Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 48, Number 20, May 14, 2021

III. The Wave

BOOK REVIEW Ten Years Later: Why ’s ‘New Era’ of Modern China Is Here to Stay by Robert Wesser

hard not to conclude that we are witnessing its final The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational phase. The CCP is the world’s second-longest ruling State regime … and no party can rule forever.” That was six by Weiwei years ago. Horizon Media Co., Ltd., 2011 World Century Publishing Corp., Hackensack, Of course, not only have none of these predictions NJ, 2012 been correct, but the exact opposite has happened. The Hardback, 205 pages question is, why have these so-called China experts been so wrong? Aside from those who simply spin false narratives for propagandistic pur- “With decades of hard work, social- poses, one of the main reasons for ism with Chinese characteristics has such glaring errors in analysis is that crossed the threshold into a new era. they absolutely insist on imposing This is a new historic juncture in Chi- relatively recent Western neo-lib- na’s development....” eral ideological prejudices upon —Xi Jinping, what is in reality a long and com- “Report to the 19th Na- plex Chinese historic process span- tional Congress of the ning over four millennia. The fact is Communist Party of that the current course charted by China,” 2017 Chinese President Xi Jinping can Aside from those who have been only be understood when viewed in closely following the work of Helga the context of China’s long, rich his- Zepp-LaRouche and EIR over the tory of development, rather than as past decade, most Western so-called some transient episode in the rocky analyses about the current trajectory history of post-1839 modern China. of the Chinese nation have been mis- erably wrong in their views and fore- The Civilizational State casts. Until very recently, the past two decades have In 2011, Chinese scholar Zhang Weiwei published seen no lack of failed Western forecasts warning about The China Wave: Rise of a Civilizational State, origi- the imminent collapse of China’s Communist Party-run nally in Chinese, a book detailing precisely this idea. system and government. Perhaps the most notorious of Zhang is a former interpreter for and is these was Gordon Chang’s 2001 book, The Coming regarded as one of China’s leading experts on foreign Collapse of China, with his “forecast” being reiterated affairs. The China Wave, which has been recommended by him regularly. In 2015, Georgetown University pro- to dignitaries by Xi Jinping himself, explores the funda- fessor David Shambaugh claimed that “We cannot pre- mental ideas governing the outlook of the present Chi- dict when Chinese communism will collapse, but it is nese leadership and its self-conscious commitment to a

46 ‘Peace that Enables Men and Nations To Grow’ EIR May 14, 2021

© 2021 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. long-term historical perspective. Zhang argues that Importantly, Xi deliberately (and consistently) uses the China is not (and has no desire to be) a “Western de- Confucian term xiaokang shehui ( ), or mocracy,” but instead is a “civilizational state” which is “moderately prosperous society” to refer to China’s ob- “now the only country in the world which has amal- jective over the coming period. Xi’s 2017 speech to the gamated the world’s longest continuous civilization Nineteenth National Congress of the CCP announcing with a huge modern state.” Identifying with this “con- the “New Era” for China strikes the same chord: tinuous civilization” includes a renewed appreciation of the to- Rooted in a land of more than tality of Chinese history and cul- 9.6 million square kilome- ture, including the revival of ters, nourished by a nation’s and the Chinese Clas- culture of more than 5,000 sics. Zhang contends that this years, and backed by the in- shift in Chinese identity to the vincible force of more than civilizational state, made possi- 1.3 billion people, we have an ble, in part, by Deng Xiaoping’s infinitely vast stage of our “opening up” to the West in the era, a historical heritage of 1980s, has greatly contributed to unmatched depth, and incom- the extraordinary recent growth parable resolve that enable us of the Chinese economy and its to forge ahead on the road of global influence. socialism with Chinese char- At the beginning of his presi- acteristics.2 dency in 2012, Xi Jinping’s visit and speech to the newly reno- The Confucian Revival vated China National Museum in Xi Jinping’s revival of Con- Beijing was an important indica- fucius and Confucian ideas is an tion of this commitment to a his- important ingredient of this re- torical identity for China. The newed historic Chinese identity. new museum, now the largest in This was signified by Xi’s now the world outside of the Louvre famous visit to Confucius’ birth- in Paris, featured a “Road to Re- place, Qufu, in 2013 and his sub- juvenation” exhibit, fusing post- sequent celebration of the mas- 1839 China (i.e., following the ter’s 2,565th birthday in 2014. launching of the British Opium China: a country of 5,000 years of continuous According to Xi: civilization. Here, a portrayal of Confucius, War against China and the subse- made during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD). quent “century of humiliation” has recorded under foreign domination) with the rich cultural tradi- the Chinese nation’s spiritual activities, rational tion of “5,000 years of continuous Chinese civiliza- thinking, and cultural achievements in building tion.” In the speech, Xi detailed his idea of the “Chinese their homeland, reflected spiritual pursuits of the Dream,” a dream that would guide “the historical strug- Chinese nation, and provided a key source of nu- gle of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in trition for the survival and continuous growth of forging valiantly ahead.” He then proceeded to forecast our nation. that by “the time of the 100th anniversary of the Chi- nese Communist Party [2049], the objective of con- the-road-to-rejuvenation/ structing a moderately prosperous society in a compre- 2. Xi Jinping, “Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately hensive manner can absolutely be realized.”1 Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,” Report deliv- ered to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 1. Xi Jinping, “Speech at ‘The Road to Rejuvenation,’” China Copy- October 18, 2017. right and Media, November 29, 2010.'s_report_ at_19th_CPC_National_Congress.pdf

