1 Owain Glyndwr:The ˆ Last Welsh Prince 2 Gwynfor:Yr Aelod Dros Gymru? 3 Radio Cymru:Taro’r Post from the Urdd Eisteddfod Summary Overview of BBC Cymru ’ Performance 2005/2006


The Broadcasting Council made the following considerable increase in unique users to its Welsh and A Renewed Partnership with National Radio for All Wales assessment of BBC Cymru Wales’ performance against English language sites and the popularity of Objectives which were set by the Governors their content. Developing a strategic partnership with S4C, Build on the successes of Radio Cymru and Radio for 2005/2006. continuing to supply the channel with its most Wales, raising share and reach, broadening the age Council acknowledged the importance of the popular output. and geographical range of their audiences, engaging Delivering the Vision contribution of BBC One Wales and BBC Two Wales with them both on air and in their communities. to network and commended the way in which BBC The Draft Strategic Partnership Deed of Agreement Continue to develop the vision for BBC Cymru Cymru Wales programmes in all genres on BBC One between the BBC and S4C was submitted to Council Council commended the performance of Radio Cymru, Wales, delivering programmes and schedules which Wales had resonated with audiences, noting in in February. Council approved the draft document and welcoming the fact that its reach and share had meet the needs, tastes and expectations of local particular the strength of local comedy and drama. It expressed the hope that it would be accepted by the increased for the second year running, the share of audiences, on television, radio and online in also noted that , while showing some S4C Authority. Welsh speakers at 20% exceeding the 2005/2006 Welsh and English. fluctuation in viewing figures during the year, continued target of 18%. It commended in particular the success to have more than double the audience of Council noted that BBC Cymru Wales programmes of Radio Cymru in attracting a younger audience, with Council commended the way BBC Cymru Wales was ITV 1 Wales News. continued to be the most watched on S4C, and that an increase of 50% of listeners under 35 since 1995. It developing its vision for audiences in Wales and that its there had been significant additional output during the noted however that the overall age profile was slightly programmes on BBC One and Two Wales added to Council was briefed on the performance over the year period. It singled out for special mention the two part older this year than last and understood that a periodic network share. BBC Cymru Wales programmes of BBC 2W. Its average share was a little below target, documentary on the late , Plaid Cymru’s strategic review of the service was under way. continued to be the most watched on S4C. Council and its weekly reach has remained the same as the first MP and former party president. It further noted recognised that the proposed strategic partnership with previous year. It acknowledged that the issues of the commitment of BBC Cymru Wales to providing The key role being played by Radio Cymru in both the S4C offered opportunities for an enhanced service for audience deprivation in the light of the growth of news services in the on all platforms BBC Cymru Wales Community Strategy and in a wide Welsh language TV audiences. It welcomed the Freeview would need to be addressed, and was and to the important point of principle that the BBC’s range of cultural events was praised. Council noted the

8 proposal of the changes to BBC 2W as reflecting sympathetic to the idea of a more flexible approach to Public Service Broadcasting remit included the provision success of collaboration with S4C with regard to

sensitivity to audience needs. It also welcomed the scheduling, so long as this allowed an even greater focus of news services, which in Wales demanded the provision for young people, as well as the importance 9 opportunities that the reviews of Radio Wales and on high quality, high impact programming. It hoped that provision of news in both Welsh and English of talent development within Radio Cymru, and the Radio Cymru afforded to build on the successes of there would be no reduction in spend on English on television. wider significance of the C2 evening zone in terms of both stations, and congratulated New Media on the language television output for audiences in Wales. catering for the youth audience.

Council understood that a comprehensive strategic review of Radio Wales was also underway. It noted that both share and reach showed an increase year on year but fell just short of agreed targets, and that the age profile was currently older than three years ago.

