Seventy-Third Day
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SEVENTY-THIRD DAY AFTERNOON S~SSION. committee needs further amendment than that submitted by the committee on Arrangement and Phraseology. I WEDNESDAY, May 22, 1912. merely call the attention of the committee to it because The Convention met pursuant to adj ournment, was the last sentence in the amended Proposal No. 72, being called to order by the president and opened with prayer that part of Proposal No. 174 that has been drawn by the member from Knox, the Rev. 1\/[r. McClelland. from Proposal No. 72, "laws may be pa~sed regulating The journal of Thursday, May 9, was read and the sale and conveyance of other personal property," is approved. in effect an article wholly devoted to corporations, and Mr. TAGGART: Mr. President: Just a brief word if the ordinary rule of construction of a constitutional of explanation. In order to expedite business, it is or statutory provision should prevail that would be the desire of the committee on Schedule that a certain construed in pari materia-if the member from High proposal be introduced in order that it may be engrossed land [1\/[r. BROWN] will excUse the latin expression-and and printed and be referred back to the committee. it would probably be held that this provision only applies While it is not in form, we desire to have it printed to to the sale and conveyance of personal property belong get the matter in shape. ing to corporations. If that sentence is amended that By unanimous consent the following proposal was laws may be passed regulating the sale and conveyance introduced and read the first time: of other personal property, whether owned by a corpora Proposal No. 340-Mr. Taggart. To submit an tion, partnership or individual, the purpose of both pro amendment to schedule NO.4. posals I think will be effectually expressed. Mr. Colton submitted the following report: The PRESIDENT: The question is on agreeing to the report of the committee. The standing committee on Arrangement and The report of the committe,e was agreed to and Pro Phraseology, to which was referred Proposal No. posal No. 174 indefinitely postponed. 174-Mr. 'Mauck, having had the same under Mr. COLTON: I offer a report. consideration, reports it back, and recommends its The report was read as follows: indefinite postponement for the reason that the substance thereof has been incorporated in Pro The standing committee on Arrangement. and posal No. 72. Phraseology, to which was referred Proposal No. 72 - Mr. Stokes, having had the same under con Mr. COLTON: By unanimous consent I want to sideration, reports it back with the following make a brief statement explaining. The committee on amendments, and recommends its passage when Phraseology was at work steadily here during last week so amended: the entire time until Thursday night, reviewing the In the title change·"8" to "2". proposals, and a subcommittee was at work from that Strike out all after the dash in the title and in time until now reviewing the proof from the printer. sert: "Regulation of corporations and sale of per The result of the work is embodied in the books on your sonal property." tables. If you will turn to the first page you will find In line 4 change comma to period and strike out a list of the proposals on which we have reported. "Section 2". There are eleven reports found in this book. We were In line 5 before "Corporation" insert "Sec. 2." not ready to report all this afternoon, but will promise In lines 6 and 7 eliminate paragraph. the others later. This report consists of three parts. In line 9 change "stock" to "stocks". You will find the subject of Proposal No. 24, the first In line 10 change "stock" to "stocks". one passed, on white paper. It is the engrossed pro After "law," in line II add: "Laws may be posal as it passed this Convention. Following this, on passed regulating the sale and conveyance of other pink paper, you will find the report of the committee, personal property". referring to the engrossed proposal by lines and sug gesting certain changes. Following this, on buff paper The PRESIDENT: The question is on agreeing to is the proposal as it will appear if the amendments sug the report of the committee. gested by the committee are incorporated in it. So it The report of the committee was agreed to. wi~l be fairly easy for the members to make comparison Mr. DOTY: I move that the proposal be engrossed and determine whether the amendments are proper or with the line numbers in accordance with the buff ilOt. We have done the work with a great deal of care printed form and that it be read the third time tomorrow. and we have read and reread