WiccanHandbook PALM CIRCLE Wiccan Handbook

 Dragon Palm Circle Sevierville, TN 4th Edition July 2002 Compiled by Dreamweaver 1st edition January 1998 2nd edition March 2000 3rd edition August 2001 Table of Contents

Introduction i Day 17

Lunar Magick 17

C H A P T E R 1 Lunar Cycles 17

Wiccan Rede 1 Lunar Month 18

Blessing for a Child 2

Witches Rune 2

Witches Creed 2

Charge of the Goddess 3

C H A P T E R 2

Signs 5

Number, planets, and signs 5

Number system for letters 6

C H A P T E R 3

Wiccan Rede 7

Three Fold Law 7

Wiccan Code of Chivalry 7

C H A P T E R 4

Calling Quarters 10

C H A P T E R 5

Colors 12

C H A P T E R 6

Herbs, stones, and colors 13

Eleminals 16

C H A P T E R 7 Introduction

This is a book of information that include laws, poems, and what different things mean. This book is not a book to learn , but a handbook that contains some things that can be useful in putting together spells and rituals. The Wiccan Handbook This handbook has been put together to give you information you may need in forming rituals and participating in rituals. This will not include everything, but enough to get you started. Note about edition: Items are added and taken away depending upon the usefulness of the items. This is a good book to have in Circles for the Rede and Rune. Chapter


Poems and chants used in circle.

THE WICCAN REDE Bide the Wiccan Laws we must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Live and let live, Fairly take and fairly give. Cast the Circle thrice about To keep the evil spirits out. To bind the spell every time Let the spell be spake in rhyme. Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing moon, Chanting out the Witches' Rune. Widdershins go by the waning moon, Chanting out the baneful rune. When the Lady's moon is new, Kiss the hand to her, times two. When the moon rides at her peak, Then your heart's desire seek. Heed the North wind's mighty gale, Lock the door and drop the sail. When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth. When the wind blows from the West, Departed souls will have no rest. When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast. Nine woods in go, Burn them fast and burn them slow. Elder be the Lady's tree, Burn it not or cursed you'll be. When the Wheel begins to turn, Let the fires burn. When the Wheel has turned to , Light the log and the Horned One rules. Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree, By the Lady, blessed be. Where the rippling waters go, Cast a stone and truth you'll know. When ye have a true need, Hearken not to others' greed. With a fool no season spend, Lest ye be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part, Bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind the Threefold Law you should, Three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is enow, Wear the blue star on thy brow. True in Love ever be, Lest thy lover's false to thee. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will. A Blessing for a Child

Light; be blessing on my child; Bring her ease and peace and grace; Let her Burdens fall away; Let her keep untroubled peace; Bring her every lovely truth; Bring her every heart-whole charm; Bless her in her pride and youth; and protect her from all harm


Darksome night and shining Moon East then South then West then North Harken To The Witches' Rune Here we come to call thee forth.

Earth and Water, Air and Fire and and sword Work ye unto our desire And harken ye unto our word.

Cord and censer, scourge and knife Power of the witches' blade Waken all ye into life And come ye as the charm is made.

Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell Horned Hunter of the night Lend your power unto our spell And work our will by our rite

By all powers of land and sea By all the might of the Moon and Sun As we do will so mote it be Chant the spell and it be done.

Eko, eko Azarak Eko, eko Zamilak Eko, eko Eko, eko .


Hear Now the words of the witches, The secrets we hid in the night, When dark was our destiny's pathway, That now we bring forth into light.

Mysterious water and fire, The earth and the wide-ranging air, By hidden quintessence we know them, And will and keep silent and dare. The birth and rebirth of all nature, The passing of winter and spring, We share with the life universal, Rejoice in the magical ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns, and the witches are seen At Lammas and Candlemas dancing, On May Eve and old Hallowe'en.

2 When day-time and night-time are equal, When Sun is at greatest and least, The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned, And Witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are, Thirteen is the 's array. Thirteen times at make merry, For each golden year and a day.

The power that was passed down the ages, Each time between woman and man, Each century unto the other, Ere time and the ages began.

When drawn is the magical circle, By sword or of power, Its compass between two worlds lies, In land of the shades for that hour.

This world has no right then to know it, And world of beyond will tell naught. The oldest of Gods are invoked there, The Great Work of magic is wrought.

two are the mystical For pillars, That stand at the gate of the shrine, And two are powers of nature, The forms and the forces divine.

The dark and the light in succession, The opposites each unto each, Shown forth as a God and a Goddess; Of this our ancestors teach.

