This is the resting place of the initial flagship of the International Environment Organization "The " of , it was blown -up by two agents of the French DGSE . The rest is publish below, that is just one of their acts that they w ere caught with the hands in the cookie jar, the other occasion that was caught with her hands in the cookie-jar was in the assassination of the two African presidents, the Ex -Rwanda P resident, Juvenal Habyarimana , and the Ex - President of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira both were shot-down while they were returning trying to land on their way back from an African reunion of heads of state, that makes two occasions that France has done terrorist acts throughout the world, that makes France the first terror ist country in the CEE , than comes Belgium with her issues in the 90’s , in 2004 Spain has joined them -up, and in 2005, the has become the "4th Terrorist Country " in the CEE !.

"The Rainbow Warrior ", flagship of the International Greenpeace Environment Organisation, sailed into Waitemata Harbor on Sunday 7th of July 1985 to join other vessels on a protest voyage to the nuclear test site at Mururoa Atoll.

The following is a chronological account of the developments in that affair :-

23.4.85 Christine Huguette Cabon , aged 33 , a Lieutenant in the French Army and working for the DGSE , arrived in Auckland under the name of Frederique Bonlieu with orders to infiltrate the Greenpeace Organization. She carried out that task and gained a considerable amount of information about the proposed berthing arrangements for the visit of "The Rainbow Warrior ". She also gathered information on vehicle hire-age, coastal harbors and boat charter rates.

She left on 24 th of May 1985.

22.6.85 . The yacht "Oueva " from New Caledonia entered the difficult and relatively deserted Parengarenga Harbor, bounding over the bar at the entrance, into the harbor itself. The Ouvea had a crew of four, Chief Petty Officer Roland Verge (alias Raymonde Velche ), Petty Officer Gerald Andries (alias Eric Audrenc ), Petty officer Jean-Michel Barcelo (alias Jean-Michel Berthelo ) and finally a Dr. Xavier Christian Jean Maniguet . The three Navy men were all combat frogmen and employed by the French DGSE . They were interviewed by park Ranger Hec Crene on the 23 rd and advised to see Customs in Paihia as soon as possible. Hec also rang Lew Sabin of Customs in Whangarei and advised him.

22.6.85. Major , aged 34 , (alias Alain Turenge of Switzerland ) and Captain Dominque Prieur , aged 36 (alias Sophie Turenge , also of Switzerland ) arrived at Auckland Airport from via Honolulu. Both were in the French Army and Mafart was also a graduate of the Combat School at Asporetto as were the three Navy men on the Ouvea.

23.6.85. Lieutenant Colonel Louise-Pierre Dillais of the French DGSE (alias Jean Louis Dormand ) arrived at Auckland Airport. He booked in at the South Pacific Hotel not far from the Travelodge where the Turenges were staying.

This man would eventually head the sabotage team. 29.6.85. The Ouvea arrives in Whangarei Harbour and ties up in the Town Basin.

7.7.85. Alain Tonel , aged 33 , and Jaques Camurier , aged 35 , arrived at Auckland Airport. These two men claim to be physical training instructors at a girls school in Papeete, but in reality are also agents of the French DGSE . It is Camurier who would later plant the charges on the ship, with Tonel in support. The French Government would later, reluctantly, give information about all the rest of the team, but would say absolutely nothing about these two agents.

Later at 12.15 p.m, another man, Francois Regis Verlet arrived at Auckland Airport from Tokyo. He was used for last minute reconnaissance of the ship in Auckland. Like the other two men, no information was ever forthcoming from France about him or his place in the French DGSE .

7.7.85. "The Rainbow Warrior " arrived in Auckland Harbour and tied up at the Marsden Wharf .

10.7.85. At 10 minutes to midnight a bomb blast rips open the "The Rainbow Warrior ", moored at Marsden Wharf . A crew member, the Portuguese photographer, , aged 36 , the father of two young children, tries to retrieve his equipment. A second bomb explodes. As "The Rainbow Warrior " sinks, Fernando Pereira drowns with the boat.

Early Alert.

11/7/85. New Zealanders awake to hear that their country has hosted its first international "TTTerroristTerrorist act ". One of the nations biggest police investigations is launched under the direction of Scottish born Detective Superintendant Allen Galbrath .

Jean Louis Dormand, Alain Tonel and Jaques Camurier arrive in the South Island, in a campervan rented by Dormand.

