
United Nations Group of %perts OR Working Paper 4eographicalNames No. 61 Eighteenth Session Geneva, -23 August1996

Item7 of the E%ovisfonal Agenda


+ Natali a, Professor of Cartqraphy, The Hebreu UhiVersity of -msalem, Israel DICTIONARY OF TOPONYMfC TERLMINO~OGY WtaIbyNafiaIl~- .

PART :RaLsx vbim 3.0 upi8elfuiyl9!J6 .


. 002 003








010 . ol3 014 015 sequala~esfocJphabedcsaipt.

016 putting into dphabetic order. see dso Kqucna ruIt!% Qphabctk 017 Rtlpreat8Ii00, e.g. ia 8 computer, wflich employs ooc only numm but also fetters. Ia a wider sense. aIso anploying punauatiocl tnarksmd-SymboIs. 018 Persod name. Esamples: Alfredi ‘Ali.



023 biliaw


02s seecIass.f- 026 GrqbicsymboIusedurunitiawrIdu~morespedficaty, ppbic in 1 non-dphabedc writiog ryste.& Exmlptes: Chinese ct, , thong; Ambaric u , : Japaoese ) , no. 027 -.modiGed Wnprehauive term for cheater. simplified aad , varIaoL 031 CbmJnyol 032 CISS, featm?

033 cQdedrepfwltatiul

034 035


037' 038 039 040 041 042

047 caavasion

048 ConMQo table* 049

0nevahte0frpointinlhisgr8ti~ . -.- %idofplaaecoordiaarurnm;aingoftwosetsofsnpight~ -* rtcight8ngfIertoeachotkrodwithap8ltKliuofl8qthonbo&. rupenmposedonr(chieflytopogtaphtc)map.see8lsouTM gz

051 see axxdimtes. rectangufar. 052 A stahle form of speech, deriyed from a pbfgin, which has became the sole a ptincipal of 8 qxech comtnunity. Example: Haitian awle (derived from Fresh). ‘053 adllRaIfeatlue see feature, allhlral. 054

055 *


057 Ac&uioaofsoftwamrcqkdfocusingrdgRaIdatabmem rstoauMe~osctlto~thisdatabase. 058 ckalog of defItitioas of lbe contmuofadigitaldatabase.~ud- hlg data element cefw labels. f0mw.. internal refm codMndtextemty,~well~their-p,. 059 see&tadichlq. 060 DeMptioa of 8 basic unit of -Lkatifiile md defiile informatioa tooccqyrspecEcdataf!eldinrcomputernxaxtLExampk Pateofmtifii~ofluwtby~namaturhority’. 061 drufieki S~foc8spedfiCQtaclementh8eornPutv~rdExample: thefieWfachecoordinatcrin8placeaamecomputetd 062 DataachangekspeciaiIybyamputer~viasmdan&&c&es dfcc tetmhology not bound to a pmiatlar language. 063 &e a cwtent of a paaiallar data ckmcnt in 8 specific comput- er record. Example: 0x.01.94 in the data field fa ‘date’. ofa The posihility of &g andfor using the same data 011differem amputefsystexns. ’ 066

067 068 069




073 074

075 6

081 dottnatrixprinteE computer-Iiakedpciatiagdevice whidl prints text, and ill amy cawglaphia,aasetiesofsmaudooandaoc8slinuoruei& secaIsomstermodc

084 ctanat.SpSC llutpartofrtoponymwhichdc4saotcoas&ue 8gttWfCtum arxiwhichdisfh~ifflumodlasofuaesamef~~rt auy Lade UdcIe mdkx other liaguisticeIunea& Exullpk POltElizabeth:RiOmCapegf. edonym*

Endonym sanchoed by a aames authority. Example: anxx~g the allonyms Hull rad Kingstua-upoo-HulI (Engtand), the latttr ir the

see feature. topogtaptlk

090 Qcbojrm* AcmrdiqtoUaitedNyioososagc:nameusedint~~ gwlge for a topoglaphic falalre situawi ourside tile nru vhae rhattquageIlasoffiisfans3.raddiff~gfiQmtfletndoayln a0t only tWugh convvsion cc the omissioa of dIa&tia Exam- ples: Warsaw the Eqlish exofl~ for warszawp: IJYoch is FreachfortmRnn;MaiIaadisGewaforMiho.’l’heofficiaUy r0msrhdeadoqmMaslonforb4xxaa isaourarym.norisSao Pa010 foe so Pa010 QCPiayia Beijiig, WhiIe Peking il exatym The Uakd Natious recomfneod minimizingttleuseOfexmynuIfl iatetnatisapl usage.

