Flying High Circus Program, 1953

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Flying High Circus Program, 1953 CAMPBELL STADIUM Florida State University April 31-May 1-2 8:00 P. M. To all who appreciate the work of young people at their best, we pre~ent the 1953 edition of the Florida State University's Circus, " Flying High." The circus is much more than an entertainment. Those who make up its numerous cast of per­ formers fi nd in it a satisfying means of healthful recreation and physical development. Team wark on the part of everyone connected with the Circus is of the utmost importance. Everyone must do his particular part with promptness and precision. Such team work has developed 0 wanderful spirit throughout the whole organization. "Flying High" is strictly a student production. Routines of performance, scripts for each presentation, castumes worn by performers, musical adaptations- all are the work of the students under the devoted leadership of " Mr. Flying High," Coach lack Haskins. -fHE JDUnnnt \ , THE BOYS BEHIND THE SCENES .. In the white coveralls who move with precision in the dark, dropping 0 piece of rig­ ging here or striking an act there, are really the boys who keep the show rolling. JIM VAUSE HARLACE SEAL Y GORDON GASTER RAY MALTBY HAROLD PEEBLES RONALD SKEL TON CHARLES SINGER EDWARD ALLEN JIMMY HANKS CHARLES HICKS REGINALD NAIRON ROBERT PACE WILLIAM ROBINSON WILLIAM STEPHENS LARRY HILL ADVANCED CREW: JIM DeCOSMO, BILL TOWNSEND AND CHARLIE LEJOIE PUBLICATIONS IN WHICH ARTICLES ON "FL YING HIGH " HAVE APPEARED . ON THE CLOUD SWING : SHIRLEY HARPER . WHAT IS A CIRCUS . It is many things. It is music and rhythm. It is phys­ ical activity. It is drama and pageantry. It is art and hand i­ craft. It is education and rec­ reation. It is public speaking and public relations. It is en­ ( , tertainment and business. It is a means by which young men and young women working to­ gether under fine leadership gain a new respect for one another. ... _- ........ ,,. 1. Ruthie Speneer, Jerry Fortune, John Mabee, Johnny Fortune. 2. John Mabee, Jerry Fortune, Johnny For- tune. 3. John Mabee, Faye Williams. 4. John Mabee, Ruthie Speneer. 5. John Mabee, Johnny ,~ Fortune. 4 THE SKATING WHIRLWINDS : Shirley Knight, Anne Cal­ lahan, Ralph Atwell, Billy Mills. THE IMPERIAL FOUR : Patricia Payne, George Bowers, Dick Williams, and Dick Slade. CIRCUS KEY AWARD WINNERS FOR 1953 FOUR YEAR AWARD Max Bayard- Sarasota TWO YEAR A WARD Edward Allen- Miami Ralph Atwell- Pensaeola Naney Baxter- Lake Wales Carolyn Calhoun-Tampa Joan Carson-West Palm Beaeh Mary Ann Council-Tampa James Crowther-Thomasville Barbara DelGado- Key West Billie Diekson-Chipley DeDe Duguid-Jaekson"ville Faith Dunn-Rankin-Winter Park Jerry Fortune-Laurel Hili Rene Hall- Tampa Shirley Harper-West Palm Beaeh Jane Helms-Miami Lynda Helms- Tampa Sue Humphrys-Coral Gables JoAnn Hutto-Tallahassee Nellie Lawrenee- Panama City Selma Morgan- Lake Wales lone Morraine-Montieello Betty Ann Munroe- Tallahassee Verner Nelson- Pensaeola Jean Northrup-St. Petersburg Virginia Phillips- W . Palm Beaeh Jeanne Rutherford- Panama City Ronald Skelton- Tampa Riehard Slade-Griffin, Ga. Erma Vause- Panama City Anne Whitney- Plant City Riehard Williams- Havana Haven Wilson- Tampa Lenore Windham- Panama City Anne Y ates- Key West THE CIRCUS HELPS MEET CERTAIN PSYCHOLOGICAL NEEDS .. All normal human beings need to do some­ thing