËÁÍË ÓÚ ‚fl‡” (1995), “ÑÛı˙Ú Ì‡ Father (1999), Ghena, the Voice of the Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ ÔÛ·ÎË͇ˆËË ÔÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏËÚ ber of articles on cinema, as well as of ·‡˘‡ ÏË” (1999), “ÉÂ̇, „·Ò˙Ú Ì‡ Arena (2000), The Name of My Wind ̇ ÍËÌÓÚÓ, ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Ì‡ ÒˆÂ̇ËË Á‡ TV drama scripts. She has written two ‡Â̇ڇ” (2000), “àÏÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÏÓfl (2002), Follow Me (2003), Patriarchate ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌË ÙËÎÏË. àÁ‰‡Î‡  ‰‚ collections of short stories – Unfamiliar ‚flÚ˙” (2002), “ëΉ‚‡È Ï” (2003), (2005), Black Legend (2006). ÍÌË„Ë Ò ‡Á͇ÁË Ë ÌÓ‚ÂÎË – “çÂÔÓÁ̇ÚË Notes (1987) and The Travel Notes of “è‡Úˇı‡Ú” (2005), “óÂ̇ ΄Ẩ‡” Á‡ÔËÒÍË” (1987) Ë “è˙ÚÂÔËÒ˙Ú Ì‡ Things (1999). God Given Home is her (2006). Ì¢‡Ú‡” (1999). “чΠÅÓ„ ‰ÓΔ  second film as a director, after Ascension ‚ÚÓËflÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸ÓÒÍË ÙËÎÏ ÒΉ (2005). “àÁ͇˜‚‡Ì” (2005). 8 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 27 min, documentary, 2007, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, DVD DVD Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Script: Petko Goranov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÅÓÈÍÓ Ç‡ÒË΂, Script: Boiko Vasilev, Hrisimir êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Petko Goranov ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Danev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÄÌ„ÂÎ ÑËÏËÚÓ‚ Camera: Angel Dimitrov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Director: Hrisimir Danev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: àÄ ÇÓÂÌÌË ÍÎÛ·Ó‚Â Ë Production: ÖA Military Clubs and éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Camera: Hrisimir Danev ËÌÙÓχˆËfl – ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. “ñ‡ Information – 7 Tzar Osvoboditel èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano blvd., Sofia, éÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ËÚÂΔ 7, mob. +359 888 094 222 “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, str., 1504 Sofia, ÏÓ·. 0888 094 222 ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, fax: +359 2 963 40 45, Ö‰ËÌ ÂÏÓˆËÓ̇ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ Á‡ An emotional documentary about [email protected] [email protected] ‰Âˆ‡Ú‡, ˜ËËÚÓ ·‡˘Ë – ÓÙˈÂË, the children, whose fathers – offi- ÒÂʇÌÚË Ë ‚ÓÈÌËˆË ÓÚ cers, sergeants and soldiers from îËÎÏ˙Ú Â ÔÓÒ‚ÂÚÂÌ Ì‡ The film is devoted to the 50th Å˙΄‡Ò͇ڇ ‡ÏËfl, Ò‡ the Bulgarian Armed Forces – 50-„Ӊ˯ÌË̇ڇ ÓÚ anniversary of the Treaties of Á‡„Ë̇ÎË ‚ ÏËÌÓ ‚ÂÏ ÔË have lost their lives in peacetime, ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ êËÏÒÍËÚ Rome under which the European ËÁÔ˙ÎÌÂÌË ̇ ÒÎÛÊ·ÌËfl ÒË Ë killed in the line of duty. ‰Ó„Ó‚ÓË – ÓÒÌÓ‚‡‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ Economic Är‡ was established. ˜Ó‚¯ÍË ‰˙΄. Ö‚ÓÔÂÈÒ͇ڇ ËÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒ͇ The documentary is about the Ó·˘ÌÓÒÚ. ë˙‰˙ʇÌËÂÚÓ ÏÛ Â direct descendants of the “fathers Ò‚˙Á‡ÌÓ Ò ÔÂÍËÚ ÔÓÚÓÏˆË of Europe” – the founders of the ̇ “·‡˘ËÚ ̇ Ö‚ÓÔ‡” – EU – and their attitude towards ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÚÂÎËÚ ̇ Öë Ë Bulgaria. ÚflıÌÓÚÓ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌË Í˙Ï Å˙΄‡Ëfl.

èÖíäé ÉéêÄçéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1943 „. PETKO GORANOV was born in 1943. He ïêàëàåàê ÑÄçÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1955 HRISIMIR DANEV was born in 1955 in ꇷÓÚË ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ has been working in the field of documen- „. ‚ üÏ·ÓÎ. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â Yambol. Graduated in Photo Journalism; ÍËÌÓ Í‡ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. èÓ- tary cinema as a scriptwriter and director. ÙÓÚÓÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚË͇. éÚ 1978 „. since 1978 has been working at the ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ÏÛ ÙËÎÏË Ò‡ ◊åÓϘÂÚ‡ Some of his films are Boys at Twenty, He ‡·ÓÚË ‚ Åçí. á‡ÒÌÂΠ ̇‰ 50 ÙËÎχ Bulgarian National TV. As a cameraman ̇ 20 „Ó‰ËÌË”, ◊íÓÈ Ì Á‡„Ë̇ ̇ Did Not Die in War, Spontaneous, Sunday ͇ÚÓ ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. and a director has shot more than 50 ‚ÓÈ̇”, ◊ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ”, ◊ç‰ÂÎÌÓ”, ◊ÖıÓ Mood, Echo from Cambodia (1996), documentaries. ÓÚ ä‡Ï·Ó‰Ê‡” (1996), ◊Å· Ò˙Ï, White, That’s What I Am, (1998), The ·Â·” (1998), ◊ä‡ÔÒÛ·ڇ” (2001), ◊ᇠCapsule (2001), Dedicated to Bulgaria Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2001), ◊ᇠÓ‰ÌÓ Ì·” (2001), For the Bulgarian Air (2002), (2002), ◊Ç ÂÁÂ‚ ̇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ” Manly Girls (2002), Rets (2003), Sky for (2003), ◊å˙ÊÍË ÏÓÏ˘ÂÚ‡” (2002), All (2004), Sons of Glory. ◊ç· Á‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË” (2004), ◊ëËÌӂ ̇ Ò·‚‡Ú‡”. 9 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 54 min, documentary, 2006, 52 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 52 min, documentary, DVD DVD Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ꇉÓÒ·‚ ëÔ‡ÒÓ‚ Script: Radoslav Spasov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: å‡ÎË̇ èÂÚÓ‚‡, Script: Malina Petrova, Iskra êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÌ͇ òÓÔÓ‚‡ Director: Penka Shopova àÒÍ‡ âÓÒËÙÓ‚‡ Yossifova éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: LJÎÂÌÚËÌ äÓÒ‚ Camera: Valentin Kosev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: å‡ÎË̇ èÂÚÓ‚‡ Director: Malina Petrova èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: êíÇñ êÛÒ – Ç·‰Ë- Production: RTVC Ruse – Vladimir éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚Ó èÂȘ‚ Camera: Ivo Peichev ÏË äÓ̉ӂ, „. êÛÒÂ, ÛÎ. “ñ‡- Kondov, 6 Tzaribrod str., Ruse, åÛÁË͇: ÅÓÊˉ‡ èÂÚÍÓ‚ Music: Bozhidar Petkov Ë·Ó‰” 6, ÚÂÎ. 082 813 824, phone : +359 82 813 824, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: îÓ̉‡ˆËfl “ìÚ” – Production: Utre Foundation, mob. Ù‡ÍÒ: 082 820 839, fax : +359 82 820 839, ÏÓ·. 0889 990 203, +359 889 990 203, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]; çîñ [email protected]; NFC

îËÎÏ Á‡ ËÁÚ˙Í̇ÚËfl ËڇΡÌÒ- A documentary about the noted îËÎÏ Á‡ ÔÓÂÚ‡ äËËÎ ïËÒÚÓ‚, A film about poet Kiril Hristov, about ÍË ÒÍÛÎÔÚÓ ÄÌoÎ‰Ó ÑÁÓÍË, ˜Ëfl- Italian sculptor Arnoldo Zocchi, Á‡ Ò˙·ËÚËflÚ‡, ‚˙ÎÌÂÌËflÚ‡, ΢- the events, excitements, figures and ÚÓ ‡ÚËÒÚ˘̇ ‰ÂÈÌÓÒÚ Â Ôfl- whose creative career was related to ÌÓÒÚËÚÂ Ë ‡ÚÏÓÒÙÂ‡Ú‡ ÓÚ the atmosphere in the late 19th and ÍÓ Ò‚˙Á‡Ì‡ Ò Å˙΄‡Ëfl. íÓÈ Â ‡‚- Bulgaria. The monuments to Í‡fl ̇ ïIï ‰Ó Ô˙‚‡Ú‡ ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ the early 20th cc. as well as about ÚÓ ̇ Ô‡ÏÂÚÌË͇ ̇ ë‚Ó·Ó‰‡- Liberation in the cities of Ruse, ̇ ïï ‚ÂÍ, ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Á‡ ‰Ûıӂ̇ڇ the spiritual deadlock we have Ú‡ ‚ êÛÒÂ, ͇ÍÚÓ Ë ‚ ë‚ÎË‚Ó, Sevlievo, Oriahovo, Plovdiv and ·ÂÁÔ˙Úˈ‡, ‰Ó ÍÓflÚÓ ÒÏ ÒÚË„- found ourselves in. éflıÓ‚Ó, èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Ë ÇˉËÌ. èÂÁ Vidin were his works. In 2007, the ̇ÎË. î‡ÍÚË Ë Ò˙·ËÚËfl, ‚‡ÊÌË Facts and events, pivotal to the his- 2007 „. Ò ˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ 100-„Ӊ˯ÌË- 100th anniversary is marked since Á‡ Ò˙‰·‡Ú‡ Ë ËÒÚÓËflÚ‡ ̇ ̇- tory of the nation have been obliter- ̇ڇ ÓÚ ÓÚÍË‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ Ô‡- the inauguration of the Monument to ˆËflÚ‡ Ò‡ Á‡·‡‚ÂÌË, ËÁÚËÚË, ated, erased, distorted or have ÏÂÚÌË͇ ̇ ñ‡ éÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ËÚÂÎ ‚ Alexander II The Liberator in Sofia, ÔÂË̇˜ÂÌË ËÎË Ò‡ ÒÚ˄̇ÎË ÒËÎ- reached the next generations mis- ëÓÙËfl, Ò˙Á‰‡‰ÂÌ Ò˙˘Ó ÓÚ Ì„Ó. which has been his work as well. ÌÓ ËÁÍË‚ÂÌË ‰Ó ÒΉ‚‡˘ËÚ ÔÓ- represented. Subsidiary or creative- ëÌËÏÍËÚ ̇ ÙËÎχ Ò‡ Ô‡‚ÂÌË The film has been shot in Bulgaria ÍÓÎÂÌËfl. ã˘ÌÓÒÚË, ‚ÚÓÓÒÚÂ- ly mediocre figures have replaced ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl Ë àÚ‡ÎËfl Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂ- and Italy with the participation of ÔÂÌÌË ‚ ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍË ÔÎ‡Ì ËÎË the genuine spiritual leaders of the ÚÓ Ì‡ ËÁÚ˙Í̇ÚË ËڇΡÌÒÍË Ë renowned Italian and Bulgarian his- Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍË ÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌË, Ò‡ Á‡- nation. ·˙΄‡ÒÍË ËÁÒΉӂ‡ÚÂÎË Ì‡ ËÒ- torians and art historians. ÂÎË ÏflÒÚÓÚÓ Ì‡ ËÒÚËÌÒÍËÚ ‰Û- Consequently, one of the best ÚÓËflÚ‡ Ë Ì‡ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ. ıÓ‚ÌË ‚Ó‰‡˜Ë ̇ ̇ˆËflÚ‡. Bulgarian poets has remained í‡Í‡ ‰ËÌ ÓÚ Ì‡È-„ÓÎÂÏËÚ ÔÓÂ- almost unknown. èÖçäÄ òéèéÇÄ Â Á‡‚˙¯Ë· ÍËÌÓ Ë PENKA SHOPOVA graduated in Editing at ÚË Ì‡ Å˙΄‡Ëfl ÓÒÚ‡‚‡ ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒ- ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ÔÓ ÏÓÌڇʇ ‚ NATFA. Since 1972 she has been working çÄíîàá éÚ 1972 „. ‡·ÓÚË ‚ êíÇñ – at the Ruse-based BNT TV Center. ÚÂÌ. êÛÒÂ. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó  ̇ ÙËÎÏËÚ “ó ҇ È Director of the films: As She Is Clever åÄãàçÄ èÖíêéÇÄ Â Á‡‚˙¯Ë· ÍËÌÓ Ë Á·ÚÌË ˙ˆÂÚ”, “ë‚ÂÚËÎÌËÍ – ·˙΄‡- MALINA PETROVA graduated in Film and with Her Hands, Bulgarian Candlestick, ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá ÒÍË”, “èÓÍÓ‚ËÚÂÎËÚ ̇ Ö‚ÓÔ‡”, TV Directing at NATFA in 1978. She has Patrons of Europe, Of Abagar and Its ÔÂÁ 1978 „. ꇷÓÚË·  ‚ ëàî “á‡ Ä·‡„‡ Ë Ì„ӂËfl Ò˙Á‰‡ÚÂΔ, “óËÔ- worked at Boyana Film Studio since 1979. Creator, Tchiprovtzi – Colours and Spirit, “ÅÓfl̇” ÓÚ 1979 „. àÁ·‡Ì‡ Ó‚ˆË – ·‡„Ë Ë ‰Ûı”, “LJÚË͇̇ ÓÚ·- Selected filmography: 24, Tetevenska str. The Vatican – a Close-up, And a Sun Was ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “íÂÚ‚ÂÌÒ͇ 24” (1984), ÎËÁÓ”, “à Ò Ó‰Ë ÒÎ˙̈” , “á‡Â‰ÌÓ Ì‡ (1984), Man Is Not an Island (1985), The Born, Together In the Same Street, The “óÓ‚ÂÍ Ì  ÓÒÚÓ‚” (1985), ‰̇ ÛÎˈ‡”, “ ÅÎ˙ÒÍÓ‚Ë – Ô˙‚ËÚ”, Farm (1988), Pantheon (1988), Heart Is Monument of Volunteers in Ruse, Silver “îÂχڇ” (1988), “è‡ÌÚÂÓÌ” (1988), “é·ÂÚÂÌÓ‚Ë – ÌÂÔÓÁ̇ÚËÚ”, “éÔ˙Î- the Last to Die (1990), The River (1995), Fairy Tale, Sborianovo – Ancient Thracian “ë˙ˆÂÚÓ ÛÏË‡ ÔÓÒΉÌÓ” (1990), ˜ÂÌÒÍËflÚ Ô‡ÏÂÚÌËÍ ‚ êÛÒ”, “ë·˙- Balkan Lessons In History (2000), The Land, A Horn to Remind “êÂ͇ڇ” (1995), “ŇÎ͇ÌÒÍË ÛÓˆË ÔÓ Ì‡ ÔË͇Á͇”, “ã˛·Ó‚Ú‡ ̇ 뇇ÙÂÚ Ë Spirit and the Stones (2006). ËÒÚÓËfl” (2000), “ÑÛı˙Ú Ë Í‡Ï˙ÌËÚ” û‰‡Ì”, “ë·ÓflÌÓ‚Ó – ‰‚̇ Ú‡- (2006). ÍËÈÒ͇ ÁÂÏfl”, “í˙·‡ ‰‡ ÒÔÓÏÌË” 10 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 29 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 29 min, documentary, 2006, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 27 min, documentary, DVD DVD Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: LJÎÂÌÚË̇ ꇉËÌÒ͇ Script: Valentina Radinska ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: íÓ‰Ó 퇯‚ Script: Todor Tashev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ɇÎË̇ ä‡Î‚‡ Director: Galina Kraleva êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: à‚‡Ì íÓÌ‚ Director: Ivan Tonev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡ÈÎÓ äÛÁÓ‚ Camera: Ivailo Kuzov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: àÎËfl ÇÛ˜ÍÓ‚ Camera: Ilia Vuchkov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí Production: BNT èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, str., 1504 Sofia, îËÎÏ˙Ú ‡Á͇Á‚‡ Á‡ ‰‚ The film features two life stories of ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, ˜Ó‚¯ÍË Ò˙‰·Ë – Ò˙‰·ËÚ ̇ people, who have been confined to Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, fax: +359 2 963 40 45, ıÓ‡, ÔËÍÓ‚‡ÌË ÓÚ ‰Âˆ‡ Í˙Ï wheelchair since childhood. Apart [email protected] [email protected] ËÌ‚‡ÎˉÌËÚ ÍÓ΢ÍË. éÒ‚ÂÌ ˜Â from raising burning social issues, ÔÓÒÚ‡‚fl Ô‡ÎË‚Ë ÒӈˇÎÌË the film tells a story of moral ÑÓÍÚÓ ÉÂÓ„Ë ëÚ‡ÌÒÍË Â Doctor Georgi Stranski was born ‚˙ÔÓÒË, ÚÓÈ Â ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÌË courage, of the difficult skill to rec- Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ ‚˙ÁÓʉÂÌÒÍËfl in the Bulgarian National Revival Á‡ ÒË·ڇ ̇ ˜Ó‚¯ÍËfl ‰Ûı, Á‡ oncile oneself to one’s lot, of faith ÔÂËÓ‰ ÓÚ Ì‡¯‡Ú‡ ËÒÚÓËfl. period. ÚÛ‰ÌÓÚÓ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó ‰‡ in God and fun in life. ÑÓÍÚÓ ÉÂÓ„Ë ëÚ‡ÌÒÍË Ê˂ He just lived in and for Bulgaria. ÔËÂϯ Û˜‡ÒÚÚ‡ ÒË, Á‡ ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl Ë Á‡ Å˙΄‡Ëfl. A thing, which just a few Bulgarian ‚fl‡Ú‡ ‚ ÅÓ„‡ Ë Á‡ ıÛ·‡‚ËÚ íÓ‚‡, ÍÓÂÚÓ Ô‡‚flÚ ÚÓÎÍÓ‚‡ politicians or public figures do Ì¢‡ ‚ ÊË‚ÓÚ‡. χÎÍÓ Ò˙‚ÂÏÂÌÌË ·˙΄‡ÒÍË these days. Why don’t they? Is the Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌËˆË Ë ÔÓÎËÚˈË. present incapable of raising per- á‡˘Ó Â Ú‡Í‡? ç  ÎË ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÌÓ sonalities, who would assume Ò„‡¯ÌÓÚÓ ‚ÂÏ ‰‡ ËÁ„‡‰Ë such positions? ΢ÌÓÒÚË Ò Ú‡ÍË‚‡ ÔÓÁˈËË? The audiences are asking them- Ç˙ÔÓÒË, ÍÓËÚÓ ÓÒÚ‡‚‡Ú Á‡‰ selves these questions, though left ͇‰˙, ÌÓ Á‡ ÍÓËÚÓ ÁËÚÂÎflÚ off-camera, upon leaving the cine- ÒË ‰‡‚‡ ÒÏÂÚ͇, ÍÓ„‡ÚÓ ËÁÎÂÁ ma theatres. ÓÚ Ò‡ÎÓ̇.

ÉÄãàçÄ äêÄãÖÇÄ Â Á‡‚˙¯Ë· ÇÉàä GALINA KRALEVA graduated at Higher àÇÄç íéçÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ‚ ëÓÙËfl ÔÂÁ IVAN TONEV was born in Sofia in 1961. åÓÒÍ‚‡ ÔÂÁ 1975 „. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó  ̇ State Cinema Institute in Moscow in 1961 „. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓÒÍÓ He graduated in Cinematography and Film Ôӂ˜ ÓÚ 100 ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË, 1975. Director of more than 100 docu- χÈÒÚÓÒÚ‚Ó Ë ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ and TV Directing from NATFA in 1987. ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌË Ë ÂÍ·ÏÌË ÙËÎÏË. ë‰ mentaries, feature films and commercials ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá ÔÂÁ 1987 „. Director of the films Balkan Traffic (1999), Úflı Ò‡ “ÄÌÂÎËfl” (1983), “èÓÁˈËfl” with Anelia (1983), Position (1990), The êÂÊËÒ¸Ó  ̇ ÙËÎÏËÚ “ŇÎ͇ÌÒÍË Virtual Reality (2000), Psychoanalysis (1990), “чÂÌËÂÚÓ” (1997), “çËÍÓ· Donation (1997), Nikola Manev (1999), I Ú‡ÙËÍ” (1999), “ÇËÚÛ‡Î̇ (2002), Prosperous BG (2003), The å‡Ì‚” (1999), “êËÒÛ‚‡Ï, Á‡˘ÓÚÓ Ò Paint Because I Doubt (2002), Mothers ‡ÎÌÓÒÚ” (2000), “èÒËıӇ̇ÎËÁ‡” Rights of Children (2005), Love Is… Ò˙ÏÌfl‚‡Ï” (2002), “å‡ÈÍË” (2005). (2005) among others. (2002), “ìÒÔÂÎË BG” (2003), “è‡‚‡Ú‡ (2005), Diplomat and Conspirator (2006). ̇ ‰Âˆ‡Ú‡” (2005), “ã˛·Ó‚Ú‡ Â...” (2005), “ᇄӂÓÌËÍ˙Ú ‰ËÔÎÓχڔ (2006).

11 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 94 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 94 min, documentary, 2007, 5 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2007, 5 min, animation, 35 ÏÏ/DVD 35 mm/DVD 35 ÏÏ/DVD 35 mm/DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ïËÒÚÓ Å‡Í‡ÎÒÍË Script: Christo Bakalski ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: Ç·‰Ó ò˯ÍÓ‚ Script: Vlado Shishkov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ïËÒÚÓ Å‡Í‡ÎÒÍË Director: Christo Bakalski êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ç·‰Ó ò˯ÍÓ‚ Director: Vlado Shishkov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ê‡ÎË ê‡Î˜Â‚ Camera: Rali Ralchev åÛÁË͇: ëÚÂÙ‡Ì åÓÒÍÓ‚ Music: Stefan Moskov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åöêö îËÎÏ, ëÓÙËfl, Production: Borough Film, 5 èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: äÓÒÒÔÓÈÌÚ – Production: Crosspoint – Braiko ÛÎ. “Ç˙·Ëˆ‡” 5, ÚÂÎ. 946 33 78, Varbitza str., Sofia, Å‡ÈÍÓ Å‡ÈÍÓ‚, Ç·‰Ó ò˯ÍÓ‚, Braikov, Vlado Shishkov, 27 Ù‡ÍÒ: 943 4787; çîñ phone: +359 2 946 33 78, ëÓÙËfl 1000, ÛÎ. “ë·‚flÌÒ͇” 27, Slavianska str., 1000 Sofia, fax: +359 2 943 4787; NFC ÚÂÎ. 981 40 49, Ù‡ÍÒ: 980 57 86, phone: +359 2 981 40 49, îËÎÏ˙Ú ‡Á͇Á‚‡ Á‡ [email protected]; çîñ fax: +359 2 980 57 86, ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ì‡ ÌÂÏÒ͇ڇ The family in this story is that of [email protected], NFC ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎ͇ ÄÌ„ÂÎË͇ òÓ·Ò‰ÓÙ. the German writer Angelika ÑËÍÚ‡ÚÛËÚÂ, ëÚÛ‰Â̇ڇ Schrobsdorff. Dictatorships, the ëΉ ÒÚ‡¯ÂÌ Íӯχ Ò ÔÂÒ- The Wolf wakes up with a scream ‚ÓÈ̇, Ô‡‰‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ Cold War, the fall of the Berlin Wall Ή‚‡ÌËfl, ‚˙ÎÍ˙Ú Ò Ò˙·Ûʉ‡ Ë from a horrible nightmare full of ÅÂÎËÌÒ͇ڇ ÒÚÂ̇ Ë and the conflict in the Middle East Ò ÌÂÚ˙ÔÂÌË Ò ÔË„ÓÚ‚fl Á‡ chasing and starts preparing himself ÍÓÌÙÎËÍÚ˙Ú ‚ ÅÎËÁÍËfl ËÁÚÓÍ changed the life of this family in Ò¢‡ Ò Ì‡È-Í‡ÒË‚‡Ú‡ áÂÎÂ̇ for a date with the gorgeous Little Ò‡ ÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎË ‰˙ηÓÍË ÒÎÂ‰Ë ‚ decisive ways. The narrative ¯‡Ô˜Ëˆ‡. ëΉ ÌflÍÓÎÍÓ ÔÓ‰ÌË Green Riding Hood. The only prob- ÚÂıÌËfl ÊË‚ÓÚ. îËÎÏ˙Ú ÓÔËÒ‚‡ focuses primarily on events in Íӯχ‡ Ë Ò˙·Ûʉ‡ÌËfl Ô‰ lem is that the Wolf is really awake „·‚ÌÓ Ò˙·ËÚËfl ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl, Bulgaria that began with an ‚‡Ú‡Ú‡ Ò ÔÓfl‚fl‚‡ ̇È-ÔÓÒΠin his nightmare. After a series of Á‡ÔӘ̇ÎË Ò ·fl„ÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ ËÏ ÓÚ escape from Berlin in 1939. Úfl. ǘÂÚ‡ Ë ÌÓ˘Ú‡ Ò‡ ÔÂÍ- such false wake-ups, she finally ÅÂÎËÌ ÔÂÁ 1939 „Ó‰Ë̇. ‡ÒÌË Ë ÓχÌÚ˘ÌË, ÌÓ ˆÂ̇ڇ appears on the doorstep. They Á‡ Úflı  ÔÂ͇ÎÂ̇ – β·ËÏÓÚÓ spend an unforgettable night with ‰Óχ¯ÌÓ Ô‡Ò ‰‡ ·˙‰Â Á‡ÍÛÒ͇- supper, but the price is too high – Ú‡ ̇ ‚β·ÂÌËÚÂ. Ç˙ÎÍ˙Ú Ì‡- his beloved pig pet is sacrificed and ÏË‡ ÒËÎË ‰‡ ÔÂÍ‡ÚË Ë ÚÓÁË served for breakfast. The Wolf ïêàëíé ÅÄäÄãëäà Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ CHRISTO BAKALSKI graduated in German ÛʇÒÂÌ Ò˙Ì, ÌÓ Ò‡ÏÓ Á‡ ‰‡ Ò braces himself to put an end even to „ÂχÌËÒÚË͇ ‚ ÉÂχÌËfl ÔÂÁ 1978 „. Literature in Leipzig, Germany in 1978. In ÓÁÓ‚Â ‚ ‡ÎÌÓÒÚÚ‡, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ this nightmare, just to end up back èÂÁ 1992 „. ÒÚ‡‚‡ Ò˙ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÚÂΠ̇ 1992 he became a co-founder of the ӷΘÂÌ ‚ ·‡·ËÌËÚ ‰ÂıË ˜‡- in reality, dressed in grandmother’s ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚÒ͇ Í˙˘‡ Åöêö îËÎÏ, ‡ Borough Film production company, and in ͇... áÂÎÂ̇ڇ ¯‡Ô˜Ëˆ‡. clothes awaiting the... Little Green ÔÂÁ 2005 „. ÓÒÌÓ‚‡‚‡ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚Â̇ 2005 established his own production Riding Hood. ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚÒ͇ Í˙˘‡ Åìã Ñéä ÖééÑ. company Bul Doc. Director of the docu- êÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ ÙËÎÏË mentaries Berlin Dreams (1990), 88 or ÇãÄÑé òàòäéÇ e Ó‰ÂÌ ‚ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ VLADO SHISHKOV was born in Plovdiv in “ÅÂÎËÌÒÍË Ï˜ÚË” (1990), “88 ËÎË 00” 00 (1994), Bulgaria of All Places (2007). ÔÂÁ 1964 „. ᇂ˙¯‚‡ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌ̇ 1964. In 1993 he graduated in Animation (1994), “á‡˘Ó ÚÓ˜ÌÓ Å˙΄‡Ëfl” ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá ‚ Í·҇ ̇ ÔÓÙ. Directing at NATFA in Prof. Todor Dinov’s (2007). íÓ‰Ó ÑËÌÓ‚ ÔÂÁ 1993 „. ëˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, classes. Script-writer, director, animator ÂÊËÒ¸Ó, ‡ÌËχÚÓ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ Ì‡ and artist of the following films: A Story ÙËÎÏËÚ “èË͇Á͇” (1979), “Ä·ÒÛ‰” (1979), Absurdity (1981), The Horo (1981), “ïÓÓÚÓ” (1983), “å˜ڇڇ ̇ (1983), Sisyphus’ Dream (1987), Dugy- ëËÁËÙ” (1987), “ÑÛ„Ë-ÑÛ„Ë” (1989), Dugy (1989), The General (1990), There “ÉÂÌÂ‡Î˙Ú” (1990), “ÇË̇„Ë Ëχ ÌÂ˘Ó Is Always Something to Be Unscrewed Á‡ ‡Á‚ËÌÚ‚‡Ì” (1991), “ÑÛ„Ë-ÑÛ„Ë 2” (1991), Dugy-Dugy 2 (1992), Over the (1992), “àÁ ÊË‚ÓÚ‡ ̇ ÎËÒÚÌËÚ Lifetime of the Greenflies (1993), Love ‚˙¯ÍË” (1993), “ã˛·Ó‚Ì‡ ËÒÚÓËfl” Story (1999), Little Green Riding Hood 12 (1999),“áÂÎÂ̇ڇ ¯‡Ô˜Ëˆ‡” (2007). (2007). 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 89 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 89 min, documentary, 2007, 8 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2007, 8 min, animation, Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP/35 ÏÏ Betacam SP/35 mm ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÄÚ‡Ì‡Ò äËflÍÓ‚ Script: Atanas Kiriakov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ë·‚ Ň͇ÎÓ‚ Script: Slav Bakalov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÄÚ‡Ì‡Ò äËflÍÓ‚ Director: Atanas Kiriakov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ë·‚ Ň͇ÎÓ‚ Director: Slav Bakalov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÄÌÚÓÌ Å‡Í‡ÒÍË Camera: Anton Bakarski åÛÁË͇: åËı‡ËÎ âÓÒËÙÓ‚ Music: Mikhail Yossifov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Ñ‚Â Ë ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ – èÂÌÍÓ Production: Two and a Half – Penko èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åìãîàãå – Ä̉ÂÈ Production: BULFILM – Andrei êÛÒ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ·ÛÎ. “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” Rusev, 67 Dondukov blvd., 1504 Sofia, ÄÎÚ˙Ô‡χÍÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1612, Altuparmakov, 31 Gotze Delchev 67, ÚÂÎ. 943 34 61; çîñ phone: +359 2 943 34 61; NFC ·ÛÎ. “Éӈ ÑÂΘ‚” 31, ‡Ô. 97, blvd., app. 97, 1612 Sofia, ÏÓ·. 0887 206349, mob. +359 887 206349, ÜË‚ÓÚ ‚ ‰ËÌ Ò‚Ó·Ó‰ÂÌ Ò‚flÚ Ë ‡‰ Life in a free world and hell in the [email protected]; çîñ [email protected]; NFC ‚ Ò˙ˆÂÚÓ. íÓ‚‡  ÊË‚ÓÚ˙Ú Ì‡ heart. This is the lifestory of Stefane ëÚÂÙ‡Ì ÉÛ‚ – ·˙΄‡ÒÍË ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎ Groueff – a Bulgarian writer with ᇷ‡‚ÌÓ ÔËÍβ˜ÂÌË Á‡ ‰Âˆ‡Ú‡ A funny adventure for kids and Ò ‡ÏÂË͇ÌÒÍÓ „‡Ê‰‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó, ‡·Ó- American citizenship, who spent 26 Ë ÚÂıÌËÚ Ó‰ËÚÂÎË, ‚ ÍÓÂÚÓ their parents, where funny verges ÚËÎ 26 „Ó‰ËÌË Í‡ÚÓ ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚ ‚ years working for the French Paris ÒϯÌÓÚÓ „‡ÌË˜Ë Ò on fantastic and the world of the “è‡Ë å‡˜”. ëÚÂÙ‡Ì ÉÛ‚ ÓÒÚ‡‚‡ Match magazine. Ù‡ÌÚ‡ÒÚ˘ÌÓÚÓ, ‡ Ò‚ÂÚ˙Ú Ì‡ adults is represented as a ‚ ò‚ÂȈ‡Ëfl – ÓÚ‚˙‰ ÊÂÎflÁ̇ڇ Stefane Groueff stays in Switzerland – ‚˙Á‡ÒÚÌËÚ  Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÂÌ ‚ grotesque and parody. Á‡‚ÂÒ‡ – ÔÂÁ 1944 „. Ë Ô‡‚Ë „·- beyond the Iron Curtain – in 1944 and „ÓÚÂÒÍÓ‚ Ë Ô‡Ó‰Ë‡Ì ‚ˉ. ‚ÓÎÓÏ̇ ͇ËÂ‡. ë¢‡ ÒÂ Ò „ÓÎÂ- makes an amazing career. He meets ÏËÚ ËÏÂ̇ ̇ ̇Û͇ڇ, ËÁÍÛÒÚ- the celebrities of the 20th c., making ‚ÓÚÓ Ë ÔÓÎËÚË͇ڇ ÔÂÁ ïï ‚. – friends with many of them. But during ÏÌÓÁË̇ ÓÚ Úflı Ò‡ ÌÂ„Ó‚Ë ÔËfl- his entire life outside his homeland he ÚÂÎË. çÓ ÔÂÁ ˆÂÎËfl ÏÛ Á‡‰„‡ÌË- feels enormous bitterness and guilt ˜ÂÌ ÊË‚ÓÚ ‚ Ò˙ˆÂÚÓ ÏÛ Ëχ Ó„- because of his relatives, who have ÓÏ̇ „Ó˜ËÎ͇ Ë ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ ‚Ë̇ stayed in Bulgaria. Á‡‡‰Ë ·ÎËÁÍËÚÂ, ÓÒڇ̇ÎË ‚ Å˙Î- An emotional film featuring the incredi- „‡Ëfl. ble appeal of Stefane Groueff and a lot Ö‰ËÌ ÂÏÓˆËÓ̇ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ Ò Ì‚ÂÓ- of unique footages from French, flÚÌÓÚÓ ËÁÎ˙˜‚‡Ì ̇ ëÚÂÙ‡Ì ÉÛ- Swiss, American and Bulgarian ‚ Ë Ò ÏÌÓ„Ó ÙÂÌÒÍË, ¯‚ÂȈ‡ÒÍË, archives of the period. ‡ÏÂË͇ÌÒÍË Ë ·˙΄‡ÒÍË ‡ıË‚ÌË Í‡‰Ë ÓÚ ÂÔÓı‡Ú‡.