the proof again and again, Mr. HARRIS, of Ashtabula: This refers to Proposal but we can hardly hope to have detected every possible No. 72? inaccuracy or error. We have done our work as care Mr. DOTY: That is all. fully and as well as the time permitted. The motion was carried. Mr. MAUCK: I think it is apparent that the pro Mr. NYE: I offer a report. visions of Proposal No. 72 and Proposal No. 174 should The report was read as follows: be in'corporated in one proposal and I consent that Pro- ' The standing committee on Arrangement and posal No. 174 be indefinitely postponed, calling atten Phraseology, to which was referred Proposal No. tion to the fact that Proposal No. 72 as reported by the 209 - Mr. Tetlow, having had the same under 1740 May 22, 1912. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES 1741 Reports of Standing Committees. consideration, reports it back with the following Mr. LAl\!IPSON: I move that the proposal be en amendments, and recommends its passage when grossed a~d placed upon the calendar for third reading so amended: tomorrow. Strike out title and insert: The motion was carried. "To submit an amendment by adding section 37 Mr. Halfhill submitted the following report: to article II, of the constitution.-Eight hour day on public work." The standing committee on Arrangement and Strike out lines 4 to 9 and insert: Phraseology, to which was referred Proposal No. 236-1\1Ir. Worthington, having had the same under consideration, reports it back with the following ARTICLE II. amendments,' and recommends its passage when "Sec. ~7. Except in cases of extraordinary so amended: emergencIes, not to exceed eight hours shall con Strike out, in the title, all after dash and in stitute a day's work, and not to exceed forty sert: "Investigations by each house of general eight hours a week's work, for laborers engaged assembly." . on any public work carried on or aided by the In line 2' strike out "Section 8 of Article II of". state, or any political subdivision thereof, whether In line 5 change "Section" to "Sec." done by contract, or otherwise.'" In line 9 strike out "other" and strike out the Mr. THOMAS: I think the language in line 7 should comma after "safety". be changed to "laborers and mechanics," adding the In line II insert a comma after "contemplation". words "and mechanics". "Laborers" might be construed In line IIb insert a comma after "members". to mean only those who do common labor. The PRESIDENT: The question is on'agreeing to Mr. DOTY: If this proposal is agreed to at this the report of the committee. , time it will go upon the calendar for tomorrow, which will The report of the committee was agreed to. give the member a chance to prepare any amendment he Mr. COLTON: I move that that proposal be en desires. grossed and placed upon the calendar for a third read The report was agreed to. ing tomorrow. Mr. DOTY: I move that the proposal be placed on The motion was carried. the calendar and be read the third time tomorrow. Mr. ANTRIM: I offer a report. The motion was carried. The report was read as follows: Mr. FESS: I offer a report. The standing committee on Arrangement and The report was read as follows: Phraseology, to which was referred Proposal No. The standing committee on Arrangement and Ioo-Mr. Fackler, having had the same under Phraseology, to which was referred Proposal No. consideration, reports it back with the following 24-Mr. Cordes, having had the same under con amendments, and recommends its passage when sideration, reports it back with the following so amended: amendments, and recommends its passage when In the title strike out all after the dash and so amended: insert: "Abolition of justices of the peace in cer Strike out the title and insert: "To submit an tain cities." amendment by adding section 35 to article II, of In line 5 'change "Section" to "Sec." the constitution.-Workmen's compensation." In line 7 change the period to colon and change In line 5 change "Section 33" to "Sec. 35." capital "P" to lower case "p". In lines 5 and 6 strike out "from a state fund,". In line 8 strike out "there shall be" and change In line 8 strike out "and administered by the "justices" to "justice" and after "peace" insert state and". "shall be elected." In line 8 insert "state" between "a" and "fund". In line 8 change'"where" to "in which." In line 9 after "employers" strike out. the semi- In line 9 insert commas after "is" and after colon and insert: "and administered by the state,". "be." In line 10 insert a comma after "therefrom". In line 10 strike out "are given" and insert In line II strike out the third "e" in 'employees"· "ha-ve." In line 12 strike out "es" in "employees".