By night he's the wild wind's rider, The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades, By day he's the King of the Woodland, The dweller in green forest glades.

She is youthful or old as she pleases. She sails the torn clouds in her barque, The bright silver lady of midnight, The crone who weaves spells in the dark.

the master and mistress of magic, That dwell in the deeps of the mind, Immortal and ever-renewing, With power to free or to bind.

So drink the good wine to the Old Gods, And dance and make love in their praise, Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us In peace at the end of our days.

And "Do What You Will"; be the challenge, So be it Love that harms none, For this is the only commandment. By Magic of old, be it done!


Listen to the words of the Great Mother; She Who of old was also called among men , Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, and Brid, and by many other names:

"Whenever ye have need of any thing, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach things that are yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my

3 praise. For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings. keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it; let naught stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the secret door which opens upon the land of youth and mine is the cup of wine of life, and the cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of immortality. I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man. Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the sprit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice; for behold, I am the Mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the earth."

Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess; she is the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, whose body encircles the universe.

"I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man, call unto thy soul. Arise, and come unto me. For I am the soul of nature, who gives live to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the mystery; that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, then thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

4 Chapter


Signs, numbers, planets and more


Aries - March 21 - April 19 - Fire - Mars Taurus - April 20 - May 19 - Earth - Venus Gemini - May 20 - June 20 -Air - Mercury Cancer - June 21 - July 22 - Water - Moon Leo - July 23 - August 21 - Fire - Sun Virgo - August 22 - Sept.22 - Earth - Mercury Libra - Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 - Air - Venus Scorpio - Oct.23 -Nov. 21 - Water - Mars Sagittarius - Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 - Fire - Jupiter Capricorn - Dec.22 - Jan. 20 - Earth - Saturn Aquarius - Jan.21 - Feb. 19 - Air - Saturn Pisces - Feb.20 - March 20 - Water - Jupiter


1: Sun - Fire 2: Moon - Water 3: Jupiter - Fire 4: Uranus - Air 5: Mercury - Air 6: Venus - Earth 7: Neptune - Water 8: Saturn - Earth 9: Mars - Fire


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

For a Circle name you add together, your birth date to get a single number. (example: 1.1.1997 = 1+1+1+9+9+7=28=2+8=10=1+0=1) You must then find a name that will have the same number. (example: CLOUD=3+3+6+3+4=19=1+9=10=1+0=1) With the above examples a person born on Jan. 1, 1997 could use the name Cloud.

6 Chapter


Wiccan Laws

WICCAN REDE An ye harm none, do what ye will.

THREE FOLD LAW Do Good and you will get back three times the good Do Evil and you will receive three times the evil

WICCAN CODE OF CHIVALRY Insofar as the Craft of the Wise is the most Ancient and most Honorable Creed of Humankind, it behooves all who are Witches to act in ways that give respect to the Old Gods, to their Sisters and Brothers of the Craft, and to themselves. Therefore be it noted that:

1. Chivalry is a High Code of Honor which is of most ancient Pagan origin, and must be lived by all who follow the old ways. 2. It must be keened that thoughts and intent put forth on this Middle Earth will wax strong in other worlds beyond, and return---bringing into creation, on this world, that which had been sent forth. Thus one should exercise discipline, for "AS YE DO PLANT, SO SHALL YE HARVEST." 3. It is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can ultimately attain Godhead. 4. "THIS ABOVE ALL...... TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE...." 5. A Witch's word must have the validness of a signed and witnessed oath. Thus, give your word sparingly , and adhere to it like iron. 6. Refrain from speaking ill of others, for not all truths of the matter may be known. 7. Pass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is, in large part, a thing of falsehoods. 8. Be thou honest with others, and have them know that honesty is likewise expected of them. 9. The fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keep one's head is a virtue. 10. Contemplate always the consequences of thine acts upon others. Strive not to harm.

7 11. Diverse may well have diverse views on love between members and with others. When a Coven, Clan, or Grove is visited or joined, one should discern quietly their practices, and abide by them. 12. Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humor are much to be admired. 13. As a Witch, thou hast power, and thy powers wax strongly as wisdom increases. Therefore, exercise discretion in the use thereof. 14. Courage and honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when the mountains have crumbled to dust. 15. Pledge friendship and fealty to those who so warrant it. Strengthen others of the Brethren and they shall strengthen thee. 16. Thou salt not reveal the secrets of another Witch or Coven. Others have labored long and hard for them, and cherish them as treasures. 17. Though there may be differences between those of the old ways, those who are once-born must see nothing, and must hear nothing. 18. Those who follow the Mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the world. 19. The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and within reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom. 20. Have pride in thyself, and seek perfection in body and in mind. For the Lady has said, " How canst thou honor another unless thou give honor to thyself first?" 21. Those who seek the Mysteries should consider themselves as Select of the Gods, for it is they who shall lead the race of Humankind to the Highest of Thrones and Beyond the very Stars. 22. Always honour and respect other life forms. Some will need our protection and others we will have to be careful to not violate their sacred spaces or areas.