As the police begin checking outward airline passenger lists, a tip from a neighborhood watch group on the Auckland waterfront the night before leads to an early alert to Newman’s Motor Caravans to watch for the return of a campervan hired by a man and a woman.

12.7.85. "In no way was France involved " says Mr. Charles Montan , political counselor at the French Embassy in Wellington. "The French Government does not deal with its opponents in such ways ".

About the same time as Mr. Montan is talking, the police swoop on Newman’s in Mt -Wellington, Auckland, where a French speaking couple have just returned a campervan, registration LB 8945 . The man and woman, whose Swiss passports identify them as Sophie and Alain Turenge , are questioned at length.

Norfolk Island.

15.7.85. Acting on leads, a squad of Auckland detective’s flies to Norfold Island to interview the crew of the Noumea charter yacht Ouvea, which was en route to New Caledonia.

Before the Air Andover carrying the police arrives, one Ouvea crewman, Dr. Xavier Maniguet , from Dieppe , France, a specialist, flies to Sydney.

16.7.85. The detectives question the three remaining crew members, Raymonde Velche , Jean Michel Berthelo and Eric Audrenc , who claim to be French tourists. Scrapings are taken from the bilges of the yacht to check for explosives, and the detectives find a map of Auckland with a Ponsonby address written on it. But the police lack evidence to hold the crew, and the Ouvea sails purportedly to Noumea. The yacht never arrived at Noumea and is presumed to have been scuttled at sea.

The Turenges , meanwhile appear in the Auckland District Court on immigration charges. Their passports, airline tickets and driving licenses are ordered to be surrendered to the court

23.7.85. Jean Louis Dormand leaves New Zealand from Christchurch.

Warrants. 24.7.85. Sophie and Alain Turenge appear in court charged with murdering the Portuguese photographer, Fernando Pereira , conspiring with each other and with others to commit arson and willfully damaging to the "The Rainbow Warrior " by means of explosives.

26.7.85. The tests of the Ouvea scraping come back from the laboratory, they are positive. It was this vessel that bought the explosive to New Zealand. Warrants are issued for the arrest of the three Ouvea crew interviewed on Norfold Island.

The warrants cite charges of murder, arson and conspiracy to commit arson.

As a result of the map found on the Ouvea, the Police and the public learn that a Frenchwoman, calling herself Frederique Bonlieu had attached herself to Greenpeace , gathering details about the harbor and "The Rainbow Warrior ". The woman is now working on archaeological site in . A New Zealand detective plans to go there.

Alain Tonel and Jaques Camurier leave New Zealand from Auckland.

31.7.85. Christine Cabon (Frederique Bonlieu ) disappears from Israel.


8.8.85. Almost a month after the bombing, the French media have started investigating possible links with the secret French service ( DGSE ). The growing speculation prompts the French Government to appoint Counselor of State, Bernard Tricot to enquire into the allegations.

9.8.85. President François Mitterand of France condemns "The Rainbow Warrior " bombing as a "Criminal Attack " and promises stern punishment if allegations that French agents were involved prove to be true.

In a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr. Lange , Mr. F. Mitterand writes : "I intend that this affair be treated with the greatest severity and that your country be able to count on France full cooperation ".

22.8.85. Detective Super intendant Galbraith is told by French authorities that Sophie Turenge is really Captain , a French Army Officer based in Paris.

23.8.85. DGSE sources confirm that the woman known in Auckland as Bonlieu is really Christine Cabon , a Lieutenant in the French DGSE intelligence wing.

26.8.85. The so called Tricot Report is released. It says there is no evidence that the French Government ordered the sinking of "The Rainbow Warrior ". The report confirms that Dominique Prieur is a French DGSE agent. So is also her companion Alain Turenge , now identified as Commander Alain Mafart. Also confirmed as a French DGSE agents are the three Ouvea Crew members who have suddenly now appeared in Paris. They are named as Rolande Verge , Jean- Michel Barcelo and Gerald Andries .


Mr. Tricot says that the five agents were authorized to infiltrate Greenpeace and to consider ways to counter its activities, but not to carry out any actions. "At the present state of my information " he believes the two agents held in Auckland were innocent like the guilty party’s Government pretends.

The report and its implications that the agents were passive observers, and had no part in the bombing, are widely slated as a white wash. So hostile is the reaction that Mr. Tricot tells reporters he has not excluded the possibility he was deceived.