ëãÄÇ ÅÄäÄãéÇ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ‡ÌËχˆËfl SLAV BAKALOV graduated in Animation at ÄíÄçÄë äàêüäéÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ÇËÒ¯‡Ú‡ ATANAS KIRIAKOV graduated from the ‚˙‚ ÇÉàä, åÓÒÍ‚‡ ÔÂÁ 1975 „. the Higher State Cinema Institute in ¯ÍÓ· Á‡ ÙËÎÏÓ‚Ó ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó ‚ è‡ËÊ Higher School of Film Arts in Paris in 1963. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ ‰ËÌ Ë„‡ÎÂÌ, ˜ÂÚËË Moscow in 1975. Director of one feature, ÔÂÁ 1963 „. ꇷÓÚËΠ ͇ÚÓ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ He has worked at the BNT (1966–70) and ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË Ë Ôӂ˜ ÓÚ 50 four documentaries and over 50 animated Åçí (1966–1970) Ë ‚ ÒÚÛ‰Ëfl “ÇÂÏ” at Vreme Studio (1970–82). He is the ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌË ÙËÎχ, Ò‰ ÍÓËÚÓ films, among them Marriage (in collabora- (1970–1982). Ä‚ÚÓ  ̇ ̇‰ 100 ÙËÎχ. author of more than 100 films. “ÜÂÌËÚ·‡” (‚ Ò˙‡‚ÚÓÒÚ‚Ó Ò êÛÏÂÌ tion with Rumen Petkov, 1984) – Golden àÁ·‡Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “ч ÒÔ‡ÒËÏ Selected filmography: Let’s Save the Air èÂÚÍÓ‚, 1984), ÌÓÒËÚÂΠ̇ “á·Ú̇ Palm for short film, Cannes 1985. ‚˙Á‰Ûı‡” (1977), “P‡‚ÂÌ Ì‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË” (1977), Equal to All (1983), For Official Use Ô‡Îχ” ÓÚ ä‡Ì. (1983), “ᇠÒÎÛÊ·ÌÓ ÔÓÎÁ‚‡Ì” (1989), (1989), Case No 30 (1989), Survivals – “ÑÂÎÓ ‹ 30” (1989), “éˆÂÎÂÎËÚ – Stories of the Concentration Camps (1990), ·„ÂÌË ‡Á͇ÁË” (1990), “é·˜ÂÌËÚ” The Condemned (1993), Eyes (1993), (1993), “é˜Ë” (1993), “ñfl” (2000), Remedy (2000), Boris Sarafov – the Man “ÅÓËÒ ë‡‡ÙÓ‚ – ˜Ó‚ÂÍ ÒÓ Á‚ÂÁ‰‡ ̇ with a Star on His Brow (2003), Joel’s ˜ÂÎÓÚÓ” (2003), “ãÂÚfl˘ËÚ ıÓ‡ ̇ Flying People (2007), Hell in Paradise ÜÓÂΔ (2007), “à ‚ ‡fl Ëχ ‡‰” (2006). (2006). 13 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2004, III ˜. – 31 ÏËÌ, IV ˜. – 2004, 3rd part – 31 min, 4th 2006, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 54 min, documentary, 35 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, DVD part – 35 min, documentary, DVD DVD DVD ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: å‡ÚË̇ ó‡˜Â‚Ò͇ Script: Martina Chachevska ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÉÂÓ„Ë ÑÛÏ‚ Script: Georgi Drumev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: å‡ÚË̇ ó‡˜Â‚Ò͇ Director: Martina Chachevska êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: à‚‡Ì í‡ÈÍÓ‚ Director: Ivan Traykov éÔÂ‡ÚÓË: ÇÂÒÂÎËÌ ë·‚Ó‚, Camera: Veselin Slavov, Nikolai éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: Ç‡Ì¸Ó ÉÂÓ„Ë‚ Camera: Vanyo Georgiev çËÍÓÎ‡È ÇÂÎËÍÓ‚ Velikov åÛÁË͇: ÄÎÂÍÒ çۯ‚ Music: Alex Nushev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: çí “ëäÄí” – LJÎÂË Production: SäÄí NT – Valeri èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ëÚÛ‰Ëfl “ÇÂÏ” – Production: Vreme Studio – ëËÏÂÓÌÓ‚, ÅÛ„‡Ò 8000, Simeonov, Zornitza complex, next ëÚ‡ÌËÏË íËÙÓÌÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl Stanimir Trifonov, 67 Dondukov ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ “áÓÌˈ‡” ‰Ó ·Î. 39, to bl. 39, 8000 Bourgas, 1504, ·ÛÎ. “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” 67, blvd., 1504 Sofia, phone/fax: ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 056 86 30 30 phone/fax: +359 56 86 30 30 ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 944 29 77, +359 2 944 29 77, [email protected]; çîñ [email protected]; NFC “äÓθÓ... ÚÓ‚‡ ” ÔÓÒΉfl‚‡ ‚ Kolyo... This Is It depicts in its 5 ÔÂÚ ˜‡ÒÚË ÌÂÓ·ËÍÌÓ‚Â̇ڇ parts every detail about the íÛ‰ÌËflÚ Ô˙Ú Ì‡ ‰̇ ÊÂ̇ ÓÚ A tough journey of a woman from Ò˙‰·‡ ̇ ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎfl çËÍÓÎ‡È extraordinary life of the writer ÍÓÏÙÓÚ‡ ̇ „ÂχÌÒÍËfl È ‰ÓÏ the comfort of her German home ï‡ÈÚÓ‚. Nikolai Haitov. ̇Á‡‰ Í˙Ï ÍÓÂÌËÚÂ, Í˙Ï ËÁÔ˙Î- back to her roots; to the hard exis- îËÎÏ˙Ú Â ËÁ„‡‰ÂÌ ‚˙ıÛ The film features over 200 photos ÌÂÌÓÚÓ Ò ·Ó·‡ Á‡ ÓˆÂÎfl‚‡ÌÂ, ÌÓ tence in her fatherland, which is Ôӂ˜ ÓÚ 200 ÒÌËÏÍË Ë and documents. It was shot all Ë Ò ÛÒ¢‡Ì Á‡ ÊË‚ÓÚ ·ËÚË ‚ both striving for survival and a ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚË. á‡ÒÌÂÚ Â ÔÓ ‚Ò˘ÍË over the places where the writer ÌÂÈ̇ڇ Ó‰Ë̇... sense of life … ÏÂÒÚ‡ ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ once lived and worked. It presents Ñ˙΄ËflÚ Ô˙Ú Ì‡ ‰̇ χÎ͇ ËÁ- A long journey of a small East- ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎflÚ Â ÊË‚flÎ Ë ‡·ÓÚËÎ. dozens of stories told by his rela- ÚÓ˜ÌÓ‚ÓÔÂÈÒ͇ ÔÓÒÚÒӈˇÎËÒ- European post-socialist country to ÇÍβ˜‚‡ ‰ÂÒÂÚÍË ‡Á͇ÁË Ì‡ tives, friends, co-workers and Ú˘ÂÒ͇ ‰˙ʇ‚‡ Í˙Ï Ï‡ÚÂË- the high living standards of the Ó‰ÌËÌË, ÔËflÚÂÎË, ÍÓÎÂ„Ë Ë schoolmates. ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ·Î‡„ÓÔÓÎۘˠ̇ á‡Ô‡‰‡... West… A film about the “road to Ò˙Û˜ÂÌËˆË Ì‡ çËÍÓÎ‡È ï‡ÈÚÓ‚. Ö‰ËÌ ÙËÎÏ Á‡ “Ô˙Úfl Í˙Ï Ö‚Ó- Europe” that goes through Ô‡”, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÏË̇‚‡ ÔÂÁ ·˙΄‡Ò- Bulgarian village – to a destination ÍÓÚÓ ÒÂÎÓ. ç‡Ú‡Ï, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ Í‡È- unknown… ̇ڇ ÚӘ͇  ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚ̇...

åÄêíàçÄ óÄóÖÇëäÄ Â Ó‰Â̇ ÔÂÁ MARTINA CHACHEVSKA was born in àÇÄç íêÄâäéÇ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ÙËÎÏÓ‚‡ IVAN TRAYKOV graduated in Film Directing 1972 „. ‚ ÅÛ„‡Ò. ᇂ˙¯Ë·  Bourgas in 1972. Graduated from the ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÓ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍË at the New Bulgarian University in 2002. Ä͇‰ÂÏËflÚ‡ Á‡ ÏÛÁË͇ÎÌÓ Ë Ú‡ÌˆÓ‚Ó Academy for Music and Dance and Fine ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ÔÂÁ 2002 „. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó Director of the films Next Morning Over ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó ‚ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚. éÚ 2000 „. Arts in Plovdiv. Since 2000 she has been ̇ ÙËÎÏËÚ “ëΉ‚‡˘Ó ÛÚÓ Ì‡‰ the Fatherland (1997), 35 mm Memories ‡·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl working as a director at the Skat TV chan- Ó‰Ë̇ڇ” (1997), “35 ÏÏ ÒÔÓÏÂÌË” (2002), Breakfast on the Grass (2003), “ë͇ڔ. Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ nel. Author of the documentaries: Live (2002), “á‡ÍÛÒ͇ ̇ Ú‚‡Ú‡” (2003, Once There Was Zherka (2003), ÙËÎÏË “ÜË‚Ë ‡Á͇ÁË Á‡ ï‡ÈÚÓ‚” Stories about Haitov (2003), Kolyo… This “àχÎÓ Â‰ÌÓ ‚ÂÏ ÜÂ͇” (2003), Encounter (2003), Fire and Ardour (2003), “äÓθÓ... ÚÓ‚‡ ” (2004), “é·Ë˜ Is It (2004), Love for Bulgaria (2005), The “ë¢‡” (Ë„., 2003), “é„˙Ì Ë Ô·ϔ (2003), Bulgarian Wings (2005). Á‡ Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2005), “ÅÓÍÒ¸Ó˙Ú” Boxer (2006), The Longest Chain Dance (2003), “Å˙΄‡ÒÍËflÚ ÔÓÎÂÚ” (2005). (2006), “ç‡È-‰˙΄ÓÚÓ ıÓÓ” (2007), (2007), The Road of the Kaleevs (2007), “è˙ÚflÚ Ì‡ ä‡Î‚˔ (2007), “ë Carrying Bulgaria in the Heart (2007). Å˙΄‡Ëfl ‚ Ò˙ˆÂÚÓ” (2007).

14 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 52 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 52 min, documentary, 2007, 2 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2007, 2 min, animation, Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP/DVD Betacam SP/DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÄÚ‡Ì‡Ò äËflÍÓ‚ Script: Atanas Kiriakov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: êÛÏÂÌ Å‡ÓÒÓ‚ Script: Rumen Barosov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÄÚ‡Ì‡Ò äËflÍÓ‚ Director: Atanas Kiriakov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ä̉ÂÈ äÛ΂ Director: Andrei Koulev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÑËÏËÚ˙ åËÚÓ‚ Camera: Dimiter Mitov åÛÁË͇: èÂÚ˙ ÑÛ̉‡ÍÓ‚ Music: Peter Dundakov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: áÓÍÓ îËÎÏÒ – Production: Zoko Films – Dimiter èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ÄÚ‡ÍÚ - ÑËÏÓ Production: Atract – Dimo Mindov, ÑËÏËÚ˙ åËÚÓ‚ – ëÓÙËfl 1505, Mitov, 27, Velcho Atanasov str., åË̉ӂ, ëÓÙËfl 1000, ·ÛÎ. 25 Vitosha blvd., fl.1, 1000 Sofia, ÛÎ. “ÇÂÎ˜Ó Äڇ̇ÒÓ‚” 27, ‚ı. Å, vh. B, app. 31, 1505 Sofia, “ÇËÚÓ¯‡” 25, ÂÚ.1, phone/fax: +359 2 987 03 50, ‡Ô. 31, ÏÓ·. 0888 309 164, mob:+359 888 309 164, ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ:987 03 50, [email protected]; NFC [email protected]; ãËÎËÚ [email protected]; Lilith Production – [email protected]; çîñ èÓ‰˛ÍÒËÓÌ – ä‡ÚËÌ íÂÙÛÒ; çîñ Catherine Trefousse; NFC A line dividing the earth from the ãËÌËfl, ‡Á‰ÂÎfl˘‡ ÁÂÏflÚ‡ ÓÚ skies. ÜÓÂΠꇷËÌӂˈ  ÙÂÌÒÍË ıÛ- Joel Rabinowitz is a French painter Ì·ÂÚÓ. A man running towards the hori- ‰ÓÊÌËÍ Ë ÒÍÛÎÔÚÓ, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÓÚ and sculptor, who has been work- óÓ‚ÂÍ, ·fl„‡˘ Í˙Ï ıÓËÁÓÌÚ‡. zon. „Ó‰ËÌË ‡·ÓÚË Ò Ë̉ÛÒÚËflÚ‡. ing in the area of industry for many ô ‰ÓÒÚË„Ì ÎË ÎËÌËflÚ‡? Will he reach the line? á‡ÔӘ̇ΠÒ˙Ò Á‡‚Ó‰ËÚ ̇ “êÂÌÓ” years now. He started his career by ô fl ÔÂÍ‡˜Ë ÎË? Will he cross it? ‚ Ö‚ÓÔ‡, ͇ÚÓ „Ë Û·Â‰ËÎ, ˜Â  convincing the Renault factories in àÎË ˘Â fl ı‚‡ÌÂ? Or will he catch it? ‰Ó· ‰‡ ̇Ô‡‚Ë ÔÓ-‡ÚËÒÚ˘ÂÌ Europe to render working interiors ä‡Í‚Ó ˘Â ‡Á·Â Á‡ Ò· ÒË, What will he find out when it is ËÌÚÂËÓ‡ ̇ ˆÂıÓ‚ÂÚÂ Ò ‡Á΢- much more artistry through differ- ÍÓ„‡ÚÓ Úfl ‚˜  ‚ ˙ˆÂÚ ÏÛ? already in his hands? ÌË ÙÂÒÍË Ë ÔÓ‰ıÓ‰fl˘Ó Óˆ‚ÂÚfl- ent murals and suitable colouring of ‚‡ÌÂ. ë ÔÓÒΉÌËfl ÒË ÔÓÂÍÚ – 15 the workshops. With his last proj- ÍÓÎÓÌË Ò ‚ËÒÓ˜Ë̇ 6 ÏÂÚ‡, ÓÚ ect – 15 columns, 6 meters high, ÍÓËÚÓ Òfl͇¯ ÔÓÎËÚ‡Ú 85 ÙË„ÛË out of which emerge, as if about to ÓÚ ‡ÎÛÏËÌËÈ – ÜÓÂÎ ÓÚÌÓ‚Ó ‰Ó- fly, 85 figures, made of 20-mm- ͇Á‚‡, ˜Â ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ë ÔÓÏ˯- thick aluminium – he once again ÎÂÌÓÒÚÚ‡ ÏÓ„‡Ú ‰‡ Ò ӷ‰ËÌflÚ proves that art and industry can Ë ‰‡ ÒË ÔÓχ„‡Ú. work together and help each other.

ÄíÄçÄë äàêüäéÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ÇËÒ¯‡Ú‡ ATANAS KIRIAKOV graduated from the ÄçÑêÖâ äìãÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ‚ ëÓÙËfl ÔÂÁ ANDREI KOULEV was born in Sofia in ¯ÍÓ· Á‡ ÙËÎÏÓ‚Ó ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó ‚ è‡ËÊ Higher School of Film Arts in Paris in 1973 „. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â ÍËÌÓ Ë 1973. He graduated in Film and TV ÔÂÁ 1963 „. ꇷÓÚËΠ ͇ÚÓ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó 1963. He has worked at the BNT ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá. Directing at NATFA. Works in the fields of ‚ Åçí (1966–1970) Ë ‚ ÒÚÛ‰Ëfl “ÇÂÏ” (1966–70) and at Vreme Studio ꇷÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ËβÒÚ‡ÚÓ, graphic design, caricature and illustration. (1970–1982). Ä‚ÚÓ  ̇ ̇‰ 100 (1970–82). He is the author of more than ͇Ë͇ÚÛËÒÚ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ Ì‡ Ô·͇ÚË. He directed the animation films Reflection, ÙËÎχ. 100 films. Selected filmography: Let’s êÂÊËÒ¸Ó  ̇ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌËÚ ÙËÎÏË: Poet and Pegasus 1, Poet and Pegasus 2, àÁ·‡Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “ч ÒÔ‡ÒËÏ Save the Air (1977), Equal to All (1983), “éÚ‡ÊÂÌË”, “èÓÂÚ Ë è„‡Ò 1”, Poet and Pegasus 3, The Cuckoo. In 1997 ‚˙Á‰Ûı‡” (1977), “P‡‚ÂÌ Ì‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË” For Official Use (1989), Case No 30 “èÓÂÚ Ë è„‡Ò 2”, “èÓÂÚ Ë è„‡Ò 3”, he was among the winners in the MTV (1983), “ᇠÒÎÛÊ·ÌÓ ÔÓÎÁ‚‡Ì” (1989), (1989), Survivals – Stories of the äÛÍۂˈ‡Ú‡”. èÂÁ 1997 „.  Ò‰ Minute Cinema Competition with Full “ÑÂÎÓ ‹ 30” (1989), “éˆÂÎÂÎËÚ – Concentration Camps (1990), The Ôӷ‰ËÚÂÎËÚ ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ̇ MTV Moon. ·„ÂÌË ‡Á͇ÁË” (1990), “é·˜ÂÌËÚ” Condemned (1993), Eyes (1993), Minute Cinema Ò ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌËfl ÙËÎÏ (1993), “é˜Ë” (1993), “ñfl” (2000), Remedy (2000), Boris Sarafov – the Man “è˙ÎÌÓÎÛÌË”. “ÅÓËÒ ë‡‡ÙÓ‚ – ˜Ó‚ÂÍ ÒÓ Á‚ÂÁ‰‡ ̇ with a Star on His Brow (2003), Joel’s ˜ÂÎÓÚÓ” (2003), “ãÂÚfl˘ËÚ ıÓ‡ ̇ Flying People (2007), Hell in Paradise ÜÓÂΔ (2007), “à ‚ ‡fl Ëχ ‡‰” (2006). (2006). 15 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 7 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2006, 7 min, animation, 2006, 96 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 96 min, documentary, Betacam SP/35 ÏÏ/DVD Betacam SP/35 mm/DVD Betacam SP Betacam SP/35 mm/DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ëÚÓflÌ ÑÛÍÓ‚ Script: Stoyan Dukov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: áÓÌˈ‡ ëÓÙËfl, ÖÎÂ̇ Script: Zornitza Sophia, Elena êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ëÚÓflÌ ÑÛÍÓ‚ Director: Stoyan Dukov ÑÛÏ‚‡, äËÒÚË̇ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Drumeva, Kristina Nikolova éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: å‡Ë̇ êÛÒËÌÓ‚‡ Camera: Marina Rusinova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: áÓÌˈ‡ ëÓÙËfl Director: Zornitza Sophia åÛÁË͇: ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ê˷ˈӂ Music: Alexander Ribizov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: äËÒÚË̇ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Camera: Kristina Nikolova èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: íËÍÒË – ëÚÓflÌ Production: Triksy – Stoyan Dukov, åÛÁË͇: ÑËÏËÚ˙ ÇÂ΢ÍÓ‚ – Music: Dimiter Velichkov – ÑÛÍÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” 49 Dondukov blvd., 1504 Sofia, òÏˉÚ, „ÛÔ‡ ç‡ÒÂÍÓÏËÍÒ Schmidt, Nasekomix band 49, ÏÓ·. 0888 99 82 83; çîñ mob. +359 888 99 82 83; NFC èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Bulgar Beats – Production: Bulgar Beats – Nikolay çËÍÓÎ‡È äËÓ‚, áÓÌˈ‡ ëÓÙËfl, Kirov, Zornitza Sophia, 69 Gen. éÒÏËflÚ ÔÓ‰ ÙËÎÏ ÓÚ The eighth film of the Animation ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. “ÉÂÌÂ‡Î ëÍÓ·Â΂” Skobelev blvd., fl. 5, app. 12, ÒÂËflÚ‡ “ÄÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ Calendar series. A funny story of 69, ÂÚ. 5, ‡Ô. 12, Sofia, ͇ÎẨ‡”. ïÛÏÓËÒÚ˘̇ the life of a Bulgarian village fea- ÚÂÎ. 950 55 45, Ù‡ÍÒ: 851 96 94, phone: +359 2 950 55 45, ËÒÚÓËfl ÓÚ ÊË‚ÓÚ‡ ̇ ‰ÌÓ turing the priest, the wolf and the [email protected]; çîñ fax: +359 2 851 96 94, ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓ ÒÂÎÓ Ò Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÚÓ Ì‡ villagers. [email protected]; NFC ÔÓÔ‡, ‚˙Î͇ Ë ÒÂÎflÌËÚÂ. “åÓ‰ÛÒ ‚Ë‚Ẩ˔ e ÙËÎÏ Á‡ ÒÏÂ- ÎÓÒÚÚ‡ ‰‡ ÔÓÒΉ‚‡¯ ϘÚËÚ Modus Vivendi is a feature-like doc- ÒË. îËÎÏ Á‡ ıÓ‡ “ËÁ‚˙Ì Ï‡ÚË- umentary about the happiness to ˆ‡Ú‡”, ÍÓÈÚÓ ËÁÒΉ‚‡ ÏÂı‡ÌËÁ- pursue one’s dream. It is about χ ̇ Ê·ÌËÂÚÓ, ÔÂÒ˘‡ÌÂÚÓ people beyond the “matrix”. The ̇ „‡ÌËˆË Ë ‚ÍÛÒ‡ ̇ Ò‚Ó·Ó‰‡Ú‡. film explores the mechanism of íÓ‚‡ Ì  ӷ˘‡ÈÌËflÚ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌ- desire, the crossing-borders attitude Ú‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ Á‡ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ, ‰‡Ï‡ and the taste of freedom. ËÎË Ú‡„‰Ëfl. ç  ҇ÏÓ Ë ‡‰ÓÒ- This is not the common documen- ÚÂÌ ÙËÎÏ, Á‡˘ÓÚÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ Ëχ. tary about a problematic issue çÓ ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ˙Ú Â ËÌÚÂ‡ÍÚË‚ÂÌ Ë where problem means drama or ëíéüç ÑìäéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1931 „. STOYAN DUKOV was born in 1931. He ̇ÒÓ˜ÂÌ Í˙Ï ÁËÚÂÎfl. ᇢÓÚÓ, tragedy. This is not only a happy ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â ïÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚Â̇ڇ graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts. ͇ÊË ÏË, Í‡Í‚Ó Ú ÒÔË‡ ‰‡ ÓÚ„- film either because there is a prob- ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËfl. ꇷÓÚË ‚ ӷ·ÒÚÚ‡ ̇ He works in the fields of posters, carica- ÎÂʉ‡¯ ıËÔÓÔÓÚ‡Ï Ì‡ ·‡ÎÍÓ̇ lem. But the problem is interactive Ô·͇ڇ, ͇Ë͇ÚÛ‡Ú‡ Ë ÔËÎÓÊ̇ڇ tures and applied graphics. He has made ÒË, ‡ÍÓ ÚÓ‚‡  Ï˜ڇڇ ÚË? and with a view of the public. What, „‡ÙË͇. Ä‚ÚÓ  ̇ ̇‰ 40 more than 40 cartoons with the most tell me, prevents you from having a ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌË ÙËÎχ. ë‰ ̇È- popular of them: The Apple (1963), En hippopotamus on your balcony if ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ҇: “ü·˙Î͇ڇ” (1963), this was your dream? “ÄÌ Ô‡Ò‡Ì” (1976), “î‚Û‡Ë” (1978), Passant (1976), February (1978), Gaw “ɇ” (1979), “ëËÏ·ËÓÁ‡” (1980), (1979), Symbiosis (1980), Requiem áéêçàñÄ ëéîàü  Ó‰Â̇ ÔÂÁ 1972 ZORNITZA SOPHIA was born in 1972. She “êÂÍ‚ËÂÏ” (1983), “íËÍÒË” (2001), (1983), Tricksy (2001), Flea (2002), „. 凄ËÒÚ˙ ̇ ËÁfl˘ÌËÚ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚‡, graduated from the National Academy of “Å˙Îı‡Ú‡” (2002), “ÜÓÏÂÓ Ë êÛÎËÂÚ‡” Jomeo and Ruliet (2003), December çïÄ ëÓÙËfl, ۘ˷ ÂÍ·χ ‚ ÄÏÂËÍ˙Ì Fine Arts, Sofia in 1996. In 1997 she spe- (2003), “ÑÂÍÂÏ‚Ë” (2005). (2005). ûÌË‚˙ÒËÚË, LJ¯ËÌ„ÚÓÌ Ë ëÍÛÎ ˙Ù cialized Fine Arts at the School of Visual ÇËÊÛ˙Î ÄÚÒ, ç˛ âÓÍ. èÂÁ 2002 „. Arts, New York and Advertising and ÒÔˆˇÎËÁË‡ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ Graphic Design at the American University, ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ÔË ÔÓÙ. ã˛‰ÏËÎ ëÚ‡ÈÍÓ‚ Washington, DC. In 2002 she specialized ‚ çÄíîàá. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ ÙËÎÏËÚ Film and TV Directing at NATFA – Sofia “åË· ÓÚ å‡Ò”, (Ë„., 2004), under the supervision of Prof. Ludmil “ëÏ˙ÚÚ‡ Ë ˆÂÎËflÚ Ô˙Ú Ó·‡ÚÌÓ” Staikov. Director of Mila from Mars, (fic., (2005). 16 2004), Death and All the Way Back (2005). 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 16 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2007, 16 min, animation, 2005, 30 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2005, 30 min, documentary, digital digital DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÚ˙ Ä̇ÒÚ‡ÒÓ‚, Script: Peter Anastasov, Victor ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÄÌ̇ èÂÚÍÓ‚‡ Script: Anna Petkova ÇËÍÚÓ ë‡ÏÛËÎÓ‚ Samuilov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÄÌ̇ èÂÚÍÓ‚‡ Director: Anna Petkova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ç‡ÒÚËÏË ñ‡˜Â‚ Director: Nastimir Tzachev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÉÂÓ„Ë ÄÌ„ÂÎÓ‚ Camera: Georgi Angelov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: èÂÚ˙ ÑËÏÓ‚ Camera: Peter Dimov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí Production: BNT èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ËÁ‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó Production: Lettera publishing “ãÂÚÂ‡”, èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ 4000, ÛÎ. house, 62, Rodopi str., 4000 “å˙ÊÂÚ ÓÚ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ The Men from Macedonia Square “êÓ‰ÓÔË” 62, Plovdiv, “å‡Í‰ÓÌËfl”  ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ is a documentary about the day- ÚÂÎ. 032 600930, phone: +359 32 600 930, ‡Á͇Á Á‡ Âʉ̂ËÂÚÓ, to-day life, the grievances, joys Ù‡ÍÒ: 032 600940, fax: +359 32 600 940, Ó„Ó˜ÂÌËÂÚÓ, ‡‰ÓÒÚËÚÂ Ë and dreams of people from the [email protected] [email protected] ϘÚËÚ ̇ „ÛÔ‡ Ï˙Ê ÓÚ minorities, who share a common χΈËÌÒÚ‚‡Ú‡, ÍÓËÚÓ ËÏ‡Ú destiny. One of their problems is èÓ‰ ÙÓχڇ ̇ Í‡ÚÍË Foreigners are familiarized with the Ó·˘‡ Û˜‡ÒÚ Ë Ò˙‰·‡. Ö‰ËÌ ÓÚ the right to live and work with dig- ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌË ÍÎËÔ˜ÂÚ‡, Ò ÏÌÓ„Ó basics of Bulgarian language ÔÓ·ÎÂÏËÚ ËÏ Â Ô‡‚ÓÚÓ ‰‡ nity in a country that is now free ıÛÏÓ Ë Á‡·‡‚ÌË ÒÎÛ˜ÍË Ò ˆÂÎË through short cartoon clips, well ÊË‚ÂflÚ Ë ‡·ÓÚflÚ ‰ÓÒÚÓÈÌÓ ‚ and democratic. Á‡ÔÓÁ̇‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ˜ÛʉÂÌˆË Ò savoured with humour and funny ‰̇ ‚˜ ҂ӷӉ̇ Ë ÓÒÌÓ‚ËÚ ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÂÁËÍ. stories. The project was imple- ‰ÂÏÓÍ‡Ú˘̇ ÒÚ‡Ì‡. èÓÂÍÚ˙Ú Â ËÁ‡·ÓÚÂÌ Ò mented with the financial support ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚‡ ÔÓÏÓ˘ ÓÚ of the EU. Ö‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËfl Ò˙˛Á.

çÄëíàåàê ñÄóÖÇ Û˜Ë Ë ‡·ÓÚË ‚ ëÄî NASTIMIR TZACHEV has studied and ÄççÄ èÖíäéÇÄ Â Á‡‚˙¯Ë· ÍËÌÓ Ë ANNA PETKOVA graduated in Film and TV “ëÓÙËfl” (1979–1987), Í˙‰ÂÚÓ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚‡ worked at Sofia Animation Film Studio ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá. Directing at NATFA. She has worked as ‚ Ò˙Á‰‡‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ̇‰ 70 ÙËÎχ. ëΉ (1979–1987), taking part in the produc- ꇷÓÚË·  ͇ÚÓ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ ÒÚÛ‰Ëfl director at Ekran Sudio (1978–1990). ÚÓ‚‡  ‡·ÓÚËÎ ‚ ìÌ„‡Ëfl, ÉÂχÌËfl, tion of more than 70 films. Since 1988 he “ÖÍ‡Ì” (1978–1990). éÚ 1990 „.  ̇ Since 1990 she has been a free-lance ÇÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡ÌËfl. éÚ 1994 „.  has worked in Hungary, Germany, UK. ҂ӷӉ̇ Ô‡ÍÚË͇. Ä‚ÚÓ  ̇ director. Author of the films: The Break ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏ ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚ. From 1994 on he is an independent pro- ÙËÎÏËÚ “èÓ·Ë‚” (1979), (1979), Taliman Women (1979), Our ducer. “í‡ÎËχÌÍË” (1979), “燯ËÚ ‰Âˆ‡” Children (1980), How Long I Waited for (1980), “éÚÍÓ„‡ Ú ˜‡Í‡Ï” (Ë„., You (fic., 1984), The Consideration 1984), “èˆÂÌ͇” (1986), “èËÒ˙‰‡Ú‡ (1986), The Sentence – the Guilt (1991), – ÇË̇ڇ” (1991), “èËÒ˙‰‡Ú‡ – The Sentence – the Accusation (1999), é·‚ËÌÂÌËÂÚÓ” (1999), “åÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÒÚ” Mentality (2003), Where Is Milkana’s (2003), “ä˙‰Â  Ò„‡ ‰Ûı˙Ú Ì‡ Spirit Now (2003), Time Was When åËÎ͇̇” (2003), “Ä ·Â¯Â ‚ÂÏ” (2004). (2004).

17 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 54 min, documentary, 2006, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 54 min, documentary, DVD Betacam SP Betacam SP DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ëÚ‡ÌËÒ·‚‡ ä‡Î˜Â‚‡ Script: Stanislava Kalcheva ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Script: Petko Goranov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ëÚ‡ÌËÒ·‚‡ ä‡Î˜Â‚‡ Director: Stanislava Kalcheva êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Petko Goranov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡Ì íÓÌ‚ Camera: Ivan Tonev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÄÌ„ÂÎ ÑËÏËÚÓ‚ Camera: Angel Dimitrov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: àÄ ÇÓÂÌÌË ÍÎÛ·Ó‚Â Ë Production: ÖA Military Clubs and “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, str., 1504 Sofia, ËÌÙÓχˆËfl – ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. “ñ‡ Information – 7 Tzar Osvoboditel ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, blvd., Sofia, éÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ËÚÂΔ 7, mob. +359 888 094 222 Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, fax: +359 2 963 40 45, ÏÓ·. 0888 094 222 [email protected] [email protected] ëΉ éÒ‚Ó·ÓʉÂÌËÂÚÓ Å˙΄‡Ëfl After her Liberation, Bulgaria waged 5 îËÎÏ˙Ú ÔÓÒΉfl‚‡ Ô˙Úfl ̇ The film traces back the path of ‚Ó‰Ë 5 ‚ÓÈÌË, ‚ ÍÓËÚÓ Á‡„Ë‚‡Ú wars, in which 200,000 Bulgarian ÓÔÂÌËfl Ô‚ˆ çËÍÓÎ‡È ÉflÛÓ‚ – the opera singer Nicolai Ghiaourov 200 ıËÎfl‰Ë ·˙΄‡ÒÍË ‚ÓËÌË. 燉 1 soldiers were killed. Some 1,500 ÔÂÁ Ò‡ÏÓ‰ÂÈÌËfl ‰ÛıÓ‚ Ó- – from the amateur brass band 500 ·˙΄‡ÒÍË ‚ÓÂÌÌË „ӷˢ‡ Ò Bulgarian military cemeteries are out- ÍÂÒÚ˙ Ë ˜ÂÍÓ‚ÌÓÒ·‚flÌÒÍËÚ and the church-Slavonic chants to ̇ÏË‡Ú ËÁ‚˙Ì ‰Ì¯ÌËÚ side the country’s borders, derelict ÔÂÒÌÓÔÂÌËfl ‰Ó ÒˆÂÌËÚ ̇ ㇠the stages of La Scala, Covent „‡ÌËˆË Ì‡ ÒÚ‡Ì‡Ú‡ Ë ‚Ò Ӣ and obliterated. The most desolate, ë͇·, äÓ‚˙ÌÚ É‡‰˙Ì, Ô‡ËÊ͇- Garden, Grand Opera in Paris, destroyed and plundered are the Ò‡ ‚ Á‡·‡‚‡ Ë ‡ÁÛ¯ÂÌËÂ. ç‡È- graves and monuments to Bulgarian Ú‡ É‡Ì‰ éÔÂ‡, åÂÚÓÔÓÎËÚ˙Ì Metropolotan Opera. Recollections Á‡ÔÛÒÚÂÎË, ‡ÁÛ¯ÂÌË Ë Ó„‡·ÂÌË soldiers in the Republic of Macedonia. ÓÔÂ‡. ëÔÓÏÂÌË Ì‡ ÓÌÂÁË, ÍÓËÚÓ of those, who knew the singer – Ò‡ „Ó·Ó‚ÂÚÂ Ë Ô‡ÏÂÚÌˈËÚ ̇ Ò‡ ÔÓÁ̇‚‡ÎË Ô‚ˆ‡ ÓÚ ‚ÂÏÂ- from the time when he ran down ̇¯ËÚ ‚ÓËÌË ‚ êÂÔÛ·ÎË͇ ÚÓ, ÍÓ„‡ÚÓ Â Ú˘‡Î ÔÓ ‚ÂÎËÌ„- the streets of Velingrad to the time å‡Í‰ÓÌËfl. ‡‰ÒÍËÚ ÛÎˈË, ‰Ó ‚ÂÏÂÚÓ, when he came back from some ÍÓ„‡ÚÓ Ò  Á‡‚˙˘‡Î ÓÚ ÌflÍÓÈ distant part of the world to take a Í‡È ̇ Ò‚ÂÚ‡, Á‡ ‰‡ ÓÚ‰˙ıÌ rest in the silence of his native Ò‰ Ú˯Ë̇ڇ ̇ Ӊ̇ڇ êÓ- Rhodope mountains. ‰ÓÔ‡ Ô·ÌË̇.