8 Notes:

9 Chapter

Calling Quarters

Different ways of calling the quarters

Calling quarters - There are many different ways of calling quarters and we will try to list some of the elements that can be used in doing so.

EAST The East is Air The guardian is known as Gabriel It color is yellow Its Dragon is Sairys is a The Sylph King is Paralda whose color is red and rules Trees, flowers, winds, and mountains. Its star is Aldebaran - light. The power is: TO KNOW Gaelic - Airt color crimson of dawn

SOUTH The South is Fire The guardian is known as Raphael Its color is red Its Dragon is Fafinir Elemental is a SALAMANDER The Salamander King is Djin whose color is white, and rules volcanoes, fire, passions, and fields. Its star is Regulus - might The power is: TO DARE


The West is Water The guardian is known as Michael Its color is Blue Its Dragon is Nailya Elemental is an The King of the is Nixa whose color is grey and rules lakes ponds, rivers and Oceans. Its star is Antares - witness The Power is: TO WILL Gaelic - Iar color brownish grey of twilight.


The North is Earth The guardian is known as Urial Its color is Green Its Dragon is Grael Elemental is a The King of the Gnomes is Ghob whose color is black and rules Earth, Gems, and minerals Its Star is Fomalhaut - aid The Power is: TO BE SILENCE Gaelic - Tuath color black of midnight.

11 Chapter


What they are used for

RED: Lust, energy, vitality, strength, health, (Taurus), Tuesday.

ORANGE: Creativity, attraction, (Leo)

YELLOW: Charm, Confidence, (Gemini), Sunday

GREEN: Prosperity, growth, healing, luck, (Cancer), Friday

BLUE: Protection, peace, tranquillity, (Pisces, Libra), Thursday.

PURPLE: Psychic ability, wisdom, enchantment, spirituality, (Aquarius), Wednesday

PINK: Love, Honor, friendship

BLACK: , Crone Magick, mourning, loss (Scorpio), Saturday

WHITE: Purity, truth, protection, spirituality (Aries), Monday

BROWN: Animal Magick, earth awareness (Capricorn)

GOLD: God, (Virgo)

SILVER: Goddess, (Sagittarius)

AIR: Yellow, white, pink, pastels, lavender

FIRE: Red, crimson, burgundy, orange, fuscia

WATER: Blue, turquoise, indigo, aqua, grey

EARTH: Green, Brown, black.

12 Chapter

Herbs, gems, colors

Items needed for Magick


Colors: Lt. Blue, Red, Purple

Herbs for Health: Caraway, Galangal, Juniper, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Rue, Sassafras, Tansy. Herbs for Healing: Adder's Tongue, Balm of Gilead, Bay, Blackberry, Burdock, Cedar, Vervain.

Stones for Healing: Agate, Amber, Adventurine, Calcite, Coral, Clear Quartz, Garnet, jade, Malchite.


Colors: Blue, White

Herbs for Protection: Acacia, Agrimony, Angelica, Anise, Ash, Birch, Broom, Cinquefoil

Stones for Protection: Agate, Calcite, Apache Tear, Lapis, Mica, Obsidian, Topaz, Clear Quartz

Rune for Protection: z Algiz


Colors: Green

Herbs for Employment: Devil's Shoestring, Lucky Hand, Pecan Herbs for Success: Cinnamon, Patchouli, Chamomile, High John the Conqueror Root.

Stones for Prosperity: Adventurine, Calcite, Emerald, Jade, Peridot, Staurolite, Malachite, Green Tourmaline. LOVE

Colors: Red - Lust, Pink - Love, Friendship

Herbs for Friendship: Lemongrass, Sweetpea, Passionflower

13 Herbs for Love: Apple, Basil, Betony, Chamomile, Coltsfoot, Copal, Damiana, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lemon Verbena, Meadowsweet, Moonwort, Orchid, Poppy, Raspberry, Rose, Violet.

Stones for Friendship: Pink Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Turquoise Stones for Love: Alexandrite, Amber, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Lepidolite, Pearl, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Rhodocrosite, Pink Tourmaline. Sexual Energy _ Carnelian, Sunstone, Citrine, Jasper.

