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Editor's Note: The Society's Nuclear Pioneer Citationfor 1977 goes not to an individual but to a distinguished group of individuals: those who took part in the epochal “ChicagoPile―experiment of Dec. 2, 1942, which produced thefirst successful atomicpile chain reaction. The 42 members ofthe Chicago Pilegroup are listed on page 591. One ofthose named, Harold M. Agnew, now Directorofthe Los Alamos Scient@flc Laboratory, is the Nuclear Pioneer Lecturerfor the 24th Annual Meeting. The guidingforce behind the Chicago Pile experiment was , recipient of the Nuclear Pioneer Citation of 1963. In the artick which follows, recreates the excitement and mystery that surrounded the work ofher husband's research team in the early 1940s in Chicago.

@. The FirstAtomic Pile: Recollections and Reconstructions

by Laura Fermi @ .

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Enrico FermIat work, ca. 1942.

As far as I can remember at the distance ofalmost 35 Perhaps not all husbands adhered as strictly as years, the first guests to arrive at our party on that Enrico to the rules of secrecy when talking to their beastly cold December night were the Zinns. Wally wives. He couldn't have been more tight-lipped. Once! and Jean. As they shook the snow off their coats, related some gossip to him: “Peoplesay that you stamping their feet on the floor, Wally turned to scientists at the Met Lab are seeking a cure for Enrico and said: “Congratulations!― I was surprised; cancer. . . .““Arewe?―he asked with his usual for Enrico had given me no hint that anything unusual imperturbable expression. “Soyou are not,―I coun or commendable had happened that day. tered. “Aren'tweT' he asked again, and his expression Those were the times of great secrecy for atomic did not change. scientists. Like the Zinns, we had moved earlier that There was no point in trying to extract information year from a suburb of to Chicago, after from Enrico, and very seldom did I try. I did not mind: some mysterious “they―(mysterious to me, at least) secrecy was giving me the first vacation from had decreed that all the secret work being done at since my wedding day. Yet, on that distant December Columbia should be moved to the Metallurgical evening I felt provoked and angered. Many more Laboratory in Chicago. This fictitious name for the guests arrived, all friends from the Met Lab, since we atomic project was chosen with an eye on plausibility: were discouraged from social intercourse with the fac it sounded right on the campus of a university; but ulty of the University or the population at large. The there were no metallurgists on the premises. This was powers that be were afraid of loose talk. Among our the oflly secret I knew. Of what went on inside the Met guests I remember the Graves, Dizzy bubbling with Lab I had no inkling. vitality, and Al, who a few years later made early his

588 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE NUCLEAR MEDICINE PIONEER CITATION tory in nuclear medicine when he was involved in a nu mimeographed book saying: “Readit; it may interest clear accident in Los Alamos, New Mexico; the you.―It was a copy of the “SmythReport,― the sci Agnews, Harold and Beverly, the youngest couple in entific history of the project [Henry D. our crowd, still beset by their first housekeeping prob Smyth: Atomic Energy for Military Uses (1945)], lems—howto carve a leg of lamb and how to prevent which was being circulated among top Los Alamos boiling eggs from exploding and splashing on the ceil scientists for their comments. Thus I learned that on ing; and Herbert Anderson, who at Columbia had the day of our party, Dec. 2, 1942, Enrico had the beenEnrico's graduatestudentand his mentor in experiment in which the first atomic pile was operated American idiom—my own English had indirectly and the first self-sustaining chain reaction was benefited from Herbert's teachings. achieved. Leona had considered the achievement of a As the guests came and complained about the in chain reaction equal in importance to the sinking of a clemency of the weather, the word “congratulations―Japanese admiral. But the atomic bomb was not then was repeated many times, and as many times my in yet in the making, and the amount of energy released quiries went unheeded. To me, this refusal of any by the pile was of no practical use. answer, in my own home, after the pains I had taken to ready the party, seemed a personal affront. I went up C * C to Leona Woods (now Mrs. ), a tall girl with black hair, a degree in physics, and the reputation Planning and constructing the pile was, for Enrico, of working harder than any man. Although younger the resumption of investigations he had begun in than me, she was my friend and usually she treated me Rome, Italy. In 1934, with a group of collaborators kindly. Indeed, it looked for a moment as if she were (including Emilio Segrè,the discoverer of willing to give me satisfaction. Bending her head to the the antiproton), he had produced artificial radioactiv level of my ear, she whispered: “Hehas sunk a ity in many elements, by bombarding them with neu Japanese admiral and his ship.―That was that; I could trons. Artificial radioactivity was a new art, practiced elicit no further comments, and for almost three years for the first time a few months earlier by the Joliot I was left to my doubts; had Leona made a fool of me, Curies in Paris. They had used alpha particles as nu or had Enrico perhaps discovered rays so powerful clear projectiles, but Enrico thought that that from Chicago they could affect boats in the (discovered as recently as 1932) might be more effec Pacific? tive because they have no charge—and so they turned At long last, at the end of the war I got the full ex out to be, causing most elements to become radio planation. We were then living at Los Alamos, the active. When in their systematic bombardment of dc most secret site of the Manhattan District, where the ments, from the lightest to the heaviest, they reached atomic bomb was built. One day Enrico brought me a uranium, the Roman investigators obtained puzzling

