Áî‡ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ Golden Rhyton

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Áî‡ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ Golden Rhyton àÄ ç‡ˆËÓ̇ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏÓ‚ ˆÂÌÚ˙ é·˘Ë̇ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Å˙΄‡Ò͇ ̇ˆËÓ̇Î̇ ÚÂ΂ËÁËfl ë˙˛Á ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËÚ ÙËÎÏÓ‚Ë ‰ÂÈˆË îËÎχÛÚÓ EA National Film Center Plovdiv Municipality Bulgarian National Television Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers Filmautor á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ Golden Rhyton 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚, çÓ‚ÓÚÂÎ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ 1-7 ÓÍÚÓÏ‚Ë, 2007 Plovdiv, Novotel Plovdiv October 1-7, 2007 ÑÓ To Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ÚÓËÚÂ,Û˜‡ÒÚÌˈËÚÂ Ë „ÓÒÚËÚ The organizers, ̇ XVI ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ participants and guests ◊á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ”, èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ 2007 „. of the 16th Golden Rhyton Bulgarian Non-feature Film Festival Plovdiv 2007 ëÍ˙ÔË ÔËflÚÂÎË, Dear Friends, èÓÁ‰‡‚fl‚‡Ï ‚Ë Ò˙‰Â˜ÌÓ Ò ïVI ËÁ‰‡ÌË ̇ îÂÒÚË‚‡Î‡ ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl I extend my warm greetings on the occasion of the 16th edition of the Golden ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ ◊á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ”, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÔÂÁ „Ó‰ËÌËÚ Ò ÛÚ‚˙‰Ë Rhyton Bulgarian Non-feature Film Festival, which has gained over the years the ͇ÚÓ Â‰ÌÓ ÓÚ Ì‡È-ÔÂÒÚËÊÌËÚÂ Ë Ó˜‡Í‚‡ÌË ÓÚ ˆÂÌËÚÂÎËÚ name of a most prestigious film event, anticipated by the cineastes. ÍËÌÓÒ˙·ËÚËfl. A new in a row edition of this Festival, living up to its established reputation in ᇠ„‡Ê‰‡ÌËÚÂ Ë „ÓÒÚËÚ ̇ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Ô‰ÒÚÓË ÔÓ‰ÌËflÚ Ô‡ÁÌËÍ, Bulgarian culture, is in store for the guests and citizens of Plovdiv. I believe that ‰Ó͇Á‡Î Ò‚ÓÂÚÓ flÍÓ ÏflÒÚÓ ‚ ·˙΄‡Ò͇ڇ ÍÛÎÚÛ‡. ëË„ÛÂÌ Ò˙Ï, ˜Â the Golden Rhyton Festival is a challenge both to the talent of the filmmakers ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ ËÚÓÌ” ÔÓ‚Ó͡ ͇ÍÚÓ Ú‡Î‡ÌÚ‡ ̇ Ú‚ÓˆËÚÂ, ڇ͇ Ë and the taste of the audiences. The days of the event are a time of challenges, ‚ÍÛÒ‡ ̇ ÔÛ·ÎË͇ڇ. 