And the French prosecutor’s office in Paris says the three Ouvea crew members will not be extradited to New Zealand because they have French Nationality.

Fresh Investigation.

28.8.85. The French Prime Minister, Mr. Fabius , says : "If it were to appear that criminal acts have been committed by French nationals, judicial action will be immediately exercised...... "...... Our condemnation is not, as has sometimes been rumored, a condemnation against the poor execution of a questionable project. It is an absolute condemnation against criminal acts. The guilty, whoever they may be, must to pay for this crime ". That’s crap !. 5.9.85. Mr. Fabius orders a fresh investigation into the French links with the bombing, saying he wants the truth.

21.9.85. The French Defense Minister, Mr. , resigns and the DGSE head, Admiral Pierre Lacoste , is sacked after the Admiral refuses to reply to questions from Mr. Hernu about the "The Rainbow Warrior " affair.

Writing to President Mitternad , Mr. Fabius says : " I have always believed that in the affair of the attack against "The Rainbow Warrior ", the French Government should follow one rule, search for the truth, the truth they know -it very well, ‘cause, they are the authors end comanditators of that "TTTerroristTerrorist act ".

23.9.85. Mr. Fabius calls an urgent press conference and announces : "Agents of the French DGSE sank the boat of Greenpeace . They acted on Government orders ". This means that France it’s admitting that she has done "TTTerroristTerrorist act " against an outsider in a foreign county, than, France it’s a "Terrorist CCountryountry " too !.

"The people who merely carried out that act, must, of course, be exempted of blame it would be unacceptable to expose members of the military or the French Government, that they only obeyed orders and who, in the past, have sometimes carried out very dangerous missions on behalf of their country ".


4.11.85. In a last minute shock, Mafart and Prieur change their pleas and admit lesser charges of manslaughter and willful damage. The pair of French agents spends less than an hour in the Old High Court in Auckland, which is crowded with foreign journalists awaiting the expected depositions hearing on the murder and arson charges.

22.11.85. Marfart and Prieur are sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in New Zealand. Paris newspapers immediately call for an early extradition of the pair, while Mr. Lange is silent on the sentence.

In passing the sentence, the Chief Justice, Sir Ronald Davidson , says : "People who come to this country and commit terterterroristter rorist activities cannot expect to have a short holidaholidayy at the expense of our Government and return home as heroes ".


27.11.85. Just days after the sentences were handed down, the first calls come from within France for sanctions against New Zealand products if the two agents are not sent home. This is call also black-mail or applying against New Zealand for heaving judge their two agents whom they have assassinated the Portuguese photographer, Fernando Pereira .

30.1.86. Talks between the French and New Zealand Governments for compensation for the bombing reach a stalemate as the French Government presses for the return of her two agents.

1.2.86. The masts from "The Rainbow Warrior " are erected at the Dargaville Maritime Museum.

21.2.86. France puts a partial ban on New Zealands $8.5 million lambs exports. Exporters, complain of difficulties in having their meat and vegetable products accepted in New Caledonia.

3.3.86. French retaliation escalates, a wide variety of products are now caught in the trade ban -fish, canned kiwifruit, urea and lamb.

1.4.86. Jaques Chirac , head of a right wing Gaullist party and a strong critic of New Zealand, becomes Prime Minister of France. Witch now he’s indicted in justice for all kind of swindles, like for instance, the 400 millions €uros that he has stash -up in Japan, this can give you an idea of the corruption and swindles that are taking place in France at the present time.


7.4.86. Former Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau is suggested as a possible mediator in the growing row between New Zealand and France but rejects the proposal. 1.6.86. The Dutch Prime Minister steps into the dispute with the suggestion of independent arbitration as a possible to the deadlock.

17.6.86. Secretary General, Mr. Xavier Perez de Cuellar , agrees to become mediator between the French Government and New Zealand.

20.6.86. The New Zealand Government agrees to take the dispute to Mr. Perez de Cuellar . Both New Zealand and France agree to abide by his ruling.


July 1986. Almost a year later, in the terms of the ruling, France Paid-up the New Zealand Government $13 million in compensation. Also in terms of the ruling, Prieur and Mafart were released by New Zealand to spend three years confined to the island of , in . Joel Prieur , Dominiques husband if made Head of Security at Hao Atoll.

