MORE OF THE SAME " Partly cloudy tonight and,,., •• ~ •P Thunday; low tonight 40 ·t... fwA 0 '0 and high Thur5day ncar 70, (:t, r~~ h~ hO ,::·: f."! o~~rf •r·l ~., i~~· J..-1. f.".J, - ti)CJ)

Volume 105, No. 23 10¢ por copy McRoberts

Sewer Job Ten ' Candidates' ' Seek Backs Up Mason councilmen again back­ 3 School Board Posts ed up In the McRoberts storm Mason school district voters EDWARD L. TUCKEY, mem­ sewer Issue. Monday night the will have ,a chance Monday to ROBERT L, LEONARD, ottlce ber of the engineering staff of manager for D & K White Truck job was cancelled and engineer­ f111 3 posts on the Mason school Michigan state highway depart­ company of Lansing, Resides with ing ordered for a new concept, board, ment, resides at 715 Judy court. Ten candidates are seeking the his family at 2655 Okemos road JAMES L. MADDIX, former The action was brought about 2 4-year spots on the board and In Alaledon township, Mason patrolman and present­ MARVIN LOTT, Alaiedon dairy by a tentative agreement with the the one single-year vacancy. ly employed at Wyeth Labora­ Episcopal church In which the Polls wlll open at 7 a.m. at the farmer and Mason graduate who tories Inc, He and his famlly resides at 1675 N, Meridian road, cnurcn lntllcated It would put In vocational education building on reside at 424 West Columbia Oak street across from the Jef­ a private sewer on the south side street In Mason. WALLACE R. BAILEY, Mason ferson street school. Polls of South street instead of using .will graduate now employed at Capi­ remain open until 8 p.m. Candidates for the 2 4-year an extenslon of proposed Cherry terms are: tal Equipment company, Lansing street which was Included in the' , Candidates for the one-year wholesale farm lmp1ement con­ term are: MRS, ROBERTA COTTON, project cancelled, cern. The Baileys live at 3470 GLENN OESTERLE, Mason Mason housewife and on the sten­ A new hearing date on .the nec­ ographic staff at Michigan State Josephine Lane. essity of the storm sewer was realtor and Vevay farmer, In­ cumbent and present president university, The Cottons reside set for 8 p.m. at the city hall at 803 East Ash. WILLIAM A, BARNES, teacher on Monday, July 6. of tile Mason board of education. at C. W. Otto junior high school The new McRoberts sewer RUSSELL P, ROWE, Aurelius KENNETH KALEMBER, Ma­ In Lansing. The Barnes' famlly plans wllllnclude a storm sewer township farmer and Mason high son dentist who resides with lives at 3380 East Wllloughby starting in the Sycamore creek at school graduate, his family at 772 E. Maple street. road, In Alaiedon township. · Cherry street, west In Cherry lo McRoberts and In McRoberts street from South street to Oak Patrol Car Wanted street with a stun in Oak street running 250 west, Mason patrolmen are In need Pool Study Group Church spokesmen told the of a new pollee car. Council­ councilmen they would consider men authorized the taking of bids the private storm sewer which on a 1964 patrol car at a special Asks for Hearing w111 riLl over 300 feet so that meeting called for Monday night. constr ur:tlon could start at once The city has a 1963 Pontiac as Those Interested in a swim­ of the suggestions have already to enable the sewer work to keep a trade-ln. ming pool project for Mason are been put Into action, One of the pace with the church construc­ at the crossroads, That's the first recommendations of the tion, warning of John O'Brien, chair­ study group was to suggest the man of the study group organized formation of a joint recreation Seniors last summer. council representing the school SHERIFF'S EYE VIEW of the county's new jail in Mason was taken by Photographer The decision as to which way to board, city council and city at Archy Ammerman looking through the carport of the sheriffls new residence. The jai I travel on the road to a swimming large. This one has been done. To Start pool is up to the people, O'Brien Another recommendation was ·will be completed about November I. said, and for that purpose he the presentation of . a millage Mason's surprise disaster dry has called a meeting of those proposal to the .voters. This mil­ Tuesday night had more sur­ Last Week interested on Wednesday night, lage proposal passed. prises than were anticipated, June 101 at B p.m. at the high "Mason is In an enviable pos­ At 8 the disaster signal was Mason seniors are eying their school auditorium. Ition," O'Brien said. "The rec­ sounded, After the all-clear am­ last big week of year-end ac­ At the meeting the study group reation millage wlll bring the bulances, pollee units and volun­ tivities. SUnday night at the high w111 report on Its year of activ­ city $351000 over the next 5 teers converged on the athletic Ceremony to Mark Placing school auditorium seniors w1ll years. In addition Income from ity and the suggestions it has field, the scene of the make­ break out their caps and made and wlll make. the Iva Bond bequest could be believe calamity. and march down the aisles for used for recreation. Tills income Two drums of burning oil were baccalaureate services. O'Brien pointed out that some runs annually between $7,000 and to be the target for Mason fire­ The program will begin at 8 $91000, II fighters but just as they were County Jail Cornerstone p.m. with Mrs. Darn Diehl play. Of · O'Brien said he personally was ready to unlimber their equip­ ing the processional, Rev. E, in favor of putting a proposal ment the fire siren sounded for Tuesday. is another big day In and prisoners scheduled for De- ing committee, ways and means The county. jail and sheriff's Joseph Nielson w11l give the in­ before the schoolelectorscall1ng real. the history of Ingham county. cember I, · GommltJee, . .Sheriff" Kenneth department which we have pro­ vocation and the Scripture lesson. Bus Stop for special millage to construct Some of the equipment was That's the day the corne1;stone At the cornerstone ceremony Preadfuore," Architect Clark · duced at this place will be high­ Special music ·will be provided by and · opei·nte a .swimming pool dispatched south of town to ex­ for the new $1,750,000 Ingham Tuesday the county board of sup­ Ackley, pictures of the ground­ ly functional and secure. Does the high school chorus. as a joint project of the city tinguish a grass fire started by county Jail w!ll be cemented in ervisors wlll be present, along breaking ceremony, tlle old jail, It still rate as an outstanding The main address wlll be given and school district. a New York Central , place containing a box of his­ with builders, architects and the jall prior to l92G and 1963 county facility for the detention by Rev. Murl Eastman. Will Be Last summer the study group Make-believe victims of the torical documents and pictures, those taxpayers who want to come Chairman Lucile Belen· and of adult prisoners -- or have traveled all over the state getting disaster were taken to Mason The new structure is nearing along and see what the money was Chairman Pro Tern Gllm Watkins. construction and operational in­ first hand Information on the General hospital where the hos­ completion with the completion used for. Also Included will be June 3 novations made It outmoded and School Men Changed benefits, preble ms, financing, pital staff went through emer­ date set for October or Novem­ Paul Richards, Mason super­ copies of the Ingham County News obsolete? operation and maintenance costs gency procedures. ber and moving day for staff visor and chairman of the build­ and State Journal and clippings We wonder In what year you Are Honored Shortway Bus Lines, which has of swimming pool and recreation Ing committee of the board, has collected during the inception of will be reading this letter, It had its bus station at the Ches­ programs, Ingham county school super­ been In charge of collecting the the new jail idea through the has been our prediction that this ley drug store, 330 Jefferson Intendents gathered at Dines in s. artifacts to go Into the corner­ bonding and a warding of jail with lts expandable features avenue, for 20 years or more, Is Lansing Monday evening at a stone. contracts. A sample of the· bro­ ·would serve the County oflngham planning to move to a new lo­ Mason Hosts dinner to pay honor to James Final Polio Clinic The box will contain the very chure used to present bonding for at least fifty (50) years. cation. Chesley has notified the H. VanderVen, superintendent of beginning of the jail problem, facts and a sample bond w111 Were we good prognosticators, or company he no longer wishes to Bloodmobile Mason schools and Forrest G. the letter from the state jall be included along with a. board were our finite minds appallingly serve as Its agent here, Inspector ordering Ingham to committee assignment list and blind to future jail facility re­ Averill, superintendent of the The American Red Cross Is Set for Sunday either remodel the old jail or other Items, quirements? Lansing pullllc schools, Both The new station , is to be at Blood mobile wlll be visit­ the Famlly cafe, 429 Jeffer­ The third and final polio clinic, build a new one with the third Well, friend, we could pose superintendents are retiring s. Ing Mason Friday, June 12, the second year, Dr. Jacob said. son, but the date on which the for Type II oral vaccine, Is alternative the closing of the On of the box will be a questions to you for a long time. July I. to collect blood for donors. "In the case of Sabin vaccine, move Is to be made has not yet scheduled for Sunday, June 7 present structure which was letter addressed to those IVho may However since we cannot vocal­ The superintendents comprise Collections wlll be made 1 there are no harmful effects 1 the Superintendents' Roundtable, been announced. at virtually all the same schools from over-dosage, so that if a started In 1926. have occasion to open the box Ize across the intervening years, available to the Red Cross as clinics for Type I and m several decades hence which w1ll we w!ll not detain you longer. an organization which conducts Announcement of the com­ Blood bank in Lansing and person Is unsure as to which type Also Included will be the letter monthly meetings during the vaccine, according to Dr. s. read: It is our fond hope that peace, pany's intention to move was will be used to supply blood of vaccine they may have had at from the state jall Inspector school year to discuss school Sprigg Jacob, chair man of the some time In the past, the safe prosperity, and happiness, under received by the Mason city coun. supplies to hospitals In the approving the plans for the new Dear Friend: matters, publlc hGalth committee of the way Is to take the type In ques­ jall. God, prevails with the citizenry cllln a letter to Chief Tim Stolz, area. Ingham County Medical Society, We extend to you salutations of your day. But Monday night's meeting of the Mason pollee department The June 12 stop will be tion again;" he said. was more in the nature of sponsors of the 3 phase program. Other articles to be Included and greetings for the people of Convey our best regards to the a from K.N. Bennett of Toledo, at Wyeth Laboratories Inc. Dr. Jacob also answered the fun fest. Both Vander Ven and In urging all area residents to are the official proceedings for the County of Ingham. sheriff and tell your frienus about vice-president and general man­ Hours w!ll be from 9 until question as to why Ingham County Averill were presented with hum­ attend the c 11 n I c, Dr, Jacob is having 3 clinics, whereas De­ 1960, 1961, 1962 and 1963 which Why have you opened the cor­ us. ager of Shortway Lines. 12 a.m. and from one until stressed the fact tbat the Type cover the planning, the financing nerstone box? Are you demolish­ orous gifts, such as a book of 4 In the afternoon, Free troit and some other counties are Buildings and Grounds Stolz reported that a route II vaccine to be given at the June and the other work Involved In ing the jail which we labored so humorous testimonials, which refreshments will be having only 2 clinics, Committee was presented to Averill and representative w111 meet with 7 clinic is for an entirely differ­ "The vaccines used In Detroit getting the bulld lng this far along. long to build? Perhaps you are supplied to donors by the ent typ(! of polio than the Types There '>lill be lots of pictures remodeling or repalxlng the Paul Richards a child's fishing outfit which him to map new routes to the Mason Kiwanis club. and Ingham county were of dif­ bus station site. 1 .and m vaccine administered There will be lots of pictures, structure and you looked in here Robert Robinson, Jr. was received by Vander Ven. ferent conteat, The vaccine used Robert o. Bruegel at earlier clinics. In Ingham county contained only too, with shots of the 1963-64 to satisfy an Inquisitive mind, "For anyone to have complete one type of polio virus for each board of supervisors, the build- Certainly you are not a prisoner immunity to the 3 types of polio, of the 3 clinics, which gives the taking this way out of jail! 1t is essential that they take .•·.·~ -.~. highest p o s s l b I e im munlty In We wish that we could sit down all 3 types of vaccine, regard­ from 2 to 3 weeks after each and converse with you. There Schools less of the number of Salk or •••• dosage," Dr, Jacob said. . .are so many questions in our booster shots they've had In the City Seeks Dr. Jacob urged anyone with minds, We have asked ourselves past," Dr. Jacob stated. a question about the Sabin oral again and again as to which Slice Up He explained that the live at­ vaccines to call the Ingham county materials should be concealed tenuated virus In the oral vac- health department, Blacktop . cine provides Immunity in the In­ here for you to retrieve some­ He also said that the location where down through the annals testinal tract as well as In other Cash Pie of 3 of the clinics on Sunday, of time. It has been rather dif­ parts of the body, whereas the Ingham county school dis· June 7, has been changed, al­ ficult !or us to envision from k1lled-v1rus Salk shots do not give Contract tricts will bow out of the though the hours remain from ll back here In 1964 just what items this added intestinal lm munlty, a.m. to 7 p.m. school year in style with Mason has Its summer and fall would be of great value and In­ An additional advantage to the Otto junior high has been checl{s from County Treasurer paving program ready for bid­ terest to you. oral Sabin vaccine is that any­ changed to Gler Park school, Harry Spenny representing one over '2 years of age wUl ders. Councilmen authorized the So, we have cached away sev­ Ingham school districts' Holt high to Midway School and taking of bids for supplying and never !'equ1re booster doses, ac­ Sexton high to Verllnden school. eral documents, letters, pic­ share of the state primary cording to present knowledge. applying 4,484 tons of blacktop tures, crime statistics, news­ school intet·est fund. Mason area residents will on city streets. Children who are under 2 and again get their vaccine at Mason paper Hems, etc. We believe that The fund comes from taxes receive the Sabin oral vaccine Streets which are on the black­ these w111 chronicle for you the on public utilities collected by high school. top program include Valley will require booster doses after pertinent events which preceded the state in lieu of local school Court, North Rogers, Kerns, Ann, the construction of this jail. taxes. West Elm, East Elm, Jefferson and Okemos plus some other Payments, which are based patch jobs, on $19.92 per 1962 school cen. (' Bids wlll be received at the .John Hopkins sus child, amounted to '·' city hall until 8 p.m. on Mon. $1,237,968.24. T h e county ~~~tt ~lfi1 VI day, June 15. school census shows a . total Looks for Heirs count of 62,147 children. Johns Hopkins hospital, Districts and the amounts Mystery Solved Baltimore, research :staff received are: · Beautiful Music Mrs. Tom McCowan of 1873 is looking for survivors of East Lansing ...... $ 112,806.96 West Lamb road wins $5 this Mrs. 0, J. (Jennie) Hood Lansing ...... 665,905.68 MRS. JUDITH HUTSON and Warren Emrick, week for correctly Identifying who died In Mason Ju11e I, Dansville ...... 21,672.96 L. .. Mason high school vocal music teac;hers, wi II .. the News mystery farm. She 1954. The research project Haslett ...... 38,883.84 :·~·· 1:1: ~;~; correctly Identified the farm as involves a geneology of the · Holt .;...... 63,465.12 ;:;: present their high school groups Friday night :;:; being occupied by the Mccowan A. w. Wells family o~ Ma­ Island ...... 2,709.12 ·,,' ;:;; in the annual spring concert. The program ~:~: family and owned by Bernard son. IVells was the father of Leslie ...... 30,019.44 :·:·: · ·:·: Smith, Mrs. McCowan thereby Mrs. HOOd, She is known to Maple Grove ...... 19,860.24 :;:; will start at 7:30 at the high auditorium. Groups :;:; can receive a check for $5 have had a niece and Mason ...... 63,863.52 1:1: pa· rticipating will be the high school mixed :;~; and a free mounted enlargement possibly other relati'ves. Okemos ...... 50,198.44 IPS 'BEEN A GREAT YEAR for June bugs. This collection was part of :·:·: · .;.;. of the farm at the News office. Information turned into the Stockbridge ...... 39,979.44 a pile swept up at Parsons Service one night this week. The bugs were so :1::: chorus, Girls glee club and the Bulldog ;:;: The mystery farm contest is Ingham County News will Waverly ...... ;...... 82,409.04 :::: Ba 11 d ::;:; sponsored by the county busi- be forwarded to the re­ Webberville ...... 14,362.32 thick, gas station attendants had to keep one hand over the backs of their :;:; a eers • :;;: ness firms listed on the special search team at Johns Hop. Williamston ...... 31,174.80 necks and the other hand over the nozzles in order to control the bugs. :;~~:~:=:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::::~:~:~:::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::!::: page. k1ns, White Dog ...... 657.36 Total ...... $1,237,968.2t . Photo by Archy Ammerman t• t '~ Herb Seegert, who cdached Shepard during his senlor:yl!ar; said that it had been a pleasure· to work with Dave this season ahd hopes that he will be an lilsplr­ a!lon to others who are interest eel In track. "' ·' .q .. ~

LOTS OF PILFERING: One large hotel reports the loss of 381000 spoons and 1000 Bibles per each average year--u.s. super­ markets report some 500,000 shopping carts, valued at some $15 million are missing each "Don't worry, I ordered year--New York city library re­ an air conditioner from ports 1201000 books missing In one recent year. Western Auto's Hometown CATALOG ORDER SERVICE" OUTSIDE PLUMBING was obvious at Davis Men•s Wear last week as Baked Fish Dinners or this picture indicates. When Jack Davis reported for work one morning various other meet records. He Frlod Lalco Erlo Porch "Bob Tear" he had to step over this porcelain beauty deposited in the night by holds the school record of 14.7 Evory Friday aftly $1.00 350 S. Jefferson sec. in the high hurdles, 20.0 Mason gremlins. Davis turned the conversational piece over to the Mason sec. in the low hurdles, 21 ft., In the reglonals this year, 10 1/2 ln. In the broad jump and Shepard qualified for the state HAMBURGER SttOPPE Kiwanis club community sale project scheduled for June 19 end 20. finals In four Individual events, 12!1 Wut Ash OR 7.911 I 677-2121 Anyone who has contributions for the sale can leave them in front of the door at Davis Men's Wear.

Past Noble Grand Club Patrol Youngsters To Helen DuBois Past Noble Grand club met at the home of Mrs. Vera Casterline Thursday, May 28, Mrs, Ethel Burgess was co­ Have Annual Picnic hostess and there were 14 mem­ bers present, Approximately 225 boys and Ted Downey, park manager, girls of lhe safety patrols of After the business meeting and has made arrangements for the luncheon, the group had a social the Steele street, Cedar street hour and played cards. High prize and St. James schools will go to Mason group and has assigned a went to Mrs, Sylvia Weston, low Potter park In Lansing Thurs­ building on the ground where to Mrs, Ethel Burgess, white day, June 11, for their 2nd an­ nual outing, they will make their headquarters elephant, Mrs, Sylvia Weston and for the day, door prize to Mrs. Ethel Bur­ The patrols are provided this gess. outing In return for their work during the school year in pro­ tecting their schoolmates from the hazards of traffic at street crossings. The youngsters will be taken to the parlt in 4 buses provldt. by James H. VanderVen, super­ intendent of the Mason public schools, The Parent-Teacher associations of the 3 schools For the graduate, "ENGLISH and \he Mason Kiwanis club have LEATHER" at Davis Men's provided funds to pay for the day's Wear. outing, which includes the pur­ l. chase of food for a cook-out at the park, Other sponsors of the outing ,,,,,, IS 'I iili¥8 .,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,, are the Ingham County News and the Mason pollee department, Congratulations to Stockbridge Seniors ,,,·,';I')Je buses wlllleave from the Oak street entrance of the junior Closs of 1964 high school at 10 a.m. The groups will be at the park from 11 a.m. SAL AYOUBEE to 3 p.m. when the return-trip Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada to Mason will begin, Four Ma­ 100 N. Penna. Ave. son pollee officers wlll ac­ company the patrols, Phanf! IVanhoe 9.903 7 Si' ,,.,,, $ 11 1 The Lansing branch of the Coca 58 8$ $ ,,,,,,,,, Cola company is donating enough Coca Cola to satisfy the young­ sters' thirst.

At noon they will be served NOTICE hot dogs cooked over their own fire and Coca Cola. A Pub I ic Hearing on the proposed 1964-65 During their stay at the park budget of the Ingham Intermediate Board of there wlll be games and a visit to the park zoo. Education is being held at 7:30P.M. on June 10, 1964, in the offices of the Board at 147 The Ingham W. Maple St. in the city of Mason. A copy How Many Pair in Your Closet? County News, Inc. of the proposed budget may be reviewed at Richard W. ond any time in advance of the Hearing and is Jo,;,.,s N. Brown • Publish.,,. available at the offices of the board at 147 Serving I1J'1hom 'communit/u Jtlhe Folks at Dart National Sinco 1859 W. Maple Street in Meson.

Second C lou po:rtogo paid at Mason, Michigan. Ingham Intermediate Board of Education Don't Care! Published we>okly by Th• lng· hom County N•ws, Inc. Alton J. Stroud, Secretary Postoffice Box 266, Mason Michigan. If you•re a family men or womar) stop in and 1 Family Loans SUBSCRIPTION RATES let us serve you -or if you•re a business man, it 1s Ingham and all the same. Dart National Bank is here to serve adiolnlng countios • , S4 year you .••• to give you the full banking service Automobiles E/sowhe>ro ••••••• SS.SO Want ads (Tuudoy, 5 p.m. deocl­ you•re entitled to. Mobile Homes line) .05 word. Notice Dart National•s fabulou·s growth isn•t "just happening." (t•s due in large pert to the full NOW YOU CAN The Ingham County Board of Education is confidence more and more people (big families, Boats - Motors PAINT YOUR HOUSE conducting a Hearing on the 1Oth dey of June, small families/ business men and women) have 1964, at 8:00P.M., in its offices at 147 W. Mcple Homes - Cottages 1 in knowing that they can get Full Banking Service Maple, Mason/ Michigan, to consider transferring at the bank that "does things" for people. Home Improvements IN JUsrfioAY the property described below from the Island school If you have a need for money for any good district, Ingham County, to the Mason school cause, you have every right to expect you can Vacations district 1 Ingham County. get it QUICKLY by stopping into Dart National Bank. We 111 be looking for you. Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12- Brookside Hills Business Loans Subdivision, Alciedon Township, Ingham County Construction Additional Capital • ONE COAT REPAINTING Owners: Richard Abbott Over most sound surfaces Elwood Hilgert Equipment of a similar color. Lee Heatley • DRIES I.N 30 MINUTES Expansion • PAINT OVER DAMP Owners of the property together with SURFACES members of the boards of education of the school • EASY WATER CLEAN-UP districts involved, and such others as may be interested, may feel free to attend. Dart National Bank _..Signed: Ingham County Board of Education The Barik that "Does Things'• for Customers per Alton J~ Stroud, Secretory

Jefferson at Ash Walk-In Drive-In Mosori 677-H141 Doted 6/1 64 Jf. 23w1 Ash at Perk - Mason • 2 Convenient Locations Mail-In

The Ingham County News,, Wednesday 1 June 3, 1964- Page A-2 ·Me•norial Day . 1n•

Mason' . ***********

BOY SCOUTS were out in force complete with troop flags, American flags • and uniforms covered with merit badges. OUT IN FRONT WERE THE veterans in the color guard, the firing squad, a special color guard provided by the Lansing marine corps reserve unit and the martial music of the Mason high school band.

FLOATS WERE ON HAND, too. This group rode the float Eden United Brethren vacation Bible school. PROUDLY STEPPING IT OFF a long the parade route were the Brownies from troop 233 led by Mrs. William Love. The temperature recorded in the background proves that the weatherman cooperated with perfect parade weather.

