Page Kent Connections Dec. 2014 A Newsletter Published by Kent County Levy Court for its Employees December 2014 Employee of the Month: Darin L. Jones The Kent County department heads have selected DARIN L. JONES from the Department of Commu- nity Services as the December 2014 Employee of the Month. Darin is a Parks Worker II in the Parks and Recreation Division and has worked for Kent County since August 2005. His primary duties include cutting grass, general landscaping, maintaining equipment, inspecting and clearing trails, repairing park structures, and performing carpentry work in a safe manner. When Darin joined the County, he brought a wealth of knowledge with more than 10 years of experience in the private sector in equipment maintenance and as a machinist. His skills also included carpentry, metal fabricating, painting, plumbing, and electrical work. He is also a certified welder. Darin has put his farm hand experience as a youth and his advanced training as a welder to beneficial use to the County. He and his co-workers often fabricate tools to help get their jobs done. For example, mowing around fence posts can be difficult, so Darin reconfigured the mower to offset the handles resulting in a clean cut in less time. Last winter, parks staff 8 - Birthdays recognized the need for a small trailer for the ATV. Rather than pur- 11 - Calendar chasing the apparatus, he and a co-worker reused scrap metal and 12 - Employee Council broken equipment to fabricate the cart. It proved to be very handy this 11 - EMS/9-1-1 Stats past summer. 7 - From The Stacks According to his supervisors, Darin can fix any piece of equip- 4 - On The Move 14 - Q’s & A’s ment. “It’s really amazing how Darin can see a potential fix to an un- 9 - Tech Talk fixable problem, and then fabricate the fix himself,” said Director of 10 - Work Life Community Services KEITH MUMFORD. Congratulations Darin on a job well done! Pay Study depends upon participation By Allan Kujala, Personnel Director Consultants from Evergreen Solutions LLC were on site last month to launch a Classification, Com- pensation and Benefits Study included in the current FY2015 budget. The process began with a com- puter based Job Assessment Tool (JAT) emailed to all employees on November 9. The final deadline for submission of the electronic or paper version of the JAT has been extended to Friday, December 5. While here, the pay study consultants pre- Kent Connections is published for the employees and retirees of Kent County Levy Court using Microsoft sented several informational sessions about the JAT Publisher® & Microsoft PowerPoint®. Information and position classification process at the Adminis- contained herein is accurate to the best of our trative Complex, Emergency Services Building, knowledge, but should not be relied upon as the sole County Library, and the Wastewater Treatment Fa- source. Comments, suggestions and story ideas should be sent to: Kent County Personnel Office, 555 cility. In addition, the consultants met with small Bay Road, Dover, DE 19901, or call (302) 744-2310. focus groups composed of a representative sampling (Continued on Next Page) Page 2 Dec. 2014 Kent Connections JAT survey deadline extended to Dec. 5 (Continued from Page 1) ple of positions. The survey responses will be of positions. Numerous individual employees used to classify County positions into equivalent met one-on-one with the researchers and each grades with minimum and maximum pay ranges department head had the opportunity to provide in order to achieve internal and external equity. some direction during the two-day visit. In mid-February 2015, the consultants The next step in the process requires a will present their findings and recommendations review of the submitted JAT information by po- to Levy Court. Finally, in the spring, the consult- sition supervisors. The employee’s original infor- ant will participate in any appeal hearings filed mation cannot be changed, but the supervisor by employees disputing their grade assignment. can agree or disagree with the job duties and The County has regularly conducted pay time allocation estimated by the employee. Any studies since the 1990s in order to maintain a significant disparities will be followed up sepa- competitive edge in the labor market. The Coun- rately by the consultants with the employee and ty’s main competitors for talented and highly with the supervisor. The supervisor review must skilled employees are the State of Delaware, City be completed by December 12. Supervisors of Dover, Sussex County, New Castle County, should receive e-mailed instructions during the Milford, Smyrna and various school districts. first week of December. The last pay study was conducted in 2006. In January, market surveys will be sent Levy Court is expected to have the final to various governmental jurisdictions