12.12.87. The hull of "The Rainbow Warrior " is sunk of the Cavalli Islands in Northland. The site is marked with a permanent buoy, so that divers may come and examine the ship until such time as she rusts away. On the hills above the bay a memorial is erected, at the instigation of Dover Samuels , to commemorate the ship, the aims of Greenpeace and their photographer, Fernando Pereira .

14.12.87. Alain Mafart repatriated to France due to a mysterious stomach ailment, which can not be treated on Hao.

This is a typical excuse not to respect the ruling of the New Zealand court, if General Charles de Gaulle will come back today, many Frenchies would have to change their under -ware.

17.3.88. In a letter to a friend, Dominique Prieur comments she is still handling the situation at Hao, but it will not be for much longer.

29.3.88. Alain Mafat appointed to the College of War (L’Ecole de Guerre ) probably for a two year course before taking on a Staff position.

6.5.88. Dominique and Joel Prieur are repatriated home to France. Dominiques father is reportedly suffering from terminal cancer.

26.11.91. Swiss authorities arrest Gerald Andries , one of the Ouveas crew in Basle, Switzerland, on the warrant issued in 1985, and advise the . He is to be held while New Zealand Police assemble a case for extradition.

5.12.91. Pressure is again applied from France, aimed at crippling the New Zealand exports. The French claim the settlement covered all the agents not just Mafar and Prieur . They aim to stop the attempt to extradite Gerald Andries .

These "Terrorist CCountryountry " within the CEE should be bloody ashamed, carrying-out under-ground nuclear explosions far away from the soil, if anything goes wrong, it will be the others that will induce the out-come and not the French territory.

18.12.91. New Zealand Government drops the attempt to extradite Gerald Andries , to stand trial in New Zealand.

Eighty -five affidavits had been sworn by the Police and witnesses and the case was nearly prepared, however political pressure was intense and the former Labor Prime Minister backed the Governments retreat on the case. A Greenpeace Organization spokesman described the New Zealand Governments decision as spineless .

Rainbow Warrior.

The ship was built in and used for research purposes by the British Ministry of Agriculture, before becoming a North Sea fishing vessel. It was bought by Greenpeace for about $70.000 in 1978, and was engaged in campaigns against Icelandic, Spanish and Russian activity, the harvesting of seal pups in Canada, and the dumping of nuclear waste by France and Britain. When the decision was made to mount a demonstration against French nuclear testing in the Pacific, the ship was refitted and sent to Auckland in 1985. Other events and outcomes.

A month after the bombing it was revealed that the "Turenges " were Dominique Prieur and Alain Mafart, agents of the French Secret Service, Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DSGE ). Police later discovered that up to 11 French agents had entered New Zealand as part of "The Rainbow Warrior " operation.

A French report came out admitting that French agents had been in New Zealand, but denied they had carried out the bombing. If they didn’t carried out the bombing how come that their two agents were caught as the authors of the bombing of the "The Rainbow Warrior " and the assassination of the Portuguese photographer, Fernando Pereira .

This report resulted in so many outcries that the French Prime Minister admitted that French agents had been responsible of the bombing of the "The Rainbow Warrior " in New Zealand harbor in Auckland Harbour tied up at the Marsden Wharf .

He claimed that because they were members of the military and had acted under orders , they could not be held responsible for their actions.

On 4 th of November of 1985, Mafart and Prieur appeared in an Auckland court where they pleaded guilty to charges of manslaughter and willful damage and were sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.

Pressure was put on New Zealand by the French government, including threats to impose sanctions against New Zealand products.

The United Nations Secretary-General agreed to mediate between the two countries, and decided that Mafart and Prieur should be removed to Hao Atoll in French Polynesia, to stay there for the next three years. France was to apologize to New Zealand and pay $13 million in financial compensation.

After renewed pressure from France, including threats to work against New Zealand trade access to the European Economic Community, the two agents left Hao Atoll before the three years was up, and returned to France.

"The Rainbow Warrior " was refloated but could not be repaired. It was towed from Auckland and scuttled near the Cavalli Islands, off the Northland coast, to become an artificial for marine life. "The Rainbow Warrior " bombing was the first time an act of international state-sponsored terrorism had been committed in New Zealand waters, this out-law act has made France one of the first terrorist country’s in the European Union, but there’re others issues that France has committed terrorist acts against other country’s too, below is one other issue that France is a "Terrorist CCountryountry " within the CEE !.