SOME MEMBERS of the Chicago Pile group, pictured on the steps of Eckhart Hall, , Dec. 2, 1946.Back row (left to right): N. Hilberry, Samuel Allison, Thomas Brill, Robert Nobles, Warren Nyer, and Marvin Wilkenlng. Middle row (left to right): , William Sturm, Harold Lichtenberger, Leona Woods Libby, and . Front row (left to right): Enrico Fermi, Waiter ZInn, Albert Wattenberg, and Herbert Anderson. (Photo, courtesy Argonne National Laboratory.]

Volume 18, Number 6 589 FERMI

results: the products ofdisintegration were none of the ernment grant, it was Herbert Anderson and Enrico elements close to uranium on the , and on who set themselves to pile up the heavy materials, theoretical considerations they were led to think that helped later on by the baseball team of the University. they might have created an element that did not exist Throughout the years of research on the pile, scarcity on earth, element 93. In reality, they had produced fis of materials hampered the work. Huge amounts of sion of uranium without recognizing it. graphite were needed, and of a purity never conceived It took four more years of steady research by before; of metallic uranium only a few grams were another team, , , and Fritz available in this country, and many of its properties Strassmann, in before the riddle of element 93 had not yet been determined. was solved. In late fall of 1939 Hahn and Strassmann, Slowly, painstakingly, the Columbia in the absence of Meitner, who had been obliged to flee studied the properties ofuranium and graphite and the Nazi , came to the startling conclusion that behavior of neutrons. Once enough material had ar under bombardment uranium behaves rived, they began building “smallpiles―that would not differently from any other element and splits into two react but would yield much information about a large almost equal parts. To this phenomenon Lise Meitner pile. Their results were so encouraging, that on Dec. 6, gave the name “fission.― 1941, the government decided to make an “all-outef Meanwhile, in Rome, Enrico, feeling incompetent fort―to produce atomic energy. The next day it was to isolate and identify the hypothetical element 93, Pearl Harbor, and the decision became irreversible. gave up the quest—techniques for handling the In the reorganization that followed, Arthur H. minimal quantities of radioactive substances pro Compton of the University of Chicago became the duced were as yet almost nonexistent. He resumed director of all work on the pile: when the United States neutron bombardment on other elements. In the fall of entered the war, Enrico, like the rest of our family, be that same 1934, he and his collaborators discovered came an enemy alien. He could not be entrusted with slow neutrons and their effectiveness in producing the whole project, but he remained in charge of con artificial radioactivity. struction of the pile. Anderson moved at once to Chi

C C C cago, where he began building small piles. Wally Zinn lingered in New York to wind up some experiments, News of the discovery of fission wasbrought to the and Enrico shuttled between the two cities. Soon all United States by , in mid-January, 1939. Columbia researchers, their materials, and their We, the Fermis, had arrived in New York two weeks equipment were settled in Chicago. before, refugees from Fascist Italy. In fact, on our way The slow arrival of uranium and graphite kept on to this country, we had stopped in Stockholm to let delaying work. But at last, by the end ofOctober 1942, Enrico pick up his Nobel Prize; and there one day we there was enough uranium and graphite of the re ran into Lise Meitner, a tense little woman with the quired purity, and the final assembly ofthe pile began, almost scared look common to many refugees. There in a large court under the West Stands of , was no talk of fission: clearly she had not yet heard the University stadium. The pile was assembled inside from Hahn and Strassmann. a “squareballoon,― a huge cube of rubberized cloth, It was natural that when he learned of fission from one side of which could be left open. If necessary, a Bohr, Enrico take up the study of this phenomenon. vacuum could be drawn from the balloon; the vacuum For a while he told me what he was doing, how he had would decrease loss of neutrons to the air trapped in ascertained that during fission neutrons were emitted, the porous graphite and improve the performance of opening the theoretical possibility of a chain reaction the pile. and the release of atomic energy on a large scale. In When Anderson went to place an order for the bal case of war, I was told in that politically uneasy spring loon, the people at the Goodyear Company were skep of 1939, atomic energy might be used to propel tical; they did not think that a square balloon would warships: explosions were never mentioned in my fly. Because of secrecy, Anderson could offer no ex presence. Soon a self-imposed secrecy fell on the work planations; but it was wartime and the order was ac of atomic scientists, and my vacation from physics cepted. In the end, the balloon proved unnecessary began. It was from here that I had to pick up the story either for flying or for drawing a vacuum. from the . By the morning of Dec. 2, 1942, the pile was ready. The concept ofa lattice pile ofuranium and graphite Some 20 persons gathered under the West Stands, was due primarily to the Hungarian Leo Szilard, a each given to his own reflections; but unfortunately constant generator of ideas, and an experimental not many of the thoughts were recorded. The most “withouthands―who would go to great pains tense in the room must have been the “suicidesquad,― to avoid using his hands. And so, when graphite and three young men perched on top of the pile, ready to uranium began arriving at Columbia on a $6,000 gov extinguish it with a cadmium solution, should some



