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AUTISM SPECTRUM NEWS TM YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE OF SCIENCE-BASED AUTISM EDUCATION, SPRING 2014 INFORMATION, ADVOCACY, AND COMMUNITY RESOURCES VOL. 6 NO. 4 Autism in the Workplace Identifying Employment Opportunities and Providing Support By Raul Jimenez II, MST According to Unger (1999), the roles and Amy Greenberg, BA of supervisors and co-workers are in- New Frontiers in Learning strumental to the success of people with disabilities in the workplace. Support is essential in the following areas: learning etween 1997 and 2011, the un- how to complete tasks and regular job employment rate of those di- duties, how to perform infrequent duties agnosed with disabilities has associated with the position, learning how ranged from 72% to 88%. This to complete novel tasks and assignments, Bis an astounding number of persons with taking lunch and other breaks, etc. Ung- disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disor- er’s research determined that success was ders (ASD), specifically, without a job. ensued with the proper training and sup- Despite the enthusiasm, motivation, and port in place to help those with disabilities dependability so many job seekers with in the workforce. ASD have in their will to work, many workplaces are hesitant to take the risk to Examples of Supported Employment support them, or lack the knowledge on how to support them in an employment A company in Guildford, CT, called Ros- setting. Supported employment is the es for Autism, trains, hires and provides opportunity for individuals with disabil- other employment opportunities for older ities to be integrated in a working envi- students and adults on the autism spec- ronment with the necessary supports to Flatow (1997) has argued that busi- and routines, such as a co-worker assist- trum.
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