May 14, 2021 EIR ‘Peace that Enables Men and Nations To Grow’ 47 rise from peasantry, pass all levels of exams, and reach the highest- level government offices, while also preventing the privileged from advancing without demon- strating competence and moral character. Although the Confucian exam- ination system as such ended with the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, the same principle of meritocracy is employed in the se- lection of top government officials in the PRC today, sans the required mastery of the Confucian classics. CGTN President Xi Jinping reviews Confucius books during a visit to Qufu, the philosopher’s This can be seen, for example, in birthplace, in November 2013. the short, English-language ver- sion video How Leaders Are Not only was this a clear break from the mass “Anti- Made, which hit the internet in China in 2013. The Confucius Campaign” from 1973-76, during the night- video (which was made for children) promotes the idea mare of the , but it ended more than that the rigor and effectiveness of the current selection a century of anti-Confucian sentiment in China (en- of leaders by merit and ex- couraged by British influence during the May 4th perience is more efficient and effective than Western Movement in 1919)3 by clearly identifying the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with this time-honored foundation of Chinese civilization and culture. One key feature of the Confucian tradi- tion that has generally characterized the most successful Chinese dynasties was the meritocratic system for choosing govern- ment officials, as opposed to primogeni- ture, or outright purchasing of offices. This system, called xuanxian juneng ( ) or “selecting the virtuous and recommending the able,” goes back to at least the Han Dynasty’s compilation of the Confucian Book of Rites two millennia ago. Candidates for government appoint- ments had to pass a series of rigorous cc/Daniel Case The National Museum of China in 2014, showing the foyer with a model of the exams at many levels demonstrating their Temple of Heaven. mastery of the Confucian classics. Histori- cally, this “rise by merit” system has been key to allow- democratic methods. The video quickly went viral, un- ing social mobility in China, as, theoretically, one could derlining the immense popularity of this ancient tradi- tion among the Chinese population today.4 Gan Yang, the dean of the Liberal Arts College at 3. Mike Billington, “The May 4th Movement—British Orchestration of U.S.-China Conflict: Three Pertinent Cases,” Executive Intelligence Review, Vol. 47, No. 21, May 22, 2020, pp. 13-21. https://larouchepub. 4. An English version of the video may be viewed at: com/other/2020/4721-british_orchestration_of_us_china_conflict.html M734o_17H_A

48 ‘Peace that Enables Men and Nations To Grow’ EIR May 14, 2021 Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, has claimed that Zhang calls “China’s big cycles.” The period of the China’s recent success is the product of a combination Song Dynasty (960-1279), for example, was in many of three traditions dominating the PRC today: the revo- ways a paradigm of good governance, where a Confu- lutionary (Maoist) period, the past twenty-five years of cian Renaissance generated vast improvements in sci- Deng Xiaoping inspired reforms, and finally, “the tradi- ence, agriculture, and government combined with a tion of Chinese civilization that dates back several flourishing of the arts. Likewise, in the Han Dynasty thousands of years.” Gan has written unambiguously (202 BC – AD 220), innovations in agriculture and that, “In essence, the People’s Republic of China is a technology alleviating some of the burdens of everyday Confucian socialist republic.” Similarly, Zhang Weiwei life for the common people contributed greatly to its has characterized the current Communist Party of four-hundred-plus-year success. In contrast, the short- China as “in the Confucian ruling tradition,” continuing lived Sui Dynasty (581-617) carried out extensive in- “the long tradition of a unified Confucian ruling elite.” frastructure projects, but did them at the expense of Some prominent scholars have even openly proposed a over a million lost lives thus losing the “hearts and “Confucian constitution” for China, which would include a “house of scholars” as part of a tricameral system.