This is how the "The Rainbow Warrior " of Greenpeace was left after that the French have blown a hole underneath of the floating line, that’s not the worse, it can be repaired or pay - out, but, the French have assassinated an innocent photographer that had nothing to do with - it and was a father of two children, why didn’t the French blow -up those atomic test in France ?, France it’s quite large, so, why they didn’t do it in their country if it’s whit -out any risk those crazy test ?, why doesn’t the actual President, that Hungarian -Jew present the Ex - President Jacques Girac before the French justice, so how h e can explain where came those 400 millions €uros that he has stash -up in Japan ?.

This issue of the attack of the boat of Greenpeace , "The Rainbow Warrior " was a terrorist act on behalf of France, you just can be member of the European Union and also be a terrorist country, the issue of the assassinations of the two African leaders, the Rwanda president, Juvenal Habyarimana and the president of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira were shot down while they were returning trying to land on their way back from an African reunion of heads of state, the author, France is on the center of this issue, they were very ingenious indeed, their agents have ware military uniforms like the Belgian soldiers did, the persons that were in the tower control saw two military persons dressed in Belgians uniforms, so, for them, the authors were Belgians, this time the Rwandans screw -up, the authors were not Belgians, but French dressed as Belgians in military uniforms, so, the Rwandans the first Belgians that they found-up, they shot them-up, without knowing if they were the real authors or not, every one with a little brain knows that, in Belgium, they are still in process against their own Government, it’s like running after a phantom, 14 years in justice and still no guilty party it’s within sight, that’s the Belgian Justice, so corrupted that makes you puke ?, see the issues that are posted on this Site , eight affaires, all eight of them were sabotage, not one or two, but eight of them they were denied the right in justice by the Belgian judges. Say no to products that begin with a "Code-Bar" "5" number, they are Made in Belgium. Why the two Presidencies of the European Union ignore those issues that France it’s a "Terrorist CCountryountry " within the CEE as well as the other three country’s that are members of the European Union ?, we have a member of the European Union that has quite a few "Terrorist Acts " on her agenda, why these issues of those other country’s aren’t brought -up before the European Council ?, why the issue of the assassination of a head of state in Algiers on the 29 th of June 1992 , the assassination of 9 Spanish civilians, 20 Russians, 8 Italians, the rapt of the Airbus flight (Flight 8969 ) of Air France between Algiers and Marseille on the 24 th of December 1994 with the intention of crash-it against the Eiffel Tower in Paris, why the terrorist act against the Los Ángeles airport (U.S.A ) on the 16 th of December 1999 hasn’t been brought-up against Belgium before the European Parliament ?, why the rapts and assassinations of the Belgian minors in 1994 and in 2006, Julie, Melissa, Anne, Efieu, Loubna Benaissa, Stacy Lemmens and Nathalie Mahy’s have not ever been brought -up before the European Parliament when those diabolic acts were done by their own Government ?.

How can both of the Presidencies of the European Union keep ignoring those issues when four of its members are "Terrorist CountryCountry’s’s’s’s ", how can any thing solid be build when country’s in order to have more control they don’t hesitate to assassinate innocent citizens today !, all of those country’s have blood on their hands ?, sooner or later they must answer of all those deaths ?, if their heads of state think that that’s it, boy, they are for a big surprise !.

You readers, look-up why during "The Montauk Experiment " they couldn’t go any further than 2012 ?.

Why the "Maya Calendar " doesn’t go any further than 2012 ?.

Why there is just one more "Pope " after the present one ?.

The answer ……………………. destiny will bring -it out to you very soon !.

Another issue that France is also implicated in terrorist activities, this time was in Africa on the 6th April of 1994 against the President of Rwanda, Juvenal Habyarimana , and the President of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira they were shot-down by a missile while they were returning on their way back from an African reunion of heads of state, the French they have dress the terrorist as if they were Belgian soldiers, the personnel in the control tower saw two Belgian soldiers running towards the forest just after-wards that the plane of their president was shot-down, as Belgians were in their country in Belgian uniforms, for them, that means that they were Belgian soldiers !.

In this issue, another African President was worn-up at the very last minute, the Ex -President of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko he decided not to accompany them at the very last minute, that’s why he was not another victim in that crash, that’s why the French have warned him at the very last minute not to take that flight, looks like at that moment, he was more valuable to the French alive than death !. This is the second "Terrorist Act " that can be amputated to France !.