A diffehq view holds that 8 same givm by a partiarlat hguktrc 00mtnunI~ to 8 plaa wwl f& belonged ta a politicalcntitp (e.g. 8 couattyl when the language of ti CommrmitY had offi mtus, and wItid differs from the official etXtOUym. Oc to 8 Pb ia m area where this ~guage, white having no offida! statu% b salf widely spoken - does sot amstitute an utOq’= seealso tndId0m.I Ilane. 091 substitutionof an uonym for aa endonym. See aJso nattts tratts- fotmaf5on. 7

092 exmmmalm seefealtJre,exaatemstnal.* 093 anaim seename.etmtmmu 094 f&egmicltlaaat seegeaerlc clemulr. false 095 fenumci8ss seedsa,f- 0% -fatmn&m3 see W-P- 097 Icrtrprs,- seefemwe,maQaadC 098 . terapn.-

101 fedture, mall-made Geogtaphkal feature made,et significantIymod&, by man. Examples:caa& road;popufakd place c!omplementaIyterm: featun, aatuml. 102 fearuce,aatucal ‘Topographic feature oocaude or signifiatly modified by man. Ewmples: iivu (but aot canao; futst (but oat plrlwiod. chmple- fnemaytam:ftatu~atamna& 103 fmphJnial

304 feitrps,topgm@c

105 futrpn,-

OrgM, aderai md aamed aaecdal of canpatter ?ceords.

109 fuu A typefaceof 4 spa5iWrype. stylemtl size.-let 12-pOht Tiies Roman; 10 cpf eh3racter-per-fncfzf- Broughamt talk 110 form. graphic

111 famat

112 facmat,a>mplta se focmaf. fik. 113 format, file

114 full title’ 115 gazetim, index


132 gcqheme l34 13s 136

137 hmiwsa . l38 139 140

141 142 143


14s 146 147


152 fntaf8ca 163 tqtmge, Mtiotul*

164 iqu8ge,Ma-or~

ltis ktgu8gt,offici8l 168




172 173




177 178 179



182 185 seectgiul. tin* 186 187 188 Ths 8c5dFkstody of hum80 language in dl its aspects, including, phoae.tiu phoaoIogy, awphology. qntax and semantks. 109 litetafy htlguage See Language,literary. 190 local mane See name.IocaL 191 We Gr@iicsymbtarcombiicaofsymbofswhichrepresenaan catimfkeamphemesudtarword,withoutsqmatelyqx’esas- ing ftt corrztituea phonema or aylldlu Exmples: hp8neae III fw pat18or sao(mooot8in): Chinese 7@ for thoog (midmel. 192 S=lerdcoo.Gogograpbic 193 seescrlps,logoppa


195 196 197 198

199 mrp, dti=ipN*

Map in a mukiscriphral amp. 203



207 ltlltrkef, *



213 214

215 216 217 818 219 220 tbo In tbe spedfic coataa of.this gkssaty 8 topoaym. 221 seeanc4lyuL 222 Seeaitmstandaidited 223 Toponym~gof rgeneric mdrsp==~w,@~f* spdic cotnpma comktiag.l>f a@e tlm cot woni. empIe: Mount Coatr; Nearport;Newfoundla& Kerioki::R8-m Siam Nevada oriental; Stem-Tint. CotnpkmaWjf Wttc aamc simplex, 14 . 224 =.compOund see mole. composite. 225 Tqmnym applied to aa ufl;~~vrrstrfaf featum Exmtpk Niu Olympics 4x8 Mats). 226

227 Toponyut&mdiahistocWdoaune&~andbehgnumaeia curmu Ix& Exanlpk Ebuaaml uor York. Eglandl: Media- haunt (for MiIaao, Italy); New Amstdam UrnNew Yak. USAl: Edo (for Tokyo. JapanI. 228 oome, indig- Topcqm in, ac derived front. aa Migenous tngurgc Bumtpk culabah (Aborigiaal.~, Ehfr*ozini c?du,sourh~. 229 Toponytn applied by (I geographically limited secux of a BnguWc communi~toafeatufewithinitsuea Itmaydifferfromtbe standatdlzed cndonym. 230 Toponym applied to a feature oa the surf= of the tnooa, Exam- pfes: Gagaria; Msre ~quillitatis. 231 Name of a hydrogaphk fcaturc associated with the tea 232 Topoaym a minority hguage. 233 Toponym sanctioned by I &zgaIIj axstituted (e.g. natioaaI) names authority and applied witbill its jtlhcaiorl. 234 oseetoponynt.

