§1. Keyed Search Structures Lecture III Page 1 Lecture III BALANCED SEARCH TREES Anthropologists inform that there is an unusually large number of Eskimo words for snow. The Computer Science equivalent of snow is the tree word: we have (a,b)-tree, AVL tree, B-tree, binary search tree, BSP tree, conjugation tree, dynamic weighted tree, finger tree, half-balanced tree, heaps, interval tree, kd-tree, quadtree, octtree, optimal binary search tree, priority search tree, R-trees, randomized search tree, range tree, red-black tree, segment tree, splay tree, suffix tree, treaps, tries, weight-balanced tree, etc. The above list is restricted to trees used as search data structures. If we include trees arising in specific applications (e.g., Huffman tree, DFS/BFS tree, Eskimo:snow::CS:tree alpha-beta tree), we obtain an even more diverse list. The list can be enlarged to include variants + of these trees: thus there are subspecies of B-trees called B - and B∗-trees, etc. The simplest search tree is the binary search tree. It is usually the first non-trivial data structure that students encounter, after linear structures such as arrays, lists, stacks and queues. Trees are useful for implementing a variety of abstract data types. We shall see that all the common operations for search structures are easily implemented using binary search trees. Algorithms on binary search trees have a worst-case behaviour that is proportional to the height of the tree. The height of a binary tree on n nodes is at least lg n . We say that a family of binary trees is balanced if every tree in the family on n nodes has⌊ height⌋ O(log n).
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