,.. ..._.. ' ~~'""h] ~. '.. ·-·~1· 'ft''rl,,

6"r>t the !:JI;{nal. Famous Cosmetics 79&~~ Lanvin Chanel Revlon Faber e · Strgw Hat.Omlzer 'g hoppler-than·springtimo Cologne in a sun-kissed Atomizer. Over 1000 gcnoro~s sprays. 3.75

SCOUTS PlA YEO a big part in the Memorial services in front of the veterans monument on the court house square. Mayor Gilson Pearsall gave the Memorial ·New .. Day address at the program arranged by Commander Wi II iam Schwarzwaelder KODAK of the Browne-Cavender American Legion post. lnstamatic The Organizer by Lord Buxton ,.....~===-='\ Arc you

30-60-90 Day Charge Accounts Bottlers' GRAND PRIZE: Win a World's Fair Trip for yourself SPECIAL .. __.. ,._. and 25 friends plus Kodak Instamatlc Cameras••• or Just l $25,000 cash, at a rock-bottom price! I· 100 2ND PRIZES: Family •rrlps to the Fair Plus Kodak Instamatic earners. ; ; 20 every week for 5 weeks. ,KODAK \\'orld·s Fair Fl~~h 400 3RD PRIZES: 400 Kodak Movie Outfits ••• Fu:1 Camera. Simple. sure. No focus- SaverCameras&Brownle 8 mm Projectors••• 80 outfits every week 1or 5 weeks. · 1000 4TH PRIZES: Kodak Instamatlc Cameras. ; • ·200 every week for 5 weeks. 2,500 other valuble PriZes! · Special Sale

··- . . ~ Reg. $39.95 fM/AM 9-Tran~istor Drugs & Rad1o Just523 A SPECIAL MARiNE color detachment from the Lansing marine reserve unit WARE s ~~n;~~on commanded by Capt. Marvin Janson of Mason, was on hand for the Mason s1.0o Week parade.· Viola Countess Dies 0l'ganization News . . Townsends Will WomenAssumeDuties A former Mason resident, Mrs, VIola Countess, 701 died at her Ma·son Rebeltah Cotet•le will June 4 Mrs. William Parsons or home In Apopka, Florida, Mon­ Greet Friends have a birthday dinner Monday, Mrs, Lester Palmer, day where she had resided for The 25th wedding anniversary After Installation June 81 12:30 Ji,nJ, with Mrs. \\11eatfield Gleaners will have the past 3 years, She formerly Ethel Burgess, 411 W, Maple regular meeting Tuesday even­ of M1·. and Mrs, Howard B. Town­ street, Mason, lived In Mason, She Is survived send of Dansvllle will be honot·ed Women of the Mason Baptist land was given by Mrs, Ells,. Ing, June 91 at the hall, by her husband, Albert; a daugh­ Sunday, June 7 with an open house Women's Society of Christian worth Brown, missionary Inter­ - mason Woman's GoU club an­ ter, Mrs, Doris Van Horn of 1 Service attended a progressive nual spring luncheon Satur­ Mason Methoctl~t WSCS will at their home on Swan road. preter of this country. The group have a breakfast June 10 at 9 Florida; a son, Donald Weston Guests are invited, between 2 dinner last Tuesday­ then proceeded to the church for day, June . 6, Turney's restau­ of Lansing; 4 grandchildren and ginning with appetizers at the rant. Social hour at 12, luncheon a.m. in the church social room. and 71 to greet the couple, This dessert which was served by Orpha Ellen circle In charge 4 great-grandchildren, Services event is being staged by their Paul Richards home. Later the Hope circle, at 1 p.m. with bridge afterwards. w111 be from a Lansing funeral main course was served by Mrs, Members and guests are Invited, of program; The Church Speaks children, A short business meeting was or Dies, home later this week, They request no gifts be given, Harry Smlth, At the conclusion followed by an Installation of Browne-Cavender Auxiliary of the meal, a report on Thai- officers by Mrs, John McViclter, Post 14B will have their regular Fat Overweight recording secretary of the Bap­ meeting at the home of Mrs. 6246 Avnllnblc to you without n doctor'l tist Convention headquarters in Richard Curtain, Hilliard prescription, out· lli'Oduct culled Lansing, strreet, Lansing, Tuesday, June Odrlncx, You muot lose ugly fnt or 9, 1:30 p.m. YO\il' money bncl<, Odrlnex Is n tiny Devotions were given by Mrs. toblet nncl easily swallowed, Get rid Earl Pearsall. . St. James Mr. and Mrs. Club of excess fnt and live longer, Od:·lnex Complete Picture Service costs $3,00 und Is •old on thla Installed were: MJ•s, Neil Hink­ will meet with theJ. C, Bergeons, sunrnntcc: II not sntisficd fo:· nny ley, president; Mrs, Edgar Myer, Diamond road, Saturday, June reason, just rctut·n the pncknt:c to You:• rl!·usglst nnd gel your full first vice-president; Mrs, LY­ 6, 7:30 p.m. Meat, potatoes, money bncJ\, No questions nalcbd. • Weddings •Commerc ia I man Freshour, conference chair­ rolls and beve l'age furnished. Od!'inex is sold with this gunrnnteo )Jy WARE'S DI!UG STORE • Maafin· man; Mrs. L.A. Wileden, liter­ For reservations please call by Mail Order• Fllled. ature chlarman; "Mrs, Miriam • Port-raits • Babys Wixon, sunshine chairman; . Homos Resorts Forms Miss Lorraine Demorest, vice­ Businesses president or Christian missions Me Qern 3-bedroom home, and special Interpreter of 2 car garage, 's acres missionaries; Mrs, Ellsworth Photos by Wetzel Brown, mission and stewardship Harold J. Laycock chairman; Mrs. Arbutus Clark, 616 S. Barnes Mason Studio In D & C Bulldln g mission interpreter; Mrs. Murl 677.7941 lOS N. Clinton • Stocltbrldgo Eastman, vice-president of Barn hi II Real Estate Christian service and White 209 W. Ash Oflico Phono Phone Stockbridge 851-4917 Anytime Cross chairman; M1·s. Harry Mason, Mi ch, Smith, love gift chairman; Mrs. OR 6-1161 George Murthum, Christian social relations; Mrs, Durwould Collar, vice-president o! Chris­ BETROTHED. Mr. tian training and leadership and Mrs. Jesse training chairman; Mrs, Rachel Fuller, spiritual life chairman; Loudensloger of 721 W. Mrs, Agnes O'Brien, family life South street, Meson, chairman; M-rs. Richard Hoover, THE DANCER COMPANY secretary; Mrs. Lyman F:resh­ Philip Hall, Carol Clark announce the engage­ our, treasurer; Mrs, Neil Hink­ ment of their doughter, ley, publicity chairman; Mrs, Dick Woodland, fellowship Guild Exchange Wedding Vows Koy Fronces, to Edword counselor and Mrs. Harry Saw­ yer, social committee chairman. Miss Carol Ann Clark became Mason high school, Is employed John Motcheck. The the many swim looks the bride of Philip Harmon Hall with the Aetna Casualty and bridegroom-to-be is In a pretty evening ceremony, SUrety Co, In Lansing. Her hus­ the son of Mr. ond Mrs. May 161 in Mason Methodist band, who Is engaged ln farming church, For her wedding, the with hls father, Is a 1959 grad­ Edword 0. Motcheck bride chose a white floor-length uate of Mason high school. They of silk organza over taf­ are now making their home at of Lansing. An August feta featuring an oval neckline, 3146 W, Columbia road. 1 wedding is being The , three-quarter Mr. and Mrs, Chellis Hall host­ of sleeves and full were en­ ed the rehearsal dinner at planned. hanced with embroidered ap­ Brauer's 1861 House In Lansing, pliques. An Obi bow centered Wedding guests came from with' a cabbage rose topped the Marshall, Lansing, Laingsburg, wide chapel train and a plateau Flint, Fayette, Ohio, and Mason. Two Recitals of organza petals and rosebuds A special guest was the grand­ held her bouJ!ant veil of im­ mother of the bridegroom, Mrs, Are Slated ported French illusion. The Orva Harmon. bride's bouquet was a cascade June 7 is the date set for the arrangement of white glamelias annual recital of junior and in­ and pink sweetheart roses. ter mediate plano~ pupils of Mrs. The eight o'clock -ring Pupils Will Emma Grant Zimmer, The event ceremony was performed by the is scheduled for 3 p, m, at Ma­ pastor of the church, Rev. E, L. son Baptist church. Participating Sutcliffe before the altar which Stage Recital in the recital will be Hollie He­ was banked with white gladioli thorn, Michelle Smith, Danny and chrysanthemums. Plano pupils of Miss Mary Jane Ware, Doc Dart, Elaine Ferris, Warren Emrick, soloist, sang Wright w111 be presented In are­ Melanie Dart, Lynn Palmer, Julie One Hand, One Heart, With This cltalincludlng plano solos and en­ Seyfarth, Jill Scott; Carol Fogle BETROTHED. Mr. ond Ring and the Wedding Prayer, semble numbers at the Central and Sarah Diehl. Parents of the newlyweds are Methodist Temple House, North A special feature of the pro­ Mrs. George Doxtader Mr. and Mrs, Terry L. Clark Capital at Ottawa, Friday even­ gram will be a Cello Melody Sr. of Mason and Mr. and Mrs, ing, June 5, beginning at 7:30. performed by Jill Scott with an Jr., 5701 Baseline rood, Chellis P. Hall of Mason. original accompaniment by Lynn Onondoga, announce For her duties as maid of honor · Participating pupils are Linda Palmer. ·for her sister, Miss Connie Clark Stephens, Daniel Stephens, Gret­ Miss Joanne Eastman and Scott the engogement of their donned a floor-length aqua gown chen Irwin, Glenn Irwin, Louaru1e Durbin wlll present their gradu­ doughter, Rosemory, to with a slight train, Irwtn, Carol Childs, Tim Childs, ating recitals Sunday, June 141 at Other attendants were Miss Sally Gunneman, Brent McCamp­ 3 p.m. at Mason Baptist church, Sp/5 Alfred W. Clerk, Anne Hathaway of East Lansing bell, Lisa McCampbell, Karen They will be assisted by Miss son of Mr. ond Mrs. and Mrs. Roberta Hall of Lan­ VIsscher, Judy Webster, Robert Cynthia Pryer of Portland. sing, Their gowns were Identi­ Webster, Leeann Simmons, Shar­ At the close of the recitals, Alvo Clerk of Mason. cal to the maid's of honor. All on VanValln, Marleen Flamme, each pupil will receive his audit The bride-elect is o the attendants carried baskets Sherry Washburn, Lexa Wash­ certificate which will show .he of white sweetheart roses, pink burn, Gregory Finch, James received a high grade at the medical speciolist at daisies and pink sweetheart Finch, Cathy McDurmon, Ann recent auditions which were roses, . Howison, Lynn Krapek, John judged by Miss Budge. Fitzsimons ormy hospital Noland Hall of Mason served Thomas, Terry Roberts and The public is invited to attend in Denver, Colorado. as best man for his brother, Thomas Roberts. these recitals. Groomsmen and ushers were Coe Mrs, Alfred Finch w111 assist Her fionce is stotioned Emens Jr., and Joe Stld of Ma­ as guest vocalist. !shes, nuts, candy p:lp and birth­ at Ft. Hood, Texas. An son and John Ic,kes of Marshall, The public is invited. day cake w~re served. brother-ln-la w of the bride­ Special guests were the guest August 21 wedding is groom. of honor's grandparents, Mr. and being planned. After the ceremony the new­ Friends Honor Mrs. Arnold Rodgers, Mr. and lywed couple greeted their guests Mrs. Ed, Kowalski and parents, An apple a day may keep the at a reception In the church so­ Mr. and Mrs. Theron Downey. doctor away--but Is also another cial hall, Assisting with serving Cathy Downey The honored guest received example of inflation, were Mrs, Raymond Bailor, Miss many gufts, Marilyn Gascho, Mrs. Roderick Cathy Do·.vney celebrated her Get ready for the greatest summer ever! And what will make it Clark and Mrs, Jim Clark, 16th birthday anniversary Friday great! These! ! The most fabulous sun-kissed swim looks for sun· Guests were registered by night, May 29, with a party at Mrs. Gene Cherry, sister of the time, swim-time, fun-time. Stripes, checks, prints, solids. All types. Alaiedon township hall. Forty of All colors. Sizes 5 to 15. bride. her classmates were there to help This Is the Place A green and white knit her celebrate the event. with matching accessories was A-\. "Pirate Gold", coin-covered D "Beach Boutique", one piece selected by the bride for their During the evening the group nylon double knit top; northern Michigan honeymoon. stretch nylon double knit danced and later refreshments cotton duct sawtooth' The bride, a 1960 graduate of of sloppy joes, potato chips, rel- maillot with barely-there shorts; $17.99 back; $17.99 0 E "Ticking Aweigh", cotton Jewett Funeral Home striped moil lot top; pert 11 Tht home of friendly service" skirt over stretch nylon Funeral nr~ I c.. at prl cu people con afford to pay shorts; $17.99 PHONE OR 7-6151 Ambulance Service MASON F "Picket Fence", cotton print scoop-neck top, little bov shorts, solid piping; $14.99 Piano Lessons Mrs. Woods has Just grarluat~d from th~ U. S. School of Music for the ultimate in steaks and seafoods, the In Hew York, ideal spot for wedding anniversarys, birthdays, Debut at Ann Arbor meetings ond banquets. Lessons Beginning this fall teaching in Dansville Call 655-1520 - Geraldine Woods Walt Koss School of MUSIC Colon.ial Restaurant THE DANCER COMPANY For Information Call 655-1822 and Coach Light Lounge on Grand River (old 16) Williamston 677-3112 The lngliam County News, Wednesday, June 3, 1964 _lep~a~ge~A'""-4:------.-:.::..:.:.=.:.::.:.:;~:...::,:.:..:,::::::.::;~ Mason 677-3111 Group Hosts Friends Will Fete Parkers Hospital Party Tuesday M~;. and Mrs, Amo~ Parker of Holt will be celebrating their Dansvllle Free Methodist 40th wedd!ngannlversai'ySunday, church conducted a reception and June 7. In honor of the event, News farewell party Tuesday night for their daughter, 4 sons and 11 B111 Brown of Dansville who Is grandchildren are hosting an open BIRTHS graduating and wlll be leaving house at Holt Methodist church A son, Bruce Alan, was born sometime this month to join the between the hours nf 2 •nd 5, May 26 at Mason'Generalhospltal navy, . All friends, nelgliliors and reT- to Mr. and Mrs. AI•nold c. Per­ The event was hostessed by atives are invited, It Is requested kins of Mason. Mrs. Coria Hayhoe at her home no gifts be given, · in DAnsville, -·· . • _ .. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hepfer of Mason announce the arrival of a daughter, Cathy Ann, May -~------~---~----, 28 at Mason General hospitaL 1 Laurie Ann Is the name given the new daughter of Mr, .and Mrs, Robert L, Page of Leslie :1 SMORGASBORD l born at Mason General hospital May 29. -t NOW· Every Day At Turney's! t Born May 29 at Mason General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ Announcing the vin W. Brontrager of Mason was 'f ~~· .r,.o ft a son, Dean Marvin. engagement of their A son, Ronald Ray 1 was born j CO Mondays Ql,0 t 0 daughter, Penny Sue, to at Mason General hospital to Mr. '~\ Now Tuesdays ·-It_ and Mrs. Ronald S, Sheele ot $2 Wednesdays • f t Jon A. Briggs are the Mason May 29, J US t ,Thursdays Mr. and Mrs. John M, Palmer Open House Slated for t Fridays f parents of the bride­ of Mason have named their son elect, Mr. and Mrs. born at Mason General hospital f . t June 1, Patrick Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Welch Harold Chard of Dans vi lie. No name has yet been selected All friends and relative are t Saturdays and Sundays · · $2.50 t for the daughter born June 1 to rled June 2, 1934, and have lived The prospective _bride­ Invited to attend an open house in the Lansing and Holt areas all Mr. and Mrs. Roger L, Lininger In honor of Mr, and Mrs. Rue! of Mason at Mason General their married life. They have one f (Children under 3 foot Just $1) f 1 E, Welch for their 30th wedding· ' t groom s parents are Mr. hospital. ' daughter, Mrs. Thomas Ellis of anniversary. The event will be Detroit, and 3 sons,· LaRue Welch ·f t and Mrs. Searl Briggs DISCHARGED staged at the home of Mr. and of Lansing and Robert and Gary JoAnn VanderVeen, Mason Mrs. Harvey T, Ellsworth, 1966 Welch of Holt. They also have B f Turney's Cedar at US-127 t ofDansville. No Mrs, Albert Milling, Haslett Phillips avenue, Holt, SUnday, grandchlldren. Mason John Drake, Mason June 7, from 2 unt!l 6 p.m. Welch Is the owner ot Tel­ f f wedding dat...' >.been Lloyd Bennett, Mason Mr. and Mrs. Welch were mar- Radio Systems Co-op in Holt. set. Frederick He in Jr., Mason t t George Linton, Lansing Mrs. Max Love, Mason Patricia Reed, Holt James Bodrle, Mason Kenneth Preston, Mason At St. James May 23 Rella Rogers, Mason Charles Herrick, Mason Sandra Hills, Mason ·Willis, Singer Mrs. Dennis Massie, Mason Eldena Clancy 1 Mason Mrs. George Downs, Mason Mrs. Carl McKenney, Lansing Vows Solemnized IN PATIENTS An impressive double-ring Julia Abfalter 1 Grand Ledge It's hard to believe roses and lilies of the valley Helena P. Adams, Mason ceremony was performed May 23 ' in a cascade effect. at St, James· Catholic church Mrs, George Benda, Mason Solemnizing the vows was Rev. Miss Nancy Bregi, Grosse Pointe which united Miss Priscilla R. Fr. William Rademacher. Singer daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Shores 1 Gowned in a street-length yel­ Mrs. Charles Butler, Mason Wllbur Singer, 215 E, South ' low nylon designed with. an these beautiful chairs street, Mason, and Gerard V. James Caltrider, Mason ' A-line skirt was the maid of Wlllls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Carpenter, Stockbridge honor, Miss Barbara Dillon of Clarence West, Stockbridge Clinton Willis, 414 W. Sycamore Mason. She complemented her street, Mason, In marriage. , ensemble with white accessones Richard Canfield, Webbervllle Approaching the altar on the and carried a white daisybasket. Guy Chamberlain, Jackson arm of her father, the bride wore . She also wore matching daisies Mrs. Harold Cheney, Mason REALLY a floor-length gown of silk or­ ; in her hair. Jay Coffey, Mason Kevin Coffey, Mason ganza accented with a lace bodice ' and lace panels on the skirt. 1 Naomi Cornwell, Jackson Also wearing yellow nylon Mable Every, Mason The gown also featured a Sabina gowns were bridesmaids, Mrs. Mrs. William Jordan, Mason necldine and long sleeves which Robert Christensen of Mason and Georgia D. Kean, Mason terminated in points over the . Miss Marlo W1llis, sister of the· L.A. Murrays to Mark Golden Kenneth King, Mason wrists. Her Swedish was , bridegroom, of Mason. REtLINE! Mrs. Garth Larner, Mason embroidered with seed pearls and held her bouffant veil of Illusion. Mary Loveless, Okemos Anniversary Sunday, June 7 James Birney Jr. was best man Mrs. Glenn Manz, Lansing th,y:re all-new She carried a bouquet of white ., for the bridegroom and serving The 50th wedding annl~ersary honored couple's children, Mr. . Mrs. Dee M_e~se, Lansing ···of Mr. and Mrs •. L.-A.: Murray, and Mrs. Gllin Smith of Howell,· ~as miners and groomsmen were Herbert Monroe, Mason Mr, and Mrs. Donald Murray of , Douglas Dancer of East Lansing Charles Northrup, Mason 2123 Clinton street, Okemos, w!ll TV STRATORESTERS be observed SUnday June 7, with Monroe, New York, Mr, and Mrs; and Randy Powers of Mason. Robert Osborne, Mason 1 an open house at the First Pres. Edwin Murray of Morton, Illinois, Mrs. Laurence Parker, Mason After the ceremony a recep­ Mr. and Mrs. Max Murray of Gone are the days when a re· Formal Weor Miss Melinda Peters, Mason byterian church, corner Ottawa tion was conducted In the church and Chestnut streets, Lansing, Portland, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. clining chair was too big to fit in hall, Richard Post, Mason your living room, These styles RENTAL Harold Relyea, Leslie from 2 until 5 p.m. Will! am Murray and Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Murray Jr., of Lan­ are as trim and slim and doc­ Later the newlyweds left for Mrs, Arnold Rodgers, Bellevue Mr. and Mrs. Murray were sing. Besides their children, orator beautiful as any furniture a honeymoon ~hrough the east. Arlene Sheathelm, Leslie married June 11 1914, and since there are 16 grandchildren. you've ever seen. Enjoy lovely For traveling, the new Mrs. Miss Leslee Strauss, Southfield that time have resided in the All friends and relatives of the style plus !he incomparable re· Willis chose a pink and white Mrs. Ralph Stull, Elsie Lansing area. honored couple are invited to laxation qualities of America's 'l sheath with pink accessories. Mrs. Joseph Weirauch, Mason The event _will be given by the attend. flnest reclining chairs. 'Jlhe bridegroom is s'ationed William Wilson, Stockbridge Everything at Fort Lewis, Washingion, with from dinner the army. He previously attended jacket (with Olivet college. His bride, who CONTEMPORARY 9 5 attended Lansing Business Ull-­ Group Dines deep foam pillow back, $119 matching ivers!ty; has been. employed at reversible foam cushion seat. ) Wyeth, Both are graduates of Out of Doors .... IJIC llRICEDI Mason high school, Special guests at the wedding SUnshine, a poolslde potluck were the bridegroom's grand­ dinner and a background of spring parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard flowers was the setting for the 111Jflllhe ... these stunning Harrison of St. Louis, Michigan. June meeting of Mason-Dansville ...... Garden club Tuesday afternoon chair styles open to full when they met with Mrs. Robert • DR. KATE E. LAMB Seyfarth. Co-hostess for the Oplomotrist reclining chair meeting was Mrs. B. J. Cady, 525 W. Columbia St. Mason Hours: Twenty-one were present In­ luxury cluding guests, Mrs. Mac Dean, 1-4:30 p,m, except Thursday Mrs. Paul Gaboury, Mrs. Orva Phone OR 7-7!81 IIIIIIIIUIIIIII...... IIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Harmon, Mrs. J, F, Seyfarth and CLOSED, a Miss Elmina Rousseau. Another magnificent guest, Mrs. Frances Fiedier, om filled pillow back) comfortable • will become a new member of the lounge chair club at the next meeting. $89.95 eruo~ ~our During the business meeting conducted by president Mrs. Sey. I. home · farth, plans were made for the SEE AND HEAR ALL flower show which will be staged THAT'S NEW IN THE: August 13 in cooperation with the MORE Aurelius Garden club and the EPIPHONE LINE with a Girl Scouts. JUST LEAN BACK­ Mrs. George N, Clark and Mrs. seat and ottoman Don Cady conducted a plant adjust to perfect auction. Each plant was ac­ TV position companied by its description in­ cluding instructions for care. Program chairman, Mrs, Abe Cohn announced the next meet­ Friday, June 5 -7:30p.m. See Thorburns ing will be a 9:30 a.m. break­ 1438 E. Michigan Avenue- Lansing IIIII• Pnwb1cl11 fast at the home of Mrs. Roy llUP•I•fl foam hck, Outdoor Living Experts Knopf July 7, Later the group loo,. cuohllll ••t. will take a rose garden tour at Don Lee Studios VA&UI PlfCfDI$779.95 LEAN ALL llfE WAY BACK- for Francis Park in Lansing. "The Music Capitol of Michigan" the most comfort· Wrought.,.,. able relaxalion of your life. Iron Posts l & Fences "'--- ... ~ ·

CHOOSE YOUR • Fiber Glass Roofs Be sure you CHAIR IN A LOVELY FABRIC and Gown Sets Jewelry come in today­ OR Let us build you Uaour GLOVE son Slips Gowns Pajamas Handkerchiefs ...... Convenient a custom Decent .. ,. Budget Plan if,A Pettipants Purses Hose ·-VALUf...... HICIDI $109.95 IY IOLfA CarPort Mix or Match Sportswear: • Blouses • Shorts • •Knit Tops •Deck Pants •Shirtibles LUMBER r burn COMPANY 124 E. Ash Home Furn~shings OR 7-0231 Mills Store 356 S. Jefferson, -MASON- OR 7-0391 The Ingham County News, Wednesday, June 3, 1964- Page A-5 'Liwaltacll . FEEDER PIGS-1924 Olds NEW HOLLAND BALER . ' DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, fill GERMAN Shorthah• pups, road, Leslie, phone 589·2681 John Deere No.. 10, 7 !t. dirt, fill sand, topsoil, blaclt after 6 p.m. or all day Satur­ ,mower and rake; Case D. C. AI<:C registered, $40. Phone ·sa~o an Auto Port~ FEEDER CATI'LE --17 head dirt, limestone chips, Pl'lces TU 2-8065, 23w3 · Real Estate ..... Misc. teeder cattle. Marvin Ott, day. · 22w3 tractor with 3-bottom plow;. reasonable, 0. P. Ford, pl1o;1Cl John Deere 10 ft. fertilizer 559 Diamond road. Phone OR ·REGISTERED and grade rams OX 9-2796, 23w·l':' 'REGISTERED English Point· Used Cgr ·s-:d.' · 7-a812. 23w1 spreader. All tools In good ·· er puppies, 8 wee!(S old, u s 2 BUILDING LOTS - ndjoln· 1 to 4 years old, $20·$25 .shape. Don Wllllams. Phone AUCTION - ·Saturday. June · each. Also butcher lambs. Roy 2444 E. Holt road, Mason . ! ! · lng, In Mason, 2 bloclcs trom HEIFERS - 12 Holstein. heff. OR 7-8795. 22w3p · 6 at 7 p.m. on 1\1-103, be· Beauties high school, shade. Mrll. Don ers aired by Curtiss Candy Donald, 1287 Lamb road, tele· tween Stocl model No. 494 hay. Prefer to sell both cut· on Every Monday HARDBOARD, $1695 4-row John De