235 Desui~venamecxprrssedhIocal~sndlarlguage.~les: &Rub’ aMWE ( anpty quarter. Saudi Ambii: Da&t-e Kavir (big desea. tan). 226 A which desfgoates an individual being or object. Examples: All%% Bdiig. 237 Siigfe-word toponym. &ally consisting of a specifk axnpoaa oaly. Examples: ICiiev; Temulco: MalaW Al-&imb Caid is GtSO4SilTlplCC~.SincsilltheorigiMlAl%biCIlleU3i&pl- coastitutes a bound morplume, ic an integral unhypbmaed pdii colnplanaltacy tune aamee composite 238 Namesuc&aedbytaamuauthorityathepref~aarnefkom among a aumber of aUonyms for 8 given festurc Howcva, 8 siagle feannc may have more t&a one aandHiz& aamc Exam- ple: lcaapw and ape Towa (but not capemu). 239 ~topoapm. . 240 An uonym ia dtively widetpresd use by a partiatfar Ihguktic commun.Q and usually found in its paditioa aud titerat~. Exam- ples: Akxandrie [Freud11 for &Wan~yah kabii; &&s (Span&h) for Yerushaayim G&brew): Pelchg Er@MlI foC seijing Kllilld. 241 oalne, Ysiaat see alloqm. . 242 -rutbority 243 244 245 246 at7 248

251 aoa-offichl language 252 OCXl-- 2s3 aoa-vowened 254 255 256

263 pbOOdC

264 phonetic, pilaeid 16

267 Relating ro phonoIogy. a58 77leaudyofspeedlsoundsdtheir~iar~taa- guageccintwoorlnmlaclguagesconsiderultogetberfora.xnpar- 8th Purposa. 269 see ffsture, pllysical. -270 Graphic qmbol which rept-emts M objeu via graphic-visual simi- larity in order to convey &her itJ meaningor the soundof its name. See alsophonogram. lm A datively stablef&n of speechdeveloped 85 aft uudliary lan- page, whose VW end sphtn of anplo;umeru m-e aalzuwly limited rad whae granunw, pbonotogicalsmxcmre andaylem simpk rhaa thoseof &~3iaagwge(s) from which it w8s evolved. Exampla. Tok F’isiafNec+MelslKsiacl) bssed00 English): Bazw MIih~blMill@klndoaesip;petitMauresqut(Fd~kr N&~:FaaagaIbbuialybmmZulu.Sourh~.A pidghwhidbeamcshemo&ertongueofrlhgdsdc~ tyksaidlobe-see8Isoereole, 272 Acronjrnr for pictum clement:the unit of srorage and display ‘m ~rastymodc 273 see topoap name.plaix 0. 274 See index* place aames. 275 se data ilombility. 276 see IMguage. pliacipal. 277 Asetofiaswaionsdireaiagtheaxnputerwhichoper&tsto petfonn.cOmplaneataytewdataztbesecaabeoperateduponby rprognm. 27a see oafne. pmper. 279 (al 8acic focla of 8 logographic 4wactcr. Example: one of the 214CXnesebasiccfiaactcn which epesalt categocia of sease. such s rhe charaaer fw *tree’ 00 the basis of w&i& the Iogogmns for qJei5ilc kinds of tree are cwtnraed.

280 h a computer, norage and display of data oa a densegrU of pixels amangedincohxnns and cows. Example: Satellite imagesarc amally mcml in castermode. Complementary tezmz vector mode. 17

Re-collvasi~ of 8 mutt of tnasiskradoa iat tbes4wwe&* see ataoteverliity. Ackauai&ofcrmJn-wIlicb~tsrwrittea~ftcmto becoavertedfromoascriptor~ting~tatb~,md suhsequmtlyto he ceconvertedback into the 8ource script, the mutt h&g ideaticatwith&e ocigiflat. 288 Convtrsion from aon-RomauInto Roman s&pt. FM the@lowing, single mmanitatioasystems have beez~approved by Unite&~ations Cod- up to the time of witing: Amharic; Bulgariau, - do&a, Russianmd sabo&sb Cydt.k m &uanagari: Fani:Gm%Hekew:p;hmer;ThaL Examples: ABM -a Athim l&am 4 Maskvaz ¶‘¶Wn 4 Tei- AVi~lt:Y4NifXi& . 289 -w 290 toot

