

follow the Madelung rule. Although scan- differentiates it from calcium is a 3d one, even physicists and philosophers still need to step dium’s extra electron lies in its 3d orbital, though it is not the final electron to enter the in to comprehend the gestalt of the periodic experiments show that, when it is ionized, it as it builds up. table and its underlying physical explana- loses an electron from 4s first. This doesn’t In other words, the simple approach to tion. Experiments might shed new , make sense in energetic terms — textbooks using the aufbau principle and the Made- too, such as the 2017 finding that say that 4s should have lower energy than 3d. lung rule remains valid for the can form the compound Na2He at very high Again, this problem has largely been swept viewed as a whole. It only breaks down when pressures11. The greatest icon in under the rug by researchers and educators. considering one specific atom and its occu- deserves such attention. ■ Schwarz used precise experimental pation of orbitals and ionization energies. spectral data to argue that scandium’s 3d The challenge of trying to derive the Eric Scerri is a historian and philosopher orbitals are, in fact, occupied before its 4s Madelung rule is back on. of chemistry at the University of California, orbital. Most people, other than atomic Los Angeles, California, USA. spectroscopists, had not realized this THEORIES STILL NEEDED e-mail: [email protected] before. Chemistry educators still described This knowledge about electron orbitals does 1. Leigh, G. J. Chem. Int. 31(1), 4–6 (2009). the electronic structure of the previous not change the order or placement of any 2. Schaeffer, B. J. Mod. Phys. 5, 43128 (2014). element in the periodic table (calcium) elements in the table (even the anomalous 3. Scerri, E. R. The Periodic Table: Its Story and Its Significance 131–140 (Oxford Univ. Press, 2007). carrying over into the next. In fact, each 20 cases). It does enhance its theoretical 4. Scerri, E. A Tale of Seven Scientists and a New atom has its own unique ordering of energy underpinning. It shows how resilient the of Science 41–62 (Oxford Univ. Press, levels. Scandium’s 3d orbitals have lower periodic table continues to be, along with the 2016). 10 5. Scerri, E. in For Science, King & Country: The Life and energy than its 4s orbital . Schwarz urged rules of thumb that have developed around Legacy of Henry Moseley (eds MacLeod, R., Egdell, to abandon both the Madelung it, such as the Madelung rule. R. G. & Bruton, E.) 102–118 (Uniform, 2018). rule and Löwdin’s challenge to derive it. does a great job of 6. Löwdin, P.-O. Int. J. Quantum Chem. S3, 331–334 (1969). Schwarz is correct in saying that the explaining specific properties of . Yet 7. Scerri, E. R. in Essays in the Philosophy of Madelung rule is violated when it comes to something more is needed to see the big Chemistry (eds Scerri, E. R. & Fisher, G.) 125–143 the progressive occupation of orbitals in any picture. Although Schwarz cautions against (Oxford Univ. Press, 2016). 8. Wang, S. G., Qiu, Y. X., Fang, H. & Schwarz, W. H. E. particular atom. But it is still true that the elec- superficial quantum-mechanical accounts Chem. Eur. J. 12, 4101–4114 (2006). tron that differentiates an element from the of chemical facts, a deep dive into quan- 9. Schwarz, W. H. E. & Wang, S.-G. Int. J. Quantum previous one in the table follows Madelung’s tum mechanics might reveal a fundamental Chem. 110, 1455–1465 (2010). 10. Moore, C. E. Selected Tables of Atomic Spectra. A: rule. In the case of potassium and calcium, the explanation of the Madelung rule, or a new Atomic Energy Levels — Second Edition (US Dept of ‘new electron’ relative to the previous atom is a way of thinking about it. Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1983). 4s electron. But in scandium, the electron that Even 150 years on, theoretical chemists, 11. Dong, X. et al. Nature Chem. 9, 440–445 (2017). The women behind the periodic table Brigitte Van Tiggelen and Annette Lykknes spotlight female researchers who discovered elements and their properties.

