Quick Write

• Write for 5 MINUTES on the prompt below:

• What do the words “protest” and “reform” mean? How do they work together? The Protestant The Protestant Reformation

 A period of time in when people wanted changes in the

 Beginning as early as the 1100s, but officially began in the 1500's thanks to Martin

 Will lead to changes within the Catholic Church as well as many European Nations and its leaders

 Without the Gutenberg Printing Press, none of this would have been possible (the first copy machine basically)

Why change the church?

 The Catholic Church dominated Europe in the 1500s

 Most of the Church and powerful clergy (religious leaders) had become corrupt

 People did not like to see the moral decline of the became a church way of corruption for  The people had a strong many clergy members desire to revolutionize

Why didn't they care earlier than the 1500s?

 This corruption had been going on since the middle ages....Why care now??

 As the Renaissance progressed, more and more people gained access to education

 Thus, they could read and educate themselves

 As they read the bible, they realized the clergy were no longer acting as religious leaders, but more as politicians

 This resulted in the Protestant Reformation The Poor of Lyons

 In 1176, a merchant named Peter Waldo living in Lyon, France questioned the Catholic Church

 He sold his belongings and began to dedicate his life to the and his followers called themselves the Poor of Lyons.

 In the 1100's, it was illegal for someone to preach who was not from the Catholic Church

 Peter and his followers were excommunicated and they formed a new church called the Waldensian Church. The

 It was illegal for the Waldensians to form a church of their own outside of the Catholic Church

 They were persecuted and burned at the stake by the Catholic Church in the 1200s for heresy

 However, this did not discourage the Waldensians from keeping their church

 Many years later, the reformation continued by the efforts of a German monk named Martin Luther

 Martin Luther devoted his life to God despite his parents wishes for him to become a lawyer

 He dedicated his life to studying the bible

 The more he studied, the more he felt the Catholic Church had gone astray

95 Theses

 He wrote down 95 points about the Catholic Church he felt were wrong

 He nailed these to the door of the Catholic Church in , Germany.

 These 95 points were copied and sent all throughout Germany thanks to the printing press

 The Catholic Church lost money on indulgences – money which people paid to be forgiven for their sins

 This was just 1 of the 95 points Martin Luther felt was corrupt The Catholic Church Fights Back

 The (pronounced dee-it)

 As the sale of indulgences declined, grew upset and sent clergy to get Martin Luther to recant his feelings about the church

 Martin Luther refused to do so

 The Catholic Church claimed Martin Luther a heretic, a crime punishable by death.

 Luther escaped and went into hiding, where he began translating the bible into German and printed to give to German followers.

 Inspired by the Waldensians, Martin Luther founded a new religion known as .

John Calvin and

 In the mid-1500s, another religious leader by the name of wanted to set up a theocracy(government ran by the church)

 By 1541, he set up a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland and was very strict about attending church and other everyday rules of the people.

 Wrote a book called “The Institutes of The Christian Religion”

 Believed mankind could not control or change anything about life on earth

 Believed everything was controlled by God -past, present, and the future- and called this Predestination

 Some are destined for heaven while others are destined for hell and you can not change your destiny

 Put many people to death for not following the rules or acting “too Catholic” Church of England

 Remember, King Henry VIII started a church known as the Church of England all because he wanted a divorce!

 Well, I told you this would play an important role later on…

 If you are a non-catholic, you are considered a Protestant

 When King Edward IV dies and Mary takes power, she also restores Catholicism to England

 Remember, she killed many Protestant followers and became known as 'Bloody Mary'

 Queen Elizabeth, who was a protestant, restored the Church of England

 Thus, the Catholic Church and Protestant religion were now able to live in “somewhat” harmony.

Council of Trent

 The Catholic Church realized it needed to resolve the problems of its clergy

 The Catholic Church resolved some of their issues with the meetings of the between the years 1545 and 1563

 Established the nature of Christian doctrines

 No longer were clergy to act like government and take money from citizens to guarantee they go to heaven

 The divide between the Catholic Church and Protestants began to cease