Rune for partnership: g Gebo


Color: Green -Luck, Purple- Psychic ability

Herbs for : Broom, Camphor, Dandelion, Hibiscus, Meadowsweet, Orris, Pomegranate, Mugwort, Dragon's Blood, Black Willow Herbs for Mental Ability: Eyebright, Horehound, Mustard seed, Periwinkle. Herbs for Psychic Ability: Borage, Honeysuckle

Stones for Divination: Azurite, Flint, Hermatite, Jet, Moonstone, Amethyst, Sodallite, Obsidian Stones for Meditation: Geodes, Sapphire, Sodallite Stones for Mental Ability: Adventurine, Emerald, Zircon. Stones for Psychic Ability: Amethyst, Sodallite, Chaurolite, Lapis, Holey Stones


Color: Yellow - Confidence, Blue - Tranquillity

Herbs for Happiness: Catnip, Hawthorn, High John the Conqueror, Lavender, Meadowsweet, Morning Glory, St. John, Witch Grass.

Stones for Peace: Aquamarine, Lepidolite, Rhodonite, Blue Tourmaline MAGICK

Color: Yellow - Charm, Purple - Enchantment, Black - Crone Magick, Brown - Animal Magick.

Herbs for Enchantment: Elderberry, Elfswort, Lavender

Stones for Grounding: Hematite, Kunzite, Obsidian, Jet, Salt, Black Tourmaline Tones for Magickal Power: Bloodstone, Malachite, Ruby, Fluorite Stones for Enchantment: Fluorite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Lapis, Moonstone


Color: Gold - God, Silver - Goddess

Herbs for the Goddess: Willow, Moonwort, Hawthorn Herbs for the God: Holly, Mandrake, Buckthorne

Stones for the Goddess: Moonstone, Chrysocolla Stones for the God: Citrine, Malachite, Sunstone

14  God Symbol  Goddess Symbol



Herbs for Beauty: Catnip, Ginseng, Maidenhair, Yerba Santa Herbs for Courage - Cohosh, Mullein, Thyme, Yarrow Herbs for Strength - Carnation, Mulberry, Pennyroyal, Oak, Saffron

Stones for Beauty: Amber, Cat's Eye, Jasper, Opal, Zircon Stones for Courage: Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Diamond, Tiger's Eye.


Color: Purple - Spirituality, White - Purity

Herbs for Purification: Sage, Benzoin, Copal, Iris, Thistle, Vervain, Yucca Herbs for Spirituality: Frankincense, Gardenia, Heather, Sandalwood, Myrrh

Stones for Spirituality: Lepidolite, Amethyst, Sugilite, Lapis, Moonstone


Color: Red - Strength,

Herbs for Sleep: Agrimony, Chamomile, Hops, Lavender, Passionflower, Peppermint, Valerian Herbs for Strength: Carnation, Mulberry, Pennyroyal, Oak, Saffron

Stones for Physical Energy: Beryl, Selenite, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Red Zircon, Citrine


Color: Purple - Wisdom,

Herbs for Wisdom: Bodhi, Iris, Sage, Yew

Stones for Longevity: Agate, Fossils, Jade, Petrified Wood Stones for Wisdom: Sugilite, Chrysocolla, Sodalite


Color: Black - Banishing

Herbs for Banishing: Black Willow, Hellebore Herbs Activators: Mistletoe, Mandrake, Dragon's Blood


Colors: AIR: Yellow, White, Pink, Pastels, Lavender FIRE: Red, Crimson, Burgundy, Orange, Fuscia WATER: Blue, Turquoise, Indigo, Aqua, Grey EARTH: Green, Browns, Black

Herbs: AIR: Acaia, Anise, Broom, Dandelion, Eyebright, Hops, Lavender, Lemongrass, Meadowsweet, Sweetgrass, Slippery Elm FIRE: Ash, Angelica, Betony, Cedar, Cinnamon, Damiana, Cinquefoil, Cactus, Dragon's Blood, Ginger, Hawthorn, Holly, Juniper, Mullein, May Apple, Mandrake, Tobacco, Witch Hazel WATER: Apple, Balm of Gilead, Birch, Belladonna, Blackberry, Camphor, Catnip, Datura, Elder, Lily Lobelia, Moonwort, Morning Glory, Myrrh, Poppy, Raspberry, Sandalwood, Thyme, Yarrow, Willow. EARTH: Barley, Buckthorne, Corn, Sage, Horehound, Magnolia, Mugwort, Patchouli, Rye, Vervain

