Souvenir Program of World's Only Circus School Indoor Circus

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Souvenir Program of World's Only Circus School Indoor Circus Souvenir program of world's only circus school indoor circus. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1939 The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | s Ses roe — - Worlds only Circus School 1939 : : Manitowoc Vocational Sheol P Manitowoc, Wis. ™ April 24 - -- - May 3 : : under the personal direction of = | = Wn. G. Schultz SYD HERMAN, Ringmaster PROGRAM MEL. F. KITZEROW, Musical Director Directed by ee F. SCHULTZ 1—GRAND ENTRY 12—SCIENTIFIC JUMPING JACKS 7 Sensational barrel jumping exhibition. 2—QUEENS OF THE AIR ___.............Swinging Ladders and Bob Moentenich, Joe Piefer, Orville Matte, Eugene Butterfly Number Hilke, Ray Augustine, Leonard Kempka. Marie Boswell Grace Felber 13—AN EXHIBITON SUPERB _.........-All Girls Marie Felber Louise Panosh Artistic Pyramid Poses. Whirling, Tumbling, Wizards. 38—COMEDY ACROBATS Anita Fidler, Elaine Buell, Dorothy Drill, Virginia Bryant, Bob Moentenich, Leo Kozazcuk, Robert Mauer Geraldine Belongia, Arlette Rosinsky, Grace Felber Louise Panosh, Jean Hebert, Josephine Junk, Elaine 4—CARRYING PERCH LADDER. Act Fearlessly Presented Griebling, Irene Radey, Geraldine Augustine, Wesley Boswell, Marie Boswell, Lucille Mumpy Dawn Koch, Betty Miller, Hazel Steffen, 5—COMEDY TRIPLE HORIZONTAL BARS Geraldine Barnes and Peles Wensing. Skillful gymnastic feats combined with comedy 14—REVOLVING TRAPEZE........Will try to break all records Edward Kummer, Bob Van Haren, Norman Hanson, Dorothy Drill Gaylord Beokee and Allon Becker, 15—WIRE ARTISTS __............In a Succession of Thrills 6—CLOWN NUMBER. Something New Gordon Bartelme, Winifred Kanter, Paul Heffernan. Donald Underberg, Archie Schuette, Wesley Boswell 16—COMBINATION CRADLE ACT Archie Schuette, Marie Felber, Marie Boswell, 7—THE FAMOUS JAPANESE SLIDE FOR LIFE June Jacobson, Lucille Mumpy, Virginia Bryant. Robert Moentenich 17—CLOWN BAND 8—COMBINATION OF ACROBATICS AND RIDGELY Don Underberg, Wesley Boswell, Arthur Sobieski WORK .............................-.._.__.........-.-. Bigger and Better 18—PHYSICAL CULTURE ARTISTS ‘ Those clever little ones. Marvelous Hand to Hand Balancing. Dorothy Schultz Wesley Boswell Edward Kummer, Donald Edward, Bob Van Haren, Arthur Tuesberg Jane Jacobson Denis Edwards. Alice Tanet B: Berkedal Don Underberg i 19—DARING CLOUD SWING AND UPSIDE DOWN LOOP Clara Bauer Billy Schultz, Jr. WALKING |___---- The Human Fly 9—THREE —" SKATING MARVELS a--a----------Mast and Furious 5 eb ‘ vee Delbert Butler, Dorothy Drill, Dorothea Raih 20—ROCKING TABLES. ...............Something new and original 10-0 NOME ; : Don Underberg, Wesley Boswell, Virginia Bryant. eee ee 21—MARVELOUS ACROBATS ON THE TEETER BOARD : our in a Turkish Bat! Leslie Brodkorb, Leo Kozazcuk, Allen Becker, Archie Schuette, Don Underberg, Wesley Boswell, Gordon Bartelme, Eugene Hilke, Robert Mauer, Arthur Sobieski Orville Matte, Bernard Fraser. 11—STATUES IN CONTORTION 22—A MARVELOUS CASTING ACT The act beautiful and clever contortionists. Introducing difficult feats while flying through the air Allen Becker, Geraldine Belongia, Arlette Rosinsky, telnet atl Bote ae nord Beck ‘ elbert Butler, Bob Moentenich, Gaylord Becker, Janet Berkedal and June Zimmer. Winifred Kanter, Clayton Becker and Clyde Severson. + & P ~ fei) oe «HAND BALANCING— ' \ “ os al Attempting for the first time to take ~ i \ } Ci Bed the hand balancing routines off the , sy ss floor, Mr. Schultz has combined hand c ] yi | bolancing with other forms of acro- ee | | batics in modified form. Besides the | intricate and strenuous types per- be | formed in previous performances be- ripe PY me | fore the public, the troupe this year Pi ued | | goes into two and three high hand- ! y 4 f i, stands. : [iad ca Fw) Working with Edward Kummer and v fl —4 4 | Bob Van Haren this year are two | ea | newcomers, Donald and Dennis Ed- . hd “ b wards, who show great promise of / ce, p | becoming top-notchers. Wm. Schultz ae who formerlv filled in on this number i en ee: will confine himself to occasional im- promptu performances, being, in the main, too busily occupied in conditioning the numerous new acts appearing this year. R™GELY ACT—Children at their best— Although the youngsters in the Ridgely troupe are beginning to grow up, most of them are just graduating into the teen age. With but one or two exceptions this is the same troupe that has been thrilling audiences in this section of the state for the past fiour years. Included in this troupe are Billy