The Ingham County News 1 Wednesday, June 3, 1964 Page A-7 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES . were decorated with sprln~:flow­ ers for the occasion. 'f1 • F · •In doubles Greg Lambertson .J. enn'tS 1 and Jim Powers won While Steve , The Salton Sea, CalUornla, Is STATE OF MICHIGAN Many Fete A daughter, Mrs, Lucile Smith, Uture ·a boating h.aven, as the low al.., THI:: I'RODATE COURT FOR STATE OF MICHIGAN STATE OF M!CtllGAN . . O'Brien nnd Jeff Collar lost, THE PROBATE COUltT FOR made the cake. another daughter, Illude helps motor performance,. INGHAM COUNTY THE PRODATE COURT I'OR Mrs, Phvllis Droscha made the 'Fred Carrier nnd Ed Duke · D·70fi0, INGHAM COUNTY INGHAM COUNTY L • h't and the IIigli slllt content of the Eotntc of ALilERT OROY, Do· JUVENILE U!VISION'' · N-310 punch, These were served by 00k S B f'f,g . . and Denny Dancer and Kevin ccniScd, · Mnttor PA'!'mcK GEN!Jl CJOODNO, Laycock.s. . . · . ' O'Brien lllso teamed for doubles water glves,the propellers more MlnOJ•, ' I granddaughters of the honored NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'rHA'r In tho Mnttor o£ ALISA and o:>uuuay tne 5Utn Wedding an. Mason Tennis c;oacn Heten victories playlnJ;t Pro-type sets. bite. tho petition cf Murlo Cro;,o !ol' "'' NO'L'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 'L'l!AT DAWN BOWEllMAN, Mlnoro. couple, Janet Laycock, Marilyn . Jowanec of bls final nccrl'Unt nnute JAMES 1'. KALLMAN June 213, 1~13·1, ut ~~ ::Jr; .\, :11. :\~ td~ · Mr. and Mrs, Ben Arend Sr, REEUEI~ and UI!:VEltLY J. ltEI!:DEI!, A tr~e COllY: JudHo of l:'rolmto Probnte Cuurt, •IUU Luunty Lu!!ct:t~u, while Robbie Tear and Kevin Ph hlo wife, to WILLIAM H. SILL Gcrtrudo 'l'olller Elan. Mny no I'll attended the couple at their Deputy ilculster of Juvcnllo lllvlslon 116 w. CJtt:nvu, Lnn:..:;!:;, o\J!c;;!C:oLII. MORTGAGES, INCOilPORA'I'EU, n UeJ.Uty Ucgl•tct• of Juvenile Division Publicntlaa in the 1:.gh11m l.ulti~~Y marriage June 3, 1914, O'Brien lost theirs. ·332-2602 Call foro Free Water Analysis 2~wl MJchignn corvorution Mortgagee, ~3wl NcW!i unU furthot• nota:u •1:1 ~·cq\~il'ui.l Dntcd October 1!, 1062, and l'ccord· by luw I~ U!(JI.i;.JU:.IJ. cd on October 17, 1902, In Llbcr Date~: J.luy ~H, J\JO·I 886 of Mortgngca, on 11ngo U!2, Ing. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE STATE OF MICHIGAN JAi•ll!:d 'I', KALLMAN bam County Itccorda, Michigan, nn~ Default hnvlng boon made In tho THE PROBATE COUit'J' FOR A tt'UYtJLI\, Attot·ncy KNIGHT, hu•band un~ wife, us mort. tlon, by un nsslgnmcnt dated Decem· Matter of ALIIJo:lfJ' ~liWIL 1\01'· 617 s. UJ'und A~·c •• Lnnt:iinu. ~:J·-·.-a bor 14, 1962, an~ recorded on Uccem· gngoru, to AUTO OWNEII~ lNi:iUR· Ill!, blinot•, bel' IM, IU62, In Liber M40 of Moa'l· ANCE COMPANY, a Michigan Cor· NOTICE IS HBI!EUY GIVEN 'l'HA'l' STATE Of MICHLGA.'; gage,, on Page 43M, Ingham County &~oration, of LanKing, Michigan, as tho petition of /Jot. Nile McClintic, THE PROBA'fE <.:UU~l FOR H!DYOUBII!m llecorda, Michignn, an which mort· mortgnu-ec, nnd rccordt~tl on October Lnnsln~ Pollee lJcJml·tmcnt, Youth INGHAM COUNTY iro.Ke there Js clain,mJ to be due nl IG, 195S, In the office of the Regl•ter Durellu, ull<:!-(inJ.; thnt. Paid minor D·S03U the dntc hereof the uum of BJ<.:ll'l' of llecda fot· Ingham County, Mich. comca within thrr Jlt'ovisions ot Act Estnte of MAUTIIA L. NUH.t:.ll, ~'HOUSAND, EIGH'l'Y·I<'IVE and Jgnn, In Llbcr 1fl5 of Mortgu~es, l'aKe 54, CJf the Exl1•a Session of lttH, DecocuictJ. 'About Mason's 60/100 Dollars ($M,OH6.fi0), inclu~Jng 1264, 1265, 126ti, nnd l:G51, 'l'hc and JH'Uylngo that the Pt·obnle ,c~,~un NO'!' ICE IS HllREllY GJ \'EN TIIA'l' Jntcrcat nt 5~ '1o Jler nnnum. Unllct· mnt·tgnKoro hnvln~ deeded the real tnkc jut•islliction of Hnhl minor~ nnd the petition of Hnt'l'Y IJ, lluLitnl'~ the power of Hale contained In uald estate accut·cd by snld mo1·tguge II> it nJIJieuint: thnt U1o whcn.;ldioutli 1'o1· ullownncu of hhi l"inul nccount. mortgngo nnd the statute In such CALVIN C. JOHNSON nncl !WilY of the fnthe1· c.d :;nid miuur. h.c..Ll nntl nssil!nmcnt of l'e!iH!uc Will ba cn11c mode und provided, notice is JOHNSON, huabund nnd wile, b~ · Newest and Finest. Roper, Is unknown, und thut he cllit­ hcnt·d June ~u. llJ6·1, at ~ :UU A, M. hereby given thut suld mortgage will warranty deed Untctl June :!9, l~GO, not be served with a nutit:8 of hen!'• at tho 1'1·obule Cout·t, ·IUO Count~ be forccloued by n uule of tho mort· recorded on July I, 1960, In Llber ing Y!'ill Lc hca1·d June ~u. 1UQ4, ut Bu.ildln~:. l!O W. Uttnwa, Lnnolng, gaged premlseH, or som<: J;art of IMH, Page 10~2, and the H1tid CAL· 4:00 l'. M. nt tlu· Prouato Cout•t, ·IUU Mlchhmn. them, nt flUblic vendue, on '!'HUllS· YIN C. JOHNSON nnd HUBY JOHN· County' Hid~ •• 116 W. Ottnwn St., Publicntlon In the lnHhum County DAY, AUGUS'I' 21, 190~, at 11:00 SON, hul:lhtuJLI ancl wiCC!, thcrcuJwn Lnntiing-, Mlchluun. Meat Market? New!l and flatheJ' notice ~s l'CtJUircd o'clock A. M., Enstern Stundnrd Time, ho. vlnK nssumcU nntl nurccd to pny Pultlicntlon In the lnghnm Count~ by law li:i OIWO:REIJ. At tbc Michigon Avenue cntrnncc to enid moJ•lcnv;c, '!'hero iH now chdmcd .N~ws und ful'thet• notice nK 1'erJull·cU Dnted: Mny 21, 196·1 the New City-County !Juildlng in to Jlc due and unpaid nt the date of by lllw JS ORUEIIEIJ. . JAMES '!'. !\ALLMAN Lansing, Michigan, Said nrcmi•e• arc thlt. notice $11,5!11.·16, inclutlirm Dated: May ~~. 1~64 A truo co fly: Judge o£ l'robntc If You Haven't Look at This ... altullted In the 'l'ownshhl of Lunuing, princh1nl and int~rt:Hli nc; suit. or JAMES 'J', l\ALLMAN !lonnie IJodrlc Ingham County, Michigan, im~ are vrocceding nL lnw or In equity hav­ A truo copy: Jud,~;c oi P~eJl!at<.: DC!lUty He~i•tet· of Pt·obule dc•cribed ua: Ing been instituted to recover the Gertrude 'l'olllct· HARitY JJ. IJUIJBAIW, Attorney Lot No. H Win~cmero Subdivlulon debt, or nn;r ruu•t of the Uci.Jt, sccul'ccl. Deputy Hcgistcr of Juvcnllc Divisiun 1108 Michigan Nationnl '!'ower, Lnn· bf &nid mot•lgnuc, lln{l the powe1· of of a part of the Northwest l nnd ~::iwl ~nil'. 23w3 Northeast l of Section I M, T~N. onlc in snid mortgage contuincd hnv· il2W, ~·ownahip of Lansing, lng. In~ bl!comu Ollr.:rut.lvc by rcnGon of bllm Cou.nty, Michig-nn, necording BUell dcfnult. to the recorded nlnt thereof nu Notice io htH'cby given tho.L on recorded August 16, 1925, in Llber Septcrnbot· ~. 196~. nt 9:00 o'clock 6 of Plats, page 4M, snld Inahnm ln the !ol'cnoon, nt the woHt outllidc You Don't OLD County, door o! the City Hull Building, in Dated: June 3, I 064 the City of Lansing, Michiuun, that EQUJ'rABLE SAYINGS &o LOAN being the ltlace fo1· hu!tlin1: t.:ircua ASSOCIATION, Auuignee of Coul't for the Count yof Jnghnm, Have to Be a Mot·tgngec. there will be oCfcrcd for 1mlc und DICKINSON, WlliGl!T, McKEAN & oold to the hi~ho•t Lhl~cl', at nubile CVDLIP, Atlorncyu nuction or vendue, fat• 1)\J.I'PCHiC of 800 Fit·ut National Building, Detroit sntldying the tlmounts due und un­ Private Paid UJton l:iaill mortgn~c, together ~moHeAif~~ ~a. Michigan. 23wl3 s(,b 'With lcgnJ cot~tts and chnl·g-cs of sale, 1r1QU'I'GAGE SALE - Dcfuult has lncludin~ an lllltH'ncy'l:i ftc of ~7j,IJ0 to investigate the wide choice bell!' 'mndc In the conditions of n provided by law and In "tid mort· mortgage mude by IJOilllY GENE 8HKc, the lnnds und p!'emiscs ln tw.lli of optional investment plans BILLINGS und WANDA M, !JILL· mol'tgage mcntlonet.l and. dt:::ict·ibcd ao INGS. hi• wife, to NAUONAL follow•. to-wit: now available •.• Each HOMES ACCEPTANCE CORPORA· Shank Portion 39¢ lb l'ION, nn lndlunn corpot•ntion, Mort· 'fhe North 160 feet o£ Lot 3 of plan tail9red to yoJJr needs. gngec, Dated Jun~ 25, 1956. nnd l'C• Sujterviuor'• Plat of Miller Road corded on August 10. 19U6, in Liber Farms. on Sect.ian 9, '!'own 3 North, 667 of MortgHgcs, on JlU~c 213, Inll· Runge 2 West, !Jelhi 'l'ownshlp, Now earning maximum interest compounded quarterly. l1um County ](ccunl~. M!chi~an, and now City o! Lansin!l, In!!ham Butt Portion 49¢ I nH6lgned by uuld Mort~rngeo to County, Michigan. No minimum Investment, , • Your money is always IIANIU:RS '!'RUST COMPANY, n Date~: June I, 1964. available without delay! Write or call today for Infor­ New York CDJ'I)Ol"ntion, by un assign .. AUTO OWNEI!:; INSURANCE ment 1lntcd UctolHH' 24, Hl5G, nnd COMPANY, u M!chignn Cor. mation without obligation. recorded on October 29, IDLG, In porntion, Mortgugcc Center Cut Libcr 671 of Morlgugcs, on Pnrre 560, C. BRUCE KELLEY Ingham County HccordH, Michignn, Attorney !or Mortgagee Mid-State Finance Corp. and ful"'her assigned by said Aoslgnec to '!'liE NlcW YORI\ !lANK Buolneas Addre••: 2 u~ South S~ca· IJO W. Ash St. Mason OR 7.9501. OR 1-9591 Ham Slices FOR SAVINGS, formerly The New ~oro 'Street, Lnnsing, 2:iw12 York Savings Bunk, a New York corporation, by nn UHHignmcnt dated June 24, 19G8 an~ recorded July 2, Smoked Ham lUGS in Libet· 102, Page 106, Inghnm County Hccords, Michir;:un, on which mortgage thet·e is clnlmc~ to be due nt tho dn te he1·eof the HUm of NINE '!'HOUSANU, THHEE HUNDHED Hocks SEVEN1'Y·NINE und 94/100 Dollars ($9,379.94), including Interest ut .fl% 11cr nnnum. Under the 11ower cf BOle contuint!d in 1mid mortgage ond the otntute in such ensI'l' vou are on the bl'ink of vacation SAVINGS, AS5l~ncc n! Mot·t~agee typically Chevrolet array of extra-cost DICI\JNSON, WHIGI!T, McKEAN & tinw. ·The1·e's YOlll' Chevrolet dealer in options. CUDLJP, AtlorncyH Bacon39~ Leg Quarters BOO First Natlonn/ Building, llotroit the midst of .Tmde 'N' Travel Time. Plain Impalas are anything but. They 26. Michigan. 23w13 You two should geL together! Object­ come in all popular body styles, including Brea~ts Quarter CL'IL•bmting Llw jo~·s of summer il1 a new wagons. They're dressed up to a fare­ Clwvrolel. thee-well: fully carpeted interiors, uphol­ Whv a Clwvmlel? Well, with 15 models stery as durable as it is attractive. Go in fou:· ReriPs, \\'hat possible reason is the1·e Bel AiJ·s and Biscaynes, the lower priced to look further? Chevrolets, make a practice of Lard s~ Smoked 2 9~ Take tlw Impala Super Sport hiding it. All the conveniences, 'and :1 lot of pt•ople do just that). no sacrificing comfort or ~Lyle. 21bs.2 Come:.; a,.; a Sport Coupe or PICNICS...... lb Did we mention that Trade Cml\'erliblt>. Has t1·immings like 'N' Travel Time won't last KwJilf!J front buckt>t st•ats, Cl'lltL'r con­ forever? It won't. So ~ee your The Family sole, special trim-all as stand­ Chevmlet deale!'. Then go fill eltQIJIN• ani t•quipmL•nt. And offers a 101 "'' Cltl>JOIOHWIUIIIUIOUS in the Sp

McCullough Where Quality Moats and Service Go 9-45 & 75 Hand-In-Hand Dealer • Engines Complete • Modifications • Parts Dairy Case Mason

KART Chrt·ralet Rei 4·Door .'itatirm ll'agon CHECK THE T·N-T DEALS ON CHEYROLET • CH£VELLE ·CHEVY D • CORVAIR AND CORVETTE NOW AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S ·------·------.. . - -- - ...... ------. ---.- ..... ---· ...... -.---.----- Shop 21 5242 207 Pork .St. AL RICE CHEVROLET ''Next to Simones on Maple" Mason OR 6-2189 449 S. JEFFERSON ST. MASON OR 7·3061 677-5451 117 E. Maple Mason·

The Ingham County News 1 Wednesday, June 3, 1964- Page A-8 ' . . ' . . leon· Gipson, Eva , Gay · Gipson, l I 't,, , • ·, • ·-- • Ronnie Gipson· and Jimmie Glllo:- t'Extension Unit son of Parma,, • · . Four persons Involved :In 2 highway IICC!dents ·several miles· Nam;s Officers. apart In Ingham county last Wed.; HOLT·- The Double D Exten-· nesd11y afternoon were hospital- ·· Blon group met In the Delhi Chart- 1zed with, serious Injuries;. · er township. hall and elected of- The· first'accldent occurred at :• fleers ,tor the 1064-65 year, Those 3:45 p.m. at Mer1dlan road and,'·' elected. were Mrs, Lauren highway M-36;. the ·otl!er 'at 3:55 ·::Barker, . chairman; Mrs, Fred p.m. at Barnes ·road and highway ',Hoisington, vice-chairman; Mrs. US-127. ·' · Edward. •McAd~mll; secretary, Injured were: .. , . Mrs~ Walter (Dyer, treasurerJ ·Mlllll Leslie .. Strauss,· 18. of. Mrs. Richard Pratt, community · Southfield a Detroit suburb, ' chairman; . Mrs •. Dean ParkerI Miss Nancy · Berg!,· 18, of news reporter; Mrs, C,F, Gelt:1:el Grosse Po1rit. Shores, Detroit. and ·Mrs,,R, w. Knowles, leaders. / · Mrs; Joyce But~er; 28, of Barn-; . · · · ' · ' Students es road, ·Route 2, Mason.· , ~.------""':'--- Alfred McCarroll,~ 51, ,of Lan- ' In the other 'car were Sherry enjoy the fun of mowing sing, . . , , . · : - Ltelght.SILanlepard, 22h, of 1622 Blaldr Sponsor Mrs.· Butler is· reported to s ree , sing, t e dr 1ver, an have a broken jaw, mul- her passenger, LlndaStoakes, 22, Style Show ·with a RUGG rider! I tlple · . bruises and· , possible . of 1302 S, Genesee drive, Lansing, I , lnterl)alinjurles, McCarroll suf- Tiley escaped injury, fered a possible broken lett hlp Sheriff's officers said the jeep HOLT - The Holt senior high and other Injuries, was traveling' about 45 miles an school ·home economics classes Four ambulances were requlr- hour and the other car about 65, and the Future Homemakers of ' I ed to remove the victims to Ma- Both· vehicles were moving south America club sponsored a style son General hospital. Bolli Miss on US-127. show Thursday night In the high Strauss andMissBerglareMich- ·. Miss Shepard, officers said, school gyninaslum, lgan State university students, told them that she was in the A cleanup job at the Wayne Every farm on Diamond road got bigger instead hospital officials said, ' , passing lane, and all at once Narrators for the style show of smaller Sunday. Every had an old outbuilding he wanted to get fid of so he Officers said the two young · the Reed car pulled out In front were Susan Woods and Jeanne I women were going south on Mer- of her. She said she could not Silsby as tape-recorded music touched a match to it. It jumped to another building and drew the attention ~f !dian road and vihen they came to stop so took to the median, was played softly in the back­ the Mason fire deportment. Now the pile of debris is much bigger. the Intersection of M-36 .they Miss Reed said· she looked in ground, failed to make the required stop her r'ear view mirror, didn't see The clothing modeled by the and dashed out In front of a · anyone and started to pass a pick­ girls were made by them In the west bound car driven by Helena up truck. Then she said, the Shop­ clothing construction unit In home I Norton, 69 1 of .Lansing, Mrs. ard car was on her left in the economics classes. The Style Norton's car the . rear of median, Then both cars colllded Show was the climax of the pro­ the other car and threw both and the Jeep turned over. gram for the girls, vehicles out of control. , She es- An accident In Mason about 10 99.77 Holiday Weekend Crashes caped injury, The Strauss car p.m. Thursday caused injury to Llnnete Marsh, Sandy Dreysse, Candy Walker, Patty Picken, I hit a tree and glanced ,Into a Frederick H. Baldwin, 331 of 24" economy Rider rock, · .. ·, .. Dansville, when his'"car crashed Renee Davis, Linda Adams, Car­ Does o m11n·slzo mowinu lob In comfort. 3 hp. +cycle Witnesses In another car be- Into a parked vehicle in the 400 ol Phillips, Sandy Somers, Jan Briggs & Stratton onglno with Easy·Spln rocoil afortor. Cause Death, lniuries hind that of Miss Berg! and block of W. Ash street, Baldwin Potter 1 Diane Mathis, Peggy Forward and rovorao apoods with, cloao·loloranco Miss strauss said the girls' car told officers that he was blinded Patino, Georginia Pray, Janice guo'rdod (hciln drlvo, Cut adjusts from ·1\!ito 21!1~'. 4- One youth was killed and ll Pierce said he came up over a lleved tohavebeentravellngfrom passed· them about a mile north !Jy the lights of an oncoming car Wheelock, Linda Church, Sue wheelaafoty and atabllity, 8uckot 11at, 80/505-4 I other persons were injured in a hiU when he met the other car, 75 to 90 miles an hour and of the intersection, traveling at and hit the parked car belonging Robertson, Trudy Bal~el, Sharon series of 7 automobile crashes King said he stopped and the lost control of his car. There a high rate of speed. to Earl G. Wallace of BOO RoUe Yuhesz and Sharon Wheelock during· the past week In Ingham other car came over the hill were no witnesses present v.:hen · In the other accident, of!lcers road, Mason. ·modeled schoolwear. county. "and we hit", the accident occurred, said Mrs. Butler was traveling-- Baldwin said he was driving west on Barnes road and Me· West on Ash street on his way to Modeling were : Ruth THE DEAD All the Injured were removed Gipson had been a farm worker \ to Mason General hospital. Carroll's car was moving north his work at Oldsmobile In Lan­ Pray, Carol Reitz, Terri Bohl­ Lawrence Junior Gipson, 181 In the Stockbridge area for the man, Jeanne S1gsby Carol Preb­ of Haynes road, Stockbridge, Hinkley, a pedestrian, was in­ on highway UB-127, They said sing. 1 past 4 years. He formerly lived Mrs, Butler came to stop at the Baldwin was treated for ble and Jean Tucker modeled jured when he was walking along In Kentucky, Intersection and then moved In- · bruises at Mason General hospl­ sport clothing, Jeanette Stock, THE INJURED beside parked cars on Lake Lan­ Funeral arrangements were sing road In Haslett last Friday to the highway 1111d collided with tal and released. Mason pollee Karen Charland, Mary Curtis, Ray Pierce, 16, of 661 s. Dia­ made by Ball-Dunn funeral home Peggy Duling, Janice Battin, SUe mond road, Mason, treated and about 11:15 p.m. He was struck McCarroll's car. · · ticketed him. for driving In an here. Services and burial were Woods, Diane McLellan, Ella Lit­ released, by a truck driven by Charles R, Another accident on 'US-127 unsafe manner. \ from the Caudill funeral home, Renfrow Okemos, Hinkley was Thursday at '1:25, p.m •. sent 2 Julie Abfalter, 3-year-old trell, Lois Welch, Marilyn Phil­ Kenneth King, 1641 Dexter of Salyersvllle, Kentucky, lips, Ruth SWick, Marylou Rouse, Trail, condition fairly good. taken to Edward W. Sparrow hos­ teen age · Holt girls to Mason daughter of Mrs. Doreen The youth was the son of Dewey Teene Tomlinsln, Helen Teugh, Howard King, 47 of l841Dexter pital In Lansing wlth bruises and General hospital with Injuries Abfalter, 29, of Grand Ledge, was and Viola Joseph Gipson of when 2 cars collided just south reported in good condition Tues­ Linda Johnson, Rhonda Forbes, Trail, discharged, ·- abrasions. Parma. Other survivors Include Sheriff's officers quoted Ren­ of College road, , · . day at Mason General hospital Bobbl Rutherford, Judy Sylves­ Mrs. Joyce Butler, 281 of 13 brothers. and sisters, James ter, Helen Humphrey, Donetta Barnes road, Route 2 Mason, frow as stating he did not see Injured were Patricia Ann where she was taken last Sat­ 1 Gipson, Forest Green Adams, Denison, SUe Lalppley, Penny Al­ \ Hinkley. He said his vehicle had Reed, 16, of 2401 Eifert road and urday afternoon when she tell condition fair. Mrs•. Carol Jean Bailey, Mary wood, Cheryl Feazel, Lula Wlg­ Alfred McCarroll, 51, of Lan­ just turned a corner and was not her passenger, Sheila Brackley1 out of a car at Columbia and Sue. ,,Gipson of rural Stockbridge; glngs and Karla Warner. ·.!l . traveling more than 10 or 15 15, of 1938 Dean avenue. They Onondaga roads, sing, transferred to St, Lawrence Mrs,c:Ruby Lee BaileY. and Mrs, · ;:.-u t hospital, Lansing, Condition miles an hour when he heard a were riding in a jeep, Miss Reed Sheriff's officers reported that Ginger Barnes, Evelyn Gaut, Virginia Rose Perkins of Ken­ ·suffered cuts and other Injuries the car, driven by Mrs. Abfalter,, fairly good. thud and then saw a man fall, tucky, ... ;,Mrs, Anna Marie Webb Linda Feldpausch, Marily.n·Carl, and Miss Brackley sufferea was turning a corner when a door 179.95 Miss Leslie Strause, 18, of Renfrow said when he hit the man and Charles D. Gipson of Fort Linda Johnson and Cathy Rephl­ \ Southfield, Michigan, Condition It was the first time he had seen bruises and . abrasions, Miss flew .open and the child fell out. chowskl modeled more· than one Wayne, Indiana; Mrs. Thelma Brackley was treated · and dis• Julie suffered severe cuts and as" Suburbanite fairly good. him, Jane Emmons of Munith; Kath- outfit they had completed this Miss Nancy Berg!, 18, Grosse Hinkley told officers he had charged. bruises. year, Comfort! Poworl -4 hp II & S ongino with Eaay.Spln 1tartor. Clutch control, bl11do di11ngagoa whon ~~~!ng, Point Shores, condition fairly crossed the street and started traveling, Roar cronk adiuata cui from 1V. to 3Y, • 2 good, walking along a row of parked br11k11 ·control whools, blade. Automollvo·typo dllfor· Miss Sheila Brackley, 15, of cars. He said the next thing he entlal. Poaitlvo spooda forward and rovwrso with ch11ln 1938 Dean avenue, Holt, treated remembers was getting hit In \ drive to uoor box. Paddod soot. 79/503-4 and released. the back and being put in an · 30" Snowplow gvailoblo ot extra coat. Miss Patricia Ann Reed, 16, of ambulince. 2401 Eifert road, Holt, dis­ William G. Johnson, a witness, charged. told officers he was traveling Frederick H. Baldwin, 33, of west on Lake Lansing road and \ Dansville, treated and released. saw Hinkley cross the street from Harry C. Hinkley, 450 Dor­ the north side to the south side Hey rance place, Lansing, condition Into the path of the Renfrow ve­ fairly good, In Edward W. Spar­ hicle, He said Hinkley was wear­ row hospital, Lansing. Ing dark clothing and was hard to All other listed were removed see. Johnson said Renfrow stop­ to Mason Generalhospltalfollow- ped his vehicle Immediately after ... RD•MAN® lng the accidents, , hitting Hinkley. Gipson met death when his car Investigating officers said they went out of control on Haynes found the area poorly lighted and road at 7:45 p.m. Saturday. The the road tobeverynarrow,There FELLAS. ROTARY mower rear wheels of the car went Into were no skid marks on the black­ • • 21"CuHina Width a ditch on the west side of the top and the truck was standing road, The car shee1·ed off 2 small In the middle portion of the east trees, rolled over 2 times and bound lane, Renfrow was not held, came to rest on Its left side In the fatal crash near Stock­ {Make a Note) with the body of the driver pinned bridge, Forest G. Adams, a half under the car. Glpson was dead brother of the vlctlm1 said Gipson when sheriff's deputies arrived. was riding alone. Adams said he, Pierce, Kenneth King and How­ his brother, Edgar, and Edgar's ard King were Injured when 2 wife, Margie were In one car and Your Friendly cars traveling on Jessop road Gipson was alone In the other, which officers say is wide enough They started out together, Edgar only for one car, colllded. Lynn Adams was driving the car In Ray Pierce, the driver of one which the other 2 were riding, MASON Barbers car suffered bruises and abra­ Forest Adams said Gipson passed sions about the face and his them at a high rate of speed, passenger 1 Kenneth King, suffer­ almost forcing Adams of! the ed abrasions and lacerations to road, He then disappeared over a the head, Ron Ketchum, 1210 N, hill. Edgar road, another passenger, "After he passed us", Adams Edgar road, another passenger told deputies, "we followed along In the Pierce car escaped Injury. and finally came upon the wreck­ 79.88 Howard H, King, 47, the driver age. At first we didn't know what Quality features make this an NceptiOnaf of the other car sUffered bruises had happened. Then we looked value! Direct drive 2Y.I HP, <4·cyct. lklgga & and abrasions to the face, a and saw the car lying on its Stratton. engine., Austempered _tteel broken arm and possible back left side with Gipson under It, cut-. injuries. Officers said Gipson is be- ting blade stays sharp lo""', 'Quick-Itt cutting f!elght • • • 7 adiUitll!eiiH ·from \i Effective June 1st to 3}n. Aft steel f"'me and housing. Tub­ ular steel handle stands upright for lfot9.o Haircuts in Mason 8\i" sfMI wheel&, wide ~eads. 9/2060-4 Mason Kiwanis Club Needs / . Will Pioneer Barber Shop Merchandise Be$1.7 5 South Jefferson , for SMITH Annual Despite This Slight HARDWARE Kiwanis. Sale Increase your Haircut J & W Barber Shop Mason Fair Grounds Still Costs You Less North Jefferson MASON June 19 & 20 in Mason. :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:···:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:::::::•:•:•:•:•:•:·:·:·:·;·;·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::::