It noted the importance of Radio Wales’ role in the 1 3 1

2 3

Community Strategy across Wales, and the continuing Wales on the Networks Council emphasised the great significance of Doctor Digital Services strength in live daily programmes and features. Who in terms of changing perceptions of production Highlights had included programmes from Lesotho Build on recent successes by further enhancing capacity in the Nations and Regions. It also Further developing online and interactive services in for Africa Week and collaboration with BBC projects BBC Cymru Wales’ contribution to the television commended the success of several other BBC Cymru both English and Welsh to broaden the profile of such as Voices, Coast and Donation. It was noted that and radio networks.Working with Network Wales drama, music and factual productions for the users and continuing to contribute to the success radio staff have also been involved in the production Controllers and Commissioners to ensure that Network and was eager that this success be of the BBC’s digital services by providing of TV programmes and there has been an ongoing contemporary Wales is featured more prominently recognised in terms of further opportunities for an compelling content. presence at national events, bringing together the in Network programming. increased number of commissions. whole of Wales. Council welcomed the growth in average weekly Council commended the considerable achievement of With regard to representation of contemporary Wales unique users of BBC Cymru Wales online services. It Council looked in detail at the critical challenges BBC Cymru Wales in this area across Drama, Factual in network programming, Council acknowledged the noted strengths in all three main elements of the posed by reception issues for both Radio Cymru and and Music, demonstrated by the fact that network impact value of in terms of portraying service proposition, namely the web, interactivity and Radio Wales, considering that these challenges could income had increased from £16.5m in 2003/2004 to contemporary but felt that, while this partnership. It understood that internet access in Wales potentially prove an impediment to those services £50.4m (projected) in 2005/2006.Tribute was paid to represented a starting point, there was considerable had now reached around 50%, and that this was still on being able to achieve this Objective. It was the work of Head of Programmes English and work still to be done in order to meet this Objective. the low side compared to rest of the UK. particularly concerned with issues relating to DAB her team. It also felt that greater efforts should be made by (Digital Audio Broadcasting) and the fact that the network news teams to reflect the Welsh experience Council noted high approval for the Where I Live sites majority of the population of Wales was unable to Successes on network television had included Doctor in news stories. and commended the launching of local portals for receive Radio Cymru and Radio Wales on DAB. Who,The Girl in the Café, BBC Cardiff Singer of the World broadband. It was particularly pleased to hear that It also voiced its concern about the situation with and the second series of A Year at Kew. BBC Cymru Cymru’r Byd had received the most positive feedback regard to analogue transmitters, with Radio Wales Wales had continued to achieve successes across for any Nations and Regions site in the New Media

1 only having restricted FM coverage, and the effect this genres on network radio. insight survey for 2004, and welcomed the growth of 0 1

currently has on its ability to reach a significant the Lleol i Mi pages and strong usage of the Welsh 1 part of its potential audience. It requested that it be With regard to Doctor Who, Council noted that the first language CBeebies sites. kept informed of progress in this matter. series had been BBC One’s third most watched series of the year, and it was felt that the combination of With regard to BBC Cymru Wales’ contribution heritage and sophistication, together with the to .co.uk, Council noted that Wales had devised the positive effect on family viewing, had been a huge highly successful Voices project, had created sites for achievement for BBC Cymru Wales.The Christmas Day network television including Doctor Who and BBC special had also been extremely successful, attracting an Cardiff Singer of the World 2005, and that interactive 1 Nicole Cabell, audience of 9.4 million, and Council noted that the opportunities were increasing for the Department, winner of BBC Cardiff Singer of World 2005 innovative interactive game which followed the including the interactive game for the Doctor Who © Brian Tarr programme had been produced by BBC Cymru Wales’ Christmas special and mobile phone episodes 2 The Girl in the Café New Media department.The sale of the first series of for series 2. 3 A Year at Kew Doctor Who to the Sci Fi Channel in the US 4 4 Doctor Who was welcomed. 1 3