Schultz’s two youngsters, Wm. Jr. and Dorothy, and a group of their interested friends : who someday hope to become topnotchers in the profession. They graduate this year from the simpler forms of Ridgely to advanced types of acrobatics which they incorporate in their act. BARREL JUMPING— Decidely a new act with a new slant on [i : entertainment is that offered by the : Scientific Jumping Jacks, Bob Moenten- oa ich, Joe Peifer, Orville Matte, Eugene oy ~. Hilke, Ray Augustine and Leonard Kem- ee pka. They devise more ingenious meth- ' a: ods of jumping into and out of barrels ) than the spectator can keep up with. In » the illustration the lad on the right has jumped off the top of the pile of bar- |i nC os aN rels, landed on the teeter board, thus ¥ x catapulting the other fellow into the air where he is making a somersault pre- a paratory to landing in the barrel held by his partners. F ve | , | Hh ; . V4 i ime , oe i Ls Uj Coe NtmW CLOWN NUMBERS— Sd Ais The rocking tables gained an addition en Si one in the form of the first female clown = i a aoe ever to appear with an amateur Ee eS Ne group. Miss Virginia Bryant joins Bek ot Be aoe Don Underberg in his mirthful mani- ee ye Ne pulations of the tottering tables in La SE a this years show while Wesley Bos- je oe ae well plays the role iof the devilish son 2 ca who wants to “come along.” The usual a. difficulties prior to the actual crash — 8 af. have been enlarged and improved NN Sy upon to make the act even funnier. ; Baa Other acts include the clown band, Aes Four in a Turkish Bath, and a clever Sar, new number detailing two clowns ex- ee ee periences with an evil owl and an og acrobatic old Lucifer. ; A The comedy triple horizintal bar act wee will also have its clown as will the ’ new wire act. Between acts while : ze apparatus is being set, Underberg and Sicns his troupe of fun promoters will pre- : : : : sent impromtu gag situations design- eens pe ’ ed to throw spectators into gales of mirth. ee cS ee ee THREE SKATING MARVELS— ; Duplicating any similar skating act ra "ever presented on the professional : _ stage, Delbert Butler, Dorothea Raih 2 and Dorothy Drill present a hair- Oat fi a raising number that will tie any for -. | sheer daring. Whirling rapidly on LS ” an the small wooden platform on which ok a they perform, the trio take turns LN an supporting each other in the presen- yy i q tation of numbers heretofore attempt- + ‘ bP ed only on high trapeze paraphernalia. —- | ? N posll a.) a ees iu aie) al ( COMEDY TRIPLE HORIZONTAL Ph. ES, } | | : BAR— ; : : Doubling the crew on the horizon- J he i | tal bars puts just twice as many p ep : ' thrills in this standard offering and - ee : to dress the act even more than oe i before, Director Schultz has added ee . some innovations designed to give y | if \ LAY ee the acme in bar work. 4 i; cite. ee oe Kummer and Van Haren have pa haw), es 2 worked at this act for years and we) a: ee have perfected it to the point of x R 2 9 wv — professionalism. The newcomers % have rapidly adapted themselves to MA | d | ¥ j : the intricacies of the work and « ~ “A y a make fine showings as well. — 6 The act has always been one de- se cad manding precise timing and the slightest mistake could easily re- : : sult in serious injury. To add to Arabian Eyres complications, Kummer has _per- fected a new stunt where, while turning a somersault between two bars, he also does a half twist. This was formerly confined only to acts where plenty of space was allowed for mistakes in timing. =--2 -@ My t, | iv Ry CLOUD SWING— iy ‘ i A stunt performed in only one other see i <a circus in this country and one which a a has only recently been devised, will be nll performed daily by Miss Anita Fidler IY 2 bAN ins in her demonstration of the Human Le 3 ae Fly. In this demonstration she walks | is ty in an upside down position along the ee A ceiling, supported only by loops at- yi 1a \c tached to a piece of ceiling apparatus. ee. Pea In addition to this feature of her per- \ Leo a formance, Miss Fidler presents the \] ae ” eo ay cloud swing routine wherein she does iA aoe a a number of aerial acrobatics and bal- eat aa ancing routines, supported only by a ; i® rapidly swaying rope. / if im f ea | DOUBLE PERCH ACT— tes # at eae Addition of another person to the perch ie Fee . ae act makes it doubly interesting this ise ln al year. While Wesley Boswell balances wa ale : the 14 foot steel ladder from a socket cer ee © in his belt, Marie Boswell and Lucille Rae te ge > Mumpy mount to the top rungs where ee cw 2 they present a spectacular number—a Ja f .
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