Proceeds Finance Boys and Girls Work

For Free Pick-up Service C & li Barber Shop Phone 67 6-2361 ·West Ash Street 4 Seek PTA Launches Survey School To· D!3termine. ProKra~s . DANaYILLE - The Executive favor school board reports at Board of the Dansville Parent­ the meetings?" Other questions Teacher association Is conduct­ in the questionnaire penetrate Posts· ing a twin pronged survey this Into the reasons parents have week among parents and teachers for not attending· P,T,A, .DANSVILLE • Four Dansville to deter mine what type of pro­ .meeti!'lgs. area candidates have been im­ grams will best meet their needs, nounced for 2 vacancies on the Lucien · Ruest, president, an­ "We have more than 950 chil­ Dansville agricultural school nounced, dren In school," Ruest said, board, "At an average of 3,2 children . Agout 300 voters are expected \ More than 900 questionalres per family, we have about 290 to go to the polls Monday, June 8 have been sent to the parents famllles or 580 parents who to fill the expired 4-year terms of asking such questions as, "Do should attend our meetings, but Rex Townsend, president ot the you want more Information on we only get around 100, It would be school board and Harold Wing, student counseling?" or "Do you natural to blame this abseirce on treasurer, Wing Is not seeking apathy and let ft·go at that, but we re-election after serving 12 Publication of the proposed wouldn't be doing our job it we years, 10 .years as treasurer. ordinance In the In~ham County ~ld," Towns'end Is seeking re~election News Is required after It Is The survey Is expected to point for his Gth term, He has served adopted by the council. The ord­ out the areas where the P,T.A, . as president for the last 3 years, iriance takes effect 30 days after Is falling to fulfllllts responsl­ Townsend, who owns and operates VILlAGE PRESIDENT, Leland Perrine, (left) publication. The new ordinance bllltles to the parents and a 250-acre farm north of Dans. will assure uniform standards of teachers alike, From this, a more v1lle, Is a life-long resident of and attorney Richard Foster going over wording of construction and mlnumum size meaningful program will be de­ the ;~rea, proposed zoni.,ng ordinance for village of Dansville. · . lots and buildings with safe and veloped, Rue~t said, ·. adequate sanitary and water THE STIRRUP STEPPERS of the Dansville 4-H Horse club as they appeared The other candidates are, Jack facilities, Garner, James Frost and George House trailers will be outlawed in the Dansville Memorial Day parade. . M. Young, · Zoning. Ordinance except during the actual con­ Garner Is 34 years old and struction of a new residence. graduated from Dansville high "The new zoning ordinance will 7% school In 1943. He has been a assure the orderly g1·owth of ••• interest paid Seniors of Dansville life-long resident of the Dans­ Is Nearing Reality Dansville and protect property on savings notes Parade ville area, values", Leland Perrine, village DANSVILLE - The Dansvllle scheduled with the cemetery president, pointed out. "Bill more Phone 699.2165 Frost also Is a life-long l'esl­ village zoning ordinance Is a committee before public meet- than that, It will provide for the Are Having Their Week dent of the Dansville area. He step closer to reality after the lngs are conducted on the pro- health and safety of our resl­ Spartan· Fin'ance Features was born and reared In Wheat­ councll met with Attorney posed ordinance. councilmen Don dents, Corp. Graduation week at the Dans. Commencement exercises will field township. He operates a 210 Richard Foster of Lansing Man- Galley and Tom cooper are on It Is expected that the new v1lle Agricultural school started take place Thursday night, June 4, acre farm north of Dansville. He day to review the provisions of . the committee and will meet with ordinance will be In effect by Richard A. Barnett Sunday morning, May 31 with has two children In school. 1 with presentation of diplomas O'le =~~iis~t~hie.iljl!ll;il••••••••s;e:p;te~m:b;e;r~l~o:f~t:hl~s~y~e~a~r••••• Holiday the senior breakfast atthe school by Rex Townsend, chair man of ;==== sponsored by mothers of the the school board. Young 1s :n years old and a DANSVILLE • Memorial Day seniors, after which the class The annual school picnic will native of Dansville, He was an was observed In Dansville with attended the worship service at outstanding athlete while In high be Friday, June 51 at Pleasant Annual 'Report of the the annual parade forming at the the Dansville Methodist church, Lake for grades 4 through 12. school, winning a wards in both school house, starting at 10:30 a. Baccalaureate Service for the There will be contests for stu­ football and basketball, He m. for the march to the cemetery class of 1964 Dansville Agricul­ dents under the direction of the attended school at Asbury where the veterans presented a tural school was held Sunday Varsity club and elementary College In Kentucky and Is em­ ritual at the grave of a departed evening In the Gymnasium of the gl'ade teachers. ployed by the Wolverine Engin­ Ingham ·County Board of. :Education comrade and prayers were of. school, The class numbering 50 eering Co, of Mason, fered, salutes were fired and taps had as their motto, 11 0ur Goals played. · Dansville Is a registration lie Beyond the Horizon." Pro. Seniors Conduct school district made up of parts ·Fiscal Year .- 1962-63 The parade was headed by a ccesslonal at the opening and of 7 townships, Nearly 1000 voters police escort followed by the 2 closing of the service was play. are registered and eligible to school bands numbering around ed by Orin Voss Jr. on the organ, Chapel Service 50 members, vote In the June 8 election. About Tho education of children Ia ·recognized as one of the most fm. Invocation by Rev. Robert Sawyer DANSVILLE ·The annual sen­ 260 voted last year, The election nortnnt funetfona of government. To carry out this function the stnte this report these tax funds were used to support Rpecial education Two cars carried the older of the Dansville Free Methodist lor chapel service was Thurs­ hno estnblfohed locnl Behool dfRtrfots and hns by lnw delegated sncclffc services for more .. thnn 6,000 In!lilRm children. In nddltfon, as the rc­ is nonpartisan and both vacancies vort reveals, In excosa of ~300,000 was committed nnclfo•· dlshu.,ed veterans and those unable to church, responsibilities to theBe diBtrfciB, Other• m•o delcgnteaxes11 ~civnble ...... 22,451-.48 . 17,R70,4t,.,... , ,..,.o- -o- or more brightly decorated bi­ '• ,,!,,1,' .' repn' ;xvenoc CR~.ntl ...... , .... , 8,237.50 .. 1,060 80 ' · ,'-"-0- -0- cycles and their riders and the SCH~'OOL TOTAL ASSETS ... ~ ...... '.m!l.147.23 $1iil2,m:oa nf.'ii'fi"rn rw.1Jml7e"S' fire department's two units and LIABILITIES the antique fire engine drawn by ~ccounts P~.Ynhic ...... 188,77D.r.2 tS71,7r.2.3~ ceruod Snlarlea Payable ...... 12.247,00 -o- a jeep, 22.019.32 -0- ~ 1.183,40 TOTAL LIABILITIES ...... :...... $199,027,12 $394,671.08 $ $ 1,183,40 Mter the parade the Band EQUITIES Boosters of the Dansvllle school ELECTION s ~erinl RE•,dducntfon Fund Equity ...... $340,720.11 $188,240.40 0 1 served a Chicken Barbecue for A e~~rn • nrntfnn Fund Equity ...... ' 25,MI.IS a 2o, ~ II It f""'l Eqlllty ...... 484.49 097.03 the benefit of the school band to not tu c Fund Equity ...... 1.211.38 2,118.08 help pay for the new uniforms. A NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TOTAL EQUITIES ...... '7•1;";RA'n"n,7 ... ?.~n.l;-;ol ~' 1i~.240.40 T'ii'r.697:ol TIKsf:i7f.?.' total of 425 persons were served ''l'tl'l'AL LIABILITIES AND EQUITIES: .... ~r.~9.7A7.2S S!i~?. 912.0G s 27.no7.os $ 29.096.115 and the club cleared $170, . MASON PUBLIC SCHOOLS INGHAM COUNTY, MICHIGAN INT~RMEDIATE BOARD OF EDUCATION TO BE HELD OF INGHAM COUNTY Webberville June 8, 1964 STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES JULY I, 10B2 TO JUNE 30, 1003 Resident Dies GENERAL FUND TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT: General WEBBERVILLE - Frank E Eduontlon Audit ln1tltute Fund Oesterle, 731 a lifelong resident . REVENUES Fund Fund Total ~o~ntyo\i~PPrcprlntion ...... $ 28,000.00 of this area, died of a heart Please take notice that the Annual Election of the qualified • 28,000.00 Jf •ri ...... 13,301.30 attack at his home, 118 s. Clark T sec nncou, Revenues ...... 25.15 • 13,301.30 electors of said School District will be held in the Manual Arts Building, ' 25,15 street last Friday. Funeral serv­ ,rnnsferAfro'!' Audit ~'und ...... 564.40 Fmnnca. ud1ts 504.40 Ices were Monday at the Gors­ Child ...... 80.00 118 West Oak Street, in the City of Mason, Michigan, on Monday, lOG• Ae~untlnc Audits ...... 80,09 line Brothers fUneral home In 6 997.03 997.03 June 8, 1964. . •• 3 ounty Institute Revenue """""'''-:;:""':":'~~ 2.016.00 2,010.00 Williamston with burial in the TOTAL REVENUES ...... $ 41,890.0. $ 1,071.03 $ 2.016.00 $ H,U~3.DI Alchin cemetery, EXPENDITURES AdmiulstrntJon: Snlnries of lloa1·d of Educntfon ...... $ 2,190.00 $ Surviving are a son, Kenneth THE POLLS OF ELECTION WILL OPEN AT 7:00 O'CLOCK, A.M., 8 of Detroit, a daughter, Mrs, n nr!es of S,unerlntcndcnt< & Assistants.... 17,700.00 ' • 2,190.00 Sn 1nr!es - Sccrelnriul & Clcr•'cal lro Or': ..I 67 17,700.00 AND CLOSE AT 8:00 OtCLOCK, P.M., EASTERN STANDARD TIME. O(f' 'S ...... "•""''• Elmer Alchln of Webbervllle and ICe ,!JPPIIcs ...... , ... ,,,,,...... 2,632.82 15,354,67 T rn\'~l E'pcn'c & Mflen"c Allownnce 2 0'0 2,682.~2 5 sisters, 'Mrs. Emma Rann of P I tf & P • "'"'" ' ., ' 00 2,040,00 MI n n~ · ublishinc ... ,...... 117,60 Perry, Mrs, Mary Thompson of sccllnn<;:ous Exnen!H:B ...... ~2.45 117.60 U2.45 - Owosso, Mrs, Minnie Briggs of At said Annual Election there will be elected two (2) members to TOTAl, AllMINISTRATION EXPENSE ...... $ 40,127.54 Fo')'lervllle and Mrs. Irene Put­ the Board of Education of said district for fu II tenns of four(4} years 0 pc:ratlun uf Plu.nt: s -0- $ -o- • co,lz7.64 man and Mrs. Bertha Culver UtMifitli•• ...... $ 1,305.29 of Williamston. ending in 1968; and one (1) member to the Board of Education of said u ntcnnnec or Plant~ r $ 1,306.29 P.eir~!ncc mCehnt of Eijuipmcnt ...... $ 658.03 • district for an unexpired tenn of one (1) year, ending in 1965. ·1xcr1 nrgl!!i: 'a • 568.63 Insurance ...... $ 18.89 • • 18.80 Michigan's agricultural manu. FORWARD ...... ~ 42,010~3G' • facturers, suppliers, farmers $ !• ' 32,616.38 and marketing firms employ THE FOLLOWING PERSONS HAVE BEEN NOMINATED TO FILL INTERMEDIATE BOARD OF EDUCATION nearly 7501000 workers who pro­ SUCH VACANCIES: OF INGHAM COUNTY Scrvfeco to Schooh: duce products with a total sales Snlnrfc:~ ...... $! 79,741.53 STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITUR£5 Travel Ex:11~nso ...... -... 13,302.01 volume of $9,6 bllllon. E

. ·Collect If. Long Distnncco ' condition. Merchandise can be inspected all day Thursday and Friday. · & ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 The Ingham County News, Wednesday, June 3, 1964- Page B-5 'Pupils Given Awards· Explain A,t A~nual Assembly· · · baker, torenslcs coach, to the D.A.R.E. DANSVILLE - Tne annual hon. following who were winners In the OJ'S and awards , assembly was · Ch 1 presented at the Dansville Ag. regional contest: Penny ard, ricultural School Tuesday after- · Roberta Cooper; Doris Putman, and Nancy Horskl, Pro·gram . .,.. a children, may God have mercy noon with letters, emblems, med· A medal representing the win- on your souls. · nls, and certlflcates being pre- ning of the annual Read Magn- DANSViLLE -A public meeting M.l.tthew 4:4 and Luke 4:.j both sented to numberous students, zine's cJ•eative writing .. contest last MOnday evening at the school tell us that man can not l1 ve by · G,. E. Manning, principal, was was presented to Dallas King, brought answers to the most num­ bread alone, but by every word · chairman and introduced Jack With the contest open to students erous questions about the DARE of God. Yes, sinner friends who ·. Allen,· president· of the student i · th ?th Oth d ath · d summer program. Scoresofpar- •esented the follow";. n e 1 ' an gra es, li d tall do not want Bible reading .and councll Who Pl more than 100 stories were sub- ents have been see 1 ng e s Prayer In school, you had better ·,_ lng students with ltlelr chenllle mltted, The award winning story · on the enrichment program and Some of these professors who get right with God, ' D's: Carole Laxton, Susan Fel- written by Dallas was entitled playground activities which are Bible is Truth believe and teach such things as Do we real1y think that all we Romans 6:23 says, The wages ton, Peggy Minnis, Cheryl Sbea- Rollover Beethoven. She is now be!ng offered by DARE for the evolution (which Is only a theory) of sin Is death, but the gift of -·!helm, Diane Traver, Corinne a two time winner of this award. first time thlssummer.Datesfor have to do Is to learn reading, would do well to read the Bible writing and arithmetic and get God Is eternal life through Jesus Webster, Ellen Baker, Martha Second and 3rd place winners the program are !rom June 15 for what the Bible says Is true, Christ, our Lord, Freer, Jolynne Maynard, Bar- were Jim Mueller and Brenda through August 1, except during a college education to get ahead? God created man In his own Do we really think. science Is bara voss, Kathy ·Whitney, Holly Rouse, respectively. county fair week, image. You can't very wr.;ll know about · Green, Marie Warfle, Lee Ann The announcement was made Mrs. o. B. Cornett conducted all we need? Can we be a happy This country is based on free­ and prosperous nation without these things without the Bible, NEW OFFICERS were appointed by the Alaiedon Rindfleisch, Colin Curtis, Arthur that Christine Galbreath, a the meeting with John Van Wlnlt­ dom of religion and that means Sinner friends if you don't want Stampfly, Douglas Stover, Dean junior, was nominated for the le, director for the program and God? Bible and prayer In school and township board Wednesday night to fi II the vacancy You better not believe It, for the Bible all right, but don't drag Van Ostran, Larry Wright, annual achievement awards Warren Mueller, finance man. in government too, Our educa­ without God we are nothing and our children down tool caused by the death last week of Glen Watkins, Robert Brown, Don Daman, program sponsored by the Na- ager assisting her. Mrs, Cornett tional system was originally set As for taking off, "In God we can do nothing, For without God Gerald Harter 1 Larry Heinz, John tiona! Council of Teachers of told the group that any child up so that p·aople could learn to 11 veteran township supervisor. Lewis Wi Ison on the nothing was made, He made trust, from our coins, U you. Rosado, Bill Soule, Cleo Town- English, She has completed the who had completed the ldndergar­ read the Bible first. Other things can't trust In God, woe unto you, left was named to the supervisor post. Loren everything. send, Bill Brown, and Jim Mul- 1 ten grade was eligible to parti­ You can't get along without God, next, If we let these so called As tor taking "under God'' out Everett was named to toke over Wilson's former llns. The following received em- necessary requirements to qua • cipate in the program. She also Matthew 6:33 says "Seek ye educators get away with this we of our Pledge of allegiance, I blems: Colin Curtis, Dale Dll- ify and the results of the com. said there was no age limit set will be as bad off as Sodom and have this to say. Everybody and . sley, Tom Mul'- petition will be announced In the d tl t First the kingdom of God and his job as township treasurer. linghaml Don Clle fall of 1964. for the program an 111 same righteousness and all these things Gomorrab, The book of Genesis everything is under God, Lucifer dock, Roger Pollolt, Keith Put- 'The announcement of the activities were scheduled for shall be added unto you;" So how In the Bible tells us that God tried to get above God and look man, Kenneth Woods, Doug Show- winners of the essay contest adults, evenings, can you have happiness or pros­ created everything and everyone. what happened to him. Isaiah Board Picks,Wilson ers, Dennis Parshall, Russell sponsored by the Mason Kiwanis Playground activities Including perity without God? You can't, So It is Important that we read and chapter 14 tells us about that, Rae, Ben Weaver, Gavin Glover, club was made. First place softball, baseball and tennis will What are these Massachusetts teach wliat God says, I'm open for challenge on .this Doug Stover, BWSoule, Bob Rag. winner and recipient of a cash be conducted on the school Fellow Christians, stand up and Atheists afraid of? U we let subject for the word of God is ers, Arthur Stampfly, Gerald a ward of $20 was Betsy Strobel grounds. Some of the enrichment them get away with this the next be counted, You, who are trying behind me. As New Supervisor Harter, Lynn Hurford, Gordon t 411 activities will be Indoors in the stran, Chris- with the second prize a 'I' 0 lti f th D thing you know they wlll be want­ to keep the word of God o! our Dale Ankney Lewis Wilson is the new Alale­ the new township treasurer and Tuthill, Dean Vano going to Douglas McPhee, mu .purpose room o e ans- ing to close our churches, classrooms and away from our Lansing don supervisor. Loren Everett Is Robert Seyfarth Is .a new member tlne_ Galbreath, Slgne Nelson, Scholarship certificates from v1lle school. The recreational of the township board of trustees. Marilyn Anway, Penny Chard, Michigan State university were activities will be conducted from The reo r ganl z at ion was Kathy Newman,IdaWebster,Jack presented to Cleo Townsend, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 brought on by the death of SUper­ Allen, Nancy Horsld, Betsy Stro- Doris Putman, and Betsy Stro- to 2:30 p.m. with the ball games visor Glen Watkins last week. bel, Raymond Townsend,Jane Me bel. Miss Strobel also was giv- from 6 to e. Citation Solid Stainless Action on filling the vacancy came Cabe, and •rom Nottingham. en a certificate of merit as The enrichment program at a special meeting of the Alale­ The next presentation was the student quallfyingfromDans- classes wlll be In the afternoon don board Wednesday night. made by Jane McCabe, president Ill h th when no supervised playground of the local chapteroftheF.H.A., v e In the Mic lgan rna ema. activities are going on, Mrs. Wilson is on his tenth year as Betty Crocker tics prize competition. a member of the township board. Who awarded the An award given annually by Cornett sa1 d, FREE KNIFE He served the first 2 as trustee Homemaker award to Betsy Stro• the Bosch and Lomb company Mueller told the mass meeting This Week with Coupon from . your Mallod Circular · and the last 71/2 years as town­ bel, Marian McPhee, a member to the student making the high- that the DARE program was bas­ and $.5.00 01 mora purchase (axclusiva of Boor, Wino or Clgarollos) ship treasurer. of the freshman homemaking est grades In mathematics and ed on the concept of continuing Everett Is In his eighth year as class, announced that the class b education during the summer trustee, He was appointed has been chosen Winne:· for Mich- ~~!~~=nd~as won Y Raymond months. Wednesday night to take over lgan for its entry In the Fleisch- Ida Webster was the winner "Unlike formal classes during Wilson's treasurer post. mann Yeast young America's of the John and Elizabeth White- the school year, the enrichment Two 4-Piece Place Settings Free Seyfarth was appointed to fill menu planning contest and would ley Foundation Commercial stu- program will follow a more lei- When you redeem the 8 weekly coupons from yaur mailed circular. the vacancy on the board •. He be eligible to compete for the dent award. She received a cer- surely, relaxed pace where chll- and 55.00 or more purcho1o !cxclulivo of Beer, Wino or Cigaratfosl had been active on the township natlonal prizes, tiflcate and a check for $lOO. dren will be there because of zoning board. a deep interest In the subject Awarding of medals to 2 boys 1 Also, use the weekly coupons worth a total of $11 Wilson and Everett are Alale­ being taught," he said. BEAUTIFUL ~~!~ STAINlESS TABlEWARE don farmers. Seyfarth Is In the selected on the all county base­ Classes In art, reading adven­ toward the purchase of additional tableware. ball team by their coach Vince Sty/ad By M<~r·Cralt Oldsmobile engineering depart­ tures, woodworking and music Carlen followed, They were Ar­ Gregory Saue START YOUR SET NOW ! THE NEW CITATION fUTURISTIC PATTERN ment, appreciation wlll be offered. The As supervisor Wilson wlll rep. nold Wireman and Roger Pollok. basic registration fee Is $1 and resent the township on the county Loren W1lley, football coach Will Attend an additional fee for instructional WITH MAILED COUPON WITH MAILED COUPON board of supervisors, a board and advisor of the Varsity club, classes will be charged, he added. AND PURCHASE OF AND PURCHASE OF which Watkins had served since presented special football a­ Van Winkle said every child wards to John Diehl and Dennis EIGHT I LB. 1 OZ. CANS A&P 3-LB. BAG Aprll as chairman. WMU Project enrolled In the program will be First order of business at the Parshall. Varsity club alumni eligible to take part in the ath­ WHOLE CREAM pins were presented to Arnold Proceeds from the book sale letic and playground activities. KERNEL OR STYLE CORN Tuesday meeting of the county YELLOW ONIONS board will be the election of a Wireman, John Diehl, Dennis conducted by the Friends of the "Every child will become part successor to Watkins. Robert Parshall, Tom Nottingham, Jack Library In cooperation with the of the team regardless of his Bruegel, East Lansing supervi­ Allen, Raymond Townsend, Bill Mason high school National Hon­ abilltles." he said. "No child wlll sor, Is chairman pro tem of the Soule, Gordon Tutltlll, John Rosa­ or society will be used to pay be benched because he doesn't board, do, Larry Nelson, and Gavin the expenses of a Mason area measure up to some unrealistic NONE HIGHER! Glover, An honorary club pin was boy or girl to attend the annual standard, he added. Getting along "SUPER RIGHT BEEF" presented tQ Mauning. , student ,library assistant'S' work­ with· others and physical fitness An award for the boywho'inade shop at WesternMichlganuniver­ are the objectives of these ac­ WALK ON the greatest contribution to the slty, Kalamazoo, tivities, not competition." ~·· track team this year was g1ven The workshop wlll open, June Some of the questions asked to Gordon Tuthlll by his coach, 21, and continue for a week. from the floor Included an In­ Stuart Chappell. Gregory Saue will represent Ma­ quiry about the additional cost The results of the sportsman­ son at the workshop. Last year of the enrichment program. Mrs, ship trophy In the Ingham County the honor went to Margaret Ed­ Cornett said that until the size Roast~~ LB. League was announced. Fowler­ gar, Both students attend Mason Chuck of the particular class Is known, ville was In first place with a senior high school and both are it was difficult to say, but she U.S.D.A. INSPECTED, GRADE A MICHIGAN, GRADE No. I, ALL MEAT total of 447 points, Dansvllle on the part time staff of the said it might be around 50 cents 2nd with 433 points, Stockbridge Ingham County Library system as LEFT a lesson for ~ lessons a week. Ducks 4-6 LB. AVG. LB. 39c Ring Bologna LB. 39c 3rd with 391, Willl.amston 4th library pages. She added that professional in­ '