ëíÄçàëãÄÇÄ äÄãóÖÇÄ Â Á‡‚˙¯Ë· STANISLAVA KALTCHEVA graduated in èÖíäé ÉéêÄçéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1943 „. PETKO GORANOV was born in 1943. He has çÄíîàá, ÒÔˆˇÎÌÓÒÚ ÍËÌÓ Ë Film and TV Directing at NATFA in 1981. ꇷÓÚË ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ been working in the field of documentary cin- ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ÔÂÁ 1981 „. In 1981–1991 she worked as assistant ÍËÌÓ Í‡ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. èÓ- ema as a scriptwriter and director. Some of ÑÓ 1991 „. ‡·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ‡Ò. ÂÊËÒ¸Ó and film director at Boyana Film Studios. ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ÏÛ ÙËÎÏË Ò‡ ◊åÓϘÂÚ‡ ̇ his films are Boys at Twenty, He Did Not Die in Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ ëàî “ÅÓfl̇”, ÒΉ ÚÓ‚‡ Since 1991 she has been a free-lancer. 20 „Ó‰ËÌË”, ◊íÓÈ Ì Á‡„Ë̇ ̇ ‚ÓÈ̇”, War, Spontaneous, Sunday Mood, Echo from ÔÂÏË̇‚‡ ̇ ҂ӷӉ̇ Ô‡ÍÚË͇. Director of the documentaries: Darii and ◊ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ”, ◊ç‰ÂÎÌÓ”, ◊ÖıÓ ÓÚ Cambodia (1996), White, That’s What I Am, Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ ÙËÎÏË: His Friends (1997), One Song (1998), A ä‡Ï·Ó‰Ê‡” (1996), ◊Å· Ò˙Ï, ·Â·” (1998), The Capsule (2001), Dedicated to “чËÈ Ë ÔËflÚÂÎË” (1997), “։̇ (1998), ◊ä‡ÔÒÛ·ڇ” (2001), ◊ᇠBulgaria (2001), For the Bulgarian Air (2002), ÔÂÒÂÌ” (1998), “ÑËfl” (2000), “è˙ÚflÚ” Trace (2000), The Road (2002), Lovech, Manly Girls (2002), Rets (2003), Sky for All (2002), “åÓflÚ „‡‰ ãӂ˜” (2004), My Town (2004), Sunny Beach – the Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2001), ◊ᇠÓ‰ÌÓ Ì·” (2002), “燈ËÓ̇Î̇ڇ ÓÔÂ‡ ‚ è‡Îχ ‰Â Piece of Paradise (2004), One Bulgarian ◊Ç ÂÁÂ‚ ̇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ” (2003), (2004), Sons of Glory. å‡ÈÓ͇” (2004), “ Ö‰ËÌ ·˙΄‡ÒÍË Voice in Europe (2005), Your Choice – to ◊å˙ÊÍË ÏÓÏ˘ÂÚ‡” (2002), ◊ç· Á‡ „Î‡Ò ‚ Ö‚ÓÔ‡” (2005), “ч ËÁ·Â¯ Live (2005). ‚Ò˘ÍË” (2004), ◊ëËÌӂ ̇ Ò·‚‡Ú‡”. ÊË‚ÓÚ‡” (2005). 18 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM

èÄêñÄãöí THE RAG èé éëéÅÖçé WITH EXTREME 2007, 10 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2007, 10 min, animation, ÜÖëíéä çÄóàç CRUELTY Betacam SP/35 ÏÏ/DVD Betacam SP/35 mm/DVD 2006, 58 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 58 min, documentary, Betacam SP, DVC pro50 Betacam SP/DVC pro50 ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ïËÒÚÓ É‡Ì‚ Script: Hristo Ganev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÄÌË äÛ΂ Director: Anri Koulev ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: Ç·‰ËÏË ɇÌ‚ Script: Vladimir Ganev åÛÁË͇: ã˛·ÓÏË ÑÂÌ‚ Music: Lubomir Denev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: êÓÒÂÌ ÖÎÂÁÓ‚ Director: Rosen Elezov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: äÛ΂ ÙËÎÏ Production: Koulev Film éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: è·ÏÂÌ ÉÂ‡ÒËÏÓ‚ Camera: Plamen Gerasimov ÔÓ‰Û͈Ëfl, ëÓÙËfl 1113, ÛÎ. Production, 19 Elemag str., bl. åÛÁË͇: äÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ñÂÍÓ‚ Music: Konstantin Tzekov “ÖÎÂχ„” 19, ·Î. 309, 309, 1113 Sofia, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Å èÎ˛Ò îËÎÏ – Production: B Plus Film – Plamen ÚÂÎ.: 0888 614 884, mob.: +359 888 614 884, è·ÏÂÌ ÉÂ‡ÒËÏÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1172, Gerasimov, Dianabad, bl. 42Ä, vh. [email protected]; çîñ [email protected]; NFC ÊÍ “Ñˇ̇·‡‰” ·Î. 42Ä, ‚ı. Å, B, app. 46, 1172 Sofia, phone: +359 2 962 01 37, Storm. A rag, all holes and patches, ‡Ô. 46, ÅÛfl. ÑÛıÌ‡Ú ÓÚ ‚flÚ˙‡ Ô‡ˆ‡Î, mob. +359 888 723 416, ˆÂÎËflÚ ‚ ‰ÛÔÍË Ë Í˙ÔÍË, ÔËÎÂÔ‚‡ is swept by a gust of the wind and ÚÂÎ. 962 01 37, [email protected]; NFC Í˙Ï Á˙ÁÌ¢ÓÚÓ ÚflÎÓ Ì‡ ÒÚ‡ attached to the shivering with cold ÏÓ·. 0888 723 416, ·Â‰ÌflÍ, Ò„Û¯ÂÌ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÍÓÙËÚÂ Ò body of an old drifter, snuggling [email protected]; çîñ ·ÓÍÎÛÍ. Ö‰‚‡ ÎË ÏÌÓ„Ó ˘Â „Ó against waste containers. Well, it is ÒÚÓÔÎË, ÌÓ ‚ÒÂ Ô‡Í Â ‰Ó· hardly supposed to warm him up, “èÓ ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÓ ÊÂÒÚÓÍ Ì‡˜ËÌ”  ÙËÎÏ With Extreme Cruelty is a film about ‰Ó¯˙Î. ë‡ÏÓ ˜Â, ͇ÍÚÓ Ë‰‚‡, ڇ͇ but is welcome anyway. Easy come, Á‡ ÔÂÏË̇‚‡ÌÂÚÓ ÔÂÁ ˜ËÒÚËÎË- passing the purgatory of thought and ÒË Ë ÓÚË‚‡. ÇflÚ˙˙Ú „Ó ÓÚÒÍÛ·- easy go. Plucking it out, the wind ˘ÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÏËÒ˙ÎÚ‡ Ë Ò˙ˆÂÚÓ Ì‡ heart of great Bulgarian writer ‚‡ Ë Ì‡ÌÓ‚Ó „Ó ÔÓ̇Òfl ‚ËÒÓÍÓ ‚˙‚ once again takes it high up in the air. „ÓÎflχڇ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎ͇ Svoboda Buchvarova, about her life- ‚˙Á‰Ûı‡. ëÚ‡ˆ˙Ú ÒÎÂ‰Ë Ò ÔÓ„- The old man gazes after his hope for ë‚Ó·Ó‰‡ Å˙˜‚‡Ó‚‡, Á‡ ÌÂÈ̇ڇ time vicissitudes in the troubled 20th Ή ÓÚÎÂÚfl·ڇ ÒË Ì‡‰Âʉ‡ Á‡ comfort and warmth flown away, ÌÂÓ·ËÍÌÓ‚Â̇ Ò˙‰·‡ Ò‰ Ô‚‡Ú- c., about her personal metamorphose ÚÓÔ˙Î Û˛Ú, ‰Ó͇ÚÓ Ô‡ˆ‡Î˙Ú Ò until the rag gets caught on the top of ÌÓÒÚËÚ ̇ XX ‚ÂÍ, Á‡ ΢̇ڇ È and dramatic catharsis. In the film, Á‡Í‡˜Ë ̇ ‚˙ı‡ ̇ ‰̇ ÚÓÔÓ·. a poplar. It hangs on one end, while ÏÂÚ‡ÏÓÙÓÁ‡ Ë ‰‡Ï‡Ú˘ÂÌ Í‡- she seeks salvation from the doubts á‡Í‡˜ËÎ ÒÂ Â Ò Â‰ËÌËfl ÒË Í‡È, ‡ the other one is fluttering and flap- Ú‡ÁËÒ. Ç˙‚ ÙËÎχ Úfl ‰ËË ÒÔ‡ÒÂ- gnawing at her over the meaning of ‰Û„ËflÚ Ò ‚ÂÂ Ë Ôβ˘Ë, ‚ÂÂ Ë ping as a banner, which invokes the ÌË ÓÚ ‡ÁÍ˙Ò‚‡˘ËÚ fl Ò˙ÏÌÂÌËfl faith and truth, in an unceasing dia- Ôβ˘Ë, Ò˙˘ËÌÒÍÓ Á̇Ï – ÍÓÂÚÓ old man’s remote memories of the Á‡ ÒÏËÒ˙· ̇ ‚fl‡Ú‡ Ë ËÒÚË̇ڇ logue with her father, Todor Angelov, ̇‚fl‚‡ ‰‡Î˜ÌË ÒÔÓÏÂÌË ‚ ÒÚ‡Â- vicissitudes of his life under other ‚ ÌÂÔÂÍ˙ÒÌ‡Ú ‰Ë‡ÎÓ„ Ò ‰Ûı‡ ̇ ·‡- killed by Gestapo, ’s national ˆ‡, ÔÂÏË̇ΠÔÂÁ ·ÛËÚ ̇ ÊË- banners. Seasons succeed each ˘‡ ÒË íÓ‰Ó ÄÌ„ÂÎÓ‚ – Û·ËÚ ÓÚ hero. Her Christian morality clashes ‚ÓÚ‡ ÔÓ‰ ‰Û„Ë Á̇ÏÂ̇. åÂÌflÚ other: winter, spring, summer, ÉÂÒÚ‡ÔÓ, ‰ÌÂÒ Ì‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÂÌ „ÂÓÈ Ì‡ with the rational idealism of her father, Ò ÒÂÁÓÌËÚ ÔÓÎÂÚ, ÎflÚÓ, ÂÒÂÌ, autumn… Years pass, banners ÅÂ΄Ëfl. ïËÒÚËflÌÒÍËflÚ ÏÓ‡Î, with unity and emotional standoffs, ÁËχ… íÂÍ‡Ú „Ó‰ËÌËÚÂ, ÒÏÂÌflÚ Ò change each other, covered with ÍÓÈÚÓ ËÁÔÓ‚fl‰‚‡, Ò ҷÎ˙ÒÍ‚‡ Ò with antagonism and harmony, in Á̇ÏÂ̇ڇ Ó·‚ÂflÌË Ò˙Ò Ò·‚‡ Ë ÔÓ- glory or disgrace, victories or ‡ˆËÓ̇ÎËÒÚ˘ÌËfl ˉ‡ÎËÁ˙Ï Ì‡ romantic empathy with the ideal and ÁÓ, Ò ÔÓ·Â‰Ë Ë ÔÓ‡ÊÂÌËfl, ‡ Ô‡- defeats, while the rag, the all-time ·‡˘‡ È, Ò Â‰ËÌÂÌËÂ Ë ÔÓÚË‚ÓÒÚÓ- the chimera of its realization. ˆ‡Î˙Ú, ‚˜ÌÓÚÓ Á̇Ï ̇ ·Â‰ÌËÚ banner of the poor, still flaps at the ÂÌ ̇ ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚‡, Ò ‡ÌÚ‡„ÓÌËÁ˙Ï Ë ‚Ò ڇ͇ Ôβ˘Ë ‚˙ıÛ ÚÓÔÓ·ڇ top of the poplar. ı‡ÏÓÌËfl, ‚ ÓχÌÚ˘ÌÓ Ò˙ÔÂÊË- ‚fl‚‡Ì ̇ ˉ‡· Ë ıËÏÂ‡Ú‡ ̇ Äçêà äìãÖÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌ̇ ANRI KOULEV graduated in Animation Ì„ӂÓÚÓ ÓÒ˙˘ÂÒÚ‚fl‚‡ÌÂ. ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚˙‚ ÇÉàä åÓÒÍ‚‡ ÔÂÁ 1974 Directing from the Higher State Cinema „. ꇷÓÚËΠ ͇ÚÓ ‡ÌËχÚÓ Ë Institute in Moscow in 1974. He worked êéëÖç ÖãÖáéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1953 „. ROSEN ELEZOV was born in 1953. He ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ ëÄî “ëÓÙËfl” (1974–1993). at the Sofia Animation Studio as animator ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â åèà – åÓÒÍ‚‡ ÔÂÁ 1978 graduated in Printing and Publishing in éÚ 1991 „.  ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏ ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚ. and director (1974–1993). Since 1991 he „., ÍËÌÓÁ̇ÌË (1988) Ë ÍËÌÓ Ë íÇ Moscow (1978), as well as in Film àÁ·‡Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “ïËÔÓÚÂÁ‡” has started his own production company. ÂÊËÒÛ‡ (1990) ‚ çÄíîàá. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó Criticism (1988) and Film and TV (1976), “䇂‡Î͇‰‡” (1979), “ç‰ÂÎfl” Selected filmography: Hypothesis (1976), ̇ ̇‰ 30 Ë„‡ÎÌË Ë ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË Directing (1990) at NATFA. Director of (1980), “ëÏ˙ÚÚ‡ ̇ Á‡Â͇” (Ë„., Cavalcade (1979), Sunday (1980), The ÙËÎχ, Ò‰ ÍÓËÚÓ “ÖÚÓ ˜Ó‚Â͇” more than 30 feature films and documen- 1982), “ɇȉ‡” (1982), “ë˙ÌÛ‚‡Ï Death of the Hare (fic., 1982), Bagpipe (1990), “óÂ̇ڇ ÚÂÚ‡‰Í‡” (1995), taries, among them Ecce Homo (1990), ÏÛÁË͇” (‰ÓÍ., 1983), “èË͇Á͇ Á‡ (1982), I Dream Music (doc., 1983), A “ïÓÌË͇ ̇ ‰ÌÓ Ì‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÌÓ The Black Notebook (1995), Chronicle of Ô˙Úfl” (1985), “Ң‡Ú‡ ̇ flȈÂÚÓ” Tale of the Road (1985), The Father of the Ô‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó” (1998), ”îëÅ – 20 a National Treason (1998), FSB – 20 (Ë„., 1991), “ÉÓ„Ó̇ڇ” (1994), Egg (fic., 1991), The Gorgon (1994, The „Ó‰ËÌË ÔÓ-Í˙ÒÌÓ” (2000), “ë˙ÌÛ‚‡Ï Years Later (2000), Dream Theatre “ë·ÏÂÌËflÚ ˜Ó‚ÂÍ” (2002), “Ñۯ‚ÌÓ” Straw Man (2002, Soulful (doc., 2005), Ú‡Ú˙” (2004), “í˙È ˜ LJ̄‡” (2004), Thus Spoke Vanga (2005). (‰ÓÍ., 2005), “Ç‡·ˆËÚ ÔÂÁ Sparrows in October (fic., 2006). (2005). 19 ÓÍÚÓÏ‚Ë” (Ë„., 2006). 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 4 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2007, 4 min, animation, 2007, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 54 min, documentary, Betacam SP/35 ÏÏ Betacam SP/35 mm Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÅËÎfl̇ à‚‡ÌÓ‚‡ Script: Bilyana Ivanova ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÄÒÂÌ Ç·‰ËÏËÓ‚ Script: Asen Vladimirov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÅËÎfl̇ à‚‡ÌÓ‚‡ Director: Bilyana Ivanova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÖΉÓ‡ í‡ÈÍÓ‚‡ Director: Eldora Traykova éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÅËÎfl̇ à‚‡ÌÓ‚‡ Camera: Bilyana Ivanova éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÖÏËÎ ïËÒÚÓ‚ Camera: Emil Hristov åÛÁË͇: ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ê˷ˈӂ Music: Alexander Ribizov åÛÁË͇: ÅÓÊˉ‡ èÂÚÍÓ‚ Music: Bozhidar Petkov ÄÌËχˆËfl Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ: Ä̉ÂÈ Animation: Andrey Tzvetkov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: èÓ îËÎÏ – ÄÒÂÌ Production: ProFilm – Asen ñ‚ÂÚÍÓ‚ Production: íriksi friends and Ç·‰ËÏËÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1000, ÛÎ. Vladimirov, 71 Exarch Yossif str., èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: íËÍÒË ÔËflÚÂÎË Ë Petko – Ä. Tzvetkov, Vrabnitza-2, “ÖÍÁ‡ı âÓÒËÙ” 71, 1000 Sofia, èÂÚÍÓ – Ä. ñ‚ÂÚÍÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl bl. 610/Ç app. 69, 1231 Sofia, ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 983 33 53, phone/fax: +359 2 983 33 53, 1231, ÊÍ “Ç˙·Ìˈ‡-2”, ·Î. mob. +359 888 80 68 84, [email protected]; çîñ [email protected]; NFC 610/Ç ‡Ô. 69, [email protected]; NFC ÏÓ·. 0888 80 68 84, é˘Â ÍÓ„‡ÚÓ Ò ‚β·ËÎË, ñ‚ÂÚ‡ Ever since they’ve fallen in love, [email protected]; çîñ Ë üÌÍÓ Ï˜ڇÂÎË ‰‡ ËÏ‡Ú ÚË Tsveta and Yanko have dreamed to A film about the burning passion ‰Âˆ‡ Ë „ÓÎflÏÓ ÍÛ˜Â. å˜ڇڇ ËÏ have three children and a big dog. îËÎÏ Á‡ ËÁÔÂÔÂÎfl‚‡˘‡Ú‡ of a man towards the opposite sex Ò ҷ˙‰Ì‡Î‡. Their dream has come true. ÒÚ‡ÒÚ Ì‡ ˜Ó‚ÂÍ Í˙Ï and the inevitability of destiny. èÂ‰Ë ÌflÍÓÎÍÓ „Ó‰ËÌË üÌÍÓ ÔÓÎÛ- Several years ago, Yanko got a ˜ËÎ ÁÂÎÂ̇ ͇Ú‡ Á‡ ëÄô Ë Á‡Â‰- ÔÓÚË‚ÓÔÓÎÓÊÌËfl ÔÓÎ Ë USA Green Card and together with ÌÓ Ò Â‰Ì‡Ú‡ ÒË ‰˙˘Âfl Ç·‰‡ Á‡- ÌÂÓ·‡ÚËÏÓÒÚÚ‡ ̇ Ò˙‰·‡Ú‡. ÏË̇ΠÁ‡ ç˛ âÓÍ, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ Úfl one of his daughters, Vlada he ÔÓ‰˙ÎÊË· Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂÚÓ ÒË ‚ went to New York, where Vlada ÔÂÒÚËÊÌÓ ÏÛÁË͇ÎÌÓ Û˜ËÎˢÂ. continued her education in a pres- çÓ ñ‚ÂÚ‡ Ò ‡Á·ÓÎfl· Ë ÎÂ͇Ë- tigious music school. However, Ú ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎË ÊÂÒÚÓ͇ ‰Ë‡„ÌÓ- Tsveta has fallen ill with dissemi- Á‡: ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Â̇ ÒÍÎÂÓÁ‡. üÌÍÓ, nated sclerosis. Yanko, who was ̇ Í‡˜Í‡ ÓÚ ÔÓÎÛ˜‡‚‡Ì ̇ ‡ÏÂ- about to be granted an US pass- Ë͇ÌÒÍË Ô‡ÒÔÓÚ, Ò ‚˙̇Π‚ port came back home. Å˙΄‡Ëfl... ÅàãüçÄ àÇÄçéÇÄ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ BILYANA IVANOVA graduated in Animation ÖãÑéêÄ íêÄâäéÇÄ Â Á‡‚˙¯Ë· ÍËÌÓ Ë ELDORA TRAYKOVA graduated in Film and ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá ‚ Directing at NATFA in the classes of ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá TV Directing from NATFA in 1979. Í·҇ ̇ ëÚÓflÌ ÑÛÍÓ‚ ÔÂÁ 2004 „. Stoian Dukov in 2001. In 2002 she com- ÔÂÁ 1979 „. àÁ·‡Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: Selected filmography: Praesens èÂÁ 2002 „. Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ Ô˙‚Ëfl ÒË pleted her first film Dolce Vita. She has “넇¯ÌÓ ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍÓ” (1988), “óÂ̇ Historicum (1988), Black Chronicle ÙËÎÏ ”Dolce Vita”. 옇ÒÚ‚‡ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‚ actively worked on the animation films by ıÓÌË͇” (1989), “Ñ˙Î˙„ ÙËÎÏ Á‡ (1989), UFO over the Village of Kljuch Ò˙Á‰‡‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌËÚ Andrey Tzvetkov The little chap (2003), ÒÂÍÒ‡” (1991), “ãÂÚfl˘Ë ˜ËÌËË Ì‡‰ ÒÂÎÓ (1991), A Long Film about Sex (1991), ÙËÎÏË “Ñ·ÓÒ˙Í˙Ú” Ë “óÂÌÓ Ì‡ Black on White (2005), December by äβ˜” (1991), “çÂÓÌÓ‚Ë ÔË͇ÁÍË” Neon Light Tales (1993), News from the ·flÎÓ” (ÂÊ. Ä. ñ‚ÂÚÍÓ‚), “ÑÂÍÂÏ‚Ë” Stoian Dukov. She produces and works (1993), “çÓ‚ËÌË ÓÚ Å‡Î͇ÌËÚ” Balkans (1994), Of Men and Bears (ÂÊ. ëÚ. ÑÛÍÓ‚). èÓ‰ÛˆË‡ Ë ‡·ÓÚË on the film Aquatoria by A. Tzvetkov. In (1994), “ᇠıÓ‡Ú‡ Ë Ï˜ÍËÚ” (1996), (1996), Life in a Ghetto (1999), Born with ÔÓ ÙËÎχ ̇ Ä̉ÂÈ ñ‚ÂÚÍÓ‚ 2007 she has completed her second film “ÜË‚ÓÚ ‚ „ÂÚÓ” (1999), “êÓ‰ÂÌË Ò the Century (2000), Diagnosis (2000), “Aquatoria”. á‡ÌËχ‚‡ ÒÂ Ò ÂÍ·χ. Fire. ‚Â͇” (2000), “Ñˇ„ÌÓÁ‡” (2000), Green Card (2001), Mama Rosi’s Dreams èÂÁ 2007 „. Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ Ò‚Ófl ‚ÚÓË “áÂÎÂ̇ ä‡Ú‡” (2001), “å˜ÚËÚ ̇ (2001), Voices (2004), Dancing Bears ÙËÎÏ “èÓʇ”. χχ êÓÒË” (2001), “É·Òӂ” (2004), Park (2004). “è‡Í Á‡ ڇ̈ۂ‡˘Ë ϘÍË” (2004).

20 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, óÖêçé-ÅÖãà îàãåà BLACK-AND-WHITE FILMS Betacam SP Betacam SP 2007, 56 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 56 min, documentary, Betacam SP Betacam SP ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÅÓÈÍÓ Ç‡ÒË΂, Script: Boiko Vasilev, Hrisimir ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ïËÒÚÓ ÑËÏËÚÓ‚ Ë Script: Hristo Dimitrov and Stefan ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚, ä‡ÁËÏË Danev, Kazimir Popkonstantinov ëÚÂÙ‡Ì åÓÒÍÓ‚ Moskov èÓÔÍÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌÓ‚ Director: Hrisimir Danev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ëÚÂÙ‡Ì åÓÒÍÓ‚ Director: Stefan Moskov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Camera: Hrisimir Danev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ïËÒÚÓ ÑËÏËÚÓ‚ - Camera: Hristo Dimitrov – Hindo éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano ïËÌ‰Ó Music: Antoni Donchev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. str., 1504 Sofia, åÛÁË͇: ÄÌÚÓÌËÈ ÑÓ̘‚ With Nelly Chervenusheva “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, ë Û˜‡ÒÚËÂÚÓ Ì‡ çÂÎË Producer: Ars Digital Studio, Ivan ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, fax: +359 2 963 40 45, óÂ‚ÂÌۯ‚‡ Tonev, 4B Leonardo da Vinci str., Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, [email protected] èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Äêë – à‚‡Ì íÓÌ‚, 1124 Sofia, [email protected] ëÓÙËfl 1124, ÛÎ. “ãÂÓ̇‰Ó ‰‡ phone/fax: +359 2 846 83 61, ÇË̘˔ 4Å, 62, ê‡Á͇Á Á‡ Ô˙ÚÌˈËÚ ÔÓÒ‰ÌËˆË The Envoy tells about the travelling ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 846 83 61, 62, [email protected]; NFC ÏÂÊ‰Û Å˙΄‡Ëfl Ë á‡Ô‡‰‡, ÏÂÊ‰Û intermediaries between Bulgaria and [email protected]; çîñ XXI Ë Iï ‚ÂÍ. èÓ ÒΉËÚ ̇ ‚˙Ó·- the West, from the 21st back to the ‡Ê‡ÂÏÓÚÓ Ô˙ÚÛ‚‡Ì ̇ ·‡„‡- 9th cc. Following the imaginary jour- ífl  çÂÎË óÂ‚ÂÌۯ‚‡. ã˛·ËÚÂ- She is Nelly Chervenusheva. The ÚÛ‡ ëÓ̉ÓÍÂ, ‚ÂÎÏÓʇ ̇ ney of the bagatour Sondoke – a ÎËÚ ̇ ÍËÌÓÚÓ ÔÓÁ̇‚‡Ú Ò‡ÏÓ cineastes know only her voice. For ÅÓËÒ I, ËÁ û„ÓËÁÚӘ̇, ñÂÌÚ- nobleman from the court of Tsar „·҇ È. èÓ˜ÚË ÔÓÎÓ‚ËÌ ‚ÂÍ çÂÎË almost half a century Nelly interprets ‡Î̇ Ë á‡Ô‡‰Ì‡ Ö‚ÓÔ‡ Ò¢‡Ï Boris I – through South-Eastern, Ô‚Âʉ‡ ‚ÂÎËÍÓÚÓ ËڇΡÌÒÍÓ the great Italian cinema from the ‰ÂÒÂÚË̇ „ÂÓË – ·˙΄‡Ë Ë ˜ÛÊ- Central and Western Europe, the film ÍËÌÓ ÓÚ ‰˙ÌÓÚÓ Ì‡ Á‡Î‡Ú‡ ‚˙‚ back of the hall at the Odeon film- ‰Â̈Ë, ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚË Ë ÔÓÙÂÒÓË, features some ten characters – ÙËÎÏÓÚ˜ÌÓ ÍËÌÓ “é‰ÂÓÌ”. 䇷ËÌ- archive cinema hall. The cabin is ÒÂÎflÌË Ë „‡Ê‰‡ÌË – Ò ÓÚÌÓ¯Â- Bulgarians and foreigners, students ͇ڇ  1,30 ̇ 1,50 ÏÂÚ‡. à ‚ 1.30m at 1.50m. This tiny space has ÌËÂ Ë ÔӄΉ Í˙Ï Å˙΄‡Ëfl. éÚ and professors, countrymen and cit- ÚÓ‚‡ ÏËÁÂÌÓ ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó Ò accommodated “the whole of her ‡ÁÍÓÔÍËÚ ̇ ÔÓÙ. ä‡ÁËÏË izens, having their own vision of and  ‚ÏÂÒÚË· “ˆfl·ڇ ÌÂÈ̇ àÚ‡- Italy”, while Nelly has never actually èÓÔÍÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌÓ‚ ̇‰ LJ̇ attitude towards Bulgaria. Starting ÎËfl”. Ä çÂÎË ÌËÍÓ„‡ Ì ·Â¯Â ÒÚ˙Ô- been in Italy. ÔÂÁ Ô˙ÎÌËfl Ò ·˙΄‡ÒÍË ÒÎÂ‰Ë from the excavations near Varna ‚‡Î‡ ‚ àÚ‡ÎËfl. îËÎÏ˙Ú ÔÓ͇Á‚‡ The film shows Nelly’s tragically χ̇ÒÚË ‚ á‡Îˆ·Û„ ‰Ó Ó·fl‚Ë- made by Professor Kazimir Ú‡„˘ÌÓ Á‡Í˙ÒÌfl·ڇ Ô˙‚‡ β- belated meeting with Italy – when ÎÓÚÓ ·˙΄‡ÒÍË ÔÓËÁıÓ‰ ÒÂÎÓ ‚ Popkonstantinov, to a monastery in ·Ó‚̇ Ò¢‡ ̇ çÂÎË Ò àÚ‡ÎËfl – she’s 78 years old, visiting the àÚ‡ÎËfl ‡Á͇Á˙Ú ÒΉ‚‡ ÒÚ˙Ô- Salzburg, fraught with Bulgarian ‚˜ 78-„Ӊ˯̇, Úfl  ÔÓ ÏÂÒÚ‡- places she has only seen on film. ÍËÚ ̇ ÌÂÔËÒ˙ÒÚ‚‡˘Ëfl „·‚ÂÌ traces, to a village in Italy, having Ú‡, ÍÓËÚÓ Â ‚Ëʉ‡Î‡ Ò‡ÏÓ ÓÚ She’s finally with “her princes” Ettore „ÂÓÈ, ËÏËÚË‡ÈÍË ÍË‚ÓÎˈËÚ declared its Bulgarian origin, the ÙËÎÏËÚÂ. ífl  ̇È-ÒÂÚÌ ÔË Scolla and Mario Monicelli. With a ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl Ô˙Ú Ì‡ á‡Ô‡‰ Ë story follows the steps of the main “Ò‚ÓËÚ ÔË̈ӂ” ÖÚÓ ëÍÓ· Ë tender and merciless sentimentality ËÁÒΉ‚‡ÈÍË ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÂÚÓ Í˙Ï character replicating the meandering å‡ËÓ åÓÌ˘ÂÎË. ë ÌÂÊ̇ Ë ·ÂÁ- the film reveals this belated dream Å˙΄‡Ëfl ‚ ̇‚˜ÂËÂÚÓ Ì‡ ‚ÎË- rout of Bulgaria to the West and ÔÓ˘‡‰Ì‡ Ò‡ÌÚËÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÒÚ come true. Á‡ÌÂÚÓ ‚ Öë. Ç ËÓÌ˘ÌËfl ‰Ûı ̇ exploring the attitude towards ÙËÎÏ˙Ú ‡ÁÍË‚‡ ÚÓ‚‡ ÓÍ˙ÒÌflÎÓ ÙËÎχ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ Ò ͇ÊÂ: ÚÓ‚‡  Bulgaria on the eve of its accession Ò·˙‰‚‡Ì ̇ ˜Ó‚¯ÍËڠϘÚË. ËÒÚÓËfl Á‡ ‚ÎËÁ‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ Å˙΄‡- to the EU. In the line of the ironic Ëfl ‚ Öë ÔÂÁ Iï ‚. style of the film, one could say that ëíÖîÄç åéëäéÇ Â Ú‡Ú‡ÎÂÌ Ë STEFAN MOSKOV is a theatre and film this story is about the accession of ÙËÎÏÓ‚ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. éÒÌÓ‚‡ÚÂÎ Ë director. Founder and director of La Strada Bulgaria to the EU in the 9th c. ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ̇ Ú‡Ú˙ “㇠ëÚ‡‰‡”. Theatre. He staged more than 20 very êÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ ̇‰ 20 ËÁÍβ˜ËÚÂÎÌÓ successful theatre performances in ÛÒÔ¯ÌË Ú‡Ú‡ÎÌË ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍË ‚ Bulgaria and Germany. ïêàëàåàê ÑÄçÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1955 HRISIMIR DANEV was born in 1955 in Å˙΄‡Ëfl Ë ÉÂχÌËfl. Filmography: The Street, TV comedy „. ‚ üÏ·ÓÎ. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â Yambol. Graduated in Photo Journalism; îËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “ìÎˈ‡Ú‡”, show (12 parts; 1993–2001), Rhapsody ÙÓÚÓÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚË͇. éÚ 1978 „. since 1978 has been working at the ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌÓ ÍÓωËÈÌÓ ¯ÓÛ, 12 in White, (fic., 2002), The Interpreter Of ‡·ÓÚË ‚ Åçí. á‡ÒÌÂΠ ̇‰ 50 ÙËÎχ Bulgarian National TV. As a cameraman ÒÂËË (1993–2001), “ê‡ÔÒÓ‰Ëfl ‚ ·flÎÓ”, Black-And-White Films (2007) ͇ÚÓ ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. and a director has shot more than 50 (Ë„., 2002), “è‚Ӊ‡˜Í‡Ú‡ ̇ ˜ÂÌÓ- documentaries. ·ÂÎË ÙËÎÏË” (2007) 21 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM

èêéÅãÖåöí ë THE MOSQUITO PROB- èêéèìëçÄí ÜàÇéí WASTED LIFE äéåÄêàíÖ à ÑêìÉà LEM AND OTHER 2006, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, àëíéêàà STORIES Betacam SP Betacam SP ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÇËÍÚÓ ÄÌ„ÂÎÓ‚, Script: Victor Angeloev, Georgi 2007, 100 ÏËÌ, 2007, 100 min, documentary, ÉÂÓ„Ë ÑÓÌÍÓ‚ Donkov ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, Betacam SP, Betacam SP êÂÊËÒ¸ÓË: ÇËÍÚÓ ÄÌ„ÂÎÓ‚, Directors: Victor Angeloev, Damian 35 ÏÏ 35mm чÏflÌ ëÂ͉ÊË‚, ÉÂÓ„Ë Serkedjiev, Georgi Donkov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ãËÎËfl íÓÔÛÁÓ‚‡, Script: Lilia Topuzova, ÑÓÌÍÓ‚ Camera: Alexander Radoev Ä̉ÂÈ è‡ÛÌÓ‚ Andrey Paounov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ꇉÓ‚ Production: Viktor Angeloev, êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ä̉ÂÈ è‡ÛÌÓ‚ Director: Andrey Paounov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ÇËÍÚÓ ÄÌ„ÂÎÓ‚, Georgi Donkov, 7 Rezniovete str., éÔÂ‡ÚÓË: ÅÓËÒ åËÒËÍÓ‚, Camera: Boris Misirkov, Georgi ÉÂÓ„Ë ÑÓÌÍÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1421, ÛÎ. bl. 128, vh. V, 1421 Sofia, phone: ÉÂÓ„Ë ÅÓ„‰‡ÌÓ‚ Bogdanov “êÂÁ̸ӂÂÚ” 7, ·Î. 128, ‚ı. Ç, +359 878 658 517, +359 899 èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Ä„ËÚÔÓÔ – Production: Agitprop – Martichka ÚÂÎ. 0878 658 517, 0899 171415, 17 14 15, [email protected] å‡Ú˘͇ ÅÓÊËÎÓ‚‡, ëÓÙËfl Bozhilova, 68 Budapest str., app. [email protected] 1202, ÛÎ. “ÅÛ‰‡Ô¢‡” 68, ‡Ô. 1, 1, 1202 Sofia, ÚÂÎ. 983 14 11, 983 19 29, phone: +359 2 983 14 11, ÉÂÓËÚ ̇ ÚÓÁË ÙËÎÏ Á‡ÒÚ‡‚‡Ú The characters of this documentary [email protected]; çîñ +359 2 983 19 29, Ò Îˈ Ô‰ ͇ÏÂ‡Ú‡, Á‡ ‰‡ face the camera to spare the viewers [email protected]; NFC Ô‰ԇÁflÚ ÁËÚÂÎËÚ ÏÛ ÓÚ the “chance” to miss their own lives. Ö‰ËÌ Ï‡Î˙Í „‡‰ Ë Ì„ӂËÚ ◊¯‡ÌÒ‡” ‰‡ ÔÓÔÛÒÌ‡Ú The participants are real people, ÊËÚÂÎË Ò‡ ËÁÔ‡‚ÂÌË Ô‰ A small town and its hopeful citizens ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌËfl ÒË ÊË‚ÓÚ. who, mostly for inexperience or for ÌÂӷ˘‡ÈÌÓ Ô˙Ú¯ÂÒÚ‚ËÂ. are about to embark on a bright new 옇ÒÚÌˈËÚ ҇ ËÒÚËÌÒÍË ÊË‚Ë eagerness to be all the vogue, have é„ÓÏÌË ÔÓÎÛ˙ʉflÒ‡ÎË Í‡ÌÓ‚Â, journey. Massive rusty cranes, foreign ıÓ‡, ÍÓËÚÓ Ì‡È-‚˜ ÔÓ‡‰Ë lost the opportunity to become real ˜ÛʉÂÒÚ‡ÌÌË ËÌ‚ÂÒÚËÚÓË, investors and the joyful chants of ÌÂÁ̇ÌËÂ Ë Ê·ÌË ‰‡ ·˙‰‡Ú persons. Ú‡ÌˆË Ì‡ χÊÓÂÚÍË Ë ÎÓ„ÓÚÓ Ì‡ cheerleaders carry the dream of a ÏÓ‰ÂÌË Ò‡ ÔÓÔÛÒ̇ÎË What does it mean to be addicted: ·˙‰Â˘‡Ú‡ ‡ÚÓÏ̇ great nuclear future. Disturbed only ‚˙ÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚÚ‡ ‰‡ ÒÚ‡Ì‡Ú pain, suffering, misunderstanding ÂÎÂÍÚÓˆÂÌÚ‡Î‡ ‚˙ıÛ Ò„‡‰Ë Ë by gigantic stinging mosquitoes, the ‡ÎÌË ˜Ó‚ˆË. and losing touch with reality – the ˜ËÌËË Ò‡ ‚ Ó˜‡Í‚‡Ì ̇ Ò‚ÂÚÎÓÚÓ townsfolk celebrate the atomic hurray ä‡Í‚Ó ÓÁ̇˜‡‚‡ ‰‡ ·˙‰Â¯ Á‡‚ËÒËÏ film features all these, showing the fl‰ÂÌÓ ·˙‰Â˘Â. Ö‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÓ by engraving the nuclear power plant – ·ÓÎ͇ڇ, ÒÚ‡‰‡ÌËÂÚÓ, most tragic side of addictions. ÍÓχËÚ Í‡È ÑÛ̇‚ logo on buildings and soup bowls. ÌÂ‡Á·Ë‡ÌÂÚÓ Ë ÓÚÍ˙Ò‚‡ÌÂÚÓ ÔËÚÂÒÌfl‚‡Ú „‡Ê‰‡ÌËÚÂ. Ä Â‰ËÌ Amidst the apparent atomic prosperi- ÓÚ ‡ÎÌËfl Ò‚flÚ – ‚Ò˘ÍÓ ÚÓ‚‡ ÓÒÚÓ‚ Ô‡ÁË Ú‡ÈÌË Á‡ ÏË̇ÎÓ, ty, lies a past that no one wants to Ò ‚Ëʉ‡ ‚ ÚÓÁË ÙËÎÏ, ÔÓ͇Á‚‡˘ ÍÓÂÚÓ ÌËÍÓÈ Ì ËÒ͇ ‰‡ ÒË remember. An island holding terrifying ̇È-Ú‡„˘̇ڇ ˜‡ÒÚ Ì‡ secrets. Stories of shocking and hor- ÒÔÓÏÌfl. à ı‚˙Îfl ÒflÌ͇ ‚˙ıÛ Á‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚÚ‡. „‡‰‡, Ò˙˘Ó ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Ó·Î‡ˆËÚ rible crimes loom on the city just like DAMIAN SERKEDJIEV ÓÚ ÍÓχË, ÒÔÛÒ͇˘Ë Ò ̇‰ the dark clouds of mosquitoes ÑÄåüç ëÖêäÖÑÜàÖÇ àÁ·‡Ì‡ descending on its citizens. A world ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: ÅÂÁ ÔÓÎÛÚÓÌÓ‚Â – ÅÓËÒ Selected filmography: Without Undertones: ÊËÚÂÎËÚ ÏÛ. èË͇Á͇ Á‡ ‰ËÌ Boris Rubashkin (1994), Collection or of instantly transformed by ideologies, êÛ·‡¯ÍËÌ (1994), äÓÎÂ͈Ëfl ËÎË Á‡ „‡‰ Ë Ì„ӂËÚ ıÓ‡, Á‡ Ï‡˜ÌÓ ·ÂÁÒ·˙ÌˈËÚ (1999), éÚ ê‡Ï·ÛÈ ‰Ó Good Samaritans (1999), From Rambouille ÏË̇ÎÓ Ë ‡ÚÓÏÌË Ï˜ÚË Ë Á‡ regimes and dreams of economic Çˉӂ‰ÂÌ (1999), àÒËıËfl (2000), till the Day of Reckoning (1999), Isichia ÊÛʇ˘ËÚ ÍÓχË, ÔÂÎËÚ‡˘Ë prosperity. Tales of characters, whose ᇂ˙˘‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ åÓı‡Ï‰ (2004), ïÓÚÂÎ (2000), Mohammed’s Return (2004), ̇‰ ‚ÂÏÂÚÓ. paths intersect in a sinister past, “è‡ÎÂÒÚË̇”, ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ “ê‡È” (2004), ãˈ‡ Palestine Hotel, Paradise Square (2004), nuclear future and the stinging mos- ÓÚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl (‰ÓÍ. ÔÓ‰ˈ‡, 2006) Faces from Bulgaria (doc. series, 2006) quitoes flying through time, sealing their lives together. ÉÖéêÉà ÑéçäéÇ à„‡ ̇ ÍËÂÌˈ‡ (1999), GEORGI DONKOV Selected filmography:Hide- èÓÍÛ‰ÂÌËÚ (1999), çÓ˘Ú‡ ̇ and-Seek (1999), The Exiles (1999), Night of ÄçÑêÖâ èÄìçéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1974 „. ANDREY PAOUNOV was born in 1974. He ËÒÚË̇ڇ (2001), ÑÂÚ ̇ ÛÎˈ‡Ú‡ Truth (2001), Stray Kid (2003), The Secret ᇂ˙¯‚‡ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ graduated in Film and TV Directing at (2003), í‡È̇ڇ (2004), ä‡Ú‡ÒÚÓÙ‡ (2004), Accident (2005), The Secret: A Year Later (2005), Mothers (2005) ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá ÔÂÁ 2000 „. NATFA in 2000. Author of short stories, (2005), í‡È̇ڇ – ‰̇ „Ó‰Ë̇ ÔÓ-Í˙ÒÌÓ Ä‚ÚÓ  ̇ ‡Á͇ÁË, ÔÓÂÁËfl Ë poetry and a lot of short films. His debut (2005), å‡ÈÍË (2005) ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó Í˙ÒÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌË ÙËÎÏË. VICTOR ANGELOEV Selected filmography: in full-length cinema Georgi and the Ñ·˛ÚÌËflÚ ÏÛ Ô˙ÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÂÌ ÙËÎÏ I Love You, Mom (2004), The Secret (2004), Butterflies has won numerous internation- Çàäíéê ÄçÉÖãéÖÇ é·Ë˜‡Ï ÚÂ, χÏÓ “ÉÂÓ„Ë Ë ÔÂÔÂÛ‰ËÚ” (2004)  (2004), í‡È̇ڇ (2004), ä‡Ú‡ÒÚÓÙ‡ Accident (2005), The Secret: A Year Later ÒÔ˜ÂÎËÎ ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó ÏÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌË al awards, with Silver Wolf at IDFA’04 (2005), í‡È̇ڇ – ‰̇ „Ó‰Ë̇ ÔÓ- Í˙ÒÌÓ (2005), Mothers (2005) ̇„‡‰Ë, ‚Íβ˜ËÚÂÎÌÓ “ë·˙ÂÌ among others. ‚˙ÎÍ” ̇ IDFA’04. (2005), å‡ÈÍË (2005) 22 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 66 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 66 min, documentary, Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ĉ· 肇 Script: Adela Peeva 2005, 18 ÏËÌ, (2, 3, 4 ÂÔ.), 2005, 18 min, /2, 3, 4 ep./, ani- êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ĉ· 肇 Director: Adela Peeva ‡ÌËχˆËfl, Betacam SP mation, Betacam SP éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÜÓÓ ç‰ÂÎÍÓ‚ Camera: Joro Nedelkov åÛÁË͇: î‡ÚÓÒ äÂËÏË Music: Fatos Kerimi ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÚ˙ å‡ËÌÍÓ‚ Script: Peter Marinkov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ĉ· å‰Ëfl – ĉ· Production: Adela Media – Adela êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ä̉ÂÈ äÛ΂ Director: Andrei Koulev 肇, ëÓÙËfl 1164, ÛÎ. “Ň·Û̇ Peeva, 3 Babuna planina str., 1164 åÛÁË͇: ã˛·ÓÏË ÑÂÌ‚ Music: Lubomir Denev Ô·ÌË̇” 3, ÚÂÎ. 862 65 72, Sofia, phone: +359 2 862 65 72, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano Ù‡ÍÒ: 962 4789, fax: +359 2 962 4789, adelame- “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, ÚÂÎ. 963 30 str., 1504 Sofia, phone: +359 2 [email protected]; [email protected]; NFC 95, Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, 963 30 95, fax: +359 2 963 40 çîñ [email protected] 45, [email protected] äÓ„‡ÚÓ ÔÂÁ 1961 „. Äη‡ÌËfl When in 1961 Albania broke off its èÓ‰˙Îʇ‚‡Ú ËÒÚÓËËÚ ̇ The stories of the Old Mussel con- ÔÂÍ˙Ò‚‡ ‰ËÔÎÓχÚ˘ÂÒÍËÚ ÒË relations with the Soviet Union, ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËfl Ò˙Ò ë˙‚ÂÚÒÍËfl Ò˙˛Á, Albanian men married to foreign ÒÚ‡‡Ú‡ åˉ‡ Á‡ êÂ͇ڇ. tinue. ‡Î·‡ÌˆËÚÂ, ÊÂÌÂÌË Á‡ ˜ÛʉÂÌÍË, women were forced to split up with ó‡Ô·ڇ ÌÓÒË ÎÓ¯‡ ‚ÂÒÚ – ÔÓ The Heron came with some bad Ò‡ ÔËÌÛ‰ÂÌË ‰‡ Ò ‡Á‰ÂÎflÚ Ò˙Ò their wives and drive them away. The Â͇ڇ Ò Á‡‰‡‚‡ çÂ˘Ó „ÓÎflÏÓ news: a big black Thing was float- ÊÂÌËÚ ÒË Ë ‰‡ „Ë ÔÓ„ÓÌflÚ ÓÚ official reason: fear of espionage. Ë ˜ÂÌÓ... íÓ‚‡ ÛʇÒÌÓ çÂ˘Ó Â ing down the river… This horrible ‰ÓÏÓ‚ÂÚ ÒË. éÙˈˇÎ̇ڇ ÔË- Thus a coercive mass expulsion of χÁÛÚ. ÜË‚ÓÚ˙Ú Ì‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË Â Thing was the Black Oil. ˜Ë̇ – Á‡Ô·ı‡ ÓÚ ¯ÔËÓ̇Ê. í‡Í‡ ‚ women and children started in Á‡ÒÚ‡¯ÂÌ. ʼn‡Ú‡ ÒÔÎÓÚfl‚‡ Everybody’s life was in danger. Äη‡ÌËfl Ò ÔÓÒÚ‡‚fl ̇˜‡ÎÓÚÓ Ì‡ Albania. Those, who did not obey, Ó·ËÚ‡ÚÂÎËÚ ̇ êÂ͇ڇ Ë The misfortune made the inhabi- ̇ÒËÎÒÚ‚ÂÌÓ Ï‡ÒÓ‚Ó ËÁÒÂ΂‡Ì ̇ spent years in prisons. Families were ‚Ò˘ÍË ‰ÛÊÌÓ ¯‡‚‡Ú ‰‡ tants unite and together they ÊÂÌË Ë ‰Âˆ‡. OÌÂÁË, ÍÓËÚÓ ÓÚ͇Á- torn apart for more than 30 years. ËÁ‰ËflÚ ÁÎÓÒÚÓÌË͇ Ë ‰‡ fl decided to find who had polluted ‚‡Ú ‰‡ Ò ÔÓ‰˜ËÌflÚ, ÔÂ͇‚‡Ú Today these families are trying to ÓÒ‚Ó·Ó‰flÚ ÓÚ Ï‡ÁÛÚ‡... the River and to set her free from „Ó‰ËÌË ÔÓ Á‡Ú‚ÓË. ëÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚‡ reunite. Will they succeed? the Black Oil. ÓÒÚ‡‚‡Ú ‡Á‰ÂÎÂÌË Á‡ Ôӂ˜ ÓÚ The film tells the stories of three of 3 ‰ÂÒÂÚËÎÂÚËfl. ÑÌÂÒ ÚÂÁË ÒÂÏÂÈ- these couples, and of those appa- ÒÚ‚‡ Ò ÓÔËÚ‚‡Ú ‰‡ Ò Ò˙·Â‡Ú ratchiks and officers of the secret ÓÚÌÓ‚Ó Á‡Â‰ÌÓ. ô ÛÒÔÂflÚ ÎË? services who brought about their îËÎÏ˙Ú ‡Á͇Á‚‡ Á‡ ÚË ÓÚ ÚÂÁË destruction. ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚‡ Ë Á‡ ÒÎÛÊËÚÂÎËÚ ̇ ÂÊËχ Ë ‡„ÂÌÚËÚ ÓÚ Ú‡ÈÌËÚ ÒÎÛÊ·Ë, Ô˘ËÌËÎË ÚÂıÌËÚ ÒÚ‡- ‰‡ÌËfl.