All of those issues are posted on this Site , that can give you a precise idea of the "Discrimination , Xenophobia , Corruption , Swindle ", etc…. that’s in place in Belgium, the Europeans citizens in Belgium have no legal rights at all, my issues is posted on this Site, others, their issues aren’t publish, but the facts are the same, even the Belgians they’re in the same situation, "Corruption ", is the key word today, at least in Belgium. The judges were caught with false judgments, falsifying documents, pretending that the victim was not present at the hearing and the recording shows that the victim was very well present at the hearing, discriminating the victim, denying an equitable hearing, etc …. I do hope that the readers of this issue will think-twice before buying products from Belgium, you’ll be helping them with their economy, when you’re buying their products, first take a look at the "Code-Bar ", if it begins with a "5" number, it’s made in Belgium, you’ll be buying products from a country that discriminates the foreigners in their kingdom, a country that she’s a "Terrorist Country " !.

The traces of bullets on that wall can give you an idea of the number of times that bullets were fired upon the Belgians soldiers at the Kigali Camp by the Rwandans soldiers, something turn -out what the French didn’t expected, that the Rwandans will turn -out against the Belgian soldiers that initially they were on a peace mission and turn-out to be massacreted , the French they try to cover it-up, the Belgian Government is doing the same, dragging those families in justice for 14 years and still the truth isn’t in sight, etc …. neither the French told the truth or the Belgian Government told the truth to those families of those Belgian soldiers, it’s written : “Th ere’s nothing hidden that shall not be revealed ” !.

I do hope that the judges in other country’s of the CEE or aboard that have Belgians before them they will apply the same formula towards the Belgians that the Belgian Judges are applying towards the Europeans citizens or foreigners, how can the European Union be build with "Four Terrorist CCountry’sountry’s " in her forum ?, with bad materials you just can’t build a tall building, Europe will never see that day !.

We have France with her issues between 1985 -1994 , than in 1992 Belgium has assassinated the Ex -President of Algiers, Muhammad Boudiaf and all the other assassinations and terrorist acts throughout the world, the last one was against the Los Ángeles airport on the 16 th of December 1999 while the actual Commissioner of Development and Humanitarian Aid of the CEE , Mr. Louis Michel was a political member of the Belgian Government, how can any thing be build -up in the European Union if we have "Four Terrorist Country’s " and a Commissioner that is a member of a terrorist Government is a Commissioner within the European Union !.

A country that pretends to be democratic and respect the Human Rights in reality is a "Terrorist Country " the facts speaks for them selves, the French they can’t denied them, is this how the European Union it’s going to be build if one day it’s going to be build with "Terrorist CountryCountry’s’s’s’s " in her forum ?, up to now we can identified at least four of them, and more will sure pop-up very soon !.

This is a missile that can be launched from the ground in a t ransportable manner, that’s how the French has done -it in Africa, in the articles that has been publish they make reference to three of those missiles that were fired-upon to shoot -down the plane, quite easy to transport them and quite efficient to shoot a civilian plane down, as Belgian soldiers were there and the controllers in the tower control saw two Belgian soldiers fired-up the missiles and afterwards running towards the forest , for them, they were Belgian soldiers and the first Belgian soldiers that they came -up with, they have assassinated them in a manner that if you take a look at the picture of that wall, imagine how the Belgian soldiers were left-out afterwards ?.

Every one today knows it, it has been publish in the 80 ’s, the politicians of the European Union know -it very well, they can’t be that naïf not to know those issues, one of the worse country’s in this corrupted world is the United States, very soon they will start the III World War , they will put in place another scheme like the one that they have put -up on the 11 th of September 2001 and blame it on Osama Bin Laden or some -one else, any one with a very little brain can deduct that was a scheme, in one hand to pull those towers down and in the other hand to get their hands on the petrol of Iraq, only two planes out of commission were refitted to look like a new plane and crash against the two WTC towers, and the tower number 7, how come it went down too and no plane has hit it !, the answer, the two towers were constructed in the 60’s, they were full of asbestos inside, refitted them, it will cost in 2001 more than to rebuild them from scrap, on the 11 th of September 2001 was deviated none -less than 20 other planes, only two of them were seeing to crash against the two WTC towers, how come that that particular day those 4.000 Jews that worked in those two twin towers none of them went to work that particular day ?.