291 A ses of graphicsymbols anptoyed 31 witing or pcintiag.$@rtiak tar language.diffeg from anotW setsot ooly bytMace or . Groupsof diffsent sa-ipu fom systkB% @amptest Roman.Greek. Cyril~. Arabic, lcomm. nai razl Km saiptr belongto the atphabetsc qwlg Jystem:Amhpric,, &pw!3 lcana #ltIluit(lEslrkno)totbelylkbfc;-HanrrrilJapaiwefcprl”r~ u) the logogmphk Saipt belongingto the alphabeticwriting m in wb$& 8 single or di- or uigraph in principlenpceseaa & single phonemeor . Gamples: Roman,Greek, CyciU.ic. W, A&Xc and &brew are dpbabetic,but Iatter two are defective.. Le. mainly cmsonant scripts. to calpweticl lcowa (H%lgw; letten ece gnlphicatyolpized in mghty squ* syuab’u:uaia. 293 $ee script.defective alphabetic. 294 Alphabetic script in wbicb tbe tenen CxdtrsWy W$xVdotiW representconsonants, vow& beingdtniwly:w~p~ rentedby noa-lettermar&n ia the form of dots ot bsrlrbove, &tow or within the consottanttettur, Exampk: Aabicami Hebrew. see atsovowel marker‘ 295 script.donor see script,souruz. - 18

A script-g of togograms and bektoging to fhe logogaphic writtng sys&m. Examples: Chinese; Japanese Kan]l, see mq.scTipt. see script, so- seuaipt..target. .

Arcriptbelodging#,rhe~~fcrrittng~iawhichtn,or umaligotayof,ch4tacteueachrrpreKntmentirtayu4blcExam- pIcsz Ethiopian &nhark Japanese and Kiragans Ynuit Bdmol syilabics. Korean CHaa’gulL though dphabetic, graphi- Cdly arid vhaatly syllabic. See ako alphabetic script, A script into whi& a toponym may be convected fian its source 8cript. See dso tanslikradon. Example: Roman script in the romahfzadon of Greek.

(b)Abodyofitemlistedinthisonler. 307 -rules+ Rutuchatifidtcminwhicborderwords(e.g.toponynxia4. - . gaze!tes~shouIdbetn;nrgedwithrespecttothesequ~oftbdr Wcrs. syilabograrmoriogqm. Robkms may arise apedally with Jetten omitted in the ainveocional way of citing the rrIphabet orI~~withmarkurocdIauI~asuchui,b.J,10hGamaa: UoriiaSpaoisbasweilswithbypheoatedwords. 308 sbatfom(ofrtlam4’ In topcnymy, the ibbuviated or shoct vest00 of a oame. Example: Qinr. for 7lx People’s Republic of Complemeatxy (crm: long fona 309 sejh#1fom(ofraameL 310 seediacrittc. 311 see ame, simptex, 312 se czaracm, simplikd.

313 Programs. procedures and data ass~ciaed with the operath Of 8 computer q3tem C4xnplemeotary tesm: hardwate. 314 soutce taoguage se Iilnguage. source. 315 somesuipt see SCTipt, source, 316 speaiceIexlent . see etenlent. specilic. 317 318 319 320




324 32s 326 327 328


330 syibbic 6s a ix& 331 syuabiijaipt 332 syllabifiioa 333 aylhbl~

334 335a

336 342 343 344 345 $45

ODesaiptioaaadgqhicqcesshuoftherbovt. 347 The activityor processof axtferring topoaytns 348 proper aale appliedto a bpoglapttk feaflxm c24mpeave tenttfccgeOgraphicaiandcmatvrrctrial 349 SeeitlckpIace~ 550 (a) The sciencewhich hasas its object the study of toponymsitt genePal.and of geographicalnama ia partiahr. cb)The totality of tOpanymsin a givm regioa. 351 SeeaPmc.smd=kd 352 s&e sllonyTiL 353 Seeaame, traditionaL 361 362

363 22

Acronym foe UaW Naricos Group of Experts od Geogmphical Names. 366 rmoacalind 367 OmoOwdfcd seevocahth 36a mgtid

h 8 computer, storage aod display of graphic infonnatioa tpciia, lines, pclygons) with the aid of points defmed and addressed by their (usually feaanguku) ccicdinata. C0mplemeatacy temc raster mode. 372 -laagllage 373 %mlmxle

374 vocabdq .


376 vocabd see v-OLL sn vowd

378 -vowelkna see letter, VoweL 379 vowdfnuka seefndef,vowd. 380 vowel pofflt* see vowdalnrker. 381 vOwelId see lrcmliioa. 382 writing Method of Rprcsentiog the ekments of phonology and of a language by a sesof graphic whicfi make up w dpb- bet, a cc a logoo,raphlc lexfccn, reJpeUivdy f* aa alphabetic, syllabic ar logographic writing systun. A writiag ~~~mk~0mposedofhpa.