H. M. Agnew A. C. Gravest 0. Monk, Jr. W. J. Sturm S. K. Ailleont C. H. Greenewait H. W. Newson L SzNardt H. L Anderson N. Hilberry R. G. Nobles A. Waftenberg H. M. Barton D. L Hill W. E. Nyer R. J. Wafts T. Brill W. H. Hinch W. P. Overbeck G. L Well R. F. Christy W. R. Kanne H. J. Parsons E. P. Wigner A. H. Comptont p. G. Koontz L Sayvetz M. Wilkening E. Fermit H. E. Kubitachek G. S. Pawllcki V. C. Wilson R. J. Fox (Mrs) L Woods Ubby L Saran W. H. ZInn S. A. Fox H. V. Uchtenberger L A. Slotint D. K. Froman G. Miller F. H. Spedding tDeceased.

thing go wrong. George Weil stood alone on the floor, cups; then they signed the empty bottle, thus providing for his was the task ofmanning the manual control rod the only record of the attendance. that would regulate operations. All others took their Al Wattenberg picked up the bottle as a souvenir, places on the gallery around the pile, next to the Geiger and when, 10 years later, he found himself unable to counters and other instruments. Anderson was sleepy attend the celebrations for the anniversary of the pile, and grouchy: he had been up all night to put the finish he shipped the bottle from , Massachusetts, ing touches to the pile, and he could have been the first to Chicago. He insured it for 1,000 pre-inflation man to release atomic energy; but he had promised dollars, a fact that brought the bottle into the that he would not, and now the show was all Enrico's, headlines. An importer, grateful for the free who had slept well and soundly. By contrast, Zinn was advertisement, sent us and a few other scientists' unconcerned. He had been some kind of general con families each a case of Chianti wine. tractor for the pile, placed orders for materials, super I pieced the story of Dec. 2, 1942, in many more vised all phases of construction, and spurred on details that I can relate here, from the same friends workers with his biting exclamations; he must have felt who in the evening ofthe same day refused to enlighten the relief of a job successfully completed. In her me: once secrecy was lifted, they were more than overalls and short hair, Leona Woods, the only willing to talk. Each stressed what had impressed him woman in the room, was indistinguishable from the mostly, but all agreed on one point: Enrico had been men. the calmest, the least tense of those attending the Enrico began the experiment, explaining what he experiment. I may have been oversensitive, but it was to do in his calm, even voice, devoid of any seemed to me that his friends hinted some reproach for excitement. He ordered Weil to pull out the control his imperturbability during an experiment of that rod a little at a time, small step by small step, and at kind, conducted in a densely populated area. So I took each step he read the instruments to interpret the up the question of risk with Enrico himself. He behavior of the pile, checked it against his previous answered that he and his collaborators had taken predictions, and calculated how the pile would behave accurate measurements and made all possible at the next step. Each time the rod was pulled out a theoretical calculations. According to theory, an little, the Geiger counters clicked a little faster, the explosion was impossible and the release of lethal pens moved a little higher on the graphs, and tension amounts of radioactivity almost as improbable. Yet mounted in the room. they were dealing with the unknown and could not At noon he broke the spell, saying “Let'sgo to exclude completely that some unforeseen phenom lunch.―He sensed that a respite was badly needed. The enon might intervene to disturb the experiment. Hence experiment was resumed in the afternoon at the same the extreme precautions: the suicide squad with the slow pace; but eventually the pile chain-reacted: for 28 cadmium solution; the automatic control rods; the minutes it released atomic energy, so quietly and gradual, circumspect extraction of the manual rod; smoothly that it decried the earlier anxieties. Then and the verification, each time the rod was pulled out a Weil pushed back the rod, and the pile was shut off. bit, that the experimental results matched calcula The Geiger counters stopped clicking and the pens tions. came to a halt on the graphs. In the hush that followed, This is how “TheItalian Navigator reached the New produced a bottle of Chianti wine World,― in the code words used by Arthur H. which he had bought with great foresight before the Compton to inform James Conant at the other end of war conditions drove all Chianti off the market. a long-distance telephone line. He found the natives Everybody present drank a silent toast from paper very friendly.

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