so weil that their superior achievement will bring them recognition. People need to feel worthy of the admiration of others. The extent to which a person has never risen above the level of mediocrity in anything is a measure of human frustration. The circus gives hundreds of students an opportunity to attain excellence in activities enjoyed and applauded by thousands. The effect upon the developing personalities of the student-per­ former is of great significance. Not only are their lives richer as a result of the circus, but the lives of the spectators are also enriched. John Mabee, Betty Ann Roberts, and George Bowers are AERIAL­ ISTS-EXTRAORDINARY. THE ROLA-ROLA Dale Blair - Dick Slade Dancers : Jayleen Robertson, Peggy Halberstadt, Jane Sisson, Libby Fahle, Nancy Fagen, Sandra Carter. THE BICYCLE FOR THREE: Lenore Windham, Jeanne Rutherford, Verner Nelson. ACROBATIC DANCERS : Nancy Warner Gale Tomlinson BLUES IN THE NIGHT: DeDe Duguid Mary Ann Council QUARTETTE Sue Humphrys ADAGIO Selma Morgan Gale Tomlinson June Morris JoAnn Hutto Harlace Sealy Shirley Harper Ralph Atwell Anne Yates Ronald Skelton RINGMASTI FLYING HIGH OVERTURE AND OPENING SPEC Florida State University Circus Concert Band- Bob Braunagel, Director 2. A STU DY I N MOTION (Aerialists ) (Golde n Pairs ) 10Ann Hutto Dole Bloir Betty Ann Roberts Sue Herndon Ann Yates Dick Wililoms John Mabee Gordon Gaster 3. HILARIOUS TOM -FOOLERY (Double High Ba r) Dick Slade Verner Nelson lerr y Fortune 4. BLUES IN THE NIGHT Betty Ann Munroe Mary Ann Council LaVetra Armstrong leanne Ruthe rford Gale Tomlinson Charlotte McCants Patricia Payne Shirley Harper Shirley Boulware Lenora Windham Selma Morgan Marlies Gessler Jeanne Craig Sue Humphrys Shirley Kellogg Martha Scott DeDe Duguid Ann Callahan lanet Stark 10Ann Hutto lune Browder Diane Hood Anne Yates Nancy Warner Esther Fackler Sarah Hambley Joie Bell 5. UNDER THE BIG TOP (Giant Whorl ) ( Hanging Pe rch Poles ) lean Northrup Ruthie Spe nce r Lynda He lms Nancy Baxter Verner Ne lson Les Childs Sue Humphrys 6. ME AND MY SHADOW (Acrobatic Dance ) Gale Tomlinson Shirley Harper Nancy Warner Norma Harvey Lorraine Powlus 7. MUSIC AS YOU LIKE IT (Clown Band ) lohnnie Fortune lerry Fortu ne Frank Buchannan Dick Slade " Scootsie" Crothe r lames Byrd Verner Nelson Les Childs Carl Gay De nnis Cassidy Larry Hili 8. QUEENS OF THE AIR LANES (Tripie Trapeze) Faith Dunn- Rankin Betty Ann Munroe lanet Lifsey Esther Fackler Ne llie Lowrence Martha Scott Martha Webb lean Pruitt Erma Vause Karen Bell Ann Fraxier loon Austin Carolyn Calhoun Barbara Slaughter loAnn Anderson Pat Merideth lean Narthrup Barbora DelGado loan Lee Marjorie Grice Have n Wilson leanne Craig Pat Emmett Pat Leary Marlies Gessler Peggy Halberstadt Sally Hammner Bettie Carter Shirley Kellogg CarryAnn Davis June Browder Martha Chandler Ann Callahan libby Fahle lune Yates Betty Bailey 9. SKETCH ART1STS EXTRA-ORDINARY Those Chalk-faced Slap- happy Funsters 10. RIDIN' HIGH , WIDE, AND HANDSOME (Cloud Swing ) Shirley Harpe r 11. A SYMPHONY IN RED (The Skating Whirlwinds ) Shirley Knight Ralph Atwe ll Ann Callahan 12. THE SLIDE FOR LIFE (lron Jaw Slide ) lohn Mabee George Bowers VOCALlST-CLAIRE KENYON R- MAX BA YARD 13. WHEELS-A-ROLLIN' (Bicycles) Jeanne Rutherford Lenore Windham Virginia Miller Billie Dickson Charlotte McCants J 14. AN AERIAL BALLET (Webs ) Gale Tomlinson Carolyn Calhoun Ann Spencer , Selma Morgan Faith