퇉ˈËËÚÂ Ë ‚ËÒÓÍËflÚ ÔÓÙÂÒËÓ̇ÎËÁ˙Ï of striking balance, of asking questions and of a quest for answers thanks to its Ô‚˙˘‡Ú ÚÓÁË ÍËÌÓÙÓÛÏ ‚˙‚ ‚ÂÏ ̇ Ô‰ËÁ‚Ë͇ÚÂÎÒÚ‚‡, established traditions as well as high professionalism. ‡‚ÌÓÒÏÂÚÍË, Á‡‰‡‚‡ÌË ‚˙ÔÓÒË Ë Ú˙ÒÂÌË ÓÚ„Ó‚ÓË. ì·Â‰ÂÌ Ò˙Ï, ˜Â Ë Ú‡ÁË „Ó‰Ë̇ ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡ ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î‡ ˘Â ÌË Ò¢Ì I do believe that this year we are to witness once again new wonderful works, Ò ÌÓ‚Ë ÔÂ͇ÒÌË ÙËÎÏË, ˜ËÈÚÓ Ô˙Ú Í˙Ï Ò‚ÂÚÓ‚ÌËÚ Â͇ÌË Ô‰ÒÚÓË. which are about to be screened worldwide. I wish the organizers and creators èÓÊ·‚‡Ï ÏÌÓ„Ó ÛÒÔÂıË Ì‡ Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ÚÓËÚÂ Ë ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂ, ‡ ̇ success and the viewers – to find their happy end in this year’s edition of the ÁËÚÂÎËÚ – ‰‡ ̇ÏÂflÚ Ò‚Ófl “ıÂÔË Ẩ” ‚ Ú‡Á„Ӊ˯̇ڇ Ò¢‡ Ò˙Ò Festival! ë‰ÏÓÚÓ ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚Ó! Good luck to the Golden Rhyton Festival of Non-feature Film! ç‡ ‰Ó·˙ ˜‡Ò ̇ XVI ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ ◊á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ” ! Prof. Stefan Danailov èÓÙ. ëÚÂÙ‡Ì Ñ‡Ì‡ËÎÓ‚ Minister of Culture åËÌËÒÚ˙ ̇ ÍÛÎÚÛ‡Ú‡ 2 èÓÒΉÌËÚ ÌflÍÓÎÍÓ „Ó‰ËÌË ‰‡‚‡Ú ÓÍۇʇ‚‡˘Ë Ò˄̇ÎË Á‡ Over the recent years, encouraging signals have been given of stabilization in ÒÚ‡·ËÎËÁˇÌÂÚÓ Ì‡ ÙËÎÏÓÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ Û Ì‡Ò. çÂ˘Ó Ôӂ˜Â. the area of filmmaking in Bulgaria. Furthermore, awards granted to Bulgarian 燄‡‰ËÚ ÓÚ ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂÚÌË ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌË ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË, ÔËÒ˙‰ÂÌË films at some of the high-profile international festivals testify to the right direc- ̇ ̇¯Ë ÙËÎÏË, Ò˙˘Ó Ò‡ ‰Ó͇Á‡ÚÂÎÒÚ‚‡ Á‡ Ô‡‚ËÎ̇ڇ ÔÓÒÓ͇ ̇ tion of development. ‡Á‚ËÚËÂ. Documentary and animation films constitute a substantial part in the process of ÑÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÌÓÚÓ ÌË ÍËÌÓ Ë ‡ÌËχˆËflÚ‡ Ò‡ ‚‡Ê̇ ˜‡ÒÚ ÓÚ creative quests and achievements in cinema. Creators from several generations ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÌËfl ÔÓˆÂÒ Ì‡ Ú˙ÒÂÌËfl Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌË ÓÚÍËÚËfl. successfully stand up for the traditions in these fields and the programme of the í‚ÓˆË ÓÚ ÌflÍÓÎÍÓ ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌËfl ÛÒÔ¯ÌÓ Á‡˘ËÚ‡‚‡Ú Ú‡‰ËˆËËÚ ‚ Ú‡ÁË upcoming Golden Rhyton Festival is a mirror reflection of this revival. ӷ·ÒÚ Ë ÔÓ„‡Ï‡Ú‡ ̇ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘Ëfl “á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ”  ӄΉ‡ÎÓ Ì‡ ÚÓ‚‡ Diversity of creative individualities, abundance of the means of expression, ÓÊË‚ÎÂÌËÂ. crystal-clear creative and civil positions: this is what the wide range of the pro- ê‡Á΢ÌË ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌË Ë̉˂ˉۇÎÌÓÒÚË, ·Ó„‡ÚÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ ËÁ‡ÁÌËÚ gramme of the festival outlines. Hopefully, all the participants and guests shall Ò‰ÒÚ‚‡, flÒÌÓ Á‡fl‚Â̇ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒ͇ Ë „‡Ê‰‡ÌÒ͇ ÔÓÁˈËfl – ÚÓ‚‡ appreciate it accordingly. Ó˜ÂÚ‡‚‡ ¯ËÓÍËfl ‰Ë‡Ô‡ÁÓÌ Ì‡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î̇ڇ ÔÓ„‡Ï‡. 