The Korea TESOL Toumal A

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The Korea TESOL Toumal A LANGUAGE TEACHING The Korea TESOL Toumal a KOTESOL '94 WHERE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL LEARNERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG UNIVERSITY SEOU ES E P MEETS THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL E E C URY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG UNIVERSIT SE 4 RE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE PREP IN THE 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 14-16 SOG GUN OL '94 WHERE THE PAST MEETS THE F UR RNERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY OCTO - 6 AN IVE EOUL KOTESOL '94 WHERE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL LEARNERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG UNIVERSITY SEOUL KOTESOL '94 WHERE THE PAS MEETS THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL RS FOR THE 21S NTURY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG NIVE ITY SEOUL KOTES 94 WHERE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE PREPARI E T ~1111.W SOGAN E '9 R ST THE FU E S CEN CTO EO H P I EF A ER 0 E T CENTURY OCTOBER 14-1 SOGANG UNIVERSITY SEOUL KOTESOL '94 WHERE THE PAST ME THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL LEARNERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG UNIVERSITY SEOUL KOTESOL '94 WH HE PAST MEETS. THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL LEARNERS FOR E 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG UNIVERSITY SEOU 0 ' E EETS THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL L R 21 RY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG UNIVER Y L RE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE PR A N R HE 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 14-16 N SI SE L ESOL '94 WHERE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL LEARNERS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY OCTOBER 14-16 SOGANG UNIVERSITY SEOUL KOTESOL '94 WHERE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE PREPARING EFL LEARNERS FOR Vol.2,No.3 October 1994 ~ LANGUAGE TEACHING October1994 Vol. 2, No. 3 ~ The KDrea TESOL [ournal REPORTS Korea TESOL chapter activities 51 New LT publication schedule 52 EDITOR The Korea TESOL calendar 53 DwightJ. Strawn CETA Snippets: Notes from the July conference 54 ASSOCIATE EDITORS KOTESOL ' 94 John F. Holstein, Jack D. Large Carl Dusthimer, Tish Metheny Conference Schedule 56 Daniel Roberts, Shane Carter Eric Shade FEA T URES Richard A. Orem: Facing the challenge of a changing MAN AGI N G ED I TO R world: The personal journey of an ESOL educator 59 Terry Nelson Kip A. Cates: Initiatives in global education 63 Language Teaching: The Korea Donald R. H. Byrd: What EFL teachers need to know TESOL Journal is published four about communicative materials 67 times a year as a service to mem­ Marc Helgesen: Schema activation and listening: bers of Korea TESOL, a profes­ Where the learner's past meets the future 70 sional association of language teachers in Korea which is affili­ Brenda Bushell and Sonia Yoshi take: Building cross-cultural ated with the internationalorga­ understanding through students' experiences 74 niz.ation Teachers of English to J.W.: On Korean, Cows, James Joyce, and Ernest Hemingway 75 Speakers of Other Languages. For information about member­ MAKING CONNE C TIONS ship in Korea TESOL, please see page85. Conferences and institutes around the world 78 Viewpoints expressed in this publication are those of the indi­ CAREER MOVES vidual writers and do not neces­ Job openings 81 sarily reflect positions or poli­ cies of Korea TESOL or the F. y . I. editors. The editors welcome let­ ters, news reports, announce­ Korea TESOL Directory 83 ments, reviews and articles re­ Constitution and Bylaws of Korea TESOL 84 lated to all aspects of language Information for Contributors 85 teaching. Please see "Informa­ tion for Contributors" on page Membership Application/ Change of Address Notice 85 85. FROM THE EDITORS Language Teaching: The Korea TESOL Journal is the successor to ffiGH AUTUMN SKIES and cooler nights bringing welcome the newsletter of the Association l A TITH of ~~lish Teachers in Korea V V relief from the summer heat, Korea TESOL members look for­ (AETK), which in October 1992 ward to meeting again at the annual Korea TESOL conference, to be joined with the Korea Associa­ held on the campus of Sogang University in Seoul beginning Friday, tion of Teachers of English October 14 and continuing through Sunday, October 15. An occasion (KA TE) in the establishment of Korea TESOL. The first AETK for renewing friendships and for sharing insights, observations, ex­ newsletter was published in perience, and research results related to the teaching of English in 1982 with the name Teaching En­ Korea, the conference will include more than fifty presentations on glish in Korea. The name was various aspects of language teaching and other opportunities for changed to AETK News in 1985, teachers to share their experiences and learn from each other. to AETK Bulletin in 1987, and then toAETK Newsletter