CHAPTER—16 Obituary and Other References
CHAPTER—16 Obituary and Other References t is customary and usual to make obituary references in the House on the I demise of sitting members, Ministers, former members, outstanding and eminent personages, national leaders, men and women who have played an important role in the public life of the country and heads of governments of foreign and friendly States. Apart from these, references are also made in the House to major natural calamities or accidents or tragic happenings involving loss of life and property. Befitting the occasions, tributes are offered. Felicitations and laudatory references are also made on some outstanding achievements, significant events, commemorative days or solemn occasions in the House. (a) Obituary references General procedure Until 13 November 1972, obituary references on the passing away of members, Ministers, etc. used to be made in the House usually after the questions. In 1972, the General Purposes Committee considered the then existing practice in regard to the making of obituary references and adjournment of the House on the death of Ministers, sitting members, national leaders and other outstanding persons and made the following recommendations: (i) In the case of death of a sitting member of the Rajya Sabha, the existing convention of adjourning the House for the day if the death took place in Delhi, in order to enable the members to participate in the funeral or sending of the dead body from Delhi, might be continued. (ii) In the case of death of a Minister who, at the time of his death, was not a member of the Rajya Sabha, the House should be adjourned for the day, if the death took place in Delhi, in order to enable the members to participate in the funeral or sending of the dead body from Delhi.
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