he story of how dozens of elements sifting through data and reassessing theories. which had just been discovered by Henri were corralled into a periodic table Proving the discovery of a new element Becquerel, in 1896. She came across pitch- reaches beyond one person and one is hard. The first step is finding unusual blende, an ore with radioactivity that was too Tpoint in time. Scientists classified and pre- activity — chemical behaviour or physical strong to be explained by alone. She dicted elements before and after Dmitri properties that cannot be ascribed to known suspected the presence of other elements, Mendeleev’s 1869 framework. And many elements, such as unexplained radioactive and brought in her husband, Pierre, to help. more worked to find and explain these emissions or spectroscopic lines. Then the In 1898, they identified spectroscopic new substances. Noble gases, radioactivity, element, or its compound, must be iso- lines of two new elements — and , subatomic particles and quan- lated in large enough quantities for it to be . Yet it took them more than three tum mechanics were all unknown in the weighed, tested and used to convince others. years to grind, dissolve, boil, filter and crys- mid-nineteenth century. tallize tonnes of the mineral to extract just Here we spotlight some of the women who SEARCH AND SORT 0.1 gram of radium compound. (They strug- revolutionized our understanding of the wasn’t looking for elements gled to do the same for polonium because elements. Marie Curie is the most celebrated, when she started her PhD on ‘uranium rays’ of its short half-life.) Nobel prizes followed for her double Nobel-prizewinning in 1897. She wanted to explore radioactivity, — the first shared by the pair and Becquerel research on radioactivity and for discover- in 1903 for discovering radio­activity, the ing polonium and radium1. Stories of other THE PERIODIC TABLE second by Marie alone in 1911 for her dis- women’s roles are scarce. So, too, is an appreci- A Nature special issue coveries of polonium and radium, and for ation of the skills required, including tenacity go.nature.com/periodictable the isolation and study of radium. and diligence in performing experiments, Positioning an element in the periodic

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table requires establishing its atomic weight and chemical properties. For exam- ple, radium behaves a lot like and has a heavier atomic weight, so it fits just below barium in the periodic table. Deter- mining atomic weights is difficult because it demands pure substances. Elements of similar weight and character are hard to distinguish. Just after Mendeleev prepared his table, Russian Julia Ler- montova took up the challenge — probably at Mendeleev’s behest — to refine the separa- tion processes for the platinum-group metals (ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum)2. This was a prerequi- site for the next step of putting them in order. The only account of her work (to our knowl- edge) is in Mendeleev’s archives, along with their correspondence. Lermontova studied chemistry in Heidelberg, , under Robert Bunsen (who discovered caesium and in 1860 with Gustav Kirchhoff, German chemist Ida Noddack left industry to hunt for missing elements, and co-discovered . using their newly invented spectroscope), and was the first woman to be awarded a — with a credit line that Brooks assisted him7. quantities of rhenium, which they named doctorate in chemistry in Germany, in 1874. As a woman, Brooks found it hard to get per- after the Rhine; it is one of the rarest elements Securing values for atomic weights was manent appointments (especially once mar- on Earth, and is not radioactive. also crucial for working out radioactive ried) and to pursue a steady line of research. The Noddacks also claimed to have found decay series, and for telling apart new ele- element 43, which they called masurium ments and unknown versions of existing DEEPER INTO THE MATTER (after the Masuria region, now in Poland). ones — isotopes. This solved the problem Insights into the of the But they never succeeded in reproducing its that many new elements seemed to be pop- continued to emerge. In 1917–18, physicist spectral lines or in isolating the material. In ping up, yet only a few gaps were left in the and chemist discov- fact, using ‘wet chemistry’ techniques for this LEUVEN UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES KU periodic table. Although the British chemist ered element 91, , in Berlin8. element was hopeless. In 1937, element 43 introduced the concept of Meitner was Austrian and had left for Ger- became the first to be artificially produced, isotopes in 1913, it was the physician Marga- many after her PhD to improve her career named . ret Todd who suggested the term (meaning opportunities. In 1907, she was admitted as Unlike Marie Curie, who was acknowl- ‘same place’ in Greek) at a dinner party. Hahn’s unpaid collaborator at the chemistry edged in her own right and took up Pierre’s Experimental proof of isotopes was soon department at the University of . She chair at the University of after his death, provided by Stefanie Horovitz, a Polish–Jewish had to work in the basement — women were Ida Noddack worked as a guest in her hus- chemist. Working at the Radium Institute in not