"W&'I/ Hever 81 Rich • Except In Friends" 1963 CHRYSLER 300 Co;~vertlble, 1959 PLYMOUTH Fury, VB, 4-door street c attended graduatioa in Your Friendly FORD Dealer ppen 8-5 Daily • , • Sat, 'til 3:30 Torqueflite, power steering, power brakes, sedan, Torqueflite, power steering, Traverse City for a grandson radio, heater, Fire Power 300 Engine. $3395 radio and heater. $795 -6' on Thursday and flew to Port­ ...::;) land, Oregon to attend graduation 1962 FORD Econollne 1/2 ton pickup$ 1195 for another grandson this week, Signs Ford Sales, Harold Pletz Motor Sales Mr, and Mrs, Hirtus Alles left i t Hoary Contractors Saturday for a month In Texas · Inc. and ether western states. They W. Grand River Ph. IV 5·9321 • TU 2-5755 p!~!~:,::~~ will spend some time with their 162 655-2191 son an:! family before their. ____ retur:il. L----~114:•mll::!•::r~W~,~-u~ra:::m;::,s~r;:o::,n!C~h:::a:::m6:e::r~o~f~:::::::=:.; ~. I he Ingham County News, Wednesday, June 3, 1964- Page B-7 . . .

country", I sensed here a dedi· markets, Tl;o sick c~~ be trans­ 1 must. close, But . I must say: U0lt Dast· 0 . cation not greatly ditferent !rom ·· culture. . ported to the city hospital or 1) There Is need for many car- C.ll . r I r that of our forefathers some · We went out and up the moun­ doctor, Wealthier people :ire loads of beans in Haiti whe1·e they ITJ:"ll 'A d' years,; ago, and there are others talns perhaps six miles as tho building summer or weekencl will feed an unbelievable numhAr· " l tten like him, crow flles~-but 15-20 miles as homes, providing addltlonal work of people, while building perma- Letters· to 'the Editor Yesterday I visited several we drove. Roads were fairly good ' and taxes, . nent values Into the economy and Synod Meeting joint work projects: . blacktop until we got toFermathe, Plans for the next year or so ·lll'eServlng the dignity of the per- • A Protestant Mission station Here the Baptists have estab­ call for a slacking In road build­ son, HOLT - Rev. Paul H. Iifartln, where a not yet completed church llshed a church and school and Ing with more emphasis on dams, 2) Not all ot CROP beans can pastor of the Holt Presbyterian CROP Does Job while that of Haiti is French, there are some hopeful signs both house has been. built that will' have served as an outpost for . Irrigation, water supply, schools, come to Haiti. The need is chu1·ch, will be among 350 del­ Dominican Republic· consists of on the part of Haitian leaders seat perhaps 250 persons, Back distribution of CWS(U,S, Govern­ etc. i perhaps equally great In Africa agates who will attend the l30th It's only th1•ee weeks since I about 2/3 of the land area of the and on the part of church leaders, of tho church Is a tiny school- ment arid CROP donated) food, The, "wages"? About 25-30 and elsewhere, ·. And who knows annual meeting of the United landed In Latin America--in Island but has only about 1/3 of both Haitian and United States, house made of bamboo poles and Now there are many ways of pounds offood consisting. of corn where the next disaster will Presbyterian church, Synod of Mexico with 20 Jersey heifers. the-rotar popnratron. And !he lwo I've been thrilled with the ex­ grass thatch. They need and are dlstributin[l food. Aftel' an ex­ meal, beans when available, bul­ strike? We must be ready for Michigan, at Alma college June I saw several of them distrib­ countries aren't on speaking periences of the past two days, planning to build a three room perlence In building a road of gar wheat, powdered skim mill:, . that tool 9, 10 ·and 11. The deleg<~tes will uted to missions, and to4-H Club terms with each other. Tony Plnchinat Is a Haitian schoolhouse,' Through native ~about · 2 ·1/2 miles a couple of . and flour.--occasionally some I said earlier, there are hopeful represent 300 Presbyterian youth for development of better Both are historically backward student at M,S, U, and a good church channels the materials years ago in which Michigan other food when available. 011, signs, Half of the hope rests wllh churches. . people as well as for improve­ and both have had more than their friend ·of ours, When he learned will be provided, Land has been CROP beans were used as yes! "Payday" comes every two us to whom God has entrusted so Agenda Items will include dis­ ment o! the Mexican dairy ani- share of natural disasters, Coup. that I'd be In Haiti he asked secured by the local church, La- "wages," there developed the weeks with many of the people much, We earnestly covet your cussion of the relationship be­ . mals in general, For Mexico I led with political strife, the that I see Dr. JacqUes Jolicoeur bor will be paid for out of CWS 'idea that more desperatelyneed­ having to walk 10-12 miles through continued assistance in develop. tween the church and state, the think Heifer Project Inc, is In a people have therefore suffered of the department'of agricultUI'e "food for wages" program. ed roads could be built by having the mountains to collect thelr lng a bigger and better Michigan current growing racial tensions better position to help than is long and much, Halt! with its under whom Tony had worked for · In the City of Port Au Prince people work for their food, Since "wages". (That 25-30 pounds of CROP in 1964, and the ecumenical ministry to Church World Service, extremely dense population, has some years. Dr, Jolicoeur is a th~re is an Adventist Church last October little fopd has been _ food is for 2 weeks' wages,) Russell M. Hartzler the growing number of youth on In Dominican Republic both historic chronic poverty. Coupl­ graduate of U,C,L,A, He told me which provided land and mater- given· out otherwise, except to And what do they think of beans? Michigan CROP Director the campuses of Michigan's stale CWS and HPI have a real mission ed with a see mlngly total lack of this morning, during a good talk lals for a school, CWS "food families without at least one Said Barwick to one man, "I can colleges and universities, . to perform and are performing It, responsibll!ty regarding repro­ with him, that many of his friends for wages" paid the workers. able-bOdied person. As a result pay you In cornmeal", The reply, Antarctica contains 6 1/2 mil­ Dr. Kenneth Neigh of New York, In my judgment, very well, duction or the human race, there In the U,S, tell him he Is foolish This school,- perhaps 30x60 feet, there are nearly 100 miles of "I'll work three times as long lion cubic miles of tee and snow, General Secretary or the United As you know, the Dominican seems to be little hope for the for remalninghere--that he could ts completed and serving at least all-weather roads In the rockiest for beans", Barwick' told me, according to latest estimates, Presbyterian Board of National Republic and . Haiti are 2 parts get a much better job in the three times as many students ?f mountain country, people. u.s. "They just love those good Mich­ II takes 3 51100 trips, and Missions, will be the featured of one Island, The language of But there are hopeful signs He Is staying here because, "I as we would crowd Into the space, Now the trucks are able to get Igan beans". 21000,000 flowers to prOduce speaker on the opening day of the , Dominican Republic Is Sp~nlsh, and I think that at long last owe It to my people and my But these children are getting through to take their products to My letter is already too Ion~. a pound of honey, conference.


L~st Chance To ~ Enter •.. Better Don't Forget to Collect Your Green Tapes) Hurry .•. ------~----- Table King Cream Stylo 303 can · Royal Guost 303 can c(;~~Kornel 8 far $1 Contest ends June 6 Peas 7 for $1 Vote for your favorite boy by bringing 303 can Medium in your labels. IGA Got 25; Refund Offer Da Sp:cial Pac/rafll Dl T•lly sheets are posted in store. ~p Winners wil/ be announced Monday, June 8. Applesauce 6 •. s1 Eggs CORN for your eating pleasure IGA Vanilla Wafers 1 lb. .fLAKES IGA Swift's Pro Ten Beef Chocolate Chip Cookies lib. 29( PARD 12 OZ. PKG. Dog Food 1 I b. eon c

Easy On . Reg. 69¢ Spray Starch NOW 59( stRAWBERRY CANNING TIME T~~~hpaste Rog. Size 53¢ •o•43( BEET 45 .s..~ .. p~.Et.~.r~•N•EL•o•ti•o•n..__Re.g .• $.1. • ---No•w·9•'.9 ..·.( ... __ SUGAR OVEN FRESH Shortcakes 4 PKG. 2 for 35( 5 ( IGA Table Treat LB. BAG Bread ~ Loafs fo~l

lb.·--Banquet Frozen 6 oz. (Blade Cut) Beef Swift" s Premium Chicken Chuck or 4 Skinless Franks for Steak ( In Cra•Vac ) Turkey Lean Pies 59( Arm or English cut Spare Ribs Table King Frozen 6 oz.

Roast Orange for ( Juice 2 43( Boneless Pork Chops Fresh Radishes or lb. IGA qt. Chuck Roast Side Pork Chocolate Milk 19( Green Onions 5( Bunch Lean 1/4 lb. Cello Bag Tonder 51 iced Marlene Margarine Carrots Short Ribs lb. lQc Fresh Pork or Beef Liver 29c Tray . I 2 for 29( Pig Hocks Tomatoes 19( Whitney Brank Homemade Swift"s Sweet Rasher 1 lb. Med. Can

3 lbs. for Red Pork Sausage 69( Bacon 79¢ Qc lb. (Bulk) 3 lbs. Salmon BANANAS 1

Bonus Points. 50 with ptJrchac• of O¥ith ~:~urch;&t of with ,ptJrchoa~ o' will! 11utclt1De.~l Any Camera 6 lb. Marlen Margarine Any c:an of Sno Krl!em 25 lb. IGA Flour Any Watch Band Bread Densmore's IGA D~ttsmore's lGA Shortenin9 D.ensmort's IGA Densmore's /GA Dtnlmore•1 IGA Dtnsmort"s IGA Densmore's IGA

ler"• No,. \so,.'s H-• .8o,.'a Home lor"• Ham• So,.' a Home Soy's Ham• Boy's Name Sor'• Hom• lor"• Ha,.

Addren Add,.,. .Address Addreu Ad~rsu Address Address Addru• ~ddre..

nty News, Wednesday, June 3, 1964- Page -~-' '. ' ' . ,'.

.One Year Ago--1963 · son, president; Charles Hask1111 Mason Baptist Bib~ Readers• vice-president; James . Snow, class met at the home of Mrs. treasurer; John He mans, report­ New Yorlc Negro gangs beat and sters to toe the line as se.t up by laws Marlon Wixom Friday to , pay ,er, and Clayton Smith, watchdog, rob subway passengers and there is and common decency and th.en use honor to Rev, Murl Eastman on much tongue clicldng. A Detroit his birthday, The class present-· ..·The Mason Golf club lost fo labor um·est and such causes as the ed him with a gift for his study. Inverness 4 to 3 at the Inver­ youth. is beaten in the streets in day­ civll rights movement to display a Guests numbering 160 gathered ness course Sunday in mlxed)ilay, light in a clash between school gangs at the Coy Dunsmore home Sun­ complete disregard for law and order Representing Mason were Mr. and there is much hand wringing. day to honor Mr. and Mrs,DullB­ and Mrs, Carl Plank, Mr. and are hypocrites of the worst kind. more on their silver wedding Mrs, Harry J, Bond, Mrs. Nel­ Here in Mason a carload of young­ anniversary. Guests were pres­ son Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Ford sters tips over a dozen mailboxes and ent from Detroit, Stockbridge, ~Y advancement or any move.. Aseltine, Lyle Aseltine, Miss it's called vandalism. group of boys Chelsea, Leslie, Lansing, Holt, Irene Whiting, Mrs. LaVerne A ment which comes through disregard Williamston, Webberv1Ue, Jack­ Sheader, Miss Mary Elizabeth toss rocks through windows at the · san, Munith and 1'1ason, oflaw and order is not progress but Parkhurst, Floyd Harkness, Miss county park and it·is called malicious a step bacltward. Lucille .White, Oscar Diehl, Joy destruction of property. MSU col­ 10 Years Ago--1964 J, Davis and William F. Richards, legians are rounded up in a Mason lost Its oldest business 1 A step forward was provided 50 Years Ago--1914 . man In point of service Wednes­ Shiawassee county field at a gigantic Saturday when Mason had one of its day when Ford Aseltine sold his Mrs. R,E, Darling and Mrs, beer bust and there is much jewelry store to William C, Fink, W,J, Adams attended the annual most active and b e s t attended For 44 years Aseltine operated meeting of the D,A.R, In Lan­ philosophizing about total disregard Memorial Day parades in several his own business 1n Mason. · sing last Thursday. M1·s. James for law and order. S, Turner was elected regent years. for the coming year and Mrs, But, labor and management lock A.M. Cummings,formerlyofMa­ The crowd was larger, there son, was elected vice regent, horns in a conflict such as is hitting were more veterans present and tak­ Hillsdale with resulting rioting, de­ ing pal't, the Mason high school band The school census has been struction of property, beatings, shoot­ stepped higher than ever and there taken by John Wixson and shows ing, stoning of officers and jail build­ ' 417 of school age In this district. were Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl 20 Years Ago--1944 ings and, the other acts of violence Scouts and Brownies out in greateJ.; . L, Keith Cheney, superinten­ and what happens? It's called a great dent and agricultural Instructor 75 Years Ago--1689 numller. · of the Hemlock school in saginaw Several citizens assembled at step toward social progress-a justi· county, has accepted a similar the courthouse last F rlday to fied war against or for labor reform. County politics has been slow in position with the Ingham Town­ discuss the feasib111ty otforming sll1p Agricultural school at Dans-. a stock company to build and developing candidates this election ville. operate a paper mill In Mason, There is no great demand for year, mainly because of the confusion J.A. May was chosen chairman justice. There is . no demand for .regarding time, form, legislative dis·. Cl1fford Parish, mall carrier and D.P. Whitmore secretary. restitution for property damage. on Mason Route 1, became the The following were named to tricting and other election law con­ first 1944 Victory Garden cas­ ·solicit subscriptions for stock: There is no blanket condemnatiion of fusion. ualty, Working In his garden on R,F, Grli.fin, J,M, Dresser, L. Wednesday 1 June 31 1964 - Page C-1 the participants as disregarders of Candidates just aren't stepping Elm street Wednesday evening, C, Webb, and J,A, May, The cost he slipped while dragging a gard­ of the plant is estimated at $15, law and order. forward. There are plenty of rumors, en hose to his garden. His right ooo. though. One involves a move to put toot sUpped Into a hole and the How can youngsters have any Second D i s t r i c t Representative ankle was fractured in 2 places, Abraham s. Losee of Jackson respect for authority when adults run purchased Rogers and . Fer­ Chuck Davis in the race for the Re· 30 YearsAgo--1934 guson's interest In the American as ai\imals in the streets in such in­ publican state senatorial nomination. O!ticers chosen at the semi­ House and takes possession to­ stances as the Hil~dale case. The proposal rode into Mason on annual election last week -of the day, Losee is an old hotel man · Those adults-who expect young· local chapter of Future .Farmers and promises to run a good a tl'ial balloon last week. of America include William Fan- $1 a day house, Wanted--Voters

Twice in the last 12 months Mason right but many people refuse to express f""""'"'""'''""'-"'''"-"''"""'"'"'"'"''"""'''''''~"', school district voters have been involved their opinions in the most important ••••••••••·••w••••••••••••••••• in controversial millage and bonding place-the ballot box. » » elections. There have been harsh words and there have been kind words con­ In Monday's election Mason voters I.. I.... cerning scnool operation. have 1i candidates who have interest I Surplus in Tune with the Time ~ On Monday voters will go to the enough to offer their services to the polls to fill 3 positions on the board of gigantic job of educating our children. I was wrong. in pop bottles. It could be vended education. If history repeats only a l:l: (Reprinted from the Lnpoor County Pross) :~;~ A few months ago Neighbor with Cokes. It could be drunk from Vaters are needed Monday to fulfill handful will turn out to cast their votes :l:! A recent ,news item .states there are now some 40 :;:; Larry Abbott chided me about our the responsibilities of democracy by :;:; million home gardeners In our. haton and we assume that :;:; the bottle-an almost impossible handful which in number will repre­ little house dog. I countered with the trick with the present paper cartons. --a casting votes as intelligently and ;;:;: 39,999 plant radishes. It do'es not matter that 39,999 men :;:; sent about 10 per cent to 20 per cent statement that if he only knew how judiciously as they know how. ::i:! .plant approximately 10 times as much as they need. The :;:; Last week I read in the Wall of the eligible voters. ;:;:; point Is that Raphanus sativus Is the most dependable :;:; nice it was to have the little pooch Street Journal that a dairy in North What about you? Are you going to Yet those people who forget or ;:;:; plant known. :;:; jump up on the bed in the morning Dakota is putting milk in regular pop show up at the polls and discharge your ~ » neglect to vote Monday, if history re­ and snuggle right in the covers, he bottles and selling it in vending ma· democratic duty or are you going to ;lil; A raRin:l on the case,· Willlnm L. In Lansing and Vicinity nnce void. Frnnl< J, Kelley, nttorncl' tltlo. Gln"en, Pnl'l', Rhenci ··und Mo· Mnclwy, Schade, Buelneaa · Relatloni· Conaultan~. in Muskegon Heights, Mrs, Ojala gencl·nl, VIctor H. Mole•·· nsstnncc. Lenn. · Mnrion E. Hebert v., ·Hoho•·t Hnll taught under her for several Jnn llutlwwskl, John A. Wngnor, DoJ>nrtment cf l!evenuu v,, Bll!' Clothes oC Lansing, Inc, 'fl'OHJlRKB on ct nl vB. Bonnnzn •rrucklng Co., ct nl. ll~rbor, Inc, AilJ>enl frorn Stnte Donr