Council understood that the service had been refined Cymru Wales in connecting with communities through to achieve greater clarity of public service objectives presence at major events, as well as the extensive 1 RESOUND/ATSAIN: Making Tracks Live and creative facilitation in line with Building Public Value. work of Radio Cymru and Radio Wales over the 2 Here for You! : Radio 3 concert in Butetown The service was also responding to the findings of the summer months.Tribute was paid to the education 3 Here for You! competition for new bands in Aberdare: Graf Report on bbc.co.uk in increasing the level of and outreach work of the BBC National Orchestra winners Haddonfield with judges © Julian Castaldi external spend, greater linking with external sites and of Wales. the development of partnerships with other providers. It was felt that the service clearly reflected BBC Cymru Wales’ strategy of connecting with communities, A Diverse BBC collaboration and partnership. Summary of Council’s • Raising awareness of how the BBC’s digital services Ensuring that BBC Cymru Wales is more add value to the overall portfolio representative of the audiences it serves as an assessment of • Improving their availability Audiences and Communities employer and in its portrayal of the society it serves. performance against • Working in partnership with the commercial sector to drive take-up Enriching our output and enhancing our relationship Council noted that the Community Strategy aimed to Pan BBC Objectives with our audiences through the relationships built and address geographical and linguistic diversity throughout Council expressed concern that an estimated 70% of insights offered by the implementation of the Wales.With regard to ethnicity it welcomed significant 1. Programme strategy Welsh speakers were currently unable to receive Radio Community Strategy. activity in various communities and the fact that Cymru on DAB and 57% of the population of Wales portrayal was much improved. It noted that Ensure that BBC management develops a five year was unable to receive Radio Wales or Radio Cymru Council received a progress report on the Community employment levels fell short of target. editorial strategy for BBC programmes and services on DAB. It stressed that, with regard to the potential Strategy at the end of its first year. It noted the growing focused on maximising public value. In 2005/6 this will danger that Wales’ national radio services were not, success of the two-day roadshows in each of the four Council received reports during the year about the include: and most probably would not be universally available locations, with 550 attending in Denbigh, 2000 in restructuring of BBC People and understood that this • Beginning to reduce the volume of repeats on on DAB in the near future, a fundamental matter Butetown, 2500 in and 4000 in Aberdare, presented a particular challenge with regard to diversity BBC One in peak time of principle of public service in terms of universal and the impact of the residencies in terms of in BBC Cymru Wales. It expressed concern about the • Undertaking work to better understand audience access was at stake, a situation which Council found discovering new talent and voices, forging new potential impact on programme making and staffing of concerns regarding derivative programming, and unacceptable. It has subsequently entered into collaborations with external partners and engaging the loss of diversity networks and local knowledge built specifically, reducing the volume of makeover, correspondence with the Director General and involving young people. It noted also the role up by key personnel. lifestyle and leisure programmes on BBC One on this matter. of the strategy in encouraging cross-platform in peak time internal collaboration. • Beginning to increase overall investment in original 1 UK comedy and drama 3. Value for money 2 3

Council felt that the Community Strategy was of key 1 importance to the BBC’s relationship with its audience. Council welcomed the significant contribution which Ensure that BBC management implements the In terms of the legacy process Council noted the BBC Cymru Wales has made to original drama on findings of the Value for Money review by: potential danger of engaging so effectively with network, including Doctor Who, Casanova and • Making savings of £105m in 2005/6 towards the communities that the BBC might be expected to take Life on Mars. target of annual savings of £355m by 2008 responsibility long term for development and • Developing a detailed, three year plan to transform regeneration within those communities. It noted the the BBC’s processes and make it more efficient and challenges but also the value to staff of working with 2. Driving digital effective in providing services that meet the needs people at a local level, and its long term value of licence-fee payers for programming. Ensure that BBC management drives the market for free-to-air digital television, digital radio and new Council commended the way in which BBC Cymru In addition to the work of the Community Strategy, media whilst continuing to serve the needs of the Wales was implementing changes and recognised the Council commended the considerable success of BBC 2 analogue-only audience by: difficulty of the task. In particular it voiced its 1 Here for You! : Aberdare roadshow 2 Life on Mars


appreciation of the work of the Change Management BBC Cymru Wales team. It stressed the importance of the BBC communicating a clear vision and commitment Objectives regarding reinvestment in BBC Cymru Wales following 2006/2007 the savings process.

Council welcomed the relocation of the BBC Finance These Objectives have been set for BBC Cymru National Radio for All Wales Centre to Cardiff. 1 Wales for 2006/2007 by the Governors, on the recommendation of the Broadcasting Council Conclude reviews of both Radio Cymru and Radio for Wales. Wales aiming to raise share and reach, broadening the 4. Impartiality and independence age and geographical range of their audiences and to A Range of Services for Welsh Audiences report regularly to Council on the BBC’s progress in Ensure that the BBC meets the highest standards of making Radio Cymru and Radio Wales available on accuracy, fairness and impartiality expected by Continue to deliver services which meet the needs, DAB to all parts of Wales. audiences in all its programmes. In particular, tastes and expectations of audiences in Wales, strengthen editorial processes to deliver high quality, managing the transition between the savings and Wales on the Networks trusted journalism by implementing the reinvestment plans. Build on the strategic partnership recommendations of the Neil report and acting on 5. Accountability to audiences with S4C by continuing to supply the channel with its Consolidate and build on the recent successes of BBC the Governors’ independent reviews of impartiality most popular output, enhancing our contribution whilst Cymru Wales’ contributions to the television and radio Deliver greater transparency and accountability to retaining the BBC’s editorial independence and networks and increase output where appropriate. Council praised the quality of BBC Cymru Wales’ news licence payers by, in particular, in 2005/6: consistent with the BBC’s editorial values and