meant to be seen. In 1913, after Hahn band’s laboratory for most of her life. This was , she showed that even a common ele- relocated to the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for one reason why she was not taken seriously ment such as can have different atomic Chemistry in Berlin-Dahlem, she was made when, in 1934, she suggested that the nucleus weights, depending on whether it stems from an ‘associate’ of the institute. could split, a process we now call fission. the of uranium or thorium3. Hahn and Meitner discovered protactin- The discoveries of the in 1932 and Another problem was the nature of a ium while they were looking for the ‘mother of induced radioactivity in 1934 opened up curious ‘emanation’ from radium. Was it a substance’ of in the radioactive a new line of research — manufacturing particle or a gas? Canadian physics gradu- decay series. They were part of a wider race elements in the lab by bombarding atoms ate student solved it with her to find the element, and priority disputes with particles. In 1934, physicist Enrico supervisor at McGill Uni- inevitably followed. The pair’s discovery Fermi and his co-workers at the University versity in , Canada4. In 1901, Brooks was eventually acknowledged as the first of Rome announced that they had produced and Rutherford showed that the emanation because Meitner and Hahn had collected elements 93 and 94 by firing at diffused like a heavy gas, providing the first more of the substance and characterized it uranium. Ida Noddack pointed out in an evidence that a new element could be pro- more completely than their competitors had. article in Angewandte Chemie10 that Fermi duced during radioactive decay. In 1907, Another element, number 75 — rhenium had failed to show that no other chemical suggested that the gas, later — was jointly discovered in 1925 by Ger- elements, including lighter ones, had been named , belonged to “the helium group man chemists Ida Noddack and her hus- produced. “It is conceivable,” she argued, of elements” — now called the noble gases5. band Walter Noddack in Berlin, together “that the nucleus breaks up into several large In 1902, Rutherford and Soddy announced with Otto Berg at the electrical-engineering fragments.” The physicists ignored her. their theory of radioactive disintegration: company Siemens–Halske (later part of the Then, in 1938, Meitner and Hahn realized atoms decay spontaneously into new atoms firm Siemens)9. Ida Noddack, née Tacke, was that one of the elements Fermi had made was while giving off rays. Rutherford was awarded a chemical engineer who left industry to hunt barium, and that the uranium nucleus had the in Chemistry in 1908 for his for missing elements. In 1925, she started as indeed split. By that time, in the run-up to investigations; Brooks’s radon contribution unpaid guest researcher at the Physikalisch- the Second World War, Meitner, being Jew- was a first, crucial step. She is rarely credited. Technische Reichsanstalt (Imperial Physi- ish, had fled to Sweden. Although it was her Although the first paper was authored by cal and Technical Institute) in Berlin, where calculations that had convinced Hahn the both Brooks and Rutherford6, the next one Walter headed the chemistry laboratory. The nucleus had split, he did not include Meitner’s in Nature carried only Rutherford’s name Noddacks struggled to produce weighable name on the 1939 publication of the result,

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nor did he set the record straight when he USING ELEMENTS Pearl Harbor was attacked on 7 December accepted the 1944 chemistry Nobel in 1945. Many more women expanded our knowledge 1941, and faced discrimination. With only Most of these female pioneers worked with of elements. After French chemist Henri a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, she could male collaborators, and it is hard to tease apart Moissan isolated fluorine in 1886, a team of have been one of many female technicians their contributions11. Marguerite Perey is an women (notably, Carmen Brugger Romaní who remained largely invisible while making exception: the French physicist is consid- and Trinidad Salinas Ferrer) worked with crucial contributions. Happily, Mayeda was ered the sole discoverer of element 87, fran- José Casares Gil at the University of Madrid supported by her superiors, and her name cium, in 1939 (ref. 12). Perey joined Marie in the 1920s and early to study its appeared on publications on an equal foot- Curie’s institute in Paris at the age of 19 as a health effects and presence in mineral waters. ing with holders of PhDs and professorships. lab technician, under the direction of Irène When they had to leave research after the Joliot-Curie and André Debierne. Both inde- Spanish civil war of 1936–39, their work fell WIDER PICTURE pendently asked her to provide a precise value into Casares’ bibliography. As with the discoveries themselves, bring- for the half-life of the actinium-227, Chemist Reatha Clark King was the first ing these tales of female scientists to light a delicate technical procedure during which African American female scientist to work at has taken much teamwork, including by she identified the new element. Because the National Bureau of Standards in Wash- contributors Gisela Boeck, John Hudson, neither