The Ingham County News 1 Wednesday, June 31 1964 - Page C-3 / .and Divorces r:?::;:;:;:;:;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;::::::::::::;::::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;\1~ ··M~rriages N " :::: 11 Committe·e Haslett Youth ·to H~ad ason :::: ' ' ' ' ·MARRIAGES I lU1 ~ 18, East Lansing; Cat·ol Sue Lansing; Barbara Elizabeth ·:·:N :·:·" Jerry Lee Smith, 21, AI· N " Lemma, 19, Royal Calc. .- Allen, 20, Lansing. 1111 Hiuh ~111 mont, Michigan; Jean Louise Duwyane Edward Deigm, DIVORCES ,., T0 Study July 4th Bell Ringing Bush, 20, Lansing. 30, Lansing; Opal Arlene : VIrginia June Dorn vs. AI· Robert ·Allen Daniels,. 19, Stambaugh, 29, Haslett. · bert J. Darn, May 25. Rick HoUman, the 16-Year-olct Lansing; Bertha Louise Mills, . James Marple Sweet, 49, LaVerne Langston vs. . 1• son of Mr, and M1•s, Max Hottman, 18, East Jordan, Mich; Lansing; Phyllis Arlime Rich· Harry Langston, May 22. Tax s Haslett has been chosen 1964 Lauren David Mead, 23, 'ilrds, 37, Lansing. · Jean Marie Fountain vs; School . , . P It·· state chairman of·· the YMCA · Roscommon; Susan Ellzabeth Francis T. Olcott, 55, Mor- Lewis Fountain, May 22. A committee named to study program, "Let Freedom Ring". Hughes, 20, .Lansing. rice; Elva Sharp, 57, Lansing. JulieN. Kessler vs. Karl I<. In 1963 Rick was regional : · Hugo Balbar Lundberg, III, the feasibility of adopting fixed James Albert Hartlage, 26, Kessler, May 22. millage allotments for various chairman for this project which 27, Lansing; Nancy Jean East Lansing; Shirley Ann William M. Holmes, plain· Teen. this year proclaims the l88th Meyers, 20, Mason, taxing units In Ingham count)•, Stewart, 21, Detroit. · tiff and cross defendant vs. ..f has scheduled a meeting for anniversary of. American Inde­ Paul. Leroy Bailor, 28, Lan· Ronald Stephen Siesinsid, Cheryl J. Holmes, defendant ~ OJ . Tuesday, June 9 at 7:30 p,m, In pendence. This bell ringing cele­ s'!ng; Judy Marlene White, the offices of the Ingham Inter­ bration on July l.lth Is a solemn 23, Lansing. 20, East LanslngL; Mary Jane ami chross plabinbt.iff, MayN22. Y: ' ..• :. '. 1:1:1:1: Miller, 20, East ans 1ng. Ric ard Ro ms vs. anc ~·:::.~.·.::.~. . h mediate board of education, 147 tribute-to our country's founders Richard Dean Crandall, 27. W, Maple street In Mason. and Is time fonecledlcatlon to our 19 !;.::::;·· Lansing; Carole K. Fleclt, 26, WeDsley, eW 1tt; Rodcerltchk . a y WMilltlns,oncen Robbins,Joyce A.M 0ayb1 son22. vs. We ld on, !..·.:.. :;: .··.~.?.. /i t e The committee will study the national unity and our undying Lansing. 1 Sober, 17, East Lansing. Gibson, May 22. :·:: t; 1, · ~~ ·:·: feasibility of Ingham county Gerald Verlin Wlllis, 22, adopting a provision in the· new L Joh1n WJIIliamMWiJsosn, it'ZTI, Eileen Bennett vs. Ed· 11111·/ \ /'' .· '\. , . , 111! Mason; Priscilla Rachel Sing· 1 r. 1 IIOnth Michigan constitution which per­ er, 21, Mason. ans ng; can are m 1, ward J, Bennett, May 22. ·:·: ~~~·· l' ·1 . lUi ;.;. 24, Lansing. Carol Lynn Terrill vs. Harry :;:; 'I •li>: .. l , •:~ ;:;: mits these fixed millage allot­ Judge Picks . Lloyd James Buchner Jr., .Jack Richard . Secord, 29, s. Terrill, May 22. '"I L-'1 rnimts for taxing units with com­ 20, Lansing; Marylyn Rose 111! :, : .Eu7"'>~ i ~W Dimondale; Margaret Louise Connie L. Tonche vs. An· ··~ · . h ·:·: bined rates not to exceed 18 mills, Waite, 19, Lansing. Le glslatlon is now on the desk Terry J. Pierce, 26, East Hull, ~o, Lansing. 21 tonio Tonehe, May 22. • 111: Justin Shepard, Mason senior, is t e Teenljl~ of Governor George Romney Case Worker Lansing; Linda Lou Blanken· F. Donley, · Margaret A. Moore vs. Rob· ::l of the Month', an honor bestowed by the Mason :;:: EastChnstop~er Lansmg; Mary Ann Ro· ert H. Moore, May 22. ···· · which implements this provision, burg, 19, Lansing, h M h' h '•'· providing that, on vote of the Ingham County Probate der, 21, East Lansing. . Katherine Young vs. Ches· :;:: 19 !;!; . David Ashley Turan, 21, 26 Kiwanis club with the help of t e ason people, rates may be more or Judge James T, Kallman has devotion to our country and what 'Lansing; Christine Janet Henry ~nton Kuslm, • ter Young, May 22. ~[![ school faculty. This month 1s honor teen is the son:m less permanently fixed and the appointed Miss Leona Jean It stands tor. Webb, 19, Lansing. East .Lan~mg: 'l'he:esa Ann Phyllis A. Richards vs. ···· J h d H • h ·.·. tal.: allocation· board abolished. Maes as a child welfare work· "Let Freedom Ring" Is a na­ Dembmslu, 22, Lanslng. Ramon J, Richards, May . IS Stuart Bruce Harris, 23, 22 22 [:!: of Mr~ and Mrs. • W. S epar • e a c arter ~;j; The governor Is expected to sign er in the neglect division of tionwide effort to recapture the Lansing; Jeanne Marie Bar. Fran!{ E.lmer Miller, · Richard Joseph Bush vs. :::: member of the National Honor Society vice- ::;: the bill. . the Ingham county probate real meaning of the 4th of July. 1 _rett, 21, Chesaning. Elizabeth Btlsh, May !lli president of student counc i I, member of the !J A letter went forward this week court to be effective June 1, It means that all bells of every ~::~Jtkn~n~i~g~a1~T:!~si~g~se ~rron to committee members advising community ring out for 4 minutes Richard Lee Valley, 19, De· 1964, She is replacing Mrs. Canby,Donald Oregon; Marvin LucindaDelzer, 23,I<. · 1:.'j!• M-Ciub, Pep club and Spanish club. Justin :.:!1.! them of the meeting. It was Nancy Neal who is resigning at 1:00 p.m. (E.S, T,), Witt; Connie Sue Cornwell, signed by Alton J. Stroud, super­ By Invitation of Governor Rom­ 18, Lansing. May 31, to move to Musl,egon Paine, 22, East Lansing. · Branch YMC.:A !ill proves that athletics, extra-curricular activities ~m intendent of the Ingham . Inter­ county with ller husband. ney, the HI-Y clubs of the Mich­ James Basil Keating Jr., 26. Donald Leonard Schneider, iii! and school books mix. He captained this year's :[:[: mediate board of education, and Igan YMCA's have accepted the Lansing; Clara Ruth Mieren· 23, Okemos; Judith Greta .... , ... Miss Maes' home is Port Robert Bruegel, acting chairman Huron, where she attended assignment of lnvitlngeverytown dorf, 21, East Lansing. Elnick, 21, Mt. Pleasant. · O B if track team and has been a steady runner for !iii! of the Ingham county board of and graduated from Port and city to have bells ring In Thomas Michael Caughlin, 1 Lansing;Raymond Janet Lee Eileen Hanchett, Gibson, 22, 'JJt.f.fers O'VS.I i.:!:. Mason for 4 years. He also got in some basket- !:.!:. supervisors. . Huron high school, and gradu­ their community. Stroud said the general pur­ ated from Port Huron junior Rick spoke to the National 17, Lansing. V. ill! ba II, Stage worka Iso draws his attention. He lii~ pose of the meeting is "to ac­ college with. an associate in Council of YMCA's in Detroit son,Timothy 23, East Yeomans Lansing; Robin·Nildd liJSummer ~l un ..:i!i was in both the junior play and senior play. ..iii! quaint ourselves with the plan arts degree, llhe received the recently on" Let Freedom Ring", The ·Bible and possibly deter mine if It is on the same program with Gover­ Glennora Mohn, 22, East Lan- :111 Justin is eying the ministry with el'l}phasis on distinguished alumni scholar· nor Romney, :j;~ something we should pursue fur­ ship award from Michigan ther." Speaks to You sing. John Evans, Executive Direct- :iii missionary· work. With that goal in mind he is !iii State university on her high He is president of the State Richard Guy Sass, 21, East In addition to members of the Hi-Y Council, act1 ve In school Branchor, East YMCA Lansing-Communities has announced the ::.:::.::going to enroll at Great Lakes Bible college:::....·:. point average from junior col· RADIO MESSAGE Lansing; Jennifer Allen Be· committee, others In township, lege. athletics, student council and na­ mcnt, 21, East Lansing. dates and program for YMCA j;j; in Lansing this fall. :1:1 school and county government tional honor society. He is a WILS (1320 K. C.) whose views would be helpful are Miss Ma~s attended Mich· member of Haslett Hi-Y club of Elmer T. Sinkey, 74, Lup· igan State university where ton; Ida Augusta Palen, 73, expected to attend. Among these the East Lansing-Communities for boys 6-12 years oldIs designedwho like . are: Robert 1\, Robinson, Has­ she received her B.A. degree Branch YMCA, SUNDAYS Lansing. su~~':::e~dl~e~~~~e ~~i~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::;:::::::::::l:ii in social work. She has Clarence Fernando Weiss, the outdoors and enjoy having lett, Meridian township super­ fun and adventure with their visor; Fred Japplnga, Haslett, l'eceived her B.A. degree in 21, Mason; Nancy Ann Coole, friends. social work. She has had 9:45 A.M. 20, Mason. ·superintendent of Haslett public Program will consist of schools; Forrest Aver111 Lans­ field training experiences with Maple Grove Michael James Murphy, 19, Farhat Adds Assistant 1 archery, air rifles, cook outs, Ing, superintendent of Lansing the Red Cross and the Ing· crafts, Indian lore, camp crafts public schools; John Patriarche, ham county probate court, .News neglect division. and skills, nature lore, and rec­ East Lansing, city manager of Twenty.flve relatives gathered reational swims in Williamston .To Prosecutor's Staff East Lansing and a member of She is a membcl' of the Wed~1esday evening at the home of pool. the Ingham county board of super­ Social Worker's club. Mr. and Mrs, Emil Laduke, to A special feature this summer Leo A, Farhat, Ingham county uate of East Lansing high school. prosecuting attorney, has an­ visors; Laurence Parker, Ma­ honor Mrs, Mike Sedore of HERE'S THE PROBLEM . will be an overnight at the "Y" He received his B.A. from Mich­ son, Ingham county comptroller; Lansing, a grandd!J.Ughter, at. a once each 2 week period, nounced the appointment of Jules Igan State university and his law Hanslovsky as an assistant pros­ Vernon Ebersole, Lansing, pres. Herrick News stork shower. Maple Grove res­ "Y" Summer Adventure runs degree from Wayne State unlver- !dent of the Lansing board of ed­ idents present were Mrs. Aita Monday through Friday each ecutor. . slty law school, · Hanslovsky, a resident of East ucation; Robert Bruegel and Mrs, Harold Green and chil­ Hallllahs, Mrs. Leona Squires, week, · dren, Jerry and Julie, and Mr. Lansing for lil years, Is a grad- Cecil MacDonald, East Lansing, Mrs. Lois Bliesener, Mrs. Judy Periods are as follows: While attending Wayne he superintendent. of East Lansing and· Mrs. Reuben Rohde and Bliesener, M:!'s, ElizabethBlles­ lst period ..... June 29-July 10 worked as campaign coordinator schools, daughter, Kathy, with Marie Mac ener and Mrs. B1llye Laduke. 2nd perlod ....July 13 - July 24 tor Republican Paul D. Bagwell Members of the study com­ Donald were weekend guests of · Other guests were from Grand 3rd per!od .... July 27 - Aug, 7 Ledeth Stewart In the· 1960 race for governor. mittee are: Glen Dean, Lans­ their mother, Susie Gerhard­ Ledge, Round Lake and Mason, This program wlll be under the stein, He also was employed by Amer­ ing; Kenneth Dillinger1 East Mrs. Sedore Is the former Dawn direct supervision of the "Y 11 Rites Conducted Ican Insurance company as a Lansing; Delmar Carr, Webber­ Hopkins of Maple Grove. staff and trained assistants, claims representative in .1962 ville; Gilbert Glover, Dans­ Mrs. Ruth House returned For more information call the Funeral services were con­ and 1963. Recently, he has been ville; Robert Walker, Lansing; home Friday after spending a Mr, and Mrs. Will1am Ranes East Lansing-Communities ducted Monday, June 1, from Jew. assistant court officer for Prose­ Charles Bode,' Leslie; Clarence week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, are the parents ot a son, Je.f­ .Gerald Dally. Branch- ED 2-6657 •.... ett chapel.for Ledeth L. Stewart, cutor Farhat. ... Pr~entlce, Okemos, and Stroud. frey Roy born Monday, May 25, '.,. 64, a lltelong resident .of · the at the Ingham Medical hospital Mason area. Officiating at the ... Mr: and Mrs. George Glover In Lansing. · Webberville Seek Position were In Maumee, Ohio last Mr. and Mrs. Emil Laduke left· riles was the pastor of Mason '· Thursday on business. Baptist church, Rev. Murl East- · Seniors, Parents Thursday morning to spend some WEBBERVILLE -School board time at their cottage on the man, Burial was In Maple Grove election will be June 8 at the Mr. and Mrs. otto Foreman What's more unsightly than a dead tree stump in a Has Policeman Tlttabawassee river In Gladwin cemetery and pallbearers were ' Plan Breakfast high school. There is one can- . and son, Jerry• attended the hot lovely lawn? There was a time when removal WEBBERVILLE - Webberville Chauncey Robinson, Dorr Hath­ rod races at Captlal City Speed­ county. Mrs. Elsie Watts of Lan­ dldate seeking a 2 year term, and sing, a sister Mrs. Laduke, meant days of laborious and expensive chopping, again has a policeman. After away, Earl Davison, Wayne. WEBBERVILLE - The seniors 4 seeking the 2 four year terms. way last F rlday night. at trying unsuccessfully to keep the · Karber, Alvin Linn and Kenneth and their parents wlll have break­ was a week end guest at U1e cot­ sawing and digging by a crew of men to remove a fast together In the high school Maurice Oesterle is running tage, peace without an officer of the Roblnsop. for the 2 year term,' and Earl Little Ronnie Johnson who has big stump like the one shown above. Law, Elmer Stinnett has been cafeteria SUnday morning. Bac­ made his home wlthMr.andMrs. Mt•s, Ricahrd Silvers, Eaton Survivors Include 2 nephews, calaureate services wlll be Sun­ Fuller, Kenneth Waite, Clarence Rapids road drove to Burt Mich. appointed village policeman, He Reynolds, and Wilford Moore are otto Foreman for some time 1 Chauncey Robinson of Muncie, day at 3 p.m. in the gymnasium has been deputized which means running for the 4 year terms. left last Monday for another lgan with her two daughters, he can be called lor service Indiana and Kenneth Robinson of and commencement exercises foster horne. Sheila and Terry and son Jim this HERE'S THE SOLUTION outside the village. He Is on Birmingham, Michigan. Also, a will be next Tuesday at 8 p.m. At the same election contin­ Mrs. Dennis Conrad and baby past weekend to visit their niece, Mrs, Lennah Hathaway of when 40 seniors will receive mother and grandmother. The call 24 hours a day. Lansing. uance of the three mills opera­ spent the weekend at the John 1 diplomas. tional tax will be voted upon. Grlffes home. 2 girls stayed to visit tor a week or so. WASH DISHES Electric Home Heating

IS THE ULTIMATE Then came the Vermeer Pow.R Stump Cutter, , • ENJOY A SHOWER and a revolutionary new stump removal principle. ••• yet you may be Look how the machine's big, high-speed revolving surprised to learn that cutting wheel has ripped hall the stump to chips .. most installations are taking generous-size "bites" as it moved back and going into moderately· forth across the stump. Plenty of Hot fel at eng priced homes! HERE'S THE RESULT Get the facts. When you consider all the low-cost factors ... WITH A COMPACT, FAST-RECOVERY ELECTRIC WATER installation ... maintenance ... depreciation ... you'll find the convenient, carefree comfort Hot water ... all you want and no waiting ... that's what you get when you install of Electric Heating is within a compact, fast-recovery, economical electric water heater! Dishes ... cleaning ... reach of all. laundry ... baths ... these are the hot water demands of the modern family. But there's plenty of hot water to handle everything with the fast-recovery electric water Cali or Write heater! Don't wait ... see your electric water heater dealer soon .. CONSUMERS POWER CO. for this 16-Page COMPACT ELECTRIC FREE ••• Electric WATER HEATERS * Enjoy all the Hot Water you want ••• Heating Booklet CAN BE INSTALLED CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY'S ALMOST ANYWHERE LOW ELECTRIC RATE FOR Ask for informalion about the How see the difference! Stump has been removed,· WATER HEATING REDUCED RATE FOR Hole has been filled with dirt (and chips too, if ELECTRIC HOME HEATING you wish) and is ready lor seed or sod. All Saves You Money! and how you can qualify for the $100 INSTALLATION accomplished in minutes by one mon ••• and a ALLOWANCE [limiled time offer) Vermeer Pow·R Stump Cutter. PoW-r Stump Removal:

W. Ransb~rg UNDER THE STAIRS OR 7-4938

11 Call· for Information, Today" . ··" •~''' '.' ~ Published by Consumers Power Co • . ' '· , The Ingham County News, Wednesday 1 J~ne 3, 1964 - Page C-4 :Romney r--JPI!llflllllll -Bml-Ort$ C.ENTER CUT. RIB ••• .,.,.~ ... ' . ' . ·~ ·' .. ·:· ' ' Before I announced my In­ tention to seelc re-election re· YIUI IIV/111! PORK cently, I tool{ stoclc of some of the major challenges and WITH OUR LOW, opportunities facing Michigan In the Immediate future. LOW PRICES PLUS These were the main rea· h OPS sons I decided to again ask the people for their support. 1 · The last 2 years In Mlch· lgan have been devoted lm· portantly to building a strong 'Country Stvle state base from which the N '7( ~( problems and challenges of 11. the future can .be most ef. SPARERIBS ...... 39c fectlvely answered. . The 1963 constitution re· quires that improvements be made in state and local government as the people, by their votes, .directed. ,We LEAN, CUBED ••• are barely beginning the hn· plementatlon of the new con- PORK CUTLETS . ' stltutlon In the legislative, ' executive and judicial branch· es, education, local govern· ment, election changes, civil rights, and other provisions. 'Butterfly' PORK CHOPS B~~~L~~ '99c Reorganization of the ex· LB. ecutlve branch of state government, and county home rule are 2 Important actions Here's how we win friends in our MEAT DEPT. ... that lie ahead. Another future task is VEAL SHOULDER ROAST •• F~~Mv~iK •• La. 49c · organization of the new State Board of Education, with Its • . • ll, broad powers to plan and co· .. VEAL SHOULDER CHOPS • • F~~DM v~!~K 59c ordinate Michigan's total edu· catlonal effort. VEAL RIB CHOPS • • • • • '~~oM v~~K • • ll. 79c Full expression of the civil rights fel).tures in the next few LEAN ~HOP SUEY MEAT •~~!~· . . u. 69c years will shape the future of many of our citizens. ll. Other programs of this ad· CORNISH CAME HENS • • • ,~~~~~ • • 69c · ministration have only been r partially realized: RING BOLOGNA • • • • • • 'Ei~lH:e • • ll. 49c Our sound fiscal position needs to be mailitained, and BOILED HAM • • • • • • • ..... ll. 98c additional tax reforms achi· eved, to cope with the popu­ SWIFT'S PREM • • • • • • ·• • • • • ~~Ao;. 39c lation explosion and rising level of state public service need. · Our state program In men· tal health under the newJy. h i r e d psychiatrist-director must enlist community re­ sources to deal effectively with this vital human prob· !em. Our upper peninsula is just starting on the way back Spartan from its economic doldrums. Giant Size ••. The problems of youth must be dealt with more complete· ly and fundamentally and MEAT have more of a reply than ex­ CHEER 59c panded facilities; the com- ' munity, neighborhood, family, 59c SIZE ••• indiVidual and church must PIES contribute more to the solu· tion o fthis growing problem. Traffic s a f e t y program LISTERINE 49c must be intensified until traf· fie accidents and fatalities are reduced. Our rate of new job growth must continue to climb. The best way to end poverty, is to put people in jobs. Our programs producing t< g r e a t e r efficiency and economy In government need Spartan Frozen to be carried forward with determination to produce the more substantial results that are possible. Recreation, a g t• I c u I· INNER ture, conservation, tourism, ·, public health and other areas of proper governmental con· cern have the!t· special prob­ lems; one priority item that touches all these areas is SHURFINE, l~·OZ. water usc, rights, and poilu· tion. CAMPBELL'S FAVORITES In education our school aid CATSUP formula needs basic revision; VEGETABLE, CREAM of CELERY, community colleges must be CREAM of POTATO, BEAN with BACON FOR used to a greater extent, voca· 7 1.00 tiona! training must be in· 6•oal.OO creased and our needs in MUSHROOM, VEGETABLE BEEF, CHICKEN higher education face their greatest expansion. NOODLE, TURKEY VEGETABLE 6 FOR 1.00 Out· worl~men's compensa· tion program and benefits need improvements. TALL Personal responsibility and ·TOMATO SOUP ..... • CAN 10c self-reliance need to he stimu­ lated. Citizen participation in WITH public affairs, including IONUS COUPON 9 ••• PORK and BEANS .. . . .8 FOR 1.00 activity in both major political parties, must be encouraged. WITH PURCHASE OF !-1-GALLON 100 FREE STAMPS COUNTRY FRESH ICE CREAM WITH PURCHASE OF Servicemen 50 FREE STAMPS 2 PKGS. OF COOKIES \ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Specialist F our AI! red w • WITH THIS COUPON • Clark, sen of Mr. and Mrs. AI: • QIP THIS va E. CLark, Mason, is partici­ • pating in Exercise DESERT • COUPON SWin'IIIG 3::;.39C STRIKE, a joint army and air • WITH 5.00 fOOD PUICHAII ••• Iff. THIU SAT., JUNE 6 force maneuver Involving 100,000 • NOW ••• troops, being held in the tri­ • FELPAUSCH FOOD CENTER state area of California, Arizona -...... • and Nevada, ending May 30. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·····························~ • WITH PURCHASE OF • • • • Specialist Clark is a gunner • • • WITH PURCHASE OF • • WITH PURCHASE OF • in Company A, 1st Battalion of • • • • • • the 1st Armored Division's 13th • • • Salada 1Y2 oz. • • • Armor regularly stationed at • 50 Y2·GALLON • • 50 • • 50 ANY CANNON • Fort HOdd, Tex. • EX1RA • • EXTRA • • EXTRA • He entered the army in August • STAMPS STA-PUF • • • • • 1961. Clark attended Springfield • • STAMPS INSTANT TEA • • STAMPS BEACH TOWEL • EFF. THRU SAT., JUNE 6 • • • • high school in Mongo, Ind. • • • EFF. THRU SAT., JUNE 6 • • EFF. fHRU SAT., JUNE 6 • t- . Extra- Stamps • • • • • • Marine Private John W, Eames • FELPAUSCH FOOD CENTER ·1· • .. • • • m, son o! Mr. and Mrs, John w. • • • FELPAUSCH FOOD CENTER. ·2· • • FELPAUSCH FOOD CENTER ·3- • Eames Jr. of Mason, completed .~ ....•..•...... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• four weeks of individual combat • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : WITH PURCHASE _OF : • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• training May 8 at the Second • WITH PUICHAS.E OF • • WITH PURCHASE Of • • WITH PURCHASE Of • Infantry Training Regiment, Ma­ • • • • • • • • rine Corps Base, Camp Pendle­ • 50 Our Own • • Rose • • • • • ton. Ca)tf Wbne- wtth the regt. • • 50 Any • PORK • • 50 50 ANY PKG. . MEAT-: ment aU new Mar1nesaretra1ned EXTIA • • • • • .. •il Bulk Sausage • • EXTIA • • EXTRA • • EXTRA In tactical and combat likWs , :sTAMPS • • STAMPS .Bush • • • • • , tl needed for battle. Emphasis Is · I IFF. THRU SAT., JIINE 6 • • • STAMPS ROAST • • STAMPS FOR LOAF' • placed on the small unit tactic I • EW. THRU SAT., JUNE 6 .. • Eff. THRU SAT., JUNE 6 • • • • Eff. THRU SAT., JUNE 6 • I • • • • • • -- the four man fire team and I • • • • the 14 man squad. FEi.PAUSCH FOOD CENT!I ·4- • • FELPIUSCH FOOD CENTER -4~ • • •• • • • FELPAUSCH FOOD CENTER ·5- • • FELPAUSCH FOOD CENTER -~· : · ·················••I!••• ...... , ·····~···········••I!••········ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••

QUALITY PR.INTING TO FIT EVERYONE'S NEEDS For Home or Business ••• Large or Small Orders Forms - Cards - Letterheads - Stationery - Etc.