燉fl‚‡Ï Ò Úfl I wish the Golden Rhyton National Non-feature Film Festival a good start and ‰‡ ·˙‰Â ‰ÓÒÚÓÈÌÓ ÓˆÂÌÂ̇ ÓÚ ‚Ò˘ÍË Û˜‡ÒÚÌËˆË Ë „ÓÒÚË. the audiences – impressive emotions while familiarizing themselves with the èÓÊ·‚‡Ï ‰Ó·˙ ÒÚ‡Ú Ì‡ 16-ÚÓ ËÁ‰‡ÌË ̇ 燈ËÓ̇ÎÌËfl ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î Á‡ works by Bulgarian filmmakers. ÌÂË„‡ÎÌÓ ÍËÌÓ “á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ” Ë ‚Ô˜‡ÚÎfl‚‡˘Ë ÂÏÓˆËË ÓÚ Ò¢ËÚÂ Ò ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËflÚ‡ ̇ ̇¯ËÚ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚË. èÓÙ. ÄÎÂÍ҇̉˙ ÉÓÁ‚ Prof. Alexander Grozev àÁÔ. ‰ËÂÍÚÓ Ì‡ çîñ CEO of the EA NFC èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚˜‡ÌË ÒÏ ˘‡ÒÚÎË‚Ë „‡‰˙Ú ÌË ‰‡ ·˙‰Â ‰ÓχÍËÌ Ì‡ ïVI îÂÒÚË- The citizens of Plovdiv are happy to host the 16th edition of the Golden Rhyton ‚‡Î ̇ ·˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ Ë ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÂÌ ÙËÎÏ, ÍÓÈÚÓ ÔË ÚÓ‚‡ Bulgarian Non-feature Film Festival, which is named after one of the symbols of ÌÓÒË ËÏÂÚÓ Ì‡ ‰ËÌ ÓÚ ÒËÏ‚ÓÎËÚ ̇ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ – ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ ËÚÓÌ” ÓÚ the city of Plovdiv, the gold rhyton from the Gold Treasure from Panagurishte. è‡Ì‡„˛ÒÍÓÚÓ Ò˙ÍӂˢÂ. This year once again the Festival is part of the spiritual image of our city: forefa- îÂÒÚË‚‡Î˙Ú Ë Ú‡ÁË „Ó‰Ë̇  ˜‡ÒÚ ÓÚ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌËfl Ó·ÎËÍ Ì‡ „‡‰‡ ÌË – Ó- ther and successor of rich cultural traditions. The Golden Rhyton is an important ‰Ó̇˜‡ÎÌËÍ Ë Ì‡ÒΉÌËÍ Ì‡ ·Ó„‡ÚË ÍÛÎÚÛÌË Ú‡‰ËˆËË. ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ Ë- part of the 3rd edition of the Autumn Salon of Arts. ÚÓÌ”  ‚‡Ê̇ ÔÓfl‚‡ ÓÚ ÚÂÚÓÚÓ ËÁ‰‡ÌË ̇ ÖÒÂÌÌËfl Ò‡ÎÓÌ Ì‡ ËÁÍÛÒÚ- What is most valuable is that the Festival is not striving for the glossy publicity of ‚‡Ú‡. the feature film, rather for looking into and compassion for the life of modern ñÂÌÌÓ Â, ˜Â îÂÒÚË‚‡Î˙Ú Ì ˆÂÎË ÔË˘Ì‡Ú‡ ÔÓÔÛÎflÌÓÒÚ Ì‡ Ë„‡ÎÌËfl Bulgaria. The will to preserve the interest in non-feature film as one of the funda- ÙËÎÏ, ‡ ‚„ÎÂʉ‡ÌÂÚÓ Ë Ò˙Ô˘‡ÒÚÌÓÒÚÚ‡ Í˙Ï ÊË‚ÓÚ‡ ̇ ‰Ì¯̇ Å˙Î- mentals of our hyperdynamic spiritual life deserves special respect. „‡Ëfl. á‡ÒÎÛʇ‚‡ ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÓ Û‚‡ÊÂÌË ÒÚÂÏÂÊ˙Ú ‰‡ Ò Ò˙ı‡ÌË ËÌÚÂÂ- I wish this year’s edition of the Golden Rhyton to renew and deepen the relations Ò˙Ú Í˙Ï ÌÂË„‡ÎÌËfl ÙËÎÏ Í‡ÚÓ Â‰Ì‡ ÓÚ ÓÒÌÓ‚ËÚ ̇ ̇¯ÂÚÓ Ò‚˙ı‰Ë- between the pros in the field, affording at the same time an opportunity for their ̇Ï˘ÌÓ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌÓ ·ËÚËÂ. works to be shown to the general public. èÓÊ·‚‡Ï Ë Ú‡ÁË „Ó‰Ë̇ ◊á·ÚÌËflÚ ËÚÓÌ” ‰‡ Ò˙ÊË‚Ë Ë ‡Á¯ËË ÓÚ- Welcome to the hospital city of Plovdiv; success to the participants and nice ÌÓ¯ÂÌËflÚ‡ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÔÓÙÂÒËÓ̇ÎËÒÚËÚ ‚ Ú‡ÁË Ó·Î‡ÒÚ, ͇ÚÓ Ò˙˘Â‚Â- moments with the art of cinema to the audiences! ÏÂÌÌÓ ‰‡‰Â ‚˙ÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ Ú‚Ó·ËÚ ËÏ ‰‡ ÒÚË„Ì‡Ú ‰Ó ¯ËÓ͇ڇ ÔÛ·ÎË- ͇. Å˙‰ÂÚ ◊ÑÓ·Â ‰Ó¯ÎË!” ‚ „ÓÒÚÓÔËÂÏÌËfl èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚, ÛÒÔÂı ̇ Û˜‡ÒÚÌˈË- ÚÂ, ‡ ̇ ÁËÚÂÎËÚ - ÔËflÚÌË ˜‡ÒÓ‚Â Ò ËÁÍÛÒÚ‚ÓÚÓ! Dr Ivan Tchomakov Mayor of Plovdiv ‰- à‚‡Ì óÓχÍÓ‚ äÏÂÚ Ì‡ èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ 3 16 îÂÒÚË‚‡Î ̇ Å˙΄‡ÒÍËfl ÌÂË„‡ÎÂÌ ÙËÎÏ á·ÚÂÌ ËÚÓÌ 16 Festival of Bulgarian Non-feature Film ëöëíÖáÄíÖãçÄíÖãçÄ èêèêéÉêÄåÄ Golden Rhyton COMPETITIONTITION PPROGRAM 101 èéêíêÖíÄ 101 PORTRAITS Ä + Ö A + E éí áãÄíû ÅéüÑÜàÖÇ BY ZLATIU BOIADJIEV 2006, 56 ÏËÌ, ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎÂÌ, 2006, 56 min, documentary, 2006, 5 ÏËÌ, ‡ÌËχˆËfl, 2006, 5 min, animation, Betacam SP/DVD Betacam SP/DVD Betacam SP/35 ÏÏ Betacam SP/35 mm ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: á·ÚËÌ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ Script: Zlatin Boiadjiev ëˆÂ̇ËÈ: ñ‚ÂÚÓÏˇ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Script: Tzvetomira Nikolova êÂÊËÒ¸ÓË: ÇÂÌÂÎËÌ Ç‡ÒË΂, Director: Venelin Vasilev, Zlatin êÂÊËÒ¸Ó: ñ‚ÂÚÓÏˇ çËÍÓÎÓ‚‡ Director: Tzvetomira Nikolova á·ÚËÌ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ Boiadjiev éÔ‡ÚÓ: ç‡Ú‡ÎËfl ɲӂ‡ Camera: Natalia Gurova éÔ‡ÚÓ: ÇËÓÎËÌ è‡ÎÂÈÍÓ‚ Camera: Violin Paleikov åÛÁË͇: êÛÏÂÌ ñÓÌ‚ Music: Rumen Tzonev èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: êíÇñ – èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ – Production: RTVC – Plovdiv – èÓ‰Û͈Ëfl: ÇËÁÄ ÔÓ‰Û͈Ëfl – Production: VizAr Production – ÑÂÒËÒ·‚‡ ò˯χÌÓ‚‡, èÎÓ‚‰Ë‚ Desislava Shishmanova, 8 Naiden Ç·‰ËÏË É˛Ó‚, ëÓÙËfl 1000, Vladimir Gurov, 33-B, 11th of 4000, ÛÎ. “ç‡È‰ÂÌ ÉÂÓ‚” 8, ÚÂÎ. Gerov str., 4000 Plovdiv, ÛÎ. “11 ‡‚„ÛÒÚ”, 33-Å, August str., 1000 Sofia, 032 27 55 01, 032 63 17 47, phone: +359 32 27 55 01, ÚÂÎ. 858 0729, 983 54 78; çîñ phone: +359 2 858 0729, [email protected] +359 32 63 17 47, d_shish- +359 2 983 54 78; NFC [email protected] 옇ÒÚÌËˆË ‚ ‰Ë‡ÎÓ„‡ Á‡ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ- ÚÓ Ì‡ÒΉÒÚ‚Ó Ì‡ á·ڲ ÅÓfl‰ÊË‚ Art reviewers Dimiter Avramov and ã˛·Ó‚Ì‡ ËÒÚÓËfl ÏÂÊ‰Û What would it be if two garments Ò‡ ËÁÍÛÒڂӂ‰ËÚ ÑËÏËÚ˙ Ä‚‡- Svetla Moskova as well as Geori ÔËʇχ Ë ÌÓ˘Ìˈ‡ ̇ fall in love with each other on the ÏÓ‚ Ë ë‚ÂÚ· åÓÒÍÓ‚‡, ÒËÌ˙Ú Ì‡ Boiadjiev, Zlatiu Boiadjiev’s son ÔÓÒÚÓ‡.
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