and simi- report and recommendation for use during the larly sized businesses in the Dover area to deter- Fiscal Year 2016 budget development process in mine wages being paid for a representative sam- March. Personal leave accrual does not carry over By Allan Kujala, Personnel Director may be used for “undisclosed” reasons. Employees unsure if all personal leave s provided in the Personnel Ordinance, per- A has been used should contact the Payroll Coordi- sonal leave availability readjusts nator for their department or call Payroll Admin- with the beginning of the new istrator CATHLEEN “Cat” McLEAN at 744-2387 calendar year. Unused personal or stop by the Personnel Office. leave time does not carry over from year to year. All classified employees Swearing in ceremony slated will be credited with three personal days on Jan- uary 1, 2015 to be used during the year. Person- Biennial oath of office ceremonies will take al leave days are deducted from accrued sick place in the Levy Court chamber on Tuesday, leave, but are not counted as an absence for per- December 30 at 3:00 p.m. followed by light re- fect attendance purposes. Employees hired dur- freshments in Room 220. ing 2015 will receive pro-rated hours. Taking their oaths of office will be re- Exempt employees including department cently re-elected Levy Court Commissioners ER- heads, Assistant Directors, and professional staff IC BUCKSON, BRADLEY EABY, GLEN HOWELL, receive five personal days per calendar year and and TERRY PEPPER as well as new Sheriff Jason will be credited with the days like the classified Mollohan and his deputies. If the two-vote mar- employees. Exempt employees are ineligible for gin of victory holds (a court challenge is current- overtime, so receive more personal time. ly pending), Recorder of Deeds BETTYLOU Under the Personnel Ordinance, the use McKENNA and her Deputy HOLLY MALONE will of personal days must be requested from the De- also be sworn in. partment Head at least 48 hours in advance and Terms of office begin January 6, 2015. Page 3 Kent Connections Dec. 2014 Andy Riggi Hilary Welliver Megan Moerman Barbara Rapp Ben Sackey Barbara Miller John Schulties Holly Malone Joshua Norris Devin DuPree Donna Zerhusen Darin Jones 12 vie for Kent County Employee of the Year By Allan Kujala, Personnel Director selected by the County Department Heads and the Employee Council is charged with choosing hat a wonderful time of the year! Christmas W the Employee of the Year. decorations, parties, gifts, and the opportunity to The Employee of the Year for 2013 is win the coveted “Employee of the Year” award DANIELLE LAMBORN, GIS Specialist in the De- at the annual Kent County Employee Holiday partment of Planning Services/GIS Division. Dinner and Dance on December 13. Each Em- The annual Employee Holiday Dinner & ployee of the Month will be recognized, but the Dance is sponsored by the Employee Council winner will be cheered by his/her co-workers and will be held on Saturday, December 13, in and receive a plaque commemorating the selec- the Gold Room at the Harrington Raceway & tion as well as a check for $500. Casino on Dupont Highway in Harrington from This year’s contenders from January 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. featuring a buffet din- through December 2014 are: ANDREW T. RIGGI ner, door prizes, D.J. music, and the announce- (Public Works/Engineering); HILARY WELLIVER ment of the Employee of the Year 2014. Employ- (Community Services/Libraries); MEGAN R. ees have to reserve their tickets by December 5. MOERMAN (Public Safety/Emergency Medical Annual service awards will be presented Services); BARBARA A. RAPP (Finance- at the free Employee Holiday Luncheon on Accounting); BENJAMIN A. SACKEY Wednesday, December 17 in Room 220 of the (Administration-Information Technology); BAR- Administrative Complex from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 BARA L. MILLER (Public Works-Administration); p.m. JOHN A. SCHULTIES (Planning Services/ Inspections & Enforcement); Deputy Recorder of Deeds HOLLY L. MALONE (Deeds office); JOSH- IN NEXT MONTH’S ISSUE UA C. NORRIS (Public Safety/Emergency Com- > Who is the 2014 Employee of the Year? munications); DEVIN S. DuPREE (Public Works/ > Who will be recignized for Perfect Attendance in 2014? Wastewater Facilities); DONNA L. ZERHUSEN > Who received 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, & 30 year service awards? (Finance-Accounting); and DARIN L. JONES > Dental maximum resets for new calendar year! (Community Services/Parks & Recreation). > Why is it important to participate in deferred comp (457)? Each of the Employees of the Month are Page 4 Kent Connections Dec. 2014 s Kent county staff on the Move... Promotions Resignations cont’d JOHN ROBERT BUTLER GEORGE DEBENEDICTIS Building
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