's l\l.c"-"~"'~ fl.~est .._,.._.._,... () ....,.~,...... ()'- ~eb WJ? llA. ve Ollset DllrsrANDING ...... "'"~"' '+-\\'\ \\ ~\\' ~'+- ,, f1'\,t\t\t\~ CLAssiFIED AD ...... ~ , "".... ~"tf. f\"-1\t · COVERAGE et5o 5-~fi ...... '- ...<, , ....,~ . ~e..._ ~o.t5o WE: REA.cll ~,,~ . ,.,'""' (C.\) _, .,_.. c.,.\'\ofi'r c,o\o' • • ~ e c,o\o DYER -~;~o ll,ooo Holhes

in our Ingham Coo,.,,.._ ,..., . "T •vews ln.q~tqrn Coo,.,,.._ Sh "T 0 PPer IS Words Only Ult ~!lham.:4!f!onntg ,Nt!U$ 7sc·. ! 222 West Ash Mason Synthetic Meat May Add to Farmer's· Woe

Cattlemen, o.lrelidy worried Dr, WIWam Gray of Ohio State about low beet prices and university, who reports that the foreign Imports, may have new new process converts carbo-· wrirkle!l . added to their fore­ hydrates and inorganic nitro­ heads by two recent laboratory gen lnto protein within the tissue announcements concerning syn­ thetic meat, of fungi, and represents a "total sYfi{hesls of protein." IiJ some A "protein synthesis by fun- cases the resultant product had 1!'1'1 has been .accomvlished by a 3 8 per cent protein value as compared to the 3 5 per cent of dried chipped beet, now con­ sidered tile meat of highest pro­ Farmers tein value, At Michigan state Wllversity1 . Dr, Theodore Irmlter of the Foods and Nutrition Depart­ Fed Up ment, tells of "meatless meat" · now possible from spun protein -Michigan farmers are fed up fibers. In most experiments, wtth the falling prices ot beet soybeans provide the base cattle, which recently hlt new _ material although grass and lows at most markets. Wllile sugar-beet tops have been suc­ beet consumption has ,risen cessfully used. · steadUy, prices paid producers Applian:ce Data Earn Extra Vacation Cash - Use Classified Ads for prime cattle have as steadily dropped, The fibers simulate meat to All- over Michigan, livestock an unbelJevable degree, · To Be Obtained men are compla1nlng, In with duplicating with great faithful- Representatives of Consumers the complaints are hints oUrust­ . ness the white meat of chicken Power company wlll call at the 01· turkey. "Pork" chops, ham,· Public Auction ratlon'from an Industry that has homes of a sample gl'OUP of done very wellln producing what filet mignon, dried fruits, nut Lansing Division customers dur­ kernels and many vegetables Ing the next few weeks in a sur­ the customer wants--but which · can also be imitated, Sat., June 6, 1964 now feels boxed in. vey to obtain Information l'egard­ What does this mean to In 1959, prime beet cattle sold lng the use of household appli­ · 12:30 P.M. for $29.32 per 100 pounds. Tills ·Michigan cattlemen? Not much ances along the company's lines. for now. Currently the cost Division Manager W,R, Carlyon dropped to $27.82 per hundred ln To settle the estate of Hazel D. Jones, unc/ersignec/ wllf 1960 and to $26.08 in 1961, There ot spun protein tubers are about said the Information, together was a price climb back t_o $29,81 the same as for ·meat of good with comparative data obtained in seff at public auction to the highest bide/or at the ln 1962 followed by a drop to quality. The fungi protein ex- earlier surveys, wlll be helpful HERE•s KATHY FULLER. $24.89 last year. , perlment remains exactly that­ In estimating the future service rosie/once, 208 W. Saginaw St., Lansing Recent selected prices fpr an Interesting experiment. requirements of Consumers cus­ tomers, (Cor. of Capitol Ave.) prime beef in Michigan markets Although meatless-meat will The survey here, Carlyon saJd, ranged from a top of $22 per have some obvious advantages ls part a statewide activity In hundred pounds for prime steers, . such as no bones, fat or other. ot to a low of $16.70 for "good" . which Information will be asked kinds, · · waste, there are self-evident from only 21 000 of the more t!Ulll dlsacJ.vantages. No one w111 1 Electric stove; electric refrigerator; chest type freezer; 1 5000 000 customers served by Many of the livestock pro­ · convince a true lover of fine 1 1 comb, auto, washer & dryer; wringer type washer; tubs; the company, The 21,000 V/ere ducers are blaming Washln~on beefsteak that any laboratory . Westinghouse electric roaster with cablne~; electric for paying politics with their in­ process will come near to the selected by electronic computer sweeper; numerous small electric appliances; near new dustry and thereby disruptingthe as representative of the entire cherry Duncan Phyfe dropleaf table with extra leaves, table aroma or edibility of a really. customer group. operation ol well-known cattle fine cut of meat. There are pads, chairs, china cabinet, buffet; near new living room "The purpose is not to obtain and hog cycles, _ other, ntore subtle differences, suite; platform rocker; occasional cua1rs; olonde Muntz information about any particular 11 .So-called voluntary meat too, tied to the 'complex amino 21 comb. radio-TV console; 6 single beds, complete; customer but to gather data ln­ agreements between our govern­ ·acids or prote~ns an~ fats, which bedroom suite, complete; spool bed, double, complete; ,ment and New Zealand, Ireland must be fullr uxjllored. dlcattng the saturation of various several chests of drawers & dressers with mirrors; and Mexico are part of It, as appliances amo:~g all our custom­ antique hall tree; 2 wardrobes; folding chrome wheel chair; was the USDA dumping of Com­ Stlll, these. 11ew laboratory ers," Carlyon said. "There will 2 rugs; quantity of dishes, glassware; cooking utensils; modity Credit Corporation stocks developments ~erve as warning be no sales effort whatever in bedding; linens; pictures; small amount of lawn tools; of surplus grain on the market. to livestock men of .new com­ connection with this survey." numerous misc. items. Farmers felt this was done petltton; 4nd ne'w needs for keep­ A group of Michigan college and deliberately by the Secretary of Ing tlieir Industry. ~·sharp" to university students tralned for Terms Cash. J.D. Jones, Administrator Agriculture to penalize non-co­ meet ·it', The synth,etic foOds the purpose are making the sur­ operators 1n the government'S" signal the ,ne.ed for top qu:i.Uty vey under the direction of com­ feed-grain programs. meat at reasonable prices, pany supervisors. Although sale of CCC stocks Ols&n airy Wayne G. Feighner of grain have been reduced ln Tiley are all the more reason Farm Equipment 'recent months since It became' for Michigan cattlemen to con­ apparent that they were hurting tinue pressing for better meat SURGE & livestock prices, cattle feeding inspection laws, an~ to support Auctioneer continues heavy because of the work ot the recently formed BADGER Michigan Livestock Improve­ Mason, Mich. record supplies of feed grains A.J, Murray produced under the 1963 program. ment Assocl~tion, The wheat porllon ot the cotton-: wheat blll recently signed Into law by President Johnson con­ stitutes a further threat to ihe well-being of the livestock ·ifi­ dustry, The announced policy of not letting wheat _prices in the market rise above $1.30 per bushel could cause more wheat Public to be fed, further disrupting al- . ready shaky feed-livestock ratios. When a high level of meat .imports are added to a deliber­ ate decline ln price otteed wheat, HORSEMEN ALL are Jean Hines, Kathy Fuller, Ronnie Kranz, Beverly there ls bound to be trouble, Lyons and Mary Kranz. The nation's livestock men are placing the blame on Washing. also was chosen to receive one ton, where much of it seems to Tomlinson 4-H Club of the Dr. Pauley horses, belong. This year the membership has on taking ln many of the horse Increased to B. They are busy shows throughout the state with Due to ill health I will seU the following personal pro(Jerty at publie auetion at tile farm located 1~ planning a horse show for later their horses, miles northeast of l\lunith on l\1-106 to Dewey road north~ mile on Dewey road. this summer. Also they will These young people and their Has Fun with Horses be performing In front of the Last SUnday afternoon Tom­ leader Mrs; Walter Kranz Jr., having the neatest stable area. grandstand at the falr with the linson 4-H horse club members have many activities and hard Beverly Lyon won a place on other 4-H horse clubs on 4-H 12:30 P.M. turned their horses Into the pas­ the county judging team and she work ahead of them for the year Saturday, June 6 12:30 P.M. night, They have also plaMed ture of the club leader, Mary of 1964, Kranz, for a preliminary outing preparatory to the county fair ·lntroducin~_:_-_. The New Holland Hayliner and other horse shows, Phone Phone In 2. Years tne club has grown ·to be one of the most active horse Stockbridge Price Brothers cluhs ill the county. Stockbridge The TornJinSon 4-H horsemen began m tne sprwll' ot 196~ WWl 851-2172 2 members, Charlene Carter and Auctioneers 851-2172 Keith Kranz. They both re­ ceived blue ribbons at the fair. In 1963 the membership had grown to 6. Their activltles Farnn ~achinery Trucks ~iscellaneous includes practice rides, demo:t­ strations, painting equipment for 1958 Allis Chalmers WD 45 tractor, power McCormick power sheller, new the fair, buying matching show steering, good rubber, wide front end 3 section harrow Land roller s.klrts and pants. At the fair :J. they received blue ribbons and 1953 Allis Chalmers WD tractor, new tires Set 10 x 28 dual wheels .won the· Jewett barn award for Allis Chalmers 2 row cultivator 40 ft. extension ladder Allis Chalmers 3-14 in. mounted plow P. H. 185 amp. electric welder 1957 Ford 860 Powermaster tractor with Large air compressor Eden Elevator Wagner industrial loader with 2 buckets. 75ft. ·drive belt 2 rolls new fence good condition to be sold as unit Allis Chalmers sub-sailer Eden, Michigan International 3·14 in. plow Hog feeders, sheep racks, wall drill, log New Holland 68 Hayliner hay baler, good . chains, electric motors, l tarps, 2 plat· Larrowe Feeds condition form scales, stoneboat Allis Chalmers 60 combine PTO Tractor seeder Dairy Concentrates Oliver No. 100 manure spreader PTO McCulloch No. 44 chain saw Oliver 3-14 in. mounted ·?low, trip bottoms 250 CJOOd crates, lOO ft. hay rope, cauldron Hog Concentrates New Holland rolla bar side rake kettle, set sleighs Poultry Concentrates Allis Chalmers rotary stalk cutter, 3 point Quantity forks, hand tools, tires hitch Quantity miscellaneous articles Pig Pelletts Groesbeck 32ft. elevator with electric motor Rabbit Pellets 2-4 section springtooth harrows John Deere 8ft. field cultivator Raise TRUCKS- L.obor·.savlng Sa/e. Thtowet Is optional on both HoyllMra. 4 section rotary hoe S~nsltlvf> throttle COIItro/ /et.s you ·"calf your .shots" .a.ccurately, New Idea 4 bar rake on rubber, good condi· 1947 Chevrolet 1'/z ton truck with 14 ft. t.M. Salt tlon stock rack SEALED BEARING on pickup clrive sbau STRAIGHT SLICING ICHIVES are l.nter · prCIYldes long life with lese lubrication Brillion 10-ft. Cultipacker 1947 Chevrolet l'lz ton truck with grain Mixing Salt and mauuenance. · chanreable for loar lite and rreater replacement economy •. Twin-draulic 8-row trailer sprayer. good rack. good rubber ·Block Salt RUBBER· TIRED GUIDE WHEEL (optlona.l) TAPERED ROI.L.ER BEARINGS on wneell condition Protein Blks. .Permlta pu:np to tou.ow rrCIUila contour assure easter ,PUWnr, leaa wear • 3 section spike harrow cloaely for eftlclent bay ptherlnc. 2 rubber tired wagons with corn sides OATS Mineral Blks. 6 ft. rear end blade 150 bu. oats Not responsible for acidents day of sale Seed Corn Francis Platt TERI\IS: Bank terms available National Bank of Detroit Plymouth office : Minneapolis-Moline., Oliver & New Holland Michigan Hybrid LLOYD HAIR, owner U.S. 127 • Mason Phone OR 7-3361 State Farm Tour Agriculture I In Action In Branch County Michigan's annual State Farm For sheer shoclt reading, made more aware' of the Management Tour will pay a re­ , nothing can beat tlv! set of dangers Inherent in farm turn visit to Branch county where statistics titled, "Accidental machines, especially tractors the event orig·tnated 16 years ago. deaths involving tractors and and machines operated liy The full-day tour and program oth,er machinery-Michigan, younger children." w111 be held Wednesday, August 5. '1963." , of the unfortunates ranged' Rural people attendlngthefll•st statewide tour sponsored by the ,1. Paragraph after paragraph, from 3 to 83; :but six of the page after page, of 1\hc ltlnd fatalities were in the teenage Michigan Cooperative Extension of reading that maims your hracltet. Service In 1949, saw farming heart pound and your head operations In Lenawee, Hlll~;­ spin. dale and Branch counties during Reading between the lines, a two-day whirlwind trip, '"Age 16, Clinton county, It appears that laclt of judge. Mayor Gilson Pearsall's an­ units and each unit will cont11.1n One of the two farms on this acute traumatic shoclt, ruptur· ment Is a big factor In all nouncement that what Mason up to 1,000 square yards of floor Year's tour was also a Branch ,ed spleen and liver, Tract01r. . cases. In the case of youth, it • ' needs is a long range develop­ space with carpeting and llir . tipped ,over while turning. county farm featured during the ment p1•ogram 11to mllintain Its conditioning, There also will be Is coupled with the common, 1949 event, This was the farm ziround in middle of road ...." unthlnldng "fooling around" place In the boom prophesied tor 2 carport stalls tor each apaJ·t­ , "Age 15, Manistee county, ot Glen Pridgeon, located In the the Ingham county area" is good men!. The 11 units will be one that is tied to the exhuber· southeastern corner of the suffocation, tractor overturn· ance of youth. news Indeed, and 2 bedroom apartments, ed on school grounds, was to county, But It Is now operated The mayor forest:es a healthy by his son, Dean, This project spells progress, be used to pull hay wagon. In the older cases, it Is the economic and resictentlalboomln · too, "Age 15, Isabella county, Many changes have taken place the cUing and has taken steps In addition to these, 2 new same deadly carelessness, with on the Pridgeon farm during the crushing chest Injury, 4 chll· over half of the total tractor to start planning now for tlie churches are to be constructed dren playing on farm tractor past 16 years Including a switch Ume when the new osteopathic during the coming year, one Is deaths caused by the farmer from milk to pork prOduction, which turned over." somehow overturning his university Is located just to the the new home ot St. Augustine This farm wlll be the morning north of the city which soon will Episcopal mission on south street "Age 15, Lapeer county,

,fFYE.. Brings ~lessage 4-H Calendar· ,P~ace, Understani/ing Of By Elmer .E. Wllltc B~ltlsh eras·; the beginnings of crensingly able students with DEATH PREDICTION American rule, territorial hlghel' quality education at Douglas Sanders, son of Mr. can only be told by simple ges­ Predictions of a full year's days, ·mlg1·atlon activities, to I little or no Increase In cost I. and Mrs, Charles Sanders, Lamb tures and expressions. activity, whethe1• It be parlt achievement of statehood and per student. road, mason, will be in Switzer­ An IF·YE owns very little- only use, auto sales or employment 1 development of Michigan Into A new unit within the MSU land as an International F'arm what can, be carried In a battered rates, are usually made on a its present greatness. president's offlee Is worldng June 5 , , •• , • , • , , , , , , County Archery' Training, 7 p.m., F'airground.s, Remaining Youth Exchange delegate until date11 are June 26, July 17 and 31, all at fairground.s suitcase and an open heart, But conservative ba'Sis. r The increasing size of Mich· full·tlme on research and 1m· October, Before he left tor Swit­ In these 2 containers there al­ The cur,rent prediction !or lgan' s ·colleges and unlver. June 14-20 , •• •I, , , , , , , Summer 4-H camp · · zerland he sent this piece, writ­ 1 plementatlon of a university 24 , • , • , , , ~ • , , , , 8 ways seems to be more room Michigan in a vital area Is sltles In the next 5 or 10 yeal'S June County' 4-H council - P,.m., courthouse ten by Sue Ann Fye, a 1963 dele­ educational development pt·o· June 29 • , , , • , • , • , • Cof11munlty leaders• meeting, 8 p.m. Alaiedon town hall for another reminder of a won­ startling at best, ·even If It is is of concem to parents, ed\1· gram. . . gate to Switzerland, Her home Is derful person met along the IFYE; a conservative guess. July 2 , , , • , • , • , • , , , , Model business meeting and public speak.lng contests, 8 Pennsylvania and in this sort cators and lawmakers. A faculty committee which· p.m., Alaiedon town hall way, An IFYE has to be an ex­ Secretary o.f State ~11mes 1\1. recommended t h e study of free-verse piece, sue has pert in many fields -- from the Hare iS predicting on the basis The increasing demand tor July 6-10 , , • , , •• , , ••• Club week, MSU · graphically described the IFYE. stated its case this way: "We. July 13 , , •• , , , , , ••• , .4-H F'air entry deadline!·. . fields of literature and science of the current high rates that a college education in the em· believe that It Is the obllgation · An IFYE Is an ambassador with to the much-loved farm fields about 2,500 persons will die on ployment marl{et ' poses a July 14 , , , , , , , , , , , , , Flower and land.scape workshop tor members and calloused hands and dirty feet, of 11 state university to pro· 9 a.m. to noon, at home ot Mrs. Van DeLashmutt, 1788 at home. An IFYE always car­ Michigan highways this year. dilemma which has not yet coming from the freedom-loving ries 3 Bibles -- one of God, one vide higher educational op·_ EUert Road, 1/4 mi. south ot Holt Road In Delhi township, A toll this. high would be ,been met. The degree is a re· portunities for every deserv· · countries of world to your land of facts, and one of language -­ about a one·third Increase ·qulrcment for many jobs, but July 21 • , •• , , , , , • , • , .Lansing Kiwanis garden tour and to mine. lng student." · and'from these 3 books come the over the nearly 1,900 persons the~. tasl{ of educating at the July 23 , , •• , • , , , • , ••• sum mer clothing and knitting day An IFYE brings to rural fam­ Increased f.J.Uallty and quan­ July 24 , , • • , • , •• , , , , .Pre-Fair Meeting for Leaders, 8 p.m., fairgrounds comfort and help needed on those listed as traffic fa tall ties last college• level ,grows more dlf· Ilies a message of peace and long days when nothing seems to tity in several educntlonal August 3-8 , • , •••• , , • , Ingham county fair yeat·, which also was a boost ficult and costly each year. areas will be needed to tulflll world understanding, but due to go the right way, from the previous year. language, many times these ideas Michigan State unlver·slty this commitment, the group Dates listed below are tor livestock-dairy-horse families, Details w111 be sent to 4-H Many times an IFYE must have Many forces arc. still at officials have started the first the samlna and stubbornness of said. These areas included the families on these projects in mid-June, · Is also turned to allow even hole worlt attempting to determine of several lll1ely studies to set faculty, library support, stu; June 27 , , ••••••••• , • Horse Training Program - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Fairgrounds, a mule just to see the day from ways to cut down the mount· a blueprint for guidance in formation. beginning to end without saying dent aid, t•esearch opportun· (Members bring horses.) Next the cheese Is placed In a lng road death toll. Plans and meeting this dilemma. !ties, student responslb1lity, July 7 ••••••••• , •••• 4-H Mothers• club annual meeting a careless word -- but when campaigns to date have Objective of this study is to cool cellar where It Is allowed night comes, this same IFYE is efficiency in business opera· July 7 , , , •••• , • • • • • • Beet and S11eep fitting and showing (evening) to age for 10-12 weeks before it seemed to have little effect, permit MSU to .educate an !ions and off-campus educa· the first to offer comfort to a unfortunately. · ever-growing number of in· Is sold, Then It Is graded for friend In need. Yes -- an IF'YE tiona) opportunities. quality and sold mainly to the Safety belt sales, vehicle in· Is many things -- but to the folks spection, driver training, law Swiss Cheese union, back home -- an IFYE is just However, not all Swiss cheese enforcement, public education a much-loved son or daughter so and research methods are all Not All Has Holes has holes, A very popular cheese very far from home," here in Switzerland Is Greyerzer, under study now by various While In Switzerland Sanders groups. which Is made much like the Em­ will live and work with 6 fam~ Side-Dress Your Crops .NOW mentaler, but Greyerzer Is a Illes, each In a different canton. It still appears that in· stronger cheese which Is aged dividual concern will provide R, Minger, Lan~wlrt, Schupfen How Swiss Cheese Is Made for 8 months or more and Is until May 31. They have 22 hec­ 'the ltey for !;educing the daily By Douglas Sanders begins a fine art; that of making curd separates from the whey, consumed mainly In Switzerland, tares, 20 cows, 2 horses and slaughter on Michigan's rural Without Lilting ·a Finger I It Is fascinating to watch how the world renowned Swiss cheese and as It does, It Is agitated More than 50 percent of the 20 hogs, They raise sugar beets roads and rambling freeways. Swiss cheese Is made and I had or "Emmentaler" as It Is known and broken Into fine grains of Emmentaler made at the 2500 and other f1 e 1d crops, Their BIGGER-BETTER the opportunity to see this pro­ In Its homeland, curd. The size of the curd de­ cheese factories or Kaserel In daughter of 28 was an IFYE to Commendations go to cess during my first three days Milk Is brought in . from the termines the smoothness of the Switzerland Is consumed here, Denmark and she has worked In thousands for the outstanding in Switzerland, My 2 IFYE broth­ farms both morning and night, cheese. The Kaserel vary In size from 1 England, the United States and success of the May 17-23 Mich· ers from South Dal or Consum(.>I'R Power Garden hand cultivator Small electric heater million annual Income for the f 'lllnp:my 111tl~1.\', Take~ ad\';1/HiiJ.:"C c,f this lfmite1l time in~tallation states producers. ''IT't•J' nnrl :-oa\'t•. s~ gal. hand sprayer Hoover sweeper with attachmenm Pig ringers Quantity fruit jars Michigan's agr!-lntlustr .Y is SEVERAL STYLES TO CtiOOSE FROM farming plus processing, distri. Styles range from Old Colonial to .TERMS: Cash sale day. Not responsible for accidenta day of sale butlon, manufacturing, science, ultra-modern. Choose 1he style that business, education, sales, serv­ is in keeping with lhe orcniteclure Lyal Loudenslager, owner Ice and retailing, of your nome. More than 1081000 farms lOY 0. DAVIS, Clerk employing over 2061000 farm workers are found throughout ROBERT KIRBY ud ARTHUR GOOD, Auctioneers Michigan tojay and the total value of Michigan farms totals over 23w $4 billion, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAl NOTICES Organ Transplant Research At STATE OF MICHIGAN STATE 01 MICHIGAN THE PROBATE COURT FOR THE PROBATE COURT FOR INGHAM COUNTY I WSU May Help Cancel' Treatment INGHAM COUNTY Eut to of J ACIC S'I AHL Gu d lun D 8881 ohlp RENIWR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAt creditors must serve Rutl Stohl (lUll dlun and file will tho Court pworn atutmcnt of clulm ny und ull ol lmo will bo heard Auguot G 1UG4 t Q 30 A M t tic lrobnto Court 400 County Building l!G Went Ottnwu Street Lnn•lng Mlch (gnn Publication In tho lngh m Count)' J'lewo nnd !urtho not cc s roquh od by law IS ORDERED Datod May 20 ID04 JAMES T KALLMAN /I. truo copy Juds:o of Probate 'Mnrvclln R Witt Deputy Register of Probuto JlUTH STAHL Kennel & Field 1700 Lorulno Street Lnns ng 22w3 STATE OF MICHIGAN '\'HE PROBATE COURT FOR If you and your dog have been Fldo hasn't quite mastered some INGHAM COUNTY worklng on obedience training, of the exercises In KENNEL & D D777 FmLD In the last few weeks, Estate of LEROY J ADAMS you no doubt know that the trite Mentally Ineompotont but true saying, ' Practice makes keep working on them with him NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT perfect" really applies here If U he's ready !or something tl o petition of Evolyn M Adnms for 1 t1 o appointment of n guardian will new, start teaching him Down " be beard June 15 1964 t 1.0 00 This one word will do when A M nt lno Probate Co\lrt l:lourt Ifou•• M~•on M chiRan you want him to lle down There Pub !cation In the Ingham County are many ways to teach this com­ News md furtl cr not ce n• required mand Here are three by lnw IS ORDERED Munith News Dnted May 26 1964 1 Tell him "Down " With JAMES T KALLMAN Mr and Mrs Walter Wlesinger the dog sitting, push down on A true copy Ju lge of Probnto DETROIT-Through organ Worldng with ammals Dr of Adrian were weekend house his shoulder !I And pull his front ~ loronco M Fletcher transplanting research con Bmg and an associate Dr Dc1 uty lleglstcr of Probuto dueled at Wayne State Umver Ch1yo Chlba found that there guests of Mr and Mrs Aaron legs out from under him llA YMOND H McLEAN Attorney Hannewald ;dn1on 2~wn s1ty scientists may have come was close relatiOnshiP between 2 Say "Down," Again, with upon Important facts that the numbers of antibodies m Tuesday was the Brownie In­ him sitting, take the leash close vestiture when the girls made STATE OF MICHIGAN would advance the treatment the blood and the surviVal of a under his throat and pull THE PROBATE COURT FOR of cancer by drugs t1 ansplanted organ The more their Brownie promise and 1e­ INGHAM COUNTY him down D 9166 The stud1es support the antibodies the shorter the or celved their Brownie pins Moth­ 3 With the leash running under E•tnte of ItATHERINE M LEM theory that drugs which help gan s life ers were Invited and refresh­ your left foot and the dog In Sit MEN IJeccnHed maim the body accept a trans Tht ough the use of a certain ments were served by Mrs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fRAT position, tell him Down," and cred tors must serve L wrcncc A planted 01 gan w1ll also be use drug ( G Me! captopurme l the James Massey and Mrs Rus­ pull straight up on the leash, Lommen Jr dm nlstrator nd f lc ful m treatmg cancer Dr researchers were able to slow sell Rogers with the cou t sworn •tatements of Richard J Bmg chairman of down dt amatJCally the reJec forcing him down claim any and I c lms nnd do On Wednesday the Junior Girl term n t on of bel s w II be henrd the department of med1clne tlon of transplanted organs has announced Thts same drug 1s one used for Scouts had their Investiture, re­ U one of th e above ways Auguot 13 1964 nt 9 00 A M at ceived their pins and made their the Probate Court 400 County In both cases Dr Bmg said cancer treatment doesn't work, try another Fldo Building 116 W Ott wa Lansing the drugs wotl< agamst rapidly There IS a difficulty w1th this promise Many Mothers came and may be stubborn on this exercise M cllgnn enjoyed the meeting with their Publ cation In the Ingham County dtviding cells particular drug howevet De at first. It's almost against News n d further notice ns required daughters Refreshments were ReJectiOn of transplants he sp1te 1ts effectiveness against canine nature and I stlnct to be by lnw IS ORDERED explamed IS pr1manly due to raptdly growing or dtvldmg served by Mrs De Wayne Kitley, Dated Muy 18 1964 put into the rather defenseless JAMES T !tALLMAN anttbodws When a host am cells 11 Is mdlscrlmmate It Mrs Thomas Stephens and Mrs Down position A true copy Judge of Probate rr al receives a transplant a acts agamst all 1 aptdly grow Larry McAlister Another exercise you may want Florence M Fletcher 1 ap1d growth of the cells which mg cells and therefore de Mrs Clayton Johnson of Flor­ Deputy Rcg stcr of Probate to begin working on Is ' Stay " RUSSEL A LAWLER Attorney produce antibodies occurs st oys many that are essential Ida Is a guest of her mother, ~00 Holll•ter Bldg Lansing 22w3 The dog starts out In the Sit Th1s IS a natural reactiOn of to hfe-such as those m blood Mrs Walter Moeckel, this week the body to any foreign sub and bone marrow position, here too Some train­ Mrs Ralph Ford spent two stance The goal for the future IS a ers would have him In a corner days the past week visiting Smce cancer IS also charac drug that will bombard spec! of the room the fl1st few times !!lends In Dearborn tenzed by the rapid growth of ftc rapidly growmg cells Dr Mr and Mrs Harold Harr for this Say, ' Slay " Put cells the possibility of cancer Bmg said Further research the palm of your hlllld close to have returned from a trip to treatment by drugs and sue morgan ttansplant and cancer his nose, and move to one side cess In transplants are !led to research may well go hand m Kentucky Tennessee and the a few feet, keeping your eye on gcther he pomted out hand toward this end Smoky Mountains him and your arm extended to­ Bruce Rogers, son of Mr and ward him lf he stays sitting, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Mrs Russell Rogers, spent reward him, and move a little several days at the home of his STATE OF MICHIGAN farther away next time I£ he ORDER OF PUBLICATION THE PROBATE COURT FOR grandparents, Mr and Mrs J C FileNo 1628S doesn't, take him by the scruff INGHAM COUNTY Monroe of Williamston Stnte of M ch gnn rl e Circuit D 8933 of the neck, say 11 No" and sit Court !o tho County of Ingh m Mr and Mrs Robert P Tit­ l!)statc of GRACE n WALLACE him where he was before When THELMA BROWN Pin nt ff vs Deconscd us and their daughter and hus­ GEORGE W BROWN Defendnnt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT he begins to catch on, move out At n scsa on of U cou t he d band, Mr. and Mrs Jerry Rob­ t) c pot t on of C Bruce Kel ey for to the end of the leash Each In tho Court lloom C ty Hnll C ty nl o 1.1nncc of h s f nnl account nnd erts, spent 9 days vacationing In of Lnnsing In an d County and •••ignment of res duo w I be heard time he gets out of the slt pos­ Stnte on the 1st day of May A D the Smoky mountains Ju 1e 12 1064 nt 9 00 A M at the Ition, correct him Immediately. 1964 Probate Court 400 County Du d nH Present HON SAM STREET Mr and Mrs Robert McClin­ 1 116 W 0 town Lans ng M ch gnn Keep telling him, Stay " When HUGHES C cu t Judge Publlcnt on n the Ingham County chey and family hosted a family STATE OF MICHIGAN On the 28th day o! April 1964 STATE OF MICHIGAN you think you can get a way with THE PROBATE COURT FOR News nnd further not ee ns rcqmrcd THE PROBATE COURT FOR picnic Sunday afternoon In their INGHAM COUNTY an nction vns fl ed by Tholm Brown by lnw IS ORDERED It, try walking around him in Plaintiff ngn nst Goo ge W Brown INGHAM COUNTY yard Their guests were Mr and D 7613 Dated Mny 14 1964 Estate of ANNA PEMENIW a circle Keep you palm near Estate of CLAUDE H RASEY De Dcfendnnt n th s court to obtain JAMES T KALLMAN Mrs Robert H Titus and family, n Judgment of 1 vo ce A true copy Judge of Probate Guard nnsh P Mr and Mrs Glenn Randolph and his head Next, get In front ceased IT IS HEREnY ORDERED tl nt NOIICE ISHEREBYGIVEN1I!AT of him at the end or the leash NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAr tl o Dcfcndnnt Geo ge W Drown Bonnie Dodrle tho petit on of Agnes Pul ce guard sons, Mr and Mrs Howard Titus, tho pet tlon of Hortense Debow for Deputy Reg stor of Probnte ia.n to ae l rcnl estate of t.hc above Repeat "Stay " With the leash llowancc of her f nnl nccount nd sholl nnHwc or tn c such net on nu C IJRUCE !{ELLEY Attorney Mrs Ina Randolph, Mrs Lucllle mny be perm tted by lnw on or be estate w II be heard June 19 1964 taut, give a very gentle tug nst1 gnment of res due w II be henrd 208 S Syenmore St P 0 Box 1347 at 10 00 A M nt the Probate Co rt, June 12 1964 t 9 30 A M t tho fore tl e 24th day of J ly 1964 Fnll Lano ng 21w3 Killam and family and John Hut­ urc to comply with this o1der wl I 400 County Bldg ll6 W Ottawa If he stays, reward him, gener­ Probate Court 400 County Building St Lansing M eh gan tnelocker 116 W Ottnwn L ns ng M ch gun tesult n a udgment by lefault ously U not, correct him Now, agnln•t such defendant for t c re Pub lent on n the Inghnm County Mrs Lou Freymuth returned Pub cnt on n the Inghnm County 'News und fu ther notice as required try dropping the leash and walk News and further notice ns re,ulred lief domnnded n the Comnla nt fled KALlMAN home from Foote Hospital, Jack­ In this court bll law IS ORDERED of P obntq a way slowly out of the room by law IS ORDERED Dnted May 22 ID64 son, this week after undergoing Dnted May ll 1964 SAM STREET HUGHES All these stages of the Stay com­ A true copy C rcu t Judge JAMES T KALLMAN surgery there JAMES r KALLMAN A true copy Judge of Probate mand should be worked out grad­ Judge of Probnte Lnurn Wahl Lynn Clary has gone to Florida Deputy County Cieri Rut! Schllperoot to join Mrs Clary, who preceded ually It's a difficult exercise, Counters gned Deputy Reg stet of Probute but once the dog learns It, he Lnurn Wahl S DeWir1 RATHBUN Attorney him In the move 2 weeks ago Denuty County C erl< 1>f ch!gan Nut onul Tower Lnns ng They have sold their home in can be taught to stay in one spot JOHN WENDELL BIRD 22w3 for quite long times STATE OF MICHIGAN 101 Dnvcnport llldg Lnnoing Munith and will now make their STATE OF MICHIGAN This exercise, sooner or later, THE PROBATE COURT FOR home In Florida INGHAM COUNTY THE PROBATE COURf FOR should be combined wUh "Down" STATE OF MICHIGAN INGHAM COUNTY Miss Linda Stowe spent the THE PROBATE COURT FOR week end with Mary Hutson of too INGHAM COUNTY Stockbridge A barbecue for all school em­ LEGAL NOTICES ployees of Stockbridge, Munith and Gregory was held Thursday at Smith Elementary at Stock­ bridge Each school was repre­ STATE OF MICHIGAN THE PROBATE COURT FOR sented In the entertainment INGHAM COUNTY FUth grade students of Munith D 8934 Estate of ISABELLE BAKER De went to Lansing this week and censed toured the capitol and spent some NO riCE IS HEREBY GIVENTifAT the net t on of Everett Bul er for time in Potter Park allowance of hi a f nu I ccount wl I A2C W1lllam E Jenkins, son be hear~ June 2° 1064 at 9 00 of Mr and Mrs Bernard Jenkins, A M nt the P obate Court Court Houac Mn1on Mlchig n Munith, has just won a medal for Pubi cnt on In the Ingham County being an expert shot in firing a New~:~ nt d further notice ns required by lnw IS ORDERED carbine M-2 He also has just Dned May2G 1964 completed three weeks of school­ JAMES T !\ALLMAN /1. true copy Judge of Probato Ing at Sheppard Air Force Base, Bonne Dodr e Texas for electrical power pro­ Deputy Reg ster o! Proonte duction systems maintenance He LLOYD D MORRIS Attorney Is now stationed at Vandenbery Mason 22w8 Air Force base California and plans to be home on leave from STATE OF MICHIGAN THE PROBATE COURT FOR June 8 to July 8 INGHAM COUNTY Mr and Mrs Ralph Ford were Estate of WILHELMINA E MOR GAN Dcccn5cd sunday guests of Mr and Mrs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Char Jes Gild art of Midland the 101 on of K thryn L Hanr for nllow nee of her f nn ccount nnd nssHtnmcnt of es due v I be heard June 19 1964 nt 9 30 A M at tbe Pro bnte Court 400 County Build ng 116 W Ottnwn Lansing M ch gan Publloat on n the In~l am Countv Good Ration County News and further notice na reQu cd by I w IS ORDERED Dated Mny 22 1n64 JAMES T KALLMAN Essential in Judge of Probate