Dunn- Rankin Lorraine Powlus Nancy Baxter Nellie Lawrence Donna Witte Madge Al exander 15. BLACK MAGIC (Adagio ) Sue Herndon Patricia Payne June Morris Gordon Gaster Dick Williams Ralph Atwell Ray Maltby Dick Slade Harlace Sealy Horold Peebles George Bow ers Ronald Skelton 16. STARS OF TOMORROW (Double Trapeze and Rings ) Barbara DelGado Shirley Boulware Shirley Knight Patricia Payne lone Morraine Lil lohnson Les Childs Edward Allen George Bowe rs lim Vause Harlace Sealy 17. TIGHT WIRE ANTICS lohnnie Fortune Carl Gay James Byrd lerry Fortune 18. THE STAR DUSTERS ( Breakaway Team ) Betty Ann Roberts lohn Mabee 19. THE GAY CAVALIER (Comedy Lamp ) Johnnie Fortune 20. SOUTH SEA ISLAND FANTASY (Rola- Rola ) Dale Blair Dick Slade ( Dancers ) Peggy Halberstadt lane Sisson Sandra Carter layleen Robertson Sally Hammner Lillian Avis lune Yates Betty Gooch Lilly Fahle Donna Witte Nancy Fage n loan Lee JoAnn Anderson Pat Emmett Betty Wilmon lanet Lifsey lean Pruitt Martha Webb 21. THE OVERLAND EXPRESS Clown Alley' s Version of the Wild West 22. STRATOSPHERE QUEENS (High Back Revolves ) (Aerial ' Ladder) Betty Ann Munroe Mary Ann Council Selma Morgan Marlies Gessler lean Northrup layleen Robertson Sue Humphrys Donno Witte Madge Alexander lane Sisson Nancy Baxter June Yotes Ann Spencer Ann Whitney Betty Fi scher Libby Fohle 23. THE FLYING DeCOSMOS (Flying Casting ) 'J lohnnie Fortune Ruthie Spe ncer l erry Fo rtune lohn Mabee Dick Slade 1 ~ MEMBERS OF THE OPENING SPEC Ada Adams Barbora Burks Jone Davis lane Helms Nancy Mayer Jean McDaniels Mary McFarland Morgaret Neller ____ --..:H~"arr ie tt Ramsey Dorothy Cooke Gayle Buttress VOCALIST-J. DAYTON MAX BAYARD: THE CLOWN. JERRY FORTUNE, DICK SLADE, MAX BAYARD, & VERNER NELSON - GET READY BACK STAGE. 1. AS YOU SEE THEM ON THE CAMPUS. ,. 2. BIG-TOP STARS ARE: GEORGE BOWERS, PATRICIA PAYNE. 3. QUEEN OF THE CLOUDS: MADGE ALEXANDER. CIRCUS "BAND ROBERT BRAUNAGEL, Director Flutes: Bass Clarinet: Trumpets: Bass: Bush, Martha Lee, Mo na Jo ., Hasbrouck, Sonny ., Augustine, Howard Starbird, Christine Saxes: McMillan, Bob Percussion: Clarinets: Bisbee, Bebe Micunas, Vic .;. Harkness, AI Allen, Sue Fain, Mary Jo Powell, Bob Mayo, Richard Brunsen, Anita Raulerson, Bob Stanley, John ,. Sutherland, Maxi ne Lewis, Wayne ,. Rogers, James .;. Zappolo, Kathryn ." Santana, Ed Valdez, Frank Baritone: .;. Schatzma n, Grace Horns: "White, Bob Scott, Joan Fletcher, Jackie Trombones: Stephens, James " Johnson, Pat Bishop, Dawn Suggs, Beth Langford, Frances Fales, Clifford Summers, Joy ';' Shuler, Terry Woods, Anita :!: Two Year Circus Award Winner. OUR HATS OFF TO ... Dr. Howard Danford Roy Flynn Dr. Katherine Montgomery Sarah French Nellie Bond Dickinson Bob Mauldin And to all of our many friends who have Ralph Matherly Lloyd Oleson given their time so generously and without R. K. Shaw Robert Leigh whom the circus could never have been the H. D. Mendenhall A. M. Withers success that it is today . Walter Beyer "Peg" Rigg - THE TROUPE. Charlie Lajoie Dean Karl Kuersteiner Wm. Townsend Robert Braunagel CIRCUS ATHLET Left to Right: JERRY FORTUNE, VERNER NELSON , DICK SLADE, RONNIE SKELTON , JOHN MABEE, GEORGE BOWERS, LESTER CHILOS, HARLACE SEALY, LARRY HILL, RALPH ATWELL, JOHN MAIRON, CARL GAY, GORDON GASTER, RAY MALTBY, CHARLES SINGER, HAROLD PEEBLES, JAMES BYRD. ES ON PARADE THE CIRCUS IS EDUCATIONAL ..
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