1 services which extended across three platforms and in • Management ensuring that the changes to the obligations to licence fee payers. Audiences and Accountability 4 two languages. complaints handling process are being implemented 5 1 across the organisation Digital Services Build on the foundation laid through the It expressed concern regarding the significance • Governors developing service licences as the key Community Strategy to enrich output and and relevance of some news provision on the tool for exercising effective stewardship of the Seek to position the BBC Cymru Wales service on enhance the relationship with audiences, especially BBC’s UK news bulletins, noting that stories public’s money BBC Two to meet audience needs ahead of digital under served groups and young people. Reinforce (for example in the field of education) were switchover (currently scheduled in Wales for 2009) the public service principle of respect for audiences regularly included without reference to the fact The BCW raised questions about its accountability role and, by the end of the year, implement a strategy which through a commitment to accountability and dealing that they did not have the same relevance to under the new Royal Charter. It looked forward to offers Welsh audiences a range of high quality with complaints appropriately and promptly. Wales as to following Devolution and being consulted on its formal role in the Trust’s programmes relevant to them alongside the major BBC with no alternative information being offered. processes relating to Service Licences and the Public Two network priorities.This strategy should address the Value Test. issues of deprivation which arise in Freeview homes, giving all audiences an enhanced range of viewing. Pan BBC Objectives 2006/2007 Value for Money •Net licence fee sales to increase by 1.04%, with Ensure that BBC management delivers value for money evasion falling from 4.7% in 2005/06 to 4.6% Programme Strategy savings whilst retaining quality output. In 2006/07, this Ensure that BBC management continues to develop will be measured against the following goals: and begins to implement the five year editorial strategy • Headcount: Achieving headcount reduction targets of Impartiality for BBC programmes and services by translating the 2,055 in 2006/07, towards the target of 3,763 for the Ensure that the BBC meets the highest standards of findings of Creative Future into service strategies and three years to 2007/08. accuracy, fairness and impartiality expected by pan BBC proposals. • Savings: Making gross cumulative savings of £211 audiences. In particular, respond to the Governors’ million in 2006/07, which includes new gross savings independent reviews of impartiality to ensure strong In Television, continue progress towards the detailed of £115 million, towards a target of annual gross editorial processes and training that deliver high quality, objectives set in 2005/06: savings of £355 million by 2007/08 trusted journalism. • Reducing the volume of repeats in BBC One peak to (after three years). below 8.5% in 2006/07 (towards a target of 5% in • Implementation costs: Incurring implementation costs 2008/9)* of no more than £148m in 2006/07 from the total Accountability • Continue to increase overall investment in original of £241m one-off implementation costs included Focus on improving the BBC's accountability to UK comedy and drama. within the three year plan. audiences. In particular: • Refresh BBC One’s early evening output, paying • Business Model: Developing a coherent business particular attention to the lifecycle of programmes architecture which underpins the BBC’s The BBC Governance Unit to: or formats. transformation. • Develop and conduct a major public survey looking • Financial Planning: Implementing a financial plan that at attitudes towards the BBC, for consideration by * Definition of repeats to include digital transfers from ensures the most effective allocation of BBC funds to the BBC Trust

1 BBC Three/Four, but not digital premieres (e.g. Spooks) meet the needs of the licence fee payer, begins to • In readiness for the Trust, work with the Broadcasting 6 7

set targets for continuous improvement and has the Councils and English National Forum to develop an 1 flexibility to deal with new audience priorities and action plan to engage more widely with audiences, Driving Digital cost pressures. In particular: build the profile of the Councils, and contribute Ensure that BBC management prepares for digital •Worldwide to improve return to the BBC by advice across the range of the BBC's public purposes switchover and drives the market for free-to-air digital providing double digit growth in underlying profit television, digital radio and new media whilst continuing (i.e. excluding exceptional items) plus ongoing sales BBC management to: to serve the needs of the analogue-only audience by: growth and to achieve competitive performance • Develop new service strategies in response to the • Raising awareness of how the BBC’s digital services levels, delivering a return on sales of at least Creative Future project ensuring that all audiences add value to the overall portfolio. 10% and EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, are well served and in particular to provide adequate • Improving their availability. depreciation and amortisation) margin focus on improving perceptions among those • Working in partnership with the commercial sector of at least 22%. audiences less favourable towards the BBC. to drive take-up. 1 Campyfan 2 Doctor Who 3 Pudsey conducting BBC NOW 2 © Alex Skibinsky


