Better Safety on Quad Bikes Joint strategy version 1.0 for the years 2014-2020 STHR S v e r i g e s Terräng Hjulingsutbildares Riksorganisation Title: Better Safety on Quad Bikes Joint strategy version 1.0 for the years 2014-2020 Publication number: 2013:153 Date of issue: 2013-12 Publisher: The Swedish Transport Administration Contact person: Jörgen Persson, the Swedish Transport Administration,
[email protected] Photo: ALF, the Swedish Transport Administration, Svenska ATV föreningen, Mostphotos, Renault Layout: The Swedish Transport Administration ISBN Number: 978-91-7467-545-0 Foreword Interest in quad bikes is on the increase and as a protective outer shell. There are huge consequences result of this, so is the number of fatalities and for motorcyclists during an accident, even at low injuries relating to quad bike usage. speeds. It is therefore important that we work both Quad bikes are a relatively new feature in the to prevent accidents and to reduce the risk of injury transport system, even if they have been used to a should an accident occur. limited extent in agriculture, forestry and in the This first joint national strategy has been developed power industry since the mid 1980s. We need there- in cooperation with several important actors. The fore to improve our knowledge and understanding strategy constitutes an important tool with which to of quad bikes within the transport system, and as a plan, coordinate and develop operations to improve new feature in our traffic safety work. the safety of quad bike users.