ÄÑÖãÄ èÖÖÇÄ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ÍËÌÓ Ë ADELA PEEVA graduated in Film and TV ÄçÑêÖâ äìãÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ‚ ëÓÙËfl ÔÂÁ ANDREI KOULEV was born in Sofia in ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ Ä͇‰ÂÏËflÚ‡ Directing at the Academy of Theater, 1973 „. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â ÍËÌÓ Ë 1973. He graduated in Film and TV Á‡ Ú‡Ú˙, ÍËÌÓ Ë íÇ ‚ ÅÂ΄‡‰. éÚ Cinema and TV in Belgrade. From 1973 till ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá. Directing at NATFA. Works in the fields of 1973 ‰Ó 1990 „. ‡·ÓÚË ‚ ëÚÛ‰Ëfl 1990 she worked at the Documentary ꇷÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ËβÒÚ‡ÚÓ, graphic design, caricature and illustration. “ÇÂÏ”. Ä‚ÚÓ  ̇ ̇‰ 50 Film Studio in Sofia. She is the author of ͇Ë͇ÚÛËÒÚ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ Ì‡ Ô·͇ÚË. He directed the animation films Reflection, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË ÙËÎχ, ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Ì‡ more than 50 documentaries and the fea- êÂÊËÒ¸Ó  ̇ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌËÚ ÙËÎÏË: Poet and Pegasus 1, Poet and Pegasus 2, Ë„‡ÎÌËfl “ë˙Ò‰͇ڇ”. éÚ 1991 „.  ture film The Neighbor. Since 1991 she “éÚ‡ÊÂÌË”, “èÓÂÚ Ë è„‡Ò 1”, Poet and Pegasus 3, The Cuckoo. In 1997 ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏ ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚ. ë‰ ÙËÎÏËÚ has been an independent producer. “èÓÂÚ Ë è„‡Ò 2”, “èÓÂÚ Ë è„‡Ò 3”, he was among the winners in the MTV È Ò‡ Á‡·‡Ìfl‚‡ÌËÚ “å‡ÈÍË” (1983) Ë Among her films are the prohibited “äÛÍۂˈ‡Ú‡”. èÂÁ 1997 „.  Ò‰ Minute Cinema Competition with Full “Ç ËÏÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÒÔÓÚ‡” (1983), ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Mothers (1983) and In the Name of Sport Ôӷ‰ËÚÂÎËÚ ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ̇ MTV Moon. ÌÓÒËÚÂÎËÚ ̇ ̇„‡‰Ë “àÁÎ˯ÌËÚ” (1983), as well as the award winning The Minute Cinema Ò ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌËfl ÙËÎÏ (1999), “óËfl  ڇÁË ÔÂÒÂÌ?” (2003). Unwanted (1999), Whose Is This Song? “è˙ÎÌÓÎÛÌË”. (2003). 23 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 32 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 32 min, documentary, 2006, 21 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 21 min, documentary, Betacam SP, DVD Betacam SP, DVD DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: Ç·‰Ë äËÓ‚, ÅÓÈÍÓ Script: Vladi Kirov, Boiko Bonev ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÑËÏËÚ˙ òÓÔÓ‚ Script: Dimiter Shopov ÅÓÌ‚ Director: Kostadin Bonev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÑËÏËÚ˙ òÓÔÓ‚ Director: Dimiter Shopov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: äÓÒÚ‡‰ËÌ ÅÓÌ‚ Camera: Konstantin Zankov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÑËÏËÚ˙ òÓÔÓ‚ Camera: Dimiter Shopov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: äÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ á‡ÌÍÓ‚ Production: BNT, Two and a Half – èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Ç·‰ËÏË Ä̉ÓÌÓ‚ – Production: Vladimir Andonov, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, Ñ‚Â Ë ÔÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ – Penko Rusev, 67 Dondukov blvd., ëÓÙËfl, Ê.Í. “àÎË̉ÂÌ”, ·Î. 56, Ilinden, bl. 56, vh. D, fl. 7, app. èÂÌÍÓ êÛÒ‚, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ·ÛÎ. 1504 Sofia, ‚ı. Ñ, ÂÚ. 7, ‡Ô. 41, 41, Sofia, “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” 67, phone: +359 2 943 34 61 ÏÓ·. 0889 93 82 18, mob. +359 889 93 82 18, ÚÂÎ. 943 34 61 [email protected] [email protected]

ç‡ 11 ‡‚„ÛÒÚ 1877 „., ̇ On August 11th, 1877 Dimiter ífl ÓÚ„Ó‚ÓË Ì‡ ‚˙ÔÓÒËÚ ̇ ·Ó‚ÂÚ ̇ òËÔ͇, ÑËÏËÚ˙ Petkov lost his left hand in the battle ÅÂÍÂÚ, ̇ÏÂÂÌË ‚ ◊ç ÄÁ”, ‚ She answered Beckett’s questions èÂÚÍÓ‚ „Û·Ë Îfl‚‡Ú‡ ÒË ˙͇. on Mount Shipka in the Russo- ÍÓÂÚÓ Ú˙ÒÂÌ ÄÁ Ì Ò found in Not I, which I failed to do. íÓ„‡‚‡ ÚÓÈ Â 18-„Ӊ˯ÌÓ, Turkish War. At the time he was an ÒÔ‡‚Ëı. ◊ç ÄÁ” ·Â¯Â Not I was a diploma project at the ÔÓÎÛ„‡ÏÓÚÌÓ ÏÓϘ ÓÚ 18-year-old illiterate from Dobrudja, ‰ËÔÎÓÏÂÌ ÔÓÂÍÚ ÓÚ National Academy of Fine Arts, ÑÓ·ۉʇ, ÍÓÂÚÓ Á̇ ҇ÏÓ Â‰ÌÓ who wanted only to be liberated. χ„ËÒÚ˙Ò͇ ÔÓ„‡Ï‡ ‚ çïÄ, which, though implemented, pales – ˜Â ËÒ͇ ‰‡  ҂ӷӉÂÌ. Three decades later, already a Prime ÍÓÈÚÓ, χ͇ Ë ‡ÎËÁË‡Ì, beside the work Beckett, or the íˉÂÒÂÚ „Ó‰ËÌË ÔÓ-Í˙ÒÌÓ, ‚˜ Minister, he was assassinated in the ·Î‰Ì Ô‰ ÚÛ‰‡ Á‡ ◊ë. Honour of God. ÏËÌËÒÚ˙–Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂΠ̇ center of Sofia. ÅÂÍÂÚ ËÎË ÅÓÊËflÚ‡ ˜ÂÒÚ”. Å˙΄‡Ëfl, ÚÓÈ ˘Â ·˙‰Â Û·ËÚ Slave Born is a documentary about ̇Ò‰ ëÓÙËfl. one of the first builders of modern “êÓ‰ÂÌ ‚ Ó·ÒÚ‚Ó”  ÙËÎÏ Á‡ Bulgaria, about his ideas, dreams, ‰ËÌ ÓÚ Ô˙‚ËÚ ÒÚÓËÚÂÎË Ì‡ illusions and disappointments. Ò˙‚ÂÏÂÌ̇ Å˙΄‡Ëfl. ᇠÌ„ӂËÚ ˉÂË, ϘÚË, ËβÁËË Ë ‡ÁÓ˜‡Ó‚‡ÌËfl.

äéëíÄÑàç ÅéçÖÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ KOSTADIN BONEV graduated from NATFA Ñàåàíöê òéèéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1980 „. DIMITER SHOPOV was born in 1980 in Ú‡ÚÓÁ̇ÌË ‚˙‚ Çàíàá ‚ Í·҇ ̇ in Theatre Studies in Prof. Dimiter ‚ ä˙‰Ê‡ÎË. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â ÒˆÂÌÓ„‡ÙËfl Kardjali. He graduated from the National ÔÓÙ. ÑËÏËÚ˙ ä‡Ìۯ‚ ÔÂÁ 1980 „. Kanoushev’s classes in 1980. He special- ‚ çïÄ – ëÓÙËfl Ë Â ‡‚ÚÓ ̇ Academy of Fine Arts, Sofia with a Master ëÔˆˇÎËÁË‡ ÙËÎÏÓ‚‡ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ ized in Feature Directing in the classes of ÒˆÂÌÓ„‡ÙÒÍË ÔÓÂÍÚË Á‡ degree in stage design and made the Í·҇ ̇ ÉÂÓ„Ë Ñ˛Î„ÂÓ‚. Ñ·˛ÚË‡ Georgi Dulgerov. He made his debut in ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ÍÎËÚ ÔÓ ÔËÂÒËÚ “ÑÓÌ Üۇ̔ stage design projects for several theatre ‚ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ÍËÌÓ ÔÂÁ 1984 „. documentaries in 1984. He directed the ÓÚ åÓÎËÂ, “ëÏ˙ÚÚ‡ ̇ чÌÚÓÌ” ̇ performances: Don Juan by Moliere, Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ ÙËÎÏËÚ “ãÓ‚ˆË ̇ Ò˙Ìˢ‡” films Dream Hunters (1991), Letters to ÉÂÓ„ Å˛ıÌÂ, “ç ÄÁ” ÓÚ ë‡Ï˛ÂÎ Danton’s Death by Georg Buchner, Not I (1991), “èËÒχ ‰Ó ÑÓÎ̇ڇ ÁÂÏfl” the Nether World (1994), Divine Service ÅÂÍÂÚ, “í˯Ë̇” ÓÚ ï‡ÓΉ èËÌÚ˙. by Samuel Beckett, Silence by Harold (1994), “ëÎÛÊÂÌË” (1995), “èÓ‰ ӷ·͔ (1995), Under a Cloud (1997), The Pinter. (1997), “í˙ÔÂÌËÂÚÓ Ì‡ ͇Ï˙͇” Patience of the Stone (1998), 1934 (1998), “1934” (1999), “èÓ‰„fl‚‡Ì ̇ (1999), Warming Up Yesterday’s Lunch ‚˜Â‡¯ÌËfl ӷ‰” (Ë„., 2002), “àÎËfl (fic., 2002), Ilia Beshkov – the Man- ůÍÓ‚ – ˜Ó‚ÂÍ˙Ú, ÍÓÈÚÓ Ò Ô‚˙̇ Turned-Drawing (2004), The Ships Are ‚ ËÒÛÌ͇” (2004), “äÓ‡·ËÚ ҇ Full (2005). Ô˙ÎÌË” (2005). 24 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 48 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 48 min, documentary, 2007, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: à‚‡Ì å·‰ÂÌÓ‚ Script: Ivan Mladenov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÅÓÈÍÓ Ç‡ÒË΂, Script: Boiko Vasilev, Hrisimir êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: à‚‡Ì å·‰ÂÌÓ‚ Director: Ivan Mladenov ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Danev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÉÂÓ„Ë çËÍÓÎÓ‚ Camera: Georgi Nikolov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Director: Hrisimir Danev åÛÁË͇: ëÚÓflÌ üÌÍÛÎÓ‚ Ë ÖÎˈ‡ Music: Stoyan Yankulov and Elitza éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ïËÒËÏË чÌ‚ Camera: Hrisimir Danev íÓ‰ÓÓ‚‡ Todorova èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, str., 1504 Sofia, “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, str., 1504 Sofia, ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, fax: +359 2 963 40 45, Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, fax: +359 2 963 40 45, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] èÂÁ ÏÂÚ‡ÙÓ‡Ú‡ ̇ Using the metaphor of the Holy îËÎÏ Á‡ ıÓ‡Ú‡ ÓÚ ·‡Î͇ÌÒÍÓ This is a documentary about the ÅÓÊÂÒÚ‚Â̇ڇ Ò‰Ïˈ‡, ÔÂÁ Week, the irony of the coinci- ÒÂÎÓ, ÍÓËÚÓ ÌflÏ‡Ú ÏÌÓ„Ó people living in a mountain village, ËÓÌËflÚ‡ ̇ Ò˙‚Ô‡‰ÂÌËflÚ‡ – dences (2007 – Bulgaria’s acces- ̇‰ÂʉË, ÌÓ Ú ҇ Ò˙ˆÂÚÓ Ì‡ who have little hope, but they 2007 „. – ‚ÎËÁ‡ÌÂÚÓ ‚ Öë, 907 sion to the EU, 907 – the death of ̇‰Âʉ‡Ú‡. ÅÓ·‡Ú‡ Á‡ themselves are the hope. Their „. – ÒÏ˙ÚÚ‡ ̇ ÅÓËÒ I, 927 „. Tsar Boris I, 927 – the death of ÓˆÂÎfl‚‡Ì Ì Ó͇҇Úfl‚‡ ‰Û¯ËÚ struggle for survival does not – ÒÏ˙ÚÚ‡ ̇ ëËÏÂÓÌ ÇÂÎËÍË, Tsar Simeon the Great, 1207 – the ËÏ. ։̇ ÓÚ „ÂÓËÌËÚ ‚˙‚ maim their souls. One of the par- 1207 „. – ÒÏ˙ÚÚ‡ ̇ ˆ‡ death of Tsar Kaloyan) and the ÙËÎχ ͇Á‚‡: “ç‡ ÒÂÎÓ Ò Ê˂ ticipants in the film says: “Rustic ä‡ÎÓflÌ – Ë ÔÂÁ Ò˙‰·ËÚ ̇ lives of two scientists – Mario ̇ÒË· – Ì Ò Ï”. íÂÁË ÒËÎÌË Ë life is a life of hardships – yet you Ò‚˙Á‡ÌËÚÂ Ò Å˙΄‡Ëfl Û˜ÂÌË Kapaldo from Italy and Srdjan Á‡ÚÓ„‚‡˘Ë ‰ÛÏË Ò ÔÓÒÚ‡Ú‡ don’t die”. These strong and å‡ËÓ ä‡Ô‡Î‰Ó ÓÚ àÚ‡ÎËfl Ë Pirivatric from Serbia – both of ÒË ËÒÍÂÌÓÒÚ Ë ·ÓÎ͇, ·ÂÁ touching words, with their simple ë˙‰Ê‡Ì èËË‚‡Ú˘ ÓÚ whom are connected with Bulgaria, Ò‡ÌÚËÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÒÚ, ÔÓ͇Á‚‡Ú sincerity, pain and lack of senti- ë˙·Ëfl, ÙËÎÏ˙Ú ‡Á͇Á‚‡ Á‡ the film represents the Bulgarian ËÒÚËÌÒÍËfl Ú‡„ËÁ˙Ï Ì‡ mentality, show the real tragic ·˙΄‡Ò͇ڇ ÍÛÎÚÛ‡ ‚ Öë. culture in Europe and the EU. Ó·˜ÂÌÓÒÚÚ‡ Ë nature of this deadlock situation. ê‡Á͇Á Á‡ ËÒÚÓËflÚ‡ ̇ In order to tell the story of the ·ÂÁËÁıÓ‰ÌÓÒÚÚ‡, ÌÓ ÒÚÓÔÎflÚ Ò But they also warm the cockle of ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ÔËÒ˙ÒÚ‚Ë ̇ Bulgarian presence in the West, the ˜Ó‚˜ÌÓÒÚÚ‡ ÒË... one’s heart with their humane- á‡Ô‡‰ ÏÂÊ‰Û ¯Â„‡Ú‡ Ë film attempts to take up a position ness. ̇Û͇ڇ, ÏÂÊ‰Û Ù‡ÍÚ‡ Ë ÏËÚ‡, between the joke and the science, ÏÂÊ‰Û „Ó‰ÓÒÚÚ‡ Ë the fact and the myth, between àÇÄç åãÄÑÖçéÇ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ÍËÌÓ Ë IVAN MLADENOV graduated in Film and ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒËÚÂ. pride and various complexes. ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá ÔÂÁ TV Directing at NATFA in 1978. Among 1978 „. ë‰ ÙËÎÏËÚ ÏÛ Ò‡: “èÓ‰ his films are: Under the Monastery’s χ̇ÒÚËÒ͇ڇ ÎÓÁ‡” (Ë„., 1977), Trellis Vine (fic., 1977), Village War ïêàëàåàê ÑÄçÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1955 HRISIMIR DANEV was born in 1955 in “ëÂÎÒ͇ ‚ÓÈ̇” (1988), “í˯Ë̇ڇ ‚ (1988), Silence in the Shadow of the „. ‚ üÏ·ÓÎ. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â Yambol. Graduated in Photo Journalism; ÒflÌ͇ڇ ̇ Ò͇͇Έ‡” (2001), “ëÂÎÓÚÓ, Grasshopper (2001), The Village Where ÙÓÚÓÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚË͇. éÚ 1978 „. since 1978 has been working at the ‚ ÍÓÂÚÓ Ì Ò ÒÎÛ˜Ë ÌˢӔ (2002), Nothing Happened (2002), The Wind of ‡·ÓÚË ‚ Åçí. á‡ÒÌÂΠ ̇‰ 50 ÙËÎχ Bulgarian National TV. As a cameraman “ÇflÚ˙˙Ú Ì‡ Ó„ÓÎÂ̇ڇ ÎÛ̇” (2003). the Bare Moon (2003). ͇ÚÓ ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. and a director has shot more than 50 documentaries.

25 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 54 min, documentary, 2007, 8 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2007, 8 min, animation, s16 ÏÏ/DVD s16 mm/DVD Betacam/DVD Betacam SP/ DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: íÓÌËÒ·‚ ïËÒÚÓ‚ Script: Tonislav Hristov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: Ñ‡„ÓÏË òÓ΂ Script: Dragomir Sholev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: íÓÌËÒ·‚ ïËÒÚÓ‚ Director: Tonislav Hristov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ñ‡„ÓÏË òÓ΂ Director: Dragomir Sholev éÔÂ‡ÚÓË: èÂ͇ ÄÈÌÂ, ÅÓËÒ Camera: Pekka Aine, Boris Misirkov, åÛÁË͇: èÂÚÍÓ å‡Ì˜Â‚ Music: Petko Manchev åËÒËÍÓ‚, ÉÂÓ„Ë ÅÓ„‰‡ÌÓ‚ Georgi Bogdanov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: áÓ„‡ÙËÍ îËÎÏ – Production: Zographic Film – èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: 䇇ΠÄıÓ, å‡Ú˘͇ Production: Kaarle Aho – Making ã˙˜ÂÁ‡ ÇÂÎËÌÓ‚, í‡Ìfl ÄÒÓ‚‡, Lachezar Velinov, Tania Assova, ÅÓÊËÎÓ‚‡ – Ä„ËÚÔÓÔ, ëÓÙËfl Movies Oy, Martichka Bozhilova – ëÓÙËfl, ÛÎ. “òÂÈÌÓ‚Ó” 8Å, 8B Sheinovo str., Sofia, phone/fax: 1202, ÛÎ. “ÅÛ‰‡Ô¢‡” 68, ‡Ô. 1, Agitprop Ltd., 68 Budapest str., app. ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 946 17 80, 846 86 49, +359 2 946 17 80, ÚÂÎ. 983 14 11, 1, 1202 Sofia, [email protected], +359 2 846 86 49, [email protected] phone. +359 2 983 14 11, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]; çîñ [email protected], “ëÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó”  ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ [email protected]; NFC ÙËÎÏ Á‡ ‰ÌÓ ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó ÓÚ Ï‡Î˙Í Family Fortune is a documentary ÄϷˈËÓÁÂÌ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó, ̇ ÍÓ„ÓÚÓ „‡‰ ‚ ë‚Â̇ Å˙΄‡Ëfl. èÂÁ Ó˜Ë- about a family in a small town in ÌË˘Ó Ì ÏÛ Ò ‡Á·Ë‡,  ¯ËÎ ‰‡ An ambitious director, who has Ú ̇ ÚË ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌËfl ÓÚ ÚÓ‚‡ ÒÂ- Northern Bulgaria. Through three gen- Á‡ÒÌÂÏ ̇ ÍËÌÓ ÔËÂÒ‡Ú‡ decided to film Hamlet, is incom- ÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó Â ÔÓ͇Á‡Ì‡ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂÎ- erations of this family the film features ”ï‡ÏÎÂÚ”. ÖÍËÔ˙Ú Ó·‡˜Â Ì  prehensible to the crew, who, in ÌÓÒÚÚ‡ ‚ ‰̇ χÎ͇ ËÁÚÓ˜ÌÓ‚- the reality of a small East-European ‰ÓÒÚ‡Ú˙˜ÌÓ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚ‚ÂÌ Á‡ their turn, are not well skilled for ÓÔÂÈÒ͇ ÒÚ‡Ì‡. ê‡ÁÓ˜‡Ó‚‡ÌËÂ- country. The disappointment when life ڇ͇‚‡ ÒÂËÓÁ̇ ÔÓ‰Û͈Ëfl. such a big production. ÚÓ ÓÚ ÊË‚ÓÚ‡, ÍÓÈÚÓ Ò  ‡ÁÏË- failed to be what was expected with Ì‡Î Ò Ó˜‡Í‚‡ÌËflÚ‡ ̇ ÂÌÚÛÒˇÁχ enthusiasm after the collapse of é„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËflÚ‡  Ò··‡, ‡ Ë Not only the organization is poor, ÓÚ Ô‡‰‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÍÓÏÛÌËÁχ. à‰Âfl- Communism. The idea that grass is Ò˙‰·‡Ú‡  ÔÓÚË‚ Ì„Ó. but also the stars are against him. Ú‡, ˜Â Ú‚‡Ú‡ ‚Ë̇„Ë Â ÔÓ-ÁÂÎÂ̇ always greener on the other side of the ÓÚ ‰Û„‡Ú‡ ÒÚ‡Ì‡ ̇ Ó„‡‰‡Ú‡. fence. The envy at those who seem to ᇂËÒÚÚ‡ Í˙Ï ÓÌÂÁË, ÍÓËÚÓ Ò‡ ÛÒ- have made it abroad or in Bulgaria. ÔÂÎË ‚ ˜ÛÊ·Ë̇. ÅÂÎÂÁËÚ ÓÚ ÒÚ‡- The remnants of the old communist ‡Ú‡ ÍÓÏÛÌËÒÚ˘ÂÒ͇ ÂÔÓı‡. á̇- days. The signs of prosperity achieved ˆËÚ ̇ ÔÓÒÔÂËÚÂÚ – ÔÓÌ Á‡ at least by some. The great expecta- ÌflÍÓË. ÉÓÎÂÏËÚ Ә‡Í‚‡ÌËfl ̇ ıÓ‡- tions people had for the EU member- Ú‡, Ò‚˙Á‡ÌË Ò ˜ÎÂÌÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ ‚ Ö‚- ship. And again, just like when the old ÓÔÂÈÒÍËfl Ò˙˛Á. à ÓÚÌÓ‚Ó, ͇ÍÚÓ regime collapsed, the people pinning ÑêÄÉéåàê òéãÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1977 „. DRAGOMIR SHOLEV was born in 1977 in ÒΉ Ô‡‰‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÒÚ‡Ëfl ÂÊËÏ, high – and maybe unrealistic – hopes ‚ êÛÒÂ. èÂÁ 2004 „. Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ Ruse. In 2004 he graduated in Animation ıÓ‡Ú‡ ̇ÚÓ‚‡‚‡Ú ÔÓÏfl̇ڇ Ò on the next change. ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ Ë ÍËÌÓ Ë Directing and Film and TV Directing at Ú‚˙‰Â ÏÌÓ„Ó – Ë ÏÓÊ ·Ë Î˯ÂÌË ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá. NATFA. Filmography: Natural Romance, ÓÚ ‡ÎËÁ˙Ï – ̇‰ÂʉË. îËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “ÖÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÂÌ ÓχÌÒ” (an., 2000), The Gambler (an., 2001), (‡Ì., 2000), “äÓχ‰ÊËflÚ‡”, (‡Ì., 2001), Family (fic., 2002), Badinerie (an., 2003), íéçàëãÄÇ ïêàëíéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1978 „. TONISLAV HRISTOV was born in 1978 in “ëÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó”, (Ë„., 2002), “‡ÌÂ‡”, I Have Something to Tell You (fic., 2003), ‚˙‚ Ç‡ˆ‡. éÚ 2003 „. Ê˂ ‚˙‚ Vratza. Since 2003 he moved to Finland, (‡Ì., 2003), “ífl·‚‡ ‰‡ ÚË Í‡Ê‡ Ì¢Ӕ Before Life, After Death (fic., 2005). îËÌ·̉Ëfl, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ ‡·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ where he has been working as computer (Ë„., 2003), “èÂ‰Ë ÊË‚ÓÚ‡, ÒΉ ‡ÒËÒÚÂÌÚ ÔÓ ÔÓ‰‰˙Ê͇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔ˛ÚË. assistant. For the last three years he has also ÒÏ˙ÚÚ‡” (Ë„. , 2005). èÂÁ ÔÓÒΉÌËÚ ÚË „Ó‰ËÌË ‡·ÓÚË ‚ been working for several film productions ‡Á΢ÌË ÙËÎÏÓ‚Ë ÔÓ‰Û͈ËË, Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡ ‰‡ and started shooting his own movies. Family Ô‡‚Ë Ë Ò‚ÓË ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌË ÙËÎÏË. Fortune is his full-length documentary debut “ëÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó”  Ì„ӂ Ô˙ÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÂÌ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ ‰Â·˛Ú. 26 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2006, 2 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2006, 2 min, animation, 2007, 78 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 78 min, documentary, digital digital Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ç‡ÒÚËÏË ñ‡˜Â‚ Script: Nastimir Tzachev ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÄÌÚÓÌËÈ ÑÓ̘‚ Script: Antonii Donchev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ç‡ÒÚËÏË ñ‡˜Â‚ Director: Nastimir Tzachev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÄÌÚÓÌËÈ ÑÓ̘‚ Director: Antonii Donchev åÛÁË͇: èÂÚ˙ ëÚÛÔÂÎ Music: Peter Stupel éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡Ì íÓÌ‚ Camera: Ivan Tonev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: 燄ۇΠ– ç‡ÒÚËÏË Production: Nagual – Nastimir èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Äêë – Å·„ÓÏË Production: ARS Digital Studio – ñ‡˜Â‚, ëÓÙËfl 1303, ÛÎ. “äËËÎ Ë Tzachev, 93 B Kiril i Methodi str., ÄÎÂÍÒË‚, ëÓÙËfl 1124, ÛÎ. Blagomir Alexiev, 4B Leonardo da åÂÚÓ‰ËÈ” 93 Ç, 1303 Sofia, [email protected]; “ãÂÓ̇‰Ó ‰‡ ÇË̘˔ 4Å, Vinci str., 1124 Sofia, phone/fax: [email protected]; çîñ NFC ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 846 83 61, 62, +359 2 846 83 61, 62, [email protected]; çîñ [email protected]; NFC àβÒÚ‡ˆËfl ̇ ËÁ‚ÂÒÚ̇ڇ The film comes to visualise a ÔÂÒÌ˘͇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ‡ famous song by composer Peter ëÛı‡Ï ꇉË, 30-„Ӊ˯̇ Siham Raadi, a 30-year-old Iraqi èÂÚ˙ ëÚÛÔÂÎ, Ô‰̇Á̇˜Â̇ Stupel, intended for toddlers. Ë‡Í˜‡Ì͇,  ̇ÏÂÂ̇ Á‡Í·̇ ‚ woman was found slaughtered in Á‡ Ì‡È Ï‡ÎÍËÚ ‰Âˆ‡. ÒÚ‡flÚ‡ È ‚ ëÚÛ‰ÂÌÚÒÍË „‡‰ ‚ her room in the Student Campus in ëÓÙËfl ÔÂÁ ˛ÎË 1988 „. ífl  ÊÂ̇ Sofia, July 1988. She was the wife ̇ Ò˙ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ Ì‡ ‡‚ÚÓËÚ ÓÚ of Hussein Salman, a Iraqi and a çÄíîàá – ïÛÒÂËÌ ë‡ÎχÌ, Ò˙˘Ó former fellow-student of the film- Ë‡Í˜‡ÌËÌ. ì·Ëˆ˙Ú Ì  makers at the NATFA in Sofia. The ÓÚÍËÚ. чÎË ëÛı‡Ï  ·Ë· ˜‡ÒÚ murderer has not been found. Was ÓÚ ÔÓ-„ÓÎflχ Ë„‡? Ç ÓÌÂÁË Siham part of a greater game? At „Ó‰ËÌË ëÓÙËfl  ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËflÚ the time, Sofia was the European ˆÂÌÚ˙ ̇ Ë‡ÍÒÍÓÚÓ center of the Iraqi secret services; ‡ÁÛÁ̇‚‡ÌÂ, ÒӈˇÎËÒÚ˘ÂÒÍËflÚ the Soviet block was supporting ·ÎÓÍ ÔÓ‰‰˙ʇ 뇉‰‡Ï Ë Á‡Â‰ÌÓ Saddam and at the same time was Ò ÚÓ‚‡ ‰‡‚‡ ÔÓ‰ÒÎÓÌ Ì‡ giving refuge to those prosecuted „ÓÌÂÌËÚ ÓÚ ÂÊËχ. by his regime. Obviously, that tricky ÖÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÓ, Ú‡ÁË ÒÎÓÊ̇ Ë„‡ game took its toll. Even today ‚ÁËχ Ò‚ÓËÚ ÊÂÚ‚Ë. ÑÓË Ë nobody is interested in the reopen- ‰ÌÂÒ ÌËÍÓÈ Ìflχ ËÌÚÂÂÒ ‰‡ Ò ing of the case. ÔÓ‰ÌÓ‚Ë ‰ÂÎÓÚÓ.