Advisory Committees for the breadth and quality of the BBC Cymru Wales The BBC Wales Charities Advisory Forum (WCAF), some of the most acute problems facing children and Education and Learning Department’s work and formerly known as the Welsh Appeals Advisory young people in Wales including: praised the way in which every target set for it had Committee, has two main responsibilities - to advise on Educational Broadcasting Council been met. It noted the new emphasis and learner the allocation of broadcast opportunities on BBC • Work with young carers - including those whose for Wales centred focus of the education output for S4C and Cymru Wales radio, television and online, and to advise parents are drug users commended the Department’s contribution to the BBC trustees on policy and make • Work with children in situations of domestic violence Eirlys Pritchard Jones (Chair) (Vale of Glamorgan) BBC jam, in particular the way in which the Welsh and recommendations on grant allocations in Wales. • Cultural and educational projects amongst ethnic Roderic Ashley () English language resources were provided concurrently. minority groups including asylum seekers Sioned Dafydd (Cardiff) • Integrated playschemes for children with disabilities Veronica English (Abergavenny) Children in Need • Community educational projects to combat bullying, Dafydd Evans (Caernarfon) BBC Wales Charities Advisory Forum teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease Thomas Fanning () There could have been no better way to launch the • Work experience for young people with Professor David Reynolds (Llantrisant) Sally Scott-Roberts (Chair from January 2006) 2005 BBC Children in Need campaign than with a learning disabilities. Mari Phillips (Cardiff) (Newport) collaboration with Doctor Who for a Galactic Dinner Richard Powell (Chair until December 2005) that attracted guests from as far afield as Canada. On Members from April 2006: (Glanaman) appeal night itself the Children in Need concert Angus Dunphy (Vale of Glamorgan) Barry Davies (Neath) returned to for a second year with a Suzanne Halliwell (Bridgend) Richard Davies (Cwmllynfell, Swansea) fabulous line-up headed by the Sugababes,Texas, Carol Stock (Cardiff) William Davies (Caernarfon) Madness and Goldie Lookin’ Chain. An impressive Richard Thomas (Cardiff) Mohammed Ali Field (Upper Tumble) team effort on the part of BBC Cymru Wales also Catrin Fletcher (Newport) produced a concert for Radio Cymru from

1 The Educational Broadcasting Council for Wales Dafydd Ifans (Wrexham) Carmarthen and overall the receipts from Wales for 8 9

(EBCW) provides independent expert advice to the Gareth Jacobs (Cardiff) the evening totalled a new record of £740,741. 1 Broadcasting Council for Wales. It reviews and monitors John Walter Jones (Cardiff) the work of the BBC Cymru Wales education service, Monica Mahoney () During 2005 BBC Children in Need in Wales was able contributes appropriate expertise and acts in an Roy Norris (Newtown) to distribute over £2.6 million in grants to 138 advisory capacity to the Education and Learning Eifion Pritchard (Carmarthen) organisations reaching every corner of Wales. However, Department.The Department produces output across Gwen Thirsk (Abergavenny) applications were received from 244 organisations, all platforms in Welsh and English, ranging from Sarah Thomas (Bridgend) totalling £11.9 million, and it was only through a programmes for schools and extensive online learning Sarah Williams (Bridgend) rigorous assessment process and the diligence of resources to social action campaigns and innovative WCAF that the money was distributed in a manner language learning formats. Members who retired in the last twelve months: that would have the greatest impact on the lives of Richard Davies, Dafydd Ifans, Monica Mahoney, John disadvantaged children and young people. Grants In receiving the EBCW’s Performance Review Report Walter Jones, Richard Powell, Eifion Pritchard, Gwen Thirsk ranged from £413 to £89,000 and had an impact on for 2005 the BCW expressed its admiration 3