could agree about whom Perey was ington DC14. In the 1960s, she studied the Claire Murray, Jessica Wade, Mary Mark working for at the time, each was unable to combustion of gaseous mixtures of fluorine, Ockerbloom, Marelene Rayner-Canham, claim a role in the discovery. Perey went on oxygen and hydrogen: fluorine’s high reactiv- Geoffrey Rayner-Canham, Xavier Roqué, to lead the department of ity gave it a potential use in rocket propellants. Matt Shindell and Ignacio Suay-Matallana. at the University of Strasbourg, and in 1962 Some mixtures were so explosive that they Tracing women in the became the first woman to be elected to the required special apparatus and techniques, unveils a fuller picture of all the people work- French Academy of Sciences — as a corre- which she devised and NASA adopted. ing on scientific discoveries, from unpaid sponding member. (Although there was no In the 1910s, US physician and researcher assistants and technicians to leaders of great rule against admitting women, the first female Alice Hamilton proved the toxicity of lead labs. In this celebratory year of the periodic full member was not elected until 1979.) and its harm to the public and metal work- table, it is crucial to recognize how it has been was the last element to be discov- ers15. She forced insurance companies and built — and continues to be shaped — by these ered in nature. Today, such discovery requires manufacturers to take safety measures and to individual efforts and broad collaborations. ■ large teams with particle accelerators and big compensate those affected. She also organ- budgets. The meaning of a ized social action to recognize work-related Brigitte Van Tiggelen is a historian has changed, from Mendeleev’s concept of a illnesses for people working with other of chemistry and director for European stable and untransmutable substance to iso- heavy metals such as mercury. In 1919, she operations at the Science History Institute, topic species that exist for only milliseconds13. became the first woman appointed to the Philadelphia, , USA. Annette Using these techniques, US chemist faculty of Harvard University in , Lykknes is a of chemistry Darleane Hoffman made a monumental leap Massachusetts. She spoke against the intro- education and historian of chemistry at in the early 1970s. She showed that the isotope duction of lead in gasoline as early as 1925. NTNU Norwegian University of Science fermium-257 could split spontaneously — not Japanese–American technician Toshiko and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. only after being bombarded with neutrons. ‘Tosh’ Mayeda mastered the measurement of They are editors of the forthcoming book The first woman to lead a scientific division at oxygen radioisotopes in the 1950s. Appointed Women in their Element: Selected Women’s Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mex- to wash glassware in Harold C. Urey’s lab at Contributions to the Periodic System, to be ico, Hoffman also uncovered -244 the University of Chicago, Illinois, she was published by World Scientific in August. in nature. She trained generations of female soon put in charge of the mass spectrom- e-mails: [email protected]; scientists. One is Dawn Shaughnessy, now eters16. She helped to measure the ratio of [email protected] principal investigator of the heavy-element oxygen isotopes in fossilized shells to deduce 1. Quinn, S. Marie Curie: A Life (Perseus, 1995). project (and several others) at Lawrence Liv- the temperatures of prehistoric oceans, and 2. Rayner-Canham, M. F. & Rayner-Canham, G. W. ermore National Laboratory in California, expanded that method to meteorites. Women in Chemistry 61–63 (American Chemical Society & Chemical Heritage Foundation, 2001). which has helped to discover six new elements Like all Americans of Japanese descent, 3. Rentetzi, M. Trafficking Materials and Gendered (numbers 113–118). Mayeda was sent to internment camps after Experimental Practices (Columbia Univ. Press, 2009). 4. Rayner-Canham, M. F. & Rayner-Canham, G. W. Harriet Brooks: Pioneer Nuclear Scientist (McGill–Queen’s Univ. Press, 1992). 5. Ramsay, W. Nature 76, 269 (1907). 6. Rutherford, E. & Brooks, H. T. Trans. R. Soc. Can. (Ser. 2, Sec. III) 7, 21–25 (1901). 7. Rutherford, E. Nature 64, 157–158 (1901).

MUSÉE CURIE/ACJC 8. Sime, R. L. Lise Meitner. A Life in Physics (Univ. California Press, 1996). 9. Van Tiggelen, B. in Chemical Sciences in the 20th Century: Bridging Boundaries (ed. Reinhardt, C.) 131–145 (Wiley, 2001). 10. Noddack, I. Angew. Chem. 47, 653–656 (1934). 11. Lykknes, A., Opitz, D. & Van Tiggelen, B. (eds) For Better or For Worse? Collaborative Couples in the Sciences (Springer, 2012). 12. Adloff, J.-P. & Kauffman, G. B. Chem. Educ. 10, 378–386 (2005). 13. Hoffman, D. C., Ghiorso, A. & Seaborg, G. T. The Transuranium People (Imperial Coll. Press, 2000). 14. Brown, J. E. African American Women Chemists 115–123 (Oxford Univ. Press, 2012). 15. Hamilton, A. Exploring the Dangerous Trades: The Autobiography of Alice Hamilton, M.D. (Northeastern Univ. Press, 1943). 16. Shindell, M. The Life and Science of Harold C. Urey Marguerite Perey (left), discoverer of francium, and Sonia Cotelle at the Radium Institute in Paris in 1930. (Univ. Chicago Press, in the press).

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