çÄëíàåàê ñÄóÖÇ Û˜Ë Ë ‡·ÓÚË ‚ ëÄî NASTIMIR TZACHEV has studied and Äçíéçàâ ÑéçóÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1959 „. ANTONII DONCHEV was born in 1959. He “ëÓÙËfl” (1979–1987), Í˙‰ÂÚÓ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚‡ worked at Sofia Animation Film Studio ᇂ˙¯‚‡ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ graduated in Film and TV Directing at ‚ Ò˙Á‰‡‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ̇‰ 70 ÙËÎχ. ëΉ (1979–1987), taking part in the produc- ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá ÔÂÁ 1986 „. NATFA in 1986. Selected filmography: ÚÓ‚‡  ‡·ÓÚËÎ ‚ ìÌ„‡Ëfl, ÉÂχÌËfl, tion of more than 70 films. Since 1988 he àÁ·‡Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “É‡Ê‰‡ÌËÌ Ì‡ Citizen of Bulgaria (1988), Art of the Tiles ÇÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡ÌËfl. éÚ 1994 „.  has worked in Hungary, Germany, UK. çêÅ” (1988), “çË ÓÚ ÔÓÍË‚‡” (1991), (1989), A Turkish March (1994), I Am a ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏ ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚ. From 1994 on he is an independent pro- “íÛÒÍË Ï‡¯” (1994), “ÄÁ Ò˙Ï Gipsy, I Plead Guilty (1996), Romany ducer.. ˆË„‡ÌËÌ, ÔËÁ̇‚‡Ï Ò Á‡ ‚ËÌÓ‚ÂÌ” Portraits (1997), A Month in the Life of (1997), “êÓÏÒÍË ÔÓÚÂÚË” (1998), Ephtim D. (1999), Kardjali: Faces from “Ö‰ËÌ ÏÂÒˆ ÓÚ ÊË‚ÓÚ‡ ̇ ÖÙÚËÏ Ñ.” the Landscape (2001), Muslim Labyrinths (1999), “ä˙‰Ê‡ÎË: Îˈ‡ ÓÚ ÔÂÈÁ‡Ê‡” (2002). (2001), “å˛Ò˛ÎχÌÒÍË Î‡·ËËÌÚË” (2002).

27 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2005, 54 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2005, 54 min, documentary, 2007, 57 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 57 min, documentary, Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÉÂÓ„Ë å˯‚ Script: Georgi Mishev ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÌ˜Ó ÅÓÁ‡‰ÊË‚ Script: Pencho Bozadjiev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÑÓ˜Ó ÅӉʇÍÓ‚ Director: Docho Bodjakov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ä̉ÂÈ Director: Andrei Altuparmakov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡Ì Ç‡ËÏÂÁÓ‚ Camera: Ivan Varimezov ÄÎÚ˙Ô‡χÍÓ‚ Camera: Hristo Bozadjiev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, ëÓÙËfl 1504, ÛÎ. Production: BNT, 29 San Stefano éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ïËÒÚÓ ÅÓÁ‡‰ÊË‚ Production: BNT, BULFILM – “ë‡Ì ëÚÂÙ‡ÌÓ” 29, ÚÂÎ. 963 30 95, str., 1504 Sofia, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Åçí, Åìãîàãå – Andrei Altuparmakov, 31 Gotze Ù‡ÍÒ: 963 40 45, phone: +359 2 963 30 95, Ä̉ÂÈ ÄÎÚ˙Ô‡χÍÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl Delchev blvd., app. 97, 1612 [email protected] fax: +359 2 963 40 45, 1612, ·ÛÎ. “Éӈ ÑÂΘ‚” 31, ‡Ô. Sofia, [email protected] 97, ÏÓ·. 0887 206349, mob. +359 887 206349, [email protected] [email protected] ê‡Á‚Â̘‡‚‡ Ò ˜Â̇ڇ ΄Ẩ‡ Á‡ This film puts an end to a black ‰ÌÓ Ô‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚Ó, ‡ ËÏÂÌÌÓ legend of a betrayal: the legend of îËÎÏ Á‡ ˜Ó‚¯ÍËÚ ˆÂÌÌÓÒÚË A documentary about the human ÌÂÒÔ‡‚‰ÎË‚Ó Ì‡·Â‰ÂÌËfl ÔÓÔ Father Krastiu, unjustly accused of ÔÓ‰ Ë Ì‡‰ ÁÂÏflÚ‡. values – under and above the ä˙ÒÚ˛ Á‡ Ô‰‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ì‡ betraying the national icon Vasil ground. LJÒËÎ ã‚ÒÍË. Levski.

Ñéóé ÅéÑÜÄäéÇ e Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ÍËÌÓ Ë DOCHO BODJAKOV graduated in Film and ÄçÑêÖâ ÄãíöèÄêåÄäéÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ANDREI ALTAPARMAKOV graduated in ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá. TV Directing at NATFA. Director of fiction, ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ÍËÌÓ Documentary Directing from the Higher êÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ Ë„‡ÎÌË, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË Ë documentary and TV films, among them: ‚˙‚ ÇÉàä, åÓÒÍ‚‡ ÔÂÁ 1972 „. State Cinema Institute in Moscow in ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌË ÙËÎÏË, ÏÂÊ‰Û ÍÓËÚÓ “íË, Thou, Who Art in Heaven (1990), The àÁ·‡Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “燈ËÓ̇ÎÂÌ 1972. He has directed the films: National ÍÓÈÚÓ ÒË Ì‡ Ì·ÂÚÓ” (1990), Well (1991), The Black Stork (1994), ÍÓÌÍÛÒ” (1981), “á‡ı‡Ë Ü‡Ì‰Ó‚ – Contest (1981), Zachari Zhandov – an “ä·‰Â̈˙Ú” (1991), “óÂÌËflÚ ˘˙ÍÂΔ Leftovers of Faith (1995), The Spirit of My ÓÔËÚ Á‡ ÔÓÚÂÚ” (1981), “ÑÓÒÚÓÈÌÓ Attempt of a Portrait (1981), Dostoino Est (1994), “é„ËÁÍË ÓÚ ‚fl‡” (1995), “ÑÛı˙Ú Father (1999), Ghena, the Voice of the ÂÒÚ¸” (1982), “ï‡Ì˙Ú” (1985), “ᇠ(1982), The Inn (1985), About Levski, ̇ ·‡˘‡ ÏË” (1999), “ÉÂ̇, „·Ò˙Ú Ì‡ Arena (2000), The Name of My Wind ã‚ÒÍË”, “ÇÂÏÂÚÓ Â ‚ ̇Ҕ, “ã‚ÒÍË Time Is in Us, Levski before the Court of ‡Â̇ڇ” (2000), “àÏÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÏÓfl ‚flÚ˙” (2002), Follow Me (2003), Patriarchate Ô‰ Ò˙‰‡ ̇ ÔÓÚ‡Ú‡ Ë Ì‡ the Sublime Porte and of the History (2002), “ëΉ‚‡È Ï” (2003), (2005), Black Legend (2006). ËÒÚÓËflÚ‡” (1997), “Å˙΄‡Ëfl (1997), Bulgaria Independent – “For “è‡Úˇı‡Ú” (2005), “óÂ̇ ΄Ẩ‡” ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËχ “‚Ó ‚ÂÍË” (1998), “à Ever” (1998), And Remember Your Loving (2006). ÔÓÏÌË Î˛·fl˘Ëfl Ú ïËÒÚÓ” (1998), Christo (1998), The Incredible Kableshkov “ç‚ÂÓflÚÌËflÚ ä‡·Î¯ÍÓ‚” (1999), “à (1999), And Down Through the Ages ÏÓÈÚ ÔÂÒÌË ‚Ò ˘Â Ò ˜ÂÚ‡Ú” – Shall My Songs Be Read (2001), Last (2001)“ã˛·Ó‚Ì‡ ËÒÚÓËfl ÓÚ ÏË̇ÎËfl Century’s Love Story (2001), We the ‚ÂÍ” (2001), “çËÂ, ‰ÓÎÛÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‡ÌËÚ” Undersigned (2001), Public Defender (2001), “ëÎÛÊ·ÂÌ Á‡˘ËÚÌËÍ” (2003). (2003).

28 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëèÖñàÄãçÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton SPECIALSPECIAL PPROGRAM

éëäÄê äêàëíÄçéÇ çÄ 70 ÉéÑàçà OSKAR KRISTANOV TURNS 70

“ÑÓ·ÓÚÓ Ì‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ÍËÌÓ Â ‚ “What is good in documentary films is the fact that ÚÓ‚‡, ˜Â ÚÓ ÓÚ‡Áfl‚‡ ̇È-‰Ó·Â Ë Ì‡È-ÚÓ˜ÌÓ they cover contemporary processes in a better and Ò˙‚ÂÏÂÌÌËÚ ÔÓˆÂÒË. ᇠʇÎÓÒÚ Ëχ more precise way. Unfortunately, the really good docu- χÎÍÓ ‰Ó·Ë ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË ÙËÎÏË. ᇉ‡˜ËÚ mentaries are just a few. Unlike feature films, docu- ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ Ë Ë„‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ÍËÌÓ Ò‡ mentaries face a different challenge. Documentaries ‡Á΢ÌË. ÑÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ ÙËÎÏË Ò‡ ÌflÍ‡Í are somehow more honest. Feature films grow old ÔÓ-˜ÂÒÚÌË. à„‡ÎÌËÚ ÔÓ-·˙ÁÓ ÓÒÚ‡fl‚‡Ú… more rapidly…I am proud to say that Bulgarian docu- ÉÓ‰ Ò˙Ï ‰‡ ͇ʇ, ˜Â ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ mentaries boast very good standards.” ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ ÍËÌÓ Â Ì‡ ‰ÌÓ ÏÌÓ„Ó ‰Ó·Ó Oskar Kristanov ÌË‚Ó.” éëäÄê äêàëíÄçéÇ Born on August 21st, 1937 in Moscow; studied two years in Poland; graduated in Film Directing from êÓ‰ÂÌ Â Ì‡ 21. 08. 1937 „. ‚ åÓÒÍ‚‡. ì˜Ë ‰‚ FAMU, Prague in 1977. „Ó‰ËÌË ‚ èÓί‡, ÔÂ‰Ë ‰‡ Á‡‚˙¯Ë ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚˙‚ îÄåì, è‡„‡ He has worked at the Newsreels and Documentaries Studio since 1964. ÔÂÁ 1977. „. Director of some 30 works, winner of prestigious awards at important ꇷÓÚËÎ Â ‚ ÒÚÛ‰ËflÚ‡ Á‡ ïÓÌË͇ÎÌË Ë ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË ÙËÎÏË ÓÚ international and national documentary film festivals. 1964 „.. His first work, The Incubator (1965) won the Critics’ Award in Varna, êÂÊËÒ¸Ó ̇ ÚˉÂÒÂÚË̇ ÙËÎχ, ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÎË ÔÂÒÚËÊÌË Ì‡„‡‰Ë ̇ 1965. ‚‡ÊÌË ˜ÛʉÂÒÚ‡ÌÌË Ë Ì‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÌË ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË Á‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ Guerillas-Supporters (1974) swept the Grand Prix for Best Documentary ÍËÌÓ. at the Bulgarian Feature Film Festival, Varna 1974 and a diploma at the IFF, é˘Â Ô˙‚ËflÚ ÏÛ ÙËÎÏ “ã˛ÔËÎÌflÚ‡” (1965) ÔÓÎÛ˜‡‚‡ 燄‡‰‡Ú‡ ̇ Leipzig 1974. ÍËÚË͇ڇ ‚˙‚ LJ̇, 1965. The Air (1975) won the Special Award of the Union of the Filmmakers of “üÚ‡ˆË” (1974)  ۉÓÒÚÓÂÌ Ò I ̇„‡‰‡ Á‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ Ì‡ DDR, IFF Leipzig ’80; First prize – Kustendil ‘75. îÅàî, LJ̇, 1974 Ë èÓ˜ÂÚÂÌ ‰ËÔÎÓÏ ÓÚ åäî, ã‡ÈԈ˄, 1974. At Nightfall (1976) received the Critics’ Award at the Bulgarian Short Film “Ç˙Á‰Ûı˙Ú” (1975) Ô˜ÂÎË ÒÔˆˇÎ̇ڇ ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ ë˙˛Á‡ ̇ Festival, Plovdiv ’76 and the Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers Award for ÙËÎÏÓ‚ËÚ ‰ÂÈˆË Ì‡ ÉÑê ̇ åäî, ã‡ÈԈ˄ , 1975 Ë I 燄‡‰‡ ̇ 1976. îçèÑî, ä˛ÒÚẨËÎ, 1975. The Lifelong Musician swept the Golden Rhyton award at the Bulgarian “燉‚˜Â” (1976) Ò Ó͢‚‡ Ò Ì‡„‡‰‡Ú‡ ̇ ÍËÌÓÍËÚË͇ڇ ̇ Short Film Festival, Plovdiv ’80 and the Silver Dove award at IFF Leipzig îÅäî, èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚, 1976 Ë Ì‡„‡‰‡Ú‡ ̇ ë˙˛Á‡ ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËÚ ’80; Grand Prix at Lille IFF ‘80. ÙËÎÏÓ‚Ë ‰ÂȈË, 1976. Jose Sancha (1980) was granted the Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers îËÎÏ˙Ú ÏÛ “ǘÌËflÚ ÏÛÁË͇ÌÚ” (1979) ÚËÛÏÙË‡ Ò˙Ò “á·ÚÂÌ Award for documentary in 1980 and the Special Jury Award at the Ú‡ÍËÈÒÍË ËÚÓÌ” ̇ îÅäî ‚ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚, 1980, “ë·˙ÂÌ „˙Î˙·” ̇ International Festival of Short and Documentary Films in Lille, France åäî, ã‡ÈԈ˄, 1980 Ë ÉÓÎflχڇ ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ åäî, ãËÎ, 1980 (1980). “ïÓÒ ë‡Ì˜‡” (1980) ÓÚ̇Òfl 燄‡‰‡Ú‡ ̇ ëÅîÑ Á‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ ÍËÌÓ, 1980 Ë ëÔˆˇÎ̇ڇ ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ ÊÛËÚÓ Ì‡ åäî, ãËÎ, 1980. Eminent documentalists about him: Ö‰ÌË ÓÚ Ì‡È-‰Ó·ËÚ ÌË ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎËÒÚË Á‡ Ì„Ó: Nikola Kovachev: “Oskar is of those men, who combine the knowledge çàäéãÄ äéÇÄóÖÇ: “éÒ͇  ÓÚ ıÓ‡Ú‡, ÔË ÍÓËÚÓ Á̇ÂÌÂÚÓ Ë with the skill. He is well aware of the fact. While making a film, he seems ÏÓÊÂÌÂÚÓ Ò ÔÓÍË‚‡Ú. à ÚÓ‚‡ ÏÛ Â ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ. íÓÈ Ô‡‚Ë ÙËÎÏ, to stand almost idle, but at the end we have an incredibly precise and ÏÓڇ Ò ˅ ̇Í‡fl ËÁÎËÁ‡ Ì‚ÂÓflÚÌÓ ˜ËÒÚÓ Ë ÚÓ˜ÌÓ. ä‡ÚÓ perfect work. It sounds as clear as a tinkler. His works prove to be phe- Á‚˙̘Â. ç„ӂËÚ ‡·ÓÚË Ò‡ fl‚ÎÂÌËÂ, Ì ÏÓʯ ‰‡ ͇ʯ, ÍÓfl  nomenal – one could hardly tell which of them is better: they are both ÔÓ-‰Ó·‡ – Ë Ï˙‰Ë, Ë ˜Ó‚˜ÌË, Ë ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË, Ë ÁÂÎˢÌË. wise and human, documentary and spectacular… His films are of intrin- îËÎÏËÚ ÏÛ ËÏ‡Ú ÌÂÔÂıÓ‰ÌË ÒÚÓÈÌÓÒÚË.” sic values.”

ûãàâ ëíéüçéÇ: “èÂ‰Ë „Ó‰ËÌË Ò „Ó‚Ó¯Â, ˜Â éÒ͇ äËÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚  July Stoianov: “Years ago Oskar Kristanov was said to have introduced ‰ËÌ ÓÚ ÓÌÂÁË, ÍÓËÚÓ ‰Ó‚‰Óı‡ ‚ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ÌË ÍËÌÓ “the cases” into Bulgarian documentary cinema. Yes, it is so, though his ˜Û‰‡ˆËÚÂ. ч, ÌÓ Ì„ӂËÚ “˜Û‰‡ˆË” Ì ҇ Ú‡ÍË‚‡ Á‡‡‰Ë ÌÂ˘Ó ÔÓ- “cases” are such not due to eccentricity, going beyond normality. These “Á‡‚˙ÚflÌÓ”, χÎÍÓ ËÁ‚˙Ì ÌÓÏËÚÂ. Ä Ò‡ ˜Û‰‡ˆË, Á‡˘ÓÚÓ Ò‡ are “cases”, because they are real, because they are good and decent ËÒÚËÌÒÍË, Á‡˘ÓÚÓ Ò‡ ‰Ó·Ë Ë Ò‚ÂÒÚÌË ıÓ‡. á‡ÚÓ‚‡ ·ÂÁ ‰‡ Ò˙Ï people. That’s why, without running to extremes, I believe that Bulgarian Í‡ÂÌ ÏËÒÎfl, ˜Â ˜ÂÁ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ ÏÛ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËflÚ ÌË ÙËÎÏ documentaries, thanks to his works measure up to the most humane tra- Ò ‰Ó·ÎËʇ‚‡ ‰Ó ̇È-ıÛχÌËÒÚ˘ÌËÚ Ú‡‰ËˆËË ‚ ̇ˆËÓ̇Î̇ڇ ditions of our national literature, where the genuine Bulgarian character ÌË ÎËÚÂ‡ÚÛ‡, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ Ô˙ÎÌÓˆÂÌÌÓ Ê˂ ËÒÚËÌÒÍËflÚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍË lives a fulfilling life.” ı‡‡ÍÚÂ.”

29 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëèÖñàÄãçÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton SPECIALSPECIAL PPROGRAM

ÇÖóçàüí åìáàäÄçí LIFELONG MUSICIAN 1979, 19 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ 1979, 19 min, documentary ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ïËÒÚÓ àÎË‚ Script: Hristo Iliev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: éÒ͇ äËÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Oskar Kristanov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡Ì ñÓÌ‚ Camera: Ivan Tzonev

åÂÊ‰Û ‰‚ÂÚ ҂ÂÚÓ‚ÌË ‚ÓÈÌË ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ äÂÍÓ‚  ÔÓÔÛÎflÂÌ Between the two world wars, Alexander Kerkov was a popular musician, ÏÛÁË͇ÌÚ, Ò‚ËË ‰Ê‡Á, Û˜‡ÒÚ‚‡ ‚ Á‡·‡‚ÌË Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl. Ç playing jazz and participating in shows. In the days, when the film was „Ó‰ËÌËÚÂ, ÍÓ„‡ÚÓ Â Á‡ÒÌÂÚ ÙËÎÏ˙Ú, ÚÓÈ ÔÓ‰‡‚‡ ÎÓÚ‡ËÈÌË made, he peddled lottery tickets in the streets, conducting at the same ·ËÎÂÚË ËÎË ·‡ÎÓÌË Ì‡ ÛÎˈ‡Ú‡ Ë ˙ÍÓ‚Ó‰Ë ‰ÛıÓ‚Ëfl ÓÍÂÒÚ˙ ‚ ‰ÌÓ time a brass band at a school in Gabrovo. Everywhere he entertained „‡·Ó‚ÒÍÓ Û˜ËÎˢÂ. 燂ÒflÍ˙‰Â „ÂÓflÚ Á‡·‡‚Îfl‚‡ ıÓ‡Ú‡ Ò˙Ò people, telling anecdotes and stories from his past. Ò‚ÓËÚ ÓÒÚÓÛÏËfl Ë ‡Á͇ÁË Á‡ ÏË̇ÎÓÚÓ ÒË.

“á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ” ̇ îÅäî èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ ‘80; ̇„‡‰‡Ú‡ “ë·˙ÂÌ „˙Î˙·” ̇ åäî Golden Rhyton award at the Festival of Bulgarian Short Films, Plovdiv ’80; Silver Dove ã‡ÈԈ˄ ’80; „ÓÎflχڇ ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ åäî ãËÎ, î‡ÌˆËfl ‘80 award at IFF Leipzig ’80; Grand Prix at Lille IFF ‘80

óéÇÖôàçÄ IT’S ONLY NATURAL 1967, 8 ÏËÌ, ˜‡ÒÚ ÓÚ ÔÓ‰ˈ‡Ú‡ “îÓÍÛÒ” 1967, 8 min, part of the FOCUS series

êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: éÒ͇ äËÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Oskar Kristanov

èÓ-ÒÍËÚÓ Ë ÓÚ “̇È-ÒÍËÚ‡Ú‡ ͇ÏÂ‡”... ìÒÏ˂͇ڇ ̇ ‰ËÌ More covert than any hidden camera… The smile of a nation. ̇Ó‰. 30 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëèÖñàÄãçÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton SPECIALSPECIAL PPROGRAM

ÇöáÑìïöí THE AIR 1975, 38 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ 1975, 38 min, documentary

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ïËÒÚÓ ñ‡˜Â‚ Script: Hristo Tzachev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: éÒ͇ äËÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Oskar Kristanov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡Ì ñÓÌ‚ Camera: Ivan Tzonev

ÑÌËÚ ÓÚ Ò‰Ïˈ‡Ú‡ Ò ‰flÚ. ᇂӉË, ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡, ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·Ë- The days of the week alternate each other. Factories, production, motor- ÎË Á‡Ï˙Òfl‚‡Ú ‚˙Á‰Ûı‡. ëÚÓÔ‡ÌÒÍË ˙ÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂΠӷ¢‡‚‡ Ì¢‡Ú‡ cars pollute the air. An industrial manager promises to tackle the issue, ‰‡ Ò ÓÔ‡‚flÚ, Û˜ÂÌ Ó·flÒÌfl‚‡ ÔÓ·ÎÂχ. 燉ÔËÒË Ë Ú‡·ÂÎË, Ò‚˙Á‡- a scientist elaborates on it. Boards and signs related to the issue: ÌË Ò ÚÂχڇ – ÔÛ¯ÂÌÓ ÒËÂÌÂ, ÔÛ¯Â̇ Ë·‡, ÔÛ¯ÂÌÂÚÓ Á‡·‡ÌÂÌÓ smoked cheese, smoked fish, no-smoking areas and right after that – Ò ‰ۂ‡Ú Ò Í‡‰Ë Ì‡ ÍÓÏËÌË, ·˙΂‡˘Ë ‰ËÏ, ‡ÛÒÔÛÒË Ì‡ ÍÓÎË Ë ÂÈ- factory chimneys, churning out smoke, exhaust-pipes of busses and ÒÓ‚Â... ÇÒ˘ÍÓ Â ÔÓÍËÚÓ Ò ÔÂÎÂ̇ڇ ̇ Ï˙ÒÌËfl ‚˙Á‰Ûı. à ‰ËÌ- cars… The blanket of the polluted air covers everything. It is only thanks ÒÚ‚ÂÌÓ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ÂÌË ̇ ËÏËÚ‡ÚÓ‡ ÏÓÊÂÏ ‰‡ ˜ÛÂÏ Í‡Í ÔÂflÚ to the imitator that one could hear the birds singing… ÔÚ˘ÍËÚÂ.

ëÔˆˇÎ̇ ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ ë˙˛Á‡ ̇ ÙËÎÏÓ‚ËÚ ‰ÂÈˆË Ì‡ ÉÑê ̇ åäî ã‡ÈԈ˄ ’75; I Special Award of the Union of the Filmmakers of DDR, IFF Leipzig ’80; First prize – ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ çèÑî ä˛ÒÚẨËÎ ‘75 Kustendil ‘75

åÄâëíéêöí THE MASTER 1972, 20 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ 1972 , 20 min, documentary

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: íÓ‰Ó åÓÌÓ‚, XËÒÚÓ àÎË‚, éÒ͇ äËÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ Script: Todor Monov, Hristo Iliev, Oskar Kristanov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: éÒ͇ äËÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Oskar Kristanov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÇËÍÚÓ ó˘ӂ Camera: Victor Chichov

É·‚ÌËflÚ „ÂÓÈ ê‰ÊÂÔ äÓÁ‡‚  ÔÓÒÚÓËÎ ‚ êÓ‰ÓÔËÚ 53 ˜Â¯ÏË, The protagonist, Redjep Kozarev has built 53 drinking water fountains in ·ÂÁ ‰‡ Ò  ÔÓ‰ÔË҇Π̇ ÌËÚÓ Â‰Ì‡ ÓÚ Úflı, Á‡˘ÓÚÓ “... ı‡Ë‡ ÓÚË‚‡ the Rhodope Mountains, without leaving his name on them, as “the ‚ ÔÓ‰ÔËÒ‡”. good deed is lost with the signature”.

çÄÑÇÖóÖê AT NIGHTFALL 1976, 21 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ 1976, 21 min, documentary

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ïËÒÚÓ àÎË‚ Script: Hristo Iliev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: éÒ͇ äËÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Oskar Kristanov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: çËÍÓÎ‡È íÓ‰ÓÓ‚ Camera: Nikolai Todorov

Öʉ̂ËÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÒÂÎÓ Å‡ÌÍÓ‚ˆË, ÇˉËÌÒÍÓ... ä‡Í‚Ó ÎË Ì Ô‡‚flÚ The daily life of the village of Brankovtsi, Vidin region… ÒÂÎflÌËÚ ̇‰‚˜Â... The villagers are doing a lot of things at nightfall…

燄‡‰‡Ú‡ ̇ ÍËÌÓÍËÚË͇ڇ ̇ îÅäî èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ ’76; ̇„‡‰‡Ú‡ ̇ ëÅîÑ Á‡ 1976 The Critics’ Award at the Festival of Bulgarian Short Films, Plovdiv ’76; The Union of „. Bulgarian Filmmakers Award for 1976. 31 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëèÖñàÄãçÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton SPECIALSPECIAL PPROGRAM


ÇÖãàëãÄÇ äÄáÄäéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1955 „. ‚ ëÓÙËfl. èÂÁ VELISLAV KAZAKOV was born in 1955 in Sofia. In 1975 1975 „. ÔÓÒÚ˙Ô‚‡ ‚ ëÚÛ‰Ëfl Á‡ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌË ÙËÎÏË joined Animated Films’ Studio “Sofia” as Animator, then “ëÓÙËfl”. ä‡ÚÓ ‡ÌËχÚÓ, ÂÊËÒ¸Ó Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ- Director, Art Director, Designer, Storyboard/Lay-out artist ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˜ËÍ Â Û˜‡ÒÚ‚‡Î ‚ Ò˙Á‰‡‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ Ôӂ˜ ÓÚ on over 30 short films. Graduated in 1988 from NATFA in 30 ÙËÎχ. ᇂ˙¯‚‡ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá Sofia with M.A. in Animation. In 1991–92 worked at ÔË ÔÓÙ. íÓ‰Ó ÑËÌÓ‚ (1988). èÂÁ 1991 – 1992 „. Richard Williams Studios in London on The Thief and the ‡·ÓÚË ‚ ÒÚÛ‰Ëfl ”ê˘‡‰ ìËΡÏÒ” ‚ ãÓ̉ÓÌ ÔÓ Cobbler. Moved to Montreal in 1992 and worked for many ”ä‡‰Âˆ˙Ú Ë Ó·Û˘‡flÚ”. éÚ 1992 „. Ê˂ ‚ åÓÌ‡Î, TV series, two features, few shorts and commercials. In ä‡Ì‡‰‡, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚‡ ‚ Ò˙Á‰‡‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÏÌÓ„Ó 2004 produced Bugging the Bug and presently is working ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌË ÒÂˇÎË, ‰‚‡ Ô˙ÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌË Ë ÌflÍÓÎÍÓ on two short films. Í˙ÒÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌË ÙËÎχ Ë ÂÍ·ÏË. èÂÁ 2004 „. Filmography: Self-Sacrifice (1981) – Debut Prize, Second ÔÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡ “Å˙Ï·˙ÁË͇Ì” Ë ‚ ÏÓÏÂÌÚ‡ Ëχ Ӣ Animation World Film Festival “Varna ‘81”; Hocus-Pocus ‰‚‡ ÙËÎχ ‚ ‡Á΢ÌË ÂÚ‡ÔË Ì‡ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó. (1982); Cuckoo (1983) – First Prize in up-to-five minutes îËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “ë‡ÏÓÊÂÚ‚‡” (1981) – 燄‡‰‡ Á‡ category, 3rd Animation World Film Festival “Varna ‘83”; ‰Â·˛Ú, II ë‚ÂÚÓ‚ÂÌ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î “LJ̇ “Golden Mikeldi” for Animation, 26th International Short 81”; “îÓÍÛÒ-ÅÓÍÛÒ” (1982); “äÛÍÛ” (1983) – è˙‚‡ Films Festival in Bilbao, Spain, 1984; This Sporting Life – ̇„‡‰‡ ‚ ͇Ú„ÓËfl ÙËÎÏË ‰Ó 5 ÏËÌ. ̇ III ë‚ÂÚÓ‚ÂÌ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ Boxing (1984); Snow White 85 (1985) – First prize ”Gold Medal”, International Red ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î “LJ̇ 83”, “á·ÚÂÌ åËÍÂΉ˔ Á‡ ‡ÌËχˆËfl ̇ 26-ÚË Cross Films Festival in Varna, 1987; Libido (1988) – Grand Prix, Student Films åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Í˙ÒÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌË ÙËÎÏË ‚ ÅËη‡Ó, àÒÔ‡ÌËfl, 1984 Festival in Munich, Germany; What Happened-Happened (1990); Bugging the Bug „.; This Sporting Life – “ÅÓÍÒ”; “ëÌÂʇÌ͇ 85” (1985) – è˙‚‡ ̇„‡‰‡ “á·ÚÂÌ (2004) ω‡Î” ̇ åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ˜Â‚ÂÌÓÍ˙ÒÚÍËÚ ÙËÎÏË, LJ̇, 1987 „.; “ã˷ˉӔ (1988) – ÉÓÎflχڇ ̇„‡‰‡, ëÚÛ‰ÂÌÚÒÍË ÙËÎÏÓ‚ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ‚ å˛ÌıÂÌ, ÉÂχÌËfl; “ä‡Í‚ÓÚÓ ·ËÎÓ-·ËÎÓ...” (1990); “Å˙Ï·˙ÁË͇Ì” (2004)

ÅêöåÅöáàäÄçÖ BUGGING THE BUG 2004, 5 ÏËÌ, ÅÂÚ‡Í‡Ï SP 2004, 5 min, Betacam SP

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÇÂÎËÒ·‚ ä‡Á‡ÍÓ‚ Script: Velislav Kazakov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÇÂÎËÒ·‚ ä‡Á‡ÍÓ‚ Director: Velislav Kazakov éÔÂ‡ÚÓu: îÂÎËÍÒ ñÂÌÚÌÂ, ãËÎfl̇ é„ÌflÌÓ‚‡ Camera: Felix Zentner, Liliana Ognyanova åÛÁË͇: ê˯‡ ã¸Ó ܇̉, îËÎËÔ ä·Í Music: Richard LeGendre, Philip Clarke èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ÇÂÎËÒ·‚ ä‡Á‡ÍÓ‚ – 9-4560 Ste Catherine W., Montreal, Qc, Production: Velislav Kazakov – 9-4560 Ste Catherine W., Montreal, Qc, H3Z 1S2, Canada, ÚÂÎ.: +1 514 938 0805, Ù‡ÍÒ: +1 514 938 2886, H3Z 1S2, Canada, phone: +1 514 938 0805, fax: +1 514 938 2886, [email protected] [email protected]

ç‚ËÌÂÌ Ë̈ˉÂÌÚ Ò Ï‡Î͇ ͇ÎËÌ͇ Ô‰ËÁ‚ËÍ‚‡ ‚ÒÂÓ·˘‡ Ô‡ÌË͇. Panic spreads around over a seemingly innocent incident involving a è‡ÁÂÚ Ò ÓÚ ·˙Ï·‡‡! èÂÛ‚Â΢ÂÌË Ë ‡Á‰ÛÚË ÓÚ Ï‰ËËÚÂ, Ladybug. Beware the Bug! Overblown by the media, rumors about War, ÒÎÛıÓ‚Â Á‡ ‚ÓÈ̇, ÔÓÏfl̇ ̇ ÍÎËχڇ Ë ÔËÓ‰ÌË ·Â‰ÒÚ‚Ëfl climate changes and disasters consequently unfold a comic catastro- ÔÓÒΉӂ‡ÚÂÎÌÓ ‡Á‚˙Á‚‡Ú ÍÓÏ˘̇ ͇ڇÒÚÓÙ‡. è‡‡ÎÂÎÌËÚ phe. The parallel worlds of real and surreal are combined together with- Ò‚ÂÚӂ ̇ ‡ÎÌÓ Ë Ò˛‡ÎÌÓ Ò ÒÏÂÒ‚‡Ú ‚ ÔÒËıÓÎӄ˘̇ڇ Ë„‡ in the psychological game between consciousness and sub-conscious- ̇ Ò˙Á̇ÌËÂÚÓ Ë ÔÓ‰Ò˙Á̇ÌËÂÚÓ. ness. Ö‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÓ Â‰ÌÓ Ï‡ÎÍÓ ‰ÂÚ ·ÂÁ„ËÊÌÓ Ë Ì‡ ÒÔÓÍÓÈÒÚ‚Ë Ò ‡‰‚‡ Only a little child is able to enjoy the beauty of the bug in peace and ̇ Í‡ÒË‚ÓÚÓ Ì‡ÒÂÍÓÏÓ. harmony.

32 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëèÖñàÄãçÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton SPECIALSPECIAL PPROGRAM


íÖéÑéê ìòÖÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl. ᇂ˙¯ËÎ Â „‡ÙË- THEODORE USHEV was born in Bulgaria and earned a ͇ Ë ÔÎ‡Í‡Ú ‚ çïÄ ÔÂÁ 1995 „. çflÍÓÎÍÓ „Ó‰ËÌË Â ÔÂ- master’s degree in graphic and poster design at the ÔÓ‰‡‚‡ÚÂÎ ‚ Ä͇‰ÂÏËflÚ‡, ÔÂ‰Ë ‰‡ Á‡ÏËÌ Á‡ ä‡Ì‡‰‡ National Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia in 1995. He taught ÔÂÁ 1999 „. ꇷÓÚË ‚ ӷ·ÒÚÚ‡ ̇ ÏÛÎÚËωËflÚ‡, there for several years before moving to Canada in 1999. ËβÒÚ‡ˆËflÚ‡, ‡ÌËχˆËflÚ‡, Ô‡‚ËÎ Â ËÁÎÓÊ·Ë Ì‡ Ô·͇ÚË ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl, îËÌ·̉Ëfl, ÉÂχÌËfl, üÔÓÌËfl, He works in multimedia, illustration, animation and has чÌËfl Ë êÛÒËfl. ÑË„ËÚ‡ÎÌËÚ ÏÛ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌË ÙËÎÏË exhibited his posters in Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Japan, Ò‡ ÒÂÎÂ͈ËÓÌË‡ÌË Ì‡ ÏÌÓ„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË, Ò‰ ÍÓËÚÓ Denmark and Russia. His digital animation films have been ÄÌÂÒË, éÚ‡‚‡, ë˙̉‡ÌÒ, íÓÓÌÚÓ, åÓÌ‡Î, LJÎfl‰ÓÎˉ, selected by many festivals, including Annecy, Ottawa, êËÓ ‰Â ܇ÌÂÈÓ, ÑÂÁ‰ÂÌ, í‡ÏÔÂÂ Ë ã‡ÈԈ˄. éÚ 2003 Sundance, Toronto, Montreal, Valladolid, Rio de Janeiro, „. íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ ‡·ÓÚË ‚ ÄÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓÚÓ Ï·‰ÂÊÍÓ Dresden, Tampere and Leipzig. Theodore has since 2003 ÒÚÛ‰ËÓ Í˙Ï ç‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÌËfl ÙËÎÏÓ‚ Ò˙‚ÂÚ Ì‡ ä‡Ì‡‰‡. íÓÈ ÔÓÂÍÚË‡ Ë ‡ÌËÏË‡ ÔÓڇ· Engrenage, ÍÓÈÚÓ worked regularly in the Animation and Youth Studio at the ÏÛ ÌÓÒË „ÓÎflχڇ ̇„‡‰‡ “ÅÛÏÂ‡Ì„” ÔÂÁ 2004 „. National Film Board of Canada. He designed and animated ê‡Á‡·ÓÚ‚‡ Ë Ò‡ÈÚ‡ In vivo Á‡ ͇̇‰ÒÍËfl Ô‡‚ËÎËÓÌ Ì‡ the Engrenage web portal, which earned him the Grand ë‚ÂÚÓ‚ÌÓÚÓ ËÁÎÓÊÂÌË ‚ üÔÓÌËfl ÔÂÁ 2005 „. Prix Boomerang in 2004. He also developed the site In íÓÈ Â ÔÎÓ‰Ó‚ËÚ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó Ë ‚ ÔÂËÓ‰‡ 2005–2007 Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ Ӣ ÚË ÙËÎ- vivo for the Canadian pavilion 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan. χ: “óÓ‚ÂÍ˙Ú, ÍÓÈÚÓ ˜‡Í‡¯Â”, “Tower Bawher” Ë ‰ÂÚÒÍËfl ÙËÎÏ “ñ‡ˈ‡”, Prolific director, Theodore Ushev completed 3 other films between 2005–2007 – ÍÓËÚÓ Ô˜ÂÎflÚ ¯ÛÏÂÌ ÛÒÔÂı ̇ Ò‚ÂÚÓ‚ÌË ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË. èÂÁ 2007 „. Á‡‚˙- The Man Who Waited, Tower Bawher, and the children movie Tzaritza, which ¯‚‡ ÙËÎχ ÒË “ëÛ” Á‡ ÏÓ·ËÎÌË ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌË, ÂÔËÁÓ‰ ÓÚ 10-ÒÂËÈÌËfl ÙËÎÏ became world-wide hits on the festival circuit scene. In 2007 he completed his “àÁÍÛÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ì‡ ÔÂÎ˙ÒÚfl‚‡ÌÂÚÓ”, Á‡Â‰ÌÓ Ò ÂÊËÒ¸ÓËÚ ÑÂÌËÒ ÇËÎ̸ӂ, movie Sou destined for the mobile devices as part of the 10 movie-series The Art ÉË å‡‰ÂÌ Ë àÁ‡·Â· êÓÒÂÎËÌË. îËÎÏËÚ Ò ËÁÎ˙˜‚‡Ú ÓÚ ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌËÚ of Seduction, together with directors as Denisse Villeneuve, Guy Madin, and ͇̇ÎË “Å‡‚Ó”, “ë˙̉‡ÌÒ” Ë ÓÚ MSN, ç˛ âÓÍ. Ç ÏÓÏÂÌÚ‡ íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ ‡- Isabella Rosselini. The series are aired on Bravo TV, Sundance TV channels, and ·ÓÚË ‚˙ıÛ ‡ÌËÏË‡Ì‡ ·ËÓ„‡ÙËfl ̇ ‰ËÌ ÓÚ Ì‡È-ı‡ËÁχÚ˘ÌËÚ ͇̇‰Ò- MSN Networks. Now Theodore Ushev works on an animated biography for one of ÍË ÂÊËÒ¸ÓË – ÄÚ˙ ãËÔÒÂÚ. ᇂÂʉ‡ ÌÓ‚Ëfl ÓÚ‰ÂÎ Á‡ ÒÚÂÂÓÒÍÓÔ˘̇ the most charismatic Canadian Directors, Arthur Lipsett. He is in charge of the new ‡ÌËχˆËfl ̇ NFB. IMAX Stereoscopic Animation department of NFB.