Stone: AIR: Adventurine, Mica, Clear Quartz, Lepidolite FIRE: Jasper, Pipestone, Citrine, Beryl, Hermatite, Ruby WATER: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Rose Quartz, Coral, Moonstone, Pearl EARTH: Agate, Malachite, Jet, Obsidian, Salt

16 Chapter

Days, Sabbats, and Signs

What days to do what on


Sunday - Yellow Monday - White Tuesday - Red Wednesday - Purple

Thursday - Blue Friday - Green Saturday - Black


The Moon and each of its phases are the most essential parts of modern Magick, so it is extremely important that all of your spells and rituals are performed during the proper lunar phase. (Performing a magical spell during the wrong lunar phase could result in the opposite effect or no result at all.) The spells or rituals that attract should be performed when the moon is waxing. Spells that banish should be performed when the moon is waning.

Spells that invoke fire should be done during: Aries, Leo Sagittarius.

Earth Spells During: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Air Spells During: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Water Spells During: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.


WAXING MOON: The time from the new Moon through the first quarter to the full moon - This is the proper time to perform: Healing Rituals, Positive Magick, Spells that increase Love, Good Luck, Growth of any kind, Sexual Desire, wealth ....

F U L L M O O N : This increases ESP and is the time to perform: Lunar Goddess , fertility rituals, transformations, Sprit Conjuration, and Spells that increase psychic and prophetic dreams and abilities.

17 WANING MOON : The time from the full moon through the last quarter to the new moon - this is the time to perform destructive magick and spells that remove curses, hexes, jinxes, end bad relationships, reverse love spells and Aphrodisiacs, break bad habits, and unhealthy addictions, undo negative influences, decrease fevers and pain.


MOON IN ARIES : Spells for Authority, Leadership, willpower, welfare, and Spiritual conversions or rebirth.

Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain.

Candle Colors: Red, crimson, scarlet and Burgundy.

Metal: Iron Spirit: Salamander Element: Fire

MOON IN TAURUS : Spells for Love, real estate, material aqisitions, money.

Healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck and ears.

Candle Colors: Green, Pink, and Turquoise.

Metal: Copper Spirit: Gnomes. Element: Earth

MOON IN GEMINI: Spells for communication, change of residence, writing, public relations and travel.

Healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders, arms, hands or lungs

Candle Colors: Mauve.

Metal: Mercury Spirit: Element: Air

MOON IN CANCER: Spells for all aspects of domestic life.

Healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stomach.

Candle colors: Silver, Gray, White

Metal: Silver Spirit: Undines Element: Water

18 MOON IN LEO: Spells for authority, power over others, courage and fertility, and childbirth.

Healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine or heart.

Candle Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange.

Metal: Gold Spirit: Salamander Element: Fire

MOON IN VIRGO : Spells for employment, intellectual matters, health, and dietary concerns.

Healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous systems.

Candle Colors: Navy Blue, Rust-Orange

Metal: Mercury Spirit: Gnomes Element: Earth

MOON IN LIBRA: Spells for artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships & unions, mental stimulation, karmic, spiritual and or emotional balance.

Healing rituals for ailments of the lower back and kidneys.

Candle Colors: Royal Blue.

Metal: Copper Spirit: Sylphs Element: Air

MOON IN SCORPIO: Spells of r sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets, fundamental transformations.

Healing rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs.

Candle Colors: Red, Black

Metal: Iron Spirit: Undines Element: Water

19 MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: Spells for houses, travel, publications, legal matters, sports activities, and truth.

Healing rituals for ailments of the Liver, thighs, or hips

Candle Colors: Purple, Dark Blue

Metal: Tin Spirit: Salamander Element: Fire

MOON IN CAPRICORN: Spells for organization, Ambition, recognition, career and political matters.

Healing rituals for ailments of the knees, bones, teeth or skin.

Candle Colors: Black, Dark Brown

Metal: Lead Spirit: Gnomes Element: Earth

MOON IN AQUARIUS: Spells for science, freedom, creative expression, problem solving, ESP, abilities, friendship, breaking of bad habits or unhealthy addictions.

Healing rituals for ailments of the calves, ankles or blood.

Candle Colors: Light Blue

Metal: Uranium Spirit: Sylphs Element: Air

MOON IN PISCES: Spells for dreamwork, clairvoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts.

Healing rituals for ailments of the feet and lymph glands.

Candle colors: Aquamarine, Lavender

Metal: Tin Spirit: Undines Element: Water

20 21