FANDOM FORWARD DOCTOR WHO COMPANION’S TOOLKIT 1 Fandom Forward is a project of the Harry Potter Alliance. Founded in 2005, the Harry Potter Alliance is an international non-profit that turns fans into heroes by making activism accessible through the power of story. This toolkit provides resources for fans of Doctor Who to think more deeply about the social issues represented in the story and take action in our own world. Contact us:
[email protected] #FandomForward @TheHPAlliance 2 CONTENTS Introduction Facilitator Tips Representation Issue 1: Feminism Talk it Out Take Action Issue 2: Indigenous Rights Talk it Out Take Action Issue 3: War Talk it Out Take Action Resources Thanks 3 INTRODUCTION “Somewhere there’s danger, somewhere there’s injustice, somewhere else, the tea’s getting cold.” The universe is a wonderful, terrifying, ever-expanding adventure. There’s injustice to overcome, people to save, communities to empower, and a lot to learn. Through the Doctor and their companions’ journeys, we learn that no matter the cost it’s important to try our very best to help people because every life is important. And, thanks to the Doctor, we know we can’t help everyone by ourselves. We have to rely on our friends, our communities, and the help of strangers to make the biggest impact. While no journey is ever easy, we hope you’ll take this one with us. In this Companion’s Toolkit, we’ll be talking about feminism, indigenous rights, and the history and effects of war. These topics can be difficult, and solutions to the problems we’re addressing aren’t always clear, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try.