óéÇÖäöí, äéâíé óÄäÄòÖ THE MAN WHO WAITED 2006, 8 ÏËÌ 2006, 8 min ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚, äÎÓ ëËÌÍ-å‡Ò Script: Theodore Ushev, Chloe Cinq-Mars êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ Director: Theodore Ushev åÛÁË͇: Ä‚Ó èflÚ Music: Arvo Part èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Marc Bertrand, Susan Fuda, Bruce Johnson – 3155 Cote de Production: Marc Bertrand, Susan Fuda, Bruce Johnson – 3155 Cote de Liesse Road, Montreal, Quebec H4N 2N, [email protected] Liesse Road, Montreal, Quebec H4N 2N, [email protected]

Ö‰ËÌ ˜Ó‚ÂÍ ˆflÎ ÊË‚ÓÚ Â ˜‡Í‡Î Ô‰ Á‡Ú‚ÓÂ̇ ‚‡Ú‡. ä‡Í‚Ó Ëχ For his entire life, a man has waited outside a closed door. What lies ÓÚÚ‡Ú˙Í? àÒÚË̇ڇ, ÍÓflÚÓ Ú˙ÒË, ËÎË ‰Û„‡ ‚‡Ú‡? ë˙Ò behind? The truth he seeks or another door? Featuring stark animation ÒχȂ‡˘‡Ú‡ ÒË ‡ÌËχˆËfl Ë Ò ÏÓ˘Ì‡Ú‡ ÒË ÂÍÒÔÂÒËÓÌËÒÚ˘̇ and a powerful expressionist line, the film illustrates a fruitless and Ò˛ÊÂÚ̇ ÎËÌËfl ÙËÎÏ˙Ú Â ËβÒÚ‡ˆËfl ̇ ·ÂÁÔÎÓ‰ÌÓÚÓ Ë ‡·ÒÛ‰ÌÓ absurd quest for truth. Based on a parable by Franz Kafka, this timeless Ú˙ÒÂÌ ̇ ËÒÚË̇ڇ. ë˙Á‰‡‰ÂÌ ÔÓ î‡Ìˆ ä‡Ù͇, ÚÓÁË ‚˜ÂÌ story is enriched with the mesmerizing music of Arvo Part and the Ò˛ÊÂÚ Â Ó·Ó„‡ÚÂÌ ÓÚ ÏÛÁË͇ڇ ̇ Ä‚Ó èflÚ Ë Ò‰˙ʇÌËfl sober narration by Tony Robinson. ‰ËÍÚÓÒÍË ÚÂÍÒÚ Ì‡ íÓÌË êÓ·ËÌÒ˙Ì.

èÓ˜ÂÚÂÌ ‰ËÔÎÓÏ, åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î íÂıÂ‡Ì, à‡Ì 2007; Honorary Diploma, International Animation Festival 2007, Tehran – Iran; Prize 2: Onda ̇„‡‰‡ Onda Curta, åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î CINANIMA 2006 – Curta, International Animated Film Festival CINANIMA 2006, Espinho – Portugal; ÖÒÔË̸Ó, èÓÚÛ„‡ÎËfl; ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ ä‡Ì‡‰ÒÍËfl ÙËÎÏÓ‚ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ Á‡ ̇È-‰Ó·‡ Canadian Film Institute Award for Best Canadian Animation, International Animation ‡ÌËχˆËfl ̇ åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÌËfl ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ‚ éÚ‡‚‡ 2006. Festival, 2006, Ottawa – Canada 33 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëèÖñàÄãçÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton SPECIALSPECIAL PPROGRAM


2005, 4 ÏËÌ 2005, 4 min

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ Script: Theodore Ushev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ Director: Theodore Ushev åÛÁË͇: ÉÂÓ„ËÈ ë‚Ëˉӂ Music: Georgii Sviridov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Marc Bertrand – 3155 Cote de Liesse Road, Montreal, Production: Marc Bertrand – 3155 Cote de Liesse Road, Montreal, Quebec H4N 2N, [email protected] Quebec H4N 2N, [email protected]

”Tower Bawher”  ͇ÚÓ ¯ÂÏÂÚÌÓ Ô˙ÚÛ‚‡Ì ËÁ ÛÒÍËfl ÍÓÌÒÚÛÍÚË- Tower Bawher is like a whirlwind tour of Russian constructivist art, and ‚ËÁ˙Ï. íÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ ÓÚ‰‡‚‡ ÔÓ˜ËÚ Ì‡ ÚÓ‚‡ Ú˜ÂÌËÂ Ò Í‡Ò͇‰Ì‡, filmmaker Theodore Ushev pays homage to the movement with cascad- ÂÌÂ„˘̇ ‡ÌËχˆËfl. äÓÌÒÚÛÍÚË‚ËÁÏ˙Ú Â ÓÊ·‡ ̇ éÍÚÓÏ‚ËÈÒ- ing, energetic animation. Constructivism was born out of the Russian ͇ڇ ‚ÓβˆËfl Ë ÙËÎÏ˙Ú „˙ÏÊË ÓÚ ‚ËÁÛ‡ÎÌË ÔÂÔ‡ÚÍË Í˙Ï ıÛ- Revolution of 1917, and Tower Bawher is filled with visual references to ‰ÓÊÌˈËÚ ÓÚ Ó̇ÁË ÂÔÓı‡ (‚Íβ˜ËÚÂÎÌÓ ÇÂÚÓ‚, ëÚÂÌ·Â„, êÓ‰- artists of the era (including Vertov, Stenberg, Rodchenko, Lissitsky and ˜ÂÌÍÓ, ãËÒˈÍË Ë èÓÔÓ‚‡), ÍÓËÚÓ ÒÏflÚ‡ÎË, ˜Â ÔÓÒÚ‡‚flÚ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó- Popova), who saw their art as being in the service of the people. The ÚÓ ÒË ‚ ÒÎÛÊ·‡ ̇ ̇Ó‰‡. í‚Ó·ËÚ ËÏ Ò‡ Íβ˜Ó‚ ÂÎÂÏÂÌÚ ÓÚ ÍÛÎ- work of these artists was a key part of the cultural landscape in ÚÛÌËfl ÔÂÈÁ‡Ê ̇ Å˙΄‡Ëfl, Ó‰Ë̇ڇ ̇ ì¯Â‚. Ä‚ÚÓ˙Ú Ì‡·Îfl„‡ Ushev’s native Bulgaria. Over the same stirring Georgy Sviridov music ̇ ÎËÌËflÚ‡, ÙÓχڇ Ë ‰Ë̇ÏË͇ڇ ‚ ÔÓÚË‚Ó‚ÂÒ Ì‡ Ó·Âχ Ë ÒÚ‡- that opened the Soviet regime’s nightly newscast in the 1970s, Ushev Ú˘̇ڇ χ҇ ̇ ÙÓ̇ ̇ ‚˙Á·Ûʉ‡˘‡Ú‡ ÏÛÁË͇ ̇ ÉÂÓ„ËÈ ë‚ËË- highlights line, form and dynamic rhythms in place of volume and static ‰Ó‚, Ò ÍÓflÚÓ Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡Ú ‚˜ÂÌËÚ ÛÒÍË ÌÓ‚ËÌË ÔÂÁ 70-Ú „. ̇ ïï mass. The title of the film is an allusion to constructivist architect ‚. ᇄ·‚ËÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÙËÎχ  ‡Î˛ÁËfl Á‡ ÍÛ·ڇ ̇ ‡ıËÚÂÍÚ‡ Vladimir Tatlin’s tower, conceived in homage to the glory of the prole- ÍÓÌÒÚÛÍÚË‚ËÒÚ Ç·‰ËÏË í‡ÚÎËÌ, Á‡ÏËÒÎÂ̇ ͇ÚÓ Ô‡ÏÂÚÌËÍ ‚ tariat. Drawing on the tower’s design, the movement in the film draws ˜ÂÒÚ Ì‡ ‚Â΢ËÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÔÓÎÂÚ‡ˇڇ. óÂÔÂÈÍË ÓÚ ÌÂÈÌËfl ‰ËÁ‡ÈÌ, us continually upwards towards a utopian summit. But in the end, all of ‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂÚÓ ‚˙‚ ÙËÎχ ÌÂÔÂÍ˙Ò̇ÚÓ ÌË ‚˙Á̇Òfl ̇„Ó Í˙Ï Ìfl- the grandiose, futuristic forms that point to a glowing future wind up ͇Í˙‚ ÛÚÓÔ˘ÂÌ ‚˙ı. Ä· ̇Í‡fl ‚Ò˘ÍË „‡Ì‰ËÓÁÌË ÙÛÚÛËÒÚ˘ÌË crashing under the weight of ideology. In Tower Bawher Ushev cele- ÙÓÏË, ÒÓ˜Â˘Ë Í˙Ï Ò‚ÂÚÎÓÚÓ ·˙‰Â˘Â, Ò ÒË‚‡Ú ÔÓ‰ ÚÂÊÂÒÚÚ‡ brates the genius of constructivist artists, while also offering a scathing ̇ ˉÂÓÎÓ„ËflÚ‡. îËÎÏ˙Ú Ì‡ ì¯Â‚  ‡ÔÓÚÂÓÁ ̇ „ÂÌËfl ̇ ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË- commentary on art in the service of ideology. A film without words. ˆËÚ ÍÓÌÒÚÛÍÚË‚ËÒÚË Ë Â‰ÌÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ Ò ÚÓ‚‡ – ÛÌˢÓÊËÚÂÎ̇ ÍËÚË͇ ̇ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ, ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ÂÌÓ ‚ ÛÒÎÛ„‡ ̇ ˉÂÓÎÓ„ËflÚ‡. îËÎÏ ·ÂÁ ‰ÛÏË.

燄‡‰‡ Á‡ ̇È-‰Ó·˙ ÙËÎÏ, Platform åäî, 2007, èÓÚ·̉, ëÄô; ̇„‡‰‡ Á‡ ̇È- Award for Best Film, Platform International Animation Festival, ‰Ó·˙ ·ÂÁÒ˛ÊÂÚÂÌ ÙËÎÏ, åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌËfl ÙËÎÏ I Castelli 2007, Portland – USA; Award for Best non-narrative film, Int’l Festival of Animated Animati, 2006, ÑÊÂ̈‡ÌÓ, àÚ‡ÎËfl; ̇„‡‰‡ Onda Curta; ÒÔˆˇÎ̇ ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ Films, I Castelli Animati, 2006, Genzano – Italy; Prize 2: Onda Curta, Jury’s Special ÊÛËÚÓ – ̇„‡‰‡ ̇ „‡‰ ÖÒÔËÌ¸Ó – åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î Prize – Prize City of Espinho – International Animated Film Festival CINANIMA, 2006, CINANIMA, 2006, ÖÒÔË̸Ó, èÓÚÛ„‡ÎËfl; ̇„‡‰‡ Á‡ ̇È-‰Ó·˙ ‡·ÒÚ‡ÍÚÂÌ ÙËÎÏ, Espinho –Portugal; Award for Best Abstract Film, International Animation Festival – åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î – LIAF, 2006, ãÓ̉ÓÌ, ÄÌ„ÎËfl; ÌÓÏË̇ˆËfl Á‡ LIAF, 2006, London – England; Jutra Annual awards nomination, Best Animation, ̇È-‰Ó·‡ ‡ÌËχˆËfl – „Ӊ˯ÌË Ì‡„‡‰Ë Jutra, åÓÌ‡Π2006 Montreal, 2006

34 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëèÖñàÄãçÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton SPECIALSPECIAL PPROGRAM


2006, 7 ÏËÌ 2006, 7 min

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ Script: Theodore Ushev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚ Director: Theodore Ushev åÛÁË͇: çÓÏ‡Ì êÓÊ Music: Normand Roger èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Marc Bertrand – 3155 Cote de Liesse Road, Montreal, Production: Marc Bertrand – 3155 Cote de Liesse Road, Montreal, Quebec H4N 2N, [email protected] Quebec H4N 2N, [email protected]

ãËÎË Ú˙„Û‚‡ Á‡ ·‡·‡ ÒË, ÍÓflÚÓ Ê˂ Í‡È óÂÌÓ ÏÓÂ. ljÌ˙Ê Lili misses her grandma, her Baba, who lives near the Black Sea. On the ãËÎË Ì‡ÏË‡ ̇ ·„‡ “ˆ‡ˈ‡”, χ„˘ÂÒ͇ Ïˉ‡, ÍÓflÚÓ ËÁÔ˙ÎÌfl‚‡ seashore, Lili once found a “tzaritza”, a magic shell that grants one ‰ÌÓ Ê·ÌËÂ. åÓÏ˘Â̈ÂÚÓ Á‡ÏËÒÎfl ËÁÓ·ÂÚ‡ÚÂÎÂÌ ÔÎ‡Ì Í‡Í ‰‡ wish. The little girl soon hatches a clever plan to bring her grandma to ‰Ó‚‰ ·‡·‡ ÒË ‚ åÓÌÂ‡Î Ë ‰‡ Á‡‡‰‚‡ ·‡˘‡ ÒË... íÂÓ‰Ó ì¯Â‚, Montreal and make her father a happy man... Theodore Ushev com- Ò˙˜ÂÚ‡‚‡ÈÍË ÚÓÔÎË̇, ıÛÏÓ, χ„Ëfl Ë ‡ÎÌÓÒÚ, ËÁÒΉ‚‡ Å˙΄‡Ëfl bines warmth, humour, magic and reality as he explores Bulgaria ÔÂÁ Ó˜ËÚ ̇ ¯ÂÒڄӉ˯ÌÓ ‰ÂÚÂ. ÜË‚ËÚÂ, flÍË Ó·‡ÁË Ò through the eyes of a six-year-old girl. The lively, luminous images are ‰ÓÔ˙΂‡Ú ÓÚ ÏÛÁË͇ڇ ̇ çÓÏ‡Ì êÓÊÂ. Ö‰ÌÓ Ù‡ÌÚ‡ÒÚ˘ÌÓ complemented by the music of Normand Roger. A fantastic journey set Ô˙ÚÛ‚‡Ì ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ÂÌË ̇ χ„˘̇ Ïˉ‡. in motion by a magic shell.

燄‡‰‡ Á‡ ̇È-‰Ó·˙ Í‡Ú˙Í ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ, åÂʉÛ̇Ó‰ÂÌ ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î Á‡ Award for Best Short Animation Film, Olympia International Film Festival for Children & ‰Âˆ‡ Ë Ï·‰ÂÊË Olympia, 2006, ÄÚË̇, É˙ˆËfl; Camerio Á‡ ̇È-‰Ó·˙ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ Young People, 2006, Athens – Greece; Camerio for Best Animation Film, Carrousel ÙËÎÏ, Carrousel international du film 2006, êËÏÛÒÍË, ä‡Ì‡‰‡ international du film 2006, Rimouski – Canada

35 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM


2007, 42 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 42 min, documentary, 2006, 26 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 26 min, documentary, DVD DVD DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: Ç˙Θ‡Ì Ç˙Θ‡ÌÓ‚ Script: Vulchan Vulchanov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Script: Petko Goranov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ç˙Θ‡Ì Ç˙Θ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Vulchan Vulchanov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Petko Goranov éÔÂ‡ÚÓË: Ö‚„ÂÌËÈ Camera: Evgenyi Petrakiev, éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ûÎË‡Ì è˙‚‡ÌÓ‚ Camera: Julian Parvanov èÂÚ‡ÍË‚, äÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ Konstantin Knezevic, Angel èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: àÄ ÇÓÂÌÌË ÍÎÛ·Ó‚Â Ë Production: ÖA Military Clubs and äÌÂÊ‚˘, ÄÌ„ÂÎ ÑËÏËÚÓ‚, Dimitrov, Anton Toshev, Severin ËÌÙÓχˆËfl – ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. “ñ‡ Information – 7 Tzar Osvoboditel ÄÌÚÓÌ íӯ‚, ë‚ÂËÌ ó‡Í˙Ó‚ Chakurov éÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ËÚÂΔ 7, blvd., Sofia, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: àÄ ÇÓÂÌÌË ÍÎÛ·Ó‚Â Ë Production: ÖA Military Clubs and ÏÓ·. 0888 094 222 mob. +359 888 094 222 ËÌÙÓχˆËfl – ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. “ñ‡ Information – 7 Tzar Osvoboditel éÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ËÚÂΔ 7, blvd., Sofia, è˙Î̇ڇ ÔÓÙÂÒËÓ̇ÎËÁ‡ˆËfl ̇ The full professionalization of the \[email protected] [email protected] Å˙΄‡Ò͇ڇ ‡ÏËfl  ‰ËÌ ÓÚ Bulgarian Armed Forces is a major ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌËÚ ÔËÓËÚÂÚË Ì‡ priority of the Ministry of Defence. î‡ÍÚËÚÂ Ë Ò˙·ËÚËflÚ‡ ÓÚ The facts and events of the pres- åËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ì‡ The documentary The Army tells ‰Ì¯ÌËfl ‰ÂÌ Ì‡ ÇÓÂÌÌÓωˈË- ent day of the Military Medical ÓÚ·‡Ì‡Ú‡. îËÎÏ˙Ú about the achievements and diffi- ÌÒ͇ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËfl Ò‡ ‚ˉÂÌË Ë ÓÒ- Academy in Sofia as witnessed ◊ÄÏËflÚ‡…” ‡Á͇Á‚‡ Á‡ culties of recruiting intelligent ÏËÒÎÂÌË ◊ÓÚ‚˙Ú”, ÓÚ „Ή̇ and thought over from inside – ÛÒÔÂıËÚÂ Ë ÚÛ‰ÌÓÒÚËÚ ÔË young people for professional sol- ÚӘ͇ ̇ Ô‡ˆËÂÌÚ‡ – ÂÊËÒ¸Ó- from the point of view of the ̇·Ë‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ËÌÚÂÎË„ÂÌÚÌË diers. ‡ Ç. Ç˙Θ‡ÌÓ‚, ‡ÚËÒÚ‡ âÓÒËÙ patients: film director Vulchan Ï·‰ÂÊË Ë ‰Â‚ÓÈÍË Á‡ ë˙˜‡‰ÊË‚, ‰ÂÔÛÚ‡Ú‡ ËÌÊ. Vulchanov, actor Joseph ÔÓÙÂÒËÓ̇ÎÌË ‚ÓÈÌˈË. ëÚÓflÌ èÓ‰‡ÌÓ‚, ωˈËÌÒÍË Surtchadjiev, MP Stoian Prodanov, Îˈ‡, ÔÓÚ˙ÒËÎË ÎÂÍ ‚ Ú‡ÁË medical staff, who have been ·ÓÎÌˈ‡. îËÎÏ˙Ú ÔÓÒΉfl‚‡ Ë treated in the hospital. The film fol- ‚ËÁÛ‡ÎËÁË‡ ÌÂÈÌËÚ ·ÂÁÒÔÓÌË lows and visualises the unques- ÛÒÔÂıË, flÍÓ ÓÚÍÓfl‚‡˘Ë Ò ̇ tionable achievements of the ÍÓÌÚ‡ÒÚÌËfl, ·ÂÁ‡‰ÓÒÚÂÌ ÙÓÌ health establishment, clearly out- ̇ Ò˙‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓÚÓ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓ lined against the deplorable back- Á‰‡‚ÂÓÔ‡Á‚‡ÌÂ. ground of Bulgarian healthcare of today. èÖíäé ÉéêÄçéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1943 „. PETKO GORANOV was born in 1943. He ꇷÓÚË ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ has been working in the field of documen- ÇöãóÄç ÇöãóÄçéÇ Â ‡‚ÚÓ ̇ VULCHAN VULCHANOV is the author of ÍËÌÓ Í‡ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. èÓ- tary cinema as a scriptwriter and director. ÙËÎÏËÚ “äÓÂÌËÚ ̇ Ú‚Óˆ‡” the films The Roots of the Creator (1975), ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ÏÛ ÙËÎÏË Ò‡ ◊åÓϘÂÚ‡ Some of his films are Boys at Twenty, He (1975), “äËÌÓ ·ÂÁ ͇ÏÂ‡” (1976), Cinema Without Camera (1976), Acatis ̇ 20 „Ó‰ËÌË”, ◊íÓÈ Ì Á‡„Ë̇ ̇ Did Not Die in War, Spontaneous, Sunday “Ä͇ÚËÒ” (1978), “ÇÓÈ̇ ·ÂÁ ËÁÒÚÂΔ (1978), A War Without a Shot (1984), The ‚ÓÈ̇”, ◊ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ”, ◊ç‰ÂÎÌÓ”, ◊ÖıÓ Mood, Echo from Cambodia (1996), (1984), “äÎÂÚ‚‡Ú‡ ̇ ïËÔÓÍ‡Ú” Oath of Hypocratus (1985), A Chronicle ÓÚ ä‡Ï·Ó‰Ê‡” (1996), ◊Å· Ò˙Ï, White, That’s What I Am, (1998), The (1985), “ïÓÌË͇ ̇ ‰ËÌ ˛·ËÎÂÈ” of an Anniversary (1988), About ·Â·” (1998), ◊ä‡ÔÒÛ·ڇ” (2001), ◊ᇠCapsule (2001), Dedicated to Bulgaria (1988), “ᇠêÂÏ·‡Ì‰, Á‡ ÍÓÚ͇ڇ” Rembrandt, about the Cat (1998) Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2001), ◊ᇠÓ‰ÌÓ Ì·” (2001), For the Bulgarian Air (2002), (1998) (2002), ◊Ç ÂÁÂ‚ ̇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ” Manly Girls (2002), Rets (2003), Sky for (2003), ◊å˙ÊÍË ÏÓÏ˘ÂÚ‡” (2002), All (2004), Sons of Glory. ◊ç· Á‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË” (2004), ◊ëËÌӂ ̇ Ò·‚‡Ú‡”.

36 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM


2005, 2ı27 ÏËÌ, 2005, 2x27 min, documentary, 2006, 53 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 53 min, documentary, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, DVD DVD DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: à‚‡Ì í‡ÈÍÓ‚, åËÚ Script: Ivan Traykov, Mitre ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ‰- ÇËÓÎÂÚ‡ ꇉ‚‡ Script: Dr. Violeta Radeva ëÚ‡ÏÂÌÓ‚ Stamenov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÖÎÂ̇ 凯ÍÓ‚‡ Director: Elena Mashkova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: à‚‡Ì í‡ÈÍÓ‚ Director: Ivan Traykov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ëÚËÎËflÌ ÄÌÚÓÌÓ‚ Camera: Stilian Antonov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: Ç‡Ì¸Ó ÉÂÓ„Ë‚ Camera: Vanyo Georgiev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: êíÇñ êÛÒ – Production: RTVC Ruse – Vladimir åÛÁË͇: ÄÎÂÍÒ çۯ‚ Music: Alex Nushev Ç·‰ËÏË äÓ̉ӂ, „. êÛÒÂ, ÛÎ. Kondov, 6 Tzaribrod str., Ruse, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ëÚÛ‰Ëfl “ÇÂÏ” – Production: Vreme Studio – “ñ‡Ë·Ó‰” 6, phone: +359 82 813 824, ëÚ‡ÌËÏË íËÙÓÌÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl Stanimir Trifonov, 67 Dondukov ÚÂÎ. 082 813 824, fax: +359 82 820 839, 1504, ·ÛÎ. “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” 67, blvd., 1504 Sofia, Ù‡ÍÒ: 082 820 839, [email protected] ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 944 29 77, phone/fax: +359 2 944 29 77, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] îËÎÏ Á‡ ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎfl ë‚ÂÚÎÓÁ‡ A film about the writer Svetlozar áˆËÓÌÌËÚÂ Ë ÍÓÒÏ˘ÂÒÍËÚ Aviation and space technologies ÄÍẨË‚ ÑËÏËÚÓ‚ – áÏÂÈ Akendiev Dimitrov, alias Zmei ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË ‚Ë̇„Ë Ò‡ ·ËÎË Á‡- have always been the trademark of ÉÓflÌËÌ. Ö‰ËÌ ÓÚ Ì‡È- Gorianin, who, along with Yordan Ô‡ÁÂ̇ χ͇ Á‡ ̇È-·Ó„‡ÚËÚ the richest and most prosperous ËÁ‰‡‚‡ÌËÚ ‡‚ÚÓË Ì‡‰ Ò Yovkov and Elin Pelin, was among Ë ‡Á‚ËÚË ÒÚ‡ÌË ‚ Ò‚ÂÚ‡. Ç countries in the world. In an envi- âÓ‚ÍÓ‚ Ë ÖÎËÌ èÂÎËÌ ÔÂÁ 30-Ú the most popular authors in the ÛÒÎÓ‚Ëfl ̇ ÔÓÎËÚ˘ÂÒ͇ ÍÓÌÙ- ronment of political confrontation Ë 40-Ú „Ó‰ËÌË Ì‡ ïï ‚. íÓË Â Ë 1930s and the 1940s. He also ÓÌÚ‡ˆËfl ·˙΄‡ÒÍËÚ ‡‚ËÓËÌ- some Bulgarian air engineers, ‰ËÌ ÓÚ ı‚‡Ì‡ÚËÚ ‚ was among those, who were ÊÂÌÂË, ‡ÍÂÚÌË ÍÓÌÒÚÛÍÚÓË rocket constructors and ÔËÏ͇ڇ ̇ Ï˙Θ‡ÌËÂÚÓ ÒΉ caught in the trap of silence in the Ë ‡ÒÚÓÌÓÏË ÛÒÔfl‚‡Ú ‰‡ ‰ÓÒ- astronomers succeeded in reach- 9 ÒÂÔÚÂÏ‚Ë 1944. wake of September 9, 1944. ÚË„Ì‡Ú ‚˙ıÓ‚ÂÚ ̇ ÔÓÙÂÒË- ing the peak of their professional îËÎÏ˙Ú Ò˙‰˙ʇ ÌÂÔÛ·ÎËÍÛ‚‡Ì The film features documents relat- Ó̇Î̇ڇ ÒË ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËfl. îËÎÏ performance. ‰Ó ÏÓÏÂÌÚ‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ ed to the life of Zmei Gorianin, Á‡ ÚÓ‚‡ Í‡Í Â‰Ì‡ χÎ͇ Ë ËÁ- A documentary about how a small χÚÂˇÎ, Ò‚˙Á‡Ì Ò never released before, as well as ÔËÚ‚‡˘‡ ËÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍË ÚÛ‰- and experiencing hard times coun- ·ËÓ„‡ÙËflÚ‡ ̇ áÏÂÈ ÉÓflÌËÌ, unpublished works by the writer. ÌÓÒÚË ÒÚ‡Ì‡ ͇ÚÓ Å˙΄‡Ëfl try like Bulgaria finds a place ͇ÍÚÓ Ë ÌÂ„Ó‚Ë ÌÂÔÛ·ÎËÍÛ‚‡ÌË Ì‡ÏË‡ ÏflÒÚÓ Ò‰ ‚Ӊ¢ËÚ among the intellectually leading ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËfl. ‚ ËÌÚÂÎÂÍÚÛ‡ÎÌÓ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌË countries. ̇ˆËË.

àÇÄç íêÄâäéÇ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ÙËÎÏÓ‚‡ IVAN TRAYKOV graduated in Film Directing ÖãÖçÄ åÄòäéÇÄ Â ‡‚ÚÓ ̇ ̇‰ 20 ELENA MASHKOVA is the author of more ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÓ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍË at the New Bulgarian University in 2002. ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË, ̇ۘÌÓÔÓÔÛÎflÌË Ë than 20 documentaries, scientific and ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ÔÂÁ 2002 „. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó Director of the films Next Morning Over ÏÛÁË͇ÎÌË ÙËÎχ, ÌflÍÓË ÓÚ ÍÓËÚÓ Ò‡ music films. Some of them are City of ̇ ÙËÎÏËÚ “ëΉ‚‡˘Ó ÛÚÓ Ì‡‰ the Fatherland (1997), 35 mm Memories “É‡‰˙Ú Ì‡ ÓˆÂÎfl‚‡˘ËÚ”, Survivors – 1993, Suffering and Revolt – Ó‰Ë̇ڇ” (1997), “35 ÏÏ ÒÔÓÏÂÌË” (2002), Breakfast on the Grass (2003), “ëÚ‡‰‡ÌËÂ Ë ·ÛÌÚ”, “å‡Ì‡ÒÚË˙Ú 2000, A Monastery Above the Clouds – (2002), “á‡ÍÛÒ͇ ̇ Ú‚‡Ú‡” (2003, Once There Was Zherka (2003), ̇‰ ӷ·ˆËÚ”, “ч ̇Ô‡‚˯ ÒÎ˙̈”, 2003, To Make a Sun, Courage to “àχÎÓ Â‰ÌÓ ‚ÂÏ ÜÂ͇” (2003), Encounter (2003), Fire and Ardour “äÛ‡Ê ‰‡ ÔÓ‰˙ÎÊ˯”, Continue, The Annunciation in Sredna “ë¢‡” (Ë„., 2003), “é„˙Ì Ë Ô·ϔ (2003), Bulgarian Wings (2005). “Å·„ӂ¢ÂÌË ‚ ë‰̇ ÍÛ·”, “èÓ Kula, By Water… Beneath the Earth – (2003), “Å˙΄‡ÒÍËflÚ ÔÓÎÂÚ” (2005). ‚Ó‰‡…. ÔÓ‰ ÁÂÏflÚ‡”, “ë͇ÎÌËÚ 2002, The Rocky Monasteries in χ̇ÒÚËË ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl”. Bulgaria..

37 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM


2007, 28 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 28 min, documentary, 2007, 26 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 26 min, documentary, DVD/DVC pro DVD/DVC pro DVD DVD

Ä‚ÚÓ Ë ‚Ӊ¢: èÂÌ͇ ïËÒÚÓ‚‡ Author and presenter: Penka ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Script: Petko Goranov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: åËı‡ËÎ ÇÂÌÍÓ‚ Hristova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Petko Goranov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: åËÎÂ̇ ëÚÓÈÍÓ‚‡ Director: Mikhail Venkov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: è·ÏÂÌ óÂ‚ÂÌÍÓ‚ Camera: Plamen Chervenkov èÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó: íÇ ◊Çfl‡”, ëÓÙËfl Camera: Milena Stoikova èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: îä “ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ” – è. Production: FH Spontanno – P. 1797, ÊÍ “àÁ„‚”, ÛÎ. 170, ‹ 26 Production: TV “Viara”, 1797 Sofia, ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl, Ê.Í. “ã˛ÎËÌ” ·Î. Goranov, Lulin, bl. 908, vh. Ç, app. Izgrev, 26, 170th str. 908, ‚ı. Ç, ‡Ô.63, 63, Sofia, ÇËÚÂÁ‰‡  ·Ë·ÎÂÈÒÍÓÚÓ Ì‡ËÏÂÌÓ‚‡- ÏÓ·. 0888 094 222 mob. +359 888 094 222 ÌË ̇ ·‡ÒÂÈ̇, Í˙‰ÂÚÓ ·ÓÎÌËÚ ıÓ- Bethesda is the biblical name of the ‡ Ò‡ Ó˜‡Í‚‡ÎË Ò‚ÓÂÚÓ ËÁˆÂÎÂÌËÂ Ë pool where the disabled people ÒÔ‡ÒÂÌËÂ. expected their healing and salvation. ÇÒfl͇ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ Ò˙ÒÚÂÁ‡ÚÂÎ͇ Each Bulgarian woman biathlonist Ç ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ–ÔÛ·ÎˈËÒÚ˘ÌËfl The documentary Bethesda, part of ÔÓ ·Ë‡ÚÎÓÌ ÒË Ëχ Ò‚Ó has a family of her own; still the ÙËÎÏ ◊ÇËÚÂÁ‰‡” ÓÚ Â‰ÌÓËÏÂÌ̇ڇ the series bearing that name, intro- ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó, ÌÓ ÉÓÎflÏÓÚÓ National Team is their Big Family. ÔÓ‰ˈ‡  Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÂÌ Â‰ËÌ ÌÂÁfl˘ duces Spas Kafezov, the chairman ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó Â Ì‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÌËflÚ The film tells about the achieve- ËÌÚÂÎÂÍÚۇΈ ‚ Ì„ӂ‡Ú‡ ÔÓÙÂ- of the Louis Braille community cen- ÊÂÌÒÍË ÓÚ·Ó ÔÓ ·Ë‡ÚÎÓÌ. ments and failures, the happy and ÒËÓ̇Î̇ Ò‰‡ – ëÔ‡Ò ä‡‡ÙÂÁÓ‚, tre for visually impaired. The docu- îËÎÏ˙Ú ‡Á͇Á‚‡ Á‡ Ôӷ‰ËÚÂ Ë unhappy days of the Bulgarian Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂΠ̇ 燈ËÓ̇ÎÌÓÚÓ ˜Ë- mentary studies the activity of the ÌÂÛÒÔÂıËÚÂ, Á‡ ‡‰ÓÒÚÌËÚÂ Ë girls. Ú‡Îˢ Á‡ ÒÎÂÔË “ãÛË Å‡ÈΔ. ê‡Á„- people working at the centre and Ú˙ÊÌËÚ ‰ÌË Ì‡ ̇¯ËÚ ÎÂʉ‡ Ò ‰ÂÈÌÓÒÚÚ‡ ̇ ‡·ÓÚ¢Ë- the chance for a normal life, which ÏÓÏ˘ÂÚ‡. Ú ‚ ˜ËÚ‡ÎˢÂÚÓ Ë ‚˙ÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË- the Braille alphabet gives to the ÚÂ, ÍÓËÚÓ ÔÓÎÛ˜‡‚‡Ú ÌÂÁfl˘ËÚ visually impaired. ıÓ‡ Á‡ ÔÓ-Ô˙ÎÌÓˆÂÌÂÌ ÊË‚ÓÚ ˜ÂÁ Sharing his most intimate experi- ·‡ÈÎÓ‚‡Ú‡ ÔËÒÏÂÌÓÒÚ. ence, the main character sums up ëÔÓ‰ÂÎflÈÍË Ò˙ÍÓ‚ÂÌË ÔÂÊË‚fl‚‡- how he has reached answers to the ÌËfl, „·‚ÌËflÚ „ÂÓÈ Ó·Ó·˘‡‚‡ Í‡Í Â three major questions of spiritual ‰ÓÒÚ˄̇Π‰Ó ÓÚ„Ó‚ÓË Ì‡ ÚËÚ existence: the meaning of life, the ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌË ‚˙ÔÓÒ‡ ̇ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌÓÚÓ ÒË faith in God and human relation- ·ËÚËÂ: ÒÏËÒ˙· ̇ ÊË‚ÓÚ‡, ‚fl‡Ú‡ ships. ‚ ÅÓ„‡ Ë ˜Ó‚¯ÍÓÚÓ Ó·˘Û‚‡ÌÂ.