China’s Big Cycles Xi’s advocacy of a tightly controlled centralized government certainly seems to upset some Western observers, perhaps leading them to believe that this is not something desired by the Chinese people. In reality, China has been ruled by a rela- tively strong, unified political entityninety- five percent of the time since the Qin Dy- nasty unification of the country in 221 BC.5 More importantly, however, is that the stable and prosperous periods in Chinese history have been historically associated with both strong and enlightened govern- Schiller Institute ments whose main mission was to serve Professor Zhang Weiwei addresses a Schiller Institute conference in Germany the development of the country and its in July 2017. people as a whole. This idea of the primacy of the state serving the “people’s livelihood” goes back minds of the people” resulting in rebellion and over- at least to Mencius (372-289 BC), who understood that throw as they lost their Mandate. any emperor or dynasty must practice minxin ( ) In The China Wave, Zhang Weiwei contends that — “win the minds and hearts of the people”—in order China in 2011 was actually in the beginning phase of to maintain the Mandate of Heaven. If, on the other a new upward cycle or shi ( ) typical of early peri- hand, an emperor, or even a dynasty, failed to serve the ods of the most successful of Chinese dynasties, interests of the people, revolts inevitably ensued, as the which had then gone on to flourish for another 200- dynasty lost the Mandate and began to fall apart. A new 300 years. Although the old feudal system of the Chi- “dynastic cycle” would then begin. nese dynasties no longer exists, still there are other Historically, one can find many examples of what aspects of the present Chinese “civilizational state” which echo the beginning of such a successful phase of past dynasties. These include the building of new 5. Zhang Weiwei, The China Model and Its Implications, a speech de- livered to a Schiller Institute conference, July 13, 2017. grand infrastructure projects and cities that result in dramatic improvements in the livelihood of the common people, the crackdown on corruption of past

May 14, 2021 EIR ‘Peace that Enables Men and Nations To Grow’ 49 governments, and the deliberate identification of a tors intend to abandon this path of prosperity toward new era incorporating the best traditions of Chinese the Chinese Dream (at least not until 2049!), it seems civilization, to name but a few. that their current Mandate will hold for some time to There is also the issue of the intermittent periods come. of instability in the historic Chinese cycle. These have In a 2011 debate with , Zhang quite often occurred between dynasties, or even at the Weiwei observed: beginning of the most successful Chinese dynasties before they have entered the period of their maximum Unfortunately, many Western scholars fail to un- development. A good example of this is the Han Dy- derstand [China’s big cycles], and their pessimis- nasty which began with a period of instability until tic predictions about China’s collapse have lasted the reign of the famous Em- for about two decades. But peror Han Wudi (ruled instead of China collaps- 141-87 BC) who, some sixty ing, these “predictions” years after the dynasty’s have “collapsed.” Some founding, set it on a solid foot- Chinese … still hold this ing through serious reforms. pessimistic view. But I Likewise, China saw a fifty- think this view will also three-year period of instabil- “collapse,” and that it won’t ity between the prolific Tang take another twenty years. and Song Dynasties, the so- called Five Dynasties and Ten Now, ten years later, such Kingdoms. From this stand- forecasts have indeed col- point, the sixty-five years be- lapsed, along with the flawed tween the end of the Qing Dy- neo-liberal system which cre- nasty in 1911 and Mao ated them. Perhaps this is why Zedong’s death in 1976 could many hardcore Atlanticists, rightfully be seen as such a like British diplomat Roger period of instability before the Garside have dropped fore- take-off of China’s self-pro- casting and are now simply claimed “New Era of Social- resorting to calling for the ism with Chinese Characteris- overthrow of the present Chi- tics.” nese government directly.6 Since neither the British Unknown artist The Collapse of Neo- Emperor Han Wudi (ruled 141-87 BC), the seventh establishment nor its U.S. Liberal emperor of the Han dynasty, expanded the empire, State Department fellow trav- Over the past decades, the established the original Silk Road trade route, set up elers can stop the inevitable Confucian academies and made Confucianism the state increasing prosperity and philosophy. march of history, it seems that drastic improvement of living they have concluded that their conditions in China testify to an acute interest by the only recourse would be to engage in nuclear confronta- current PRC government in improving the people’s tion, in which everyone loses. Perhaps it is time to heed livelihood. China’s stunning poverty alleviation pro- the words of real experts like Zhang Weiwei and aban- gram, successfully ending all abject poverty in the don our own failed neo-liberal system before it col- nation as of the end of 2020, is but one example of this lapses into war and chaos. commitment. Thus, the consistent, extraordinarily high approval rating of Xi Jinping’s governance by the 6. Roger Garside, “Regime Change in China Is Not Only Possible, It Is Chinese people (80-90%) certainly seems to be in Imperative,” Globe and Mail, Toronto Canada, April 30, 2021. https:// accord with the traditional Mandate of Heaven. Since there is no indication that Xi Jinping or his collabora- pursue-regime-change-in-china/

50 ‘Peace that Enables Men and Nations To Grow’ EIR May 14, 2021