in 1990. In this issue, in addition to the conference schedule, we have The last issue ofAETK Newsletter attempted to provide a small sample of the wide range of themes and appeared in December 1992, at questions that will be discussed at the conference as scholars and which time the publication was professional language teachers from several countries in and outside re-established under its present name. of Asia gather to offer their ideas on the present state and future Editors: Barbara R. Mintz direction of English language teaching. (1982-1984), Dwight J. Strawn Looking ahead to our next issue, we hope then to bring you more (1985-1989), R.A. Brown and articles about the conference presentations and an overview of the Cha Kyung-Whan (1990), John faces and events that made the conference. Please note that we have F. Holstein (1991-1992), Dwight J. Strawn (1993-). changed our publication schedule to give you more time to write up and send in your contributions for that issue. (See the announcement Please address all inquiries to on page 52 and "Information for Contributors" on page 85.) Managing Editor Terry Nelson Meanwhile, more changes are in store for Korea TESOL as new at Pagoda Language School, 56- 6 Chongno 2-ga, Seoul 110-122 officers are being elected for the coming year. We trust that the new (Tel 02-362-4000 or 02-712-3378, leaders will continue to guide the association toward its goals of Fax 02-278-4.533). • promoting scholarship and the exchange of information related to English language teaching in Korea. - DJS & JFH REPORTS Korea TESOL, an affiliate of TF.SOL International, was estab­ lished in 1993 to promote schol­ Korea TESOL /ari (learning field), a program arship, disseminate information, which enables teachers to make and facilitate cross-cultural un­ chapter activities up test questions incorporating derstanding among all persons animation and voice, and to eval­ concerned with the teaching and learning of English in Korea. compiled by Kim /eong-Ryeol and uate students' academic ability Membership is open to all pro­ Ju Yang-Don on-line. Running onanIBM-com­ fessionals in the field of language patible PC with Windows, this teaching who support these authoring ware provides an effi­ goals. Please see the membership cient means for the diagnosis of application on page 85. Seoul any student's problem areas and it lets teachers strengthen the T THE JUNE MEETING we la­ area by feeding in many supple­ Officers 1993-1994 Amented the lack of collegial­ mentary materials and ques­ PRESIDENT ity among teachers and at­ tions. SJ.nee everything from Scott Berlin, tempted to share the experiences writing the questions to doing Kongju National University, Kongju which any principled account of the grading is done on-line, the what ESL is must take as its data feedback is almost instantaneous FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Critical incidents recounted in­ for students and extremely effi­ Kim Jeong-Ryeol, cluded the suspicion felt by stu­ cient for the teacher. Korea Maritime University, dents when it is suggested to Following the demonstration, Pusan them that having fun is an impor­ Dr. Jeong-Ryeol Kim gave a pre­ SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT ESL Lan­ tant goal of the class, the fuss sentation on Multimedia in Patricia E. Hunt, kicked up when they are not al­ guage Teaching in which he Yeungnam University, lowed access to transcripts of summarized the development of Taegu hearing passages, the disorderli­ language-teaching methodolo­ ness of children trying to get into gies and computer technology SECRETARY class before the others can get related to the topic, giving a Elaine Hayes, Sogang University out, and the lack of freedom of ratherdetailedexplanationofthe Institute for English as an teachers to be their real selves. technological bridge between the International Language, At the July meeting we dis­ proficiency movement and mul­ Seoul cussed the status of grammar, timedia technology and its future which has been put on the defen­ direction. ACTING TREASURER Ae Kyoung Large, sive by functions, tasks and ac­ After the June meeting, the Iri quisition. Points raised included participants went out for dinner the grammaticality of "John is and tea and promised to meet one of those who is/ are with again in September after the Chapter Representatives you," the differences between summer vacation. "this" and "it," and the differ­ SEOUL ence in the positions of NS and Greg Matheson NNS. Taegu TAEJON At the August meeting we Ju Yang-Don held an activity swap shop. One N JULY 16TH the Taegu activity was "Ship or Sheep OChapter held a dinner and TAEGU Shout" by David Hirst. This was social at a buffet restaurant in Chae Joon-Kee a minimal pair activity, but in­ central Taegu. Special recogni­ stead of pitting individual stu­ tion was given to Chuck Mason, CHOL LA dents against the truth, students one of the co-founders of the Pak Joo-Kyung each had one half of the minimal Taegu Chapter, who returned to KYOUNGJU pair and had to cooperate in de­ the US in August.
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