åàïÄàã ÇÖçäéÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ÇÉàä MIKHAIL VENKOV has graduated from the èÖíäé ÉéêÄçéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1943 „. PETKO GORANOV was born in 1943. He ÔÂÁ 1975 „. éÚ 1975 ‰Ó 1992 „. Higher State Cinema Institute – Moscow ꇷÓÚË ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ has been working in the field of documen- ‡·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ in 1975. He has worked as cameraman ÍËÌÓ Í‡ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. èÓ- tary cinema as a scriptwriter and director. ëíî “ÖÍ‡Ì”, ‡ ÓÚ 1993 „. – ˘‡ÚÂÌ Ë and director at Ekran studio (1975–92). ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ÏÛ ÙËÎÏË Ò‡ ◊åÓϘÂÚ‡ ̇ Some of his films are Boys at Twenty, He Ì¢‡ÚÂÌ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ Åçí. èÓ-‚‡ÊÌË Since 1993 he works as director at the 20 „Ó‰ËÌË”, ◊íÓÈ Ì Á‡„Ë̇ ̇ ‚ÓÈ̇”, Did Not Die in War, Spontaneous, Sunday ÙËÎÏË: “ëÂ˘Ë Ò èÂÚ˙ ÑËÏÍÓ‚” BNT. Selected filmography: Meetings with ◊ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ”, ◊ç‰ÂÎÌÓ”, ◊ÖıÓ ÓÚ Mood, Echo from Cambodia (1996), Petar Dimkov (1981), The Second (1981), “ÇÚÓËflÚ Ï‡Ì¯ ̇ ëÚÂÌχÍ” ä‡Ï·Ó‰Ê‡” (1996), ◊Å· Ò˙Ï, ·Â·” White, That’s What I Am, (1998), The (1987), “ï‡‡ÍÚÂ Ò ËÁ„‡Ê‰‡ ˆflÎ Manche of Stenmark (1987), Character Is (1998), ◊ä‡ÔÒÛ·ڇ” (2001), ◊ᇠCapsule (2001), Dedicated to Bulgaria ÊË‚ÓÚ” (1988), “àÎËfl ůÍÓ‚” (1991), to Be Formed In One’s Lifetime (1988), Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2001), ◊ᇠÓ‰ÌÓ Ì·” (2001), For the Bulgarian Air (2002), “àÁ·Ó˙Ú Ì‡ ÇÂÌÂÚ‡” (2000), Iliya Beshkov (1991), Veneta’s Choice (2002), ◊Ç ÂÁÂ‚ ̇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ” Manly Girls (2002), Rets (2003), Sky for ÔÓ‰ˈ‡Ú‡ “ÜË‚‡ ÔÂÒÂÌ” Ë Û·Ë͇ڇ (2000), series A Living Song and Human “óӂ¯͇ ÍÓωËfl”. Comedy. (2003), ◊å˙ÊÍË ÏÓÏ˘ÂÚ‡” (2002), All (2004), Sons of Glory. ◊ç· Á‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË” (2004), ◊ëËÌӂ ̇ Ò·‚‡Ú‡”.

38 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM


2006, 24 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 24 min, documentary, 2007, 28 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 28 min, documentary, DVD DVD DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: à‚‡Ì í‡ÈÍÓ‚ Script: Ivan Traykov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: LJÌfl ÑÓÌ‚‡ Script: Vania Doneva êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: à‚‡Ì í‡ÈÍÓ‚ Director: Ivan Traykov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: LJÌfl ÑÓÌ‚‡ Director: Vania Doneva éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: Ç‡Ì¸Ó ÉÂÓ„Ë‚ Camera: Vanyo Georgiev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ñ‚ÂÚ‡Ì Å·„Ó‚ Camera: Tzvetan Blagoev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ëÚÛ‰Ëfl “ÇÂÏ” – Production: Vreme Studio – èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: çí “ëäÄí” – LJÎÂË Production: SäÄí NT – Valeri ëÚ‡ÌËÏË íËÙÓÌÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl Stanimir Trifonov, 67 Dondukov ëËÏÂÓÌÓ‚, ÅÛ„‡Ò 8000, ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ Simeonov, Zornitza complex, next 1504, ·ÛÎ. “ÑÓ̉ÛÍÓ‚” 67, blvd., 1504 Sofia, “áÓÌˈ‡” ‰Ó ·Î. 39, to bl. 39, 8000 Bourgas, ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 944 29 77, phone/fax: +359 2 944 29 77, ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 056 86 30 30 phone/fax: +359 56 86 30 30 [email protected] [email protected] “ᇷÎÂflÎÓ ÏË ‡„˙̈”  A Little Lamb Bleated is a biogra- ÇÒfl͇ „Ó‰Ë̇ ÒΉ äÓΉ‡, According to Bulgarian beliefs, ·ËÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÌ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ phy of the folk singer Boris ÒÔÓ‰ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËÚ ‚fl‚‡ÌËfl, each year after Christmas the Foul Á‡ ̇Ó‰ÌËfl Ô‚ˆ ÅÓËÒ Mashalov. Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡Ú å˙ÒÌËÚ (ËÎË or Black Days start. Then at mid- 凯‡ÎÓ‚. Archive records of the Bulgarian óÂÌË) ‰ÌË. íÓ„‡‚‡ ‚ ÔÓÎÛÌÓ˘ night, all vampires, demons and àÁÔÓÎÁ‚‡ÌË Ò‡ ‡ıË‚ÌË Á‡ÔËÒË ÓÚ National Radio, archive footages ‚Ò˘ÍË ‚‡ÏÔËË, ‰ÂÏÓÌË, goblins creep out of the dark… In Åçê, ‡ıË‚ÌË Í‡‰Ë ÓÚ from the National Film Archives, ڇ·Ò˙ÏË ËÁÔ˙ÎÁfl‚‡Ú ÓÚ order to exorcise the demons, old ̇ˆËÓ̇Î̇ڇ ÙËÎÏÓÚÂ͇, ΢ÌË personal belongings and letters of Ï‡Í‡... ᇠ‰‡ ÔÓ„ÓÌflÚ ÚÂÁË Bulgarians invented masquerade ‚Â˘Ë Ë ÔËÒχ ̇ Ô‚ˆ‡, the singer, kindly submitted by his ‰ÂÏÓÌ˘ÌË Ò˙Á‰‡ÌËfl, ‰‚ÌËÚ processions. These carnivals are Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ÂÌË ÓÚ Ì„ӂÓÚÓ family, were used for the making ·˙΄‡Ë Ò˙Á‰‡ÎË Ï‡Ò͇‡‰ÌË believed to have their origin in ÒÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó. of this film. ¯ÂÒÚ‚Ëfl. Çfl‚‡ ÒÂ, ˜Â ÚÂÁË ancient Thracia back in the days of ͇̇‚‡ÎË ÔÓËÁıÓʉ‡Ú ÓÚ Ancient Greece. The carnivals are ‰‚ÌËÚ Ú‡ÍË, ÓÚ ‚ÂÏÂÚÓ held to this day… ̇ Ñ‚̇ É˙ˆËfl. íÂÁË Í‡̇‚‡ÎË Ó˘Â Ò˙˘ÂÒÚ‚Û‚‡Ú...

àÇÄç íêÄâäéÇ Á‡‚˙¯‚‡ ÙËÎÏÓ‚‡ IVAN TRAYKOV graduated in Film Directing ÇÄçü ÑéçÖÇÄ Â Ó‰Â̇ ÔÂÁ 1975 „. ‚ VANIA DONEVA was born in Burgas in ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÓ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍË at the New Bulgarian University in 2002. ÅÛ„‡Ò. ᇂ˙¯Ë·  ‡ÍÚ¸ÓÒÍÓ 1975. She graduated in Drama Acting ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ÔÂÁ 2002 „. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó Director of the films Next Morning Over χÈÒÚÓÒÚ‚Ó Á‡ ‰‡Ï‡Ú˘ÂÌ Ú‡Ú˙ ‚ from NATFA. She has worked as an ̇ ÙËÎÏËÚ “ëΉ‚‡˘Ó ÛÚÓ Ì‡‰ the Fatherland (1997), 35 mm Memories çÄíîàá. ꇷÓÚË·  ͇ÚÓ ‡ÍÚËÒ‡, ‡ ÓÚ actress, and since 2001 she has been a Ó‰Ë̇ڇ” (1997), “35 ÏÏ ÒÔÓÏÂÌË” (2002), Breakfast on the Grass (2003), 2001 „.  ÂÊËÒ¸Ó Ë ‚Ӊ¢ ‚ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl director and TV presenter at the Skat TV (2002), “á‡ÍÛÒ͇ ̇ Ú‚‡Ú‡” (2003, Once There Was Zherka (2003), “ë͇ڔ. Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ channel. Author of the documentaries “àχÎÓ Â‰ÌÓ ‚ÂÏ ÜÂ͇” (2003), Encounter (2003), Fire and Ardour ÙËÎÏË “á˙̈ ̇‰Âʉ‡” (2004), “ëÛ‚‡ ‚ Grain of Hope (2004), Well-wishing in “ë¢‡” (Ë„., 2003), “é„˙Ì Ë Ô·ϔ (2003), Bulgarian Wings (2005). ëÓÔˈ‡” (2006), “燯‡Ú‡ Ç˙Î͇̇” Sopitsa (2006), Our Valkana (2007), With (2003), “Å˙΄‡ÒÍËflÚ ÔÓÎÂÚ” (2005) (2007), “ë ÔÂÒÌËÚ ̇ ÇÂ͇ ëˉÂÓ‚‡” the Songs of Verka Siderova (2007). (2007).

39 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM

áÄêÄÑà ãÖãü ëçÖÜÖ BECAUSE OF HER àëíéêàüíÄ çÄ HISTORY OF THE 2007, 58 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 58 min, documentary, Äçíàóçàü íÖÄíöê ANCIENT THEATRE DVD DVD ÇöÇ îàãàèéèéã IN PHILIPPOPOLIS ëˆÂ̇ËÈ, ÂÊËÒ¸ÓË, ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓ- Script, Directors, Camera: Vesela Ë: ÇÂÒ· Ë ÅËÎfl̇ ä‡Á‡ÍÓ‚Ë and Biliana Kazakovs åÓÌÚ‡Ê: ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ÄÌÚÓÌÓ‚, Editing: Alexander Antonov, 2007, 31 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 31 min, documentary, ÑÓÌ͇ à‚‡ÌÓ‚‡ Donka Ivanova Betacam SP/DVD Betacam SP/DVD ÄÌËχˆËfl: åË̇ åË΂‡ Animation: Mina Mileva åÛÁË͇: ÇÂÒ· ä‡Á‡ÍÓ‚‡ Music: Vesela Kazakova èÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó: ÇÂÒ· Ë ÅËÎfl̇ Production: Vesela and Biliana ä‡Á‡ÍÓ‚Ë, ëÓÙËfl 1612, ㇄Â‡, Kazakovs, Lagera, bl. 28, vh. 6, ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: çËÍÓÎ‡È ò‡‡ÌÍÓ‚ Script: Nikolai Sharankov ·Î. 28, ‚ı. 6, ‡Ô. 3, ÚÂÎ. 852 58 ‡pp. 3, 1612 Sofia, phone: +359 2 êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: âÓ‰‡Ì ÑÂÚ‚ Director: Yordan Detev 91, ÏÓ·. 0887 85 63 83, 852 58 91, ÏÓ·. +359 887 85 63 éÔÂ‡ÚÓË: å‡Ëfl à‚‡ÌÓ‚‡, Camera: Maria Ivanova, Nikolai [email protected] 83, [email protected] çËÍÓÎ‡È äÓ΂ Kolev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: âÓ‰‡Ì ÑÂÚ‚ – Production: Yordan Detev – 20–22, ”íÓ‚‡ Ì  ËÒÚÓËfl (ËÒÚÓËflÚ‡ ”This is not a story (stories have a ëÓÙËfl 1000, ÛÎ. “É·‰ÒÚÓÌ” Gladstone str., 1000 Sofia, Ëχ ̇˜‡ÎÓ Ë Í‡È). äÓÈ ÏÓÊ ‰‡ beginning and an end). Who can tell 20–22, ÚÂÎ. 980 88 13, phone: +359 2 980 88 13, ͇Ê Í˙‰Â Á‡ÔÓ˜‚‡ ‚Ò˘ÍÓ? äÓÈ Â where things start from? Which is ÏÓ·. 0898 632027, mob. +359 898 632027, ÏÓÏÂÌÚ˙Ú ‰‡ ¯˯ ̇Í˙‰Â ‰‡ the moment when you choose your [email protected] [email protected] Ú˙„̯? íÓÁË ÙËÎÏ Ò Ó‰Ë Direction? This film was sponta- ÒÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ, Á‡ ‰‡ Ò˙·Â ıÓ‡, ÍÓ- neously conceived to bring together ËÚÓ Ò‡ ÔÓÔ‡‰Ì‡ÎË Ì‡ ‰ÌÓ ÏflÒÚÓ people, who once came to the åÂÊ‰Û 114–117 „. ÔÓ ‚ÂÏ ̇ The theatre was finished between Ò˙‚ÒÂÏ ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ ÔÓ Ìfl͇Í˙‚ ÏÌÓ„Ó same place, each one in their own ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËÂÚÓ Ì‡ ËÏÒÍËfl 114–117 AD under the Roman ËÌÚÂÂÒÂÌ, ÒÚ‡ÌÂÌ ËÎË ÍÓÌÒÔË‡- but very intriguing, strange or conspir- ËÏÔÂ‡ÚÓ í‡flÌ, ˜ËÂÚÓ ËÏ Ò Emperor Trajan, who was associat- ÚË‚ÂÌ Ì‡˜ËÌ Ë ÚÓ‚‡ ÔÓÏÂÌfl ÊË- atorial way and this coming changed Ò‚˙Á‚‡ Ë Ò ÔÓÒÚÓfl‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ed with one of the erection periods ‚ÓÚ‡ ËÏ. äÓ  ÚÓ‚‡ ÏflÒÚÓ? äÓË their lives. Which is this place? Who îÓÛχ, Ú‡Ú˙˙Ú ·ËÎ of the Forum. The magnificent the- Ò‡ ÚÂÁË ıÓ‡? äÓfl  ÎÂÎfl ëÌÂÊÂ? are these people? Who is she? ÔÓÒÚÓÂÌ, ‡ÁÔÓÎÓÊÂÌ Û‰Ó·ÌÓ ‚ atre was set comfortably in- åÓÊ ·Ë ÚÓ‚‡  β·Ó‚ÂÌ ÙËÎÏ... Perhaps it is a film about love… A ÔÓ‰‡Â̇ڇ ÓÚ ÅÓ„‡ ÛÚÓ·‡ between the hills of Jambaz and îËÎÏ, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÔÓ Ò‚ÓÈ Ì‡˜ËÌ Ú film, which in its way looks you ÏÂÊ‰Û ÚÂÔÂÚ‡Ú‡ ÑʇϷ‡Á Ë Taxim. It must have cost over 10 „Ή‡ ‚ Ó˜ËÚÂ.” straight into the eyes.” í‡ÍÒËÏ. íÓÈ ÒÚÛ‚‡Î ̇‰ 10 million sestertii, accommodating up ÇÂÒ· Ë ÅËÎfl̇ ä‡Á‡ÍÓ‚Ë Vesela and Bilyana Kazakovs ÏËÎËÓ̇ ÒÂÒÚÂˆËË Ë ÔÓ·Ë‡Î ‰Ó to 7,000 spectators. It was entirely ÇÖëÖãÄ à ÅàãüçÄ äÄáÄäéÇà Ò‡ ·ÎËÁ- VESELA AND BILIANA KAZAKOVS – twin- 7 000 ÁËÚÂÎË. ÅËÎ ÔÓÒÚÓÂÌ built of marble blocs brought from ̇˜ÍË, Ó‰ÂÌË ‚ ëÓÙËfl. ᇂ˙¯‚‡Ú sisters were born in Sofia. Both of them ÓÚ Ï‡ÏÓ, ‰Ó͇‚‡Ì ÓÚ the quarries in the Rhodope ‡ÍÚ¸ÓÒÍÓ Ï‡ÈÒÚÓÒÚ‚Ó ‚ çÄíîàá, ‚ studied Acting at NATFA in the actors’ Í·҇ ̇ ÔÓÙÂÒÓ ëÚÂÙ‡Ì Ñ‡Ì‡ËÎÓ‚ Ë class of prof. Stefan Danailov. In the ͇ËÂË ‚ êÓ‰ÓÔËÚÂ. Mountains. ‡Ú ÏÂÌˉÊÏ˙ÌÚ ‚ ìçëë ÔÂÁ 2003 „. meantime, in 2003 they graduated from ᇠÔ˙‚ËÚ ÒË ÓÎË ‚ ÍËÌÓÚÓ - ‚˙‚ the University of National and World ÙËÎÏËÚ ◊ãËÒÚ ÓÚ·ÛÎÂÌ” Ë ◊èÓ‰„fl- Economy in Sofia in Art Management. âéêÑÄç ÑÖíÖÇ Â ÔÂÔÓ‰‡‚‡ÚÂÎ ÔÓ YORDAN DETEV is a lecturer in virtual ‚‡Ì ̇ ‚˜Â‡¯ÌËfl ӷ‰” (2001 „.) For their first leading roles in the films A ‚ËÚÛ‡Î̇ ÍÛÎÚÛ‡ ‚ ëì “äÎ. éıˉÒÍË”. culture at the University of Sofia. He ‰‚ÂÚ Á‡Â‰ÌÓ Ô˜ÂÎflÚ Ì‡„‡‰‡Ú‡ ◊çÂ- Leaf In The Wind and Warming Up ꇷÓÚË ‚ ӷ·ÒÚÚ‡ ̇ ÌÓ‚ËÚ ʇÌÓ‚Â works in the area of new genres and digi- ‚Â̇ äÓ͇ÌÓ‚‡” Á‡ ̇È-‰Ó·‡ Ï·‰‡ Yesterday’s Lunch they won together the Ë ‰Ë„ËÚ‡ÎÌËÚ ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË. Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ tal technologies. Author of the film Our ‡ÍÚËÒ‡ ÔÂÁ 2002 „. ÇÂÒ· Ë„‡Â most prestigious Nevena Kokanova debut ÙËÎχ “ÅÓ„ÓӉˈ‡ è˙Ú‚ӉËÚÂÎ͇” – Guiding Lady (1995), the interactive film Ӣ ÚË „·‚ÌË ÓÎË – ‚ ◊ò‡ÌÚ‡‚ award for Best Young Actress in the 1995, ̇ ËÌÚÂ‡ÍÚË‚ÌËfl ÙËÎÏ Ë and multimedia At the Onset of European ‰ÂÌ”, ◊åË· ÓÚ å‡Ò” Ë ◊éÚÍ‡‰Ì‡ÚË Movies, 2002. Since then, Vesela has Civilization, as well as of Pages from the Ә˔. ᇠÚflı ÔÓÎÛ˜‡‚‡ ̇„‡‰‡ Á‡ ̇È- played the leads in Crazy Day, Mila From ÏÛÎÚËωËfl “Ç ÁÓ‡Ú‡ ̇ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒ͇ڇ ‰Ó·‡ ‡ÍÚËÒ‡ ÔÂÁ 2004 „., ‡ Á‡ Mars and Stolen Eyes. For them Vesela ˆË‚ËÎËÁ‡ˆËfl”, ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Ì‡ “ëÚ‡ÌËˆË ÓÚ Perpetual Chronicles of Plovdiv. ◊éÚÍ‡‰Ì‡ÚË Ó˜Ë” Ë Ì‡„‡‰‡Ú‡ Á‡ won the Best Actress Award in Bulgaria in ‚˜ÌËfl ÎÂÚÓÔËÒ Ì‡ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚” (2005). ̇È-‰Ó·‡ ‡ÍÚËÒ‡ ̇ åäî åÓÒÍ‚‡’05. 2004 and for Stolen Eyes – the Best èÂÁ 2006 „. Úfl ÔÓÎÛ˜‡‚‡ Hamburg Actress Award at the Moscow Film Shooting Stars Award ̇ ÅÂÎËÌÒÍËfl Festival, 2005. And then she won the ÙËÎÏÓ‚ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î. èÂÁ ÚÓ‚‡ ‚ÂÏ Hamburg Shooting Stars Award at the ÅËÎfl̇ ‡Ê‰‡ Ò‚ÓflÚ‡ ‰˙˘Âfl Ë Ò ÓÚ- Berlin International Film Festival, 2006. In ‰‡‚‡ ̇ ÌÂÈÌÓÚÓ ÓÚ„ÎÂʉ‡ÌÂ. the meantime Biliana became a mother “á‡‡‰Ë ÎÂÎfl ëÌÂÊ”  Ô˙‚ËflÚ ËÏ and raised a 4-yeard-old girl. Now they ‡‚ÚÓÒÍË ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ. reunited to make their first film together. 40 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM

çéÇéíé êéÅëíÇé THE NEW SLAVERY èàëåé Ñé ëàçÄ åà A LETTER TO MY SON

2007, I ˜. – 33 ÏËÌ, II ˜. – 30 2007, 1st part – 33 min, 2nd 2006, 18 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 18 min, documentary, ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, DVD part – 30 min, documentary, ÏËÌË DV mini DV DVD ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÑËÏËÚ˙ Ä‚‡ÏÓ‚ Script: Dimiter Avramov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: Ç·‰ËÏË Ä̉ÓÌÓ‚ Script: Vladimir Andonov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ëË΂Ëfl íẨ‡ÙËÎÓ‚‡ Director: Silvia Trendafilova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: Ç·‰ËÏË Ä̉ÓÌÓ‚ Director: Vladimir Andonov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: à‚‡Ì Å‡Ì˜Â‚ Camera: Ivan Banchev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: Ç·‰ËÏË Ä̉ÓÌÓ‚ Camera: Vladimir Andonov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: Ç·‰ËÏË Ä̉ÓÌÓ‚, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: çí “ëäÄí” – LJÎÂË Production: SäÄí NT – Valeri Production: Vladimir Andonov, ëÓÙËfl 1309, Ê.Í. àÎË̉ÂÌ, ·Î. Ilinden, bl. 56, vh. D, app. 41, ëËÏÂÓÌÓ‚, ÅÛ„‡Ò 8000, Simeonov, Zornitza complex, next 56, ‚ı. Ñ, ‡Ô. 41, ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ “áÓÌˈ‡” ‰Ó ·Î. 39, to bl. 39, 8000 Bourgas, ÚÂÎ. 088 993 82 18, 1309 Sofia, ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 056 86 30 30 phone/fax: +359 56 86 30 30 [email protected]; phone: +359 88 993 82 18, çÅì [email protected]; ä‡Í‚‡  ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒ͇ڇ ËÒÚË̇ What is the historical truth about NBU Á‡ Ï˛Ò˛ÎχÌËÚ ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl Ë the Muslims in Bulgaria and how Í‡Í Ò ÔÓfl‚fl‚‡ ÚÛÒ͇ڇ does the Turkish invasion in our ä‡Í‚Ó ÒÔÓ‰ÂÎfl Ë Í‡Í‚Ó What could tell or withhold a letter ÂÍÒÔ‡ÌÁËfl ÒÂ˘Û ÒÚ‡Ì‡Ú‡ ÌË country manifest itself today? Will ÔÂÏ˙Θ‡‚‡ ÔËÒÏÓÚÓ Ì‡ ‰̇ from a woman, residing and work- ÊÂ̇, Ê˂¢‡ Ë ‡·ÓÚ¢‡ ‚ ‰ÌÂÒ? ô fl Ëχ ÎË Å˙΄‡Ëfl ËÎË there be Bulgaria or will Bulgaria ing in a foreign country? About ˜ÛÊ·Ë̇? ᇠӷ˘ڇ Ë love and care, intended for any- ˘Â ÓÒڇ̠҇ÏÓ „ÂÓ„‡ÙÒÍÓ remain just a geographical con- „Ëʇڇ, ÍÓËÚÓ Ì ÔÓ‰·Ë‡Ú ÔÓÌflÚË Á‡‡‰Ë ÔÂÒÚ˙ÔÌÓÚÓ cept because of the criminal negli- Ò‚ÓËÚ ‡‰ÂÒ‡ÚË... one… ÌÂı‡ÈÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ ÛÔ‡‚Îfl‚‡˘ËÚÂ? gence of Bulgarian leading politi- íÂÁË Ë Ó˘Â ‚˙ÔÓÒË ÔÓÒÚ‡‚flÚ cians? These questions, as well ‡‚ÚÓËÚ ̇ ÙËÎχ Ë as many others are posed by the Ô‰·„‡Ú ÓÚ„Ó‚ÓË – Ò˙Ò authors, who provide answers – ÒÂÍÂÚÌË ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚË, with classified documents, ÌÂÔÓ͇Á‚‡ÌË ‰ÓÒ„‡, brought to light for the first time to ҂ˉÂÚÂÎÒÚ‚‡˘Ë Á‡ Ò͇̉‡ÎÌË testify to outrageous acts against ‡ÍˆËË ÒÂ˘Û Ì‡ˆËÓ̇Î̇ڇ ÌË the national security. ÒË„ÛÌÓÒÚ.

ëàãÇàü íêÖçÑÄîàãéÇÄ Â Ó‰Â̇ ÔÂÁ SILVIA TRENDAFILOVA was born in 1976 ÇãÄÑàåàê ÄçÑéçéÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ ÍËÌÓ VLADIMIR ANDONOV is a bachelor of 1976 „. ‚ ëÓÙËfl. ᇂ˙¯ËÎa  Ô‡‚Ó Ë in Sofia. Graduated in Law and Ë ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÅì. Film and TV Arts (Directing and Editing), ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚË͇. ꇷÓÚË ‚ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl Journalism. Since 2000 she has been îËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “èËÒÏÓ ‰Ó ÒË̇ ÏË” New Bulgarian University, Sofia. Bulgaria. “ë͇ڔ ÓÚ 2000 „. Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ working at the Skat TV channel. Author of (2006), “èËÍÌËÍ Ò ÔÚˈ˔ (2007). Filmography: A Letter to My Son (2006), ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ ÙËÎÏË “êÓ‰ÂÌË the documentaries Born Bulgarians Picnic With Birds (2007). ·˙΄‡Ë” (2003), “Åۉ̇ Ô‡ÏÂÚ” (2003), Unsleeping Memory (2003), To (2003), “Å˙΄‡ËÌ ‰‡ ÒË ÓÒڇ̇” Remain Bulgarian (2003), Easter in (2003), “ÇÂÎË͉ÂÌ ‚ ÅÓÒË΄‡‰” Bosilegrad (2004), The Eighth Day (2004), “éÒÏËflÚ ‰ÂÌ” (2004), “ᇉ (2004), Beyond the Boundary (2005). ÒËÌÓ‡” (2005).

41 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM


2007, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, 2006, 26 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 26 min, documentary, Betacam SP, DVD Betacam SP, DVD DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ä‡ÒËÏË ëËÏÂÓÌÓ‚ Script: Krasimir Simeonov ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÔÓÎÍ. ëÚ‡Ì˜Ó Script: Col. Stancho Stanchev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ä‡ÒËÏË ëËÏÂÓÌÓ‚ Director: Krasimir Simeonov ëڇ̘‚ Director: Petko Goranov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: üÓÒ·‚ ü˜Â‚ Camera: Yaroslav Yachev êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Camera: Angel Dimitrov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: àä “ë‚ˉ‡Ò”, ëÓÙËfl Production: Svidas PH, 26 éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÄÌ„ÂÎ ÑËÏËÚÓ‚ Production: ÖA Military Clubs and 1000, ·ÛÎ. “è‡Úˇı Ö‚ÚËÏËÈ” Patriarch Evtimii blvd., 1000 Sofia, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: àÄ ÇÓÂÌÌË ÍÎÛ·Ó‚Â Ë Information – Tzar Osvoboditel 26, phone: +359 2 987 4997, ËÌÙÓχˆËfl – ëÓÙËfl, ·ÛÎ. “ñ‡ blvd., Sofia, ÚÂÎ. 987 4997, 0884 43 45 07, mob. +359 884 43 45 07, éÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ËÚÂΔ 7, mob. +359 888 094 222 [email protected] [email protected] ÏÓ·. 0888 094 222

îËÎÏ˙Ú Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚fl ‰ËÌ ‰ÓÒÚÓ- The film features the story of a ◊ä‡ÍÚÓ ‚‰ ·Ó·‡Ú‡ ÔÓ˜Â̇ Ò “As everywhere, the struggle com- ÂÌ ·˙΄‡ËÌ, ËÒÚËÌÒ͇ ÂÌÂÒ‡Ì- great Bulgarian: a really ÏÓÎËÚ‚Ë, menced with a prayer, hopes and ÒÓ‚‡ ΢ÌÓÒÚ. êÓ‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1913, Renaissance person. Born in 1913, Ò Ì‡‰ÂÊ‰Ë Ë ÔÂÒÌË Ë Ò‚˙¯Ë Ò songs to be put to rout at the end. á‰‡‚ÍÓ Ñ‡ÙËÌÓ‚  ·ËÎ ÙÛÚ·Ó- Zdravko Dafinov was a professional ÔÓ„ÓÏ… “Without the April Uprising, the ÎËÒÚ Ì‡ ÒÚÓ΢ÌËfl Äë 23, ÎÂÍÓ- soccer player, short-distance run- ÅÂÁ ÄÔËÎÒÍÓÚÓ ‚˙ÒÚ‡ÌË history of this country would have ‡ÚÎÂÚ-Ôӷ‰ËÚÂÎ ‚ ÒÔËÌÚÓ‚Ë ner, concert-master, field artillery ËÒÚÓËflÚ‡ ̇¯‡ ˘Â¯Â ‰‡ Ò been bereft of its brightest pages.” ‰ËÒˆËÔÎËÌË, ÍÓ̈ÂÚχÈÒÚÓ, officer, librarian and bibliographer ÎË¯Ë ÓÚ Ì‡È-flÍËÚ ÒË Ivan Vazov ‡ÚËÎÂËÈÒÍË ÓÙˈÂ, ·Ë·ÎËÓÚÂ- with some 40 works on architec- ÒÚ‡ÌˈË.” ͇ Ë ·Ë·ÎËÓ„‡Ù Ò Ì‡‰ 40 ÚÛ‰‡ ture; editor of long standing of a à‚‡Ì Ç‡ÁÓ‚ ÔÓ ‡ıËÚÂÍÚÛ‡, ‰˙΄ӄӉ˯ÂÌ patriotic monthly. Now he writes ‰‡ÍÚÓ ̇ ÒÔËÒ‡ÌËÂÚÓ ◊Ö‰ËÌ studies on Bulgarian writers and Á‡‚ÂÚ”. ÑÌÂÒ ÔÓ‰˙Îʇ‚‡ ‰‡ ‡- poets – the Slaveikovs, Botev, ·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ÎËÚÂ‡ÚÛӂ‰ Ò ÔÓ- Vazov, Yavorov, Debelianov, Yovkov, ‰ˈ‡ Á‡ ·‡˘‡ Ë ÒËÌ ë·‚ÂÈÍÓ- Elin Pelin – boasting a total of some ‚Ë, ÅÓÚ‚, LJÁÓ‚, ü‚ÓÓ‚, Ñ·Â- 23,000 pp. ÎflÌÓ‚, âÓ‚ÍÓ‚, ÖÎËÌ èÂÎËÌ – Ó·- ˘Ó ̇‰ 23 000 ÒÚ‡ÌˈË.

äêÄëàåàê ëàåÖéçéÇ ‡·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ KRASIMIR SIMEONOV was assistant èÖíäé ÉéêÄçéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1943 „. PETKO GORANOV was born in 1943. He ‡ÒËÒÚÂÌÚ-ÂÊËÒ¸Ó Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ director and director at Boyana Film ꇷÓÚË ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ has been working in the field of documen- ëàî “ÅÓfl̇”1979–1992. Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ Studios 1979–92. He made shorts for the ÍËÌÓ Í‡ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. èÓ- tary cinema as a scriptwriter and director. Í˙ÒÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌË ÙËÎÏË Á‡ ÒÚÛ‰ËÓ Spectre Studio, TV ads and music video ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ÏÛ ÙËÎÏË Ò‡ ◊åÓϘÂÚ‡ Some of his films are Boys at Twenty, He “ëÔÂÍÚ˙”, ÂÍ·ÏÌË Ë ÏÛÁË͇ÎÌË clips. He has founded and runs Svidas ̇ 20 „Ó‰ËÌË”, ◊íÓÈ Ì Á‡„Ë̇ ̇ Did Not Die in War, Spontaneous, Sunday ‚ˉÂÓÍÎËÔÓ‚Â Á‡ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl. éÒÌÓ‚‡‚‡ PH. ‚ÓÈ̇”, ◊ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ”, ◊ç‰ÂÎÌÓ”, ◊ÖıÓ Mood, Echo from Cambodia (1996), Ë ˙ÍÓ‚Ó‰Ë ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚÒ͇ Í˙˘‡ ÓÚ ä‡Ï·Ó‰Ê‡” (1996), ◊Å· Ò˙Ï, White, That’s What I Am, (1998), The “ë‚ˉ‡Ò”. ·Â·” (1998), ◊ä‡ÔÒÛ·ڇ” (2001), ◊ᇠCapsule (2001), Dedicated to Bulgaria Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2001), ◊ᇠÓ‰ÌÓ Ì·” (2001), For the Bulgarian Air (2002), (2002), ◊Ç ÂÁÂ‚ ̇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ” Manly Girls (2002), Rets (2003), Sky for (2003), ◊å˙ÊÍË ÏÓÏ˘ÂÚ‡” (2002), All (2004), Sons of Glory. ◊ç· Á‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË” (2004), ◊ëËÌӂ ̇ Ò·‚‡Ú‡”.

42 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film àçîéêåÄñàéççÄ èêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton INFINFORMATIONTION PPROGRAM


2006, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 27 min, documentary, 2007, 25 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, DVD DVD DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: Ì.Ò. ÇÂÒÂÎË̇ Script: Veselina Antonova ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: å‡ÚË̇ ó‡˜Â‚Ò͇ Script: Martina Chachevska ÄÌÚÓÌÓ‚‡ Director: Ventzislava Dimitrova êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: å‡ÚË̇ ó‡˜Â‚Ò͇ Director: Martina Chachevska êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÇÂ̈ËÒ·‚‡ Camera: Nikola Todorov éÔÂ‡ÚÓË: êÓÒÂÌ èÂÚÓ‚, Camera: Rosen Petrov, Svetoslav ÑËÏËÚÓ‚‡ Production: RTVC Ruse – Vladimir ë‚ÂÚÓÒ·‚ ëÚÓÈÌÓ‚ Stoinov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: çËÍÓ· íÓ‰ÓÓ‚ Kondov, 6 Tzaribrod str., Ruse, èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: çí “ëäÄí” – LJÎÂË Production: SäÄí NT – Valeri èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: êíÇñ êÛÒ – phone: +359 82 813 824, ëËÏÂÓÌÓ‚, ÅÛ„‡Ò 8000, Simeonov, Zornitza complex, next Ç·‰ËÏË äÓ̉ӂ, „. êÛÒÂ, ÛÎ. fax: +359 82 820 839, ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÒ “áÓÌˈ‡” ‰Ó ·Î. 39, to bl. 39, 8000 Bourgas, “ñ‡Ë·Ó‰” 6, ÚÂÎ. 082 813 [email protected] ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 056 86 30 30 phone/fax: +359 56 86 30 30 824, Ù‡ÍÒ: 082 820 839, [email protected] ëÂÏÂÈÒÚ‚Ó ä‡ÎÂÂ‚Ë ÊË‚ÂflÚ Ì‡ The Kaleevs family live godforsak- ‚˙ı‡ ̇ Ô·ÌË̇ڇ, en high in the mountains along è˙‚ËflÚ ÔÓÁÓˆ Í˙Ï Ò‚ÂÚ‡ The first window to the world of ÓÚÍ˙Ò̇ÚË ÓÚ Ò‚ÂÚ‡ Á‡Â‰ÌÓ Ò with 16 bears. For years on end, ̇ çÓ·ÂÎÓ‚Ëfl ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÖÎË‡Ò ä‡- Nobel Prize laureate Elias Canetti 16 ϘÍË. ÉÓ‰ËÌË Ì‡‰ Ú they have tried to cut a road ÌÂÚË Â Ó‰ÌËflÚ ÏÛ „‡‰ êÛÒÂ. was his native city Ruse on the ÔÓ͇‚‡Ú ÔÂÁ Ò͇·ڇ Ô˙Ú through the rock to the nearest vil- ÇÒ˘ÍÓ, ÍÓÂÚÓ ÔÂÊË‚fl‚‡ ÔÓ- Danube. Everything he experi- Í˙Ï Ì‡È-·ÎËÁÍÓÚÓ Ì‡ÒÂÎÂÌÓ lage. A TV crew happens to stay Í˙ÒÌÓ,  ·ÂÎflÁ‡ÌÓ ÓÚ ‰ÂÚÒÍËfl enced later bore the mark of his ÏflÒÚÓ. Ö‰ËÌ ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÂÌ ÂÍËÔ overnight in that place and decides ÏÛ ÔӄΉ Í˙Ï ÍÓÒÏÓÔÓÎËÚÌÓ- child’s view of the cosmopolitan ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ Á‡Ï˙Í‚‡ ÔË Úflı Ë to film their version of their family ÚÓ Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ Í‡È‰Û̇‚ÒÍËfl society in the city early last centu- ¯‡‚‡ ‰‡ Á‡ÒÌÂÏ ÚÂıÌËfl history. „‡‰ ‚ Ô˙‚ËÚ „Ó‰ËÌË Ì‡ ÏË- ry. ‡Á͇Á Á‡ ËÒÚÓËflÚ‡ ̇ Ó‰‡ This is a story about hunting after ̇ÎËfl ‚ÂÍ. ä˙‰ÂÚÓ Ë ‰‡ Ê˂ Wherever Canetti lived later, his ËÏ. game and people’s life stories as ä‡ÌÂÚË ÒΉ ÚÓ‚‡, ‰Ûıӂ̇ڇ spiritual connection with Ruse ։̇ ËÒÚÓËfl Á‡ ÎÓ‚ ̇ ‰Ë‚˜ Ë told from the Kaleevs’ point of ‚˙Á͇ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÌÂ„Ó Ë êÛÒ ÓÒ- remained strong and vital. The film ̇ ˜Ó‚¯ÍË Ò˙‰·Ë, ‡Á͇Á‡Ì‡ view. Ú‡‚‡ ÊË‚‡ Ë ÒËÎ̇. îËÎÏ˙Ú suggests a special aspect of this ÓÚ „Ή̇ ÚӘ͇ ̇ ä‡Î‚Ë. Ô‰·„‡ ÓÒÓ·ÂÌ ÔӄΉ ‚˙ıÛ connection’s roots, reading ÌÂÈÌËÚ ÍÓÂÌË, ÔÓ˜ËÚ ÏÂÊ‰Û between the lines of Canneti’s ‰ӂÂÚ ̇ ̇ÔËÒ‡ÌÓÚÓ ÓÚ works and of the studies on his ä‡ÌÂÚË Ë Á‡ Ì„Ó. works.