Swine Feed 22w3 Ralph E Morrow animal hus­ STATE OF MICHIGAN bandryman at Michigan State uni­ THE PROBATE COURT FOR STATE OF MICHIGAN INGHAM COUNTY versity recommends that 4-H THE PROBATE COURT FOR INGHAM COUNTV members follow these sugges­ :Estnte of SOPHIA G Cl!RISTOFF tions In swine feeding projects Cluurdlnnoh P A desirable ration is essential NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT o!rcdltoio muot oerve D uce Ho lo •lck to success Pigs weighing 75 gu rd1nn nnd f le with the Court to 125 pounds need a 14 percent 1worn Btntement of cln m nny nnd nil cln mo wll be hear~ August 18 protein ration during the grow­ 1DG4 at 9 30 A M nt t~o Probate ing period Protein requirement C911r1 40D Count¥ Du ldln~ 116 West is less during the finishing per­ OH.IlYin ~trcet Lano ng M ch gan Publtcntlon In the Inghnm Counll' iod of 125 pounds to market Ncwa und furthe not cc ns required. Animal husband r y man recom­ by law IS ORDERED Dated May 26 1964 mend 12 percent total protein JAMES T KALLMAN in the ration after 125 pounds, A true cOP)' Judge of Probate Marvella R Witt Minerals must be supplemental Deputy Reg otcr of Probate STATE OF MICHIGAN In the ration , hogs need DRUCE HOLLOWICK Attorney DRAIN5-NOTIC£ OF MEETING OF THE PROBATE COURT FOR calcium and phosphorus Dlcal­ 8808 S Cedar Lnn•lng 22w3 BOARD OF DETERMINATION INGHAM COUNTY Stntc of M ch gan Off re cf Ing Estate of BERNICE GREENWOOD clum phosphate or st11amed bone -sTATE OF MICHIGAN hnm County D a n Comm ss oner STAT£ OF MICHIGAN Deceased a~.5 THE PROBATE COURT FOR In the Motter of DANA & STARK THE PROBATE COURT FOR NOTICE IS HE:REDY GIVEN THAT meal may be used percent cred tors must toerve Max ne Schaub of the finishing r a t1 on Trace INGHAM COUNTV DRAIN INGHAM COUNTY D,971S NOTICE OF MEETING OF D 9693 guard an and f le w th the Court mineral salt containing at least !:date of BOWARD C NORTH BOARD OF DETERM!Ni\TION E•tute o! LEO E DENCZEK De sworn stntement. of clnim nny nnd • 5 percent zinc may be used to DeterJDlnntlon of Heirs Not cc s He eby G vcn th•t the censcd nil eta ms will be heard August 13 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Bonrd ot Determ nn.t on compo•cd of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1964 at 9 00 A M at the Probate furnish salt plus Iron, copper, the 11etltlon of Arlene Str ckllng for Delmar Carr G !bert nnd cred tou must serve T E Lcutt ng Court 400 County Du ld ng 110 Weot Ottawa Street Lan• ng M chlgan manganes and Iodine, n determination of he1rs Will be Austin Cavanaugh w I meet on er n~mln st ator and I le " th t~e heard June 17 1 D6t at 9 30 A M June 15 1964 at 10 80 A M nt court sworn st tements of cia m nny Pub! eat on n the Ingham County News and further not ee u.s requ red Swine gaining too rapidly and nt the Probate Court oiOO County Form of Nnncy R Sm th M ch gon nnd all n ms w II be hen d Au~tust producing too much tat should Building 116 W Ottawa Lano.!ng to henr nil ntercsted ]ler on! ll.nd 6 1964 at 10 00 A M nt the Pro by law IS ORDERED Michigan Dated Mav 22 1964 be put on a "llmlted feeding" to determine whether the dro1!1 bate Court 400 County Bu !ding l16 JAMES T EALLMAN Publication In the Ingham Count1 known ns Dnnn & Stnrk ns pravcd W 0 tllWll Lans n~ M ch gnn program, Members could feed Newa and further noUee ns rcqulrc


Take the two-country route through Mlchloan and ontario !

TWO NATION TRAVEL -- The Mtchtgan Tounst Counctl and the Ontauo Depart ment of Tounsm and Informauon have announced a cooperative promouon program to encoumge use of tbe tnternauonal route to and from the New York World s Fatr Vtsttors wdl fmd an empba.sts on htstory scemc beauty toll free h1ghways unexcelled accom modauons an;~ natural au condtttomng Spectftc 1nformauon can be obta10e-d by wrmng Two Nat10n .l{oute, 67 College Street Toronto Ontano, Canada


STATE OF MICHIGAN THE PROBATE COURT FOR INGHAM COUNTY D 9447 Estate of CATHERINE ELLENA Dece sed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t1 c pet tlon of Peter El enn S fo Jl ovonncc of J s f nn nccount and osolgnment of es due w I be henrd June 8 1964 nt 9 ao A M nt tho P obnt Cou t Cou t Hou e Mnoon M cb gnn Pub lent on In tl Inghnm County News nnd furt e not ce as requ red by lnw IS ORDEI!ED Dntcd M y 14 1964 JAMES T KALLMAN Judge of Probn c


STAT£ OF MICHIGAN STATE OF MICHIGAN THE PROBATE COURT FOR THE PROBATE COURT FOR INGHAM COUNTY INGHAM COUNTY STATE OF MICHIGAN THE PROBATE COURT FOR. INGHAM COUNTY . ' ~~------~~------, f t j What Ingham ~ounty !· ! Churches Are Doing I t f L------~----J For all those who truly seek FAITH IIAVEN METHODIST wisdom this is "Only The' Cl!l1RCH, 3133 Plea•ant Grove ADVENTIST EPISCOPAL Road. Mlnlsler, n.v, Albert Beginning" time. It's time for W, Freverl. SUnday worBhlp BliNKER HILL SEVENTH DAY norvlces, 10:00 a,m, and 11:15 rewards but also time for setting ADVENTIST, L,H, Sickles, past. CHRIST CHliRCI! HENRIET­ a.m.J SUndoy school,lO:OOn,m.r TA, Robert H, Richardson, rec .. or. S6rvtcos overy Saturday, Sa b. nursery throuKto 6th srade1 11:15 the sails to cope with the high bath school, 10 a.m.; preaching tor. Services, 8 a,m, and 11 •.m.r 7lb grade through adull service, 11 a.m. a, m.; CJmrch school, 11 a.m.: a.m.; 7th grade through adult; winds ahead. Commencement HOLT SEVENTH-DAY AD­ Communion tho first and third youth sroups moot on SUnday VENTIST, I 1/2 mile south of Sundays of tho month, ·u a.m.; evenings, junior high ochool to serious minds can be little Holt road on Grovenburg road, Morning prayer the second and 5:30 lind Senior high school, Morton Juberg, pastor, Sabbath fourth Stjndnys of tho month, II 6:30. less than frightening. Have these school 0:30 a.m.; worship ser­ a.m. · FIRST liiETHODIST OF MA. · vice 11. n.m. SAINT KATHERINE EPISCO­ SON, E, Lenton Sutcliffe min­ young people learned well to do PAL, Meridian road, 1/2 milo Ister, Morning Worship; 10:00 north of US-16, Derwent A, SUth­ a.m., Church school, 11:15; Sonier their duty? ,Are they qualified to ers, rector, Sunday, B a.m.; ear­ MYF, 6:30 p.m., Chancel choir BAPTIST ly service (communion), lOn,m.i rehearsal, Wednesday, 7:30p.m,, accept prosperity? Are they fortified famJly service, morning prayer Youth choir rehearsal, Thurs­ third SUnda)s, olhor Sundays ho. day, 3:45 p.m. for adversity? Have they learned WILLIAMSTON DAPTIST, ly communion; nursery for small Harold Reese, pastor·. Church. children, classes tor all others; about God? If they have not school, 10 a.m.; worship ser. Wednesday, 8:00, eventngprayer, vices, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; ST, MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL MORMON learned these things well, then Young Peoples Meeting, 0:30 · Mission, 2709 Elforl road, jus! CHURCH OF Jfi:Sl1S CHRIST OF west of South Cedar and Pen .. p.m.; prayer s e r v 1 c e1 Wed .. LATTER DAY SAINTS (Mormon), they have learned but little. ncsday, l! p,m, nsylvanJa, Ernest R, St. Andrew, 140 Highland, East Lansing, Kblly Opportunities are in abundance MASON BAPTIST, fiov, Murl Vicar, a a.m.; holy communion; Thurston, bishop, Priesthood Eastman, pastor. Morning wor­ 10 a.m., morning prayer and ser­ mcet111g1 0 a.m.; SUnday school, for those who are determined. ship, 10; SUnday sch'ool, 11:15; mon, nursery, 10:30 a.m.; evening service, Baptist Youth Fellowship, 6:15 ST, Al1GUSTINE EPISCOPAL 6 P.m. Commencement is only the first p.m.; evening service,'; :30; Wed­ MISSION, Robert Brook, vicar. nesday, 7:00 p,m,, prayer and H,C, 3rd SUnday, M,P, lsi, 2nd, round on a ladder.that reaches to Bible study, and 4th SUndays, 10 a.m. Sunday HOLT BAPTIST CHURCH, Au­ school and nursery at 10 a.m., NAZARENE the stars for all who will but apply burn lllld w. Holl Rd, Rev, Gor­ second floor of Dart National MASON CHliRCI! OF TilE NA z. den Sander,pastor, Mornlngwor .. Bank, Mason. ARENE, Rev. Joseph Nielson, themselves. Then, young graduates, ship, 10 a.m.; SUnday School, pastor, Sunday school, 10 a.m.; 11:15; YPCF, 5:45; Evenlngwor­ mornlns- worship, ll; pri-scrVice be of great faith and unHmited shlp, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, 7:15 prayer meetlng, 6:15p.m.; NYPS, p,m, prn.yer service, 0:45; evening service 7:30; pray .. perseverance. For He said you have DANSVILLE BAPTIST, Rev, er meeting, Wednesday evening, Larry Jones, pastor, SUnday FREE METHODIST 7:30, only "to seek and ye shall find, knock school, 10 a.m.; worship ser .. WILLIAMSTON NAZARENE vices, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; LESLIE FREE METHODIST, Francis C, Holt, pasiot·. Church and it shall be opened'unto you." young people's meeting, 6:30 p, Church and Race streets, Frank school, 10 .a.m.; worship ser .. J, Sines, pastor, SUnday school, m.; Wednesday prayer meeting vtce 11; N\'PS16:30 p.m.; Preach .. and Bible study, 7:30 p,m, 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11; lng 7:00 p.m.; prayer meeting GRACE BAPTIST OF ONON­ evening service, 7:30; prayer Wednesday, 8, DAGA, next door to town hall, meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p,m, WEST COLUMBIA CHURCH Mallloyt, pastor. SUnday school, DANSVILLE FREE METHO- OF THE NAZARENE, on West 10 a.m.; morning worship, llj i DIST, Robert Sawyer, paf:tor. Columbia East of Aua·ollu.s Rd., evening service, 8; prayer meet­ Sunday school, 10 a.m.; preach­ Dale Fairbotham, pastor. &'Un .. Ing and Bible class, Wednesday Ing service, 11:00 FMY 7:00; day school, 10:15 .a.m.; morning morning, 10 and 11. evening service, 7:30; prayer worship 11:15 a,m,, NYPS, 7:15 AliRELfiis BAPTIST, 4420 meeting, Wednesday evening p,m, evangelistic service, llp.m, Barnes road, Rev, Fredrick P, 7:00. ' . Wednesday prayer meeting, 8 Raft, Plstor. Worsllfp service WILLIAMSTON FREE METH­ p.m. 10:00 a.m.; Sundayschoolclasses ODIST, Rev. E,T, Courser, pas­ HOLT CHURCH OF THE NAZ­ for every age, from crndJe- to tor. Church school, 10 a.m.i ARENE, Jerry Ulrich, pastor, worship service, II; FMY 7:30 Sunday school, 10 .a.m.; morning adull 11:00 a.m.; Youth Bible study p.m.; worship service. 6:15p.m.; and fellowship 8:00 p.m.; Pa•• worship, 11; NY PS, 0:30 p.m., - form .t combinatiMI prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 evening evangelistic service, 7 lor 41JOod. Evtty man, tor.!! class M•)nday 7:00 p,m.; p.m. Bible study and prayer Thurs­ p.m.; prnyer meeting, Wednesday wom•n .tnd chikf n.,d, '7:30p.m. the lnflnnu of lht day 7:00 p.m.; Adult choir re. church. S.o, come l1t hearsal Thursday 8:00 p.m.; \BliNKER IfiLL CIIURCJI OF "' go into the hou•• Chlldrens choir rehearsal, THE NAZAREN~, Donal! Nelson, of the lord, Let u1 Friday 7:00p.m. pastor, Sunday school, 10 a.m., Hlpport her program FIRST BAPTIST Clll1RCH OF LUTHERAN morning worship, 11; NYPS, 6:45 of ••r•icct to human· p.m.;- evening serVIce ?:30; Wed­ itr, bt t faithful work· OIRESBY­ school, 10 a.m.; worsllip ser­ METHODIST TERIAN, Donald Jackson, pastor, vice 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; young Sunday school, 9:45 ·a.m.; morn­ Their Gene1·osity Helps Give Action To Our Religious Beliefs people, 0 p.m.; prayer service ing worship, 11, coffee hour and COMMUNITY METHODIST OF and choir practice, Wednesday, adult classes. 7:30p.m. DANSVILLE AND VANTOWN, Robert Brubaker, pastor, Dane .. HOLT BAPT!S1' CHAPEL, ville, 10 a.m., church .school; Rev. Bill York, pastor. Ser. 1!:15, church service; Vantown, ROMAN CATHOLIC vices 7:30 SUnday night. SUnday 10 a.m., worship; church school, school 10:00; Morning worship, II. ST. JAMES CATHOLIC, 1002 11:00; Christian training In S, Lansing street, William J, CHAPEL HILL METHODIST, Rademacher, pastor. Masses BILL RICHARDS fhurch leadership, both adults corner Kaiser and Coleman, SUnday, 8:30 and I0:30a.m.;dally l'nd youth group, 6:30, Midweek roads, north o! Lake Lanstng, :.evening service Wednesday, 7:30, 7:00 a.m.; Saturday B:OO a.m.;. PastITY cel B. EIUott, pastor. Worship ship, 11; jUnior Church, 11 a.m.; CHURCH, {United Church of service, 9;30 and 11 a.m.; Sun-. Christian Endeavor. 6;30; even­ Fluke Electrical Service Smith Hardware Christ) Rev. Jack Short, pastor. Peoples State Bank lnco Graphics day school, 11 a.m. ing service 7:30; prayer meet­ 10 a.m. Sunday school; 11 a.m. Ing, Wednesday even f n g, 7:30 2111 N, Cedar St, church services. LESLIE METHODIST, Dorr Holt Web Offset Printing Garrett, pastor. Church school p.m. Holt OX 4-3972 Mason, Mich. Williamston - Webberville 11:10 a.m.; Worship service 10 . Mason a.m. GROVENBURG METHODIST, .OTHER CHURCHES Grovenburg road, Oerald Salls• LAKE LANSING CHAPEL, juSt bury, pastor. Worship hour 9:45; across trom the amusement park. church school, 10:45. North o! traffic light. Rev. Er­ White Birch CHRIST METIIODIST Mason Food Iand Caskey Funeral Home CONGREGATIONAL Win Forbes~ pastor, ·· Sunday Mason Bakery Morse's Restaurant CHURCH, 517 West Jolly road, school, 10:00 a.m.; worship, U:OO Riding Stable LESLIE CONGREGAT!ONAL­ Forre5t E. Mohr, pastor. Wor­ a.m.; Wednesday prayer servJce, and Furniture II No Order Too Larg'e FINE FOOD Cl!RIS'l'IAN, church school, 9:45; slllp, 9:30 and o.m., S.nday 7:30p.m. morning worship, 11 a.n1.; Youth school, nursery and erib room MASON CONGREGATION JE. or Too Small KEN PROCTOR Since 1945 Mason Stockbridge felluwshlp, 'i p.m.; Choir rehear ... care, G:30 p.m., .f\lnlur eholr IIOVAII'S WITNESSES, Kingdom practice, 6:30 p.m., jllnlor and HaU, 5254 Dunker road. PllbUc ;..." sal, Wedn£>sday, Op.m • .Rev, .Rus .. sell R. lloover pastor.· senior MYF: 7:30 p.m., evening lecture Jp.m.; Watclltawer stUdy, The: Ingham County News, Wednesday, June 3, 1964 - Pag~ D-6 1 worshio. 4:15p.m. ·