Quite a coincidence or did some -one like for instance the Mossad have warned them -up !. If in those two twin towers have worked 25.000 people , than how come that only as they said 2.947 persons die in those two twin towers ?, where went those the other presume planes that have presumably crashed into the Pentagon and the other one into the Pennsylvania forest ?.

How come that those two planes have disappeared in smoke when they were build with metal or in reality they never have crashed in those two sites, how come that 8 of those presume Arab terrorist today they’re still alive ? . The answer it’s quiet simple, it was a cover-up from the beginning, just to get their hands on the petrol of Iraq, but never the less, nearly 36.000 American soldiers are history today !.

Nothing today is real, every thing it’s a lie or the truth is deformed, money today seems to be what really counts, the rights of the citizens aren’t any more taken into account or apply, in any country you can buy today with the exception of Finland any judge easier than you can buy groceries in the super-market, how can the European Union look the other way when country’s in the European Union that don’t respect the treaties that they have signed-up with country’s members European Union don ‘t respect them ?.

Any one can round-up all that information, you only need to be connected to the Internet and a little time to spare, everything is out -there, and yet, the families of those 10 Belgian para’s they’re still looking for a phantom, they are still in justice, it’s like running after a phantom, any -one with a very little brain can find -out that the real authors of that massacre were the French, the Rwandans were so dum, that they saw Belgian soldiers running into the forest, so they were Belgians, but they weren’t Belgian soldiers, they were French terrorist in Belgian uniforms, every one knows that today !.

How can Europe be build if some members of the European Union don’t respect the treaties that have sign -up with other members ?, eight affairs , all eight of them they have been denied my rights before the Belgian Courts !, would you buy Belgian products ?, would you help a "Terrorist Country " with her economy ?, if Mr. José Manuel Durão Barroso , actual President of the European Union have made an inquiry in the Portuguese Consulate, he surely has found that his Portuguese collogues are also discriminated before the Belgian tribunals !, you just can’t look the other way and pretend that you were not aware of this kind of issues, his Portuguese colleagues are also discriminated before the Belgians Courts, I’m one of those that don’t accept no as an answer if I have legal right ?, the odds will turn against Belgium, Belgium has lots of blood on her hands and too many injustices she has done to too many citizen’s, when you go shopping abroad, look fist at the "Code-Bar", if it begins with a "5" number, you’ll be helping Belgium with her economy buying such a product, buy the equivalent product from another country, say no to Belgian products, you’ll be doing the right thing ?.

The Belgian judges can’t arrive at such conclusions unless they’re corrupted, it’s logical, the Insurance Fortis (Filial of the Fortis Bank ) decided that was far more appropriate for them to buy the judges than to indemnify the victim, the same formula has apply the filial of the KBC Bank , the Insurance KBC of Leuven , far more appropriate to buy the judges than to indemnify the victim, the facts are all exposed, no-one can say that the author of this Site has invented the facts, all it’s posted, but the evidence shows that the Belgian State is systematically violating the rights of citizen’s of country’s of the European Union in their country, Belgium has no word at all, when she signs-up a treaty, you can bet you life on it that she will never respect the treaty that she has signed-up !.

When a judge in a foreign country finds a Belgian before him, he should apply to him the same formula that the Belgian judges are systematically applying to us, Europe can’t be constructed with bad materials, sooner or letter all will come down like did the Tower of Babel, it’s a question of a matter of time, it will come down far more easily that it was rise-up, believed me, you just can build a symbol with country’s that’re applying "Xenophobia " towards the foreigners, Europeans or not Europeans before their tribunals !.

None less than 8 affaires hey have sabotage, already in 1995 you can find stars "Franc-Maçoniques " in the judgments, if that is the case, how can any citizen from Belgium or abroad can have an equitable process under such criteria ?.

No one can have an equitable judgment in Belgium with the actual corruption that’s in place, judges, lawyers, medical experts, etc…. it’s impossible to have an equitable judgment in Belgium with that kind of : "Discrimination , Xenophobia , Corruption , Swindle ", etc….

Unless you’re an expert in this issue, you’ll be swindle from the beginning, first is the lawyer that you trusted, than comes the judges, than is the system, it’s hopeless to have an equitable process in Belgium, they have this "Franc-Maçonique " formula in place that’s hopeless to have an equitable process in Belgium.

Ta facts speaks for than selves !.