ÇÖçñàëãÄÇÄ ÑàåàíêéÇÄ Â ÂÊËÒ¸Ó VENZISLAVA DIMITROVA is the director of åÄêíàçÄ óÄóÖÇëäÄ Â Ó‰Â̇ ÔÂÁ MARTINA CHACHEVSKA was born in ̇ ÏÛÁË͇ÎÌË Ë ÙÓÎÍÎÓÌË Ô‰‡‚‡ÌËfl, music and folklore TV shows, as well as 1972 „. ‚ ÅÛ„‡Ò. ᇂ˙¯Ë·  Bourgas in 1972. Graduated from the ͇ÍÚÓ Ë Ì‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ ÙËÎÏË of the documentaries From the School of Ä͇‰ÂÏËflÚ‡ Á‡ ÏÛÁË͇ÎÌÓ Ë Ú‡ÌˆÓ‚Ó Academy for Music and Dance and Fine “éÚ ¯ÍÓÎÓÚÓ Ì‡ ‰‡Ò͇ΠíÓÌË ‰Ó Teacher Tony to the Peaks of Olympus and ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó ‚ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚. éÚ 2000 „. Arts in Plovdiv. Since 2000 she has been ‚˙ıÓ‚ÂÚ ̇ éÎËÏÔ” Ë “è˙‚ËflÚ The First Window (2006). ‡·ÓÚË Í‡ÚÓ ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl working as a director at the Skat TV chan- ÔÓÁÓˆ” (2006). “ë͇ڔ. Ä‚ÚÓ ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌËÚ nel. Author of the documentaries: Live ÙËÎÏË “ÜË‚Ë ‡Á͇ÁË Á‡ ï‡ÈÚÓ‚” Stories about Haitov (2003), Kolyo… This (2003), “äÓθÓ... ÚÓ‚‡ ” (2004), “é·Ë˜ Is It (2004), Love for Bulgaria (2005), The Á‡ Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2005), “ÅÓÍÒ¸Ó˙Ú” Boxer (2006), The Longest Chain Dance (2006), “ç‡È-‰˙΄ÓÚÓ ıÓÓ” (2007), (2007), The Road of the Kaleevs (2007), “è˙ÚflÚ Ì‡ ä‡Î‚˔ (2007), “ë Carrying Bulgaria in the Heart (2007). Å˙΄‡Ëfl ‚ Ò˙ˆÂÚÓ” (2007).

43 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, DV 2007, 28 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 28 min, documentary, DV DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: чÌË· ã‡Á‡Ó‚‡ Script: Daniela Lazarova ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Script: Petko Goranov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ûÎËfl ä˙̘‚‡ Director: Julia Kancheva êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: èÂÚÍÓ ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚ Director: Petko Goranov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÖÏËÎ èÂÌ‚ Camera: Emil Penev éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÑËÏËÚ˙ Å·ÂÌÓ‚ Camera: Dimiter Bebenov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: àÌˈˇÚË‚ÂÌ Production: Enterprising èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: îä “ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ” – Production: FH Spontanno – P. ÍÓÏËÚÂÚ, ÇÂÎËÍÓ í˙ÌÓ‚Ó Committee – Deshka Rechevetz, è. ÉÓ‡ÌÓ‚, ëÓÙËfl, Ê.Í. “ã˛ÎËÌ” Goranov, Lulin, bl. 908, vh. Ç, app. 5000, ÛÎ. “Ç. ã‚ÒÍË” 14, ÂÚ. 1, 14 Vasil Levski str., floor 1, 5000 ·Î. 908, ‚ı. Ç, ‡Ô.63, 63, Sofia, ѯ͇ ꇘ‚ˆ, Veliko Tarnovo, ÏÓ·. 0888 094 222 mob. +359 888 094 222 ÚÂÎ./Ù‡ÍÒ: 062 62 00 08, phone:/fax: +359 62 62 00 08, ÏÓ·. 0888 853 250, ÏÓ·. +359 888 853 250, [email protected] [email protected] ëÂÎÓ ÉÓ̇ åËÚÓÔÓÎËfl, Gorna Mitropolia village, Pleven îËÎÏ˙Ú Â Â‰Ì‡ ÔÓ-‡Á΢̇ The film is a different point of view è΂ÂÌÒÍÓ,  ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ÒÂÎÓ, region, is the Bulgarian village „Ή̇ ÚӘ͇ Á‡ Ô˙Úfl ̇ ã‚ÒÍË towards the path of the national ‰‡ÎÓ Ì‡È-ÏÌÓ„Ó ÊÂÚ‚Ë ‚˙‚ reporting the highest death toll in Í˙Ï ÉÓ΄ÓÚ‡Ú‡, Í˙Ï revolutionary Vasil Levski on his ‚ÓÈÌËÚ Á‡ Ò‚Ó·Ó‰‡Ú‡ Ë the wars waged for the independ- Ò‡ÏÓÊÂÚ‚‡Ú‡, Í˙Ï ‚fl‡Ú‡ Ë way to Golgotha, to self-sacrifice, ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏÓÒÚÚ‡ ̇ Å˙΄‡Ëfl – ence and liberation of Bulgaria: 86 ·ÂÁÒÏ˙ÚËÂÚÓ. to faith and to immortality. 89 Ï˙ÊÂ. 26 ÓÚ Úflı Ò‡ ÒÎÓ‚‡ˆË, men. Of them, 26 are Slovaks, èÓ‚ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÌËÂÚÓ ‡ÍˆÂÌÚË‡ The narration emphasizes on the ÊË‚ÂÎË ‚ ÒÂÎÓÚÓ. ᇠӷ˘ڇ who used to live in the village. ‚˙ıÛ ‰ÂÈÌÓÒÚÚ‡ ̇ ÄÔÓÒÚÓ· work of the Apostle in the region ÏÂÊ‰Û ·˙΄‡Ë Ë ÒÎÓ‚‡ˆË, Á‡ Their descendants tell about the ‚ Ú˙ÌÓ‚ÒÍËfl Í‡È, ͇ÚÓ ‚‡ÊÌÓ of Veliko Tarnovo and his great ÔÓ‰‚Ë„‡ ̇ ÚÂıÌËÚ ·‡˘Ë Ë affection between the Bulgarians ÏflÒÚÓ Á‡Âχ Ë ÔËÌÓÒ˙Ú ÏÛ Á‡ contribution to Bulgarian state- ‰Â‰Ë ‡Á͇Á‚‡Ú ̇ÒΉÌˈËÚ and the Slovaks and the feat of ÛÚ‚˙ʉ‡‚‡Ì ̇ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ڇ hood. ËÏ. their fathers. ‰˙ʇ‚ÌÓÒÚ.

ûãàü äöçóÖÇÄ Â Á‡‚˙¯Ë· ÍËÌÓ Ë JULIA KANCHEVA graduated in Film and èÖíäé ÉéêÄçéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ 1943 „. PETKO GORANOV was born in 1943. He ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ ÂÊËÒÛ‡ ‚ çÄíîàá TV Directing from the NATFA in 1980. She ꇷÓÚË ‚ ·˙΄‡ÒÍÓÚÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓ has been working in the field of documen- ÔÂÁ 1980 „. ꇷÓÚË·  ͇ÚÓ worked as scriptwriter and director at ÍËÌÓ Í‡ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. èÓ- tary cinema as a scriptwriter and director. ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó ‚ ÒÚÛ‰Ëfl Ekran Studio (1980–1992). Since 1992 ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌËÚ ÏÛ ÙËÎÏË Ò‡ ◊åÓϘÂÚ‡ Some of his films are Boys at Twenty, He “ÖÍ‡Ì” (1980–1992). éÚ 1992 „.  she has been a freelancer. Filmography: ̇ 20 „Ó‰ËÌË”, ◊íÓÈ Ì Á‡„Ë̇ ̇ Did Not Die in War, Spontaneous, Sunday ÂÊËÒ¸Ó Ë ÔÓ‰ÛˆÂÌÚ Ì‡ ҂ӷӉ̇ Gallop, Gallop (1983), The Teacher ‚ÓÈ̇”, ◊ëÔÓÌÚ‡ÌÌÓ”, ◊ç‰ÂÎÌÓ”, ◊ÖıÓ Mood, Echo from Cambodia (1996), Ô‡ÍÚË͇. îËÎÏÓ„‡ÙËfl: “ɇÎÓÔ, (1984), Back Stage Entrance (1985), A la ÓÚ ä‡Ï·Ó‰Ê‡” (1996), ◊Å· Ò˙Ï, White, That’s What I Am, (1998), The „‡ÎÓÔ...” (1983), “Ç Ò‚Ó·Ó‰ÌËfl ˜‡Ò” brigade comme… a la brigade (1986), ·Â·” (1998), ◊ä‡ÔÒÛ·ڇ” (2001), ◊ᇠCapsule (2001), Dedicated to Bulgaria (1984), “ëÎÛÊ·ÂÌ ‚ıÓ‰” (1985), “ç‡ Without Anaesthesia (1987), Life Is Å˙΄‡Ëfl” (2001), ◊ᇠÓ‰ÌÓ Ì·” (2001), For the Bulgarian Air (2002), ·Ë„‡‰‡... ͇ÚÓ Ì‡ ·Ë„‡‰‡” (1986, Before Us (1988), Step by Step (1989), (2002), ◊Ç ÂÁÂ‚ ̇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ” Manly Girls (2002), Rets (2003), Sky for “ÅÂÁ ÛÔÓÈ͇” (1987), “ÜË‚ÓÚ˙Ú Â Ô‰ From the Cradle to the Grave (1990), (2003), ◊å˙ÊÍË ÏÓÏ˘ÂÚ‡” (2002), All (2004), Sons of Glory. ̇Ҕ (1988), “Step by Step” (1989), “éÚ Ferris Wheel (1991), Made In Bulgaria ◊ç· Á‡ ‚Ò˘ÍË” (2004), ◊ëËÌӂ ̇ βÎ͇ڇ ‰Ó „Ó·‡” (1990), “ÇËÂÌÒÍÓ (1992), The Dark Roads the Brides of Ò·‚‡Ú‡”. ÍÓÎÂÎÓ” (1991), “Made In Bulgaria” Christ Go (2001). (1992), “óÂÌËflÚ Ô˙Ú Ì‡ ıËÒÚÓ‚ËÚ Ì‚ÂÒÚË” (2001)

44 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


2007, 27 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 27 min, documentary, 2007, 39 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 39 min, documentary, DVD DVD DVD DVD

ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: íÓÌfl ÅÓËÒÓ‚‡ Script: Tonia Borisova ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ÑËÏ˜Ó èÂÚÓ‚ Script: Dimcho Petrov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ÅÓËÒÓ‚ Director: Alexander Borisov êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ÖÎÂ̇ 凯ÍÓ‚‡ Director: Elena Mashkova éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ÅÓËÒÓ‚ Camera: Alexander Borisov éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: ëÚËÎflÌ ÄÌÚÓÌÓ‚ Camera: Stilian Antonov èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: îÓ̉‡ˆËfl “ë˙ÎÁˈ‡ Production: Salzitsa za Vas èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: êíÇñ êÛÒ – Production: RTVC Ruse – Vladimir Á‡ ‚‡Ò” – ëÓÙËfl 1231, Ê.Í. Foundation, Nadezhda, bl. 461, vh. Ç·‰ËÏË äÓ̉ӂ, „. êÛÒÂ, ÛÎ. Kondov, 6 Tzaribrod str., Ruse, “燉Âʉ‡”, ·Î. 461, ‚ı. Ä, ‡Ô. Ä, app. 15, 1231 Sofia, mob. “ñ‡Ë·Ó‰” 6, phone: +359 82 813 824, 15, ÏÓ·. 0877 005 111, +359 877 005 111, ÚÂÎ. 082 813 824, fax: +359 82 820 839, 0898 448 854, +359 898 448 854, Ù‡ÍÒ: 082 820 839, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Ç ëÓÙËfl Ô‰ çÑä „ÓË ÌÂÒÚË- In Sofia, in front of the National îËÎÏ Á‡ ÒÚÓËÚÂÎÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Ë A documentary about the con- ̇Ò͇ Í·‰‡. ïËÎfl‰ÌÓ ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ- Palace of Culture a bonfire is burning. ̇˜‡ÎÌËÚ „Ó‰ËÌË ÓÚ struction and early years of opera- ‚Ó ÔÓÚÂÒÚË‡ ÒÂ˘Û ÓÚÌÂχ- Thousands of people are protesting ‚˙‚Âʉ‡ÌÂÚÓ ‚ ÂÍÒÔÎÓ‡Ú‡ˆËfl tion of the first ever railway line in Ì ÒÚ‡ÚÛÚ‡ ̇ ëÚ‡Ì‰Ê‡ ͇ÚÓ against the process of taking away ̇ Ô˙‚‡Ú‡ ÊÂÎÂÁÓÔ˙Ú̇ ÎËÌËfl Bulgarian lands, Ruse-Varna. èËÓ‰ÂÌ Ô‡Í Ë ÌÂÍÓÌÚÓÎËÛÂ- Strandja’s statute of National Nature ÔÓ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËÚ ÁÂÏË êÛÒÂ- The reenactment of certain events, Reserve and the incontrollable hotel ÏÓÚÓ Á‡ÒÚÓfl‚‡Ì ̇ Ô˘ÂÌÓ- B‡̇. the setting in motion of the and resort construction at the ÏÓÒ͇ڇ ˂ˈ‡; ËÁÒ˘‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ Bulgarian seacoast; the deforestation Ç˙ÁÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚fl‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÓÚ‰ÂÎÌË restored and museum sets of cars „ÓËÚÂ Ë ÛÌˢÓʇ‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ and the destruction of the unique Ò˙·ËÚËfl, ‡Á‰‚ËÊ‚‡ÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ as well as the featured museum ÛÌË͇Î̇ڇ ÔËÓ‰‡. é„ÌÂÌËflÚ nature of the region. The flaming ‚˙ÁÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÂÌËfl Ë ÏÛÁÂÈÌËfl Üè and archive exhibits contribute to a ÂÍÓ-ÔÓÚÂÒÚ, Ó„‡ÌËÁË‡Ì ÓÚ eco-project, organized by Biodiversity Ò˙ÒÚ‡‚ Ë Á‡ÒÌÂÚËÚ ÏÛÁÂÈÌË Ë more authentic reconstruction of îÓ̉ˆËfl “ÅËÓ‡ÁÌÓÓ·‡ÁË”  Foundation is the first of many events ‡ıË‚ÌË ÂÍÒÔÓ̇ÚË ‰ÓÔË̇ÒflÚ that time. Ô˙‚ËflÚ ÓÚ ÔÓ‰ˈ‡Ú‡ ËÁfl‚Ë in an attempt to protect the Strandja Á‡ ÔÓ-Ô˙ÎÌÓ ÔÂÒ˙Á‰‡‚‡Ì ̇ ‚ Á‡˘ËÚ‡ ̇ ëÚ‡Ì‰Ê‡. Mountain. ÂÔÓı‡Ú‡.

ÄãÖäëÄçÑöê ÅéêàëéÇ Â Ó‰ÂÌ ÔÂÁ ALEXANDER BORISOV was born in 1950. ÖãÖçÄ åÄòäéÇÄ Â ‡‚ÚÓ ̇ ̇‰ 20 ELENA MASHKOVA is the author of more 1950 „. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó-ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓ  ̇ Director and cameraman of more than 30 ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË, ̇ۘÌÓÔÓÔÛÎflÌË Ë than 20 documentaries, scientific and Ôӂ˜ ÓÚ 30 ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË, ̇ۘÌÓ- documentaries, scientific and art films, ÏÛÁË͇ÎÌË ÙËÎÏË, ÌflÍÓË ÓÚ ÍÓËÚÓ Ò‡ music films. Some of them are City of ÔÓÔÛÎflÌË Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌË ÙËÎÏË, with The Season of the Great Expectation “É‡‰˙Ú Ì‡ ÓˆÂÎfl‚‡˘ËÚ”, Survivors (1993), Suffering and Revolt Ò‰ ÍÓËÚÓ “ëÂÁÓÌ˙Ú Ì‡ „ÓÎflÏÓÚÓ (2005), From the Chests of Memory “ëÚ‡‰‡ÌËÂ Ë ·ÛÌÚ”, “å‡Ì‡ÒÚË˙Ú (2000), A Monastery Above the Clouds Ó˜‡Í‚‡Ì” (1993), “éÚ ‡ÍÎËÚ ̇ (2005), Chongara – Returning to the ̇‰ ӷ·ˆËÚ”, “ч ̇Ô‡‚˯ ÒÎ˙̈”, (2003), To Make a Sun, Courage to Ô‡ÏÂÚÚ‡” (2005), “óÓÌ„‡‡ – Roots (2006), A Poetess, in a Town, with “äÛ‡Ê ‰‡ ÔÓ‰˙ÎÊ˯”, Continue, The Annunciation in Sredna Á‡‚˙˘‡Ì Í˙Ï ÍÓÂÌËÚ” (2006), a Bunch of Friends (2007), Fundamental “Å·„ӂ¢ÂÌË ‚ ë‰̇ ÍÛ·”, “èÓ Kula, By Water… Beneath the Earth “ó‡Ó‰ÂÈ͇ڇ ̇ ëÚ‡Ì‰Ê‡” (2006), Theory of the Cinema Art (2007), Live ‚Ó‰‡…. ÔÓ‰ ÁÂÏflÚ‡”, “ë͇ÎÌËÚ (2002), The Rocky Monasteries in “îÛ̉‡ÏÂÌÚ‡Î̇ ÚÂÓËfl ̇ ÍËÌÓÚÓ” Memory (2007) among them. χ̇ÒÚËË ‚ Å˙΄‡Ëfl”. Bulgaria. (2007), “ÜË‚‡ Ô‡ÏÂÚ” (2007).

45 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM


101 èéêíêÖíÄ çÄ áã. ÅéüÑÜàÖÇ ...... 6 MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO ...... 36 TOWER BAWHER ...... 34 Ä + Ö ...... 6 ÄêåàüíÄ...... 36 ÅàçäÄ ...... 6 ÅêöåÅöáàäÄçÖ ...... 32 ÅöãÉÄêëäàüí èéãÖí ...... 37 Ç èêàåäÄíÄ çÄ åöãóÄçàÖíé ...... 37 ÇÄò ÑÄëäÄã Äèéëíéã ...... 7 ÇÖóçàíÖ ãéÇçà èéãÖíÄ ...... 8 ÇÖóçàüí åìáàäÄçí ...... 30 ÇàíÖáÑÄ ...... 38 ÇöáÑìïöí ...... 31 Ééãüåéíé ëÖåÖâëíÇé ...... 38 ÑÄã ÅéÉ Ñéã ...... 8 òãÄÉÖêà èé àëäöêÄ POPULAR TUNES DOWN ÑÖñÄ çÄ èíàñà ...... 9 ÑÖñÄíÄ çÄ ÅÄôàíÖ ...... 9 THE ISKAR RIVER ÑÜÄåÄãÄêà ...... 39 ÑàÇçàüí îãéêÖçíàçÖñ ...... 10 Ñìïöí à äÄåöçàíÖ ...... 10 ÖÑçÄ ÜÖçÄ, ÖÑàç åöÜ ...... 11 2007, 50 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2007, 50 min, documentary, áÄÅãÖüãé åà ÄÉöçñÖ ...... 39 Betacam SP Betacam SP áÄÉéÇéêçàäöí ÑàèãéåÄí ...... 11 áÄêÄÑà ãÖãü ëçÖÜÖ ...... 40 ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: LJÌfl å‡ÌÓÎÓ‚‡ Script: Vanya Manolova áÄôé íéóçé ÅöãÉÄêàü ...... 12 êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: å‡ËÌ É‡‰Ë̇Ó‚ Director: Marin Gradinarov áÖãÖçÄíÄ òÄèóàñÄ ...... 12 éÔÂ‡ÚÓ: å‡ËÌ É‡‰Ë̇Ó‚ Camera: Marin Gradinarov áàêé ...... 13 èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ëÚÛ‰ËÓ Çfl‡ îËÎÏ, Production: Viara Film Studio, 64 à Ç êÄü àåÄ ÄÑ ...... 13 ëÓÙËfl, ÛÎ. “ÇÂÒΈ” 64, Vesletz str., Sofia, àëíéêàüíÄ çÄ Äçíàóçàü íÖÄíöê ...... 40 ÏÓ·. 0885 910 238, mob. +359 885 910 238, äéãúé... íéÇÄ Ö ...... 14 0896 643 510, +359 896 643 510, äêÄâçÄ íéóäÄ çÖàáÇÖëíçÄ ...... 14 [email protected] [email protected] ãÖíüôàíÖ ïéêÄ çÄ ÜéÖã ...... 15 ãàçàüíÄ ...... 15 èÂ‰Ë Ôӂ˜ ÓÚ ‚ÂÍ More than a century ago the Í‡ÒÓÚËÚ ̇ àÒÍ˙ÒÍËfl ragged beauty of the Iskar Gorge åÄâ ...... 16 ÔÓÎÓÏ Ò‡ ‚‰˙ıÌÓ‚fl‚‡ÎË Ì‡È- inspired Bulgaria’s greatest poets. åÄâëíéêöí ...... 31 „ÓÎÂÏËÚ ÌË ÔÓÂÚË. ä‡Í‚Ó Â What have they got in common åàçúéêà ...... 28 Ó·˘ÓÚÓ ÏÂÊ‰Û Úflı Ë with the modern local poets, åéÑìë ÇàÇÖçÑà ...... 16 ‰Ì¯ÌËÚ ÏÂÒÚÌË ÔÓÂÚË, regional ethnographers, sculptors åìãíàåÖÑàü ...... 17 Í‡Â‚‰Ë, ÒÍÛÎÔÚÓË Ë Ô‚ˆË? and singers? The authors start åöÜÖíÖ éí èãéôÄÑ “åÄäÖÑéçàü” ...... 17 Ä‚ÚÓËÚ Ú˙„‚‡Ú Ò ÚÂÁË with these questions to find out çÄÑÇÖóÖê ...... 31 ‚˙ÔÓÒË, Á‡ ‰‡ ÓÚÍËflÚ, ˜Â that the “gorges” are perhaps cut çÖàáÇÖëíçéíé áÄ ëÇÖíéÇçé àáÇÖëíçàü ...... 18 “ÔÓÎÓÏËÚ” Ò‡ ÏÓÊ ·Ë ÌflÍ˙‰Â somewhere deep in our souls. çéÇéíé êéÅëíÇé ...... 41 ‰˙ηÓÍÓ ‚ ‰Û¯ËÚ ÌË. èÄåÖííÄ çÄ çÄñàüíÄ ...... 18 èÄêñÄãöí ...... 19 èàëåé Ñé ëàçÄ åà ...... 41 åÄêàç ÉêÄÑàçÄêéÇ Â Á‡‚˙¯ËÎ MARIN GRADINAROV graduated at èé éëéÅÖçé ÜÖëíéä çÄóàç ...... 19 çÄíîàá. ꇷÓÚËÎ Â ‚ äËÌÓˆÂÌÚ˙ NATFA. He used to work at the Boyana èéÜÄê ...... 20 “ÅÓfl̇” Ë ‰Û„Ë ÒÚÛ‰ËË Í‡ÚÓ Studios as a cameraman and a director. èéãéÜàíÖãçà Öåéñàà ...... 20 ÓÔÂ‡ÚÓ Ë ÂÊËÒ¸Ó. éÚ 1990 „. Since 1990 he has worked at the BNT and Ô‡‚Ë Ô‰‡‚‡ÌËfl ‚ Åçí Ë ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl 7 Days TV channels. Director of more èéëãÖÑçàüí ÇöáêéÜÑÖçÖñ ...... 42 “7 ‰ÌË”. êÂÊËÒ¸Ó  ̇ ̇‰ 100 than 100 documentaries and short films, èêÄíÖçàäöí ...... 21 ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌË Ë Í˙ÒÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌË TV shows and series. èêÖÇéÑÄóäÄíÄ çÄ óÖêçé-ÅÖãà îàãåà ...... 21 ÙËÎÏa, ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌË Ô‰‡‚‡ÌËfl Ë èêéÅãÖåöí ë äéåÄêàíÖ...... 22 ÔÓ‰ˈË. èêéÅìÑÄíÄ ...... 42 èêéèìëçÄí ÜàÇéí ...... 22 èöêÇàüí èêéáéêÖñ ...... 43 èöíüí çÄ äÄãÖÖÇà ...... 43 èöíüí çÄ ãÖÇëäà ...... 44 êÄáÇéÑ èé ÄãÅÄçëäà ...... 23 êÖäÄíÄ ...... 23

46 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film Golden Rhyton

êéÑÖç Ç êéÅëíÇé ...... 24 LITTLE LAMB BLEATED, A ...... 39 ë. ÅÖäÖí àãà ÅéÜàüíÄ óÖëí ...... 24 MAN WHO WAITED, THE ...... 33 ëÖÇÖêçÄíÄ ëíêÄçÄ çÄ ëãöçóéÉãÖÑÄ ...... 25 MASTER, THE ...... 31 ëÖÑåÄíÄ ÉéÑàçÄ ...... 25 MAY ...... 16 ëÖåÖâëíÇé ...... 26 MEN FROM MACEDONIA SQUARE, THE ...... 17 ëàçéÇÖ çÄ ÅöãÉÄêàü ...... 44 MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO ...... 36 ëíêÄçÑÜÄ – éÉçÖçÄ à ÇÖóçÄ ...... 45 MINERS ...... 28 íêÖçöíö ...... 45 MODUS VIVENDI ...... 16 ïÄåãÖí éí ïéãàÇìÑ ...... 26 MOSQUITO PROBLEM, THE ...... 22 ñÄêàñÄ ...... 35 MULTIMEDIA ...... 17 óÄëéÇçàä ...... 27 NATION’S MEMORY, THE ...... 18 óÄëíçé êÄáëãÖÑÇÄçÖ ...... 27 NEW SLAVERY, THE ...... 41 óÖêçÄ ãÖÉÖçÑÄ ...... 28 NORTH SIDE OF THE SUNFLOWER, THE ...... 25 óéÇÖäöí, äéâíé óÄäÄòÖ ...... 33 PATH OF LEVSKI, THE ...... 44 óéÇÖôàçÄ ...... 30 POPULAR TUNES DOWN THE ISKAR RIVER ...... 46 òãÄÉÖêà èé àëäöêÄ ...... 46 POSITIVE EMOTIONS ...... 20 PRIVATE INVESTIGATION ...... 27 Index of films RAG, THE ...... 19 RIVER ...... 23 101 PORTRAITS BY ZLATIU BOIADJIEV ...... 6 ROAD OF THE KALEEVS, THE ...... 43 Ä + Ö ...... 6 SEVENTH YEAR, THE ...... 25 AIR, THE ...... 31 SLAVE BORN ...... 24 ARMY, THE ...... 36 SPIRIT AND THE STONES, THE ...... 10 AT NIGHTFALL ...... 31 STRANDJA – FLAMING AND FOREVER ...... 45 AWAKENING, THE ...... 42 TOWER BAWHER ...... 34 BECAUSE OF HER ...... 40 TRAIN, THE ...... 45 BECKETT OR THE HONOUR OF GOD ...... TRAPPED IN SILENCE ...... 37 24 TZARITZA ...... 35 BETHESDA ...... 38 UNKNOWN ABOUT THE WORLD-KNOWN, THE ...... 18 BIG FAMILY, THE ...... 38 WASTED LIFE ...... 22 BINKA ...... 6 WITH EXTREME CRUELTY ...... 19 BIRD’S CHILDREN ...... 9 WOMAN, A MAN, A ...... 11 BLACK LEGEND ...... 28 YOUR MASTER APOSTOL ...... 7 BUGGING THE BUG ...... 32 ZIRO ...... 13 BULGARIA OF ALL PLACES ...... 12 BULGARIA’S SONS ...... 44 BULGARIAN WINGS ...... 37 à̉ÂÍÒ Ì‡ ÂÊËÒ¸ÓËÚ CHILDREN OF THE FATHERS, THE ...... 9 CLOCK, Ä ...... 27 ÄÑÖãÄ èÖÖÇÄ ...... 23 DESTINATION UNKNOWN ...... 14 ÄãÖäëÄçÑöê ÅéêàëéÇ ...... 45 DIPLOMAT AND CONSPIRATOR ...... 11 ÄçÑêÖâ ÄãíöèÄêåÄäéÇ ...... 28 DIVINE FLORENTINE, THE ...... 10 ÄçÑêÖâ äìãÖÇ ...... 15, 23 DIVORCE ALBANIAN STYLE ...... 23 ÄçÑêÖâ èÄìçéÇ ...... 22 ENVOY, THE ...... 21 ÄççÄ èÖíäéÇÄ ...... 17 ETERNAL HUNTING FIELDS, THE ...... 8 Äçêà äìãÖÇ ...... 19 FAMILY FORTUNE ...... 26 Äçíéçàâ ÑéçóÖÇ ...... 27 FIRE ...... 20 ÄíÄçÄë äàêüäéÇ ...... 13, 15 FIRST WINDOW, THE ...... 43 ÅàãüçÄ àÇÄçéÇÄ ...... 20 GOD GIVEN HOME ...... 8 ÅàãüçÄ äÄáÄäéÇÄ ...... 40 HAMLET FROM HOLLYWOOD ...... 26 ÇÄçü ÑéçÖÇÄ ...... 39 HELL IN HEAVEN ...... 13 ÇÖãàëãÄÇ äÄáÄäéÇ ...... 32 HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT THEATRE… ...... 4 0 ÇÖçÖãàç ÇÄëàãÖÇ ...... 6 INTERPRETER OF BLACK-AND-WHITE FILMS, THE ...... 21 ÇÖçñàëãÄÇÄ ÑàåàíêéÇÄ ...... 43 IT’S ONLY NATURAL ...... 30 ÇÖëÖãÄ äÄáÄäéÇÄ ...... 40 JAMALARY ...... 39 Çàäíéê ÄçÉÖãéÖÇ ...... 22 JOEL’S FLYING PEOPLE ...... 15 ÇãÄÑàåàê ÄçÑéçéÇ ...... 41 KOLYO… THIS IS IT ...... 14 ÇãÄÑé òàòäéÇ ...... 12 LAST RENAISSANCE MAN, THE ...... 42 ÇöãóÄç ÇöãóÄçéÇ ...... 36 LETTER TO MY SON, A ...... 41 ÉÄãàçÄ äêÄãÖÇÄ ...... 11 LIFELONG MUSICIAN ...... 30 ÉÖéêÉà ÑéçäéÇ ...... 22 LINE, THE ...... 15 ÑÄåüç ëÖêäÖÑÜàÖÇ ...... 22 LITTLE GREEN RIDING HOOD ...... 12 Ñàåàíöê òéèéÇ ...... 24

47 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film Golden Rhyton

Ñéóé ÅéÑÜÄäéÇ ...... 8, 28 CHRISTO BAKALSKI ...... 12 ÑêÄÉéåàê òéãÖÇ ...... 26 DAMIAN SERKEDJIEV ...... 22 ÖãÑéêÄ íêÄâäéÇÄ ...... 20 DIMITER SHOPOV ...... 24 ÖãÖçÄ åÄòäéÇÄ ...... 7, 37, 45 DOCHO BODJAKOV ...... 8, 28 ÖãäÄ çàäéãéÇÄ ...... 7 DRAGOMIR SHOLEV ...... 26 áãÄíàç ÅéüÑÜàÖÇ ...... 6 ELDORA TRAYKOVA ...... 20 áéêçàñÄ ëéîàü ...... 16 ELENA MASHKOVA ...... 7, 37, 45 àÇÄç åãÄÑÖçéÇ ...... 25 ELKA NIKOLOVA ...... 7 àÇÄç íéçÖÇ ...... 11 GALINA KRALEVA ...... 11 àÇÄç íêÄâäéÇ ...... 14, 37, 39 GEORGI DONKOV ...... 22 âéêÑÄç ÑÖíÖÇ ...... 40 HRISIMIR DANEV ...... 9, 21, 25 äéëíÄÑàç ÅéçÖÇ ...... 24 IVAN MLADENOV ...... 25 äêÄëàåàê ëàåÖéçéÇ ...... 42 IVAN TONEV ...... 11 åÄãàçÄ èÖíêéÇÄ ...... 10 IVAN TRAYKOV ...... 14, 37, 39 åÄêàç ÉêÄÑàçÄêéÇ ...... 46 JULIA KANCHEVA ...... 44 åÄêíàçÄ óÄóÖÇëäÄ ...... 14, 43 KOSTADIN BONEV ...... 24 åàïÄàã ÇÖçäéÇ ...... 38 KRASIMIR SIMEONOV ...... 42 çÄëíàåàê ñÄóÖÇ ...... 17, 27 MALINA PETROVA ...... 10 éÉçüç ÉÖãàçéÇ ...... 7 MARIN GRADINAROV ...... 46 éëäÄê äêàëíÄçéÇ ...... 30, 31 MARTINA CHACHEVSKA ...... 14, 43 èÖçäÄ åéçéÇÄ ...... 8 MIKHAIL VENKOV ...... 38 èÖçäÄ òéèéÇÄ ...... 10 NASTIMIR TZACHEV ...... 17, 27 èÖíäé ÉéêÄçéÇ ...... 9, 18, 36, 38, 42, 44 OGNIAN GELINOV ...... 7 êéëÖç ÖãÖáéÇ ...... 19 OSKAR KRISTANOV ...... 29, 30, 31 ëàãÇàü íêÖçÑÄîàãéÇÄ ...... 41 PENKA SHOPOVA ...... 10 ëãÄÇ ÅÄäÄãéÇ ...... 13 PENKA MONOVA ...... 8 ëíÄçàëãÄÇÄ äÄãóÖÇÄ ...... 18 PETKO GORANOV ...... 9, 18, 36, 38, 42, 44 ëíÖîÄç åéëäéÇ ...... 21 ROSEN ELEZOV ...... 19 ëíéüç ÑìäéÇ ...... 16 SILVIA TRENDAFILOVA ...... 41 íÖéÑéê ìòÖÇ ...... 33, 34, 35 SLAV BAKALOV ...... 13 íéçàëãÄÇ ïêàëíéÇ ...... 26 STANISLAVA KALCHEVA ...... 18 ïêàëàåàê ÑÄçÖÇ ...... 9, 21, 25 STEFAN MOSKOV ...... 21 ïêàëíé ÅÄäÄãëäà ...... 12 STOYAN DUKOV ...... 16 ñÇÖíéåàêÄ çàäéãéÇÄ ...... 6 THEODORE USHEV ...... 33, 34, 35 ûãàü äöçóÖÇÄ ...... 44 TONISLAV HRISTOV ...... 26 TZVETOMIRA NIKOLOVA ...... 6 Index of the directors VANIA DONEVA ...... 39 VELISLAV KAZAKOV ...... 32 ADELA PEEVA ...... 23 VENELIN VASILEV ...... 6 ALEXANDER BORISOV ...... 45 VENTZISLAVA DIMITROVA ...... 43 ANDREI ALTUPARMAKOV ...... 28 VESELA KAZAKOVA ...... 40 ANDREI KOULEV ...... 15, 23 VICTOR ANGELOEV ...... 22 ANDREI PAOUNOV ...... 22 VLADIMIR ANDONOV ...... 41 ANNA PETKOVA ...... 17 VLADO SHISHKOV ...... 12 ANRI KOULEV ...... 19 VULCHAN VULCHANOV ...... 36 ANTONII DONCHEV ...... 27 YORDAN DETEV ...... 40 ATANAS KIRIAKOV ...... 13, 15 ZLATIN BOIADJIEV ...... 6 BILIANA IVANOVA ...... 20 ZORNITZA SOPHIA ...... 16 BILIANA KAZAKOVA ...... 40

ꉇÍÚÓ: àË̇ ä‡Ìۯ‚‡ Editor: Irina Kanousheva è‚Ӊ: åËÎÂ̇ ãËÎÓ‚‡ Translation: Milena Lilova äÓˈ‡: ïËÒÚÓ ÖÎÂÁÓ‚ Cover: Christo Elezov ÑËÁ‡ÈÌ Ë Ô‰Ô˜‡Ú̇ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇: ïËÒÚÓ ÖÎÂÁÓ‚ Design and pre-press: Christo Elezov 蘇Ú: Color Studio Published by: Color Studio

àÄ çîñ, 2007 ÖÄ NFC, 2007